The Bible and Sexuality: A Critical Study

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The Bible and Sexuality: A Critical Study

Dulce, Kevin Miguel

Guevarra, Margaux Hayley
Raymundo, Madeleine
Valderrama Gabriel Cyan

Sir. Reuel Rito Seño

Roman Catholicism has become one of the largest religions in the entire world. They can be found
in countries and continents such as the United States, Europe, South America, and the
Philippines. The significant amount of Roman Catholics are caused by the institution who
spearhead the initiative of spreading such religion is the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman
Catholic Church has been around for almost 2,000 years as their influence mostly began in the
west (Stanford, 2011). The reason why the Church has been able to gain an enormous amount
of influence is because of the scriptures they carry known as the Bible. The Bible is a collection
of writings and stories that are recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as well as God Himself.
However, there have been issues between what the Bible and the Church teaches and modern
society. The research seeks to discover those areas of conflict and inconsistencies that have
caused controversial notions especially in the realm of sexuality.

I. Introduction

Sexuality is a term used to describe an individual’s sexual character. For several human
beings, in a broad perspective, views sexuality as how a person describes or express
himself/herself as a sexual being. This includes an individual’s choice of their companion whether
it be a woman or man and how they choose to express their sexuality. The bible views sexuality
as a matter of roles, property rights, and male dominance and not biological features like the
presence of sex organs. While these may be so, there are other views about sexuality and it
usually depends on the religion, culture or other factors that may influence such. There are those
who believe that a person’s sexuality is not limited only to “male” or “female”. These are people
who are usually in the LGBTQA community; homosexuals, those who prefer not to be described
as a certain gender, and those who simply support this community. There are instances where
the religion of a person does not really determine his/her choice or views with regards to sexuality.
With regards to polygamy and monogamy, the church has always preached about how
monogamy is preferred when it comes to marital matters. Although this may be such, it does not
correspond to the teachings of the bible. In the bible, there have been many gospels that showed
polygamous relationships of the key people in the story, some of which, includes Abraham and
David, that in turn, had been blessed by God with gifts. This shows an inconsistency in the
teachings of the church and the bible. What the church is always saying does not show in what
some of the stories in the bible are implicating.
Although the countries legalizing same sex marriage have been increasing during the past
few years, the church still strongly opposes this kind of relationship. Homsexuality has been a
controversial issue among the church and the citizens. Views of the church and bible do not differ
from each other that much when it comes to this seeing that the church always lays out arguments
that mainly come from the bible. The church asserts that in the bible, it has been showed that the
act of having a romantic and especially a sexual relationship with the same sex is seen as an
abomination. The church therefore sees the act of engaging an intimate relationship with the same
sex as a sin. They have argued and are still arguing up until now that God had made man
specifically for a woman. That no man or woman can be in an intimate relationship with the same
sex because it has been stated in the bible that it is a sin.
Over the years, the forms of contraception have developed and improvised. People have
different reasons for using them, but they mostly use this to avoid conceiving a child or to avoid
catching diseases from other people. The church has always been against the use of
contraceptives due to the fact that it has negative effects such as abortion and thus, it is viewed
as the church as something that is anti-life. With regards to the bible, one of the arguments that
other Christians who are against the use of such state is that in the bible, it has been said that
human beings must multiply, therefore if people use such, they are actually going against the
commandment and meaning rejecting God by preventing themselves from reproducing.
These controversial issues have been on-going for the past few years especially with
regards to the views of the Christian community, the bible and the church. Other in-depth details
about these issues will be discussed in the paper later. Given these facts, it can be argued that
the bible has influenced the perception of people about sexuality specifically their perspective
towards polygamy and monogamy, homosexuality and contraception.

