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„I realize that I was thinking of you, and I began to

wonderhow long you’d be in my mind. Then it occured me,

since I met you, you’ve never left. (unknown)“

Day Page | 1




1. You Seem Like You Were Mine

2. But I Really Mean It When I Say I Like You

3. I Miss You, You Know

4. Would You Still Love Me The Same

5.I Wonder If You Hurt Like Me

6. Maybe We Found Love Right Where We Are

7. Whatever Comes Our Way

8. I Think You Are Just A Dream

9. Looking For Something Dumb To Do

10. Think I'm Addicted To Your Light

11. The Love I Always Dreamed Of

12. Lies All Lies

13. I Learned To Live, Half Alive

14. You'll Probably Always Have A Spell On Me

15. So Can I Call You Mine Now Darling

16. I Think I See The Future

Some Other Day

Thank You!!
This all won’t happen without a courage that finaly come.
This story certainly not my first, but this story is the first that I’ve ever publish outside my circle.
And I’m glad...really glad that I finally do it.

Now I present you the cast :

Park Hui-Jun an A-List Korean actor with huge popularity after his comeback from his military discharge.
Fell in love with the doctor that take care his wound.

Baek Ji-A She is the youngest child of Baek Jae-Dok. She is a resident doctor at Baek Hospital specilized
in neuro surgeon like her dad. Her family is a wealthy family that own a prestigius hospital in Gangnam,
Seoul. She is a very bright person and a very cheerful one among the Baek siblings. Grow with fangirl
mode on to EXO, BTS, and BIGBANG make her not recognize that she is treating an A+ list actor that
come with wounded hand.

Cha Gyeong-Su An architect that have a very close relationship with Baek family. His dad is a South
Korean prime minister. He’s also a close friend of Baek Jae-Hwan, Baek Ji-A older brother since they’re
born, they even served the military time together. Already falling in love with Ji-A since she was born. A
very witty, warm but have a very sad secret about his late mother.

Baek Jae-Hwan The heir of Baek Hospital, the second child of Baek family. He is a cardiothoratic
surgeon that known very best in his field at South Korea. He is a genius in Baek family. For him love is
something that come in last since he never have time to find it by himself. So arrange marriage is well
accepted by him. But a pretty yet a humble patient capture his heart when he meet her in her worst

Baek Ji-Yeon The oldest child from Baek family. She runs the hospital management and a very perfect
person. She loves piano and gave up her dream become a pianist when an accident make her not able to
use her hand well again for piano playing. She married with the chaebol from a large corporation group,
but the marriage is shaken due a dark secret kept by her husband.

Nam Ryeo-Uk Heir of a large corporation Taeyang Group. Married with Baek Ji-Yeon without even love
her at the beginning. A very noble man with his upper status, he can have everything. But all the money
in his hand cannot erase the guilt that haunted him.

Han Mi-Yeon Baek Ji-A closest friend and partner in crime since elementary school. Resident at Baek
hospital but never have good luck with romance despite her pretty looks.

Kim Hyeon-U Baek Ji-A and Han Mi-Yeon best fried and her partner in crime. He adore Ji-A sister very
much, a son of the owner of Bread store near their elementary school. He is a scholarship student who
always did Ji-A and Mi-Yeon homework when they were student.

Some Other Day


„....You seem like you were mine and then you really
become mine. And the more I get to know you, the more
I’m falling for you. But I like you way more than I thought I
would so I like you even more.“
(The Space Between – Urban Zakapa feat. SoYou)

Some Other Day

A girl running fast with her hand busy tying her hair, a roast bread stuck on her
mouth and she try to digest her food while running. When she arrive at the emergency
door room she stop and pause for a second, try to catch her breath, put the bread in
a plastic bag and put that in her doctor gown then she press the open door sign and
walk casually, while her eyes searching for particular person that will put her in
hell today if she caught for being late again.

“Looking for something miss Ji-A?” a voice that she avoid so much come from her back.

“I’m dead meat now” said the girl regretting the drink party she had last night with
her friends.

“Yes you are, I will surely put this late on your performance chart. If you ever try
to be late again tomorrow that means 2 times late for this week. And that mean I can
score you 1 in your monthly report attendance, then that means you can have a pay cut
in your next month salary. Do you get me?” Na Sung-Ryung pointed her finger to the
girl face.

“Can my dad waive it?” said that girl in a very careful tone.

“YA!!! Baek Ji-A!!!! Even your name is Baek but your dad specially ask me to not give
you any special treatment ever. And if i report this to your dad right now he will be
very happy for waiving all your salary to zero this month!!” the head nurse threat
creep the girl.

“I understand, I’m sorry I will behave starting today.” The girl express her sorry
and bow quick before running to avoid more yelling from the nazi head nurse.

“Nazi catch you again?? Heol... you will not able to live in peace today...” Kim
Hyeon-U pat her head.

“Oh God.... why you asked me for beer last night, beer night is only apply when we
have holiday the next day..” Ji-A mumbling while receiving some patient chart.

“It was you who asked for beer and soju last night..” Hyeon-U remember how nagging
she was asking for beer buddy yesterday afternoon. The man that she dated for 6
months is going to London to pursue his business master and he said he will not abe
to continue their relationship due long distance relationship. So Ji-A practically

Some Other Day

dumped by her boyfriend, term that she insisted deny it by saying she is not being
dumped it’s just that he had to make a choice and he choose his education come first.

“Then why you didn’t stop me...” Ji-A keep chattering.

“Coz Siwon dumped you... we pittied you yesterday,,” Han Mi-Yeon show up suddenly and
took the chart in her hand.

“This is my patient, I need to move him for inpatient process..” said Mi-Yeon.

“YA!!!!!” Ji-A scream hearing Mi-Yeon said that to her. Then she glare to Hyeon-U,
while Hyeon-U is leaving her with putting both of his hand in front of his chest.

“I’m not saying anything.......” he whisper to her while gigling.

“I must betray a king in my previous life so I end up with a pathetic friends like
them in this life” said Ji-A to her self.


“At 1PM we have a CF concept meeting with the director, we will meet at La Pomme in
Apgujeong. Then at 7PM you have to attend dinner meeting with director Choi and
Writer Kang at Philgyungjae in Gangnam for your next movie project.” Goh Beom-Sok
reading the list of today schedule that he already memorize.

“So the meeting will probably take about 2 hours. Then I will have free time from 3
to 7 right? I want take a nap...” Park Hui-Jun talk with his eyes still closed.

“After the meeting in Apgujeong we need to go to the agency, the CEO wants to meet
you for Chinese expansion project and some issues related to your news lately and
also discussed about your upcoming fan meetings schedule...that’s why we set the
dinner meeting location near to our agency.” Beom-Seok told everything that he
already memorize again.

“Aiisshh.... I need few hours for sleep. Can’t he wait until tomorrow? For this
meeting? The CEO??” Park Hui-Jun open his eyes and talking in annoying tone.

Some Other Day

“You will be leaving to Bangkok tomorrow for your upcoming fan meeting. The plane
schedule is the first flight and the airport will be packed too so you need to be
there early.” Beom-Seok reminding him.

“The fan meeting still 3 days away, why I should fly tomorrow?” ask Hui-Jun.

“You will have some plans with the CEO of the Thai agency that sponsored this fan
meeting, also some photoshoot and interview with local television and tabloid. Also
the Prime Minister scheduled to meet you also coz he was a fan of you too since the
drama aired. We will stay in a very nice resort, you can enjoy the nice view and do
swimming while you there. Consider this as a vacation too..” said Beom-Seok.

“Any new articles about me lately?” ask Park Hui-Jun.

“Nothing bad.... but there was a picture of you and a girl dating in a cafe and the
photo taken like 8 years ago.” Beom-Seok told Hui-Jun about the hot news lately.

“Really????!!!! What picture?” Hui-Jun ask for the tablet that hold by Beom-Seok and
search for his news.

He can short the list of the girl that might appear in the picture but how come they
ever find that. A wild thought keep popping in his head. There he found the news, the
picture has his face holding a girl that got blurred in her face. Hui-Jun feel upset,
it was Song So-Ra, the girl he dated while he was in college.

“How come they ever find this..” said Hui-Jun. His face looks so sorry, he look to
the window and lost in his thoughts “Has the agency take care of this?” Hui-Jun ask.

“Don’t worry the CEO took care everything already, Ah .... the rumors about you and
Min-Soon noona really dating is going more wild these days” Beom-Seok laugh while
reading some forum comments.

“Heh.... should I really date her to create a scandal?” Hui-Jun smile remembering the
beautiful Min-Soon noona, his pair in the drama. No one deny the beauty of the South
Korean goddess, and it was his honor to be her pair in that drama.

“Haha...maybe you should..” Beom-Seok and the driver laughing.

Some Other Day

“We already arrive at the place, but we 30 minutes early. Do you want to wait here or
inside?” Beom-Seok asking.

“If I wait inside, will it safe? I mean there will be no crowd especially looking for
me? ..” ask Hui-Jun.

“Nothing... it’s a very nice place. You haven’t had your lunch too right? They said
the food is good... I’m starving too..” Beom-Seok open his door then go out first.

They having burger for their lunch, then the CF director and his team come join them,
the shoot will begin after he comeback from his fan meeting schedule in Thailand. The
meeting went very well and they enjoying their food too. The moment Hui-Jun and Beom-
Seok are about to leave the cafe, some fans approaching them and asking for his
signature and picture. Hui-Jun tries to serve his fans very well, but the crowd cause
some people to push here and there. A girl beside Hui-Jun is about to fall and Hui-
Jun quickly grab her but then second later he feel his skin sting very bad. His hand
is bleeding due to sharp edge of the table, the wound left a cut that look deep.
Blood start runnning, and people shock. Beom-Seok and the CF team rushly break the
crowd and took Hui-Jun to the car.

“Can you bear it?” Beom-Seok looks terrified looking to the blood that infiltrate the
white towel that tied in Hui-Jun hand to stop the bleeding.

“Is the hospital still far away?” Hui-Jun ask the driver.

“In 5 minutes hyung..” the driver runs the car very fast.

They arrive at Baek Hospital emergency door. Beom-Seok drag the wheel chair in a rush
then took Hui-Jun in lightning speed into the room.

“Can someone help us!!!!” Beom-Seok shouting for help.

“What happen?” Ji-A runs approaching Beom-Seok and Hui-Jun.

“He got a wound cut in his hand and it keeps bleeding..” Beom-Seok explain in panic.

Ji-A look at the wounded hand, and take a glance look at the patient, “hemm I think I
seen him somewhere” Ji-A think when he look at Hui-Jun.

Some Other Day

“Nurse Min... can you help me move the patient?!” Ji-A call for her nurse to help.

Ji-A, nurse Min and Beom-Seok move Hui-Jun to the bed and start her treatment.

“The wound need to be stitch so it can heal properly, are you okay with it?” Ji-A ask
Hui-Jun after examining the wound.

“Is it serious?” Beom-Seok sound very worried.

“No..there’s no major wound to the nerve in his hand. But I need to stitch it to
close the wound and it will good as before.” Ji-A smiling, and Hui-Jun kinda like her
eyes when she smile like that.

But there’s another thing that catch Ji-A attention. Few nurses start to gather in
front of Hui-Jun bed all of them holding their phones right in front of them ready to
capture. Also some patients are doing a hard effort to get up from their bed and
lengthen their neck just to peep into him. Ji-A look at him, and she can feel that he
is very uncomfortable.

“Do you know everyone in here?” ask Ji-A to Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun look at Ji-A with shocked expression, “You don’t know me?” Hui-Jun ask in
very low and careful tone.

Ji-A thinks and see the crowd that happen in front of the patient bed. Suddenly she
saw Mi-Yeon jumping at the back of the crowd showing the tablet and keep pointing to
an image in that tablet. Ji-A look at the image and then she surprise,

“AH..RIGHT!!!!” Ji-A now can identify her patient. She looks at the nurses that
gather in front of her patient, she put her hand on her waist and blow her pony hair.

“I just need nurse Min, what are all of you doing in here??? Don’t you all have other
work to do??? Should I call nurse Sung????!!!!” Ji-A scold them.

In second the nurses running back to their post. Ji-A think of something.

“I think you will be not safe in here everyone seems to be very exciting seeing you
here. The wound will be just fine but I’m affraid you will create another one if you

Some Other Day

stay in this room. Lets move!” said Ji-A, and somehow Hui-Jun wish she will show her
smile again.


Ji-A then move Hui-Jun to a VVIP room, and treat his wound in there. Now only two of
them in the room, Beom-Seok is doing administration process while nurse Min goes to
the pharmacy to collect medicine for Hui-Jun.

“Does it sting?” Ji-A ask while stitching the wound.

“A little...” said Hui-Jun, “Do you now already know me?” ask Hui-Jun.

Ji-A smile and nod her head.

“Joon daewi...” answered Ji-A and stop her work a while to look at Hui-Jun, smiling.
And Hui-Jun loves her smile.

“Are you going to die? In the last episode?? Or will someone die???” ask Ji-A looking
at Hui-Jun with her eyes show curiousity and it’s interesting for Hui-Jun.

“The drama already ended...did you not watch it??” Hui-Jun feel a little

“It’s not I did not watch it, but I haven’t finish it.... I just done watching
episode 8, and don’t tell me anything about the ending. I am having hard time to
spend time to watch your drama due to my job... “ Ji-A look at Hui-Jun. Hui-Jun find
Ji-A very attractive in his eyes. He laugh hearing her answer, all this time he
thought he is the only one who didn’t have time to enjoying private moment but it
seem the pretty doctor in front of him also having hard time only to watch his drama.

“I see you everywhere, store banner, television CF, magazine stall... that’s why I
thought I have see you somewhere before when we met at the ER..” Ji-A giggle.

“So you don’t need my picture then..” Hui-Jun smile.

“I think I already have one, your face in the sport wear catalogue. I bought new
jacket last week..” said Ji-A with her eyes fixed on stitching the wound.

Some Other Day

“Want me to sign the jacket??” joke Hui-Jun.

“Of course not.... It’s white so it will be hard to remove the stain from your pen..”
Ji-A glare at him.

Hui-Jun laugh hearing the answer. This doctor is really peculiar he thinks.

“Make sure you watch my drama till the end..” said Hui-Jun.

“Understand Joon daewi..” Ji-A smile, and Hui-Jun like to see her smile again.

Hui-Jun look at Ji-A, he feel curious about this doctor. Then he catch something in
her doctor coat pocket.

“Is that bread?” Hui-Jun look at the pocket more closely.

Ji-A look at her pocket....

“AH!!! You found it!!!! Assaaaa!!” Ji-A look so happy.

“I’m searching for this before you came, I missed my breakfast and haven’t had my
lunch too. Thank you!!” Ji-A smile.

Hui-Jun laugh seeing Ji-A reaction.

Thanks to his wound, Hui-Jun did not have to meet his CEO but he got a 2 hours sleep
at Baek Hospital as Ji-A recomendation. When he left the hospital to meet his another
schedule he did not meet with Ji-A again. He try to look around while exiting the
hospital building but he couldn’t find her.


“Is that the actor?” Baek Ji-Yeon look at a man with baseball hat, sunglasses and
bandage in his hand walking exiting the hospital lobby.

“Yes madam director..” answer her secretary.

Some Other Day

Ji-Yeon smile, “Ji-A must dreaming met with a dragon last night so she is able to
treat his wound today..” today all the girl in her office went crazy with the news
that the famous Park Hui-Jun is in their hospital and been taken care by Ji-A for his
wound. And Ji-A kicks all the nurses that fangirlings into him at the emergency room.
Not to mention the PR team and Security department busy with sudden visitation from
several entertainment reporters and paparazzi asking about the actor condition.

“CEO Ryeo-Uk called while you were in a meeting, he said he will be late tonight. He
has dinner meeting with the Japanese representatives.” Said Ji Myung-Soo.

“Have you call the nanny?? Seo-Jun and Seo-Eun okay?” Ji-Yeon keep walking while
reading some emails in her tablet.

“They are having their dinner right now madam director.” Said Myung-Soo.

“Okay.... is my car ready?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“Yes madam director, your car already waiting for you at the lobby.” Said Myung-Soo.


Ji-A peeking into Baek Jae-Hwan office, but then suddenly someone hit her head.

“OUCH!!” she turned her head and found her brother standing behind him.

“What are you doing?” ask the genius and most handsome Baek as he enter his room. Ji-
A follow him behind while pulling his doctor coat.

“What??” Jae-Hwan keep walking dragging his little sister behind.

“Oppa..I’m hungry order me some food...” Ji-A persuade her brother.

“Go to the cafetaria you have free food in there..” said Jae-Hwan putting his book
and unlock his computer.

“I don’t like the menu, I skipped breakfast today because I was late... and I skipped
lunch too because a seizing boy....and my bread was too hard to chew because I kept
it since morning from home.... “ Ji-A show a very cute face to her brother.

Some Other Day

“Why don’t you ask noona?” ask Jae-Hwan although he know that rather than asking for
Ji-Yeon help Ji-A will go to him. Since Ji-A consider Ji-Yeon as her rival and Ji-
Yeon always beat her in everything.

“Eonnie already left when I look for her.... appa said let’s eat at home now coz he
was about going back home when I asked him.” Explain Ji-A.

“Then you eat at home... your shift is over already..” Jae-Hwan playing hard to get
to his little sister.

“Oppa.... I really don’t want eat at home today. Appa showed me omma text, she said
she is cooking the diner tonight because today she learn new recipe..” Ji-A seem very

Jae-Hwan look at her and laugh. He took out his wallet and hand same cash to Ji-A.

“I already have dinner. I cannot accompany you for ordering the food since I have a
surgery in 1 hour, I need to prepare my self. Go home and buy food on your way home.”
Said Jae-Hwan.

“Thank you Oppa...” Ji-A kiss her brother and run with the money she had from Jae-

“Don’t stay out late!!!! Be home soon!!!” Jae-Hwan shout.


Ji-A, Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon now having their dinner at a restaurant in front of their
hospital. The food is good, the ambiance is very nice too. This place always packed
with visitor, Hyeon-U said all the man coming here not only for food but also for the
owner. She is indeed very beautiful.

“So what do you want today doctors??” ask Min Han-Nui, the restaurant owner.

“waahh I really hit jackpot today... I got to treat famous person and now the owner
served me personally...” Ji-A smile to Ha-Nui.

Some Other Day

“You must be dream of a dragon last night then..” said Ha-Nui while laughing. She
always love this 3 young doctors.

“No Eonnie... she dream being dumped last night...” cut Mi-Yeon and drinking her tea.

“YA!!!” Ji-A glance at her mad.

“Hahahahaha.... it’s true right... crying and kept asking how many miles from Seoul
to many hours spend on flight....the time difference.... you are awfull
when you’re dumped” Said Mi-Yeon.

“Eonnie do you have tapes??? I need to shut her mouth..” said Ji-A.

“I will serve 3 of you nice food so she can stop dumping you then...” Ha-Nui laugh,
“Oh my she stop talking..” Ha-Nui laugh hard follow by Hyeon-U and Mi-
Yeon while Ji-A pouting her lip.

“So is he very handsome in closer range?” Mi-Yeon asking with full curiousity about
the famous Park Hui-Jun.

“He is have a very smooth skin..not like him...” Ji-A pointing her spoon to Hyeon-U
who is busy chewing his bulgogi.

“I am busy saving people’s life...while he is busy pleasing people... so I don’t need

high end skincare lotion is enough for me...” Hyeo-U defend him self.

“Yes true... no wonder he still don’t have girlfriend until now...” said Mi-Yeon.

“The last time is Jung-Ah right??? The dentist..” said Ji-A.

“Jung-Ah reject him... the last one is Eun-Mi.... our highschool friend, the
cheerleader.” Said Mi-Yeon while chewing her carbonara pasta.

“Isshh ... Hyeon-U ah that’s ages already. Can’t you get a girl now??? You lost your
mojo??? Do we have to help you???” ask Ji-A while took a full spoon of bibimbap and
put it in her mouth.

“Getting help from the losers like you....equal to welcome my single life forever.
Everyone never good for me in your eyes. The pediatric nurse who is very cute, you
said she is childish.” Hyeon-U pointing his spoon to Mi-Yeon

Some Other Day

“The stewardess that I introduce to you was a very high maitenance you said..” now
the spoon move to Ji-A.

“I will have a nice dream at night if I see Ji-Yeon noona at the hospital...that’s
enough for me. I will looking for someone like her.” Hyeon-U talk proudly to him

“Crazy..... looking for someone like Ji-Yeon eonnie then you have to be as rich as my
hyeongbu....” Ji-A shook her head. She know how Hyeon-U adore Ji-Yeon very much.

“With the bread store own by your family... I think you will be rich like him in
another life..” add Mi-Yeon.

“I don’t know why I keep hanging with witches like both of you...” Hyeon-U pitty

“Did you get his signature??” ask Mi-Yeon.

Ji-A shake her head.

“Did you take picture together?” ask Mi-Yeon again.

Ji-A shake her head again.

“So what did you get?” ask Hyeon-U.

“The money he paid for my treatment..” Ji-A smile.

“Stupid..” Hyeon-A and Mi-Yeon said together.

Hyeon-U take the girls home, Ji-A was the last since her house is close to his. And
her mother always order bread from his parent shop. Hyeon-U parents runs a bread shop
in this neighborhood and the shop quite famous since it already runs for 3
generations. His brother will be the successor of the store. He never interested in
baking, he always run away to Ji-A house if his parent ask him to look for the store.
He always want to be a doctor since he saw Ji-A dad save an old man at the train
station. It was a very cool moment for him ever since. Then he told his parent that
he want to be a doctor. Mi-Yeon enter medical school because the senior that she
crush on was study in the medical shool, even until now she never dated him. While

Some Other Day

Ji-A, even the doctor blood runs in her veins, she choose medical school because she
is good in her grades and 2 of her bestfriend applying for medical school. So if she
choose another field she will be left out no friend.

Ji-A walk into her house and bump with her dad that just get out from his room.

“Where were you? I thought you were hungry..” ask Baek Jae-Dok.

“I was having dinner with Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon near hospital.” Ji-A answer her dad.

“Is it good?” ask Ji-A in a very low voice.

“What?” Jae-Dok didn’t understand his daughter question.

“The food that mom cooked for dinner..I saw mom text at the hospital” Ji-A whispered
while looking her surrounding affraid her mom suddenly show up and catch her

Jae-Dok laugh to hear his daughter question, none of his children a fan of his wife

“It was good..” Jae-Dok smile and patting his daughter head.

Ji-A look at her dad with unbelieveable look...

“Liar.... I will report you to grandma that you lie a lot to me...” Ji-A shake her
head and walk thru the stairs to reach her room.

Baek Jae-Dok only laugh hearing his daughter mumbling.

“Don’t be late again tomorrow!! Or I will cut all of your salary this month!!” Jae-
Dok shout to his lovely maknae.

Ji-A turned her head and shout in a very frustated tone.



Some Other Day

While at the Nam residence, Ji-Yeon just put the twins to bed after read them bedtime
story, the routinity she always do every night for her boys. She goes to the kitchen
and meet with her mother inlaw who is preparing some snack for her husband.

“Is Ryeo-Uk still out?” ask Hong Ye-Jin.

“yes Oemmoni, he said he will be late. Maybe he has some drinks with them.” Ji-Yeon
understanding the thing that handle by her husband tonight.

“Have you eat? I don’t see you eat when you came from work. You just went directly to
the twins room.” Said Ye-Jin.

“I already grab some snack at the car, I will eat with oppa if he want some food
later tonight.” Said Ji-Yeon.

Ye-Jin smile, she like her daughter inlaw from the moment she met her.

“Okay....then I will be in my room. Your dad want some snack...” Ye-Jin leave Ji-

While walking to her room Ji-Yeon hear someone at the living room. She rushes to see
whether it’s her husband. It turns out the maknae of this family who’s at the door,
Nam Dong-Hyeok.

“Wow hyeongsu-nim.... I feel I just win a lottery having you welcoming me home..”
Dong-Hyeok smile so big seeing his pretty sister inlaw.

“I thought my prince is coming... it turns out the frog whose at the door.” Ji-Yeon
turn back and walk to her room.

Dong-Hyeok put his hand at his waist, he never believe that his charm never works to
his sister inlaw.

“Is marrying my brother make her to become sarcasm like him too..... heol marriage
can transmit bad attitude also...” Dong-Hyeok talk to him self.

Later at night Nam Ryeo-Uk arrive at his home. Ji-Yeon was reading a magazine in her
bed when her husband enter the room. He look drunk, because he drink a lot with the

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Japanese guests tonight. Ji-Yeon rushes to her husband, take his coat and walk him to
the bed.

“You haven’t sleep?” ask Ryeo-Uk trying so hard to handle the dizziness in his head.

“I am waiting for you...have you eat?” Ji-Yeon ask him while loosen his tie then pull
his shoes and sock.

“I don’t want to eat. I just need sleep...” Ryeo-Uk closing his eyes.

“Do you want me to change your clothes?” Ask Ji-Yeon but Ryeo-Uk too tired to
answered that.

Ji-Yeon carefully change her husband clothes, she try her best to be a good wife for
Ryeo-Uk. She met Ryeo-Uk thru a blind date that set by her aunty. A week later after
the meeting, Ryeo-Uk came to her house and introduce him self to her family. It was
his mother inlaw who insist that Ryeo-Uk must marry her. The next thing she knew, her
mother ask her whether she would accept the marriage proposal from the Nam family to
her. Ryeo-Uk parent and the elders from Nam family came officially to meet her parent
and propose for Ji-Yeon to marry Ryeo-Uk.

“I don’t want to push you into this decision, since once you marry it is a one time
promise. There’s no way you can betray your vow, since when the marriage held God
also give the blessing to both of you. Me and your dad never want a particular type
of husband for you, he doesn’t have to be rich...from a wealthy family....has amazing
job....but what we want is you and him can live happily and full of love like me and
your dad. He seems like a good man, he come from a very nice family too. But I only
hear it from people I never known him very close before. So think about this

But her aunt tell her the opposite,

“Just marry him, where else you can find a decent man like him. Nam Ryeo-Uk, a
billionaire in young age, handsome, a very kind man, never create a scandal. He was
telling his mom that you are very pretty and a wife material for him also his mom
love you so much. So follow my suggestion, I will not throw you into some bad life

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And Ji-Yeon really take a deep thought about what her mother said to her. And few
days later she accept the proposal. Then a big wedding held a month after that. She
knew that she and Ryeo-Uk never start this marriage with love or fling between them.
But as the time goes by, and the twins came to their life she feel her life complete
and work even harder to love Ryeo-Uk. Ryeo-Uk is a very good husband too for her, and
the best dad for the twins. He sometimes come home with flowers in his hand for her.
Or preparing some surprise trip for two of them. Ji-Yeon is happy with her life right

Ryeo-Uk open his eyes when Ji-Yeon leaving him to put the dirty laundry, he feel so
sad for Ji-Yeon kindness to him. It worst already to hide the guilty feeling inside
of him to Ji-Yeon. He can only pray that Ji-Yeon never found his secret ever.


Park Hui-Jun is packing for his trip to Thailand tomorrow, he heard someone pressing
the code lock of his apartment door then he heard someone coming inside. He is
wondering whose coming late at night like this. No way if that is his mom, and Beom-
Seok already home since he left the dinner venue.

“Packing for tomorrow?” Min Gi-Gwang his best friend show up, carrying a plastic of
beer can and chicken.

“You’re not even ask me whether I was OK or not today...” Hui-Jun show him his
wounded hand.

Gi-Gwang smile and took out the beer cans and chicken.

“I saw the news on the already have tons of women worrying about your
hand why should I jump into the crowd...” Gi-Gwang laughing while open his beer.

“How many days will you be there?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“Maybe 3..” Hui-Jun pass his beer to Gi-Gwan to open it.

Some Other Day

“Isshh... Beom-Seok already bragging since yesterday that he is going to Thailand for
vacation..” Gi-Gwang remembering how Beom-Seok keep sending him the resort picture
where he and Hui-Jun will be stay during Hui-Jun visit to Bangkok.

“Should we go together again?” Hui-Jun reminds him on their vacation to Bali 3 years
ago. Hui-Jun, Gi-Gwang and Beom-Seok went to Bali for vacation before Hui-Jun
enlisment date. Even they are in the same age but they didn’t serve the military
together. They take turn. Beom-Seok older sister is having a chronic desease so when
Beom-Seok enter the military earlier, he went after he finished high school, both
Hui-Jun and Gi-Gwang took care for her sister. Even Gi-Gwang took Beom-Seok’s sister
for staying with him during Beom-Seok leave, as both of them are orphan. Beom-Seok
parents already died since they were young, Beom-Seo- and his sister were raised by
their grandmother, but after their grand mother passed away they started living
independently, just the two of them. While Gi-Gwang parents were died because a car
accident. They passed away 6 years ago, Gi-Gwang also has an older sister but they
live separatedly and didn’t have a very close relationship too like Beom-Seok and his
sister. Hui-Jun is the luckiest between them, his parents still alive and healthy, he
is the only son and now become a Hallyu star. Beom-Seok work with Hui-Jun as his
managers since the beginning of Hui-Jun celebrity carreer and Hui-Jun never want
someone else rather than Beom-Seok to take care his work things.

“When I finished this mall project, I will have lots of bonus and can take a days off
too...” said Gi-Gwang.

“Then it will never happen this year...” reply Hui-Jun.

“Why?” said Gi-Gwang.

“Starting this month my schedule already packed with fan meetings. I will be
travelling to Bangkok, Hongkong, China... then back to Korea I will start filming the
movie in Boryeong. I will be there for months maybe I will back to Ilsan sometimes to
visit my parent or go to Seoul for some work. But travelling with you guys is
impossible for me this year...” Hui-Jun talking while sipping his beer.

“Every girl in my office are always talking about you and Min-Soon noona. They sure
you both have a real deal... No one know that I am your friend so I can listen to it
in every version they it true??? Are you hiding something from me? Coz the
rumors and the forums jeezz.... I can’t believe that girl imagination can be so wild
like that. Not to mention many of fanfics people creates for your character and Min-

Some Other Day

Soon noona, I feel like I was reading a X-Rated novel.... women can be very dangerous
too with their imagination..” Gi-Gwan shake his head remembering all the stuff he was
going thru listening to all the rumors spread in his office about his best friend.

“If I were dating Min-Soon noona, tonight with hand like this and tomorrow I will be
leaving Seoul, I will be cuddling with her not sitting here and drinking beers with
you..” said Hui-Jun.

Gi-Gwang look at his best friend....then raise his beer, “You right brother...” Gi-
Gwang said.

“Beside I don’t want dating any celebrity.... it’s tired enough with my expose, I
don’t want add another one celebrity in my personal life.” Hui-Jun look into his beer
can thinking about the picture he saw today in the internet.

“Why? Do you want So-Ra back??? Forget her...she’s married already...” Said Gi-Gwang.

“Really?? With who?? How do you know?” Hui-Jun speechless.

“When I saw the picture in the internet, even they blurred the face I was sure that
it is So-Ra. It was taken when you treat us with your first paycheck right? Then I
tried to contact some friends, turn out someone still having contact with her. And
she told me that So-Ra is married now, to someone chose by her family.” Gi-Gwang
report his investigation.

“At least she has a happy life now..” said Hui-Jun then he lost in his thought.

Gi-Gwang fell asleep in the couch, Hui-Jun finish his packing and go to sleep. He is
looking into his wound and the doctor face come up to his mind.

“Baek Ji-A....” he read the doctor name in his medicine paper bag.


“How many days will you stay at Thailand?” Goh So-Mi help her brother packing.

“3 days, are you really okay noona? I can ask Gi-Gwang to accompany you here?” Beom-
Seok always worry when he has to leave his sister away for days.

Some Other Day

“I’m okay... beside the landlord will always check on me if I need anything.” So-Mi
comfort her brother.

They only have each other since little. Their parent passed away since they were
little. After that they lived with grandmother, but grandmother passed away too. Ever
since teens they already live independently. With money left by their parent and
grandmother they can survive even it is a very simple life. Also with her heart
condition they really need money for her health survival too. Furtunately Beom-Seo
was asked by Hui-Jun to be his manager, and now things are getting better for them,
thou they need to save most of the money to paid her health insurance.

“Noona don’t forget to go for routine check up! I already ask Gi-Gwang to take you..”
Beom-Seok remind his sister.

“I can go by my self, Gi-Gwang is busy enough with his job. Can’t you trust me? I can
handle it..” So-Mi assuring her brother.

Beom-Seok looks to his sister, worry describe in his eyes. His fragile pretty sister,
7 days of her week spent at this small apartment. Her sister insisted on moving to
this place since it’s on the rooftop and has a small place for her to plant her
favourite flowers. The landlord is a very nice lady too, knowing that So-Mi has a
weak heart condition, she often voluntary check on her when Beom-Seok away for days.

“Be careful when you step on the stairs okay?? Just stop whenever you feel tired. If
you really tired just call Gi-Gwang to piggy back you to the room.” Said Beom-Seok.

So-Mi annoyed on what her brother just say. She looks at him angry...

“I will live ... healthy .... until you come back and until my next birthday too....
okay?” she pinch her brother cheek hard.


Back to Hui-Jun apartment, he still cannot sleep. After taking his medicine, he took
a script and read it to help him sleep. But then his thought playing the conversation
between him and the pretty doctor he met that afternoon.

Some Other Day

“How do you feel?” Ji-A asked while finishing the stitches.

“I don’t feel anything...the dope works very well..” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A raised her head and throw a small laugh,

“Not do you feel become the center of attention? Your paparazzi already
waiting for you outside...” Ji-A ask again.

Hui-Jun froze for a moment, he answer, “How do you feel if you were me?”

Ji-A paused, then look at him. Hui-Jun feel a little nervous when those eyes look
very close to his.

“I don’t want another attention especially like that... my mom and sister “attention”
already enough for me...” Ji-A told him in a very serious face.

Second later both of them laughing.


As usual second Saturday every month, all Baek family member gathering together and
do their activity in Baek Jae-Dok free clinic. Ji-A busy examining the children, Jae-
Hwan is busy examining the older patients while his dad chat with some grandparents
that come to his clinic. Ji-Yeon busy with her administration job, while their mother
Lee Mi-Na busy with her grandchildren, Seo-Jun and Seo-Eun, distributing snacks and
drinks to everyone in the clinic. After all the job done, they are sit together
enjoying a fancy meal that Ji-Yeon brought from her house.

“Eomma, are you stil insisting on making this Galbi? It is so salty I told you before
to reduce the salt..” Ji-A whining about the Galbi that her mom force to eat.

“It will not that salty when you eat it with rice..” her mom persuade her.

“I don’t want rice... I’m on diet I don’t eat rice for now..” said Ji-A.

“Diet??? For what??” Ji-Yeon surprise to hear that, nothing in her sister body that
need to be lost weight.

Some Other Day

“Miss Ji-A bought a jeans last week, but turns out the size was smaller than she
usually wear. And she did not want to refund it so she insisting on diet in order to
able to wear that.” Kang Ki-Seon, the maid of Baek family, answer the question.

“Thank you ahjumma..” thanks Ji-A smile proudly.

Ji-Yeon shake her head listening to that.

“She was sleeping again in my office yesterday” Jae-Hwan snitch on Ji-A behavior.

“That was my free time... Oppa I told you already...” Ji-A defend her self.

“She was avoiding you..” Jae-Hwan look to Jae-Dok.

Jae-Dok stare at his daughter, he remember that Ji-A never showed up in his office
though he told nurse Sung to call her.

“Appa... I was too tired yesterday. I was on surgery since morning. I was planning to
see you after take a little nap..” Ji-A bowed down her head so she can avoid her
father eye.

“But it turn out she slept the whole afternoon....” Jae-Hwan laughing, adding oil to
his fire.

“Oppa.. I really hate you right now...” Ji-A throw a very mad looks to her brother.

Suddenly someone come,

“It seems I am late for the Baek’s party..” Cha Gyeong-Su greet them with flowers in
his hand.

“This one for you Eommoni...” Gyeong-Su hand the flower to Mi-Na.

“You are my favourite son ever....even Jae-Hwan and Ryeo-Uk or even my husband never
give me flower...” Mi-Na accept the flower and hug Gyeong-Su.

“I give you flower every month.... bank interest... no man as thoughtful as I am for
you..” Jae-Dok answering his wife. His sentence cause everyone laugh.

“You bailed on last night duel..” Jae-Hwan greet his best friend.

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“I have a presentation to make last was over hours after the duel..”
explain Gyeong-Su and he take a chair then sit beside Ji-A.

“What are you eating?” Gyeong-Su looks at Ji-A plate weird, she only have salad and
small piece of galbi.

“She’s on diet to look pretty in a jeans..” Ji-Yeon reply Gyeong-Su question.

“Don’t worry even a fatty and lazy chaebol like you will have a man marry to you via
marriage arrangement.... Aunt Mi-Seok will be happy to set a blind date for you...”
Ji-Yeon tease Ji-A.

“Chaebol my ass....I am never a chaebol...” Said Ji-A.

“Ji-A watch your language...” Mi-Na scold her daughter.

“But it’s true.... I am not a chaebol... the heir of the hospital is Jae-Hwan
oppa.....the house will be given to Ji-Yeon eonnie... me??” Ji-A chattering.

“You will have my car....” Jae-Dok said to his daughter.

“And my silver ware..and my jewellery...” Mi-Na added while smiling. They always
tease Ji-A like this.

“I can give you my watch..” Jae-Hwan smile to Ji-A.

While Ji-A look to each of them feeling betrayed on what she heard.

“I don’t need the house, my husband can give me a nice house..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Then can I have the house?” Ji-A looks happy.

“Of course not... the house will be given to Jae-Hwan... he must provide a house for
his wife when he’s marry..” said Ji-Yeon. Jae-Hwan nod, and high five with his

“Unbelieveable...” Ji-A chew her salad.

“that’s true..” said Jae-Hwan.

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“Oppa... will you make me a house? Appa already give me a car... I need a house..”
Ji-A looks to Gyeong-Su.

“No... I’m tired making house for other people. I want to have a wife that create a
house for me...” Gyeong-Su pinch her cheek.

“Aish...I am surely betray a king in my previous life to have a thoughtless family

like this...iissshhh” said Ji-A.

“Don’t wory... I will give you my watch too....” Jae-Dok laughing.

“I heard that Si-Won dumped you?” Ji-Yeon ask Ji-A.

“He is NOT!!!! He just have to make a choice... and he choose school...” said Ji-A.
She is surely will kill Hyeon-U tomorrow for leaking this news to Ji-Yeon.

“He choose school...over you...yeah that’s right..” said Ji-Yeon again.

“Do your heart hurt?? Need me to beat him??” Jae-Hwan tease his sister.

While Gyeong-Su smile and looks happy listen to that news.

“Appa will you accept Ben Affleck as your son inlaw?” Ji-A ask her father, and show
him the picture from her phone.

“Who is that? I only accept Korean man.” Said Jae-Dok.

“Then you will be okay with one of them?” Ji-A show him another picture.

“Who are they?” Mi-Na look at the picture.

“2PM, she went crazy in their concert last month” answer Ji-Yeon who know exactly how
her sister behave in front of her favourite idol.

“Or with one of them...” Ji-A again show her dad and mom another idol group.

“Now who the hell are they??” said Jae-Dok.

“EXO... she was played their song loudly at the operation room last week while she’s
doing tumor removal surgery on patient brain...” answered Ji-Yeon.

Some Other Day

Ji-A only smile to her dad.

“But she was doing the surgery with me..” Jae-Dok remember that surgery.

“She played it after you left the operation room and told her to close the patient.”
Add Ji-Yeon.

“You are unbelieveable crazy..” Jae-Hwan look at Ji-A. While Ji-A show her prettiest
smile to her father and do the love sign with her finger.

“I already having headache for having a daughter like you, I’d like a normal man to
be your husband. Can you just married Gyeong-Su??” said Jae-Dok.

Gyeong-Su feel so happy listen what Jae-Dok said just then.

“Appa... that’s too much. Gyeong-Su is too god for her....” Ji-Yeon smile.

“Trust me Gyeong-Su...she is crazy.. don’t ever fall in love with her...” Ji-Yeon
tease Gyeong-Su. She know exactly that Gyeong-Su only look to Ji-A since Gyeong-Su
met her in this world.

“Just call aunt Mi-Seok....ask her to set a blind date for you..” Jae-Hwan look at

“Nope... I will go and search TOP and make him my husband..” said Ji-A.

“Crazy girl..” Mi-Na always surprise to her youngest daughter.


Some Other Day


„....Lets not fall in love, We don’t know each other very

well yet. Actually I’m a little scared, I’m sorry. Lets not
make promises, you never know when tomorrow comes.
But I really mean it when I say I like you.“
(Lets Not Fall In Love – Bigbang)

Some Other Day

The three musketeers are now having their break at the emergency stairs. They are
having Jjajangmyun for their very late afternoon snack. Hyeon-U use his time reading
a medical journal, Ji-A use it to watch the next episode of the drama that played by
Park Hui-Jun, the actor she treated last week. While Mi-Yeon use it to have a nap
since she very tired after a night shift and a major surgery this morning which make
her cannot go home because she will continue on night shift with her 2 best buddies.

“It was you!!” Ji-A hit Hyeon-U head with her phone.

“YA!!! That’s hurt!!!” Hyeon-U rubbing his head to reduce the pain caused by Ji-A

“What now?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“He told eonnie about Si-Won.... traitor!!” Ji-A throw a very scary looks to Hyeon-U.

Hyeon-U smile and continue reading his medical journal.

“I met Ji-Yeon noona at the cafetaria last Friday, and she asked me to sit and eat
together....” Hyeon-U telling his one side romance story.

“Yeah ... there must be thousand of butterflies in your stomach at that moment..”
said Mi-Yeon.

“It was butterflies all over my body....” Hyeon-U smile,

“And then it was just came out like that, we talked about this and that. And to keep
me talking with her, your dumped incident was one of my theme...” continue Hyeon-U.

Ji-A kick Hyeon-U leg. Then she continue watching.

“What are you reading anyway?” ask Ji-A.

“I’m having a cardio surgery on 15 years old girl tomorrow with your brother, she has
arrhythmia , so I need to have my self ready too. I was so surprised Jae-Hwan hyung
put me on the list of assistant for his surgery tomorrow. He is very picky you
know...” said Hyeon-U.

“That’s why I never take cardio as my specialty.... my dad is better than him on
teaching.” Said Ji-A.

“So have you decide what will be your specialty?” Ji-A ask Mi-Yeon.

“Yeah... I already send the form to professor Ko In-Sung... I will be a pediatric.”

Said Mi-Yeon.

Some Other Day

“Waaahhh they’re kissing....isssh that’s a very good kiss...when actor do kissing
scene like that was it take once or couple times?” Ji-A keep looking at the screen.
She already planned that today she will continue the drama, last night she already
done 2 episodes, now she want to finish another one episode before her break time

“More than once....he is very lucky got to kiss many beautiful woman just because he
do it as his work....” said Hyeon-U.

“Didn’t he get swayed for once? I mean kissing its not something that you can do it
lightly even its an act...” said Ji-A.

“Actors and actresses are people who already trained in side of this consequences, I
once read there’s a trick on doing the kiss so they can maintain ther own
feeling..both actors and actresses will discuss first on how they do it...” Mi-Yeon

“Imagine when they do bedscene, if you happen to have celebrity boyfriend I bet you
will flip and throw tantrum because of that..” Hyeon-U laugh at Ji-A.

“I know....I think I will choose a singer than actor if I happen to date celebrity..”
said Ji-A.

Mi-Yeon slide closer to her to watch it together. Actually due to her curiousity, she
already done watched all the 16 episodes. But Ji-A will smack her if she find out,
they both promise to not cheat on each other, not peeping to any recaps anywhere
about this drama, even they already avoiding the drama forum for weeks to keep their
patience about the ending of this drama will be.

“He is indeed very handsome, now everytime I saw a soldier my imagination will be
full with him...” Mi-Yeon cannot take her eyes off from Hui-Jun.

“If you see a doctor then you will think of me...” said Ji-A full of confidence.

“You wish....” Mi-Yeon roll her eyes.

“He is very rich now...Everytime there’s CF time, his face always pop up. Even nurse
Song bought ice cream directly after seeing his CF. Not to mention his face all over
the magazines and stores....” Hyeon-U added.

“Everyone wants him now.... you remember the nurses? It’s just like they were ready
to jump at him at any moment..” Ji-A remembering the day Hui-Jun brought to her

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“The day after that accident he went to Bangkok if i’m not mistaken..” said Mi-Yeon.

“Are you stalking on him?” ask Hyeon-U

“Every girl does that now....” Mi-Yeon defend herself.

“I’m not....” said Ji-A.

“Shut up..” said Mi-Yeon.

Suddenly Ji-A phone rings...”Nurse Sung” name appear in her caller ID.

“Yes nurse..” Ji-A answer her phone.

“Ji-A you are needed in the emergency right now, the man just come he is collaps
after having seizure at his office..”

“Understand, I’m on my way.”

Ji-A handed her tablet to Mi-Yeon. She looks at her Jjajangmyun that still half left,

“I never be able to finish my evening snack..” sigh Ji-A, “I need to go right now...
bye” Ji-A left her friends and rushes to the Operation Room.

“Have you told her that you actually have finished the drama?” ask Hyeon-U.

“How do you know that???!!!!!!” Mi-Yeon looks very surprise knowing that Hyeon-U
finds out her sins.

“You were talking about the ending with doctor Ha-Ae last 2 weeks ago.... I
accidentally heard your interesting conversation...” Hyeon-U give his evil smile.

Mi-Yeon look at him desperately.

“What you want?” she give-up on fighting this war with Hyeon-U.

“Take over my night shift tomorrow.... I have some business to do.... I have a
date...” said Hyeon-U.

Mi-Yeon throw the chopstick she hold to Hyeon-U and look at him very mad.


Ji-A walks slowly in the crowded Itaewon. Hyeon-U is having appoinment with someone
that she and Mi-Yeon should never knew (said Hyeon-U) and won’t tell her the place
too, while Mi-Yeon is having night shift (Ji-A very sure that tonight is Hyeon-U

Some Other Day

schedule for night shift, but Mi-Yeon insisted that it was her schedule). She decided
to take a walk before going home. She want to have some drinks to ease her bad mood
right now. Ji-A remember a cafe that she and Gyeong-Su once visited, the owner of the
cafe is Gyeong-Su friend. And she remember the place is very near from where she is
now. She decide to go to that cafe, she took out the phone and dialed a number in her
speed dial.

“Oppa..” Ji-A say hello to the person she called.

“Yes...are you at work?” the man ask.

“No...I am at Itaewon right now...” Ji-A reply.

“Itaewon?? What are you doing there? With who?” Gyeong-Su sound surprised.

“Gyeong-Su oppa do you remember the cafe that owned by your friend in Itaewon? You
were took me there once..” Ji-A ask.

“Oohh... Do you want to go there?” Gyeong-Su remember the place.

“Can you accompany me? Now?” Ji-A ask him again.

Gyeong-Su take a breath, he hates his situation right now. He love to spend his time
with Ji-A but he has a presentation to make about this mall project in 10 minutes.

“I’m so sorry... I have presentation to do in 10 minutes..” Gyeong-Su sound very


“Aah... that’s fine...” Ji-A disappointed.

“Do you want me to pick you up, I’ll call when I’m done..” Gyeong-Su try to make up
his sorry.

“No need oppa, I’m with Hyeon-U. He will take me home.” Ji-A lies.

Ji-A sigh....even Gyeong-Su who usually always be there for her is busy too right
now. “Where is everyone when I need them...”

She keep walking to the cafe. Today is white day, Ji-A see many couples walking
around her, she really hate the view. Now she already arrive at the venue. Suddenly
someone poke her shoulder.

“Someone will kidnap you if you hang around alone like this...” he whisper in Ji-A

Ji-A reflect turn her head, and she saw Dong-Hyeok is smiling at him.

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“What are you doing in here alone?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“YA!! Call me noona..” Ji-A put her hands in her waist.

“Noona my ass.... you only 1 month older than me why should I call you noona..” said
Dong-Hyeok, “Even the american call someone 10 years older by their name..” Dong-
Hyeok making another excuses.

“Tsk...” Ji-A shook her head.

“Where’s your other musketeers?” Dong-Hyeok asking.

“Mi-Yeon you mean??” Ji-A catch his intention on Mi-Yeon.

Dong-Hyeok give a very wide smile.

“Forget her... I will never give her to a player like you...” Ji-A know exactly Dong-
Hyeok reputation with girls.

Dong-Hyeok put his arm in her shoulder...“Do you want to marry her then?” he ask.

“I’m still normal...I already told appa I will marry TOP ” said Ji-A.

Dong-Hyeok speechless hearing Ji-A answer.

“Not GD? Or 2PM or EXO or Bangtan?? It is TOP now?” Dong-Hyeok remember how she
dragged him to EXO concert because Ji-A punished him for failed get her VIP tickets
and saw how Ji-A went into a crazy fan girl at the concert.

“Then let me marry her..” Dong-Hyeok persuade Ji-A again.

“NEVER!” Ji-A push Dong-Hyeok arm from her shoulder. They enter the cafe with Dong-
Hyeok coming at the back.

Hui-Jun just come back from the rest room when he saw someone familiar entering the
cafe. He see the doctor coat in her shoulder, and try to look more details on her.

“Oh... that’s the doctor..” said Beom-Seok pointing his finger to the woman who enter
the cafe.

Right... that’s Baek Ji-A. Hui-Jun smile seeing her, but then he saw the man at her
back, they look very close. And his eyes keep looking at Ji-A who’s now take the bar
seat with than man.

Some Other Day

“Doctor who? So-Mi noona doctor?” ask Gi-Gwang while his eyes look to the direction
where Beom-Seok point.

“No....the ER doctor that help him before..” said Gi-Gwang while pointing at Hui-Jun

“Ooh... seem the doctor need a drink..” Gi-Gwang smile.

Hui-Jun keep looking at Ji-A and the man with her without saying anything.

While at the bar seat Ji-A finally find a company for her drinks buddy tonight.

“What do you want?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“Jack Rose..” said Ji-A. Dong-Hyeok look at her and drop his jaw...

“You are really a brat... even Jae-Hwan hyung only can handle 1 bottle soju but you
can handle many of this...” Dong-Hyeok shook his head and order.

Then a cafe owner come approaching them,

“Dong-Hyeok you come...” he said his hi to Dong-Hyeok.

“Yes hyung.... I just happen to be in this neighborhood and find my dongsaeng hanging
around...” Dong-Hyeok.

“Dongsaeng??!!!” Ji-A looks pissed.

“Girlfriend??? No no... I don’t want a girlfriend like you ...” Dong-Hyeok tease her.

Ji-A hit Dong-Hyeok hard. The owner that see them just laugh, that’s enough already
to see that they are a close.

Hui-Jun keep watching Ji-A. He really want to come and talk to her, but the man
sitting beside her make him hesitate to do that.

Dong-Hyeok look at his watch, then he looks to his back.

“She should be here right now...” Dong-Hyeok mumbling.

“Who?” ask Ji-A sipping her drink.

“My date..” said Dong-Hyeok.. “There she is..” Dong-Hyeok get up and wave to the girl
that just enter the cafe.

“Then how about me?” ask Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“I dumped you right now...annyeong..” Dong-Hyeok leave his seat and greet the girl.
Ji-A look at him full with jealousy.

“Even a useless chaebol like him can get different girl every week..” said Ji-A.

“Hyung... put her bill in mine okay!!” Dong-Hyeon shout to the cafe owner, who is now
talking with Hui-Jun and friends.

“I will put everyone’s bill in yours if you leave??!!!” Ji-A threat on Dong-Hyeok.

“Put everything... I’m capable for paying that..” Dong-Hyeok do not feel threaten at

Ji-A roll her eyes and enjoying her lonely time.

The cafe owner raise his thumb hearing what Dong-Hyeok said.

“Who is that?” Hui-Jun ask looking at Dong-Hyeok who is now leaving with a girl.

“Nam Dong-Hyeok.....a very cheerful man... the girl that left alone is his dongsaeng
at least that what he said before... seems like she is a doctor..” said the cafe

“She is my doctor..” said Hui-Jun, he smile then get up from his seat. “I have to say
hi to her..” he said.

Beok-Seok and Gi-Gwang surprise to see Hui-Jun blunt act, this bar is having more
than 20 peoples right now and he go to apprach that girl without thinking that
someone may take his picture, Gi-Gwang just laugh to see his friend act he know
exactly that kind of gesture from Hui-Jun,

“Let him, it’s useless if you stop him right now...just stay and think what kind of
excuses you’ll say if there’s a picture of him and that girl leak..” Gi-Gwang stop
Beom-Seok who’s going to shout Hui-Jun name to stop him.

Hui-Jun walk toward Ji-A and he take a seat beside her.

“Hi..” Hui-Jun greet his doctor.

Ji-A look at the voice, she surprised to see Hui-Jun there.

“You’re here?” Ji-A smile.

“I am... are you alone?” ask Hui-Jun.

Some Other Day

“Now I am.... the brat who buy me this bailed for a girl he’s going to date...” said

Hui-Jun smile, somehow he is happy hearing that he can have excuse to accompany her.

“How is your wound?” Ji-A look at his hand.

“It’s better now.... I went to your hospital to follow up but they said you were on a
meeting.” Said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A remember that day, she was with her dad talking about the surgery they’re going
to do the next day. She was told that Hyeon-U took care Hui-Jun that day.

“Ah yes... I have some errands that day... sorry..” said Ji-A.

“Having rough day?” Hui-Jun look at the cocktail.

“My patient die today.... she left 2 children and her husband...” Ji-A look sad.

Today she was performing a tumor removal surgery, but the patient condition suddenly
dropped and she failed to save her. Ji-A very sad when she met with the patient
family informing about their mother death. Everyone has predict that the surgery
won’t give her any help since her tumor already spread and worst. But the patient
took her small chance to get better with the surgery. But God still have the final
decision. And the decision is to end her sorrow and give her peace in heaven.

“I’m sorry to hear that..” Hui-Jun sympathized her, “But you already do your
best...that’s not your fault.” add Hui-Jun.

Ji-A smile hearing Hui-Jun said that.

“Are you here alone too?” ask Ji-A.

“I’m with friends..” Hui-Jun point at Gi-Gwang and Beom-Seok.

“I thought you should be busy today..” Ji-A smile.

“Why?” Hui-Jun don’t understand.

“Today is white day... don’t you should be give out chocolate to all the girls that
send you chocolate on valentine’s day??” tease Ji-A, “I bet you have mountain of
chocolate pile..” Ji-A laugh.

Hui-Jun laugh hear the joke.

Some Other Day

“Then where is your chocolate? Shouldn’t your boyfriend give you chocolate today?”
ask Hui-Jun

“Hemm... this year I only get sweets on Halloween...” said Ji-A.

“Too busy for having boyfriend?” ask Hui-Jun while sipping his coffee.

“How about you, how come you hang around with your friends and not your girlfriend???
Shouldn’t it too easy for you to find one??” Ji-A ask him back.

Both of them look at each other and share a laugh.

“I need to go home now...” Ji-A look at her watch. It’s late already. And her head
feel a little heavy after a bottle of beer and a glass of Jack Rose.

“Are you going home alone?” Hui-Jun feel worry.

“Yes... I just need to take taxi..” said Ji-A then she wave her goodbye to the cafe
owner, she then took out her phone Gyeong-Su text her.

“Hyeon-U is on date and his date is not you. I’m 10 minutes away wait for me

“Ah .. my brother come to pick me up...bye..” Ji-A bow her head to Hui-Jun saying her

“Can I have your number?” suddenly Hui-Jun have the courage to ask that. He was
thinking about that since they sit together and talk.

With swings on her head she doesn’t think much about that, Ji-A nod then they switch
phone number. Then they parted. Hui-Jun watch her leave and come back sit with his


Jae-Hwan is reading a journal in his office. He just finish the surgery. A text pop-
up in his phone screen,

“Saturday, 7PM Japanese restaurant at Apgujeong. Please talk normal this time, she is
chairman Kang Mi-Ran daughter. You screwed, I screwed....”

He smile reading text from his aunt. After successfull being the cupid for Ji-Yeon
and Ryeo-Uk, her reputation in her group is raising. Many of mothers that have
daughter persuade her to introduce their daughter with Jae-Hwan. Baek Mi-Seok being

Some Other Day

very selective and only pick the prettiest for Jae-Hwan, but Jae-Hwan always ruin it
in first hour they met. Either they eat in silent mode or Jae-Hwan keep talking about
cardio and heart disease.

“Understand Immo...” Jae-Hwan reply the text.

Then his phone ringing..

“Jae-Hwan ah the basket game on Saturday is on...everyone will come..” the caller is

“What time?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“Around 6PM then we go dinner together..” said Gyeong-Su, “Maybe with few drinks..”
he add.

“6?” Jae-Hwan remember the text from his aunt.

“Yes.... why do you have something to do?”

“No....I’ll be there at 6..” said Jae-Hwan.

He then typing something again,

“Immo...let’s make the appointment at 5. I have another thing at 6.” Text sent.

In five minutes, incoming text.

“Are you crazy? You already think to ruin this with only give her 1 hour for a date.
She will not finish her main course yet the moment you leave. Forget it.. I will re-
arrange the time. Why you always accept my blind date setting if you’re continue
going to ruin it?”

Jae-Hwan reply back.

“I appreciate your effort Immo...“ Text sent.

“I will never be able to win you.” Text Mi-Seok.

Jae-Hwan smile reading his aunt text.

Then the nurse come in,

“Professor Jae-Hwan, someone is looking for you. She said she is coming because
recommendation from professor Oh from Sunji Hospital..”

Some Other Day

Jae-Hwan remember this morning Professor Oh from Sunji Hospital called him, and told
him about his patient that having Cardiomyopathy. He seek for Jae-Hwan opinion and
ask him to take over the patient since professor Oh going to move to China as he
receive offering to work there.

“Send her in.” Jae-Hwan take the print of patient information given by professor Oh.

A woman come in, Jae-Hwan look at her. He is surprised to see the beauty in her, but
at the same time she looks very fragile. Her first symptoms of Cardiomyopathy was
when she’s 9. She has gone thru 2 surgery and various theraphy. But her condition is
still the same even now seem worsen.

“Please sit down.” Jae-Hwan stand and ask her to sit.

“I’m Goh So-Mi, Professor Oh told me that you will be handle my case starting now.”
Said So-Mi.

“Ah yes, professor Oh already contact me and gave your details.” Said Jae-Hwan.

“Ah I see..” said So-Mi.

“Is there anything that you need to prescribed for me?” ask So-Mi.

It’s the first time in Jae-Hwan life, that he lost words. He even cannot think about
what the next step of treatment that he should try to apply for her. He got smitten
by her.

“Ah yes, is the medication from professor Oh still in stock?” Jae-Hwan re-look at the
drugs list that consume by So-Mi.

“Yes... I still have it until next week” answer So-Mi.

“The ICD still work properly? Are you having any issue with that recently?” ask Jae-
Hwan again.

“ works perfectly.” Said So-Mi.

“Okay, then I’m going to schedule you again for next week when the medication done.
Please come again, I will look again and maybe run some tests for you.” Jae-Hwan look
at So-Mi.

His eyes capture So-Mi figure perfectly, her smile bring out the best of her in Jae-
Hwan opinion.

Some Other Day

Goh So-Mi left Jae-Hwan office. While Jae-Hwan keep eyeing into her. He read again
the patient information sheet, she is only 8 months younger than him. But reading her
health chart makes Jae-Hwan feel uneasy, the stage is already severe and if she
failed with the ICD, heart transplant is the only choice. Jae-Hwan re-look again his
other similar cases.

“Nurse please leave my schedule empty for next Wednesday, list only Goh So-Mi for my
consultation. In case emergency just don’t page me and hand over the patient to
professor Kwak or Shin.” Jae-Hwan talk to his nurse assistant.


“Yeobo, can you pick me on your way home?” Ji-Yeon ask Ryeo-Uk.

“Where are you now?” Ryeo-Uk holding his phone with his shoulder while he is still
busy looking for a document.

“I’m at Japanese restaurant near your office, and I didn’t bring my car.” Said Ji-

“Okay, I need to find one thing first then I’ll meet you there in 15 minutes, can you
wait?” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Okay... thank you..” said Ji-Yeon.

15 minutes later Ryeo-Uk show up.

“Can we eat? Or you can have tea if you full. I’m hungry” said Ryeo-Uk smiling.

Ji-Yeon smile and nod. Then she enter again the Japanese restaurant she left before,
this time not with her friends but with her husband.

“Are you busy all day so you skip your lunch?” Ji-Yeon put the fish that she already
peeled into her husband bowl.

“The meeting took longer that I thought. After that I stuck with the conference call
with the Japanese and I forgot my lunch..” Ryeo-Uk smile, he then offer the sashimi
to Ji-Yeon. Ji-Yeon smile and open her mouth.

“You’re so thin... eat as much food as you like.... Aboenim will scold me if he’s
seeing you like this” Ryeo-Uk look at his wife figure.

Some Other Day

“I think this is ideal .... oppa, you know I can’t eat too much..” Ji-Yeon smile
while keep serving his husband.

“Seo-Jun call me today he said he made me carnation but he forget to bring it home,
so I should not cry if I don’t get the carnation since you will, he didn’t forget
yours..” said Ryeo-Uk remembering his cute conversation with his son this afternoon.

“Then what did you say?”

“I say I will stay in my room sulking until I get my carnation..” Ryeo-Uk laugh.

“Do you know what he said?” ask Ryeo-Uk again.

“What?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“Appa don’t be such a cry baby, I will get yours tomorrow..” Ryeo-Uk and Ji-Yeon
burst into laugh.

Ryeo-Uk watching his wife treating him and even keep serving him this and that during
his meal. She give her full attention to him. Ji-Yeon is beautiful, he admit it since
the first time they met. Knowing her later after the marriage make him care about her
much. But there’s always a guilty feeling everytime he see her, everytime he saw Ji-
Yeon stare at the piano he felt his heart aching. Ji-Yeon and anyone never know that
it was him that cause the blocks collapsed and hit Ji-Yeon at that time.

“Oppa?” Ji-Yeon calling her husband.

Ryeo-Uk come to his senses and look at Ji-Yeon

“What?” he ask.

“You were daydreaming.... what are you thinking? You seem so sad..” Ji-Yeon ask

“Ohh...nothing. It just something from the office..” Ryeo-Uk lie. No one, especially
Ji-Yeon, can know about his dark secret., his guilt to her.


Ji-A prepare to go home, after long day at the hospital she, Mi-Yeon and Hyeon-U
will have drink night. Tomorrow they are free and Hyeon-U is having birthday today,
so they already have plan to go to Apgujeong and have a very pleasant dinner after
that crashing at Mi-Yeon apartment with lots of beer and soju.

“So where are you going to treat us?” ask Ji-A while changing her shoes.

Some Other Day

“Is it okay if I bring 1 friend?” ask Hyeon-U.

“Who?? Your new crush?? What happen to Ji-Yeon eonnie?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“Ji-Yeon noona is my dream... this is my reality..” said Hyeon-U.

“Also.. this is my birthday... I pay for everything so both of you have.... must....
nice to my you understand?” Hyeon-U look at his friends in a very serious

Ji-A and Mi-Yeon look at him, then move their shoulder.

“noted.... but if I really don’t like her I will tell you tomorrow... first thing
tomorrow..” said Ji-A.

“uhmmm... I think I can accept that..” said Hyeon-U.

Ji-A phone rings, she look at the caller and sudden smile create on her face.

“Hi..” she greet the caller in a very sweet tone.

“Hi... are you busy?” it’s Hui-Jun.

“No... I just finished my work today and going home..” said Ji-A.

“You’re not going home you’re going out to party...” Mi-Yeon interfere and laugh. She
and Hyeon-U already know about the meeting between Ji-A and Hui-Jun and that they now
change phone number. They catched Ji-A smiling by herself few times just texting in
her phone.

Ji-A threaten Mi-Yeon to stop talking.

“You’re going out?? For drinks??” Hui-Jun hearing what Mi-Yeon just said.

“Oh... that... em.. Hyeon-U is having birthday today. So this is already our
tradition to get wasted on our birthday hehehe..” said Ji-A.

“Wasted?? Are you going to have a lot of drinks??” Hui-Jun sound worry and surprise.

“eemmmm.... ya...” Ji-A realize her mistake to tell him tonight plan.

“Don’t get drunk tonight... I will pick you up and want to have a nice conversation
with you it will be hard to do that if you’re drunk...” said Hui-Jun.

And Ji-A froze to hear that. She don’t know how she reply on what he said just then.

Some Other Day

“When will you pick me up?” Ji-A walking to the door try to get away from her friend
and whisper.

“I will finish my work at 9 or 10 maybe. I want to meet you..” Hui-Jun smile shyly
admitting his blunt act. He thought about this phone call hundred times today. But he
just really want to see her again.

“Let’s go I already hungry..” Hyeon-U pass her and pull her arm.

“Oppa... I will text you the address so you can come... is it okay with you?” ask Ji-

“okay... I will text you once I’m done and headed to your place.” Said Hui-Jun.

Mi-Yeon link her arm to Ji-A’s,

“So are you going to have a date with him?” ask Mi-Yeon giggling.

“Don’t do that..” warn Hyeon-U.

“Why???” ask Ji-A.

“Thousand of girls will pulled your hair out once they know you’re dating him..”
Hyeon-U frightened her.

Reflect Ji-A touch her hair... and shake her head.

“We’re friends.... no romance so no one going to pull my hair...” said Ji-A.

“I will do that first once you’re officially dating him..” said Mi-Yeon.

“I’ll grab her so it will be easy for you to do that..” said Hyeon-U.

“YA!!!!” scream Ji-A and kick both of her friends. They are laughing happily.

But the situation outside the hospital is turned into dark.

“What is she doing here??” Ji-A and Mi-Yeon look at their nemesis.

“Ya Geum Bora, you do have a very thick nerve to come here..” said Ji-A crossing her
arms in her chest.

“This is not your private area, I can come here anytime I want..” Bora response as
cold as Ji-A.

She suddenly link her arm into Hyeon-U,

Some Other Day

“Do we really have to go with them.... I will get headache sitting in the same place
with them...” Bora talk with Hyeon-U.

Hyeon-U feel he is at the crossroad and 3 trucks ready to hit him hard. He look at
Ji-A and Mi-Yeon who angry at him. But then he look to Bora who already nailed his

“I already know that this is going to be crazy...” he said to himself.

“You already promise you will be nice to her...” Hyeon-U look into Ji-A.

“That before I know your guest is her..” defend Ji-A.

“This is my birthday too.... we had agreement that if you dislike her you will come
up with that tomorrow...” Hyeon-U pull out his wild card.

“Are you going to use that card???” ask Mi-Yeon.

“This is my birthday...” said Hyeon-U.

“Arrrrggghhhh I cannot believe this.... are you really dating her??? Is she the one
that you told me you’re going to have a date???The one that make me work night
shift??? ARE YOU CRAZY??!!!!!!” ask Mi-Yeon frantic.

Hyeon-U hold Bora hand and hide her at his back.

“YA!!! I really don’t believe this. The stewardess from before is WAY better than
her..” said Ji-A.

“What stewardess??? Ya!!! How could you said I’m lower than other girl. I’m the best
even compare with you...” Bora take her stand in the game.

“What??!!!!” Ji-A return her word.

“Yes.. if i’m not better than you than Daesung oppa will not leave you for me..” said

“You crazy bitch...” Ji-A throw her bag and run to her.

Second later the war officially break at Baek Hospital parking lot, and poor Hyeon-U
busy separate three of them.

“YAA!!! Stop it!!!! Ouch Mi-Yeon don’t pull my hair.. YA!!! Ji-A stop it or I will
kick you back!!! Bora stop it you’re really not helping me!!!” Hyeon scream in

Some Other Day

They panting in the parking lot try to catch their breath after the fight.

“I don’t want to eat... I need alcohol” said Hyeon-U.

“I don’t want to go with her..” said Ji-A.

“Me too” add Mi-Yeon.

“Then let’s go Hyeon-U we can go just the two of us..” Bora stand up and fix her

“What did you just say??!!” Ji-A back in anger.

“Stop it... I’m run out energy now... I need to recharge it to pull her hair later..”
Mi-Yeon hold Ji-A’s arm.

Suddenly a car come approach them.

“Mi-Yeon ah are you okay?? Why are you sitting on the ground like that?” it’s Dong-
Hyeok. He come out from his car and run to Mi-Yeon.

“Are you okay?” he looks worried.

“What are you doing here?” Ji-A look at him.

“I’m going to visit my friend, she is sick and hospitalized in here..” but then Dong-
Hyeok put his hand in his mouth, realize that he said the wrong thing.

Ji-A smiling catching on what Dong-Hyeok just said.

“Aaahhh the girl you date last week???” Ji-A know how Dong-Hyeok like Mi-Yeon. But
she never give him a chance to get close to Mi-Yeon.

“What date... it’s just a friend. She lie Mi-Yeon-ah I never date random girls... “
he show Mi-Yeon his charming smile.

“Eeeiisssshhh don’t fall for him... he is truly a cassanova..” said Ji-A.

“Do you want to come with us?” ask Hyeon-U.

“Yeah that’s a good idea I don’t want to be in the same car with her..” said Mi-Yeon.

Hearing Mi-Yeon saying that, Dong-Hyeok nodded instantly.

“Of course I will go with you..” Dong-Hyeok help Mi-Yeon stand up.

“Didn’t you want to visit your ex-date??” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

Dong-Hyeok hit her, “What date.... I’m here to pick her..” Dong-Hyeok pull Mi-Yeon
closer to him

“Argghh I can’t believe this...” Ji-A shake her head.

Hyeon-U and Bora goes first, while Ji-a and Mi-Yeon follow with Dong-Hyeok car.

Ji-A walking into Dong-Hyeok car and open the front door for her. Suddenly Dong-Hyeok
ask her.

“What are you doing?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“What?” Ji-A don’t understand his stare.

“You sit in the back, that’s Mi-Yeon seat...” said Dong-Hyeok pointed the backseat to

“What!!!.... arrgghhh I am relly pissed today...unbelieveable” Ji-A cursing Dong-


Dong-Hyeok and Mi-Yeon laugh seeing her reaction.

As expected the dinner just went totally brutal, Hyeon-U must ask for another serving
of meat since Ji-A and Mi-Yeon refuse to eat from the same serving as Bora has. While
Dong-Hyeok really enjoy his meeting with Mi-Yeon, they both look so childish

“I don’t believe this but it seem both of you are very good together...” Ji-A shakes
her head seeing his cute overload between drunk Mi-Yeon and happy Dong-Hyeok.

“So you agree that I can be with her?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“Never...” Ji-A reply.

“Whyyy???? He’s nice thou...” Mi-Yeon ask with blabbering words.

“Yeah nice...wait for a week being his girlfriend. He goes from nice to a missing
person...a girl won’t last more than a week for him.” said Ji-A.

Then her phone buzzing...

“Is that your date?” Hyeon-U tease her.

Ji-A only smile and goes away from the crowd to answer the phone.

Some Other Day

“Oppa are you on your way?” ask Ji-A.

“I will be arrive in 10 minutes... can you wait outside I don’t think I can enter the
restaurant..” said Hui-Jun.

“Ah...right it wil be too burdensome for you... I’ll wait outside then... bye” said

Ji-A rushes back to her friends,

“I need to go now... I don’t want to have night drinks with you too tonight and she
already drunk too...” Ji-A point to Mi-Yeon who already start her drunk song and
throw angry look at Hyeon-U and Bora.

“But I really will have some issue with you on Monday...” Ji-A stare at Hyeon-U,

“You... take her home safely... if something ever happen to her I will kill you my
self..” Ji-A look at Dong-Hyeok. Dong-Hyeok raise his arms and nodded.

“I go now.... bye...” Ji-A leave her friends.

“Where does she go? Home??? Eehhh no way ..” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“She’s going to have her hair pulled out by thousand of girls..” Hyeon-U reply.

Ji-A run to meet Hui-Jun outside, she wait and not too long a car come approach her.
She wave as she recognize the blinking lamp from that car.

She rushes and open the door.

“Can I sit here or I should go to the back again now??” Ji-A greet Hui-Jun.

“Hah?? Why??” Hui-Jun confused on what she just said.

Ji-A laugh and get into the car.

“Dong-Hyeok was kicking me out from sitting at the front since that’s Mi-Yeon
place..” Ji-A telling him about what happen to the seat incident before.

“You can have that seat in my car...” laugh Hui-Jun. Ji-A smile hearing that.

“Where are we going?’ ask Ji-A.

“I want to take you to a very nice place and have a good meal. I skipped the diner
invitation with the magazine staff just then so I can eat with you..” said Hui-Jun.

Some Other Day

“Is that okay with you?” ask Ji-A.

“What?” Hui-Jun reply.

“Being in outdoor place with me? Someone must notify you, and what if they think that
you are having dating scandal?” Ji-A said her worry.

Hui-Jun laugh hearing that.

“Dating scandal??? Are we having a date right now??” tease Hui-Jun.

“We’re not??” Ji-A suddenly sulking.

“Iiisshhh today is really not my day...” she speak to her self. Hui-Jun look at her
and smile.

“You are a so cute...” he said in a low tone.

They arrive in front of a restaurant, the front look is very cozy. Looks like a very
lovely house with lots of sunflower in front of the building.

Hui-Jun ask for Ji-A hand,

“What?? We’re not even in a date why you want to hold my hand??” Ji-A still sulking.
She walk into the restaurant leaving Hui-Jun who’s laugh hearing her words.

They sit at the back of the restaurant, it has a very beautiful garden view. All the
restaurant staff seems very close with Hui-Jun, and the restaurant has no other
guests beside Hui-Jun and Ji-A.

“Why there are no one coming to this place?? This place is very beautiful..” Ji-A
wondering while she explore the restaurant design.

“Didn’t you say you don’t want me to get into dating scandal? So I asked them to
close early and serve us only..” said Hui-Jun sipping his drink.

“Who said I’m dating you...” Ji-A blush hearing that, she turn her head to look
around so Hui-Jun not catch her blushing.

The food is very nice, the athmosphere also very cozy. They both having a great time

“Are you going to the hospital tomorrow?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Tomorrow is my day break, that’s why I can have lots of drinks tonight... “ Ji-A

Some Other Day

“You like alcohol so much?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Not really, only if I have a good friend to drink with. a bad thing happen, but not
until I’m totally wasted... people say I’m a good drinker...also I don’t get drunk in
front of guy except Hyeon-U...” said Ji-A.

“The three of you seem very close..” said Hui-Jun.

“We’ve been together since preschool.... and Hyeon-U is the one that do everything
between the three of us..” Ji-A laugh.

“Have you finished the drama?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Yes.... It’s a nice story like everyone said... no wonder the nurses was gathering
in front of you before.... Joon daewi indeed very sexy and charming man...” Ji-A look
at Hui-Jun and smile. Hui-Jun like it, he like the way Ji-A look at him.

“So which one do you like more? Joon daewi or Park Hui-Jun?” Hui-Jun tease her.

“Both are impossible for me to have...” Ji-A smile, try to keep her reality.

“Why?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Joon daewi is never exist in reality, and actor Park Hui-Jun.... I don’t think it
will be easy for me to date with you...” Ji-A remember “the thousand girls line”.

“I’m just ordinary man outside my actor world.... it’s just my job.... anything
outside job is only a normal that sometimes throw a very bad joke.... me that
sometimes call you often just to say I miss you or asking what are you doing.... me
that will be so jealous if you like other man more than that sometimes will
ignore you because I’m busy but I want you to understand...” Hui-Jun look at Ji-A, he
doesn’t believe that he just confess to her.

But the feeling already linger in his since the first time they met. Ji-A smile
always attract him to keep remembering her. Her voice make him want to call her again
and again. He love her eyes and want to look at it everytime. And being with her like
this is a very nice moment for him.

Ji-A stoned hearing what Hui-Jun just said. She can feel that her face is suddenly
have a higher temperature and she can tell that now her face is blushing.

“Can we date? Can you be my girlfriend?” Hui-Jun ask in very careful tone. He can see
how shock Ji-A now.

Some Other Day

“Oppa... you are a a big star now.... is that okay if you choose me? Not Min-Soon
eonnie? Everyone said you are dating her... what happen if your fans kill me?” ask
Ji-A, she confused on every words that come out from her.

“Me and Min-Soon noona only friend, good friend. Nothing more. Also what’s wrong with
you being my girlfriend, I like you as a man like a woman, well you occupy my mind
since the beginning and... I don’t want anyone else either..” said Hui-Jun,

“Or maybe the burden is on you.... You are the youngest chaebol from the Baek clan,
so maybe I’m too commoner for your family?” Hui-Jun tease her.

“Oh please our family not living that life..... I even told my dad I will marry TOP
last month...” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun laugh hearing that,

“TOP?? Then what did he say?” ask Hui-Jun.

“He said I’m crazy and giving him headache.... he told me to married a normal korean
man since he turned down Bradley Cooper too..’” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun laugh, he is surely in love with the pretty and funny doctor in front of him

“Am I dreaming...” Ji-A mumbling and take another sip of her wine.

“I don’t know nothing on dating a celebrity... especially well known celebrity like
you... is that okay with you?” ask Ji-A.

“Let me ask you something,” Hui-Jun stand-up and walk to Ji-A. He kneel in front of
her then hold her hand.

“What if when I’m with you, I’m just Park Hui-Jun who like you very much and always
remember you since the first day we met. But I have a job that will make me a little
more busy than any guy you dated before, I may be travelling a lot and receive many
gifts from other girls. I can’t show you to public because I want to protect you. But
in time like this where I can spend it with you I will use it in a very special way
just to be with you. I’m just Park Hui-Jun who happen to like you and want you to be
his girlfriend. Is that okay with you?” Hui-Jun caress her hand with his thumb.

“It’s a lie if I said I don’t like you. It’s also a lie if I said I don’t want to be
your girlfriend and dating you. But will it be okay? Since if I love you more I don’t
want to end up losing you and things go bad between us.” Said Ji-A.

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“When we’re together I’m not actor Park Hui-Jun, I’m just Park Hui-Jun...and you’re
just Baek Ji-A my girlfriend. I don’t know what will happen next but I will do my
best to keep this thing between us. And I hope you do too..” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A smile, a very pretty smile. She nod and look at Hui-Jun. Hui-Jun move his face
closer, his lips reach for Ji-A lips. When they meet he touch her lips very gentle
stay like that for a moment then he kiss her, a very sweet kisses and he caress her
hair, while Ji-A link her arms in Hui-Jun shoulder. They’re lost in the moment and
enjoy the first day of them being as a couple.

“I guess I need to wear hat everytime now...” said Ji-A and Hui-Jun look at her
doesn’t understand her line.


“Is she already here?” Jae-Hwan ask his nurse.

“Not yet professor, do I need to call her?” ask the nurse. Jae-Hwan weighing the
option, if she has to be called then he will do it himself since he already peeping
into her phone number at the patient data base and save it in his phone.

“No... I will wait..” said Jae-Hwan

Jae-Hwan is waiting anxiously for his new cardio patient. Goh So-Mi who already met
him last week. He also do not understand himself today. He picked the most pretty tie
to match his suit that he choose carefully, he ask his maid to re-polish his shoes,
Jae-Hwan even spray his perfume more than usual to finish his looks. Suddenly his
door open, Jae-Hwan quickly stand,

“oppa...” Ji-A call Jae-Hwan.

Jae-Hwan disappointed to see his sister that happen to show up in his door.

“What?!!” said Jae-Hwan.

“Eeeyy what is it with your mood today.... come help me at the emergency, someone
just came in with cardiac arrest, we identified her as your patient. She asked to be
brought here before she collapsed.” Ji-A ask him to come immediately.

“We were able to take care her situation for now but she need further treatment or
surgery to find out more... and you are the best person to do that.” Said Ji-A.

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“Can’t you contact professor Kwak?? I have appointment with another patient.” Jae-
Hwan really want to meet the girl he’s been waiting for.

“Oppa she is your patient why do I have to call that weird Kwak, he keep starring at
me whenever he meet me..” said Ji-A.

“Hurry ...” Ji-A pull Jae-Hwan hand and drag him to follow her.

Jae-Hwan and Ji-A arrive at the emergency ward, when Jae-Hwan near the patient bed he
surprised of who he see. He run to make sure on what he see just then. It’s Goh So-

“What happen to her?” Jae-Hwan panic and examine her.

“She was collapsed 2 blocks from here, before she collapsed she told the man that
help her to be brought here so the paramedic brought her here. Her heart beat is very
slow, I manage to give her ephi when she crashed. Now the heart rate is stabilized
but you should check on her again to make sure.” Said Ji-A.

“WHY NO ONE PAGE ME WHEN SHE CAME???!!!!!” Jae-Hwan explode and Ji-A shocked to see
her brother act like that. It’s not the calm Jae-Hwan she know.

“Oppa..what are you doing... you know the drill, also when we did call you, but your
nurse said you have appointment and refer this to professor Kwak that’s why I manage
to save her first. Then I personally went to your office and brought you here..”
explain Ji-A.

Jae-Hwan take a deep breath, he examine Goh So-Mi and look at the chart. He looks
detail on what drugs that Ji-A already used for her. He check So-Mi handbag and found
her pills, he count the pills in details while thinking the next step he will do. His
heart beating in race, he need to calm down.

“Just move her to the VVIP room,” Jae-Hwan tell the nurse to move Goh So-MI

“NOW!!” he repeat his order.

Ji-A look at her brother with unbelievable look.

“But professor Jae-Hwan, base on her insurance profile she is not entitled for VIP or
VVIP ward.” Nurse Sung try to talk about So-Mi insurance coverage with Jae-Hwan.

But seems that line just add the fire in Jae-Hwan emotion, Jae-Hwan never affraid to
the emergency ward nazi, and give her a cold look.

Some Other Day

“I own the hospital, move her right now or you can kiss your position in this ward

So-Mi quickly moved to the VVIP ward with Jae-Hwan stay on her side and make sure all
the procedure done.

“What happen to your brother today?” Hyeon-U whisper carefully to Ji-A while they’re
moving So-Mi to the room.

“I don’t want to know..” said Ji-A.

Ji-A look at the patient more closely, she never seen her before today. Not even
once, she know all the girls that happen to be around in Jae-Hwan life, because
sometimes Jae-Hwan ask for her help to get rid few of them when things become too
uncomfortable for Jae-Hwan. But this woman, Ji-A never see her before. And she is
very sure that this woman also not from her aunt blind date potential list. She
doesn’t have insurance coverage for VIP ward, her clothes look too modest, her bag
not a high end designer bag, but Ji-A can tell the beauty of her. Ji-A look at Jae-
Hwan who look nervous seeing her lying like this.

“Is he in love?? With this eonnie??” Ji-A thought.

Jae-Hwan keep waiting for So-Mi to wake up. He read again all of her history chart
from her previous hospital, even Jae-Hwan asked for all test results she ever got in
there. He see So-Mi hand move little,

“Goh So-Mi shi??” Jae-Hwan called her name.

“Oh... doctor.... am I troubling you?” So-Mi try to smile but her chest feel a little
pain. She hold it.

Suddenly the door open and she see Beom-Seok running to her,

“Noona...are you okay?? I told you to wait for me.... why you insisting on going
alone. You were having fever last night... I told you to stop making that stupid
cakes yesterday..” Beom-Seok in franctic. He was called by the hospital about So-Mi
whereabout, he was with Hui-Jun. Hui-Jun was having a commercial shoot today. Hui-Jun
told him to go and see So-Mi.

“I was so happy I can contribute making cakes for their birthday.souvenir...” So-Mi
smile comforting her borther.

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“Are you good in making cakes?” Jae-Hwan jump in the conversation.

Beom-Seok recognize the doctor, he bow to Jae-Hwan.

“Hallo, I’m Goh Beom-Seok, I’m her dongsaeng, her guardian. Please take good care of
my sister..” Beom-Seok bow and ask him politely.

Jae-Hwan smile to him.

“I will do my best..” said Jae-Hwan reply his bow.

Jae-Hwan leave the room, he headed to his office. He has so many things in his
thought right now.

“noona, how come you passed out like that... I was terrified hearing the news..Hui-
Jun told me to come as soon as I got the call... “ Beom-Seok put his bag and sit
beside her.

“Poor Hui-Jun, lately he is so busy. I must call him and apologize for dragging you
here like this..” said So-Mi.

“Noona it’s fine. He is also worry hearing you collapsed. My noona, please listen to
me very well don’t do anything hard. I really hate it when you’re lying in hospital
like this...” Beom-Seok hold So-Mi hand.

Beom-Seok phone ringing,

“Oh Hui-Jun...Yes, I’m at the hospital now..”

“Ooh..she’s fine now, but she need to stay for a while..”

“ I can come tomorrow, the landlord will come and stay with her..”

“Oohh.. I understand... bye..”

Beom-Seok look around the room, it is definitely a VVIP room. Similar to place where
Hui-Jun brought before.

“Noona, is our insurance can cover this room?” Beom-Seok strange seeing how luxury
this room compare to his sister previous room in previous hospital.

“I don’t think so, Beom-Seok can you check I’m afraid there’s a mistake.” Said So-Mi.

Beom-Seok goes to the inpatient administration, he bump with Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“Oh... doctor...” Beom-Seok greet her.

Ji-A suprise to see Beom-Seok in her hospital, Hui-Jun said that his manager doesn’t
know about him dating her. So she has to be careful.

“Are you here alone? Or did something happen to Hui-Jun again?” Ji-A ask carefully
although she cannot lie that she feel worry now.

“Oh no.... I’m not here with Hui-Jun... It’s my sister.” Said Beom-Seok

“Oohh....” Ji-A relaxed with what Beom-Seok just said.

“I need to ask something, can you help me?” ask Beom-Seok.

“What kind of question?” reply Ji-A.

“It’s about my sister insurance coverage. I don’t think it cover even for VIP room,
but I see that my sister placed in VVIP room....” said Beom-Seok.

“Let’s ask then..” said Ji-A.

“You heard him... can you help to check it for me?” Ji-A ask the administrator
officer in front of them.

“What is her name sir?” ask the officer lady.

“Goh So-Mi..” said Beom-Seok.

Ji-A remember the name, the emergency patient who makes Jae-Hwan frantic.

“Is it the one that my oppa ask to upgrade?” Ji-A whisper to the girl.

After checking on the her creen the girl nod, “Professor Jae-Hwan said to put all the
excess bill into his account..” The girl whisper too and show Ji-A the sign document
by Jae-Hwan.

“Is he crazy or what....” Ji-A thought, “Is eonnie know?” Ji-A ask her again.

“I don’t know doctor..” the girl shook her head, “Emm doctor, professor Jae-Hwan said
this is confidential and should not leak this to the patient or her guardian..” the
girl whisper again.

“Then what should I say??” Ji-A confused.

But then she realized she can’t make Beom-Seok uncomfortable too with her brother
blunt act. She look at Beom-Seok figure out what kind of sentence that she’s going to
tell him.

Some Other Day

“Oppa... I don’t think there’s a mistake. Emmm but your sister was having a cardiac
arrest and our room that match with your insurance package is full. So we put her in
the VVIP room for some time until we get the room that match with her insurance you don’t have to be worry about the bill. It’s all covered.” Ji-A
smile, she feel guilty for telling the lie to Beom-Seok.

“Oohh... I see. Then I understand. Thank you doctor.” Said Beom-Seok.

“Anytime. You can look for me if you need something...” said Ji-A then she bow and
left Beom-Seok quickly.

Jae-Hwan stay at his office until very late at night. He visit So-Mi sometimes to
check her updates, like he’s doing right now

“Oh you haven’t going home yet?” So-Mi wake up.

“I’m so sory. I must be waking you up. I need to check your pulse and your blood
pressure.” Jae-Hwan do the checking by himself not the nurse as it usually should.

“No it’s fine. Why are you still here?” ask So-Mi

“I just need to check this and go home...” Jae-Hwan lie. He is not planning on going
home, he already ask someone to pick up his clothes and other needs for few days.

“Tomorrow I’m going to run some test for you. I need you to be healthy tomorrow so we
can conduct the test. “ Jae-Hwan look at So-Mi. It’s a strange feeling that Jae-Hwan
has right now. He cannot leave So-Mi he need to be with her.

“Okay..” So-Mi nod.

“I have surgery schedule by morning. So I will have your test schedule after that.”
Said Jae-Hwan.

“Thank you..” So-Mi look at Jae-Hwan.

“For what?” Jae-Hwan reply but he keep his eyes into his watch to count the beat.

“For being so nice to me. This kind of checking usually done by the nurse but you do
it personally for me...” said So-Mi

“Well I usually do this in here..” Jae-Hwan lie.

“I live most of my youth in hospital so I know how it works between doctor and the
nurse...” So-Mi smile.

Some Other Day

Jae-Hwan catch her smile, and it comfort him.

“Who will stay with you tomorrow? I’m sure your brother need to work..” ask Jae-Hwan.

“Oh its okay I can stay by myself... I’m a veteran in thing like hospital sleep in
hehehe..” So-Mi try to joke around.

“You can call your parent to come, they can stay in here too we provide additional
bed for the guardian.” said Jae-Hwan.

So-Mi smile, she pause for a while.

“I only live with Beom-Seok. Our parents died when I was 10, then we lived with
grandmother but she passed away when I was 20, so it’s only Beom-Seok and me..” said

Jae-Hwan look at her, he lost words.

“I will leave you to rest...” Jae-Hwan leave So-Mi and back to his office.

He can’t stop thinking about So-Mi now...more than before.


“Oppa do you know Goh So-Mi??? She is having the same age with you and Jae-Hwan oppa.
Is she a friend from high school?? Or elementary school?? Or what??” Ji-A meet
Gyeong-Su this afternoon and they are now having lunch on a burger place near Gyeong-
Su office.

“You come all the way looking for me just to ask that... I’m so offended..” Gyeong-Su
pretend to be disappointed. He was so happy when Ji-A call him and ask him for lunch
together. His Ji-A.

“Eeyyy....I really come to have lunch with you..” Ji-A smile at him.

“Goh So-Mi? Let see.... no... I don’t think she is our friend at school...why?” ask

“Jae-Hwan oppa is really strange now. And I’m really sure that this is happen because
that Goh So-Mi eonnie...” Ji-A busy with her own thought.

“Is she pretty?” ask Gyeong-Su, “Should I visit her and ask what happen between her
and Jae-Hwan?” ask Gyeong-Su again.

Some Other Day

“She is pretty.... and a very calm lady..” said Ji-A.

“Not like you?” Gyeong-Su smile.

“Iiisshh oppa... you promise that I will always be the most beautiful person for you
even Miranda Kerr standing next to me...” Ji-A look at Gyeong-Su.

Gyeong-Su pretend to think about it so hard.....”Miranda Kerr is very sexy right now
you now.... she was one of the Victoria Secret’s angel too....” said Gyeong-Su.

“Oppa...” Ji-A mad at him.

They both laughing and enjoying their burger.

“I will ask Jae-Hwan about the girl. We will meet tomorrow at the basketball game..”
said Gyeong-Su.

“You should forget the basketball game. Jae-Hwan oppa will bailed it, he never come
home since Goh So-Mi staying in our hospital. He even do all the checking by himself.
He make Goh So-Mi case personal. When it was his break he spend it at her room
talking and eat together... I can’t believe I saw that side of him...” Ji-A told
everything she’s been spying into.

“Then I will have free time tomorrow.... should we go together??? Watching movie?”
ask Gyeong-Su.

“I can’t... I have something to do tomorrow..” said Ji-A.

“Date?” Gyeong-Su ask carefully, try to hide his feeling.

“What date?? I just have some errand to do...” Ji-A lie.

“Why don’t you find your own date?” ask Ji-A trying to divert the date conversation.

“Why don’t you find me a date?” reply Gyeong-Su.

“Should I try to find Miranda Kerr phone number??” joke Ji-A.

“If you can do that I will build you a house...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Wuah... that’s tempting....” said Ji-A.

“Don’t hang around with many boyfriends..... keep yourself good you’ll have a nice
man in the end to marry you...” Gyeong-Su look at Ji-A with all his heart into his

Some Other Day

“You too.... don’t keep hanging around with Jae-Hwan oppa. You need to find a good
girl to be your wife..” said Ji-A.

“Iiisshhh I can’t believe I have 2 handsome oppas but they’re very suck in finding a
good girl...” Ji-A shake her head.

Gyeong-Su smile, he don’t need to look for another girl, his dream wife is in front
of him. It’s just a matter of time.


Mi-Yeon is waiting for her turn for her coffee at the coffee shop one block from the
hospital. She stay late because she need to pack some clothes that she already not

“I really should not do that last night..” Mi-Yeon still sleepy.

“What is your order?” the barista ask her.

“1 iced americano, 1 iced caramel machiato and 1 iced vanilla latte..” Mi-Yeon order
3 different beverages for her, Ji-A and Hyeon-U.

She wait for her order to be ready while reading a magazine. It has Park Hui-Jun as
its cover.

“Baek Ji-A really hit jackpot .... who know she really date a celebrity like him...”
Mi-Yeon mumbling while reading Park Hui-Jun interview in that magazine.

“Chagi-ya....” suddenly Dong-Hyeok appear in front of her.

“Oh you surprise me.... What’s with chagi-ya?? I’m not your baby..” said Mi-Yeon.

“Eeyyy is Ji-A virus still attach in you??? Let it go, her virus is bad for your
life...” said Dong-Hyeok.

Mi-Yeon smile. She remember her first meeting with Dong-Hyeok it was at Ji-Yeon
wedding reception. She was sitting at the corner pulling off her shoes and enjoyed
her wine. Suddenly someone come and join her at that table.

“Is the wine taste good?” ask him.

“It’s good....” said Mi-Yeon.

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“Why are you not dancing?” ask him again.

“My leg give up... I’ve dance 3 songs already..” said Mi-Yeon.

“You are Ji-A friend? I’m Nam Dong-Hyeok.... I’m the groom little brother...” Dong-
Hyeok introduce himself.

“Ahhh the cassanova ..... “ Mi-Yeon laugh.

“What??!!!!” Dong-Hyeon do not believe what he just heard.

“Ji-A told me to be careful on’re a cassanova.... a playboy....a brat..”

said Mi-Yeon.

“You never date me, how can you tell me I’m a playboy... I am a very loyal man...”
said Dong-Hyeok.

“Yep...every playboy say that..” Mi-Yeon raise her glass and finish her wine.

Since then Dong-Hyeok keep contacting her by text sometimes he send a silly message
or picture.

“I don’t need Ji-A virus to stay away from you. You are dangerous for me so I should
keep myself alert..” said Mi-Yeon.

“You tell me I was a nice guy before..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“That’s not me... that’s the drunken me...” said Mi-Yeon.

“Then should we get drunk again so you can be my date?” tease Dong-Hyeok.

Mi-Yeon has her order ready,

“Maybe we can...” she smile.

“I’ll take you to your workplace..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“You’re not working?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“Why should I?? Hyung already took care everything. I will ruin everything if I work
with him... “ said Dong-Hyeok.

Mi-Yeon only look at him speechless.


Some Other Day

“Is the movie good?” Ji-A checking again her face and hair.

“It is directed by the same person who direct my previous movie... he is a great
director..” Hui-Jun answer.

“Is it okay you go with me?” ask Ji-A.

“Beom-Seok already know about you. I guess I have to tell him so he can protect you
if something happen during the premiere show... you just relax. I cannot sit beside
you but we will be together again after the movie done and we go for dinner.” Hui-Jun
smile at her.

“Actually .... I really want to spend today with you alone, but it’s my sunbae movie
premiere and he personally call me to invite me to this I’m sorry for
dragging you here too..” Hui-Jun toss aside Ji-A falling hair.

“You look very pretty now... I don’t like it that other man will see you alone...”
said Hui-Jun.

They arrive at the parking lot where the premiere show held. Beom-Seok already
waiting for them and he rushes to them when he see them.

“Good night doctor Ji-A..” greet Beom-Seok.

“Hi Beom-Seok oppa, how is your eonnie? Is she getting better now??” Ji-A ask about
Goh So-Mi.

“She’s doing good now. Thank you to doctor Baek, he really took good care my noona.
She is at home now..” said Beom-Seok.

“You should go now... I will be with her and sit in the back row of yours. “ Beom-
Seok told Hui-Jun to go first.

Hui-Jun look around and plant a quick kiss at Ji-A lips,

“Meet you there..” he say.

Ji-A blushing receive such a sweet surprise from him.

Ji-A and Beom-Seok now at the same place with Hui-Jun. She can spot Hui-Jun is at the
red carpet waving hand to the reporters that busy taking his picture and asking
random question wishing him to answer. Hui-Jun look very different, he look stunning

Some Other Day

even in a jeans, plain soft blue shirt and sneakers. Ji-A very proud to be with him,
to be his girlfriend. She can’t take her eyes from Hui-Jun.

“He is going to be more busy next month..” Beom-Seok said.

“Why?” ask Ji-A.

“He has a line up fan meeting in various city in china, he also planning to go to
Japan, Malaysia and Indonesia. Australia also in talks for a fan meeting. After that
he need to prepare for his next movie and maybe he will stay at Boryeong for few
months since the filming will take place in there. Will you be okay?” Beom-Seok ask

“Oppa how is his previous girlfriend?” ask Ji-A.

“Why are you asking me that?” Beom-Seok anticipated on what come out next.

“I’m just curious... is she an actress?” ask Ji-A.

“You should ask that question to him, not to me.” Said Beom-Seok.

Suddenly Ji-A catch something. Seo Min-Soon, Hui-Jun co-player from his latest drama
is come and now they’re making a pose together. While most of the fans that attending
the premiere now are screaming seeing the two of them together. Ji-A look at that
scene and somehow it is not easy for her to not get jealous. Ji-A turn her body,

“Oppa can we sit now?” she ask Beom-Seok.

“That’s good idea, let’s find our seat..” Beom-Seok agree with her.

Ji-A not enjoying the movie at all. She keep staring at Hui-Jun that sit next to Min-
Soon and see how they enjoy their conversation. After the movie done Hui-Jun stalled
by fangirls whose surrounding him and ask for his signature and picture together. Ji-
A can only watch him feeling a little sad seeing that she has to share initimate
gesture like that with other girl.

“You really need to be patient and tough being on a dating relationship him..” Beom-
Seok catch her mood.

“I know... it seem hard ...” Ji-A smile in agony.

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“Oppa, will he lose everything if the media found out that he is dating me? I mean
like commercial contract fee that he need to pay back...” Ji-A learn about how a
celebrity will deal with when they breach the contract agreement.

“For dating there’s no penalty for that, we don’t have that point. But we try to
manage the dating issue not to leak or go public since it’s for your own good too.
People will start looking at you, some of them will do judgement too.... Hui-Jun
really like you and he really want to protect you. So he hide your relationship, he
only share his work with public. Things like family, you and his personal life is
private for him. And he like to keep it that way.” Beom-Seok explain.

“Will they pull my hair out if they find out I’m dating him?” said Ji-A

“What?? Who will do that??” Beom-Seok laugh.

“His fans...” reply Ji-A.

“I sometimes manage to see his news and few forums that having discussion about him.
Many of them really ship him to be a real couple with Min-Soon noona, since they look
really good together in previous drama. And they really support him on dating a girl.
So don’t be nervous or think too far... his age allow him to be dating, you are
pretty too if you’re a celebrity too you are equal to be compare with Min-Soon noona,
also you are younger than her. So have confidence.... you are way too good for him.
He is lucky to have you. He said that to me and Gi-Gwang.” Beom-Seok tap her

Ji-A feel a little shy hearing Beom-Seok say that. So she have plus point than Min-
Soon noona. But the next view is irritating her and boiling her blood.

A girl lean on Hui-Jun so close when they are taking picture together, at the end she
ask for a kiss on her cheek saying that this is her birthday. Ji-A keep looking at
them starting to get angry, turn out Hui-Jun plant a peck her on the cheek and hug
her. She is happy and jumping,

“Really???!!!!!!!!” Ji-A say in loud voice. Beom-Seok try to hold her hand by saying
that it’s only fan service.

But Ji-A doesn’t care at all, she turn back and headed outside. While Hui-Jun see her
leaving and panic but he cannot leave the crowd.

Outside the building, Ji-A hurriedly stop a taxi and get in.

“Aiiisshhhh I should pull her hair out!!!!” she is really mad seeing that scene.

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She’s texting Hyeon-U and MI-Yeon, she need them right now.

“Where are you?” text Ji-A

Another minutes Hyeon-U reply come first

“I’m having a date why?”

Ji-A become more irritating reading that text.

“YA!! You have to broke up with her or I tell Ji-Yeon eonnie to fire you on Monday..”
reply Ji-A

Next is Mi-Yeon reply her text,

“I’m visiting my mom, why?” Mi-Yeon reply show up.

Ji-A sad that her friends are unavailable for her today. She remember one person, and
call him

“Oppa, are you at home?” Ji-A ask.

“I’m at the firm.. why?” said Gyeong-Su.

“Let’s go out together, you said you’re free today...” said Ji-A.

“Where are you now?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“I will be at your office in 15 minutes but you should already outside, I don’t want
to come in..” said Ji-A.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you outside. Be careful...”said Gyeong-Su.

Hui-Jun call her, but Ji-A choose to ignore him. She really don’t want to deal with
him right now. Hui-Jun call again, and again. Ji-A turn off her phone.

“Arrrgghhh she turn off her phone. I should plant a GPS on her head.” Hui-Jun

“Did she tell you where she’s going?’ ask Hui-Jun.

“She just left... she’s too angry to talk about her next stop” Beom-Seok try to joke.

Hui-Jun cannot stop thinking about Ji-A, he feel so sorry for taking her to this
occasion. He should know that things like that would happen and Ji-A still not ready
to deal with that. It’s too soon.

Some Other Day

“Should we stop at the hospital? I can go around asking her,” said Beom-Seok.

“She’s not going to be there, it’s her day off. She’s not the type to spend her day
off working.” Hui-Jun know Ji-A, “How is So-Mi noona? Is she better now?” ask Hui-

“She is now. Ji-A older brother is taking her case now. And he is a very good doctor.
He give her more attention than her previous doctor. Noona also very comfort with
him, so she told him everything about her disease. It’s new. Usually noona always
keep it to herself, even she sometimes bailed the treatment because she feel bad the
doctor couldn’t cure her. But now she always listen to the new doctor.” Said Beom-

“Thanks God... I hope she’s getting better .... I always love seeing So-Mi noona
happy doing her hobby.” Said Hui-Jun.

When they’re little they always hang around Beom-Seok place. So-Mi sometime bake them
a cake. And cake that So-Mi made is delicious. One time Gi-Gwang thrown idea that
they should sell the cake that So-Mi made, so So-Mi work all night making the cake to
be sell at school. But the next morning they found So-Mi collapsed due to fatigue and
excitement make her heart beating too fast.

Ji-A and Gyeong-Su arrive at their favourite restaurant. The chef is famous too and
often show at cooking variety show on TV.

“Long time not see both of you..” the chef greet them.

“He’s busy drawing buildings..” Ji-A answer and hug the chef.

“She’s busy dating and get dumped..” said Gyeong-Su shaking the chef hand.

“YA!!!! That’s really not true...” JI-A upset with Gyeog-Su words.

The men laugh with Ji-A reaction.

“I will make you something delicious, just wait..” the chef then go to his kitchen.

“When is the last time we come here?” ask Ji-A.

“Your birthday...” Gyeong-Su reply.

“Ah right.... we went for udon after this with Jae-Hwan oppa and his date....” Ji-A

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“Yeah and that girl was so annoying keep asking Jae-Hwan leaving the udon place...”
Gyeong-Su added.

“And Jae-Hwan oppa ask her to leave first and that girl cry... what a terrible
birthday...” said Ji-A.

“Where were Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon at that time? You three always stick together at time
like birthday..” Gyeong-Su remember Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon missing in the picture.

“Hyeon-U was grounded by Jae-Hwan oppa because he did wrong on his task and cannot
leave the hospital. Mi-Yeon is having a date and the day after that she found out
that her boyfriend had another girlfriend..” said Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su laugh.

“You look different today... you even put make up on your face...were you on a a
blind date before?? And that man is really ugly and you runaway?? Am I your back up
plan again??” Gyeong-Su find Ji-A look very pretty today.

“That’s not like that. I just feel bored at home and look after you..Hyeon-U and Mi-
Yeon cannot be with me..” said Ji-A.

“I am your back up plan” Gyeong-Su pretending to be upset.

“Excuse me..” a woman with stunning appearance is standing beside them right now.

“Gyeong-Su shi do you still remember me?” She ask Gyeong-Su and throw a glance at Ji-
A for a second.

Ji-A watch both of them curious about the woman.

“Aah...” Gyeong-Su remember this woman, but he forget her name

“Yoon Nabi..we met last month at Shilla.” Said the woman named Yoon Nabi

“Ahh right... how are you?” Gyeong-Su act politely to her.

“I’m fine... I’ve been waiting for your call..” Nabi smile and look at Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A now can identified her, so she is Gyeong-Su blind date partner. She feel pity
for Jae-Hwan and Gyeong-Su for the last 3 months her aunt very optimist that she will
find Jae-Hwan and Gyeong-Su a decent wife.

“Ahahah I’m sorry but I’m kinda busy lately, are you here alone?” ask Gyeong-Su

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“No.. I’m with my high school friends we’re having a reunion time...and you?” Nabi
look at Ji-A

“Oh.. I’m his sister...dongsaeng.... Baek Ji-A” Ji-A introduces her and bow politely.

Gyeong-Su feel upset hearing Ji-A saying that. But he let it go.

“Oh...please call me eonnie. You have a very pretty little sister..” Yoon Nabi
gesture change in front of Ji-A soon she heard the “little sister” word.

Ji-A can feel Nabi change of gesture, she dislikes her immediately.

“Another fake doll..” Ji-A whisper to herself.

meoreojiryeo hamyeon halsurok. dagagago sipeojineun geol. oemyeonharyeo hamyeon

halsurok. deouk twigo sipeojineun geol. meoreojiryeo hamyeon halsurok. dagagago
sipeojineun geol. jigeum idaero nal barabomyeon dwae

I need your attention (BoA – Kiss My Lips)

Hui-Jun park his car close to Ji-A house, he then spot a black Range Rover pull over
and Ji-A come out from the front door. She chat for a while then the black Range
Rover leave and pass his car. Hui-Jun catch a man driving the car. He rushed open the
door and call her name. Ji-A turn her body hearing someone call her name.

“Oppa?!!” Jia-shocked to see Hui-Jun walk toward her.

“I’ve been searching then end up waiting for you here, and you come home with a man?”
Hui-Jun sound very jealous.

Ji-A pouting her lips and avoid his eyes, “He is a can ask my mom who he

“Then why you left?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Why you kiss and hug that girl..” Ji-A express her jealousy. Hui-Jun smile, he know
that this is what cause Ji-A left,

“She’s a fan, and she is having birthday today. She came all the way from Busan to
meet me at the premiere. She spend all her saving just to buy the ticket and
accommodation to get to the premiere. That’s all.. you should understand, things like

Some Other Day

that will happen with me. But you know exactly who own my’s you..” Hui-Jun
hug Ji-A.

“You also look very close with Min-Soon eonnie. I don’t want to come to occasion like
that’s tiring for my heart..” said Ji-A.

“I understand, I won’t talk with her again..” Hui-Jun smile and hug her more tight.

“Liar..” Ji-A pinch his waist.

Hui-Jun loosen his hug, he look at Ji-A. He caress her hair and cheek.

“You know I was going crazy looking for you ..” Hui-Jun hug Ji-A again.

“I’m not going to say sorry... it was your fault..” said Ji-A, Hui-Jun laugh.

“So, should I accept the punishment then for being so wrong today?” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A link her arms to Hui-Jun neck,

“I don’t know what kind of punishment that I should give to you...” said Ji-A.

She look at Hui-Jun, smile and Hui-Jun can’t hold it again. Her smile is like a magic
to him. His lips immediately touch her lips, then he plant a deep kiss into her. He
stop after a while to see Ji-A reaction, Ji-A look bewitched by the kiss. She look
very cute right now,

“I should make a lot of mistake then..” Hui-Jun whisper.

“Why?” ask Ji-A.

“I love your punishment..” Hui-Jun kiss her again and Ji-A reply his kisses, kisses
that drive Hui-Jun crazy.


Another Baek family day at the free clinic. Today clinic is busy with the elderly.
The came from the nursery near the neighborhood. Ryeo-Uk come today and help with
administration process with Ji-Yeon. While Ji-A busy entertaining the elderly, she
sing and dance with them and the twins. Jae-Hwan and Jae-Dok handle the patients.
While Mi-Na as usual responsible in food. Gyeong-Su help Mi-Na distributing food and
drinks to all the guests. After all the service done, as usual the family sit
together enjoying their meal together.

Some Other Day

“So who is Goh So-Mi?” Gyeong-Su look at Jae-Hwan while passing the salad.

Jae-Hwan look shocked and not ready taking the question,

“Who is Goh So-Mi?” ask Mi-Na.

“The one that make him yelled at the ER..” said Ji-A receive the salad from Gyeong-

“Yelled??” Jae-Dok never thought his son can do that.

“She also the one that keep him stay overnight at the hospital..” Ji-A plan to reveal
all the things she know about this new doctor and patient scandal.

Jae-Hwan kick her feet to make her stop.

“Really?? wah I should really meet this girl..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Finally Jae-Hwan get knocked out by a girl...” Ryeo-Uk smile, he remember Ji-Yeon
told him that Jae-Hwan even paid all the hospital bill for that girl.

“Jae-Hwan throw LOTS of money this month..” Ji-Yeon smile.

“Ah right.. Goh So-Mi also...” Ji-A cannot finish her sentence as Jae-Hwan put a
large piece of meat in her mouth.

“Wah do you really got smitten by a patient?” Jae-Dok tease his son.

“I only act as a good doctor for her...” Jae-Hwan defend.

“Even when I’m hospitalized you’re never sleepover at the hospital for me..” Mi-Na
smile at her son.

“Please stop it, I just don’t know how to tell about her yet..” Jae-Hwan explain.

Everyone in the table smile.

“So how is our maknae doing now?? We seem have a very quiet month of her..” ask Ryeo-

“Said who... she was fighting at the parking lot... appa, this girl really need a
class for proper behavior. She kicked and yelled at the parking lot..” Ji-Yeon told
everyone about her fight with Bora.

“Fighting??!!!! This crazy girl.... I thought you already over your gangster
period??” Mi-Na look at her daughter upset. But Ji-A do not seem affraid at all.

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“That crazy Bora started first, and stupid Hyeon-U dating her. Eonnie can you just
date Hyeon-U so he will dump that witch???” Ji-A look at Ji-Yeon. Ji-Yeon laugh
hearing that, everyone know how Hyeon-U is head over heels at her.

“Eheeyy what are you talking, she is my wife and I’m not planning on giving her to
anyone..” Ryeo-Uk hug Ji-Yeon shoulder and point his spoon to Ji-A.

“Dong-Hyeok said he met you at Itaewon?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“Yeah I met him more than once this month...” said Ji-A, “Ah!!! Appa...I think I will
really date a celebrity...” she is laughing.

Jae-Dok look at his daughter,

“Are you really going to marry the man you showed me the picture last month?? That
POP???” said Jae-Dok

Everyone in the table laugh,

“It’s TOP ... not POP.... I’m not going to date a music genre...” Ji-A shakes her
head hearing what just her father said.

“Whatever I don’t care....” reply Jae-Dok.

“Can I marry him then??” ask Ji-A.

“You’ll marry him.... I want to have a peace retirement when I’m old” said Jae-Dok
pointing his finger to Gyeong-Su.

“Eeyyy appa, Gyeong-Su oppa is having girlfriend right now. Her name is Yoon Nabi...”
said Ji-A.

“Really?? then who will marry you next when he’s not available?? He is the only man
that can handle your crazy attitude..” Jae-Dok said.

“No..No.... that’s not true..I don’t have a girlfriend yet.” Gyeong-Su panic when he
heard Nabi mentioned in the table.

“Wuah.. so you dumped Ji-A too now??? Good choice.. she’s too tiring to handle, you
better with a decent girl.. “ Ji-Yeon tease Gyeong-Su.

“It’s not like that I just met her once... and I met her again while me and Ji-A at
the restaurant..” Gyeong-Su explain.

“He has a blind date with that girl....” Ji-A tell everyone.

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“Mi-Seok did that??” Mi-Na ask Gyeog-Su.

“Who else..” Jae-Hwan reply.

Jae-Dok look at his daughter..“Yeobo I think we will have a celebrity son in law then
..she’ll going to marry that POP...” Jae-Dok talk to his wife.

“It’s TOP!!!” Ji-A correct his father.

“Appa, she late again 4 times this month..” Jae-Hwan throw his bullet to revenge Ji-

“I’m not!!!” said Ji-A.

“Nurse Sung tell me about that late ..but she’s not put that late on her record since
she bribe her with 2 cupcakes” Jae-Hwan keep attacking his sister.

Ji-A lost for words, she should bribe that nazi with dozen of cupcakes next time.

“You really is a brat, Ji-Yeon cut all her salary this month...” Jae-Dok said to Ji-

“Aahhh... appa please don’t do that I need to buy ticket for EXO showcase next
week...” Ji-A whining to her father.

“Is that my another future son in law??” Jae-Dok ignore her whining.

“I guess so... I think I need to join idol mom club from now so I can figure out my
next son in law..” said Mi-Na.

“I think you should dumped that Nabi and really marry her to make her straight...”
said Jae-Hwan to Gyeong-Su.

“I think I will get phone call tomorrow asking for free ticket..” Ryeo-Uk added the

“And you will get a call to drive her...” Ji-Yeon said to Gyeong-Su.

“When is the concert? Should I leave my schedule open that day??” Gyeong-Su tease Ji-

“I must be adopted so everyone loves making fun of me...” Ji-A mumbling while her
family laugh seeing her.


Some Other Day


„....And I’m surrounded by, a million people eyes. Still feel

alone, And let me go home. Oh.. I miss you, you know.“
(Home – Michael Bublè)

Some Other Day

Ji-A look very pissed while she is reading the news on her tablet, she is sighing
many times. Hui-Jun is on his Fan Meeting parade in China. He already been there for
four days since he also have some broadcast schedule with local television, today is
his last fan meeting. He said he will be home tomorrow afternoon. Ji-A so irritating
to look at the pictures shown at the fan meeting that currently is on. The picture of
Hui-Jun, Seo Min-Soon and 2 other celebrity is reveal as part of Hui-Jun personal
photo session. Seems like Hui-Jun was asked to reveal several personal pictures saved
in his phone, Ji-A know the other 3 pictures since she already saw them also, but the
first 2 pictures pissed her. Hui-Jun even said that this picture taken 2 days before
his departure to China, Ji-A try to remember where she was that night, and why she’s
not spending time with Hui-Jun like usual. And the most impotant question is why Hui-
Jun not telling her about this.

“You follow the fan meeting?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“I keep refreshing this twitter page so I can get the update...this is making me
nuts..” Ji-A sound very irritating.

“Where was I on wednesday night?” Ji-A ask Mi-Yeon.

“Is that important?” Mi-Yeon ask her back.

“You were with me...” Hyeon-U remember that night correctly.

“Doing what?” Ji-A really do not remember.

“We have surgery, with professor Oh and Jae-Hwan hyung...major surgery.... the lady
who gave birth then have a heart attack, she crashed during C-section.... remember??”
Hyeon-U remember exactly what happen that day.

“Aaahhh right.... He called me 3 times but I was still in surgery...” Ji-A now
remember why Hui-Jun were at that place and have those pictures taken. But Ji-A still
mad, because Hui-Jun not telling her about this. He only told her that he’s going to
have dinner at his actor friend’s restaurant.

“Who call you?? Waaahh Hui-Jun and Min-Soon really lead rumor into something...” Mi-
Yeon comment on the pictures. Hui-Jun was stand beside her and the pose looks very

“Everyone say they are dating, even very sure about that. Don’t you feel that
annoying?” ask Mi-Yeon.

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“Even most of them think they’re dating and prepare a wedding...” Hyeon-U add and
laugh, Ji-A kick him.

“I’m pissed.... but what can I do... I feel like I’m the mistress and she is the
wife... since I always hiding like now..” said Ji-A.

“That is the best thing for you. He put you inside his circle, he doesn’t want the
media exploit you and torn your privacy. Believe me you will not like that..” said

“Are you picking his side? Because he gave you his autograph for that witch??” ask

“I’m just saying if I were in his shoes I will do the same for Bora. Only by seeing
this pictures you already frantic and thinking out of nowhere. If people find out
about you some people may be dishes you in the forum and I bet your blood pressure
will reach its maximum limit.” Hyeon-U know exactly his bestfriend temper.

Ji-A silent, and think about what Hyeon-U said. That’s maybe right, she thinks.

“Relax... he is in love with you I can tell. He always send me text to take care of
you while he’s gone..” Mi-Yeon hug her bestfriend shoulder.

Only Mi-Yeon and Hyeon-U who knows about their relationship, even Ji-A hide it from
her family. She doesn’t want to reveal it yet. And both Mi-Yeon and Hyeon-U know how
hard it is for Ji-A for keeping this secretly dating celebrity things. She cannot go
to public place for date, They cannot go to the movie theater since there’s a worry
that people may recognize him and cause a ruckus. Well who will not recognize as his
banner is now spotted in every corner famous place. Even a store display a building
size of his picture. If you go to the mall you can easily find his face in the
commercial banner. Not to mention the CF on television. They were once try to go and
watch the baseball game, Hui-Jun wear his mask, sunglasses and cap, but that only
inviting people to be curious about him, so they left the game before it’s even

“Believe me it’s for your own good, do you want some reporters follow you around and
write anything about you. Even the slightest things like for example you walking
alone at Gangnam, then they will speculate that you and him are broke up. With your
temper I bet you’ll flip once someone write something bad about you..” said Hyeon-U.

“I don’t know what’s with our society, so if actors have a girlfriend or idol dating
become a scandal. And most agency really take precautions on that things. What’s

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wrong for having a lover, even all the hollywood celebrity can go public with their
couple and everything still doing good for them,..” said Ji-A.

“They need to keep the image that the idol is available and all the fan girls will be
head over heels to them.... it makes the selling point goes up. Many idols or actress
or actors does have a lover but they keep it secret. First they’re very aware of
their privacy breach, second to avoid the bad rumour on the relationship by third
party. You can read how the netizen dishes some idols if they caught doing something
weird. I feel pitty for celebrity, they really need to be perfect. Even to go hang
out in public place, enjoying the crowd and dating comfortly is a luxury for them..”
Hyeon-U tell his point.

“I know that... even most of your dates spent in the car right?” said Mi-Yeon.

“That’s our favourite place, inside a car near Han river...” Ji-A smile.

“Hui-Jun is the perfect man for you. I often think that he’s out of his mind because
he choose you over the Korean goddess Seo Min-Soon, I don’t know what he sees in you
that make him get over heels with you....” Hyeon-U shakes his head.

