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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

RA No : EHS/SLP/RA/ Participants Name Job Title Signature

Gaurav Bajpai

Prashant Dubey
Removal of generator seal body housing DE
concerned and its andNDE side and boxup in unit#1 17 mtr floor Manoj Mandia

Risk Rating (RR) guideline:

Likelihood (L): Probability of the undesired event to happen (shall consider the frequency and duration of
Severity (S): Importance of harm, damage or impact caused by the event.
exposure and the potential for the undesired event to happen).

Rating Definition Rating Definition

the occurrence is extremely unlikely to happen and has never None or very limited consequences on people (e.g. first aid injury) or
1 - Negligible 1 - Minor
happened according to our knowledge property (e.g. scratch on equipment painting)

the occurrence is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future Injury requiring medical treatment without lost work days or property
2 - Low 2 - Moderate
but has already been experienced damage / business interruption below 50 k€ of cost involved

Lost Time Injuries, with full recovery, or property damage/business

3 - Moderate the occurrence is predictable to happen in the mid-term 3 - High
interruption below 200 k€ of cost involved

4 - High the occurrence is predictable to happen in the short term 4 - Major Severe Accident as per GE e-book definition

5 - Definite the occurrence is certain and immediate. 5 - Catastrophic Several Severe Accidents

Operating Conditions: Normal / Abnormal / Emergency

Reviewed By Approved By

EHS Representative (Name, Signature and Date) Competent Discipline Engineer (Name, Signature
and Date)

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Activity Initial Re- Residual risk

Sr. (Job steps in Hazard Risk and affected person assessment Control Measures assessment Additional Control Measures assessment

isolation of barring gear of turbine

Poor/damaged lifting belt shall not be taken into use.

Experienced & Competent manpower with good Adequate capacity of lifting gears shall be considered
Breakage of lifting belt.(Can
Selection/poor quality of lifting rigging skills shall be deployed on job. for safe work progress, always.
cause material damage, 2 3 6
The deployed supervisor on job shall be advised to
2 2 4
Lifting equipments shoul shall be ensured for proper 1 3 3
personnel injury.)
provide a proper guidance to the manpower deployed color coding, identification & third party inspection.
on job.

Experienced & Competent manpower with good

rigging skills shall be deployed on job.
Personnel injury. 2 2 4 The deployed supervisor on job shall be advised to 2 2 4 1 3 3
provide a proper guidance to the manpower deployed
Inexperienced manpower on job. Regular workforce monitoring shall be done by the
deployed on job. deployed supervisor on job.

All the workmen shall be instructed to follow the

Material damage. 2 4 8 instructions given by the foreman to avoid poor work 2 3 6 1 2 2
environment that results in material damage.

All the lifting gears to be used in lifting activities shall

Failure of lifting gear.(Can Poor/damaged lifting gears shall not be taken into use. be ensured for proper color coding, identification &
Use of lifting gears(Slings, D-
cause material damage, injury 2 3 6 No workmen shall be allowed to stand underneath the 2 2 4 third party inspection. 1 2 2
to person.) suspended load. Adequate capacity of lifting gears shall be considered
for safe work progress, always.

Uncontrollable/abrupt speed of
Removal of Seal body 2 3 6 2 3 6 1 4 4
hook lowering and lifting load. Experienced & Competent manpower shall be Experienced & Competent manpower shall be
housing DE and NDE
side and box-up Inexperienced/unauthorised deployed on job. deployed on job.
crane operator deployed on Crane operation shall not be carried out in high wind Crane operation shall not be carried out in high wind
job. or poor visibility environment. or poor visibility environment.
Movement of crane with abrupt
speed on loaded condition can 2 2 4 2 2 4 1 3 3
cause severe material damage.

Tool box talk shall be given to all the workmen

Manual handling. Hand injury. 2 3 6 Fit for use type hand gloves of shall be taken into use. 2 2 4 deployed on job and workmen shall be explained 1 3 3
about the do's & don’t's while executing te job.

Fall of material from height. 2 3 6 Proper house keeping shall be done on the EOT 2 2 4 1 2 2
Poor house keeping on EOT girder. Regular house keeping shall be done on the EOT
girder. The EOT girder shall be regulary monitored and shall girder.
Serious hand, foot, head injury. 2 3 6 be kept free of all the scraps & foreign materials. 2 2 4 1 3 3

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Removal of Seal body

housing DE and NDE
side and box-up

Hit to personnel. 2 2 4 The operator shall be advised to have a proper view of 2 2 4 1 2 2

rail girder.
Movement of personnel on rail No other workmen shall be allowed to work near the Crane operator shall be informed to make a clear view
girder. rail girder once the crane operation is commenced. of the rail girder before moving on the rail.
The workmen at height shall be instructed to stay
Severe injury to the workmen. 2 2 4 away from the rail line. 2 2 4 1 2 2

Periodic inspection of grating for proper seating over Record shall be maintained for proper seating of
Opening of oil canal. Fall of person in oil canal. 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 3 3
oil canal shall be ensured. frame.

