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Problem Set No.

Answer the following:

1. Consider the given graph.

(a) Determine the number of vertices of the graph.
(b) Determine whether the graph is connected.

2. Consider the given graph.

(a) Determine the number of vertices of the graph.
(b) Determine whether the graph is connected.

3. Consider the given graph.

(a) Determine the number of vertices of the graph.
(b) Determine whether the graph is connected.

4. The table below shows all the nonstop airline flights available between five cities. Draw a graph
to represent the information, where each vertex represents a city and each nonstop flight between
two cities is represented by an edge.

Ashton Lakeview Carson Oroville Wilton

Ashton — yes yes no yes

Lakeview yes — no no yes

Carson yes no — yes yes

Oroville no no yes — no

Wilton yes yes yes no —

5. Which of the following graphs are equivalent?

6. Find a Hamiltonian circuit on the graph below, beginning with vertex F.

7. A bus that picks up day-workers for farmers has established pickup points at several places. The
table below lists the distances (in miles) between the pickup points, measured along the only
available routes. Starting at point D, use the Greedy Algorithm to find a route that takes the bus to
each pickup point once and returns to point D. Give the total mileage for that route
Pickup Point A B C D E

A — 8 12 9 —

B 8 — 8 16 18

C 12 8 — 16 8

D 9 16 16 — 15

E — 18 8 15 —

8. Determine which graph is nonplanar and indicate whether it contains a Utilities Graph or as a

Graph I Graph II Graph III

10.If a planar drawing of a graph has 12 edges and 8 vertices, how many faces does the graph have?
Determine which graph is nonplanar and indicate whether it contains a Utilities Graph or as a

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