Ji-A throw a mean look to Hyeon-U, “Do you want to die?? I’m the most pretty one in
here...” said Ji-A.

“If you said Min-Soon is korean goddess then how about Ji-Yeon eonnie?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“She is my goddess...” Hyeon-U smile.

“I just miss him.....I want to show everyone that I have a very decent man as my
man...but I can’t..” sigh Ji-A.

“No one have a perfect story... so just cherish it..” Hyeon-U sit beside her.

“Like you and that witch?? Are you really not going to break up with her?” ask Ji-A.

“Why should I...she’s pretty, she’s very nice to me, she hate both of you so she
always talk about you two which happen make me never forget about you two, also both
of you hate her...that’s perfect” reply Hyeon-U.

“God, listening to both of you make me sick. Should you tell me story about your love
life?” Mi-Yeon protest.

“What happen to Dong-Hyeok?” ask Hyeon-U.

“Don’t tell me you already find him missing...” Ji-A pretend to be shock.

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“HAHA... very funny. Nothing happen between me and that spoiled chaebol..” said Mi-

“Good.... don’t ever fall for him...” said Ji-A.

“I said fall for him.... “ said Hyeon-U.

“Why do I have to take advice from romance losers like both of you…” said Mi-Yeon.



Park Hui-Jun wrapping up his fan meeting, he is now taking pictures with his fans.
Thousand of fans attend the fan meeting, he is so proud of what he achieve this year.
After 8 years being in this industry, this year he reach the top of his career. He
enjoyed this kind of occassion where he can be so close with his fans and thanked
them for always suppport him during his career.

“Thank you for always supporting me. Keep supporting and cheer me, I will do my best
to make all of you proud of me..” Hui-Jun bow, wave and give a big smile to all his

At the backstage the staff greet him and congratulate him.

“There’re some fans who win the lucky draw and wait for picture together with you.”
Beom-Seok point his finger to some girls line up waiting for Hui-Jun

“Okay..” Hui-Jun walk towards them.

“Hi, very nice to meet you I’m Park Hui-Jun..” Hui-Jun smile and greet them in fluent
chinese. Hui-Jun hand shake each one of them and took picture of them together. After
that they’re taking turns create picture with Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun accept the gifts they prepared, he bow and say his thanks.

“When is our flight back to Korea?” Hui-Jun ask Beom-Seok. They’re on they way back
to hotel and start packing, they’re going home today.

“I told Ji-A that I will be back tomorrow,” Hui-Jun plan surprise for Ji-A.

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“The flight is at 6, so we only have 1 hour to pack and hurriedly go to airport to
catch the flight. We will landing at incheon around 8.” Beom-Seok check the itinerary

“Beom-Seok ah the box that I gave you yesterday, can you put it in my bag? The one I
carry..” Hui-Jun remember his gift.

“I already put it there...” said Beom-Seok.

“She is not answering my text...” Hui-Jun look at his phone, but the text he sent
before the fan meeting begin is read already, but Ji-A not reply it back.

“Is she in surgery??” Hui-Jun ask to himself.

“Were you on surgery? Why you’re not texting me back?” Hui-Jun send another text.

“Who is this?” a minute later Ji-A reply his text.

“What’s with this attitude now?” Hui-Jun reply

“I really don’t know you, who is this?” Ji-A reply back.

“How about boyfriend?”

“Ahhh boyfriend who took picture with Seo Min-Soon and not telling me about that? That boyfriend?”

Hui-Jun laugh reading Ji-A reply,

“Where did you see the picture? Are you stalking on me?” Hui-Jun reply

“Liar... you said you won’t talk to her again, you’re even hangout with her..” text Ji-A

“Ah right.... my mistake. You should punish me then..” Hui-Jun smile.

“Pervert” Ji-A reply

Hui-Jun laugh,

“I miss you..” suddenly Ji-A text bring a big smile at Hui-Jun face.

“I really need doraemon right now...I need his magic door..” Hui-Jun smile text her back.

The airport crowded also with fans that want to send Hui-Jun back to his country.
With a tight security Hui-Jun manage to get into the plane on time and head back to
South Korea. Hui-Jun rushes to the hospital, as Ji-A said she still at the hospital

Some Other Day

because she still wait for her patient test result. Hui-Jun arrive at the hospital
parking lot, he see Ji-A car parked in front of him. Minutes later he see Ji-A
walking from the hospital entrance with a monkey doll in her arm.

“What are you doing right now?” Hui-Jun call the person he miss the most.

“Dating another man...since my boyfriend is too busy pleasing other girls” said Ji-A.

“hemm...should I beat him to die? I really hate it when my girl hug another man like
that..” Hui-Jun get out from his car and follow Ji-A from behind.

“I’ll broke up with him if you appear in front of me now...” said Ji-A, “Aahh but
that’s impossible, you’re waaaaaaaaaayyyyy too far from I better stick with
this man..” Ji-A continue her talk.

Hui-Jun run and grab Ji-A hand,

“Is this your other guy?” Hui-Jun took the monkey doll and punch the doll face.

“There... he is swollen now. He will be not able to take you on a date...” Hui-Jun
give Ji-A her doll back.

Ji-A smile so happy seeing Hui-Jun in front of her.

“You said you will come back tomorrow..” Ji-A hug him. She miss him so much.

Hui-Jun hug her and enjoy their time together.

“Did you meet many girls at China?” ask Ji-A, she keep hugging him.

“Maybe more than 10 thousand girls...” said Hui-Jun.

“Are they pretty?” ask Ji-A.

“Mine is the prettiest...chatty....cutest...easily jealous...give the best punishment

ever....I really love this one...” Hui-Jun hug her tight.

Ji-A smile happy.



“Is that Ji-A?” Ji-Yeon very sure that the girl that now hugging very tight with her
couple is her Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“I......... think so madam director” Myung-Soo reply very careful. She is very sure
that girl is Ji-A but she really need to be careful to see her boss reaction.

“Why is she hugging that guy? Is that her boyfriend?” Ji-Yeon very curious to see the
guy with Ji-A right now.

“Poor Gyeong-Su...” Ji-Yeon smile and get into her car.

“Ah can you help me? I need to get the jewellery for tomorrow’s gala but I cannot go
and pick it up now. I need to be home, Ryeo-Uk already on his way home. Can you pick
it for me and deliver it to my house tonight?” ask Ji-Yeon

“Sure madam director, I’ll go pick it up and go to your house after that.” Myeong-Soo
bow and send her boss off.

Myeong-Soo manage to pick the jewellery that Ji-Yeon bought. But she feel very hungry
then she decide to find a fastfood place shere she can have burger or anything that
can be eat while she’s on taxi. She finds a sandwich place not far from her stand
now, then she go to that direction.

“1 sandwich to go please, I want bacon and please add more tomatoes..” said Myeong-

“Alright, please wait a moment while we prepare your sandwich..” said the server.

Myeong-Soo wait for her sandwich, she find a man that standing beside her is
struggling with his ketchup. Seem the ketchup is stuck. Myeong-Soo keep looking at
him, since he looks so funny when he make faces while trying so hard with his
ketchup. Suddenly the ketchup burst and goes directly into her face, Myeong-Soo
shocked so is the man.

“AAAA!!” Myeong-Soo shocked to get attack by ketchup.

“I’m so sorry... I’m sorry... Oh my God I really didn’t mean this...I’m sorry...” the
man is busy wiping Myeong-Soo face.

“It’s alright, let me do it my self..” Myeong-Soo took the tissue and start wiping
her face.

“Oh no... I’m sorry but you look so awfull right now...” the man look very sorry.

Some Other Day

“It’s okay...” Myeong-Soo trying to clean the ketchup stain that got into her shirt
also and hair. But it seem not help at all. Her hair become so sloppy by ketchup, and
her shirt have a huge red stain.

“Ahh I cannot clean it now...” Myeong-Soo said.

“Shoud I buy you new shirt?? I’m so sorry..” said the man.

“It’s okay... “ said Myeong-Soo.

“Customer, your sandwich is ready..” her sandwich is ready. Myeong-Soo grab it and

The man follow her,

“Can I drive you to where you’re going? I feel so sorry, you shouldn’t go with stain
in your shirt like that...and your hair too..” that man is very sorry.

“It’s fine I will take the taxi I just need to drop this and go home..” said Myeong-

“No... I insist. Please wait here I will take my car. Please... okay??” That man ask
her to wait and he run to get his car. But then he come back again.

“In case you’re curious and think I’m a bad guy. This is my card.... “ he run again
to get his car after giving Myeong-Soo his card.

“Min Gi-Gwang... architect.... oh I know this firm...” Myeong-Soo recognize the firm
name. It’s Cha Gyeong-Su architect firm.

Minutes later Gi-Gwang arrive with his car,

“Come... I’ll drive you..” he open the door for Myeong-Soo.

Myeong-Soo feel embarass by the kindness that shown by Gi-Gwang.

“Thank you, but you really no need to do this..” said Myeong-Soo.

“No, it’s okay. Where are we going?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“We go to Cheongdamdong, I need to drop something for my boss..” said Myeong-Soo.

“So you’re an architect?” ask Myeong-Soo.

“I am... and you? Where do you work?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“I’m secretary, at Baek Hospital..” said Myeong-Soo give her card to him.

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Gi-Gwang look at her and smile, he really want to mention Ji-A name but that mean he
will reveal Hui-Jun. He decide no then.

“That’s a very nice hospital..” said Gi-Gwang.

Myeong-Soo smile, “Your firm is a finest too..” said Myeong-Soo. Gi-Gwang smile.



“How is your health now? Are you feeling better?” Jae-Hwan read So-Mi test result.

“I feel great as usual. And especially today...” So-Mi smile.

“Is something good happen today?” Jae-Hwan ask but his eyes stick to test report.

“Today God granted my wish again...” So-Mi said.

“What is that?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“I’m able to have my birthday again this year.... “ So-Mi smile. She and her funny

Jae-Hwan put the test result and look at So-Mi.

“Are you saying that you’re having birthday today?” Jae-Hwan ask.

So-Mi smile and nod...”Today is my birthday, I get to eat seaweed soup before I come
here..” she said.

Jae-Hwan look at her, he is really bewitched by So-Mi. He can’t take his eyes from
So-Mi smiling face. He then clean his desk, stack all the papers and put those in his
drawers. He then stand up and grab his suit then put it on.

“Let’s go..” Jae-Hwan ask So-Mi to go.

“Where are we going??” So-Mi confused with Jae-Hwan sudden act.

“I will treat you birthday lunch....” said Jae-Hwan.

“But doctor... You really don’t have to... I’m not really hungry anyway” said So-Mi.

“I’m hungry...and please don’t call me doctor. My name is Jae-Hwan..” said Jae-Hwan.

Some Other Day

Jae-Hwan and So-Mi walk together leaving Baek Hospital. Jae-Hwan going to take her
for lunch. Jae-Hwan has a place in his mind and he really hope So-Mi will like the

Meanwhile, Ji-Yeon just come back from her meeting and accidentally see Jae-Hwan
walking with So-Mi.

“Is it month of love or what...yesterday I saw Ji-A now even Jae-Hwan is going out
with her patient too...” said Ji-Yeon while watching them. She remember exactly who’s
the girl that walk with Jae-Hwan right now, it’s Jae-Hwan VVIP patient.

“What are you looking at?” Ji Tae-Young the Finance director ask her.

“Nothing... I just thinking how great it will be in my family next gathering..” Ji-
Yeon smile.

“Jae-Hwan shi, It’s nice to have you here..” the chef greet them.

“I come with my friend...can you make her something special, it’s her birthday
today,” said Jae-Hwan.

So-Mi feel a little embarass with Jae-Hwan attention. Since she was admitted at the
emergency peviously Jae-Hwan and her become more closer than only doctor and patient.
They’re good friend right now. Jae-Hwan will call her during his break, and they
texting at night before one of them fall asleep, and Jae-Hwan the one who always fall
asleep first.

The chef cooked them a very beautiful dish, So-Mi eat it with many grateful feeling,
Jae-Hwan see her smile,

“Are you that happy for having fish in your birthday?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“This is my first time..” So-Mi smile, she hold her head down so Jae-Hwan will not
see how she try not to cry, she is too happy to cry.

“Eating fish?” ask Jae-Hwan sipping his wine.

“No..having birthday lunch with a friend outside my room...” said So-Mi.

Jae-Hwan paused, he look at So-Mi. He always have his family gather together on his
birthday. His mom will cook him a salty seaweed soup, Ji-Yeon will bring him birthday

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cake and Ji-A will bring him fishcakes and tteokbokki she bought from a snack truck
in front of their high school. And at night they will have dinner together. But So-Mi
has the opposite, she cooked her own seaweed soup, and have it with her brother in
the morning. After that all her day will be spent alone until Beom-Seok come home,
nothing special, no cakes, no candles. She is happy enough to have seaweed soup in
the morning and make a wish to be able to have her birthday again next year.

“Have it with me.... next year...” said Jae-Hwan as he continue eating his fish.

“Yes?” So-Mi look at Jae-Hwan.

“Another year too... have your birthday lunch with me..or maybe we can go dinner if I
happen too busy to get lunch. But eat with me on your birthday next year, and another
years..” Jae-Hwan said without even dare to look at So-Mi eyes.

So-Mi smile, she is happy to hear that.

“That’s the first too.... even Beom-Seok never promise me something good like
that...” she laugh.

Jae-Hwan keep eating his fish. He can feel his heart is beating fast, like he is in a
marathon. That is the bravest move he ever do toward a girl.

So-Mi look at Jae-Hwan, “Beom-Seok will hate it if I start hangout outside the house
so often like this...” said So-Mi.

“I’ll talk to him..” said Jae-Hwan keep looking at his plate, embarassing by all the
acts he just throw to So-Mi since they sit in the restaurant.

So-Mi just laugh to hear Jae-Hwan reaction. He is the first man other than Beom-Seok,
that taking her out for lunch. For So-Mi, Jae-Hwan is her first in many experience in
making friend with a guy.

“Do you want to blow candles too on your birthday cake?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“hahahaha why?” So-Mi laugh.

“I don’t know... everyone in my family do that on their birthday... I do that too....

even I’m no longer a child... but my youngest sister always nag if she hasn’t blow
her candle on her birthday..” explain Jae-Hwan.

“Should we??? Let’s find a cake..” said Jae-Hwan while they’re walking on the

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“Jae-Hwan shi... you really don’t have to do that.... I’m excited already... I
already have my wish spoken too this morning...” So-Mi grab Jae-Hwan arm to stop him.

“What is your wish?” ask Jae-Hwan.

So-Mi smile.....”A weird wish..... “ said So-Mi, “I wish I can have my birthday again
next year....” So-Mi try to hide her sadness. With her heart condition she doesn’t
know how long she can survive. She know that the ICD implant is her last treatment
option to survive. If she crash again and ICD won’t work the only option is a heart
transplant, and anyone know that will be not easy.

Jae-Hwan stopped, and he touched by what he just hear. He lift his head to look into
So-Mi eyes.

“Are you good in cooking?” he ask.

“I’m not an expert but my food is edible thou...” So-Mi laugh.

“We always have meal together, my family, after our service in my dad free clinic
done.... please come you can teach my mom how to cook...I’d like to take you there,
if that’s okay with you..” Jae-Hwan just say whatever in his mind right now. He wants
to introduce So-Mi to his family, he wants So-Mi to have his family too.

“What??? That will be too hard. I don’t want to put burden in you... I’m not good in
group activity... I feel fatigue easily.... it will be better if you not take me
there..” So-Mi reject his offer.

“You just sit and tell my mother how to cook... she will love it to have a cooking
partner.. none of us like to be her partner.” Said Jae-Hwan.

“Jae-Hwan shi... I will be too embarass to be there. I didn’t even go to high school,
but meeting your family is too much for me...” So-Mi already know that Jae-Hwan is
the heir of Baek Hospital. The nurse accidentally told all the story about Baek
family. The nurse is amazed how nice Jae-Hwan treat her, they think So-Mi is his
girlfriend, since Jae-Hwan never show his emotion to other girl except So-Mi they

Jae-Hwan laugh, he look at So-Mi.

“My family is a bunch of people who love to chat. My older sister Ji-Yeon is the
prettiest one, she is very warm but can be so dangerous if she angry.... Ji-A is my
maknae, she is a very cheerful person and love having fight with me, my mom very love
to cook thou she doesn’t have the skill on that, her food always salty or bland....

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and my dad is always having headache because of what Ji-A done... they’re not a stiff will like them. They will like you too.... I will make sure they will
like you..” said Jae-Hwan.



Ji-A is reading the medical journal in her tablet. She has a serious face put on
reading it, she has a big surgery coming tomorrow, she need to be prepared she even
practise with brain manequin at the lab to make sure she will be fine tomorrow.

“What are you doing?” Mi-Yeon hand her ice cream she just bought at the cafetaria.

“This neuro things...” Ji-A accept the ice cream but her eyes stick to her tablet.

“You look gloomy this week...” said Mi-Yeon.

Ji-A laugh ironically, “Do you think so?”

“Is that because you missed the EXO show??” Mi-Yeon move closer.

“You remind me of that...” said Ji-A.

“Then it’s not about the EXO...” Mi-Yeon asnwer.

“Look at this..” Ji-A tap her finger to show Mi-Yeon something that she saved



Mi-Yeon read the whole article, she can tell now what makes Ji-A upset this past few

“So what did he buy for you? This is for you right?” Mi-Yeon ask.

“It’s not for me..” said Ji-A.

“Hemmm... maybe it’s for his mom.” Mi-Yeon try to calm her.

“Maybe..maybe not...” Ji-A pouting.

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“Why don’t you ask him you were always be with him after both of your work done...”
ask Mi-Yeon.

“I don’t want to. I want him to tell me because he want to tell me, not because I
ask..” Ji-A express her concern.

“Sigh.. I hate this part in romance...” said Mi-Yeon.

“Do you think you and him going to work?” Mi-Yeon ask carefully.

“I want to.... I want us to work. He is the perfect one for me until now... I
guess...”said Ji-A.

“But?” Mi-Yeon sense there will be a twist.

“He is so busy, even this weekend he will be out of country for another fan meeting
parade, then another weekend....then another weekend...I thought the last one in
China was his last but eventually I heard it wrong, It’s the last in that city. Now
he is even busy with his filming preparation, he also have a small appearance in
short movie directed by his favourite director, not to mention CF shooting and
magazine dinner time he will always has appointment with his co
workers for his next movie to discuss their project..” said Ji-A.

“He already what he is now before he met you. You agree to date him when he already a
big celebrity like now, you should understand the consequences... trust me he didn’t
buy that for Seo Min-Sook..” said Mi-Yeon.

“I know.... but his busy shedule... and my busy schedule too in here also a burden
for us. When he has time, I need to work saving people, when we already agree to meet
somehow emergency patient coming and I need to do hours of surgery.... I wonder when
my patience will last if we keep doing this...not to mention this rumors...” said Ji-
A, “Hyeon-U was right, I flip immediately just to read this nonsense...” Ji-A

Suddenly Ji-A phone buzzing, it’s Gyeong-Su.

“Oh Oppa... what’s wrong?” ask Ji-A.

“I’m at the hospital can you come?” said Gyeong-Su.

“In here?? Why?? What happen to you?” ask Ji-A.

Ji-A run toward the emergency ward, she find Gyeong-Su sitting in one of the bed at
the emergency ward. Hyeon-U is there treating him.

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“Oppa..what happen?? Are you okay?” Ji-A shocked to see so much blood stain in his
shirt and not to mention Gyeong-Su arm that bleeding and stitch by Hyeon-U now.

“It’s come so fast, you must be running..calm..” Gyeong-Su so happy to see
Ji-A running find him.

“What happen?” Ji-A ask to Hyeon-U and she took Gyeong-Su chart.

“The paramedic said a wall collapsed and hit him. He has a cut in his arm I’m
stitching it now, and his arm dislocated too, we already manage it also..” Hyeon-U
explain while he’s doing the stitching.

“Does it hurt a lot? What are you doing anyway....” Ji-A look at the wounded area.

Gyeong-Su finish his treatment he has a cast in his broken arm, and he really need to
change the shirt. He still look in pain, Ji-A feel so sorry to him.

“Can you drive me home?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“Why you’re not stay here for a night?” Ji-A recommend him to stay overnight at the

“I hate hospital..” Gyeong-Su smirked.

Suddenly Ji-A remember Gyeong-Su mom, she died because she trapped in the building
that surrounded by fire. Gyeong-Su was 12 years old, and Ji-A remember Gyeong-Su
cries a lot seeing her mom at the hospital with major burn all over her body.

“I’ll get my car, let’s go I will drive you home..” said Ji-A.

After taking Gyeong-Su home, she decided not to go home so early.

“Oppa..what are you doing now?”

Ji-A send the text message to Hui-Jun

It’s not too long until she get a reply from Hui-Jun

“I’m just about to call, have you finished your work?”

“Where are you I’ll pick you up...”

“I am bringing my car..”

“Then let’s meet at my place..I’ll be there in 20 minutes..”

Some Other Day


“Be careful..”

Ji-A go straight to Hui-Jun place, she arrive first and wait at her car. Hui-Jun
arrive 10 minutes later. Ji-A wait until Beom-Seok and Hui-Jun crew leave, after the
car is gone Ji-A get out from her car and Hui-Jun already waiting for her smiling.

“Are you waiting too long?” Hui-Jun hold her hand.

“I read so I didn’t realize how long..” Ji-A smile.

“What did you read?” Hui-Jun press the elevator button.

“Nothing interesting... I need to prepare for tomorrow surgery..” said Ji-A.

They arrive at Hui-Jun place. When Ji-A enter his place, there’s a load of gifts at
the corner of the living room.

“Wuah...that’s a really lots of them..” Ji-A look at the gifts stacking at the

“I haven’t been able to open all of them, but I already list, wear then publish to
say thanks, like this one..” He show Ji-A the hat he wear all day.

“Why didn’t you ask the agency to send people to open it for you..” Ji-A steps closer
to the gifts, some of them already opened by Hui-Jun and she also saw a shoe box
filled with polaroid pictures and gift note from his fans. Turn out Hui-Jun is taking
picture of each note of the gift that sent by his fans, he store it in a shoe box.
Ji-A smile proudly, her man indeed is a very warm and thoughtfull person.

“I love open it by my self and read their message, it’s like a support for me to do
better...” Hui-Jun hand her the tea he just made.

“So you don’t need my support then... your fans already doing it for me...” tease Ji-

Hui-Jun smile, he always love to see Ji-A acting jealous like that.

“Why you are so cute tonight?” Hui-Jun hug her, he kiss her cheek.

They sit on the couch talking about their day, and Hui-Jun said he really must learn
chinesse seriously. He may take some job at China. And he want to do it properly,
with his average chinesse language it will be not enough. So he need to learn.

“I can speak chinesse fluently..” said Ji-A.

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“You are???!!!” Hui-Jun surprise to hear that.

“I can speak English, Chinese, Japanese and a little bit of French..” said Ji-A.

“You’re really surprise me.... how come you’re good about that??” ask Hui-Jun.

“My mom always force us to take international language course. English is a must
since many of medical journal written in english literature. We also learn chinesse
because my mom said you have to learn knowledge until China...I never go to China to
study... I went to China for travelling thou.... Japanese and French because I like
their brother can speak Germany too... he spent most of his summer
vacation there during highschool..” explain Ji-A.

“I was doing a cameo today... it was doctor role...” said Hui-Jun.

“Really???” said Ji-A

“Yes I’m wearing white coat like you have when you’re at the hospital..” Hui-Jun tell
his story.

It was a very fine night they spend together, talking and eating dinner together. Ji-
A was about to leave when she still want something from Hui-Jun.

“Oppa, do you have anything that might forget to tell me?” ask Ji-A.

Hui-Jun do not understand with Ji-A question, “What do you mean? Am I forgetting
something about you today?” ask Hui-Jun.

Ji-A paused, and decide not to talk about that anymore.

“No... I’m just curious in case you have something to tell again... but it’s fine...
it’s nothing..” Ji-A put on her shoes.

Hui-Jun take her to her car, “I really hate to send you home... can you stay for
another hour??” Hui-Jun ask while he is still holding her hand.

“Oppa, it’s late already I need to be at hospital at 7 tomorrow morning...” Ji-A

smile, she loves it when Hui-Jun clinging into her.

“I’ll take you home then...” Hui-Jun took the car key.

“Then how you come home??? Do I have to drive you back?” ask Ji-A.

“That’s a good idea... I drive you home... then you drive me back ... and we do it
again....” Hui-Jun tease her.

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“Forget it..... Give me back my key... you need to rest too. You’ve been out since
dawn..” said Ji-A.

“I’ll drive you home... I don’t want my girl driving alone especially late at
night...” Hui-Jun open the car door for her.



Ji-Yeon is preparing her husband suit. She is humming while she went back and forth
to prepare all Ryeo-Uk needs to start his day. Suddenly the twins enetring her room,

“What happen with you guys... why you’re not taking your bath.. it’s near your school
time..” Ji-Yeon look at them still in their dinosaur pajama.

“Eomma, we forgot that we have music homework. The teacher assign us last week, and
we should perform today..” Seo-Jun talk first.

“We’re so sorry eomma, last week we have a day off for the whole week so we totally
forgot...can you help us??” Seo-Eun hold her hand.

Ji-Yeon look at his boys and smile,

“What kind of mistakes that you both done again this time?” Ryeo-Uk finished his bath
and see his sons talking with his wife.

“We forgot the assignment... we have to perform today...”Seo-Jun talk without looking
at Ryeo-Uk, he is affraid. And his expression is so cute.

“You never forget your television schedule... how come you forgot your school
assignment.... what we should do with these two?? Should we send them back to your
tummy??” Ryeo-Uk pretending to be mad. Ji-Yeon smile.

“I guess we should put them back in my tummy for two weeks so they will be good at
school..” Ji-Yeon follow her husband.

Seo-Jun and Seo-Eun looks stressed.

“I promise I will be good at school... I will never forget my assignment again

eomma..” Seo-Jun said.

“Eomma... I will doing good at school..” Seo-Eun link his arm in Ji-Yeon neck.

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“I’m lose...” Ji-Yeon give up and laugh.

“What is your task?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“You will find out down stair... I already ask grandma and she said you were very
good at it so I’m sure we will nail this assignment...” Seo-Jun smile so bright and
they soon left Ji-Yeon room.

“How come they follow Dong-Hyeok who always forgetting his school assignment..” Ryeo-
Uk laugh.

Ji-Yeon and Ryeo-Uk go downstair as they finish preparing themselves to go for work.

“So what do I need to prepare today for your school performance..” ask Ji-Yeon.

“Me and Seo-Eun will sing Three Bears while you playing the piano..” Seo-Jun explain
his assignment with a very happy face.

Ji-Yeon froze, Ryeo-Uk look at his wife suddenly the guilt crawling into him.

“I..I...I can’t play piano... is there anything beside piano that I can choose?” Ji-
Yeon calm her self.

“Eomma... we even saw your picture playing piano. You must be really good at it,”
Seo-Eun insisting on piano.

“It’s been a while and I never play it again.... let me sing the song and you play
the piano.” Said Ji-Yeon.

In the end the twins agree with their mom, Ryeo-Uk cannot stand any longer to be in
that room.

“Oppa you’re not having breakfast?” Ji-Yeon see Ryeo-Uk headed to the door.

“I have something to do early in the morning, I’ll have it at the office..” Ryeo-Uk
smile he’s back and kiss Ji-Yeon quick then leave. Before he enter the door he look
back again, but he find Ji-Yeon is staring at the piano that placed in the living
room, her looks is very sad.



Some Other Day

Ji-A is looking for an empty seat at the cafetaria. But then she catch unfamiliar
face and she quickly walk toward her.

“You really is looking for trouble... is there no cafetaria at your office??” Ji-A
find Bora is sitting at the cafetaria enjoying lunch.

“This is a public space, also I’m not here for you I have appointment with my
boyfriend..” Bora answer without looking at her at all.

Ji-A took a seat in front of her..

“Who said you can sit there?” ask Bora.

“Then will you leave now?? This is my hospital after all..” Ji-A reply, “Hyeon-U is
really stupid to date a witch like you..” said Ji-A.

“Hyeon-U is a morron to spend his life hanging with gangster like you..” reply Bora.

Ji-A really want to throw her chopstick at her.

“This man really is everywhere....” Bora mumbling reading in her tablet.

“Who?” ask Ji-A.

“This man... Park Hui-Jun.... he is everyone perfect man right now.... I even bought
a magazine that has his profile yesterday, and the pictures are amazing....” Bora
show many of Hui-Jun pictures that she just browse.

Ji-A choked to find what is Bora looking right now. Hyeon-U never tell Bora that Hui-
Jun is his boyfriend.

“He is everywhere... yesterday I went to Myeongdong, there I found a huge picture of

him ... it’s a building size picture... really.... everyone is digging into him these
days..” continue Bora

“He is handsome....” said Ji-A, try to be as normal as she can be.

“He is... everyone is want to be his girlfriend right now, even got to shake his hand
can make the girl collapsed. But he is a very good kisser.... you already see his
kiss collection??” said Bora.

What??!! Kiss collection, how many girls he already kissed beside of her and Seo Min-
Soon.... Ji-A raging at heart.

“No I haven’t see it...” said Ji-A.

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“You should see it, I always dream Hyeon-U kiss me like that when I saw the video..”
Bora tapping something then show it to Ji-A.

It’s really Hui-Jun kiss collection, Ji-A can feel her blood is boiling, she really
don’t want to see this. She already manage to avoid this kind of thing.

“Stop it, I’m eating I don’t want to see something gross like that during my meal..”
said Ji-A

“Why?? Make you want to be kissed like that too” Bora laugh.

“He is in fan meeting at Japan right now, he is vey intimate with his fan this time.
He hugs a lot, even the hug is a very close hug..” said Bora.

Ji-A raise her head,

“What kind of hug? Let me see..” she grab Bora tablet. And she saw twitter updates
with many of Park Hui-Jun hashtag on it. She scroll down, then she found the one that
mention by Bora. She quickly tapping each picture, but after 3 pictures she just
can’t hold it anyore. She throw Bora tablet.

“YAA!!!! Be careful with my tablet!!!” Bora scream.

But Ji-A doesn’t care at all.

“Are you nuts?” Bora checking her tab.

“It’s not like you own him or else... he’s the celebrity and he is doing a fan
service what’s the matter with you..” continue Bora.

Ji-A doesn’t have appetite to continue her food. She drink her water till it run out.

“I’m sorry... it’s just boring everyone seem to follow him these days..” said Ji-A.

“Well who doesn’t... he is the “It” celebrity right now.” Bora keep reading her

“I’m watching all of his dramas all of his roles are interesting... and he is very
good in kissing too...” Bora very interested talking about Hui-Jun.

“Why you keep talking about kissing... is that important???” Ji-A feel a little

“Heeyy... isn’t that the other reason we watch drama, to see the fairy love story and
a kiss...we’ll get bed scene if we’re lucky” said Bora.

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Suddenly Hyeon-U appear,

“Woah... did the sun come from the different side of the world today??” Hyeon-U
amazed to see Bora and Ji-A sit and the same table without yelling and pulling each
other hair.

“I cannot even finish my lunch because of her..” said Ji-A.

Hyeon-U take a chair beside Ji-A.

“Why you sit beside her?” Bora offended.

“Because he is already tired with you... he’ll dump you soon..” said Ji-A, “He’s mine
and Mi-Yeong’s forever..” Ji-A continue.

“Oohh....Hyeon-U is that it??” Bora look at Hyeon-U with a very sharp look.

Hyeon-U smile and move his seat next to Bora,

“I’m yours forever. She can only have my body but you have my soul and my love..”
Hyeon-U throw his cheessy lines.

Ji-A look him unbelievable of what she heard.

“You both driving me crazy... I’m going now..” Ji-A left them.

All Bora speech stuck in her head, she even finally see the Hui-Jun kissing
collection because of that witch. All the female actress that ever to be paired with
him are pretty, even considering the prettiest.

“Aah that witch really driving me crazy..” JI-A curse.

But everything seem to be gathering in her mind now. All the feeling she tries to
handle suddenly the bubbles are burst. She is very happy to be Hui-Jun girlfriend,
but she can’t even brag it to anyone. She want to walk with him in the crowded
gangnam for a date, and grab some delicious food at Itaewon, do shopping at
Myeongdong but all of that impossible. Not to mention the bag shopping article that
still in her head until now.

1 weeks passed, Ji-A is going to Hui-Jun place. He already come back from his last
fan meeting parade. Hui-Jun soon will start his filming at Boryeong, so they want to
spend as much time they have in Seoul to be together. Ji-A also busy with her third
year residency programme at the hospital, night duty is occupy her monthly schedule,

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while at day time she usually scrub in to the operating room help another surgeon,
mostly her dad, since they in the same field. So Ji-A practically lives at the

“You cook everything?” Hui-Jun amazed by the food that prepared by Ji-A

“I put everything in this food these is someone else’s job..” Ji-
A laugh.

Hui-Jun look at her and laugh, “Waahhh my honey really good in putting all this food
for me....”

“I am expert on this...” reply Ji-A.

“Waah those gifts are becoming mountain now...” Ji-A points at the stack of gifts.

Hui-Jun only smile, and put his arm at her shoulder.

“Do you want to watch movie?” ask Hui-Jun.

“I want to watch this movie..” Ji-A show Hui-Jun one of his previous movie project.

“You want to watch that?” Hui-Jun hesitate.

“Everyone said it’s a good one....” said Ji-A.

They ended watch the movie where Hui-Jun. But the movie not yet played for an hour
and Ji-A already sulking, to see the hot kissing scene between Hui-Jun and his pair.
Ji-A throw a glance at him, Hui-Jun pretend not to see it and continue sipping his

“When did this movie take?” ask Ji-A she turn off the movie.

“Waaayyy before I met you..” Hui-Jun smile and try to comfort her.

“Arrgghh I hate you...” Ji-A goes to bathroom.

Suddenly Hui-Jun realize something,

“Ah Bathroom!!” He rushes to the bathroom, but it’s too late Ji-A showed up and hold
the magazine.

“Oppa, why all of your buttons loosen like this???” Ji-A stare at him.

Hui-Jun relly speechless right now, he has this magazine few days ago, he did the
photoshoot with Seo Min-Soon and the theme is romantic couple. So the poses are a
very intimate between them. He know that Ji-A haven’t find the pictures yet, since he

Some Other Day

know if she found out she maybe already throw a blast. And he just read the magazine
last night and left it in the bathroom. And now Ji-A is looking at the pose where
Hui-Jun almost bare chest, and Seo Min-Soon lay at his top, they stare at each other
and about to kiss.

“That...that....I did not kiss her.... I really didn’t..” Hui-Jun put both of his
hand in front of his chest..

Ji-A look at every picture in that magazine, all the poses are very romantic. They’re
hugging, back hugging, and doing a very cute yet lovely pose.

“Do you want to do all the poses with me now??” Hui-Jun still try to save his life.

“I’m really going crazy....” Ji-A hisses.

“Oppa, do you know why I always avoid all the news about you, your photoshoot, even
your kiss collection or romantic scene at youtube.... everyone are looking into that,
I really hold my self not to...” Ji-A explode.

“Chagi-ya.... It’s only a job done..nothing more..” Hui-Jun try to hold her hand. But
Ji-A step back.

JI-A looks very frustated, she need to tell him everything if this thing between her
and Hui-Jun will work for her.

“Oppa is it so hard for telling me anything?” Ji-A look at Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun can tell Ji-A really mad this time, but he has his reason for not telling Ji-
A every details of his work. He is being careful, because he can tell that Ji-A still
not ready to absorb everything about what he do.

“Come here,” Hui-Jun ask her. But Ji-A stand still.

“Who was the bag owner?” ask Ji-A.

“What? What bag?” Hui-Jun do not understand Ji-A.

“You were spotted at Shinsegae, you even take a selfie with the people in there. You
bought a bag... and that’s definitely not for me? Was it for your mom? Or was it for
Seon Min-Soon like every articles write about that??” Ji-A start her battle that she

“Do you really asking me that?” Hui-Jun get irritated by the question.

Some Other Day

“Yes, I’m really asking you this since you have no intention of telling me and I have
to know it from the articles.... all day the internet buzzing with that news, Park
Hui Jun buy a designer bag for Seo Min-Soon..” Ji-A become more awol.

“It’s for my mom!! And I didn’t want to brag that I bought my mom expensive bag since
it’s for my mom and it’s my privacy... there are you satisfied??!!!...” Hui-Jun
finally fire up and start to build his fort.

“And this, can’t you just tell me about what will you doing? How you’re going to do
it? with who you’re going to do it?.... is that so hard to do it for me? I thought I
am consider as the closest person to you, but you’re having dinner with her with a
very friendly picture show up....and I once again knew it not from you... “ Ji-A can
feel her tears is coming out.

“So you will be upset like this?” Hui-Jun burning to see Ji-A’s tears start to
falling from her eyes.

“Who doesn’t. I’m upset to see my boyfriend kissing other girl, hug other girl, doing
things like this with other girl...I hate it..” Ji-A can’t hold her tears anymore.

“It’s my job, I’m an actor, and I want to be good in doing that. As long as it still
in normal and acceptable for broadcast ethic boundary I will do it...” Hui-Jun really
want to hug her.

“Oppa.. we’re having our own issue on how often we can see each other. You busy ..
I’m busy...I try to understand of what you’re doing but it seems that you who never
understand me..” Ji-A look at him, she looks so fragile.

“Ji-A we really can talk about this please stop crying, it’s driving me crazy to see
you like that..” Hui-Jun can’t hold his emotion.

“Oppa all this time you think I will be upset if I heard about your job.... it’s not.
I just hate it that you never told me anything and I keep accepting info from other
person... not you...” Ji-A keep talking.

“Then what should I do? Everything I worked were posted in internet, you can see all
my project...” said Jae-Hwan

“Oppa I want you to tell me... but you only tell me if I ask you, I want you to think
about me and tell me about what you’re doing... “ said Ji-A

Some Other Day

“Ji-A don’t do this, we really can talk about this..” Hui-Jun approach her but Ji-A
taking another step back. She doesn’t want Hui-Jun reach her, because she will break

“I really want this to work oppa.... I really do... I love you it’s not I like you
but I love you. You are the perfect man for me, but I’m tired ignoring what I really
want from you...I can’t brag you to anyone, I can’t brag that i date a very cool man,
I can’t ask you for a date in public area because it will burden you...I can’t even
tell you to my parents yet because you never ask to...” Ji-A sobbing

“And what I hate the most form this relationship is, that I got to see my boyfriend
kissing other girl, hugging other girl, playing sweet with other girl and I was left
clueless.”Ji-A continue.

“Ji-A please stop, don’t continue I don’t want to hear anymore..” Hui-Jun beg.

“Yes oppa, I’ll stop. I quit.... I don’t think I can do this anymore. I can’t
continue this, I’m sorry..” Ji-A crying her heart out.

“NO...NO!!! We’re not going to be like that. Ji-A!!” Hui-Jun call her in a very high

“If you walk out that door we really end this, I will not go after you...I will not
looking for you... I will not ask you to come back..” Hui-Jun threat her.

But Ji-A keep walking, “I’m sorry oppa...” Ji-A walk out.

Hui-Jun froze, he’s angry, very angry but he can’t loose her like that. He will not
care if that other girl that he dated before but Ji-A is different, he want to spend
his life with her. He already sure that she’s the one. Hui-Jun grab his jacket and
run to catch her. He run to the elevator and look for her at parking lot, even he go
outside his apartment just to look for her but Ji-A nowhere to be found. Hui-Jun come
back to his apartment. Maybe fate isn’t with them today, at the emergency exit Ji-A
is hiding at the corner and crying.

Ji-A walk into her house still crying, she just doesn’t care at all, Jae-Dok just
come out from his office and planning to go to his room when he see Ji-A sobbing,

“What happen to you? Why are you crying?” Jae-Dok see his daughter sobbing badly.

Ji-A only see him and not saying anything. Jae-Dok look deeply at his daughter,

Some Other Day

“Do you need your mom?” ask Jae-Dok.

Ji-A shakes her head.

“Are you sick? Which one is hurt? Tell me..” Jae-Dok ask again.

Ji-A shakes her head again.

“I’m sorry appa, but I want to be alone right now..” Ji-A bow and continue walking to
her room.

Jae-Dok come into his room, Mi-Na is putting her lotion,

“What happen? Why are you like that?” Mi-Na look at her husband, he looks confused.

“I just saw Ji-A coming, she’s crying.. can you go to her and ask what happen? She’s
doesn’t look cheerful in the past it because I cut off her salary??” Jae-
Dok has so many thoughts in his mind right now.

“Let her... she won’t let me come in, she always hide when she’s crying since she’s
little. She will show up when she’s feeling better...” Mi-Na really know all her
children well.

“This is not right... I’m going to call Ji-Yeon to wire her salary now..”Jae-Dok take
his phone, but then he also think about something.

“This is my fault, I will add her salary too, consider it as the late
you think she will forgive me?” Jae-Dok ask his wife.

“Yeobo, don’t you dare give her more...” said Mi-Na.

“She is not crying because of that.... she has money to survive...” Mi-Na look how
stressed his husband now.

“I will ask secretary Shin to buy new shoes for her tomorrow..” said Jae-Dok and he’s
back to his office to call her oldest daughter.



“I understand appa, I will do it now...” Ji-Yeon finish her phone call with her dad.

Ji-Yeon laugh and took out her laptop.

Some Other Day

“What happen? Why you need to work now?” Ryeo-Uk see his wife now turning on her

Ji-Yeon laugh,

“Oppa, do you want to hear what happen at my house just then?” Ji-Yeon can’t help to
keep smiling

“What?” Ryeo-Uk put down his magazine.

“Appa saw Ji-A enter the house crying, he panicked. He thought Ji-A crying because
she didn’t receive her salary this month. He told me to wire her salary right now..
You do it right now!!” Ji-Yeon mimicking her dad voice and laugh.

Ryeo-Uk laugh, he remember when Ji-A whining to him to get her EXO VIP ticket just
because she want to stand in front of the stage. She was coming with Dong-Hyeok and
beat Dong-Hyeok in front of him because he lie that he could get the ticket while he
couldn’t. So they came to Ryeo-Uk so he made the call to get that ticket. And he got
the ticket, but then Ji-A keep punishing Dong-Hyeok by told him to be her driver and
go to the concert with her, while Dong-Hyeok refuse it but she didn’t listen and keep
dragging him.

“If Ryeo-Uk didn’t marry your sister I really like you to marry this useless child,
only you can handle him..” Ryeo-Uk dad once told about that in a family gathering
during Chuseok.

But both Ji-A and Dong-Hyeok cursing at each other that they better become a nun and
a priest if they have to marry each other.

“But why was she cry? I’m sure that’s not because of she doesn’t have money..” Ryeo-
Uk sure that there is something.

“I don’t know...she looks so happy when I caught her hugging with her boyfriend...”
said Ji-Yeon.

“She has a boyfriend now?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“She is.... and from what I see her boyfriend seem to be handsome his posture is
great... I can tell that he’s handsome even I haven’t see his face.” Said Ji-Yeon.

“Are you sure, then who’s better is it me or him??” Ryeon-Uk face his wife.

“Oppa, what are you doing..” Ji-Yeon smiling to see his husband move.

Some Other Day

“I’m just doing what a husband should do to his wife in bed..” Ryeo-Uk kiss her and
put away her laptop.



Ji-A sit with her best friends enjoying their break at the emergency stair. They’re
having dumpings as their snack.

“So now you’re hang out a lot with Dong-Hyeok?” ask Ji-A. Mi-Yeon is having a lot of
times spending together with Dong-Hyeok these days.

“We’re just friend.... nothing more nothing less... it’s just like I hangout with
Hyeon-U..” said Mi-Yeon

“Good for you... you even now having the other person to hang around with beside
us..” said Ji-A.

“Like you don’t have... yours is..” Hyeon-U kick Mi-Yeon so she cannot finish her
sentence, he raise his fist to warn her.

Mi-Yeon realize what her mistake is, she is carefully look at Ji-A

“What?? You feel bad because now me and Hui-Jun broke up??” Ji-A look at them.

“So you’re not sad again?” ask Hyeon-U.

“I’m sad, but I’ll get through it...” said Ji-A.

“That’’s my girl...” Hyeon-U give her his thumb.

“We’ll find a good one next time..” Mi-Yeon give her dumplings.

“Aaahhh I really don’t want to be at my family gathering tomorrow...” Ji-A sure that
everyone will ask why she cried last time.

“Why you were standing and raise your arm at your dad office yesterday?” Hyeon-U was
going to Jae-Hwan office to send the patients test results then he passed Ji-A’s dad
office. He saw the door was open and he saw Ji-A standing at the corner and raising
her arm, she was punished by her dad.

“You saw that....appa really punished me that day..” Ji-A remember that day she has
to stand for 15 minutes. Even her whining didn’t melt his heart.

Some Other Day

“What did you do?” ask Mi-Yeon

“He gave me the salary right after he saw me crying last time. Few days later he
asked whether I’m okay, I said yes...then he asked were you sick yesterday, you
should perform surgery with me..” Ji-A told her story

“Ah right.... that time we were go to see 2PM show at KBS..” said Mi-Yeon.

“Yes... I told him I took leave the day before to see 2PM. He just stare at me and
start nagging then he told me to stand like that.... I feel I’m back to the dark
times at elementary when I get to stand like that so often...” Ji-A shakes her head.

“Ahhh this girls.... I really don’t know what Hui-Jun and Dong-Hyeok see in both of
you... both of you are doomed...skipped surgery for 2PM show... crazy girls...”
Hyeon-U really don’t understand why he stuck with these crazy girls for his whole



Jae-Hwan park his car, he runs to the passenger door and open it for So-Mi. So-Mi
very nervous to be here today. She will meet Jae-Hwan family, she even bought a new
dress yesterday with the money she saved since she didn’t find any nice dress in her
closet. It’s already 2 years that she didn’t buy new dress.

“Is it really okay for me to join here?” So-Mi is nervous.

“So-Mi shi, nervous is bad for your heart. And I don’t want you to collapssed.
Everyone in here will like you..” Jae-Hwan encourage her.

They clinic service is done, everyone gather at the back of the clinic and prepared
the table for their meal together.

Gyeong-Su is the first that recognize the couple,

“Ehey... so Jae-Hwan now is taking partner too....” Gyeong-Su welcome them and greet
Goh So-Mi

“How’s your hand?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“It’s better now..” Gyeong-Su show them his wounded arm.

Some Other Day

“Oh.. Jae-Hwan you’re here..” Mi-Na can see the reason why her son went in a rush an
hour ago to go pick up someone.

“Oh, Eomma... come..” Jae-Hwan grab So-Mi hand.

“This is Goh So-Mi, she is my friend...” said Jae-Hwan.

Goh So-Mi introduce her self to Mi-Na,

“You are really pretty, I’m Lee Mi-Na his mother...” Mi-Na smile and hug So-Mi.

“Ah Jae-Hwan remember don’t you ever said about Ji-A crying scene at the table or I
will hit you....” Mi-Na remind her son.

“Jae-Hwan never brought a girl before, so you must know secret to defeat him. You
shoud tell me what is that...I’m Ji-Yeon his noona...” Ji-Yeon link her arm to So-Mi
and take her to sit with her, they match really well and start to have a nice

Ji-A just finish her last patient, and arrived at the scene. She look at So-Mi and

“Oppa really in love...” Ji-A smile.

The Baek family, Gyeong-Su, and So-Mi now are sitting and starting their meal.

“Oppa you need help? What do you want?” Ji-A put the spoon in Gyeong-Su good hand.

“No.. I’m good, I want this soup since I saw Ji-Yeon noona brought it...” Gyeong-Su
enjoying his oxtail soup.

“Is your hand better now? How come you get yourself into accident like that....” Jae-
Dok look at Gyeong-Su wound.

“So-Mi shi, did our Jae-Hwan treat you well??? If he’s not tell me now..I will make
sure he’s treating you well..” Jae-Dok look at So-Mi.

“He is really nice to me...” So-Mi answer politely.

“Ahh I really don’t believe this.... Eonnie you really need to think twice, he is the
weirdest oppa I’ve ever know my whole life...” Ji-A pretending to warn So-Mi.

“He is?” So-Mi look at Jae-Hwan

Some Other Day

“Never listen to her, and never tell your secret to her... she has a very cheap mouth
...” said Jae-Hwan, and everyone laugh hearing that.

“So-Mi shi if you want to tell something to Jae-Hwan but you feel not comfortable
telling him directly just tell to Ji-A, and don’t forget to tell her that this is
secret. I guarantee in 5 minutes Jae-Hwan will get the message..” said Ji-Yeon

“Complete with all her spices...” add Gyeong-Su.

“and drama here and there...” add Mi-Na.

“Not only Jae-Hwan... but the whole family will know it in next 10 minutes. If you’re
giving her another 30 minutes...” Ji-Yeon continue.

“The whole hospital will know too...” Ryeo-Uk finalized.

Ji-A only smile with proud....

“I was her victim...” said Jae-Dok.

“Aboeji want to give ommoeni a present for her birthday last year...” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Appa tell me that he was buying eomma a diamond ring that she always want...and I
know each personality of everyone sitting in this table. If they’re about telling me
something important that means they want me to spread it...” Ji-A defend her self.

“I don’t know what happen with your brain so you think like that. If someone tell you
a secret then it is a secret..” Jae-Dok look at his daughter speechless.

“Then the first one to know is me... she said appa bought eomma diamond rings because
she always nagging to have that...and appa scare eomma would cry if he did not bought
that diamond..” said Jae-Hwan.

“After Jae-Hwan then she came to me..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Noo... you wrong... I told Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon while we're snacking then I met you
after that..” Ji-A correct her sister.

“Is that really matter??” Ji-Yeon look at Ji-A.

“And in next hour everyone in this table know about that secret diamond gift...” said

“I didn’t tell you..” said Ji-A.

“Ji-Yeon told me...” Ryeo-Uk reply.

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Ji-A look at Ji-Yeon, “And you tell me cheap mouth???” Ji-A laugh..

“He is my husband it is normal to share everything...” Ji-Yeon defend.

“The worst is.... when I came to the office the next day I had a surgery early in the
morning, while we’re doing the surgery, suddenly my assistant surgeon ask me,
“Professor, is your wife happy with the diamond ring you bought for her?”” Jae-Dok
topped the story.

Everyone in the table laugh.

“After that appa call me and he punished me... I really want to report that to the
police for child abuse...” Ji-A recall her dad got her stand and raising her arms for
half an hour.

“You should do it for an hour next time appa..” said Jae-Hwan.

“Appa will never have the heart to do that... he love me so much... right appa???
After eonnie married and leave the house, soon you will marry too and leave the
house...then who will stay with you appa??? Of course it’s me..” said Ji-A.

“Are you really forget??” Mi-Na look at Ji-A.

“What?” Ji-A confused.

“The house is belong to me ... remember??” said Jae-Hwan.

“You have my car.. and my watch...” said Jae-Dok.

“My diamond rings and my silver wares..” add Mi-Na.

“I’m giving you my watch too...” said Jae-Hwan.

“Ahh I really can not believe I’m part of this family....eonnie you should think
carefully about Jae-Hwan oppa...” Ji-A look at So-Mi.

So-Mi laugh to see this funny conversation between them.

“Ryeo-Uk oppa, can’t you bought me a house?? Or giving me one of your villas???” Ji-A
ask to Ryeo-Uk.

“Do you want to live with Dong-Hyeok??” Ryeo-Uk tease her.

“Never!!! I even get kicked out sitting in his car because of other girl. If I live
with him I will have bathroom as my bedroom....” said Ji-A.

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“Oppa... you really don’t want build me a house? I even drive you home when you got
this..” Ji-A point at his wounded arm.

Gyeong-Su laugh seeing Ji-A like that.

“I will give you my shoes and bags so you can sell them to pay apartment rent...” Ji-
Yeon added teasing Ji-A..

“Okay.. I got it... I am 100 percent sure that I am adopted...” said Ji-A.

“You’re not....eomma got you as a prize from mall coupon..” said Jae-Hwan.

“If I were you I will not try to make Baek Ji-A pissed..” Ji-A smile to Jae-Hwan

“Why??” Jae-Hwan ask.

“I guess I really have story to tell tonight.... “ Ji-A look at Jae-Hwan and So-Mi
with devilish smile.... “to my hospital colleague group chat....” Ji-A end her





„....If I showed you my flaws, If I couldn’t be

strong...Would you still love me the same....(Locked Away– R. Cityfeat.Adam

Some Other Day

Some Other Day
“How long will you stay at Boryeong?” So-Mi help Beom-Seok packing. Beom-Seok is
going to Boryeong today with Hui-Jun and his crew. He will start filming his new
movie in there. Hui-Jun involved in this movie project along 2 biggest stars in
Korean movie industry. These 3 stars will be a guarantee of the successfull of this
movie will be. Not to mention this movie will be directed by korean famous director
that also have many box office hits in Hollywood. This movie come when Hui-Jun still
filming for the hits maker drama previously, Hui-Jun accept the script directly after
he saw the director and his co-player. He is so optimist in taking role in this

“Maybe about 3 to 4 months, but I will back and forth to Seoul also since Hui-Jun
also have some things to wrap up in here...” said Beom-Seok

“Noona, is it really okay you stay alone? Gi-Gwang is also busy finishing his mall
project, he tend to be at the project location or at his firm the whole time... “
Beom-Seok worry his noona.

“I’m fine.... I have a friend that will visit me when he’s not busy... I also have
ahjumma that will keep checking on me..” So-Mi cast away her brother worries.

“Ah you really have a boyfriend right now...” Beom-Seok remember the doctor that keep
appearing in his house recently. He even took his noona out for family dinner last

“You already meet his family? Are they nice?” Beom-Seok can tell the doctor is
wealthy by his car that parked in front of their apartment building.

“They are really nice people..” So-Mi remember how pleasant it was being with his

“I’m happy to see you these smile so often...” Beom-Seok caught her sister
smiling by herself few times.

So-Mi smile, embarassed by what Beom-Seok just said.

The front door is open, Hui-Jun show up,

“Aahh what kind of manager he is, he even make the artist pick him up... you are too
much Beom-Seok ah..” Hui-Jun complain and entering the room.

“Noona annyeong.... how are you? You seem more pretty now...Beom-Seok said to me that
you have a boyfriend now.... aahh you ditch me so easily after finding a good man...
you’re not even call me to say you’re breaking up with me...” Hui-Jun pretend to be

“What boyfriend... he’s just my friend who happen to be a boy... “ So-Mi reply Hui-

“Yeah... boyfriend... “ Hui-Jun laugh with her.

While Beom-Seok re-checking his luggage and doing this and that Hui-Jun stay to chat
with So-Mi.

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“Are you really okay being alone in here? I’m so sorry noona, but I can’t stay in
Seoul for this project..” Hui-Jun apologize.

“What are you saying... I’m thanking you for giving Beom-Seok a good job, you even
bought us a car last year. You are too kind for us...go and do your job...get many
awards for me to paid for renting Beom-Seok from me okay??” So-Mi said.

“Are you happy that you have a boyfriend right now? Beom-Seok said he seems like a
good guy, and he took you to his family last week...” ask Hui-Jun.

So-Mi pause and remembering the times she spent with them..

“Hui-Jun ah, all this time I only have Beom-Seok, you and Gi-Gwang as my family...”
said So-Mi.

“But this time I got to meet another family... I have someone I call appa, eomma,
eonnie, oppa....I even have a pretty little sister...” continue So-Mi.

“Everytime I saw the picture I still cannot believe that I got a chance to be with
them...they are a really nice family..” said So-Mi.

“You have the picture when you’re there? let me see it. I want to see what your
boyfriend look like, he have to be as handsome as me so I can approve it...” Hui-Jun

So-Mi take her phone and search for the picture she took at the dinner. She then sit
beside Hui-Jun and show him the picture. Hui-Jun eyes directly catch a face he know
very well, he is shocked to see Ji-A in that picture.

“This is Jae-Hwan..” So-Mi point the man standing beside her.

“This is Ji-Yeon eonnie and her husband, the twin they carried is their sons, she is
Jae-Hwan noona...” So-Mi point to the nice couple standing at their left

“And this one is Ji-A, the youngest in their family..she is a very lovely person.
This is Gyeong-Su, he is Jae-Hwan friend since childhood, he seems very close with
his family too..” So-Mi point at Ji-A that sit with her parents and the man that
standing beside Jae-Hwan is put his hand at Ji-A shoulder.

“Is he, her partner?? Like you and Jae-Hwan hyung..” Hui-Jun ask carefully but he
cannot hide his curiousity.

So-Mi look at the picture and think, “I don’t think they’re a couple...they’re more
like brother and sister. Just like Jae-Hwan and her ” said So-Mi.

“And this....” So-Mi paused to see the picture again... she always thankfull when she
see this picture.

“They are Jae-Hwan parents.... they really are a very kind persons....” So-Mi look at
the picture, Hui-Jun look at her and he can understand how she feel right now.

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“You are really having a real family now noona... I approve this man to be your
boyfriend..” Hui-Jun said.

Beom-Seok show up,

“Hui-Jun all set up.... we can go now... noona please be carefull and call me anytime
you want... I will ask Gi-Gwang to visit when he has time..” Beom-Seok hug her and
leave first.

Hui-Jun still look at the picture,

“Noona...” Hui-Jun call So-Mi.

“hem??” So-Mi turn to answer Hui-Jun.

“Please take care of her....make sure she is happy everytime you meet her... I’m
asking you..” ask Hui-Jun seeing at Ji-A picture and show her to So-Mi.

“Ji-A? Why?? You know her?” So-Mi confused with what Hui-Jun just said.

Hui-Jun take out his phone and show her his picture with Ji-A.

“She was my girlfriend...until few weeks ago...” Hui-Jun seem very sad seeing the

So-Mi surprised to see that, “You were dating her? When? Why you’re broke up?” ask

“It’s my fault noona... just please take care of her for me... okay?” Hui-Jun look at

“It will really nice if both of you still together, she is a very pretty and lovely
girl... she match you very well.... but be strong Hui-Jun ah, you’ll find your way
back if she really meant for you...” So-Mi hug him and encourage him.

They leave, and during the trip to Boryeong Hui-Jun keep thinking about Ji-A. She
look very pretty in the picture that So-Mi have. Hui-Jun cannot forget the teary eyes
he saw the last time they met.

“You never tell me that noona’s boyfriend is Ji-A older brother..” Hui-Jun talk to

“Aaahhh....the thing is I just realize its him when he came to picked up noona to his
family gathering, and I just realize that they have something going on. But I know
you and her are ended your romance thing, so I think its best for me to keep it
hide..” Beom-Seok explain,

“I’m sorry Hui-Jun ah, I just don’t want to add your sadness for remembering her
again..” Beom-Seok look closely at Hui-Jun.

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“Noona show me the picture she took when she was on that dinner, and Ji-A was there.
She is that family maknae..” Hui-Jun cannot wipe the smile he saw just then. He
always love that smile, he miss her so much.

“Beom-Seok ah, I thought this feeling will get over along days I keep my self busy
day and night, but it’s not.... I miss her...” Hui-Jun looks uneasy.

“Even your mom called me two days ago to reduce your schedule, You’re sick during
your visit to your parents house last week. You even have to get IV fluid to help you
recover... forget to get busy...” said Beom-Seok.

“You will only focused to this filming and we can travel to Seoul few times to finish
your job that already taken before..” continue Beom-Seok.

“Beom-Seok ah, should I end everything and look for other job? I have business
degree...or should I start a new business? Maybe she can re-consider about me again.”
Hui-Jun ask him, but Hui-Jun eyes fix to the car window.


Gyeong-Su finishing his last apartment miniature, he look at the picture of him and
Jae-Hwan wearing their judo uniform after they won the judo league back at high
school. Then his picture with his dad, Cha Min-Hwan, South Korean Prime Minister,
during his inauguration ceremony of becoming Prime Minister of Republic of South
Korea. And then he look again at the picture of him with the Baek’s family during Ji-
Yeon noona wedding day. And the last is his favourite picture ever, it’s the picture
taken when he was 18, during his highschool graduation. Ji-A was 10 years old and she
brought him flowers for his graduation present. Then they took picture together, Ji-A
look very sweet with flower bouquet in her hand, and she lean to Gyeong-Su chest,
smile so happy. He take the frame and look at it,

“How do I get this feeling acknowledged by you...” Gyeong-Su look at Ji-A picture.

Someone knocking his door,

“CEO Cha you need to check this, I need your signature before I go to the meeting..”
Gi-Gwang hand him the project budget proposal.

“Is this for the apartment bidding at UN Village?” ask Gyeong-Su while checking per
sheet of the proposal.

“Yes, I already make correction before, but you need to check it again..” said Gi-

“The mall project went well because of you... You will receive your bonus by the end
of this month...I give you extra for your sleepover fee at this office and at the
site...” Gyeong-Su smile at him.

“Wah.. you are really kind. I will use it very well CEO Cha....” Gi-Gwang bow to
express his gratitude.

Some Other Day

He already work for Gyeong-Su for almost 6 years, and Gyeong-Su is the best CEO he
ever met. He is success in young age, that’s why he is named as one of the “Young On
Top” people in South Korea. His dad is the Prime Minister, but he never use his
father name to get into his projects, he earn his spot by his own effort.

“Are you going somewhere after receiving your bonus? You haven’t took long vacation
since the mall project begun, now it’s done I think you can go and take your
vacation..” said Gyeong-Su.

“I’m saving it for later. My friends still have their job to be done so we can’t go
anytime near...” Gi-Gwang remembering his buddies Hui-Jun and Beom-Seok.

“Why don’t you go with your girlfriend then?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“ah CEO Cha, you are so harsh to me... I don’t have any right now...” Gi-Gwang laugh.

“Ah... we’re on the same side can we have none while other guy seem so easy
to have one. You know I have a best friend, he is very nerd, he can only have a very
long conversation about cardio things...beside that you’re clueless..but he get
himself a very beautiful girl...” Gyeong-Su tell Jae-Hwan story.

“I don’t believe that you don’t have any.... with your looks...your work...and your
family background, it’s hard for a girl to say no to you...” Gi-Gwang look at him.

“I know... but I’m stuck...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Here...all the numbers are good. The revise that I asked already done also. So I
think you’re good to go..” Gyeong-Su hand over the proposal back to Gi-Gwang.

“Ah one more thing, I will have a gala dinner at Shilla next month for charity
auction, the CEO of this apartment construction will be there also. Let me know if
you have some difficulties during this presentation, I’ll approach him later at the
gala..” said Gyeong-Su

“I have a very good backup person to talk with him next..” Gyeong-Su continue.

“Is that your father?” ask Gi-Gwang.

Gyeng-Su laugh, “Ya!! I never use my father for my job... it’s the Baek Hospital
owner, he is at the same baduk club with the apartment CEO..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Baek hospital owner as Baek Jae-Dok?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“Yes... we’re like family. My family and them are very close since I was baby... my
dad and Baek Jae-Dok are close friend...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Are you familiar also with Ji-A? Baek Ji-A, the neuro doctor at Baek Hospital ” ask
Gi-Gwang. He recalled how torn Hui-Jun was when he broke up with Ji-A. Until now Hui-
Jun seem still haven’t able to moving on.

“Do you know Ji-A?” ask Gyeong-Su.

Some Other Day

“I met her once.... she is a friend of my friend...” Gi-Gwang try not to reveal the

“Oohh... I know Ji-A since the day 1 she was entering this world...” said Gyeong-

Gi-Gwang can see it, Gyeong-Su eyes is having a different spark when he told about
Ji-A. Gi-Gwang excuse himself and go to the presentation, when he’s already at the
parking lot. He remember his conversation with Gyeong-Su, he smile and talk within

“Hui-Jun ah you need a very good strategy if you want to win her back, your rival is
at the different league with you...”


Ji-Yeon open all the bag she ever use in the past 2 weeks but she still cannot find
the proposal hospital renovation, She’s having a meeting about this hospital
renovation tomorrow but she forgot where she put the document. She already order
Myeong-Soo to search in every corner, drawer and every space in her office. While
she’s doing search at home. All bags checked but she still haven’t find it. She
remember, she was sitting at Ryeok-Uk table when she’s reviewing the proposal, she
run to the other side of her room and reach Ryeo-Uk workdesk, she look for her
proposal at the paper stack at his table. She open the drawer incase her husband
mistaken it, and put it along with his papers.

“Ah I should knew it....” Ji-Yeon relieve, she found it....

It was at the paper stack Ryeo-Uk keep in his drawer, he must be accidentally put it
together with his. But one thing catch her attention, looks like a scrapping of old
newspaper, she can tell that old because the paper is already turn into some yellow

“What is this...” Ji-Yeon pull it, and she gasp..

The scrapping newspaper turn out is her accident news back 15 years ago. She never
knew that the accident was written in the newspaper. She recalled that Ryeo-Uk
mention he never knew Ji-Yeon before the blind date, but why he keep all these
newspaper scrap. She can’t hold her curiousity, but she decide to put the file back
and ask about it later when she meet Ryeo-Uk.

Ryeo-Uk crawling into his bed, he is so tired. While Ji-Yeon is applying her night
lotion, then she join her husband at bed.

“Oppa... do you remember the day we met at the blind date?” ask Ji-Yeon.

Some Other Day

“You were wearing pink skirt with white top. Your bag was white, so was your shoes.
You didn’t do much with your hair since you’re already pretty like that...” Ryeo-Uk
remembering his first scene with Ji-Yeon.

Ji-Yeon look at him, she surprise that her husband remember the details of what she
was wearing that day,

“Daebak, oppa I even don’t remember what color you’re wearing that day, and don’t ask
me about your shoes. But i’m really sure that you’re not carry any
really love me that much???” Ji-Yeon tease him.

“Somehow your memory is a mess...especially after the twin born, you never remember
what color of tie I should wearing today, sometimes I used same color for 3 days
straight, while for the twin even their school information you can memorize it....
looks like I need to send them to boarding school early so I can have you all by my
self again... I hate sharing you with someone else..” said Ryeo-Uk.

Ji-Yeon laugh hearing her husband complaint.

“Oppa, are you really never see me or even know me before the blind date?” Ji-Yeon

“No... I know you at the first time when we’re on blind date...I only know your
dad...why?” Ryeo-Uk ask her back.

Ji-Yeon paused, she remember the newspaper scrap that he kept in his drawer now,
Ryeo-Uk definitely knew her before the blind date but why he lied,

“Oh nothing, I’m just curious...” Ji-Yeon smile at him.

“Let’s sleep..” Ryeo-Uk turn off his table lamp and hug Ji-Yeon.

But Ji-Yeon cannot close her eyes, her mind keep wandering. Ahye Ryeo-Uk must lie to
her.... and why he keep that newspaper scrap all this time.

Later at night Ji-Yeon wake up, she feel so thirsty. She grab a water jug at her
bedside table,

“Oh it’s empty...” Ji-Yeon take the water jug, she look at Ryeo-Uk spot but he’s not

“Where is he?” Ji-Yeon look at his office, but Ryeo-Uk not there also.

Ji-Yeon go downstair, she spot Ryeo-Uk sitting at the bar, Ji-Yeon look at him
carefully. Ryeo-Uk is drinking and he hold the newspaper scrap. Ji-Yeon decide to
step back and back to her room. She keep thinking about Ryeo-Uk,

“Is he hiding something from me?” Ji-Yeon sigh.

She hear the door open, she rushes cover the blanket and pretending to be asleep. She
pretend to wake up when Ryeo-Uk join her,

Some Other Day

“Oppa, you’re not asleep yet?” Ji-Yeon look at Ryeo-Uk.

“I went to the kitchen to get water and see the kids...go back to sleep it’s still
2AM..” Ryeo-Uk kiss her forehead and lay down.

Ji-Yeon cannot go back to sleep, she keep looking at her husband.

“ it your only lie, or you lie a lot to me?” Ji-Yeon whisper looking at
sleeping Ryeo-Uk.


“Gyeong-Su, you need to be at the boutique in next hour your schedule is before need to pick your suite..” Se-Ah, his secretary remind her while taking
his empty cup.

“Ahh...that’s today?? Then I should prepare now..” Gyeong-Su stop his work and start
clean his desk.

“Just leave that, I’ll do that..” Se-Ah rushes Gyeong-Su to leave. She hand him his

“ have full schedule today....if you’re late then you can’t get your
best suit...” said Se-Ah.

“Okay noona, I’m going now..” Gyeong-Su put on his coat and take his car key.

“Ah ... I almost forgot... Ji-A asked you to pick her at the hospital, she need to be
there also.” Se-Ah run and shout at Gyeong-Su that running down the stairs.

Gyeong-Su smile, he give Se-Ah heart sign. Se-Ah laugh, “Aahh what are you doing this
whole time, you still not able to have her as your girlfriend...tsk tsk tsk” Se-Ah
know exactly how Gyeong-Su love Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su arrive at the hospital, he spot Ji-A right away. White short and green t-
shirt with caption “I’m too pretty today” instantly make Gyeong-Su laugh.

“Pretty... get in let’s try a dress today...” Gyeong-Su pull over next to Ji-A.

Ji-A laugh, “Oppa, I think I don’t need dress, i just wear this at the Gala....”

After 20 minutes they arrive at boutique at Shinsegae, after waiting for a while both
Ji-A and Gyeong-Su separated to pick their own. Gyeong-Su finish first, a dark navy
tuxedo is his pick for his suit. He try to put it on.

“’re done?” suddenly he hear Ji-A voice outside the curtain.

Some Other Day

“ you want to see me? I’m more pretty than you with this..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Try me...” Ji-A reply.

Gyeong-Su open his curtain, and surprise with the view in front of him. Ji-A standing
with purple one shoulder dress. Her right shoulder is exposed, and the high cut from
the dress show her beautiful leg.

“Why you’re doing this to me??” Gyeong-Su really look hypnotized by her looks.

“Should I wear this?? Appa will not put me in the auction list at the Gala right??”
Since last night her aunt keep texting her that she will find her a suitable man at
the Gala, and aunt Mi-Seok already tell Jae-Dok, her brother, to put Ji-A in the
auction list for one day date category.

“Should I bid if you’re on the list??” Gyeong-Su pretending to think hard on whether
he’ll do the bid or not. In his heart, even if he has to cash out all of his deposit
he’ll do it as long as he win the bid.

“I even heard there will also one day date with beautiful actress.. I think I’ll save
my money for that..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Do you want to die?? How do you want it? When you want to do it??” Ji-A look at her
with a very sharp look.

Gyeong-Su can’t help him self but laugh so hard seeing Ji-A frustated by his action.

They’re done choosing the outfit they’re going to wear at the Gala,

“Oppa, I’m hungry I haven’t eat breakfast too...I have surgery schedule at 7 this
morning..” Ji-A put her cute face.

“What do you want to eat?” Gyeong-Su diving his car thinking several places to eat.

“Kalguksu...mandu....I’m craving noddles..” Ji-A busy picturing many delicious

noodles dish in her mind.

“Are you free now?? You don’t need to go back to the hospital?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“I’m done, I’m out to play now... I’m a little sad lately..can we go to the amusement
park after eating??”said Ji-A.

“Okay deal...” Gyeong-Su happy that today he actually playing date with Ji-A.

They arrive at the restaurant that serve delicious kalguksu, 2 serving of kalguksu, 1
serving of mandu, and several banchan ready in front of them. Ji-A quickly grab her
copstick and eat rightaway,

Some Other Day

“Do you like it that much?” Gyeong-Su is happy looking how Ji-A is very happy eating
her meal.

“I’m starving and I like it so much...” Ji-A smile.

“Why were you crying? Your mom told everyone to not bring your crying scene into the
table on last gathering..” ask Gyeong-Su.

“Someone messed up with you? Should I beat that person?” Gyeong-Su look at her.

“Appa scold me a lot during the surgery, and I pissed so I cried...” Ji-A lie.

“Can you beat him? He always scold me at surgery or make me stand and raise my hand
at his office.... that’s child abuse...” said Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su laugh, “Let’s report it to your grandmother then...” he said.

Ji-A laugh and put whole mandu in her mouth. A memory when she and Hui-Jun having
midnight picnic at Han River overtake her mind right now.

“Are you tired? You visit to a spa yesterday... and having a healing spa session..”
ask Ji-A

“How did you know? It seems you stalking me lately....” Hui-Jun look at her.

“I’m just tired...and a little bit cold,...” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A look at him, “A little bit of cold? I’m your doctor...then you should come to
me.. not to a spa..ckckckckck...” Ji-A shakes her head.

Hui-Jun laugh, and make a serious face,

“Aahhh... am I stupid or dementia.... my girlfriend is a doctor.... should we play

doctor patient right now? I think my cold is getting worse right now...”Hui-Jun lean
closer to her.

Ji-A laugh... “I’m not Yongpal... You should make appointment first at the hospital
to be treated by me..” Ji-A playing hard to get.

“I always love your smile...your laugh make my day...” Hui-Jun playing with Ji-a

“I always love when you can spend more time with me...” said Ji-A.

“I’m sorry... but after the movie done filming let’s go to somewhere nice
together.... let’s go for vacation together..” said Hui-Jun.

“Promise???” ask Ji-A hug him. They then do a promise sign.

Hui-Jun laugh, he is always this happy and comfort feeling when he is with her. He
forget all the stressed happen before,

Some Other Day

“Would you like to meet my parents?” ask Hui-Jun.

“You haven’t meet mine.... isn’t that weird? You should meet mine first.. said Ji-A.

“Let’s meet them...all of them at the same time... then get married the next day...”
Hui-Jun hug her tight.

“Will your fans approved it??? Will all the headlines full with that the whole
week??? Will someone hit me??Will you be okay?? Your contract..everything???” JI-A
keep asking.

“If I run out money to paid the contract fee, please make a lot of money chagi-ya,
I’ll stay at home and cook a very delicious meal for you everyday...” said Hui-Jun.

“Don’t forget to look at the kids also...” said Ji-A.

“And clean the house properly....don’t buy any watch again for your whole life, I
have lots of man watch in future...we can sell some if we need money...” said Ji-A.

“I get it, I won’t buy any watch again from now on I will save the money...” Hui-Jun

“Ji-A ah, thank you..” said Hui-Jun.

“For what..” Ji-A keep leaning her head in Hui-Jun chest, it feel so comfort for her.

“For treating my wound when we met at the emergency room...I fell into your charm
right after that...” said Hui-Jun.

JI-A pull her head and look at him, she plant a quick kiss in Hu-Jun lips and back
hugging him again.

“Iiiisssshhh.... How do I deal with you.... Kiss thief....” Hui-Jun look so happy.

“I love you Baek Ji-A” Hui-Jun kiss her hair.

“Where do we go from here? Should we really hit the amusement park?” Gyeong-Su look
at his watch.

“We can go to Seoul Land if you want, right now..” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A clear her mind, and look at Gyeong-Su. She nod,

“Let’s go now oppa...” said Ji-A.

They reach Gyeong-Su car, but suddenly Gyeong-Su stop.

“Why?” ask Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su looks like he holding the pain...

Some Other Day

“Arrhh why this have to come at this time...” Gyeong-Su looks very uncomfortable.

“You wait at the car, I need to go to the bathroom.... I’ll do it quick...” Gyeong-Su
embarassed. Ji-A smile and nod...

Seeing Gyeong-Su run, Ji-A shakes her head,

“What a waste.... that delicious kalguksu not even stay longer in your stomach...”
Ji-A sigh.

10 minutes already passed, Ji-A still enjoying her music, suddenly BOOM BOOM....a
huge blast coming from the restaurant. Ji-A shocked and tremble on her seat. She grab
the door quick and run to the safe place. People are running like crazy, many people
come out from the restaurant most of them screaming due histeria of the blast. The
securities and few men employee from the restaurant are busy running here and there,
try to direct the panicking crowd of peoples to the pointed area but that’s useless.
In this time like this everyone is for their own safety. Ji-A duck under the tree 50
meters from the restaurant, she can see the mess happen because of the blast. Ji-A
remember Gyeong-Su, she stand quickly and run as fast as she can to find Gyeong-Su,
he must be terrified right now.

“OPPAAAAAA!!!!!” Ji-A scream and run with all the strength she has.

“Miss!!! MISS!!! You can’t go inside!!!” the security in front door warn her.

Ji-A stop and look at him,

“AAAIIISSHHHH I’m really crazy this time...” she ignore the security and running

“MISS!!!!” the security yell at her louder.

Inside the restaurant is more dangerous, broken plates eveywhere, smoke surrounding
her so thick... Ji-A grab few napkins and pour water on it as many as she can, she
put the napkins to help her breath inside this heavy smoke.

“OPPA!!!! GYEONG-SU OPPA!!!! OPPA!!!!” Ji-A call for Gyeong-Su.

She try to find the toilet sign...she see a huge fire at the kitchen area suddenly a
hand grab her, Ji-A scream because of shock


“MISS!!! You really shouldn’t be here get out now!!!” the security she met at the
front door turn out go and look for her inside.

“Ahjussi..I’m sorry but I have to find my friend...he was going at the toilet
before...” Ji-A panicked she keep searching for the toilet door.

“Maybe he’s already out... you really shouldn’t be here it’s too dangerous the fire
will be big soon... let’s go out now!!” the security trying to drag her. But Ji-A
pull her hand,

Some Other Day

“My friend is trauma with fire, please help me find him...please...” Ji-A panick.

The security look at Ji-A and give up,

“I get it... let’s find him together...”

With the security help, they find the men’s toilet sooner, Ji-A burst inside and kick
every door to find Gyeong-Su. She find Gyeong-Su at the third door, He is trembling,
close his eyes, and put both of his hand on his ears.

“GYEONG-SU OPPA!!!” Ji-A call him.


Together they evacuate Gyeong-Su, Ji-A put him at the passenger seat, put the
seatbelt carefully and she drive Gyeong-Su to his house as fast as she can.

“What should I do...what should I do... should I take him to the hospital or to his
house.... “ Ji-A frantic.

She took her phone and press her speed dial number,

“OPPA!!!!” she scream as soon as the person pick up her call.

Jae-Hwan shock to hear Ji-A scream,

“What happen to you!!!!” Jae-Hwan instantly stand up, he’s worry hearing Ji-A scream
like that.

“Oppa, Gyeong-Su oppa.... fire....I took him out from fire...the restaurant.... Oppa
just come to his house right now!!! I’m on my way!!!” Ji-A can’t explain much, her
phone slip and fall down into her feet.

“JI-A!!! BAEK JI-A!!!!” Jae-Hwan caling her name. But the phone is cut off.

Jae-Hwan hurriedly run and see his dad,

“Aboeji..I think something happen to Ji-A and Gyeong-Su I will go to Gyeong-Su’s

house right now..” said Jae-Hwan and he go before Jae-Dok can answer it.

“What happen??!! What happen to my Ji-A?? What does he say??” Jae-Dok look to his

After his secretary told him, he take his phone and called Cha Min-Hwan. After that
he called his driver to get his car ready, he need to tell his wife.

“It’s allright oppa, we’ll be at home soon...” Ji-A hold Gyeong-Su hand. She look at
Gyeong-Su, his hand is very cold and trembling. Gyeong-Su keep closing his eyes and
try to calm his fast breathing.

Some Other Day

They arrive at the Cha resident, the guards that see Ji-A park Gyeong-Su car in a
rush, approaching them quickly and help Gyeong-Su to his room. Ji-A follow them, they
soon put Gyeong-Su at his bed. Gyeong-Su still in panick state. He keep trembling and
keep saying,

“Please save her, please save her, please save her...”

Ji-A crying seeing Gyeong-Su like that, same things like this happen 10 years ago.
It was her birthday party. Suddenly fire burn the table cloth, the candle drop and
burn it someone throw a napkin into the fire. But turn out the napkin was used to
wipe some alcohol that dropped by her dad so the fire go bigger. Gyeong-Su was
shocked and he duck, trembling, close his eyes and ears and keep saying “please save
her...please save her”. About 25 years ago, Gyeong-Su and his mom was going to the
see her new painting class studio. But too bad the building was on fire due to
electricity problem. The fire fighters were able to save Gyeong-Su but when they’re
about to take his mom, a wall collapsed and trapped her inside. Gyeong-Su watch his
own mom burn, evacuated and died at the hospital. Since then Gyeong-Su having trauma
issue with fire. Ji-A remember exactly what happen 10 years ago, she kept hugging
Gyeong-Su and forgetting her birthday. Gyeong-Su finally sleep after doctor gave him
sedative, and Ji-A lay next to him with her birthday dress.

Jae-Hwan arrive at Gyeong-Su room,

“Oppa, please help him..” Ji-A crying.

He finally can breath well seeing Ji-A okay, beside her clothes that already cover
with black stain from smoke and some on her face, leg and arms she looks okay.

Jae-Hwan look at her, and hug her, “It’s allright I’m here he’ll be fine...have you
call his psychiatrist?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“We already call her Mr Baek” said the guard that stay with them.

“I only remember you oppa...” said Ji-A.

“It’s allright.... let me check on him..” said Jae-Hwan.

Ji-A pull her hand from Gyeong Su’s to give Jae-Hwan space, but Gyeong-Su grab her
hand again and hold it tighter than before.

Jae-Hwan smile, “Even when he’s out of his mind he still want her...” Jae-Hwan

“What? What do you say oppa?” Ji-A seem hear Jae-Hwan say something but she can’t
catch the line.

“Nothing, should I treat him or should I leave him with you like this...” Jae-Hwan go
to the other side and start checking on him.

Gyeong-Su finally relax after Jae-Hwan give him sedative, he’s asleep now but he
still holding Ji-A hand. Both Ji-A and Jae-Hwan stay with him. Someone opening the

Some Other Day

door room, its Prime Minister Cha Min-Hwan. He looks so worry. Jae-Hwan quickly stand
and bow to him, Ji-A look at him too and bow her head.

“Thank you Ji-A ah... my Gyeong-Su can be saved because of you..” Min-Hwan tap Ji-A
shoulder and smile.

“I’m sorry to bother you with this one ahjussi, I don’t know what to do with Gyeong-
Su oppa I just ran the car into this house like a crazy driver...” said Ji-A.

“It’s alright, I was at the Blue House having a meeting with the President when I
receive this report...I already talk with the police too to ignore your traffic
violations...” said Min-Hwan.

“What??? What do you mean ahjussi?” ask Jae-Hwan, and Ji-A also has the same confuse

“You break into 3 red lights and speeding..” Min-Hwan always amaze by what Ji-A do.

“Eeyyy.... do I have time to pay attention to that?” Ji-A protest.

Jae-Hwan laugh, “That’s her ahjussi.... even when the result is right but the process
will have many errors on it..her brain just form her like that...” said Jae-Hwan.

Min-Hwan laugh lightly, “I know....our Baek maknae is JJANG!” Min-Hwan give his thumb
up to Ji-A.

Jae-Hwan left after Gyeong-Su psychiatrist arrive, he need to go back to the

hospital. Ji-A stay, she want to be around when Gyeong-Su awake. Ji-A watch at
Gyeong-Su carefully, her phone buzzing,

“Oh appa... I’m at Gyeong-Su oppa house now...”

“Are you okay? Did you hurt? Did Jae-Hwan check on you as well?” Jae-Dok check on his
daughter. He receive news about Gyeong-Su and Ji-A inccident from Jae-Hwan. He
immediately call his friend, Min-Hwan, Gyeong-Su dad. And he relieve that Ji-A is
okay, she even saved Gyeong-Su from fire.

“Give me that!” Mi-Na sounds very furious, she grab Jae-Dok phone.

“Eeeeyy I haven’t finished yet..” Jae-Dok complaint.

“Baek crazy girl!!...are you really crazy??!!! Do you want me to die
soon??!!!!” Mi-Na explode. She was very shocked when Jae-Hwan told her about the
details incident. She even fainted when she heard Ji-A run into the fire.

“Eomma...why you shout at me like that..” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“Are you stupid??? Am I never teach you how to take care of your self?? Are you never
think of me everytime your gangster mood show up??!!!” Mi-Na keep scolding her

“Stop it yeobo...that’s enough...she’s shocked as well...stop it” Jae-Dok calm his


“You!!! If you ever run into fire again I will burn you my self!!!” Mi-Na voice start
to crack, she can’t hold her tears.

“Eomma... I’m alright... I don’t have any scar...I’m not hurt either..” Ji-A smile,
she understand how her mom feel right now.

“Should I send the driver to pick you up?” ask Jae-Dok.

“You don’t have to, I will come home after Gyeong-Su oppa awake...” Ji-A reply.

“Don’t scold her anymore when she come home....” Jae-Dok tapping his wife shoulder to
calm her from crying. She was so shocked knowing Ji-A running into fire to save

“That girl... should I follow her everywhere to keep her safe? That girl only make me
worry everyday....” Mi-Na sobbing.

“Yeah...just follow her everywhere...” Jae-Dok smiling.

Ji-A feel a soft move in her hand,

“Oppa...are you awake?” Ji-A whisper.

Gyeong-Su eyes show a slow movement, he then open his eyes.

“You’re still here?” Gyeong-Su look at her.

“I’m okay, just rest’s fine now...” Ji-A talk to him.

“Ji-A I’m sorry we couldn’t go to Seoul Land today....” said Gyeong-Su.

“You owe me 1 trip to Seoul Land then..” Ji-A smile.

“ you want to have your dinner? It’s past dinner time already but you need to
eat so you can have your medicine..” said Ji-A.

“Do you have your dinner?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“He’s awake?” Min-Hwan show up. He is relieved to see his son seems to be okay.

“Are you feeling better now?” Min-Hwan ask to Gyeong-Su.

Some Other Day

Gyeong-Su wake up and sit, “I’m okay now... I must worry you a lot... I’m sorry”
Gyeong-Su bow down his head.

“I did nervous before, but seeing you now I guess I’m fine...” Min-Hwan smile.

“You should go home now.... my driver will drive you home..” Min-Hwan look at Ji-A.

“You need rest too, go home now...your mom will hang me if you’re not coming home
tonight..” said Min-Hwan.

“Oppa...are you okay?” Ji-A ask Gyeong-Su again.

“I’m fine now... see you again later..” Gyeong-Su smile.

Ji-A arrive at her house, she enter the front door and find her mom and sister
sitting at the sofa, they keep looking at the door. When they saw Ji-A come in, Mi-Na
run to her, she hug Ji-A,

“Eomma...” Ji-A very surprised with her mother reaction.

“You crazy girl!! Do you really want to see me die early??!!!!” she sob again while
keep hitting on Ji-A’s back.

Jae-Dok, Jae-Hwan, Ji-Yeon and Ryeo-Uk who see that scene smiling.

They all sit at the dining table now, Mi-Na serving Ji-A everything.

“Are you really run into fire? The security that went with you... I called him after
I heard the really have a very thick nerve Baek Ji-A..” Jae-Dok always
amaze by what his youngest do.

“He said he already shout few times but you ignore him and keep running into the
flame..” Ryeo-Uk add.

“Did you really called him?” ask Ji-A.

“He just left before you came, I have my secretary drive him here..” Ryeo-Uk reply.

“Acckkk do I really have to eat this??” Ji-A look at her mom, her mom cooked her a
tofu stew and as usual her cook is always salty.

“Eomma, this is too salty...I had a very delicious kalguksu for lunch and now I’m
eating this salty tofu for my life is really something today...” said Ji-

“Appa you finish this...” Ji-A look at her dad.

Some Other Day

“We already done eating...that’s yours..your mom never let me eat that she made it
only for you...” Jae-Dok can’t hide his smile.

“How come you run into fire like that? Did you ever think that it was dangerous??!!!”
Ji-Yeon scold her.

“I knew Gyeong-Su oppa still inside, because I know he won’t be able to move in that I decided to go look for him..” said Ji-A.

“Is he really matter to you?? So you do that much for him??” Jae-Hwan tease her.

Ji-A stop, she thinking about something... “Isn’t he a family, he is meant to me like
you meant to me...” said Ji-A looking at Jae-Hwan.

“Iisshhh I really pitty Gyeong-Su..” sigh Ji-Yeon.

“Nothing more? Only a family??” ask Jae-Hwan again.

“Oppa he has a girlfriend right now,,, that Yoon Nabi...also am I crazy to fall in
love with my own older brother?? You guys sometime...ckckckckckck...” Ji-A look at

“Gyeong-Su is doomed...” sigh Jae-Hwan.

“Stay at home tomorrow, you need to rest... If you dare to cross that front door I’ll
kill you my self..” Mi-Na give her ultimatum.

“You will give her a day off right?” she look at Ji-Yeon with the look that will
cause Ji-Yeon trouble if she say no.

“Of course eomma.... I will let the HR know...” Ji-Yeon smile.

While at the Cha resident, Min-Hwan sitting next to Gyeong-Su bed,

“Finish?” Min-Hwan look at Gyeong-Su who’s finishing his dinner.

Gyeong-Su nod, the maid quickly clean up and bring the dishes out.

“Are you okay now??” Min-Hwan ask him again.

“I’m okay now aboeji...”Gyeong-Su assure his dad.

“Are we really going thru this nightmare?? You need to continue your therapy...go see
doctor Yang starting next week... I already ask her to make your visitation
schedule...” said Min-Hwan.

Gyeong-Su listen to it, he doesn’t say anything.

Some Other Day

“We were lucky Ji-A was there and save you....she was really running into fire
looking for you....I saw the incident scene it’s brutal I’m very thankfull both of
you saved...” Min-Hwan was very shocked seeing the burning restaurant from picture
gather by his staff.

“The gas leak and explode from the kitchen, 3 people died at the scene, 15
injured....thanks God you’re fine...thanks God..” Min-Hwan feel so blessed today.

“Go to sleep now. And don’t go to the office for tomorrow. Also call Jae-Dok tomorrow
and Mi-Na, they’re keep asking for you when they heard about the incident. Even Mi-Na
fainted when she heard Ji-A run into fire to save you...” said Min-Hwan.

“I will drop by at their house tomorrow morning before I go to the office.” Min-Hwan


“There she is....our flame girl...” Hyeon-U point at Ji-A. Mi-Yeon running and hug

“Crazy girl... didn’t we promise to do all crazy stuff together...” Mi-Yeon hug her
and cry.

Three of them spend their evening at the rooftop park corner, Hyeon-U give her bread
he took from his home,

“This is the first bread that come from the first batch of baking today.... I
specially bring this for you...” said Hyeon-U.

“Wuah.... I really feel I’m part of the Avengers right now..” Ji-A accept the bread.
The bread smells so good it has so many corn and cheese, her favourite bread.

“How is Gyeong-Su oppa now? Have you call him?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“He call me yesterday, he seems already okay..” Said Ji-A, she is enjoying her bread.

“First I saw Jae-Hwan hyung run like crazy..then few minutes later I saw your dad was
rushing into his car and look so stressed. I knew that something happen when I saw
Ji-Yeon noona left the hospital crying, even her husband pick her up... so I asked
Myeong-Soo noona what happen, she said you and Gyeong-Su had an accident...” Hyeon-U
tell his story.

“Everyone in here really into rumors...they even said you and Gyeong-Su trapped
inside the burning restaurant.... I cried when I heard that....then he came and told
me the real story...I really want to kick those peoples who spread the rumors...” Mi-
Yeon remember how she was very shocked and cried badly yesterday.

“You should not leave me like that.... I hate to hear bad news about you... I really
hate that you know...” Mi-Yeon hug Ji-A again.

Some Other Day

Ji-A feel so touched by her friends attention, they’ve been together since preschool
so they knew exactly each personality between them. Hyeon-U always be their shield
and black knight, Mi-Yeon and Ji-A will always be Hyeon-U cheerleader and enemy at
the same time. But they always stand for each one of them, the friendship they have
is a very nice relationship ever between them.

“Your mom called me yesterday, she told me that I really should put my eyes on you.
If you ever do another gangster thing I should notify her right at that moment...”
said Hyeon-U.

“Iissshhh my mom really don’t have anything to do. Jae-Hwan oppa need to get marry
soon and having baby so she will busy keeping her eyes and hand on that baby....” Ji-
A remember how her mom keep following her around the house yesterday.

“So will you attend the gala at Shilla?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“Seems like... iiisssh my dad put me on the auction list...thanks to my cupid wanna
be aunt...” Ji-A concentrating on her patients chart.

“I will be there too....” Mi-Yeon whisper.

“WHAT??!!!” Hyeon-U surprise to hear that. Mi-Yeon kick him.

“Why?? Is your dad a big shareholder, I don’t think so..” Hyeon-U don’t understand
why Mi-Yeon got the invitation. Even his family is the owner of the bread shop at
Pyeongchang-dong do not get the invitation.

Suddenly Ji-A remember something, “Don’t tell me that brat ask you to go with
him??!!!” ask Ji-A.

Mi-Yeon smile,

“Do you really have something with him??” ask Hyeon-U.

Mi-Yeon smile again, “He kissed me yesterday...”

Ji-A look at her disbelief for what she just heard...

“Aaarrhhh you.... are you crazy?? I told you to be careful with him....aaarrhhh I am
really going crazy now.” She look at Mi-Yeon.

“First he dating a witch.... now you’re dating a player.....are you cannot get anyone
that meet my standard??” she look at Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon.

“Why should we.... You messed everytime you have a boyfriend...we’re really don’t
think of you as our standard for dating...” said Hyeon-U.

“Iissshhh!!!” Ji-A throw a punch at Hyeon-U.

“You have a very good one before....why you let him go....stupid...” Mi-Yeon
criticize her.

Some Other Day

Ji-A close her eyes angry, “AAARRGGGHHH!!! I guess I really betray a country before
to have this mean persons to be my bestfriends..” Ji-A mad to both of them.

“Come with me to shop and pick a dress today?? Dong-Hyeok give me his card for buying
dress to be wear at the gala...” Mi-Yeon link her arms into Ji-A.

Suddenly Ji-A and Hyeon-U smile,

“Really???” ask Hyeon-U.

“His card??? Let me see..” said Ji-A. Both Ji-A and Hyeon-U look at each other and
smile, they have the same thing on their mind right now.

Mi-Yeon take out the card given by Dong-Hyeok yesterday.

“He said to buy anything that you like right??” ask Ji-A.

Mi-Yeon nod, she confuse why Ji-A and Hyeon-U smile so bright in front of her now.

“I’ll hold this card... We really will go to buy a very nice dress for you after
work. You will come also right Hyeon-U??” Ji-A ask Hyeon-U and smile.

“Of course.... picking a new dress for the wife to be of Nam heir is my favourite
thing to do today...” said Hyeon-U and toss a high five with Ji-A.

“Arrggghh I really doomed to have friends like both of you...” Mi-Yeon shakes her
head. She is really frustated right now. She looks at Ji-A and Hyeon-U enjoying their
crab, theyre so happy so they don’t even care that Mi-Yeon stare at them so furious.

Back then at the shopping time, after they get Mi-Yeon a very nice black dress. Ji-A
then drag her to a sport equipment store, then she and Hyeon-U bought each of them a
pair of shoes and a bag, even Ji-A add a yoga mat since she need a new one she said,
all of that things were paid using Dong-Hyeok card. Then after the sport store, they
moved to the finest shoes store, Ji-A pick Mi-Yeon a very nice shoes...but then she
also get 1 for her self. While they’re doing shopping Ji-A and Hyeon-U wants ice
cream, Ji-A bought three of them ice cream using Dong-Hyeok card as well. And now
they’re in seafood restaurant enjoying the most expensive crab, and Mi-Yeon very sure
that Ji-A will swipe Dong-Hyeok card again this time. Mi-Yeon already texted Dong-
Hyeok to come to save his card from Ji-A.

“Why... he said to you that can buy anything that you want... you want all of these
right???” ask Ji-A without any guilty feeling.

“Am I crazy?? Why should I bought that and that also for both of you??!!!” Mi-Yeon

“Eeiiissshhh... you are very noisy.... you want us to buy this... don’t you feel
sorry with Hyeon-U?? He keep using the same shoes and bag for the whole year... so
you want to buy him a new one...right Hyeon-U ah?” Ji-A wink to Hyeon-U.

Some Other Day

“I love you Mi-Yeon-ah... you are really a very thoughtfull friend..” Hyeon-U give
Mi-Yeon a love sign.

“Bastard....” sigh Mi-Yeon. She looks at Ji-A, “And you, why do I have to buy you
also.... your family is a wealhty, why you need me to buy those for you??!!!” ask Mi-

“Eeeyyy you really don’t know me.... it’s my dad, my oppa and my eonnie whose
chaebol.... I’m not... I even only got their watch as my will...” said Ji-A.

“Crazy girl...” sigh Mi-Yeon.

She then see Dong-Hyeok coming, she wave at him quick and tell him to come fast.

Dong-Hyeok come closer and shocked to see stack of branded paper bags near them... he
looks at Ji-A and grab her hair immediately.

“YA!!!! You really are a crazy girl.... how do I explain the bill to my dad next
month....” Dong-Hyeok yelled.

“AAAUUCCHHH.... let go!!” Ji-A pull her head and free from Dong-Hyeok.

“Why you’re acting so petty... It’s not that I want all of these, but Mi-Yeon want to
buy all of these for me and Hyeon-U..” said Ji-A rubbing her head that’s hurt because

“Thanks Dong-Hyeok ah I will use the shoes and the bag with gratefull..” said Hyeon-U
smile widely.

“You... broke up with them right now.... hanging around with them will make your life
ruin...” Dong-Hyeon sit next to Mi-Yeon and keep cursing Ji-A and Hyeon-U.

“Stop it.... eat this... I keep this one special for you..” Ji-A put the small crab
piece in his plate.

“After I buy you all of this.. you’re giving me this???” Dong-Hyeok raise his crab
given by Ji-A.

“What??!!! You have her already without my permission... think of these as your
apology to me and Hyeon-U..” Ji-A refer to the paper bags.

“Then you will give her to me??” Dong-Hyeok smile.

“Me and Hyeon-U will think about it later..” Ji-A playing push and pull with him.

“What!!! After these things you still said thinking about it???” Dong-Hyeok really
never been able to defeat her.

“I’m must be have something unforgiven in my previous life to be related with you in
my present life...” said Dong-Hyeok.

Some Other Day

“You have to be really thankfull to be in my circle, I’m a special person.... not any
ordinary people can be in my circle...” said-Ji-A.

“Yeah right.....I am doomed to have linking fate with you...” Dong-Hyeok shakes his
head and start enjoying his crab.

“Are you okay? You seem have a rough day past 2 months...” suddenly Dong-Hyeok ask
Ji-A with serious face.

They are on their way to Ji-A’s house after dropping Mi-Yeon at the hospital, Mi-Yeon
receive a call from the hospital about her patient that need immediate treatment.

“What...yesterday incident?” ask Ji-A.

“That’s too... I heard about that from noona yesterday. Did you really think you have
nine lives so you run into fire like that?? Did you know that your mom fainted when
she heard you run into fire...” Dong-Hyeok giving her lecture.

“Really?? she fainted?? No one told me about that. She just keep scolding me and
hitting me when I got home....even yesterday she kept following me around to make
sure i stayed at home.” Said Ji-A. She instantly think about her mom, she never know
that her mom fainted because of her.

“Don’t do that again.... you really made everyone worried...” said Dong-Hyeok.

“I know...” said Ji-A.

“Wait... you said that too before..... what was that mean?” ask Ji-A again.

“Are you okay after breaking up with the famous Park Hui-Jun?? I really couldn’t
believe my ears when I heard that.” Said Dong-Hyeok.

“How do you know that?? Mi-Yeon told you??” Ji-A surprise that Dong-Hyeok know about
her and Hui-Jun.

“It’s not Mi-Yeon. It’s just I knew people that knew about you and Hui-Jun....why you
break up with him?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“Let’s say that I’m not good enough for him...” said Ji-A.

“He said that??!!!!! Really???!!!! Who does he think he is??!!” Dong-Hyeok offended
by what he heard.

“It’s not him.... it’s me. He’s just too good for me.. I can’t keep up... I feel
worry about my self....” explain Ji-A.

Dong-Hyeok look at her, “You??? Are you nuts? How can you think like that...” Dong-
Hyeok look at her.

Some Other Day

“Is it because he’s an actor? Because he has lot’s of girl fans?? You can’t stand to
see him surrounding by girls?? Or because he did kissing scenes and romance scene
with other girls.... your heart can’t take it??” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“Are you a shaman??” ask Ji-A.

“It’s right??!!!! Wuaaahhh Baek Ji-A you are really pitifull...” said Dong-Hyeok.

Ji-A hit him hard,

“OUCH!!! That’s hurt..... are you really a gangster??? You really pick the wrong
job... you should become debt collector as your part time job. So after you hurt
someone you can treat them also...” Dong-Hyeok whining.

“IIIISSSHHH... after she hurt my card, now she even hurt my shoulder...God why do I
have to related with this person..” Dong-Hyeok keep talking.

“It’s not like that...” said Ji-A after they paused for a while.

“What is it?” ask Dong-Hyeok stil rubbing his shoulder.

“It’s not I hate his job.... but he never tell me anything about his work... It will
be okay if he tell me that he’s going to do this with this person... or he’s doing
what... but I always knew everything from internet...or from his manager...he never
talk about his job...” Ji-A open up all her feeling to Dong-Hyeok.

“Then ask him, you stupid head....maybe every time he had with you he only want to
have quality time with you, so he forget everything but you...” said Dong-Hyeok.

“I want he tell me not because I ask him, but because he want to tell me..” said Ji-

Dong-Hyeok look at her, he can tell that Ji-A is really sad right now because he make
her remember Hui-Jun again.

“There will be another good man for you.... just think that maybe there will be
someone better than him for you...” Dong-Hyeok comfort her.

“You think so?” ask Ji-A.

“I’m glad that he’s not doomed as me to be tangled with you....he is a nation
husband, it’s a pitty for him to end up with gangster like you..” Dong-Hyeok smile.

“Dong-Hyeok promise me one thing...” said Ji-A.

“What?” Dong-Hyeok reply.

“At the gala, aunty succesfully assure my dad to put me on auction list for one day
date with the auction winner... I already ask Gyeong-Su oppa to bid for me..but he
said there will be actress on the list too so he will save his money for her...”
explain Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“So you want me to bid for you?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“Yes...” Ji-A look at him full of hope.

Dong-Hyeok look at her speechless,

“Are you crazy? Am I stupid??? After you robbed me like that you expect me to bid for
you..... you are unbelieveable...” Dong-Hyeok really never understand what’s in her

At home Ji-A directly go into her parents room and find her mom reading something on
her phone. She quickly approach her and hug her.

“What do you want from me??” ask Mi-Na surprise to have her daughter reaction.

Ji-A smile and kiss her cheek, “Eomma... I love you..”

Mi-Na smile, “You must be really love me right now...”

Jae-Dok enter the room but he stop when he see his maknae hugging his wife, he watch
the two of them and smile, “This is a good day..”


Ji-Yeon clean the dining table, her mother inlaw is on her trip to Jeju with her
socialita friends, while his father inlaw must stay at the hotel since he has a guest
from Hongkong said his secretary. So it’s only her and the twin that having dinner.
Ryeo-Uk not home yet and Dong-Hyeok still out of nowhere.

She goes to see the twin and play with them before bed. They’re planning to go and
see aquarium tomorrow.

“Eomma, am I really will see a shark?” ask Seo-Jun.

“Eomma... you really sure that the puff fish will be there too???” ask Seo-Eun.

Ji-Yeon smile, “all of our sea friends will be there, you’ll meet nemo too at the
aquarium tomorrow..”

“I want to take picture with the shark... I will show it to Lee Seo-Jin at school..”
said Seo-Jun.

“We will take picture with all of them...” said Ji-Yeon.

Some Other Day

Ji-yeon back to her room after she put the twin sleep. She’s done preparing
everything for tomorrow. She is preparing for tomorrow outfit whe she heard Ryeo-Uk
come in and call for her. She go to find him,

“Yes oppa..” Ji-Yeon show up from the closet room.

Ryeo-Uk smile to find her. He approach Ji-Yeon and put his head on her shoulder...

“I have a disastrous meeting today... a ship that carried our container to

Philiphines have leak. Thanks God someone came out with great idea to solve that..”
Ryeo-Uk share his day.

Ji-Yeon hug him, “You work hard today Vice President Nam”

“I seems will not be able to go with you and the twin to the aquarium tomorrow..”
Ryeo-Uk loosen his tie.

“Why?? Oppa we already promised them since 2 weeks ago.. you’ll promise to clear your
schedule tomorrow..” Ji-Yeon irritated by what she just heard.

“The guest from Japan come again today, and they asked me to play golf together
tomorrow... I can’t cancel that..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Why? Then what should I tell the boys?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“Just tell anything that will make them understand...” Ryeo-Uk.

“So you want me to lie?” Ji-Yeon angry.

Ryeo-Uk look at her, he really want to avoid this. He choose to keep silent and go to
the bathroom.

“I don’t want to lie..especially to them. You lie a lot, why don’t you tell them...”
somehow Ji-Yeon loose it.

Ryeo-Uk stop and turn to Ji-Yeon

“What did you just say?” Ryeo-Uk ask her, he’s getting mad.

“Yes you lie a lot oppa...” said Ji-Yeon.

“You said you just met me at the blind date... it’s a lie... you know me long before
that...” Ji-Yeon start to confront him.

“What did you just say?” Ryeo-Uk hold his anger... “I really don’t know what you mean
by that..”

“Then tell me why you keep the newspaper scrap of all my accident?? Why you keep all
of those??? Do you know who’s the person that run away after the blocks hit me and
make this hand can’t play piano again??” Ji-Yeon just throw everything.

Some Other Day

Ryeo-Uk shocked that Ji-Yeon find out the file.

“Why are you running into my stuff??!!!!!” Ryeo-Uk yelled at her.

“Why??? Why can’t I.... are you keeping a lot of secret beside that??!!!!” ask Ji-

Ryeo-Uk look into Ji-Yeon, she is angry. Her face tell it all, the one that scare
Ryeo-Uk the most, now is in front of them. He either choose to face it or run away
and hide like he always do.

After a long paused, Ryeo-Uk took the file and put it on the table.

“It was me...” said Ryeo-Uk to finally face it. He’s sick on hiding this from Ji-

“I was coming to see your recital, and I watched it from upstair the stage. I didn’t
realize that the blocks not strong enough as I lean on it the blocks falling right
into you...” Ryeo-Uk finally tell her the real story.

“Why you left? Why you runaway??” Ji-Yeon tears start falling.

“I just scare...” Ryeo-Uk approach her.

“Oppa..did you know how much I love playing piano?? So why you ask me to marry you??
Is it because your guilt???” Ji-Yeon sobbing.

“Ji-Yeon ah..yeobo...don’t say like that...” Ryeo-Uk try to hug her. But Ji-Yeon
don’t response.

“I will sleep with the can go and play your golf tomorrow..”” Ji-Yeon push
him, and she go the the twin’s room.


“Harabeoji, does your knee feeling better now?” Ji-A ask her favourite patient.

“Of course...I put warm pack twice a day and it’s better now..” said the old man.

“Good for you, next time we’ll go for a race I’m sure I can beat you on marathon...”
said Ji-A

“ can’t beat me it’s rude to beat older people like me on a
should give the victory to me..” the old man laugh.

Ji-A laugh too, “I get that haraboeji, let’s have ameal together then next time not a

Some Other Day

Ji-A finish her patient chart, and hurriedly run to the back of the clinic. Her
family is busy preparing their meal together. She see So-Mi is helping her mom at the
kitchen. She love to see Jae-Hwan is so happy now to be with So-Mi. Jae-Hwan smile
often and always text her, whether he should take So-Mi to this place or not, or
should he buy something for So-Mi.

“Eonnie, Hyeongbu not coming today?” Ji-A don’t see Ryeo-Uk.

“Don’t ask about him right now... I really don’t want to talk about him...” Ji-Yeon
keep putting the bowl in everyone spot.

Ji-A back off to realize that her eonnie is having a fight with her husband.

“What happen?” Jae-Hwan whisper.

“Couple fighting...she doesn’t want to talk about it, I guess hyeongbu is dead by
now....” said Ji-A complete with her spices and drama.

Everyone now sit and enjoying their meal,

“Will Gyeong-Su come?” Mi-Na ask Ji-A.

“I don’t know..” Ji-A look at Jae-Hwan.

“He’ll be here he just need to drop by at some place before here..” said Jae-Hwan.

“This stew... who make it?” ask Jae-Dok.

“Delicious right appa??? To be sure this is not eomma..” said Ji-A.

Mi-Na stare at Ji-A, “I know you never like my food.... but yes So-Mi made this...I
only chop the vegetables and peel the shrimp..” said Mi-Na.

“Eomma you’re very good in chopping and peeling...” said Ji-A.

Mi-Na laugh, “Are you comforting me now? After hitting on me like that??? Iissshhh
bad girl.” Said Mi-Na.

“So-Mi shi, your cook is very delicious... I heard you’re good on making cakes too..”
Said Ji-Yeon.

“It’s nothing eonnie... I only learn it not mastered it.” So-Mi don’t want to brag
about her skills.

“You are really humble....eonnie you really are too perfect for my oppa...please re-
consider him I don’t want you make the same mistake as I did, living in the same roof
and always get bully to get him this and do things this and that..” said

Everyone smile hearing that,

Some Other Day

“This table feel so empty...where are Gyeong-Su and Ryeo-Uk?” ask Jae-Dok.

“I’m here ahjusssi....” Gyeong-Su coming with 2 flower boquet in his hand.

“This one for you omeoni..” Gyeong-Su hand 1 bouquet for Mi-Na.

“And this one....” Gyeong-Su look at Ji-A.

“I am...” Ji-Yeon take the flower since Gyeong-Su is standing beside her seat.

“Noona... “ Gyeong-Su protest.

“Can you just give it to me? I really have a bad mood today....can’t you just be nice
to me?” said Ji-Yeon.

Gyeong-Su lost his battle before he even start it..”Yes... that’s one for
just didn’t let me finish my sentence...” Gyeong-Su said.

“Is Ryeo-Uk coming?” Jae-Dok ask Ji-Yeon.

“He has dinner with his Japanese guests..” Ji-Yeon reply..

“They’re coming again? Seems like Taeyang group will have a very good future in Japan
market..” said Jae-Dok. But Ji-Yeon do not response to it.

“Eonnie, you said you live with your little brother, how come he never join us?” ask
Ji-A to So-Mi.

“He’s working...I’m sory Ji-A, but he is kinda busy lately..” said So-Mi, she
remember about Hui-Jun.

“Ooh..I wish I can meet him more often” said Ji-A.

“Why...if he is close with you so you can hang and treat him like you did to Dong-
Hyeok?” ask Jae-Hwan.

Ji-A laugh, “Wuah...he is really a special richie rich..”

“Ask him to come with you next time if he’s not busy..what is his job anyway?” ask

“Aaahh...he is assisting someone..” So-Mi hesitate and she look at Ji-A carefully,
“But I will pass the message to him, thank you for the invitation eomeoni..” So-Mi
thanks Mi-Na.

“It’s not something that fancy.... you’re close to Jae-Hwan, and you live alone. So
he should know us too as his new family..” said Jae-Dok.

“So you will be there at the Gala next week right??” Jae-Dok point his spoon to Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“I will come with her ahjussi..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Make sure she’s not run away, she must do the auction...” said Jae-Dok.

“Appa!! Why you follow aunt Mi-Seok to put me in the auction list... you are too
much..” Ji-A protest.

“Why?? It’s a good chance for you... maybe you will meet a good man there... don’t
you say you wanna marry a celebrity, some top celebrity will be there too...let’s
just hope someone bid for you...” said Jae-Dok.

“That is really not right...” Ji-A keep whining.

“You will bid for me right?” Ji-A look at Gyeong-Su.

“Should I??” Gyeong-Su look at her pretending to be hesitate.

“Don’t waste your money on her, bid for someone else... I saw the list and it’s full
with great girls...even a celebrity is on the list too..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Eonnie!!! Oppa.. you bid for me right?” now Ji-A look at Jae-Hwan.

“Why should I.... I already have you everyday my whole life... it’s tiring..” said

“Hyeon-U money will not make it .... Dong-Hyeok will not do that either.... appa just
bid for me... I’ll promise I will be a good daughter for you since then..” Ji-A beg
her dad.

“Forget it... You make the same promise when you broke my car during your driving
lesson, in the end you always put me in headache and trouble of sleeping...” Jae-Dok
reject her.

“Oh God... I’m doomed...” Ji-A put her head on the table.

Everyone laugh.

“What if I bid for you?” Gyeong-Su look at her. He always love Ji-A eyes.

Ji-A pull her head up quickly and smiling.

“Really???” Ji-A so happy to hear that.

“You’re really wasting your money for nothing..” Jae-Hwan drink his wine.

“What will I get for that?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“ANYTHING!!!!” Ji-A assure him.

“Should I trust her?” ask Gyeong-Su to the other.

Some Other Day

“No!!” everyone said at the same time. So-Mi laugh hearing that.

“You can trust me oppa..” said Ji-A.

“Oohhh...why is that line scare me now...” Gyeong-Su pretending to be in agony.

In his heart he already decide to confess at her after he win the bid at the auction

“Where will the money donated?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“Most of the money will be use for building free apartment in poor area and support
free education also medical access to the people lives in that new apartment, in hope
that they will have a better life and their children have a better future..” said Ji-

“Your family will donate that much money?” So-Mi surprise to hear that. All this time
she and Beom-Seok not living a fancy life, and she amazed how Jae-Hwan family still
doing good deed for other that in need. She even surprise when she find out that the
medical service that Jae-Hwan family build in this building is for free, but they
still giving the patient the best treatment also handle them themselves.

“It’s not..” Jae-Hwan laugh, “It’s many people with lots of money and have a great
personality like him,” Jae-Hwan point his dad..”Will gather together and donate some
of theirs to give to the others.... plant a good deed for their heir..” finish Jae-

“Ji-A will be one of the auction list. Every year we usually have a one day date
category with the daughters of some high social status people, most of the bachelors
will bid for their pick... sometimes few of them even made it to the wedding..” said

“My oppa ruin his last 2 years... aunt Mi-Seok bid for him but then on the date day
he ditched her by saying I’m not interesting on continuing this date... the girl
cried and he got a whole day lecture from aunt Mi-Seok” said Ji-A to So-Mi.

“Why?? Why you turn down on her?” ask So-Mi.

“She’s not as pretty as you... and Jae-Hwan prefer to do a surgery than meeting
her..” add Ji-Yeon.

Jae-Hwan smile.... So-Mi look at him.

“Why... she’s really not my type..” said Jae-Hwan.

“He’s a really bad guy eonnie... sometimes he even sent me to pass the message that
he want to break up with the girl that he dated for 2 day...” said Ji-A.

“Is that true??” So-Mi look at Jae-Hwan.

“It is..” Gyeong-Su reply... “ I always drive her when she became the courier..”

Some Other Day

Ji-A nod and highfive with Gyeong-Su.

“Then why you dated her if you’re never like her..” So-Mi ask.

“It’s not him... aunt Mi-Seok made him date her..and he never say no...instead he use
Ji-A..” said Ji-Yeon.

“See... he is bad guy...” said Ji-A.

So-Mi lean her back at the chair..”Wah I really need to be prepare if sometime later
Ji-A show up in front of my door...”

Everyone laugh ..Jae-Hwan hold So-Mi hand and smile..

“I will beat him to die if he do that to my favourite cooking partner..” said Mi-Na.

Later after the diner done, Ji-A is helping her mom clean the table, So-Mi come and
help her..

“Don’t do that just rest it’s my job anyway..” Ji-A took the bowl that
So-Mi hold.

“That’s fine, I will feel bad if i’m not helping..” So-Mi take back her bowl.

“Ji-A ah,..” So-Mi look at her.

“Yes..” Ji-A keep collecting the dirty bowls and glasses hand them over to the maid
that waiting for her.

“I think I should tell you this, before you know it from someone else..” said So-Mi.

Ji-A turn on her and look confuse, “What happen eonnie?” ask Ji-A.

So-Mi take a deep breath, “I know about you and Hui-Jun, my brother Beom-Seok is his
manager, they’ve been friends since childhood. And Hui-Jun is like a dongsaeng for me

Ji-A smile..and hug her..”It’s okay eonnie, I knew. I knew that Beom-Seok oppa is
your dongsaeng when you’re at the hospital. And about Hui-Jun oppa I already figure
out the you’ll knew about it too..”

“He was at my house before he went to Boryeong to filming his movie, he saw the
picture we took together at last gathering and recognize you. Then he told me about
you and him....” So-Mi still hold Ji-A hand.

Ji-A try to so hard for not crying, she miss Hui-Jun so much. But So-Mi can feel her
hand trembling.

Some Other Day

“I made a mistake eonnie... but I don’t think I can come back either..” Ji-A sad

So-Mi hug her again..

“I really like you .... and Hui-Jun is a very nice man i like him too... I hope there
will be some way for both of you....” So-Mi comfort her. And Ji-A can’t hold her
tears anymore.


Some Other Day


„....I wonder if you hurt like me, I wonder if you cry like
me, I wonder if you live in all memories like me....(IWonderIfYou
Hurt Like Me – 2AM)

Some Other Day

“How do you want your hair look now, is the make up okay for you?” Yoo-Hyuk, Ji-A
favourite stylist ask.

“Just natural look, don’t over do it..make up is good as always, oppa. I really don’t
want anyone bid for me even for 1 dollar..” said Ji-A.

“Even if you just go to the event like this many man will line up to have one day
date with you have a boyfriend? So you don’t want to do this auction?” ask

“No boyfriend... I don’t want romance again this year... it’s tiring for me..” said

“No boyfriend? Do you want to date a celebrity?? I can set a blind date for you with
a very handsome one..” said Yoo-Hyuk.

“TOP?? I will do it...EXO member?? Please give me Suho or Baekhyun or Xiumin, or 2PM
let me have one day date with Wooyoung...” Ji-A enthutiast with the offer.

“Heol... they never came here.... I never did make up or hair do for them. How about
Lee Soo Hyuk?? Or Park Seo-Joon?? Or Sung-Joon? Kim Young-Kwang??” Yoo-Hyuk list all
his celebrity list.

Ji-A laugh... “Oppa.. I’ll be passed out when we do the handshake..” they both laugh.

“Then don’t do the handshake, kiss him right away..” Yoo-Hyuk laugh.

“I’ll be dead after that then....hahahahaha” both of them laugh.

“I’m sorry miss Ji-A, but mr. Cha already wait for you downstair..” Yoo-Hyuk
receptionist interrupt their laugh.

“Oh he’s here already..oppa hurry then...” said Ji-A.

“Tell him to wait I just need to do her hair now..” said Yoo-Hyuk.

The receptionist go back to tell Gyeong-Su.

“Aahh I really want to rest Beom-Seok ah...I can really use this night to sleep..”
Hui-Jun putting on his manset

“You really need to be in the Gala Hui-Jun ah, the invitation come from the Blue
House, and didn’t you say you want to donate all of you fan meetings income...then
this is the right place to do it..” Beom-Seok checking on Hui-Jun suit one more time.

“Does he good to go?” Beom-Seok ask the stylist.

“I need one more touch on his hair, give me few minutes..” said the stylist.

