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1. The deadline for submission of the memorials is 11:59 p.m. of 24th

February, 2019, i.e. Sunday. Any delay in submission of the
memorial shall attract a penalty of 1 mark on each side for every
hour of delay.
2. Any person submitting their memorial beyond 2 p.m. on 25th
February, 2019 shall be automatically disqualified from
participating in the Fresher’s Moot 2019. The penalties shall be
calculated onto the final scores of the individual.
3. The memorials are to be submitted by mailing them to the following
email id: The format for
submission of the memorials is as follows: Freshers’ Moot_Participant
Code_Memorial for the Petitioner and Freshers’ Moot_Participant
Code_Memorial for the Respondent. The subject of the Email shall be
“Participant Code - Submission – Freshers’ Moot, 2019 Memorials.”
4. The memorials are to be submitted in Word format. The name of the
participant shall not be mentioned anywhere on the submission. Any
uniform rule of citation may be followed.
5. Please ensure that the pleadings section does not exceed 15 pages with
the inclusion of the prayer. The body of the memorial must be in
Times New Roman – font size 12 with the exception of Headings and
the Cover Page. The line spacing to be followed in the body of the
memorial must be 1.5. The citations must be in Times New Roman –
font size 10 with a line spacing of 1.0.

6. The structure of the Memorial must be follows:
 Cover Page
 Table of Contents
 Table of Abbreviations
 Index of Authorities
 Statement of Jurisdiction
 Statement of Facts
 Issues raised
 Summary of arguments
 Arguments advanced/pleadings
 Prayer
7. The scoring pattern followed by the judges will be as follows:
 Recognition of issues: complete and correct recognition
and weighing of issues (10 marks)
 Correct primary and alternative submissions (10 marks)
 Identification of legal principles (20 marks)
 Quality and extent of research: Use of relevant case law,
academic writings etc. (20 marks)
 Appreciation and application of facts to law (15 marks)
 Logical structure of arguments and clarity of thought
(15 marks)
 Formatting, citations etc. (10 marks)


8. The participants have to represent both the petitioner and the

respondent according to the allocated date. The details regarding the
Courtroom, the session, and side being represented by the parties for
shall be intimated to the parties a few days before the Moot.
9. The oral rounds shall not be conducted in ex-parte format i.e. speakers
arguing on behalf of the petitioner and respondent shall both be present

in the courtroom during the oral rounds. The rounds shall begin with the
speaker for petitioner presenting their arguments first, followed by the
speaker for respondent.
10. The Freshers’ Moot shall start at 9 a.m. on 2nd March 2019.
11. Failure of a student to report at the courtroom in a timely manner will be
considered as withdrawal without genuine excuse.
12. The participants are to be in white shirt, black pants, black blazer and
black shoes while in the Court.
13. One hard copy of the memorial shall be presented to the court officer of
the side the participant is representing at the beginning of each session.
The participant shall legibly write his/her participant code on the cover
page of the hard copy of the memorial.
14. The hard copy shall be identical to the soft copy mailed to the
organizers. Modifications/additions/alterations shall attract penalties to
the speaker score as well as the researcher score. The quantum of penalty
will be determined later at the discretion of the Organizers depending on
the nature of the violation.
15. The participants shall introduce themselves by their Participant Code.
The speaker shall have 15 minutes of speaking time. Strict adherence to
the time limit is to be followed. Any act in contravention of this rule
shall result in reduction in speaking scores.
16. No rebuttals shall be entertained at any point during the moot.
17. The participants shall follow strict courtroom decorum and any violation
of this rule shall entail disqualification from the Fresher’s Moot.
18. The performance of the participant shall be judged under the following
 Knowledge and use of facts (10 marks)
 Correct articulation of facts (10 marks)

 Correct articulation of legal issues and legal analysis (10 marks)
 Knowledge of law and its interpretation (10 marks)
 Use of authorities (10 marks)
 Response to questions (10 marks)
 Skills of advocacy and persuasiveness (10 marks)
 Language and style (10 marks)
 Clarity, brevity and ingenuity (10 marks)
 Court manners and general impression (10 marks)
19. The score of a participant shall be determined by taking the average of
the marks awarded by the two judges.
20. The assessments made by the judges in the oral rounds shall be final.
21. The decision of the Organizers as regards the interpretation of rules or
any other matter related to the Competition shall be final and binding.
22. If there is any situation, which is not contemplated in the Rules, the
decision of the Organizers on the same shall be final and binding.
23. The organizers reserve the right to vary, alter, modify or repeal any of
the above rules.


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