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 “A patriot is indefatigable in promoting political truth”. The statement means  Agamemnon, the leader of the Achaeans has a fondness for women which is
a hero practices political truth. synonymous to penchant.

 “As far back as I can remember, our family had always been an extended  Algie’s family lives (on, in) Ipil Street because on is used to indicate days,
one. Our grandmother was the mainstay in the family the silent strength complete dates and names of street, avenues and boulevard.
behind our mother who is her daughter.” The informal guide and honorary
household chief in the extended family is the grandmother.  Allegory is a symbolic fictional account conveying meaning/s beyond the
 “Because of PROFANITY the program was suspended from television.” The
capitalized word means Obscenity.  Alliteration is the repetition of the same sounds at the beginning of words in
lines of poetry and even in prose.
 “Faster than a speeding bullet, the citizens of Metropolis saw superman
flying overhead” has a misplaced modifier.  Among crane, brine, pristine and quarantine, brine sounds like fine.

 “Holding wonder like a cup” is an example of simile.  An audience should be regarded as people who have views different from
 “How much money did you bring for shopping?” could be answered by the
statement: None, but I have a credit card  An early tragedy about two teenage star-crossed lovers which end with their
suicides, uniting rival households of a long-running family feud is Romeo and
 “If you want the moon I will get it for you” is an example of hyperbole. Juliet.

 “In the story, who is short?” is a question that falls under the Literal  Arnold would read any book or magazine he could lay his hands on and read
Comprehension Level. from cover to cover in one sitting, therefore, he is such a voracious reader.

 “My head is bloody but unbowed”, is hyperbole.  Assumption does not belong with the words summary, synthesis and
generalization because all of them connotes “wrapping up” a particular text.
 “Nothing happens in this world by chance; it is all of a grand design.” The
author speaks of one’s destiny.  At the Philippine General Hospital, doctors reported on the abandoned
patients which mean the patients are left behind by relatives.
 “Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever
regret” is a good advice for those who are  Avoiding challenging tasks is NOT characteristic of people with a strong
ill-tempered and impulsive. sense of self-efficacy.

 “Stephen Crane was born in 1971 in New Jersey, but his family settled in  Banks provide convenient service to customers 24 hours a day via ATMs.
New York. His father, a Methodist minister, died when Stephen was nine
years old. He came to know New York through its slum and street life,  Becky Sharp, the main character of the novel “Vanity Fair” by Thackery, has
particularly in Bowery.” The most appropriate heading of the paragraph is been trying to forget about her first love, but she knows that doing so takes a
Stephen’s family and boyhood. lifetime. The verb is in present perfect progressive tense.

 “The figures must be TRANSMUTED in order to understand the grade.” The  Bienvenido Santos is a Filipino migrant writer whose fiction stories reflect
capitalized word means changed. the Filipino’s concepts of American culture.

 “The rustling trees during winter” inspired Robert Frost in writing most of his  Children who have been watching a lot of television would likely suffer from
Inspirational poem is an example of onomatopoeia. short attention span.

 “The sun was a ball of fire over the mountain” is a Metaphor  Christian faith was the central focus of much of Philippine literature during
the Hispanic colonial period.
 “To be or not to be”, the beginning of the soliloquy of Hamlet expresses a
feeling of indecision.  Classical is an artistic tradition that seeks to revive past glory in various
 A ballad often rhymes abcd is NOT true about ballad.
 Considering the “tayo-tayo” mentality of the Filipinos, one goal for CHANGE
 A good writer supports his generalizations with concrete examples. that should be worked on is to develop a sense of common good.

 A lengthy poem about a heroic figure usually with superpowers is called epic.  De Maupassant was the foremost French short story writer.

 A number of endangered species living underwater are now extinct because  Democracy was the dream realized by Nelson Mandela.
of illegal hunting and dynamite fishing. Sentence beginning with
“a number” always take a plural verb.  Don Quixote, the hero of Cervantes’ immortal novel rode forth to defend the
oppressed and right the wrong.
 A poem which is usually composed of fourteen lines which follow specific
patterns of rhyme is called sonnet.  Drama (appears, appear) to be the most interesting co-curricular activity of
the year.
 A story put together through an exchange of letters like Urbana and Felisa is
called epistolary literature.  During seminars or lecture forums you should clarify what you didn’t
understand by waiting for the open forum to politely ask questions.
 Abraham Lincoln wrote the oratorical piece The Gettysburg Address.
 Edgar Allan Poe is known as the father of Horror/Detective Stories. Among
 According to the current linguistic theories, the best definition of the his famous works are Annabel Lee, The Raven, The Fall of the House of Usher
meaning of a word is its use in a particular situation. and The Cask of Amontillado.