Some Other Day

Park Hui-Jun looks so dashing tonight, black tuxedo really suit him very well. He
look again his appearance on the mirror before he go, and he satisfied with the look.

“Hui-Jun look here, I need to post your look tonight at your social media...” Beom-
Seok take Hui-Jun picture, and send it to his staff that handle Hui-Jun social media.

“Your fans will be screaming seeing you in this look really handsome
tonight..” said Beom-Seok.

“Why I hate it to hear that line from you.... I need someone else to say it for
me...not you..” said Hui-Jun.

“You...told him that he’s handsome..” Beom-Seok talk to the stylist, and all of them

And they off to Shilla hotel for attending Gala Diner and donate money for the

Reporters crowded at the red carpet area, one by one guests are coming and they
report on this event. The Gala Dinner event is held once a year. The main purpose for
this is to gather money donated by the rich in South Korea and send them directly to
the institution, orphanage, nursery, even build a free homes, school and medical
access all over South Korea. Baek Jae-Dok and Lee Mi-Na spotted first at the red
carpet, many reporters throw question at him, he is the most favourite person in this
Gala night. People said he is become more richer every year because he also never
forget to donate large sum of money every year. Next is the Nam clan, Nam Seung-Hwan
and Hong Ye-Jin entering the Shilla while Nam Ryeo-Uk and Baek Ji-Yeon follow them
behind. After that list of celebrity also making their entrance at the red carpet,
the incoming celebrities that coming tonight are the A-list actors and actresses that
once choosen as the various government ambassador and honorary invited as their
contribution for the society as well, they got invited every year by the Blue House,
since this event is specially organized by the Prime Minister office. Park Hui-Jun
arrive at the scene, he make his entrance at the red carpet along with his senior
Sung Tae-Hyun. They stop for a while and make a pose for the reporters,

“See what I told you, all the girls are crazy about you this days...” Tae-Hyun points
at the crowd of the girls that screaming Hui-Jun name.

“Sunbae-nim they also here wooing for you...” Hui-Jun smile.

“Let’s go inside... thanks God you and I sit on the same table...” Tae-Hyun was very
happy when he receive the news that he and Hui-Jun sit on the same table.

“We’re late?” ask Ji-A.

“No...but we need to father guards already wait for us at the employee
door at Shilla, we going from there so we can enter the ballroom faster.” Said

Some Other Day

Ji-A appearance tonight is very beautiful. The dark purple dress she choose suit her
perfectly, her left shoulder expose but it add more beauty for her. And Gyeong-Su
very proud to be her partner tonight and walk beside her, while she linked her arm
into his.

“This is Park Hui-Jun, he’s the one that create another level of South Korean
economy... I even heard his drama sold in highest price’re really make
this country proud..” the president greet him and introduce him at her table.

“So this is our new face on Korean tourism?” ask the minister.

“I will do my best mr. Minister..” Hui-Jun bow politely.

“His drama really bring trends in our economy and good image for the
soldiers....please continue your good work..” the president is proud of him.

“It’s not like that madam president... I only do small things compare to all people
sit in here..” Hui-Jun look at the table. Prime Minister, Ambassador of USA, South
Korean Minister of Economy, also the Foreign Affairs minister.

“A young man with such a humble personality... it’s rare these days..” the Prime
Minister greet him.

“I’m Park Hui-Jun sir, it’s my honor to know you Prime Minister Cha.” Hui-Jun
politely shake his hand then bow to him after that.

Hui-Jun back at his seat, and he catch a face he always remember. He see Ji-A
entering the ballroom looking very georgeus. But then he also catch that Ji-A not
alone she walk with the man he saw his face at So-Mi noona picture. He see both of
them approaching a table, and he also try to guess every person in that table. He
recognize them as the Baek family, same group like he saw in the picture. Only he
can’t find So-Mi noona and Ji-A older brother. But the rest of the people are there.
And he also see the Prime Minister approaching their table, that make him curious
even more.

“Oh...I guess that Cha Gyeong-Su, the Prime Minister son... and isn’t that Baek Jae-
Dok and Nam Ryeo-Uk..waaahhh you can see it Hui-Jun ah three of them together are the
big fish in South Korea...if the Wang group also sit in that table then 5 richest in
South Korea is presented “ said Tae-Hyun.

“The Baek first daughter is married to heir of Taeyang group, Nam Ryeo-Uk...and you
see that the Prime Minister son is walking with Baek maknae..” said Sung Chong-Sik.

“How do you know that she is his daughter?” ask Tae-Hyun.

“We were invited to his free clinic celebration event last year, he was introducing
all of his family back then..” said Hye-Rin, Chong-Sik wife. Both of them are
celebrity that known for their multiple generous acts, they often come for helping
orphanage or nursery during their free time.

Some Other Day

“They are a really nice people to be with... I spend 1 day only with them. But
everytime I visited Baek hospital, doctor Baek still recognize me and giving me the
best father was diagnosed with brain tumor, I went to him for
consultation...guess what he did... he and his daughter did surgery for my father and
they didn’t charge their service on the surgery...that youngest daughter is having
the same skills as her dad. But I really forget her name.” Chong-Sik try so hard to
remember the name.

“It’s Baek Ji-A..” Hui-Jun answer but his eyes stick to her.

“How do you know her?” Tae-Hyun surprise.

“She was treating my wound back then, I saw the name and asked..” said Hui-Jun

“But I don’t think she and Cha Gyeong-Su is a couple.... I heard that Gyeong-Su is
dating with someone else..” said Hye-Rin.

“How do you know that?” ask Chong-Sik.

“Me and Ji-Yeon sometimes met in an event, I heard one time someone asked her about
the prime minister son and her sister... she said Gyeong-Su is a family, he and her
sister only oppa – dongsaeng relationship.” Said Hye-Rin.

Hui-Jun look at Ji-A, he really miss her. He really want to go and meet her now. Talk
with her that his feeling never change no matter how hard he try.

“If that the case you should participate on one day date category Hui-Jun ah, I see
that Baek Ji-A is listed as the auction list.” Chong-Sik encourage Hui-Jun.

“Should I?” Hui-Jun smile.

“Now we are moving to our favourite auction item... One Day Date!!!!!!” the MC
announcing the last and most favourite item every year.

“Here are the list of our this year beauties..” The MC announcing the 5 names
including Baek Ji-A

Mean while someone approaching Gyeong-Su, “Annyeonghaseyo... Gyeong-Su shi, you came
too?” Yoon Nabi smile.

Gyeong-Su very surprise to see her, he stand up then bow.

“I really expecting that you call me.... but the call never I am
approaching you again...” Nabi pull out all of her courage to come and talk with
Gyeong-Su, she already fall for him since the day they met.

“I’m sorry.. but I... I can’t make my excuse also... since it will be a lie..”
Gyeong-Su embarass that Nabi ask him that.

Some Other Day

“How about having drinks with me now, we can leave this place and find somewhere
nice..” ask Nabi.

“Oohh Nabi, you met my son??” Min-Hwan is now joining them.

“We met before, but he seems already forgeting me after one blind date..though I
really want see him again..” Nabi smile and bow politely to Min-Hwan.

“Ya... you really embarassing me how can you treat her like that...” Min-Hwan
pretending to scold his son.

Gyeong-Su feel very awkward between them. He heard that Ji-A name is announcing by
the MC, that means her bidding time is going to start soon,

“Should we go and find another place? Or you want to stay for bid one day date?” Nabi
tease him.

“What are you doing here Gyeong-Su, go with her... no one is better than her... go
and have your time..” Min-Hwan urge his son to leave, Gyeong-Su loo at his father.

“Aboeji.. it’s not like that but I..” he can’t even tell his reason to stay. It will
hurt Nabi feeling if he say that he need to bid for Ji-A and confess to her after

But it’s too late, Min-Hwan push her and Nabi link her arms on his and Gyeong-Su
leave the ballroom, with Ji-A watching his leave angry..

“He really ask for a fight.... because his girlfriend show up now he ditch me just
like that..” Ji-A mumbling with anger while she keep putting her smile on stage.

“So miss Baek Ji-A you are the youngest child of Baek Jae-Dok?” ask the MC.

“Yes..” Ji-A really want this to end quick.

“What is your activity daily?”

“I’m a doctor specialized in neuro, you also can find me at the emergency room of my
dad hospital..” Ji-A can’t understand why she need to explain like that, saying that
she is a doctor is enough.

She see Dong-Hyeok and Mi-Yeon standing at the back of ballroom seems don’t even care
on what about to happen to her. They both lost in their own world.

“Okay let’s start the bid... we will start on ₩100.000..” the MC open the bid

“₩200.000” the man with blue tuxedo shout from the back.

“We have ₩200.000 will there be another bid?”

“₩250.000” another man with glasses and husky voice shout.

Some Other Day

“for a beauty like this come on your bid...” The MC heat up the

“₩500.000 for a date with Baek Ji-A” a man with a dashing look in dark blue tuxedo
stand up

“Wuah who is that?” Jae-Dok look at him

“Oh...isn’t that Kim Kyung-Ho, the Hyeonsei automotive heir..” Ryeo-Uk acknowledge
the man

“₩600.000” suddenly a voice that Ji-A know very well. Ji-A look for the voice owner,
and she gasp to see Hui-Jun there bidding for her.

“₩750.000” Kim Kyung-Ho adding his number.

“Waahh this is really tense.... anyone call higher..” the MC heat up the room

“₩1.000.000..” Hui-Jun place his bid. Everyone clapping and shout at the same time,
this bid seem going to be hot that the previous bids.

“Wow.. that’s Park Hui-Jun right??” Mi-Yeon shock to see Hui-Jun there.

Dong-Hyeok keep looking at Ji-A and Hui-Jun, “yaaa I really surprise to find out she
worth that much...especially the bidder is two powerfull man..” Dong-Hyeok know
exactly both profile of the bidder that now having a nerve war.

“₩1.500.000” Kim Kyung-Ho isn’t hesitate at all.

“₩2.000.000” Hui-Jun smile in confident.

“Ya??!! Are you crazy, you already spent all of your fan meetings income on the
painting...are you really like her??” Tae-Hyun amazed

“Waaahh you are really cool Park Hui-Jun” Hye-Rin adore him.

“₩3.000.000..” Kim Kyung-Ho look at Hui-Jun and raise his wine glass at him.

“₩3.250.000...” Hui-Jun accept his challenge, Kim Kyung-Ho laugh...

“₩3.750.000..” Kim Kyung-Ho raise his glass, and his suporters cheering for him at
his table.

“₩4.000.000..” Hui-Jun stand up put his hand on his pocket and look right to Kim

The whole guests clapping and cheering the previous bid reach ₩4.000.000 as the final

“₩4.500.000..” Kim Kyung-Ho is dunk himself into the challenge.

Some Other Day

Hui-Jun sigh, “Aaahh, this man really got into my nerve...”

“₩5.000.000..” Hui-Jun look at him.

Ji-A pinch the MC to stop the bid and give victory to Hui-Jun,

“Ahjussi you need to stop this or we will have a war in seconds..”

“Oh you want to be with him??” the MC whisper.

“₩5.000.000 going once...twice... one day date with Baek Ji-A win by Park Hui-Jun..”
the MC close the bid fast to avoid Kim Kyung-Ho place another bid.

Kim Kyung-Ho looks dissapointed he is one second late for shouting his next bidding,
while everyone clapping for Park Hui-Jun.

“Who is he?” ask Jae-Dok.

Ji-Yeon smile, “Oooh!!” she realize something when she see Hui-Jun back while he
approaching Ji-A at the stage,

“Appa...looks like you really going to have celebrity as your new son inlaw.” Ji-Yeon
remember that posture. The man that hugging with Ji-A before. Also maybe he is the
reason why Ji-A cried last time. She will drag Hyeon-U tomorrow for sure to confirm
her guess.

“Really?? they just meet here... how can he be my son inlaw that the
POP she always talked about??” Jae-Dok try to remember the name but he can’t

“it’s TOP!!!” Ji-Yeon laugh.

“That’s not TOP... I search for TOP at the internet and he dye his hair white.. and
the man with Ji-A now is very famous now...aahh I don’t remember the name..” Mi-Na
try to remembering Hui-Jun name

“Park Hui-Jun... he is the “IT” celebrity these days..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Beom-Seok ah, bring the car to the employee door right now, and I will drive my
self..” Hui-Jun talking on his phone and walking very fast dragging Ji-A who’s
running following his steps. Her heels is killing her... she really miss her sneaker
right now.

Beom-Seok already waiting for them, and he surprise to see Ji-A with Hui-Jun. Hui-Jun
open the passenger door for Ji-A and he took the car key from Beom-Seok.

“I will call you when I’m done..” Hui-Jun get into the car and leave.

They spend their time at the car in silent.Turn out Hui-Jun drive her home. He park
his car outside, they both still silent. Ji-A don’t know what she has to do or say,

Some Other Day

she doesn’t want to open the door and get out from the car, but she really don’t know
what to say to Hui-Jun.

“I...” both Hui-Jun and Ji-A start their first word together. And silent sit between
them again.

Hui-Jun turn on the radio, and 2 AM song is playing..

(uhuhuhuhu) noraereul bu-lleodo (Even when I sing)

(uhuhuhuhu) keorireul keo-reodo (Even when I walk the streets)

(uhuhuhuhu) ontong ni saenggag ppuninde (I’m filled with thoughts of you)

*neodo nacheoreom ireohke apeunji (I wonder if you hurt like me)

neodo nacheoreom nun-mul naneunji (I wonder if you cry like me)

neodo harujon-girireohke chu-eo-ge saneunji kkong nacheoreom (I wonder if you live

all day in memories like me)

Hui-Jun smile hearing that song, how come the radio can tell exactly how he feel
right now,

“I do...” Ji-A break the silence. Hui-Jun turn to her,

“I do...keep thinking about you everyday, keep asking my self why did I do that back
then, keep wondering whether you feel the same way like I do...” Ji-A continue.

“Then why did you left...” Hui-Jun can hear Ji-A voice is cracking, and he really do
not want to see her tears again, so he keep looking at the street in front of him.

“Why didn’t you give me a chance...” Hui-Jun say it again the regrets between them.

“I should should not cry too that night....that make me a bad man...”
Hui-Jun look at her.

“If I’m not an actor...and my job is ordinary like other man, I didn’t tangled with
romantic scene or pairing with other girls beside you to act...not having many
fangirls...maybe we’re still have it..” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A look at him, “We’re not too...”

Hui-Jun take a deep breath, he really try to hold all of his emotions right now.

Some Other Day

“We always fake it everytime we met... oppa you misunderstanding about me, it’s not
your job that I hate...It’s not everything that you do that I hate...I love that my
boyfriend doing a very good job, I wave at your banner ad everytime I met one on my
way...” Ji-A decide to tell him everything.

“But oppa.. you never tell me anything about your job, you must be think I would mad
hearing you do a romance scene with other girl..hug your jealousy that you
thought would come between us, must burdened you a lot. I always pretend nothing
happen when I’m with you, you always pretend you’re hide nothing when you’re with me.
Because we want to make our time a good one...” Ji-A keep talking.

“Why didn’t you ask me to tell that to you..” Hui-Jun ask.

Ji-A smile in irony, “I want you to tell me because you want to...not because I asked
you to..”

“We’re faking it most of the time oppa...and I hate hiding the fact that I have a
cool man as my boyfriend... I even couldn’t ask you to meet my friends and hangout
together because it will be hard for you,” Ji-A continue.

They pause again. Both are lost in their own thought.

Ji-A walk into her house, she realize that someone is in the garden. It’s Gyeong-Su,
sitting on the tree swing,

“Oppa, what are you doing in here?” Ji-A approach him.

“Didn’t you go with your girlfriend? Where is she now?” Ji-A surprise to see him at
her house.

Gyeong-Su stand up and hold a flower bouquet, a very pretty flower.

“She is not my girlfriend, we had 1 blind date but that’s all I never think any
further with her..” Gyeong-Su walking closer to her.

“So I heard Park Hui-Jun, the actor win the bid...where is he now?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“Ah...he just left, he has to be at another place tomorrow..that’s it..” Ji-A reply.

“I’m sorry I missed the bid, but that’s not changed what I want to say to you
tonight..” Gyeong-Su stand in front of her.

“What is this oppa... you scare me..” Ji-A is guessing something, but she really want
to deny it.

“I’ve been fall in love with you since the day you were born... since the day you
learn your step with me...since the day you stay with me when the accident happened
at your birthday, since the day you came with flowers at my graduation, I’ve always

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fall in love with you... I tried to date other girl but I always compare them with
you...” Gyeong-Su tell her everything.

“Don’t do that.... stop it oppa..” Ji-A take a step back.

“Ji-A ah, I always have you in my mind..” Gyeong-Su confess everything he has in

“Oppa...what do you want me to do?” Ji-A thinking should she just leave, or should
she stay but she really don’t want to know how this going to end.

“Just know it from now on that I always look at you as my woman, not my dongsaeng...”
Gyeong-Su hand her the bouquet.

“Oppa...” Ji-A cannot continue her line.

Gyeong-Su kiss her on the forehead, “It seems that you’re very shock about my
confession...” Gyeong-Su smile and hug her.

“Can you consider it Ji-A? You’re always in my dream...and I really like to make it
happen..” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A sit in her bed, thinking about everything happen tonight. The person she misses
so much, win her at the auction but yet they couldn’t make the good of being together
for the first time after 3 months not seeing each other. And then Gyeong-Su, she
never thought anything like that with Gyeong-Su. Her tears start to fall, and she
just let them go and cry. She never meant to say all those things to Hui-Jun but she
said them all....while she regret it Gyeong-Su come and ask her that question.

On his way back to Boryeong, Hui-Jun keep thinking about his last conversation with

“It’s not I hate your job oppa, it’s just we never honest to each other, I pretend
nothing happen in front of you because I don’t want to ruin our little times of being
together. But behind your back I was whining to my friends about why you like this
with other woman and not telling me. That’s why I left, because I didn’t want to add
another lies to us..I need to figure out what I need to be with you..” Said

“I won’t ask you to come back....” Hui-Jun said, Ji-A hold her tears she really
doesn’t want to cry.

“But I want you to ask me to come back....” Hui-Jun look at her.

“I don’t know when this feeling will stay... I don’t know if I will have a change of
heart or not.... but you will regret it if you pass me....” Hui-Jun smile.

Suddenly Hui-Jun collar grabbed by Ji-A, and she kissed him. At first Hui-Jun
surprised by her act, but then he place his left hand at her waist and the other hand
on her nape then he kissed her back.

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Ji-A stop their kiss, and look into Hui-Jun eyes.

“I’m sorry oppa.... but right now it’s to tiring for me to do it again...I don’t want
us become worst than before...I roll the dice, I’ll take whatever my consequences..”
Ji-A told that without even dare looking into his eyes.

Hui-Jun look at his picture with Ji-A back then when they’re still dating.

“Then why you kissed me...why you make it hard for me everytime...”

“Beom-Seok ah is it okay to wait or should I leave and forget everything....I feel

like I’ll be broken if I stay like this...” Hui-Jun look at the window, he open the
window to catch the falling rain...he let his arms get wet. But the cold wind that
hit his face somehow comforting him.

Beok-Seok look at him without saying anything at all.


Ryeo-Uk looking at his wife cleaning her face, Ji-Yeon look so stunning tonight with
her red dress. All his colleagues envy him for marrying Ji-Yeon, she was every man
dream. All the man he hangout with always talked about her and asking around to have
a date with her. After their fight, Ji-Yeon always sleep at the twin’s room, she’s
not even talk to him like she used to be.

Ji-Yeon already changed into her night gown, and Ryeo-Uk still sit at the couch and
keep his eyes on her. She’s take her magazine and walk to the door.

“Stop sleeping at the kid’s room...even eomma ask me whether we had a fight or not so
you sleep with them for days..” Ryeo-Uk stop her.

“You can sleep at the bed, I’ll sleep here..”Ryeo-Uk lay down at the couch with his
suit and shoes still attach.

Ji-Yeon watch Ryeo-Uk sleep, she really wants to end this cold war. But she started
this war, and she still feel it hard to listen to his story about the accident. Ji-
Yeon walk out the room, she goes downstair and stop at the living room, where the
family piano placed. She sit and look at it. She press the key and missed the sound
so much. But her hands can’t play it again. The accident damage her hand’s nerve so
it impossible to make her fingers running.... dancing..... pressing the piano keys
with excellency the pianist play her song in accurate speed and emotions. Her hands
cannot work it again. She tried a nerve transplant but also failed... her hands just
stop playing piano again.

“I first saw you at your recital event back then at Sejong Center... you were playing
Chopin's Ballade No.4.. I was amazed by how you played it but still look very
beautiful...” Ryeo-Uk suddenly already stand at the living room entrance watching

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“I remember I told Kyu-Min that I reallly want to know your name, after the recital
done I found out your name, your hobby, your family, and your favourite color and
food..” Ryeo-Uk smiling remembering how nice it was back then.

“After that I keep you on track.... I always came to your performance, but I never
have the courage to come and introduce my self. Because I was so scared... I was
scared that you might not interested on me..”

“I always watch you from the rehearsal time until after the show you get in to your
car and left. Until that day...” Ryeo-Uk pause.

“The day when the accident happened...” said Ji-Yeon.

“As usual I watched you rehearsal from the small room above you that usually used by
the lightning staff. And I also aware there were some blocks put in there...but I
really want to see you that day, since I missed your last performance because abeoji
took me to France that I guess I missed you so much that time..” he drink
up his vodka to help him gather all the courage on telling everything he hide from

“I went upstair then lean at the blocks...suddenly the blocks start trembling and
fell right into the piano....” continue Ryeo-Uk.

“It was so fast, the blocks hit the piano and suddenly the piano cover dropped and
hit my hands so bad, after that another blocks hit my arms...but some ahjussi run and
cover me so there were no blocks hit my face or my body...but my hands are
ruin...blood messed up with the piano keys..” Ji-Yeon remembering her nightmare.

Ryeo-Uk hold his tears, and continue his story, “Right after the blocks start to
falling I ran.... I ran until I reach the car and drive away. But then I came back to
see the paramedic already at the scene and get you. And I saw you cried with both of
your hands covers with blanket full of blood.... I was so devastated back then...”

“Why you accept the blind date invitation oppa?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“After the accident abeoji sent me to United States, I need to learn the company
business in there for 4 years during my life in America I always look for your
updates I even search all the news about you or the accident that posted on newspaper
and scrapped it and kept it until now... and I came back.” Ryeo-Uk now stand in front
of her.

“A year after I came back, Kyu-Min suddenly told me that he were called by my mother
to empty my schedule on particular date and time. My mom knew I always reject her
blind date setup, that’s why she went to Kyu-Min first. When Kyu-Min finally found
out my dating partner was, I told him to do as my mother said...then we met..” Ryeo-
Uk look into her eyes.

“Why you lied? Is that your only lie... or you have many other lies??” ask Ji-Yeon.

“Because I scared... I don’t want to loose you. So I rushed everything back then,
thanks God eomma didn’t realize it, she was just too happy that finally I listened to
her and agree to marry you...she was so ecstatic..” reply Ryeo-Uk.

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“And turn out I lied to you everyday by always keeping this guilt.... I lies a lot
for pretending to not see you when you look at your piano with sad looks.... I lies
when I pretend not to hurt to see you craving playing your piano everytime we have
gathering at your parents house... yes I lie a lot.... can you forgive me?” Ryeo-Uk
look at her with a very sad looks.

“It was my dream oppa..... and you took it from least you can show me some
courtesy and telling me the truth from the beginning..” said Ji-Yeon. Actually she
really want to hug him, she never see Ryeo-Uk so fragile like now.

Tears falling in Ryeo-Uk cheek, “I’m so sorry...I was too coward back there, but when
God sealed my faith with you I was really blessed that I finally have you. I love you
too much, but it’s hard for me already to be covered by guilt everytime I saw you.
I’m so sorry Ji-Yeon ah, please don’t leave me. You can hate me, you can ignore me
but please stay and don’t leave me....”

Ji-Yeon cries hard to heard that.


“You tell her?” Jae-Hwan laugh, he look at his black cod fish, “I don’t know which
one I enjoy more, is it this fish or your story...” Jae-Hwan teasing Gyeong-Su.

“Eeeiissshhh you really enjoying your time making fun of me right now..” Gyeong-Su
drink his water.

“Finally....after ages you’re finally gather up your courage... We really have to

celebrate that...thanks for this delicious lunch... I will make sure I order the most
expensive wine also..” Jae-Hwan look into the wine list.

“But she didn’t say anything....” Gyeong-Su remember again that night, when Ji-A took
a step back then left without saying anything.

“She was surprised... all this time she never thought anything else beside friend
with you..she even told me that she look at the same way as she look at and
noona thought that you’re doomed that day she said day... but it’s great that you
finally told her..” Jae-Hwan enjoying his fish.

“Have you met her after I told you that? How is her mood looks like..” Gyeong-Su
really curious. It’s already 2 days after the confession night, Ji-A haven’t called
her nor text him. And he really nervous about what he should do about it.

“Yesterday I didn’t meet her.... she was out since early morning because she has
surgery at 7 am, then she came home very late I only heard her door sound....” Jae-
Hwan remembering what happen between him and Ji-A yesterday.

“This morning?” ask Gyeong-Su nervous.

“She was eating her breakfast and quarrel with eomma as always, maybe she still need
time. You know her temper, she will come when she’s ready..” Jae-Hwan lie. Actually

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he can tell that his maknae is very gloomy. She didn’t eat much only took a banana
and left without saying anything. Even his mom ask him whether she has a rough time
at the hospital or not.

“AH the auction!!! That actor, do you think she fell in love with him and hesitate
about me?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“That’s seem not the reason, from what I know after Hui-Jun drove her home the night
after the Gala, they never met for a date...” Jae-Hwan really sure about it, since
his mom keeping update about that, she even have Mi-Yeon reported all Ji-A activity.

“So what’s keeping her like this??” Gyeong-Su hate being clueless like this.

“From what I know she spent her day at the hospital and her room....” said Jae-Hwan.

Gyeong-Su really want to see her. Jae-Hwan look at him, and smile,

“Just relax, she will come to you when she’s ready” Jae-Hwan comfort his bestfriend.

“It’s day 2 already, how long you will hide??? You need to face him and tell that you
can’t accept him as boyfriend...” Hyeon-U talk with his mouth full with bibimbap they
just made together.

Ji-A stay silent and keep digging her spoon and eat.

“When is the day?? The day you date again with Hui-Jun?? “ ask Mi-Yeon.

“I won’t...we won’t have a date...” Ji-A fix her eyes into the bibimbap bowl.

Mi-Yeon drop her spoon, Hyeon-U hit her head and signal her to shut up.

“Ahahahha.... you’re right...why should you....ahahahahaha.... do you want to go for

beer tonight??” Mi-Yeon laugh awkwardly.

Both Ji-A and Hyeon-U look at her, Mi-Yeon just keep bowing her head and eat

“Let’s go...” Ji-A suddenly knock Mi-Yeon spoon.

“You go too...” Ji-A look at Hyeon-U.

“Of course I should come...otherwise who will drag 2 drunk girls out from the bar..”
Hyeon-U realize that he will need his strength tonight.

“Again!!!!!!!” Ji-A raising her glass and ask for more beer.

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“Stop’s your 6th already....” Hyeon-U take the glass.

Ji-A pouting her lips and stat to cry...”I waaaaaaannnnttt moooorreeeeeee.....” Ji-A

“Aaaaiiiissshhhh you are so Ji-A ah ....I... your best friend will give
you aaaaaaaaaaallllllllllll the beer they have in here.....let’s drink all together
until they’re run out...” Mi-Yeon already in her other world.

“Yeeaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!” Ji-A shout happily and drink her beer given by Mi-Yeon.

“Arrrgghhhh these girls are really screw...” Hyeon-U giving up on keeping their

His phone is buzzing, it’s Bora..”Chagi-ya.... I’m at the bar...the one we go last
month...can you just come here?? I don’t think I can’t pick you up at the bus
stop...” Hyeon talk very carefully.

“Why?” Bora ask.

“This....eehmmmm.....” Hyeon-U realize that he will start another war if Bora knew
the reason why he bailed on their movie date tonight.

“Why you go to the bar tonight but don’t want to see the movie with me? Are you
having rough day at the hospital today?” Bora walking from the bus stop and looking
for the bar Hyeon-U told her.

“My life already rough everyday since I met these girls... “Hyeon-U look at Mi-Yeon
and Ji-A whose now playing baduk using bottle cap but they placed all the cap
horizontally and each of them keep shouting “I win”.

“You say something?” Bora do not hear what Hyeon-U said just then.

“Chagi-ya, you love me right???” Hyeon-U ask her.

“Why you ask me that?” Bora confuse.

“Two loving people will forgive their partner when they’re making mistake right?”
Hyeon_u ask her again.

“Well...I guess so...but...” suddenly Bora stop talking. Second later..

“YA!!! KIM HYEON-U you’re really die tonight!!!!” Bora shout looking at the three of

Bora come at him in second, Hyeon-U try to hug her but he just ask for his
punishment. Bora hit him in the head,

“OUCH!!! Ya!! That’s hurt!!” Hyeon-U rubbing his head to ease the pain.

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“Ya!! Can’t you find another man to hangout with...stop using my Hyeon-U!!” Bora
yelled at the two drunk girls.

Ji-A is the first to realize her, “Waaahhh Bora witch is you adore me that
much? You show up often in front of my eyes....”

“You can’t even stand straight yet so noisy...” Bora sigh and take her seat and grab
Hyeon-U glass.

“Bora...did you put spells on Hyeon-U so he’s dating you....or you gave him a spell
that make him go blind everytime he met you??” Mi-Yeon pointing her finger to the
empty bottles thinking that it’s Bora.

“You can’t even differentiate which one human and which one bottle yet you’re
harrasing me..ckckckckckck” Bora drink her beer.

“Aiiissshhh how do I drag 3 girls at the same time....” Hyeon-U just realize his
harsh fate tonight.

And It’s really happening, Hyeon-U look at Ji-A, Mi-Yeon and Bora that sits together
side by side at the sidewalk and singing children song “tomato” in different tone and
pitch. Hyeon-U hold his phone and record a video of this “choir” for his collection
and also his weapon in future, in case he need something from this 3 girls, this is
his bad habit started 2 years ago and it always worked as magic.

“Aigoo....all of you are doomed in my hand..” Hyeon-U keep laughing seeing his

First to arrive is Dong-Hyeok, he still in his suit, even Hyeon-U is shocked seeing
Dong-Hyeok in suits.

“Are you still attending another gala??” ask Hyeon-U.

“Aigooo....this girl really know how to’re surprise to see me like

this???” Dong-Hyeok talk to Hyeon-U while he keep looking at Mi-Yeon.

“I even surprise myself that I can stay at the office and really work for 12
hours....” Dong-Hyeok tell his story.

“You work?? Really??? wah..are you being hit somewhere in your head??” ask Hyeon-U.

“Even my mother think that this is april fools day, and my dad keep checking his
secretary whether I killed someone or bullied someone or even caught by a cop for
drugs when he heard I came to the office and do the work... wah everyone is too much
at me today...” Dong-Hyeok tell all his family response on seeing him put on his suit
and go to the office work for real for the first time.

“Why??? Why you creep everyone??” ask Hyeon-U.

Dong-Hyeok point at Mi-Yeon, “I don’t know why I sacrifice this much only to be with

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“She told you to work??!!” Hyeon-U laugh.

“If I don’t earn my own money to buy her food don’t bother to come and see her again,
she said that to me..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“You must be love her or you are truly stupid to listen to this drunk

“Mi-Yeon ah let’s go home make me work all day, now I even have to pick
you up to after you drunk....what a nice life you have with me..” Dong-Hyeok grab Mi-
Yeon and carry her to the car.

“Hyeon-U ah, I’m going now..” Dong-Hyeok turn on the car.

“ about her??? I need to drop Bora...” Hyeon-U look at Ji-A.

“Your home is closer...” Dong-Hyeok reply.

“But you’re his family..” Hyeon-U really want to be with Bora tonight.

“I’m brother is her family...I’m not...never...” Dong-Hyeok wave his hand.

“I already call someone to pick her up, he’ll be here soon..” Dong-Hyeok leave them
and off with Mi-Yeon.

Minutes later a car approach,

“Aiishh that bastard didn’t know the story...she will chop me to pieces when she
sober next..” Hyeon-U really know whose car is that.

Gyeong-Su coming out from the car, and see Ji-A so wasted.

“How many did she drinks?” Gyeong-Su really know her drinking habit. She will do it
until she wasted if she wants to drink.

“MANY..” Hyeon-U answer it directly

“O?!! Oppa is Gyeong-Su oppa...” Ji-A look at Gyeong-Su and smile.

“Yes...and it’s very nice to hear you still know me after you wasted like
this...let’s go home now..” Gyeong-Su step closer to pick her up.

“No... I don’t want to be with anyone...No...No....why do I keep saying no these days

Hyeon-U ah??” Ji-A refuse Gyeong-Su and talk to Hyeon-U.

“Just go home and say your no at the’s night already...” Hyeon-U help
Gyeong-Su to pick her up.

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“Why you drink like this??” Gyeong-Su keep checking on her while driving.

Suddenly Ji-A finger is touching his cheek, Gyeong-Su turn his head and find her
smile, “One of the reason is you....” said Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su really aware what her mean with that.

“Oppa...I really hate you right now...I hide and avoid you now...” drunk Ji-A let all
the words come out.

“Why...” Gyeong-Su smile.

“I don’t want you to be my boyfriend.... you are my oppa...oppa and dongsaeng not
become a can’t do that..” said Ji-A.

“I hate romance....I don’t want don’t make me hate you oppa...don’t
make me hide from you...” Ji-A then lost it...she fell and passed out.


“Are you really keep doing this?” Jae-Hwan talk with Ji-A at his desk.

“Doing what?” Ji-A slurping her yoghurt.

“Avoiding Gyeong-Su.” Jae-Hwan lower his voice.

“I’m not avoiding him..” Ji-A lie... “It just I haven’t had a chance to meet him coz
I was very busy at the hospital..” Ji-A not dare to look into Jae-Hwan eyes.

“Busy my ass.... at least talk to him nicely... even if his confession is something
that ruin your comfort with him, but he deserve an answer too..” said Jae-Hwan.

“I never look at him as a man... all this time I think of him the same way as you..”
Ji-A finish her yoghurt.

“Don’t think that you’re the only one that hurt....he’s worse... he’s been carrying
that feeling for years, now he finally say it...20 years crush ruin in one
do you feel he is now?” Jae-Hwan cornered her.

“Are you taking his side?” Ji-A feel offended.

“Of course.... don’t think I will let it slide because you’re my sister.. I know you
have something going on with your own problem, and it’s not Gyeong-Su... but don’t
think that you’re the only one that got hurt...Gyeong-Su feel the same way too...just
stop thinking about yourself, maybe that’s why you have a bad track record on
romance..” Jae-Hwan lecture her.

Ji-A think about what her brother said, is she really selfish?

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“I hate you...” Ji-A leave Jae-Hwan, and she meet So-Mi at the door.

“Don’t marry him...he’s mean..” Ji-A say it to So-Mi while passing her.

So-Mi look at Ji-A, then she look at Jae-Hwan,

“Let her.... she is on the edge right now..” Jae-Hwan pull the chair and sign So-Mi
to sit on it.

“Have you done doing your cooking with eomma?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“Hope you like the food Jae-Hwan shi..” So-Mi smile.

“How long will your brother stay at Boryeong?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“He sometimes come to check on me... “ reply So-Mi.

“You should not stay alone... your last test result not very good..” said Jae-Hwan.

“It’s because I’m too excited these days... I laugh a lot... I feel too happy these
days..” So-Mi hold Jae-Hwan hand.

Suddenly Jae-Hwan lean closer and kiss her, So-Mi surprise by Jae-Hwan act.

“Why? I think this is about the time I finally kiss you... I’ve thinking about this
many times before..” said Jae-Hwan.

“It’s not that... it’s just..” So-Mi stand up and run. She can feel that her face is
blushing right now.

Jae-Hwan laugh, “Is it her first kiss?? Heol, I’m so lucky..”

“Have you talk with Ryeo-Uk?” Mi-Na put each napkin at the table.

“I haven’t...” Ji-Yeon reply.

“Why?” Mi-Na know something is happening between Ji-Yeon and Ryeo-Uk, but JI-Yeon is
the type that never tell her privacy to anyone, she’s a good secret keeper.

“It’s just not something that need you to interfere eomma...It’s between me and oppa
just stay out of it.” Said Ji-Yeon.

Mi-Na look at her daughter, “Anything...but you should not thinking that the hurt is
on you.”

Ji-Yeon paused,

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“I saw him at the gala, and he doesn’t look good. He keep looking at you hoping that
you look at him, but you’re not..” said Mi-Na.

“When a couple have a fight it will not only hurt 1 person, but the person who hold
the fault is the one that hurt the most. We need to be more forgiven, it worse
already to bear the fault that he made, don’t make it worst for him...” Mi-Na give
Ji-Yeon a thought.

Ji-Yeon sit and try not to cry in front of her mother, “eomma..” her voice is

“Remember the accident that made me give up my dream?”

“Why?” ask Mi-Na.

Ji-Yeon thinking should her mother know it or not...”Just forget it eomma..” Ji-Yeon
stand up and leave the table.

“Ji-Yeon ah, if you had your dream come true will you met with Ryeo-Uk and marry him?
And If you become whatever your dream was, will you have Seo-Jun and Seo-Eun in your
life right now? You’re not regretting them aren’t you?” Mi-Na ask her.

Ji-Yeon froze and she look at her mother, she can’t hold her tears.

“I just hate him because he lie to me eomma... and it’s hard to accept that he lie to
me all this time.” Ji-Yeon sobbing.

“Appa... are you busy?” Ji-A peeping her dad from his office door.

“Why?? Diner already ready?” Jae-Dok look at his watch.

“No... It’s just something I need to tell you..” Ji-A sit.

“What?” Jae-Dok put down his pen and ready to listen his daughter.

Ji-A seem so hesitate on talking, she take a deep breath, “Appa can I quit the
hospital for a while?”

Jae-Dok surprise to hear that, but he maintain his calm so he can get her whole

“Why? Eonnie don’t pay you enough? Or you have over schedule?” ask Jae-Dok.

“No... that’s not why I come and talk to you... It’s just I need to have my own time,
I need.... I want to calm my self appa..” Ji-A hold her hands tight so she can bear
her trembling heart.

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“Do you have something bad that you want to share with me? You always tell me
everything when you were kid...” Jae-Dok can feel that Ji-A is really have something
that make her feel so bad.

“It’s not something grand....not something nice to talk about...I just want to forget
someone, being here everywhere I go I keep seeing his face everywhere. Also I just
need this trip appa....please?” Ji-A begging to her father.

“Does your mom know? Jae-Hwan? Your eonnie? Hyeon-U Mi-Yeon?” Jae-Dok ask.

Ji-A shake her head, “You are the first person I talk about this... If it’s a no then
please don’t tell anyone about this..”

Jae-Dok thinking hard, but he also aware that this past few days his daughter is
losing her spirit. She’s not eating much, she stay at the hospital until very late,
and not active talking like usual.

“Where do you planning to go? For how long? With who?” Jae-Dok play with his pen to
maintain his emotion.

“I find an opening for medical volunteer in Rabat, Morocco. The hospital is not
located far from the city. Also the situation is very good and very peacefull place
to go. The length of project is 3 months but I don’t know how long I will stay. And
Hyeon-U or Mi-Yeon haven’t know my plan I don’t know they will come or not.
But It’s better to go alone, I will make new friends there..” Ji-A explain.

“You’re so good in keeping your own secret, but spoiling anyone in seconds..” Jae-Dok
smile to ease his thought, “I’d like it more if you hinted me before not ambush me
like this...”

Both are silent, busy with their own mind.

“Why you’re not choosing some place near? I know that country like Philiphines,
Cambodia, Thailand also open for medical volunteer..” Jae-Dok try to give another

“It’s between Argentina or Morocco... I choose Morocco. It’s also a beautiful place
I’ve never been in there. And the job not in dangerous place, quite near to the city
also I checked there’re also 3 Koreans that join the programme before and still there
until now..” said Ji-A.

“At the same place?” ask Jae-Dok.

“No.... only 1 staying at the place I’m going to be, the others located far from
Rabat..” Ji-A answer.

“Can I think about this first? Also I need to discuss this with your mom..” said Jae-

“Can you at least make her agree about this?” ask Ji-A, “I really want to go...”

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“What are you saying, I’m not even decide to approve your request yet you ask me to
make your mom agree” Jae-Dok laugh.

“Let’s eat first...We’ll talk again about this later..” Jae-Dok hug Ji-A shoulder and
they walk together to the dining room.

Ji-Yeon is doing the dishes, Ryeo-Uk approaching her with Seo-Jun and Seo-Eun hanging
at his both arms.

“Eommaaaaaa.... look at us!!” Seo-Jun call his mom.

The twin laugh happily playing with their dad like that, Ji-Yeon look at them,

“Be careful!! Appa arms will be broken if you both of keep doing that,” Ji-Yeon hold
Seo-Jun and tickle him.

“aaaa eommaaa that’s ticklish..stop it..” Seo-Jun laugh.

“Go grab your things...let’s go home..” Ryeo-Uk put down the twin, they’re running to
collect their things.

“Have you eat?” Ji-Yeon ask.

“Not yet...” Ryeo-Uk sit at the kitchen stall.

Ji-Yeon quickly prepare him a bowl, chopstick and spoon. She put all the dish in forn
of him.

“Eat first, we can go home after you finish.” Said Ji-Yeon.

Ryeo-Uk look at her, somehow he feel at ease.

“Can you stay with me while I’m eat?” He hold Ji-Yeon hand.

Ji-Yeon pouting, “How can you eat with 1 hand... let go...just eat...I’ll stay”

“Also don’t ever think I will leave you..with things and lies that you hide from me
all these times you have to live longer to pay it to me....” Ji-Yeon hug him first.

Ryeok-Uk kiss her cheek, “Should we leave the twins to your mom tonight and we go
sepnd the night at the hotel?”

“Issshh pervert..” Ji-Yeon hit Ryeo-Uk shoulder.

“When will you go?” Mi-Yeon look very upset.

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“On friday...” Ji-A packing her things.

Hyeon-U lay on her bed, and keep looking at her.

“Why you make this huge decision without asking our opinion?” Mi-Yeon still grudging,
yet she help Ji-A packing.

“It won’t take long, I’ll be home on new year, appa only give me 3 months at the new year I’ll be home for sure..” said Ji-A.

“Your mom okay with that? Hyung? Noona?” ask Hyeon-U.

“Well..they don’t have other choice... they seems trying to understand me..” said Ji-

“Do you want me to come with you?” Hyeon-U asking again.

“No...I don’t want to hear Bora voice calling you in Morocco...” Ji-A reject the
offer right away.

“Will you be okay without us in there??” Mi-Yeon very worry.

“In first week maybe not...but I’ll get thru it...” Ji-A tapping Mi-Yeon shoulder.


Ji-A park her car in front of Gyeong-Su office, she see Gyeong-Su car still at the
parking lot. Ji-A goes inside Gyeong-Su firm to find him. Most of the employee are
out for lunch, but Ji-A can see Se-Ah still sitting at her desk, that means Gyeong-Su
is inside his room. Ji-A lightly run to her,

“Annyeong eonnie..” Ji-A greet Se-Ah with a wide smile.

Se-Ah surprise to see Ji-A in her office, “Waahh long time not see....I really miss
you..” Se-Ah jump and hug her immediately.

“You’re going to miss me a lot next...” Ji-A hug Se-Ah happily.

“Oppa inside?” Ji-A trying to peep.

Se-Ah nod, “He just finish his Jjajangmyun, go inside...” Se-Ah push her back to
Gyeong-Su office.

Ji-A carefully push the glass door, and peep. Gyeong-Su is sitting on the floor doing
his miniature, seems like he’s having project on building a traditional complex.

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Gyeong-Su so focused, he’s not realize Ji-A carefully take her steps closer to him.
Ji-A now right at his back, she’s carefully take a spot behind him and,

“Are you finally planning to build a house for me?” Ji-A pretend to examine the
miniature complex.

Gyeong-Su instantly look at his back, “Since when you”re here?”

“Since oppa too busy making that..” Ji-A smile.

“You’re not working today?” Gyeong-Su put his miniature at the table.

“I quit....” Ji-A sit at the couch.

“Eehh??!!” Gyeong-Su don’t believe to what he just hear.

“I am.... I quit...really oppa..” Ji-A convice him.

“Really?? unbelieveable...then what will you do?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“I’m leaving .... I’m taking flight to Morocco tomorrow, I’ll be doing volunteer work
at hospital in Rabat...” Ji-A answer him.

Gyeong-Su stop drinking his water, “What?!!”

“Why? How? How long? Where?” Gyeong-Su can’t even put his line straight.

“I’m leaving tomorrow, I’ll be home again on new year...I’ll be serving in a Hospital
near Rabat...It’s not far from the city and its also a nice place..” Ji-A answer.

Gyeong-Su can’t say anything, he just sit and keep looking at her,

“Oppa...I must be hurting you a lot. I’m sorry..” Ji-A break the silent.

“All this time I never thought that you might see me other than your dongsaeng, I’m
too happy to have you as my brother. And I never thought anything beside that
relationship between us..” she continue.

“Are you leaving because of me?” Gyeong-Su carefully asking.

Ji-A smile, “Waahhh how could you say that... I’m leaving because of me. Because I
want to be better... I keep thinking that I keep making mistake because I’m too
selfish for thinking what I want and ignoring everyone heart on I did to
you. After that sweet confession I chose to run and hide from you, because I want to
save my heart, but I forgot that you may hurt also because of what I did...ignoring

“I’m sorry oppa... you are a really great man, but I cannot accept your confession,
let’s stay like this... I’ll be your best dongsaeng ever...” Ji-A hold his hand.

“What time you’ll be leaving? Where are you going to stay?” ask Gyeong-Su.

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“The flight is tomorrow afternoon, please don’t sound like appa, I’ll be staying with
the korean friend that already stay in there. And the friend is a girl, she is 3
years older than me, she’s from Busan... and no!! Don’t come visit me... I’ll be home
on new year..let’s have a trip together next time when I’m done with volunteering...”
Ji-A keep talking and Gyeong-Su hug her, very tight.

“Oppa...” Ji-A try to loosen his hug, but Gyeong-Su make him fall so deep into their

“Let me be like this for a while....” Gyeong-Su whisper.

Ji-A is walking to her car, she finished her meeting with Gyeong-Su. Tomorrow Gyeong-
Su will drive her to the airport, he insisted that he will be doing that, he even
make a call to Jae-Dok to say that he will driving her to the airport.

“Baek Ji-A shi?” someone calling her name.

Ji-A turn her head to the voice, and Ji-A remember the guy that owned the voice,

“Oh annyeonghaseyo..” Ji-A bow her head. He remember this man, he is Hui-Jun best
friend together with Beom-Seok. They met once at Hui-Jun apartment and drinking

“Annyeonghaseyo, it’s a surprise to see you here..” Gi-Gwang was going inside the
firm, when he saw Ji-A walking into the parking lot. He catch up with her and greet

“Ah yes... I’m here to meet Gyeong-Su oppa..” said Ji-A

“Do you want to have coffee with me? The coffee near our place is delicious..” ask

Ji-A do not see the reason why she has to avoid that and nod,

“Here is you ice vanilla latte” Gi-Gwang hand her the coffee she ordered.

“Thank you...” Ji-A accept the glass and slurp the latte.

“How are you? Still busy at the hospital? I was coming to your hospital few days ago,
but it seems you’re not around..” said Gi-Gwang.

“Really??? why?? Are you hurt somewhere??” ask Ji-A.

Gi-Gwang laugh, “No... I was picking up a friend..and then see my noona..she own the
small restaurant in front of your hospital”

“Ha-Nui eonnie?? She is your noona??? Waahhh I know her so well... I often eat at her
place, her dish is delicious, and the owner is pretty also that’s why many of our man
employee come to her restaurant..” Ji-A compliment his sister

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“You and CEO Cha are close?” ask Gi-Gwang,

“We are more like family, I’ve been knowing him since the day that I born, and he
spent lots of time with my family also, especially after his mom passed away since
his dad is a very busy politician..” said Ji-A

“Oohhh... so the guy that I always see hangout with him is your brother, right?”
guess Gi-Gwang.

“You are right...that’s my brother. He and Gyeong-Su oppa are best friend..” said Ji-

They pause for a moment,

“Is Hui-Jun oppa fine?” ask Ji-A.

Gi-Gwang surprise to hear her asking him that, he’s been thinking what the propper
question to ask to Ji-A about Hui-Jun, but she open the gate for him,

“He’s fine..he still at Boryeong doing filming. Beom-Seok with him all the
time...sometimes he come to Seoul also..” the part of fine word is a lie. Hui-Jun
never fine in front of Beom-Seok and Gi-Gwang. He was always drunk and keep talking
about how he miss his Ji-A.

“Aahh ...” Ji-A nodding..”That’s good to hear..” Ji-A drinking her coffee.

“Do you have a plan to see him again?” ask Gi-Gwang.

Ji-A thinking how she should answer this...”Not today...and maybe not in any near
time...” Ji-A smile.

“What if something come between you two? Let say he may meet another you in future or
maybe you meet another him?” Gi-Gwang ask

“Then he’s maybe not for me...or maybe I’m not for him...I’m not going to push my
luck or anything, I will follow where the fate will take me. And if at my next
journey I happen to cross path with him again, I’ll do better than before..” said Ji-

Later that night Ji-A re-checking her luggage and choose a book to read at the
airplane and she put also another pair of sock and underwear inside her bag since she
will spend many hours of flight, a first class ticket bought by her mom already with
her passport in her bag, to make sure she can have a nice rest at the plane. She do
not pack a lot since she’s sure she’ll be buying many things there. After all the
checklist done, she put on her laptop into the case then put it together with her bag
so she won’t miss it yesterday. But then she remember of something, she take out the
laptop and type the specific word into youtube site. There she find it, a latest show
of a chinese variety show that have Park Hui-Jun as their guest star, it even said
the variety show break the highest rating all this year due to Hui-Jun appearance,
not to mention some news that leak the ticket show for this variety show seat was

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sold in a unreasonable price. She overheard some female employee at Gyeong-Su office
talking how funny the show was, so now she is very curious about it,

Now the opening is begin, and minutes later the person she miss appear on her screen.
Using his favourite color black pants and white shirt, he looks thinner but he always
handsome. Ji-A smile and enjoying the show. In the middle of the show someone knock
her door, she paused the video and see her eonnie enetering her room,

“You done packing?” Ji-Yeon look at the big red luggage and try to weight it.

“You didn’t pack much? It’s not that heavy..” said Ji-Yeon

“No...I will buy many things when I get there for sure, so I keep it very light from
here..” said Ji-A.

“Gyeong-Su will take you at the airport tomorrow? I guess I have my farewell now..”
Ji-Yeon sit next to her.

“Eonnie..will you miss me??” ask Ji-A.

Ji-Yeon look at her..”Why should I, you’ll be back in 3 months..also even when you’re
here we didn’t meet so often too...” Ji-Yeon making excuses.

“Heol...why is everyone say the same things...” said Ji-A.

Ji-Yeon suddenly hug her, “Be well in there, take care your self...don’t get into
trouble...stay away from anything me whenever you you

Ji-A hug her back...”I will eonnie.... see you in 3 months..”

Ji-Yeon release her hug and took something from her pocket,

“This is from Ryeo-Uk, he already exchange it to the local currency so you can use
it. Be wise in using it. Buy a good food, stay in a nice place, and don’t overdo your
job...don’t get sick either..” Ji-Yeon hand her an envelope full with money. Ji-A
look at it instantly happy. She also receive money from her mom this morning also
Jae-Hwan and her dad transfer some money to her account. She is totally rich than she
ever been her whole life now.

“I really love my hyeongbu more than you...” she said.

“Iiissshhh..” Ji-Yeon sigh.

Ji-Yeon look at the laptop and see Hui-Jun face on the screen.

“Oh isn’t that the man that win you last time??” ask Ji-Yeon.

“Park Hui-Jun, right?” ask Ji-Yeo again.

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“Yep...” Ji-A answer while she separate the money into 3 envelopes. She put 1 in her
bag and the others snuck in into he luggage inside her clothes.

“You never go to a date with him after that..” Ji-Yeon pretending to know nothing. In
fact she already know everything from Hyeon-U. Including the bad breakup between

“He is busy eonnie....maybe we will have it someday...since he spent ₩5.000.000 on

me...” said Ji-A.

Ji-Yeon just smile.

After Ji-Yeon left the room, Ji-A continue watching the show. There’s a segment where
Hui-Jun meet with 3 ladies with different outfit but immitate his last couple at the
drama. And Ji-A is happy to see how Hui-Jun laugh so often to one of the girl because
she is very funny, Hui-Jun can’t even control him self to stop laughing..

“ happy like this...” Ji-A said when Hui-Jun is laughing.

“So what’s the detail?” Gyeong-Su rechecking her ticket and passport.

“it’s Air France, La Premiere, departure, connecting flight at De Gaulle, oh you have
2 hours at France, don’t go anywhere just straight to the next flight to Rabat,
understand?” Gyeong-Su repeating her detail flight.

“I’m going...” Ji-A walking backward and waving to Gyeong-Su that follow her step.

“Be careful in me when you me again anytime you

want...don’t get a lot...enjoy your time..” Gyeong-Su keep repeating his
lines since they’re at the car.

“Iiissshhh you’re worst than harabeoji.... he only told me once...but you keep
repeating it...” said Ji-A and Gyeong-Su laugh.

“Oppa...go date that eonnie... she is pretty...don’t be alone like this..even Jae-
Hwan oppa already have one...” said Ji-A

“I got it... I will find a pretty lady after this...” said Gyeong-Su.

“You still owe me a trip to Seoul Land...” said Ji-A.

“Let’s go after you comeback...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Promise??” said Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su nodding.

“Bye oppa...” Ji-A reach the departure gate.

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Gyeong-Su look at her, then walk fast and hug her. Ji-A smile and hug him back.

“Be good...thank you for being honest with me.” Said Gyeong-Su.

And Ji-A left Seoul, she is going to Morocco. She really can’t wait to be there. In
next 19 hours she will arrive at morocco international airport and someone from the
Korean embassy will come and pick her up also drive her to her destination. Her dad
call Gyeong-Su dad to make sure she get help while she is in Morocco from the embassy
and Min-Hwan really doing it.


Hui-Jun is doing his make-up for his interview with an entertainment news show. His
movie already premiere and the movie receive a huge attention. Beside the story it
self that good and having a lot of great movie effect, the viewers also very
satisfied with the casts. Beside Park Hui-Jun there’re 2 other actors that a star in
korean entertainment industry and have million of fans. Hui-Jun very satisfied with
his work and before he has some worry that his movie would not receive great reaction
like his drama before, but turn out he’s wrong. The movie is a hit now in theatre,
even receive positive feedbacks from overseas. Some offering from China, Hongkong,
even Hollywood come but he need to look into it and carefully decided his next step.

“Are you ready?” Beom-Seok checking on him.

“Ooh!! I’m done..” Hui-Jun prepare himself. Then they both walking to the set.

The reporters already waiting for him, all the crews are ready and all preparation is
done. Hui-Jun very proud of him now, he finally achieve this success.

“After success with his drama comeback, now he hit the big screen with a box office
record in a week viewers count at the theatre!!.. This is the show where you can find
out all the story about your favourite star, THE STAR SAY IT!!!!! Ladies and
gentlement please welcome the king of CF, the king of popularity and one of the best
actor that South Korea have, PARK HUI-JUN!!!!” the MC open the show and welcome Hui-
Jun to the stage.

Hui-Jun come out and wave to the camera. He bow to the camera and to the MC as well..

“Annyeonghaseyo Hui-Jun shi... waaa this is really an honor to have abusy man like
you coming to our show...” the MC greet him.

“’re exaggerated it.... It’s my honor to be here and greet the viewers also
my fans. Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Park Hui-Jun very nice to meet you again..” Hui-Jun
making introduction and bow.

“You are so humble....that’s why million of ladies going crazy about you... I really
hate you right now...” joke the MC, Hui-Jun laugh.

“You know that even China goverment banned their citizen to see your drama over and
over???” ask the MC.

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“I had no idea..” said Hui-Jun.

“Coz you make their life in chaos... they’ll suffer a new disease..” said the MC.

“What disease?” Hui-Jun confuse.

“Keep thinking of you every second disease...and keep dreaming about you every night
disease....” both of them laugh.

“Ah I forgot... let’s take a selfie now...” the MC take out his phone and approaching

“My wife tell me to get a selfie with you and also your signature or I shouldn’t
bother to go home...” said the MC. And Hui-Jun laugh again very hard.

The selfie session is done, now they’re back at their seat.

“So how is your feeling now?” ask the MC.

“Very good. I am very proud of my self that I can stand in where I stand right now..”
Hui-Jun express his happy.

“Are you happy about your success projects?? The first comeback project really fly
you to the top...that’s rare. After that you land in big screen project then it also
receive a huge positive feedbacks... netizen also put good comments about you..”

“For an actor become success in the project that he choose is like winning an award.
For becoming a part of a successful work giving us another great feeling. I become
what I am now not because only by my own but also I receive help from many people
around me. I got the opportunity to work with best actresses, best actors all of them
are my favourite, best directors, best writers... I feel so blessed”

“Where are you going after this? Are you taking a small screen project in Korea or
you will accept offering from China. Even some source said that you’re going to
Hollywood too..”

“I accept many opportunities. I feel very honor that many people trust me and giving
me the opportunity to work with them. I’m going to choose wisely, but I havent decide
on anything. In term of acting, I am a very greedy personality, so I will look for a
role that attract me the most rather than a typical fairy story. I work non stop
since my comeback after discharge from military. Its nearly 2 years non stop working,
I will give my self a reward first. Then I’m thinking about the next project..”

“So which one?? Korea, China or Hollywood??”

“Ah hyung!!! I said I’m not deciding anything hahahaha..”

“hahahahaha okay okay.. I got it... let’s talk something else..”

“Usually after doing a project actors or actresses usually use their time for a
vacation... are you going to have one?”

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“I want to...yeah thats a good idea”

“Where do you prefer to go as your vacation getaway?”

“hemm... actually I love Thailand...but it seems I cannot walk freely again like
previous vacations. I used to walk alone at Khaosan road, enjoying the sight seeing
and the food and no one noticing me at all, but that suppose to be hard right now..”

“Ya ya...seems everyone very aware of your face now..have you hear that BTS have to
run at Sweden because a fan recognize them and chase them after that...and they run
very far distance...hahahah”

“Wuah...really??? I must be very careful then..I maybe choose someplace where no one
know me...some place where I can walk and enjoy my self”

“Antartica?? South pole?? Don’t pick asia you’ll be lock at your room for sure”

“ahahahahahah... hyung.. I don’t like cold place..”

“Why??? Cold place is nice especially if you go with someone special...hahahahahhaha”

“hahahahhahaha...that’s... I can’t say about that..waahh hyung you’re surprise me

with this..”

“Ya!!! Don’t play innocent, you’re making me a bad guy...So you like beach better...”

“I like places with warm temperature.”

“Speaking about privacy..I see the news about some fans taking picture of your
parent’s house and you seem upset about that..”

“emmmm that... I know that after come this far and stand in the spotlight like this,
the breach of my privacy also inevitable. But I really take it personally about what
happen on the news lately, even some times ago my ex girlfriend picture was leak on
the internet, and some people talk about that, now my parent’s house is always
crowded with some tourists taking picture in front of our home so i have them moved
out to another place.”

“Where is it I want to visit your parents??”

“hahahaha hyung... wuah you really funny..”

“Keep going..”

“I want to keep it personally and its okay to come to me if that related to my job
and occupation. I always try to greet the fans I meet sometime at the street or maybe
when I go for eat it’s fine to approach me and take picture or have my signature, but
if its about my privacy I will avoid it..”

“Let’s talk about what all the girls keep thinking about you.”

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“What is that hyung?”

“The rumor about you and Seo Min-Soon... are you really dating? Hahahahah I really
can’t help asking that, this is one of the must ask list of questions”

“hahahaha, me and Min-Soon noona only friend. A good friend that sometimes spend time
together hangout with other friend.... just friend...”

“Aahhh just friend.... should I believe you???”

“Hahahahah hyung... I’m telling you the truth..”

“Then if the Korean Goddess is happen not your choice of girlfriend. Then what kind
of type that you expect to be your girlfriend?”

“Good leg.... hahahahahha that’s normal right hyung..”

“Waaahhhh...Hui-Jun you are really too much.... dear viewers if you happen to have a
not so good leg then use pants when you meet him...otherwise he’ll not attractive to


“okay girl with good legs...then?”

“I love a very kind hearted girl, a witty...girl with short straight hair attract my


“Because they look more neat..”

“Dear Hui-Jun fans cut your hair right now!! Hui-Jun like it short.... hahahahah Do
you have a girlfriend right now?”

“Aahhh... I really want to, but no..I’m not dating right now..”

“Why?? Is the schedule too packed?”

“Hemm... it’s not because of that... I can make time during my

schedule...hahahahah...but it’s just I have none right now..”

“So is your ex girlfriend is short hair too??”

“Hahahaha no..she has a long hair...”

“Ya!!! You’re such a twisted said you like girl with short straight hair
but yet you dated a long hair girl.... you are really something Hui-Jun shi..”

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“Ahahahahahaha.... I think so hyung... I should re-thinking again my girlfriend

“So tell me about what happen with Park Hui-Jun if he fall in love with a girl but
the girl hesitate to accept you.....wait... is it the real question??? Who’s gonna
reject him anyway....this writer sometimes makes me ask a silly question... so Hui-
Jun shi what is your answer..”

“Hemm that’s hard... If I really like her I’ll wait..”

“What is your dating style?”

“I don’t have any. But if this related to my romance I will keep it to my self only
and not sharing anything outside me and her..”

“So you choose to be secretly dating?”

“Well ...yes....emmmm but if I got caught I will date openly hahahahaha..”

“Aaiissshhh this man is really twisted...hahahahhaa How you portrayed your self in
next 10 years?”

“10 years.... married and have 1 kid”

“ eldest will entering high school.... ahahahahahha”

“So..last message for your fans and viewers at home..”

“Annyeonghaseyo dear viewers I’m Park Hui-Jun thank you for watching the show, and
keep supporting my movie...its on theatre now, make sure you watch it. And keep
waiting for my next project, keep healthy, wish you good luck and success as well.
I’ll see you again... bye..”

Hui-Jun shake everyone at the interview set after the shoot done. He then say goodbye
to the MC and the PD and leave the place.

“How much time left???!!!” Hui-Jun running thru the gate.

“I told you we shouldn’t drink last night... iiisssshhhh these guy never listen to me
whenever I’m right..” Beom-Seok catching up Hui-Jun and Gi-Gwang run.

“Because you’re usually wrong!!” Hui-Jun and Gi-Gwang say at the same time.

“Why is your fan always recognize you, you’re wearing mask and sunglasses for
nothing.” Gi-Gwang take out his passport and get in line at the Air France gate.

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“Your boarding pass please?” the gate officer checked them in.

“We’re not late right?” Beom-Seok ask the officer.

“No..we’re still waiting for few people but the rest already on plane..” she reply.

Hui-Jun, Beom-Seok and Gi-Gwang rushes into the cabin, pretty french stewardess greet
them at the La Premiere cabin.

“Welcome, may I see your seat number?” the stewardess then lead them to their seat.

“We’ll be in another half of the world in next 19 hours....let’s enjoy the ride my
friends..” Gi-Gwang high five with Hui-Jun and Beom Seok.

Morocco is a land of varied landscapes, with two coastlines, one Atlantic and the
other Mediterranean, four mountain ranges, valleys and plains in between, and
finally, the desert at the most southern end of the country. Rabat is the capital of
Morocco and its seventh largest city center. It is also the capital of the Rabat-
Salé-Kénitra administrative region.

The city is located on the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the river Bou Regreg. On
the facing shore of the river lies Salé, the city's main commuter town. In addition,
tourism and the presence of all foreign embassies in Morocco serve to make Rabat one
of the most important cities in the country.

“Yes... I can hear your voice loudly...” a woman walk inside a busy Rue Des Consuls,
her eyes dance looking at Morocco souvenirs and gifts.

“My flight is on Saturday...I’ll stay and enjoy Rabat the last time before going

“I’ll buy you many gifts later...annyeong..” she hang up her phone and interested on
colorful handmade jewellery she just see.

She approach the shop and choose,

“Combien ça coûte?” She speak very well in french showing the necklace to the seller.

“Collier et tout dans cette section, 50 dirham” the seller name his price.

She looks at the seller, “iissshhh is he trying to robbed me..”

“C’est trop cher! 50 dirham 5 pièces... okay?” the girl show he five fingers trying
to bargain.

The seller shakes his head,

“I get it... I won’t buy too” she said.

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Then she walk out the store, just in seconds the seller shout,

“La demoiselle!! 20 dirham!!” he shout.

The girl shakes her head and show him her five fingers again. Then the seller give up
and sign her to come back. The girl smiling and walk back to the store, she buy 20
pieces of necklaces and bracelets for her souvenirs.

Not far from that place a man with casual looking around for food stall, he feel
hungry and thristy at the same time,

“Aaahhh I shouldn’t follow them and starve my self like this...wait do I go to the
right direction?? Where is the rug shop before?” he looking back the path he just
passed and make sure he remember his way back. He’s nodding and look for food stall

He spot a girl that looks familiar from her sideview, but her hair is short, and he
is very sure that he know that girl, his heart suddenly racing and he walks quickly
approaching her. At closer distance he is sure that he see the person he never forget
but she looks very pretty in her blue dress and her short hair give a new vibrant on
her looks. She looks very cheerful, the aura he saw in her at the very first time
they met.

“Cela me plaît, “ She is speaking french and looks very enjoying the snack given by
the seller.

“donne m'en 5..” she said again and take out the money.

He wait for her and locked his eyes on her, he must travel to another half of the
world to finally meet her again he said to him self. He feel this different vibe to
see her in front of his eyes.

The girl turn and enjoy her half Chebakia given by the seller as tester. She likes
this sweet cake. Then she surprise to see the man standing in front of her and look
directly into her eyes,

“Annyeong Baek’s very nice to see you again.” He greet her.

Ji-A can’t believe what she see right now, “Hui-Jun oppa...what are you doing here?”


Some Other Day


„....Kiss me under the light of the thousand stars. Place your

heart on my beating heart. I’m thinking out loud, that maybe
we found love right where we are....(ThinkingOut Loud–EdShreeran)

Some Other Day

“Annyeong Baek’s very nice to see you again.” He greet her.

Ji-A can’t believe what she see right now, “Hui-Jun oppa...what are you doing here?”

“What are you doing here?” Hui-Jun ask her back.

“Do you want some?” Ji-A offer him the Chebakia she just bought.

“I don’t want that... I want to know about you...” Hui-Jun stare at her with million
question look.

Hui-Jun phone buzz, he answer the phone with his eyes fixed to Ji-A,

“Yes Beom-Seok ah,”

“I’m looking for some food, maybe about 100 meters from the rug place, have you

“I meet a friend, you and Gi-Gwang can continue walking aroung. I’ll meet you at the

Hui-Jun thinking about many things, but he need to find someplace to sit with. also
he’s starving now.

“Let’s find some place to sit and eat... I can’t think straight when I’m starving..”
Hui-Jun ask her. And Ji-A follow him.

They walk along Medina with their own thought, Rabat's rambling Medina area has a
distinctly Andalusian style to its buildings as most of the architecture here dates
from the 17th century when Muslims from Spain's Andalusia region arrived. Line up of
stores that sells Moroccan souvenirs are very tempting to visit, with their crafts,
colorful rugs, pottery and jewellery. When they enter one of the Rabat medina’s
several stone-arched gates off of Hassan II Boulevard and step to their left, taking
one of the few central streets, their senses are engaged: it is an intense, colorful,
fragrant-rich, succulent, and immensely gregarious place to be. To their right or
left the women selling flat breads and crumpet-like pancakes. The women are dressed
in their crème or mushroom-colored jellabas, hooded robes. Some have hennaed hands,
indicating they may have recently attended a relative’s or friend’s wedding. Not far
from there Hui-Jun find a small restaurant with kebab and Moroccan local dish.

“Here?” ask Ji-A.

“Yes.. I’m starving..”said Hui-Jun and they enter the place.

“Can you order the food for me? You seem to talk their language fluently when you
bought that cake before..” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A laugh, she ask the server, “Est-ce que je peux voir la carte?”. Soon the server
hand her the menu.

“You really can speak their language very well..” Hui-Jun amazed.

Some Other Day

“I can only speak a little french... that’s help me a lot while I’m here...” Ji-A
read the menu and show some food images to Hui-Jun.

“Do you want this? Or what do you want?” ask Ji-A.

“Pick me something delicious, I love the taste of this local food..” said Hui-Jun.

“I had couscous yesterday and some soup... it’s delicious for me..” he add.

Ji-A order some food, Hui-Jun look at Ji-A and the server, he don’t understand a word
at all from their conversation.

“Why are you here?” ask Ji-A.

“I’m on vacation... my movie is done, taking rest before next project...” Hui-Jun
drink his water.

“Ah... I heard your movie is a box office... congratulations oppa..”

“It’s a good one... make sure to watch it ..”

Ji-A laugh, “I will when I come back...”

“Why are you here?”

“Emmm... I’m working...”

“Working??? What happen to your job at the hospital?” He lost contact with her since
their last conversation after the Gala. And he keep himself busy since then to keep
Ji-A out from his thought, it’s 3 months already passed and he find that she is
working in here?

“Is south korea run out a job opening for you so you decide to go this far?”

“Ahahahha, that’s funny... I’m doing volunteer work here... at the hospital in
outside Rabat.”

“How long have you been here?”

“3 months.. I’m going back on saturday to south korea. I’m here to take a little time
for myself enjoying Morocco before I leave..”

“I’m going back on Saturday too..” Hui-Jun said in low voice.


“Nothing... so you are alone now? Isn’t that too danger?”

Their conversation cut coz the food is coming.

Some Other Day

“Merci beaucoup..” Ji-A thanked the server.

“Oppa you’re here by yourself too?”

“No... I’m not as thoughtless as you hanging around at someone else’s country
alone..” Hui-Jun irritated hearing that she is wandering in this city alone, he is
worry about her.

“Iiisshhh... I’m here for 3 months... every weekend my volunteer team take me here
for sightseeing so I familiar with this place...” Ji-A defend her self.

“She always good in making excuses..” Hui-Jun look at her and start eating.

“Where are you going after this?” Hui-Jun ask her.

“I’m planning to go around Medina to find some souvenirs for everyone at my house,
some for my friends too..”

“How about oppa?” she ask

“Same with you, I want to go around Medina, the people at the hotel said I can find
good souvenirs also it’s a beautiful place..”

“Your friends? I’m sure you’re here with Beom-Seok and Gi-Gwang..”

“They can go without me... I told Beom-Seok already, you heard that too..”

“I guess we’re stuck to each other today...” said Ji-A.

“You stuck with me until saturday, there’s no way I let you wandering around in this
place alone...” Hui-Jun scold her.

“Eeehhh... Why? Oppa don’t you have your own plan? I have mine..” said Ji-A.

“Even I’m no longer your boyfriend, it still not right to let you walking alone in
this place... beside I can use you as my interpreter in here...don’t fight me this stuck with me in this place..” Hui-Jun ignore her.

“ehem... beside...” Hui-Jun remember something that will be useful, “I won the bid
last time and haven’t used it.... I use it now..”

Ji-A look at him disbelief, “Call!! 1 day date started now.. tomorrow the date is
expired” said Ji-A.

“How come.... I spent 5 million won, while the girl before you reach 1 million won
for 1 day date, I paid 5 million then that means I have 5 days date... but I will use
it for 3 days until saturday...” said Hui-Jun.

“Iiisssshhh...... I can’t believe I always loose like this with him..” Ji-A mumbling.

“Oppa...” suddenly Ji-A remember something.

Some Other Day

“Is it okay with you walking around with me... what if someone see you?” Ji-A

Hui-Jun laugh, “No one aware about me, I even walking around at Hasan Tower and
Mouseleum yesterday without anyone approaching me and asking for picture or
signature... I love this place..”

“Oh you went to Hasan Tower already...”

“You haven’t been there?”

“I have, with my friends last month...”

“Is it nice staying here?”

“Yes...the view is nice, the culture is beautiful, the food is good.... but still I
miss my korea is best for me..”

They left the restaurant, and walking to Medina again to shop. They walk together and
enjoy the sightseeing surround them. Hui-Jun is very interesting on some crafting and
handmade gifts. Not far away they see an old man, he must be as old as a medieval
wizard and looks just like one with his long white beard, golden silk turban and
sparkling blue eyes. Ji-A hold Hui-Jun hand and approching him. He is selling dried
rose buds, ground henna, terracotta skin scrubbers for the bath, loofa sponges, and
herbs and amulets to cure, protect, and procure the user’s wishes. Ji-A stop in front
of him and,

“il travaille trop, lui donner s'il vous plaît un peu de vitamine (he is working too
much, please give him some vitamin)..” Ji-A talking with the old man while she poin
her finger to Hui-Jun

The old man smile, she already know her. Ji-A come several times to his shop for
herbal medicine. Then he quickly grab some inggredients and mix some herbal as to Ji-
A request. Minutes later the herbal mix is done, the old man hand it to Ji-A

“bouillir et boire tous les matins (boil and drink this every morning)” said the old
man to Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun who don’t understand each word spoken by Ji-A and the old man only nod

Ji-A pay the herbal and they leave the old man, she hand the herbal mix to Hui-Jun.

“What is this?” Hui-Jun examine the herbal mix.

“It will make your body feel good...I come to his shop often. He often sold me
beautiful tiny rose buds, which I used in both cooking and in making foot baths smell
good...” Ji-A smile.

“Each time I saw him he would give me a lesson in Moroccan Arabic, he sometimes
laughing kindly at my efforts to drop as many vowels as possible...” Ji-A remembering
her times with the old man.

Some Other Day

“I drop by also to say farewell to him...” Ji-A continue.

Hui-Jun did see they hug each other and talk very close before they left.

Ji-A eyes then see something that inviting her eyes to approach,

“Oh this lamp is so pretty..” Ji-A spot a table lamp with colorful gems, a very
pretty lamp.

Hui-Jun look at the lamp...and Ji-A looks so enthutiast to the lamp..

“combien ça coûte? (How much is this?)” Ji-A ask.

“100 dirham..”

“100??? This is really one in here ever sell in reasonable price..” Ji-A

“Too expensive?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Oppa... this must be cost around 50... you need to bargain anything you buy in here
except food..” Ji-A talk to Hui-Jun.

“50 dirham” Ji-A talk to the seller.

He shakes his head, “ceci est fait à la main, et le jeu est la meilleure
qualité... ceci est seulement une gauche...(This is handmade and the gems are best
quality... and this is only 1 left)” said the seller.

“80 ou ne pas acheter.... (80 or dont buy)” the seller throw his ultimatum at Ji-A.

“seul à gauche? (Only 1?)” ask Ji-A.

“What?” ask Hui-Jun.

“He want 100 dirham for this... I bargain at 50, but he said it’s 80 or don’t buy it
since it is the last lamp he has...oppa 80 dirham still too expensive...” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun take out 100 dirham from his wallet and give it to the seller,

“I buy this, keep the change...” he said in english.

The seller smile and give him thumbs up, “okay..okay...”

Ji-A surprise to see his act, “You really don’t have to..” before she can finish her
sentence, Hui-Jun took the lamp from her hand and give it to the seller.

“Please pack this for me?” ask Hui-Jun to the seller.

“Oppa.... that lamp...” Ji-A confuse.

Some Other Day

“What?... I thought that lamp will look good at my’re not gonna buy it
right? Or we can ask him to give you another lamp...aaahhh I forgot that’s the only
one.... I’m sorry Ji-A ah I like the lamp too...” Hui-Jun tap her shoulder.

Ji-A can’t believe what she just heard, she tought Hui-Jun paid the lamp for
her...”Iiiiissssshhh .... YA!!!!!”

Hui-Jun laugh and pretending not hear anything.

They’re done shopping for the day, They go to the parking lot where the driver
already wait for Ji-A.

“You rent a car?” ask Hui-Jun.

“No... someone i know lend their car and driver for me until Saturday..” she spot the
car and wave.

The car approaching her,

“I’ll call you tomorrow oppa..” said Ji-A.

“Okay...I have to wait Beom-Seok and Gi-Gwang first...” Hui-Jun wave at her.

They parted and promise to see each other again tomorrow for their last tour at
Morocco. They will depart to Seoul on Saturday using the same flight. Hui-Jun go to
meet Gi-Gwang and Beom-Seok, they already waiting for him.


“I just met Hui-Jun in here” Ji-A typing text in her chat room with Hyeon-U and Mi-

“Really????” Mi-Yeon is first to reply

“Such a small world, are you really have a fate with him? He is so doomed..” Hyeon-U
join the chat.

“Oohh I’m really nervous right now..”


“Coz I’m affraid we will have the conversation again”

“What conversation?”

“The why we broke up conversation”

Some Other Day

“Aahh this girl really is out of her mind. He may already forget you... he is a top
big star in korean and china now, he forget you already..’

“Why do I keep making friend with a lucifer like him”

“Do you still like him?”

“I always love him..”

“Then why you’re like this?”

“Coz I’m afraid he’s not that into me again right now..”

“If he’s a normal guy he already get over you now...”

“We let him dating with Bora is a huge mistake... he become worst each day”

“Let’s just dump him... we’ll find another Hyeon-U..”

“Right... let’s replace him with Jang-Hyuk from the general surgery... he looks
better than him..”

“No one can handle both of you except me... other men will give up at the first day
hanging around with you, I even often ask my self why I keep hanging around with both
of you..”

“Because I’m your first love so you can’t stop seeing me”

“Because I’m too pretty to pass on as your friend..”

“Aaahhh I’m doomed”

“So when you’re come back?”

“My flight to Seoul is saturday..”

“Have you find my book?”

“I have, you really need to pay a lot for that... I stay the whole day at the
bookshop to find that..”

“I already sacrifice my fate to be your friend, is that not enough?? You’re really a
greedy girl..”


“So I say just tell him your true feeling when he ask again..”

“Why you said that?”

Some Other Day

“I know he still thinking about you..”

“How come?”

“He was texting me about you about 2 weeks ago, at first I texted him to congratulate
his new movie I was at the theatre wathcing his movie with Bora...but I never told
him that you’re at Morocco. He only ask were you fine.. like that”

“And you said?”

“I said you’re so desperate lately even crying alone sometimes..”

“This man really driving me mad..”

“I’ll kill him for you today”

“Who’s going to pick you up at the airport when you’re comeback?”

“My family will send driver to pick me up..”

“Let me know when you arrive..”

“Ah I will tell you this as a present for you home coming event..”

“What is that?”

“I saw Jae-Hwan hyung kissing with his girlfriend at the CT scan room when she’s
doing her test.”

“Wuahhh daebak!!!”

“Your brother really in love right now..”

“Ji-A, when you happen to meet him again especially in a far away place like that
don’t you think it’s not only a coincidence for both of you..”

“That’s right”

“Just think about him again... he’s a good man to keep.”

“You said before he’s out of his mind for picking me as his girlfriend..”

“That’s why he is good for should keep him since there’s no other crazy man
like him who want you like that..”

“This bastard really looking for a fight”

“Just be happy my Ji-A... you always love him and both of you deserve it.”

“That’s right I also don’t want to see you crying again..”

Some Other Day


The three of them arrive at The Diyafa Boutique Hotel and Spa, Beom-Seok busy trying
his Jeballah. He bought 3 pieces of Jeballah.

“I should wear this tomorrow, so I can look more like locals people..” Beom-Seok
walking in front of Gi-Gwang and Hui-Jun showing off his Jeballah. But no one paid
attention to him,

“OH!!!!” Beom-Seok spot someone that looks familiar.

“Is she cutting her hair....” Beom-Seok mumbling but he ran toward the person that
talking with the receptionist.

“Baek Ji-A shi!! Doctor Ji-A!!!” he shout and leave his friends behind.

Hui-Jun and Gi-Gwang instantly turn their head to Beom-Seok and their eyes follow

Ji-A turn her head to the voice, she surprise to see Beom-Seok running approaching
her. She can also spot Hui-Jun and Gi-Gwang standing not far away from where she is
looks confuse also.

“Beom-Seok oppa....all of you staying here too??” Ji-A greet Beom-Seok.

“Too?? Why you’re not shocked to see us here?? I’m shocked to meet you here...” Beom-
Seok confused.

Ji-A laugh...

“I met her before, the friend I told you about..” Hui-Jun now stand beside Beom-Seok.

“Really??? waaahhh... you’re here on vacation too? Where’re your friends?” ask Gi-

“I’m here alone... I just finishing my job and will come back to korea on
Saturday...mean while I stay here for vacation..” said Ji-A

“We’re leaving on Saturday too...”said Gi-Gwang.

“You’re alone??? You should not alone... play with us..” ask Beom-Seok.

“AAAhhh I understand now.... when I said I’m going to Morocco noona said I might bump
into someone I knew in’s you... I never knew you’re here..” said Beom-Seok.

Ji-A smile, when she visited So-Mi for bid her farewell before she ask her to not
tell anything about her departure to both Beom-Seok or Hui-Jun. Since she really need
to be alone.

Some Other Day

“ceci est votre clé de la suite (this is your room key)” the receptionist hand her
room key.

“Merci..” Ji-A answer.

“Where is your room?” Beom-Seok suddenly feel obligated to take care of Ji-A. He is
very thankful to her family especially to Jae-Hwan since now his sister is better and
always happy.

“Oh this is not far from our room..” said Gi-Gwang.

“This is your luggage?” ask Gi-Gwang

Ji-A nod. Then the three of them escorting Ji-A to her room and help her with her

“Do you believe this? You’ll never met her even once back at korea. But we just stay
here 2 days and you just meet her the crowd of Medina...” said Gi-

“Do you know that she’s been working here for 3 months??” Gi-Gwang ask again.

But Hui-Jun seems not interesting on answering Gi-Gwang, he looks annoying about

“What is Beom-Seok do in her room anyway?? It is too long for him to stay in her
room... tell him to come back now...” Hui-Jun talk to Gi-Gwang.

Gi-Gwang look at him confuse, then someone open the door it’s Beom-Seok.

“What are you doing in there for so long?” Hui-Jun ask him in instance.

“Why? I only chat with her...she and me are more like family now...” Beom-Seok
clueless with Hui-Jun jealousy.

“Ahh!!! Don’t tell me that you’re jealous that I spend time in her room..” Beom-Seok

Gi-Gwang also laugh hearing that, “Yaaaa... you are really... yaaaa go and tell her
you still want her...” Gi-Gwang tease her

“I’m not.... I’m over her....” Hui-Jun lie.

“hahahaha Hui-Jun ah you can’t lie in front of us....” Beom-Seok laugh and throw
pillow to Hui-Jun.

“What is she doing right now?? Ask her to go out with us tonight..lets find a good
place to eat...she’s been here longer than us she must know places..” said Gi-Gwang.

Some Other Day

“She said she’s going swimming right now..I’ll ask her about tonight..” said Beom-

When Hui-Jun heard the word swimming, he instantly get up from his bed grab his hat
and go outside.

“He is so predictable.... the minute heard you talk about Ji-A swimming he just run
to find her.... he doesn’t want other man see her in swimming suit.... “ said Gi-

Hui-Jun search for Ji-A at the pool area, but she’s nowhere to be found, “Is she
still in her room?”

Hui-Jun take out his phone and dialed the number Ji-A given to him when they’re at
the restaurant.

“Where are you?” ask Hui-Jun

“Gazebo?? Where??” Hui-Jun look around. He spot a gazebo and walk directly there. Ji-
A is there with book in her hand, and she wear a loose t-shirt to cover her bikini,
Hui-Jun can see the black bikini under her loose t-shirt.

“Beom-Seok said you want to swim..” Hui-Jun sit next to her.

“I was... but I think I’ll stay here and read this..” Ji-A show him a book.

“What are you doing tonight?” Ask Hui-Jun.

“My friend coming we’re going to have dinner together. She’ll leave tomorrow morning
to her country.” Ji-A answer.

“Where do you want to go tomorrow?” Hui-Jun ask again.

“Have you been to Salé Medina? The view is very beautiful..” said Ji-A.

“Okay...let’s go there tomorrow.” Said Hui-Jun.

And they silent...

“I keep my self busy to keep you out of my mind..but you keep coming at the end of
the day when I go to sleep.” Hui-Jun said.

Ji-A not answering anything,

“Why are you here?” ask Hui-Jun.

JI-A look at him not sure whether she should tell him the true or, “I want to forget
bad things about us...” she said the truth.

Some Other Day

“Was is really that bad? So you came to a far away land like here” Hui-Jun smile in

“I can’t forget you... everywhere I go I met you...I heard people talking about
you...” said Ji-A.

“So you want to forget me? Then tell how to do that since I can’t!” Hui-Jun look

“Oppa that’s not what I meant..” Ji-A realize her mistake.

Hui-Jun get up, “Can’t you just understand me? I only need you to understand me..” he
looks angry and leave.

Ji-A realize she making another mistake, but she choose to stay and not catch him

“Yeah right I’m stupid, why are you doing this again Baek Ji-A..” she sigh.


Gyeong-Su take a look at his watch, the girl he waited for is 10 minutes late. Then
he find her, walking toward him.

“Are you waiting too long? I was doing something when you’re call..” Nabi pull her
chair and sit.

“No.. I just got here also..” Gyeong-Su reply.

“So what do you want to say to me?” ask Nabi.

Their previous meeting was very unpleasant for her. They reached the bar they planned
to visit and have a talk. But in the middle of that Gyeong-Su told her that he’s
sorry and he really need to go right at that moment.

“Is there something bad happen?” ask Nabi

Gyeong-Su seem very hesitate to answer.

“I have something that I really need to do right now, and I already waiting for this
my whole life. I’m so sorry” said Gyeong-Su

“Can I come and stay with you? I promise I won’t disturb you...I’ll just sit quietly
in the corner.” Said Nabi.

“I’m so sorry..” Gyeong-Su stop her, “Yoon Nabi-shi you are a very beautiful and very
attractive, I must be out of my mind to pass you if I can’t think about another thing
right now... but I’m sorry I can’t continue this. Perhaps we can be just friend..”
Gyeong-Su finally reveal his truth about Nabi.

Some Other Day

“Is it wrong to have a lunch with a friend?” ask Gyeong-Su and he hand her the menu.

Nabi look at him, “I really don’t understand you, at first you really seems like you
never interested on me, but now suddenly out of nowhere you call and ask me to have
lunch with you..”

“I just feel bad about what happen previously, and I’m sorry it took me very long to
apologize and make ammend with you..” Gyeong-Su smile.

“Is that woman dump you, so now you come to me?? I’m not a girl who’s taking someone
else’s used stuff..” said Nabi

“Used stuff???? Waaahhh you really are have a very sharp mouth... you were very sweet
when you met me before...” Gyeong-Su laugh.

“I can be heartless to you... since you’re only a friend right now.” Nabi sipping her

“Okay... let’s just doing this... we hangout and throw tantrum to each other....”
said Gyeong-Su.

Nabi feel happy inside, but she choose to pretend right now. She want to keep Gyeong-
Su close even if they can only be friend right now.

“So tell me as a friend how many days a week I should spend to hang around with you
like this?” Nabi enjoying her steak.

“Emmmhh...let see. How about the time when I’m not busy...or the time when I
need friend to have a lunch like this. I always eat alone...” said Gyeong-Su

“If I’m not busy I will come..” Nabi pretend to not interested.

“You’ll come... you’re my friend now. A friend should be there to accompany each
other..” Gyeog-Su smile and enjoy his lunch.


Ji-A dream of someone banging at her door, it’s so noisy. She open her eyes instantly
and it’s not a dream. Someone is banging at her door loudly. She then hear several
voice outside her room, she look at her watch it’s 3am. Who is banging her door like
that, she get up quickly and open the door,

“My Ji-A is here!!!” Ji-A shocked to find Hui-Jun in front of her door very drunk,
and a hotel employee is trying to calm him.

“Oppa!! What are you doing here??!!!” Ji-A shocked to see him like this.

“My Ji-A is here...” Hui-Jun smile and hug her, Ji-A can smell the alcohol in him,
that means he really drink a lot.

Some Other Day

“Est-ce-que tu le connais? (Do you know him?)” ask the hotel employee.

“Oui, Il est mon ami.. (Yes, he is my friend)” Ji-A answer.

“permettez-moi de le prendre (Let me take him in)” the hotel employee offer her a

“c'est bien (It’s fine)” Ji-A tighten her grab on Hui-Jun, “Je le ferai moi-
même (I’ll do it myself)”

She take Hui-Jun inside and put him in her bed.

“Why are you drunk like this?? Where’re your friends anyway?? Are they wasted too???”
Ji-A take care of him.

“I miss you...” Hui-Jun get up and look at her, smiling.

“Really?? then why you drunk like this?” Ji-A smile seeing Hui-Jun act like that.

“I really miss you, but I hold my self a lot for not meeting you. Even for see you
from afar I couldn’t do that, because you don’t want to be found..” said Hui-Jun

Ji-A sit in front of him and look at drunk Hui-Jun.

“You.... you are a very bad girl...” Hui-Jun point his finger to her.

“Am I?” Ji-A response.

“You are so mean to me... I’m hurt because of you..”

“I love you, do you know that? You are the only person I love after my mom.... but
you’re so mean to me..” said Hui-Jun and he grab Ji-A hand and hold it tight.

Ji-A only look at him.

“You’re a very bad girl.... mean girl....but I can’t forget you... I don’t want
anyone else ... I love you too much...” Hui-Jun fell and lost in his sleep, but his
hand keep holding Ji-A.

“Yes... I am oppa...I’m sorry...” Ji-A said watch Hui-Jun sleep.

Hui-Jun touch his head, he can feel his hangover. He went for drinks with Gi-Gwang
and Beom-Seok last night, but he can’t remember what happen after he finish his
second bottle of wine. But this room too quiet, he doesn’t hear Beom-Seok or Gi-Gwang
snooring like usual. He wake up,

Some Other Day

“ head.... I shouldn’t drink again like that..” Hui-Jun trying to ease his

He look his surrounding and feel something strange... the room is too clean.

“Is he come to his senses and clean everything??” Hui-Jun think Beom-Seok clean the
stuffs since he’s the one that keep everything messed up.

“You’re awake?” Ji-A show up from bathroom, Hui-Jun shock and jump from the bed.

“Why are you here?” Hui-Jun shocked to find Ji-A in the same room.

“This is my room..” Ji-A talking while brushing her teeth.

“WHAT??!!!!” Hui-Jun get up and look around.

“Why am I here?” he run to the bathroom and ask her.

“I should asking you that..” Ji-A pretending to think.

Hui-Jun try so hard to remember why he end up in her room, but he has no clue at all.

“Am I drunk?” he ask carefully.

“You banging at my door and shout and make a scene out there at 3am..” said Ji-A.

“Hurry brush your teeth and wash your face, I’m starving...let’s have breakfast.” Ji-
A hand him new toothbrush.

Hui-Jun can’t stop thinking about what has he done last night, and why he end up in
this room.

“Was something happen?” Hui-Jun lower his voice and look at Ji-A carefully when they
walk to the restaurant for breakfast.

“What kind of something?” Ji-A really playing cool, it makes Hui-Jun crazy with his

Hui-Jun stop, he put his hand on his waist and look at Ji-A.

“You really won’t tell me anything?” he shout... he lost his patience.

Ji-A only raise her right hand and sign him to coming.

“Even she pissed me like this but still I cannot hate her..” Hui-Jun talk to himself
giving up on asking what happen last night.

Some Other Day

During breakfast, Ji-A still calm while Hui-Jun keep watching her desperate to know
what he’s doing when he’s drunk. After breakfast Ji-A and Hui-Jun separated and they
promise to see each other at the lobby next 1 hour. Hui-Jun entering his room and see
Gi-Gwang come out from bath room while Beom-Seok still in bed texting.

“You have your breakfast?” ask Gi-Gwang.

Hui-Jun nod, but he checking both of his friends whether they know he spent the night
at Ji-A room or not.

“Because Ji-A is here he even forget us and go for breakfast alone.... you are a
betrayal Hui-Jun didn’t even wake us to go for breakfast.” Beom-Seok
complaint with his hand still busy with his phone.

“I really don’t remember last night..” Hui-Jun pretending checking his phone, but his
phone turned off. He took the charger and plug it in. Then go for a bath.

“Should we have breakfast in here?” Gi-Gwang ask.

“Yes..let’s just call and ask for breakfast in here..I have a lot of emails and texts
to answer” Beom-Seok still busy with his phone. Even on vacation many people asking
for Hui-Jun schedule and updating his next project.

Hui-Jun done showering and his friends are having breakfast, he took a pineapple and
checking his phone but the phone still turned off. He try to turn it on but the
screen keep blank.

“My phone is acting strange.... why it keep turned off?? I can’t turn it on.” Hui-Jun
look his phone.

Both Beom-Seok and Gi-Gwang laugh,

“What?? What happen??” Hui-Jun really regretted that he drinks too much last night.
He always forget everything happen when he’s drunk.

“You put your phone inside the wine bucket and pour water on it, and you told it to
swim faster...” Gi-Gwang repeating last night hillarious scene.

“Aaahhh..... I should buy a new phone then...” Hui-Jun saying his goodbye with his
broken phone.

“What happen tonight?” Hui-Jun dare asking them the question.

“We’re done at the bar downstair, then we went up to this room. Last thing I remember
is Beom-Seok fainted soon he reach the bed, you were drinking another bottle of
wine..emmm after that I think I passed out..” said Gi-Gwang.

“And when I wake up you already gone for breakfast...” he continue.

Hui-Jun relieve that both of his friend didn’t realize that he’s staying at Ji-A room
last night.

Some Other Day

“You are a mean girl..” suddenly his brain remember something, he remember he saying
that to Ji-A last night but he cannot recall what happen next or before it. Hui-Jun
put both his hand on his face, “oh God...I’m screwed...” he sigh.

While Gi-Gwang and Beom-Seok look at him and can’t figure out what happen to Hui-Jun.

“You look so fresh today..” Gi-Gwang praise Ji-A look today.

“I am... I feel energized today..” Ji-A response happily.

Hui-Jun loook at her still trying to figure out the whole picture of what happen last

“Where are we going today?? this is our last day in here..”

“Salé Medina then we’ll have dinner at Dinarjat, I already made reservation for us..”
Ji-A lead their way.

The Medina area in Salé is a quaint and picturesque place to spend a few hours in the
afternoon. As well as the Abul Hassan Medersa, the district is also home to Salés'
Grand Mosque, the Mausoleum of Sidi Ben Ashir with its photogenic whitewashed tomb,
and the Fondouk (khan) al-Askour.

“This is really beautiful...” Ji-A admire the scenery in front of her eyes. Beom-Seok
and Gi-Gwang busy taking pictures and look around.

“Are this place have a story like example couple who come here if they do particular
things they will come back or having love everlasting?” Hui-Jun ask while he look
around, this is indeed a beautiful place.

Ji-A looks at Hui-Jun and laugh, “Oppa that only happen in your drama... there’s no
such things like that in here..”

Hui-Jun laugh too, and they walk again to see another view.

“Am I talking too much last night?” ask Hui-Jun

“No... you just knocked my door then passed out..” Ji-A lie, she don’t want Hui-Jun
feel bad about what happen last night.

Hui-Jun relieves, that’s mean what he thought about saying “mean girl” is only his

“Oh I want to take that picture!!” Hui-Jun eyes catch a beautiful building.

“Oppa, you said you won’t ask me to come back to you right?” suddenly Ji-A shout at

Hui-Jun stop, and he turn back to make sure he heard it right,

Some Other Day

“What if I’m asking you to come back?” Ji-A ask him.

Hui-Jun smile widely to hear that, he keep assuring himself that what he heard is
right. He walk approaching her until he is very close with her.

“You’re really a unique one.... you have to be separated first from me, then hide in
this part of the world, but then God make me find you...finally you acknowledge that
I am the only man that can handle you..” Hui-Jun hug her.

“Let’s not making the same mistake..” said Ji-A

“Let’s be honest to each other...tell me anything..” said Hui-Jun

“Let’s start it from the beginning..” Ji-A smile.

“Ok...let’s have a fresh start..” Hui-Jun lean closer his lips only an inch away from
Ji-A. Ji-A close her eyes and ready to kiss him,

“What are you doing? Who are you trying to kiss me..and hug me like this... aaahhh
woman this day... my mom is right, women this day are dangerous they’re even kiss the
man the met at first day...we haven’t introduce our name yet... aaahh this woman is
really something, she’s the one that said want to start from beginning.” Hui-Jun
putting his act to joke on her. Hui-Jun leave her and laugh,

While Ji-A feel so embarassing and angry to Hui-Jun joke, she close her eyes the
shout “YAAA Park Hui-Jun!!! You’re really dead in my hand today!!!” she run to catch

“Vous avez une reservation ? (Have you made reservation?)” the greeter ask Ji-A

“Oui, J'ai fait une réservation (Yes, I have)” Ji-A tell her detail reservation then.

“I heard this place is very good..” Hui-Jun whisper. Both Beom-Seok and Gi-Gwang
choose to have separate dinner, they went to find old books at Libraries Dakhair Al-
Maghreb since they parted at Medina. Gi-Gwang want to look for some books about
Moroccan architecture. And Ji-A give him information that he can find a rare books in
this bookshop.

“This is the first time...” said Ji-A.

“What?” Hui-Jun look at the salad serve in front of him.

“That’s Zaalouk, the Moroccan usually start their dinner with this, you eat this with
bread..” Ji-A point at bread beside the Zaalouk.

“First time about what?” Hui-Jun ask again while scooping his salad.

Some Other Day

“Eating out with you in crowded place like this without being worry that someone
might know you and we need to leave the place in a rush...” Ji-A smile remember their
previous dates.

Hui-Jun throw a small laugh, “Do you like it? Like this?”

“It’s weird... but it’s nice to have this kind of date sometime..” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun only look at her.

They enjoy their dinner and laugh a lot. They really create their moment of being
together again. They keep holding each other hand, both of them lost in their own

At the hotel they still holding each other hand,

“When are Gi-Gwang and Beom-Seok come back?” ask Ji-A.

“I don’t really care about them right now..” said Hui-Jun.

They arrive in front of Ji-A room,

“Baek Ji-A, I’m want it to be serious this time..” Hui-Jun seriously look at her.

“I don’t want another girl, I only want you, I only need you..” Hui-Jun tell what in
his mind right now.

“Don’t make me the last one to know... you can tell all your story to can
tell me about your job... I might jealous a little bit.. I might pouting my lips... I
might whining...but please understand me and also teach me to understand you..” said

Hui-Jun relieve and hug her,

“I’m not playing when I say I will make it serious, I will take further steps between
you and I from now on” said Hui-Jun.

“I know...” Ji-A reply.

“I don’t want to loose you again oppa..” Ji-A add.

“I will make sure I’ll never loose you again... I will make you mine now....” as
usual Hui-Jun always to the point about what he want and how he want to do it.

He plant a small kiss on Ji-A lips, then he pull his head to see her reaction.

“I always love this look..” Hui-Jun whisper, and Ji-A pull his neck to kiss again.
They kiss so deep, while Hui-Jun hand trying to open the door for them. They shout
the door quickly.

Some Other Day

“Are you sure?” Hui-Jun stop before they really do it, both are already on their
underwear and busy cuddling on bed.

“Do you want me to have second thought?” Ji-A panting try to catch her breath.

“I will not thinking straight in another seconds..and I really do not plan to stop..”
Hui-Jun keep kissing and touching her.

“I don’t want to do this with someone else..” Ji-A react to all his touch.

“I love you... and you stuck with me your whole life now..” Hui-Jun kiss her and
smile. Beautiful night in Morocco and they find their way back together.

Hui-Jun open his eyes, he can feel that his left arm is cramp but when he turn his
head he see Ji-A still asleep beside him. He pull his arm very carefully, then he
reach for his boxer and put it on. He’s looking for his shirt but he can’t find it.
He look again at Ji-A,

“Aah..she wear it..” he see his shirt is use by Ji-A.

He lay beside her and watch her, he caress her hair.

“Stop looking at me...” Ji-A pull her blanket to cover her face.

Hui-Jun smile and take the blanket off, only to see Ji-A only wearing his shirt.

“Give me set the room temperature too cold..” Ji-A try to take the blanket.

“Wake up.. we need to start packing. Let’s just having breakfast in here..” Hui-Jun
kiss her cheek.

“Oppa congratulations...” Ji-A said with her eyes still closed.

“For what?” ask Hui-Jun.

“For having me stuck with you for my whole life...” Ji-A smile.

Hui-Jun hug her he is too happy today,

“We really go for vacation together.... don’t leave me again...understand?” Hui-Jun

still hug her.

Ji-A wake up and go to the bathroom, Hui-Jun watch her and he admit that Ji-A look
very sexy on his shirt like that.

“You can have it....” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A turn back her head, “What?”

Some Other Day

“My shirt ... you look so sexy with that..” Hui-Jun smirk.

Ji-A laugh, she then imitate a sexy pose in front of him,

“Aahh this is not helping at all... I’ve been holding it since I see her wearing
that..” Hui-Jun get up, he grab Ji-A and throw her at the bed and started kissing


“Eomma!!!!!” Ji-A run into the house.

Mi-Na is cooking Galbi while waiting for her at the kitchen and smile hearing her
daughter voice. She take off her apron and waiting for Ji-A.

“Eomma!!” Ji-A show up at the kitchen, she run into Mi-Na and hug her very tight.

“Eommaa... I miss you so much....” Ji-A hug her mom, she is very happy to meet her.

“Then don’t leave me again for months like that..” Mi-Na kiss her daughter.

Jae-Dok who’s at his office go to find Ji-A after hearing her voice, so is Jae-Hwan
who’s in his room run instantly when he heard his dongsaeng voice shout for their
mom. They arrive at the kitchen and see their Ji-A back.

“You’re having a nice flight?” ask Jae-Dok hugging her.

“I sleep well on the plane..” Ji-A said.

“Will you go again and leave us?” Jae-Hwan now hug her. He really miss bickering with
his sister.

“Nope... I had my time... and I’m very thankful for the opportunity..” Ji-A said.

“Did you have fun?” Mi-Na ask.

“So much fun...the place is very beautiful, you should go there someday” Ji-A open
one of her luggage.

“Eomma this one for you” Ji-A hand her a beautiful Jewellery case and inside Mi-Na
find beautiful sets of jewellery made from gold.

“Waaahhh I really love this...” Mi-Na gratefully accept her present.

“These I bought for both of you..” Ji-A hand 2 different books, the leather book
bindings and leather belts for both Jae-Dok and Jae-Hwan.

Some Other Day

“Waah this is a very rare book... you went to the bookstore I told you to?” Jae-Hwan
hapy to receive the book he asked.

“Yes..and that’s true. I met an american architect at that bookstore, and he said you
can find a book that very rare yet wanted... the bookshop is a very amazing place.”
Said Ji-A.

“Eomma did my package arrive yet?” ask Ji-A.

“Not yet...why?”

“Ahhh that’s too bad. I bought spices and herbs for you... I even bought lots of rose
buds...they use that for cooking eomma...and the smells is very good. I sometimes
used the buds for bathing also. And the Argan oil is the best...I bought enough for
everyone... eonnie loves that kind of stuff right??” Ji-A busy taking out her

“Did you make a lot of friends in there?” ask Jae-Dok.

Ji-A nodding eagerly, “I have new friends ..French, Morrocan, American and Japan..”

“Your musketeers friends seems lost without you...they rarely hangout together and
busy with their own couple....” said Jae-Hwan.

“Ah right!!” Ji-A remember something and she took out her phone right away and make a

“Hyeon-U ah... I’m home!!!” Ji-A shout happily to Hyeon-U.

“Come now..oh Hyeon-U ah call Mi-Yeon to come too okay??!!” Ji-A can’t wait to meet
her friends. She run upstair to her room and prepare her gifts for them.

“Eomma if Hyeon-U come tell him juust go to my room ok..” Ji-A stop again, “Ah...tell
ahjumma to bring some snack too...”

Jae-Dok and Mi-Na only stare at her and watch her running.

“She’s never change..” Jae-Hwan get up and go to his room.

“Is that the one that just say she miss me so much?” Mi-Na helpless.

“Just kick her out from my house she’ll be more happy live with her friends than
me.... I give her food and roof for nothing..” Jae-Dok back to his office.

“So you’re back with him?” Mi-Yeon excited hearing the good news about Ji-A and Hui-

“Yes...We’re offically a couple again..” Ji-A announce the good news.

Some Other Day

“Are you going to date openly?” ask Hyeon-U.

“No... I don’t want people attention. I will just keep this for my self..” said Ji-A.

“HA!! Look who’s talking.... wanna bet?” Hyeon-U look at Mi-Yeon.

“What bet?” Mi-Yeon interested.

“She’ll be whining bad when she saw another Hui-Jun dating rumor with Min-Soon..”
said Hyeon-U.

“Call!! The loser paid for drinks..” Mi-Yeon handshake with Hyeon-U to seal their

“Are you calling yourself my friends??” Ji-A pissed.

“Of course.... You’ll be clueless without us..” Hyeon-U tapping he shoulder.

“Relax..we’re always there to catch your fall...” Mi-Yeon add.

“Iissshhh why do I even bother to buy them gifts and keep remembering them while I’m
there...” Ji-A is hopeless arguing with them.

“Did you talk about your problem with him previously?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“We did...I don’t know what the future have for me and him, but I’ll do better with
him...” Ji-A remember the night Hui-Jun came into her room drunk. She was really
touched that Hui-Jun confessed to her like that. That she’s the second person he love
the most after his mom.

“Me and him were lost without each other...” add Ji-A.

“It’s good that Siwon dumped you.... you’ll meet Hui-Jun after that. Imagine what
might happen if you’re not dumped....” Hyeon-U remember Siwon.

“Ya!!! I’m not dumped by him!!!” Ji-A keep denying that fact.

“I know.... you’re not dumped it’s just he chose school than you...” both Mi-Yeon and
Hyeon-U repeat the line together.

“So what is new?”

“Nazi Sung is become worst. Her boyfriend left and marry with someone from his

“Iiiisssshhhh that’s awfull”

“You feel pitty for her?? Don’t do it!!”

“She’ll crush you like smoothies when you’re making mistake.”

Some Other Day

“I was doing whole nightshift for 3 weeks in a row because I forgot to list her name
on ER gathering dinner last month.... I thought she wouldn’t participate in that
since she just broke up with her boyfriend..”

“Oh God....what will happen to me when I’m late again... I’m starting to work again
next week..”

“Don’t be late..”

“You better stay at the hospital..”

“She’ll kill you...hang you alive..if she caught your mistake”

“Slice your flesh and crack your bone”

“Make it into sashimi..”

“Eyy why we’re talking thriller like this...”

“Is the rumor still on?? About Hui-Jun dating Min-Soon?”

“Still... the media keep guessing and link this and that. It’s fun to read those

“Should I join the forum?”

“Don’t do that... you’ll flip and cry of anger...”

“Do it... I love to see your madness alter show up..”

“I’m not going to flip... I’m totally a different person now..”

“Oooohhh Baek Ji-A is change...”

“Bora once said that Daesung once tell her that she’s prettier than you.”

“What did that witch said??!!!!!”

“See? She’s never change..”

“She really need to take anger management session..”

“And yet she said she’s change.. you are really a fraud Baek Ji-A..”

“How can I change if I keep hanging around with annoying people like you..”


Some Other Day

Today is the first gathering Ji-A has with her family after her come back. Many
elderly patients that come regularly to their free clinic miss her and come to greet
her. She is loved by many people in there.

“Oppa you’re still shooting?” Ji-A talk with Hui-Jun over the phone.

“Yep... I still need to do few takes left.. are all the family coming?”

“Yes...turn out everyone miss me...should I even held a fan meeting like you... my
fans at the hospital surely will miss me a lot.... especially the paramedic oppa he
keep asking for m since yesterday..”

“What??!!!!! Are you working to treat patient or to flirt with paramedic??”

“Eeyyy... I’m not hinting all paramedic I choose the handsome one...”

“Aiisshhh... she really need to quit working and stay at home..”

“Oppa if I ask you to come to our family gathering will you come?”

“Of course...I want to meet your family. I want to meet your parent soon..”

“When usually the dinner over?”

“I don’t know... we just end it when we want to end it..”

“I miss you... I will be going to Japan next week for my movie. I want to spend much
time with you before that.”

“How long you’ll be at Japan?”

“3 days...why you wanna come?”

“I’m start working on Monday..”

“Oh I want to ask you this, back then I saw picture of your family at So-Mi noona
phone. There was a man who’s standing behind you, who is that?”

“Gyeong-Su oppa?”

“Ah his name is Gyeong-Su. He’s also the one that with you at the restaurant back
then when I came to pick you up..”

“How did you remember that?”

“Who is he?”

“I told you before, Gyeong-Su oppa..”

“Not his name.. you say it already..”

Some Other Day

“He is Jae-Hwan oppa best friend, also Gi-Gwang boss..”

“What?? Gi-Gwang boss??”

“Yes... I found out that when I visited him before my departure to Morocco. I came to
his office to say goodbye. Then I met Gi-Gwang oppa, turn out he’s working there..”

“Why you should came personally to bid your farewell?”

“Emmm.....should I tell him this or not...”

“Tell me what??”

“Me and him are very close since we’re little. He’s like another Jae-Hwan oppa for
me. He always save me... I save him too once from fire.”

“FIRE??!!!!! What did you just say???”

“Ahh this is won’t work now... you!! You owe me explanation about fire...I have to
continue filming..”

Now all the Baek family already gathering at the dining table. They have special
dishes serve this week that makes the athmosphere really fun and warm. Gyeong-Su is
the last to arrive, he hug Ji-A and welcome her back. He was at Jeju island when Ji-A
arrive last week.

“She back for 10 minutes...then she called her friends that’s it. She’s no longer my
daughter she ditch me right away after her friends said they’re coming..” Jae-Dok
bring up how Ji-A left him for Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon on the day she arrived.

“Appa said you can forget his car and watch because of that..” said Jae-Hwan.

‘Why everyone so sensitive... you all had me everyday. They only met me during the
day...” Ji-A defend herself.

“True..they had you during the day and when you’re awake while we had you during the
night while you asleep..” Jae-Dok keep complaining.

“She even said she missed me a lot few minutes before...” Mi-Na add the lines to keep
Ji-A cornered.

“I get it... I get it...I will stay with you until today’s ended.” Said Ji-A.

“How is Morocco?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“It’s a very good place..the architecture is amazing...You really should go there

oppa..” Ji-A talk to Gyeong-Su.

Some Other Day

“We really have a very quiet months while you’re gone..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“I know... you all miss me. I won’t leave you all again..” said Ji-A.

“Liar.... you ditch me after your friends coming...” Jae-Dok keep whining.

Ji-A put down her spoon, “Ahh this old man really nag me..” She get up and hug her

“Appa...even I did that you always stay number two in my heart..” she hug her dad.

Jae-Dok smile, “2??? Who’s number 1 let me beat that person..” he pretend to be

Ji-A point her finger to her mom, “That person... are you really going to beat her???
You ask for spending the night at your office appa...” Ji-A scare him.

“We’ll see who got beaten tonight...and I’m sure that will be not me..” said Mi-Na.

“Ji-A please taste this, I heard that you like clam...I made this spicy clam
stew...your mom teach me how to make it..” So-Mi hand her the clam stew bowl.

Ji-A taste the stew and she’s smiling, “Eonnie this is really good... eomma you
really teach eonnie very well..” Ji-A give her mom a thumbs up.

“Thank God now I really can feel having a real daughter. Even previously God give me
2 daughters but both of them are useless in kitchen. The eldest always refusing my
help and cook by her own because she said her cooking taste better than mine. The
youngest is worst than me, she didn’t even know how to make egg roll...” Mi-Na look
at Ji-Yeon and Ji-A.

“Eomma I can boil water really well...” said Ji-A.

“I know that is your specialty..” Mi-Na reply and everyone laugh.

Suddenly Jae-Hwan stand up and ring his glass to mae announcement,

“Since our maknae already home also... I guess now this is the time for me to pass a
good news..” he said.

“Appa..eomma... I want to marry this woman..” Jae-Hwan look at So-Mi and everyone is

So-Mi looks very shocked more that everyone at the table, she is really never think
that Jae-Hwan will say that especially during this time.

“Where’s my phone!!! I need to record this..” Mi-Na searching her phone and run to
So-Mi to be close with her.

“Waaahhh really doing it...after kissing at CT scan room now you’re making
this announcement...” said Ji-A

Some Other Day

“What??? Kissing???” Ji-Yeon surprise.

“Yes...eonnie you don’t know about that?? Iissshh your spy is suck..” said Ji-A.

“When did that happen?” ask Ji-Yeon again.

“Wuaaahh are you really Baek Jae-Hwan??” Ryeon-Uk laugh.

“You are realy beat me hard this year..” said Gyeong-Su.

While Mi-Na running happily to hug So-Mi, she is very happy that finally So-Mi can be
her real daughter.

“Eomma do you love her much than us now??” ask Ji-Yeon.

“Yes... I really love her..” Mi-Na ignoring Ji-A and Ji-Yeon stare at them.

“Where is the ring? Put the ring on her..” ask Jae-Dok.

Suddenly Jae-Hwan froze, he panicked since he forgot the ring. He left the ring at
his office.

“You don’t have the ring??? What the hell??” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Ahh you’re so screwed Jae-Hwan ah” Ji-Yeon add.

“Eonnie you really don’t have to answer now...think about it really

well...realllllllllllllyyyyyy well...” Ji-A persuade her.

“This is not count as proposal ... you screwed it..” Gyeong-Su tap Jae-Hwan shoulder.

“How come you forget the ring..” Ji-Yeon look at Jae-Hwan.

“Can’t I do it without the ring?” Jae-Hwan really lost.

“Of course not!!!” Everyone said at the same time.

Suddenly Jae-Hwan look at Ji-Yeon and he walk approaching her. He took Ji-Yeon hand
and try to take out her ring.

“YA!!! What are you doing??” Ji-Yeon protect her ring.

“Let me borrow that..” Jae-Hwan ask her.

“Ya...that’s my proposal ring...” Ryeo-Uk tell him to forget on taking his wife ring.

“You really are really stupid on this kind of thing...” Gyeong-Su look at his best

“Just do it again tomorrow..” said Jae-Dok.

Some Other Day

“NO... I want to do it now..” Jae-Hwan keep looking for something that can replace
his ring.

“Eonnie...just forget your ring....he is hopeless” said Ji-A.

So-Mi watching Jae-Hwan, “Jae-Hwan’s okay let’s do it again later...”

“Why you’re taking their side now... You should on my side..” Jae-Hwan catch

He grab Ji-A arm and take off her bracelet she bought back in Morocco.

“Ya!!! Oppa that’s a foul proposing with that..” said Ji-A.

“I only borrow it...” said Jae-Hwan.

“That is cheating..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“It is surely cheating...” add Gyeong-Su.

Jae-Hwan put the bracelet on So-Mi wrist.

“That’s mine so I propose her...not you..” said Ji-A.

“It’s not!!! this is my girlfriend, I propose her..” said Jae-Hwan.

“Yeah using her bracelet..” Ji-Yeon joining the club.

“So it’s her proposal..” Jae-Dok also rain on Jae-Hwan parade.

“So I should answer you or her??” So-Mi teasing on him too.

“Me.... Eonnie will you be my sister in law... become a wife for my pathetic oppa?”
Ji-A hold her hand.

Jae-Hwan realize that his proposal is ruin, he give up and choose to sit and wait for
So-Mi answer.

“What should I answer?” So-Mi look at him and smile.

“Do what you want... You already turn into their alliance...” Jae-Hwan just tell her
to answer to Ji-A pretending to be sulking over her.

“Ah you’re no longer at emergency ward starting Monday..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Really???!!!!” Ji-A very happy to hear that news, that means she no longer has to
deal with nazi Sung.

“You’re moving to appa department, as surgeon on call...” said Ji-Yeon.

Some Other Day

“ASSAAAAA!!!” Ji-A shout with happiness overload.

“Why you have to be so happy like that?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“I finally no longer has to deal with nurse Sung...” Ji-A can’t hide her happiness.

“Said who?” Jae-Hwan look at her.

“Nurse Sung is at emergency ward... I’m moving to neuro. I’ll no longer have to deal
with her. Neuro head nurse is the kindest person on hospital..” said Ji-A.

“She’s going to get struck by lightning in a moment..” Jae-Dok shakes his head.

“She is moving with you..” Ji-Yeon said the important news calmly.

Ji-A froze, “Why??? Why she has to move also?? And why she has to move to the same
place with me?? Appa... do you really doing this to me??” Ji-A is shocked.

“Only nurse Sung that can handle your rebel act...the other are scare and even
sometimes fall into your trap..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Who is nurse Sung?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“Nazi Sung..” Said Ji-A and Gyeong-Su instantly acknowledged that name. The name that
always catch Ji-A fault and have no mercy on her.

“Appa... I really scare of her..” Ji-A pleading.

“So you scare of her more than me??” ask Jae-Dok.

“Yes..” Ji-A nod feeling innocent.

“Arhh this girl.... why do I bother raising her..” Jae-Dok keep eating his dessert.

“Wah finally I can meet a person that my lovely dongsaeng scare off..” Ryeo-Uk can’t
stop smiling.

“This is fun for you??” Ji-A irritated.

“Of course, I really have to meet her and tell her that I adore her..” Ryeo-Uk keep
teasing her.

“Oppa? I can learn cardio very fast let me move to your place..” Ji-A persuade Jae-

Jae-Hwan look at her....”Go fight with Hyeon-U to earn your spot..”

“Arrhhh that won’t work... he crush me like potato chip..” Ji-A giving up.

“I even lend you my bracelet to propose...” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“It’s your proposal.... I cancel my proposal because all of you..” reply Jae-Hwan.

“What happen to my luck...eomma I think I need to see a shaman to fix my luck..” said

“Be a good daughter to me if you want to have many good luck..” said Jae-Dok.

“When did I not behaving nice at you.... I’m the sweetest you ever had appa...”

Jae-Dok fall into Ji-A words, he look at Ji-Yeon and make sign for her to give what
Ji-A want.

“Ehhh...look at it... he fall for her again..” said Jae-Hwan.

“ come you always fall for her...” Ji-Yeon look at her father. Jae-Dok
cornered by Ji-Yeon and Jae-Dok,

“You do the transfer..” he said to Ji-A.

“Oh God... I’m screwed...” Ji-A.

“Want to change job??? You can work with me??” Gyeong-Su.

“You’re out of business once you hiring her... she can’t even do her lego right...”
said Ji-Yeon.

“Ah that’s right... I’m the one who always do the lego play for you..” Gyeong-Su snap
his finger.