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Invisibility resulting in material No lifting activity shall be carried out in heavy wind
2 4 8 2 3 6 2 2 4
damage. blow.
Removal of Pedestal Work in poor climatic condition shall never be Regular climate monitoring shall be carried out to have
U/H and box-up Poor climate condition. encouraged. a proper work progress.
Invisibility resulting in injury to Clear visibility during the lifting opration shall be
2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2 2
personnel. ensured.

Fit for use type safety goggles shall be taken into use.
Periodic maintenance of HP hose shall be carried out
Eye damage. 2 4 8 Reccorded tool box talk shall be provided to the 2 2 4 2 2 4
to reduce risks of hose burst.
workmen deployed on job.

Risk of HP hose Good communication shall be ensured between the

burst(Hydraulically operated workmen and proper guidance shall also be provided
devices). to all the workmen to have a safe work progress.
Competent lead person shall be deployed on work to
Injury to personnel. 2 4 8 provide proper instructions to all the workers. 2 3 6 2 3 6
Fit for use type goggles shall be used by all the
workers being deployed on job.
Visual inspection/checking of hose line shall be
conducted prior to use of hydraulic jack. Third party inspection certificate of the hydraulic jack
In case of any spills/leakages seen on jack, the jack (50/100MT) shall be ensured before use of jack.
shall not be taken into use. The coupling shall be checked before use of jack for
Once the jack is put on use, area near to the nozzle of proper tightening.
the jack shall be made clear first and the same shall
Hydraulic stretching of be ensured always.
bolts Failure of hydraulic jack. Material damage 2 4 8 2 3 6 2 3 6

Workmen deployed on job shall be provided by fit for

use type goggles and hand gloves.
Injury to personnel. 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2 2
Personnel on job shall be informed to keep a safe
distance from the work place. A lead person shall vbe deployed on job and all the
person on job shall be instructed to follow the
Shear of bolts instructions provided by the foreman.
Bolts shall not be tightened more than its designed The pressure gauge in pump shall be ensured to be in
stress baring capacity. working condition.
Material damage 2 3 6 Communication between the person delpoyed on job 2 2 4 1 2 2
for applying prressure and the signal man shall be
kept strong for avoiding material damage.

Chance of eye infection 2 3 6 1 4 4 1 3 3

Use of FFP2 nose mask shall be ensured.
Barriers to be installed around workarea.
Fit for use type goggles shall be used by all the
Chemical substances. MSDS for the material shall be set ready in prior to
workmen deployed on job.
start of the work.
Use of leather/plastic handgloves shall be ensured.
Chance of faint 2 3 6 1 4 4 1 4 4

Poor/damaged lifting belt shall not be taken into use.

Cleaning of housing Experienced & Competent manpower with good Adequate capacity of lifting gears shall be considered
Breakage of lifting belt.(Can
body after removal and Selection/poor quality of lifting rigging skills shall be deployed on job. for safe work progress, always.
box-up belt.
cause material damage, 2 3 6
The deployed supervisor on job shall be advised to
2 2 4
Lifting equipments shoul shall be ensured for proper 1 3 3
personnel injury.)
provide a proper guidance to the manpower deployed color coding, identification & third party inspection.
on job.

Experienced & Competent manpower with good

rigging skills shall be deployed on job.
Personnel injury. 2 2 4 The deployed supervisor on job shall be advised to 2 2 4 1 3 3
provide a proper guidance to the manpower deployed
Inexperienced manpower on job. Regular workforce monitoring shall be done by the
deployed on job. deployed supervisor on job.

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment
Inexperienced manpower Regular workforce monitoring shall be done by the
deployed on job. deployed supervisor on job.

All the workmen shall be instructed to follow the

Material damage. 2 4 8 instructions given by the foreman to avoid poor work 2 3 6 1 2 2
environment that results in material damage.