 According to the report done by the fire department, the explosion was  Editorial section is the part of the newspaper where you can see the
caused by a loose connection. opinions of the people.

 Adults acquire new words and experience primarily through exposure to  Educational psychology is the application of the principles of theories of
their use. human behavior in teaching and learning.
 If the president listened to the wails of his people, he would have stopped
 Egyptian literature is identified as Mediterranean literature. the killings in Mindanao. This case is third conditional because its speculates
situations that happened or did not happen in the past.
 Emily Dickinson is known for her candor about some issues on poetic
freedom meaning she exhibits frankness.  If you chance upon the principal on your way out of the campus, please send
him my best wishes.
 Emphatic verbs are used to give certain emphasis like do, does and did.
 If you drink poison, you die. This case is zero conditional because it describes
 Equating the artist as an “improviser” means he/she selects subjects at situations that are always true or factual.
 If you forgot your textbook, you can use mine, Karl.
 Even when her friends betray her. Perla bears no rancor in her heart because
she is not Bitter.  If you want to be recognized, have a finger in the pie meaning you have to
make an active part in something.
 Fish and fries are my cousin’s favorite fast food meal. Fish and fries are taken
as a single entity.  Illogical conclusion is the logical fallacy in: “You once sponsored a project of
the governor, therefore you are the governor’s crony.
 Free verse is a poem with irregular or no rhyme scheme and no meter at all.
 In a station of the Metro is a classic example of imagism as the poet, Ezra
 Fricatives are sounds produced when the air stream is compressed and Pound describes a moment in the Underground Metro Station in Paris.
passes through a small opening creating friction.
 In critical listening, the listener is concerned with acquiring new knowledge
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky had been writing his last novel, Brother Karamazov for the purpose of improving skills in generalizing and decision making.
when he died. The sentence given is in the past perfect progressive because
the first past action is still happening when the second past action transpired.  In Kerima Polotan Tuvera’s short story “The Virgin,” Ms. Mijares failed to find
a man to marry because she took care of her sick mother.
 Gabriel slept soundly in his air-conditioned room last night.
 In Macbeth, we see a man whose downfall was caused by overwhelming
 Geoffrey Chaucer has always been called the Morning Star/Father of English ambition for power.
 In one of his poems, the Filipino author Zulueta da Costa used simile when
 Guy De Maupassant was the foremost French short story writer who wrote he said that the Filipinos are like the molave.
some 300 short stories, six novels, three travel books, and one volume of
verse.  In Paz Latorena’s story “The Small Key”, old clothes and other things owned
by the first wife are inside the chest when the second wife, Solenad, opened
 Haiku is a traditional Japanese poem consisting of three lines totaling 17 it using the small key.
syllables with nature as topic.
 In Psalm 23 otherwise known as “Psalm of David”, he will be provided peace
 He is the black sheep of the family is an example of a metaphor. and prosperity is the closest meaning to the line: “He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters.”
 He was excused because all he said were white lies. The idiomatic expression
means lines recited are excusable.  In sentence with multiple adjectives, the order of adjectives must be
Determiner, Observation, Size, Shape, Age, Color, Origin, Material, Qualifier
 He was like a snake in the night is a simile because the statement is just like in the case of: She drives an expensive black Japanese car.
comparing the snake to the night using the word like.
 In the count of Monte Crristo, Edmond Dante was wrongfully imprisoned on
 His discussion is excellent and connected to the case. Devil’s Island.

 Homer is the first mythical geographer who was recognized due to his vivid  In the Loreto Paras Sulit’s short story, “The Bolo”, the Bolo that was given to
descriptions of lands and people encountered by his hero Ulysses. her by her husband is being treasured by the main character. The obvious
lesson in the short story “the Bolo” is heritage is more important than
 “How she made both ends meet, guided us in our studies and did small acts psychological needs.
of charity on the side was beyond me.” The mother’s financial resources are
limited.  In the School Paper, the Editor-in-Chief is in-charge of the entire publication.