Ji-A hopeless...she give up her fight and choose to accept the reality.

“Is that nurse Sung really scary?” So-Mi ask.

“You don’t have to be scare of her..” Ji-A very envy to So-Mi.

“Why you look at me like that?” So-Mi find her look is very strange.

“From all the people working at our hospital she only affraid of Jae-Hwan oppa...and
now because of him she is affraid of you too...congratulation eonnie...I am so envy
at you...” said Ji-A.

“Should I accompany you then to hospital everyday???” So-Mi smile.

“No.... Rather than dealing with Jae-Hwan it’s better for me to deal with nurse
Sung...” Ji-A pouting at her brother.


Some Other Day


„....And I can’t believe that I’m your man, and I get to kiss
you baby just because I can. Whatever comes our way,
we’ll see it through, and you know that’s what our love can
do....(Everything– MichaelBublè)

Some Other Day

Ji-A is sleepy, she lost and fell asleep for the many times now. She even can’t
finish typing her patient update chart because she keep falling asleep .

“Where were you last night?? Finish your work..this is not hotel this is a place
where you work Baek Ji-A shi..” The voice Ji-A knew very well makes her awake in

“Yes nurse Sung, I will finish this!!” Ji-A reply quicky and really try so hard to
keep her awake.

“You finish the surgery?” ask nurse Sung.

“Yes... I finished the surgery..” Ji-A reply politely. She really need to finish her
work fast and run away from here.... to anywhere but here.

Ji-A yawning again....she lost again and fell asleep with her finger on the keyboard.
Nurse Sung realize that she doesn’t heard the typing sound again, she turn her head
and see Ji-A already begin her journey in dreamland.

“Baek Ji-A shi...” nurse Sung awake her again but no response from Ji-A.

“Baek Ji-A shi...” nurse Sung repeat her call,

“Later eomma...give me 10 minutes more..” Ji-A sleep talking.

“Is she spent her night clubbing or what...” nurse Sung keep watching her.

“Baek Ji-A shi!!” she call again with higher tone than before. Ji-A startled she look
at nurse Sung shocked,

“Yes?” Ji-A can’t fight her now because she feel so sleepy.

“Finish your work and go to the residence room and get some must be ready
for next surgery. I’ll give you 1 hour to sleep..” it’s like hearing the bells rings
from heaven.

Ji-A look at nurse Sung, disbelief of what she just heard,

“You don’t want it??” nurse Sung snap on her.

“I must be really stupid and un-mannered to pass your generous offer..” Ji-A smile at
her, and type her paperwork in a flash then run for a rare 1 hour opportunity..

“But why she is very nice to me?? Is it a trap?? Should I sleep or not??” Ji-A
suddenly lost all her sleepy feeling because of worry taken over her mind right now.

“Arrhhh...this is really making me nuts..sleep...not sleep...sleep....not

sleep....aiiisshhh....this is really not going to work... “ Ji-A get up.

She goes to the cafetaria and buy herself 2 coffees, she turn on his tablet and
search for Running Man episode, she need something to lighten her mood and laugh.

Some Other Day

“Oppa what are you doing now?” Ji-A typing a text to Hui-Jun. It doesn’y take long
for her to receive his reply.

“Filming CF, what are you doing?”

“Missing you..”

Hui-Jun laugh to read Ji-A reply,

“Waahh..what should I do now knowing my girlfriend missing me..”

“Ditch your work come to see me now.”

“Will you pay the contract fee then?? I’ll be happy to seeing you now...”

“Heol... Oppa I have everything but money... You can ask So-Mi eonnie too I only
inherit watch and bags”

Hu-Jun can’t help not to giggle reading those, So-Mi noona once tell her story about
Ji-A family, and how Ji-A always become the object of everyone teasing since she is
the maknae and very cute when she’s pouting her lips and pretend to be upset.

“I can ditch work but invite me to your family gathering.”

“Iisshh... an invitation to the gathering is pricey than ditching your work..”

“Tell me... I can afford that..”

“No schedule on this Saturday.. spend it with me..”

“Deal.... “

Mi-Yeon coming and take a seat beside her,

“Arrggghhh that evil really torture me hard this time.... I wonder how come her
husband can stand sleeping in the same bed with her everynight...” she put down hard
her phone.

Ji-A look at her, current Mi-Yeon mood rate is aggravated, so no close distance
allowed if you don’t want to get your hair pluck from your head. Ji-A slide to her
left carefully trying not to make any noise.

“What are you doing tonight?” Mi-Yeon ask.

“Date!” Ji-A answer quickly,

“Nope...cancel it... go with me..” Here we go the Mi-Yeon upset situation.

“Why you’re not going with Dong-Hyeok?” Ji-A offer Mi-Yeon her coffee. Mi-Yeon take
the coffee and drink it at once,

Some Other Day

“He said he’s busy...he has meetings with some Thai people... Taeyang really suck his
blood out and didn’t left me any..”

“You’re the one who told him to work..” Ji-A glance at her.

“Mi-Yeon ah, why don’t we go tomorrow.. I really want to meet Hui-Jun today, he just
back from Japan last night..” Ji-A persuade her.

Mi-Yeon look at her with a very sharp look, Ji-A feel very intimidated by that looks,
“Oh.. so now after getting a hot boyfriend you ditch me while I need you the most..
I’m the one who always clean up after your mess..”

“Alright... I get that agasshi... I’ll be your slave today...” Ji-A give up her date.

Then she catch Hyeon-U is walking past the cafetaria,

“Hyeon-U!!” Ji-A shout, Hyeon-U is on his way to the lab see his bestfriends and stop

“We go out tonight!! Madam is upset so don’t ever said no..” said Ji-A

“I have plaaaannsss...” Hyeon-U look at Mi-Yeon and choose not to finish his

“Let’s go....” he nod and quickly leave.

“What did that evil told you?” Ji-A pass on the cake to Hyeon-U.

“She said I better look for another job and she yelled at me in front of
everybody...” Mi-Yeon remember how bad professor Lee throw her tantrum at her during
the surgery.

“What mistake did you do?” Hyeon-U scoop his oreo cheesecake.

“I cut the wrong part and it cause small bleeding. I fixed it rightaway but she keeps
yelling and yelling, even told me to be out from her service tomorrow..Iisshhh I
really hate her..” Mi-Yeon put a large scoop of her ice cream.

“She always said that...” said Ji-A.

“Remember Song Ah Young? She was cried at the emergency stairs badly... because
professor Lee told her to write a resignation letter because she missed the lab
result for her patient.. she missed 1 test lab..” said Hyeon-U.

“That evil really is more than a mother monster...” Mi-Yeon can’t stop cursing.

“She was previously under the late professor Yoo, you know how bad he was from the
stories we heard...” said Ji-A, she is checking on her phone hoping that Hui-Jun
already read her text.

Some Other Day

“Chagi-ya!!!” someone hug Mi-Yeon from the back.

“Waahhh Nam Dong-Hyeok you really are a Nam right now?? Wearing all suits and tie
like this..” said Ji-A.

“I’m the Director of Taeyang electronic... I have so many people look at me as their
role model..” Dong-Hyeok brag.

“Yeah right.... but still you’re under hyeongbu finger... so be nice to me or I send
you to hell everyday at work..” said Ji-A.

Dong-Hyeok can never win againts her.

“Ah he’s coming..” Ji-A smiling reading her incoming text.

“Hui-Jun coming?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“Bora coming too..” add Hyeon-U.

“What is this?? Triple date??” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“Your girlfriend ruin my date with Bora by forcing us to come with her..” Hyeon-U
point his spoon to Mi-Yeon.

“You get free cake and coffee...yet you’re still complaining..iissshhh” Mi-Yeon snap
back on Hyeon-U.

“Is it okay for Hui-Jun to be here with you?” ask Dong-Hyeok,

“It’s fine he said...” said Ji-A, “This cafe is out of reach only regular customer
came here... which is us at night and the elementary kids during the day..” the cafe
they’re in right now located in a small alley near their elementary school. the place
is very hard to find at night and usually close since they always run out the cakes,
their cakes is the best. But for three musketeers the owner always make an exception,
when Mi-Yeon call that they will hang out in his cafe he keep some cakes for them and
wait for them.

Minutes later the first to arrive to Bora, as usual she and Ji-A will have a cynical
conversation as their epilogue.

“Looks like the witch is changing her hair color so she can tricked her preys again?”
Ji-A commented on Bora new hair color.

“Looks like you adore me so much to even notice my hair color... I know I always make
you envy because of my beauty..” Bora take her spot beside Hyeon-U.

“I just like you so much... Please treat her more cruel than this..” Dong-Hyeok
handshake Bora with happiness.

“She always envy at me because her first crush choose me over her..” Bora proud to
tell their history.

Some Other Day

“Iisshhhh this witch really need to change her head this time!!” Ji-A stand but
Hyeon-U grab her.

“Ji-A Ji-A not here... not now...” Hyeon-U stop her.

“Ya don’t do it right here I don’t have the mood to fight her today..” Mi-Yeon stop
her too.

“Ah right... Hyeon-U ah do you know that she was sent Gyeong-Su oppa a love letter
back then when we were on high school?” Ji-A throw her missile.

“WHAT!!! I can handle Daesung but Gyeong-Su hyung???!! Are you out of your mind??”
Hyeon-U instantly jealous hearing Gyeong-Su was Bora crush.

“She sent the love letter I still remember what the words written on it..” Ji-A
threat again.

“How do you know that?” ask Bora.

“I found your letter at Gyeong-Su oppa room, I just opened it and read and throw it
to the trash can..” Ji-A explain without feeling sorry.

“You WHATTT???!!!!! So Gyeong-Su oppa never knew my feeling?” Bora shocked.

“Why should he.... it’s good for him to not know a witch like you..” said Ji-A.

“Waah are they always like this?” Dong-Hyeok drink his smoothie and very amazed to
see the war between Bora and Ji-A.

“They born to be like this..” said Mi-Yeon sighing hopeless.

“This is daebak..” Dong-Hyeok fixed his eyes into the fight.

“Should I kick them both??” Hyeon-U hopeless.

“You know why I took Daesung oppa from you?” said Bora

“Why?? Because you so jealous of me.. couldn’t take the fact that Daesung oppa always
stick around with me??” said Ji-A

“Nope... Why would I he even said you and him just a friend nothing more, and he like
me more to be his girlfriend..” Bora win this conversation.

“YA!!! We did have thing!!” Ji-A really pissed now.

“YOU!! Can’t you just dump her now!!!” Ji-A point his finger to Hyeon-U.

“And you’re the stupid of all of us by picking her as your girlfriend..” said Mi-Yeon
to Hyeon-U.

Some Other Day

“She’s beautiful and can defeat both of you... that’s my girl should be..” reply

“Why are they fighting?” Suddenly a voice join Mi-Yeon, Hyeon-U dan Dong-Hyeok.

“Ah you’re surprise me!” Mi-Yeon look at the one who’s now taking a seat beside Dong-

“They always fight, it’s a surprise that they’re not pulling each other hair like
before..” said Hyeon-U.

“Why you’re even in love with a gangster like her...” Dong-Hyeok look at Hui-Jun,
whose now taking off his mask and hat.

“Did you lost your mind dating witch like her?” Mi-Yeon throw an evil glance to

“Are you taking her side?” Hyeon-U feel cornered.

“Of course if it’s between Ji-A and Bora I will always pick Ji-A’s side..” Mi-Yeon

“Are they fighting because a guy??” ask Hui-Jun.

“What else... her first crush was stealed by Bora...” Hyeon-U hand him the menu.

“Even now she has me she still think about other guy...” Hui-Jun shakes his head.

Now Hui-Jun join Mi-Yeon, Dong-Hyeok and Hyeon-U watch the live nerve war, Ji-A don’t
even notice that now Hui-Jun is there too.

“So why you dare to read my letter to Gyeong-Su oppa?” ask Bora.

“Because I see your name as the sender....” said Ji-A.

“Now who is actually this Gyeong-Su oppa?” spectator Hui-Jun asking because he always
curious what is the truth behind this Gyeong-Su oppa.

“He is the man that always stay beside her more than Jae-Hwan hyung.” Spectator
Hyeon-U reply.

“Ah the prime minister son? Gyeong-Su hyung..” spectator Dong-Hyeok recognize the

“He also confessed to her when you and her break up previously...OUCH!!” spectator
Mi-Yeon suddenly feel a lot of pain at her leg.

Hyeon-U is staring at her and make sign, Mi-Yeon realize her mistake and look to
Hui-Jun who’s now making faces that he finally found out something.

“Please don’t tell her that you know it from me...” Mi-Yeon pleading.

Some Other Day

“Who else know that story beside the two of us in this table and she definitely sure
it’s not me who snitch..” said Hyeon-U.

“Arrrhhh I’m dead tomorrow...” Mi-Yeon put her hands on her face.

“Make sure you say everything you want to say to her tonight... tomorrow she’ll not
be available for you..” Hyeon-U talk with Dong-Hyeok.

“Should we marry tonight so I have all the memory being with you tonight?” Dong-Hyeok
join the club teasing his girlfriend.

“I think we should stop them before plates start to fly between them..” said Hui-Jun.

He stand up and approaching Ji-A,

“OMAYA!! You’re Park Hui-Jun right??” Bora suddenly shocked to find the Hallyu Star
now standing next to Ji-A and sit beside her.

“Oppa, since when you’re here?” ask Ji-A.

“Since you two arguing about Gyeong-Su oppa..” said Hui-Jun.

“Oppa? Why you calling him that name?” Bora clueless.

“He’s my boyfriend why I can’t call him oppa..” said Ji-A proudly that she scores to
Bora another point.

“WHAT?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is she telling the truth??” Bora ask Hyeon-U.

“Do you think where the signature come from so easily..” said Hyeon-U.

“Daebak!!! Baek Ji-A are you won a lottery or what?” Bora amazed.

“Yep.. I bought the lottery and scratch it. And the prize was Park Hui-Jun..” Ji-A

The spectators are shooks their head seeing how Ji-A and Bora can move their nemesis
gear smoothly into a normal conversation.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Park Hui-Jun maybe this is the first time I hang around with
you..but let’s see each other more often after this..” Hui-Jun introduce himself
formally to Ji-A’s friends.

“Finally we can sit and chat together like this. All this time I thought she was
lying about dating you since you never came..hehhehe” said Hyeon-U.

“I told you it was hard before..” Ji-A defend.

“Wuah.. now you talk back to your friend once you have you boyfriend..” said Hyeon-U.

Some Other Day

“So these are your friends?” ask Hui-Jun.

“She and he only” Ji-A point at Mi-Yeon and Hyeon-U, “This one I don’t know why I
have to have a relationship with him because of eonnie married his hyung, and now he
date her..” Ji-A point at Dong-Hyeok.

“And this one, oppa just pretend she’s not here. She’s an awfull witch, she even put
many spells on Hyeon-U so now he’s dating her..” Ji-A point at Bora.

“Ya.. she is prettier than you that’s why I’m dating her..” Hyeon-U defend on Bora.
Bora smile in victory and link her arm to Hyeon-U.

“Iissshhhh... you both making me sick..” said Ji-A.

After 2 hours spent at the cafe they decide to go by their own. After lots of effort
Dong-Hyeok and Mi-Yeon can take Ji-A to a safe place to meet with Hui-Jun that go
first to take precautions. Hui-Jun drive his new car so no reporters can able to
identify it yet, but still he need to be careful. All eyes on him, even eating in
Apgujeong no longer comfort as it used to be since everytime he sat down some fans
will startig to crowd and calling his name. He see Ji-A coming from Dong-Hyeok car
with scarf covering her lower face, and a baseball hat to cover her upper face.

“Ah I think no one can identify us, let’s go oppa.” Ji-A put on her seatbelt. Hui-Jun
really want to hug and kiss her now now, he’s been holding it since at the cafe. He
needs to bear it a little more time so he can be alone with Ji-A.

They drop by to a coffee shop near Hui-Jun condo, he’s moving to a new place and Hui-
Jun really love his new place. It has a very strict security details, even the wall
that separate the complex with the road built so high so outsider can not reach the
complex details. Ji-A went to buy them coffee and snack, Hui-Jun watch her from his
car and got really annoying when he spot a tall guy aproach her and make conversation
with her. In the end he saw that tall guy hand a card to his Ji-A. Ji-A already got
her coffee she run right away to Hui-Jun car.

“One Vanilla Latte for me and Iced Americano for you..I also bought a spinach quiche
and cesar salad, their salad is the best..” Ji-A show him the coffee and the snack.

“So why that tall guy come to you too, I don’t think I also tell you can talk to any
random guy you met at the coffee shop..” Hui-Jun jealous.

Ji-A pretend to think to tease him, “Emmmm because I’m too pretty so he can’t stand a
chance not to know me??”

Hui-Jun glare at her, “Yet she got me as his boyfriend but still she’s very proud
hitting by other random guy..”

Ji-A laugh hearing Hui-Jun mumbling, she lean closer to him and put her arms around
his neck,

“Ya, I’m driving..” Hui-Jun warn her.

Some Other Day

“So what...You just drive I have my own business... “ tease Ji-A.

“I can do the business too... you still remember what happen last time you said you
have some business to do with me in this car..” Hui-Jun look at her.

Ji-A raise her arms to say that she give up, Hui-Jun only smile and continue driving.

They arrive at Hui-Jun place, Ji-A placed the coffee at the table and lean at the
black sofa, resting her body. She is very tired today, attending 2 surgery and
assisting her dad monitoring the patient, rechecking lab resullt , examining any
proper methods to do for her patients, not to mention filling up updates on her
patients. She hates administration job, if she ever can have secretary like her
siblings all she wants to do is make her secretary do all the writing job for her.
Ji-A see a stack of script on his work desk, Hui-Jun looks like receive so many
offers, some of the script are written in chinese.

“What are you looking at?” Hui-Jun show up from the kitchen he put the wine and glass
on the table.

“Oppa are you going to China? Is there something interesting you in this stack?” Ji-A
still observing Hui-Jun desk.

“Should I?”Hui-Jun sit on the couch and sign Ji-A to join him. Ji-A lying with her
head on Hui-Jun lap,

“I will be more busy starting next month...I might go to Beijing, Singapore,

Thailand, Shanghai, Japan and other city in China more often...It will be hard to
spend so much time with you..” Hui-Jun playing with Ji-A hair.

“Why you cut your hair?” Hui-Jun remember he never ask that question

“Because...It’s just I want a new look..” said Ji-A.

“I like it...but I miss the long hair Ji-A too.... You look sexy in you short hair
cut like this, but you look pretty in your long hair..” said Hui-Jun

Ji-A get up, “So I’m not pretty anymore?”

Hui-Jun smile, “You always pretty..”

“Should I buy a wig then? So I can be sexy Ji-A and pretty Ji-A too...” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun lean on her closer so his lips can touch hers. He kiss her gently, he can no
longer resist the urge to kissing her. He just miss her too much. Ji-A put her left
hand at Hui-Jun neck welcome his kiss.

“Can you stay with me tonight?” Hui-Jun hope she will say yes.

“I told my parents that I’ll be staying at Mi-Yeon’s tonight..” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

Hui-Jun smile, “Then let’s just pretend that this is Mi-Yeon place and we sleepover
at her place..”

He lift Ji-A and took her to the room while they still kissing each other

Hui-Jun watch Ji-A reading her medical journal, she is wearing another of his tee now
and she looks amazingly sexy. In many movies or drama the female usually wear the man
clothes after they’re making love, and he can’t understand why. But after what happen
in Morocco he get the answer why, because Ji-A looks more sexy on his clothes and it
always give him another kind of pleasure seeing her like that. Ji-A put down her

“Oppa how much busy you will be?” Ji-A ask.

“Why?” Hui-Jun put down the script he was reading.

“I read something yesterday.... Will it be hard on you when people know that you’re
dating?” Ji-A read some articles about why the celebrity tend to hide their dating

“People like me have many eyes watching every step I make. When I do something, say
something it will drawn many people attention and if its happen to be such a very
interesting topic, like for example my girl type preference, my dating style, It will
become headlines in many news site..” Hui-Jun explain.

“What will happen if somehow they find out about me?” Ji-A ask again.

“I will not like that...” Hui-Jun hesitating.


“First the agency will create a fuss, they will call immediately and they will ask me
to come...somehow you will also get the call..”


“Because you’re the one I’m dating....why they should call Seo Min-Soon noona?” Hui-
Jun tease her.

“Do you have a death wish?”

“I’m sorry....I take my punishment now” Hui-Jun plant a kiss in her lips.

“Iissshhh.... looks like you’re the only person who love being punished..”

“Then what happen after they call you and me then we have a meeting with all your
agency things?”

Some Other Day

“They will start asking question, who are you..who is your family, what is job, where
you work...”


“Yes...and it’s not a joke how they will make you do as what they say....they will
starting to ask since when this dating happen, are we going to openly dating, are we
going to go to the next step..”

“Will you be disadvantage?”

“Maybe several company that I endorse will be upset and cancel the contract, not to
mention the headlines, then I must work twice hard or maybe triple than usual to get
many new contracts and keep my top existance at the industry... Lee Min Ho is the
good example, Lee Min Ho keep remain at the top after the dating scandal leak. But
only they and God knows how hard it was for him”

“So it will be hard for you...”

“I can bear it.... but I won’t if something happen to you....It will be bad for
you..we might have less time to be together since most of my time will be spending at
the plane or attending events, not to mention shooting any drama or movie and it will
be huge chance that I will pursue career at China.”

“Is that why many celebrity couples break up?? Because they don’t have time?”

“It can be one of the reason...That’s why I’m doing extra effort in protecting my
privacy...protecting you..because I want to preserve the feeling we have..I need to
keep it between us.”

“The worst part is how people and media start tracking and following you around. Not
to mention netizen comments that sometimes can be so harsh, I really don’t want you
to read that. I can tolerate if it’s about me but I don’t think I can afford to not
restrain my emotion when it comes to my family and you..”

“It’s so hard to be like you...I thought mine is worst since we’re playing with
people lives, but mine at least give me freedom to walk freely at the most crowded
place and enjoy my time..”

“We got to be at the high class party, hangout in an expensive restaurant, wear a
designer clothes, riding a branded car, that’s maybe a luxury from other’s people
eyes. But for me luxury is walking with you holding hand, watch movie, date openly
like other couple... It’s just impossible for me to do now. I even can’t help my
parents at the carwash again now, while usually it was a fun activity for me. “

“ you regret it?? Become who you are now..”

“Nope... I’m so thankful for it. I get to achieve my dreams one by one, I worked so
hard to get a stand where I am now. But..” Hui-Jun look at Ji-A and caress her
hair..touching her face line.

Some Other Day

“Chagi-ya people always see the perfect Park Hui-Jun. I need you so I can be normal
people in front of you, show you that I’m not perfect, to show you that I look awfull
when I wake up...I need you like I need my parents.”

“Why me?? Of all the stunning actress that choose you as their ideal type??? Even the
CF goddess Seolhyun openly told that you are her type and she really is a biggest fan
of yours..”

“Because you had me at your hello...”

“ do learn very well on saying cheesy lines from your drama..”

“Hahahaha.... remember when the first time we met?”

“When you hurt your hand?”

“When you stitched my were so close to me I couldn’t help my self so I

keep looking at you. And I keep remembering you after that..Then the bar, I push my
self to ask for your phone numbers even before I was upset seeing you with Dong-
Hyeok...I thought you and him were dating..”

“I’m not crazy...I’m not using drugs also to see him capable enough to be my

“Waahh do you have to use that words...hahahah you and him are such a weird family..”

“He’s weird... I’m just too much for him.”

“How many are your ex boyfriend?”

“Eeyy what with this question..then how many yours?”

“You answer first then I will..”

“How can I trust that...”

“Na Eun when I was in high school she was my first kiss, I kissed her at the bus
stop. Then So Ra when I was in college. That’s it, I heard So Ra is married now, Na
Eun I don’t know never meet her again since then..”

“You even keeping tab on them..”


“Why should I...”


“Iiisssshhhh..... “

Some Other Day

“Now tell me yours?”

“I forgot the names...”

“ many?”

“You really want to know?”

“Yes..I want to know bout your past too..not only your present..I want to know

“Daesung oppa... Sung Jae oppa...Phillip...Siwon...”

“Are you a playgirl?? How come you have so many ex boyfriend??”

“I told you before you shouldn’t ask..”

“Which one the longest?”

“You really should know?”

“Yes I need to know.”

“Sung Jae oppa during my freshman year at college.... he is in Boston Children

Hospital now... he got their offering about 4 years ago..”

“Why you broke up with that amazing man?” Hui-Jun sounds very jealous.

“Hemmm....He need to go to Boston, and we failed the long distance relationship..”

“You’re not answering the question..”

“Which one..”

“The why you choose me not a celebrity...I’m not glamour...”

“You can if you want... ya do you even aware who’s your family is?..even back at the
Gala your family sit together with the Nam family and Prime Minister people already
can tell how powerfull your family is..”

“My dad not raise us that way...we have to earn our spot by working and keep our feet
to the ground..”

“I really want to meet your dad..”

“You will..”

“Why I’m not choosing celebrity... coz I want a normal life when I take off my
celebrity clothes. Also I hate it when many men can enjoy my girlfriend pictures in

Some Other Day

magazine, see the curve of her body, see her in a very sexy look. That’s should be
all mine only... my eyes only..”

“ I don’t have male fans at the’ll be shocked how many
flowers and dating invitations I receive since I worked at the hospital..colleague,
paramedic, even patients kekekekkekek..”

Hui-Jun grab her waist and pinned her down, “Quit the job stay at home I can make
money for you..”

“I am a very high maitenance one..” Ji-A seduce him trailing her finger thru Hui-Jun
face and all the way to his neck.

“I don’t like it when other man looking at you, like the one at the coffee shop.. “
said Hui-Jun

“I like it when you’re jealous..” Ji-A smirked.

“Should I show you how bad my jealousy is?”

“I dare you...”


“How is the test result?” ask So-Mi

Jae-Hwan still reading all the test result back and forth, “You feel tired these

“It’s a usual thing so I don’t pay attention much”

“To be honest the test result is not very good, I need to tell you that because I
don’t want to hide anything and I need your full attention on me.”

“Is it really bad? Is the ICD not helping anymore?” ask So-Mi

“It’s not about the ICD, the ICD works fine. But I need to take another step so you
can get better than now..” said Jae-Hwan.

So-Mi just look at Jae-Hwan,

“Jae-Hwan shi, have you had your lunch?” she ask

“Not yet, are you hungry? Let’s go get some food..” Jae-Hwan put down his pen and the

So-Mi show him a stack of lunch container.

Some Other Day

“Let’s have a picnic at the place you took me before upstairs...I made lunch for
you.” So-Mi said.

Jae-Hwan smile very wide. They then head to the hospital garden at the west side 8th
floor of the hospital. Jae-Hwan took a bed sheet from the storage room they passed so
the can use it as their cover to sit on. So-Mi show him the lunch box she prepared
for him Kimbab, galbi, dumplings, fish tofu, japchae, cucumber kimchi, and seaweed

“Wah this is like a feast.... you must be get up so early today..” Jae-Hwan took 1
fish tofu and very enjoyed the dish.

“It’s delicious..” Jae-Hwan keep taking another dish.

“No wonder eomma love you so much, you are her perfect partner..” Jae-Hwan smile.

“Your mom cook very well too...” said So-Mi

“Ahahahaha... she just always put too many salt or not put any salt at all..” Jae-
Hwan remember her mom dish that always salty.

“How come only abeoji that always eat her dish... you guys are heartless childs..”
said So-Mi.

“Because only appa can handle her food... I have a very sensitive stomach..” Jae-Hwan

“Looks like we have incoming guest..” So-Mi point her finger to Ji-A who’s waving at

Now the date is having a guest, Baek Ji-A really enjoying the food,

“Eonnie This food really delicious...” Ji-A enjoying the dumplings and soup.

“Why don’t you go? You eat all the dumplings and I’m not going to give you any of
these..” Jae-Hwan close the leftover with his hand.

“These are not yours...eonnie said I can eat all of these too.” Ji-A pouting.

“Said who...these are mine..I’ve been generous giving you all the
go..” Jae-Hwan told her to go.

“Why you become so stingy these days...especially about eonnie....I really hate you
right now.” Ji-A glance at him.

“Sure...hate me...I really don’t mind.” Jae-Hwan put his hand on So-Mi shoulder.

“He has me now...he said you are expired..” So-Mi joining Jae-Hwan.

“What is this?? Are you now joining his club?” Ji-A look at So-Mi.

Some Other Day

“Can’t I? It’s really entertaining..” So-Mi laugh.

“Iiiiisssshhh....I can’t believe this...” Ji-A put down her chopstick, but then she
look at So-Mi.

“Eonnie, are you okay?” Ji-A notice that So-Mi has sweats on her forehead.

“Me? I’m okay...” So-Mi smile. But the truth she feel dizzie and she felt her head a
little light this time. She’s doing a lot of works yesterday she making lots of
cupcakes for the orphanage near her apartment and also she goes back and forth to the
market, and today she woke up very early went to the market and cook the dishes for
their lunch box picnic.

Ji-A look at Jae-Hwan, she’s sure that something happen with So-Mi. Jae-Hwan notice
his sister sign, then take a look at So-Mi.

“Let’s back, I’ll take you home..” Jae-Hwan stand up and ask fo So-Mi hand.

So-Mi stand up but second later she’s just collaps.

“SO-MI shi!!!!” Jae-Hwan quickly grab her body.

Both Jae-Hwan and Ji-A run to the emegency office, Jae-Hwan carry So-Mi at his back
and keep saying,

“Hang in’ll be save..”

At the emergency room Jae-Hwan hurriedly take car So-Mi,

“She’s having cardiac arrest, bring the crash cart!!!” Ji-A shout

Jae-Hwan, “Give me 5ml ephi!!”

Hyeon-U come at the scene and hurriedly take over Ji-A position.

“Please help oppa save her..” Ji-A look at Hyeon-U.

After trying for minutes, Jae-Hwan looks more tense, So-Mi still unconscious. Jae-
Hwan become very sensitive soon the emergency ward turn very hectic.

“Professor Baek the blood pressure keep dropping!” the nurs warning Jae-Hwan. Jae-
Hwan look at the monitor, So-Mi blood pressure and heart rate keep dropping and the
machine create a very loud rings. The tone that everyone hate.

“Prepare OR 1!”

Hyeon-U do not wait to be told twice, he run to the operating room area and prepare
all the procedure. Soon So-Mi brought t the OR room by Jae-Hwan team.

Ji-A grab her phone and dial Beom-Seok.

Some Other Day

Ji-A wait in front of operation ward, then she see Ji-Yeon coming,

“What happen? I heard that So-Mi is collapsed.” She looks worry.

Next Jae-Dok also approaching them, “Is it bad?”

“I don’t know, we were having lunch together then I saw eonnie looks very pale and
she sweats a lot. Oppa then want to take her home but then she collapsed.” Ji-A

“Why she need surgery? Was it bad?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“The blood pressure and heart rate keep dropping. Ephi and crash cart didn’t help
much..but Hyeon-U said oppa already worried since yesterday since her test result is
not good this time.” said Ji-A.

Ji-Yeon and Jae-Dok aware how bad So-Mi condition if Jae-Hwan take this extent.

“Have you call her brother?” ask Jae-Dok, Ji-A nod.

“Don’t tell anything about this to eomma.. I’ll tell her later when the surgery done.
I’m affraid eomma will come here and cry..” Ji-Yeon know how her mom very
affectionate to So-Mi now. Especially after she found out that So-Mi and her brother
are orphan, she became very attach to her.

“Should I ask professor Shin to do the surgery? I’m affraid Jae-Hwan will not focus,
Shin and Jae-Hwan have the same level of recognition..” said Jae-Dok.

“I don’t know... Eonnie?” Ji-A know that professor Shin is another badass in cardio
world like Jae-Hwan, but she is not sure Jae-Hwan will want that.

“The best one to handle her now is Jae-Hwan. Relax appa, he know his drill...he won’t
failed..” said Ji-Yeon.

Then they see 2 men running to their direction, more closer Ji-A can recognize them.
Beom-Seok and Hui-Jun run furiously,

“Ji-A shi is my noona okay??!!!” Beom-Seok looks very panicked he has tears flowing.

“Eonnie is in surgery right now, we should wait..” said Ji-A.

“Appa..eonnie, this is Beom-Seok oppa.. So-Mi eonnie dongsaeng..” Ji-A introduce

Beom-Seok to her sister and father.

“I heard about you a lot, let’s pray for the best..” Jae-Dok hug him. Ji-Yeon only
smile at him.

Beom-Seok bow to both of them, he can’t hold his tears. His sister finally really
find a very nice family that take care of her.

Some Other Day

“I can’t even know how to thank for your kindness accepting my sister and take care
of her, thank you very much sir..” Beom-Seok keep bowing to Jae-Dok. Jae-Dok tapping
his back.

“We’re family...we should take care each other...think of me as your father..” said

Ji-Yeon look at Hui-Jun and recognize him in instant, “Oh you’re Park Hui-Jun are you
her family too?”

Ji-A look at Hui-Jun then bow to both Ji-Yeon and Jae-Dok, “Annyeonghaseyo I’m Park
Hui-Jun, me and Beom-Seok are bestfriend and I know So-Mi noona since I was kid..”

“Oh you’re the man at the Gala..” Jae-Dok remember him.

Ji-A think this is the best opportunity too, she grab Hui-Jun hand,

“Appa Hui-Jun oppa is my boyfriend..” said Ji-A that makes Jae-Dok shocked.


Ji-A only smirked, while Ji-Yeon laugh, “Finally you said it... I’ve been thinking
when will you come clean about him..”

“You work with him?” Jae-Dok ask Beom-Seok.

“Yes sir, I’m his manager..” answer Beom-Seok.

Jae-Dok look at Hui-Jun, and Hui-Jun feel nervous by the way Jae-Dok looking at him.
Ji-A very know what that look means,

“Eeyyy he do nothing wrong yet but you already give us that look..” said Ji-A.

“You come to the next gathering, we need to talk..” Jae-Dok then leave, Ji-Yeon only
laugh seeing her dad acting that way she then follow him,

“See you later..” Ji-Yeon said to Hui-Jun, “You should come too, It was always So-Mi
who came eomma must be happy meeting with you too..” Ji-Yeon said to Beom-Seok.

After both of them leave, Hui-Jun turn to Ji-A, “What was that means? Why do I feel
so worry about your dad..”

“You should... he’s going to eat you alive...” Ji-A smirked.

“ strong..eonnie is in great hand. Jae-Hwan oppa is one of the best

cardiologist this country has..” Ji-A hug Beom-Seok.

“When will they finish?” ask Beom-Seok.

“I don’t know, but Hyeon-U is assisting oppa right now and he is oppa’s favourite
resident, and I can go to the theatre room to see how it’s going..” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“Can we go and see too?” ask Hui-Jun.

“’s restricted area.” Said Ji-A.


Ji-Yeon take out her earrings and take off the necklace. She put some cleanser on
cotton and start cleanse her face. She then go to the bathroom and take shower. Done
with shower, she find Ryeo-Uk already home too and lying at the sofa.

“When did you home?” Ji-Yeon approaching her husband.

“When you’re showering, I was thinking about joining you but this couch miss me very
much and hold me so tight..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Then I shouldn’t hug you?” said Ji-Yeon. And Ryeo-Uk not saying anything just pull
her into his arms and hug her tight.

“I miss you so much...I don’t know how I will enjoy my day if I’m not thinking about
you..” said Ryeo-Uk.


“Everytime I had bad argument at the meetings or having some difficullties at the
office I always think that my day wil end beautifully so I just need to bear it..”

“Why is that?”

“Because I will see you in my end of day, and be with you like this...” Ryeo-Uk kiss

“You must be plant a very good deed in your past vice president you got to
have me in this life..”

“Maybe.... so what happen today?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“So-Mi collapsed...Jae-Hwan operate her..”

“Really... how is she now?”

“I checked on her before I went home, she’s stabilized. Jae-Hwan stay with her..seems
like he’s going to stay at the hospital again.”

“I’ll come visit tomorrow. I’ll ask Kyu-Min to free my schedule for a while.”

“Do you want to have dinner now?”

“I’ll shower first... where’s the boys?”

Some Other Day

“At their room..they were fighting over a robot the Seo-Eun run into Eomoni and guess
what instead solving the problem by teach them how to share, your mom call the driver
to bought Seo-Eun exactly the same robot type like the one Seo-Jun hold..”

“Hahahaha... that’s my mom..”

“When I protest she said, then you said I should let my grandson cried over a robot??
What kind a grandma I am?? I can buy all the toys in Korea if I want!!” Ji-Yeon
mimicking her mother inlaw.

“Let her...appa seem to make trouble, she keep asking me where appa is now. So please
bear with her these days..okay?” Ryeo-Uk trail his finger on Ji-Yeon face.

“Ah one more thing... the A-list actor finally got introduced to appa today..”


“Park Hui-Jun... the one that won the bid for Ji-A and the one that I told you I saw
them hugging and turn out after I dragged Hyeon-U they were dated before... now they
seem back together and she introduce him to us today..” explain Ji-A.

“I know Ji-A is dating him... I saw them having dinner at Cheongdamdong but I was
with other board member so I couldn’t say hi to her..” Ryeo-Uk remember to see them
entering private room in one of restaurant at Cheongdamdong.

“Why you didn’t tell me? I had to dragged Hyeon-U to get all the information...” ask

“Ah...I forgot... I must came home drunk that time...but..why you have to dragged
that brat to ask about Ji-A??” Ryeo-Uk know very much how Hyeon-U worship Ji-Yeon.

“Ahahahaha....jealous? he is so cute and just told me everything when I made cute

face asking him to tell the story...” Ji-Yeon laugh.

“Yaaa...that brat must be had a very sweet dream the night before...” Ryeo-Uk laugh.

Ji-Yeon only shrug and laugh.

“Will it be okay?” ask Ryeo-Uk.


“Ji-A dating him.... I know how hard celebrity avoid scandal... Won Hee own the
agency I know how stressed he is when that idol caught dating...the idol finally end
the relationship due Won-Hee keep make him busy and didn’t have time for dating..”

“I’m sure they’re already talk about that...Hui-Jun is not a twenty something
guy..he’s thirty and from what I see he’s a responsible man...” said Ji-Yeon.

“Well at least he should know what kind of family that will come to him when he
messed up with Ji-A..” said Ryeo-Uk.

Some Other Day

“Who are you?? Why you looks like appa??” Ji-Yeon laugh.


“Appa gave him the look when he met Hui-Jun....hahahaha he said to me why that man
has to be that good looking...” Ji-Yeon remember her father mumbling when they left
the operation ward.

“What happen to Gyeong-Su?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“Poor Gyeong-Su...Jae-Hwan said after he confessed Ji-A just stay still and not
saying anything... after that she just avoided him..until the day before she went to
Morocco..” said Ji-Yeon.

“I remember your mom said to my mom when my mom asked who he was at our engagement
party, and she said that’s my next son inlaw..he’ll going to marry Ji-A.. and my mom
said how lucky your mom is ... you got to marry me while Ji-A marry the prime
minister son... if Jae-Hwan marry another chaebol then your family is the strongest
in Korea...” said Ryeo-Uk.

“ you think it will be hard for Ji-A dating him?” Ji-Yeon suddenly worry
about Ji-A.

“I know the industry where that Hui-Jun works, as I have invest some money too at Won
Hee agency...he is now at his peak of popularity...his agency CEO must be think that
dating is the last thing in Hui-Jun list can do now...but like I said I see that man
is a reliable one, he must have think all the consequences and prepare with that by
dating our Ji-A...don’t worry so much...” said Ryeo-Uk.

“I’m not...I know Gyeong-Su will kill him once that happen....” said Ji-Yeon.

“Let’s see the boys..” Ryeo-Uk get up.

“You go first I change first..” Ji-Yeon.


“It’s so weird that you show up more than twice in my place this past 3 months..” Ha-
Nui greet her dongsaeng that coming visited her at the restaurant.

“So-Mi noona is hospitalized, so I visit her then look for you after..” said Gi-

“Really?? Beom-Seok didn’t call me...” Ha-Nui surprise to hear the news.

“She was having surgery yesterday..” said Gi-Gwang, “Noona can you make me some food,
I haven’t eat since morning..”

Some Other Day

“Wait.. I’l make you some food..” Ha-Nui then go to the kitchen and ask her chef to
make dish for her dongsaeng.

“Are you dating someone from this hospital? The secretary?” tease Ha-Nui.

“How did you know that?” GI-Gwang surprise.

“I saw you couple times meeting her but you never brought her here...” said Ha-Nui.

“How did you know she’s the secretary..” ask Gi-Gwang again.

“She’s working for the second person who have power in the hospital how come she’s
not famous..” said Ha-Nui. The dish is ready, Gi-Gwang enjoying his crab stew.

“I like her noona...” said Gi-Gwang.

“So how is So-Mi now? Is Beom-Seok stay with her? Then how about Hui-Jun if Beom-Seok
stay?” ask Ha-Nui.

“So-Mi noona has her boyfriend take care of her... Beom-Seok is no longer needed..”
Gi-Gwang smile.

“So-Mi has boyfriend? Really?? Who’s that? Am I know him?” Ha-Nui really surprise to
hear the news about So-Mi dating cause Ha-Nui know So-Mi spent most of her time at
home due her illness.

“Noona, you don’t know the rumor?? You even know Myung-Soo is the secretary of Baek
Hospital director, but you don’t know So-Mi noona boyfriend.... aaahhh you’re not as
popular as I think..” said Gi-Gwang.

“Who is her boyfriend?” Ha-Nui become very curious.

“Baek Hospital heir...” Gi-Gwang say the word.

Ha-Nui froze...she even drop her jaw, “Baek Jae-Hwan??” Ha-Nui really aware who is
the person mention by Gi-Gwang. Sometimes Jae-Hwan come to her place to grab lunch or
dinner with his colleague.

“You close with him?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“Nope...Both Baek Ji-Yeon and Baek Jae-Hwan are untouchable person. They never as
chatty or friendly as their maknae.” Said Ha-Nui.

“You know Ji-A then?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“Yes...she and her friends always spend their time in here few times a week. She just
came also last night, we talked a lot..why you know her?” ask Ha-Nui.

“Of course I am... Ji-A is dating....” Gi-Gwang look around and whisper, “Ji-A is
dating Hui-Jun now..” Gi-Gwang then sign secret to Ha-Nui.

Some Other Day

Ha-Nui is having another surprise, “ REALLY????!!!!!”

Gi-Gwang smile seeing his noona reaction.

“Waaahhh I really missed everything even all that peoples always appear in front of
me....” Ha-Nui really surprise by the news that she heard from Gi-Gwang.

“So-Mi noona now living like a chaebol, she even stay at VVIP room. The Baek family
really take good care of her...even Beom-Seok said they will have a wedding soon...”
said Gi-Gwang.

“She is very lucky..” said Ha-Nui. She know how hard So-Mi and Beom-Seok earn their
living before Hui-Jun become popular actor like now.

“Is the Baek family accept her?” ask Ha-Nui.

“Her boyfriend mom was there when I visit and she is taking care So-Mi noona very
well like her own daughter..” said Gi-Gwang.

“Waaahhh I really envy her fortune...” Ha-Nui smile.

“Noona find a good man... you are more healthy than So-Mi noona, you should stop
living like this and find a good man then get marry soon..” said Gi-Gwang.

“Who said I don’t have a partner?” said Ha-Nui.

“Partner that you never said his name, or even let me meet him. I am really wondering
what kind of man he is, he even give you this place and the apartment you live
now...are you sure you’re not hiding something from me?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“Nope...I hide nothing..” Ha-Nui lied.

Gi-Gwang keep looking at his sister, “Noona just please don’t embarass me ... okay?”

Ha-Nui just smile..”Why will I do that to you..”

Their conversation cut when they heard someone mentioning Gi-Gwang,

“Gi-Gwang oppa!!” Ji-A wave at him.

Ji-A entering the restaurant with 2 other person. Ha-Nui know exactly who are the
other 2 persons.

“Ji-A come to have lunch too?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“Yep..ah this is my eonnie, Baek Ji-Yeon..and this is her husband Nam Ryeo-Uk..” Ji-A
introduce the 2 peoples come with her.

Ha-Nui try to be as calm as she can be when she look at Ryeo-Uk. Gi-Gwang bow to both
of them,

Some Other Day

“Annyeonghaseyo my name is Min Gi-Gwang, and this is my sister Min Ha-Nui..” he talk
in formal speech.

Ji-Yeon smile, “Annyeong... I always come here but we never chat, I’m sorry I don’t
know if our dongsaeng are friends to each other..” Ji-Yeon greet Ha-Nui.

“Ah no problem at all, I also just found out about that..” she talk in formal speech
too to Ji-Yeon.

“How do you know him?” ask Ryeo-Uk, but his eyes keep staring at Ha-Nui it’s like he
seen this woman somewhere.

“Gi-Gwang oppa is Hui-Jun oppa bestfriend, he also turn out work at Gyeong-Su oppa
firm..” said Ji-A.

“Oh so you’re an architect...that’s good” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Thank you very much for the comment sir...” Gi-Gwang know who is Nam Ryeo-Uk.

“Eonnie can you make us your special dish today?? we are very hungry... bring me the
most expensive one I have my hyeongbu pay for today..” said Ji-A.

“Sure.. I’ll be cooking you something special..” then Ha-Nui quickly leave them and
headed to the kitchen.

After Gi-Gwang excuse and leave the restaurant, the meal ready for Ji-A, Ji-Yeon and
Ryeo-Uk. While Ha-Nui serving the dish for them Ryeo-Uk keep his eyes on her. Ha-Nui
realize it so she try to avoid them after that. Ji-Yeon realize that her husband
eyeing on Ha-Nui,

“Do you know her?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“I thought I have seen her somewhere but I can’t recall where...” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Is she one of your previous romance?” Ji-Yeon guess.

Ryeo-Uk laugh, “You know all of my romance history... I hide no one...”

“I know...I’m your only one... I’m not worry about that..” Ji-Yeon reply.

“Aiissshhh do you really have to do that... are you even not noticing that I’m
here??” Ji-A looks very annoying hearing that conversation.

“Why?? Envy?? Then do your conversation with Hui-Jun..” Ji-Yeon don’t care about her
dongsaeng comment.

“I can be more cheesy if you want..” Ryeo-Uk link his arm on Ji-Yeon shoulder.

“Aiissshhhh why do I even come to this place with both of you..” said Ji-A.

“Free food??” said Ji-Yeon.

Some Other Day

“You right...eomma just text me to come to So-Mi eonnie room and have lunch with her,
she made lunch box...that’s why i’m running away from her. I can tell eomma that I
already had lunch with both of you..” said Ji-A.

“Waaahhh you are really heartless Baek Ji-A..” Ryeo-Uk look at her.

“I know...” said Ji-A.


“How is she?” Mi-Na ask Jae-Hwan that collecting his clothes to be bring to the
hospital as he is still stay at the hospital with So-Mi.

“Eomma can you go to the temple and pray for her?” Jae-Hwan look very sad.

“I already did that yesterday. After I came back from the hospital.” Said Mi-Na. “Is
her condition that bad?”

“I.... I really don’t want something happen to her..” Jae-Hwan sit and put his hand
on his face to hide his sadness.

Mi-Na hug Jae-Hwan, “You are the best doctor in your specialty, so I believe you will
save her. Save her for me understand that Jae-Hwan ah?”

Jae-Hwan can’t hold his tears again after his mom hug him like that.

“How is eonnie now?” Ji-A is having lunch with Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon at their “office”,
which is emergency stairs.

“Her condition is stabilized but the ICD no longer can help much...” said Hyeon-U.

“Is she going to need heart transplant?” ask MI-Yeon slurping her kimchi stew.

“People with Cardiomyopathy stage like her, heart transplant is the best treatment
that will guarantee her cure. But we all know heart transplant is a very hard one,
even if she’s putting on the transplant list she has to wait and there always someone
else with more critical condition than her that need one too..” said Hyeon-U.

“If only the one that being research now already success and they finally can grow
that heart from stem cell like their presented many lives will be save including
eonnie’s” said Ji-A.

“That’s the ideal situation..” reply Hyeon-U enjoying his bibimbap.

“But if So-Mi eonnie really need one at the end, does your family can pull it off
fast for her?” ask Mi-Yeon.

Some Other Day

“I don’t know about that. But Ji-Yeon eonnie wil have her own way to solve this..”
said Ji-A.

“Your mom always stay with her during daylight, and night it’s Jae-Hwan hyung..” said

“Yep, Beom-Seok oppa have a very hectic schedule since Hui-Jun oppa is has a very
tight schedule here and there..beside eomma always want to go.” Said Ji-A.

“If Hui-Jun so busy like now, how do you both make time for each other? Dong-Hyeok
always end up asleep everytime we met for past few days..” Mi-Yeon now open her salad

“He is very busy. We always try to enjoy the little time we have, like this week I
only can meet him tomorrow after 3pm. The next morning he will fly to Hongkong to
meet the writer and director for his new movie. Then after Hongkong he’ll be on the
plane again to Australia for magazine photoshoot, he’ll stay for 4 days. Then I will
have him again next week at my family gathering...” Ji-A enjoying her samgyetang.

“You’ll go out with him tomorrow?” ask Hyeon-U.

“Maybe...but it will be with his friends, Beom-Seok oppa and his crew. He say this
way we can dating outside without everyone notice that we’re dating.” Said Ji-A.

“How come?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“During our hangout we’re not walking together or always stay side by side. I enjoy
that way too...we’re having fun..” said Ji-A.

“I saw some pictures from Dispatch yesterday, they write on the caption Hui-Jun and
Min-Soon night getaway with friends. I saw you always stay with that actor Yoon-Hwa,
Beom-Seok oppa also there. Many people were there. They keep focusing on Hui-Jun and
Min-Soon and you really out from their suspicion..” said Mi-Yeon.

“They think i’m one of their team....but it’s fun...they’re nice people..” said Ji-

“So you’re now building a truce with Seo Min-Soon?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“I become friend with that eonnie.... “ said Ji-A.

“Be careful..” Hyeon-U finish his lunch.

“Why?” ask Ji-A

“Maybe now you can hide very well, but you should keep your self out from the picture
taken by reporters especially dispatch. I’m affraid they start to investigate who are
you.” Hyeon-U drink out his banana milk.

“I never stay close to Hui-Jun though..” Ji-A try to remembering each time their
hangout together.

Some Other Day

“The one that Mi-Yeon said, the pictures when you had Samgyupsal with them late at
night, I knew that it went viral on internet. Many people commented on the pictures
since they think Seo-Park couple is now making their move to date on public.” Said

“Ah I read that too there also some comment like this, isn’t this is Hui-Jun dating
style? He once said that when he date he will go in group so people won’t notice the
date..something like that.” Add Mi-Yeon.

“So?” Ji-A still don’t understand what Hyeon-U mean.

“Do you think people like dispatch never do research on who actually Hui-Jun’s crew.
They must memorize the faces, but you? You’re never their crew, and when they find it
strange they will looking for who you are.” Hyeon-U haven’t finish his lines.

“They won’t find me. I only have 2 SNS account and all set to private even my profile
picture not my picture..” Ji-A convince Hyeon-U.

“Ya... do you think they’re amateur... once they find out your name you think how
many name come up with Baek Ji-A?” said Hyeon-U.

“He’s right..” add Mi-Yeon.

“Is that right??” Ji-A wondering now she feels a little worry.

“Just be careful, don’t expose your face like before. Use a cap to hide your upper
face..” said Hyeon-U.

“I will....yaa I never thought about this before...” Ji-A thinking.

“Just be careful...he’s not a random celebrity right now... he’s the “it celebrity”
right now...” said Hyeon-U.


“Is this all?” Ryeo-Uk signing the documents handed by Kyu-Min

“These are the last for today, why you need more work? I need to go home early..”
said Kyu-Min. Kyu-Min and Ryeo-Uk already bestfriend since college. With previous
Kyu-Min family economy it was so hard for Kyu-Min to continue his college, he even
take 4 kinds of part time jobs to support his financial. One day Ryeo-Uk found out
about that and offer him a help. He will receive scholarship from Taeyang but he must
work with Taeyang after graduating. Receiving that offer was really a great help for
Kyu-Min, especially who doesn’t work in Taeyang. As one of South Korean big whale
corporation it’s like a dream come true for people like Kyu-Min. Right after
graduation, Ryeo-Uk taking another master degree while working in USA branch, and
Kyu-Min was placed at secretary office to help as administrator. Once Ryeo-Uk
comeback to South Korea, Kyu-Min was promoted to become his personal secretary until

Some Other Day

“Why you need to go home early, I’m still working yet you told me you need to go home
early... somehow it is you who bossing me around in here..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“My girlfriend is having her birthday today, and I haven’t buy any cake also for her.
She’ll kill me if I come home late today.” Kyu-Min re-checking the signed documents

“Chae-Ryung is having birthday today?” ask Ryeo-Uk. Kyu-Min nod, Ryeo-Uk take out his
wallet and take one of his card.

“Here...take her to nicest place and have a fancy dinner with her...tell her it’s my
present..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“ are really the best boss ever..” Kyu-Min receive the card happily.

Before Kyu-Min leave his office Ryeo-Uk remember of something,

“Kyu-Min ah, can you do something for me?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“What?” Kyu-Min back to Ryeo-Uk desk.

“Can you please find out about the woman that own the restaurant in front of Ji-Yeon
hospital..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Why?” Kyu-Min feel that Ryeo-Uk request is a little bit strange.

“I just feel I’ve seen her somewhere but I couldn’t recall where and when. I just
curious, can you just do it?” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Does Ji-Yeon will know about this?” ask Kyu-Min again.

“’s not something between me and Ji-Yeon...just please find information about
her and keep for my eyes only first..okay?” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Ah one more thing... how’s Dong-Hyeok doing?” Ryeo-Uk checking on his brother.

“He’s adjusting very well.... who can imagine that the party boy turn out can work
very well too..” reply Kyu-Min, “Your dad is very happy to see him working..” add

“That’s least he is using his brain now..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Does aboeji still stay at his “hotel”?” Ryeo-Uk added sign on the hotel word.

Kyu-Min smile, understand very well what is Ryeo-Uk means, “Sometimes, during
Wednesday and Friday..” said Kyu-Min.

“About the deal with the Japanese? Are you sure he will stay supporting me?” Ryeo-Uk
having slight arguement abot this with his dad, he really need something to push him
agree on him.

Some Other Day

“He is doing backdoor strategy...but we still can manage that, it’s not harm us...”
sadi Kyu-Min.

Ryeo-Uk sighing, he definitely must use the card, “You....make sure I got the report
about this woman soon...” he said.

“Anything you need again before I go?” ask Kyu-Min.

“No...I’m good..” reply Ryeo-Uk.

“Then I’m going now..” Kyu-Min leave Ryeo-Uk office.

Then Ryeo-Uk phone buzzing, he see the caller name is someone that he know very well,

“Oi Won-Hee, what’s up.. it’s such a rare occasion you call me..” greet Ryeo-Uk.

“Where are you now?” ask Won-Hee. Won-Hee is the son of DM entertaiment. One of the
largest talent agency in South Korean and most of the idols are under their service.
That’s why Ryeo-Uk can easily vouch a concert ticket for EXO if Ji-A asked him. Won-
Hee and Ryeo-Uk met first time at the golf club and the become good friends after
that. Ryeo-Uk even also investing in Won-Hee company that make their friendship in
the best shape for years.

“I’m at the office right now, why?” said Ryeo-Uk

“Oh... I’m on my way home after a meeting, why don’t you and me meet for a drink?
Okay?” ask Won-Hee.

“Let see....” Ryeo-Uk check his schedule and he has no more appoinment left, all his
appoinment done in last 1 hour.

“I’m free... let’s meet then..” Ryeo-Uk confirm.

Next hour Ryeo-Uk dan Won-Hee sit together at their favourite bar,

“So what makes you look for me?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“It is weird if I want to hangout with you?” reply Won-Hee.

“Yep..that’s weird..” Ryeo-Uk laugh and sip his martini.

“Ah you remember Kim-Ryu? From Hyeonsei.” Said Won-Hee.

“What’s up with him?”

“I was accidentally met him at Hyatt last week actually he was asking me a funny
question..” Won-Hee smile remembering his meeting with Kim-Ryu.

Some Other Day

“What funny?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“He asked whether I can ask you to set up a blind date between him and your sister
inlaw, Baek Ji-A.” Said Won-Hee.

“Waaahh he haven’t give up.... he lost the bid at the Gala previously..” said Ryeo-

“I know.... Park Hui-Jun was the winner right? Seems like Kim Ryu very serious..”
Won-Hee show Ryeo-Uk the text message he received from Kim-Ryu previous days ago,
saying that Won-Hee really need to send his request to Ryeo-Uk.

“Hahahaha he is a persistent one, no wonder Hyeonsei has a good first quarter income
this year..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Tell him I don’t do cupid things...just come and ask her in person if he wants to
meet her..” Ryeo-Uk told Won-Hee.

“I’ll tell him... but there’s also another thing..” Won-Hee look around make sure no
one quite near with them and can eavesdropping their conversation.

“I have a friend at Dispatch, we’re good and taking care each other that’s why my
children quite save from any scandal issue..but he was called me this morning and
asking me an interesting question..” Won-Hee talk in a very low volume.

Ryeo-Uk listening and have a small guess on what will Won-Hee say to him,

“He send me this picture..but this picture already going viral for couple of days,
since he was not aware about her presence at that moment, he was thought she is part
of their crew..but then he do checking and find that Ji-A is not part of their crew,
and he found out that this is Baek Ji-A, the maknae from Baek Hospital. That’s why he
called me, he know I have a close relationship with you, as Baek inlaw” Won-Hee show
Ryeo-Uk picture of Park Hui-Jun gathering in front of the barbeque restaurant with
Seo Min-Soon, actor Jin Yoon-Hwa, their managers and crew, and Ji-A spotted to be
standing beside Yoon-Hwa.

“Is this about Ji-A?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“I’m affraid yes. He found Ji-A appearance in this picture is interesting since he
also claimed to have insider info about Hui-Jun winning the one day date bid with Ji-
A back at Shilla after he run an investigating about the picture. He link the Shilla
with this picture, and asking whether they’re dating or not.” Said Won-Hee.

“And you say?”

“I say he should confirm with Hui-Jun agency, that CEO Jang, not me..”


“He said there’s not enough proof about the dating situation, since the insider who
tipped about Shilla also refuse to meet him again, like we now even the Gala always
publisized but the contain and the money generated from its auction remain off the

Some Other Day

record to public..but from what I heard CEO Jang give him a special interview with
Hui-Jun sometimes this month, also he’s been promised to get exclusive first scoop on
Hui-Jun activity. ”

“Then there’s no need any confirmation about the dating right? especially what this
correlation with me..”

“Yaa.. you punk, I’m telling you this as your friend. Dispatch already set their eyes
on you sister inlaw. I know what will going to happen if somehow their got their
proof, the one that will hurt the most is your sister inlaw..” said Won-Hee.

“Well let see if that Jang will try to make Ji-A hurt, I can always put him in bad
situation if he do not take any wise movement..”said Ryeo-Uk.

“So is she dating him?” Won-Hee whisper.

Ryeo-Uk shook his head, “I don’t know, all I know my sister inlaw never tell me that
she has a boyfriend or something like that..”

“From my business view, these days Park Hui-Jun is topped the chart in CF and even
income. He is the most wanted actors everywhere that makes several competitors worry
about his huge wave after his comeback drama. If another party got this information
I’m affraid this will gone bad, so I asked also to that reporters to keep it low and
inform me in advance if he still want my special treatment for Dispatch related to my

Ryeo-Uk not saying anything, just sipping his martini


“Are you feeling good now?” Mi-Na welcome So-Mi who just arrive with Beom-Seok. So-Mi
discharge from the hospital few days ago.

“I’m better now, he even never let me do the house work..” So-Mi look at Bom-Seok,
“Eomoni this is my dongsaeng, his name is Beom-Seok” she introduce Beom-Seok to Mi-
Na. Beom-Seok bow and introduce him politely to Mi-Na.

“I’ve heard about you from your noona and also Ji-A, I’m glad that we finally
meet..come and grab your drink first. The others still serving our patient..” said

“Can I help anything?” Beom-Seok offer his help.

“I like him already, please distribute this pancake and the red beans bread to our
patient..thank you..” said Mi-Na.

“I’ll go and say hi to Jae-Hwan then..” So-Mi goes to Jae-Hwan office at the clinic.

Some Other Day

Gyeong-Su just park his car and realize a familiar face just got out from a red
porsche park next to his. He already found out about Ji-A dating with this man few
weeks ago from Jae-Hwan. He brought flower, the same thing he bought everytime he
attend this gathering. But the different is that man only bring one while he has 2 in
his hand. Gyeong-Su smile and get out from his car. Hui-Jun notice the man who just
come out from the black Range Rover, its the man named Cha Gyeong-Su the prime
minister son.

“Annyeonghaseyo Hui-Jun shi, I’m Cha Gyeong-Su...” Gyeong-Su greet him.

Hui-Jun surprise that Gyeong-Su recognize him, he’s taking steps to approach him,

“Annyeonghaseyo..I’m Park Hui-Jun.” Hui-Jun shake Gyeonng-Su hand. And then awkward
athmosphere surrounding them,

“Let’s come inside..” Gyeong-Su tap Hui-Jun shoulder.

There still few patient left at the waiting room, 2 of them are children,

“Oh seems Ji-A still have some patient left..” Gyeong-Su know that children is handle
by Ji-A,

Hui-Jun look his surrounding and the clinic feel very warm and cozy. He spot Ji-A
right away, her office is the first door on his right. He wave his hand and see her
smiling and wave him back. Hui-Jun wait for her, while Gyeong-Su decide to come
inside and meet Mi-Na and Ji-Yeon.

“You come so early..” Ji-A greet Hui-Jun.

“I was calling Beom-Seok to come together, but turns out he already on his way. So I
decided to follow.” Said Hui-Jun.

“The place is very nice, and the space is amazing..” add Hui-Jun.

“You should see the backyard, it’s beautiful.” Said Ji-A.

“The place where we’ll eat later?” ask Hui-Jun.

Ji-A nod, “I have 2 patients left, I’ll be quick. So-Mi eonnie and Beom-Seok are
inside, just go..” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun goes to the back of the building and he spot beautiful garden, long finest
wood table and chair lay at the center of the garden. Beautiful flowers with vibrant
colours line up at the edge of the garden, a cherry tree also spotted at the corner
of the garden. Ji-Yeon catch Hui-Jun wandering at the door,

“’re here..come” Ji-Yeon wave at Hui-Jun. As Hui-Jun approaching her , So-Mi

“Hui-Jun you arrive...” So-Mi hug him.

“Where is Beom-Seok?” ask Hui-Jun.

Some Other Day

“He’s distributing snack..just wait here. Ji-A will be finish soon.” Said So-Mi.

“This is Ji-Yeon eonnie, she is the eldest.” So-Mi introduce.

“I met him before..” Ji-Yeon smile at him, then she call her husband, “Yeobo, come

Ryeo-Uk put down Seo-Jun and Seo-Eun and walk towards them.

“This is my husband” said Ji-Yeon.

“Nam Ryeo-Uk nice to finally meet you.” Ryeok shake his hand.

“I’m Park Hui-Jun very nice to meet you too.” Hui Jun accept the hand in polite

Finally he get to meet Lee Mi-Na, “wah who do we have here... I always see you at
television these days...” Mi-Na greet Hui-Jun.

“Annyeonghaseyo eomoni, I’m Park Hui-Jun..” Hui-Jun bow and greet her, “Ah this one
for you..” Hui-Jun hand her the bouquet he hold.

“Waaahhh you’re really something Hui-Jun shi, You really make me look bad today...”
Ryeo-Uk laugh.

“I got so lucky today, So-Mi is healed, I got to meet the man that makes Ji-A keep
talking about for the whole week, also receive 2 bouquet from my favourite man..” Mi-
Na hug Hui-Jun.

“Eomoni then I’m out from your list now??” said Ryeo-Uk.

“These 2 flowers givers still as my favourite men, but you is one of the love of my
life” said Mi-Na.

“How about me?” suddenly Jae-Hwan appear between them and Beom-Seok.

“You?? Now in your head only her, you even forget me after you met her..” Mi-Na
pretend to be upset.

“How come I forget you... I only hate the food you make. The rest of it I love it..”
Jae-Hwan hug her.

“This is Jae-Hwan, he is Ji-A brother” said So-Mi, Hui-Jun bow and introduce himself
to Jae-Hwan

Both are introducing themselves. And soon after Ji-A and Jae-Dok join the crowd. Then
everyone start to plating and take their seat. There’s a new formation now, since the
Baek’s now having additional 2 guests. Usually Gyeong-Su sit beside Ji-A, but this
time he took a seat beside Mi-Na accross to Ji-A. And Hui-Jun take his spot and sit
beside Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“Why?” Ji-A asking at her father, she receive her rice bowl from Mi-Na but her eyes
fixed to Jae-Dok who keep looking at her.

“No matter how many times I think about this.... how come you like her?? She is
really a brat for me....” Jae-Dok look at Hui-Jun.

“That’s right, if you want to back off this is your only chance before she tied you
very tight..” add Jae-Hwan.

“Ooohhh is it started now?? I haven’t even take my first scoop..” Ji-A look at Jae-
Dok and Jae-Hwan.

“Start what?? We haven’t start anything on you..” add Ryeo-Uk.

Hui-Jun burst into laugh, So-Mi noona is right. The gathering always be a very
pleasant times to spend with this family.

“Was she create a problem a lot?? She always said that she is a very innocent one..”
Hui-Jun pretend to be innocent asking that.

“She foolled you 100%...she’s not our Ji-A if she’s not making any trouble..” add

“That’s why she and Dong-Hyeok are very get along together, both are trouble maker..”
Ji-Yeon won’t loose her chance too.

“Eonnie, you don’t join their club?? Eomma too??’ Ji-A look at both of them.

“Why should I do it now... you still have long way to go until this gathering over..”
said Mi-Na.

So-Mi, Beom-Seok and Hui-Jun laugh.

“Hui-Jun ah that’s why I don’t want a pretty girl...they always can tricked us with
their look..” said Beom-Seok. Jae-Hwan laugh and give his high five to Beom-Seok.

“Eomma, this is really salty again... you really need to check you taste buds
seriously..” Jae-Hwan drink up his water.

“Is it?? I think its fine with rice..yeobo it is salty?” Mi-Na ask Jae-Dok.

Jae-Dok paused, “I love you..” he said.

Everyone at the table laugh hearing that,

“As expected...ahjussi you really are a high level player on this game..” Gyeong-Su
clap his hand.

“If he say something wrong he’ll spend tonight at his office instead of his
bedroom..” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“Are you enjoying the food?” Mi-Na ask Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun nod, “It’s delicious eomoni..”

Everyone look at him,

“Waahh Hui-Jun ah you’re really making a mistake...” Jae-Hwan look at him.

“Oppa... I don’t think I can save you this time..” Ji-A shook her head.

“I like him...” Jae-Dok laugh.

“Is Ji-A good at cooking eomoni?” Hui-Jun ask.

All the Baek’s, So-Mi, Ryeo-Uk, Gyeong-Su even Ji-A burst into laughter.

“When I was first met her in this gathering, I was helping eomoni making galbi. I was
asking her to chop the potato. But when she peel the potato she peel the skin very
thick, so because of that we only have half size of each potato..and all potato no
longer in round shape, but become a cube.” Mi-na can’t help her laugh.

“How did you peel the skin?” ask Beom-Seok

“She cut it using knife, not peel it but cut each side..” reply Mi-Na.

“Really?” Hui-Jun look at her. Ji-A only smirked.

“That’s not her great story thou..” said Ji-Yeon, “It was the time when she was on
middle school, eomma and appa were on trip to germany if I’m not mistaken.. “

“It was medical conference on neuro, appa was invited..” add Jae-Hwan.

“Ah right... and that time our maid was out to visit her parents that came to Seoul,
we were hungry and going to Gyeong-Su place we thought too burdened at that time..”
Ji-Yeon continue her story.

“So me and Gyeong-Su incharge for doing groceries, noona did the cooking and she
helped her..” said Jae-Hwan.

“I gave her the one easiest job at that time.... cooking rice..” said Ji-Yeon.

“I was very suspicious on how she rinse the grains, because it took very long, while
noona already finished her first dish but she even hadn’t put the rice on the rice
cooker..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Then I approached her and checked on on her, guess what..” Gyeong-Su shakes his
head, “She said, oppa I don’t know that rinsing rice can be a very hard work like

Ji-A laugh remembering her stupid act.

Some Other Day

“I re look at the bowl to make sure what I saw was right, since I saw bubbles on
it...” Gyeong-Su continue.

“Then he called me, to make sure. You know what, she rinsed the rice using
soap....she is really stupid on cooking...even she didn’t know how to rinse it..”
said Jae-Hwan.

“Noona yelled at her bad that time..” said Gyeong-Su.

“They were very mean to me. What do you expect from a 13 years old to be able to do
that..” Ji-A defend herself.

“Noona can make kimchi and prepared a complete meal when she was eight..” said Beom-

Everyone laugh,

“Yaaa Baek Ji-A you really helpless...” Ryeo-Uk can’t stop giggling.

“I can boil water very well...” Ji-A look to Hui-Jun.

“Is that true?? That’s very good...” Hui-Jun still laughing.

“Oh she also has 1 thing that she always brag doing it best..” said Jae-Dok.

“Really?? what is that?” ask Hui-Jun curiously.

“Sleep.... I can do it with my eyes close..” Ji-A put a serious face.

Hui-Jun really can’t believe what he just heard...while everyone are laughing.

“You are really unique...” said Hui-Jun.

“Take care of her very well Hui-Jun shi...she is our precious.” said Ji-Yeon.

Meanwhile Ryeo-Uk phone buzzing, at the same time Beom-Seok phone also buzzing. Both
ignore the phone call and reject the call. But then both phone are buzzing again. Now
even Ji-A phone is buzzing too.

“I think I have to take this..” Beom-Seok excuse from the table and goes to the
corner of the garden to take the call.

Meanwhile Ryeo-Uk keep ignoring his call,

“Who is that?” Ji-Yeon ask.

“Won-Hee I don’t know why, I’ll call him later..” said Ryeo-Uk. But then a text
message received.

Some Other Day

“Ryeo-Uk ah are you busy? If possible please call me immediately. I’m sorry things
getting out of my hand, but seems they have some push from other agency competitor to
Hui-Jun so the article just released today with more specific pictures of both of
them. Sorry.”

Ryeo-Uk froze and stare at both Hui-Jun and Ji-A.

“WHAT!! How come they get the pictures? Wait..wait..CEO Jang..I..” but Beom-Seok not
able to finish his sentence since the opponents sound very angry.

“I get that..yes... I’ll be there with Hui-Jun, we’re going now..”Beom-Seok follow
the orders given to him just then.

Ji-A checking her phone, Hyeon-U just call her but she’s not picking up. Then she
check the group chat. Mi-Yeon already sounds furious.

“Have you seen the news?”

“Don’t open any news portal just stay dumb and numb... try as best as you can.”

“Why she shouldn’t see it???”

“What news?”

“Just don’t checking on anything!!!”

“WHAT NEWS???!!!!”

“This one..” then Mi-Yeon send her a link to an article.

Beom-Seok, Ryeo-Uk, Ji-A and Hui-Jun stare at their own phone, as Hui-Jun receive a
text also from his stylist.


And there’re several pictures of two of them get out from Hui-Jun car and then Hui-
Jun hold her hand while walking entering lift to his condo. Also picture when Hui-Jun
kiss her when they’re waiting for the lift. The pictures when they hangout together
with Seo Min-Soon and Yoon-Hwa also there with a red mark pointed at Ji-A.

“How they can get into my residence area?” Hui-Jun sound angry.


Some Other Day


„....Dream that I can’t never have again, that was realy

sweet. I think you are just like the dream....(Dream–MissASuzyand EXO

Some Other Day

Hui-Jun cover his face with his hand, in front of him CEO Jang is busy talking with
someone on the phone. While Beom-Seok also busy taking many phone calls and keep

“I’m sorry but I can’t talk right now, we’ll update you soon..”

CEO Jang look at Hui-Jun and finish his phone calls, he take his seat next to him,

“Why you’re not inform me anything about this?” CEO Jang looks very stern, “At least
give me a heads up, so things won’t be a total messed like now..”

“It’s not like I committing a crime or doing any sin. Is having a girlfriend too much
for me?” Hui-Jun really try to hold his emotion right now.

He and Beom-Seok left the dinner not telling everyone about what happen, and it
really bother him to see Ji-A worried and panicking about his situation right now.

“Should I worry?” Ji-A ask when she sent him off.

“ shouldn’t. Just trust me, everything going to be alright..” Hui-Jun caress
her cheek. And hug her tight before he get into his car.

“Hui-Jun ah, you know very well what I mean..things will getting so complicated when
this issue arise.” CEO Jang take out his cigarette.

“So when she will be here? I need to talk with her too.” Said CEO Jang.

“Leave her out from this. You only need to deal about the situation with me. Not
her!” Hui-Jun sound very angry.

“Hui-Jun ah calm’s not worthed to loose your temper..” Beom-Seok try to
calm him down.

“Whatever they write I don’t care, whatever you’ll ask me related to work I’ll do it.
If you need me to work harder then try me, you want me to do drama I will do my best
so it will achieve high ratings again, you need me to do more CF just give me...but
stay the hell out from Ji-A, from my privacy.” Hui-Jun not scare at all.

CEO Jang look at him, he always like this traits own by Hui-Jun, not affraid to tell
whatever in his mind, “Are you aware of what going to happen next after this?”

“Sort of... but I told you before I don’t care on whatever they write. Just tell me,
am I commiting any crime? Is it a crime? Or am I admitting a sin by dating her? I
know it well that many of my fans cheering about the rumor me dating Min-Soon noona,
then why it will be a ruckus if I turn out to have a real girlfriend even it’s not
her.” Hui-Jun still emotional.

Some Other Day

“Let me tell what might happen. First starting hours from now all the news portal and
tabloid will have your story as their headlines. Not only in Korea but chinese media,
other asian countries, Japan, America and I bet even the reuters will write something
also about this. We will receive many calls, and even all our contract agreement with
all the CF you’ve been taken not specified the “no dating rules” but because of this
scandal it may create some effect..” CEO Jang blow his smoke.

“If the product you endorse suddenly have high demand because of it they will not
doing anything to us, but to extend the contract or not we have to work extra harder
to get the contract again.” He continue.

“But if the worst happen, then people stop buying the product because they
dissapointed on your news then it’s not impossible for the product company will cut
the contract with us. And that will be not good to us either. If that happen usually
it will impact to another contract that maybe in talk with us, drama, movie,
pictorial, you name it they may back off and leave. You know well how this industry
works Hui-Jun especially at this time, when you’re on your peak there are also some
people who wants you down.” CEO Jang keep talking.

“I’m a person too... I work hard you both know it very well instead of others. I get
to stand where I am now I sacrifice a lot, A LOT!! I’ve once gave up my relationship
with someone because I have to choose, because I need to focus pursuing career on
this. I gave up once, and I regret it. And this time I don’t want to do it again, I
have to protect what I have now. I want to protect what I have with her now.” said

“So what do you want me to do now? After your relationship with her expose like now,
are you planning to go public or you will keep it as it is now?” ask CEO Jang.

“You can make confirmation. But there will be no interview about me and her. I speak
no words. Can’t these people just leave my privacy out of their interest..” Hui-Jun
said in agony.

CEO Jang only look at him and blow his last cigarette smoke, “Hui-Jun ah, once you
enter this industry you already knew very well that your privacy no longer a

“Just please leave her out of this. You want me to work harder than I am now, I’ll do
it. Just tell me what next project I should take, but you have to make sure you
protect what I have with her..or you know I can do a move that I’m sure you’ll hate
it” Hui-Jun get up and leave.

Beom-Seok hurriedly follow Hui-Jun, but Hui-Jun refuse,

“You stay please make sure everything okay and pick me up tomorrow for my schedule. I
really want to be alone right now.” Hui-Jun then leave him.

“CEO Jang, what kind of confirmation we need to write?” Sun-Kyung the PR manager now
at the same room with CEO Jang and Beom-Seok.

Some Other Day

“Do you already find out how the reporter can enter Hui-Jun condo area?” ask CEO Jang
to Beom-Seok.

“Regarding to the head security of the residence the reporter was coming by sneaking
into laundy car that usually come picking up and delivering the residence laundry.
The laundry owner already interviewed by them but he was shocked too, because he
never intend on anything about that.” Said Beom-Seok.

CEO Jang thinking hard about what move he should make this time,

“What is your thinking?” CEO Jang look at Sun-Kyung.

“My team already do all the research regarding this news, they also monitoring some
forums and web chat that talking about Hui-Jun dating news in both korea and china.
To be honest 80% of them congratulates him, and wish the best for him so I see no
fatal impact to business. Our society already grown up.” Said Sun-Kyung.

“The 20%?” ask CEO Jang.

“Still we can’t neglect the fact that haters exist in this industry. Some of them
even make opinion that Hui-Jun choose Baek Ji-A because she is a chaebol while Min-
Soon only actress, some still thinking Hui-Jun better off with Min-Soon, but you can
ignore them.” Explain Sun-Kyung.

“But CEO Jang...” Sun-Kyung looks hesitate to talk about what he want to say next.

“What?” ask CEO Jang.

“I just receive a phone call from the man name Jang Kyu-Min, he is the secretary of
Nam Ryeo-Uk.” Said Sun-Kyung.

CEO Jang surprise to hear the name Nam Ryeo-Uk, “What?!! Why he call us?”

“He just said on behalf Nam Ryeo-Uk, you should make sure that you will not asking
Baek Ji-A anything that will make her sad.” Said Sun-Kyun.

Beom-Seok suddenly remember something, “Ah right!!”

“What?!” Sun-Kyung almost jump from his seat.

“He is Ji-A brother inlaw.” Said Beom-Seok.

“Do you think I don’t know that??!!!” CEO Jang scold him.

“If the heir of Taeyang group already said that then we should thinking on how we
make the confirmation smooth. And Hui-Jun refuse any interview related to this matter
too, just handle it very well Sun-Kyun ah.” Said CEO Jang.

“Ah one more thing, the one that tipped out Dispatch about who is Ji-A turn out from
our competitor. But no solid evidence yet, so we can not take reckless move also.”
Said Beom-Seok.

Some Other Day

“Where did you get the info?” ask CEO Jang.

“Ah I asked around... since many of other managers been texting me in the past 2
hours asking about this. But someone mention about this, that someone tipped off
Dispatch that the girl in the last gathering picture between Hui-Jun, Min-Soon and
Yoon-Hwa is Baek Ji-A also say something about the Shilla auction.” reply Beom-Seok.

CEO Jang tapping his finger at the table,

“Okay let’s do this. Sun-Kyung you write a confirmation about their dating each other
and make sure the reporters that looking for this news receive it well. They have
been close since the Gala at Shilla, and ask for their support on this. No wedding
talk yet but they serious about this relationship. And try to avoid other question
beside what we already confirm. No further expose about the Baek family beside the
common fact that this country already know about them, I really do not want to deal
with that Nam Ryeo-Uk. People said he can be very mean in business, worst than his
father.” CEO Jang told Sun-Kyung. Sun-Kyung already write down all the order and
leave the office to do his work.

After Sun-Kyung leave his office he turns to Beom-Seok, “You, push all Hui-Jun
activity in China and Japan. Make sure his chinese and japanese improve. And also his
english, his pronounciation still not good, I will try to look for an offering for
him from Hollywood. You list all the CF offering, drama, movie and pictorial that
wants Hui-Jun right away and give them to me tomorrow morning, prioritize all that
come from China and Japan. We have to make sure he has big recognition from there as
well.” Said Ceo Jang.

“How about the drama script from writer Yang? Her previous drama was a big hit too at
that time. It hits on most asian countries even to america, europe and middle east.
And writer Yang specifically asking for Hui-Jun in her drama this time, she’s going
to produce with SBC.” Said Beom-Seok.

“SBC?? Not KBC2? The SBC okay with Hui-Jun?” ask CEO Jang.

“She said no negative response from SBC regarding Hui-Jun. They leave all the cast
choices to writer Yang. The production team is the one that produce last year winning
drama” Reply Beom-Seok.

“What about the movie script that offered by the chinese director... Director John
Yip.. It seems the story really interesting and the director is a big name too in
chinese movie industry, even he also a hits maker at hollywood. Is Hui-Jun
considering the script?” ask Ceo Jang.

“He is interested. But he also thinking on the drama offered by writer Yang, he said
he want to do it also but the movie also interest him too. Both has unique character
and story...” said Beom-Seok.

“What is his schedule tomorrow?” ask Ceo Jang.

“He has pictorial photoshoot for Grazia, then after that interview for the cover
issue. After that we’ll have meeting on concept for new Korean tourism CF for
promoting Korean cuisine.” Said Beom-Seok.

Some Other Day

CEO Jang get up he is too tired to continue his activity now, “Make sure the
reporters do not ask detail about the dating, I don’t want Hui-Jun blow up if people
keep pressure him. You run through the question list before Hui-Jun interviewed. And
If you must, just stay close with him cut right way if you think its necessary. About
the writer Yang drama and director John Yip movie give me the contact person number
for both team, I will ask for a meeting with each of them and ask whether we can
arrange the timing so Hui-Jun can do both.”

“I understand Ceo Jang..” said Beom-Seok.

“Even Lee Min Ho and Rain can overcome their dating expose and still on top. So why
not with our Hui-Jun. It’s just become complicated because he happen to date daughter
of one powerfull family in our country.” CEO Jang grab his coat.

“Let’s go home.. we’ll have a busy day tomorrow..” he tap Beom-Seok shoulder and both
leave the office.


Article: [Exclusive] Park Hui-Jun confirm dating the

maknae of Baek Medical Empire... the sparks arise after
their meeting at Shilla on an event.
Source : TV Report via Fate

1. [+313, -0] Wasn't he dating Seo Min-Soon?

2. [+257, -19] Dispatch daebak!!! They match well together..congratsㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+217, -17] ????? I remember reading articles about Park Hui-Jun dating Seo Min-
Soon....So it’s never her all this time. Park Hui-Jun really earn his fortune, after
a mega hits drama now he even get a chaebol.

4. [+28, -6] Park Hui-Jun always rumored dated his co-star in drama... I remember
when he was doing his last drama before enlisting to the military everyone said he
and Moon Ra Chael dating. So what happen with Seo Min-Soon also just a rumor. He do
not want dating any celebrity he once said, and he prove it. But with chaebol, he is
really pick the right girl ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+17, -08] This chaebol girl gets all attention on her now...;;;;;;;;

6. [+278, -19] He isn't dating Seo Min-Soon?? Farewell Hui-Jun shi I guess you’re
never be mine hiks..

7. [+243, -35] Heol daebak !!, Park Hui-Jun date a pretty chaebolㅋㅋㅋ Dispatch
really no kidding.

Some Other Day

8. [+207, -8] I wish Joon daewi happiness, congrats for the dating confirmation

9. [+24, -21] This chaebol girl and Hui-Jun already together before that event but
the agency hide the information down and only stated the Shilla meeting... also Seo
Min-Soon and Park Hui-Jun weren't really dating. They only good friends. People are
talking nonsense.

10. [+22, -20] Seo Min-Soon denied dating Park Hui-Jun when news broke out and this
Baek maknae and Park Hui-Jun met long time ago before Shilla;;; Just let these two
young people date.

11. [+312, -9] Anyone know the name of this chaebol maknae? I want to ask how she
nailed Hui-Jun, she is daebak!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

“Why you want to know my name?? I won’t let you take away Hui-Jun from me..” Ji-A
read all the netizen comments about the article about she and Hui-Jun dating.

“I read all news portal that write about you and Hui-Jun..” said Mi-Yeon.

“Should I read those too?” ask Ji-A.

“Don’t!! Why should you? Just leave it. Is the attention from all the people who
lives in this hospital not enough for you??” Hyeon-U warning her. He doesn’t want Ji-
A become burdened by all those spread about he and Hui-Jun, not to mention several
haters comment that might hurt her.

“Just reading this netizen buzz already make me headache... all the nurses see me
like they want to ask but they hesitate to ask... I really hate that..can’t they just
leave it? Is it weird that I date a handsome man..” Ji-A remember the nurses that
happen to pass her by, all of them give her a weird look and whispering like she
couldn’t see it.

“It’s not the handsome guy that create this fuss... but the fact you date the nation
husband which ruins thousand of fans that dreaming of him as their boyfriend, that’s
what make them look at you with a weird look..” said Hyeon-U.

“What will I do in my life if I don’t have you Hyeon-U ah. You always can describe
the situation very clear and loud..” said Ji-A.

“Both of you won’t survive in this harsh world without me..” reply Hyeon-U.

“How come Dispatch can enter Hui-Jun residence? Didn’t you said they have a very
strict security details?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“I don’t know, but Hui-Jun also throw his tantrum at the management office” said Ji-

“He must be very stressed right now” said Hyeon-U.

Some Other Day

“I even really picking my words while talking with him. I don’t want ended saying
something stupid at him... he is very sensitive right now.... and very busy...” said

“Ah I need to go now, I have to check on post op patient..” Hyeon-U picking up his
trash and get up.

“Farewell chaebol girl... be carefull on your way home, don’t talk to any stranger..”
Hyeon-U waving at Ji-A.

“What did he call you?? What did you call her just then??” Mi-Yeon shout as Hyeon-U

“CHAEBOL GIRL!!!” he shout and laugh.

“YA!!!!! You jerk!!!” Ji-A angry to hear that name.

“So how are you going to play it now?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“Play what?”

“The girlfriend and boyfriend game with him”

“Nothing change...heol you’re even weirder now..” Ji-A shook her head. Ji-A took out
her phone, she laugh because Bora send her a message,

“Look at this, the world just acting weird to me today..” Ji-A show Mi-Yeon the text
she just received from Bora.

“Are you okay? Why both of you so reckless and let Dispatch catch you? As expected
Baek Ji-A, you never use your brain on anything..Be good and don’t bother the

“I just happen born to be can bragging to other people that you know
me...” Ji-A reply Bora text.

“It’s just I really hate it if things go wrong after this. He’s going to protect you
right? His agency won’t ask you anything stupid like let say stop meeting him or
things like that?” said Mi-Yeon.

“Nope..I’m not receiving any calls from them.” Ji-A shook her head.

“How about Beom-Seok oppa? Is he telling you anything??” Mi-Yeon still curious.

“He said things already covered there should be no worry about anything bad. I just
need to bear with Hui-Jun as he seems very upset. Also I need to be more patience if
Hui-Jun become more busy since that move needed to recover this scandal.”

Some Other Day

“And you? How about you? Are you okay?”

Ji-A paused, she realize something,

“I’m not... I’m not comfortable with how people look at me. I even for the first time
I skipped the bathroom in our floor instead I went to my father office and use his
toilet since I didn’t have to meet with anyone in there and feeling awkward.”

“It will be over...but you need to bear it. It will not vanished in a day.... but it
will eventually gone. People will find another interesting news..”

“I think about Hui-Jun. Am I making him suffer or what... Am I suffocated him or what
because of this news... we’re going to be just fine right Mi-Yeon ah??”

“You will... you will” Mi-Yeon rub gently Ji-A arm.


Hui-Jun read the article aboout his dating news while he’s on his way to Taeyang

[BREAKING NEWS] Actor Park Hui-Jun admit his romantic

relationship with youngest daughter of Baek Hospital

Park Hui-Jun admitted to his relationship 12 hours after the news became public by
the media.

His agency confirmed the relationship rumors with Baek Ji-A, the youngest daughter of
Baek Hospital Empire, and said, “Both Park Hui-Jun and miss Baek Ji-A are in the
early stages of their relationship and are getting to know each other better.”

His representative added, “Because Park Hui-Jun is a famous star and miss Baek Ji-A
also have busy activity within her day and they don’t have a lot of time to meet one
another, they are limited in places they can actually meet.” It was further
explained, “Despite the difficulty and the fact that they were both having the same
view about the relationship, the two have been able to slowly make the next step in
building their personal relationship and figure out their relationship themselves as

According to another article, Park Hui-Jun and Baek Ji-A first created sparks when
they were meeting at an charity event held at The Grand Shilla last year. Released
pictures by Dispatch revealed that they have been secretly dating since then. Since

Some Other Day

then, the two started to contact each other more often and they would meet every time
Park Hui-Jun and Baek Ji-A having holiday breaks.

Hui-Jun look at the pictures attach to the news, and still emotional thinking how the
reporter can enter his private area.

“They just guessing this and that, they don’t know how struggle I was the night at
the event...we’re not created our sparks there. We’re created our scars there..” sigh

He then arrive at Taeyang building, he put on his cap and his face mask. And
hurriedly enter the entrance.

Hui-Jun entering Ryeo-Uk office, he bow when he’s inside he can see that Ji-Yeon also
there too.

“Come in..have a seat..” Ryeo-Uk greet him.

“How are you? Doing good?” Ji-Yeon hug him.

“I’m fine...thank you noona..” Hui-Jun feel at ease to find their welcome.

Yesterday Ryeo-Uk call him and ask him to come to his office. Hui-Jun also aware that
this must be related with the dating news that has been a headlines in many news
portal and even tabloid now full with his dating news. Day 2 of his dating scandal
but the news just getting bigger and wider.

“How are you handle your day?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“I avoided all the interview related to the dating news. I did most filming and
magazine pictorial so there’s no time to talk about this. Many reporters do keep
following me but I manage to avoid all of them..” said Hui-Jun.

“Have you met Ji-A after that?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“I met her this morning and drive her to the hospital too..” said Hui-Jun.

“Your contracts..all your contracts still on your hand? No negative response?” ask

“As far as I know all still intact with my agency...” reply Hui-Jun.

“That’s you don’t need to worry about that. Also I already talk with CEO
Jang, Taeyang electronic will contract you as our model for our high end product.”
said Ryeo-Uk.

“Yes I already heard the good news from CEO Jang, thank you for looking at me hyung”
said Hui-Jun.

Some Other Day

“Hui-Jun shi, the reason we call you today actually we have to deliver message from
my father” said Ji-Yeon.

“He wants to know with this accident happen will something happen to our Ji-A? How
your agency will do to her? Are they asking you to stop meeting her or what?” Ji-Yeon
look very concerned.

“Noona that will not happen. When the article up, I was directly talk with CEO Jang
that I will handle it my way. And I will not put Ji-A in a difficult situation, you
can have my word noona. Even if I have work twice or tripple harder than now I’ll do
it, but no one will touch Ji-A. I may sacrifice my time with her, but you can assure
that I will protect her. I don’t want to loose her, she’s the best thing happen for
me.” Hui-Jun say all his words very confidence.

Ji-Yeon look at Ryeo-Uk and smile.

“If that Jang makes this situation hard just tell me... I will make sure you move to
another good agency and ruin his..” said Ryeo-Uk.

Hui-Jun and Ji-Yeon laugh hearing that.

“The situation at the hospital actually not very good for our Ji-A. So many people
stare at her and talking about this news. Some of them openly asked her about you and
your relationship, but our Ji-A is a unpredictable...she can be strong but when she
crumble she’ll fall down very fast...” said Ji-Yeon.

“In short sentence, please make sure you can protect her well or you can leave now..”
said Ryeo-Uk.

“Ah hyung don’t be that harsh to me...” Hui-Jun try to laugh. But he can sense that
Ryeo-Uk dodn’t mess with his words.

“You can trust me noona. I will do my best. I will not dissapoint you. Also I’m very
thankful for this meeting, this means you both care about me and Ji-A..” said Hui-

“Busy days in front of you now... Just make it to the end.. since my mom already like
you so you need to protect my Ji-A, you get that?” Ji-Yeon tapping Hui-Jun arm.

Hui-Jun left Ryeo-Uk office, his mind full of many thoughts about this incident. He
did receive many people that met him today at photoshoot set and meeting did tease
him a lot about the dating news. They’re congratulate him and jokes on how Dispatch
finally knocked him down. He wait for the elevator, when the door open he bump with
someone he know,

“Oh..hyung, you’re here??” Dong-Hyeok suprise to see Hui-Jun at his office.

“Ah yes I just met with your brother” said Hui-Jun.

“You’re going now?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

Some Other Day

“Yeah, I’m done...” said Hui-Jun.

“Picking up the chaebol girl after this?” Dong-Hyeok ask again, but he laugh when he
said the chaebol girl word.

“Ahahaha..that’s funny, she texted me this afternoon saying that she wants to kill
Hyeon-U coz he keep caliing her that name” Hui-Jun laugh too.

“Hyung I’m done with my work, how about we grab some drinks? Or you’re going to meet
Ji-A after this?” ask Dong-Hyeok pass the documents on his hand to his secretary and
say that’s he’s leaving.

“Ok... I’m meeting a friend after this. But I can wait for him with you...where
should we go?” Hui-Jun and Dong-Hyeok enter the elevator and go together for drinks.

Hui-Jun and Dong-Hyeok arrive at Glam Lounge, Hui-Jun texting Gi-Gwang that he’ll
wait for him at the bar, since Beom-Seok already left first after drop him at the
Taeyang building.

“You come here often?” ask Hui-Jun, seeing so many people seem to know Dong-Hyeok.

“It’s you hyung... because I come with’re the “talk subject” of our country
these days” said Dong-Hyeok.

“’re right” Hui-Jun tap his shoulder.

“Why you’re meeting my brother?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“Ah..about the endorsement contract for high end Taeyang electronic product..” Hui-
Jun don’t expose his real talk with Ryeo-Uk.

“Ah about that... I’m the one in charge for the project. You’ll be meeting me a lot
hyung..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“You want cocktail or we can have wine?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“I think I want wine better today..” said Hui-Jun.

Dong-Hyeok the picked 2010 Chappellet Signature Cabernet Sauvignon as his choice.

“You need something to celebrate?” Hui-Jun impress on Dong-Hyeok choice of wine.

“I do... celebrating you as our model also celebrating finally you and the chaebol
girl can date openly now..” Dong-Hyeok raise his glass.

“You should stop calling her that name, or she’ll add you in her kill list..” said

“Hyung I already on her list since the first day we met... I’m not affraid of her..”
said Dong-Hyeok.

Some Other Day

“Is it hard hyung?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“I can bear it... it will over somehow i just have to be patience” Hui-Jun sipping
his wine.

“I know Ji-A very well. Although I met her because my brother married her sister, but
she and I having the same way of thinking..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“Maybe because both of you the maknae of your family” Hui-Jun guess.

“Maybe...that can be true. But hyung is she taking this incident very good? I texted
her when I read the news but she only reply like this..” Dong-Hyeok show Hui-Jun his
conversation with Ji-A.

“Ya Baek Ji-A you beat Twice today, your name come up on Never as top hit as per


“How come Dispatch catch you...I told you to play it safe”

“You’re so noisy...go back to work!!”

“Are you okay?”

“No... But I will if you do something for me”

“Like what?”

“I want EXO concert ticket for next month”

“Iiiiisssshhhhh this girl really..”

“Dong-Hyeok ah..”


“I miss Hui-Jun very much... can you bring him to me now... I’ll forgive all your
fault to me if you do..”

“You think I’m a genie?? Beside I don’t have any fault on you...crazy girl”

Hui-Jun laugh reading the conversation. That is really his Ji-A.

“You’re not meeting her today hyung?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

Some Other Day

“No..she has night shift. I’ll meet her tomorrow before my flight to Hongkong.” Said

“You’re going to be busy from now on..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“It’s the same...I just need to enjoy it” Hui-Jun smile.

“She...may looks strong. But the fact is she is a cry baby. She can cry just watching
an old halmeoni carrying a large basket of vegetables on her back..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“I know..” reply Hui-Jun.

“No comments from the Baek’s?” ask Dong-Hyeok.

“What kind comment?” Hui-Jun pretending to not understand Dong-Hyeok question.

“About the scandal?” Dong-Hyeok said.

“Oh...I haven’t heard anything from them..” said Hui-Jun think it will be better for
him to keep the meeting between him, Ryeo-Uk and Ji-Yeon for himself.

“That’s good... it means they trust you can handle it..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“I am... I’m not going to let something happen to us..” said Hui-Jun.

“Agree” Dong-Hyeok raise his glass and toast with him.

“Dong-Hyeok ah what do you know about Cha Gyeong-Su?” Hui-Jun still curious about the
tall handsome man that he finally met at the gathering last week.

“What about him?” Dong-Hyeok feel allert and try to avoid the question.

“It’s just the last hangout between us, and everyone. Mi-Yeon said that he once..”
Hui-Jun can’t finish his sentence since Dong-Hyeok cut him.

“’s .... how do I say this... that Cha Gyeong-Su is a bestfriend to Jae-
Hwan hyung, and from all I know he already considered as a family too by the Baek’s.
But related to what happen between him and Ji-A, there’s nothing. Ji-A only look at
him as oppa-dongsaeng relationship” explain Dong-Hyeok.

“Is he a doctor too? Work at Baek Hospital too?” ask Hui-Jun

“Nope...he’s an architect. He own his own firm at Apgujeong.” Said Dong-Hyeok.

“Apgujeong? What is the name of his firm?” Hui-Jun realize that Gi-Gwang also work at
an architect firm at Apgujeong.

“G+S Concept if I’m not mistaken..” Dong-Hyeok try to remembering Gyeong-Su firm

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Hui-Jun know it’s the same firm with the place where Gi-Gwang works.

“Ah yes....I was once told that he is Gi-Gwang boss...” Hui-Jun remember about that.

Gi-Gwang putting the beer cans and chicken he bought at the table while Hui-Jun went
inside his dressing room to change.

“Where the hell is Beom-Seok, isn’t he left first while you’re meeting with Ji-A
sister?” Gi-Gwang shout.

“He need to meet people from C-Entertainment first about my filming tomorrow. He’ll
be here soon” Hui-Jun appear after changing and take a seat beside Gi-Gwang. He turn
on the television, and in coincidence the screen play an entertainment news and his
picture with Ji-A is on screen now,

“You sure you want to watch this?” Gi-Gwang took the remote and change the channel,
they now watch the sport channel instead.

“You punk, you never told me that you work with Cha Gyeong-Su” Hui-Jun open his first
beer can.

“What about him?” Gi-Gwang pretend to be innocent.

“He has special feeling for Ji-A and they’ve been together since Ji-A born, he even
confessed to her when Ji-A broke up with me..” Hui-Jun sound very annoying.

“He confessed?? I really don’t know about that. But Hui-Jun ah it’s true that he has
feeling for Ji-A, but I also just found out that they both know each other when you
and her broke up. It was also the same time I knew he has the feeling to Ji-A.” Said

“How did you find you about that?” ask Hui-Jun while chewing his chicken.

“I was ask him to check some proposal then I found out that he has Ji-A picture with
him, and when I asked the way he tell about Ji-A was same like the way if you talk
about her” said Gi-Gwang.

They then hear someone coming in, Beom-Seok appear with plastic bag in both his

“ told me to buy beer..what should we do with this??”Beom-Seok raise his

right hand with beer on the plastic bag.

“Did you buy the kimchi stew??” ask Hui-Jun, Beom-Seok raise his left hand,

“I bought some fish cakes too..”

The three of them sit together enjoy their night snack,

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“Is he going to be busier from now on?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“All still the same, but he’ll stay at China longer than now” said Beom-Seok.

“You receive many job from there?” Gi-Gwang look at Hui-Jun.

“I’m doing a movie, a several more CF..” Hui-Jun eat his kimchi stew.

“Movie?? So you’re going to stay there for how long?” Gi-Gwang open his second can.

“The filming not only in china, it will take some place in korea as well monaco” said

“Monaco??? Wuah you become what this time??” ask Gi-Gwang.

“The concept the same like prison break the american tv series, I will be play as
someone with photographic memory but I live my life as a thief, professional thief. I
steal expensive and antique but this time I need to go into prison at Monaco and
release a drug dealer from there. They made it, escape to China, but turns out the
drug dealer is his long lost brother. Lots of CGI and action will be involved, I like
the script..” said Hui-Jun.

“This one is the one that direct by John Yip?? The one that making movie with Jackie
Chan??” Gi-Gwang surprised.

“The one that also making movie with Tom Cruise..” Hui-Jun smile proudly.

“ are going to be in a very high spot Park Hui-Jun” Gi-Gwang amazed.

“The director John Yip asked for him to play the role” said Gi-Gwang.

“Isn’t the timing is taking the same time with writer Yang drama? How come suddenly I
can choose both writer Yang drama and director John Yip movie?” Hui-Jun ask Beom-

“What else do you think? After you left that night we had along and tensed meeting,
and CEO Jang really thinks hard on taking care of you. He flew to Hongkong the next
morning to meet John Yip and then doing video call meeting with writer Yang from
there. They make the time arrangement so you can star in both project..” said Beom-

“He should did that...’ Hui-Jun smirked.

“Have you meet Ji-A after the news broke?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“I drove her to work this morning..” Hui-Jun eat another fish cake.

“How is she?” ask Gi-Gwang.

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“She looks like she deal with it very good. She looks annoyed yes when she read some
text received at her phone, but she said she need to get used to it now..” said Hui-

Suddenly Hui-Jun phone buzzing,

“Who’s calling this late?” Hui-Jun guessing.

“Oh Mi-Yeon ah, what happen?” Hui-Jun surprise to see Mi-Yeon name on his phone

“Oppa I’m so sorry to call you this late, but me and Ji-A were going to buy some
snack. When we’re about to leave the Jjajangmyun place some reporters came and keep
asking question also taking pictures at Ji-A, I was able to run but Ji-A couldn’t
make it. Now she’s hiding inside the toilet. I try to call Hyeon-U but he’s on
surgery right now with Jae-Hwan oppa. I really don’t want to bother you since I
understand it will be hard for you to come here but I can’t think someone else..” Mi-
Yeon sound panicked.

Hui-Jun instantly get up and rushes get his coat and car key.

“YA!!! Where are you going??!!!” Beom-Seok shout. But Hui-Jun keep going, Beom-Seok
throw the chicken he’s holding and run to follow Hui-Jun.

“Should I come to??!!!!!!” Gi-Gwang follow them both.

“What was Hyeon-U want??” Ji-A keep stuffing fishcake into her mouth.

“You eat 3 sticks of fish cake and 1 serving tteokbokki already...can you even add
another tteokbokki, and this Jjajangmyun later??” Mi-Yeon always amazed on Ji-A
stomach capacity but she never gain weight.

“Sure...why should I buy that if I’m not going to eat them..” said Ji-A.

“Stop eating already.... I feel stressed just seeing you eat..” said Mi-Yeon.

“What was Hyeon-U want??” Ji-A try to remembering Hyeon-U order.

“Kimbap, fish bread, and Jjajangmyun..jeezzz you and him really match to each other
when it comes to eating...” Mi-Yeon shook her head.

“Ahjumma...are the Jjajangmyun ready???” Ji-A shout.

“Aigoooo.... why now you become so unpatience...just wait I’m making your order now.
After dating Joon daewi you really become another person even to me???” the
restaurant owner pretend to be sulking.

Ji-A laugh then approach her, “Ahjumma how come you say that to me, I love you more
than him since you always give me extra pickles..”

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“Iiiissshhh this girl really know how to ask free additional pickles... I get
that...I will give you many pickles today..”

Suddenly 4 people come inside the restaurant, at first Ji-A not aware on how those
people stare at her and when they start to take out their camera suddenly Ji-A become
alert. She glance at Mi-Yeon who instantly stand after she saw one of the 4 people
start taking picture at Ji-A.

“Excuse me Baek Ji-A shi do you have time for a short interview?” man with red
checkered shirt start asking her.

“Are you here alone? Where is Hui-Jun??” the one with glasses start asking his
question too.

Ji-A look puzzled and shocked at the same time, the husband of restaurant owner run
to her and grab her hand then hide her behind his back.

“Ex..ex..excuse me, but this is not a place you can do things you’re doing right now,
please get out..” he asked the reporters to get out from his store.

But no one seem to listen to him, they keep approaching Ji-A and in seconds people
from outside start to noticing on what happen inside and start to crowd. Mi-Yeon
hurriedly run breaking the crowd and took out her phone.

While Ji-A cornered by the reporters, the ahjumma pull her hand and take her to the

“Just hide inside for a while, I will ask them to leave!”

Ji-A heart beatig so fast, she’s so affraid of those people. But they seems like
ignored the ahjumma that requesting them to leave, instead they keep calling her name
to come out.

Hyeon-U and Jae-Hwan are operating a cardio patient, implant the ring on his vein.
Suddenly the nurse inform him something,

“Hyeon-U shi, Mi-Yeon keep calling you this is the third time should I put you on the
line?” said nurse Go.

Hyeon-U look at Jae-Hwan, Jae-Hwan sense if Mi-Yeon call for the third time then
something must come up,

“This should be important!!” warn Jae-Hwan.

Hyeon-U nod, “Can you please put her on speaker?” ask Hyeon-U.

Nurse Go took Hyeon-U phone and put Mi-Yeon on speaker,

“HYEON-U ah!!!!” Mi-Yeon shout once she notice her call picked up.

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“What??!! What happen” both Hyeon-U and Jae-Hwan immediately raise their head and
listen to screaming Mi-Yeon.

“JI-A!! We were buying snack but reporters...Ji-A!!” Mi-Yeon cannot make a sentence,
she’s running out breath.

“What happen to Ji-A?!!” Jae-Hwan now the one who’s talking.

“Somehow some reporters come to the restaurant and they start asking and taking
pictures..” Mi-Yeon panicked.

“Where are you now?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“I’m out from that place but Ji-A still inside, the reporters cornered her...ahjumma
and ahjussi helping her but I don’t think it help..Hyeon-U can you come??!!” ask Mi-

“I’m on surgery!! I’ll be there soon when I’m done..Mi-Yeon ah..” suddenly the phone
call is cut. “What happen??!!” Jae-Hwan ask nurse Go, nurse Go immediately checked on
Hyeon-U phone.

“You run out battery Hyeon-U shi..” said nurse Go.

Jae-Hwan thinking, and he shout “Call Gyeong-Su using my phone, where is Ji-A buying
the snack??”

“Uhhmm.. its 1 block from here..the Jjajangmyun place..” Hyeon-U name the place that
Jae-Hwan know.

“Call Gyeong-Su now!! And put him on speaker” Jae-Hwan shout. Nurse Go immediately
run and took Jae-Hwan phone, she hurriedly dialed for Gyeong-Su and put him on

“Mi-Yeon shi, where are you?!!!” Hui-Jun keep looking to his window searching for Mi-

“Oppa where are you?” Mi-yeon sound she’s still panicked.

“5 more minutes I’ll be there..” said Hui-Jun.

“Hui-Jun ah do you think this is a the best move?” Beom-Seok asking carefully.

“Why do you say that?!! She’s in danger now what do you think I should do!!” Hui-Jun
become emotional when hearing Beom-Seok said that.

Gi-Gwang send signal to Beom-Seok to keep quiet.

Not too long they find Mi-Yeon waving at their car, Gi-Gwang pull over and Mi-Yeon
hurriedly come inside the car.

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“Where is the store?” ask Hui-Jun

“Just straight, not far from here..” said Mi-Yeon.

Gyeong-Su drive his car like a maniac, he was on his way home when he received a call
from Jae-Hwan.

“Gyeong-Su ah that bastards reporters spot Ji-A at the Jjajangmyun place near my
hospital, can you go and save her?! I’m in the middle of surgery now!!” Jae-Hwan
sound furious.

Gyeong-Su did not wait another second, he turn his car immediatelly and step in the
gas pedal so he can arrive quickly at the place said by Jae-Hwan. He park his car
immediately ignoring whether he can park there or not he just pull over in front of
the restaurant. He rushes his steps towards the restaurant, he take out his coat and
break the crowd. He spot the reporters that waiting for Ji-A outside the toilet. The
ahjussi recognize Gyeong-Su and wave at him, Gyeong-Su approaching him quick. He push
one of the reporter that stand in his way, his face looks very angry.

“Where is she?” ask Gyeong-Su to the ahjussi.

“She’s inside with my wife.” the ahjussi pull Gyeong-Su hand, then after Gyeong-Su
made it to the toilet the ahjussi block the way again.

Gyeong-Su inside the toilet and the ahjumma relieve to see him, she know that Gyeong-
Su is Ji-A family.

“She’s inside..” she point at the center cubical.

“Thank you..” Gyeong-Su bow at her. He approach the cubical and knock, he push the
toilet gently and he find Ji-A sit at the corner floor of the toilet with her hand
cover her ears and her eyes closed. Gyeong-Su feel a mix feeling inside him, he is
angry, he is sad, he is panicked, but the same time when he finally can see her, he
feel relieved.

He approach Ji-A and touch her hand. Ji-A open her eyes she smile when she see

“Oppa.....can you take me out from here?” Ji-A look at him. Gyeong-Su can tell how
affraid she is, but she forced her self to smile and pretend she can handle it.
Gyeong-Su know her too well.

“Come..let’s go home..” Gyeong-Su give his hand to Ji-A. Ji-A grab his hand and
Gyeong-Su hide her behind his back. Before he open the door that separate them with
the reporters, Gyeong-Su put his coat to cover Ji-A face,

“Use this, just walk very fast okay?? I’ll make way for you..just grab my hand understand..” Gyeong-Su look at her eyes.

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Ji-A nod. Gyeong-Su push the door and walk quickly. The reporters that have been
waiting hurriedly follow and keep clicking their camera, but Gyeong-Su not their
match, his tall and muscular body make the reporters hard to get close to them.
Gyeong-Su drag Ji-A and move very fast.

Hui-Jun arrive at in front of restaurant, but he see the crowd moving following 2
people that walk very fast to the black Range Rover Hui-Jun recognize the car,

“Oh!! That’s Gyeong-Su oppa!!! How did he know about this?” Mi-Yeon puzzled to see
Gyeong-Su walk dragging Ji-A whose now her face covered with Gyeong-Su trench coat.

“Did Ji-A call him?” ask Beom-Seok. Hui-Jun not saying anything his eyes fixed at

“Ji-A phone was left at the hospital, the battery was run out so she charged the
phone and left it at her locker..” said Mi-Yeon.

Ji-A successfully enter into Gyeong-Su car, Gyeong-Su rushes into the driver seat,
then he left the scene in a flash leaving the reporters shouting Ji-A name.

“What should we do now?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“Let’s drop her first at the hospital, then let’s go back to my place..” said Hui-
Jun. But everyone can tell that he is mad right now.

Hui-Jun park his car in front of the Baek’s residence, he lower his window and the
guard see him. He run immediately approaching Hui-Jun.

“Is Ji-A home now?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Ah just then the driver from mr Cha said that Ji-A will stay the night at their
place. We received a visit from some reporters before looking for miss Ji-A, you
should not be here also sir, I think some of them still waiting somewhere..” the
guard warn Hui-Jun.

“Where is the address?” ask Hui-Jun.

The guard give Hui-Jun the address, and he drive his car to the address mentioned. 20
minutes later Hui-Jun arrive in front of Cha residence, as expected the prime
minister house has a very tight security details. 4 men in black suit guarding the
front gate. As Hui-Jun car approach one of them approaching and ask him,

“Goodnight, I’m sorry sir but this is a private area. Please turn your car and leave
the area immediately” the guard politely warn Hui-Jun.

“I’m here to meet Cha Gyeong-Su, please tell him he know why I’m here..” said Hui-Jun

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“Can I ask your identification card?” the guard asking his ID. Hui-Jun took out his
wallet and give him his ID card, the guard run into his post and call someone inside
the house.

Inside the house Gyeong-Su just finish showering, he spot the maid coming,

“What?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“There’s someone name Park Hui-Jun waiting at the front, the actor Park Hui-Jun to be
exact, he said you know why he’s here..” the maid repeating Hui-Jun words.

Gyeong-Su smile hearing Hui-Jun name,

“Where’s Ji-A now?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“miss Ji-A still at the dining room” the maid answer.

“Is abeoji already arrive?” Gyeong-Su ask again.

“Prime minister Cha is on trip to south east asia starting this afternoon.” said the

“OK... tell the guard to let him in. I’ll be waiting at the dining room with Ji-A.”
said Gyeong-Su.

Gyeong-Su done changing and go into the dining room, he find Ji-A not eating her
food, she play with her spoon and seem to be lost in her own thoughts.

“Elders said it’s a bad luck to play with your food..” Gyeong-Su sit beside her. Ji-A
raise her head and smile at him.

“I’m full... I ate 3 sticks of fish cakes and 1 serving tteokbokki..” Ji-A put down
the spoon she’s holding.

“Do you want to change?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“I’m tired... are they really come to my house too?... what should I do now..” Ji-A

“Someone come here too looking for you..” said Gyeong-Su. He heard the front door
open, and he can guess exactly who’s coming.

“Really??? How come they..” Ji-A stop immediately when she see the person who’s now
standing in front of her. Hui-Jun is there, he look at Ji-A.

“ did you know I’m here?” Ji-A surprise to see Hui-Jun in front of her.

“You came...sit down please..” Gyeong-Su look at Hui-Jun. He can tell Hui-Jun is
having mixed feeling right now.

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“I thank you for saving Ji-A from the restaurant, but I will take her now..” Hui-Jun
look back at him.

“Come..” Hui-Jun grab Ji-A hand and pull her.

“Oppa wait a moment...” Ji-A stop, she look at Gyeong-Su

“Gyeong-Su oppa thank you...Let’s talk next time..” said Ji-A. Hui-Jun look at
Gyeong-Su again he bow his head and leave. Gyeong-Su only watch them leave.

Hui-Jun run his car so fast, he keep holding Ji-A hand while driving it not take a
long time until they arrive at Hui-Jun condo. Hui-Jun checking his surrounding,
before he come out from the car. Once they reach Hui-Jun place, Hui-Jun hug her so

“Oppa...I’m okay..” Ji-A rubbing Hui-Jun back.

But Hui-Jun not saying anything, he just keep hugging Ji-A.

Next morning Hui-Jun wake up first, he turn his head and see Ji-A still asleep. He
watch her sleep then pull her close at him. Ji-A who’s still lost in her dream land
moan then lean her head on Hui-jun neck while her eyes still close.

“Do you need to go to hospital today?” Hui-Jun pouring milk into Ji-A cereal bowl.

“I’m going home...I don’t think I should go to work today..” Ji-A put the strawberry
into her mouth.

“I’ll drive you home..” said Hui-Jun.

“Don’t you have schedule at 10? You’ll be late if you drive me’s okay..”
said Ji-A

Hui-Jun look at her, “Can’t I just make sure that you’re safe? Can’t you just give me
a chance to prove that I can protect you? I’m so pissed last night when I picked you
at Gyeong-Su place. I was so pissed knowing that I was few minutes late arrive at the
restaurant just to see that Gyeong-Su saved you not me!”

Ji-A bite her lip, she’s somehow happy to see Hui-Jun upset like that. He is worrying
her, even since last night he keep hugging her like he want to protect her. Ji-A
stand up and approach Hui-Jun,

“Thank you oppa... for picking me up last night. I was very scared last night, I was
very relieved to finally see you last night..” Ji-A kiss him.

Hui-Jun pull his lips after kissing her, he then bury his face in her shoulder,

“I’m sorry for showing up late last night...I’m sorry that you have to meet with that
situation also...I will thinking something about this..” said Hui-Jun.

Some Other Day

“Tell them I’m a doctor not a just leave me alone..” Ji-A look at him
and smile.


Article: Park Hui-Jun showed his emotion when talking

about incident happen to his girlfriend.
Source : Never

1. [+1,027, -2] He is surely looks very mad during the interview.

2. [+857, -42] Heol.... can’t they just leave the girl alone, what happen to our

3. [+789, -09] Once you’re entering entertainment industry and reach this high
popularity, privacy is no longer yours...Park Hui-Jun should aware about that too...

4. [+34, -87] No wonder Hui-Jun upset, his girlfriend hiding at the toilet scared by
the reporters

5. [+27, -56] If she’s not strong enough then she’s not deserve to be with Hui-Jun,
being with Hui-Jun she also need to be aware that she will receive her spotlight too.

6. [+22, -8] Daebak...Joon daewi and Hui-Jun have the same expression when he’s
mad ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+20, -74] Guess the chaebol girl will need bodyguard this time ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+18, -3] It’s the first time seeing Hui-Jun emotion like that..please people let
them date peacefully..

9. [+15, -42] Hui-Jun shi fighting!!!!

10. [+13, -1] Well Hui-Jun technically did break a law ㅋㅋㅋㅋ if he don’t want to
get expose then he should not get caught at first place.

“Now I even really become this nation hot topic...” sigh Ji-A, she tossed her laptop
aside and laydown.

Hui-Jun was having interview session yesterday regarding his next project at
Hongkong, but during the interview a reporter asking him about the incident happen
with Ji-A that night. Hui-Jun was paused for a moment, he was then looking so mad,
even his eyes become red since he’s been holding his emotion to not explode that

Some Other Day

“What happen last time to my girlfriend I was really upset about that. I always want
to separate my personal life with my actor activity. I really want to protect my
privacy, especially related to her and it’s very sad and upset me that the incident
happened to her. I apologize for behaving like this in front of you but I’m just a
normal person with emotion too. Thru this session i’m also asking to all of you,
please let us date comfortably and please let her enjoy her daily activity as usual.”

Someone knocking at the door the maid come,

“Your father asking for you..” she said.

“Appa home already?” Ji-A get-up and goes downstair to meet him.

Jae-Dok just come home from a neuro conference at France, he already heard about the
incident happen to Ji-A from his secretary. He see Ji-A running thru the stairs,

“Come..” Jae-Dok open his arms, Ji-A smile and run to hug him.

“Were you behaving well while I’m gone?” Jae-Dok tapping her back.

“I always been the sweetest one all this time..” said Ji-A. Jae-Dok smile.

Mi-Na preparing her husband tea, while Jae-Dok reading the journal.

“The kids really did not tell me anything about that night, Jae-Hwan only told me
that Ji-A will stay at Gyeong-Su place coz she has something to do.. said Mi-Na.

“They didn’t want you to worry..” Jae-Dok calm her.

“I guess having celebrity as son in law is tough, they’re just dating but the news
are everywhere, even many people text me to ask stupid things about them...” Mi-Na
recall that many of her friends called and texted her when the dating news is

“Just bear with it....that man also feels guilty about this he even called me and
apologize, don’t add salt to his wound..” said Jae-Dok.

“Ah..anything new about So-Mi? How about her now?” Jae-Dok ask.

“Jae-Hwan wants to marry her soon, since she also do not have parents or elderly now,
why we’re not throw a wedding sooner? So she can stay here, I will be at ease too if
I can watch her closely..” said Mi-Na.

“How about her condition now?” ask Jae-Dok.

“I don’t know..Jae-Hwan keep avoiding that when I asked. But I know something is not
right..can you checked it for me?” ask Mi-Na.

Some Other Day

“Then what makes you think I will tell you her condition? It’s a doctor-patient
secrecy..” Jae-Dok tease her.