All the lifting gears to be used in lifting activities shall

Failure of lifting gear.(Can Poor/damaged lifting gears shall not be taken into use. be ensured for proper color coding, identification &
Use of lifting gears(Slings, D-
cause material damage, injury 2 3 6 No workmen shall be allowed to stand underneath the 2 2 4 third party inspection. 1 2 2
to person.) suspended load. Adequate capacity of lifting gears shall be considered
for safe work progress, always.

Uncontrollable/abrupt speed of
2 3 6 2 3 6 1 4 4
hook lowering and lifting load. Experienced & Competent manpower shall be Experienced & Competent manpower shall be
Inexperienced/unauthorised deployed on job. deployed on job.
crane operator deployed on Crane operation shall not be carried out in high wind Crane operation shall not be carried out in high wind
job. or poor visibility environment. or poor visibility environment.
Movement of crane with abrupt
speed on loaded condition can 2 2 4 2 2 4 1 3 3
cause severe material damage.

Tool box talk shall be given to all the workmen

Manual handling. Hand injury. 2 3 6 Fit for use type hand gloves of shall be taken into use. 2 2 4 deployed on job and workmen shall be explained 1 3 3
about the do's & don’t's while executing te job.
Cleaning of buffer
rings after removal and Fall of material from height. 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2 2
Proper house keeping shall be done on the EOT
box-up Poor house keeping on EOT girder. Regular house keeping shall be done on the EOT
girder. The EOT girder shall be regulary monitored and shall girder.
be kept free of all the scraps & foreign materials.
Serious hand, foot, head injury. 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 3 3

The operator shall be advised to have a proper view of

Hit to personnel. 2 2 4 2 2 4 1 2 2
rail girder.
Movement of personnel on rail No other workmen shall be allowed to work near the Crane operator shall be informed to make a clear view
girder. rail girder once the crane operation is commenced. of the rail girder before moving on the rail.
The workmen at height shall be instructed to stay
Severe injury to the workmen. 2 2 4 2 2 4 1 2 2
away from the rail line.

Periodic inspection of grating for proper seating over Record shall be maintained for proper seating of
Opening of oil canal. Fall of person in oil canal. 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 3 3
oil canal shall be ensured. frame.

Invisibility resulting in material No lifting activity shall be carried out in heavy wind
2 4 8 2 3 6 2 2 4
damage. blow.
Work in poor climatic condition shall never be Regular climate monitoring shall be carried out to have
Poor climate condition. encouraged. a proper work progress.
Invisibility resulting in injury to Clear visibility during the lifting opration shall be
2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2 2
personnel. ensured.

Have adequate ventilation in a workplace to prevent

Breathing problem, Use of FFP2 mask during welding work shall be
Fumes generation 2 2 4 the displacement or enrichment of oxygen and to 2 2 4 2 2 4
Asphyxiation(Lack of Oxygen) ensured.
prevent the acumulation of flammable atmospheres.

Only trained and competent persons shall be deployed Supervisor shall be instructed to provide proper
Deployement of incompetent near and around the working area. instructions to all the workmen deployed on job.
Material damage. 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
personnel. Lead peson shall be available while carrying the Regular monitoring of deployed supervisor shall be
activity. ensured in prior to start of the work.

30mA ELCB shall be provided. Double Body earthing may be ensured.

Fire & Electrical hazard. Electrocution. 1 3 3 Regular monitoring while executing the job shall be 1 2 2 Electrician with permit and certified workmen shall 1 2 2
done by the deployed supervisor on job. only be deployed on job.

Material damage. 2 3 6 Proper type or ABC type Fire extinguisher shall be 1 4 4 1 4 4

Flammable materials near and provided.
Good house keeping shall be maintined.
beneath the working area. Small bins shall be provided to welder to keep the
Serious workmen injury. 2 3 6 waste welding bits. 1 4 4 1 4 4

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Burn injury. 1 3 3 1 2 2 Supervisor shall be instructed to provide proper 1 2 2

Welding shield & appron shall b provided.
instructions to all the workmen deployed on job.
Leather handgloves shall be provided to helper &
Non provision of PPE's. Regular monitoring of deployed supervisor shall be
Injury to personnel. 1 2 2 1 2 2 ensured in prior to start of the work. 1 2 2

Welding Whenever possible, isolate arc welding operations so Welding shield shall be used by welder with apron,
Light rays Spark can harm eyes 2 4 8 that other individuals are not exposed to direct rays.
2 3 6
hand and leg sleeve.
2 3 6

Welding bits, waste welding

Segregation of all types of scrap/waste shall be done House keeping of the work area shall be regularly
holder welding cables Electrical shock. 2 3 6 and store at designated waste bins.
2 3 6
done while executing the job.
2 3 6
electrode box generation.