 I can’t find my calculator; may I use yours Michael?  In the speech process, resonation is concerned with amplifying and enriching
the voice, using human amplifiers such as the nose, windpipe, and chest.
 I die when the dawn breaks to herald the day is a line from Mi Ultimo Adios
by Jose Rizal.  In the state of confusion is meant by AT SIXES AND SEVENS in the sentence:
We moved into the house last week, but I’m afraid everything is till at sixes
 I thought he task was heavy for Reneboy and (us, me). and sevens.

 I value a man for the size of his heart could be interpreted as Man’s kindness  Informal Reading Inventory or IRI is a reading technique utilized when a
is most important. teacher asks his student to read a particular passage, then marks
mispronounced words.
 I will not leave you to come hell or high water meaning the speaker will not
leave the person no matter what.  Is this spot where you had the accident?

 Iah has not forgotten that she was betrayed by her best friend and carried  It is altogether fitting that we recognize a literary seminar to pay homage to
such rancor in her deeply offended heart for a long time. a great Filipino writer.

 If I had taken my chance on love, I would have been happier.  Jose Garcia Villa is a Filipino poet who uses punctuation marks extensively in
his pieces-most especially commas.
 If the murder weapon is not found inside the bag of Aksionov, he will not
suffer imprisonment. This case is first conditional because it speculates  Juncture is suprasegmental that pertains to the pauses or rests in speech.
situations that are possible to happen at present time or in the future.
 Let us campaign for the total ban on the use of harmful insecticides.
 Salvador Lopez is known as the rival of Jose Garcia Villa on issues concerning
 Mario’s father is an alcoholic, a chain smoker, and a gambler. But Mario is his the purpose of art.
contrast because he does not drink, smoke nor gamble. This case proves that
one’s value system is acquired.  Security is the theme of the quote: “Have a good bank account, a good cook,
and a good digestion”.
 Mother finally found time to rest after working the whole day.
 Several factors must be assessed to arrive at a sound decision.
 My father and I met a friend of ours in the shopping center.
 She hurt (himself, herself) when she was slicing the onions.
 My goal, to be independently wealthy by the age of fifty, is looking
increasingly unrealistic contains an appositive phrase.  She wrote a “first-rate” report. It implies the report was excellent.

 Neither F. Scott Fitzgerald nor his contemporaries use their real names in  Skimming is reading to get the main idea while scanning is reading to get
their writing carrier. In sentences with “neither, nor, and either, or” the verb specific information.
must agree to the closest noun.
 Some scientist and Bible scholars agree with the prophecy that the Earth is
 Neither his followers nor Walt Whitman was convinced that the ideas of coming to an end.
Emerson are out of this world.
 Stephen’s writings includes ‘The open Boat’ which he wrote as a result of a
 Neither Ralph Waldo Emerson nor his friends were present at the meeting shipwreck he experienced on his way to Cuba to report a war in progress
last night. there.

 Neither the teacher nor the students were present in the affairs.  Tanka is composed of 31 syllables, 5 lines, with love and nature as the topic.

 Nelson Mandela gave up armed struggle and chose the peaceful way to  Technology in the field of medicine has improved tremendously since the
freedom. He is a world leader who is a model of non- violence. beginning of the 21st century.

 Nelson Mandela realized his dream of free and non-racial South Africa by  Thales of Mellitus is the first man to replace myth with natural laws and
forgiving his oppressors and negotiating in good faith for the peaceful causes observing that all living things are elements of nature.
transition to democracy thereby demonstrated his trait of forgiving.
 The (morality, moral) lesson of the story is that honesty is the best policy.
 Nelson Mandela’s dream of South Africa, which was realized was democracy.
 The appropriate response to the question “Did you understand the
 Nick Joaquin is a Filipino writer whose stories and poems depict Filipino- direction?” is “Thanks, I certainly did”.
Spanish cultural beliefs and traditions.
 The audience exhibit enthusiasm for the play; they seem interested.
 Of epigrams, the meaning of “A friend is one who knows all about you and
loves you just the same is true friendship.  The Bible goes foe parallelism. It says “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven” which means poor spirit can be an open
 Omar Khayan wrote the Rubaiyat which adheres to the carpe diem gate to heaven.
movement that states that we should eat now, drink and be merry for
tomorrow we’ll die. The Rubaiyat has the theme “Grasping pleasure while  The brain can store ADMONITORY information. ADMONITORY means
you can.” warning to avoid danger

 One of the outstanding and distinct features of Latin America Literature is  The capitalized word means irrelevant in the statement: Your statements are
the use of magic realism. IMPERTINENT to the case.