II. Polygamy and Monogamy

In the Sacrament of Matrimony, the church upholds the idea of unity and indissolubility.
While indissolubility emphasizes the need of a married couple’s union is permanent, unity
highlights the concept of monogamy. Monogamy means that a man can only have one wife while
a woman can only have a sole husband (Trese, 1983). This involves upholding the sanctity of sex
only through their respective sole partners. God planned that companionship should be an
exclusive bond with one man, one woman for life (Cole, 1995). This is evident in the bible as it
shows that a monogamous relationship is the ideal formation of marriage. In the Ephesians 5:22-
23: “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife
even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church
submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in”. This argues that a person who is married
should only commit to his or her partner at all times. For this reason, the church has adapted this
principle by promoting monogamy in all its practices. In fact, to do otherwise, which is Polygamy,
is considered an act against the 6th commandment. The 6th commandment states that “Thou shall
not commit adultery”. Adultery is about how a person commits infidelity by having sexual relations
with someone else other than his or her partner. This is considered as an attempt to break the
covenant of marriage (Vatican, n.d.). Polygamy is considered as an act of adultery. This is
because polygamy is a concept where a man or woman has multiple partners even to the extent
of marrying them (Patterson, 2011). In upholding God’s intention to preserve the sanctity of
marriage, the church has actively supported monogamy.
As the role of the church is to implement the teachings in the bible, their stand against
polygamy does not reflect the teachings in the bible. This is because there were several instances
where key characters of the bible also committed polygamy. In fact, these were people who
carried out God’s plan throughout generations. Abraham, an ancestor of the Israelites, was the
one who spread God’s word that has influenced many followers. However, Abraham had sexual
relations with her wife’s slave named Hagar for the sake of having a son which God prophesized.
Also, David, the King of Israel, was a faithful servant to God and did everything in His name.
However, he also committed polygamy as he had multiple wives. In fact, he even resorted to
indirectly killing Urijah by placing him in the front line of the army for David to marry his last wife,
Bathsheba. This means that there are certain cases when committing polygamy is tolerable
because God’s notable followers still had deep relationships with Him as they also received
blessings in the future. According to Sarfati (n.d.), the tolerance of polygamy was conditional on
the basis that the other wives shall not be stripped of their basic and marital rights as said in
Exodus 21:10. However, this was a provision that was meant to discourage polygamy. Also, those
who committed polygamy experienced tragic consequences. Abraham witnessed his son,
Ishmael, leave with Ragar while David’s child with Bathsheba died. This means that the bible has
always preferred monogamy as the preferable relationship model by tainting the image of
Nevertheless, there is still an inconsistency that exists between the bible and church’s
stance on polygamy. As mentioned before in the bible, a polygamy can be tolerable on the
conditions that the other wives are not stripped of their basic and marital rights. However, the
church does restrict right to marry spouses if either their partner’s marriage with their official
husband or wife is still valid (Agapè Catholic Ministries, n.d.). If a person is not married to their
partner, there will be no accountability on the spouse to provide for each other’s basic necessities
such as food and shelter. This means that these people are deprived of the right to marry which
contradicts with Exodus 21:10. While it is true that both the bible and the church agree that a
monogamous relationship is the ideal marital model, their perspectives on what rights to give on
other spouses differ.