“ are no different with Jae-Hwan... I get that.. I have my way..” said

Jae-Dok laugh, he know exactly what in his wife mind right now. She will ask Ji-A to
look the information for her. And Ji-A will obey her mom order since she will receive
interesting “payment” from Mi-Na for doing that. And Ji-A will make Hyeon-U give
everything she need about So-Mi, if Hyeon-U refuse then Hyeon-U will be doomed since
Ji-A will be able to put his name in nightshift for a month.

“Where is your senses Baek Ji-A you know I’m not suppose to tell you anything about
this..she’s not your patient after all!!” Hyeon-U keep protesting on Ji-A request.
While he also already hold the file of So-Mi medical record.

“Give me that..hurry!! I just need to read it...I’ll read it fast!!” said Ji-A.

“Are you even a doctor?? You know this is not allowed..” Hyeon-U looks at her upset.

“I’m not a doctor now...I’m a spy... hurry!!” Ji-A took the file from Hyeon-U.

“Why you’re being so petty .. just give her it’s her family after all..” Mi-Yeon
scold him.

“I really don’t know why both of you even a can’t even fully understand
what is doctor-patient secrecy” Hyeon-U shook his head.

“You both very good in saving life...but also very annoying when you need
something..” Hyeon-U keep mumbling.

“If Jae-Hwan hyung ask how you know about this never mention my name you get that?!!”
Hyeon-U said to Ji-A.

“Where else I get this if its not from you?? He will immediately know it’s you..” Ji-
A shook her head.

“Arrhhh I’m doomed... What sin did I do in my past so I stuck with this girls now...”
Hyeon-U scratching his head.

“You did what she did maybe, betray a king, maybe I did that too so we’re stuck
together..” said Mi-Yeon.

“Hyeon-U ah, this is not good..” Ji-A looks very serious.

“It is...she need a transplant now...the ICD not helping anymore..” said Hyeon-U.

“So she’s already on the list by now?” ask Ji-A.

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“Yes..but it will be hard to get one, since she’s not on the top list..” said Hyeon-

“Is Ji-Yeon eonnie knew about this?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“I don’t know... but she might know coz oppa always tell her everything..” said Ji-A.

“Looks like she knew, I was accidently eavesdropping Myung-Soo noona on phone with
someone at donor central, asking for a meeting..” said Hyeon-U.

“The thing is..finding a heart not as simple as finding a kidney. Even to get a
kidney your percentage is below 30%...then do not expect on getting a heart so easily
except miracle is on our side..” Hyeon-U add.

“Arrhh what do I have to tell my mom then...she will come running and cry endlessly
hearing this...If she ever call you just tell her you haven’t meet get
that?!!” Ji-A look at Hyeon-U.

“I will...” said Hyeon-U.

“Ah...I saw the interview where Hui-Jun finally upset...everyone seem looking for the
video also it already viewed by 2 million people..” said Mi-Yeon.

“The netizen comments are worst..” said Ji-A.

“YA!! I told you to not looking for that...just keep yourself away from those site.
Just use your phone for call and texting only. Pretend that you’re stupid and cannot
use the internet connection, pretend you don’t even know what browsing is, you really
have to listen to me!” Hyeon-U upset that Ji-A not follow his advice previously.

“I can’t help it..but by the way, why Gyeong-Su oppa came that night? you called
him?” Ji-A ask Mi-Yeon.

Mi-Yeon shook her head, “I call Hyeon-U first but then our phone call was off after
talking for few seconds, then I called Hui-Jun I was surprised my self to see Gyeong-
Su oppa came and rescued you that night” said Mi-Yeon.

“It was Jae-Hwan hyung who called him. I was on surgery with him when she called, but
then my battery run out. Then Jae-Hwan hyung told nurse Go to called Gyeong-Su hyung.
He was so furious that night. I was amazed that he not went and killed that
reporters..he kept cursing and yelled that everyone so slow and not helping him do
his job at all during the surgery, he became calm when Gyeong-Su hyung called him and
told him that you already with him..” explain Hyeon-U.

“But your family really act fast, after that you’re no longer put on consultation
service. You incharge full for surgery, so you don’t need to see a patient’ said Mi-

“I become a hostages...not a free entity again, I even can’t go to Myeongdong today

to buy face mask. Hui-Jun oppa looks very stressed these days. He is preparing for
filming movie. He’ll be at Monaco for 2 months, China 3 months, then come back

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here... not to mention his other schedule... he said he has to do it to secure our
future..” Ji-A is thinking about Hui-Jun.

“So you won’t be able to meet him for 5 months?? Heol!! Can you do that??” ask Mi-

“She has to...Hui-Jun already sacrifice a lot for her. Do you think why he work like
a cow right now if its not for her..and the cosequences of the dating news” said

Mi-Yeon glance at him she throw a fist at him,

“I can make time to meet him, he’ll make time too... I’m not affraid of that..” said

“Then what bother you?” ask Hyeon-U

“The night when he picked me at Gyeong-Su oppa house he was very pissed. When we’re
back to his condo he never let go my hand, not once. Even he’s hugging me when we
sleep, he really look very affected by the incident. I’m affraid I become a burden to
him.... I told him I’m okay but he seem not taking my word..” said Ji-A.

“Just accept it...he’s your man after all. I will be furious also if same thing
happen to Bora. It’s a man’s pride to protect his woman, so just eat that up and love
him more..” said Hyeon-U.

“That will never happen to Bora..” said Mi-Yeon, “You’re not a top A-list actor like

Hyeon-U look at Mi-Yeon, “Really??? why do I even bother to help this girls..”

“Hyeon-U ah you think now they will not looking for me again right?” ask Ji-A.

“You think why all the guards now line up in front of entrance door, emergency door,
employee door, back door, Ji-Yeon noona really take it serious in preventing
reporters can sneak into the hospital.” said Hyeon-U.

“Even now your driver already ready in front of the entrance door when you’re finish
your’re really living the chaebol life now..” said Mi-Yeon.

“Hui-Jun oppa that request for the driver thing..” said Ji-A.

“See... he just want to protect you..just eat that up. Things will get better
sometime next..” said Hyeon-U.

“Where is he now?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“Jeju... he has to filming for korean tourism thing... he sent me pictures of many
delicious food..” Ji-A reply.

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“His agency really is keeping him very busy... I hope both of you can overcome
this..” said Mi-Yeon.

“We should..” said Ji-A.


Hui-Jun passing the bouquet to Mi-Na, “This is pretty...thank you..” said Mi-Na

“Oho...first you compliment her you hand her a flower too, are you trying
to take her away from me?” Jae-Dok show up between them.

“I’ve been with him for almost 50 years, but he only give me 1 flower’s
when our wedding day...he’s such a cheap skate..” Mi-Na link her arm at Hui-Jun.

“ you even even pick a younger guy than me..move aside she’s mine..” Jae-Dok
grab Mi-Na hand from Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun laugh to have this pleasant conversation with Ji-A parents. Then Gyeong-Su
arrive and hand Mi-Na a bouquet too,

“Again..nowaday young men are stop giving her flower..” Jae-Dok stare at
Gyeong-Su who’s now clueless about the situation.

“Ahjussi I’ve been giving eomoni flower since ever...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Look at him...he call me ahjussi but he call you eomoni....who did he think I
am...your habit giving my wife flower is I have another rival..” Jae-
Dok point at Hui-Jun who’s still smiling.

“Eehh then just give her flower..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Arrghh you’re really not helping me..” Jae-Dok pretend to be sulking and leave them.

“I will put these into the vase. You both just go and sit, we’ll begin after Jae-Hwan
and Ji-A finish their last patient..” Mi-Na push her 2 handsome men to the garden.

“So I guess you handle the situation well enough..” said Gyeong-Su.

“I’m trying my best..” reply Hui-Jun.

Then they silent again, Gyeong-Su pass him the wine. Hui-Jun thanked him.

“I know this family for a long time, I consider them as my family too. I even meet
Ji-A since her first day coming into this world..’ Gyeong-Su look at Hui-Jun.

“I know you grow another feeling too toward my Ji-A..” Hui-Jun reply.

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Gyeong-Su laugh and nodding his head, “I am...” he answered with confidence.

“Hui-Jun oppa!! You’re here?!!” Hui-Jun turn to the voice that shouting his name. Ji-
A waving at him, seems like she already finish her job. Hui-Jun turn back to Gyeong-
Su before going to Ji-A,

“If maybe something like the previous incident happen again, which I make sure it’ll
not, if ever that happen again please call me and don’t come there by yourself. I can
protect her..even if that make me had to create another scandal” Hui-Jun said it. He
said the words that he want to say to Gyeong-Su. He then bow his head and leave.
Gyeong-Su smile hearing what Hui-Jun just said, he look at the citylight view in
front of him and thinking.

“When people said you better watch out your word, seems like it really mean it.. I
need to be carefull in saying anything from now on..” Ji-A placing the japchae into
her plate.

“Waah...did you just knock your head somewhere??” Jae-Hwan amazed by what his
dongsaeng just said.

“She’s reflecting...she finally use her brain and senses this time..” Ji-Yeon put the
chicken into the twin plate.

“Our Ji-A is grown up now..” Ryeo-Uk.

“In my next life I’m going to change my idol preference...I keep saying I’m going to
marry celebrity I end up dating one..” Ji-A smile.

Hui-Jun and the rest laugh..”Are you saying you fantasizing about me
didn’t even recognize me at first when we first met..” said Hui-Jun.

“She’s not fantasizing you..” said Ji-Yeon.

Hui-Jun surprise to hear that, “Really, then who is her idol..” ask Hui-Jun. Ji-A

“She once told me she wants to married Cooper something..” said Jae-Dok

“But she loose her mind when she’s attending EXO showcase..” said Ji-Yeon.

“She was dreaming marry one of 2PM personel..the one name....” Jae-Hwan try to
remembering the name,

“Wooyoung..” said Ji-A.

“Do you really have to mention his name?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Ah then she swear she will search for TOP and marry him...” add Gyeong-Su.

“I almost join the artist mom club to see how my next son in law will be..” add Mi-

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“Heol...seems like you’re stuck with me now..” said Hui-Jun.

“That’s why...I achieve my dream in this life..” said Ji-A proudly.

“Then who will be going your idol in your next life?” ask So-Mi.

“the president.... I’m going to be first lady then...” said Ji-A.

“Omoo.... I really wish she’s not become my daughter’s enough headache
having her in this life..” said Jae-Dok.

“I’m not going to appa... I’m going to be everyone mom....everyone sit in this table
will be my children then I will bossing you around...” said Ji-A.

“Iiisssshhh..... crazy..”Jae-Hwan shook his head.

“You always amazed me....” said Hui-Jun.

“I’m amazing right?” Ji-A proudly.

“Yes...amazingly insane..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Iiisssshhhh...these people really...” sigh Ji-A.

“If I remember their time being a kid...they always come up with a silly idea...”
Jae-Dok remembering his children.

“One time when each of them still at preschool, they came back from school brought me
note that saying their wish to be when they’re grown up...” said Jae-Dok.

“I want to be a chef since the boy I had crush at preschool was writing he want to
become an international chef..” said Ji-Yeon.

“And she really write the reason why she wants to be chef exactly like she just
said..” said Mi-Na.

“Because Do-Kyung wants to be a chef too..” repeat Ji-Yeon.

“What do you want to be?” So-Mi ask Jae-Hwan.

“A racer... I love speeding..” said Jae-Hwan.

“Also he want us to buy him the helmet sold at the stationary store near his
school..” said Jae-Dok.

“Gyeong-Su always wants to be architect like he is now... since he always love

building something since he was a kid..” Mi-Na hold his hand.

“You guess what she wants to be when she was a kid?” Jae-Dok challenge the rest to
guess Ji-A dream, while Jae-Hwan, Ji-Yeon, Mi-Na and Gyeong-Su smiling.

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“Gangster...I knew she create many fights since she’s a kid..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“You fight a lot?” Hui-Jun look at her.

“I’m not...” Ji-A shook her head.

“She’s not...she’s just provocating her opponents to fight..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Then she would take me and Gyeong-Su to fight them..” Jae-Hwan look at Hui-Jun.

“I’m smart..” said Ji-A, everyone laugh.

“Then gangster is a no... model?” So-Mi try to guess.

“She was once wearing red hairband, yellow t-shirt, blue shortpants and purple
shoes.... she didn’t have sense on fashion when she was a kid..” said Ji-Yeon.

“She would take everything that its color catch her eyes..” said Mi-Na

“Iiisshhh...your taste was awfull back then..” said Hui-Jun.

“Thank God you’re not meeting her that time.” Said Mi-Na.

“What was her dream back them abeonim?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Halmeoni...” said Jae-Dok.

“You want to be halmeoni?” ask Hui-Jun, Ji-A nod her head and laugh.

“She wants to be halmeoni... so she can scold me..” Jae-Dok said it.

Everyone laugh,

“Why she want to scold you?” said Ryeo-Uk.

“A day before the school asked her to wrote her dream, she was scolded by me. Turns
out she’s hold a grudge.” Jae-Dok can’t hold his laugh again.

“Why did you scold her for?” Hui-Jun ask.

“She was drawing herself, Hyeon-U, Mi-Yeon and cat at my car using permanent paint. I
couldn’t use my car for days and I had to have it re-painted that time..” Jae-Dok and
everyone laugh.

“She’s really not affraid of anyone back then...” said Jae-Hwan.

“One time I scolded her, because she was playing with flour and spread all of those
in front of this house, we were live here back then when they’re little..” said Mi-Na

“Then what happen?” ask So-Mi full with curiousity.

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“She was nowhere to be found the rest afternoon after eomma scolded her. We were
looking for her everywhere,” said Ji-Yeon.

“Then I found her at the corner of eomoni room, the one that used as ahjussi
treatment room now..she was sleeping” said Gyeong-Su but he giggling.

“Why? Why you’re gigling?” ask Hui-Jun.

“She was holding a marker... red marker...” said Gyeong-Su.

“What was the marker for?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“She wrote a sentence behind eomma closet it’s written “crazy eomma”” Jae-Hwan laugh.

“And it’s in very large font... eomma really want to kill her that time..” Ji-Yeon

“Oh my god, if you ever met Dong-Hyeok since you’re little both of you probably can
burn a house...” Ryeo-Uk shook her head.

“The only one that scare her the most is that tree..” Ji-Yeon point the cherry tree
at the corner of the garden.

“Why?” ask Hui-Jun.

“She scare with height, if she’s already beyond normal with her gangster act abeoji
will tied her on that tree, she was terrified because she can see how high this place
from there..” said Jae-Hwan.

“Sometimes I keep thinking I was really adopted by my parent..” said Ji-A, everyone
just laugh.

“ know that’s not true. Jae-Hwan already told you many times...eomma won you
from the lottery back then..” Ryeo-Uk reply.

“Oohh this family really.... I don’t know why I keep hanging around with all of
you..” Ji-A pouting her lip.

“If you marry her later, you will get what I feel, raising a brat like her...” Jae-
Dok look at Hui-Jun.

Everyone enjoy the laugh during the meal time. Many stories flowing at the table,
beautiful memories created each time they sit together at that table. All of them
become 1 family once they sit, no one left behind everyone care for each other.

Jae-Hwan keep following So-Mi while she’s insisting helping on clean the table.

“Can’t you just sit and wait for me finish this?” So-Mi annoying by his act.

“Why? I love following you around like this...” said Jae-Hwan.

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“Tsk..” So-Mi glance at him. Suddenly Jae-Hwan stop her he hug her from the back.

“I told eomma already..” said Jae-Hwan.

“Told her what?” ask So-Mi.

“That I want to marry you faster...I asked her to prepare everything..” said Jae-

So-Mi surprise by what she just heard, she just froze,

“Let’s marry So-Mi ah, the thought of not spending time with you everyday I hate
it...” Jae-Hwan then show her a beautiful ring,

“I’m not forgetting the ring now...will you marry me Goh So-Mi?” Jae-Hwan still back
hug her and he put the ring into her finger. So-Mi can’t hold her tears, she’s crying
because she is too happy.

“Why are you crying?? Stop it, otherwise the other will think I did something bad to
you..” Jae-Hwan smile and hug her.

Hui-Jun is walking to his car first, while Ji-A still behind. He then bump with
Gyeong-Su which also headed to his car. Suddenly Gyeong-Su speak,

“I will not give up...not yet..” he said.

Hui-Jun look at him, he is fully understand what Gyeong-Su means by saying that to

“Back then I thought as long as I can see her it’s fine to have her as we are
now...and I’ll be okay I thought..” said Gyeong-Su.

“What make you change your mind then?” ask Hui-Jun.

“When I saw her hiding at the toilet...she was scared that she even close her eyes
and ears... that time I decided I will not giving up..” said Gyeong-Su.

“You should forget her, I have no intentions on leaving her or live my life without
her. You’re really wasting your time by doing that..” Hui-Jun challenge him.

“Just watch your back Park Hui-Jun once you’re out off your guard and make her like
that again, I will make sure that will be your last day of having her..” Gyeong-Su
tap Hui-Jun shoulder and leave.

Hui-Jun just stay and watch him leave with anger, but then a soft hand touch his

“What are you doing here? Let’s go I pack lots of banchan to be put at your place..”
Ji-A show him stack of container in the paper bag she’s holding.

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“Let’s go...I don’t want wasting any time...I want to be alone with you..” Ji-A drag
him into the car.


Some Other Day


„....It’s a beautiful night and we’re looking for something

dumb to do, hey baby, I think I wanna marry you....(MarryYou–
Bruno Mars)

Some Other Day

All the way to Hui-Jun condo, Hui-Jun not saying much words. His conversation with
Gyeong-Su pretty much heat him up and overtake all his thought. They arrive at Hui-
Jun condo, Hui-Jun get out from the car immediately without checking his surrounding
as usual, Ji-A look at him confuse. Hui-Jun open her door,

“Oppa what if someone take our picture again?” Ji-A worry and look her surrounding.

“I don’t care...they can take so many picture of us as they want” said Hui-Jun pull
Ji-A hand and hold her hand walking to the entrance door.

“So can we walk together at Itaewon and have a date?” ask Ji-A.

Hui-Jun nod and smile,

“Kissing too??” Ji-A ask again.

Hui-Jun stop and plant a kiss at her lip, “I can kiss you whenever I want, wherever I
want..” he smirked.

“You are really weird today but I love it..” Ji-A smile and walk happily.

Arrive at Hui-Jun place, Ji-A placed all the container into the fridge while Hui-Jun
go change and checking his message. He see Ji-A busy at his kitchen, he smile loving
the scenery in front of him where Ji-A busy re-arranging his fridge and throw away
the expired stuff, put label on every container so he will eat those.

“How come he keep this...look at this mold..aigoo” Ji-A mumbling while keep checking
on each stuff on the fridge.

Suddenly Hui-Jun hug her..

“Oppa I think I just clean your fridge last 2 week but how come it’s a mess again..”
said Ji-A.

“That’s why I think you should move in here..” said Hui-Jun resting his chin on Ji-A

“I told you I’m a high maintenance..also I’m too hard to handle..” said Ji-A.

“I will earn a lot of money then to keep you here” said Hui-Jun.

“If I move in here you will always leave me alone..don’t mad if I turn this place
into party venue” said Ji-A.

“Do long as you stay” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A turn and face him,

“What happen? You sound so gloomy you were fine back at the dinner..” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun lift her and put her on the kitchen table,

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“Did you scare so much back then when the reporters look out for you?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Why?” Ji-A don’t understand why suddenly Hui-Jun brought up the incident.

“I just want to know” said Hui-Jun, “Did you scare a lot?”

“Because I’m not prepared for that.. they were shouting and clicking their camera in
front of me, while another one keep asking about you, about us... I was so panicked.
Ahjumma brought me to the toilet and hide me inside one of the toilet cubicle. I
don’t want to hear anything so I close my ears and keep praying that they will gone
soon. Until Gyeong-Su oppa touch my hand...” Ji-A remembering the night.

Hui-Jun look at her, he can imagine her situation back then. He hug her,

“I’m sorry..” he said.

“’s not your fault..” Ji-A rubbing his back.

“I’m sorry...” said Hui-Jun again.

Ji-A smile..”Yes... I forgive you oppa..” she look at him.

“Don’t send me home tonight..” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun not answering but he lean to kiss her. It's a gentle kiss at first but then
it change into passionately kiss and Hui-Jun never get enough of it. He trace her
neck, and his hand pull up her shirt.

“Even when it will be getting harder to be with me, please stay...please stay with
me...don’t ever leave again..” Hui-Jun keep kissing her.

“I’m stuck with you remember?” said Ji-A. Hui-Jun lift her and carry her to the

The next morning Hui-Jun wake up and feel his left side is empty. He is searching
with his hand but touch nothing beside bed sheet and pillow. He open his eyes and
look Ji-A already wake up and leave him alone in this bed. He heard some noise from
outside bedroom, someone making juice and grill something. Hui-Jun walk to the
kitchen with eyes half close.

“Why you even wake up so early...let’s go back to bed..” Hui-Jun still sleepy. But it
seems Ji-A is not listening, she is busy cooking her eggs while dancing and humming
with earphone plug in her both ears. Hui-Jun sit at the kitchen bar stall, and watch

“I wish my morning always be like this..” he really enjoy the view. He took the
coffee and keep his eyes on her.

“OH MY GOD!!” Ji-A jump whe she turn and find Hui-Jun there smiling at her.

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“Since when you’re here??” Ji-A plating her eggs into her and his plate. She cook
eggs, sausages, ham and making tomato salad for their breakfast. She also juice the
apples for them. She learn to cook all of that before.

“Ji-A ah..” Hui-Jun look at her.

“Hem?” reply Ji-A keep eating her breakfast.

“What did you say to Gyeong-Su when he confessed?” Hui-Jun keep looking at her.

Ji-A shocked to hear tha question, she choked and keep coughing, she grab her juice,

“How did you know that?” Ji-A try to calm her self, “There’s no way oppa will tell
you he’s not that kind of man..”

“Is that important?” ask Hui-Jun, “Tell me..what did you say..”

“Why do you want to know?” Ji-A ask carefully.

“Just to make sure that I have you completely..” said Hui-Jun.

“Eeeyy that is really childish...”

“That’s fine call me childish, but answer me..”

Ji-A sigh and look at him, she can’t win this battle if Hui-Jun already give her that
look, “All this time growing up with him I never thought of him other than someone
like Jae-Hwan oppa...I never seen him as a man. When he confessed I didn’t said
anything because the situation back there was awfull also for me... I just leave him
without answer anything and hide from him for some time. I was a mess back then.”

“When is that?”

“When what?”

“He confessed..”

“You really have to know all the details??”


“Jeezzz..... it was the night after the Gala, after I left your car, he turned out
waited for me at home.”

“My head was full of you that time, and I was shocked also to hear that confession
from Gyeong-Su oppa. But then the more I think of it the more I realize that what
Jae-Hwan oppa told about me was true..”

“What is that?”

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“That I was a selfish one. The situation happen between us that time I was only think
about how I feel...what I want...without thinking that you also made the effort for
me...for us... but I only thought that I fought alone. Then I loose you. The thing
with Gyeong-Su oppa, I neglect the fact that he’s been holding his feeling for me for
years..but when he gathered all of his courage to say it to me, instead giving him a
propper answer I was run and hide from him...”

“Was he looking for you after that?”

“Nope... he really leave me thinking. And I finally met him the day before I went to
Morocco, I told him that I cannot accept his feeling, let’s stay like we are before I

“And he?”

“He hugged me and say thank you...”

“Hugged you?!!”

“Ya... you’re the one asking for this..beside why suddenly this conversation is
happening. Oppa I can’t even describe myself without you. Having you again in my life
is the best thing I’ve ever achieve this year..and I’m not planning to quit..”

Hui-Jun look at her, he stand up then walk back to his room.

“Iisshh I thought he’s going to kiss me after I gave him a sweet speech like that...
beside what happen with that’s still so early thou..” Ji-A shook her

“Wait..who’s the one telling him about this?? Hyeon-U... no... no... he keep a secret
like he keep his bank account tight.... aishh that crazy girl... it must be her..”
Ji-A stab her sausages while picturing Mi-Yeon face.

Not long Hui-Jun come back and he approaching Ji-A, he stand behind her and show her
a beautiful necklace,

“I bought this before we broke up last time..I was at China and when I shop with the
crews I found this jewellery place. And the necklace instantly catch my eyes. I
pictured that it will look good on your neck then I bought it. But then something
worst happen between us, since then this necklace stay silent in my drawer.” Hui-Jun
put on the necklace on Ji-A’s neck.

“This is pretty..” Ji-A look at the necklace with gold butterfly and crystals.

“You’re prettier..” said Hui-Jun, “Make sure that Gyeong-Su see this everytime you
meet him, and make sure he know I give this for you..” add Hui-Jun.

“Waah Park Hui-Jun I never knew that you are this awful when you’re jealous..” Ji-A

“I love you....too much..” Hui-Jun kiss her.

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“I am easily jealous so don’t get close to another man...hate all the paramedic that
come...don’t go to a company dinner if your colleague ask you to...” said Hui-Jun.

“I know... I will give them all a cold look everytime I meet them..” Ji-A laugh.

“Stop fangirlings into EXO and 2PM... I saw your video watching EXO from Dong-Hyeok
phone and I really amazed you can scream like that...” said Hui-Jun.

“Heol...why do I get lots of NO this morning....” tease Ji-A.

“That’s why... I am a very possesive man, so you have to bear with it..” Hui-Jun bury
his face on Ji-A shoulder.


“Don’t forget the bouquet!!” Ji-Yeon shout while she also busy holding So-Mi veil,
“Wait up, you don’t have to walk too fast..” Ji-Yeon tell So-Mi to slow down.

“Are we going to a marathon race or to a wedding, I still can’t understand why you
have to walk so fast..” Ji-A try to catch her breath. They were on their way to the
chapel where So-Mi and Jae-Hwan will have their wedding ceremony. But they are late
now, everyone already there but they late because So-Mi ask them to make a stop first
at the coffee shop they passed from the bridal, she wants a chocolate mousse with
pudding on it.

“Eonnie you are weird, why on earth you have to have chocolate mousse on day like
this... chocolate mousse will still be available for you tomorrow, but your wedding
only will happen today..” Ji-A keep up with Ji-Yeon and So-Mi steps, other thing she
hates the most is running.

“Jae-Hwan will kill me because we’re late..” Ji-Yeon checking her phone and Ryeo-Uk
already call her for 15 times.

“I need the chocolate, I am nervous that I feel I will faint anytime now..” said So-

“DON’T DO THAT!!!” Ji-Yeon and Ji-A shouts at the same time.

“Look we’re close... hurry up” So-Mi point her finger to the chapel in front of them.

“Eonnie I really never thought that she has this strength, she walk very fast from
the parking lot...” Ji-A keep mumbling to Ji-Yeon.

“I think this dress give her the super power..” said Ji-Yeon. So-Mi laugh hearing the
Baek’s sister complaining.

They reach the chapel where Jae-Dok and Ryeo-Uk wait for them,

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“Where the hell have you been?? I’ve been calling the bridal for many times and they
said all of already gone since hour ago. The priest already waiting for 15 minutes!!”
Jae-Dok yell at Ji-Yeon and Ji-A.

“I want chocolate mousse because I feel I will faint today!!” Ji-A shout back at her

“Iiissshhh crazy girl, you’re not the one who’s going to marry, why on earth you feel
you’re going to faint..” Jae-Dok shook his head.

So-Mi and Ji-Yeon laugh hearing Ji-A saying on behalf of So-Mi. So-Mi send a heart
sign with her finger to Ji-A.

“Let’s go inside now..” Ryeo-Uk see Kyu-Min already signal him to come inside.

“Look at me..” Ji-Yeon said to Ji-A, she then fixed some fallen hair on Ji-A

“Yippeo... You’re so pretty today...” Ji-Yeon smile.

“I know..” Ji-A smile.

Ji-Yeon and Ji-A are So-Mi bridemaids, they wear baby pink dress with goddess cut
design on both dress. The Baek’s sister look very pretty today. Jae-Dok proudly walk
So-Mi entering the aisle, while Jae-Hwan already wait with Gyeong-Su as his bestman.

The music is played, then the MC announce,

“The bride will entering the room, ladies and gentlemen please stand up”

All the guests instantly stand up and look amazed at the bride and her maids. Mi-Na
spotted waiting for them at the front row with Jae-Hwan grandparents. While Beom-
Seok, Hui-Jun and Gi-Gwang also at the front row looking at them. Ji-A look at Hui-
Jun, while Hui-Jun really amazed by her look today. He and Beom-Seok just arrive from
Hongkong today, his movie filming already started and he has break until tomorrow
night, before he back to Hongkong to resume filming. It’s been 2 weeks already
they’re apart, so Ji-A miss him so much.

Slowly So-Mi approaching, Jae-Hwan bewitched by her look, he always bewitched by her.
Mi-Na and Ji-Yeon only need 1 month so this wedding happening. And they’re really
make it beautiful. Beom-Seok can’t hold his tears, he is so happy to see his noona
living her dream and has a loving man and family beside her now. Now Jae-Dok hand So-
Mi to Jae-Hwan, and the ceremony begin.

Jae-Hwan say his vow,

“From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one with whom I wanted to share
my life. Your beauty, hear and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I
promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honoring you, being faithful to
you, and sharing my life with you. With this ring I give you my solemn vow.”

He then put the rings into So-Mi hand. Then So-Mi took another ring, and say her vow,

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“With this ring I give you me as your wife, with all that I have, all that I am, all
that I will ever be, is yours. Forever.”

She smile and put the ring into Jae-Hwan finger.

The bride and groom are dancing their first dance as husband and wife. So-Mi was
cried badly when she and Jae-Hwan bow in front of Jae-Dok and Mi-Na, she keep saying
“thank you for having me” over and over. Then the band play the song “Ain’t No
Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye, the song they always love when they’re little,
Ji-A and Ji-Yeon come at front dancing, holding Jae-Hwan hand, they're dancing the
dance they used to dance while they’re little. Then Jae-Hwan grab So-Mi hand to join,
not long Gyeong-Su join the dance company, everyone laugh and clapping seeing the
dork dance they perform. Ji-A look at Hui-Jun then she approach him and drag him
along to join. The twin, Hyeon-U, Bora, Mi-Yeon and Dong-Hyeok join the crowd also.
Everyone laugh and entertain by the dance.

Gyeong-Su feel someone is watching him, he look around and he found Nabi is standing
near the bar watching at him. She raise her champagne glass when Gyeong-Su spot her.
Gyeong-Su smile and approaching her.

“So you’re here too?” ask Gyeong-Su

“What kind a friend you are who even not offering going together... you know I was
invited too by this family..” said Nabi.

“Really? I didn’t know’re coming with who?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“My parents...there they are, talking with your dad and the groom parents” Nabi point
at the exclusive table of Yoon couple, prime minister Cha, Baek senior couple, and
Nam senior couple.

“Wuah..what are they talking together...this country economy??” Gyeong-Su laugh.

“So why is this friend not taking me to lunch again?” ask Nabi.

“You said you’re busy with your gallery..” reply Gyeong-Su.

“Ah right.... I’m super busy..” Nabi upset to hear Gyeong-Su answer.

Gyeong-Su laugh, “I’ve been busy doing this apartment project, let’s go dinner after
this project done..” Gyeong-Su look at her.

“Well... I will look into my schedule..” Nabi preteding not interesting on Gyeong-Su

Gyeong-Su laugh again seeing how Nabi react.

“Did the girl you love dumped you? So now you’re nice to me?” ask Nabi.

“Ahahahaha....that’s funny...I always behaving nice to you..” said Gyeong-Su.

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“Yeah right...” Nabi drink her champagne.

“I don’t know my feeling yet....” Gyeong-Su look at Ji-A who’s now talking with Hui-
Jun and she looks very happy linking her arms into Hui-Jun neck.

“If she never think of you, then just let her go.. it will only break your heart
more...” said Nabi.

“I thought I will be okay being like this with her...but turns out I’m not when I saw
her so fragile...but there’s never me in her heart.... what should I do?” Gyeong-Su
look at Nabi.

Nabi look at him, she take another glass of champagne and pass it to Gyeong-Su,

“Let’s get drunk chinggu ah...” she raise her glass.

“When do you have to come back to Hongkong?” Ji-A ask Hui-Jun.

“Tomorrow night... why?” Hui-Jun playing with her hair, “You want to come along with

“That’s tempting... should I ditch my job??” Ji-A smirked.

“You’ve been very busy these days, you’ve been in operation room too many...” said

“I know..but appa keep pushing me to learn a lot. I was once spent the whole day in
the operating room, it was 22 hours operation... one operation after another...then I
passed out the next day, I sleep for 12 hours straight..that’s why I was not picking
up your call..” said Ji-A.

“I know...I was calling your house then eomoni said you were sleeping like a tree..”
said Hui-Jun.

“Ah right, eomma said you and her talk a lot... about what?” ask Ji-A.

“Secret..” Hui-Jun pretend to seal his lip.

“Iissshh...” Ji-A glance.

“Can you spend tonight with me..?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Tell me your secret with eomma first..” said Ji-A.

“Nope...” said Hui-Jun.

“Iissshh..” Ji-A give up.

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“Professor Baek, congratulations for your wedding. So-Mi shi you are really beautiful
today..” the nurse and other Jae-Hwan colleague congratulate them.

“So when you’re going to Maldives?” ask professor Kwak.

Jae-Hwan froze, So-Mi look at Jae-Hwan puzzled.

“Maldives? We are really going to Maldives?” ask So-Mi

“ you know about that?” Jae-Hwan surprise to hear Kwak know about his
honeymoon destinantion, he’s been keeping this secret to So-Mi since he want to give
her surprise.

“What do you mean, everyone knew about that. That’s you’re going to Maldives for your
honeymoon..” said nurse Go.

“It was on our group chat.. Ji-A shi told us that you’re going to Maldives for your
honeymoon...” said nurse Sung.

Jae-Hwan close his eyes...of course..who else will have the nerve to spread this if
its not his cheap mouth dongsaeng. He then grab Hyeon-U who happen pass him to grab a

“Do you know where I’m going for honeymoon?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“Sure hyung...Maldives right? Ji-A told me and Mi-Yeon...that’s why we give you
couple sunglasses as our present so you can wear it there...enjoy the sun hyung..”
Hyeon-Su tap his shoulder.

Then Jae-Hwan approach Ji-Yeon and Ryeo-Uk, “Do you know where I’m going to for my

“Maldives..” said Ryeo-Uk, “Do you already get the villa you want? Ji-A said you
really want it..”

“Do you think why Ryeo-Uk give you present to use his family private jet, because we
want you to not thinking about accomodation, Ji-A said you want to borrow his jet..”
said Ji-Yeon.

“Aiisshhh that crazy girl...I should not trust her and change my destination right
away..” Jae-Hwan regret why he did not change the destination when Ji-A caught him
made reservation.

He was so focus on making reservation for his honeymoon with So-Mi, he even told So-
Mi that this is secret. He was not realize that Ji-A came into his office and saw
everything, he almost jump from his seat when he spot Ji-A standing behind him and
read everything,

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“Why you even keep it secret to eonnie... Maldives is a very romantic place she will
love it..” said Ji-A

“This is a secret you know... you must tell no one...this is secret... you get
that..” Jae-Hwan keep repeating “this is secret” to Ji-A. But the next thing happen

“Eonnie..oppa is going to Maldives for his honeymoon..he want to borrow hyeongbu jet,
can you tell him?” Ji-A text Ji-Yeon.

“OK...” Ji-Yeon reply.

“Appa..oppa is going to Maldives for honeymoon, so tell eomma don’t worry about them
Maldives have a good sun light..” Ji-A texted Jae-Dok.

“Alright...Maldives is good for So-Mi” reply Jae-Dok.

“Oppa, I want to go to Maldives like So-Mi eonnie...” Ji-A texted Hui-Jun.

“Noona go to Maldives for honeymoon?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Yep...where will you take me if we’re going for honeymoon next?” ask Ji-A.

“Bed... we will never leave the bed for sure..*wink*heart*kiss* “ Hui-Jun reply.

“Iissshhh...pervert..” reply Ji-A.

“Oppa...Jae-Hwan oppa will take So-Mi eonnie to Maldives, so he’ll be out of this
country for a week..” Ji-A texted Gyeong-Su.

“Ahahahaha I thought he will take So-Mi to Cardio conference that he said his
honeymoon destination is a secret..” Gyeong-Su reply.

“He will be back next week..” Ji-A texted back.

“Heol...then who is my teamate for the match..” Gyeong-Su reply.

“What will you give to my oppa for his wedding gift?” Ji-A type on her group chat
with Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon.

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“Your oppa have everything I even don’t have...what I should give him..” Mi-Yeon

“He’s going to Maldives for honeymoon..’ said Ji-A.

“Who thought that he can be that romantic... he is full of surprise since he met So-
Mi noona” Hyeon-U type.

“Dong-Hyeok said he will buy the gift...” Mi-Yeon texted.

“I will buy him couple sunglasses then..” Hyeon-U reply.

“Ji-A shi...where is your oppa will go for honeymoon?” nurse Go post on another
hospital group chat.

“Oppa will go to Maldives..*wink*” reply Ji-A, then another 20 people in that group
chat read the message and texting how envy they are.

That’s how the secret honeymoon getaway become public in just less 1 hour.

“I am the most stupid one to believe her, that she will keep my secret..” Jae-Hwan
look at Ji-A who’s laughing with Hui-Jun and other friends without even realize how
Jae-Hwan really want to kill her.

So-Mi only smile “Just enjoy it, it’s fun. I thought she was kidding whe she told me

“WHAT?!! You know that too?” Jae-Hwan shocked. She nod and laugh and hug him.

Ji-A was texting her when she was with Ji-Yeon doing fitting for her wedding dress,

“Eonnie be ready.. oppa will take you to Maldives kekekekekekekek..”


Ryeo-Uk just back from a meeting, he then checked the documents line up in his desk.
He checked his phone first, 2 missed call from Ji-Yeon and a message from her too,

“Yeobo, let’s have dinner tonight... Eomoni took the twins to Jeju villa this
afternoon so you’ll have me by yourself for 2 days”

He smile reading his wife text, then he type back,

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“Let’s escape then I’ll tell eomma to keep the boys for her self forever..”

Kyu-Min enter his office, “Have you review all of that?”

“I just back from a meeting...please be patience..” Ryeo-Uk glance at him.

“Ah the woman you asked me to checked..” Kyu-Min pull out his tablet. Ryeo-Uk
straighten himself to listen to Kyu-Min report,

“Her name is Min Ha-Nui. She has little brother name Min Gi-Gwang, he is an
architect. Ha-Nui shi own the restaurant place and an apartment at Hannam-Dong..”
Kyu-Min stop his report.

Ryeo-Uk look at him, “What next? Why you’re stop?”

“I’m hesitating reporting this..” said Kyu-Min.

“Give me that!” Ryeo-Uk take the tablet from Kyu-Min and read it.

“What there’s nothing in here, oh!” Ryeo-Uk catch something, “Why the buyer name of
this both place is Na Jong Suk? Is it the Na Jong Suk I know?” Ryeo-Uk look at Kyu-

“It’s CEO Nam secretary who’s doing the transaction at the real estate office, I even
confirm it by showing his picture.” Kyu-Min reply.

“So you think Jong-Suk is having an affair?” Ryeo-Uk lean his back to his chair, he
finally remember who is Min Ha-Nui. He once saw her with his dad at Jeju 3 years ago.

“Keep all of this record in secret. Keep it with you until I ask, you understand?”
Ryeo-Uk face turn very serious and cold.


“Eonnie, please ask Hyeong-bu to give me the ticket pleaseeee...” Ji-A is whining at
Ji-Yeon office. BTS is held a concert this Friday, Ji-A really want to go there. Mi-
Yeon already persuade Dong-Hyeok but he didn’t want give them the tickets. Only Ryeo-
Uk that can make Ji-A wish come true.

“Iissshh you’re not even 18 years old anymore, but your whining is worst than the
twin..” Ji-Yeon keep reading and signing her documents.

“Eonniiiieeeeee...” Ji-A keep whining.

“Is Hui-Jun know about this? Your madness to boyband? It’s adding new list’s
BTS now” Ji-Yeon look at her.

“He know and he hates it...” said Ji-A, “Now he’s filming at Beijing, and will not
come back until Saturday. So he will never know...” Ji-A said.

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“You are indeed very smart dear Baek Ji-A..” Ji-Yeon shook her head.

“Eonnie, please ask him for the tickets... I only need 2...please..” Ji-A beg in
front of her sister.

“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Ji-Yeon reply

“I did...but he said no....he wants you the one who call him and ask..” Ji-A repeat
what Ryeo-Uk said to her before.

Ji-Yeon give up, and took out her phone and dial her husband.

“She’s there already?” Ryeo-Uk instantly guess,

“Yep...why you’re playing so hard to get... just give her and stay her away from
me..” said Ji-Yeon.

Ryeo-Uk laugh, “It’s really fun teasing her like that...” said Ryeo-Uk.

After talking for a while, Ji-Yeon hang up, “Ask someone to go to Won-Hee agency and
take the tickets..just said the one Ryeo-Uk asked..” said Ji-Yeon.

Ji-A run to her sister and kiss her, “Thank you eonnie...”

She run thru the hospital hallway and call Mi-Yeon right away,

“Mi-Yeon ah I got the tickets...let’s go tomorrow Friday. I already ask someone to

switch our work...just relax Dong-Hyeok don’t know I got the tickets also Hui-Jun
will be back on Saturday, so we’ll safe nor our boyfriends know that we are going to
their concert..”

The stage really on fire while BTS perform their latest song FIRE, Mi-Yeon and Ji-A
keep screaming, shouting and dancing throughout the whole song, They are really
enjoying their time together, they even paint BTS initial on their cheek, a fan do it
for them while queing the entrance.

“BTS!! BTS!!” Ji-A and Mi-Yeon shouting at the stage. Same with the song title both
of them are really on fire. And they both drown into the euphoria as the BTS army,
both Ji-A and Mi-Yeon are on the very front row so they can really enjoy the view
watching all the members in closer range.

When the concert ended they still laughing and enjoying the moment, Ji-A and Mi-Yeon
always love their moment together like this. They’ve been to EXO, 2PM, and BIGBANG
concert, musicbank, Inkigayo, and Mnet are their gateaway when they’re really
stressed because of work.

“What do you want?” ask Ji-A.

“Lets just order 1 big crab...I’m so hungry..” said Mi-Yeon.

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“Ok...let’s do that..” Ji-A call the server and order 1 big crab and spicy steam
fish, “Also give us 3 bowl of rice..”

“I wonder how Hyeon-U doing now..Is he coming here?” Ji-A enjoying her crab.

“The lost on him for not coming and enjoy this with us tonight..” Mi-Yeon capture the
dishes they ordered and send it to Hyeon-U.

“He reply yet?” ask Ji-A while busy with her crab.

“I don’t care about the crab... I only care whether both of you still alive
tomorrow..enjoy your last supper...*grinning*”

“What’s with him...weird..” Mi-Yeon throw her phone and put on her glove and joining
Ji-A digging into their crab.

“It’s weird this place so empty... usually we have to queue for getting a seat..”
said Ji-A look around and she only find the server and the owner of the place with

“Ahjumma, are you running out crab so you put close sign so early??” ask Mi-Yeon to
the restaurant owner. They know each other very well, the three musketeers are
regular in her place.

“Oh... someone just order all the remain crab, so you’re the last costumer too Mi-
Yeon ah..” said the ahjumma.

“That’s too bad we’re planning to eat calmly in here... do we have to rush??” ask Ji-

“No...No...don’t do that..just enjoy your time.. I’m doing some accounting too..”
said the ahjumma.

Ji-A and Mi-Yeon smile. They keep eating and enjoying their dinner so they’re not
even notice 2 men entering the place.

“Where were you’re going before?” ask the ahjumma.

“We were having fun ahjumma..” reply Ji-A.

“Where??” ask the ahjumma again

Mi-Yeon feel someone is watching her, she look her surrounding and gasp when she
find 2 men she know really well they are staring at her with annoying looks, she
hurriedly stand up and put her hand at Ji-A mouth so she can’t continue her talk,

“We were go to BT...ppffff” Ji-A surprise with Mi-Yeon sudden movement.

“What?!!” Ji-A look at her pissed for having crab sauce all over her mouth, Mi-Yeon
is panicked she keep point her head to her left...Ji-A don’t understand why Mi-Yeon

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now covering her face too while her head keep pointing at her left. Ji-A turn her

“OMAYA!!” she gasp then instantly turn her head and covering her face too. Then both
of them slide under the table and hide.

“How did they can come here???” Ji-A whisper in panicked to Mi-Yeon.

Suddenly they remember what Hyeon-U typed before,

“Eiissshhhh he really die tomorrow..” Mi-Yeon cursing him.

Dong-Hyeok and Hui-Jun walk approaching them and they took a seat beside their
girlfriend whose now still hiding under the table.

“Do you know what’s good in here?” Hui-Jun leg is purposedly keep touching Ji-A

“It seems like their crab is the best..” Dong-Hyeok reply and his hand purposely hit
the table so hard so Mi-Yeon close her eyes because of shocked.

“I even plan a surprise by coming home the day before to be with my girlfriend, but
she is busy attending concert and go crazy in front of other men..” said Hui-Jun.

“What should we do??!!!” Ji-A whisper in panicked to Mi-Yeon

“I really don’t care we’re really dead said we’re safe..” Mi-Yeon punch

“I even have to book this place so no one will see I torture my girlfriend for
sneaking around told me that she’s having surgery but turn out she was doing surgery
at the BTS concert..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“Get out now..” Hui-Jun said.

Both Ji-A and Mi-Yeon looking into each other and sign each other to go first.

“Get out now or I will become more upset than now...” said Hui-Jun again. Ji-A give
up she then out from her hiding, and take a seat beside Hui-Jun, so is Mi-Yeon.

“’re here..” Ji-A speak as sweet as she can imagine and put her cute
face in front of Hui-Jun.

“Chagi-ya?!!! You’re even not remember me at all the last 2 hours..” said Hui-Jun.

“You?!!! What is your defense??” Dong-Hyeok look at Mi-Yeon.

“I was doing wrong I admit my sin...please dont kill me..” said Mi-Yeon.

Hui-Jun get up and drag Ji-A, “Dong-Hyeok I’m going both are really dead
tonight...” said Hui-Jun look at both Mi-Yeon and Ji-A.

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Ji-A follow Hui-Jun by keep holding his hand using her both hand, Hui-Jun literally
drag her.

“Chagi-ya... if I ever attending a concert again I’m really die in your hand then...”
Ji-A keep persuading Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun suddenly stop so Ji-A bump into his back, “Do you think I will believe that?
I know EXO DO very well should I introduce you?”

“Really?!!!” Ji-A eyes sparkle and she smile.

Hui-Jun can’t believe what he just see, “Aaaiisssshhh!!!!” he walk again dragging Ji-

“Chagi-ya.... I was wrong... I really don’t care who DO is... really I don’t care...
chagi-yaa” Ji-A hit her own head for her stupid act just then.

Hui-Jun make a sudden stop again, Ji-A bump into him again, he turn his back and look
at her, he is surely look upset, “You know I really hate you fangirling like
that...look at your cheek, you even never write my initial on it..yet BTS has it..”

Ji-A touch her cheek, she just realize this paint also and regret why she’s not wipe
it before...she rubbing her hand to her cheeck but that only make the paint create a
doodle on her cheek now. Ji-A really think hard how to win this fight, since Hui-Jun
really upset to her.

“Oppa...I promise I will never do this again..stop at me please..”

Ji-A seduce him.

“I even running at the airport before because I don’t want to missed my plane... I
was dying to see you..” Hui-Jun still sulking.

“I’m very sorry...” Ji-A look at him at start to sob.

“Oh no.... don’t you dare to cry....stop it right now....don’t you dare to cry..”
Hui-Jun panicked to see Ji-A start to sob and her tears begin to fill her eyes.

“I’m really stupid, I didn’t know you were making a huge effort to meet me I should
stay at home and waiting for you..huaaa..” Ji-A start her cry.

“Stop that now...don’t you dare to care...why the hell you’re are the
one who’s at fault right now...this is cheating..why do I feel I’m the one that bad
now....” Hui-Jun give up, he hate to see Ji-A cry more than knowing she went to a
concert and do fangirlings.

“You really good on this game Baek Ji-A..” Hui-Jun wiping her tears, “I give up I’m
not mad anymore..” Hui-Jun regretely admit his lost.

“So do you want your punishment for making me cry??” ask Ji-A stll sobbing.

Hui-Jun laugh, “Waaahhh are you really my girl??” he lean on closer and kiss Ji-A
then hug her.

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“Waahh Baek Ji-A seems like I will lost to you the rest of my life, I’m just joining
stupid man club for let his girl win everytime...” Hui-Jun hug her. While Ji-A hug
him back and smile her victory.

Hyeon-U runing so fast, he need to save his life since at his back both Mi-Yeon and
Ji-A trying to catch him and if they catch him then he will be done for today. Poor
Hyeon-U he face a dead end, he turn and face the 2 angry girls,

“Wait .... I can explain!!!” Hyeon-U beg for his life.

“Traitor...” said Ji-A.

“You should really beg if you still want to live today..” Mi-Yeon come closer.

“Yesterday, I was really on my way to see you guys...but then I met with Dong-Hyeok
in front of hospital. I was really not telling him where you two were going, since
Dong-Hyeok said you should be on surgery right now..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“Liar...” Ji-A ready to pinch his arm.

“WAIT A MOMENT!!” Hyeon-U really scare of these girs pinch. He will definitely has
bruises after that.

“What else?? How come Dong-Hyeok and Hui-Jun knew we’re going to see BTS??” Mi-Yeon
already grab his arm now.

“Ji-Yeon noona!!” Hyeon-U scream.

“Why you call for eonnie??” said Ji-A.

“It was Ji-Yeon noona!!!” said Hyeon-U.

“What do you mean??” ask Mi-Yeon.

“I was meeting Dong-Hyeok at the parking lot, he asked were you still on surgery... I
haven’t said anything but then Ji-Yeon noona show up and asking why he was here,
Dong-Hyeok said he was coming to see you, but then noona told him that you’re not at
the hospital but went to BTS concert with her..” Dong-Hyeok speak really fast.

“Then how about Hui-Jun, why he knew about that too??” ask Ji-A.

“Dong-Hyeok was mad hearing you went to see BTS concert, then not long after that
Hui-Jun showed up too with his car. That time Dong-Hyeok told him that both of you
were watching BTS concert, and asking me where were I going to pick both of you.”
Said Hyeon-U.

Both Ji-A nd Mi-Yeon look at Hyeon-U with suspicious look,

“Really???” ask Mi-Yeon.

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“I swear...that’s the truth..” Hyeon-U said.

“Liar...” both Ji-A and Mi-Yeon attack Hyeon-U furiously they pinch him very hard
that make Hyeon-U scream.


“Let’s start everyone..ten blade..” Ji-A start her surgery. Im Bo-Young, 25 years
old, suffer brain hemorrage due car crash this morning. So Ji-A is open up her skull
to fix the bleeding.

“Suction..” Ji-A ask for assistance.

“So what will you do to fix the bleed?” Jae-Dok watch his daughter closely.

“I need to fix this If I failed this person might not able to see or taste again, the
vessel seem to outburst anytime..” Ji-A do her step carefully.

“ your step and keep your eyes alert on both side of other vessels..”
Jae-Dok keep watching her.

Suddenly the monitor start to beep,

“Saturation drop, blood pressure dropped to 80..” the annesthetist warn them,

“Drop it you need to charge first..” Jae-Dok warn her.

“Wait for a second I found the leak I can fix this..” Ji-A keep her eyes concentrate.

The monitor keep beeping more loudly,

“The saturation keep dropping do something now!” the annesthetist stand up.

“Leave that!!! Charge it now!!!” Jae-Dok shout.

“But she will not able to see if I give up on this!!” Ji-A shout back.

“She’ll be not able to do anything including see if she die!!! LEAVE IT!!” Jae-Dok
shout louder.

Ji-A so frustated that her hand not fast enough, she shout angrily,

“PADLE!” Ji-A shout

“Padle 10 joules...” the nurse hand her the paddles..

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Ji-A throw her scrub apron and gloves. She kick the bin frustated by what happen at
the OR. She hates this time most. Someone then join her, sighing after something bad
happen at the OR.

“Your patient died?” ask Min Woo-Ri.

“Alive..but blind...” said Ji-A.

“That’s good.... mine died because that Kwak ignoring me and keep pressing the
vessel...I really hate when I do my serving with him..” said Woo-Ri.

“Now I have to inform the family that their daughter is safe for now but she’ll lost
her sight forever...” Ji-A reluctantly get up.

“Want to switch role? I have to inform the family that their son is die during
surgery due massive bleeding, you don’t know how scary his grandfather is..” Woo-Ri
feel his body so heavy.

“You’re doing a hard work today Woo-Ri ah...” Ji-A tapping his shoulder.

“Today is a great day right Ji-A ah...” Woo-Ri sigh.

Ji-A watch Woo-Ri inform the family of patient he operated, he bow and Ji-A see how
the sadneww now surround the family. The oldest person in the family even grab Woo-Ri
collar and keep asking why he couldn’t save his grandson. Ji-A take a deep breath and
start taking her steps into another family that sit not far from Woo-Ri crowd.

“Annyeonghaseyo I’m Baek Ji-A, I was incharge for operating your daughter..” Ji-A bow
and introduce herself to the family.

“Thank you for finally come and update us, how is my daughter?” the dad stand up.

Ji-A pause for a while, “We were able to fix the bleeding in your daughter brain, but
she was experienced shocked while I’m fixing one of the line that impacted by the
injury. And she keep crashing so I don’t have another option beside saving her

“What do you mean by that? Is my daughter save? Or??” the mom looks very worried.

“She is safe and stabilized for now, but I’m affraid due to the injury she was
experiencing before, I’m sorry to tell you that your daugther lost her ability to
see” said Ji-A.

The mom sit down and cry, while the dad keep tapping her shoulder and hold his tears.
He look at Ji-A,

“At least you saved her..thank you very much” the dad said to Ji-A, “Can we see her?”
he ask.

Some Other Day

“Ah yes, please come this way..’ Ji-A take the family to see their daughter.

JI-A watch Im Bo-Young family from the nurse station in front of their room, Mi-Yeon
come and stand beside her,

“That’s the one you operated before?” ask Mi-Yeon

“Yep... and now she’s blind... I wish my hand was fast enough..” Ji-A keep

“Get over it, you did your best it’s better to loose her sight than loose her
life...” Mi-Yeon rubbing Ji-A head.

“She was going to her friend wedding when the crash happen..” said Ji-A.

“That friend better come and visit her” said Mi-Yeon.

Ji-A on her way to the parking lot and notice some people were having conversation
about the surgery,

“Professor Kwak keep ignoring the monitor sound instead he kept pressing the
vessel..” said the nurse with blue jacket.

“Doctor Woo-Ri even increase his tone ask him to stop and grab the paddle, but that
Kwak was too stubborn..” the male nurse with black jacket replied.

Ji-A overheard the conversation and she approaching the crowd,

“You should watch yourself while talking about sensitive issue like this..” she step
forward and the nurses that gathered are very shock to have Ji-A sudden appearance.

“Professor Kwak must have thought something by taking that action, it’s not very nice
of you talking about him like that. If the patient family overheard this they will
have a thought that professor Kwak killed him..” Ji-A sound very angry.

The nurses shout their mouth and start to break the crowd back to their station.

“Iisshhh they are really know how to spread rumors..” Ji-A look at them then continue
walking to her car.


“What are you doing today?” Mi-Yeon scoop the tiramisu.

“I’m going for a date..” said Hyeon-U

Some Other Day

“You still consider dating her in long term??” Ji-A chew her tiramisu.

“I’m planning on marrying after I got my professor title..” said Hyeon-U.

“Iiisshhh.... tell me that it’s only a dream...” said Ji-A.

“How about you?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“I’m planning meeting Hui-Jun at Cheongdamdong..he done filming for today” said Ji-A.

“He keep busy and busy....he placed 1st place in popularity survei.... will he even
win Blue Dragon Awards this time?? “ ask Mi-Yeon.

“Will he do another drama?” ask Hyeon-U.

“After this movie done..” Ji-A reply.

“Wuah..without taking a break??” Mi-Yeon suprise.

“We’re going to Iceland next year....I’m going to have vacation with him” said Ji-A.

“Oohh... the Aurora..” said Hyeon-U.

“Yep... the Aurora..” reply Ji-A.

“Just the two of you?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“Yep...” Ji-A smile and nod.

“Why don’t you two get married..” reply Hyeon-U.

“Ahahahaha....I think I..” DUAR!!DUAR!!! Ji-A, Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon jump because the
loud noise come from inside the hospital. Their heart beating fast in instance,

“What is that?” Mi-Yeon penicked as she’s trembling now.

“Stay right where you are!” Hyeon-U immediately get up and lock the emergency door
where they’re at now.

“What was that? Was something explode?” Ji-A get up, but then Hyeon-U grab her.

“JUST STAY HERE!!” Hyeon-U shout.

They sharpen their hearing, it seems to be a chaos inside the hospital people are
screaming and running.


Some Other Day

Another bang heard, the three musketeers froze in silent. They’re sure that’s not
something explode. Then Ji-A can feel her phone buzzing, she hurriedly picked up, Ji-
Yeon name appear on screen.

“EONNIE!!” Ji-A shout in panicked.

“Where are you?” Ji-Yeon whispering.

“Eonnie what happen?” Ji-A don’t understand why her sister whispering while other
people she heard are screaming and running.

“Where are you right now?!!!” Ji-Yeon sound very furious.

“I’m with Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon at the emergency stair near the emergency ward..” Ji-A

“Give this phone to Hyeon-U.. NOW!!!” said Ji-Yeon.

Ji-A hand her phone to Hyeon-U, then Hyeon-U looks very shocked, after he hang up he
try to calm himself first.

“What happen?” ask Mi-Yeon.

Hyeon-U looks at his bestfriends, “Someone barge in into the hospital bringing gun,
and he already shot 2 people, 1 security and 1 nurse...”

Mi-Yeon falls due shocked hearing to just what Hyeon-U said,

“What?” Ji-A shocked to hear that. She can feel all of her body trembling.

“We need to get out from here, the shooter looks like looking for specific person..”
Hyeon-U feel scared to death right now but he has to protect his bestfriends also
right now.

Hyeon-U open the emergency door very slowly, he can feel the ward is empty right now.
He lengthen his neck to check his surroundings, after he feel the area is safe he
look at Ji-A and Mi-Yeon and sign them to come closer.

“I don’t think anyone around at the emergency ward right now, let’s go follow
me..just stay behind me..understand..” Hyeon-U look at the both of them.

“Hyeon-U lets just stay here..” Mi-Yeon too affraid to move her leg.

“The shooter looking for particular persons and he’s checking everywhere, don’t play
dumb and follow me..” said Hyeon-U.

“Come grab my hand, you just stay in the middle of us..” Ji-A hold Mi-Yeon hand,
though her hand cold as ice.

Some Other Day

“Please don’t shoot me...please don’t sir, I have daughter at home she’s still five
years old, my husband is died..” nurse Go beg in front of the shooter that found her
hiding under the nurse station table.

The shooter is an oldman, he is holding a gun and now he’s pointing his gun to nurse
Go. His face expression is so cold,

“My grandson is died because someone play with his life during surgery... If I could
I want to beg him to save my grandson too..” said the shooter.

Nurse Go crying, she close her eyes and her mouth keep praying..suddenly the drugs
cart near the nurse station fell down, nurse Go instanty look at the source, nurse
Hwang standing there, froze because now the gun pointing at her...

“Ah you are one of them..” the shooter look at nurse Hwang.

“What do you mean?” nurse Hwang panicked and start to cry.

“You are one of the people that killed my grandson inside the operating room..” the
shooter recognize nurse Hwang and with cold blooded he throw a bullet at her. Nurse
Hwang fall down instantly and blood start to leak from the wound.

Nurse Go scream and passed out seeing nurse Hwang get shot.


Hyeon-U stop and sharpened all of his senses, the gun shot seems very near with where
they’re standing right now.

“What is the situation right now?!” the chief of police arrived in front of Baek
Hospital. The police are busy seeting up the yellow line to make sure no one cross
the parameter.

“We were able to get most people out from inside the hospital, and the shooter seems
not looking for a patient he is looking for some surgery staff that operating his
grandson last week. That’s why he only stay at the west wing where the surgery
department is..” Said the detective that already arrive before.

“How many casualties up to now?” ask the chief.

“We only can identify the first 2 victims since both were shooted when the shooter
enter the building..” reply the detective.

“What happen??!!!” Jae-Dok approach the chief.

“Oh CEO Baek, you already arrive..” the chief instantly grab Jae-Dok and pull him
near the car.

Some Other Day

“We have a shooter barge in, most people were able to escape but we’re still have
about 30 workers inside refer to the head count of your employee that attend to work
today, critical patients that can’t be evacuate, also for incoming visitor we’re sure
they’re all made their escape..” said the chief.

“Are you planning to come inside?” ask Jae-Dok.

“We are waiting for the special forces they’ll be here in 5 minutes..” said the

“How did this happen...” Jae-Dok looks very worried.

“Chief!! Chief!!” one of the other detectives come running.

“Any update?!!” ask the chief.

“Yes chief we have new witness who just come out from inside the hospital, apparently
what the witness said before is right. The shooter is looking for a surgery team that
incharge on operating his grandson, he just shot a nurse which part of the team, the
witness see he’s shoot the nurse cold blooded” said the detectives.

“What surgery team?” ask Jae-Dok.

“The witness said it maybe professor Kwak surgery team..” said the detective.

Jae-Dok call his secretary immediately, “Give me list of Professor Kwak team through
out last week, and get me the patient name...” said Jae-Dok. His secretary nod and
leave the scene.

Jae-Dok look at the hospital entrance, he is really worried now,

“I’m so sorry for telling you this CEO Baek, but refer to our headcount it seems both
your daughters still trapped inside..” said the chief.

“I know...” Jae-Dok looks very emotional.

Suddenly Ryeo-Uk appear and he looks very furious, “Aboeji, Ji-Yeon still inside...”

“Ji-A too...” Jae-Dok reply.

“Do you want to change the layout or not?” Gi-Gwang is having a meeting with Gyeong-
Su on their next office building project.

“The design is fine with me but I want you to change the rear view of the building
and the park layout you can make it more wider..” Gyeong-Su analyzed the building
miniature. Suddenly Se-Ah burst into his office,

“Gyeong-Su turn on the tv now!!” she grab the remote and turn on the televisi, then
she clicking the chanel until she find the one she’s been looking for.

Some Other Day

“Current situation at the Baek Hospital still in alert, police still guarding the
area and no citizens allowed to enter the perimeter. All the Baek Hospital area has
been closed and all the spot are guarded by officer with full weapon stand by. Based
on our source there’re still about 30 more peoples that trapped inside, and the
shooter still inside the hospital. The special forces who already at the scene are
having a meeting and we’re not allowed to get closer...”

“What is this?” Gyeong-Su froze to hear what the reporter just said. He grabbed his
phone and dial Ji-A number, but the phone is inactive. Then he dialed Ji-Yeon, same,
her phone is turned off too. He then dialed Ryeo-Uk,

“Hyung I just see the news what happen?” ask Gyeong-Su.

Second later Gyeong-Su grabbed his coat and car key,

“Gyeong-Su ah both Ji-Yeon and Ji-A still trapped inside and we cannot locate or even
reach them..”

Seeing Gyeong-Su running like that, Gi-Gwang sure that something bad must be happened
to Ji-A right now,

He hurriedly dialed for Hui-Jun,

Hui-Jun is doing his filming, while suddenly some staff start to gather and looks
very serious with their phone,

“YA!!! We’re having a shoot here... can’t all of you concentrate on here!!!” the
director shout.

“Director nim, I think we should turn on the tv...” the stylist sound very shocked.

“Please turn on the tv my eonnie works at that hospital!!!” suddenly the shoot
coordinator shout and grab the remote.

Hui-Jun puzzled about what happen, he just see everyone start to gather in front of
television. Then Beom-Seok approach him looks shocked as well, he hold Hui-Jun phone,

“Hui-Jun ah I think you should take this..” Beom-Seok trembling.

He see Gi-Gwang name on the screen, “Yes Gi-Gwang ah, what happen..”

Second later Hui-Jun expression change, he looks very emotional he rushes outside and
get into his car immediately,

“To Baek Hospital!! NOW!!!!” he yelled. The driver shocked to hear Hui-Jun like that,
he push the gas pedal and drive to Baek Hospital in a hurry.

Some Other Day

They arrive near Baek Hospital complex but it seems the road is closed as many of
police guarding the area,

“We can’t continue, the police close the access..” said the driver.

Hui-Jun open the door and run, he passed with many people that gather to see the
current situation, some of them recognize Hui-Jun whose running passing them.

“That’s Park Hui-Jun!!”

“Look isn’t that Park Hui-Jun!!”

“That’s Park Hui-Jun!!”

“Is his girlfriend trapped inside??!!!”

Some reporters acknowledged him and rushes to catch him and block his way,

“Park Hui-Jun shi what are you doing in here?”

“Is your girlfriend trapped inside..”

Seeing that reporters block his way, he start become so upset,

“You really don’t want to mess with me right now, please back off I need to be there
now..” Hui-Jun look at them angry.

Without waiting for their respond Hui-Jun break the crowd and keep running. The
police that guarding the yellow line stopped him,

“I’m so sorry but you cannot enter this area..please get back!” said the police.

“I’m Cha Gyeong-Su, I can make the prime minister know that you blocking my way, let
me and him come inside the area..” suddenly Gyeong-Su appear beside Hui-Jun, he show
the prime minister name card to the police. He also not come alone, behind him 6
guards with black suit following him.

The police that take the name card seem hesitate but he really don’t want to mess
with Gyeong-Su, he then step aside and let Gyeng-Su and Hui-Jun come inside.

Meanwhile inside the building, Ji-A, Mi-Yeon and Hyeon-U able to leave the emergency
ward but then as they walk thru the nurse station they see blood puddle and Ji-A is
the first to see nurse Hwang lying unconcsiously.

“Oh my god...” Ji-A and Mi-Yeon cover their mouth, they shocked to see the scene. Mi-
Yeon start to cry,

Some Other Day

Ji-A look at her left and find nurse Go lying there also but no blood on her, she run
to her and checking her pulse, while Hyeon-U checking on nurse Hwang. Ji-A relieved
to find nurse Go pulse but in the other hand Hyeon-U look devastated to find out
nurse Hwang is dead.

Mi-Yeon can only cry and hide beside the cabinet,

“Mi-Yeon ah let’s go we can’t stay here long, we need to get out” Hyeon-U grab Mi-
Yeon hand.

“How about her?” ask Ji-A.

But suddenly they hear someone approaching, Gyeon-U alerted and hurriedly grab both
Ji-A and Mi-Yeon then go toward the storage room accross the nurse station, too bad
while Hyeon-U running in front of Ji-A and Mi-Yeon, he suddenly facing the shooter in
front of him, Hyeon-U grab a chair and push it to Ji-A and Mi-Yeon direction to stop
them. Ji-A know Hyeon-U is seeing something she stop and open the door next to her,
she hurriedly grab Mi-Yeon hand and hide inside.

Hyeon-U gasp to see the shooter in front of him, he raise his hand...

“Do you know where is professor Kwak? I already checked he should be at this hospital
today but I haven’t find him I only find one of the nurse. I need to find another 6
people” the shooter look at Hyeon-U.

“I .... I.... I... really don’t know, I haven’t meet him today...but harabeoji please
stop this..” Hyeon-U pleading.

“You should know where he is now...why don’t you tell me and you can leave alive...”
said the shooter.

Hyeon-U can’t think about anything, he can ony picture his parents, Bora, and his
friends and siblings right now.


Everyone outside the hospital startled to hear another gunshot. The special forces
hurriedly run to their post and start the evacuation mission. Hui-Jun and Gyeong-Su
arrived at the scene to find both Ryeo-Uk and Jae-Dok looks very emotional.

“Are they still inside?” asked Gyeong-Su.

“Ji-Yeon is hiding inside the cabinet in her office with Myeong-Su, but we cannot
locate Ji-A” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Is she alone?” ask Hui-Jun.

“She was with Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon. According to Ji-Yeon, they were at the emergency
stairs, but I’m not sure they still at there right now..” said Ryeo-Uk.

Some Other Day

Suddenly Hui-Jun approaching the special forces team leader,

“Please lend me one of your bulletproof vest” his face looks very determine..

“I can’t let you go inside..” said the team leader.

“Hui-Jun ah don’t be stupid...let them take care the situation..” Ryeo-Uk try to stop

But Hui-Jun getting more upset hearing that,

“You just heard another gunshot and we’re standing here clueless, you lend me the
vest or I will go inside like this I don’t give a shit” Hui-Jun stare at the team

Right on time Dong-Hyeok also arrive, but Ryeo-Uk say that he can’t follow Hui-Jun
and Gyeong-Su, Ryeo-Uk need him to stay and ready for later.

Ji-A trembling to hear the gunshot again, Mi-Yeon just cry furiously. She’s trembling
like she’s having a seizure right now.

“Mi-Yeon brave!!” Ji-A slap her.

“Hyeon-U...Hyeon-U ah...” Mi-Yeon can’t help her tears.

Ji-A open the door carefully, her breathing is so fast so is her heart beating. She
looks around and the hallway is so quiet. She get out with Mi-Yeon at her back, she
then run into Hyeon-U direction, she gasp when she found Hyeon-U lying with blood all
over him, Woo-Ri is there pressing the wound to stop the bleeding.

“I need more to stop his bleeding” Woo-Ri voice is shaking while his hand keep
presing his white coat which now turn into red pressing on Hyeon-U wound.

“Hyeon-U ah...Hyeon-U your eyes..” Mi-Yeon sobbing seeing Hyeon-U like

“He was...he was looking for me... he was see me then point his gun but Hyeon-U block
his sight, I manage to run and escape from him...I came back to check on him..” Woo-
Ri try to calm himself.

“It’s okay...thank you for coming back Woo-Ri ah..” said Ji-A.

“Let’s move him first..” said Woo-Ri. Then the three of them drag Hyeon-U to a room
near them.

“We need to operate him to stop the bleeding,” said Woo-Ri.

“In here?” ask Mi-Yeon.

Some Other Day

“Do you want to bring him to the OR?” ask Woo-Ri. Mi-Yeon shook her head.

“We’re going to need anesthetic, surgery blades, IV drip, suture, betadine, cloth,
sponges....and clean sheet...” said Ji-A.

She remember the storage room near the operation ward, but it’s too risky to go

“Lets go..” said Woo-Ri.

They look at Mi-Yeon,

“Don’t leave me here..” Mi-Yeon very scared.

“It’s safer in stay with him, keep pressing his wound like this...we need
to help Hyeon-U..” said Ji-A.

“I really should listen to my mom, I should pray every morning before work to keep me
out from crazy things like this..” Mi-Yeon start to mumbling.

“Let’s go..” Woo-Ri lead the way.

Ji-Yeon walk carefully with Myeong-Su thru the hospital hallway, she was ducked and
hide for 10 minutes inside the toilet when she heard another gunshot. Suddenly she
saw someone in uniform give her a sign to stay, she stop and relieved to see that
man. The man then approaching her in second,

“Are you hurt ma’am?” ask the man.

“No...but we need to find my sister..” said Ji-Yeon.

“We’re able to find some people before you, the best thing now is you go to that man
and he will take you to the safe place..” he point at another man with gun at near
the treatment room.

“Just take her, I’ll go with you” Ji-Yeon push Myeong-Su to go.

“Ma’am please cooperate it is too dangerous to have you here!” the man said in a very
stern tone.

“Look...I don’t care whatever you’re going to say. Either you go with me and find my
sister or you can leave me alone searching for her!” Ji-Yeon not affraid at all.

“Hui-Jun ah don’t be reckless...just stay and wait in here..” Jae-Dok try to stop

Some Other Day

“Even you see this as if I’m looking something dumb to do, but this is the only thing
I can do to save her..” Hui-Jun checking on his vest. He look at Gyeong-Su who
already ready too, they look and nod at each other then start walking inside the
building with 2 prime minister guard come along with them, while the rest 4 go thru
the back door.

The guard checking the entrance before he let Gyeong-Su and Hui-Jun come in, the
lobby is a mess, blood stain the floor, papers are everywhere. Hui-Jun look around,
his heart beating so fast, he never pray this hard his whole life. But today since he
received phone call from Gi-Gwang he never stop ask God to save Ji-A, he repeat the
prayer thousand times in his heart.

They walk thru the hallway and arrive at the nurse station when Hui-Jun spot a blood
puddle in front of them, they see a foot and sure that it is a woman. Hui-Jun heart
beats faster, he encourage himself to step forward,

“Oh my God...” Hui-Jun relieved to see that the body lying in the floor is not Ji-A.
Gyeong-Su take a really deep breath to calm himself.

Then they hear someone cry, the guard try to locate where the crying sound come from,
he then open one of the room door near the nurse station. Gyeong-Su come inside first
he shocked to see Mi-Yeon crying over Hyeon-U who’s now lying and bleeding.

“What happen to him? Is he one of the target?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“Hyeon-U faced the shooter, then Woo-Ri showed up, the shooter was aiming at Woo-Ri
but Hyeon-U just happen to block his sight..” Mi-Yeon keep sobbing.

“Mi-Yeon ah let him get this, he will get Hyeon-U get out, and ambulance already
waiting for him outside” said Gyeong-Su

“No!! Don’t do that, Hyeon-U need to be treated right now in here. Ji-A and Woo-Ri
are going to take stuffs for surgery just wait right here..” Mi-Yeon refuse to take
off her hands from pressing Hyeon-U wound.

“Hyeon-U ah wake up now.... you’re not going to let me and Ji-A alone right??? Hyeon-
U ah hurry wake up..” Mi-Yeon keep crying.

Hui-Jun and Gyeong-Su look at Mi-Yeon, they understand how close the friendship
between Ji-A, Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon.

“Where is Ji-A going now?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“She and Woo-Ri go to the storage room near the operation ward..” said Mi-Yeon.

“Where is it?” ask Hui-Jun.

“We just need to go straight from here and took elevator one floor down..” said

Suddenly they heard another gunshot, MI-Yeon shocked..

Some Other Day

“OMAYA!! Please not Ji-A...please not Ji-A...I promise I will come to the church
often if you grant my wish please save my friends, please save them..” Mi-Yeon cry

“Where is it come from?” Gyeong-Su asked his guard.

“It seems not from this floor..” said the guard.

Without hesitating Hui-Jun hurriedly get out from the room and go to the operation
ward direction as said by Gyeong-Su before. He walk fast to reach the elevator, he
arrive at the operation ward but then he stop when he see someone he’s been looking
for in front of the operation ward entrance. Ji-A standing there behind Woo-Ri, both
of them raising their hands up. While in front of them someone lying covering with
blood already,

“Ha..ha..harabeoji... please stop already got people dying..your grandson

must not want this..” Ji-A speak but her voice is shaking.

Hui-Jun keep his eyes on her, he’s slowly making his move.

“I just need one more shot..” said the shooter, he aimed his gun at Woo-Ri.

“You should stop him when he made mistake during the surgery..” the shooter point his
gun at professor Kwak who is now lying on the floor.

“I’m so sorry... I’m so sorry but we already tried our best..” Woo-Ri begging.

Suddenly Hui-Jun feel someone approaching him. Gyeong-Su and Ji-Yeon are now behind

“Noona what are you doing here?” Hui-Jun whisper.

“Same reason like yours..just shut up..I will get another scold later from my husband
so I don’t need yours..” said Ji-Yeon.

Ji-A look at her left and she see people she know best hiding behind the wall looking
at her, she is at ease when she find Hui-Jun look at her and sign her to not look at

“You don’t want to go miss?” the shooter ask Ji-A.

“Harabeoji, what you heard about the surgery of your grandson was really not
true...everyone there were doing their best. Please don’t kill another one
harabeoji..” Ji-A can’t hold her tears anymore.

“My friend right now is dying because you shot him, he’s been with me since we’re 4
years old, please just stop this and let everyone alive now...will you?” Ji-A

“Well everyone should just die like my grandson..” he said, “But it’s your turn
first...mine will come after you..” the shooter aimed his gun again at Woo-Ri and
ready to make a shot.

Some Other Day

The guard and special forces already at their position too, but what happen next the
shooter pull the trigger and Ji-A instantly push Woo-Ri aside, while Hui-Jun scream
and run approaching her. Ji-A fell down after the bullet hit her hard, she’s lying
with blood start to leak at her upper body. Ji-Yeon also scream while Gyeong-Su grab
her tight to stop her running to Ji-A. In second the special forces attack the
shooter and gunfire heard very loud. Hui-Jun cover Ji-A with his body. Ji-Yeon keep
crying and scream Ji-A name, Gyeong-Su cry too while holding Ji-Yeon so tight. The
shooter is died because few shots got him right at his chest and head, he died
instantly. Hui-Jun pull up his body and checking on Ji-A, Woo-Ri hurriedly run and
check on her pulse. Ji-A face turn pale, she’s unconscious, Hui-Jun keep calling her
name. Ji-Yeon approach and she hug Ji-A and keep screaming her name to open her eyes.


Some Other Day


„....Hit me like the ray of sun, burning thru my darkest night.

You’re the only one that I want, think I’m addicted to your

Some Other Day

“Ask most people what they want out of life, and the answer’s simple. To be happy.
Maybe it’s this expectation, though… The wanting to be happy, that just keeps us from
ever getting there. Maybe the more we try to will ourselves to states of bliss, the
more confused we get, to the point where we don’t recognize ourselves. Instead, we
just keep smiling, trying like hell to be the happy people we wish we were. Until
eventually, it hits us - it’s been there all along. Not in our dreams or hopes, but
in the known, the comfortable, the familiar.”

---- Three Days Before (Baek Hospital Parking Lot) ---

Ma Il-Sung walking toward his car, he just finished all of his grandson hospital
administration and picked up his belongings while taken to the hospital. Now he’s
headed home to prepare his funeral. Ma Chan-Young is his only one grandson, since
both of Chan-Young parents working, Il-Sung and his wife are the one who’s taking
care of him. That morning as usual Chan-Young on his way to his soccer game every
weekend, but a reckless driver drove his car too fast and hit him when he’s about
crossing the road. The driver was died at the crime scene but Chan-Young still
couldn’t make it after he was brought to surgery.

When he’s approaching his car, he heard someone scolding,

“Professor Kwak must have thought something by taking that action, it’s not very nice
of you talking about him like that. If the patient family overheard this they will
have a thought that professor Kwak killed him..”

Il-Sung pause when he heard professor Kwak, he know the name very well, he’s the one
that lead the operation of his grandson today. he feel raged at the same time, worst
thought occupying his mind. He went home with lots of thought, he even couldn’t talk
or greet the family and colleagues that were coming to say their condolences. All he
did only stay in his room, silent looking at the gun he always carry back in his
youth as the part of mafia circle.

The next morning he left his home very early, he search for the team that operated
his grandson. He take their picture each one of them. He learned about them until the
time he decide to take revenge on his grandson death.


The guards and special forces already at their position too, but what happen next the
shooter pull the trigger and Ji-A instantly push Woo-Ri aside, while Hui-Jun scream
and run approaching her. Ji-A fell down after the bullet hit her hard, she’s lying
with blood start to leak at her upper body. Ji-Yeon also scream while Gyeong-Su grab
her tight to stop her running to Ji-A. In seconds the special forces attack the
shooter and gunfire heard very loud. Hui-Jun cover Ji-A with his body. Ji-Yeon keep
crying and scream Ji-A name, Gyeong-Su cry too while holding Ji-Yeon so tight. The
shooter is died because few shots got him right at his chest and head, he died
instantly. Hui-Jun pull up his body and checking on Ji-A, Woo-Ri hurriedly run and
check on her pulse. Ji-A face turn pale, she’s unconscious, Hui-Jun keep calling her
name. Ji-Yeon approach and she hug Ji-A and keep screaming her name to open her eyes.

Some Other Day

“Don’t do this to your eyes...YA BAEK JI-A!!!!” Ji-Yeon scream hugging Ji-

“Chagi-ya...chagi-ya...answer your eyes..” Hui-Jun cannot hold his tears, he

keep calling her while he pressed the wound to stop the bleeding.

Second later many people make their entrance, there’re patient carts running with
full speed carrying the victims that still alive even all of them in critical
situation. Hyeon-U was the first to be brought into the operation room with Mi-Yeon
still on top of him pressing his wound. Mi-Yeon scream as she passed Ji-A who is held
by the crying Ji-Yeon. Jae-Dok come running and hurriedly placed his daughter into
the cart and push it into another operation room, so is professor Kwak who shot
before Ji-A also brought to the operation room. While other 5 victims died due to
massive bleeding. Ryeo-Uk come and take Ji-Yeon who can’t stop crying because the
trauma and shocked seeing her sister shot and bleed.

Everyone gather in front of the operation ward, while Jae-Dok and professor Ho
operating on Ji-A. Proessor Shin and Woo-Ri operating Hyeon-U. Professor Chang and
Lee-Soo operating professor Kwak. While Mi-Yeon crying alone at the corner inside the
scrubbing room. Ji-Yeon still sobbing, her mouth keep praying, while Ryeo-Uk still in
talk with the chief of police and the special forces team leader. Hui-Jun sit beside
Ji-Yeon looking at his hand which full with Ji-A blood traces. He sometimes wipe his
tears that falling down, then his phone buzzing it’s his mom, Hui-Jun picked up the

“Yes eomma..” Hui-Jun voice is cracking.

“Hui-Jun ah I saw the news, your dad just come home and we hurriedly turn on the
television...where are you now? Is it that bad? How is your girlfriend?? She’s not at
the hospital right?” ask his mother.

“Eomma...eomma..” Hui-Jun can’t hold his emotions. Ji-Yeon instantly grab his hand to
comfort him.

“What happen?? Why are you crying?” his mom sounds very worried.

“She’s in surgery right now...she also got shot..” Hui-Jun cry.

“Omaya!!...dear god please save her.... be strength Hui-Jun ah, I will go to the
temple right now to pray..” said his mom.

“I really don’t want to loose her eomma...” Hui-Jun cry and Ji-Yeon keep holding his

Hui-Jun feel a little relieved after talking with his mother, then someone come
running approaching them. Mi-Na run with the strength she has, she was very shocked
at home seeing the news but she couldn’t do anything as her huband strictly told her
to stay at home. But then she receive news from Hyeon-U family that Hyeon-U got shot
and in surgery right now, she remember Ji-A who always stick around with Hyeon-U and
her maternal instinct told her something is not right, as Jae-Dok, Ryeo-Uk, Ji-Yeon
and Ji-A not answering her call. She then tried to call her husband again, after
trying for many times someone finally picked up her phone. Nurse Sung answering Jae-
Dok phone, and told her that he is in surgery right now, operating on Ji-A who also

Some Other Day

got shot during the incident. Mi-Na drop her phone, and shocked hearing the news. She
then run and ask the driver to bring her to the hospital without even change her
slipper or bring her bag along, she just go with all she has at that moment. Arrive
at the hospital she just run into the operation ward with all the strength she has
left although she felt she can faint in any moment. Gyeong-Su is the first to
acknowledged her, he run to her in instant. Mi-Na burst into tears soon Gyeong-Su hug
her and she catch blood stain on Hui-Jun hands and shirt, she’s been holding it the
whole time she was on her way to the hospital. She also see Hyeon-U family waiting at
the other corner. Hyeon-U mom see her and approaching her, both of them crying over
their child.

“Suction..” Jae-Dok grab suction offered by the nurse.

“Let me see the X-ray result again?” ask Jae-Dok.

The nurse bring the X-Ray result and hold it so Jae-Dok can see it.

“In-Gyo shi can you put your hand inside and search for the bullet? It’s near the
aorta but not hit it, but be careful. We might cause another damage, since the range
is very thin..” said Jae-Dok. Professor Ho In-Gyo is a rookie in neuro, he has the
same level of intellegence as Jae-Hwan. Jae-Dok can be assure as his hospital is the
place for best doctors in Seoul.

“I can feel something metal but I’m affraid if I pull it too fast it will damaged the
aorta also it will cause another leak, I will be very delicate..” said professor Ho.

He really move his hand very carefull, he then try to pull out the bullet slowly...
but then the monitor beeping.

“Her blood pressure is dropping” said the annesthetist.

“Wait a second I can do it!” In-Gyo hand work very fast, he then pull out his hand
and nod to Jae-Dok.

Jae-Dok ready with padle, “10 joules!”

“Go and ask for more packs of blood!” professor Ho shout.

“She always do this to me....can’t she just like the other daughter that stay away
from trouble....” Mi-Na sobbing.

She see the blood on Ji-Yeon blouse also in Hui-Jun hand and shirt, it’s Ji-A blood
all over them. She just cry thinking how much Ji-A loose her blood.

“Oh god, please save her so I can scold her again... please save her just please hear
me out this time again...” Mi-Na keep crying on Gyeong-Su arms.

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The nurse come out from the entrance door,

“What happen?” Gyeong-Su ask.

“I’m sorry I need to go in hurry..” the nurse leave in hurry, few minutes later she
come back with 3 packs of blood.

“Who need that blood?” someone from Hyeon-U family stop her.

“It’s Baek Ji-A..” the nurse then leave him.

Mi-Na faint hearing that Gyeong-Su catch her while he feel worst too imagining what
happen to Ji-A, Ji-Yeon look at the blood that the nurse carried she can tell that
her sister not in good condition. She burst into tears, Ryeo-Uk hug her. Hui-Jun only
close his eyes and pray harder.

2 hours already past, Ryeo-Uk busy talking with Jae-Hwan who’s already at the airport
waiting for his flight to Seoul but he only can get a midnight flight from Bangkok.
He is at Bangkok right now with So-Mi entering a medical conference. He sound very
worried and keep asking for Ji-A updates. Beom-Seok and Gi-Gwang arrive too, they’re
stay with Hui-Jun, comforting him. Beom-Seok bring food for everyone, but no one
touch it. Suddenly the entrance door is opened, a patient is on the way to the
recovery room. Everyone stand up, Hui-Jun is the first one to run, but then he just
paused, to find the patient is not Ji-A. It’s professor Kwak. Professor Kwak’s wife
and parents approaching with all of they thankful in histeria. Half an hour later
another one come from the operation room, Hyeon-U brother who’s waiting near the door
instantly shout for his parents, the family including Bora come and follow the nurses
who brought Hyeon-U. Woo-Ri who finished the surgery, look at Ji-A’s mom and walk to
her. In front of Mi-Na, he down on his knee, he was really holding his emotions since
earlier. He passed the death twice today, the first he was saved because Hyeon-U got
shot instead of him, because Hyeon-U was too close with the shooter and Woo-Ri able
to escape. The last time Ji-A saved him by pushing him aside and took the bullet by
herself, now he kneel down in front of Mi-Na.

“I’m so sorry eomoni, It should be me but Ji-A and Hyeon-U saved me. I know my word
can’t comfort you or even can make my friends better, but please accept my
sincerety..” Woo-Ri down on his knee and keep looking down crying.

Mi-Na look at him, “It’s’s fine....let’s just pray that they will get thru
this..” said Mi-Na.

Then after long expectation Jae-Dok come out, Hui-Jun run at him,

“How is she?” he ask.

Jae-Dok sigh, he look at Hui-Jun and tap his shoulder, “Let’s pray for her...”

“What do you mean?” ask Hui-Jun again.

Jae-Dok look at him, “We’re able to take out the bullet but she has complication. If
tonight she pass her critical stage then she will be fine. But she will be under
annesthetic during the waiting hours so we have to wait..”

Some Other Day

Jae-Dok look at Mi-Na he can understand his wife sorrow right now, it’s the same pain
as his now. He approach her and hug her, while Mi-Na crying in his arms.

Not long after Ji-A come out, Mi-Yeon also there pushing her cart while her face is
swollen due to nonstop crying. Hui-Jun join in he hold Ji-A hand and keep looking at
her face.

Ji-Yeon finally listen to Ryeo-Uk who keep asking her to come home and take a rest.
Before she was so stubborn keep telling him that she’ll stay to wait until Ji-A
awake. But everyone ask her to leave since her condition is not good also. Dong-Hyeok
also come and visit Ji-A for a while before he picked up Mi-Yeon and drive her home.
Hui-Jun and Mi-Na stay, Jae-Dok need to check some patient, while Gyeong-Su promise
he will be there tomorrow, as he has to finish his tomorrow presentation.

“You can go home Hui-Jun ah, go home and change. You need to rest too. You seem very
tired” said Mi-Na.

“It’s fine eomoni, Beom-Seok already on his way to bring me some clothes..eomoni you
should lay down. I will stay with her. You should lay down for a seem
worst than me..” Hui-Jun hold Mi-Na hand and escort her to the sofa.

They sit together while their eyes fixed to Ji-A,

“She always surprised me....make me worry...she always so reckless like this..” Mi-Na
remembering her daughter acts.

“Was she a lovely quiet daughter when she was little?” ask Hui-Jun.

Mi-Na smile...”She was very lovely and cute when she was sleeping. During the day she
always got herself into trouble. Especially when she was on middle school, me..Hyeon-
U mom, and Mi-Yeon mom, we were the VIP member of disciplinary room at their
school..” she remember her time back and forth to Ji-A school twice or even three
times a month just because her daughter caused some trouble at school.

“One time she, Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon planned to skipped school only because they want
to see international singer concert that held at the Olympic Arena. But the teacher
catched them sneaking into the back door that left unlock. The teacher caught them
and they spent three days being punished. They have to raise their arm during the
first break then running 3 laps on second break. They did it for 3 days in a row.”
Mi-Na smiling.

“Were they’re always stick together?” ask Hui-Jun.

“They’re destined to be partner in crime their whole life...they always cover each
other back. Hyeon-U is their shield, Ji-A is the executor, Mi-Yeon is the thinker.
One day I was so surprised to find my fridge empty..all the food, fruits, meat even
my frozen stock were gone. The thief only left me mineral water and ketchup bottles.
Then Hyeon-U mom call me asking if my fridge is empty too, as she just got called by
Mi-Yeon mom saying that her fridge is empty. We were then meet up at the intersection
nearby and searched for the culprits. At the children park we saw them held a flea
market selling all the stuffs that missing from our fridge, and many people come to

Some Other Day

buy since all of the stuff sold at the same price ₩10..” Mi-Na very happy to share
her daughter story.

“Really?” Hui-Jun smile.

“They sold everything...we were decided not to ask them anything because we really
want to know what would they do with the money. Turn out they came home with flower
in their hand..for us...they said today is mother’s day and the teacher told them to
get us flowers...” Mi-Na drop a tear remembering that moment. Little Ji-A running and
keep shouting for her name, when Ji-A finally found her, she hand her the bouquet
proudly and said, “Happy mother’s day eomma, I earn the money to buy you this..”

Mi-Na laugh accepting the flower, and they order food for dinner that day, since she
had nothing on her fridge.

They both then lost in silent. They have the same wish, they wish the one that looks
like sleeping in front of them awake and smile, tell them that she’s fine. Then Jae-
Dok appear, he directly walk to Ji-A and check on her. He still worry since Ji-A
condition not very good.

“Will she be fine?” ask Hui-Jun standing beside Ji-A’s bed.

“Let’s hope she passed tonight in good condition.” Jae-Dok always tell the truth
about patient condition.

Hui-Jun stay awake, while Mi-Na sleeping at the couch and Jae-Dok also sleep. Beom-
Seok already arrived hour ago with new clothes and warm food for him. At first Hui-
Jun refuse to eat, but Beom-Seok insisting so he finally eat half of it. Hui-Jun also
asked him to clear all his schedule tomorrow, and Beom-Seok said that’s already done,
he can have a day off tomorrow. He managed to re-schedule the appointment for
tomorrow, and fortunately everyone understand the situation. The television keep
airing the shooting incident at the Baek Hospital, even the Prime Minister, as
closest colleague to the Baek’s come to visit. Many reporters still gather at the
Baek Hospital complex, to get their news update.

“I am really sleepy now...but I don’t want to close my eyes. Why? Because I’m affraid
something happen to you. Wake up now...don’t you at least considerating my effort to
keep me awake waiting for you...” Hui-Jun talk by himself while holding Ji-A hand.

“You know what while I was waiting for you just then I made some coupons for you. I
always see this in drama that the people made coupons for their couple, with romantic
act on it. Look I made some for you...but you need to wake up soon to get this..” he
continue, he then spread some folded small papers with his handwriting on it.

“Look this is hug me coupon, this is kiss me coupon, this is stay with me coupon,
this is Don’t mad at me coupon, you know what, with this coupon even if you go to EXO
concert and become a crazy fangirl if you use this coupon I promise I will let it
slide. I will pretend that’s not happening at all...” Hui-Jun smile.

Some Other Day

“This is amazing right? So hurry wake up...” Suddenly the monitor beeping very loud.
Hui-Jun get up and panicked. Jae-Dok instantly awake and run checking on her, nurses
coming inside,

“Bring the crash cart!!” Jae-Dok shout.

“What’s happening??!!! Please just save her...yeobo save her!!” Mi-Na scream.

Hui-Jun sleep beside Ji-A’s bed with his hand holding her hand. Last night Jae-Dok
can stabilize her, although it was a horror scene for him and Mi-Na, after lot’s of
loud voices from Jae-Dok and nurses running back and forth, the horror scene ended
with happy ending. The monitor stop beeping fast and loudly, everyone start to picked
the scary tools Hui-Jun never seen before, Jae-Dok take a deep breath and relieved,
Mi-Na sobbing, Hui-Jun come closer, held her hand again,

“Don’t do this to me... I really hate you for doing this to me...wake up now so I can
be okay..I’ll be damaged for sure if you keep doing this to me.” cried Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun wake up as he feel someone approaching, he pull up his head and his eyes meet
with Jae-Hwan who looks terrible. His face looks tired and worry at the same time. He
grab Ji-A’s chart and check it very carefully.

“Was she crashing last night?” ask Jae-Hwan while looking at Ji-A.

“I don’t know the term but last night abeonim called for something called crash cart
and inject her something then electrocute her with something looks like an iron. Not
long after the monitor stop being so loud...” said Hui-Jun.

“Is she move her fingers or something?” ask Jae-Hwan again.

“No...but hyung you came here directly from the airport?” ask Hui-Jun.

“No ... I dropped So-Mi first at home, She should not be here right now..” said Jae-

“I heard the shooter died..” ask Jae-Hwan.

“Yes..” Hui-Jun remember the scene again, and he hates it...” he died after bullets
got into his chest and his head”

“Even if he survive...if something happen to Ji-A I will kill him my self..” said

“Ya baby doll!!...hurry wake up...everyone are worry about you....” Jae-Hwan call Ji-
A with her nickname while she was little.

“I’m sorry...I couldn’t be there and fight for you yesterday...” Jae-Hwan continue,
he really hold his emotion for not crying.

Some Other Day

“Jae-Hwan you’re here?” Mi-Na wake up. Jae-Hwan hurriedly approaching his mom and hug
her. Mi-Na crying again.

Suddenly Hui-Jun feel Ji-A hand is moving, Hui-Jun take a closer look at her, slowly
her eyes opened, and she begin to open her mouth, saying

“” Ji-A finished her sentence even it’s so hard

for her to talk. She feel all of her body in pain, but she couldn’t scream because
the pain is strange for her. She also feel so weak that she can’t even lift her hand.

Hui-Jun tighten his hand on her, “Thank you for granting my wish..” he smile and
welcome her.

Mi-Na run when she heard her daughter mention her, she feel so relieved to see Ji-A
open her beautiful eyes and now those eyes are looking at her. Jae-Hwan smile then
check on her.


“Eomma can I go visit Hyeon-U?” Ji-A ask her mom.

“Do you want to die?” Mi-Na glance at her daughter.

Ji-A already discharge from the hospital, and still need another week to rest. And
Mi-Na keep her as her hostages. She’s not even allowed to cross front door. And Ji-A
bored as hell, but she can’t do anything as her mother keep following her around.

“Eomma...I’m good now. I don’t feel any pain again other wise than this wound I can
do everything now..” said Ji-A.

“Just shut up and stay. You need to’re not allowd to do anything without my
permission from now on..” said Mi-Na.

“Iiisshhh you and Hui-Jun oppa are really a good allies, both of you love to keep me
stay at home...” Ji-A shook her head.

“Yes...because that way we can assure that you’re not doing anything stupid again..”
Mi-Na pass her the apples.

“ you think why he did that?” Ji-A suddenly remember the oldman that cause
this horror.

Mi-Na silent, she keep peeling her apple, “Because he loved his grandson too much
that he couldn’t think straight..”

Ji-A silent, her memories back to the day when she face the most scariest moment in
her life.

Some Other Day

“How many people died that day eomma? No one answer me everytime I asked the question
when I was still in the hospital..” ask Ji-A.

Mi-Na not asnwering anything, everyone told her to not tell Ji-A about the incident
even if she ask,

“Why do you want to know that..Is it not enough to now how I was shocked that day
because of you..” Mi-Na just look at her.

“I thought I will never see you again eomma....your face was the only one I thought
that moment...” said Ji-A.

Then the door open, and So-Mi appear with dessert on the tray that she hold.

“How is our patient eomoni?” So-Mi smile and put the dessert near.

“She wants to visit Hyeon-U..” said Mi-Na.

“Eeyyy.... do you want Hui-Jun, Jae-Hwan, and aboenim scold at both of us??” said So-

“Let’s clean up your stitch..” So-Mi grab the medicine pack.

Mi-Na then stand up, “I will heat up the soup..” she then leave the room. She never
stand to see Ji-A wound. At the hospital she always let the nurse, at home it’s
always So-Mi do the job. Mi-Na just too affraid to see Ji-A’s wound, it keep her
remembering back to the tragic day.

“I think eomma really scare with my wound..” said Ji-A.

“Everyone was worried about you...even Jae-Hwan wake up middle at the night then he
drove to the hospital just to check on you..Hui-Jun never leave the hospital, he live
at the hospital, go to work from your room, and back from his work to your room. He
always said he’ll go home when you asleep, and said he just arrive when you saw him
when you wake up, the truth is he never leave...” So-Mi put a new bandage.

“Aboenim, omeoni, Ji-Yeon eonnie always check on you. I was the one that feel really
sad when you were at the hospital..” said So-Mi.

“Why?” Ji-A put on her shirt with So-Mi help.

“I couldn’t came so often at the hospital since Jae-Hwan would scold me if I go back
and forth from home to the hospital, so when you came home I was very thrilled so I
finally can take care of you...” So-Mi finish changing the bandage.

“Eonnie always make delicious food for me...I love the porridge you made every
morning” said Ji-A.

“It’s not me who make the porridge..” So-Mi smile and hand her the chocolate pudding.

“Who then? It’s delicious thou..” Ji-A scoop her pudding.

Some Other Day

“Eomoni... she always soaked the rice before she went to bed, then make it first
thing in the morning..” said So-Mi.

“What??!!! Eomma??!! How come it’s not salty??” Ji-A surprised on what So-Mi just
told her.

“Don’t make her worry about you anymore. She always check on you while you’re
sleeping and keep asking aboenim whether you sleep or collapsed..” said So-Mi.

Ji-A thought fly into her mom, the mom that always scold her but she always miss her
voice everytime she step into the house. Ever since she’s little, she always called
for her mom everytime she step into the house, and she keep shouting for her mom
until her mom answered her.

One late afternoon Gyeong-Su show up at Ji-A room, he show her the tteokbokki he
bought from Ji-A favourite place.

“You really know what I want..” Ji-A enjoying her tteokbokki.

“Then how come you always failed to give what I want..” reply Gyeong-Su.

“I am.... bad girl..” Ji-A scold her self. Then both of them laugh.

“When you can come back to work?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“I have too many doctors and guardians that love to say NO..” said Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su laugh, “Should I take you outside right now? I always can make excuses...”
said Gyeong-Su.

“Let’s go to Seoul still owe me that..” Ji-A enthusiast.

“Emmhh Seoul Land is too risky for me now... Jae-Hwan will chop me to death if that
happen..” he said.

“I saw that eonnie you dated before at Jae-Hwan oppa wedding... are you continue to
have a relationship with her?” ask Ji-A.

“We’re good friend..” said Gyeong-Su.

“How come you only be friend with her...” said Ji-A.

“Why should I listen to you?” Gyeong-Su reply.

“Coz I want you to be Jae-Hwan oppa..” said Ji-A

“Then you should make me happy..” said Gyeong-Su.

Some Other Day

“You sitting here with me enjoying tteokbokki already make you happy...right?” Ji-A

“I’m on cloud nine now..” Gyeong-Su laugh too.

He is happy to see her already getting better. He couldn’t stay so close to her back
at the hospital since Hui-Jun always there. Now he can visit her anytime. They
enjoying their snack and chat, sometimes they laugh with the jokes or some funny
moments they remembered.


“Everyone welcome me like I’m one of the Avengers member...” Hyeon-U put down the
banana milk he just bought for three of them.

“Woo-Ri even give me this tuna kimbab and waffle...” Ji-A put the kimbab on her

“I was dying in the past 2 weeks... Don’t ever leave me alone again..” Mi-Yeon drink
her banana milk.

“We’re not... I know you can’t live in this world without us..” Ji-A hug her.

“But there was also one good thing during both of you leave...” Mi-Yeon said.

“What is that?” ask Hyeon-U while he is busy cutting the waffle.

“Nazi Sung never scold me....even when I made huge mistake..” said Mi-Yeon.

“Really??!!” Ji-A shocked.

“At all??!!!” Hyeon-U also surprised hearing that.

“Yep... I was put the wrong request for professor Jae-Dok on neuro surgery for my
patient. It should be at 4pm but I wrote 14pm, thank god I realize it quick and run
to neuro department to correct it. I already prepared my self to be eaten alive by
her. But she only said OK..You can go...” Mi-Yeon still unbelieve everytime she
remember that day.

“Is she getting another new boyfriend?” Hyeon-U wondering.

“Maybe..” Ji-A reply.

“You’re on morning service too for this month??” ask Hyeon-U. He just receive his
schedule and he got all morning service during this month and no surgery on call.

“Yep...You, me and professor Kwak...I wonder what happen to professor Kwak after he
knew that the horror day happen one because of him?” aks Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“Your dad never told you?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“No one ever answer all my question regarding that one...Everytime I asked,
they just pretend to not hear anything or talking about something else..” said Ji-A.

“Same here.... even my mom said I’d rather cried than answering your question. Same
with Bora....I met him today but he didn’t talk much..’ said Hyeon-U.

“Few days after the incident the executive directors were held a special meeting. And
based on what I heard from rumor they were going to ask professor Kwak to resign
prior to recording evidence during Ma Chan-Young surgery. Witness that left only Woo-
Ri and doctor Jin, the annesthetic, both were saying that the procedure performed by
professor Kwak was endangered the patient.” Said Mi-Yeon.

“Where will he go after this?” ask Ji-A.

“I heard professor Kwak and his wife will moving to his parent hometown. With the
money he receive from this hospital he will be able to open a small clinic there..”
said Mi-Yeon.

“I hope he learn his lesson thou..he’s smart but sometimes he challenge himself
without any preparation on it. That happen because he think he’s smart and able to do
it.” said Hyeon-U.

“Let’s have a peaceful and fun days from now on..” Mi-Yeon raise her banana milk.
Then the three musketeers do the toast.

Ji-A arrive at Hui-Jun condo with samgyupsal, beer and dessert. She’s not telling
Hui-Jun that she’s coming today. The plan was Hui-Jun will pick her up at 6 after his
schedule done. But he need to go back to his place first to get his car. Now it’s 4
pm, and Ji-A already at his place to surprise him later. Ji-A walking happily, and
she’s humming along the way. She’s pressing the code lock then entering inside Hui-
Jun place.

“Oh...this place is very he asking someone clean this place??” Ji-A
amazed by how clean the place is, Hui-Jun not type who do the cleaning. It’s always
Ji-A who do the cleaning when she come. When Hui-Jun come back from work he always
throw his clothes everywhere, it always Ji-A who picked up the clothes and put thos
on laundry bag. And she will do the laundry when the bag already full.

JI-A go to the refrigerator first, “ he in his right mind?? Even the fridge
is in order and clean... I love this Hui-Jun..” Ji-A laugh to see inside Hui-Jun
fridge. She then place the beer she broughts so they can have it cold later.

“Hui-Jun you’re here??” suddenly a warm voice surprised her, Ji-A turn back and jump,

“Omo!! I’m sorry...who...who...who are you??” Ji-A surprise to see a middle aged
woman stand in front of her. She look like doing cleaning with apron wear by her and
she also hold a duster.

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The lady smile at her, looks like she know Ji-A already,

“You’re fine now?? How is the wound?? Is it healed completely? You are as pretty as
Hui-Jun always said to me..” said the lady.

Ji-A suddeny feel very nervous, how come this lady know her very well unless,
“” Ji-A carefully call her.

“Yes, I’m Son Mi-Ran, I’m Hui-Jun’s very nice to finally meet you...” Mi-
Ran hug Ji-A.

Ji-A excited also nervous to receive Mi-Ran reaction on her.

“When did you arrive?” Now both of them sitting at the kitchen bar and have coffee

“This morning, Hui-Jun alredy left when I arrived so he also not aware that I’m
here..” Mi-Ran sipping her coffee.

“I’m glad that you’re okay. Hui-Jun was very sad back then, I never seen him like
that over a girl before” Mi-Ran.

“Oppa was asking me to go with him visiting you before. But the incident happen also
oppa seems to be busy lately because his drama will start shooting soon...” said Ji-

“That’s fine...I meet you now...” Mi-Ran smile.

Someone pressing the door lock, both Ji-A and Mi-Ran smile at each other they both
have the same person in mind.

“Oh?!!!” Hui-Jun surprise to see 2 favourite women in his life sitting together.

“Eomma..when did you come? And said you finish your work at 6...” Hui-Jun
kiss his mom and now he’s going to kiss Ji-A too, but then Ji-A pull her face,

“What are you doing..your mom is here..” Ji-A whisper.

“Why...she know you’re my girlfriend...” Hui-Jun said, while Mi-Ran laugh to see the
two lovebirds.

“Go away...don’t do anything weird to me..” Ji-A push him away.

“Aiissshh...eomma if you’re not here she usually run and and jump into me just to
kiss me..” Hui-Jun put his arm on his mom shoulder and stare at Ji-A.

Ji-A throw her fist, but then she pull her hand back then smile to Hui-Jun’s mom.

“Should I order special dinner? I have my 2 favourite women at my house..” ask Hui-

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“No need, I cook ox-bone soup for you and I also bought king crab I will steam it now
so we can have it for dinner..” Mi-Ran get up and head to the fridge.

“You can cook? Come and help me..” Mi-Ran look at Ji-A.

Ji-A face become pale in instant, Hui-Jun laugh, “Eomma just ask her to prepare the
table and told her to plate the dish...she is very good on doing that instead of

Ji-A pinch his arm and glare at him. Hui-Jun only laugh and catch Ji-A hand prevent
her for pinching him more.

The dinner is very special, the food cooked by Mi-Ran are very delicious and the king
crab really big and all of them love it. Hui-Jun show his childish in front of his
mom, he even keep asking his mom to peel the crab. Ji-A seen this side of Hui-Jun the
first time, he is always dependent on her whenever they’re together but he never act
like this.

“I guess I inherit my mom’s skill on cooking..” said Ji-A while doing the dishes.

“What is that?” Mi-Ran smile hearing that.

“I cannot differentiate which one salt or sugar when cooking..but eonnie can cook she
always made delicious food for me when I was little..” said Ji-A.

“Ah...the pretty eonnie...I saw your family picture..all of you are handsome and
pretty” Mi-Ran remember the picture sent by Hui-Jun long time ago.

“Eomoni if I’m not pretty then oppa would never had a crush on me...” Ji-A and Mi-Ran
laugh hearing that.


Hui-Jun running the entrance door while he look at his watch, Beom-Seok shout at him
from the car,

“Hui-Jun ah!!! Don’t forget I’ll pick you up at 6 tomorrow morning!!!!” shout Beom-
Seok. Hui-Jun only raise his thumb replying on Beom-Seok.

“Iiiissshhh he’s not even invite me to come inside his place and drink some beer...”
Beom-Seok shook his head.

“He said he’s very tired even acting so helpless when the CEO ask him for a drink
before...but when we arrive he run like he is doing a maratho race...” the driver
laugh remembering Hui-Jun behavior before.

These days Hui-Jun busy with his drama filming, and after filming today the CEO of
their agency visit the filming location and ask everyone out for a drink. But Hui-Jun

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politely refused the offer by saying he need to get rest since he have to begin
filming very early tomorrow and he is very tired today.

Hui-Jun keep pressing on the elevator button, he already very late today. He promised
Ji-A that he will be done at 6 today, but something came up at the filming location,
also his agency CEO came to visit the filming location so he must spend more time to
chat and doing unnecessary meeting. Now it’s already 9.30pm, Ji-A will really kill
him today.

Today is a special day, next Saturday Ji-A will celebrate her birthday, it also the
same time with the gathering. But Hui-Jun affraid he won’t make it to attend the
gathering due his filming schedule, he will go to Jeju to filming for 3 days, and the
schedule will be very packed. Instead they promised to celebrate it today just the
two of them. Ji-A was very exciting about today, but after Hui-Jun late 2 hour ago
Ji-A stop asking where he is, she’s no longer texting him. Hui-Jun really want to
reach his place in second to make sure Ji-A still there or already left because she’s
angry to him.

Hui-Jun arrive in front of his door, and pressing the code very fast. He run inside,
but Ji-A shoes not in her usual spot. Hui-Jun then come inside and the room is dark,
but he can see a cake and some food still at the living room table. But then he spot
a shadow at his window glass. He smile when he spot Ji-A hiding under his work desk.
He walk to the desk pretending not seeing Ji-A and put down the scenario,

“Iiissshhh what should I do now...she left because I’m late.... she must be very
pissed at me right now...” Hui-Jun talking to himself, he try to hold his laugh very

“If I call her now will she answering me...or she will throw her phone...what should
I do??” Hui-Jun keep his acting...he then sit on the desk and texting Ji-A.

“Chagi-ya...where are you?” Hui-Jun can’t help to smile while send the text.

Ji-A not reply it directly, she is very angry at Hui-Jun. She was planning to scold
at him when he arrive, then she change her plan, she will just leave him and will not
contact him until he come and find her. But when she’s about to leave she hear
someone pressing the door locked and it must be Hui-Jun. She just grab her shoes and
run then hide under the work desk. Now Hui-Jun text her, she is thinking what should
she reply,

“Who is this?” Ji-A habit on replying Hui-Jun text while she’s mad is always start
with that line.

Hui-Jun smile reading her reply, he then type his reply, “Super famous boyfriend of

“Boyfriend?? I don’t have one!!” Ji-A reply.

“Wuah...then what are we all this time?? A friend that kiss each other??” Hui-Jun
keep teasing her.

“Aahh with all this food...I can’t eat it alone should I call Gi-Gwang and Beom-Seok
to come..” Hui-Jun said. He then walk to the kitchen area and grab some drink.

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“Why he’s not texting me again?” Ji-A whispering as she notice Hui-Jun walk to the
other direction.

Hui-Jun then walk back to his desk and he find her,

“Happy early birthday.... “ Hui-Jun smile at her.

Ji-A only glance at him, “Forget it I’m not in the mood anymore for celebrating
birthday...” she’s still sulking.

“Then what is your mood now?” Hui-Jun sit beside her.

“Sitting here...” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun look at her, “Fine...let’s sit here then....beside the view is not bad
either...we never sit here and enjoy the night view...” Hui-Jun look at the view.

JI-A look at him, “How come you late on this special day??”

“I’m sorry, something came up at the filming location...I’ll make up for this..”Hui-
Jun grab Ji-A hand.

He then lay his head on Ji-A’s lap.

“It feels so nice having someone waiting for me at home...” Hui-Jun said.

“Really?? If it feel so nice then why you make me wait for hours?” Ji-A glance at

Hui-Jun smile and look at her, “I’m sorry.... what do you want to do now? I’ll make
it happen”

“Fly me to moon?” said Ji-A.

“Can’t do it now...I have to borrow a space airplane first..” Hui-Jun reply.

“ said you will make my wish happen...” Ji-A pouting.

“Instead going to the moon...let’s go outside and buy you want it?”Hui-Jun
get up.

Ji-A is happy hearing that, she slide out from her hiding spot.

Hui-Jun and Ji-A walking looking for snack in Hui-Jun neighorhood, the stall are line
up offering yummy street food. Hui-jun wear a hoodie jacket and his scarf covering
most of his lower face so they can walk freely. Ji-A link her arm into Hui-Jun’s and
they enjoying the athmosphere together.

“You really can eat very well...” Hui-Jun notice that this is already the third
fishcake she has tonight.

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“Proven that I can live anywhere in any situation, just leave me at the jungle I’ll
be able to live then...” said Ji-A.

They then arrive at the park near Hui-Jun condo, a group of middle school boys looks
like practising their dance,

“Do you like EXO that much? Your eyes stick to them once you hear their song
played....Baek Ji-A shi that group is not EXO they are a middle school boys who
happen to practising their dance with EXO song..” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A look at him, “I know...but oppa, I will bet all my money that you will never be
able to dance like them...”

“What??!!! I can dance...” Hui-Jun look at the crowd and mimicking some moves with
his hand, Ji-A burst into laughter cause Hui-Jun jst like a broken robot who tried to
dance. It’s awful.

“Hahahahaha...oppa just admit it you don’t have the skills to dance... “ Ji-A can’t
help for not laughing.

Hui-Jun give up, he looks quite annoying seeing Ji-A laugh at him like that, “Let’s
go home then..”

“Oppa will you introduce me to D.O one day?” Ji-A ask in a very cute tone.

“Over my dead body.... I will never let you near him so you can have your EXO
dream...” Hui-Jun refuse.

“Aiiisssshhhh...this man really only do sweet talk to buy my anger...he said he’ll
make all my wish happen...but all my requests rejected by him with many excuses...”
Ji-A frustated.

“Should we go and watch movie?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Can we?” Ji-A looks very interesting.

“I guess we can...any movie you want to watch?” said Hui-Jun,

“You’ll be too tired and end up sleeping during the whole movie...lets just come back
then watch me dance...” Ji-A link her arm into Hui-Jun’s then headed back to Hui-Jun

“You can dance?” ask Hui-Jun.

“I can dance...better than you..” said Ji-A.

“Don’t you ever dance in front of other man..” threat Hui-Jun.

“Too late..many men already seen me dancing...” reply Ji-A.

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“I really need to run faster on this relation ship, or I will lost too many...” said

Ji-A only laugh.


“I need you to meet this girl..” Cha Min-Hwan pass the envelope to Gyeong-Su, they’re
having lunch together today.

Gyeong-Su pull out the picture and a sheet of paper contain the girl information.
It’s Yoon Nabi picture, Gyeong-Su smile,

“I know this girl...I had a blind date with her maybe a year ago...we’re friend now”
Gyeong-Su put down the envelope.

“You both seem very close back at Jae-Hwan wedding, I remember both of you also go
out together during last year charity event..” said Mi-Hwan

“We’re friend..” said Gyeong-Su

“That envelope delivered by the Yoon’s secretary yesterday. He said CEO Yoon really
hoping that you will meet his daughter, also he mention something bout his support on
my presidential candidate next election..” said Min-Hwan.

“You’re going to need him then?” ask Gyeong-Su.

Min-Hwan take a deep breath, “As much as I hate that I need to rubbing some wealthy
people to have my back but I can’t lie, I also need them if I want to continue on
make my dream come true....I’m so sorry Gyeong-Su ah, but I need you to meet her, as
I thought you both also look very close before so I accept this envelope..” said Min-

“Is the support from ahjussi, Taeyang group, Hyeonsei group, and Wang group not
enough so you’re going to need support from YN Telecom?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“YN is one of the largest telecommunication empire, if I had him also I had Taeyang
also, then it will be so much easy on media campaign I will be unstopable...but the
decision is that will have most effect on your life in future. If you
accept then you know that it will also marriage on its you need to really
think about carefully... thank god Taeyang and Hyeonsei both their eligible heirs are
boy, and Shina is our I only need to think abut this Yoon proposal
only..” said Min-Hwan.

Gyeong-Su paused, he then said, “How about ahjussi, the Baek’s still have Ji-A..”

Min-Hwan look at him, “I and Jae-Dok once said when you were 15 and you were playing
lego with her that time. Jae-Dok said it would be very happy for him to have you as
Ji-A husband next. But I don’t see it work more days pass by seeing both of you

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grown. In fact she has that actor as her partner now, and you don’t seem to be
interested on her...”

Gyeong-Su smile, “Aboeji, you spent your mind and time thinking about the south
korean citizens instead of your son..”

“Why is that?” ask Min-Hwan.

“I like her since she was born...” said Gyeong-Su.

“What??!!!!” Min-Hwan surprised.

Gyeong-Su throw a small laugh seeing his dad reaction.

“Then why you let her dated that actor? You both should be married already by now...”
said Min-Hwan, he then continue “Beside I will really like it if she really bacome my
daughter...only her that always reply to my joke, while even you never understand my

“Aboeji, I don’t know what happen in the future but please give me freedom on this
one. I know Yoon Nabi too, we’re friend and we already know each other feeling as
well. I will talk about this with her later I know she won’t make any bad comments
about our relationship to her father. But about Ji-A please just let me handle this,
don’t ever said anything to ahjussi and eomoni..” said Gyeong-Su

Min-Hwan only look at him and said, “You are indeed very weird...”

“Why?” Gyeong-Su confused with his father reaction.

“Jae-Dok was right that you’re weird... you call Mi-Na eomoni, while you call him are really so mean to him Gyeong-Su ah...” Min-Hwan shook his head.

Gyeong-Su laugh and remember how Jae-Dok always hate when Gyeong-Su call him ahjussi
while he called for Mi-Na is eomoni. But it just happen naturally, Mi-Na always
mention herself eomma to Gyeong-Su everytime their have conversation or when Mi-Na
ask him for something, after his mom died, also she always treat Gyeong-Su same way
as she treat Jae-Hwan even Mi-Na never hesitate to scold him when he made mistakes.
She replace Gyeong-Su mom, and she filled the empty space on Gyeong-Su heart from
that time and naturally Gyeong-Su follow it by calling her eomoni.

“Do you really like her that much, so it’s okay seeing her happy with the other man?”
ask Min-Hwan.

Gyeong-Su only reply his dad question with a small laugh.

Gyeong-Su is monitoring the workers on his project site but some of his workers are
crowd and looks like enjoying the interesting view,

“What happen in there?” Gyeong-Su join the crowd.

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“Jung Tae-Hee....Jung Tae-Hee is filming right there...she is indeed a goddess..” one
of the worker answer him and all of them not aware tht Gyeong-Su joining them.

“Really?? drama filming??” ask Gyeong-Su.

“She’s in today’s hot drama Hunters with Park Hui-Jun...waaahhh look at her, all
south korean women should look like her so we can all live happy...” said the worker.