All metal slag shall be removed after cutting and store

Metal slag generation Land contamination 2 2 4 at metal scrap bins.
2 2 4 Designated areas for bins shall be displayed. 2 2 4

Cutting in progress without Back fire, can lead to serious Cutting activity shall be carried out with proper use of NRV's shall be provided for both LPG and Oxygen
flashback arrestors. injury. 2 3 6 flashback arrestor. 2 2 4 cylinders while taking in use. 2 2 4
Apron with hand sleeves, leg sleeves shall be
Incompetant/inexperienced Only trained and competent persons shall be deployed provided to all the gas cutter deployed on job.
person deployed for cutting job.
Material damage. 2 3 6 near and around the working area. 2 2 4 2 2 4

Burn injury. 2 3 6 Leather handgloves shall be provided to the cutter & 1 4 4 1 4 4

Regular monitoring shall be done by the deployed
extinguisher shall be provided.
Non provision of PPE's. supervisor on job.
Injury to personnel. 2 2 4 Proper PPEs shall be provided. 1 3 3 1 3 3

Leather handgloves shall be provided to the cutter & Regular monitoring shall be done by the deployed
Fire hazard. Burn injury. 2 3 6 extinguisher shall be provided.
1 4 4
supervisor on job.
1 4 4

Proper type or ABC type Fire extinguisher shall be

Cutting Material damage. 1 3 3 provided. 1 2 2 1 2 2
Flammable materials near and Small bins shall be provided to welder to keep the Good house keeping shall be maintined.
beneath the working area. waste welding bits.
Serious workmen injury. 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2

Proper stacking of cylinders shall be ensured.

Fall of cylinder. 1 3 3 Cylinders shall be placed on separate trolleys to 1 2 2 1 2 2
prevent from fall.
Improper way of stacking the Regular monitoring shall be done by the deployed
cylinders. supervisor on job.
Cylinders shall be placed on separate trolleys to
Injury to personnel. 1 2 2 prevent from fall.
1 2 2 1 2 2

Non-return valve at each gas inlet of the blowpipe to

Pressure regulator and pressure gauge to control and
prevent back-feeding of oxygen to the fuel line and
monitor the pressure of the gas supply.
Large quatities of metal fume, vice-versa.
Eye injury and breathing Black color goggles, nose mask and apron shall be
fume particles with high
problem. 2 3 6 used.
2 2 4 Flashback arrestor incorporating pressure or 1 3 3
velocity and specific direction temperature cut-off valve to prevent propagation of
Proper ventilation shall be ensured to avoid breathing
flashback from the blowpipe and gas hoses into the
gas cylinders.

Fit for use type faceshield & leather hand gloves shall Regular monitoring shall be done by the deployed
Non-usage of Face shield. Face & Eye injury. 2 2 4 be provided for the grinder.
1 3 3
supervisor on job.
1 3 3

Periodic maintenance of grinding machine shall be

carried out for all the machines to be taken into used.
Grinding All the machine shall be labelled and inspected
Operation of grinding machine weekly. All the grinding machine shall be checked for removal
without removal of lasching.
Hand injury/Personnel injury. 2 2 4 Storage/stacking of wheels shall be done in proper
1 2 2
of lasching.
1 2 2
manner after use.
Designated bins shall be provided in the working area
to avoid poor house keeping.

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Fit for use type fire extinguisher shall be taken into

Spark generation resulting in
Fire hazard. fire thus resulting in material 2 3 6 No flammable material shall be kept near the work
1 4 4 Fire blanket shall be used. 1 4 4

30mA ELCB shall be provided. Double Body earthing may be ensured.

Electrical hazard. Electrocution. 2 2 4 Regular monitoring while executing the job shall be 2 2 4 Electrician with permit and certified workmen shall 2 2 4
done by the deployed supervisor on job. only be deployed on job.

Use of dust mask must be ensured for workforce
Breathing problem.
Generation of fumes and dust deployed on job. Fire blanket shall be used where ever possible to
or arc.
Asphyxiation and burn injury, 2 2 4 Leather handgloves, apron and face shield shall be
1 3 3
avoid scattering of arc.
1 2 2
insertion of foreign particles

Grinding machine with Material damage resulting in All rotating parts shall be covered by safety gaurds.
Appropriate type of wheel shall be used with grinding
inappropriate guard and workmen injury(Breakage of 2 3 6 Only right type of wheel shall be used with grinding 2 2 4 1 3 3
machine to avoid breakage and accidents.
grinding wheel grinding wheel) machine.

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