III. The Bible and the Church’s perception about the gay community

The term “homosexuality” is a compound word made from the Greek word homo, meaning
“the same”, and the Latin term sexualis, meaning sex. (Cannon, n.d.) Homosexuality is therefore
defined as the attraction, romantically or sexually, between members of the same sex. There are
various stances in the issue of homosexuality, some view the act to be sinful and morally
acceptable to others. The Church teaches that the act of responding to these sexual attractions
to the same sex is a sin. In the bible, there is evident rejection of homosexual behavior. It is found
in the Old Testament, in Genesis 19 which tells the story of two angels visiting in disguise to the
city of Sodom and are offered shelter by Lot. The men of Sodom demanded for the guest of Lot
for homosexual intercourse when night came. Lot then refuses and the angels punished the men
of Sodom by blinding them. The sin of Sodom resulted in God’s destruction. In the book of
Leviticus, it is stated that, "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination…If
a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall
be put to death, their blood is upon them" (Lev. 18:22, 20:13). From this passage, it is apparent
that in the scriptures God punishes people who engage in homosexual behavior or acts. The bible
also tells us that marriage is between a man and a woman. In Leviticus, “Do not lie with a man as
one lies with a woman; that is detestable.” (Lev. 18:22) it can be interpreted that God reserves
sex for marriage. The bible and its teachings is important to Christians because they understand
it to be God's ideas to human beings. The bible was created not by God but by the divinely
inspired, thus it is seen as infallible and without error. As followers of Jesus his word, Christians
must continue to pronounce the teachings of the bible regarding homosexual practices. (Cosner,
The Church, guided by the bible stands with it on the view of homosexuality. It teaches:
“Basing itself on sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,
tradition has always declared that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. They are contrary
to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine
affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved"
(Catechism of the Catholic Church 2357). (Homosexuality, n.d.) The Church teaches that in some
cases, homosexual inclination comes from a false education, from a lack of normal sexual
development, from habit, from bad example, or from other similar causes, and is transitory or at
least not incurable.” (Finnis, 2001) Moreover, the Church teaches that homosexual acts are
always “intrinsically disordered”. Thus, the Church’s view that homosexuality is a psychiatric
disorder is guided by modern psychological and biological research into its origin. They do not
rely on the judgment of the researchers but on the Catholic doctrine about the decision to act
upon homosexual inclinations. This moral doctrine is about educating on what is right and wrong,
or good or sinful. In 2015, Pope Francis firmly proclaims the opposition of same-sex relationships,
saying these can never be considered the equal of heterosexual marriage. (Ring, 2016) The pope
writes, “There is a failure to realize that only the exclusive and indissoluble union between a man
and a woman has a plenary role to play in society as a stable commitment that bears fruit in new
life…We need to acknowledge the great variety of family situations that can offer a certain stability,
but de facto or same-sex unions, for example, may not simply be equated with marriage.” In this
we can interpret that the Church believes that homosexual relationships cannot be equated with
marriage because it lacks the role of bearing new life.
The Church and the bible both argue that homosexual inclination is not a sin but acting
upon those tendencies are what they consider a sin. The role of the Church is to use the Bible as
an instrument for God’s communication with man, thus it needs to follow the bible’s teachings.
However, an inconsistency with the Church is this issue is labeling homosexuality as a psychiatric
disorder whereas the bible claims it to be an act of sin. The bible shows that when a person
engages in homosexual acts he will be punished. The Church describes homosexual behavior as
something that can be cured.