“If only my wife look like her just a little bit I’ll be happy even I have to work my
ass like this..” the other comment and all of them laugh.

“How about you? Do you also think she’s a goddess?” one of the worker poke Gyeong-Su
shoulder without even know that their boss is standing joining them.

“Me?? I have another goddess in mind..” reply Gyeong-Su.

“ need to check yourself to the hospital if you don’t find her
beautiful..” the worker poke him again and turn his head on him, he is looks very
shocked right now knowing that his boss standing joining them. He instantly run, back
to his post and save himself.

The other notice that his friend run, turn his head and, “Ya!! Why you’re..OH!” he
now notice the reason too and Gyeong-Su smile at him,

“Aaahhh CEO Cha....” He bow then run saving his job too.

The other’s turn their head too when they heard “CEO Cha” word, and they shocked to
find Gyeong-Su standing behind of them smiling, like a police caught his suspect.
They dismissed themselves in hurry and return to their post. Gyeong-Su look at the
filming and spot Park Hui-Jun is working his scene with Jung Tae-Hee. He then leave
and continue on his work.

Hui-Jun finished his scene and his next scene will resume later so he has 2 hours to
rest, he walk to his van but he spotted a familiar black Range Rover parked accross
the street. He stopped and and find a familiar person looking at him and wave his
hand to him.

“My workers are bewitched by Jung Tae-Hee and stopped their work to watch her..”
Gyeong-Su smile.

“Everyone do that when she appear, she has that charm on south korean men..” reply

“Her charm not worked for me thou...” said Gyeong-Su.

Hui-Jun sigh, “Iishh why do I even bother to talk with him while I know that he's
after my girlfriend..”

“I’m on my way to get some coffee, do you want to go?” ask Gyeong-Su.

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“Should I?” ask Hui-Jun.

They both sitting at the coffee house,

“You should at least call me “hyung” how come you call Jae-Hwan hyung and only call
me by my name?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“I always call my competitor by name..” reply Hui-Jun.

“Wuah so now you acknowledged me as your competitor... I wonder our fight can begin
now...” Gyeong-Su sipping his coffee.

“I never heard this, as I never going to let go my girlfriend to be with someone

else..” reply Hui-Jun.

“You’ll never know what happen tomorrow..” said Gyeong-Su.

“ also never know whether tomorrow or in next hours I’ll be marrying her..”
reply Hui-Jun.

Gyeong-Su laugh, “I guess we can have an interesting match going forward...”

“Keep dreaming, she’ll never be yours...I’ll have her the rest of my life” said Hui-

“I’ll make sure it will be a fair play between us...” said Gyeong-Su.

“When did this happen? The feling you have for Ji-A?” ask Hui-Jun.

Gyeong-Su rest his back at the chair, his thought fly to the time where he met Ji-A
for the first time.

“I was visiting eomoni when she delivered Ji-A at the hospital, Jae-Hwan said our
babydoll already arrived...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Babydoll?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Everyone call her by that name when she was born because she looked like a doll that
Ji-Yeon noona once had, and we stop call her that name when she was 7. She was pissed
because her friend make fun of her using that name, so she didn’t want us to call her
by that name again....she was really pissed that time...” Gyeong-Su smile.

“And you like her since then?” ask Hui-Jun.

“I love her since then....” said Gyeong-Su.

“Why you didn’t confess since long ago?” ask Hui-Jun again.

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Gyeong-Su take a deep breath, “I’m wondering about that too.... I guess I was
hesitating and I was too late when I did that...I picked the wrong time to
confessed...” said Gyeong-Su.

“She’s mine and you already lost your battle...just move on...” said Hui-Jun.

Gyeong-Su laugh, “I learned my lesson, I’ll be more carefull after this... thank you
for not showing up that I can saved her and decided to try again...”

“I told you you’re wasting your time...” Hui-Jun get up ready to leave.

“How many times you met her this month? Once? Twice? Even it’s more than twice how
long did you spend time together? She love being in outdoor especially theme park,
have you ever go with her outside your place? outside your comfort zone? You can’t
right?” Gyeong-Su ask.

Hui-Jun paused, “I know that my job give me huge limitation on what and where I can
go or doing...but that doesn’t mean I love her in limited way...Even if its hard or
impossible for me I will try to make it happen as long as I have her with me, by my
side...” Hui-Jun look at Gyeong-Su.

Hui-Jun then leave, Gyeong-Su left alone. Both have the same uneasy feeling right


“Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear my Ji-A... happy

birthday to you...” all the Baek’s family sing the happy birthday song. Ji-A blow her
candles that line up above the Mille Crepes cake made by So-Mi.

“Now I want my gifts..” Ji-A asking for her gifts.

“I already make you the cake..” So-Mi said.

“Wah are really becoming more mean to me each day. Oppa must be tought
you so well about me..” Ji-A looks at her unbelievable.

“Then eomma?” Ji-A ask her mom.

“I gave birth to you... no one can replace the gift I gave to you...” said Mi-Na.

“Iiissshhh!!!” Ji-A then look at her dad,

“What?!! I save your life last should be very thankful to me for not
charging you on my surgery service...” said Jae-Dok.

“Appa!!!” Ji-A frustated.

“You too? I bet all of you have nothing for me too??” Ji-A look around.

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“I went and buy you that tteokbokki, consider that’s as my gift..” said Jae-Hwan.

“I buy that candles for you...” said Ji-Yeon.

“Ah I gave you the concert tickets while ago, consider that as my early birthday
gift..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Ah...this is making me crazy.... don’t say you join their forces too??!!!” Ji-A
stare at Gyeong-Su.

Gyeong-Su raise his hand up, “I bought you the flower... that’s my gift..”

“Wuah these people are really!!... Why do I even have the meanest people as my
family...” Ji-A pouting her lip. Everyone just laugh to see her upset, then they
started to eat.

“Appa she spent all the bonus she received to buy a new handbag...” said Ji-Yeon.

“What??!!! Ya!! You just bought new bag last month...” Mi-Na scold at Ji-A.

“I never understand women and bag and shoes...” said Jae-Dok.

“Appa the new bag is very cute and it always beg me to take it home when I met it at
the store..beside I don’t have bag with red colour like that” said Ji-A.

“See? I can live with 1 black bag and black shoes...but these women sit in this table
must have rainbow colours of bags and shoes in their closet..” said Jae-Dok.

“They will upset when they wear the un matched colour and throw tantrum at us...the
husband...” said Ryeo-Uk glance at Ji-Yeon.

“I have to look beautiful and stunning so people can tell that you take a really good
care of me..” JI-Yeon defend herself.

“Not to mention when other woman wear the same thing like their...she will scold me
for everything I do since she’s too embarassed to have someone carry the same bag
with her...” Jae-Dok glance at Mi-Na.

“When did I do that??!!!” Mi-Na pretend to be innocent while she remember exactly
when that incident happen.

“Are you guys really don’t have anything to give for my birthday??!!!” Ji-A suddenly

“No!!!” All of them reply at the same time.

“Iiiissssshhhh... “ Ji-A upset.

“Is the wound healed perfectly now?” Gyeong-Su ask Ji-A

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“It’s fine now, but I can’t lift a heavy things again right hurt..” said Ji-

“Don’t you dare do that...” said Jae-Hwan.

“Last night why you came out from professor Shin car?” ask Ji-Yeon.

Ji-A laugh hearing her sister question,

“Why you laugh?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“Should I tell this story or not...” Ji-A try to weighing her option on tell the
story or not.

“What?? You must be do something bad at her?” guess Jae-Hwan.

Ji-A shook her head.

“Then what?? She’s not the type that will have a nice conversation with you too...”
guess Ji-Yeon

“We’re not that close..” said Ji-A.

“Then what?” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“Last night I was so tired, especially after this great neuro surgeon asked me to do
his rounds..” Ji-A glance at her dad who’s now laughing.

“Then?” Gyeong-Su sipping his wine.

“Professor Shin car and appa’s car has the same colour...” said Ji-A.

“It has different brand thou’..” said Jae-Hwan.

“Is that really matter, you won’t even check on its plate number or brand when you’re
waiting for a car..” said Ji-A.

“I am...we’re doing that while waiting for our car..” said Gyeong-Su.

“I’m not...” suddenly Ryeo-Uk reply, “I had Kyu-Min do that..”

“While I was waiting a car stop in front of me it has the same colour as appa’s car
so I get in..” said Ji-A.

“Wait... you get into professor Shin car?” ask Jae-Hwan.

Ji-A nod, “And I get into her car while keep texting with Hui-Jun oppa, but then I
realize the car not moving at all... I thought why ahjussi not driving this car, you
already home before me..” Ji-A point at Jae-Dok.

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“Then I look at the driver seat, and it’s not ahjussi..” said Ji-A.

“You are unbelieveable..” Jae-Dok shook his head.

“Was he not telling you to get out?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“He was staring at me, then I asked him, ahjussi who are you?” Ji-A said, “But then
someone open my door it was professor Shin, and she asked Baek Ji-A shi what are you
doing in my car?”

“That time I realize I get into the wrong car...” Ji-A smirked.

“If she’s not making any story then she’s not Baek Ji-A..” Gyeong-Su put his hand on
Ji-A head.

“Indeed...” So-Mi reply.

“Even if I’m like this appa you don’t want another daughter to replace me right???”
Ji-A ask her dad.

“No... I really want to if someone calmer as So-Mi replace you...” tease Jae-Dok.

“Iiisssshhhh....” sigh Ji-A.

“You see these white hair?? 80% of these growth because of you..” Jae-Dok pint at his

“Appa you look handsome with that white hair...” said Ji-A.

“Iiissshhh this brat always seduce me when she can...” Jae-Dok smile.

“EXO is doing comeback I was surprised you’re not asking me for tickets to their
showcase..” said Ryeo-Uk.

Ji-A sigh...” I’d love to hyeongbu, but I’ll be dead if Hui-Jun oppa catch me again
for fangirling...”

“Woah...someone finally can stop her madness over boyband...” said Gyeong-Su.

“It’s about her you not feeling any embarassed at all to be the only one
ahjumma between all those young girls at every boyband concert??” said Jae-Hwan.

“Ahjumma??!!!!! Ya!!! I’m not ahjumma... I’m still very young..also I have many
friend with the same age who also fans of those boybands..” Ji-A can’t take Jae-Hwan
called her ahjumma.

“Yes...I know.. Mi-Yeon ahjumma is your partner of madness..” reply Jae-Hwan.

“Iiissshhh ahjumma.... if I am ahjumma then you’re harabeoji...” Ji-A talk back to


Some Other Day

Others are laugh seeing their bickering,

“But oppa why you even remember their showcase? Are you become EXO fans also because
of her?” Ji-Yeon smile to Ryeo-Uk.

Ryeo-Uk puzzled, he just realizing something, “That’s right, why do I remember

that??!!! I must be crazy for remembering that...”

“Just admit it hyeongbu, you want to go and see their comeback with me right??!!!!”
Ji-A tease on Ryeo-Uk.

“I must be really crazy for doing that...” Ryeo-Uk shook his head.

“Yeobo... can we even imagine this dinner without her.... I couldn’t even imagine how
can I continue on living if something happen to her during that tragic day...” Mi-Na
talk to Jae-Dok while they’re watching Ji-A bickering with the others.

“Thanks God we’re still able to have her by our side...” Jae-Dok hold Mi-Na’s hand
and comfort her.

“The day I saw her lying on Ji-Yeon lap with blood all over her and Hui-Jun was keep
shouting her name, I thought I was having a nightmare...” Jae-Dok remember how
shocked he was.

Mi-Na then grab the napkin and wipe her tears,

“Eomma why are you crying??” Jae-Hwan notice Mi-Na tears.

“Nothing..” Mi-Na completely wipe her tears, “I was pouring too many peppers into my
pasta..” Mi-Na lied

“Eomoni you want me to get you some milk or juice?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“No.. I’m good...” Mi-Na smile. Jae-Dok keep holding her hand.

Ji-A arrive at her room and put her bag, but then she notice a stack of boxes on her
bed with colourfull wrapping and ribbons. She smile widely to find everyone presents
on her bed she run into her bed and start opening each box.

Box number one contain a jacket she always wanted with her favourite colour, red.
“Happy birthday babydoll, always keep yourself warm and avoid of getting cold with
this. –Jae-Hwan-“

Box number two, contain a set of cosmetic she always wear, “Getting another birthday
means you’re also getting old...take care of your skin from aging then... love, Ji-

Some Other Day

Box number three, Ji-A laugh when she find out a new EXO album with all member
signature on it wishing her a happy birthday, “Don’t ever tell anyone that I give you
this... happy birthday our maknae, -Ryeo-Uk-“

Box number four, “wuah this is awesome..” she took out the stethoscope with her name
craving on it, “Happy birthday, I hope you can be a great neuro as me....” it’s from
her dad.

Box number five, Ji-A smile to see what inside it, a pair of earring with small
raindrops diamond, “Happy birthday dear Ji-A, may all the happiness be with you all
the time... –Gyeong-Su-“

Box number six, she laugh so hard when she open it, 1 banana milk and 1 strawberry
milk with crappy handwritten, “happy birthday imo we give you our favourite milk so
you can be healthy..” it’s from the twin.

Box number seven, Ji-A remember she was once seen So-Mi knitting this scarf, a very
beautiful red scarf,

“Happy birthday my Ji-A, remember me when you wearing this okay?.. love So-Mi”

Box number eight, it’s from her mom and Ji-A cry when she open it, it’s a baby cloth
with picture of her mom holding her while she’s a baby. And baby Ji-A was wearing the
clothes she has as her gift from her mom. “My Ji-A everytime I saw this I never
forget how happy I was welcoming you into this world. Thank you for becoming my
daughter, also thank you for being alive and safe as you are right now. Stay healthy
and shine as you are now...because that will be my source of happiness too in this

Suddenly her phone buzzing, it’s Hui-Jun,

“What are you doing?” Hui-Jun ask.

“Opening the gifts...” said Ji-A.

“Then why you sound like you’re crying..” Hui-Jun ask again.

“It’s just I read eomma card before..” reply Ji-A.

“She make you cry?” Hui-Jun smile.

“Yep...and that’s weird because usually I’m the one who made her cry...” said Ji-A,

“Can you come now?? It’s cold outside..” said Hui-Jun.

“Hah??!! Ji-A run to the window and open it, Hui-Jun is at the garden right now and
waving at her.

“Oppa..don’t you suppose to be at Jeju right now??” Ji-A surprised to find him at her
house right now.

Some Other Day

“I should...but it’s my girlfriend birthday today, so I think I should be here even
for a short time...hurry come it’s cold...” Hui-Jun told her to come down.

Ji-A throw her phone and run. She then really find Hui-Jun standing at the garden,
she run and jump into him.

“Omo!!! Why are you so energetic like this??” Hui-Jun laugh and hug her tight.

“Because I’m so happy now..” Ji-A smile.

“By seeing me??? Then I should stop my job and keep following you around to keep you
happy...” Hui-Jun laugh.

“YES!!” Ji-A shout.

“SSSTTT!!!! I don’t want everyone awake because of us...” Hui-Jun put his hand on her
mouth. Ji-A only laugh.

Then they go inside and sit at the kitchen with hot chocolate serve by Hui-Jun,

“It’s my house but yet you’re the one who’s making the drink..” said Ji-A.

“It’s still your birthday so I can tolerate it..” reply Hui-Jun.

“Is it okay for you to be here?” ask Ji-A.

“I need to go back early tomorrow morning..” said Hui-Jun.

“I still can’t believe that you’re here..” Ji-A touch Hui-Jun face.

“I must be here... I don’t want to miss your special day...I will make effort to be
with you..” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A smile hearing that, then Hui-Jun take out something from his pocket, a small
pink box with white ribbon, he hand it to Ji-A,

“I may not have lot’s of time to be spend with you, but when I have I will value that
so you will have a wonderful moments with me. I may not able to take you to many
lovely places like the theme park but I will take you to places where you will also
feel happy to be with me. I may not a very romantic man you ever imagine but I will
always say I love you to keep you happy keeping me as your man. I may not around you
every second but all my thoughts always be with you and I always pray that God will
keep you safe for me. And above those all, I may not be perfect but it’s you who make
me perfect, thank you for coming into my life... happy birthday Baek Ji-A..” Hui-Jun
put on the bracelet in Ji-A wrist.

“Thank you oppa...this is so beautiful..” Ji-A the kiss his cheek.

Hui-Jun then cup her face and he lean closer, his lip touch Ji-A’s. He then kiss her

Some Other Day

“Happy birthday..” Hui-Jun whisper then kissing her again.


Some Other Day


„....The love I always dreamed of, the love I aways thought

of, It’s you....(Love Falls–JunielandJonghyunCN Blue)

Some Other Day

 Sekang High School, Graduation Day, year 2000

“Congratulations Gyeong-Su ah” few of female students greet him while Gyeong-Su walk past them.

“Sunbae please accept this..” a junior female student suddenly stand in front of him offer him a flower.
Gyeong-Su smile and accept the flower.

“Thank you..” Gyeong-Su said.

He then look around, and he find the one he’s been looking for.

“Jae-Hwan ah!!!” Gyeong-Su shout

Jae-Hwan quickly turn his head and wave to Gyeong-Su, he then leave the girl that’s been holding into his
hand for a while.

“Why you just show up now, I’m so sick if someone already clinging like that...I said that I can’t accept
her heart but then she cried and keep holding my hand...” Jae-Hwan mumbling.

“Isn’t she pretty...I heard she’s really into you since last year..” Gyeong-Su turn his head back to see the

“No one is pretty... I’m sure you have something in your keep commenting this one pretty that
one pretty..every girl are pretty for you..” said Jae-Hwan

Gyeong-Su laugh, “Of course...every girl born in this world are pretty. What makes it different is that they
are pretty, prettiest and the most prettiest... the 2 last category only own by 3 people in my life...” said

“Who are they?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“Prettiest are eomma and eomoni..” Gyeong-Su mention his mom and Jae-Hwan mom.

“Waaahhh you really are annoying for telling me that...if my mom hear that she definitely will kick out my
name from the family registry and change it into you..” said Jae-Hwan hug Gyeong-Su shoulder.

Gyeong-Su only smile hearing that, since his mom died, Lee Mi-Na replace her for Gyeong-Su. And
Gyeong-Su really thanked her that he never loose a mom’s love since Mi-Na replace her mom spot for

“Then who the most prettiest?” ask Jae-Hwan

Gyeong-Su thinking whether he should tell the answer to Jae-Hwan or not.

“It’s a secret...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Is it Ji-Yeon noona??? She always make us tell her that she looked pretty...” Jae-Hwan try to guess.

“Why should I think about noona...she is pretty but she’s not the most prettiest for me” said Gyeong-Su.

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The graduation ceremony finally over, Gyeong-Su already took picture too. He is now waiting for the one
he’s been waiting.

“Oppaaaaa!!!!” little girl with red dress running with a bouquet flower in her hand.

“There she is my most prettiest” Gyeong-Su whisper to himself, he smiled and open up his arms to
welcome her.

“Be careful!!!” Gyeong-Su warn her.

“Ehehehehe... this one for you..” Ji-A hand him the bouquet, “Eomma bought this for you but I choose the
flowers..” she continue.

“Then this must be very special since Baek Ji-A personally choose these flowers for me..” Gyeong-Su
accept the bouquet, “thank you..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Ya babydoll, where is my flower?!” Jae-Hwan show up and poke on Ji-A head.

“Iissshhh stop calling me that name...I’m not a baby and I’m not a doll!!” Ji-A irritated by Jae-Hwan.

“Then what should I call you? Gangster?” Jae-Hwan keep on teasing her.

“I will tell appa that you keep disturbing me..” Ji-A threat her brother.

“Do you know that Gyeong-Su has secret?” Jae-Hwan talk to Ji-A.

“What secret?” Ji-A look at Gyeong-Su.

“Nothing..” Gyeong-Su smile at Ji-A.

“He has someone that he consider the most prettiest...and its not Ji-Yeon noona..” said Jae-Hwan.

Ji-A paused and she look at both of them, “Stupid...” Ji-A said to Jae-Hwan.

“What?!! What do you mean by that... calling me stupid...” Jae-Hwan offended.

“It’s me... how can Ji-Yeon eonnie prettier than me?!! I’m the prettiest ever!!” Ji-A said in confidence.

Jae-Hwan and Gyeong-Su laugh very hard to see Ji-A reaction,

“Come oppa. Just leave that nerd...” Ji-A linking her arm on Gyeong-Su then walk with him.

“It’s me right??? If you have other girl with that title you’re dead in my hand!!” Ji-A said to him in low tone
affraid Jae-Hwan will overheard it.

Gyeong-Su laugh, “I got it... let’s just give that title to you then...” said Gyeong-Su.

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“YA!!! Wait for me!!!” Jae-Hwan shout and he run approaching them.

“Should we go to eat tteokbokki after this?” ask Gyeong-Su to Ji-A.

“We need to take picture first, Min-Hwan ahjussi and appa already arrive. Eomma and Ji-Yeon eonnie
waiting for us near the soccer field. Lets take a picture there..” Ji-A looks very enthusiast today.

While Ji-A and Gyeong-Su busy taking picture together, Ji-Yeon and Jae-Hwan watch them from the other

“Noona you’re not the most prettiest for Gyeong-Su..” said Jae-Hwan

Ji-Yeon who’s sipping her strawberry milk shocked to hear that, “What you mean by that?? How come that
brat not consider me as pretty...does he has a death wish??” Ji-Yeon pretend to be irritated.

“You’re not the prettiest too for me...” said Jae-Hwan

“Iissshhh...” Ji-Yeon glance at him, “Then who beat me this time?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“That’s the culprit...the one with red dress... I can’t believe Gyeong-Su fall for her all this time...” Jae-
Hwan point at Ji-A.

“How did you know that?” Ji-Yeon surprised she thought she’s the only one that aware about Gyeong-Su
feeling toward her little sister.

“Noona... he even run and ditch school when she heard Ji-A fall from her gymnastic class, he even keep
waiting for her the whole night...he is such obvious, the one that stupid is babydoll...” said Jae-Hwan.

“Ya!! She’s 10, what do expect from 10 years old girl to be able to learn about love... the one that weird is
you!!” Ji-Yeon defend on Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su put down the picture of him and Ji-A on his graduation day. He’s been daydreaming by looking
at the picture. The day when Ji-A came and talk to him after the confession, he was thinking on giving up
his feeling so Ji-A can smile again when they meet again. Because he will always meet her again, at the
gathering, when he meet with Jae-Hwan, Ji-A is in his circle so it will sad for him if Ji-A continue hiding
and avoid him. Just to see her smile and comfort again he decide to gave up his feelings, the love he’s
been keeping for more than a decade. But then the night when he found Ji-A hiding from that reporters,
and how she seems relieved to see him, it was heartbreaking for him to see her hiding like that. Being
affraid because of something. She remember how Ji-A saved him twice from fire due to his trauma, and
then he saved her. And he want to keep her safe the rest of his life. The day when Ji-A got shot was a
horrible nightmare for him. He couldn’t stay by her side holding her hand like Hui-Jun did, but he stay
outside her room wait for her like that. It’s sad but at least that make him feel a little bit at ease to be abe
to see her even for a very short time. He told Hui-Jun before that he will try again, he’s not giving up on
Ji-A. He decided to love again the same like he was before. He decide to take her from Hui-Jun.

But he also has some thoughts....he is hesitating on how he should act or move because he is affraid Ji-A
will respond like she was before. And it will break his heart even more, and he’s affraid Ji-A will dissapear
from her because of that.

Some Other Day

“What should I do? I really want you to know that I really love you...” Gyeong-Su talk with Ji-A picture.

“Hi chinggu... are you eating your lunch alone today??” Nabi send him text message. Gyeong-Su smile and
type his reply,

“Today I will have my lunch with some people about my next project....but I will spend my dinner alone”

“Cancel your date with your some people...come and eat lunch with me” Nabi reply

“Why?” ask Gyeong-Su

“I just finished a meeting near your office, and now I’m starving...come out now have lunch with me” Nabi
force him.

Gyeong-Su smile, “I can’t... sorry... I have a meeting with them during lunch. Next time I’ll buy you lunch”

“*angry*crying* you owe me lunch then..bye..” reply Nabi.

Gyeong-Su put down his phone and call for his secretary, Se-Ah show-up from behind the door,

“You call?” she ask

“Noona please prepare my material for today’s meeting at the Baek Hospital, and also please tell Gi-
Gwang to prepared all the need to bring into this project” said Gyeong-Su.

“I got it.. the documents you need will be ready in 10 minutes..” Se-Ah then dissapear.

“Everything ready?” Gyeong-Su ask Gi-Gwang again while they’re inside the Baek Hospital.

“It’s all set CEO Cha..” Gi-Gwang assure him.

Baek Hospital is having a big project coming, it’s a medical centre for kids with chronic disease and
cancer, they plan to build a big new building near the main building and hire the best pediatric and staff to
serve the medical centre. A lot of money put in this project as Taeyang group also join in investing first
time in Taeyang history to be involve in medical field, every newspaper already talk about this and predict
this project will be the best and the biggest children medical centre in South Korea. And JI-Yeon was
contact Gyeong-Su first when she had the project approval from all the executive members. Gyeong-Su
notice a familiar face while he is heading the conference room,

“Oppa!!” Ji-A see Gyeong-Su in front of the elevator. Gyeong-Su smile then wave at her.

“What you’re doing here? Oh annyeonghaseyo..” Ji-A greet Gi-Gwang.

Some Other Day

“I have meeting with Ji-Yeon noona about the children medical centre, are you busy?” ask Gyeong-Su

“I just finished a surgery..” but then Ji-A heard someone shouting her name, she turn and find Tae-Woo,
her subordinate resident call for her and show a paper to her,

“Ah! The lab result...oppa I’m sorry but I need to go now..have a great presentation...” Ji-A wave at him
and Gi-Gwang.

The presentation went successfull, Ji-Yeon, others executive members and Taeyang representatives seems
very happy and satisfied with the building design offerred by Gyeong-Su.

“Nice job... I knew I pick the right man for this job..” Ji-Yeon tap on his shoulder.

“You know I always do my best especially for you..” reply Gyeong-Su

“Liar.... where are you going after this?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“I don’t know....I don’t have any appoinment again after this.. noona, what are you doing?" ask Gyeong-

“I have another meeting then I need to go home quick, the twins need to make a handycraft for tomorrow
assignment...” said Ji-Yeon.

“CEO Cha I’m going first, I need to check something at our apartment project..” Gi-Gwang said

“Oh you have to go now?” Gyeong-Su was planning to ask Gi-Gwang for a drink with him after this.

“Yes... I also have a date with my girlfriend so I need to finish on checking the project site quickly..” Gi-
Gwang smirked.

“Wah are you bragging that you have a girlfriend now?? I envy you...” Gyeong-Su laugh.

“Then when you come back?” Ji-A talking on the phone with Hui-Jun.

“I need to finish the filming, I’m sorry...” Hui-Jun really sorry for cancelling their date again. He’s been so
busy wrapping all the remaining contract. And keep doing filming a new CF scene for some products he
endorse. Not to mention his duty as Korean Tourism Ambassador, he is busy attending events related to
that matter. Time is their enemy right now, Ji-A also busy preparing herself for next professor position
opening. Her father wants her to be able to passed the preliminary test, but only 1 spot available for
neuro since they already recruit the neuro genius Ho In-Gyo in this early year. Everyone said he will
continue Jae-Dok legacy with his skills.

“I can’t meet you on next Friday, I have full surgery schedule that day, not to mention if we have
emergency patient coming..” said Ji-A

“How is your progress for the test?” ask Hui-Jun

Some Other Day

“I wish I can have it... Hyeon-U already have Jae-Hwan oppa and professor Shin he’s
in a very good path..” said Ji-A

“How about you? Isn’t aboeji give you the recomendation?” ask Hui-Jun.

“He did...but I need to show him many of my skills...and that means I have to live on the operation room
until the new professor list announced..” said Ji-A.

“You can make it, don’t worry about us...after this end we’ll go to Iceland together and have a vacation...”
said Hui-Jun.

“Iceland.... I wish we can go tomorrow...” Ji-A reply.

Ji-A sit on the bench in front of emergency room with banana milk in her hand.

“Why are you sitting here alone?” Gyeong-Su find her and now joining her.

“My friends are busy saving life...I’m here I am catching some fresh air with this banana
milk..” Ji-A smile.

“What are you doing after this?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“I was planning to date...but the boyfriend is busy so he bailed on our date again....” said Ji-A.

“You’re meeting him often?” ask Gyeong-Su

“It’s hard fighting with his schedule....they always win over me..” Ji-A smile in agony.

“You choose have to deal with it...” said Gyeong-Su.

“I know...I didn’t even know that I’m a very patient and forgiven woman until I met his friend that named
Schedules...” said Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su laugh, and he get up.

“If you have nothing to do now, why don’t you come with me” he asked.

“Where?” ask Ji-A.

“Anywhere...anything... I’m bored and I don’t have anything to do left today... I was planning asking Gi-
Gwang for drinks but he said he has to go because he want to go for a date with his girlfriend..Jae-Hwan
said he want’s to go home early today... then I found you... let’s go..” Gyeong-Su explain.

“Let’s watch movie then...and go sightseeing...” Ji-A get up.

“Let’s spend the day...” Gyeong-Su is happy.

Some Other Day

“What are you doing here?” Hui-Jun surprised by the person who’s now standing in front of him.

“Just let me go..” So-Ra try to release her hand from Hui-Jun’s grab.

“Why are you like this?” He is surprised to see So-Ra in this condition. She wear a ragged clothes and she
has some bruises on her arms, she looks very tired and her hair is a mess.

“Hui-Jun ah just let me go please, I don’t want my boss see me taking with you like this... I can’t afford to
find another job...” So-Ra really uncomfortable with what Hui-Jun do to her right now.

Hui-Jun release her arm, he then looked around make sure that they’re safe from others eyes. He checked
on So-Ra once again, she looks so different with So-Ra he knew five years ago. And he know for sure that
So-Ra family background is a wealthy family, so no way they will let So-Ra looks like this even worked as
the dish washer in a restaurant.

“When you’re finish your job?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Why? Just go..” said So-Ra

“Let’s talk... I will wait until you finish. I parked over there, you can find the blue SUV, let’s talk..” Hui-Jun
really worry to see her like that.

He waited for So-Ra, she said she will be done in one hour, he even lied to Ji-A and cancel their date.

“What do you want to watch?” ask Gyeong-Su

“Let’s watch something funny or action...” said Ji-A.

“Okay..” Gyeong-Su then picked a movie and order some snack and soft drinks.

“Waahh this is good...I forget how I love being in the cinema like now..” said Ji-A.

“Let’s go and watch movie again together next time..” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A look at him, “Sure...let’s do it again later...” she smile and drinks her cola.

Gyeong-Su and JI-A really enjoy their movie together, he and Ji-A laugh so hard when they see a funny
scene. After movie done Gyeong-Su buy dinner for them, and they eat it near the Han river and have
night picnic together. Ji-A laydown at the mat and enjoy the nightview in front of her eyes,

“The stars are so nice tonight...they all showed me their beautiful shine together...” said Ji-A admiring the
stars that looks like hanging in the sky.

Some Other Day

Gyeong-Su who also lay down beside her, smile and turn her head at her, he watch her, he want to touch
her, but he doesn’t want to be greedy at this moment. Being here like this, with her is enough for today.
He doesn’t want to ruin it. It’s enough for today.. he keep saying it in his heart.

“Oppa...if a couple never have the time to meet each other...will it ruin everything?” suddenly Ji-A ask him
a weird question.

“Why?? You don’t have time to date anymore?” ask Gyeong-Su

“He’s busy...I’m busy... when I have the time he’s not....when he has the time I’m stuck at the operation first dating him with his job is hard ...but now even my job makes it harder...” sigh Ji-A.

“Just try to make some time and him can figure out something..or are you giving up?” Gyeong-
Su placed his hand to support his head.

“I don’t know’s just I’m repeating the same mistake with him... I’m pretending again....I’m
pretending I have no issue but I actually hate this kind of thing right now...” said Ji-A.

“Then tell him... you need to be honest with him..” said Gyeong-Su.

“I know...” said Ji-A.

Then both of them lost in silence, they’re enjoying their own silence and wandering with their own
thoughts. Gyeong-Su look at his watch, they have been here for nearly 2 hours, he get up and look at Ji-
A. But turn out she’s asleep. Gyeong-Su smile and took out his coat, he then cover it on her.

“Thank you...for giving me this lovely moment with you today..” said Gyeong-Su keep his eyes fixed at


“Tell me what happen?” Hui-Jun offer a hot coffee to So-Ra.

So-Ra accept the coffee but she then keep her head down again and keep her mouth shout.

“So-Ra where is your husband? Is he the one that made those bruises?” ask Hui-Jun.

Again So-Ra keep silent, “Should I call the police then?” ask Hui-Jun again.

So-Ra instantly look at Hui-Jun, “Please don’t do that!” She looks very scared.

“Why? He beat you up...and it looks like he doesn’t take good care of you too so now you become like
this..” Hui-Jun look at her.

“Hui-Jun ah, I can’t go back to my family they don’t know about this. But I can’t go back to my inlaw
house too I’m too scared. Just help me please, would you do that?” So-Ra ask for his help.

Some Other Day

“Why should I do that, he should be rotten in jail treated you like that..” Hui-Jun insisted.

“It’s my daughter..” So-Ra try to hold her tears.

Hui-Jun make sure on what he heard, “Daughter?”

So-Ra wipe her tears and trying to talk with her shaken voice, “No-Ra... Jung No-Ra....she’s 3 years old. I
was making mistake Hui-Jun ah, my husband was really mad this time..” So-Ra wipe her tears again.

“Don’t cry, tell me slowly...” Hui-Jun passed her the tissue.

“Before I mary him I was dating someone from my work, but my parents not approve him to be their son
in law, they already picked someone for me..” So-Ra start her story.

“It’s your husband right now...” said Hui-Jun.

“He is a very decent man, he is very nice to me too....but I made mistake....” So-Ra crying.

“What happen?’ ask Hui-Jun.

“I was decide to spent a night with my ex boyfriend a week before I married, we went for 2 days, after I
got married few weeks after that I was pregnant, I was so shocked that I got pregnant so easily and I
was very sure that the baby is not belong to my husband. When the family found out about this everyone
was vey happy, not to mention my husband. He was so happy until he was alocated some money to be
given to the people who need it to celebrate my pregnancy...” So-Ra voice is shaken.

“After No-Ra born I took a DNA test secretly and my hunch were true, she and my husband don’t have a
match DNA” said So-Ra.

“He never know?” ask Hui-Jun.

“He never know until last month...” said So-Ra.

“What happen last month?” Hui-Jun curious.

“No-Ra was sick, her father loves her so much. For him No-Ra is his everything. No-Ra was need for more
blood, I was already furious that everyone would found out the truth, I was secretly to get some blood
without anyone notice. But then my husband found out, he ask why No-Ra should need blood from the
blood bank, If mine not match with her then he would match and he would be gladly to drawn out some
blood for his daughter, he then went to see the doctors and checked on him...” said So-Ra.

“His blood didn’t match..” Hui-Jun can guess the result.

So-Ra nodding and cry, “He was so shocked to knew the blood result, he kept asking why, and angry to
me... he was out for drinks and came home totally wasted...things he never did before..” So-Ro close her

“After 2 weeks No-Ra was discarged from the hospital, then my husband said I should leave the house
and leave No-Ra too. He will filled a divorce and I should agree that No-Ra will be under his full custody,
he will give me money to survive but I should not visit No-Ra ever again..” continue So-Ra.

Some Other Day

“How can I do that Hui-Jun ah, she’s my baby too... I carried her and give birth to her. After I got kicked
out I never touch any money given by my husband, I live with all that I have, I sold the bag, the coat, the
shoes I was wearing when I left the house. I look for a job and rent a small room to survive. But I really
want to see her... I went to see her yesterday, but then my husband saw me and he dragged me out and
told me to go...that’s why I got this..” So-Ra touch her bruises arm.

Hui-Jun lean his back at the couch, he is thinking hard. After some moment in silent,

“So-Ra ah, I don’t know what to solve your problem as that’s your personal issue and it’s your and your
husband privacy. But I can’t let you wander at the street like this. No matter what we were very close
back then, and we’re can call ourselves a close friend. I can only help you so you can get better...not like
this..” said Hui-Jun.

“First, let’s wait for Beom-Seok he was out to get some clean and nice clothes for you. Then you can stay
at Beom-Seok place for a while and Beom-Seok will stay here with me or at Gi-Gwang, he’s okay with any
option... you need to get to your senses and take your stand. If you want to see your daughter again then
you have to make yourself looks good..” said Hui-Jun.

“You can stay the night in here, Beom-Seok still clean up his place...since noona married and left him
alone that room change into a pig barn..” Hui-Jun smile.

“Be strong.... you the strong So-Ra I knew right?” Hui-Jun smile at her.

So-Ra smile and nod.

“Ahjumma is the egg roll ready?” Ji-A put the sandwich into the lunch box.

“I just cut it, and put on that container..” the maid point her finger.

“Ah...this one perfect..” said Ji-A.

“Where are you going so early?? It’s 6AM and you already put some food, are you going to picnic?” So-Mi
surprised to see JI-A at the kitchen so early this morning.

“I’m going to have breakfast together with Hui-Jun oppa...” Ji-A is smiling happy. She already asked
Beom-Seok that Hui-Jun shoot will begin at 12 this morning so he will be at home until 9, before he went
to filming location. That’s why she wake up so early and asked the maid to prepare some breakfast to go.

“Bring him some tea also...let me brewed it for you..” So-Mi goes and prepared the tea.

“I love you eonnie...” Ji-A send her a heart sign.

“Don’t tell Hui-Jun that you make all of these...tell him that all of these cooked by ahjumma and the tea
prepared by me..” said So-Mi.

“Of course, he knew that I’m very good on preparing all of these into the container...not cooking all of
these..” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“As expected my Hui-Jun is a very smart one...” So-Mi smile.

“Waahh does something happen to you? So you wake up this early?” Gyeong-Su appear at their kitchen.

“Oppa??!!! Why are you here so early??” ask Ji-A.

“Do you really has to ask why? It’s because of you!!” Gyeong-Su talk to her.

“Why??” Ji-A still don’t understand.

“Last night someone fell into deep sleep that I even had to carried her to the car, then after the car I have
to carried her again to her bed. Then Jae-Hwan ask me to stay and have a drink with him last night, next
thing I know I wake up at the couch in this house, Now I really need to get back and change I have to
visit the project site..” Gyeong-Su take one sandwich and eat it.

“This is delicious because you prepared all of these..” Gyeong-Su talk to Ji-A while holding his sandwich.

“I know... I can even gain a Michellin star only preparing the food..” Ji-A reply.

“I know you will....” Gyeong-Su smile.

“Where are you going?? I can take you..”ask Gyeong-Su.

“It’s fine I will bring my own will be late if you drop me first..” said Ji-A.

“Ok then... I’m going now...” Gyeong-Su take out another sandwich and drink the milk that Ji-A has,

“Ya! That’s mine!!” Ji-A shout when she see Gyeong-Su finish all of her milk.

“Thank you babydoll...” Gyeong-Su tease her and run.

“Arrhh that man really annoying..” Ji-A pour another milk and drink it up.

Ji-A arrive at Hui-Jun condo complex and walking to the entrace door, she hear something clicking,
stopped and she look around but she find nothing. She continue walking and go into the elevator. With a
very happy mood. She press the code lock into Hui-Jun place, and open the door. She open her shoes but
she couldn’t find her slipper,

“Where is my slipper?” Ji-A mumbling and keep looking on her slipper. She open the shoes cabinet but the
she find something interesting. She pull out the sport shoes she never seen before. This surely not Hui-
Jun’s since its too small for his feet, and its not hers either as she never wear a sport shoes other than in
a hospital. Then who is the owner of this shoes and how come her slipper is missing.

She then take out her phone, she dial Hui-Jun number and she an hear it rings, not long then Hui-Jun
picked up his phone,

“Oh..chagi-ya” Hui-Jun said

Some Other Day

“Oppa...are you at home?” ask Ji-A.

Hui-Jun paused for a moment, “Oh I already on my way to filming location, why?” he lied. Hui-Jun just
finish his shower and he saw Ji-A call him, he suddenly remember hat So-Ra is sleeping in his guest room
and it will be weird if Ji-A find out about So-Ra sleep over at his place. he decide he will explain about this

“Ooohh I see... that’s too bad I was going to your place to have breakfast together..”Ji-A hold her emotion
that she find out Hui-Jun lies.

Ji-A walk inside, her mind is blank she just want to see who the one wearing her slipper and what make
Hui-Jun lie to her. But then she heard someone open the door, she hurriedly run and hide under Hui-Jun’s
work desk. She heard someone walking, but the steps are light so it’s not Hui-Jun’s. Her heart beating so
fast, she then heard another steps and she’s sure that it’s Hui-Jun’s foot steps.

“What do you want for breakfast?” Hui-Jun ask.

“I will make you some..” Ji-A can heard a woman voice, “Do you still like the egg sunshine?” ask So-Ra. Ji-
A stuck on her hiding place but she can’t get out because it will be too embarassing for her. She clench
her teeth to hold her emotion right now.

“Yes .. please make some..” said Hui-Jun.

So this woman even knew what Hui-Jun likes, who is she? Ji-A keep asking on herself. she is so angry
right now.

“This one for you, half cooked as you like it....” So-Ra placed the egg into Hui-Jun’s plate.

“Thanks..” said Hui-Jun, suddenly Hui-Jun phone is ringing,

“Yes writer nim..” Hui-Jun greet the caller.

“Oh...changes on what page? Wait a moment I will take the script..” Hui-Jun get up from his seat and
goes directly to his work desk to get the drama script they’re talking about. He’s grabbing his bag and
search for the script but then it fell to the other side since he do not grab the bag properly,

“Iishh, wait a moment writer nim..yes.. I will be there at 9 this morning..” said Hui-Jun. He then duck
down to get the script but then he spot someone under his desk, it’s Ji-A looking at him with the look that
he can’t described.

Hui-Jun dropped his phone, he is very shocked to find Ji-A hiding like that, Ji-A get out from her hiding
place and she look into the kitchen area, she find someone stand awkwardly there, then she look into her

“There it slipper...” Ji-A smile ironically to see her rabbit slipper wear by the woman she never seen

“Since when you’re here?” ask Hui-Jun, “Why you’re not go and look for me instead hiding here?”

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Ji-A take a deep breath, “What should I do, because I found you were lie, saying that you’re already on
your way to the filming location..” Ji-A look at Hui-Jun.

“Who are you? Why are you wearing my slipper?” Ji-A walk approaching So-Ra.

“I...I...” So-Ra is trembling she can’t even speak.

“It’s not what you think” Hui-Jun quick reply it and stand between Ji-A and So-Ra.

“I don’t even know what I’m thinking right now, what do I think?” Ji-A sound very cold.

“You never has time to meet with me these days... but you can spend the night with her?” ask Ji-A

“You.... Let’s talk in my room..” Hui-Jun take her hand but Ji-A refuse it,

“No...why should I leave this room... why you need to talk with me without her hearing it...Is it not okay
for her to hear something unpleasant from you?” Ji-A keep talking.

“I told you before, it’s not what you misunderstanding?” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A look at him, “Misunderstanding? I don’t think I hear any explanation yet from you...from her...why
should I misunderstanding?” She then grab her belongings then march out.

“Ji-A..Ji-A wait...let me explain...” Hui-Jun try to hod her. But Ji-A is no going to hear anything from him,
she pushed him away.

“I’m late for work, I have surgery this morning...” Ji-A keep walking and she reach the door. But then she
stopped and turn back, she walk into So-Ra and look into her slipper,

“Took it off while I’m asking you nicely..” Ji-A said to So-Ra, So-Ra quickly take off the slipper then Ji-A
pick it up,

“I really hate it when someone use my things without asking..” she look at So-Ra.

Hui-Jun close his eyes, he realize he just make a huge mistake this morning.

“I’ll take you to your work...” He grab Ji-A’s hand.

“I think you should eat your half cooked egg sunshine.. “ Ji-A push him and leave.

Hui-Jun quickly run and grab his coat, but Ji-A already enter the elevator when he’s out, he press the
other elevator button quickly. Ji-A walk in a rush at the parking lot, Hui-Jun is able to catch her then grab
her hand but she’s quicker she release her hand and cause the paperbag contains the breakfast she was
prepared flying into the air then fall apart in front of them. Hui-Jun look at the mess, then his senses catch
something he turn his head to his right and find someone clicking his camera, he then grab Ji-A’s hand
and with all the strength he hide Ji-A’s with his coat. Some security officer who happen to hear Hui-Jun
shout come in hurry and captured the man who take Hui-Jun pictures, Hui-Jun very angry he then release
Ji-A then take the camera that hand over by the security to him. Hui-Jun quickly check all the pictures he
was taken.

Some Other Day

“Ahjussi don’t you think you’re a little bit rude to me? What did I do wrong so you do this to me? I will file
a lawsuit for this and I will take this camera for now you can have it at my agency later...” said Hui-Jun
emotionally. Then the security take the man out from that place, Hui-Jun turn back but Ji-A already gone
he then look Ji-A’s car run into the exit area.

Even with no proof but the news travel so fast, internet is buzzing with news that someone spotted Hui-
Jun and his girlfriend were having a fight at Hui-Jun’s place some netizen buy the rumors but most of
them ignore it because there’s no proof at all. And Hui-Jun agency quickly response by saying that the
rumors is based on nothing and ask for the fans support for the couple and Hui-Jun’s drama.

“Is it true?” ask Mi-Yeon while they lining up for lunch at the cafetaria.

“True what?” Ji-A really not in the mood for discussing this matter.

“That’s true right?” Hyeon-U suddenly show up and take his place in front of Mi-Yeon.

“Ya!! Go back...line up!!!” I’m totally hungry right now!! I haven’t eat breakfast and I haven’t come home
too since yesterday..” Hyeon-U put up his cutest face.

“!!” Mi-Yeon give him the food tray she’s holding and she take another tray.

“So why were you fight?” ask Hyeon-U again while looking at gloomy Ji-A, “Look at her she really is
having a serious problem..” Hyeon-U scanning on Ji-A.

“It’s not like you think!! And I didn’t have any fight with anyone today!!” Ji-A explode then she put down
her tray and go.

Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon puzzled to see her reaction,

“What’s with that attitude?” said Mi-Yeon.

“She’s really having a big fight this morning then..” reply Hyeon-U.

Mi-Yeon see her bestfriend walk exiting the cafetaria, she know tha Ji-A is having problem since she came
to the hospital this morning. She even throw her rabbit slipper to the trash bin at the resident room, and
make a fuss about it when Ah-Young tried to pick up the slipper,

“Why you put away this? This is still good...If you don’t want it can I have it?” ask Ah-Young.

“Don’t touch that.... I hate it when people use my personal stuff!!!” Ji-A then close her locker very hard so
everyone shocked by her act.

“What happen with her?” Woo-Ri stop his reading because of the loud noise from the locker door.

Everyone just shook their head, then continue their activity without being bothered again by what just

Some Other Day

“Forget this, go and buy us me at the stairs!!” Mi-Yeon take the tray from Hyeon-U then told
him to do what she said.

“Mi-Yeon ah I’m hungry!!!” Hyeon-U shout to Mi-Yeon who’s now running to catch on Ji-A.

“If you do not show up then you’re dead!!” Mi-Yeon shout back.

Hyeon-U put both his hand on his waist he know he should do what she told him just then. He then go to
the other side of the cafetaria,

“Ahjumma give me 3 tuna kimbab and 3 strawberry milk... wait give me 1 ramen too...goodbye my steak”
said Hyeon-U looking sadly at the steak served at the cafetaria for the Baek's employee lunch menu.

Now the three musketeers sitting together eating their lunch at their office. But Ji-A not touch her kimbab
at all,

“Why you’re not touching your that many people is suffering because they can’t eat, you should
not playing with your luck like that...” Hyeon-U look at her.

Ji-A then take one kimbab and put it in her mouth, her phone is buzzing again for the many times and it’s
Hui-Jun again. Mi-Yeon see the caller name,

“You’re not going to answer that?” she ask

“Why should I...” Ji-A reply.

“To talk...I don’t know what happen between you too but if you want to keep the relationship going
strong then you have to talk to each other not only when you’re happy but also when you’re having
trouble..” Hyeon-U lecture her.

“Someone is grown up now..” said Ji-A.

“Yes because someone is playing childish now..” reply Hyeon-U.

“Stop it, do ou want to tell us or not?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“No... I still don’t understand about that too... it’s best to keep it myself than to create another
misunderstanding..” said Ji-A.

Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon look at Ji-A, they have their own worry on her. But they know Ji-A and how Ji-A will
act on her bad mood. It’s better to let her alone this time.

“Hui-Jun ah should I talk to your girlfriend?” So-Ra texting him after she text before that she already
arrive at Beom-Seok place.

Some Other Day

“No need, I just have to talk to her she’ll be okay..” reply Hui-Jun.

“Let me know if I have to talk to her to clear this up.” So-Ra text him back.

“Don’t worry about me, just worry about yourself. I contact a friend, she will meet you there and talk
about some job..” said Hui-Jun

“Alright..thank you *smile*” reply So-Ra.

Hui-Jun then look at his call log, he’s been calling Ji-A for 30 times today but none of his calls were picked
up. His agency already take care about the reporter that take his picture back this morning now even
many security put up in Hui-Jun’s place because other tenants also complaining to the management that
how come the reporter can enter their private area again for the second times.

“I understand that you’re mad right now, but can’t I explain?” Hui-Jun send Ji-A text message as he feels
it will be useless to call her again.

“Hui-Jun shi your scene will be start in 10 minutes!” shout the assistant director.

“Alright hyung!! I’ll be there now!’ Hui-Jun get up.

“Someone waiting for you..”Hyeon-U suddenly show up at Ji-A department.

“Why? Need something with neuro consultation?” Ji-A keep her eyes fixed on the Brain Recractor she is
prepare for tomorrow surgery.

“Seems like....he need something related to nerve war...” said Hyeon-U again.

Ji-A look at him, “I’m not in the mood for quizzes..”

“I don’t have more time to play quizzes with you..” Hyeon-U reply.

“Then why you’re here?” ask Ji-A

“I said to you before, someone waiting for you..” Hyeon-U repeat his words.

“Who?” ask Ji-A

“Someone that will be doing a nerve war with you...” Hyeon-U answer

“Bo-Ra?” Ji-A guess.

“She won’t even ask to get the fight started with you....” said Hyeon-U.

“Then...” Ji-A asked again.

Some Other Day

Hyeon-U become unpatient, he need to go for his rounds with Jae-Hwan in 10 minutes and Jae-Hwan will
kill him if he’s late, but Hui-Jun just show up and asked for his help to get Ji-A meet him at their office
right now.

“Just stop pretending that you don’t know who I’m refering to, I need to go and prepare my rounds
before your brother find out that I missed his patients chart, I don’t want he kill me today especially if it’s
because of you...” Hyeon-U start to chattering.

“Aiisshhh you are so noisy.... then you should go and don’t care about him..” said Ji-A.

“Just meet him and will make you feel better also..” Hyeon-U drag her outside. He then take Ji-A
to their office where Hui-Jun already wait for her.

They arrive at the emergency stairs, Hyeon-U push her when they meet Hui-Jun there,

“Hyung there I bring you the package you requested...” Hyeon-U then leave the two of them.

Ji-A then sit down, Hui-Jun look at her and he can see that Ji-A still upset about what happen this
morning. He then take a seat beside her,

“I will take my punishment now...” Hui-Jun push his shoulder to Ji-A.

Ji-A glance at him, “Do you think you deserve to accept the punishment?”

“She is my friend...she has some trouble with her husband I met her doing dishes and looks very awfull so
I take her home and talk with her...Beom-Seok know about her too. Even now she’s staying at Beom-Seok
place until she can solve her problem with her husband.” Hui-Jun tell her about So-Ra.

“Why you have to lied then..” ask Ji-A.

“I know...that’s my fault... I was worried that you will have the wrong idea if you came then saw her in
my place. Yes I was wrong...but I really have nothing on her, we’re just friend right now...” said Hui-Jun.

“Right now?? Then what happen before between you two..?” Ji-A looks suspicious on Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun smirked he just realize he just make a wrong move, “Aahh.... her name is...So-Ra...she’s So-Ra...”

Ji-A then remember something related with that name, “the ex girlfriend So-Ra...” she knew that name
very well.

Hui-Jun smirked. He then take Ji-A hand and hold it with his,

“Please forgive me, I was wrong for lying to you this morning. But I really had nothing with her, it’s just I
only want to help her, that’s all..” said Hui-Jun.

“I really hate you this morning..” said Ji-A.

“So you don’t hate me now right?” Hui-Jun smile his victory.

“I really mean it when I said I hate if someone wear my things without asking, especially her..” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“I understand, even if eomma come to visit I won’t let her use your slipper ever again..” said Hui-Jun.

“No one will use my slipper again even me, I threw it away...” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun look at her, “You were really mad at me.... I’ll buy you new slipper....” Hui-Jun smile.

“Forget it...” Ji-A still pouting her lip.

Hui-Jun phone is buzzing, “I need to go now..” he get up and give his hand to Ji-A.

“Oppa you need to go back to your filming site?” ask Ji-A she then also get up with Hui-Jun help.

“I asked for a break to came here and meet you, and it’s worthed..” Hui-Jun hug her.

“What time you’ll be finish your work?” Hui-Jun ask.

“I almost done...why?” Ji-A ask him back.

“Wait for me at my place....okay?” Hui-Jun said.

“I don’t want to....” said Ji-A.

“Then I will come to your place and spend the night at your room..” said Hui-Jun.

“Appa will kill you if you do that..” said Ji-A.

“I’ll die without any regret then..” Hui-Jun smile.

Hui-Jun come back late at night, he got out from his van and walk to the entrance door while checking on
his phone, but Ji-A not text him or even call him after he met her at the hospital.

“She is really mad...what should I do....” Hui-Jun sigh.

He get into his place and no one turn on the light, means Ji-A also not here. She will turn on all the lights
since she hates being in the dark. Even when she’s sleep Hui-Jun must wait for her to asleep first before
he can turn off the light. He goes to the kitchen and drink some water, he sit down while checking some
text and emails that he need to read. This morning incident seems like already taking care by his agency
legal team. The agency also receive an apology from the tabloid where the reporter works. He read all the
email regarding that matter. He put down his glass and goes to the bathroom to take a bath. He then go
back to his work desk and checking some script, he then see the place where Ji-A used to hide. He look
and imagine Ji-A sitting there this morning, he look at it for a few moment. Thinking what he should do
tomorrow so Ji-A can forgive him. He goes to his room he then put a glass of water in his bed side. He let
the room dark he then lay down, but he sense a familiar scent near him. He then turn on the bed light, he
smile to see Ji-A sleeping next to him, he then lay down his body and hug her then kiss her many times,

“Iiissshhh stop it I’m so sleepy...” Ji-A kick Hui-Jun, but Hui-Jun tighten his hug. He is very happy right

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“Let’s just sleep like this.... “ he said.

“It’s hot...let go...” Ji-A whining.

“Nope...I must be crazy if I let go of you...” Hui-Jun keep hugging her.

“Do you wait for me long?” Hui-Jun asked

“You know I hate being in the dark, yet you came so late so I fell asleep...” said Ji-A.

“I love you Ji-A ah.... I love you so much...” said Hui-Jun and he kiss her again and again.

“I said stop it... I’m sleepy!!” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun laugh, “Okay..okay.... I’ll stop...” he then hug her and close his eyes.


So-Mi preparing Jae-Hwan suit to be wear today, she stop for a while and sit. She try to breath slowly, her
heart feel a little weird since yesterday. But she hide it because she doesn’t want to make everyone
worried. But since she wake up this morning she felt a continues chest pain and this time the pain is
harder than before. Jae-Hwan just get out from bathroom and find So-Mi sitting at the edge of their bed,

“Are you okay?” Jae-Hwan look at her.

So-Mi quickly get up and smile, she hold the pain, “Oh..I’m fine It’s just a little dizzy so I took a seat for a

“Are you hurt? Tell me where?” Jae-Hwan approaching and look at her.

“It’s nothing, hurry put on your clothes..let’s have breakfast..” said So-Mi.

Jae-Hwan done put on his clothes he then choose the watch he’s going to wear today, “PRANG!!!!”

He quickly run to the source of the sound,

“So-Mi ah!!!!!!” Jae-Hwan shout to find So-Mi collapsed and the vase ruins scaterred around her. Jae-
Hwan quickly grab her and put her on the bed. Both Jae-Dok and Mi-Na runs to Jae-Hwan room after they
hear Jae-Hwan shout.

“What happen?!!” Jae-Dok burst into the room and find Jae-Hwa is examining So-Mi.

“Please call 119!!!” Jae-Hwan panicked.

Ji-A run with her hand busy putting on sweater, while Jae-Hwan join in pushing cart to the ambulance car.

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“Eomma just wait here!!” Ji-A talk to her mom.

“No I’m going to!!” Mi-Na do not want to hear everyone says that she should be home.

Jae-Dok look at her, “Just stay at home, you can’t do anything also at the hospital..” said Jae-Dok.

“I’m going to stay with her, I don’t care even all of you won’t give me a ride i’ll take the cab..” Mi-Na
doesn’t really care.

“JI-A HURRY!!!!” Jae-Hwan shout as he already inside the ambulance.

Ji-A look at her parents and sign Jae-Dok something about her mother, then she run to come with Jae-

“Alright you come with me, but promise me you will stay in my office until So-Mi transferred into her own
room, you understand!” said Jae-Dok.

Mi-Na nod quickly, she’s sure her husband won’t be able to checking whether she stay at his office or not
since he will be busy as well.

The ambulance arrive at Baek Hospital emergency entrance door, Hyeon-U and nurses already waiting for
them. Jae-Hwan get out quickly followed by Ji-A,

“You were taking a bath?” ask nurse Moon.

“How do you know that?” Ji-A shocked that nurse Moon know that she was taking a bath when So-Mi
collapsed and everyone in her house become a noisy festival.

“You still have some soap on your hair...” nurse Moon point on some bubbles left on Ji-A hair.

“Iiissshhh.....I really need to take shower again in here..” Ji-A choose to tie up her hair. And she run
following her brother.

The situation on emergency ward is so chaotic as Jae-Hwan can’t pull himself straight, everything done by
Hyeon-U and the nurses to help him become so wrong. At that time professor Shin arrive at the
emergency ward with Jae-Dok,

“Jae-hwan shi I will take over your wife case starting now..” professor Shin step up then took her chart.

“This is my wife I will not anyone just take care of her, I know how to treat her...” Jae-Hwan refuses.

“At this rate your opinion and medical act will be biased since you’re treating your wife, and you can’t
think about the medical steps that she should take next since you will be too affraid to do that or maybe
too aggresive about that. Leave her to me, I will take her as my patient now..” said professor Shin.


Some Other Day

NOW!!” professor Shin is the same badass as Jae-Hwan in attitude and skills, so she doesn’t even scare
when Jae-Hwan shout like that.

“Jae-Hwan ah I said to her to take So-Mi case, just let her do it..”Ji-Yeon pull Jae-Hwan arm so professor
Shin can check on her.

Jae-Hwan realize that what Shin said is right, he shouldn’t act as So-Mi doctor right now and leave those
to her,

“Shin, you’ll need to..” Jae-Hwan can’t finish his sentence.

“I’m her doctor, not you so as the patient guardian you should wait outside... what kind of idiot that let
the patient family stay and questioning all my work!!” professor Shin at Hyeon-U and Woo-Ri.

Woo-Ri and Jae-Hwan who understand how evil both Jae-Hwan and Shin can be during their service
quickll look at each other, Woo-Ri hurriedly grab Jae-Hwan arm and scouting him at the waiting area.

“Professor Baek, please just wait right here... We will do my best to treat your wife..” Woo-Ri said it slowly
and he is already prepared himself if he got scolded badly by Jae-Hwan.

“Just stay here, this is the best thing you can do right now for her..” said Jae-Dok.

Then Ji-A come out from the emergency ward,

“I don’t think I’ll be needed, I will go and do my rounds..” said Ji-A.

Jae-Dok nod, “I will check on her should be strong...if you fall down she will fall
have to give her the strength she need..” Jae-Dok tap on Jae-Hwan shoulder.

Jae-Hwan burried his face on his hand, he is aware that So-Mi condition is worst than before. Open her up
this time will be useless since the one she need is a heart transplant.

Mi-Na and Ji-Yeon stay with Jae-Hwan,

“She’s in good should trust professor Shin..her surgery percentage is as perfect as yours. I will
not ask you to stepped down if the one that replace you not her..” said Ji-Yeon.

Jae-Hwan not saying anything, he understand very well that he should let professor Shin take So-Mi case
since before.

“Do you want something to eat?” ask Mi-Na.

Jae-Hwan shook his head, “Just stay here with me eomma...” he said.

So-Mi still unconscious but now she is transfered to her room, Mi-Na and Jae-Hwan stay with her.
Professor Shin is talking with Jae-Hwan about So-Mi condition,

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“At this rate her ICD not helping much, and her condition slowly decreasing. The only thing that we can
do to save her completely is thru heart transplant. I’m aware that she already on the transplant list but we
also can’t lie that it’s a very long and hard process for us to get one unless we’re very lucky” said
professor Shin.

Jae-Hwan look at So-Mi.

“I already contacted some friends who knows we will be lucky this time..” said professor Shin.

She then leave the room, Jae-Hwan still thinking hard on how he can save his wife this time.

“Eomma I will see noona for a while, please stay with her..” said Jae-Hwan.

Jae-Hwan arrive at Ji-Yeon office, Ji-Yeon was talking on the phone when he’s arrive.

“Yes thank you I will contact you again soon I hear the good news..” Ji-Yeon finish her call, she look at

“That is the transplant centre, I called to ask whether they can help to make So-Mi into their priority list.
And professor Shin also preparing all the documents needed for me to get that..” Ji-Yeon already know
what Jae-Hwan going to ask.

“How long?” ask Jae-Hwan

“the truth is they have 2 possible candidate for heart given to So-Mi and other 3 patients in other hospital.
Both donors are in coma and already stated in brain dead condition, but we have to make So-Mi priority
that’s the hard the other already waiting for months and one already in worst condition than her.”
Ji-Yeon explain.

“Once the donor family sign the DNR form then we can get the heart as soon as possible, but that will
happen if So-Mi make into the list.” Ji-Yeon continue.

“Can’t you help with your power?? Can your husband help me this time I never asked for anything before
I beg you to do this one for me..” Jae-Hwan beg to his sister.

“Do you have to say that to me? Do you think I won’t help you? How can you say like that?!” Ji-Yeon feel
offended by what Jae-Hwan said.

“I don’t to loose her noona. First time in my life I can find the center of my life..she is my universe. I beg
you to save her..” Jae-Hwan tears begin to drop.

Ji-Yeon never see her brother crumble like this, never, she approach him and hug him.

“You know I’m good on doing my job right?” she said.

Jae-Hwan cry in her arms, “Go back and stay with her let me do my job” said Ji-Yeon.


Some Other Day

“How is So-Mi noona?” ask Hui-Jun, Hui-Jun has a day break today. he and Ji-A preparing food to go for a
picnic at the beach today.

“Still the same, she is not in good condition.” said Ji-A.

“Will she make it?” ask Hui-Jun. He feel sad for Beom-Seok, he looks very stressed in the last few days
because So-Mi is sick.

“Eonnie still trying to get her the heart. She has to be save... she will be saved..” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun look at her, Ji-A laso looks gloomy these days. How can’t she, everytime she enter So-Mi room to
check on her she see her mom talking by herself wishing So-Mi to get better soon. And seeing So-Mi with
all the cables attach to her body scared Ji-A too even she is a doctor, but seeing that happen to her own
family is creep her out. Not to mention Jae-Hwan who looks terrible each day, she even help her brother
shaved yesterday and accompany him on lunch telling him some funny jokes so he will laugh even for a

Hui-Jun step closer and hug her,

“Don’t worry too much, everything will be alright..” he kiss her head.

“Oppa never looks terrible like that his whole life..eonnie....eonnie...eonnie has to get better so my oppa
will be live again as before...eonnie...eonnie...has to be better..” Ji-A cannot hold her emotion again she
cry in Hui-Jun arm.

That day they cancel the beach, they stay at Hui-Jun place talking and watching movie. Hui-Jun watch her
asleep and protect her. He also see how sad Ji-A family to see So-Mi lying like that when he went for
picked Ji-A last night. Hui-Jun phone is ringing, Ji-A wake up,

“Your phone is ringing..” said Ji-A.

“I know...who’s calling at this time I said I'm on a break today..” said Hui-Jun as he is sure the call not
cominng from Gi-Gwang, his parent or Beom-Seok as they have different ringtone.

“Yes director nim” said Hui-Jun, he saw the director name on his phone screen and pick it up quickly.

“Hui-Jun shi I’m really sorry to interrupt you day break, but you really need to come now. We have to re
take some scene to be aired next week. The last one we take I just see the edited part and I feel not
satisfied...can you come now.. I promise this won’t take the whole day..” said the director.

Hui-Jun look at Ji-A with apologize look, if it comes to his job Hui-Jun always take it seriously.

“I’ll be there in 1 hour...” said Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun end the phone call and grab Ji-A’s hand.

“I’m sorry.... but it won’t take a whole day...will you wait?” ask Hui-Jun.

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Ji-A look at him hopeless, “I know...I won’t be on your way...When is the finale?? 2 more weeks right??!!!
Iissshh that director and writer should realy buy me dinner. They make my boyfriend kissed other woman,
make my boyfriend doing bedscene with other woman, make my boyfriend hold other woman
even robbed my time with him...Make sure you tell them my message!!” Ji-A look at Hui-Jun.

“Ya... I told you I did nothing on that bed scene.. it’s just me and her waking up in the morning
together...” Hui-Jun defend himself.

“Yeah with your bare chest....and you even show this abs too... and then you kissed her and said good
morning...” Ji-A sound jealous.

“You got to see my chest and my abs everytime you want...and I kissed you thousand times... “ said Hui-
Jun again.

“Just finish this drama’s so annoying when people keep replaying your kiss scene with that Yu-
Mi, even there’s a thread JunMi couple...let’s ship them until marriage the tagline said it...”said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun laugh, it’s always funny to see Ji-A chattering and jealous like this, “Should I change my jobs
then...I won’t be popular like this the whole time..I should start to think my next plan....” Hui-Jun hug her.

“Don’t do that because of me... I will hate it if you leave the thing you love because of me...” Ji-A hug him

Hui-Jun drop Ji-A at the hospital as he promised he will pick up her later when he’s done. Ji-A wave her
goodbye as Hui-Jun car leave the hospital. She then goes directly into So-Mi room, as her mom also there.
Ji-A open the door and she can see Ji-Yeon also there with Jae-Dok and professor Shin.

“We really need to go now, but we short of staff since everyone are having surgery schedule and will do
surgery in next 1 hour while the trip from here to Anyang Hospital will take 2 hours back and forth” said

“Can’t we use our helicopter?” ask professor Shin

“We receiving call from the airport. The VIP guest is having seizure on plane and she need to be in
hospital less than 1 hour and directly to the surgery room so we can save her..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Hyeon-U and Woo-Ri has to stand by for the operation preparation, while other cardio resident are
having surgery schedule in next 1 hour...” Ji-Yeon continue.

“I can go...” suddenly Ji-A join in their conversation.

Everyone turn their head at her,

“You don’t have anything today?” ask Jae-Dok.

“It’s my day break...” said Ji-A.

“You really can do it?” ask Jae-Hwan.

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Ji-A nod, it’s not hard to get the donor transplant all she need is come to the hospital where the donor
treated, witness the organ crops then make sure everything as planned, then go back to her hospital goes
directly to the OR room where everyone already ready on transplant process, “Yes I can do it..” said Ji-A

Ji-Yeon look at her, then she look at Jae-Hwan and professor Shin,

“We don’t have much time and this is the best option we have. I don’t want we loose it again like the last
2 before..” said professor Shin.

“Okay you’ll go, the hospital car already waiting at the lobby. You better go change now..” Ji-Yeon said. Ji-
A then run to the resident room and change her clothes quickly she then pick up the donor basket then
leave the hospital to Anyang Hospital.

A young woman in her early 30 commit suicide 3 days ago, her family was able to save her but she’s in
coma since the day she brought to Anyang Hospital. And today the doctors that treated her already said
to her family that their daughter already in fase of brain dead and no longer can be helped. Her family
then found her will that she woud like to donor her organs if she died. That’s why Ji-Yeon got the first call
on the heart since it’s match with So-Mi. Now Ji-A on it’s way to Anyang hospital,

“Ahjussi we really need to be hurry..” Ji-A said to the driver.

“I understand miss Ji-A I will be very fast today” said the driver.

“CEO Cha based on this land I don’t think our design will be fit perfectly..” said Gi-Gwang.

“Why is that?” ask Gyeong-Su while he is continue checking on his surroundings.

“Look at that...the land height not at the same level...we can’t put a flat design how about I change the
layout a little bit...” said Gi-Gwang.

“How many days you need to change it?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“Give me 2 days...I will finished the new design in 2 days. I only need to change the floor plan and the
outside layout. For inside I don’t think I have to make a major changes.” Gi-Gwang confidence with his

“Okay then 2 days....I won’t make your days easy if you failed this..” said Gyeong-Su.

Gi-Gwang laugh to hear his boss comment.

“Let’s go home then...ah how about we go dinner together this time?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“You’re going to Baek Hospital right?” Gi-Gwang ask again, he open the car door.

“”Yes I’m going to visit a friend..” said Gyeong-Su.

“So-Mi noona?” ask Gi-Gwang

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“How do you know?” Gyeong-Su put on his seatbelt.

“I’ve been friends since childhood with Beom-Seok, me and Hui-Jun..of course I know So-Mi noona..” said

“Have you visit her?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“I had yesterday...ah my sister has a restaurant in front of the hospital how about I buy you dinner at my
sister place?” said Gi-Gwang.

“That’s interesting.. I never refuse a free food ... okay let’s have dinner together..” said Gyeong-Su.

Gi-Gwang phone buzzing, he picked up then,

“Yes CEO Lee..” Gi-Gwang greet the caller.

“Oh I happen to be closed with Anyang Hospital, I can stop by and take the design you want us to
make..” said Gi-Gwang.

“What happen with CEO Lee?” ask Gyeong-Su once the phone call ended.

“Ah you remember CEO Lee who wants to renovate his villa at Jeju? He has some design in mind but he is
hospitalized at Anyang Hospital right now, can we drop by for a while?” ask Gi-Gwang.

“Yeah sure, that won’t take long..” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A already arrive at the operation room at Anyang Hospital, the surgeon is doing the harvest on the
patient heart,

“The surgeon from Baek Hospital aready arrive professor Na..” the nurse inform the surgeon on Ji-A

Professor Na turn his back and look at Ji-A, “It’s Baek Ji-A herself who’s coming... “ professor Na smiling.

“I will say your warm welcome to my father...” said Ji-A then she bow to her father college friend.

“How is the patient condition back there? How is the neuro surgeon come here and pick up the cardio
thing??” ask professor Na.

“Our cardio surgeon are busy, I’m the one that jobless...” Ji-A laugh.

“Why you’re jobless with your dad on your tail you must be as busy as bees right now..” professor Na
continue chattering with Ji-A.

“I guess he’s affraid that I will steal all of his skills if he keep me too close...” Ji-A joking. And both of
them laughing so are the rest people at the surgery room.

Some Other Day

“Here it careful..” professor Na hand the heart to his resident that already ready accepting the
heart. The resident quickly take steps to Ji-A he then placed the heart into donor box that carried by Ji-A,

“Good luck..” he said.

Ji-A smile and bow, “Thank you..”

“Professor Na, I’m going now..please drop by to our free clinic service when you have time my dad will be
very happy to meet you...” Ji-A then bow once again to him.

“Tell him I want him buy me drinks for this..” said professor Na.

“Iissshhh these old man really can’t tell when to quit on drinking...” said Ji-A and everyone at the surgery
room laugh hearing that.

Ji-A run hurriedly to her car, but then she bump with Gyeong-Su at the lobby.

“Oppa..what are you doing here?” Ji-A ask him while take out her phone,

“Oh ahjussi come to the lobby now..” she call the driver.

“I have to meet with someone here...why are you here?” ask Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A show him the donor box, “Eonnie will be saved..” her smile is so bright.

Gyeong-Su feel very happy to hear that, “Then you need to be hurry then.. I’ll meet you at the hospital...”
said Gyeong-Su.

“WATCH OUT!!!! WATCH OUT!!!!! MOVE ASIDE!!!!!” a man is yelling from his window car shouting at
everyone to move aside. His car break is broken and his car run very fast toward the hospital entrance. In
second people are running to save themselves but too late for Ji-A and Gyeong-Su the car approaching
them so fast, Gyeong-Su quickly grab Ji-A and push her hard to his right and in second the car crash into
him. Ji-A scream as she see Gyeong-Su body flying and hit the hospital entrance then in second the car
also crash the entrance and stopped after it hit the wall. There’s silent but then Ji-A heard people
screaming and running. The security guards are approaching to the crash scene, she is trembling as she
stand up. She need to find Gyeong-Su. Gi-Gwang was hiding behind he information desk as the accident
happen. He then goes outside to find Ji-A try to stand up with a white box on her hand and she hug it
tight, her head is bleeding but she looks so puzzled,

“JI-A shi!!!!! What happen to you...there’s blood on your head...come with me!!” Gi-Gwang try to tae the
whie box she’s been holding but she hold it very tight.

“Oppa...oppa....Gyeong-Su oppa....” Ji-A mumbling and keep walking even her body feels so hurt .

“Ji-A shi, I will go and check on CEO Cha..” Gi-Gwang try to calm Ji-A who’s now trembling and her voice
is shaken because of shocked.

But when Gi-Gwang about to leave Ji-A hold his hand,

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“Oppa...go to my hospital right now very fast.... our driver is hit too by that car..” Ji-A point her finger to
the car that flip at their left.

“So-Mi eonnie... So-Mi...” Ji-A is cried because of shocked but she try very hard to managed herself calm,

“Is it So-Mi noona heart?” Gi-Gwang ask

Ji-A nod...”You have to be’m.... begging you oppa....” said Ji-A in shaking voice.

“I have to stay here...hurry!! eonnie already waiting for this..” Ji-A try to control herself.

Gi-Gwang look at her, then he look at the people who’s trying to help the victims at the car crash ruins. Ji-
A hand him the box she then walk slowly to the ruins with tears in her face. Gi-Gwang then finally see
Gyeong-Su body when the car succesfully pull out by some of the guards. Gi-Gwang close his eyes he
then look at the white cold box he’s been holding, he then run to his car and drive as fast as he can to the
Baek Hospital.


Some Other Day


„....Don’t leave, don’t leave..can’t you stay by my side?

Lies..all lies, I don’t hear anything. I love you..I love you,
can’t you show me those words? I love you..I love you, will
you love me again....(InHeaven–XIAJUNSUJYJ)

Some Other Day

Picture the life you dreamed of living, the person you pictured being with. Picture the job you
dreamed you’d have. Are you living the life you envisioned for yourself? Are you who you
wanted to be when you grew up?

How’s the view? Do you like what you see? Think back again to when you were little. Are you
living the life you pictured for yourself? Or are you still dreaming of something bigger?

Ji-A walk slowly into the ruin, another more people coming. Some of them working on her driver, and they
able to pull him out from inside the car. But he’s bleeding everywhere, Ji-A then see Gyeong-Su lying
helpless inside the ruins. Some of the guards are pulling off the car so they can reach for Gyeong-Su, but
the car only pulled a little bit and Gyeong-Su also the reckless driver, they are still stuck unable to do
anything. Ji-A keep walking into the crowd, and she ignored some people shouting at her tell her to move
away, but she’s numb...she decide that she will be numb, she needs to see Gyeong-Su.

“Doctor you can’t go we have to wait in here,” a male nurse try to stop her, but she push his hand and
keep walking.

“Doctor you need to treat your wound first, you’re bleeding too..” he try to stop Ji-A again.

But Ji-A is getting nearer and she can see Gyeong-Su clearly now,

“Oppa...oppa...” she keep calling for Gyeong-Su.

“Is that someone you know?” ask the male nurse that decided to follow Ji-A.

“Oppa...” Ji-A approaching Gyeong-Su, but then one of the guard hold her,

“Doctor don’t go there, it’s too dangerous the wall can collapsed any moment. You need to stay here!”
said the guard.

“Oppa...can you pull him out....can you pull him out for me?” Ji-A point at Gyeong-Su.

“I understand we will try our best, but you need to stay here..” said the guard again.

But Ji-A try to break his arm and move forward, she scream louder when the guard and the male nurses
hold her so tight so she can’t move. Professor Na who just arrive at the crash scene notice the scream and
look directly to the source, he spot Ji-A then run into her,

“What happen to her?!!! Baek Ji-A what happen to you!!! Where is the heart??!!!!” professor Na shocked
to see Ji-A condition also he notice that the donor box is not with her.

“Professor it seems that her friend took the donor box and bring it with him because this doctor want to
see her other friend who got hit” the male nurse point at Gyeong-Su.

“Ji-A ah is the person that bring the heart is someone you know?!!!!” ask professor Na.

Some Other Day

“Gi-Gwang oppa will give So-Mi eonnie’s heart....he will drive very driver got hit too....” Ji-A point
at the hospital car that now flip over because a massive hit before. Professor Na look at the car,

“Oh my god....” he sigh.

“Is the one bring the heart is someone you know?!!!” professor Na ask her again.

“Gi Gwang oppa will drive very fast to give the heart for eonnie...” said Ji-A but her voice is cracking
because of her crying.

“Alright...You call the Baek Hospital tell them the person named Gi-Gwang is on the way with the heart
and tell them that Baek Ji-A is at our hospital because she needs to be treated for someone
named Baek Ji-Yeon or Baek Jae-Dok tell them it’s from Professor Na... RIGHT NOW!!!” professor Na
ordered his resident. He run right away after the professor Na told him so.

“Who is that Ji-A?” Professor Na asking Ji-A

“Oppa...oppa...Gyeong-Su oppa..” Ji-A point her finger again at Gyeong-Su.

Professor Na take a step closer and he gasp, he know very well each person in Baek Jae-Dok circle as he
also spend sometimes together playing baduk or golf with them, without any doubt he can identify who’s
the man Ji-A keep talking about,

yelled at the people who’s doing the rescue. Everyone gasp but second later they work faster to pull out
the car. And in short time they are able to pull out the driver also Gyeong-Su from the ruins. Gyeong-Su
hurriedly run by the Anyang medical team to the operation room so is the reckless driver. Police are
arriving and started to evacuate the scene. Ji-A is carried into the emergency room and treated there for
her wound.

Gi-Gwang is panicked, he is driving very fast from Anyang and he will reach Baek Hospital in next 5
minutes. He can see the hospital now he hurriedly drive his car into the entrance and stop right in front of
it, he run into the hospital ignoring the security guard shouting for him, he run with all the strength he
has. He tried to call Hui-Jun and Beom-Seok on his way to the hospital but Hui-Jun’s phone is turned off
and Beom-Seok keep busy. He run and search for the operation ward.

“Why it took her so long??” Jae-Hwan keep walking back and forth waiting for Ji-A, she’s already half an
hour late, everyone already ready inside the operation room waiting for the heart so they can begin the
operation. Jae-Hwan so nervous knowing that Ji-A hasn’t arrive with the heart.

“Maybe there are some traffic..” Ji-Yeon try to calm her brother. Mi-Na look at Jae-Hwan,

“I’m nervous wife life depending on her right now..” said Jae-Hwan, he understand the
meaning of his mom look.

Suddenly Myung-Soo come running,

“President Baek, I think you should answer this. They’ve been calling for professor Jae-Dok but professor
in on surgery right now. And the caller insisted on talking with you..” said Myung-Soo.

Some Other Day

“Who? I’m in the middle something important can’t you just tell him to call again later?” said Ji-Yeon.

“I already did, but he said this is very important he is going to deliver the message from professor Na..”
said Myung-Soo.

Both Jae-Hwan and Ji-Yeon startled to hear the name, if professor Na call them means something happen
with the heart. Ji-Yeon grab the phone quickly, and Jae-Hwan heart race beating so fast he already think
some worst thing right now on his mind, that So-Mi failed to get the heart.

“Yes, this is Baek Ji-Yeon speaking, who am I speaking with?” Ji-Yen ask the caller.

Ji-Yeon face change instantly when she heard the caller talking,

“Why she need to be treated there? And what did you say about our driver?” Ji-Yeon sound shocked. Jae-
Hwan lift his head so is Mi-Na.

“What happen?” ask Jae-Hwan.

Mi-Na stand up and try to approach Ji-Yeon, then they heard someone running approaching them, Myung-
Soo is the first who acknowledged the person,

“Gi-Gwang shi, what are you doing here? And what is that?” ask Myung-Soo.

“Hyung..this is the heart for So-Mi noona...”Gi-Gwang hand the donor box to Jae-Hwan.

Jae-Hwan grab the box immediately and hand it over to Hyeon-U that already waiting for him by the door.
He rushes to the operation room with the heart to start the transplant process.

Ji-Yeon look at Gi-Gwang and approach him,

“What happen to Ji-A?” she ask and her face show how shocked she is right now.

Gi-Gwang try to catch his breath, “Ji-A ...Ji-A... someone crash his car into the hospital entrance. Ji-A is
save but she has bleeding on her head..”

“Bleed?!!!!” Mi-Na shocked to hear that Ji-A bleeding again., Jae-Hwan catch her immediately.

“She’s seems fine, but CEO’s CEO Cha...” Gi-Gwang continue.

“CEO Cha?? Gyeong-Su??” Jae-Hwan know who Gi-Gwang refering to.

Gi-Gwang nod, “Yes he’s been hit by the car when he attempt to save Ji-A from getting hit..”

Mi-Na just faint when she heard that.

The news travel so fast, the accident that involve the prime minister son soon become headline in
everywhere. The reporters crowded in front of Anyang hospital. And the Prime Minister now arrive at the

Some Other Day

Anyang hospital, he rushes to the operation ward and goes directly to the operation theatre to see directly
his son being treated,

“How is his chance?” ask Cha Min-Hwan.

“His fatal sign are stabilized but there’s some complication because the damage organ caused by the
crash. So far we only found small hemorrage in his brain and bleeding near his lungs, but our surgeon can
fix those major wounds. It’s the leg that we’re worried about.” Explain Park Yoo-Na, the Anyang Hospital

“What happen with his leg?” ask Min-Hwan.

“He didn’t respond when we do some test on his right leg. The leg was strangulated by the ruins and
cause some nerves to be broken too by the CT result, but we only can be sure after this surgery done. We
need him to wake up to be sure..” said Park Yoo-Na.

Min-Hwan sigh and look at his son, who’s lying on the operating table. His phone then buzzing and he
looks at the screen,

“Yes Jae-Dok ah... I’m at Anyang right now..” said Min-Hwan.

“He’s in surgery right’s professor Na who’s operation on him..” said Min-Hwan again.

“Yes I know....what do you say?!!!” Min-Hwan shocked to hear that Ji-A also at Anyang right now because
she also involve on the accident.

“Where is Baek Ji-A right now? Why don’t you tell me that’s she’s also here?!!” Min-Hwan scold his
secretary for not giving him this important message.

President Park, immediately show Min-Hwan the room where Ji-A stay, Min-Hwan enter the room and
found her sobbing, Min-Hwan sigh then he approach and hug her,

“It’s’s fine now...your oppa will be must be very shocked...” Min-Hwan calm her.

Min-Hwan then give order to his secretary,

“When Gyeong-Su operation is finish ask them whether we can move immediately to Baek Hospital as it’s
also close for me to monitor him in there. I will wait right here until Gyeong-Su finish, and you, are you
okay if I move you to your hospital right now?” Min-Hwan look at Ji-A.

Ji-A shook her head, “I want make sure the surgery goes well..”

“It will.. don’t worry just wait for him there okay??? I will have him move to your hospital as fast as I can.
Your mom really want to see you right know your family has another worry right? Don’t add
anymore worry into will do what I ask right, babydoll?” Min-Hwan call her by the name he
always love to call for Ji-A.

Some Other Day

Ji-A arrive with protection details from the prime minister special guards. Jae-Dok and Ji-Yeon already wait
for her at the emergency door. Once the car stop the nurses that waiting push the wheelchair and wait for
Ji-A. The guard help her to get out from the car,

“Oh my god...” Ji-Yeon run then help her sister, she has bandage in covering her upper head. Also she
also have some scratch on her arms and leg.

“Why don’t you change your clothes’s all ripped out..” said Ji-Yeon she hurriedly put the blanket
covering her sister, but Ji-A still silent. Ji-Yeon can see that she’s still in shock.

“Are you okay? Can you smile for me? Tell me where it’s hurt?” Jae-Dok approach her and hug her. He
heard what happen to Gyeong-Su and it would be Ji-A who experienced that if Gyeong-Su not there and
pushed her. He’s sure Ji-A shocked because of that as well.

“Call professor Wang from the psychiatric, tell him I need him right now..” Ji-Yeon talk to Myung-Soo,
Myung-Soo then leave and go the psychiatric department looking for professor Wang.

Because Ji-A keep crying, professor Wang decide to give her sedative to calm her. Ji-A fell asleep not long
after the sedative given.

“She is in shocked, maybe because last incident that still traumatized her, now she experiencing another
near death situation. And her life savior is someone that very close to her give her another trauma, she
feel so burdened if something worst happen to it’s best to keep it hide from her about Cha
Gyeong-Su condition” said professor Wang.

“Can we bring her home then? Treat her at home..” said Ji-Yeon.

“No...No... I need her to check for MRI tomorrow I need to make sure nothing happen with her brain..”
said Jae-Dok.

“ already see the MRI result from Anyang, they already treat the best for Ji-A as they knew who
she is...and nothing wrong with her except her psychology...” said Ji-Yeon.

“That’s right based on her chart, other than her stitch on her head, nothing else serious except her
shocked...I heard that Cha Gyeong-Su will be transport here too but I think it’s best for her to stay for the
night. Ji-A emotion is quite very good, she will get thru this..” said professor Wang, “She just need to calm
her self and everything will be okay for her...I will check on her again tomorrow when she’s ready..” after
prescribed some drugs for Ji-A professor Wang then leave the room.

“Transplant ready, bring me the new heart..” professor Shin hand Woo-Ri So-Mi heart, then Hyeon-U
approach with the donor heart that’s going to be transplant into So-Mi body.

“You know the drill to attach it?” professor Shin ask Hyeon-U.

Hyeon-U nod he then memorize all the procedure he already learn about this transplant, if he screwed
then it’s game over for him, Hyeon-U begin his explanation,

“We will begin by exposing the chest cavity through a cut in the ribcage. Then we will then open the
pericardium (a membrane that covers the entire heart) in order to remove the diseased heart. The back

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part of patient left atrium will be left in place, but the rest of the heart will be removed. Then the new
heart will be carefully trimmed and sewn to fit the remaining parts of patient old heart. This transplant
method is called an "Orthotopic procedure". This is the most common method used to transplant hearts.”

Professor Shin look at him and smile, “Woo-Ri what could happen after the surgery?”

Woo-Ri then step in then answering the question, “If the rhythm of the transplant heart becomes slow,
patient may need to have a pacemaker. Rarely, the tricuspid valve can become damaged by the
endomyocardial biopsy procedure; if that happens it will need to be repaired or replaced. Patients with
congenital heart disease who have had a coarctation repair or problems with narrow or small pulmonary
arteries may need surgery or interventional catheterization after the transplant to increase the size of
these areas. Sometimes, a transplanted heart may fail because of rejection, damage to the heart cells or
coronary arteries of the heart, which leads to heart failure. If this happens, doctors can sometimes
transplant another heart.”

Professor smile, “ Both of you doing very good in learning... now I will make sure that this new heart will
work perfectly for our patient. We will not let Jae-Hwan sad...all of you understand me?” said professor

“Yes professor!!” all of them shout at the same time. Professor Shin do her job attach the new heart into
So-Mi body with a very careful steps. She is finish on asserting the heart then she do the procedure all by
herself. Woo-Ri and Hyeon-U paid extra attention on every steps she make. Then the new heart is
perfectly attached,

“Ok start the blood circulation!!” professor Shin shout. The annesthetic turn the knob then the machine
start the procedure, but the heart not pumping it, and blod start to leak,

“professor!!” Hyeon-U warn her, the monitor then sound so loud.

“Wait!!!” she then massage the new heart with her hand by keep counting

“1..2..3...1...2...3...come on So-Mi shi....everyone is waiting for you..” professor Shin keep massaging the
heart. Then the heart start to beat, slowly at first then it found it’s rhytim and blood start run on it’s vein
gives the heart a pretty red colour.

“That’s good..” professor Shin smile in relieved. Everyone also relieved and clap for her success. She then
guide Woo-Ri on finishing the transplant process. And Woo-Ri really do a great job even professor Shin
satisfied with his work.

“Let’s close her up, you do that since it’s your mentor wife...if you messed around with bad stitches on her
you’ll be dead the rest of your life in here..” professor Shin said to Hyeon-U. Both Hyeon-U and Woo-Ri
bow at her and continue their work.

Professor Shin take off her surgery cap and put it on her pocket, she throw her mask to the trash bin and
she walk to the entrance door to meet with Jae-Hwan and his family. Jae-Hwan is sitting there alone, Mi-
Na is at Ji-A’s room waiting for her. He get up immediately once he see professor Shin come out from the
entrance door.

“How is the surgery?” he looks very worry.

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Professor Shin smile, “You really should buy me a fancy dinner after this...your wife will have a very long
life after this..” she said.

Jae-Hwan finally can breath, he hug professor Shin, “Thank you... I will never forget this..” said Jae-Hwan.

“Ya... don’t hug me like this... it is propper enough for you to buy me dinner not giving me hug..” said
professor Shin tapping on Jae-Hwan back.

Jae-Hwan wait until So-Mi come out from the operation ward, he is relieved when Hyeon-U finally out
pushing So-Mi cart.

“Hyung how about Ji-A?” Hyeon-U ask since he overheard about what happen to Ji-A when Gi-Gwang
arrive with the heart.

“She’s fine...nothing fatal but she need to can see her now if you want you must be very worry
about her..” said Jae-Hwan.

“That’s relieve... I will finish checking on noona first then I will go see Ji-A after this..” said Hyeon-U.

“Thank you Hyeon-U ah...I heard from professor Shin that you’re doing a great job inside..” said Jae-

Hyeon-U only smile accepting the praise from Jae-Hwan.

Late at night Gyeong-Su and the the prime minister arrive at Baek Hospital with helicopter from Anyang
hospital, professor Im from neuro, professor Yang from general surgery and professor Kang from
orthopedic are incharge on him. He placed in the VVIP room next to Ji-A, Mi-Na already waiting for him
and she is very sad to see Gyeong-Su lying like that.

“Let’s pray that this is the last bad thing ever happen to my children...” Mi-Na praying while holding
Gyeong-Su hand.

Three of her beloved children are lying at the hospital, thankfully So-Mi already passed her critical stage
and only waiting for her to wake up and recover as her heart transplant is success. And JI-A has no
serious injury, except she will need few session with professor Wang after, and Mi-Na only need to focus
on Gyeong-Su as his condition looks pretty bad. Hui-Jun already arrive and now waiting for Ji-A, he heard
the news as Gi-Gwang then go and picked him at the filming location.

It’s morning already, Mi-Na goes to see Ji-A first. She open the door slowly and find Jae-Dok sleep on the
couch while Hui-Jun is sleep beside Ji-A. Hui-Jun pull up his head as he heard the door open, he turn his
head and find Mi-Na walking toward him,

“Good morning eomoni..” Hui-Jun greet her.

“How is she?” Mi-Na whisper.

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“She looks already relax, she was wake up last night asking for water then she fell asleep again” said Hui-

“Thank you Hui-Jun ah, I feel so relaxed because you’re here” said Mi-Na.

“It’s my responsibility eomoni... I should be here..” said Hui-Jun.

“But you’re so busy these days..Ji-A often tell me that you are busy filming your drama and I heard from
my friends that your drama is very popular these days..” said Mi-Na.

“I need to work harder for her eomoni..” Hui-Jun look at Ji-A.

“Thank you... for loving our Ji-A..” Mi-Na hug his shoulder.

“Is she awake?” Jae-Dok wake up

Hui-Jun is waiting for Ji-A to wake up, he just sit beside her watching her sleep. Then he notice her eyes
are moving, he lean closer and wait. Ji-A slowly open her eyes,

“Annyeong..” Hui-Jun smile when he see her wake up completely.

Ji-A look at him, “Oppa why are you here?” she ask.

“Why you always make me worry....Don’t do this to me again..” Hui-Jun caress her hair.

“Gyeong-Su oppa? How is he?” ask Ji-A.

“He still unsconscious...just focus on your self first, then you can help him..” said Hui-Jun.

“He was pushed me so I wasn’t get hit...” Ji-A tell what she remember to Hui-Jun.

“I know...I really thanked him for saving you..” said Hui-Jun.


Ji-A recover fast, so is Gyeong-Su. But the problem is on his right leg. Because the leg was strangulated
during the crash some nerves are hit. Gyeong-Su can’t move his leg even it showed a slight response on
pain during the test, but he couldn’t move it. Ji-A who feel responsible for what happen to Gyeong-Su
always there to help him with everything.

“You can’t be with me again today?” Hui-Jun sound upset

“I’m sorry but I need to be in the hospital coz I have a surgery schedule” said Ji-A

“But the surgery won’t take the whole night, I can pick you up after you done just tell me what time I
should go and pick you..” said Hui-Jun.

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“I will going to Japan tomorrow, so I want to be with you tonight I don’t want leaving without seeing you
first..” said Hui-Jun. Hui-Jun’s drama is done. Now he is on promotional event, he will be at Japan
tomorrow continue to Hongkong, then several cities in China. Last stop is Thailand.

“I’ll let you know when I’m done..” said Ji-A then she hang up the phone.

It’s not the first time she bailed on their date. She feel bad about that too, and last few days Hui-Jun
already whining and complaining that she spent more times with Gyeong-Su rather than with him. But Ji-A
feel she has to be with him. Gyeong-Su still hospitalized and he couldn’t move his right leg, so Ji-A will
help him with everything. She always there to accompany him and help him with all his needs.

“Why you’re here again? Isn’t now is your break?” Gyeong-Su put down the architecture magazine when
he see Ji-A entering his room.

“I will have my dinner in here, I have surgery in next 1 hour..” Ji-A show him her food tray.

“How is So-Mi now?” ask Gyeong-Su

“She is better now, the new hear works perfectly on her she’s already planning on join the marathon race
in our hospital next event..” said Ji-A.

“Can she do that??!!” Gyeong-Su surprised to hear that.

“She can...but Jae-Hwan oppa will lock her at the house if she want to do way oppa will let she
do things like that...” said Ji-A

Gyeong-Su laugh to hear that, “I miss the real world...” said Gyeong-Su smiling.

Ji-A look at him then she put down her spoon, “Do you want to go outside?”

Gyeong-Su look at her, he know that Ji-A has been stick with him this last 2 weeks. She always at the
hospital, she out for a while when she need to go home and change or meet Hui-Jun for a while but then
she always come back to his room. Eat with him, play, chat, and sleep in that couch. Gyeong-Su is happy
with Ji-A being there with him, but he also know Ji-A do it because of the guilt that she think what happen
to him right now is because Gyeong-Su saved her before so she feel obligated and Gyeog-Su don’t want

“Ji-A ah, why you’re not meeting Hui-Jun or your friends often now?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“What do you mean?” Ji-A ask

“I mean you always spend time hang around with me, is Hui-Jun okay with that? Also your three
musketeers? I’m sure your office is always vacant since you always spend time in here and they’re also
not there because they missed one personel” said Gyeong-Su.

“Hui-Jun oppa is busy with his promo and he know very well that I help you...and he’s okay with that..”
this is her (another) lie.

“Really?? I don’t think he ever like me...especially when he know that I have special feeling about you..”
tease Gyeong-Su.

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“What are you talking about..we’re not like me and Hui-Jun, he doesn’t think anything weird about us..”
said Ji-A, although she also aware how Hui-Jun always show discomfort when she spend time with
Gyeong-Su these days.

“It’s not because of you..” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A then finish her dinner, she doesn’t want to finish it. She pick up the tray then put it at the pantry
area, “I know...what happen to you is not because of’s because that reckless driver..” she said.

“There you’re right. So don’t lock yourself here with me...go and do what you’re usually do...” said

“I’m here on my free time...instead i used it to sleep it’s more fun to spend it here and have a chat with
you...” Ji-A said another her fake reason.

“Ah this is already the time, oppa I need to prepare to scrub in, I will come back when I’m done..” Ji-A
then leave him.

Gyeong-Su watch her leave, he then throw his look at the food tray that Ji-A been eaten before. It still
have more than half of it, she only touch a little part of the rice, the few vegetables and it seems she
never touch the meat, and the soup still full.

“Good time I’m sure you can nailed the Lumbar Spine surgery by yourself.... you are the best
candidate for next professor position, make sure you keep your head and focus on your next
want to make your dad proud right?” professor Im praise her.

“Thank you professor..” Ji-A bow at him.

“You can close a good job..” professor Im leave his seat then Ji-A take over the seat. She begin
her work, professor Im watch her closely and give her some advice too. After a while professor Im leave
the operation room and leave Ji-A finish her job.

Ji-A finish her surgery she then open her surgery cap then put it on her pocket,

“Good work Ji-A’s a rare thing that professor Im praise someone like that..” nurse Ha tap on her
back while they ope their surgical apron.

Ji-A smile, “I know both him and my dad is the lion in neuro jungle...they are scary for us..” said Ji-A.

Nurse Ha laugh hearing that, “Even your name is Baek but your situation is no different than other
resident in here.. I love working in this empire...your family really a very nice people..”

“Eonnie sometimes I used my priviledge to keep me away from night shift..” Ji-A whisper.

“I know...nurse Sung know you the best..” nurse Ha laugh. She remember how nurse Sung yelled at Ji-A
for scheming the night schedule and take out her name on it. For the punishment she has a full month of
night duty also surgeon on call.

“I really need to have power like oppa and eonnie so I can win againts her..” Ji-A sigh, then both of them

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“You’ll go home directly? Ah your boyfriend drama is really good come he be so lucky??” said
nurse Ha.

“He’s good doing his job...” said Ji-A proud.

“Is he a romantic man?” nurse Ha whisper on Ji-A.

“Iiiisssshhhh...” Ji-A glance at her, “He’s a sly...he always making mistake so I will punish him..he love
taking punishment..’ said Ji-A.

“Eeeeyyy....he is a psycho....”nurse Ha joke.

“Totally...” Ji-A laugh.

Ji-A then arrive at So-Mi room, Jae-Hwan is sit beside So-Mi bed. They are talking and laughing,

“Look at this lovebird...eonnie you seems so healthy right now..” Ji-A greet them.

“You think that too right? I think I can go home tomorrow..” said So-Mi.

“Forget going home tomorrow, Shin want to take another 2 tests before she can discharge you, you
should listen to her!” Jae-Hwan scold.

“Eonnie your situation is worst than mine... I thanked you for taking away eomma and his attention... my
life is very much lighter these days..” said Ji-A.

“Yeobo why we give her a very pleasant times these days..she should be suffering so much seeing me
here..” said So-Mi.

“Iiissshhh she really is very mean to me these days....” Ji-A shook her head.

“Your surgery done?” ask Jae-Hwan

“Yes...oohh I’m starving...” Ji-A looking for food.

“You haven’t eat?” Jae-Hwan ask, he then stand up and take the paper bag contain dinner that he had

“A little this and that...” Ji-A answer.

“Have this..” Jae-Hwan hand her the bag. Ji-A open each container but the food seem too heavy for her,

“You don’t have any soup?” she ask

“No..” said Jae-Hwan.

“I don’t want this...” Ji-A put the containers again to the bag. She then walk into the door.

“Where are you going?” ask Jae-Hwan.

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“I’m going to Gyeong-Su oppa..” said Ji-A then she wave her hand.

“Make sure you eat!” Jae-Hwan shout.

Ji-A arrive at Gyeong-Su room, but Gyeong-Su not at his bed,

“Where is he going?” Ji-A confused to see the bed empty.

She then heard something from the bathroom, she goes to the bathroon to find Gyeong-Su is trying to
move his body from his wheelchair to the toilet seat. Ji-A look at him for a while, she then take steps

“You should call for me or nurses to help you. You know that we cannot put more weight on your right leg
now...” Ji-A put Gyeong-Su hand on her shoulder then help him to stand.

Gyeong-Su look at her, he embarassed that Ji-A always see his weakside these days, but he managed to
cover it up,

“You seem to look many part of my private things these days...I have to be more careful now before you
see everything..” Gyeong-Su try to joke.

“I’m a surgeon..I’ve seen everything even many people brains...not only his body parts..” said Ji-A.

“There..” Ji-A able to put him on the toilet seat, “Let me know when you finish..” she said then she leave
the bathroom.

Ji-A phone is buzzing, it’s Hui-Jun.

“Yes oppa..” Ji-A picked up the phone call.

“Are you finish?” he ask.

Ji-A paused for a moment she look at the bathroom, “I still need to check on the patient, seems like I’m
not able to meet you again today..I’m sorry..” Ji-A lie.

“So you’re not going to meet me even for a while? I’ll be back next week thou won’t you miss me?” ask

Ji-A pressed her lips, “I miss you...even now I want to see you, but what should I do I can’t leave the
hospital right now...” said Ji-A.

“I’m letting this one slide right now because I don’t want to leave with angry feeling toward you and I
have to leave early in the morning tomorrow...also consider of my previous lie about So-Ra is paid off with
your excuse today....alright??” said Hui-Jun.

“I love you..” Ji-A smile.

“I hate you right now...” Hui-Jun joke.

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He then hang up the phone call, he then watch Ji-A before he left. He arrive at the hospital to picked her
up, then the nurse told her he can find Ji-A at Gyeong-Su room, he goes to the room. The door is left
open and he can spot Ji-A come out from the bathroom and watch her. He is a little bit sad that Ji-A lie to
him but he don’t want to fight about that, since he know she also thought about him.

Ji-A hear the toilet flush, she stand up,

“’re done??” Ji-A shout, then she hear Gyeong-Su answer her. Ji-A come inside, she then help
Gyeong-Su on his wheelchair again she then put Gyeong-Su on bed.

“When is the test result for my leg out?” Gyeong-Su ask while he put on his blanket again.

“Tomorrow?? I’ll check again tomorrow. Ahjussi will be here too tomorrow to hear the result.” Ji-A help
him fix the blanket.

“Ah..can you bring me that?’ Gyeong-Su point on plastic bag at the table.

Ji-A take the plastic, “This one?” and give it to Gyeong-Su.

Gyeong-Su take out his surprise, turn out he ordered Kalguksu when Ji-A on surgery before,

“Can you take the bowl? Bring me 2 bowls” said Gyeong-Su.

“When did you buy that?” Ji-A surprised to see kalguksu in front of her.

“Last time we eat this..there’s fire..” Gyeong-Su laugh.

“Did you know that I supposed to get ticket because of speeding and trespassing red light.. “ said Ji-A.

“Really??”Gyeong-Su amazed.

“Thank god you were there...” said Gyeong-Su again.

“That time... were you already with Hui-Jun?” ask Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A look at him, “Why?”

“Just..curious..” Gyeong-Su answer.

“That time...” Ji-A seems hesitate to answer, “I was broke up with him that time, we were met again at
Morocco...accidentaly met... then we reconcile...” Ji-A keep her eyes to her food, she doesn’t want to look
at Gyeong-Su.

“Ah....can I ask you something?” Gyeong-Su look at her carefully watching her face.

“You really ask a lot today...” Ji-A glance at him.

Gyeong-Su smile, “Why?? Can’t I?” he ask.

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“What??” said Ji-A

“If Hui-Jun never it possible for us to be together??” Gyeong-Su ask.

Ji-A paused, “Could we?” Ji-A ask him back. She look at Gyeong-Su, she remember many times Gyeong-
Su always stay with her.

“I really never thought of you as a man... to me you’re a family...” Ji-A then down her head again fixed
her eyes into the food.

Gyeong-Su look at her, “I was too late...” he smile, “Aaaahh... I was hesitate for a decade...I shouldn’t do
that, if I was being honest since the beginning maybe we are a couple right now.. I wouldn’t let anyone
take you away...” Gyeong-Su push Ji-A shoulder then laugh.

Ji-A smile too, “Of’s your loss then what make you think that no one will ever get me, I even
changing boyfriends so often before I met Hui-Jun oppa..” Ji-A laugh.

“That’s right...aaiiisshhh I really made a mistake....” Gyeong-Su smile.

“Ah did you meet with Dong-Joon today? Wuah I can’t believe that he even married with a very pretty
woman... you see his wife right?? There’s no way he can get her with his face...” said Gyeong-Su

Ji-A laugh so hard, she remember clearly the one named Dong-Joon, both Jae-Hwan and Gyeong-Su used
to call him puff fish, since he look like one, “Oppa you are very mean, it’s his luck to married that eonnie..”

“I know I pitty him, he seems used all of his luck to get her..” Gyeong-Su laugh too.

Then they talk about funny things and old stories, both are enjoying the night with the Pinot Noir that Ji-A
secretly stole from Jae-Dok office.

This afternoon Min-Hwan already arrive at Baek Hospital, he, Gyeong-Su, Jae-Dok, Mi-Na, Jae-Hwan and
Ji-Yeon are stay together wait for professor Kang deliver hi the test result for Gyeong-Su right leg. Not
long professor Kang and his resident enter the room,

“Seems everyone are waiting for me?” he smile to see the crowd in Gyeong-Su room.

“How are you professor Kang.” Min-Hwan step forward and greet him.

“So your neuro and general check up result came very good, I will not beat around the bushes I will tell to
the point about your right leg condition.” Professor Kang look at Gyeong-Su.

The resident then take out the MRI result,

“This suppose to be inform you sice yesterday but I did make some calls to some friends to discuss about
this. As all of you can see the ligament in this area is torn apart, this cause this area cannot hold the knee
because the accident crash at this part. This is why you can feel the pain in your leg but you’re unable to
move it because instability in this area, and the strong bonds that holds the tissues is been torn.”
Professor Kang explain the MRI result.

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“Can we treat it?” ask Min-Hwan.

“At this rate surgery only able to reconstruct it, but still it will not guarantee that Gyeong-Su can able to
walk after the surgery” said professor Kang.

Mi-Na gasp to hear that, she hold Gyeong-Su hand tight,

“You mean even if I go for the surgery there’s no chance for me to walk again?” Gyeong-Su ask.

“I’m not finished yet..” said professor Kang.

“Please continue..” said Jae-Dok.

“His condition right now is the injury that usually captured by professional athlete and someone suffered
from car accident, like football players, but up to this case that cause losig ability to walk is rare. I found
similar case with Gyeong-Su happen to a football player and he is being treated by Orthopedic doctor at
Mayo clinic. They are conduct a trial for him and it will require about 1 year to do the treatment procedure
include the rehabilitation.” Said professor Kang.

“Can he walk again?” ask Min-Hwan.

“I read about that, the athlete still in rehabilitation process right? He just successfully passed his second
knee surgery on restructuring the ligament” said Jae-Hwan.

“How about here? Can we do it here?” ask Min-Hwan.

Ji-Yeon shook her head, “Our rehabilitation centre still on progress we haven’t has competent staff and
doctors yet, as we still trained them also in French and US to get us a better staff on rehabilitation centre
next. And Mayo Clinic is one of our affiliate trainer partner for the programme..” said Ji-Yeon.

Min-Hwan look at his son, he is thinking hard, “What do you suggest?” he ask professor Kang.

“I talked with the professor that in charge for the trial, doctor Cameron Boaz, I also sent him the MRI
result and all his test result from the beginning. He said Gyeong-Su can enlist to this trial he will provide
the spot for him, but that means you have to stay there for minimum 1 year.” Professor Kang explain.

“What do you think?” Min-Hwan look at Jae-Dok.

“It’s a good programme and I know Cameron Boaz, he is genius on his field” said Jae-Dok.

“But he need to live there for a year maybe more?” Mi-Na is more concerned about that as she can tell no
one can take care of him during that time.

“Who will be his personal therapist and how is the schedule from the first treatment to first surgery then
to rehab..” ask Jae-Hwan.

“It’s usually decided later when he’s already onboard.” JI-Yeon reply.

“Can all of you get out?” suddenly Gyeong-Su ask everyone to get out from his room.

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“Ya...don’t be frustrated we still have hope for your treatment..”Jae-Hwan know that Gyeong-Su is starting
to be frustrated.

“Gyeong-Su ah look at me, you believe in me right? just tell me what you want to do, eomma will support
all you decision.” Mi-Na try to persuade him.

“Eomoni he even said the chance for me to walk again is still uncertain..” Gyeong-Su sound shaken.

“Gyeong-Su ah there’s already someone on this trial with same case as yours and his progress is
increasing..” said Ji-Yeon.

“How long has he been there?” Gyeong-Su sound very skeptical.

“8 months..” said professor Kang.

“8 months and he’s still not able to walk...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Gyeong-Su you should not take that as general..” Min-Hwan look at him.

“Then can you guarantee??” Gyeong-Su talk back to him.

“Then do you want become like this without trying??!!” Min-Hwan start to provoke by Gyeong-Su attitude.

“This is my leg so I will do what I want!” Gyeong-Su challenge him back.

Mi-Na stand up then hug him, Mi-Na can feel he’s trembling, “Eomoni I really want to be alone right
now..” said Gyeong-Su.

Jae-Hwan that understand him sign the other to leave, Mi-Na is hesitate,

“Gyeong-Su ah, can eomma stay here?” she ask carefully.

“Eomoni I want to be alone..” said Gyeong-Su

Jae-Hwang approach her, “Eomma...Gyeong-Su need to be alone now...”

Jae-Dok, Min-Hwan and professor Kang go to Jae-Dok office to continue discuss about Gyeong-Su. Jae-
Hwan and Ji-Yeon back to their work while Mi-Na decide to wait in front of Gyeong-Su room. Then Mi-Na
heard something break from inside the room, she was about to open the door but once she push the door
Gyeong-Su shout from inside,

“DON’T COME IN!!!! I DON’T WANT YOU TO COME!!! GET OUT!!” Gyeong-Su shout.

“Gyeong-Su ah...let me help okay? Are you not sorry for making me worry like this??” Mi-Na try to calm

Then JI-A show up, she just finished her surgery,

“Eomma what happen?” Ji-A find Mi-Na very nervous.

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“It seems he fell since I heard something from inside but he doesn’t want me to come..” Mi-Na sounds
very worry.

Ji-A knock at the door, “Oppa...can I come?” she said.


Ji-A paused, she bite her lip then decided, she push the door and come inside ignoring what just Gyeong-
Su yelled at her. She then find Gyeong-Su at the floor, it looks like he fell down when he about to reach
his wheelchair, as Ji-A can see the wheelchair also flipped. Understand that Gyeong-Su doesn’t want
anyone seeing him like this, Ji-A turn back to the door and locked it, then she imediately approach
Gyeong-Su. She set the wheelchair then she grab Gyeong-Su,

“You want to sit in here? Let’s sit..” Ji-A try to lift him.

“Let me go!” Gyeong-Su sound angry.

“I will when you already sit on your chair..” Ji-A ignore him by keep trying to lift him up.

“Why you even care? You should go? Don’t make me flattered with all your attention, don’t make me
dream about you when you can’t even make it...just go!!” said Gyeong-Su.

JI-A stop then she stare at him, “I don’t know what happen to you, but I will let this slide. Just let me get
your ass sit on that chair then we can go and have some fresh air so you can stop being bitchy like this!”
Ji-A said to him.

Gyeong-Su only look at her, but then he cooperate with Ji-A. After a while Ji-A able to put Gyeong-Su on
his wheelchair then she started to push it outside the room. They passed Mi-Na who’s waiting anxiously
behind the door, then Ji-A take him to the rooftop park. She sit at the bench with Gyeong-Su beside her.
They lost in silence until Gyeong-Su ask her to take him back to his room. Ji-A put him at the bed when
she about to go Gyeong-Su grab her hand,

“I’m scared..” he said

Ji-A take a seat, “Why?”

“He said it will be hard for me to use this leg again..” Gyeong-Su said, his hand grab on Ji-A very tight but
his eyes fixed to the room ceiling.

“Is there nothing can help you?” ask Ji-A

“There is....but it still not proven...” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A choose to say nothing, she look at Gyeong-Su and place her another hand on top of Gyeong-Su hand
which grab hers.

“ always tell me not to give up..” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“What if I can’t walk normal again? I don’t want to be like this..” Gyeong-Su voice is cracking and he’s
begin to cry. He can’t hold his emotion again. Ji-A watch him then get up, she hug him and listen to his

“For how long?” Ji-A ask Ji-Yeon again.

“1 year but there’s a probability to extend the period if the rehabilitation not done yet,” said Ji-A

“Where is it again?” Ji-A ask again.

“Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA....with doctor Cameron Boaz...should I repeat it again?” Ji-Yeon
start to be irritated by Ji-A who keep repeating the question.

“If he decide to go, who will accompany him?” Ji-A ask.

“That’s is one of our concern too...eomma cannot go and stay the whole time. The only option is we hire a
special nurse to accompany him...maybe we can search for male nurse so he will be comfort with him,
also ahjusssi will assign 1 bodyguard to stay with him..” said Ji-Yeon.

“That will be difficult since oppa will not want it if you arrange it like that...” said Ji-A.

“I just know that Gyeong-Su has this side.... it’s so hard to make him agree...” said Ji-Yeon.

Ji-A walking thru the hall from JI-Yeon office with her mind full of many thoughts about Gyeong-Su, she
remember last night Gyeong-Su not even let go her hand. He keep holding it until they both fall asleep.
Late at night Ji-A awake then she find Gyeong-Su is sitting and look at the window busy with his own
thought until he didn’t even realize Ji-A is watching on him.

Ji-A is helping Gyeong-Su change his clothes,

“Just leave, I will do it..” Gyeong-Su take the new pant from Ji-A hand. Ji-A take it back,

“I really don’t know that you can be this hard and childish when you’re a patient..” Ji-A look at him

“Just leave...” Gyeong-Su said. But Ji-A isn’t listen to him, she keep put the new clothes on Gyeong-Su.

“Oppa have you think about it?” Ji-A ask.

“About what?” Gyeong-Su try to keep him calm when Ji-A do the button on his shirt.

“Mayo...Cameron” Ji-A said.

Gyeong-Su just silent, he choose not to answer anything.

Some Other Day

“I just see your final report, you can go home tomorrow...All you need is take the chance at Mayo...I read
about the rehab programme this morning, I think it’s a good opportunity for you..also ahjussi can get you
into the programme right away if you want..” said Ji-A.

Again Gyeong-Su not answering anything, he always avoid conversation about the rehabilitation at Mayo
no one can guess what is in his mind right now.

“I have to do my rounds then I will have surgery for about 2 hours, I will be back again after that...okay?”
Ji-A fixed the pillow and see if everything already perfect.

Gyeong-Su only look at her without saying anything.

“What do you think he wants?” Ji-a ask Mi-Yeon while they’re walking to their own department area.

“Maybe he’s affraid...yeah I think he’s affraid...” said Mi-Yeon

“By what?” ask Ji-A

“What if the programme not work for him....what if he failed and end up cannot use his right leg again... “
guess Mi-Yeon.

“I guess you’re right...” said Ji-A.

“He doesn’t have the one that motivate him...” said Mi-Yeon.

“The one what?” Ji-A not sure about what she heard.

“ one...he need that right now...he need someone for him to be able to lean on...someone
where it is okay for him to whine..cry...scare... he doesn’t have that..” said Mi-Yeon.

“He lost his mom when he’s young...his dad is busy taking care the country...he’s lonely...” Mi-Yeon

“He has my mom who loves him like she love Jae-Hwan oppa, even love him more than me.... “ said Ji-A

“Yeah right but still he lost you, the one that he want to have more than your mom...” Mi-Yeon glance at

“I even lied to Hui-Jun because I couldn’t leave him few days ago..” said Ji-A

“bad girlfriend...” Mi-Yeon sigh.

“I miss him...I feel so bad for not seeing him before he left...” said Ji-A

“Where he is now?’ ask Mi-Yeon.

“He’s on the plane to Guangzhou...he finish his event at Japan..” said Ji-A

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“You talk with him much?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“Sort of...” Ji-A reply.

“what is that mean?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“He is too busy...I’m too tired...and we are keep thinking it’s normal...” said Ji-A

“While it’s not..” reply Mi-Yeon.

“You’re right...”Ji-A snap on her finger.

“Go get your romance are very lucky to have him as your man... thousand of woman even
only can dream about him” Mi-Yeon hug her before she enter her department entrance door.

“We will go to Iceland next month after his trip to Thailand finish..” Ji-A smile.

“Get marry soon...even Hui-Jun mention on his last interviewed that he really wants to get marry in his
thirty...” said Mi-Yeon.

“Did he ever mention about marriage??” Mi-Yeon look around before whispering.

“Who are you? Dispatch??” Ji-A leave her.

“YA!!! If he wants to marry you he should ask for my permission too!!!” Mi-Yeon shout.


Ji-A is busy, she is holding the note with sometimes he take another inggredients she prepared before
then put those into the pan. She then look at the boiled noodles, the angel hair noodles looks need more
time to boil. Everything is chaos in the kitchen, the dirty plates are stack in the sink, Ji-A look around and
see the chaos she invented since 2 hours ago,

“I only trying to cook pasta for two... but why it looks like I cooked for the whole village??” she talk to

“I’m too affraid to taste it....should we just leave it to my luck??” she’s mumbling.

Hui-Jun arrive in front of his door, he then take out the phone while pressing the code lock. He is dialing
on Ji-A number, but when he’s about to put his shoes, he found his favourite shoes of the day. He put the
phone to his pocket and step inside his house. He put his bag and luggage he then search for the shoes
owner. He hear some noise from the kitchen, he also smell something nice from there. Hui-Jun smile
when he find his favourite shoes owner, he then steps lightly and approach her back,

“Don’t tell me that I have clean all of this...are you cooking or fighting in my kitchen?” Hui-Jun hug her
from the back and rest his chin on her shoulder.

Some Other Day

“I’m have to do the dishes I’m too tired to do anything in this kitchen again..” said JI-A.

Hui-Jun laugh, “What are you cooking for me?”

Ji-A show him the note she’s been holding all the time she’s doing the cooking, “Spaghetti aglio.... I follow
all of this note told me to but I don’t know whether I’m doing a good job or not...”

“Why suddenly you cook like this?” Hui-Jun look at her suspicious... “Is it because you want to see EXO
showcase?” he ask.

“Because everyone said it will romantic cooking for your boyfriend, and I never do that what the
hell I’m just give it a shot..” Ji-A then check her noodles again.