 One of the questions which the epic Divine Comedy seeks for the reader to  The capitalized word means loveliness in the statement: She is a vision of
ponder upon is: What is the purpose of life? feminine PULCHRITUDE.

 Only 35% of the total number of students were able to pass the  The capitalized word means obscenity in the statement: Because of
comprehensive exam last year. Nouns in percent and in fraction take plural PROFANITY, the program was suspended from television.
verbs if paired with count nouns and singular verbs when paired with non-
count nouns.  The capitalized word means prophetic in the statement: The writer’s
APOCALYPTIC accounts suggest the end of the world.
 Ophelia Dimalanta is known for the love sonnets she wrote.
 The capitalized word means verbose in the statement: We listened to a
 Pastoral is a poem that describes life in rural areas in a romanticized way. LOQUACIOUS speaker.

 Pedro Bukaneg is the father of Ilocano Literature.  The cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe resembles the theme of the
poem “A Poison Tree”.
 Pitch is concerned about high and low in voice volume and quality.
 The characters Kriemhild and Siegfried are found in the medieval German
 Pitch level 3 must be used in emphasizing or stressing the main idea in a epic Nibelungenlied.
sentence according to traditional grammar rules.
 The collection of stories of animals which teach moral lessons is Aesop’s
 Posture is the way a body is carried while speaking. Fables.

 Ralph Waldo once said, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”.  The courage of the child who saved his brother from a raging fire is worth
 Rig Veda is a collection of Indian sacred hymns while Upanishad is a
collection of religious texts.  The doctor recommended eating healthier meals and doing exercise.

 Rita is the smarter of the twins because it is at the comparative degree of  The empty board (was left, was leaving) on the table.
 The expression of “baduy” connotes awkward looking.
 The Filipinos are deeply religious; however, sometimes this religiosity instills  Those towels are too wet for us to dry the dishes.
the NEGATIVE attitude of resignation and ends up into doing nothing to
improve one’s condition.  Think is an example of a word with voiceless /th/ sound. The vibrations in the
vocal chords determine if a particular sound is voiced or voiceless.
 The five skills essential for real reading to take place according to Jean Chall
are phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and  Thomas Carlyle said, “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a
comprehension. rudder” could be interpreted as there should be a strong driving force in
one’s life.
 The folk song “Atin Cu Pung Singsing” originated in Pampanga.
 Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the glass, Of glory in
 The idea that a thing is like a white elephant means that it is beautiful but the flower, we will grieve not, Rather find strength in what remains behind.
useless. This stanza expresses hope.

 The line from the Koran, “Woe to every backbiter,” talks of Misery for those  To emphasize possession, the stress must be placed on the possessive
who talks ill of others. adjective “my” in the sentence; That is my boyfriend.

 The line “Under the bludgeoning chance, My head is bloody but unbowed  TRANSCENDENTAL meditation is practiced in Yoga. TRANSCENDENTAL means
depict the person’s determination. supernatural.

 The main thought of William Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice is that mercy  Upanishad is a collection of Indian sacred text.
is spontaneous and freely given.
 What is true to you is not true to me is the meaning of “ Is the world only an
 The man in the mirror looks strange. If the subject is stationary and if there is illusion, as the Chinese philosophers say, “ You cannot visit the same
no subject, the verb of sense functions as a linking verb and requires an (flowing) river.
 William Blake is the writer of the poem “A Poison Tree”. The apple
 The member of the congregation are all together inside the conference room represents a trap that the persona was able to make for his enemy.
 William Ernest Henley is the author of the poem Invictus.
 The morning air smells sweet in the garden.
 William Shakespeare is considered as the greatest English writer and also
 The most appropriate follow-up sentence to the statement I have been known as the Bard of Avon.
searching for love is: And I can’t imagine doing anything else. The given
sentence is in the present perfect progressive tense.  Wise people can cope with frustrations.

 The ode “Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood is  Workers in the service sector should be trained to act as courteously as
authored by William wordsworth. possible.

 The overriding issue tackled in the epic Song of Roland is loyalty to God and  You should be ashamed of yourself for having such CARNAL desires. CARNAL
King. means worldly.