IV. The Use of Contraceptives

In predominantly Catholic or Christian states such as the Philippines, one of the most
controversial political and religious issue, in terms of policy-making and formulating laws, is a
Reproductive Health Bill. Such policy would entail the use of non-abortive contraceptives.
Contraception, or Birth Control, is designed to prevent a woman from getting pregnant (PFIZER,
n.d.). There are six types of contraception: (i) barrier methods, such as condoms and the
diaphragm, (ii) hormone birth control, such as birth control pills and injections, (iii) intrauterine
devices, such as IUDs, (iv) sterilization of either a man or a woman, (v) natural awareness, (vi)
withdrawal or abstinence (PFIZER, n.d.). The importance of contraception is the protection of
women’s right to reproductive self-determination, health, and right to freedom from discrimination
(Center for Reproductive Rights [CRR], 2006). However, based on their teachings and biblical
facts about the importance of creation of life, the Catholic Church opposes such practices and the
use of contraceptives.
Contraceptives are significant factors contributing to the reproductive health, in general,
for most women. The use of birth control prevents situations such as unintended pregnancy,
which has negative health implications and risks towards the mother and the child, twice the
likelihood of premature birth, and 43% of the time leads to abortion (National Partnership
Organization, 2012). Moreover, it reduces infant mortality through family planning and also helps
prevent HIV/AIDS. However, most women do not have access to contraceptives. According to
the World Health Organization (WHO), 214 million women of reproductive age in developing
countries who wish to avoid pregnancy are not using modern contraceptive methods: 24.2% in
Africa have unmet needs for contraception, 10.2% in Asia, and 10.7% in Latin America (2017).
This is because of a number of reasons such as limited access to health centers, fear of side-
effects, poor quality, gender-based barriers, and culture or religious opposition (WHO, 2017).
Even though contraceptives are proven to benefit women’s reproductive health, the Church
strongly opposes the use of birth control and its practices.
Charles Provan conducted a study on what the Bible presumes about contraceptives. He
was able to articulate 9 arguments against contraceptives based on biblical facts. The first
argument, Genesis 1: 27 - 28 emphasizes on the quote “Be fruitful and multiply”. Provan argues
that this is a direct command from God and must be followed (1989). Thus, the use of
contraceptives, which prevents pregnancy, equates to defiance and disobedience to the word of
God. Secondly, the book of Psalms states that, “How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of
them”, stresses that children are blessings from God (Provan, 1989). Therefore, birth control’s
purpose is to prevent children to be conceived which also means preventing God’s blessing to
the people (Provan, 1989). Third argument is that childlessness is an unfortunate fate. The book
of Hosea, Exodus, and Deuteronomy all have excerpts that discuss the issue of creation of life.
The punishment of infertility and killing children who survived brought upon to the Israelites means
that God views childlessness as a negative occurrence (Provan, 1989). Fourth argument
discusses the Onan Incident wherein he wasted his seed on the ground refusing to impregnate
his brother’s wife. Thus, Onan was displeased in the eyes of God resulting into taking his life also.
Provan (1989) argues that contraceptive practices such as withdrawal and abstinence infuriate
God. Fifth argument explains death penalty for sexual offenses mentioned in the Old Testament.
Sexual acts such as Male/Female homosexuality, bestiality, intercourse with a menstruous
woman, and withdrawal are considered sterile forms of sexual intercourse (Provan, 1989). These
are regarded as perversion and an offense to God (Provan, 1989). The sixth argument proposes
that in book of Leviticus it mentions that God forbids castration (Provan, 1989). Damaging or
destroying one’s reproductive system is deemed as an imperfection and a flaw to the image of
God. Argument number 7 explains that seeds are semen or children. The old testament, namely
Genesis and Leviticus, mentions that the word “seed” refers to semen and children (Provan,
1989). This argues that semen are considered the integral part of the process of conceiving which
leads to childbirth. As a result, the use of contraception prevents this process and prevents life
from being formed. Eighth, argues that childbearing is the natural function of women (Provan,
1989). In the creation of woman, God intended that she is made to care and nurture for a child
(Provan, 1989). Consequently, women should have sexual intercourse with the intention of
pregnancy and childbearing (Provan, 1989). Contraception opposes this natural function of
women given to them by God. Lastly, the book of Letters of Paul talks about childbirth as a form
of salvation for women. Paul states that the way towards salvation for married woman is achieved
by godly childbearing (Provan, 1989). Married women who reject pregnancy reject the act of good
works of salvation according to Paul (Provan, 1989). Thus if married women are to use
contraceptives they are not doing the good works of salvation. These are just some of the many
arguments that opposes the use of contraceptives as a sin and disobedience to God Himself.
Some of these are used by the Catholic Church in their teachings and arguing about the issue of
reproductive health policies and contraceptive campaigns.
There are proven health implications that contraceptives pose and could benefit women.
However, some of these are considered to be abortive and anti-life. These are what the Church
condemns strongly the most. There is an extent wherein some teachings about contraceptives of
the Church are quite unreasonable and that the Bible may be misunderstood or misinterpreted.
On the other hand, contraceptives may turn out to be abortive in form and could have dangerous
side effects. Either way, people must learn to practice family planning and safe sex to reduce child
mortality and prevent STDs. Meanwhile, the act of sex should also be treated as a sacred act and
bond between man and woman. It must only be done after marriage and should be considered
as an act of love. Overall, the issue is still a continuous debate in predominantly Christian
countries whereas in some parts of the world it is already being practiced. There are still
complications and much to discuss about it.
V. Conclusion

As seen from the evidences gathered above, even though there are inconsistencies in the
teachings of the bible and the church, there will surely be Christians who will still follow either the
bible or the church, or both. This just shows that the bible and the church have a significant role
in a Christian’s life; both of these instruments can highly influence what decisions people may
make especially regarding social issues such as these. Humans always have a reason for doing
what they do and follow what they choose to follow. In the end, it is up to the people whether they
choose to obey or follow the teachings of the church and the bible, but it is noticeable that the
stance of the bible has and will always be the same as long as they base their judgments from
the bible. Each individual has his/her own views that may be in line with the bible or the church.
Also, there are Christians that do not fully rely and follow the teachings of the bible, but has strong
faith in God.


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