“Iisshhh let me go...I need to do a lot of things..” Ji-A push Hui-Jun aside so she can move freely.

“ look very sexy in apron..” Hui-Jun tease her.

“I know...I want to show you that too...” Ji-A smile hearing Hui-Jun comment on her.

Hui-Jun laugh to see Ji-A reaction, he then leave her to change.

They are now sitting at the kitchen bar, the pasta is served Hui-Jun realy curious on Ji-A’s cooking since
this is the first time she cooked for him,

“Are you cooking for two or for the whole village?” Hui-Jun look at the stack of dirty plates and pan in the
kitchen sink.

“I’m cooking for the nation I must pull out everything I have...” reply Ji-A.

“Let’s test Baek Ji-A cooking skills..” Hui-Jun smile and grab his fork. He scoop some noddles twist it then
taste it. He keep looking at Ji-A who is look quite nervous waiting for his reaction. Hui-Jun love the way
she bite her lips now,

“Oh!” Hui-Jun looks surprised..

“What?? How?? Is it bad??” Ji-A look at him worry and nervouse mix into one.

Hui-Jun laugh, “The truth’s surprisingly delicious... well it’s a little bland for my taste buds, but I can
add more parmesan and pepper then it’s fine...” Hui-Jun assure her to try hers.

Ji-A scoop her noodles and try it, she smile..”Oppa I can cook it!!” She is happy with the result. Hui-Jun
pour the wine and pass her glass,

“To Ji-A first cooking...cook another dish for me next time...” Hui-Jun raise his glass.

Some Other Day

The dinner is successfull, Hui-Jun done with washing the dish, now they both enjoying the wine while
watching television.

“Was the trip goes as planned?” ask Ji-A.

“It was....I also met new great people on entertaining industry... Oh I even finally met Jackie Chan while I
was in Hongkong, he really is a very nice humble..” Hui-Jun remember his meetinng with Jackie

“You said you will take a break after the drama done filming, but how can you still so busy...and that
CF..look at that will appear in 4 commercials out of 10 that aired just really are
everywhere....” said Ji-A.

“Hyeon-U was taking subway few days ago and he sent me a picture of your banner line up at the subway
wall...” Ji-A then show the picture to Hui-Jun.

“I don’t know until when I can have this moment, so while I have it I was to make the best of it. I also
should think about the people working for me, the people at the agency, then our trainee, so while I can
earn a lot of money I should do it. So everyone that works for me and the agency can have their payment
every month, our trainee can have good trainer and debut, while I still cann do it I will do it..” said Hui-

“Even it keeps you busy like this?” ask Ji-A.

“I enjoy it...yes sometimes I do feel tired and suffocated..especially when I’m thinking about you and my I want to meet both of you but I can’ you especially..” Hui-Jun look at her.

“Me? Why??” ask Ji-A finishes her wine.

“I really want to go and date with you like everyone else....but I can’t right now...even going to a movie
with you is hard..” Hui-Jun play with her hair.

“Is it really impossible?” Ji-A ask

“It’s not impossible, but it will be a lot of people looking at us...following us...taking picture...asking for
selca together...sign..” said Hui-Jun.

“Are taking me on a date or held a fan meeting? Iiiisssshh” Ji-A glance at him.

Hui-Jun hug her, “I miss you...really miss you...I was thinking about you every single day...” Hui-Jun rest
his head on her shoulder.

“Then stop going here and there...most of your times spent on plane or hotel these days..” Ji-A tapping
his back. Ji-A was going to pour another wine when her phone buzzing, it’s from her mom,

“Why she call me?” Ji-A feel a little weird that her mom call her at this hour.

“Who is that?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Eomma..” Ji-A show him the screen. She then pick up the phone,

Some Other Day

“ there something wrong?” Ji-A ask.

“Ji-A ah is Gyeong-Su contact you?” Mi-Na sound worry.

“Gyeong-Su oppa? No..why?” Ji-A feel weird that her mom suddenly look for Gyeong-Su.

“I’m at his house since 3 hours ago waiting for him, but he’s still not coming back from his therapy. I call
the therapy center but they said Gyeong-Su not coming today..” said Mi-Na

“What? Does ahjussi know about this?” Ji-A ask.

“He already sent some people to look for him, but his phone is turned off so it’s hard to track him. Jae-
Hwan already go to search for him too...does he contact you or anything today?” Mi-Na ask again.

“No..he doesn’t contact me or anything...” Ji-A begin to worry.

“Ah..Jae-Hwan is here...let me know if you find him..” said Mi-Na then she hang up.

“What happen?” ask Hui-Jun.

Ji-A thinking on something, she then remember a place where Gyeong-Su once told her about. She then
immediately grab her bag and go.

“Where are you going?” Hui-Jun confused seeing her putting on her shoes and ready to leave.

“Oppa I will contact you later, I’m sorry but I have to go right now. Gyeong-Su oppa is missing, eomma is
worried about him and I think I know where to find him..” said Ji-A.

“Don’t go!” Hui-Jun grab her wrist.

“Just tell your mom or whoever that searching for him now, tell them where they can find him. But you
stay here with me... you don’t have to go..” Hui-Jun forbid her from leaving.

“Oppa...” Ji-A look at him.

“If you go I will be mad coz you choose him over me..” said Hui-Jun.

“Oppa it’s not llike that...please don’t be like this..” said Ji-A.

“It is like that...I don’t want you go. You can tell your mom where to find him, that’s it..” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A is paused, she understand why Hui-Jun behaving like this, but she also can not neglect Gyeong-Su
right now. Gyeong-Su never act like this before, even when his mom died he is not behaving like this.

“Oppa you’re not my husband yet that can tell me when to stay or when I can go..and this is not just
ordinary someone else, he’s a family..he aways take care of me since I was little, now why can’t I help
him when he need one..” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun not expecting to hear what Ji-A just said. He is surprised to hear that, “Why you talk like that?”

Some Other Day

Ji-A realize she made a mistake by saying that to him, but she doesn’t want to waste another time
again...she then go to the door and open it.

“I will really mad if you do that..” warn Hui-Jun.

Ji-A turn back and look at him, she then close her eyes then leave. Hui-Jun watch her leave, he realize he
should go after her and tell her he’s sorry for saying that lines and ask her to come back when she’s done
finding Gyeong-Su, but his pride alreay built up he just stand, angry.

Ji-A drive her car to Cheonggyecheon Stream, when she was at high school, she was argue with her mom
that made her really mad and ditch school. Gyeong-Su who knew about the fight came looking for her
then took her to Cheonggyecheon Stream, he said,

“Whenever I’m in bad mood, need some time alone with my self, need some inspiration I will go ad sit in
here..enjoying the stream..” and they sit for hours with sparkling water and many food accompany their

She arrived at Cheonggyecheon Stream the park her car, she’s looking everywhere to find him. She forgot
where was their spot back then, she is looking around and the area not as crowded as in daytime. But still
many people hanging around, sit by the stream, taking pictures, enjoying the colorfull waterfall. Ji-A walk
with her eyes look at everywhere looking for Gyeong-Su.

“You hide really well....even Seo-Jun and Seon-Eun loose this time by you...” Ji-A mumbling.

Ji-A then go to higher place and search again, she then smile..she found the one she’s been looking for.
Ji-A hurriedly run to where Gyeong-Su is. Gyeong-Su doesn’t even count how may hours has he spent
sitting here, his beer is run out, so is the food. But he still hesitate to go home. Then suddenly something
cold attch his cheeck, he urn his head to find that Ji-A standing there with 2 cold beers in her hand,

“Why you ditch your therapy?? Do you know ahjussi and eomma are about to call South Korean special
forces to find you??” Ji-A hand him the beer.

“The special forces is nothing compare to you you found me easily...” Gyeong-Su open up his

“Oppa...why are you here?” ask Ji-A.

“Thinking...” Gyeong-Su reply.

“Your way of thinking make everyone worried thou... next time don’t turned off your phone again, you
know how nagging eomma when her calls not picked up...” said Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su throuw small laugh hearing that,

“Ji-A ah... I really want this leg can be function as before again...” suddenly Gyeong-Su talk about his leg.

“It’s awfull to walk with only one leg...and I hate how people stare at me...” Gyeong-Su continue.

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Ji-A look at him ans smile, “People look at you because you’re handsome...look at those girls they were
sitting there looking at you, when I came and sit beside you they look changing into killing mode toward
me..” Ji-A point at the girls sitting accross them.

“Handsome man with one leg..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Isshhh stop it....if you really want to have normal leg again then go listed your self at Mayo rehab
programme..don’t whining like this..” said Ji-A.

“I’m affraid to go alone...” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A look at him again, Gyeong-Su look so worry. His eyes looks very sad.

“Let’s go home first...eomma already waiting for you since hours ago..” Ji-A stand up and give her hand to

Mi-Na and all the Baek’s already waiting for Gyeong-Su and Ji-A when they’re arrive. Not long after them
Ji-Yeon and Ryeo-Uk also arrive with second later Min-Hwan come home too. With all the food prepared
by So-Mi, Mi-Na and the maid from Cha residence now everyone sit at the Cha dining table.

“I feel so happy today, it’s been long enough that our dining table full with people like this...” Min-Hwan
sipping his wine.

“Should we move our gathering in here??” said Ji-A.

“With prime minister on service for delivering snack?? Everyone will think we’re doing campaign for him,”
reply Jae-Dok.

“Ahjussi when you already success become a president I need you to validate new amandemen for
me...for the sake all of maknae in south korea..” said Ji-A.

“What is that, if tht for you I can always think a way..’ said Min-Hwan.

“Weekend started on Wednesday until Sunday?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“Ya...oppa I’m very diligent doing my job, I even cut all my late performance this month, I always on time
this month..” Ji-A confidence sharing her new on time record.

“She is...she’s never late again this month..” Ji-Yeon reply.

“Really??” Gyeong-Su even surprised.

“Are you promised her a raise if she can come on time?” Ryeo-Uk even suspicious.

“I’m not... She’s still get next month paid cut by me..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Eonnie!!! Whhhyyy??? I’m not even late once this month..” Ji-A shocked.

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“You’re never late but you always finish you r work an hour earlier, and that happen more than 6 times
this month..” said Ji-Yeon.

Everyone at the table laugh, “I already know way she can be that diligent..” Ryeo-Uk laugh so

“Ahjussi can’t you just adopt me??” Ji-A ask Min-Hwan.

Min-Hwan laugh, “What should I do...look at your dad hair he is aging too fast and everytime I asked hi
why, he said that’s all because of you....” Min-Hwan play hard to get.

“You’re one want to raise you except me and your mom...” said Jae-Dok.

“I should go to the bathroom first..” Gyeong-Su turn his wheelchair and headed to bathroom.

So-Mi then get up from her chair,

“Where are you going?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“running away from you...” Ji-A answered, “Ever since eonnie succesfully passed the transplant he is
become worst...keep asking where are you, what are you doing, even I miss you...iissshh..” Ji-A glance at

Jae-Hwan then hit her right away, “OUCH!! Appa!! Oppa just hit me...” Ji-A shout.

“He’s not..” said Ji-Yeon defend on Jae-Hwan.

“Is he?” Jae-Dok join in teasing her.

“I don’t see anything aboeji..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“Why you make up a story like that??” Min-Hwan joining too.

“Iissshhh I really need to be independent soon....” Ji-A sigh, while Jae-Hwan smile his victory toward her.

Suddenly the maid come running toward them,

“Prime minister Cha, Gyeong-Su.... Gyeong-Su...” She even cannot finish her sentence because of

Everyone look at her in instant,

“What happen?!!” Jae-Hwan is the first to ask then go to the bathroom.

Then everyone marched out from their seat and headed to the bathroom, Gyeong-Su is sitting at
bathroom floor with his hand holding his right leg, it seems he is hurting so much. He cry holding the pain
that now take over his right leg and starting spread to his body and his mind.

“Gyeong-Su ah what happen?” Jae-Hwan hurried check on him.

Some Other Day

Ji-Yeon pull Mi-Na and take her to the other room so she doesn’t have to see that. Jae-Dok call for
professor Kang immediatey. Half an hour later professor Kang arrive and checking on Gyeong-Su, Ji-A wait
for them with her mother,

“He is scared..” Mi-Na said to Ji-A.

“Because he think he won’t be able to use the leg again?” guess Ji-A.

“I can see that he want to join the rehab programme at Mayo....but he is too scared to go alone... I really
wish he has someone like Jae-Hwan has So-Mi now....” said Mi-Na.

“Why you think like that?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“It’s obvious..” reply Ryeo-Uk.

“What? What is obvious?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“He doesn’t want everyone know that he is suffering because it’s too ashamed for him to cry in front of us
or telling his worry...or even tell us his dream... he want to share it with someone special for him, and
that’s, I’m sorry eomoni, that’s not you...let’s just comper it to me, while I’m sick I don’t want my mom
taking care of me, instead I need you the most at that I can be who I am...nagging all I want,
become childish...”said Ryeo-Uk.

Ji-A look and listen to him, somehow she remember what Mi-Yeon said before, it’s the same just like his
brother inlaw said just then. Then the others join in at the living room,

“It seems his leg is showing us another symptomps, we really should ask Gyeong-Su to start the rehab
programme before it’s too late.” Professor Kang explain.

“Too late of what?” ask Min-Hwan.

“I’m affraid the ligament will give up if we do not re-structure it immediately, that’s whay Gyeong-Su feel
a lot of pain just then because the ligament start to torn again. And when everything torn he will really
loose his chance to be normal again..” said professor Kang.

“Just make him enter the programme immediately before the slot occupied by other patient, as I heard
this year programme they only can accept 2 people only..” professor Kang continue.

That night Ji-A continue thinking about Gyeong-Su, especially when she see Gyeong-Su looks so hopeless
and crying alone in his room. She is about to say goodbye to Gyeong-Su, but when she’s about to get
inside she found Gyeong-Su in his wheelchair near the window holding his mom picture,

“Eomma...I really scare on doing it alone...but I really want to get better..” Gyeong-Su look at his mom
picture and his tears begin to fall.

Ji-A park her car and walk to the entrance door, she arrived in front of Hui-Jun’s place. She then choose to
sit down in front of the door then thinking about her and Hui-Jun, how he really mad at her before
because she left. Then she get up and gathered all the courage she can have this time. She press the
codelock then go inside. She walk and the room is just dark, she is wonder if Hui-Jun left the house
because he angry about her. She then turn on the light and find Hui-Jun sit down at the couch with many
of empty beer cans lying around him, Hui-Jun turn his head to find her,

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“You’re done? Why you come back, why don’t you just babysit him and forget about me..” Hui-Jun sound
so cynical.

Ji-A can see the anger still occupying him, she then picked up the empty cans and clean the mess, but
then Hui-Jun push her and throw all the cans she collected before, Ji-A gasp.

“What are you doing??!!!” Ji-A shocked.

“What am I doing? Isn’t that should be my question? What are you doing here? Don’t you think I don’t
know that all this time you couldn’t be with me is that because you always be with him!!” Hui-Jun release
all of his anger and jealousy.

“Why are you acting like this?? You really too much!!” Ji-A getting emotional too.

“Why am I acting like this, I don’t like it when you ignoring me because of him... It’s hard enough for us
to be together with my crap schedules and work time, also now you are busy too I don’t know anymore if
you really busy doing surgery or busy taking care of him and use surgery as your excuse..” said Hui-Jun.

“OPPA!!! You!!!!” Ji-A lost for word, she really can’t believe what she just hear.

“You really think that about me?? REALLY!!!” Ji-A shout

“Should we just end this?” Ji-A very pissed.

“Yeah, why we should continue doing this while we even don’t have time for each other anymore, when
you even choose other man than me...” Hui-Jun snap back.

“You really is being nonsense, why you has to act like that..” Ji-A very irritated.

“Are you really not know it or you pretending not know about it. He likes you...he wants to take you away
from me!! He even save you before from that reporters and NOT ME!!” Hui-Jun loose his temper, really
loose it.

Ji-A look at him, she hold her tears, she doesn’t want to cry in front of Hui-Jun,

“Let’s just end this..It’s even hard to make time for us lately...” said Ji-A

“Yep..Let’s just end it, it’s useless for us to even save this again..” Hui-Jun reply.

“You really use that word.... i get it...I’m not that into you again...not anymore let’s just stop right here....”
Ji-A said.

“Yeah let’s just stop and forget everything.... you never meant a lot to me and I never meant a lot to
you...since you easily left me for the other guy...” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A stare at him, “Bastard....stupid man.... why do I even come here to hear that from you...alright let’s
just say you and I never meant for each other and I’m really happy that we finally end...because I hate
wasting my time!!”

Some Other Day

Ji-A turn and headed to the door, she slam it hard. Before the door closed she can hear Hui-Jun throw
something very hard that it cause a loud breaking sound. Ji-A drive her car very fast and she stop when
she think she’s already far enough. She cry badly as she regret everything she said to Hui-Jun before, she
shouldn’t said those lies, she should accepting Hui-Jun anger and calm him. That way she can still be with
him not end up misery like this. While things not getting any better too for Hui-Jun he slams the tv hard
with alcohol bottle in front of him, he is mad to himself for telling all those painful lies to Ji-A, he should
trying to understand her and have a big heart. That way he would not losing her like this. Now he even
can not dream of meeting her again.

The next morning, even she can tell her eyes still swollen because the crying scene last night, she is now
standing in front of Gyeong-Su room and after take a deep breath she push the door and find Gyeong-Su
already wake up and is reading a book. Gyeong-Su surprise to see Ji-A at his room so early, he put down
the architecture book he is reading,

“What are you doing in here so early?” ask Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A look at him, “Oppa do you really want to go to Mayo to join the rehab programme?” she ask.

“I’d love to, but it’s too far away aboeji is looking for another option in here..” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A bite her lips, and then finally say, “Oppa let’s go together, I will come with you to Mayo and stay with
you until you can walk again...but promise me that you will work very hard..okay?”


Some Other Day


„....I learned to live, half alive. Now you want me one more
time....(JarofHearts– ChristinaPerri)

Some Other Day

“For how long will you go?” Mi-Yeon look stressed when she heard that Ji-A heading to USA with Gyeong-

“Gyeong-Su oppa rehabilitation programme will take about 1 year, in mean time I also will be attended
fellowship programme at neurosurgical department at Mayo, it will be good for my resume too...” said Ji-

“What fellowship programme?” ask Hyeon-U.

“It’s Peripheral Nerve Surgery Fellowship, appa said the programme will give good advantage for me.
Especially I will be under guidance of Aaron Green, he is one of the god in neuro...” said Ji-A.

“Can you get into the programme in short notice?” ask Hyeon-U.

“Appa and ahjussi take care of it for me, in fact I can wait for the acceptance while I’m accompanying
Gyeong-Su oppa with his rehabilitation programme..” Ji-A check her luggage again, she think she put
enough clothes already.

“Why you left in’s just come out from nowhere, that suddenly you said you will go to US with
Gyeong-Su... what Hui-Jun say about this?” ask Mi-Yeon.

Ji-A stay quiet, her eyes begin to tears but then she wipe it off and calm her self,

“What happen between you two?’ Hyeon-U catch the strange attitude on her.

“We’re broke up..” Ji-A answer.

“Oh no....” Mi-Yeon surprised.

“Why? Because you want to go to US?” ask Hyeon-U

“Nope.... I decided to go after I broke up with leaving really not the cause of it..” said Ji-A.

“Then what?” ask Hyeon-U again.

“Can you just stop asking her about that...she seems very struggle in the past month..” Mi-Yeon stops

“No..I need to know so I can beat that bastard if he did her wrong...” said Hyeon-U, “So is he worth to be
beaten up?” Hyeon-U ask again.

“It’s’s just he get too busy...I’m too tired...and I lied a lot, and he’s just I ... he.....just let
me forget it okay? It’s my fault anyway, so you want to beat me up?” Ji-A look at Hyeon-U.

Hyeon-U then hug her, “be strong you girl..”

Some Other Day

Mi-Yeon joining at the hug, “I was going to banned you from leaving before, because it’s all too sudden.
But hearing about what happen between you and Hui-Jun, I think I should let you go..” Mi-Yeon tapping
on Ji-A’s back.

“If I ever got into the professor list you must be there for my call and we celebrate it together..” said

“Make sure you get into the list..” said Ji-A.

“Then who will replace you for the professor candidate in neuro?” ask Mi-Yeon.

“It’s Jun-Yeol..” reply Ji-A.

“It will be very strange to have you away for so long...last time when you went to Morocco I really have
no clue about how am I going to spend my a year...could be’s sad...” said Mi-Yeon.

“It’s not I’m going to stay forever at US...” Ji-A comforting Mi-Yeon.

“But..let’s say things get so excited in there, will you consider to stay? Forever?” ask Hyeon-U.

Ji-A just silent, she is not answering anything. Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon just look at her trying to understand
how awfull her feeling right now.

“Call me anytime... I will be always waiting for your updates..” Mi-Na hug her.

“I will..” said Ji-A.

“Gyeong-Su ah I leave her to you... please stay her out from any trouble..” Jae-Hwan slow punch on
Gyeong-Su arm.

“I will... don’t worry I will take care of her..eomoni don’t worry too much I will take care of her..” Gyeong-
Su look at sobbing Mi-Na

“I’m sure you will...get better soon, work hard on your therapy and come back healthy for
understand?” Mi-Na hug him.

“You will start the fellowship programme next month, in mean time you can adjust to Gyeong-Su therapy
and your upcoming schedule... make sure you take care your health too... we will come to visit
sometime..” Jae-Dok hug Ji-A. It’s hard for him to let his maknae leave.

“Someone name Lee Sang-Hee will come and pick up both of you at the airport, he will take you to your
new house in there...He is done setting up the place for both of you live, but if you need anything else
just tell him directly he will stay close with both of you..” Min-Hwan talk to Gyeong-Su.

“And make sure you call this number when you already at your apartment...they will deliver the car for
you..” Ryeo-Uk give him the number.

Some Other Day

“Be happy...leave all the bad times..” Ji-Yeon hug Ji-A. She know exactly how Ji-A struggle after
breaking up with Hui-Jun, with the way she keep saying to everyone that the break up happen because of
her, Ji-Yeon can see how hurt she is.

“You’re gonna miss me so much..” Ji-A smile at her.

“I’m not..I can visit you anytime I want...” Ji-Yeon smile.

“Eonnie..keep healthy, come and see me someday..” Ji-A hug So-Mi.

“I be happy in there...” So-Mi smile.

Then they heard final call for Ji-A and Gyeong-Su flight. Both Ji-A and Gyeong wave their goodbye to the
people they love, then Ji-A push Gyeong-Su wheelchair into the gate.

“Annyeong....” Ji-A said to herself while remembering Hui-Jun.

“What do you say?” Gyeong-Su seems to hear Ji-A saying something.

“Oh.. nothing..” Ji-A reply.

“Are you okay?” Gyeong-Su know that Ji-A and Hui-Jun break up, and Ji-A decide to go with him,
accompany him after the break up happened.

“I’ll live oppa...I’ll learn to live, even for its half at this moment....but I’ll be fine...someday it will be whole
again...” Ji-A even not sure what she is saying right now.

“YA!!! WAKE UP!!!!” Beom-Seok shout and open all the curtains. Sunlight forces and bright the room in
instance, Hui-Jun pull up his blanket to cover his face.

“Aiissshhh this punk, if he’s not working like maniac, he sleep like a corpse all day. YA!! WAKE UP!!!”
Beom-Seok now pulling out his blanket and throw it away.

“This is my day off after 2 weeks working like a cow...let me sleep..” Hui-Jun mumbling and cover his face
with the pillow.

“Who told you to work like a cow?? You didn’t even want to rest....and you sleep as if you’re dead..”
Beom-Seok keep on nagging.

“Beom-Seok ah... let me sleep...” Hui-Jun said while still covering his face with pillow.

“Get up first and eat your breakfast..or’s noon anyway...” said Beom-Seok.

“I’m not hungry..” reply Hui-Jun.

“Yeah right, said someone who had his last meal at 2PM yesterday...” said Beom-Seok.

Some Other Day

“I had sandwich last night...just get the hell out from my room and close the curtains again...I really need
to sleep..” said Hui-Jun.

“Why I should let you sleep...get up quickly let’s go, Gi-Gwang will be here too later..he’s on his way...let’s
go grab some drinks..” said Beom-Seok.

“Beom-Seok ah, I want to sleep, because the only time I can stop thinking about her is during my
sleep..let me sleep..” said Hui-Jun.

Beom-Seok paused, he turn and look at Hui-Jun that still have pillow covering his face. At first he didn’t
understand why Hui-Jun keep pushing his schedule and made it really packed. He will begin his work so
early in the morning and end it late in midnight. If he has nothing else he will directly go home and sleep.
But after a while Beom-Seok notice that Ji-A never come or call again, and Hui-Jun always avoid that topic
when he asked. He then asked So-Mi about them, and So-Mi said that they’re broke up, So-Mi also told
Beom-Seok that Ji-A will be leaving to US, but Beom-Seok didn’t say anything about that to Hui-Jun, he
didn’t want to add another scar in Hui-Jun life these days. As then he accidentally found that Hui-Jun
bought new TV a week before that, and his old TV was stored in his storage room and the sceen is broke
into pieces, he imagine how mad Hui-Jun was that day.

“Just get up okay.. I’m so worry about you these days...even CEO Jang ask me to go for a vacation with
you...Gi-Gwang will be here I will ask him to drop by and buy samgyupsal for us in here...” Beom-Seok
then leave him and texting Gi-Gwang to buy samgyupsal and lots of beer.

Hui-Jun just stay quiet, his eyes is close but he don’t have any intentions on getting sleep again. He then
get up and look at the clock at his bedside, it’s 1PM. He get up then go to the bathroom and take a
shower. After shower he then goes outside his room and find Beom-Seok busy arranging the grill and
plates in the kitchen.

“Oh Hui-Jun ah you can check your tomorrow CF storyline, I put that on your desk beside your bag..” said

Hui-Jun go and pick up the one mention by Beom-Seok and read it for a while, he’s about to put down the
script then he look at the spot where Ji-A used to hide in there. He paused and keep looking at it as if Ji-A
is sitting there, hiding with her lips pouting looks pretty mad. Hui-Jun then sit down and keep looking at
the empty space under his desk, wishing that what he’s thinking is real, that Ji-A is really there, hiding and
waiting for him to find her.

“Get out...nag at me....I was wrong” Hui-Jun whisper to himself, and burry his head on his hand.


--- Rochester, Minnesotta, USA (4 months after) ---

Ji-A is walking at the neuro department at Mayo clinic, she just finish her first surgery. She then bump
with Salman, her fellow doctor, at the nurse station checking on his patient chart.

“Hi Salman, done with today??” Ji-A while she grab her tab and update her patient checklist.

Some Other Day

“I’m done... I need to go home and get some beauty sleep....I already awake for 24 hour I need to
sleep...” Salman looks so sleepy, “You also done?” he ask.

Ji-A nod...”Yes, I’m about heading to the orthopedic department...” said Ji-A finishing her tab and give it
to the nurse.

“How is your boyfriend now? I heard the first surgery is a success...” Salman then walk with her.

“Is he look like my boyfriend?” Ji-A ask.

“He’s not? Eeyyy.... he is already that handsome yet you always said he’s not your boyfriend..” Salman
punch her.

“He’s not...” Ji-A look at Salman to ensure him.

“Yeah always be with him, he even caring for you with his condition...he was waiting for you
for hours in the rain when you were trapped because of marathon surgery week before.... and he is not
your brother...there’s nothing like only friend between man and woman..” said Salman, “Also you and him
live together just the two of you...” add Salman.

“How to prove that I’m not his girlfriend?” Ji-A ask

“Date...ah date Benjamin from general surgery, he looks like interesting on you...” Salman smirked.

“Eiishh... he is too scary. What about dating you?” Ji-A smile.

Salman look at her then shook his head, “No....I have enough doctor in my dad is a
mom is a sister is a brother is a doctor... too scary if I add another doctor as my
partner...” said Salman, and both laugh.

“If I’m not a doctor will you date with me..” again Ji-A playing joke with him.

“No... my mom wil not like dad will againts it...” said Salman, Indian with handsome looks, he
looks like Bollywood actor that often make his female patient melts their heart.

“Why...because I’m not a doctor?” Ji-A ask.

“No...because you’re not us..” Salman reply, “You know we are vey strict on that matter..” he
whisper then both of them laugh very hard.

Salman is her first friend when she arrive at Mayo neurosurgical department. With his easy going style,
they become friend quick. Ji-A arrive at the orthopedic department, she is rushes her steps into the
rehabilitation centre, there she find Gyeong-Su is doing exercise with his therapist. Ji-A knock at the glass
window, Gyeong-Su turn his head and smile to her.

“What do you want to eat today?” Ji-A ask while pushing the groceries cart and Gyeong-Su follow her with
his wheelchair.

“Ah we run out rice too..” said Gyeong-Su.

Some Other Day

“Oppa remember when we go to the steak house on our first night in here?” Ji-A laugh rememberin the
funny story that day.

“We were very hungry, we order for steak but then we also ask for many rice instead of french fries...the
server was look so confused as it his firstime having request steak with rice..” Gyeong-Su laugh.

“Once a korean we always be a korean.. we cannot live without rice..” Ji-A laugh too.

“We run out kimchi too...” Ji-A look around the frozen section.

“Yeah korean can’t live without it..” Gyeong-Su found it then throw 2 big kimchi packs.

Arrive at home, Ji-A unload the groceries and organize them in the fridge, she then prepare inggredients
she want to cook for dinner. Suddenly Gyeong-Su shout for her,

“Comiiing!!!” Ji-A put down the beef and rushes to Gyeong-Su room.

Seeing Ji-A coming Gyeong-Su smirked and show her the patch.

“My back is so tense can you help put this into my back? Also I need to change the bandage and put
ointment, can you help? Last time I change myself it’s not as tight as you did it..” Gyeong-Su show her the
patch and the bandage.

Ji-A smile then put the patch first, “In here?” Ji-A ask

“Yep .. and put another one on my left waist..” Gyeong-Su said.

Gyeong-Su feel Ji-A’s breath on his back, he then feel so nervous. It’s not that it’s the first time having Ji-
A so close with him, but everytime she is so close with him like now, he feel so nervouse and his heart
beating fast also. He asked Jae-Hwan once about that when they’re chat via skype, Jae-Hwan just laugh
and told him that he just like clueless boy who doesn’t know how to make a move toward a girl, even Seo-
Jun and Seo-Eun can beat him on hitting to a girl. No one know what happen between Ji-A and Hui-Jun,
why they’re broke up, Ji-A never told them anything, and Gyeong-Su never asked her too about that. Both
like having silent agreement to stay away from that topic in all their conversation. It’s been 4 months, and
Gyeong-Su already passed his first surgery, he is now able to lift a little bit his right leg and last for 10
seconds. Ji-A tapping on his leg signs that she’s done with his new bandage.

“Oh you’re done... should be like this..” Gyeong-Su satisfied with his new bandage.

“I’m doing dinner..see me at the kitchen when you’re done..” Ji-A then leave him.

Ever since they arrive at this city Ji-A is very close to him. It’s a different feeling when they’re both now
even share the same house. He can see her every morning, even sometimes he will come to her room and
check on her while she’s sleeping. He admit that his feeling become stronger now towards her, and he
admit it to Jae-Hwan.

“Then go and confess again...what are you waiting for? Waiting for another Hui-Jun come and get her and
you left alone again?” Jae-Hwan teased him that time.

Some Other Day

He’s been thinking about that the whole time, whether he should confess about his feeling again as now
Ji-A is single. But he is sure that she still think about Hui-Jun sometimes, when he said that to Jae-Hwan,
he said,

“Then change her both in a far away land from Seoul. Just confess to her...maybe it is your
time after so long..”

Dinner is ready, both Ji-A and Gyeong-Su now sit at the dining table enjoying their food.

“You really improving your cooking skill....the stew taste delicious..” said Gyeong-Su remembering the first
meal cooked by Ji-A, the stew was awfull, the tempura was burned, the lasagna was sloppy, and they eat
ramen for a week because JI-A did not want to cook anything again.

“I know...I’m good now...hahahaha” Ji-A bragging.

“Salman think you are my boyfriend..” said Ji-A remembering her conversation with Salman.

“Everyone think you are my girlfriend...” Gyeong-Su remember his therapist and nurses always said, “Your
girl is here..” everytime Ji-A arrive looking for him.

“They are really funny...even Salman insisting that I lied when I said you and I not have that kind of
relationship..” Ji-A laugh.

Gyeong-Su paused and look at her, “I’m happy with everyone thought about that..” Gyeong-Su look at

Ji-A scoop her stew and look at him still smiling, “Why?” but then she finds that Gyeonng-Su look is
different, “Why are you looking at me like that?” she ask.

“What if I wish that those thoughts are true? I wish you realy are my girlfriend..” said Gyeong-Su. There
he said it, the lines he keep silent in his heart the whole time after getting rejected last time.

Ji-A look at him then she look down into her food, she can feel that her cheek is blushing. Gyeong-Su can
feel that the air between them become awkward, but he don’t see that Ji-A will act like she did the first
time he confessed. She just sitting there playing with her food, without even dare to look at Gyeong-Su
eyes. Until dinner is done Ji-A still not saying anything, and now Gyeong-Su is doing the dishes while Ji-A
clean up the table, when she put the last dirty plates and about to going, Gyeong-Su hold her hand,

“I’m so sorry if the confession was too blunt...but at least please acknowledged my feeling. This feeling
not last for a day or weeks or monts...I keep it for years and still the same...” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A look at him, “Oppa... I don’t have any confidence in building any romantic relationship again for now.
Especially I don’t want things become awkward between us when something happen between us in
future...also the truth is I need to move on first..” said Ji-A.

“I know it still hard for you to accept my feeling especially after what happen between you and Hui-Jun.
But at least will you think about me...about us? I’ll wait until you accept me as a boyfriend...I am very
thankfull that you come with me, accompanying by my motivate mean a lot in
my life..mean a lot for me..” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A then look him in the eye and stay for a while, enjoying the lost feeling being in his stare.

Some Other Day

“I’m not sure about what I want right now..can give me more time?” she reply.

Gyeong-Su smile “your answer is so much better than what I’ve been imagine the whole time... take your
time...but make sure you say yes..” Gyeong-Su show a big grinn.

Ji-A can not close her eyes, and keep thinking about what Gyeong-Su said to her. She then take her
phone and go into chatroom with her three musketeers.

“What are you doing?” Ji-A type

“It’s 8 in the morning what do you think we’re doing” Hyeon-U is the first to reply

“Changing my shoes...” Mi-Yeon join in

“Seeing Mi-Yeon changing shoes and all the tired and cursed residents praying for their good fate today
with my body lay down at the couch..” Hyeon-U add

“So both of you failed at our first trial for professor position??” Ji-A send them laugh emoticon as well

“ We are...doomed...I never thought I would make it anyway...this year is not my luck..” Mi-Yeon reply
with adding crying emoticon

“I don’t know why I screwed on big operation with Jae-Hwan hyung that day so he scolded me so bad
then took me out from the list...” Hyeon-U show emoticon crying too.

“When I didn’t make did both of’s our fate anyway...” Ji-a laugh while typing it, “How come
our fate destined to be in sync..” she said to herself.

“How is Mayo?” ask Mi-Yeon

“Good and bad...” Ji-A reply

“Tsk...some things eventually work in sync between here and there...good and bad..” Hyeon-U said

“How is Gyeong-Su oppa progress?” Mi-Yeon again

“Good...he’s able to lift his leg for 10 second now..” Ji-A reply

“Can’t believe it’s 4 months already...when is his second surgery?” [Hyeon-U]

“In 2 months...he is really in a good mood...” [Ji-A]

“So have both of you become a real couple now?” [Hyeon-U]

“YA!! What are you talking about..” Ji-A even get up and sit down after reading Hyeon-U reply.

“What?! I’m just asking a normal question.... we know that he has feeling for her...and you’re available
now...also the fact that you and him are living together now...” Hyeon-U doesn’t feel at fault at all.

Some Other Day

“You really are annoying sometimes...” [Ji-A]

“Oh come on...Ji-A, just move on..even now the entire south korean know that you and Hui-Jun broke
up..” [Hyeon-U]

“YA!!! You said even thousand times terrorizing me for not mention that to you do it yourself!!”

“He said that?” Ji-A surprised, she never track about Hui-Jun updates after she arrive in here, even she
hold how much she miss him. She avoid everything about him, she even never read korean portal news
again, she never watched any drama again, she just shut down everything, she even forget EXO, 2PM,
Bigbang and BTS and all her Kpop idols.

“He was...on some interview..the MC asked him about how about your love life when will you go openly
with your girlfriend? Then he answered, as much as I want to be publicly dating but I don’t have a
girlfriend right now..” [Mi-Yeon]

“Then the next hour all the thread are buzzing about it...” [Hyeon-U]

“Guess I made some people happy..” [Ji-A]

“You were... I laugh so hard when I read one of the comment, it said, It’s not that I will be Hui-Jun next
girlfriend, but I really happy to know that he is single again...” [Mi-Yeon]

“LOL...” [Hyeon-U]

“And the thread of JunMi couple come back alive also they’re doing many events together..” [Mi-Yeon]

“I saw them at the Baeksang red carpet, Bora showed it me...” [Hyeon-U]

“Just move on...” [Mi-Yeon]

“I know... I will...” [Ji-A]

“Can you?” [Hyeon-U]

“Well at least I’ll learn how to live without” [Ji-A]

“So how is it?” [Mi-Yeon]

“I’m fine...” Ji-A lied.... “I’m half alive” she said in her heart.

“Just be happy with Gyeong-Su” [Hyeon-U]

“He confessed .... again...” [Ji-A]

“WHEN?????” [Mi-Yeon]

“Just say yes....” [Hyeon-U]

Some Other Day

“I’m affraid to start again...beside to be honest I cannot forget Hui-Jun..darn why did I have to date such
an amazing man and let it go...” [Ji-A]

“Well it’s not your first time...remember Sang Joon?” [Hyeon-U]

“You!! Why you always like this..” [Ji-A]

“Wait isn’t Sang-Joon also at Mayo?” [Hyeon-U]

“Nope...he’s moving to John Hopkins last year, he has great position there..” [Mi-Yeon]

“How come you know that?” [Ji-A]

“We are in pediatric world of course I know him..” [Mi-Yeon]

“Back to Gyeong-Su, just be with him.... he is a good man to keep..” [Hyeon-U]

“You said the same thing about Hui-Jun too last time..” [Ji-A]

“It’s your fault to let him slip thru your finger... not me..” [Hyeon-U]

“Iiisshhhh this punk...” [Ji-A]

“I’ll kill him for you..” [Mi-Yeon]

“Make sure he is really die today..” [Ji-A]

“If I die who will drag you both when you drunk next time?? Only me who can handle both of you at once
when you’re drunk...” [Hyeon-U]

“We really have to stop become dependent on him..” [Ji-A]

“We should..” [Mi-Yeon]

“I will pay everyone for Soju all night if that ever happen...” [Hyeon-U]

“Iissshhh.... how come you will be so great having us leaving you...” [Mi-Yeon]

“So should I accept Gyeong-Su?” [Ji-A]

“You should be happy regardless with who you’re with..” [Mi-Yeon]

“That’s right...” [Hyeon-U]

Ji-A put down her phone, “I should be happy....but why it’s so hard to be happy without him..” Ji-A stare
at her starry ceiling.

“ you hate me now?” Ji-A look at she and Hui-Jun picture together.

Some Other Day

--- Seoul, South Korea ----

“OPPAAAAAA!!!!!” a crowd of girls in histeria to see Hui-Jun get out from his car.

Hui-Jun look at the crowd, smile and wave to them. He is attending a fashion show and all of his
appearance since from the airport already become headlines everywhere.

“ooohh Look at those girls...if you go and approach them and hug one of them I bet she will faint right
away because of happiness overload..” Gong Won-Bin, actor, is now stand beside him and wave together,
create more histeria in front of their fans.

“Are you sure they’re not crazy over you? Hyung you are too humble..” Hui-Jun smile.

“Let’s go inside..” Won-Bin tap on Hui-Jun’s shoulder.

The fashion show really entertaining for Hui-Jun, at first Beom-Seok who always dragged him out from his
place to attend some events, movie premiere, cocktail party, fashion show only to keep him busy and
laugh even it’s a fake laugh. But at least Hui-Jun always try to enjoy the crowd.

“Hui-Jun ah, you say you won’t be here...but yet I saw the internet buzzing with your airport fashion..”
Yu-Mi approach him.

“So are you happy now seeing me here?” Hui-Jun pass her the wine.

“Of course...I don’t know many people in here, so it will be at ease to have you as a partner in this
event..” said Yu-Mi.

“Waaahhh is the JunMi couple is for real??? You both really look very close to each other..” Min Na-Ri,
singer, approach them and join in.

“Did you have a lot of free times so you can even read those threads??” Yu-Mi glance at her. Na-Ri is
known with her rumours, she loves spreading rumors everywhere despite her amazing achievement in
singing but her personality is really not a dear to everyone.

“I’m so busy these days, my album just out last week and it’s already top chart in Melon, I bet you already
download it also..” Na-Ri smirked at Yu-Mi.

“I only have international artists on my phone..” Yu-Mi said.

“Yeah you understand english better than me..Hui-Jun shi you aready download my song
right?” Na-Ri look at Hui-Jun with acting so cute in front of him, that mae Hui-Jun laugh not because he
thinks its cute but he think it’s hilariously funny.

“I never download any song on my phone..” Hui-Jun smirked at her.

“Iiiissshhh you both are very match to each boring..” Na-Ri then leave him.

Then both Yu-Mi and Hui-Jun laugh seeing Na-Ri left sulking because of them.

Some Other Day

“Ooohh I really hate really need to be careful with her...she’s poison..” said Yu-Mi watching Na-
Ri leave.

“You really very easy on trashing into other people..” Hui-Jun laugh.

“She’s not I said she’s poison...” Yu-Mi repeat her line.

“So is it true about the break up? I always so close with you because of our job, but you never told me
anything about that.. now tell me the truth..” ask Yu-Mi.

“Why should I...” Hui-Jun look into the crowd.

“You you can move on..” said Yu-Mi.

“I’m not planning on dating anyone soon..” said Hui-Jun.

“But eventually in the end you will right.. Yu-Mi is persistent.

“Ahahahaha why you really persistent about it...” Hui-Jun laugh.

Yu-Mi look at him, “Because I think I like can you give me a chance to replace the spot that she
left?” Yu-Mi look at him nervous. The alcohol really help her to be brave and confess about her feeling to
Hui-Jun since they’re shooting the drama.

Hui-Jun throw a small laugh, he does feel flattered to hear beautiful actress like Yu-Mi confessed to him,
but, “I’m not planning on romance anytime soon...” Hui-Jun sorry for her.

“I’m not asking you should accept me right now...” Yu-Mi reply and smile, “Take your time...just
acknowledged my least you know who you should be looking for when your heart is ready..”
she add.

Hui-Jun just look at her and smile, then drink up his wine, and he stay with her until the event is over.
When Yu-Mi is about to get into her car, Hui-Jun stop her and said,

“Let’s keep in can call me anytime and I..... maybe I will ask you for meal sometime too...” he

Yu-Mi smile and said, “You’re the one who ask me to do know that?” she then laugh and get into
her car and leave.

Hui-Jun watch her leave, “Should I forget you....I should....but..can I?” he is mumbling to himself. He was
at Taeyang group building week ago for shooting a CF of their premium electronics, which HJ is the
model. Then he accidentally bumped with Dong-Hyeok, and they spent little time to chat and catch up
with each other life during filming,

“Hyung you are really doing good in our CF, our sales are up when you start endorsing the product. Even
my dad proud of my work...” Dong-Hyeok thanked him.

Some Other Day

“Ahahah it’s not’s everyone effort I’m just putting my face, small contribution..” said Hui-Jun.

“Yaa...why you always so humble like this...I really didn’t get what that stupid girl thinking loosing
someone like you..” Dong-Hyeok shook his head.

“You heard too?” ask Hui-Jun.

Dong-Hyeok look at him, “Hyung everyone in this country already knew that you’re broken up with Ji-A.
It’s such a both really looks good together...” said Dong-Hyeok.

“How is she?” Hui-Jun ask carefully.

“She is in USA now...she is joining some neuro fellowship programme at Mayo hospital..Ah I’m so sorry
hyung but my guest already arrive...let’s meet again later..” Dong-Hyeok tap on his shoulder then leave.

While Hui-Jun paused to her the news that Ji-A is in America right now, when all this time he think she is
still in the same city as him. He then remember about something, then he took out his phone and dialed
for Gi-Gwang number,

“Yes..what’s up..” Gi-Gwang answering.

“Where did you say your boss going to for his rehabilitation programme?” ask Hui-Jun

“Mayo Clinic, USA, why?” reply Gi-Gwang.

Hui-Jun paused, “Nothing...I just happen to hear something about to you again later..” Hui-Jun
hang up.

He feel instant pain when he find out that Ji-A is really leaving him, and choose to be with Gyeong-Su. He
know that Ji-A feel she need to take care of him because what happen to Gyeong-Su. But Ji-A do it way
too much, she forget that Hui-Jun feel belittle because of what she did to Gyeong-Su. That he also need
her, not only Gyeong-Su that need her.

Hui-Jun then go to his car, somehow he drive to the Baek’s residence. He park his car not far from the
house, enough to make him able to see the house. He stay for a while thinking about the last time he met
her. The awfull goodbye that caused him live like a zombie, living the life with no heart. Live but not alive.
He’s not never try to move on, he tried everytime. But every corner remind him of her, even when he
changed his bed, change the paint in his place, he even throw away the desk that Ji-A used to hide under
it. But still she live inside him.

“Are you thinking about me too? It’s been months but still I can remember your scent, your laugh, your
eyes..tell me how to forget you..” Hui-Jun talk while looking at Ji-A picture on his phone.

“Why you left....I told you to not leave me again before...” Hui-Jun keep mumbling alone.


Some Other Day

Ji-A running to Gyeong-Su room, the nurse page her that Gyeong-Su operation is done and he is already
transferred to his room. She said the operation went successfully, the re-structruring ligament went
succesfully. Now l the effort will be focusing on Gyeong-Su. He only need to follow his upcoming training
schedules to recover his leg function as before. Ji-A running with her face contiue smiling hearing the
good news, also their family will come to visit by the end of this month. She is just too happy today, she
arrive at Gyeong-Su room and open the door, she peep before entering the room ad find Gyeong-Su still
under annesthetic. She step in carefully and sit beside him,

“Congratulation oppa...soon you’re going to be able to walk your best in your next training..” Ji-
A speak slowly while holding his hand.

Suddenly the hand is moving, “’re awake?” Ji-A stand up and look closer at him.

Gyeong-Su open his eyes and now he hold Ji-A hand, tight.

“So can I have my answer right now?” Gyeong-Su try to speak even he still feel dizzy after the surgery.

Ji-A look at him and smile, “Let’s be together....tell me how to be happy with you..” she make
up her mind... “That’s right..let’s be happy..” said Ji-A deep in her thought.

Gyeong-Su smile he then pull her closer and kiss her gently. It was awkward first for both of them, but
Gyeong-Su then smile and kiss her again.

“Thank you...for being next to me this whole time..” he whisper. Ji-A just smile at him.

“Okay CUT!!” the director raise his thumb signing that he already got his best shot. Hui-Jun and Yu-Mi
clapping and bowing to all the crew for their hard work.

“Thank you for your hardwork” the director handshake with Hui-Jun and Yu-Mi.

“Thank you for your guidance to director nim” Yu-Mi bow at him.

“Let’s go for some drinks tonight” the director ask Hui-Jun.

“Okay..let’s go...” said Hui-Jun.

They now all sitting together at the barbeque restaurant with lots of empty soju and beer bottles at the
table. Almost everyone already drunk, even Hui-Jun everytime shake his head to hold him from falling

“I think I need to go home now before i’m totally wasted..” Hui-Jun said to the director.

“Ah..bring Yu-Mi with you, she is fainted already..” the director point his finger at Yu-Mi who already
asleep with her head on the table and her hand still holding her glass.

Some Other Day

“Yes...I understand...see you again director nim” Hui-Jun bow his head with his grodgy walk approaching
Yu-Mi and lift her, help her to stand. Yu-Mi manager see Hui-Jun act hurriedly run approaching them and
help them. So is Beom-Seok, he take Hui-Jun bag and help him to walk. Outside the reporters already
waiting for them, Hui-Jun try to gathered all of his senses and walk confidently into his car even his head
is very dizzy, after second walking very fast he get into the passanger seat and close the door, ignoring
the ruckuss just happen outside the car.

“Let’s go..” said Hui-Jun. But the car seems not moving, and outside the reporters getting closer to their
window asking him many question that he doesn’t even understand.

“What are you doing? Let’s you want those reporters open this door and see me wasted like this??
Waht happen to you today?” Hui-Jun mumbling.

“Yes...I’m going now..” reply the driver.

Hui-Jun then close his eyes and fall into sleep. He feel he just close his eyes minutes ago, but it looks like
they already arrive at the destination, Hui-Jun open the doorand step out from the car, but then he find
his surrounding so unfamiliar, the entrance door is not the usual door he always see when he’s at his
condo complex. He look around, and he find it’s not his parking lot area too. He even couldn’t
find his cars that always park in his right.

“Where I am?” Hui-Jum mumbling while scanning his surrounding. And he look at the car,

“Wait...that’s not my car...” He open the door again and he find Yu-Mi sleeping inside,

“Oh God...why didn’t you tell me that I went inside the wrong car??” Hui-Jun scold the driver.

“I’m so sorry I was feeling strange as well when you came inside the car, but you both seems so drunk
and you keep telling me to I go but I’m not sure where I should take both of you so I decide to
take you here..” said the driver.

“Where is her manager?” ask Hui-Jun.

“He was out to get noona bag after put her into the car, then you came and keep telling me to go
so...we..” the driver not dare to finish his sentence.

“We left him behind??!!!” Hui-Jun just get sober in instant because of this shocked. How come he is end
up at Yu-Mi apartment right now. But the next thing happen is shocked him even more, he can feel light
in poiting on his face and he also can heard come clicking sound. He look at his back then he find some
reporters are busy taking his picture, then a car approaching both Beom-Seok and Yu-Mi manager come
out from the car and cover them immediately, Yu-Mi wake up hearing the noise and she also catch some
light coming fro the back and she turn back to find reporters busy taking picture. She gasp then covering
her head with her jacket, he also see Hui-Jun stand outside her car,

“What are you doing in here??!!!” she shocked.

“Let’s explain about this later!!! But we need to get out from here!!” said Beom-Seok

“Just go to my apartment, oppa open the door for us!!” Yu-MI order her manager. Then he is running and
swiping the card into the door lock, once it open he hold it so Hui-Jun, Yu-Mi and Beom-Seok can come

Some Other Day

They are now inside Yu-Mi apartment, Beom-Seok keep calling CEO Jang about the incident before. While
Hui-Jun really sorry for his stupid act,

“How come I enter the wrong car...” he mumbling within himself.

Yu-Mi who’s happen sit beside him, “It’s a good least now you’re know where I live...” said Yu-

Hui-Jun look at her, “You still think about it?” Hui-Jun smile.

“I always think about you...but you keep ignoring me..” Yu-Mi smile.

They look at both of their managers who keep talking in the phone, then they look at each other and

“I wonder how busy internet will be tomorrow...I bet dispatch will release our picture soon..” Hui-Jun

“The tagline is...JunMi couple spotted, Hui-Jun drop by Yu-Mi apartment after drinks..” Yu-Mi picturing the
possible headline title for their news tomorrow.

“Arrrgghhh that nagging CEO will really get into my nerve tomorrow..” Hui-Jun lean on the couch.

“I think we need to runaway together tomorrow...” said Yu-Mi.

“Should we?” Hui-Jun look at her.

“I go to everywhere you want to go..” Yu-Mi tease on him then she laugh. Yu-Mi is always to the point,
she always says directly what on her mind, Hui-Jun find her traits similar with him. Maybe that make him
get aong with her for the past year since their drama filming. After the drama become a hits, they both
become an icon, even they got a new nickname “nation husband” and “nation wife”. Then more job
coming for both of them, the fever of JunMi couple even bigger that JunSoon couple, Hui-Jun previous
pair, Seo Min-Soon. Not only magazine pictorial together, they get into several variet show together, CF,
events, and interviews together. And with the fact that Hui-Jun last relation ship is over, everyone keep
thinking that Yu-Mi is Hui-Jun’s new love interest.

“Let’s go now... CEO Jang want’s us early in the morning tomorrow for a meeting..” Beom-Seok tap on

“See... even now he already nagging..” Hui-Jun talk to Yu-Mi.

“Good luck then tomorrow...” said Yu-Mi.

Hui-Jun and Beom-Seok then leave the apartment, and reporters still waiting for him down there, Hui-Jun
pull up the scarf and pull down his hat so most of his face is covered he then get into his car and leave
the place.

“I was so shocked when you got into Yu-Mi car... I was shouting for you as the reporters already notice
and they running to get you, luckily you close the door at the right time so they missed you...” Beom-Seok
laugh when he tell the story how Hui-Jun can end up at Yu-Mi car.

Some Other Day

“Her manager and me, we’re running to our car the go to catch you. While Yu-Mi driver’s phone is
unreachable. We noticed that both of you must be so drunk so no one aware about that, since none call
us..both of you..” Beom-Seok keep telling them the story.

“She said she still waiting for me..” said Hui-Jun suddenly. Beom-Seok stop, then make sure what he just
heard is right,

“Yu-Mi shi?” ask Beom-Seok

Hui-Jun nod and look at him, “What should I do?”

“Do you like her?” ask Beom-Seok

“She and me...we’re close and we meet so often because of our schedule...of course I happen to watch
her too..and she has a nice personality to be with....yes I like her too as a work partner..” said Hui-Jun

“As a man to a woman?? Do you like her?? The way you be with Ji-A before??” Beom-Seok
carefully mention Ji-A on this conversation.

Hui-Jun look at him, “I thought I can get over her....but why it’s so hard..”

Beom-Seok look at Hui-Jun seeing how struggle he in the past 6 months. He remember how lovely the
couple was, how Hui-Jun so in love with her, worship her, even planning a future for her. Hui-Jun plan to
start a small business as his next career after his career as an actor end, he even already pick a house to
be rebuild and make it his and Ji-A future home, the house was located near her family free clinic, Ji-A old
house. But everything just gone when they broke up. Instead buying the house, Hui-Jun bought a building
in Gangnam and Apgujeong area, he forget all his plans, throw it away.

“Date Yu-Mi then, so she can help you forget about her..” said Beom-Seok.

“Should I?” Hui-Jun look at the window.

The whole night he keep thinking about what Beom-Seok said to him at the car. He keep asking himself
the question, does he want to forget her? Even he still keep all of their pictures together in his phone.

“How long you will keep your self suffering like need to get back your life back not keep saying
that you live...half have to live your life in full...” said Beom-Seok few days ago when he,
Beom-Seok and Gi-Gwang hangout together.

“You’re handsome, wealthy, hallyu star, thousand of women line up just to see you why on earth that you
have stuck to one woman..” add Gi-Gwang.

“Well I admit she has the whole package.. but there’re still another pretty ladies in Seoul..” said Beom-

Some Other Day

Yeah, there’re still many pretty ladies in Seoul, but his heart stuck with that one. She has everything in
him. But now Yu-Mi also come into the picture, if he dare to start a story with Yu-Mi can he overcome his
past with Ji-A? He really want to feel happy again as before he was with Ji-A. Hui-Jun decide to try his
luck this time, he grab his car key and his coat. He drive directly to Yu-Mi apartment, he call for her when
he’s at the parking lot and Yu-Mi come fast to meet him and get into his car and they take off. Hui-Jun
stop near the Han river,

“What happen its 4AM in the morning suddenly you ask me to come with’re not sleep at all?”
said Yu-Mi.

“I can’t sleep...” said Hui-Jun

“Is it because tomorrow big breaking news about us?? Or about your nagging CEO?” Yu-Mi smile.

“Funny..but so you know I never care about that...” Hui-Jun smile.

“Then what makes this important meeting happen..” said Yu-Mi.

“You are..” Hui-Jun look at her.

Yu-Mi shocked to hear that, she keep looking at Hui-Jun.

“You know very well about my previous story, will you be okay with that?” ask Hui-Jun.

“As long as you try to make that spot to be mine since now...” said Yu-Mi.

“You have to earn it..I’m not an easy man...” Hui-Jun laugh and look at her.

“I know some tricks to get in there fast..” Yu-Mi laugh and link her arm on Hui-Jun neck.

“I really can’t believe that I got to have another dream come true..” said Yu-Mi.

“What is that dream?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Having you as my man, in real know my heart always beating so fast when we filmed our
moment back in the drama, even I can’t forget how you kissed me..” Yu-Mi said everything in her mind
right now.

Hui-Jun look at her and lean on closer. He try to recite what happen on the kissing scene between them
on their drama, he try to recite again his feeling when the kiss happen. He lean on and touch her lip first
with his finger, he see that Yu-Mi begin to close her eyes and waiting for him to make his move. Hui-Jun
close his eyes too and begin to move, he put his hand on Yu-Mi back of her head, he then kiss her gently,
as he about to parted then Yu-Mi now pull his head and kiss him back.

“Can you see now? I’m trying to live without you now...” Hui-Jun said it within his thought.

“Do you want another bite?” Ji-A keep holding the apples instead Gyeong-Su wants more.

Some Other Day

“ eat too, I haven’t seen you eat since you’re here..” said Gyeong-Su.

“I have...I had meal before I came here...” Ji-A put down the apples, “Everyone will come by the end of
this month, I really miss eomma..” said Ji-A.

“I’m so sorry because of me you have to be parted with eomoni...” Gyeong-Su hold her hand.

“Why you keep say sorry because of that...can’t you see that I used you as an excuse so I can enter the
fellowship in this hospital??” reply Ji-A.

“Ah..right.. I keep forgotting that...of course and that’s a really good excuse...” Gyeong-Su laugh.

Ji-A look at Gyeong-Su, “Make sure you heal very fast, I want to go to disneyland with you..” Ji-A hold
Gyeong-Su hand.

“Let’s see LA Clippers game and see LA dodgers game too...” said Gyeong-Su.

“We’re going to travel then..” Ji-A smile.

“Yes, let’s go two of us together” Gyeong-Su caress her hair.

“Oppa I was so anxious waiting for your surgery..” said Ji-A

“Why?” Gyeong-Su ask.

“I don’t know...but I really want you to passed this surgery..” said Ji-A

“Why? Because you want to give me the answer?” Gyeong-Su tease her.

Ji-A just blushing to hear that, she can feel the heat on both of her cheek right now, “What kind of answer
is that..” she is pouting her lips.

Gyeong-Su laugh to see her reaction, Ji-A is sulking to see Gyeong-Su laugh on her,

“Why should I bother stay here with you, I should go and grab some wine with the other fellow..” Ji-A get
up from her seat, but Gyeong-Su is faster he grab her hand and pull he into him,

“Even I’m lying like this I still have more strength to get you..” Gyeong-Su hold onto her waist and look

“Let me go..” Ji-A feel embarassing having Gyeong-Su so close with her like this.

“Stay with me... I want you to stay with me..what if I need something and I don’t have you around?”
Gyeong-Su said.

“Push that button, a nurse will come running to help you..” Ji-A trying not to see into Gyeong-Su eyes.

“Aaahh you are so cute...” Gyeong-Su pinch on her cheek.

Some Other Day

“Let me go..” Ji-A struggling to escape from Gyeong-Su.

“Not until you promised to stay..” said Gyeong-Su.

“When did I ever leave especially on time like this.. I always stay by your side all this time..” said Ji-A still
not able to see him in the eyes.

Gyeong-Su lift her face up, “I know, that’s why I feel so blessed to have you...I can get thru this easily..”
Gyeong-Su hug her.

Ji-A relaxed her body inside Gyeong-Su hug, she hug him back.

“Oppa...please be patience with me..” she said.

“Being like now..with beyond my expectation. I’ve been waiting for you whole my life that proves
you my patience is don’t worry about that..” Gyeong-Su reply.

Ji-A hug him tight and lost in his hug. “Thank you oppa..” said Ji-A.


Mi-Na come into the house first, “Ji-A ah!!! Gyeong-Su ah!!!!” she shout for the two persons she miss so

“Eomma!!!” Ji-A show up from the kitchen area, she is running to her mom. She is already exciting since
last night nowing that their whole family are on their way to see them. She hug her mom immediately
when she reach her, and both share hugs for a while.

“You look thinner, is Gyeong-Su didn’t take care of you well?” Min-Hwan hug her and smile while
commenting on her.

“This house looks co nice, I can’t believe that our maknae can do the housewife job very good..” Ryeo-Uk
hug her too.

“Gyeong-Su ah!!! I really miss you!!” Mi-Na hug Gyeong-Su.

“How is your leg now?” Jae-Dok hug him.

“It’s progressing well I heard..” Jae-Hwan hug Gyeong-Su.

“I can beat you on running again next year..” Gyeong-Su tap on Jae-Hwan back.

“I heard about you and Gyeong-Su..” Ji-Yeon put down Seo-Jun and whisper to Ji-A,

“ come you know that already??” Ji-A is shocked to heard that Ji-Yeon already know about
she and Gyeong-Su.

Some Other Day

“Seems Jae-Hwan did his revenge for you telling everyone about his when Gyeong-Su
told him about both of you he texted all of us saying that you both now a couple..” Ryeo-Uk joining in
whisper crowd between Ji-Yeon and Ji-A.

“That’s a good know he’s been into you since ages ago...” Ji-Yeon smirked.

“Eonnie!!” Ji-A is blushing to have her sister and her brother inlaw teasing on her.

“Hurry..come back at home...the house is so emtpy without you..” So-Mi hug Ji-A.

“I will... let’s hope Gyeong-Su oppa can recover fast..” said Ji-A

“He said...he will worth tripple times harder so he can lift you up..” Jae-Hwan suddenly come between
them and smirked.

“Arrgghh !!!! these people really annoying...just get out of my house!! Iiiiiisssssshhhhhh” Ji-A sulking
having everyone teasing on her about her and Gyeong-Su.

“You!! If you ever enter her room while I’m not here you’ll be dead in my hand!!” Jae-Dok pretending to
threat Gyeong-Su.

“I promise ahjussi..” Gyeong-Su swear to him, and everyone laugh.

Tonight’s dinner is a feast. All delicious korean food are served at the table, So-Mi also amazed with Ji-A
improve cooking skills, she even now join her, Mi-Na and Ji-Yeon in the kitchen. Everyone gather at the
table, Ji-A and Gyeong-Su are the most happy to have all the food served in front of them. Ji-Yeon even
cooked the tteokbokki for them.

“It feels so touched to finally can gathered together like this again and eat all this food,” Gyeong-Su
thanked everyone for the delicious food and their coming to see him and Ji-A.

“Just get on your leg quickly and come home, everyone really miss you back there. Ahjumma even cried in
your room few days ago, she said she missed you..” Min-Hwan tell Gyeonng-Su about the house maid that
usually took care of Gyeong-Su. He found her crying in Gyeong-Su bedroom, when Min-Hwan asked why
she’s crying, she said she missed Gyeong-Su very much. Well how wouldn’t she misse him, she’s been
taking care Gyeong-Su since Gyeong-Su a baby. At first she used to include to visit Gyeong-Su and Ji-A
but then her brother called and told her that his daughter are about to married so she need to be there

“So now no more surgery?’ ask Min-Hwan

“No...the second one was a success, doctor Cameron able to fully restructuring the torned ligament, after
the post surgery rest passed I will get on training programme to strengthen the leg and learn to use it
again, learn to walk again from baby step..” said Gyeong-Su.

“It’s painfull I heard, the first person..the football player that came before you now is healed completely
he even prepared for his comeback in the field for next season. He was interviewed and he told the story
while he’s being in the rehabilitation. The hard part is when you train to strengthen your leg again, after
that it’s easy as 1 2 3,” said Jae-Hwan who always follow all the updates about Gyeong-Su rehabilitation

Some Other Day

“Yeah I know, but I will make it..” said Gyeong-Su.

“You have to make it, I really want to take both of you back home..” said Mi-Na.

“If he failed and failed to reach the training target I bet someone will really nag on him eomoni...” Ryeo-
uk smirked at Ji-A.

“I will leave him alone and come back after my fellowship is over..” said Ji-A.

“How come you do that to my son? I will banned you entering our country if it’s not with him..” Min-Hwan
pretending to threat her.

“She will not leave him ahjussi...Gyeong-Su will not let her go this time..” tease Ji-Yeon.

“It should be in this far away land so you finally gather all your courage and make her as your girl...tks
tsk” Min-Hwan laugh.

“I don’t know about that, but you are true aboeji she has to be in this far away land so she finlly accepted
me...” Gyeong-Su laugh too.

“So you’ve been holding back this whole time?” Jae-Dok follow teasing on Ji-A.

“Yes...because there’s no more korean guy in this city except him and Sang-Hee oppa, and he looks better
than Sang-Hee oppa, so I choose him..” Ji-A reply to their teasing, and everyone just laugh.

“How is your fellowship programme?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“She’s doing good..” Ji-Yeon smile proudly. She always keep on tab on Ji-A progress on her fellowship
programme, and she proud that she always hear a positive feedback from doctor Aaron Green about her

“I am...I’m the most beautiful surgeon in neurosurgical..” said Ji-A.

“Is that your proud achievement?” Ryeo-Uk shook his head.

“I never know if that is her goal, I should always clingy on her so she doesn’t has time to walking around
like that..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Of course she will use that opportunity, back at our hospital she will never able to compete with professor
Shin..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Am I crazy to compete with her? With her attitude she will crush me alive if I dare saying that she’s
nothing againts me..” said Ji-A.

“She will open up your chest and do bypass so you can’t use a bikini your whole life..” said Jae-Hwan.

“I see that she’s taking good care of this house..” said Mi-Na.

“She is eomoni, she even cook delicious food for me..” said Gyeong-Su.

Some Other Day

“That’s good, I wonder if that will contiue once she back to our house..” said Jae-Dok.

“She will not..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Agree..” Jae-Hwan nodding.

“Why should home there’re you and So-Mi eonnie who already in charge for food, ahjumma wdo do
the cleaning..I’ll do nothing like I always do..” said Ji-A.

“She is really not change anyway...” Min-Hwan look at her and laugh.

“Poor Gyeong-Su, you really blinded by her..” Ryeo-Uk shook his head.

“Why poor him...I am one of a kind...oppa you will never find another sister inlaw as cutest and prettiest
as me..” Ji-A talk to Ryeo-Uk.

“Of course I’ll never find another inlaw like you, since Ji-Yeon do not have other little sister, only you so I
have no choice...” Ryeo-Uk reply.

“Are my friend doing fine without me?” ask Ji-A.

“They are surviving....Mi-Yeon sometimes found wandering alone at the place that all of you call office,
but she will survive..” Jae-Dok laugh remembering every conversation he had if he bumped with Mi-Yeon.

“Ahjussi, Ji-A really will come back right? You’re not going to let her staying there forever right?”

“If I comeback and earn the professor title and Mi-Yeon also Hyeon-U become professor also, can we
have the same office room?” Ji-A ask Ji-Yeon.

“So the three of you can ditch work together...playing crazy things together...I reall can picture what will
happen if I let that happen..” Ji-Yeon decline Ji-A proposal right away.

“We’re a great team that Baek’s Hospital ever have,” said Ji-A.

“Grow into best surgeon...I’m sure you and your 2 bestfriend can have your times of shine in next few
years..” said Jae-Dok.

“How long will all of you stay?” ask Ji-A

“What its not even a day I’m sit in this house yet she ask me when I’m going to leave this are
really is too much..” Jae-Dok look at her.

“That’s not what I meant..” Ji-A defend herself.

“That’s why you only have appa’s car for your inheritance..” add Jae-Hwan.

Some Other Day

“So what, as now I have Gyeong-Su oppa I don’t need appa to give me a house anymore, oppa will make
it for me..” said Ji-A smiling at Gyeong-Su.

“Who said I’m going to make one for you?” Gyeong-Su look at her pretending to not understand nything
she said.

“ come you do this to me?” Ji-A surprised to hear Gyeong-Su reply.

“You’re going to make her a house?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“No...I said I’m tired making house for other people... I want a wife who can build me a house..” said

“How do I do that?? With scapel and cotton??” said Ji-A.

“Use betadyne as your paint..” add Jae-Hwan.

“Ahjussi are you really going to let Gyeong-Su oppa do that to me?” Ji-A look at Min-Hwan.

“What should I do...I don’t have house to give to you too...” Min-Hwan laugh.

“You’ll be alive with my silver ware..” said Mi-Na.

“You can sell the bags and shoes I give to you in future..” add Ji-Yeon.

“You will have my watch too...” said Jae-Hwan. Everyone is laughing to see Ji-A face rightnow.

“Don’t for get that I will give you my watch too..” said Jae-Dok.

“Iiisshhh...forget it...I’m done become part of this family...I’m not going back I’m staying here...I have a
house in here...” Ji-A is pouting her lips.

“Ya..this is my house not yours..” said Min-Hwan.

“ too??!!!!” Ji-A glance at him. And everyone is laugh, Gyeong-Su is hug her shoulder and
laugh. All the Baek’s, Min-Hwan and Gyeong-Su really enjoy the dinner. It’s been a while they’re not
laughing like this again.

“Aiisshhh I really have to become numebr one surgeon in korea so I can buy all the house I want and
forget all the watches, bags, shoes, or silverwares that you’re going to give...” said Ji-A.

“Are you going to be a doctor that chase over money??” Jae-Dok scold her.

“Yes...I will...I really love money...” Ji-A reply back still pouting.

“Iiissshhh this punk know why we give you all of that?” said Jae-Dok.

“Why?” ask Ji-A

Some Other Day

“Because you ask for those things when you’re little..” said Jae-Dok.

“Me???” Ji-A surprised.

“You said I don’t want this house for’s too big...that time I was told you to clean the living room
that you turned into a mess after playing dough with Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon, and you wre crying because I
grounded you to clean the room. I said this house is going to be yours so you must tae care of this house,
that’s when you said I don’t want the house..” said Mi-Na.

“Eomma you really take it seriously??” Ji-A can not believe with what she just hear.

“And you ask for my car to be yours when you grow up when you paint it with your drawing with Hyeon-U
and Mi-Yeon and the cat you always want to even cried for days when I remove your drawing
and re-paint my said I really should promise you that I will give you my car..” said Jae-Dok.

“You also ask for eomma silver ware because you siad they’re pretty and you must have it..” add Ji-Yeon
remember how Ji-A behave when she’s little, keep pointing this and that as hers.

“I must be really crazy back then..” said Ji-A.

“Said who you’re not crazy back then and now too?” said Jae-Hwan.

“Oppa was I really do that?” Ji-A asked Gyeong-Su.

“I didn’t know about the silverware, but about the house and the car that were true... I was there too..”
said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A lean on her chair, “How can all of you take 5 years old girl word seriously..” she look at her family.

“You were so scary even when you’re little..” said Jae-Hwan.

“Nag a lot..” said Jae-Dok.

“Cry a lot” add Ji-Yeon.

“Bossy..” add Min-Hwan.

“Picked up a fight with me everytime I said no..” said Mi-Na.

Ji-A look at each of them, then and her stare at Gyeong-Su, “You’re not adding anything??” she glance.

Gyeong-Su laugh and holding her hand, “how can never do anything wrong for
me....” said Gyeong-Su.

“Even when you always make me do your homework when you’re too lazy to doing it and cried if I say
no..” Gyeong-Su mumbling while sipping his water.

Ji-A turn on him immediately and pinch him so Gyeong-Su beg her to stop and everyone laugh seeing

Some Other Day

Their family stay for a week before they head back to South Korea, Mi-Na and So-Mi stack lots of side
dishes (Banchan) for Ji-A and Gyeong-Su, also left them lots of Kimchi freshly made by So-Mi and Ji-Yeon,
who always made the best kimchi in the family, and Ji-A is very happy to have all of those in her fridge
she even now have a large pot with Kimchi on it at the back of the yard. Ryeo-Uk, Jae-Hwan and Gyeong-
Su went around the city to search for that clay pot. The night before their leave, Ji-A and So-Mi were
organize the fridge store all the side dishes in it.

“Are you happy right now?” asked So-Mi

Ji-A smile, “Am I look not happy?” she asked her back.

“You look alive...” So-Mi smiled.

“I am...right?..hehehee” Ji-A laughed, “Eonnie..I’m okay...I’m learning another happiness with Gyeong-Su
oppa now...and it’s exciting so far..” said Ji-A

Then they both silent again, until Ji-A break the silent,

“How is Hui-Jun oppa now?” she ask. Somi was at first not sure how to answer that, but it’s better to tell
her the truth.

“Hui-Jun.... is starting over you have to be happy with Gyeong-Su..” So-Mi suddenly hug her.

“Aah.. he is? That’s good...” said Ji-A, “With someone you knew?” Ji-A asked again.

“Someone you knew too..” So-Mi smile.

“It’s Yu-Mi..” So-Mi told her the name that Ji-A remember very well, it’s Hui-Jun partner in his last drama.

“Aahhh Yu-Mi eonnie...good for him...” Ji-A think about her, she met her once when she picked up Hui-
Jun at his filming location, and Hui-Jun introduce her to Yu-Mi, she was a very nice woman. With many
jobs attended by the two of them and Hui-Jun is single too now Ji-A think that it’s normal that they finally
get the sparks.

“He was struggling...a lot...even Beom-Seok worried about him..he worked and worked he even accept all
the invitation from abroad so he can get very busy.. If he had his day break he slept all day as if he’s
dead...he said the only time he can forget about you was only when he sleep..” said So-Mi.

Ji-A didn’t say anything. So-Mi keep hugging her, “Be happy now with Gyeong-Su, he is a good man too.
Also what I heard he’s been waiting for you all his happy with him..”

After that conversation, Ji-A couldn’t close her eyes. Her thought flew back to Hui-Jun. She deleted all of
their picture together on her phone. She even delete her SNS account that she create together with Hui-
Jun and keep it private only for both of them. During when they were still together Hui-Jun will upload all
of his picture or activity when they’re apart. So did Ji-A. She then delete it and silently cried. Hui-Jun also
already moving on from her. So is she now, she should get over it too and doing it strong with Gyeong-Su
so she will never feel like this again. Ji-A wipe her tears as she heard Gyeong-Su wheelchair sound, she
get up and go outside her room,

Some Other Day

“Oppa do you need something?” Ji-A found Gyeong-Su digging into the fridge.

“Did I wake you up?”Gyeong-Su smirked that Ji-A caught him in the act.

“I’m not asleep yet, do you want something?” Ji-A approaching him. After living with Gyeong-Su, Ji-A
notice that Gyeong-Su has a habit that repeating for some night, he will wake up in the middle of the
night and looking for something sweet. Since then Ji-A always have ice cream, pudding, cakes and even
whipped cream on the fridge.

“The pudding that Ji-Yeon eonnie made was very delicious, I want to eat that again..” Gyeong-Su still
looking inside the fridge for his pudding.

“I will get that for you,” Ji-A pull Gyeong-Su wheelchair and put him at the kitchen bar. Ji-A then took out
the pudding and put it on the plates. One for him and one for her.

“Why you always craving for sweets in the middle of the night?” ask Ji-A

“Because I’m having nightmare..” Gyeong-Su keep eating his pudding.

“What nightmare?” Ji-A ask again while pumping more whipped cream on Gyeong-Su plate.

“I think there’s monster under my bed...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Eeeyyy.... what are you? Preschool kid?? Even Seo-Jun and Seo-Eun never said that line..” Ji-A glance at
him, and they both laugh.

“Ji-A ah, honestly I’m scare...” Gyeong-Su look at her.

“Why?” Ji-A ask.

“I’m affraid I cannot walk again...even the surgery is a success but the turning point is the training I’m
going to face after this..” Gyeong-Su look at her.

Ji-A look at him and hold his hand, “Oppa you haven’t begin it but yet you already should
scare at me not to your training..” Ji-A smile at him.

“Why I should scared of you?” Gyeong-Su ask.

“Because I will nagging you the whole time if you give know really well how noisy I am when I’m
nag..” said Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su laugh, “Thank you..” Gyeong-Su cupped her face.

“For what again?” Ji-A look at him.

“For giving me strength when I need it..” Gyeong-Su kiss her and hug her after.

“It’s not me who cheer you up’s the pudding..” said Ji-A. Gyeong-Su smile hearing that.

Some Other Day

--- Seoul, South Korea ----

Hui-Jun is on break on his pictorial magazine shoot. He will change to the next outfit after this. He take
out his phone thinking on texting Yu-Mi asking where will they go for dinner tonight. But then he look at
the instagram logo, he paused. He remember about the instagram account that he and Ji-A created just
for the two of them. No one followed them and they didn’t followed anyone too, the setting is private so
no one will able to see what happen inside the account as well. The account full with picture of two of
them together in different styles and places and time. Suddenly Hui-Jun miss it, he click on the instaram
icon, and wait it reloaded. But then he's on his login screen now, he is feeling weird, then he type his
username and password. But then it’s failed. He do it again but still failed. He then grab one of the staff
and ask,

“Noona do you know what is the meaning of this?? I cannot open my account..” Hui-Jun grab his stylist.

“Hui-Jun ah it seems the id is deleted..” said his stylist.

“What deleted?? Who delete it..I’m not..” Hui-Jun confuse, but then he remember that Ji-A also access on
this instagram.

“Oh forget it noona...I did it..” said Hui-Jun.

“You realy need to go on vacation Hui-Jun ah, you are working too much..” his stylist then leave to
prepare Hui-Jun next appearance.

Hui-Jun stare at his phone, “Did I hurt you a lot? You even remove the last thing we owned together..”
Hui-Jun mumbling. He then go into his hidden folder in his phone and tap on Ji-A picture he took when
she’s asleep, “I miss you, I keep thinking her is you whenever she’s with me...”


Some Other Day


„....One of these days maybe your magic won’t affect me,

and your kiss won’t make me weak. But no one in this
world knows me the way you know me. So you’ll probably
always have a spell on me...(HateThatILove You– Rihanna feat.NeYo)

Some Other Day

“This opportunity is great...I really think that you should accept this..” CEO Jang hand Hui-Jun the

“How long will the filming take?” Hui-Jun ask while he read the proposal.

“2 can also have your vacation, as the schedule not very tight as really can loosen
up yourself also in there..” CEO Jang already talk with the writer and the production team about this job.

“If you think this is good then it’s good...but have you checked this schedule with my next movie project?”
ask Hui-Jun.

“That’s why I said you have to take it...first the contract is good and it will distribute all over asia so we
also got free ride to have you more famous al over asia, second with the light schedule and length of
filming you can also think of it as your vacation, and third the pay is good...” CEO Jang laugh very hard
when mentioning the third reason why Hui-Jun should accept this job.

“About your next movie schedule, your part of filming will begin a week after you come back from this
shooting..” CEO Jang continue.

Hui-Jun nodding, “OK...just process the contract and you tell Beom-Seok when I will be going..” Hui-Jun
get up and leave CEO Jang office.

Now he is on his way to see Yu-Mi, they’re planning on having dinner together tonight at her place. He
drop by to buy her flower and wine, after that he go straight to Yu-Mi apartment. Arrive at Yu-Mi
apartment, Yu-Mi already waiting for him, she smile when opening the door for him. They hug and Hui-
Jun plant a quick kiss,

“What are you cooking?” Hui-Jun see the kitchen look like a mess.

Yu-Mi grinn, “Dumpling soup with noodles and prawn pancake...but I was really clueless how I’m doing
that..” said Yu-Mi

“I will help you do the dishes later..” said Hui-Jun.

“No...I will do that...don’t touch anything!!” Yu-Mi doesn’t want Hui-Jun find dumplings that she throw at
the sink before because the first dumpling soup taste very awfull, so she threw it away and make a new

Hui-Jun then sit at the table while Yu-Mi busy preparing the plates for them, he watch Yu-Mi doing all the

“Don’t tell me that I have clean all of this...are you cooking or fighting in my kitchen?” Hui-Jun hug her
from the back and rest his chin on her shoulder.

“I’m have to do the dishes I’m too tired to do anything in this kitchen again..” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun laugh, “What are you cooking for me?”

Some Other Day

Ji-A show him the note she’s been holding all the time she’s doing the cooking, “Spaghetti aglio.... I follow
all of this note told me to but I don’t know whether I’m doing a good job or not...”

“Why suddenly you cook like this?” Hui-Jun look at her suspicious... “Is it because you want to see EXO
showcase?” he ask.

“Because everyone said it will romantic cooking for your boyfriend, and I never do that what the
hell I’m just give it a shot..” Ji-A then check her noodles again.

“Iisshhh let me go...I need to do a lot of things..” Ji-A push Hui-Jun aside so she can move freely.

“ look very sexy in apron..” Hui-Jun tease her.

“I know...I want to show you that too...” Ji-A smile hearing Hui-Jun comment on her.

Hui-Jun laugh to see Ji-A reaction, he then leave her to change.

His thought back to when Ji-A cooked for him the first time, he still remember exactly their conversation
that day. The day that led them torn into pieces. The day that he regret so much.

“Please try it, I really don’t know if its fits your taste buds or not...seeing you on the last variety show you
really enjoyed eating all the dishes that those chefs made for to be honest I’m not really
confidence..” said Yu-Mi.

“Let’s try Baek Ji-A cooking skills..” Hui-Jun smile then dig his spoon into the soup.

Yu-Mi just paused to hear waht just Hui-Jun said, she looks very shocked and dissapointed at once, Hui-
Jun look at her after sipping the soup but he can tell that Yu-Mi reaction now is very weird.

“What happen?” Hui-Jun smile cluelessly what makes Yu-Mi face turn into like that.

Yu-Mi just look at him, she then take a deep breath and forced her lips to smile, “Ah nothing....nothing at
all...let’s eat..” said Yu-Mi then laugh awkwardly.

“What happen?” Hui-Jun really aware now that Yu-Mi is very not comfortable right now.

“Are you sick?” ask Hui-Jun, “Shoud we go to the hospital?” he ask again.

“No..I’m okay...” Yu-Mi grab her glass, she try to smile, “Do you know what you just said?” she ask.

“What? I was saying I’m going to taste your food...” Hui-Jun doesn’t understand where is the wrong for
telling her that he is going to try her food.

“ said that...” said Yu-Mi, she really not going to make it into a fight, she will understand it
and leave it.

“Do you not want me to taste it?” ask Hui-Jun, he stop from getting the food into his mouth.

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“You were saying, let’s try Baek Ji-A cooking skills...” Yu-Mi finally said it and she smile awkwardly at Hui-

“Ah...” Hui-Jun put down his chopstick, he look Yu-Mi apologetic, he reach for Yu-Mi’s hand, “I’m so sorry,
I must be out of my head just do I make up for that?” Hui-Jun apologize.

Yu-Mi glance at him, at once she fall again into his charm, “iisshh... I never can mad at you..” said Yu-Mi,
she then pointing at her own cheek, “kiss me here...then I forgive you...” she said.

Hui-Jun look at her and he remember Ji-A again,

“So, should I accept the punishment then for being so wrong today?” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A link her arms to Hui-Jun neck,

“I don’t know what kind of punishment that I should give to you...” said Ji-A

She look at Hui-Jun, smile and Hui-Jun can’t hold it again. Her smile is like a magic to him. His lips
immediately touch her lips, then he plant a deep kiss into her. He stop after a while to see Ji-A reaction,
Ji-A look bewithced by the kiss. She look very cute right now,

“I should make a lot of mistake then..” Hui-Jun whisper

“Why?” ask Ji-A

“I love your punishment..” Hui-Jun kiss her again and Ji-A reply his kisses, kisses that drive Hui-Jun crazy.

“What kind of puishment is that...” Hui-Jun let go her hand, and hold his chopstick again, “Let’s eat..I’m
sure that this is delicious..” Hui-Jun then put a lot of noodles into his mouth and busy chewing it.

“This is delicious..” Hui-Jun give his thumb to Yu-Mi.

“I’m good on cooking noodles..” Yu-Mi is happy that Hui-Jun like her food.

They finished eating and now sitting enjoying the Han river view from the balcony,

“I was meeting someone yesyterday when I was doing an event, he said this beer reach 100% increase in
selling after you become their CF model..” Yu-Mi raise her beer can with Hui-Jun face on it, “Especially this’s even hard for me to get this cans with your face on it..” Yu-Mi very proud looking at Hui-Jun.

“What’s with that look..” Hui-Jun laugh.

“Nothing... I just proud that this amazing man is my man...even I cannot brag about him to anyone
else...” said Yu-Mi.

Some Other Day

The last incident at Yu-Mi apartment parking lot did create headlines everywhere, all internet news portal
write about the meeting between them and photos from Dispatch that captured both of them were
spreading everywhere. The next few hours after the news were everywhere both of their agency release
statement that both of them only friend, and Hui-Jun only drop her at her place after they went for drinks
with the CF production staff. After the meeting with both agencies, both Hui-Jun and Yu-Mi admit to their
CEO that they’re just starting on dating each other, but Hui-Jun really want to keep it secret so he asked
for their agency to cover up about him dating Yu-Mi, and he wil be very carefull on their meeting. For Yu-
Mi she didn’t even care whether they go public or not, she only care about her and Hui-Jun.

“Why do you have to brag about me to everyone, I’m not a decent one...I work too much, only have little
time for you, call you not so often too...I even always fell asleep everytime we talk over the phone in the
night..” said Hui-Jun.

Yu-Mi smile to hear that, it’s true that Hui-Jun always fell asleep everytime they talk over the phone at the
night, Hui-Jun never stay overnight t her place, even it’s very late Hui-Jun will always come back to his
place. They already in relationship for 4 months but Hui-Jun never go far than a kiss between them. Yu-Mi
know that Hui-Jun hold a lot of emotions and never show it to her, and she also knew that Hui-Jun and his
ex girlfriend were very close as a couple since she was accidentally found her personal stuff inside the box
that Hui-Jun hide inside his dresser. Many pictures of her sleeping that took by Hui-Jun, and Hui-Jun write
every single date on those pictures.

“Hui-Jun shi, do you want to go on a vacation with me?” Yu-Mi ask

“Vacation? When? Where?” Hui-Jun reply.

“Before your filming begin... I think we have 3 or 4 weeks, we can go for a week, I saw a travel brochure
about Iceland back at your place before, let’s go there and see Aurora,” said Yu-Mi.

Hui-Jun paused when he heard Iceland, “I don’t like cold place..” He look at Yu-Mi and smile, “I’m sorry...”

“Why you keep saying sorry today...” said Yu-Mi.

Hui-Jun then move to face her, “I can’t go for vacation with you yet, I have to shoot some filming at LA,
CEO Jang offered me the contract this afternoon..” said Hui-Jun.

“LA? Los Angeles ... that LA??? USA LA??” Yu-Mi shocked to hear that.

“Yes...that LA...” Hui-Jun play with her hair.

“What kind of commercial that need you to shoot in LA?” ask Yu-Mi again.

“it’s sport model from Hyeonsei, they ask me to become their model for that car type..the shoot
will be focusing in LA..” said Hui-Jun.

“For how long?” Yu-Mi ask again.

“2 good without me..” Hui-Jun caress her cheek.

“Ah..can I come in too?? I can go for a week, I don’t have any schedules too..” Yu-Mi looks excited.

Some Other Day

“Everyone will notice about this...I told you let’s keep it between us for now. I will be back in 2 weeks,
didn’t you say you want to go to Rome? You can go with your friends while I’m gone..” said Hui-Jun.

“Should I??” Yu-Mi dissapointed hearing what Hui-Jun just said. But she forced to pretend accepting Hui-
Jun idea.

“We will have joint surgery with the Cedar Sinai neuro team, they asked for doctor Aaron as he specialized
in that kind of surgery. And doctor Aaron said he will brought me and Salman together as his assistant...
that’s very good..I’m very happy..” Ji-A keep telling Gyeong-Su about her trip to LA next Wednesday.

“So you will leave me for how many days?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“A week...” said Ji-A.

“What??!!!! What will I do without you for a week?? Also how come the surgery te very long like that??”
Gyeong-Su protest.

“You should do your training make sure you can walk when I’ll get back...” said Ji-A.

“It’s not that long right???” Gyeong-Su look at her.

Ji-A laugh, “The surgery only take a day, but after that doctor Aaron also will have presentation at Cedar
Sinai medical conference on neurosurgical, he said it’s a good opportunity for me and Salman to be there
too...and then me and Salman will go to see LA Clippers game, its game 6 he it will be exciting,
even Salman already ask the Cedar Sinai team to booked the tickets to the game..” said Ji-A.

“Iisshhh this is really annoying..” Gyeong-Su put down his spoon, “Didn’t we promise that we will go and
see the game together?? You know how I love LA Clippers??”Gyeong-Su really don’t like the idea that he
will be home alone for a week starting next Wednesday.

“ can’t go..” Gyeong-Su forbid her to leave.

“Make sure you can walk when I get home next week..” Ji-A ignore Gyeong-Su protest on her leaving.

“She even doesn’t listen to me...” Gyeong-Su shook his head.

“Hui-Jun ah just go straight to the hotel first, I will colecting all the luggage first..” Beom-Seok send Hui-
Jun into the car that pick them up at the LAX.

“It’s fine let’s go together..I can wait, I want to enjoy this airport too..” it’s his first time to LA, he actually
wished he can spot Hollywood actor in this airport.

“Do you think it will be okay, many people seems to acknowledged you in here. We managed to come
here quietly but still people acknowledged you... you hear one american girl just shout “Captain Joon!!””
Beom-Seok laugh.

Some Other Day

Hui-Jun smile, he also a little proud to have people also know about him in here, “Hurry go collect the
luggage, I’ll be waiting for you in here..” said Hui-Jun.

“Okay then wait for us here..” said Beom-Seok, then he leave Hui-Jun.

“Do you want to wait inside?” the driver come out from the driver set and open the passenger door for

“I will wait here..” Hui-Jun speak slowly practising his english.

The driver nod then he stand beside Hui-Jun, he has been notify that the person he’s going to pick up is a
big star from South Korea so he shold make sure that he did his best in assisting him during his stay in LA.

“Have you done with your luggage?” ask Salman.

“Yes I only bring this one..” Ji-A pointed on her red luggage.

“Everyone done with your belongings?” doctor Aaron ask.

“Yes..” both Salman and Ji-A answer.

“Let’s go then someone from Cedar already at front to pick us..” Aaron put his phone inside his pocket
after reading text sent by the Cedar Sinai driver.

The three of them walk to the arrival gate and find the driver. Ji-A notice some people busy with their
stack of luggage, she doesn’t see Beom-Seok that squating checking the luggage and cover by 3 people
that guarding the luggages. She look at them and think that they come from the same race as her,

“I think asian star is coming to town today..” Salman look at the crowd also.

Ji-A smile, “I think so..” she reply, “It will be great if someone fro my country who come..” said Ji-A.

Ji-A, Salman and Aaron already passed the gate and now waiting for the car at the lobby, she notice the
star that mention by Salman before since 2 bodyguards seem to cover him, who is now holding a little girl
taking picture together. Ji-A cannot see him since the bodyguard blocked her view, also Aaron already call
her name and sign her to speed up since the car already arrive.

A woman and a little girl approaching Hui-Jun,

“I’m so sorry are you Park Hui-Jun?” she asked in korean,

Hui-Jun take off his hat and bow to her knowing that she is a korean as well, “Annyeonghaseyo, it’s good
to find someone from the same country in here...yes I’m Park Hui-Jun..” Hui-Jun greet her politely.

Some Other Day

“Ah yes..I’m living here because my husband work in here, but can you take picture with us together? I
really like all of your drama..” said the woman.

“Of course..” Hui-Jun nod and offer to hold her daughter.

“You are so old is she?” ask Hui-Jun

“Ah she’s 4 years old..” said the woman then she gave her phone to one of Hui-Jun crew so he can take
their picture.

Suddenly Hui-Jun smell something familiar, he paused for a while, he know exactly who own this sweet
fragrance. They’re done taking the picture, Hui-Jun hurriedly look around him, hoping that he will see the
scent owner. But there’s no one that he thinks she is, and the scent is dissapear. Hui-Jun smile to him
self, he then put down the little girl,

“Who is this pretty girl name?” Hui-Jun ask the little girl.

The little girl looks embarassing and hide behind her mom but she peeping into Hui-Jun and smile, Hui-
Jun smile looking at her cute act,

“Come here, I will give you this if you tell me your name..” Hui-Jun show her the strawberry milk he has in
his bag.

The little girl come out and accept the milk, “Ji-A...Song Ji-A” she said her name. Hui-Jun stoned to hear
the name, his heart beating fast only to hear the familiar name,

“Your name is very pretty..” Hui-Jun said. And they parted. Hui-Jun go inside the van as Beom-Seok
already done with their luggage too.

During their trip to the hotel, Hui-Jun then asked something to the driver,

“Do you know how far Minnesota from here?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Minnesota?” ask the driver.

“Yes Minnesota..” reply Hui-Jun.

“It’s quite far from here.... it’s about 3 hours you plan to go there too?” ask the driver.

“Oh’s that’m just asking..” said Hui-Jun.

“What’s with Minnesota?” ask Beom-Seok.

“Nothing...nothing at it still far away to the hotel?” Hui-Jun try to distract the conversation.

“We’ll be at the hotel in 30 minutes..” said the driver.

Hui-Jun look at the window,

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“I must be crazy...soon after I land in this country I smell her scent even hear her name..” Hui-Jun said on
his thought.

While about 5 miles ahead Hui-Jun, Ji-A also in her car that will bring her and her medical team to Cedar
Sinai Hospital.


“Let’s start..10 blade” Aaron ask for scapel, Ji-A passing the scapel he ask. Today Cedar Sinai and Mayo
neurosurgical team are performing joint surgery on separating the conjoint twins, and Mayo surgery team
once successfull on this kind of surgery last year and Aaron Green was the one that lead and performed
the surgery with best surgeons from pediatric , general, and cardio also dermatology, so now as Cedar
Sinai have the same case, they invite Aaron Green to do the neurosurgical with their team. Ji-A and
Salman are very happy when they accept the notification that they will tag along with Aaron Green to
assist him in this great surgery. The surgery itself will take more than 10 hours so Ji-A and Salman will
take turn inside the operation room, while Aaron with his extravagant stamina as ever will never let
anyone step on his place. He slept all the way from Minnesota to LA, even he sleep again after they arrive
at the hotel. So now he is so ready and he also very exciting about this. Ji-A watch Aaron closely, she
learn a lot under guidance of Aaron Green, she even can do several tricky procedural on neuro surgery
right now, as she confidence that she will become a better neuro surgeon when she come back to her
country next, and she will make her father proud. She was on skype with professor Im few days earlier, as
he read the news about her going to assist Aaron Green on this big surgery, he congratulate her and even
praised her that she accomplished a lot right now.

“You will start to drive from here and stop at that sign where the ladies are crowded waiting for you, you’ll
stop and look into the camera and act based on this get that?” the director explain Hui-Jun
about what he’s going to film this scene. Hui-Jun nod, and he read the script again on more time then
recite it trying to interpret it the best with his acting.

“OKAY!! 1...2....3...ACTION!!” the assistant director clap the slate to begin the shoot, and Hui-Jun start
driving his car.

Everyone clapping as Hui-Jun successfully deliver good scenes and the director is very satisfied with those,
Hui-Jun nailed it in only 2 takes for each scenes.

“Today’s a wrap, let’s continue it again tomorrow...” said the shooting coordinator.

“You are as great as everyone told..” the director handshake with Hui-Jun.

“Thank you...I will work hard to meet your expectation director-nim..” Hui-Jun bow to him.

“ also have a great personality..the rumor is true...It’s a pleasure to work with such a big star
and humble like’s very rare quality to find these days..” said the director.

“You are exagerrating, many stars are better than me...” Hui-Jun laugh.

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“Maybe you’re right, but I haven’t meet another one...hahahaha” said the director.

“LA is have a very nice weather..” said Hui-Jun.

“Yes... we were waiting for this month to shoot the CF because the weather is known to be good at this
times... have you been here before?” ask the director

“Not yet...this is my first time..last time I went to New York..” reply Hui-Jun.

“Oh you should see the LA Clippers game’s on Game 6 next Friday, do you like basketball?” ask
the director.

“LA Clippers?” ask Hui-Jun, he was planning to see LA Dodgers game, coming to this town, but hearing LA
Clippers game also sound very interesting to him.

“Yeah... I and few friends from the LA agency will go and see the game this Friday? How about if you tag
along? I’m sure they can add another 1 or 2 tickets..” the director ask him to come and see the game.

“Sure... I’d love too, also we do not have any filming schedules on Saturday so we go hang out untl night
after the game..” said Hui-Jun.

“That’s what our plan...” the director laugh then highfive with Hui-Jun. He then call the LA agency to
inform about Hui-Jun joining them on LA Clippers game, and ask to them to provide 6 more tickets for
Hui-Jun and his crew, and Hui-Jun will paid for his crew expenses, but the LA agency decline Hui-Jun
offering as they said Hui-Jun is their guest and they will provide the tickets for him and his crew
for free. Hui-Jun thanked them and promise that he will pay for the dinner and drinks after the game.


It’s Friday, Ji-A still cuddling on her bed. She just back to her room at 2AM in the orning after have few
drinks with Salman and some residents of neurosurgeon from the Cedar Sinai, doctor Aaron Green also
busy with his own meetings. She heard someone knocking at her door, she reach her phone and find it’s
10AM already. She walk to the door, find Salman already ready.

“Where are we going?” ask Ji-A.

“We have conference today you said you want to come to this conference about cancer treatment..” said

“Oh..shut.... I got so drunk last night...I only remember returning to this room at 2AM..” said Ji-A, “Wait
right here I’ll be ready on 5 minutes...” Ji-A then run to the bathroom after gather her Mayo surgeon
uniform and underwear to the bathroom.

“You have 10 minutes!!” Salman shout and sit down on her couch turning on the television.

“Am I mumbling a lot last night??!!!!” Ji-A shout from the bathroom.

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“You were....and you were talking your mther tongue mostly, no one understand it..” Salman shout back.

“Iiissshhh” Ji-A close her eyes under the shower. She must be talking crap the whole time she was drunk,
fortunately no one understand korean last night.

Now Ji-A and Salman are walking on their way to the Cedar Sinai hospital, and they stop by at the coffee
shop near the hospital.

“Are we still going tonight?” Ji-A ask about their tonight’s plan.

“Of course...I’ve been waiting for that, also some of our friends from Cedar Sinai will join us too, they
already bought the tickets yesterday...” said Salman.

“Really??!!!!” Wuah that’s will be fun...” Ji-A is happy to hear that.

“You like it a lot?” Salman laugh to see how Ji-A is happy, he still remember how Ji-A crying while she’s
drunk last night. this beautiful face must hide something painfull so make her crying like that.

Ji-A turn her body and face Salman then she laugh, “Are you crazy?? This is my first time seeing NBA
game live...of course I’m happy..” Ji-A walk backward. Then she accidentally bump to someone, she then
apologize, “I’m sorry”..then she walk faster to catch up Salman who’s already left her.

Someone bump into Beom-Seok, she then said her sorry and Beom-Seok turn immediately when he heard
the voice. But he failed to catch her, as she walks very fast and already blend in the crowd that waiting for
the green light. Beom-Seok stone and keep looking at her direction, but she already gone. Beom-Seok
can’t find her.

“Beom-Seok ah...what are you doing?” Hui-Jun shout for him.

Beom-Seok walks faster approaching Hui-Jun, “What happen? Why you’re standing clueless like that??”
ask Hui-Jun.

Beom-Seok looks puzzled..”I don’t know why...but I thought I heard something familiar...” Beom-Seok is
sure that he is familiar with that laugh and the voice too.

“Who? Someone you know?” ask Hui-Jun.

“oohh...nothing..let’s forget about that...let’s go for some coffee then go to the filming location..” said
Beom-Seok, he immediately forget the strange feeling he just encounter before.

The surgeons arrive at the Staples Center, Ji-A is amazed by how big the stadium is she keep taking
picture and send it to Gyeong-Su,

“It’s your first time in here?” Hayley the neuro surgeon from the Cedar Sinai ask her.

“Yes this is my first time..” Ji-A reply, she read that Gyeong-Su text her back,

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“Ahh I’m so should come again next time with me....hurry come back I hate being alone at

“Let’s go and see all the NBA games this year..” Ji-A reply

“There’re our seats” Spencer pointed at the row written on their tickets. The surgeons are now sitting and
passing the drinks.

“This is the best row...we get so close with the bench..” Spencer pointed at the LA Clippers bench which
only 1 row separated from theirs.

“You really pick the best seat..” Ji-A praise him. Spencer was the one in charge for the tickets to this
game. All the surgeons admit that he is the best NBA fans they ever had, he even remember all the score
and can described each player very well.

“He can even tell us how many time each player wipe their sweats..” Hayley who’s sitting beside Ji-A
whisper and they laugh together after that.

“What?” ask Spencer who find Hayley and Ji-A laugh.

“Nothing..” Both Ji-A and Hayley answer at the same time and they laugh again.

“Our head of department once operated for one of the player when he suffered a bad injury last 2 year,
and the surgery was success, and he is now able to play again even become MVP in most games. Since
then everytime our department wants to see the game the LA Clippers always give us special discount and
give us the best row too..” Spencer said.

“Also he was so lucky during the whole week that player stay in our hospital, he get to see many NBA
players that came visited him. He got signatures, t-shirts, pictures....” said Hayley.

“I even have my basketball signed by all those players..” Spencer bragging about his basketball, that Ji-A
once saw its picture at his phone.

“You never use that ball again for playing then..” Ji-A ask.

“Are you crazy, that ball worth thousand of dollar if I put it on e-bay..” said Spencer.

“He’ll keep it as his treasure...even his girlfriend lost to it..” said Hayley.

“Ji-A do you also watch korean drama?? I always love it..” Sue is now talking to Ji-A. Ji-A found out that
she loves korean drama and Kpop hardcore fan of EXO same with her. Ji-A even promised her will take
her to EXO concert if Sue ever come to south korea visiting her.

“Sometimes I watch it....” said Ji-A.

“I watch the drama that the famous Park Hui-Jun on it last month...the one that everyone keep talking is a really good one, I really want to have captain Joon in my life..” said Sue.

“I had him everyday back then...we’re dating everytime we had time..” said Ji-A and she laugh.

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“Yeah he is dating me every weekend and stay with me the whole night in my dream..” Sue

Ji-A laugh to hear Sue reply, “No matter what I said that I dating him, she won’t believe me...” Ji-A speak
in korean.

Spencer look at her, “Wuah this is my first time hearing someone speak korean right in my ear...that
sound very fascinating..” he looks amazed.

Ji-A just laugh, and the games about to begin, they can see the players start to enter the court. Spencer is
the one busy cheering for each players by shouting their names. Ji-A carried away by the athmosphere
and enjoy the cheering.

“Oh..hurry up the players already entering the court..” Justin pointing at the tall basketball players who
started entering the court. He then point at the seat they’re in and let everyone take their seat first he
then take the last seat.

“How tall are they?” Hui-Jun looks amazed by the height of the basketball players.

“Around 180..” said the director.

“Wow...amazing...” Hui-Jun clapping.

“Have you ever been to any NBA games before?” Justin ask Hui-Jun.

“No... this is my first time..” said Hui-Jun.

“Then it’s perfect tonight playoff is a very crucial game” said Justin.

“Is that right...I’m so lucky then..” Hui-Jun reply.

“Do you watch basketball game to back home?” Justin ask.

“I like baseball more.... “ reply Hui-Jun.

“Oh too bad, the game already end last month..” said Justin.

“Yeah I just found out about that too..” Hui-Jun clapping again to see the players started to warming up.

He loves the athmosphere, he laughed and enjoy his beer. He even jokes a lot, Hui-Jun really enjoying the
game. And the game started, Hui-Jun never feel this excited in the past few months. Even Beom-Seok
notice the good changes in Hui-Jun mood, he smile happy that his bestfriend finally laugh again.

The game reach the last quarter break, the giant monitor keep on spazzing at the spectators, but then
Hui-Jun catch someone familiar but the camera already pass her. Hui-Jun look again at the row across the
court where he seat on now, but his sight blocked by few people who are now stand up and walking. But
then after keep looking he find the one that he thought only can be seen on his dream, Ji-A is sitting
accross him, wearing the same navy color as his sweater right now. Her hair is longer now, she tied her

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hair, and her face is still as pretty as he remember. He keep looking at her, with all crazy thought that he
has right now. Hui-Jun suddenly get up from his seat looking at Ji-A who is now punching her own chest
and she looks in pain and drink lots of water because she eat too much.

“Ouch..” Ji-A is coughing and punching her chest, “Water..” she ask for water and Hui-Jun quickly give it
to her and he’s tapping on her back a little bit harder so the food can be digest quickly.

“I told you that portion is too much but you insisting on take all of that in one go..” Hui-Jun nagging at

“The rice looks so delicious, the squid is begging me to eat it...the kimchi is watery...I should take all of
that in one go..” Ji-A trying to talk while she is keep punching her chest. Then the pain go away as the
food already passed safely into her stomach, Ji-A then smirked at Hui-Jun.

“Iisshhh you should eat slowly, no one will take that food from you.. I will beat the person if someone
ever take the food from you..” said Hui-Jun.

“I get that....but I like this so much opa...everytime I met the food I like I have tendency on having it
quickly..” Ji-a said and smile.

Spencer is telling jokes about the NBA players, Salman and Hayley distributing the next batch of drinks
and sausages for all of them. Ji-A and Sue are laughing to hear the story that told by Spencer told, but
then Ji-A choke because she swallow too much sausage, she felt pain on her chest so she punching it and
Hayley hand her the drink.

“Oh...I think I seen him somewhere!!” Sue suddenly shout and put her hand on her mouth.

“See who?” ask Spencer.

“ must acknowledged him too...look he is looking directly to here...look its captain
Joon...he wearing navy sweater with head cover by his hood..” Sue point her finger.

Ji-A pull her head and quickly look into direction where Sue pointing, her heart beating fast, she really
wish that Sue do not see the wrong person, that Sue see the right person that she miss so much. Then Ji-
A find him, standing across the court, with his eyes looking at her, she can describe his look as she is
looking at him with the same gaze. The gaze that missing him so much. Ji-A see Hui-Jun is about to leave
his seat, she reflex following him,

“Where are you going? The game is about to begin..” Salman stop her.

“Salman I suddenly have an urgent thing to do, I will go straight to the hotel you there..” Ji-A
go in a rush ignoring her other colleagues that confused on why she suddenly leave.

Hui-Jun doesn’t want to think anything else, he will follow what his heart tell him to do.

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“Ya..sit down..the game is about to begin soon..” Beom-Seok pulling his sweater told him to sit down.

But Hui-Jun then leave him in hurry, “YA!! PARK HUI-JUN!!!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!” Beom-Seok
shout calling for him. But he doesn’t care at all. As he see Ji-A also leaving her seat, he speed up his run
to go and find her.


Both Ji-A and Hui-Jun wandering at the Staples Center, they don’t know where they’re headed or which
way they should take. Both only follow their own hunch. Ji-A see the entrance door she was seeing when
she entered this place a while ago with the other surgeons, she run into that door and when she reach it
she look around. But she cannot find him, she hit her head,

“Stupid...why on earth he will see me after what happen...” Ji-A can feel her tears start to pilling up in her
eyes. She look up at the ceiling to stop them from dropping. Because she will continue crying if the first
tear drop from her eyes.

“This is not happening...this is really not happening...I’m an idiot..” Ji-A take a deep breath. And she start
to walk outside.

Ji-A keep thinking about Hui-Jun while she’s walking, the way Hui-Jun looking at her, that gaze keep
replaying inside her mind. She stop then squating down bury her face inside her hands and cry. Then a
hand pull her up, in second she already inside his arm and the hands hug her very tight. She remember
the scent, she remember the touch, she remember the body that wrapped her now, even she remember
the taste of his breath.

“Oppa..” Ji-A said.

“Just stay...don’t say anything..let me be like this for a while...” Hui-Jun hug Ji-A very tight. He miss her
very much. It’s her scent that he smell back at the airport, how he love to see her smiling and laughing
when she was with her surgeon friends, and how he just ready to risk everything when he saw her crying
just then. It’s like he finally wake up from a very long sleep hearing Ji-A call him again.

He release his hug and look at her, “It’s really you..” Hui-Jun smile. Ji-A only looking at him, not saying
anything. Then Ji-A put her hand at the back of his neck and she kiss him. Hui-Jun feel a little surprised
when Ji-A kiss him, but then it’s no longer his logic that thinking. He then pull her waist closer and kiss her
back passionately. He really don’t care that some people start to notice their act and smile looking at them
while passing them by.

Gyeong-Su stil practising with his trainer, a lot of things mixed up in his mind right now. He was watching
the LA Clippers game before, but what happen on the last quarter break annoyed him. The camera
pointed at the man he know very well, Park Hui-Jun, he is standing with his eyes fix into some one he also
know very well. Ji-A is spotted too even only in second. And Gyeong-Su sure that Hui-Jun find her, and
they both must be meet after that. He decide to cut off all his jealousy and some negative mind with
training. He works so hard so he can forget what he just see before. Then someone knocking on the glass
wall, the trainer look at the one that knocking then the trainer pat on Gyeong-Su shoulder and sign into
the glass wall. Gyeong-Su find Yoon Nabi is standing there, waving at him. Gyeong-Su just smile at her

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and sign her to wait for him right there. Nabi approaching Gyeong-Su when he come out from the training

“Playing bestfriend with you really tired me up...” Nabi say her greeting.

Gyeong-Su laugh to hear that, “Why??? I thought we are in very good path..” he said.

“Good path my ass...first you never told me that you’re leaving to USA, second you make me fly all the
way to here just to see you and know that you are doing good in your rehabilitation programme..” said

The truth is Nabi always keeping track on Gyeong-Su progress, she is very busy the last few months since
her dad appointed as the new VP in their company. And when she found that she can take a few days
break from the ofiice, she quickly booked ticket to this city just to see him.

“So should I treat you dinner then for flying so far only to see me?” ask Gyeong-Su, somehow he forget
about what happen to Ji-A.

“You should treat me in the most expensive place since I did a very huge effort only to see you..” Nabi
start pushing Gyeong-Su wheelchair. She is smiling, very hapy that she can finally meet him.

“How long will you stay?” ask Gyeong-Su while they’re on their way to the parking lot.

“I need to go back the day after tomorrow..why do you want to keep playing friend with me in this city??”
said Nabi.

“Why’s fun having bestfriend like you..” Gyeong-Su laugh.

“Ahh I hate playing friend with even neglect me this whole time and you always make me
looking for you first...that is really not my style..” Nabi shook her head. And Gyeong-Su just laugh, Nabi is
smiling because she can make Gyeong-Su laugh.

Ji-A step back and release herself from the kiss. She take another step backward, but then Hui-Jun catch
her hand,

“Don’t..” he grab her hand so tight,

“Tell me that it’s not real..” said Ji-A.

“Why?” Hui-Jun ask.

“This is not real..” Ji-A mumbling.

“No...This is what I really want. And don’t tell me that you don’t want it, because that kiss....because of
that kiss we cannot lie again that this is what we want..” said Hui-Jun.

Ji-A close her eyes, Hui-Jun trace her face. He really miss touching her like this, he need to touch her. Ji-A
then stop him,

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“ will really hate me if I tell you this...” said Ji-A slowly.

“What? I already hate you for making me like this...the fact that i hate you because I love you so
much....” said Hui-Jun. He just admit his feeling, the kiss just weaken him, took away his anger

“I...already with someone...” Ji-A crying when she said that. How much she want to be with Hui-Jun but
she cannot leave Gyeong-Su, not like this. His touch just feel like magic, she forget all the pain and the
hard times she had trying to forget Hui-Jun, which she never can,

“I really want to be with you, I really am but I can’t leave Gyeong-Su oppa like happy with Yu-Mi
eonnie...she is a good woman for you...” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun just paused hearing on what Ji-A just said “Why?” he ask in a very cold tone.

“WHY IT ALWAYS HIM WHEN YOU KNOW THAT I NEED YOU TOO!!” He just shout in anger then leave.

Ji-A look at Hui-Jun that leaving her, she just stay in her place crying. But then she looks at Hui-Jun and
run to catch him. She is able to grab on his sweater, she then hug him from the back.

“I’m so sorry oppa..for always hurting you like this...but I...I cannot do this...I don’t know what happen in
future but one thing for sure the love I have for you will never change...I’m so sorry oppa...” Ji-A is

Hui-Jun melted, he forget the anger once Ji-A hug him like that, “ probably have a spell on me,
you can always make me do what you want to do....” he turn back and look at Ji-A. He wiped her tears
and hug her again.

“Let me stay like this for a while....” said Hui-Jun.


Ji-A back to her home and find Gyeong-Su not home. She then take out her phone and call him, but then
she hear the phone ringing from inside his bedroom. Ji-A open the door and Gyeong-Su also not in there,
instead she find his phone that left at the table.

“Where is he??” Ji-A is worry that Gyeog-Su is not at home nor at the training room. Gyeong-Su know
very well that she is going home today, “He said he will cook the soup for me..but now where the hell he
is..” said Ji-A.

She then go to her room to put her luggage and change, when she open the door her eyes catch
something odd laying at her bed. She walk to her bed and find a red rose with note taped, “Meet me at
the backyard” it’s Gyeong-Su handwriting. Ji-A smile then she rushes to go to the backyard of their house
to find him. Ji-A open the kitchen door that lead her to the backyard, there she find Gyeong-Su at the
gazebo waiting for her.

“Are we having a feast??” Ji-A surprised with the cake and the food that presented at the table.

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“I think we need to celebrate something..” Gyeong-Su looks that he had something to show.

“What?” ask Ji-a while chewing the grape she just pick.

“Stand right there..” Gyeong-Su point at the gazebo entrance.

“Why?” Ji-A walking to the place that pointed by Gyeog-Su even she doesn’t understand why.

“Stay right there...don’t move no matter what happen okay..” said Gyeog-Su.

“Why?? You are scaring me...what are you going to do??” ask Ji-A she is confused as now Gyeong-Su do
something with his wheelchair. He put aside the foot step, he put the break on from his wheelchair. He
then grab the arm restings and he is prepare his right leg.

“ it??” Ji-A widely smile.

“Just stay still..” Gyeong-Su said and he begin trying to stand up. he first use his left leg to support his
body, he put all the weight on it. Then slowly he try to balance the weight on both side of his leg. His left
leg is shaking a little bit because of the pressure but he manage to hold it and able to keep stabilize his

Ji-A clapping and smile seeing Gyeong-Su now is standing, “Oppa...this is amazing!!” she is looking so

“Just wait for me right there..” Gyeong-Su move his left foot an inch, then he drag his right foot an inch

Gyeong-Su is moving inch by an inch, Ji-A is very touch to see him trying to walk. She can see the battle
that Gyeong-Su fight all this time. It’s worth to come with him, it’s worth for everything she sacrified to
finally able see him move his both leg like now. After a while Gyeong-Su finally reach her shoulder, and he
panting and rest his head on her shoulder right now. Ji-A can feel he is sweating and his breath is heavy,
but at the same time she also feel Gyeong-Su is having some of his burden lift off that he can finally make
his dream to be walk again come true. Ji-A put her hand on his waist and burried her face on his chest.

“Why are you should be smiling like you smile before..not crying like this..” Gyeong-Su hug
her, wrapped her safely.

“Thank you...for being in my side this whole time...” Gyeong-Su kiss the top of her head.

Each day Gyeong-Su progress is getting better, he can walk for 200 meters now. Even after that he will
have to rest his foot the whole day. But everyone is happy to see his progress. They make a video call
with the whole family and showed them how Gyeong-Su can stand and walk now, even he is still
trembling a little bit, but he managed to finish his walk. Mi-Na cried to see that her Gyeong-Su is finally
can walk again,

“Hurry back... I want to have both of you closer to me again...hurry back..” that is what she always said.

“I will be back soon eomoni...just wait for me running at you at the airport..” said Gyeong-Su.

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Ji-A watching them with smile. She can see the relieved in each of everyone face to finally see Gyeong-Su
accomplished his goal. Her fellowship programme too will reach the end, she is in deep thinking about
what she is going to do after this. But she already decided on the one thing that she is sure about. And
she will do it when the time is right.

Hui-Jun is having a day break from his filming shooting. When he was come back from LA 3 weeks ago,
Yu-Mi was on her trip to Rome with some friends and she came back a week after, right on time when he
already went to the filming location at Jeju island. Then Yu-Mi also busy with her drama filming as she
went to Thailand for the filming purpose. So they haven’t meet each other since the last time they spent
at her apartment. Yesterday Yu-Mi is back from Thailand, and she also still having a day break before the
filming begin again at Seoul. Hui-Jun is on his way to meet Yu-Mi, he stop by at the florist near her place
to buy the flowers she like. He arrive at the apartment and ring the bell. Yu-Mi open the door not long
after, she show up and smile happily to finally meet him.

“I really miss you..” Yu-Mi hug him, “Seeing your face on skype is not enough since I want to do this
too..” said Yu-Mi.

Hui-Jun smile and hug her back, “How was your trip? Did you have a lot of fun??” he ask.

“Nope...It’s less fun without you...we really should go vacation together later..” said Yu-Mi.

They then sit and enjoy the food that Yu-Mi already prepared for him. Hui-Jun keep watching her, he is
waiting. Yu-Mi notice that Hui-Jun been watching her since they sit to eat their lunch. But her feeling is
uneasy about the way Hui-Jun act in front of her today. Hui-Jun seem to avoid her so much.

“What..” Yu-Mi speak

Hui-Jun turn his head to her, he is now sitting at the couch while Yu-Mi is cleaning the table at his back.

“What..what?” Hui-Jun ask her back.

“You’ve been looking at me the whole time it seems you have a lot to say to me but you holding you
miss me so much so that you can’t even find the words to describe how happy you are to finally see me?”
ask Yu-Mi.

Hui-Jun smile...”Maybe...ehehehe..I do have a lot to say..especially to you..”

Hui-Jun stand up, as he made up his mind to not postponed about this again. He has to at least create
minimum wounds and prevent the mistake he’s been making more bigger.

“Yu-Mi shi, I’ve been thinking about you lately..since I came back from LA, I’ve decided that I should not
live this way..I should not treat you this way..” said Hui-Jun.

“Just stop right there...don’t continue whatever you’re going to say...i’m not going to hear that..” Yu-Mi
cover her ears.

“Yu-Mi shi, I don’t want to lie again to you..” said Hui-Jun.

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“It’s fine to lie to’s fine...also I knew that you accidentally met her at LA, Da-Som eonnie told me
that you both met and rekindling some romance but that only happen on LA...and you’re now here in
Seoul with me...I let it slide...just don’t tell me anything again..” said Yu-Mi. She know about Hui-Jun met
with Ji-A back at LA. She is maintain a close relationship with Hui-Jun’s stylist so she can always have
update about him. But that day she really didn’t expect the story. She just stoned when Da-Som told her
that Hui-Jun ran in the middle of the game, then she and Beom-Seok tried to find him. Later on they
found him kissing Ji-A and they leave together, Da-Som said Hui-Jun not even let Ji-A hands loose from
his. He kept holding it as its so precious to him. And Yu-Mi remember Hui-Jun never do that to her.

“Please understand, I’m doing you wrong...and I don’t want to hurt you anymore..beside I want to fixed
myself first..” said Hui-Jun.

“Then let me by your side...I won’t ask you to forget her...I won’t nagging if you ever meet her
again...just don’t say that you leave..” Yu-Mi start to cry.

“I’m so sorry...I hate that I make you cry right now...I hate that I always make someone pretty cry...I’m
so sorry...” Hui-Jun apologize.

He stay a while to wait for Yu-Mi finish all her cries. He then hug her and saying goodbye to her.

“Can we be friend?” ask Hui-Jun.

“No...I don’t want to be your friend...” said Yu-Mi.

Hui-Jun smile...”I get that..I deserve that..” he said.

“I will be your nagging ex girlfriend...” she said and Hui-Jun laugh.

“You can be that....I like that...” said Hui-Jun.


“MY BESTFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!” Mi-Yeon is running at St Paul International airport. She is arrive with Dong-
Hyeok, Hyeon-U and Bora, and they will spend vacation together visiting Ji-A. Ji-A who is already waiting
for them with Gyeong-Su is very happy to finally see her bestfriends face. She run to Mi-Yeon and they
both hugging when they finally meet, second later Hyeon-U join the hug. They’re jumping while hugging
because the happiness, Gyeong-Su, Dong-Hyeok and Bora watching them and smile.

“Let’s leave them...I’m sure they will not care at all if we leave them in here...they’ll live and survive with
the three of them join in together like that..” said Dong-Hyeok.

Gyeong-Su smile hearing that he then help Bora with her luggage.

“Ya!! Soon after you meet her you forget about me... I really will not let it slide!!!” Bora shout at Hyeon-U.

The three musketeers parted and glance at Bora in instant,

Some Other Day

“Why you’re still dating that even bring her here too...” Ji-A glance at Bora.

“He already fully under her spell right now...back at Seoul he never there for me again it’s Bora all the
time...I guess we really should replace him with Jang-Hyuk...or Woo-Ri..Woo-Ri is great he even always
accompany me during lunch..” said Mi-Yeon.

“Yeah Woo-Ri is better than him...and Jang-Hyuk is more handsome than him...let’s just ditch him...” said

“Right...just ditch me...I will make sure all the hospital know your dirty secret not even Woo-Ri or Jang-
Hyuk will ever want to be with both of you..” said Hyeon-U, both Mi-Yeon and Ji-A glance at him knowing
tht they cannot beat him ever.

“Promise me that we will really go and visit the Mayo...and you also promised will take me and meet
doctor Klinkner...” said Mi-Yeon.

“I know...I will introduce you too all the pediatric staff at Mayo...” said Ji-A

“You know all of them???” Mi-Yeon amazed.

“Of course not...” Ji- laugh. Mi-Yeon then pinch her waist and Ji-A struggle with the heat that come after
the pinch on her waist.

All are chatting and laughing while exiting St Paul, they missed each other very much. So when Dong-
Hyeok said he will provide the jet so they can fly to meet Ji-A, they were really happy and pack their bags

“You are finally a Nam right you can also use the jet also right now...” Ji-A ask him.

“Of course...I’m a Nam since I was born....” Dong-Hyeok bragging.

“What did you tell your dad so he give you permission using the jet?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“I said I will quit working at the office if he’s not going to let me use that..” Dong-Hyeok smirked.

Everyone in the car laugh to hear that.

“And you just get that??” ask Ji-A.

“Of course... eomma went frantic and keep saying just let him use the jet...” Dong-Hyeok immitate his

“You quit the job then don’t bother seeing me again...I’m not going to date a jobless man..” said Mi-Yeon.

“Ya....even if I’m jobless I’m Nam Dong-Hyeok.... I can give you everything you want..” said Dong-Hyeok.

“Yah right...until hyeongbu kick you out from the house ....” said Ji-A.

They arrive at Ji-A and Gyeong-Su house. The girls will stay at Ji-A room while Dong-Hyeok and Hyeon-U
will stay at the guest room.

Some Other Day

“You can stay with Gyeong-Su...I will share the room with Bora...” said Mi-Yeon when they unload the

“Why I should sleep with oppa, this is my room..” Ji-A reply.

Mi-Yeon catch on something, she then run to the door and close it, she then talk in a very low tone, “Do
you mean you haven’t sleep with him???” she ask. Bora is nodding, she is curious on Ji-A answer.

Ji-A look at both of them, it’s true that her sex life is not a secret in front of Mi-Yeon and Bora also already
knew it also from Hyeon-U. They both know that she and Hui-Jun were always spent night together when
they’re had the time. And Ji-A always bragging at Mi-Yeon that he’s great. Ji-A shook her head, answering
Mi-Yeon question.

“Liar..” said Bora..

“Yeah .. liar....he is such a hot man...and he loves you and I’m sure he is really want to do things with you
beside come you able to reject it...” add Mi-Yeon.

“You are really crazy for letting a hot guy like him....” Bora was having crush to Gyeong-Su, even now she
still find Gyeong-Su very handsome in her eyes more than Hyeon-U.

“I am....I’m totally out of my mind....” said Ji-A.

“Do you still cannot forget Hui-Jun?’ ask Bora.

“Just forget him... even he’s been denied the rumors but he is dating Yu-Mi for sure....I can tell that..”
said Mi-Yeon.

“I thought that too..” add Bora.

“What do you’s not because of him at’s just still weird to me to start all of this couple in
love relationship with him...I told him that we’re going to take baby steps..” said Ji-A.

“It’s been nearly a year the two of you dating and you’re still doing baby steps??? Even real baby already
able to stand up and crawl at this age...” said Mi-Yeon.

“Some of them even already able to walk now..” Bora said.

The second night they go to Chester’s for dinner, the food is very nice also its located near the Mayo clinic
after spend a day cruising the Mayo, Gyeong-Su made reservation at Chester’s for dinner after his training
session. Gyeong-Su no longer using the wheelchair instead he is not using a walking stick to help him
walk, and sometimes at home he’s walking without it.

“Are they your friends from Korea?” James, their favourite waiter, greet them.

“Yes, they’re coming yesterday to visit us..” Ji-A reply.

Some Other Day

“I never known that korean girls are pretty like this...when at first I met her I was thinking on ditching
Anne and marry you instead..” James pointing at Ji-A, her favourite customer. She even always give Ji-A
free french fries, everytime she came, since Ji-A said she liked it so much.

“He will participate in the Voice next year.” Gyeong-Su said looking at James.

“His voice is awesome, he usually sing at night at the bar near here..” said Ji-A

“Really??!!!” Bora is interested on the new guy with blue eyes.

“Ya...where do you think you’re looking at right now??” Hyeon-Su scold her for being so cute in front of

“Ji-A I will ditch you for her...she is look interesting than yours about my singing..” James plays his joke.

Mi-Yeon laugh, “Well it’s ot the first time tht she got her man taken by her..” Mi-Yeon said.

“Ya...did you just bring your witch dust everywhere and spread it to all the man I meet??!!” Ji-A irritated
by that.

“What do you say, it’s obvious I’m better than you....” said Bora.

“Here we go again..” Hyeon-U throw his napkin and just link his arm on his chest and watch the fight that
about to begin.

“I thought this will begin at the airport...but seems they forget doing their greeting yesterday..” said

“Is it normal?? Having them fight like this?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“It’s not normal...because usually they do it in the first minute they meet each other...I wonder what
happen to their brain yesterday so they so quiet the whole day..” said Mi-Yeon.

Ji-A, Mi-Yeon and Hyeon-U are having chat, Dong-Hyeok and Bora already fell asleep, so is Gyeong-Su.
They talk at the gazebo at the backyard of the house.

“Gyeong-Su hyung looks laready few weeks I’m sure he can able to walk normally. He even
not using his stick today..all day..” said Hyeon-U.

“He is... his right leg is stronger now. He can run again in few months...” said Ji-A.

“Then you will be home in few months too... I really can’t wait to see you back home...” Mi-Yeon link her
arm into Ji-A.

But Ji-A not saying anything...”Is me choosing Gyeong-Su oppa..... was it the right thing that I should
do?” Ji-A look at Hyon-U and Mi-Yeon.

“Why you suddenly ask that?” Mi-Yeon puzzled.

Some Other Day

“You’re not happy with him..” said Hyeon-U.

“How do you know that??” ask Ji-A

“It’s written on your are always hesitating whenever you’re with him..when he’s about to hold
your hand, you let it go and link your arm into him instead. When he’s about to hug your shoulder to walk
together, you just move and you hold his hand are worst...” said Hyeon-U.

“I’m not sure I want to come back either to Korea...” Ji-A close her eyes.

“What?!!!!” Mi-Yeon stand up.

“Why??!!!” even Hyeon-U shocked hearing that.

“Gyeong-Su oppa even said that he will finished his training in 2 months and if things get better and you
already finish your fellowship contract then both of you will going home...that’s what he said yesterday
during our dinner..” said Mi-Yeon.

“I can’t go back.... “ said Ji-A

“Why??” ask Hyeon-U.

“I met Hui-Jun oppa..” said Ji-A.

“When?? How can?? Is he come here to look out for you?” Mi-Yeon surprised.

“Not in’s purely coincidence...I met him in LA...I was on work visit to the Cedar Sinai Hospital for
couple of days, then with some surgeons from Cedars, we went to watch the LA Clippers game. There I
met him...” said Ji-A, she drink up all her beer.

“You were concidentally met again in Morocco, then you coincidentally met again in LA....even after parted
hundred thousand of kilometers away you both still can find a way to meet each other again... you both
are really something...” said Hyeon-U.

“I can’t meet him again...I can’t do that to Gyeong-Su oppa..he is too kind for me to do that....also Hui-
Jun oppa already starting with someone else too...I will only hurt another innocent people if I come
back..” said Ji-A.

“But tell me you really not want to come back?” ask Hyeon-U.

Ji-A just cry hearing Hyeon-U asking her that, she cries badly so Mi-Yeon hug her and cry too,

“I want to go home...I want to be with Hui-Jun oppa...I want to see eomma..I want to tell Hui-Jun oppa
that I made mistake for leaving him that day and I want him to accept me back...I want to go home...” Ji-
A cries her heart out. All these times she always hild back her feeling because she doesn’t want Gyeong-
Su sad, but having Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon to be with her right now is like a healing time for her.

“I want to go home...I want to be with him...” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“Then just tell him the truth...he is a good man...he’s been with you since ages ago...he will sure
understand it....” Hyeon-U look at both of his bestfriends whose now crying together.

“I really like it better to drag both you when you’re drunk rather than seeing both of you crying like this..”
Hyeon-U then hug both Ji-A and Mi-Yeon.

Without their notice, Gyeong-Su is standing near the door and hear everything. He was awake to get
something from the fridge, he then see the kitchen door is left open. When he’s about to close it he saw
Mi-Yeon, Ji-A and Hyeon-U chatting. He was about to go and joined them, but then he hear Ji-A saying all
of those words and cried. He the turn back and goes directly to his room. He stay all night with mixed
feelings in his thought.

2 days after Mi-Yeon, Hyeon-U, Bora and Dong-Hyeok come back to Korea. And 4 months after that
Gyeong-Su finish his programme he even can walk normally now. He is fully recovered now. Gyeong-Su
already asked her to go home next month, but Ji-A said Gyeong-Su can return first she will go after
upcoming medical conference at Mayo Clinic, also she receive an interview invitation from the Cedar Sinai
hospital. Gyeong-Su is browsing with his Macbook, and he see Ji-A coming from work.

“Babydoll, you’re home??” Gyeong-Su shout from the kitchen.

Ji-A is smiling hearing Gyeong-Su has been calling her babydoll in the last few weeks, even she protest
about it but Gyeong-Su never listen at her and keep calling her that name, “Yes...I’m home...I also come
with the apple pie you love the most..” Ji-A shout back.

Ji-A find him at the kitchen, “What are you doing?” Ji-A ask and lean her cheek on his shoulder to see
what is Gyeong-Su doing with his laptop.

“When is your flight to LA?” Gyeong-Su ask.

“Next week...why?” Ji-A ask him back.

“Remember that I promised you to go to Seoul Land?” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A nod, “You really have to keep your promise..”

“That’s why.....instead of going to Seoul Land let’s go to Disneyland...I already booked the tickets, we’ll go
this weekend..” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A eyes is widen due excitement, hearing the Disneyland word really made her day. “Do you want to
go?” Gyeong-Su ask her.

Ji-A just hug him and laugh, “Yes!! Let’s go..” she said.

On weekend they’re really at the Disneyworld. Ji-A and Gyeong-Su really enjoy their time together. She try
almost every ride. Gyeong-Su is happy to see Ji-A laugh, they spend 2 days enjoying the disneyland and

Some Other Day

Ji-A really enjoy it. At the last night they’re enjoying the fireworks, Gyeong-Su keep watching at Ji-A and
sometimes he point his camera to Ji-A and Ji-A just make cute faces in front of his camera,

“Babydoll...are you happy being with me??” Gyeong-Su ask.

Ji-A look at him, “This is the best day ever...I’m happy to go to this place with you..” Ji-A answer.

“That’s not what I asked..” Gyeong-Su laugh and turn off his camera, “It turns out I’m not happy having
you as my’s more happier for me when I have you as my dongsaeng...” Gyeong-Su look at

Ji-A can’t believe what she just heard, “Oppa what do you mean by that?” she ask with confused.

“I’m going back to Korea next flight is the next day after your flight to LA, So I may not be
home when you come back from LA...” said Gyeong-Su.

“You what?” Ji-A ask, “What do you mean with all of this..”

“I said let’s break up as a couple...I’m going to let you re thinking about me again...I will wait for your
answer at korea, I will tell everyone that you will be home after your contract end, then please use the
time I’m going to give to you wisely...” said Gyeong-Su.

“If you choose to be with me and let me love you completely then send me an airplane ticket so I can pick
you up, then we’re going back to Korea together. If not then send me your acceptance letter from either
Mayo or Cedar Sinai, telling me that you’re going to stay here, like you said the other night to me..” said

Few nights before when Ji-A inform him that she receive interview invitation from The Cedar Sinai
Gyeong-Su aksed her whether sh will consider living in USA if she got accepted, Ji-A said it she might
doing it because it’s easier for her working in USA. But Ji-A then said again if Gyeong-Su asked her to go
home then she will follow.

“I can make you come home with me next week, but I bet you will be not happy staying with me after
then...and I want to have the happy Ji-A not the sad and full of regret Ji-A...” Gyeong-Su look at her.

“Why are you doing this?” Ji-A started to cry.

Gyeong-Su hug her, “Because I want you to be happy...either it’s with me or not...I need you to be happy.
If you feel you can be happy with a particular person then go and tell him that...don’t just stay still and
sacrify your self. I don’t like that side of Ji-A....because Ji-A that I knew is very selfish especially for her
own happiness...and you should be selfish for your own happiness..” he said.

Ji-A just cry and Gyeong-Su just hug her and he watches into the fireworks.


---- Seoul, South Korea (1 year later) ----

Some Other Day

Gyeong-Su is having coffee at the coffeeshop near his office he is waiting for someone as there’s ice
vanilla latte in front of him waiting for its owner to come. He is busy checking the emails and sometimes
he looks at his watch and check at the door to see if the one he’s been waiting for arrive. But then instead
to see the person he’s been waiting, he just see a familiar man just entering the coffee shop, even with
sunglasses on his eyes, Gyeong-Su can guess exactly who he is.

Hui-Jun entering the coffee shop, he is just happen to be in that area and want some coffee on his way
back home. He just finish filming a drama in China for 4 months, and he just got back to Korea last 2
weeks. After spending the whole week at his parent house he is back at Seoul to enjoy another week of
his free times. He is planning to go watching baseball games, hangout more often with his friends, and
meeting some people for his new business. He finish order his favourite drink and wait beside the
magazine rack, he take out one magazine and read it. Then he feel someone is watching him, he look
around but the coffee shop is not has many customer at this hour. His eyes then meet with a man who is
sitting near the window and now that man is smiling and waving at him. Hui-Jun know exactly that man,
Cha Gyeong-Su.

“Long time no see..” Gyeong-Su give his hand when Hui-Jun approach him. Hui-Jun then reply the
handshake and checking on him.

“Looks like you’re very healthy right now..” Hui-Jun look at him.

“I can beat you in a marathon now..” Gyeong-Su laugh, “Also I can tell you that I already beat you
badly...” Gyeong-Su smirked.

“How are you doing now? I read the news that you’re getting bigger even filming for drama in
china with famous actress..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Let say I’m always lucky about my job...” said Hui-Jun. Hui-jun checking on Gyeong-Su then his eyes
fixed at something on Gyeong-Su finger. It’s a ring. And he can tell its not just a couple ring, it’s more
than a couple ring.

Gyeong-Su notice that Hui-Jun find his ring. He show it to Hui-Jun,

“I’m married....4 months’s a small ceremony that we only invite a close I’m so sorry if I
couldn’t invite you back then..” Gyeong-Su smile.

Hui-Jun feel a sudden pain inside his heart. Hui-Jun cannot say anything, but then his buzzer is buzzing
inform him that his coffee is ready,

“Congratulation for the wedding...I need to go now..” Hui-Jun then left him.

Gyeong-Su just laugh seeing Hui-Jun leave him like that, “He even left without asking who my wife is..”
then Gyeong-Su catch someone familiar arriving at the coffee shop, a beautiful lady with black dress.

Hui-Jun is walking to the door without bother to see at Gyeong-Su again, he just want to leave that place
as fast as he can, he see the woman in black dress walking to Gyeong-Su direction and when he reach the
door he heard she is talking,

“Yeobo..I’m so you wait for long? The meeting took longer than usual..I hate it when people just
fighting over a small profit...”

Some Other Day

Yeobo???....Hui-Jun is stoned, he turn his head to Gyeong-Su and see the woman is kissing Gyeong-Su
before she sit down in front of the vanilla latte that Ji-A loves so much. He then change his direction and
walk to where Gyeong-Su sit again,

“Yeobo?” he ask Gyeong-Su.

The woman who call Gyeong-Su that name turn her head to Hui-Jun and looks puzzled,

“Why can’t she call me that name? As this is my wife, Yoon Nabi...isn’t that she should call me..” said

“Isn’t this Park Hui-Jun?? Do you know him?” said Nabi she looks surprised to meet the actor Park Hui-

“He is the one that always makes Ji-A hesitate...” said Gyeong-Su.

Hui-Jun just stoned and really don’t know what to do or what to say to Gyeong-Su, he keep looking at him
with a weird look.

“Why??” Hui-Jun ask.

“What?” Gyeong-Su ask him back.

“Why are you doing this to me?” Hui-Jun said.

“Heemmm.....maybe because I want to see your reaction?” Gyeong-Su answer.

Hui-Jun is too angry to stay, he just leave after Gyeong-Su said that. He tries to calm his emation when he
is outside he open his car door, but then he stop again. He slammed the door throw away the coffee then
rushes back to the coffee shop. Without saying anything he just walk to Gyeong-Su and he clenched his
jaw. Gyeong-Su see Hui-Jun come to him in speed he just about to stand up when suddenly Hui-Jun fist
just hit his face so hard..

“This is for when she left me because of you and follow you to US!!” said Hui-Jun.

Gyeong-Su feel immediate pain and stings in his right cheek, but then Hui-Jun pull his collar and jab him

“And this is for playing that joke with me just then!!” Hui-Jun panting, then he shout..”WOW!!! THAT
FEELS REALLY GOOD!!!!” he then leave Gyeong-Su.

Nabi shocked to see her husband beaten by Hui-Jun just stone at her chair she then look at Gyeong-Su
and watch Hui-Jun leave,

“Is he the one that should be with Ji-A, the one that you told me?” ask Nabi.

“Yes..aahhh this hurt...I never knew that he is very good at fighting too..” Gyeong-Su feel a lot of pain on
his face.

“He is beaten you badly...” said Nabi checking on her husband face.

Some Other Day

“But why he is so angry?” ask Nabi again.

Gyeong-Su smirked, “I made him thinking that I married Ji-A before you came at that door and he hear
you calling me yeobo..”

“Iiisshhh!!!” Nabi hit his arm

“OUCH!!! Why you hit me too??!!!” Gyeong-Su look at her scared.

“You deserve to be beaten by him then” said Nabi, “Let’s go!! I’ll buy some oinment on our way home..”
Nabi get up and leave him.

Hui-Jun drive his car in high speed, he stops in the front of Baek Hospital and rushes walks into the
hospital. He ignore people start staring at him, even some woman scream just to see him. He walks very
fast and reach the neuro department. He goes directly to the nurse station,

“Where can I see doctor Baek Ji-A?? Please tell her that I’m waiting...” Hui-Jun said.

Nurse Sung looks very surprised to see Hui-Jun standing in front of her and talking with her.

“Baek....Baek...Baek Ji-A?” nurse Sung try to calm her heart that is now beating so fast because actor Park

“ she in surgery?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Hui-Jun ah??” a voice that familiar to Hui-Jun call for his name, Hui-Jun turn his body to see the voice
owner. He bow at him,

“Long time not see aboenim..” Hui-Jun greet Jae-Dok who is now standing in front of him.

Jae-Dok ask the doctors who are following him to go first,

“It’s good to finally see you again...well I saw you a lot in television..” Jae-Dok tap on his shoulder.

“I’m so sorry.. I should come to visit you..” Hui-Jun said.

“It’s fine...we all know that you are busy...but it’s glad to see you healthy...” said Jae-Dok.

“Aboenim....I want to meet Ji-A...Can I meet her? Where is she now I will go and meet her now..” said

Jae-Dok looks at Hui-Jun, he did heard about what happen between Gyeong-Su, Ji-A and Hui-Jun. And
that what makes Ji-A decided to stay longer at the US and accept the job offer from the Cedar Sinai

“You can...but you should go to US to meet her..she is working at the Cedar Sinai Hospital since last
year...” said Jae-Dok.

Some Other Day

Hui-Jun is speechless hearing that.

“USA? “ Hui-Jun step back and he grab the bench and sit down. He burry his head on his hands thinking
really hard.

“She will be back in two days...her mother finally win the battle and make her left the job at the Cedar
Sinai and come back here to continue her work in here...just wait then..” Jae-Dok smile to see Hui-Jun
frustrated like that. He is relieved to see that this man loves his daughter so much.

Hui-Jun lift his head and he smile. He is just relieved to hear the news.

Hui-Jun driving his car to his place he call Beom-Seok,

“Beom-Seok ah, get me the exact time arrival of Ji-A flight from LAX to Incheon on Friday. You have to
get that or I will do something to you have to get the understand?!!!” said Hui-Jun.

“What?!!! Ji-A??? What do you mean with this??” Beom-Seok surprised to hear Hui-Jun request.

“Just do what I ask...and give me the details soon!” Hui-Jun hang up as he speed up his car.


Some Other Day


„....Can I call you mine? So can I call you mine now darling
for a whole lot of time. My heart finally trust my mind, and
I know somehow its right...(BeMyForever–ChristinaPerrifeat.EdSherran)

Some Other Day

---- 1 year earlier ----

Gyeong-Su hug her, “Because I want you to be happy...either it’s with me or not...I need you to be happy.
If you feel you can be happy with a particular person then go and tell him that...don’t just stay still and
sacrify your self. I don’t like that side of Ji-A....because Ji-A that I knew is very selfish especially for own
happiness...and you should be selfish for your own happiness..” he said.

Ji-A just cry and Gyeong-Su just hug her and he watches into the fireworks..

A week after Ji-A leave to LA for job opportunity at the Cedar Sinai, the last visit with Aaron Green, she
was introduced to the neuro head department, doctor Blake Arlington. With her resume and
recomendation, Blake offered her a position as the neuro surgeon at the Cedar Sinai. Ji-A haven’t told
anything to her family about this. Only Gyeong-Su who know about this, and when she come back from
LA she found the house is empty. She goes to Gyeong-Su room and the room is empty. His desk is
cleaned. She open the dresser room, most of his clothes are gone, she can see some empty shelfs that’s
before full with stack of his clothes. She goes to his bathroom then all his belongings are gone too.

“Is he punished come he left and leave me alone like this...” Ji-A sigh. She then remember how
she always be the one who left Hui-Jun after the fight,

“God must be punishing me right now...” she spend the night sleeping at the couch.

Few days later the Cedar Sinai contact her and inform that she got the job also at the same time she got a
call from Ji-Yeon,

“Tell me that what I just hear is wrong? What happen to you?? Why on earth you accept the offer from
Cedar Sinai and not coming back in here??” Ji-Yeon just receive a report that the Cedar Sinai HR
department ask for Baek Ji-A recomendation as she will join their neuro department starting next month.

“Eonnie, please don’t ask me anything about this now...” said Ji-A.

“What happen to you?? Isn’t you already be with Gyeong-Su, and why only Gyeong-Su that coming back something happen between you two? Why you choose to stay and not coming home?” Ji-Yeon
trying to figure out what happen with her youngest sister.

“Eonnie..just don’t ask me anything now okay? Also I decided to stay here and accept the job offer from
the Cedar Sinai..I don’t know what happen next, but let me go and work there, okay?” said Ji-A.

“Have you talked about this with appa??” ask Ji-Yeon

“No..” Ji-A reply.

“Eomma?? No way you talk about this to eomma before appa...Jae-Hwan?” ask Ji-Yeon again

“No..” Ji-A answer.

“This girl really driving me crazy today...what should I say to appa?? What should I answer eomma??” Ji-
Yeon ask.

“They can call me..” said Ji-A.

Some Other Day

“Yeah eomma won’t get into the earliest plane and drag you home..” said Ji-Yeon.

Ji-Yeon silence for a moment, then, “Ji-A ah...are you okay? Why you’re running away? Why you avoiding
coming back home?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“Nothing...I just enjoy my time working in here...and I’d love to try another opportunity at the Cedar
Sinai..” said Ji-A.

“Is Gyeong-Su know about this?” ask Ji-Yeon.

“Yes..he is the only one know about all of this...why?” said Ji-A.

“Coz I’m going to kill him now for teling us lie and not telling the truth about you to me!!” Ji-Yeon then
hang up the phone.

Ji-A scratch on her head realizing that things will be getting messier starting today, since Ji-Yeon already
find out about her going to work at the Cedar Sinai Hospital. Ji-A is not worry about Jae-Hwan or her dad,
because they will understand her and give her the opportunity as long as she promised to comeback. But
it will be a very long and tired battle with her mom.

Then her phone ring again, it’s Jae-Hwan now.

“Why are you staying? Don’t you want to be here when So-Mi deliver the baby??” said Jae-Hwan.

“I will meet the baby when I have the holiday..” said Ji-A.

“Babydoll, are you okay? Do I need to beat up Gyeong-Su?” said Jae-Hwan. He know that something must
be happen between Gyeong-Su and Ji-A. As Gyeong-Su look sad when he asked him about Ji-A.

“Why you should beat him...I’m the one who’s at fault..” said Ji-A.

“Then come home...dropped the offer from LA, just comeback and work here again...” said Jae-Hwan.

“Oppa..can you just be the one who support me?? Eonnie is mad at me she even hang up the phone
before..appa will scold me as well...not to mention eomma will be mad as hell to me... can you just stand
with me this time??” said Ji-A.

Jae-Hwan sigh..Ji-Yeon was just call him and inform him the news, she even highlight that he must able
to convince Ji-A to come back no matter what, “How long is the contract?” ask Jae-Hwan.

“It’s for 2 years..” said Ji-A.

“You always can dropped out anytime right?” ask Jae-Hwan again.

“Maybe..but I don’t want to...I will finish the contract and see what will happen, they even will promote
me into permanent surgeon in 1 year if my report is good..” said Ji-A.

Yeah..right like Ji-Yeon will sit down and do nothing...said Jae-Hwan in his mind, “Let’s just see what I can
do, but you better not stay too long..” he said.

Some Other Day

Then Jae-Hwan say goodbye and hang up the phone. Not long after that a text receive by Ji-A, it’s from

“For the sake of my wife...and I hate it also when she is sad...can’t you just come home..I will send the jet
to pick you up. Also I promise I will always provide all the idol group concert tickets for you anytime you

Ji-A just laugh to read Ryeo-Uk message. She type her reply, “Hyeongbu, keep the offer available until I
come back *wink*kiss*”

An hour after that its Jae-Dok who call her,

“Do you want me to come there and pick you??? You’re going to US to help Gyeong-Su, now Gyeong-Su is
recover he even already comeback, why the hell are you staying even accept the job offer from the Cedar
Sinai???!!!” Jae-Dok scold his daughter bad.

“You said it yourself that doctor Blake is a very good person to learn with...and now he is asking me to
work under his mentor how can I say no..” Ji-A reply.

“I’m also good compare to him...I even rank above him in the world...just get all your stuff and get on
board on the next plane, I will call Blake myself and dropped the job for you..” said Jae-Dok

“Appa!!! Please don’t do that!! If you ever do that I will never come back..I swear!!” Ji-A threat her dad.

Jae-Dok sigh, he look at Ji-Yeon who is standing beside him and Jae-Hwan who is sitting in front of him,
he then press the speaker button,

“You hear me!! You will only stay until the contract end or I will really come to US and ask Min-Hwan to
put you on warning list to the US government so they will search you and kick you back to korea, you
hear me?!!!” Jae-Dok say to Ji-A.

“I understand...but appa..” Ji-A thinking for a while.

“What?” ask Jae-Dok.

“Can you make eomma not calling me?! I can imagine how bad we will fight over the phone later..” said

“Iiiiissshhh this punk!!!!!!!! I am worry about my self too that I will spend the night at the couch because
of you!!” Jae-Dok scold her and hang up the phone.

Ji-A look at her phone, it’s not the first time that her dad scolds at her, but it is the first time he hung up
the phone like that.

The next scene happen is at the Baek’s residence. Mi-Na is busy putting all her clothes and cosmetic into
her luggage, she is very angry and sad, when she heard from her husband that Ji-A decided to stay at the
US and will work at LA for 2 years. She is mad at her husband for let Ji-A do that when he should be
dragging her home back to her. Jae-Dok just enter the room after make a phone call from his office room.

Some Other Day

“What are you doing now?” Jae-Dok sigh when he see what is Mi-Na doing.

“I’m packing I’m going to the airport early tomorrow to catch the flight, I already talk to Min-Hwan to take
care about my visa..” said Mi-Na while keep walking back and forth collecting her clothes.

“You’re going to leave me alone?” Jae-Dok sit on the edge of their bed.

“You’re the one that let her do whatever she wants...” Mi-Na is really holding her grudge againts Jae-Dok
this time.

“You can ask Ji-Yeon and Jae-Hwan how I scold her this afternoon when I got the news..” Jae-Dok defend

Mi-Na glance at him, Jae-Dok taken a back by the look, “I really did...scold bad...totally..” he is
affraid by the look of his wife right now.

“I don’t care... the three of you didn’t think about me at all... I will go there and drag her home myself!!”
said Mi-Na.

“If she insisting on staying?? You know how she is when she already wants something..” Jae-Dok ask her.

Mi-Na stop for a while, then “ I will stay with could you let her live alone far away from us like
that!!” Mi-Na is raising her voice again.

“Then you will not care about So-Mi??? She is pregnant now, she will deliver the baby next month, so you
will just leave her and not helping her at all??!!!” Jae-Dok release his ace card.

Mi-Na glance at him, she can’t believe that Jae-Dok will say that, she then kick her luggage..”I don’t
care anymore if that gangster will come back or not...just tell her that she no longer have me as her
mom!!!” she then leave the room, and Jae-Dok follow her,

“Where are you going now?” He follow Mi-Na stepping up the stairs.

“To that gangster room...I’m going to sleep there!” Mi-Na is angry. Jae-Dok is laugh silently seeing his
wife in action.

They then laying together at Ji-A’s bed, Mi-Na is holding Ji-A favourite doll, the monkey doll.

“Yeobo, how come we don’t have a quiet daughter like Se-Na...Hwa-Young always brag that Se-Na always
listen to her..never cause a ruckus..even now Se-Na is going to marry the man that Hwa-Young pick for
her..” said Mi-Na.

“You don’t know that Se-Na was in jail for a week because hit and drunk, Hwa-Young had to hired a very
expensive lawyer to get her out and paid a large sum of money to the victims family to dropped the
charge..” said Jae-Dok.

“What??!!!! That bitch dare to say that Ji-A is nothing to her daughter...I will really give her a lesson in
next meeting!!” Mi-Na clenched her fist.

“Do you remember Ji-A first rebelious act??” ask Jae-Dok.

Some Other Day

“How can I not remember that....we were apologizing for 30 minutes not to mention the yelling i receive
that day from that old could that little brat just cut mister Oh bonsai plant just because she
think it’s cute and she want to give it me...” Mi-Na gigling when she remember that moment.

“That plant was about to go on a contest the next day...and Ji-A just ruin that..” Jae-Dok laugh.

“That brat has been ignoring my call since the afternoon..” said Mi-Na.

“Just call her tomorrow.. I will tell her to talk with you tomorrow..” said Jae-Dok

“Will she come home if I cry badly tomorrow?” Mi-Na ask

“She might never pick up your phone again if you do that..” Jae-Dok reply.

“Then what should I do...” Mi-Na sigh.

“Just talk as what you usually do with her..” said Jae-Dok.

“I will scold her bad if that the usual me...” said Mi-Na.

“Just understand her this time...she seem’s like need to be away from here for a while..” said Jae-Dok.

“Why Gyeong-Su let her act like that?” ask Mi-Na.

“It’s not his fault...he’s the one that hurt because of her...” Jae-Dok know a little about their break up
from Mi-Yeon.

“Yeobo, since we also cannot hope for Hui-Jun to be with her how about if we accept the proposal from
the Hyeonsei family? Kim-Ryu mother always ask about Ji-A, you know Kim-Ryu the one that also bid for
Ji-A back then..” said Mi-Na.

“Just don’t think about that crazy young people...they only put headache in our head..let’s sleep and think
on your strategy on her tomorrow..I’m so tired today..” Jae-Dok hug her wife, kiss on her cheek then
close his eyes.


Gyeong-Su is checking on his miniature office building complex, he is already starting his job again.
Previously it’s all Gi-Gwang that handle all the job for him, as now he also make Gi-Gwang his AVP at the
company. Gyeong-Su is so focused on his work so he is not aware that Nabi entering his room,

“I thought the news that you come back to korea is false...but it turns right as I call your house and they
said you are working... “ Nabi look at him.

“ bestfriend...why were you not asking for my number then to the people at my house..”
Gyeong-Su welcome her.

Some Other Day

“I did but no one give me as they thing I’m someone from the marketing office..” said Nabi.

“Ahahaha so sorry for that..” Gyeong-Su then offered her the drink.

Nabi checking on him, she is relieved to see now Gyeong-Su is able to walk normal again. Back at
Gyeong-Su she used to know, “Your walk is like a catwalk model now...” Nabi jokes on him.

“Do you think so...everyone said I look better now....should I change jobs then?? Quit building house
instead just walking at the catwalk wearing nice clothes..admired by thousand of women because of my
look?” Gyeong-Su jokes.

Nabi glance at him, “I will make no one ever hire you as a model then..” said Nabi and Gyeong-Su just

“I heard you were coming alone, what happen with the love of your life? How can you left her alone?” ask

Gyeong-Su smile and paused for a while, “I giving her up....just stay as we were before...we’re not meant
to be a couple anyway..” said Gyeong-Su.

Nabi surprised to hear that news but also ther’s some relieve on her heart nowing that Gyeong-Su is single

“You can always find another love...” said Nabi.

Gyeong-Su smile and wink at her, “Even though I lost the love but I always have my bestfriend..” said

“Who said I’m your bestfriend?? I told you I stop become your bestfriend you are not my style for
bestfriend..” said Nabi.

“Then you don’t wanna to play bestfriend again with me?” Gyeong-Su ask.

“I told’re really not my style for bestfriend..” said Nabi.

Gyeong-Su laugh and lean his back at the couch,

“Nabi shi...I really need some help to distract me...I want to find another happiness..” said Gyeong-Su
while his gaze fix to the ceiling of his office.

“If you’re not playing with me then I should get for help from who...” said Gyeong-Su.

Nabi look at him and thinking, she is hesitate to saying what’s on her mind right now.

“You’re mean...” Gyeong-Su look at her.

“I’m not saying that I’m not going to play with you anymore..” said Nabi.

“Then said before..” Gyeong-Su can’t finish his sentence.

Some Other Day

“I said I’m not going to play bestfriend again...” said Nabi.

‘Then what we should play then??” ask Gyeong-Su.

“Let’s play boyfriend – girlfriend now...” Nabi look at him.

Gyeong-Su look at her too. It’s no secret between them that Nabi always has special feeling toward him.
And Gyeong-Su respect her to be this patience with her feeling.

“I’m not your style for bestfriend...but I can be your style for boyfriend?” Gyeong-Su smile.

“Well I can make you my style for boyfriend..” said Nabi.

Gyeong-Su then reach for her hand, “Let’s play a new game then...let’s play boyfriend – girlfriend game
then starting now..” said Gyeong-Su.


--- Incheon International Airport, Seoul (Present Day) ---

“Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking, welcome at the Incheon Airport, Seoul, South Korea.
Local time is 5.25PM and the temperature is 28°C.

On behalf of Korean Airlines and the entire crew, I’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are
looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice evening and pleasant stay.”

Ji-A is open her eyes, as she hear the pilot speech that inform them about the successfull landing. It’s
been long 14 hours. After a year fighting the battle with her mom, and her mom always acting as if she is
sick, she finally give up and decide to quit the job at the Cedar Sinai Hospital and return to her home.

“Eomma...are you sick again?” Ji-A call her mom via skype and see her mom is wearing scarf looking pale
and laying on the bed. It’s always like this when Ji-A call her.

“Don’t mind me...don’t care about me..” Mi-Na is tilting her head, “Oh my head is very hurt right now...”

“Eomma how come you always sick everytime...did appa didn’t check on you??” said Ji-A.

“He did...but I didn’t want to go to the hospital..I’d rather stay here..” said Mi-Na.

“ really shouldn’t be like that..” Ji-A is glance at her mother.

“I think I will get better if you come home...I think about you a lot..whether you eat properly...what kind a
mother I am, I can eat and live happy while my daughter struggle alone in someone else’s country..” said

Some Other Day

“’s really not like that. I live in a decent place thanks to hyeongbu, I have lots of friends and
the mentors are good to me thanks to appa...I can eat very well too...stop worrying about me..” Ji-A
getting more sure that her mother is just put an act toward her.

“Well then just live your life peacefully out there...don’t even bother about me...” said Mi-Na.

“Eomma!!!!!! You are really annoying...” Ji-A hang up on her phone. Soon after Ji-A hung up, Mi-Na took
out the scarf and put on lipstick again on her lips. So-Mi laugh seeing her mother inlaw acting in front of

“Eomoni..I feel pitty about Ji-A now..” So-Mi cannot stop laughing.

“Don’t be!! That brat really need to learn a lesson from me...right Ji-Hong ah...” Mi-Na grab her grandson
from So-Mi’s lap.

Ji-A streching out her back, she then prepare her self and checking on her bag, put her earphone and
books she’s been reading through the flight. Check on her watch and adjust the time. She take out the
mirror from her cosmetic pouch and check on her face.

“I guess my face still okay..” she said to her self. Ji-A then wait for the plane to stop and the plane door
open so she can get out and see her “all year acting being sick mom” again. The seat belt sign is turn off,
Ji-A take off it. She then prepare her self to stand up and get up. but then a stewardess approach her with
a wheelchair.

“I’m so sorry miss but we have an elderly passenger that going to need this, are you in a hurry? Can I put
this in here so we can easily get this when she’s show up?” she said.

“Yes..but can I just get out from here first?” Ji-A cannot get out from her seat since the wheelchair
blocked her way out. Usually the premium class will have to get out from the plane first but seems Ji-A
cannot do that since the stewardess seems not listen at her and she left the wheelchair blosked her way
while the other passenger starting to stand up and going to leave the airplane cabin. But then one of them
approaching Ji-A hand her a red rose,

“This one for you..” the american guy hand her the red rose.

Then another passenger in the premium cabin pass her the red rose too, with smile on their face. Ji-A is
puzzled to receive the roses from them. Then after that many of people start giving her roses...all the
passenger are passing her the roses, there’s white and red roses, Ji-A keep bowing and saying thank you
for the roses without knowing why she is receiving all of these roses. The last passenger is hand her the
red roses, it’s the elderly who will use the wheelchair,

“Thank you for keeping my wheelchair...and this one for you..” said the grandmother.

“Thank you very much” Ji-A accepting the white rose. And she amazed by many of roses on her arms
right now, she hug all the roses since it is already create a big bouquet. She stand up carefully, and walk
slowly to the door because she can’t see well because of the roses. Near the door all the cabin crew are
line up until the connecting door hand her the roses too,

Some Other Day

“This is really not my birthday..” she said to the pretty stewardess that always took care of her during the
flight, and the stewardess only smile hearing Ji-A said that.

“I’m sure it’s one of your lucky day then miss..” she reply.

“Is it because I let you put the wheelchair blocked my way to get out??” Ji-A ask again to the other
stewardess who put the wheelchair on her way out.

“Well.. one of the reason maybe because of that too..” she smile and hand her the roses too.

Even the captain stand as the last person who give her the rose, “Thank you for taking your flight with
us..” he said.

Ji-A really puzzled about these roses, but she can’t help to grinn everytime she see the roses. Even the
people she saw before at the plane now are clapping at her at the luggage area. And the other passenger
at the Incheon airport start to look at her.

“Eomma must be really love it to have me coming back so she did this..” Ji-A laugh.

She then thinking, “Wait how do I get my luggage with all these roses??” but then she catch something
familiar, the red luggage that is belong to her is already took out by someone and several young man line
up behind the luggage. She sharpened her vision to make sure what she see right now is true,

“Heol..daebak!!! Is that D.O??” Ji-A look at them and she begin to recognize each of them face. Then D.O
approach her,

“Noona..we already get your luggage can you sit over there?? we prepare a song for your arrival..” D.O
smile then drag her to an empty chair in front of EXO member.

“Huh??” Ji-A is more confused with all of this. First the roses, then now it’s EXO...also the other passenger
start to crowd also at the big hall of Incheon airport to see a sudden EXO mini concert. Ji-A also can see
many security guards stand by.

“My mom is daebak!!!” Ji-A praise her mom.

“Ji-A noona welcome back to Seoul...and this song specially sing for you...” Baek-Hyun greet her, while
the other member send her a heart sign in many ways.

Ji-A smile is widen from ear to ear. She really exciting with this surprise, and music start to play but then
Ji-A realize this is not EXO song, they sing to her Super Junior song “Marry You”. Ji-A feel a liitle weird
when they start singing the song, but she ignore it since finally she can see her favourite idol after 2
years, and when EXO reach the verse,

Even as we age, I want to go about it smiling

Would you marry me

Would you spend my days with me

Some Other Day

Through hardships and difficulties, I do

I’ll always be there, I do

Through our many days together, I do

I’ll be thankful every day, My love

Accept this shining ring in my hand, That I’ve prepared from a while back

With the same feelings today, I’ll remember the promise made right now

Would you marry me

For a lifetime I’ll be by your side, I do

Loving you, I do

Cherishing you through the snow and rain, I do

I’ll protect you, My love

Ji-A catch someone walking to her from behind the EXO group, she recognize him in instant. He is smiling
and walk toward her. Now he is standing in front of her, and he is down on his knee now. Everyone is
cheering and clapping, Ji-A even can hear several of them screaming seeing the famous actor Park Hui-
Jun is now about to propose the girl who just landing from overseas flight.

“Oppa...what are you doing?” Ji-A is having dificulty on what she should asking next. She is speechless on
what happen to her right now. As the EXO finally finish the song they are clapping too,

“Will you marry me...let’s don’t waste another time again...I hate living this life without you..” said Hui-

“Oppa...I...” Ji-A is speechless, she is very thankfull that she is sitting right now, otherwise she might
already fell into the ground right now because she can feel her legs are shaking because of nervous. And
her heart is beating so fast as if it will jump if Hui-Jun surpised her again.

“Are you having boyfriend right now?” ask Hui-Jun.

Ji-A shook her head, but her answer is “What if I do?”

Hui-Jun smile to hear her, “Break with him right’re mine..” he said.

“Ah wait..” Hui-Jun get up and see his surrounding, he is really don’t care that people are looking at him
even record him on their phones. He run to one of the people,

Some Other Day

“Do you have a paper and a pen?” he ask a man in the crowd. The man nod and hurriedly take out the
note and a pen just like what Hui-Jun request. Hui-Jun torn a piece of note and take the pen with him.

“First we will write our vow in this must promise to keep these vows so am I...agree?” Hui-Jun
knee again before Ji-A and look into her eyer. He looks very nervous too but his excitement read all over
his body and written in his face.

“1. We don’t leave each other whenever we get fight” Hui-Jun write his firstt vow. Ji-A look at him still
don’t know what she is going to do.

“2. If one of us making mistake in future we will kiss as our punishment and talk about it” Hui-Jun write
the second vow. Ji-A just glance hearing his second vow, and Hui-Jun smirked

“3. I will love you and hold into you even when I hate you” Hui-Jun write his fourth vow.

“What else I should write?” he looks at Ji-A.

Ji-A open her mouth, “4. I will always listen to you and and stay with you when you’re saying NO or don’t
go” Ji-A take the notes and write their last vow.

Hui-Jun smile and nod to hear what Ji-A just said, “That’s will you accept this and marry
me?” Hui-Jun show her a beautiful diamond ring. Ji-A laugh to see that and nod immediately. Hui-Jun take
out the ring and slide it into Ji-A ring finger. He looks at it for a while and exhale like something heavy is
been remove from his shoulder. Everyone clapping and shouting “KISS HER...KISS HER...KISS HER...” Hui-
Jun smirked to hear that, he sign Ji-A that he is going to do that. Ji-A smile, she bite her lip then she close
her eyes, Hui-Jun pull her waist closer and lean on closer to her, with many of the specators screaming at
them, Hui-Jun then kiss her very sweet, Ji-A parted her lips and give Hui-Jun an opening to explore the
kiss. Hui-Jun kiss her very sweet kiss and stay for a while before he pull his lip from hers.

“Let’s go I might doing crazy things if we’re keep doing this in here..” Hui-Jun whisper and Ji-A just laugh.

Hui-Jun hold her waist and he bow to all the people that watching them,

“Hui-Jun shi..congratulations!!” many people shouting at him to congratulate him. He just bow at them,

“I’m going to marry her!!” he shout very happy.

The crowd then dismissed, Hui-Jun the handshake each of the EXO member and say his thanks for
helping him today. even Ji-A is able to take picture together with them. And then they’re leave the airport,
leaving all the ruckuss that Hui-Jun just created at the Incheon International Airport. He really don’t care
what will happen next. He arrange it quietly, only Beom-Seok know about this. And Beom-Seok now
calming CEO Jang who is in a huge shock because video of Hui-Jun proposal became viral in second and
all the news station even have the footage of the sweet moment. Mi-Na and So-Mi watching it live from
the television, so are the rest of Baek’s family and all the friends from Baek International Medical Hospital
are now gathering and clapping to see the sweet news. Gyeong-Su watch it from his phone when he is on
his way to a meeting and smile happy to see that.

Ji-A arrive at her house with Hui-Jun, Min-Na run when she heard Ji-A shouting her name,

“Eomma!!! Stop acting sick again I’m home now!!!” Ji-A shout for her mom from the front door. And she
run to her mom when she sees her coming.

Some Other Day

“I never thought that you are very good in acting eomma... “ Ji-A hug her.


“Are you crazy?” CEO Jang looks very frustrated. He’s been busy since yesterday because of the scandal
created by Park Hui-Jun himself at the Incheon Internation Airport. Not only local news and tabloid that
are now crazily looking for him, but also international news also looking for an interview. It’s been on
headline news for the last hours, not to mention Hui-Jun wedding proposal that went viral to every site in
the world. Even now Hui-Jun gain another nickname, “nation lover”, all the company that endorse Hui-Jun
are take turn on calling CEO Jang, requesting their explanation on the scandal. As he deal with the
stressed situation like now, the trouble maker is very relax and very happy.

“I am....I’m crazily in love...and happy...CEO Jang you will come to my wedding right?” ask Hui-Jun.

CEO Jang glance at him and throw a fist at him, “Why you didn’t thinking on doing it at your place? or at
her place?? or at a very distant and empty place without anyone else beside the two of you..instead of
DOING IT AT THE AIRPORT!!!” he is furious.

“Also why you have to do it at the busy hour...with EXO performance....ouch you are really
driving me crazy...” CEO Jang scratch on his head which is not feel itchy at all.

“She is just coming back from LA that day...and I don’t want to waste another time..” Hui-Jun said

“Aaahh... I really hate you right now...” CEO Jang sigh, “Now what should I do?” he ask to Hui-Jun.

“What do you mean what should you do...there’s nothing wrong in it...if people ask is the proposal is
true..yes it is...if they want interview I will give them interview..” said Hui-Jun.

“”You...will give interview??!!!!!!” CEO Jang is more shocked on Hui-Jun response, it’s very rare that finally
Hui-Jun wants to do interview regarding his personal life. But well, the proposal is no longer personal as
maybe half or the world citizen already seen it too.

“Yes...also I will talk about you on something else too..” Hui-Jun become more serious with him.

“What’s this?? I smell something fishy with acceptance for interview...forget it I won’t ask you to do that
because I don’t want to hear that something else of yours..” said CEO Jang.

“CEO Jang....don’t be that mean to me..” said Hui-Jun.

“You are the one who always mean at me!!!” CEO Jang defend himself.

“Please stop taking on new CF for me....also stop accepting new script for anything dramas or movies for
me..” said Hui-Jun.

“Why?” CEO Jang eyes are widen beacuse of shocked.

Some Other Day

“Instead can you find me a job at the news broadcasting? I want to try my luck on news anchor, also I
already start on setting up a small business it will be hard if I continue work as an actor..” said

CEO Jang close his eyes and rest his back on his chair, today’s news already eaten up all of his energy to
fight Hui-Jun.

“You already have other promising actor and actress to continue on my spotlight, I’m sure they will grow
bigger than me now, even I heard that Bo-Gum really doing great now. Tae-Hyun sunbae is always a big
star. And our rising star are also promising, you will be doing very good even without me..” said Hui-Jun.

CEO Jang look at him, “Is she really worth all of that? So you leave the job that every actor dream of..” he

“She worth everything in my life...” Hu-Jun smile.

“I will say my answer after I meet her...just set up a meeting between me and her..” said CEO Jang.

“CEO Jang!” Hui-Jun surprised that CEO Jang wants to meet Ji-A.

“What?!! I should be meeting her when the two of you create your first headline together, but you insisted
on hiding her under your blanket...but now she really has to meet me if you want me listen to your
request..” said CEO Jang.

“Do you also aware what kind of family she come? You cannot make her do this and that based on what
you want..” Hui-Jun still trying on keep Ji-A away from all of that.

“Oh..I’m fully aware of who is her family and who is her brother inlaw...” said CEO Jang.

“Let’s just stay away all of this from her..okay?? I’m the one who causing all of this ruckuss, okay??” Hui-
Jun said, “Even she really don’t know anything about what I was doing at Incheon..” add Hui-Jun.

“Did you just say that you never thought me as your family??? You are so heartless Hui-Jun ah. I’ve been
with you for 12 years, is it weird for me to meet her as your hyung?” CEO Jang scold him.

Hui-Jun laugh hearing that, “I get that...I will bring her before the interview day..” Hui-Jun get up from his

“Bring her over tomorrow morning then, I already set up your interview at 3PM tomorrow...” CEO Jang

Hui-Jun turn at him, “CEO Jang...did you just arrange the interview without my consent?”

“What consent?? Huh?? What kind of consent I should give to punk..bastard...why its only you
who can give other people headache... I can do it too!! Just do it and come with her tomorrow!!” CEO
Jang glance at him.

“Let’s do the interview next Sunday...I have to meet her parents and my parents today and tomorrow, on
Saturday I have the family I’ll do the interview on Sunday..” Hui-Jun then wave his hand
and leave the office.

Some Other Day

“YA!!! Then what should I say to the people that calling me??!!!” CEO Jang shout.

“Anything you want!!” Hui-Jun smile and shout back.

“I’m going to tell them that you’re out of your mind that day!!!! I will do that!!!! I’m really mean it!!!!”
shout CEO Jang again.

Hui-Jun just raise his hand and wave and send him the heart sign.

Hui-Jun put on his earphone and turn on his car engine. He dialed the first number in his speed dial list.
After ringing for a while Ji-A pick up the call,

“Oppa..” she said.

“Chagi-ya, where are you now?” Hui-Jun said.

“Home...I’m still sleepy...the jetlag period is coming...” Ji-A still sound sleepy.

“I don’t have any schedule today...let’s meet I want to show you something..” said Hui-Jun.

“Right now?” Ji-A wake up.

“I’ll be at your house in 15 minutes...after some talk with eomoni and So-Mi noona, you’ll have 30 minutes
to get ready...” said Hui-Jun.

“Okay...” said Ji-A.

“Oh Hui-Jun’re here? Come in? Aboenim just come home, we’re having tea at our
backyard..come..” So-Mi welcome him.

“That’s perfect then..” said Hui-Jun.

“Park Hui-Jun is really cool...who ever guess that an A+ List Koreant actor would ever do such a huge and
sweet proposal like that...even go one as crazy as you I guess as a celebrity..” So-Mi link her
arm to Hui-Jun and walk together to the backyard.

“Ya..ya..ya!! what the hell are you thinking!! Linking your arm to other man than me..” Jae-Hwan just
come in and see So-Mi linking her arm.

So-Mi look at him, “What?? Why I can’t linking my arm to my own brother??” she said.

“ can’t!!” Jae-Hwan take her hand and look at Hui-Jun, “You already have my dongsaeng, don’t
ever think you’re going to have her too..” said Jae-Hwan.

“ah..hyung..noona already become my sister since I was 5...” said Hui-Jun.

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“I don’t care...”said Jae-Hwan he then drag So-Mi to the backyard with him, while Hui-Jun follow them
behind smiling to see Jae-Hwan act.

He is very happy to be in this family, everyone always welcome him as if nothing is happen between him
and Ji-A. Back then when he and Ji-A broke up and Ji-A was in US, he was once bumped with Ji-Yeon and
Ryeo-Uk, and they both keep treated him same and they event had dinner together that time. And when
she drove Ji-A back from the airport, everyone welcome them in euphoria. Mi-Na is hugging him and keep
saying “thank you for coming back with her”. They arrive at the backyard, Mi-Na and Jae-Dok are playing
with Ji-Hong. And when Ji-Hong see his dad, Jae-Hwan is coming, Ji-Hong smile happily.

“My son is getting bigger this day...” Jae-Hwan lift Ji-Hong.

“He was napping with Ji-A before...they slept for 3 hours....” said So-Mi.

“Hui-Jun’re here for Ji-A?” Mi-Na welcome him.

“I also come to talk with you eomoni..aboenim..” said Hui-Jun.

“What do you want to say to us?” Jae-Dok smile, he can guess what is Hui-Jun going to say.

“ both must have seen the news about me and Ji-A..” Hui-Jun never think that he will be this
nervous now, though he already rehearse it for many times since last night.

“The news is everywhere, even all my friends and family are texting me saying how jealous they are...”
Mi-Na smile.

“Ah..hahahaha....they must be..hahaha” Hui-Jun laugh awkwardly, “Oh I’m so nervous...” he said in his
mind, then he wipe the sweat on his forehead.

“What do you want to say?? Say it or I won’t give my daughter to you..” Jae-Dok tease on him.

Hui-Jun then sit down on the ground and politely sit down in front of Ji-A’s parents, “Aboenim..eomoni...I
know that I already came to you before I did the proposal. But since now Ji-A also already give her
answer, I would like to seek for your approval too. Please let Ji-A be my wife, I promise I will love her and
take good care of her as much as you did even more. Please accept my proposal.” Hui-Jun look at Jae-

Jae-Dok and Mi-Na smile, Hui-Jun did came the day before Ji-A arrival. He was saying that he is going to
picked up Ji-A at the airport and propose her. Jae-Dok said that he will give his answer if Ji-A already
answer his proposal. Jae-Dok and Mi-Na never thought that Hui-Jun will made such a grand proposal like
that. Jae-Dok get up from his seat and help Hui-Jun to get up.

“I approve you to be her husband...welcome to the family son..” Jae-Dok hug her.

Mi-Na is so happy, she hug him and say, “This week is the best week for me after that long and tiring

“Welcome...finally you are trully become my dongsaeng..” So-Mi hug him.

Some Other Day

Jae-Hwan approach him and punching his arm light, “I really don’t know if I should congratulate you or
pitty you...are you really sure that you want to married that gangster?? You must have a very strong heart
living with her...come to my office for check up anytime you want...” Jae-Hwan laugh. And Hui-Jun laugh
too to hear that jokes. Everyone is smiling, Jae-Dok put his arm on Mi-Na shoulder,

“Yeobo...finally God has mercy on me...finally that brat not going to give me headache again, instead he
will has many of headaches going forward..” Jae-Dok laugh.

“Someone will suffer for high blood pressure next year...” said Jae-Hwan and everyone laugh.

“Who is going to have that?” suddenly Ji-A show up.

Everyone look at her at the same time, and laugh again, Ji-A is puzzled to see them.

“Where are we going first you said?” Ji-A put on her seat belt, then Hui-Jun help her fastened it.

“Somewhere nice..” he said and wink. He then check again, “Do you already have all you need? You only
take the bag that in the trunk?” Hui-Jun ask.

“We only stay for 1 night right at your parent house?” said Ji-A. Hui-Jun already talked to Je-Dok that he’s
going to take Ji-A visiting his parent’s house at Ilsan. And they will spend 1 night at his parent house since
his mom already wait for them to have dinner together with the family.

“Yep...but we’re going to stop by first at this place..” said Hui-Jun.

“Let’s go!!” Ji-A pointing at the road ahead them.

Ji-A familiar with the neighborhood, “This is close to our free clinic...” she’s mumbling.

Hui-Jun smile, then few minutes later Hui-Jun park his car in front of a tall wooden gate, he loo at Ji-A and
took something from the dashboard.

“Close your eyes..” he said.

“Why?” Ji-A ask.

“Just close it... I want to give you a surprise..” said Hui-Jun.

“You already surprised me yesterday...” Ji-A look at him suspicious.

“Come..” Hui-Jun put the blind folded into her face and make sure he covered her eyes perfectly. Then he
get out from the car, and open the passenger door then help Ji-A come out from the car.

He then slowly help Ji-A to walk, he open the gate, the lead Ji-A entering the place. Ji-A suddenly stop
when they already enter the place,

“Why are you stopping we’re only few steps more..” said Hui-Jun.

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“Wait a moment...” Ji-A then turn her face to Hui-Jun,

“Oppa, is my face looks pretty?” she ask

“Yes..” Hui-Jun answered.

She then checking her lips with her finger, “Is my lipstick still looks good too??” she ask again.

“Yes...” Hui-Jun start look at her, weird.

“My hair...I haven’t wash it good?” she ask again.

“Why are you asking that?” Hui-Jun is suspicious.

“Yesterday..yesterday you were having EXO performed in front of me..even D.O was helping me sit down,
and my face was so swollen after that 14 hours flight..I was not at my best look you said
you are having another surprised for me, who knows that you already have BTS lining up again in front of
me now or even 2PM that will sing again for I must sure to look good this time..” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun put his hands on his waist, he just can’t believe what she just said, and what he just hear.

“Ya!! Do you just say that it’s important to look pretty in front of them but not in front of me...iissshh this
woman really.....from today no more EXO, BTS, 2PM or whatever...” Hui-Jun is angry.

“If I happen to hear again about you fangirlings into those boyband, I will punish you bad...” said Hui-Jun.

“Tsk....” Ji-A realized that her days adoring them has come to an end with this super jealous husband to

They then take few steps forward and stop, Hui-Jun then stand behind her and he lift up the blindfolded.
Ji-A blinking her eyes and sharpened her vision. It’s a house, a beautiful white house, with garden
surround it. The one that Ji-A once showed Hui-Jun from the magazine.

“I bought a land in this area thinking that it will be great create a new life with you and you also can stay
near your family...your old house..the free clinic only ten minutes walking from here...” Hui-Jun hug her
from the back and resting his chin on her shoulder.

“Oppa..this is...when did you?” Ji-A is speechless.

“A month after I came back from LA...I keep thinking that at least I can still dreaming of having you
again. Then I bought the property and ask Gi-Gwang to build this for me...I have a crazy thought that
even though I’m not with you but at least I have your memory staying with me...” said Hui-Jun.

“Come let see the inside..” Hui-Jun release his hug then take Ji-A’s hand and entering the house.

“This wide space will be the living room...that corner will powder room for the guest...and we also have
guest room in there...” then Hui-Jun take her deeper into the house

“This will be our dining room, next to it a kitchen..we can view our backyard from here...I left the
backyard space open wide, since who know we might need a swimming pool later when we have

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kids...but I also ask Gi-Gwang to build a gazebo for us to relax and have a nice summer nap in there...”
Hui-Jun pointing his finger at the white gazebo with flowers at the corner of the garden with cherry tree
beside it.

“Oh..I know we love watermelon very much...I left a little space so I can plant my own watermelon...”
Hui-Jun smirked.

Ji-A is speechless, Hui-Jun really think about her all this time. She thought only her that fight with her
feeling the last whole year....but it seems Hui-Jun turn his fight into a beautiful dream of them. Hui-Jun
then take her to the second floor, and he show her the biggest room also the room with the nicest view,

“This room is so large..and the view is very nice..” said Ji-A amazed by the beauty of the broken white
wallpaper, and wide window that invite the sun to light the room entirely, she can also see another small
room link to this and a very beautiful bathroom inside.

“This is our room..” Hui-Jun whisper on her ear.

“I know...and I like it..” Ji-A reply.

“Am I doing a good job?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Gi-Gwang oppa is very good on doing his job....this house is beautiful..” said Ji-A.

“He only do what I say..” Hui-Jun protest that Gi-Gwang receive more compliment than him from Ji-A.

Ji-A turn her body to face him, “You are worst right jealous to everything that is not you..” said

“That’s the real should take that...” Hui-Jun pouting his lip.

“How you can get everyone on the plane have the roses?” Ji-A still can’t thinking about that answer.

Hui-Jun laugh...”You really never check on detail about my work....are you stop stalking me when we’re
broke up??” he ask.

“Why?” Ji-A ask.

“I am the model for Korean Air until 2 year ahead...I was signing the contract with them last year. After
the sports car campaign success, the Korean Air contacted me to ask me become their model..” Hui-Jun

“But still how come you can get all those roses and give it to all the passengers?” Ji-A ask.

“After I met Gyeong-Su hyung and know that he is married to other woman, I ran to your hospital then I
met aboenim. He said you were working in US, I was kinda hopeless at first hearing that...but then he
said that you will be back in 2 days...then I ask Beom-Seok to find your flight schedule.” Said Hui-Jun.

“And then?” Ji-A ask again.

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“When I found out that you were using korean air I called the korean air people that I know to help. Then
I got your name listed on the passenger list, and then with the help from the stewardess of the flight they
arranged the roses purchased and hand them to each passenger with my message to them...they said
they had to wait until you asleep when they hand the roses to the premium passenger...” add Hui-Jun.

“What is the message you say to them?” Ji-A is curious.

Then Hui-Jun take out his phone and show her the video he sent to the stewardess, “Dear lovely
passenger I’m Park Hui-Jun some of you might know me from the drama I’ve played. I’m kindly ask for
your help to give the roses to the girl I love as I’m going to propose her when she’s landing at Incheon. I
am really appreciate and thanked each one of you for the help that you give to me today..”

“They distribute each roses with show them this video?” Ji-A can imagine how hard the stewardess in the
flight she took that day work to help Hui-Jun, “I really should thanked them..” said Ji-A.

“That’s done already...don’t worry I got everything done.” Said Hui-Jun.

“Eomma been talking about your act...So-Mi eonnie even keep saying that you’re so cool...even that
stupid Dong-Hyeok called me and said he lost to you...” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun laugh, he remember that Dong-Hyeok also texted him and said he admit his level of romance is
beyond his imagination.

“So... is there no reward at all for my effort since the proposal until now...for keeping the dream being
with you alive and come into reality...” Hui-Jun slip her falling hair at the back of her ear.

“Well as long as I remember I only have one type of punishment for you...I haven’t decide on what kind
of act I should give as a reward...” Ji-A is teasing him back.

Hui-Jun pull her waist closer to him, “I know what I want...” he touch her cheek and put his hand on her
nape, he push her nape gently so her lips touch his. When the lips meet he then kiss her slow and gently,
when Ji-A parted her lips and give Hui-Jun opening, knowing that Hui-Jun kiss more deeper and the kiss
become rough and wild. The feeling that never change, the addiction between them take over their logic.
Hui-Jun hand run to her waist and trace her skin. Everytouch that Hui-Jun do to her gives her a mind
blowing, and she is crazy for his next touch. Ji-A then take off Hui-Jun shirt and run her fingers into his
back, Hui-Jun electrify by the touch as he then run his kisses tracing her neck, and bite her earlobe gently.
Ji-A moan by his act, he then lift off her dress and looking at Ji-A with her underwear expose in front of

“I’ve been dying to touch you again like this....” said Hui-Jun admiring the beautiful view in front of him.
Ji-A then get up and she push Hui-Jun to lying down under her, she get up and ride into his amazing sexy

“I’ve been dying to do this to you again..” she said. She then crash her lips with his, and kiss him
passionately then she trace his neck, Hui-Jun feel the sensation is driving him crazy, he then move his
arms to take down Ji-A to be under him, but Ji-A then hold that hand,

“If you’re being good and do what I say, we can continue this..” she said in a very sexy voice. Hui-Jun just
crazy by hearing that he give up and let Ji-A do things to him, she kiss on his earlobe, she is playing with
his nipple, she is tracing his abs and touch his hardened center, he will explode by what she’s doing.

Some Other Day

He just can hold it anymore, he can explode anytime if she keep doing this. He get up and turn Ji-A under
him. He unclasped her bra and roughly having the taste of her breast, the other thing that he always
admire from her, as his hand toss away her panty, he can feel that she is ready. Hui-Jun take Ji-A both
arm and hold it on top of her head with his one hand, while his other hand busy tracing and touching her
skin, that he can see how addicted she is by his touch, and her sexy gaze just blown him away. Feeling
her readiness, Hui-Jun thrust inside her core, and she moan and release her arms from Hui-Jun as she
now reach on his nape and wildly grabbing and tracing his hair and his back while Hui-Jun move and
thrust more and more deeper into her. And after while they both have their release.

“I love you...” Hui-Jun whisper on her ear.

“I love you too Park Hui-Jun...thank you for having me in your life...” Ji-A kiss him.

The trip to Ilsan is very nice. Though Ji-A sleep the whole journey but Hui-Jun enjoy it to finally able to
see her sleeping face again. He still can’t believe that she and him finally together again. They then arrive
at Hui-Jun house and his parents already waiting for them. After Ji-A introduce her self formally to Hui-Jun
parents and grandparents that also already wait for her, they enjoy the dinner together. Late at night Ji-A
is asleep at Hui-Jun’s room while Hui-Jun sleep at couch in front of television, since the guest room
occupy by his grandparents. Hui-Jun walk very carefully to his room, with barely make no sound. He look
at his parent room first and make sure that they already asleep, also do checking on his grandparents
room. After he thinks the situation is clear, he then sneak into his room and find Ji-A also already asleep.
He then lock the door, and then sneaking inside her blanket. It’s good to finally have her scent again in his

“Oppa..what are you doing?” Ji-A ask with her sleepy voice.

“Nothing ...I’m just going to sleep..” Hui-Jun then slide his arm under her nape, and hug her then close
his eyes, “It’s good...” Hui-Jun smile. And Ji-A just hug him back and continue her sleep.


The patients of free clinic are happy to meet with Ji-A again. Even the child patients give her their candy
as the welcome gift.

“Isn’t that the candy that I just gave to the children?” Ji-Yeon looks at a basket of candy that Ji-A hold.

“O..yes..” Ji-A answer while she is put another gummy bear into her mouth.

“Then why you have that? And eat that?” Ji-Yeon ask again.

“They give it to me...they said its my welcome gifts from them...How could I say no for their sincerety...”
JI-A reply.

“Ya!! You can take the candy from the just love taken away their candy!!” Ji-Yeon
scold her. but Ji-A doesn’t care and leave her.

Some Other Day

She see Hui-Jun is arriving and is now handing the bouquet he brought to Mi-Na..

“I really miss you and Gyeong-Su back one give me flower when both of you are missing..” Mi-
Na accept the flower hppily.

“Where’s mine?” Ji-A ask for hers. Hui-Jun just look at her and shook her head.

“Nothing....I already gave you hundred of roses few days you want another one...tsk..tsk..
eomoni why she is such a greedy girl...” Hui-Jun talk with Mi-Na while glancing at Ji-A.

“You should really be careful on her...she will suck your blood too if she want..” said Mi-Na.

“Ya...what happen with this?? How come you join their club now???” Ji-A shocked to see how now Hui-Jun
can picking on her too.

“I teach him...” Jae-Hwan pass on them.

“Iiiisssshhh!!!” Ji-A sigh in anger hearing that. Then she glance to Hui-Jun, “Let’s see who will win this
today..” she challenge.

“So you even didn’t call mee at all after touching down Incheon??? I told you to call so I can pick you
up..” Gyeong-Su and Nabi arrive. Ji-A very hppy to finally meet them, she was missing Gyeong-Su
wedding party since she is very busy at that time, she only can say her congratulations to the bride and
groom via skype from the hospital, where she’s stuck with surgery.

“I’m so sorry I was very busy at Incheon that day...” Ji-A smirked.

“ you see that she just bragging to us??” Nabi laugh and hug her, “Welcome home little sister...”
she said.

“This one as always is for my pretty eomma..” Gyeong-Su hand the bouquet to Mi-Na.

“As always there’s no flower for me too..” sigh Ji-A looking jealous at her mom.

“What on earth do you think you will get one of those?? If they ever bring 2 it’s one for eomma and the
other 1 for me..” Ji-Yeon come and hug Gyeong-Su and Nabi, welcome them.

“So I think I really should file a lawsuit againts you..after bruising my face you also attempt on taking my
mother are very heartless Hui-Jun ah..” Gyeong-Su light punch Hui-Jun arm. Hui-Jun just laugh
and handshake him.

“I’m so sorry eonnie...I just heard the story about him punching him...” Ji-A apologize to Nabi. Nabi just

“Sometimes he can be very annoying he deserve that punch..” Nabi laugh.

“You two again!! Are you trying to seduce my wife with those flowers?? These 2 punks really should get a
lesson from me someday...” Jae-Dok arrive and nagging about the flowers.

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“I get that feeling too aboenim...these 2 are always making us look bad in front of eomoni..” Ryeo-Uk who
just arrive join in Jae-Dok.

“We really should teach them lesson...they are seriously get into her....” said Jae-Dok.

Everyone now seated, the twins are happy playing with Ji-Hong and keep feeding and give Ji-Hong
drinking so So-Mi must watch them. Jae-Dok is happy to see all the family are here together again after a

“I have to ask you something...did you flatered at the airport?” Nabi ask.

“I’m on cloud nine...” Ji-A reply.

“You ask the wrong question Nabi-shi..” said Ji-Yeon.

“Oh really?? what should I ask?” Nabi puzzled.

“Tell me honestly...was it him or EXO that excite you the most...” Ryeo-Uk ask Ji-A.

“EXO!!! Even D.O is holding this hand...” Ji-A show her right hand and show her excitement.

Hui-Jun heard that and he put down his wine glass, he looks at Ji-A, “You really have to say that??” he is

Ji-A just realize her mistake, and everyone just laugh to see her reaction,

“Just think again about marrying her...” said Ji-Yeon.

“You should learn from eomma how to beat her....” said So-Mi.

“I fight the whole year to finally can beat her and make her do what I say..” Mi-Na put the salad into Jae-
Dok plate.

“I didn’t know that you’re a very good actress should join oppa on acting...” said Ji-A.

“I will start acting as his mother inlaw from now on..”Mi-Na reply.

“I passed the newsstand yesterday...all tabloid headlines were all about them...” said Gyeong-Su.

“I haven’t read any of them...I was struggling with all the jetlag thing...were they good?” Ji-A ask.

“What should be good?” ask Gyeong-Su.

“What they write..” said Ji-A.

“That woman ruining my dream on becoming his next girlfriend...” suddenly Ji-Yeon mention one of the
comment she once read and she laugh.

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“Isn’t that the chaebol girl??” Jae-Hwan laugh saying his comment.

“Hahahahaha...your another famous nickname is on the table again...chaebol girl...” Ryeo-Uk laugh.

“Hui-Jun bought all the roses at Seoul that day...” So-Mi mention another comment.

“TENG!!! It should be all roses in LA..” said Ji-A.

“Look at her .... she is going to brag again..” said Gyeong-Su.

“Why can’t I brag about it??” Ji-A look at Gyeong-Su, “That day the roses really blew me away..” said Ji-A.

“Eyyy...look at her....she first said the most excite her the most that day is EXO she change it into
roses quickly...she will change her mind on marrying you soon if that POP propose on her..” said Jae-Dok.

“it’s TOP!!!!!!!” Ji-Yeon, Jae-Hwan and Gyeong-Su shout at the same time.

“Do you bring your wedding ring now??” ask Ryeo-Uk.

“Seoul is small she can run into TOP anytime before your wedding..” said Nabi.

Hui-Jun look at her, “You are really dangerous and unpredictable....” he said.

“Look what happen to me raising her for 28 years...I’m aging fast...” said Jae-Dok.

“Become an actor you really have to maintain that skin from keeping her so close you really
need the ultimate skin treatment..”add Ji-yeon.

“Whatever they said about me it won’t change anything between us right oppa??” Ji-A link her arm into

Hui-Jun look at her and sigh...”What should I do now....It looks like I’m not able on saying no to you
having you looking at me like this..” said Hui-Jun.

“It’s his end..” Jae-Hwan shook his head.

“She got you for life...” Ryeo-Uk add.

“I told you to learn a lesson from me..” said Jae-Dok

“She really blind him for sure...” Gyeong-Su look at the lovebird and sipping his wine.

“Ya...what is wrong with one is more suitable for him instead of me....I left a huge part that he
even said he’s dying without me..” Ji-A said.

“When did I said that...I never said that...” Hui-Jun claim.

“Iiissshhhh...” Ji-A seethed at Hui-Jun to just cooperate with her.

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“See...he even decline are too much agasshi..” said Jae-Hwan.

“ you know how many men that interesting at me back at US... I even got many texts from them
asking me to go out with them....” Ji-A said.

“What do you say??? Were you working or flirting at US??? You said to me you always busy working then
you can stop thinking about me...” Hui-Jun now interrogate her.

Realizing that she make the wrong move, Ji-A just bite her lips, “’s misunderstanding...I never said
I go out with them...i was saying they asked me to go out..” said Ji-A.

“See she never can lie too if she made mistake....even accidentally she will reveal her secret to us...” said

“Relax Hui-Jun ah...if she ever acting weird just ask us to come to your place we’ll get her telling the truth
in instance..” said Ryeo-Uk.

“If this how we should play the all know my great reputation being a cheap mouth... I
will reveal you secret one by one..” Ji-A glance to all the people sitting at the dining table.

“Eonnie...remember hyeongbu trip to US last december saying that he has a business meeting in new
york?” Ji-A glance at Ryeo-Uk, Jae-Hwan and Gyeong-Su.

“Oh...he met with Jae-Hwan and Gyeong-Su there also, as Jae-Hwan has cardio conference too at John
Hopkins, and Gyeong-Su attend some architecture event in new york, right yeobo?” Nabi answer.

“They were riding Taeyang private jet back at Korea together..” So-Mi remember.

But the three men that names by Ji-A looks very panicked now,

“Right...we were back home together...right hyung?? Why don’t you eat this...this is very delicious...I’m
not usually share my food with someone else..but since I love you so much I will share this with you..”
Jae-Hwan put large piece of meat on Ji-A mouth and stuffed it until she can talk.

“Ji-A you want this cake too?? You really love this cake a lot right??” Ryeo-Uk now pass the cake
to Jae-Hwan and Jae-Hwan put a spoon of full cake at her mouth too, Ji-A is struggling refusing on Jae-
Hwan “generous” offer.

“Ya want flower too? Here...I give you this one today for you...” Gyeong-Su pass the flower
to Hui-Jun so he can pass it to her.

“Yaa..that’s mine..” Mi-Na is confused why her sons acting weird like that.

“YAA!!!!” Ji-A spit all the food. She glance at Jae-Hwan.

“Ji-A ah..waahh my dongsaeng really pretty...Hui-Jun ah you really pick the right woman to be
come you are so lucky for having her..” Jae-Hwan praise on Ji-A that makes Ji-Yeon surprise hearing that.

“What is this... are you crazy??” Ji-Yeon look at her husband, Jae-Hwan and Gyeong-Su.

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“Eonnie..they did have business to do back then...but after that they spent time together and attend the
Victoria Secret fashion show...they even sit at the front row...” Ji-A expose her brothers secret gateaway.

“WHAT????!!!!!!” Ji-Yeon, Nabi and So-Mi shout at the same time.

“Yaaa... you promised not to tell even took the bribe..” Ryeo-Uk said in panicked.

Jae-Dok, Hui-Jun and Mi-Na laugh hearing that.

“Three men will be reported missing from their bedroom tonight..” said Jae-Dok.

“Oohh...this is fun..’ Hui-Jun laugh.

“Aiiissshhh this made us bought everything you wat that day and promise not telling
everyone anything!!” Jae-Hwan look at Ji-A but then he turn to So-Mi and plead for her forgiveness.

“Yeobo..I was really planned on directly going home after the event...” Gyeong-Su persuade his wife.

“Aahhh but then you said something important came up then you have to attend the invitation to meet
your architect idol?? That event??” Nabi look at him and Gyeong-Su just look down and not dare to see
Nabi on the eyes.

“What did they bought you?” ask Hui-Jun.

“Jae-Hwan oppa got me 3 pairs of newest Victoria Secret new edition and perfume and a bath set..” said
Ji-A, and So-Mi stare at Jae-Hwan ready to kill him.

“Gyeong-Su shoes from Louboutin...and make up set from Laura Mercier...” Ji-A look at
Gyeong-Su who is now helpless.

“Hyeongbu...brand new Michael Kors bag and its match wallet..he bought for you and one for
me...” said Ji-A.

“You what??!!!!!! Ya Nam Ryeo-Uk you really should have your death wish by now!!!!” Ji-Yeon shout at
her husband.

“She is such a traitor...she was dragging us all over new york just to buy her bribing stuffs..” Ryeo-Uk
remember the day when Ji-A spotted them and threat them about their Victoria Secret gateaway.

“My leg was about to give up wandering around Macy’s, Barney’s, Saks Avenue.... she is totally a traitor..”
Jae-Hwan drink up his wine.

“Why don’t you ask for a car?” ask Mi-Na.

“I forgot...but it’s really fun shopping with them eomma...they never said no to what I want...” Ji-A laugh.

“How come you catch them?” ask So-Mi, “And you...You really on trouble with me right now!!” So-Mi
glance at Jae-Hwan and Jae-Hwan just nod his head hopeless.

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“I have my way...” Ji-A smirked. She was attending the medical conference too at John Hopkins University
with Jae-Hwan. And she accidentally eavesdropping about that three husbands plan on coming to Victoria
Secret Fashion Show. She then confront Jae-Hwan easily by saying that she would tell So-Mi right away if
he’s not taking her to New York. In the end Jae-Hwan gave up and brought her along with him to New
York, and after that the other husbands just do whatever she asked.


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„....Finale...(HateThatILove You–Rihanna feat. NeYo)

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“I don’t want to come out..” Ji-A keep her seat belt fastened. Hui-Jun already open the car door for her
but she stay still inside the car.

“We should really go right we’re 5 minutes late..” Hui-Jun persuade her.

“Even Beom-Seok oppa told me that he is scary...” she said.

“It’s not...he’s not..he only scared Beom-Seok...he always nice to me..” Hui-Jun then unfastened her seat
belt, “Come...we’re late..” Hui-Jun take her hand.

Ji-A hesitately follow Hui-Jun, they then walk entering the agency and go directly to CEO Jang office. Ceo
Jang greet them and smile very wide when he finally meet Ji-A,

“Finally....I can meet the one that can drive him into a lunatic and an idiot at once...” CEO Jang
handshake with Ji-A and Ji-A bow at him politely and introduce her name.

CEO Jang flustered with how Ji-A introduce herself, “For someone who come from a well known chaebol are too down to earth miss Baek...” CEO Jang praise her.

“I’m not a chaebol...I only live from my paycheck CEO Jang...” Ji-A said and everyone laugh.

“As you know today we’re going to have an interview session with Hui-Jun as the star. And as both of you
aware the main reason of doing this event is about what happened id Incheon. Even that already
happened last week, but still the people talk about this and many of the media asking to interview him..”
said CEO Jang.

“I’m so sorry if he done things without thinking about you and the agency first...but please also
understand him..” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun surprised by what Ji-A just said, he relly not expecting that, he stroke her hair and smile, “I love
you..” Hui-Jun smile.

CEO Jang look at the couple, “I understand why he’s so head over heel at you....” said CEO Jang.

“Did she already know about your next plan?” CEO Jang ask Hui-Jun.

“What plan?” Ji-A ask Hui-Jun.

Hui-Jun smile, “The one I told you last night..”

“I really wish that you both will have a very happy life...I’m very sincere on saying this. I know Hui-Jun
since he was 19...he started his debut in this agency with me...I found him while he was at the train on
his way to Seoul for college admission..It is really nice to spend journey with you Hui-Jun will
always be a star in everything you do next..” CEO Jang hug Hui-Jun.

After a short meeting the three of them headed to the Grand Hyatt where the agency already set up an
event for Hui-Jun interview. This is his first interview where Hui-Jun will be mostly ask about his personal
issues, especially the romantic proposal that everyone in the country talk about. They’re arrive at the
hotel, and the reporters already waiting for them. Ji-A is waiting with Beom-Seok at one of suite with live
record from the interview. Ji-A see Hui-Jun is entering the hall and all the reporters start to clicking their

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camera on him. Hui-Jun stand up at the stage and bow at the reporters first before he take his seat. Hui-
Jun sit and he looks very exciting about today’s interview, the MC started the event and the reporters start
to ask their question in sequence, Ji-A watch the interview with mixed feeling, she is proud of what Hui-
Jun have achieve until now but also a little sad seeing Hui-Jun saying goodbye to his current job as an
actor. But Hui-Jun convinced her that he’s doing it to pursue his another dream and he will not regret
anything. Instead he is very exciting in starting his new life.

“The last drama turn out become my last project as an actor. And I will finish all my contract and other CF
filmings that already sign by me. I will do my best so we can parted in a very beautiful way with hoping
that we will continue the good relationship that I have with all the company I endorsed, as I feel very
thankfull to them for trusting me all this years. In 6 months I will quit all my actor activity and I will retire
in acting and all commercial filmings. I’m sure there will be another great actor that replace me, and I am
very thankful to my agency, my fans and all the people I’ve been worked with for the opportunities given
to me so I’m able to stand here, receive many awards, and left a great mark in the industry. As my next
step I will pursue my another dream of become a businessman and a loving husband to my wife to be.
And yes, related to all the headlines about my romance act, I’m going to marry her very soon, please
support me in this too. The last part,..” Hui-Jun stand up and walk forward approach closer to the

“CEO Jang, thank you very much for all your support and trust, the reason I always loyal with your agency
is because you always there for me, trust me, cheering for me, and become my family for the past 15
years being with you in this industry. To all my fans, thank you very much without your support and love
there’s no way I can achieve the popularity and stand tall like now, I love you all. To all the people in the
industry that’s been working for me all these years, thank you for the opportunity given to me. And I’m so
sorry if I still have many of lacks that maybe did’t meet your expectation, let’s meet and have drinks
sometimes later please keep the good relationship between us. Lastly to all the media, without you no one
will ever recognize me. And I also sorry for my past behavior that always shut down all the question
related to my personal stuff but you all must know very well my reason too. Thank you for always put
your eyes on me and remind me to act as a good actor, a good person in this community, with all your
stalking moments I always tried harder to not make any mistake hahahaha...” Hui-Jun laugh, and all the
people also laugh.

Lastly, “Thank you very much...thank you very much for everything..” Hui-Jun bow to the CEO Jang for a
while then he turn to all the reporters and bow at them as he does to CEO Jang, “Thank you for all the
times we have...thank you very much for always write nice things about me...” Hui-Jun bow at them. The
reporters are stand up and applause to Hui-Jun, some of them also shed a tear, and one of the reporters
approach Hui-Jun and shake his hand then they hug each other. That reporters already keep in track on
Hui-Jun since his early career and they know each other very well. Ji-A cry seeing that finally Hui-Jun
saying his goodbye to his actor world,

“I’m going to stop become an actor..” said Hui-Jun last night after the gathering ended and Hui-Jun is
taking her back to her house.

“Why?” Ji-A look at him.

Hui-Jun laugh, “Actually last year I met with Ji-Yeon noona and Ryeo-Uk hyung, first we only talk about
this and that and that time Ji-Yeon noona was talking about the rehabilitation centre that built by your
family as subsisdiary business of Baek International Medical. Then few months ago, I met again with Ji-

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Yeon noona at a restaurant, then we talked again, I was joking when I said noona just contact me if you
ever need a model for the rehabilitation centre.” Said Hui-Jun.

“Oh...but I saw the CF and the brand ambassador is the swimmer that won the gold medal at last
olympic...” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun smile, “hehehehe’s not me in the end. Because Ji-Yeon noona then contacted me and offer
me a job as the marketing director since I have easy access to all the public figure so it will easier to
promote on Baek Rehabilitation I’m actually working at the Baek International Medical since 3
months ago as the marketing director and Beom-Seok also will join in as the general affairs team leader in
Baek International Medical..” said Hui-Jun.

“Oppa what???!!! How come eonnie never say anything? I know about Beom-Seok oppa will joining our
company since appa always said to bring him inside...” said Ji-A, “But you also joining us that’s a great
thing..” she smile happily.

“The rehabilitation center is a big thing, since we hired the best people even some of the doctors and
trainees are from overseas, England, France and USA. Also Taeyang group chip in big investment on this
so it’s a good thing that you work at the rehab centre..”Ji-A continue, “Wait is appa and Jae-Hwan oppa
know about this too?” Ji-A asked.

“Only Ji-Yeon noona and Ryeo-Uk hyung know about this until now, but they will formally introduce me at
the special executive meeting next month before the grand opening..” said Hui-Jun.

“So if your plan become news anchor is failed...we always can survive with your paycheck from the
company..” Ji-A laugh.

Hui-Juan laugh so hard, “Ya...waaahhh this girl really underestimate me...even I stay at home I still can
feed you...I have buildings and the rents can make me survive and give you a nice life too..” Hui-Jun
pinch her cheek.

“You said you want to become a news anchor, as I CEO Jang also told me that you’re asking him to look
for an opportunity in that area..” said Ji-A.

“I’d love to...but it will not easy...and I will focus on my new job at the rehab centre first..” said Hui-Jun.

“Are you quit your actor job because of me?” Ji-A ask.

Hui-Jun look at her..”It’s a lie if I said you’re not one of the reason...but it’s a good reasons...since we
broke up the second time I’ve been thinking what happen between’s the time that keeps us
apart....and we can’t fight the less of time that we have to spent for each other...also I will not always be
in this industry...someone will always replace me...that’s why I have to find another job that is steady..and
the offering from Ji-Yeon noona answered my thoughts...” said Hui-Jun.

“Good for you oppa...I can see why appa really like you...” said Ji-A.

Hui-Jun arrive into the suite where Ji-A and Beom-Seok waiting for him, Ji-A run and hug him once she
see him stepping inside.

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“You are doing a really good job...” Ji-A hug him.

Today’s headline is Hui-Jun everywhere. A shocking retirement to all his fans and to all his colleagues. All
the internet cafe are talking about him not to mention his fanbases are all talking about the shocking
news. Hui-Jun accept nonstop calls that day from all his friends and colleagues asking about everything.
Ji-A and Hui-Jun supposedly are shop for furniture together, but Hui-Jun only sit at the corner and
accepting phone call all day and Ji-A do all the shopping.

“Iiissshhh...I’ll make sure that I will pick everything he hates for the new house...” Ji-A glance at him.

Ji-A come and show Hui-Jun the table lamp for their room, the one in her left hand is a simple modern
lamp with black shades, Hui-Jun favourite colour and her right hand hold a pretty design like a tulip with a
very light pink pastel colour that Ji-A really like, and she bet 100% that Hui-Jun will not llike it. He is forbid
any pink colour inside their bedroom except he underwear he said, hahaha.... Ji-A approach him and show
him the 2 lamp, Hui-Jun look at the lamp and quickly pointed at the black one, Ji-A smile..then..

“I’ll take this one for our bedroom..” she hand her shopping assistant the pink one and smirked.


[BREAKING NEWS!] Park Hui-Jun parted with

entertainment industry with a beautiful speech.

Actor Park Hui-Jun announce a shocking speech about his retirement as an actor. The actor said that he
will quit all of his actor and entertainer schedules in 6 months for now, after he complete all the contract
that he already sign before. Many people shock about the decision especially Park Hui-Jun quit when he is
on top of popularity. The agency representative that later on confirmed on Park Hui-Jun said the decision
has been through a very long thoughts and also it’s not an easy option for Park Hui-Jun too. With all the
love he receive from the fans and the opportunity that he experience now, he is very gratefull for all of it.

Related to the sweetest proposal, actor Park Hui-Jun also confirmed that wedding bell is ring loud and
clear for both of them. As he said “I’m going to marry her very soon”. As we know that Park Hui-Jun is
going to marry his long time girlfriend, the youngest daugther from Baek International Medical, and she is
also work there as one of the doctor, after he proposed her last week at the Incheon International Airport.
Where the proposal video has been watched million of times and create a romance fever everyhere.

The interview closed by Park Hui-Jun thanked to everyone that means a lot during his career, and the
surprised is he even bowed to the reporters with all his heart saying his thank you for always keeping eye
on him all this time.

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“Daebak...even his goodbye become a national headines..” Mi-Yeon put down her tablet.

“That daebak I believe you address to my husband to be..” Ji-A suddenly show up behind Mi-Yeon and
hug her from behind. Hyeon-U who sit in front of her drop his glass and stand up. he quickly run toward
Ji-A so is Mi-Yeon, she turn her back and scream happily find her bestfriend is comeback.

“Bad girl!!! You didn’t even call me back the whole week...” Mi-Yeon mad at her.

“I’m sorry I had many things to do last week...” Ji-A hug her bestie.

“I was visiting your house few times but everytime I came, either you’re asleep or out with that nation
love..” said Hyeon-U.

“O..they said you came...bian...” Ji-A took Hyeon-U strawberry milk.

“So how was it?” ask Mi-Yeon

“What was it?” Ji-A pretend not to understand her bestfriend.

“The proposal...” Mi-Yeon eyes are sparks with curiousity.

“And the reuniting night after the proposal.. “ Hyeon-U mimicking a kiss with his mouth.

Ji-A glance at him, “Tsk..pervert!!!”

“How was it?” Mi-Yeon ask again.

“It’s just like I can’t help myself but grinn alll the time...” said Ji-A, “Now I understand how we always
swoon by the romantic scenes on drama or movie, because it is melts you heart in instant....everything
just good....everything just feel right...” Ji-A is looks like day dreaming about her proposal again.

“So even if it’s not Park Hui-Jun but Lee Kwang-Soo who proposed you that day you will also say yes...”
said Hyeon-U.

Then both Mi-Yeon and Ji-A glance at him at once, “He is such a mood breaker...” Ji-A shook her head.

“I really should replace him with someone else...” Mi-Yeon sigh.

“So have you become a professor now?” ask Hyeon-U.

“Just need to pass the pre liminary test in here like you two are preparing now..” said Ji-A.

“ASSAAA!!!! We will pass this time together..” said Mi-Yeon.

“So when is the wedding date?” ask Hyeon-U.

“Next month, second weekend....” said Ji-A.

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“I can’t wait to wear my bridesmaid dress....” Mi-Yeon is exciting.

“You have to wear that too..” Ji-A loo at Hyeon-U.

“Ya!!” Hyeon-Su shout.

“I know that you both are slower than me in anything...but I’m a doesn’t wear dress...” said

“So you want to wear hanbok like my mom then?” reply Ji-A.

“Iissshhh...” Hyeon-U glance.

“If you dump that witch, I will let you wearing suit at my wedding..” said Ji-A.

“Do you really want me to broke up with her?? tell me...I’ll do your I really thankfull that
you’re now back, healthy and happy...” Hyeon-U lean on closer to Ji-A.

“Waahhh...somehow it’s creepy to hear you talk to me like that.... don’t you dare dump that witch...I only
recognize her as your partner..” Ji-A stare at Hyeon-U.

“Yep..don’t ever dump’ll be dead by her spell if you ever dump her..” add Mi-Yeon.

Hyeon-U laugh hearing his 2 bestfriends finally approve Bora and accept her into their circle.

“So when will you invite us to your new house? It’s not far from my house thou..” said Hyeon-U.

“I want a couch for my housewarming gift..” said Ji-A.

“Do you think I’m santa?? Tsk...” Hyeon-U sigh.


Ji-A is checking on her patient chart when someone close her eyes,

“Let it go or I’ll kick you!!” she threat.

“Omo!! First her boyfriend was punching me hard...then she wants to kick me too...aigoo...babydoll
doesn’t you seem a little rude to me...” Gyeong-Su lean on the desk.

“What are you doing here? Are you hurt?” Ji-A ask.

“Oh...I came to check my hurts seeing you will marry that punk...” said Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A laugh...”Who asked you to play such a mean game to him that made him think I was the
one you married...tsk..” Ji-A said.

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“Well... I need to see him suffer a little bit...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Tell me the truth why are you here? You hurt?” Ji-A ask again.

“No...I’m doing the final checking of the rehab firm is the one that built it you know..”
Gyeong-Su bragging.

“I know...even the media write the building is sophisticated...thanks to you oppa..” Ji-A compliment him.

“Let’s grab a coffee...” Gyeong-Su then drag her to the cafetaria.

“You pay...” said Ji-A.

“’re the one who should pay...” Gyeong-Su reply.

They sit at the hospital rooftop garden enjoying coffee and a very nice evening,

“We used to lie down and fall asleep at the backyard during summer...” Gyeong-Su look at the sky, “The
weather is really nice..” he smile.

“With the big jar of cold lemonade at the reach of our hands...” add Ji-A.

“I’m really happy for you..” Gyeong-Su suddenly said that.

“I’m happier...because you also found a beautiful wife...” said Ji-A.

“She is...she thanked you lot for dumping me and not sending me the plane ticket..” Gyeong-Su laugh.

“Did you wait for it?” Ji-A look at him.

Gyeong-Su look at her, “I didn’t...” he smile, “I didn’t want that back then....” he finally said it.

“Why?” Ji-A ask.

“Because I already left the feeling of wanted you as my couple at Minnesota....I realize that no one
between us truly happy being together as a couple...” said Gyeong-Su.

“I did many bad things to you...” said Ji-A.

“Said who?” Gyeong-Su look at her.

“Me...just then..” said Ji-A.

Gyeong-Su smile, “You are the sweetest thing ever happened to me.... loving you quietly back then really
is the sweetest thing....” he said.

“Tsk...after marrying Nabi eonnie somehow you become this romantic...she really trained you well...” Ji-A

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“I’m her perfect style for husband...” Gyeong-Su bragging.

“And you are one of the best type for an older brother...” said Ji-A, they then drink their coffee.

“I heard Hui-Jun is working at the rehab centre now..” said Gyeong-Su.

“He is...but he haven’t started yet until the grand opening..” said Ji-A.

“The grand opening is in next 2 weeks..” said Gyeong-Su, “Also eomma told me to pick for my suit before
the end of the it about your wedding?” ask Gyeong-Su.

Ji-A smirked..”It’s a week after the grand opening..make sure you pick your suit...otherwise eomma will
keep nagging at you..” said Ji-A.

“Eomma really good at nagging these days...she even able to make you packed your bag and do what she
said Gyeong-Su.

“She is....I still can’t believe that I lost to her...” Ji-A sigh.

“But it’s the best decision ever...see the and that punk created headlines everywhere, and that
punk make all of us pitiful with his romantic action..” said Gyeong-Su.

“My Hui-Jun is daebak..” Ji-A laugh.

“So are we here for the gown????” Mi-Yeon ask.

“My dress and yours..” Ji-A pointed at Mi-Yeon and Bora, “Since Hyeon-U will kick me out from his friend
list if I insisting putting on a dress on him, so I choose you instead...” Ji-A specifically point her finger to
Bora right now.

“Why don’t you and her just make a truce now...” Mi-Yeon look at the two of them.

“I’m still insane for not having any close relationship with this lunatic..” said Bora.

“I’m not under drugs too so I will accept that witch..” Ji-A reply.

“Ya!! Until when you will spreading word that I’m a witch, our highschool friend keep thinking I did go to a
shaman and put a spell so Hyeon-U like me..” Bora looks very annoying.

Ji-A and Mi-Yeon laugh very hard, “Really??!!!!!” Ji-A is laughing.

“Iissshhh even Hyeon-U laugh as hard as you two both when he heard the story..” Bora is pouting her

“What makes you all laugh?” Ji-Yeon show up in the middle of their laugh.

Ji-A look at him, “Nothing eonnie....should we start now?” said Ji-A.

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Ji-Yeon pick pastel pink colour for Bora and Mi-Yeon, the dress for them fit them perfectly. Now for Ji-A,
Ji-Yeon already pick a wedding dress from Vera Wang, JI-Yeon pick white off shoulder dress with ruffles
and black ribbon as its belt. Ji-A see the dress and gasp, it’s the first time she see the dress. She left all
the choice to Ji-Yeon and she is really happy that she let Ji-Yeon pick it.

“Waahh...tha’s beautiful..” Mi-Yeon admiring the dress.

“Go and try it so they can adjust it to your body..” said Ji-Yeon. JI-A quickly get up from her seat and try
the dress. Ji-Yeon also tell how the make up style she want for Ji-A, after make up test done and the
wedding dress put on her, Ji-A standing at the center and wait for the curtains to open. Mi-Yeon and Bora
scream in happiness to see JI-A in that wedding dress, Ji-Yeon smile satisfied with the result.

“Eonnie...thank you..this is very beautiful..” said Ji-A. Ji-Yeon raise her thumb answering Ji-A.


Today is the wedding day, Ji-A is trying to catch some sleep while she has her make up put on. Last night
she had emergency surgery and it last for 4 hours. So now she is sleep as much as she can. Last week
Hui-Jun already formally announced as the new marketing managing director for the rehabilitation centre,
and as predicted with Hui-Jun step up into the position, the rehabilitation centre not wait very long time to
finally become known by the public, in day 2 after the grand opening, a famous golfer sign up for the
programme due to his wrist injury, and a rookie medal of swimmer also sign up for his back injury. Mi-Na
come into the room where Ji-A is, and she find her daughter leeping during her make up,

“I told you to stop working and come home since yesterday afternoon...see what happen now you just
finished the surgery at 2AM, and now you’re asleep during your make up...” Mi-Na hit Ji-A arm.

“OUCH!!! Eomma..that’s hurt!!” Ji-A shout because of surprised by her mom act, “If I’m not allowed sleep
now so do I have to sleep during the vow??” Ji-A said.

“You hear that??!!! I still can’t believe that Hui-Jun is head over heel for this brat..” Mi-Na shook her head
then leave.

Hui-Jun wait anxiously at his waiting room with his parents, then Beom-Seok come in, not long after him
Gi-Gwang enter the room also with Myung-Soo.

“Cogratulations Hui-Jun shi..” Myung-Soo congratulate him.

Hui-Jun bow, “Ah thank you..but have you see Ji-A?” Hui-Jun know, as Ji-Yeon secretary, Myung-Soo must
know every detail on Ji-A appearance today.

“I’m sorry Hui-Jun shi, but madam Ji-Yeon specifically instruct me to ot leaking anything to you...” Myung-
Soo smirked.

“Aiissshh... I really want to see her..” Hui-Jun sit down beside his mother.

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“You haven’t meet her at all?” ask her mother.

“I met her last time at the grand opening for the rehabilitation centre...before that I was busy in China
regarding my last drama and had some variety shows shooting, after the grand opening I was busy by the
remaiig schedules for filming CF in Seoul and Jeju, and this punk always pretend to be deaf everytime I
asked about Ji-A..” Hui-Jun throw a fist at Beom-Seok.

Beom-Seok just laugh and remember how irritated Hui-Jun the last 3 weeks. Ji-A also never share her
picture no matter Hui-Jun nagging asking for her current picture, she always declined Hui-Jun video call
and only do voice call, she said she want to give Hui-Jun surprise at their wedding day, and Hui-Jun miss
her like crazy.

“What kind of dress she wear today?” Hui-Jun ask again.

“It’s a white dress as far as I remember..” Gi-Gwang tease him.

“Aaaiiissshhh you’re really not helping..” Hui-Jun glance at him.

“Just be will meet her in next 1 hour..” his father tap on his shoulder.

Then the wedding coordinator come into the room, then inform that they should go as the guests already
start coming.

Hui-Jun standing at the entrance door greeting the guests, he is very happy. CEO Jang also coming and
share his greeting for the couple in front of the reporters that already line up at the front of the hotel to
report about the wedding of the year. Seo Min-Soon also coming to the wedding and share her
congratulation message too to the couple,

“I know Hui-Jun very well since we spent times together during filming years before, and he is such a very
good man to be with. Its a loss that he quit his acting, but I will always wish for his success and also his
marriage..happy wedding dear Hui-Jun shi..” Min-Soon send him a love sign with her fingers.

And the time is come, Hui-Jun stand up nervously waiting for the door to be opened and Ji-A walking in
the aisle to him. Beom-Seok and Gi-Gwang stand beside him as his best man. They smile to see Hui-Jun
right now. While Ji-A waiting at her waiting room she try to calm her self, then Jae-Dok come inside to
pick her up,

“ this my maknae?? How come you be so beautiful today...” Jae-Dok praise her.

“Appa...I don’t think can stand up and legs are shaking right now and my heart keep beating
fast..” Ji-A nervous.

“Right..then should we go and run away now... I hate seeing you marry too...I still want my babydoll stay
with are really never listen to me...I told you not to grow up very fast, yet now you’re already
stand in front me with wedding dress and going to marry a man.....I still remember the first day you came
into this world...”Jae-Dok looking at her. Suddenly its become sentimental, Jae-Dok start to tear so is Ji-A.

“Thank you appa...for always patience with me..and loving me endlessly..” Ji-A hug her father.

Some Other Day

“You are always be my favourite babydoll...” Jae-Dok said.

“Let’s go now..before Hui-Jun come her and drag you into the isle as he is already can’t wait to see you...”
Jae-Dok laugh remembering how Hui-Jun keepasking everyone about Ji-A.

“Ladies and gentlements, please stand up, here’s the bride entering the room..” the MC inform, and all the
guests instantly stand up and look at the door. Hui-Jun turn his body and face the door, his heart is
beating fast right now, his eyes fixed at the door....

The door open, Ji-A is standing there with her white wedding dress looks very beautiful. Jae-Dok is
standing beside her and now he offer his arm to Ji-A, Ji-A look at her father then smile. She then linking
her arm into his, and look straight to Hui-Jun, and start her walk with her father beside her.

Hui-Jun bewitched by the beauty that walking approaching him, he count every steps she made at the
aisle and record all the memory in his thought. The way she look, the wasy she smile, the way she even
embarass by the praises that throw by the people she walk by, the happy face of his parents, and also Ji-
A’s family. He want to record that all, and Ji-A now only 3 steps away from him,

“1....2....3....” he count, and now the person he love the most is standing next to him.

“I hand my daughter to you from today...please take care of her..” Jae-Dok hand Ji-A to him. Hui-Jun bow
to him and accept her.

“You are very pretty today..” Hui-Jun can’t help to not commenting on her.

“Oppa looks very handsome today..” Ji-A reply.

“I always look like this...” Hui-Jun said,

“Iiiissshhhh....” Ji-A glance at him, then the two lovebird laugh. And then they turn to face the priest, and
the ceremony begin,

“We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into
lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this
commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and
balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in
which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without
jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to
grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish.” The priest start the wedding speech.

“Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you
promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together,
through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?” he continue.

Hui-Jun and Ji-A look at each other and smile, “I do!” they said at the same time. And at that moment
their memory back at the times where they build this love to be where it is now,

Some Other Day

“Do you know everyone in here?” ask Ji-A to Hui-Jun

“You don’t know me?” Hui-Jun ask in very low and careful tone.

“Can we date? Can you be my girlfriend?” Hui-Jun ask in very careful tone. He can see how shock Ji-A

“It’s a lie if I said I don’t like you. It’s also a lie if I said I don’t want to be your girlfriend and dating you.
But will it be okay? Since if I love you more I don’t want to end up losing you and things go bad between
us.” Said Ji-A

“I just miss him.....I want to show everyone that I have a very decent man as my couple...but I can’t..”
sigh Ji-A

“Did you meet many girls at China?” ask Ji-A, she keep hugging him.

“maybe more than 10 thousand girls...” said Hui-Jun

“are they pretty?” ask Ji-A

“Mine is the prettiest...chatty....cutest...easily jealous...give the best punishment ever.....I love this one...”
Hui-Jun hug her tight.

“And this, can’t you just tell me about what will you doing? How you’re going to do it? with who you’re
going to do it?.... is that so hard to do it for me? I thought I am consider as the closest person to you, but
you’re having dinner with her with a very friendly picture show up....and I once again knew it not from
you... “ Ji-A can feel her tears is coming out.

“If I’m not an actor...and my job is ordinary like other man, I didn’t tangled with romantic scene or pairing
with other girls beside you to act...not having many fangirls...maybe we’re still have it..” said Hui-Jun.

“Annyeong Baek’s very nice to see you again.” He greet her.

“What if I’m asking you to come back?” Ji-A ask him.

“Because you had me at your hello...”

Some Other Day

Hui-Jun look at her, “Can’t I just make sure that you’re safe? Can’t you just give me a chance to prove
that I can protect you? I’m so pissed last night when I picked you at Gyeong-Su place. I was so pissed
knowing that I was few minutes late arrive at the restaurant just to see that Gyeong-Su saved you not

“Chagi-ya... if I ever attending a concert again Im really die in your hand then...” Ji-A keep persuading

Hui-Jun suddenly stop so Ji-A bump into his back, “Do you think I will believe that? I know EXO DO very
well should I introduce you?”

“Really?!!!” Ji-A eyes sparkle and she smile.

Hui-Jun can’t believe what he just see, “Aaaiisssshhh!!!!” he walk again dragging Ji-A.

“Chagi-ya.... I was wrong... I really don’t care who DO is... really I don’t care... chagi-yaa” Ji-A hit her own
head for her stupid act just then.

“Don’t do this to me... I really hate you for doing this to me...wake up now so I can be okay..I’ll be
damaged for sure if you keep doing this to me.” cried Hui-Jun.

“I may not have lot’s of time to be spend with you, but when I have I will value that so you will have a
wonderful moments with me. I may not able to take you to many lovely places like the theme park but I
will take you to places where you will also feel happy to be with me. I may not a very romantic man you
ever imagine but I will always say I love you to keep you happy keeping me as your man. I may not
around you every second but all my thoughts always be with you and I always pray that God will keep you
safe for me. And above those all, I may not be perfect but it’s you who make me perfect, thank you for
coming into my life... happy birthday Baek Ji-A..” Hui-Jun put on the bracelet in Ji-A wrist.

“Let’s just end this..It’s even hard to make time for us lately...” said Ji-A

“Yep..Let’s just end it, it’s useless for us to even save this again..” Hui-Jun reply.

“ probably have a spell on me, you can always make me do what you want to do....” he turn
back and look at Ji-A. He wiped her tears and hug her again.

Some Other Day

“I want to go home...I want to be with Hui-Jun oppa...I want to see eomma..I want to tell Hui-Jun oppa
that I made mistake for leaving him that day and I want him to accept me back...I want to go home...” Ji-
A cries her heart out.

“Will you marry me...let’s don’t waste another time again...I hate living this life without you..” said Hui-

“Now I pronounce you as husband and wife, you may kiss the bride..” the priest smile.

Hui-Jun take one step closer, then lift up the veil that covering Ji-A face.

“Wuah...It’s really worth the wait... I was so crazy while ago because I keep imagining your face...and
now it’s all paid off...I love you my wife..” Hui-Jun smile and lean on closer his hand cupped Ji-A face and
kiss her lips gently and very sweet.

Everyone clapping to see the bride and the groom share their love in front of them.


--- 4 Years later ----

The beautiful house looks very beautiful, when you come inside after you enter the gate you will see the
garden surrounding the house. You can smell the sweet scents of flowers in your surroundings, you turn
your head to your right you can see a small fish pond. And you only need to step on the white path that
will lead you to the front door. When you open the front door you can see a wide space with comfy white
couch combine with black couch. And by the stairs you can see pictures of the house owners and their
family line up tell you the memory about them. And when you finally enter the master bedroom you can
see a king size white bed, with white bedcover and next to it there’re pink table lamp in each side of the
bed. You can see something interesting in the room, there’s a small frame with a piece of paper inside it,
Hui-Jun’s handwriting on their vow back at the airport when Hui-Jun propose her,

“1. We don’t leave each other whenever we get fight” Hui-Jun write his frist vow. Ji-A look at him still
don’t know what she is going to do.

“2. If one of us making mistake in future we will kiss as our punishment and talk about it” Hui-Jun write
the second vow. Ji-A just glance hearing his second vow, and Hui-Jun smirked

“3. I will love you and hold into you even when I hate you” Hui-Jun write his fourth vow.

“What else I should write?” he looks at Ji-A.

Some Other Day

Ji-A open her mouth, “4. I will always listen to you and and stay with you when you’re saying NO or don’t
go” Ji-A take the notes and write their last vow.

Ji-A is entering the house, she just come back after buying some groceries that she need for tonight’s
dinner with her family also Hui-Jun’s parents also coming from Ilsan. Today is Park Ah-Reum birthday, the
daughter of Park Hui-Jun and Baek Ji-A, she is 3 years old now. Hui-Jun still at the office and promise that
he will come home early today. Her phone is ringing when she’s strugglling with her groceries bag, she
run into the kitchen and put the bag then reach for her phone,

“Hallo..” Ji-A greet the caller while she take out the groceries.

“Ji-A...I’m so sorry I don’t think I can come to Ah-Reum party...I’m at the hospital right now...and I think
I’m going to deliver this baby tonight...HHMMMFFFTTTT” Mi-Yeon hold the pain that start to come again
from inside her belly.

“AAAA!!! My hand!!!! Let go of my hand!!!” Dong-Hyeok feel a massive pain from his wrist as Mi-Yeon
hold it very tight.

“You’re going to deliver the baby now???!!!!!! Waaaahhh Mi-Yeon ah..I will come to the hospital after the
party done..” Ji-A said.

Mi-Yeon is 9 months pregnant, and looks like she is really going to have the baby tonight. Ji-A smile and
ended the phone call. She then texted Hui-Jun telling him about MI-Yeon story. She then remember her
other musketeer, she dialed no 7 in her speed dial,

“What’s up chaebol girl!!” Hyeon-U greet her.

“Yaa... do you want to die...I told you to quit calling me that!!! Also change the name you keep as my
phone contact in your phone now!!!” Ji-A said.

“I don’t want’s a very cute name thou...chaebol girl...hahahahaha” Hyeon-U laugh.

“Mi-Yeon is going to deliver the baby...she is already at the hospital..” said Ji-A.

“REALLY???!!!! waaahhh I really miss you two...” Hyeon-U pouting his lips.

“Hurry come back, I will really replace you with Woo-RI and Jang-Hyuk if you and Mi-Yeon not come back
next Monday..” Ji-A threat him.

“Crazy girl...I’m at Germany now it’s not like I have door to go verywhere like Doraemon has....” said

“Hiks but it’s too boring without both of you...” said Ji-A.

“That’s the feeling I have once when you were in Morocco and US..” said Hyeon-U, “But US hurt me the
most, I was once thought that you will not coming back again and I was re thinking about going to
accompany you at US..” said Hyeon-U.

Some Other Day

“Hurry back...I miss hanging around with all of you...” said Ji-A.

“I will...I will marry Bora next 3 month... I will be home at that time...” said Hyeon-U.

“That’s great... I love it....except the part you’re going to marrying that witch..”’ said Ji-A

Hyeon-U laugh, “Looks like you keep the enemy flame live all this time..” Hyeon-U said.

“Kiss Ah-Reum from me...I’m so sorry that I can’t come to her birthday party..” said Hyeon-U.

Ji-A end her phone call, and look at the picture hanging at the stairs, she, Mi-Yeon and Hyeon-U pose
together at her wedding day. The three of them dancing together, silly dancing and the camera capture
the moment when the three of them laugh and dance hile holding each other hand. JI-A look at the
picture and stay for a while and get lost in her memory lane.

The guests are arriving, Hui-Jun also already at home and helping her with the preparation. First to come
is Hui-Jun’s parents from Ilsan,

“Eomoni, aboenim how was the trip?” Ji-A open the door and greet them.

“It’s good...I really can’t wait to be here... Hui-Jun father reply her, “Where is my princess??” he asked
then come inside shouting for Ah-Reum name,

“I smell somethng delicious, you must be wrok very hard cooking for us..” Hui-Jun’s mother hug her.

Hui-Jun show up from upstair, he heard his father voice and hurry run from the kitchen, but he can only
find his mom as his father already missing looking for Ah-Reum upstair.

“Eomma...thank God you finally come.. Hui-Jun hug then kiss his mom cheek, “What is it? Why you are so
exciting seeing m ecome here..?” said Hui-Jun mom.

“It’s nothing...I’m just worry..” Hui-Jun said.

Then everyone start to come, and sit down at the long wooden table at the backyard of Hui-Jun and Ji-A’s
house. Everyone is enjoying the dinner and the talk. Ji-A is stand up to get the dessert out, but then she
sense something,

“Why this is so quiet...” she’s mumbling with her self.

She look around but she can’t find Ah-Reum, and Da-Eul everywhere, she can spot Ji-Hong and the twins
are playing near the swing. But she can’t find the girls. Nabi is walking to the bathroom, Ji-A immediately

“Eonni where is Da-Eul?” Ji-A asking Nabi on her daughter whereabout, Da-Eul is Gyeong-Su and Nabi
daughter she is 3 years old, same old with Ah-Reum and they always stick to each other everytime they

Some Other Day

Nabi look around she realize that Da-Eul is not playing with Ji-Hong too, “I don’t see her too...where is
that brat hiding...”

“heemm.... Why do I always feel uneasy if Ah-Reum stay quiet like this..” said Ji-A.

Ah-Reum is a very active girl, everyone said it’s a thankfull gift for Ji-A from them to hve such a hyper
active daughter. Her act is no different with all the things that Ji-A done while she was little.

Ji-A walking search for the 2 sisters inside her house. Then she find Ah-Reum and Da-Eul siting at the
corner of her room, Ji-A approaching them, and they really suspiciouc about what happen when they 2
baby talk together. Ji-A look Ah-Reum is holding something and in front of her laying around, Ji-A
sharpened her vision to make sure on what she looks at it, and she suddenly scream,

“YA!!!! Park Ah-Reum!!! That’s my cosmetics....” Ji-A devastated to see her serum is everywhere as Ah-
Reum spills the whole bottle everywher. Not to mention her make up kits are now ruin completety,

Hui-Jun shocked to hear Ji-A screaming, he put down the chosptick and go to her..” he find Ji-A is
squating collecting her cosmetic back. Shile Ah-Reum who doesnt understand only turn her head, now she
and Da-Eul looks at Ji-A with their innocent look,

“What happen?!!” Hui-Jun looks worry, he then look at Ah-Reum and Da-Eul, “Are they okay?” he check
each one of the girls.

The other family are coming too, Ji-A only cry seeing her cosmtics ruins,

“They’re okay...but my babies are not...aaaiiisssssshhhh!!!!” She show her empty serum bottle all of her
creams and make up scattering at the floor.

Everyone just laugh to see that,

“Now you can understand how I felt back then when you are doing your naughtiness. I am so blessed to
witness how you struggle to have a daughter who just as brat as you when you were little..” said Mi-Na.

“Good job Ah-Reum ah” Jae-Hwan give her a thumb up.

“Imagine how I felt when you draw the paint in my car back then..” Jae-Dok laugh and carry Ah-Reum
with her.

They then back sit at the table,

“Appa??? Did eomma mad??” ask Ah-Reum to Hui-Jun.

“No..she is not mad..” said Hui-Jun.

“I am mad..” reply Ji-A.

“Iiissshh.....” Hui-Jun glance at him.

“Ah-Reum ah next time play with eomma bag okay??” Ji-Yeon pass a gummy bear to Ah-Reum.

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“I wonder if she will going crazy to a boyband like her mom..” Ryeo-Uk said.

“Ah-Reum really pretty like Ji-A but she is as calm as Hui-Jun...” said So-Mi.

“Said who? Eonnie she is only calm when she’s asleep...”Ji-A reply.

“That’s you...when you’re little...” said Gyeong-Su.

“Da-Eul ah are you having fun playing with Ah-Reum?” ask Nabi, Da-Eul nod and smile.

“I love playing creams with Ah-Reum” said Da-Eul.

Dinner is over, all the family already going home, except Hui-Jun’s parents that will spend weekend
playing with Ah-Reum. Ji-A just finish cleaning up the kitchen, she go upstairs and find Hui-Jun at Ah-
reum’s room, he just finished tell her the story tonight, Ji-A wait for him at the door as Hui-Jun fix the
blanket and check on Ah-Reum again. Hui-Jun kiss her then turn off the light, then he slowly close the
door half, then he hug Ji-A,

“She ruins my cosmetics...” Ji-A whining.

“I will buy you the new one tomorrow...” Hui-Jun kiss her forehead, “Don’t mad at my daughter...I will be
sad if she’s sad..” said Hui-Jun.

“ you’re taking her side....” Ji-A glance at him.

“I am always on your side..” said Hui-Jun.

“Liar...” said Ji-A, “I’m no longer number one on your list now..” Ji-A puoting her lips.

“Then prove that you should be number one..” Hui-Jun lift her.

“I’ll prove you that number one is my spot...” Ji-A kiss him. Hui-Jun walk holding Ji-A then he close their
room door.


Some Other Day

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