 The Philippine is considered ESL nation because England is used as an  Your boss isn’t working anymore, is he? If the base sentence is negative, the
important medium in Mass Media, Law, Business, and in Education. tag must be positive.

 The phrase of democracy will die is associated with President Ramon

 The proposed project (is, are) within the budget of the school.  “Remembrance to my hometown” was written by Rizal in memory of
Calamba which demonstrated his innate love of nature that ultimately
 The Psalms of King David is the greatest lyric poem in the literature of the developed into a greater love of nation.
 “To the Filipino Youth” was a prize-winning poem by Rizal which proved that
 The Senator approached the podium with his spiel. His hands were shaking an Indio was not only equal but also more superior than the Spaniards in
and he was sweating tremendously. He experienced stage fright. poetry writing.

 The significance of evaluation of the audience in speech is as assessment of  A Cartel is a combination of independent business organizations form to
speech made. regulate production, pricing, and marketing of goods by the members.

 The spectators never fail to admire the great Greek tragedy writer Sophocles  A La Juventud Filipina was the title of Rizal’s work considered to be his
whenever he narrates his drama. crowning glory as a young poet.

 The statement “O wild west wind!” is an example of apostrophe.  A prisoner was made to confess his guilt. A lawyer of the respondent was
present during the confession. The violation was the confession was made
 The student’s request to re-set the test (is, are) reasonable. without a due consultant.

 The tribulations that I faced were (so much, too much) for me to overcome.  A recently (1976) awarded national artist for sculpture was Napoleon V.
The word too must match the word for. Abueva.

 The words “inappropriate, illegal, irresponsible, unaware” have prefixes  Alibata is considered as the earliest form of writing in the Philippines.
which are classified as negative.
 Among the Social Sciences, political Science is concerned with political
 There are times when we are forced to do things against our own volitions processes, power struggle and governments.
thus violating our free will.
 An international convention where the Philippines can validate its claim to
 There was an ESOTERIC lecture on holography. Esoteric means the Spratlys and other territories in the West Philippine sea is known as the
understandable only by a selected group. United Nations on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
 Analects which are short and witty sayings that treat of moral values and  Dr. Jose Rizal’s La Liga organization could be likened to the national socio-
good human relation, are attributed to Confucius. civic organization according to present-day social groups/movements.

 Antonio Luna was the founder and editor of the newspaper “La  During 17th-18th century Hispanic era, governadorcillo was the highest post a
Independencia”. native and Chinese mestizo can attain at the municipal level, equivalent to
local bureaucrats namely the mayors today.
 Art is the product of the man’s need to express himself with a high degree of
sensitivity towards his environment. Carlos V. Francisco is the painter of  During the Hispanic era, native and Chinese male metizos 16-60 years old are
fisherfolks and farmers of his hometown in Rizal. obligated to do forced labor called polo for forty days. However, an
exemption could be made by paying the falla.
 As far as human right is concerned, “presumption of innocence” means the
suspect remains innocent until proven guilty.  During the Spanish period, Indulto de Comercio refers to the privilege of the
provincial Governor to engage in trade.
 Augustinians are religious missionaries who first arrived in the Philippines.
 Father Pedro Pelaez was the Spanish mestizo priest who first led the native
 Bicameralism best describes the division of the legislature into the Senate secular clergy in the Secularization Movement in 1861.
and the House of Representatives.
 Felipe Agoncillo led the presentation of the Filipino people during the
 Bicameralism serves as the training ground for the national leaders. negotiation between the United States and Spain for the Treaty of Paris.

 Blue collar mania can result owing to bias among parents and the youth  Ferdinand Marcos promised to make his country great again and ruled for
towards manual or technical occupations, eg. Masons, mechanics, plumbers, about twenty years.
 Financial assets is NOT among the many topics which the political scientist
 Check and Balance is a constitutional safeguard prevents one branch of needs to directly consider from a psychological approach to improve
government from becoming powerful or abusive. statesmanship.

 China is the largest country in Asia.  Fiscal Autonomy is guarantee given by the Constitution to certain units of
government where their approved annual appropriations shall be
 Clean Air Act requires industries to install anti-pollution devices and bans the automatically and regularly released.
use of incinerators.
 Frailocracia was the term given by Marcelo H. Del Pilar to hidden control and
 Colonialism is an economic policy in the 16th century in Europe that domination by Spanish religious priests over the colonial government.
influenced Spain’s expansionist policy to discover new lands.
 Gemeinchaft (Community) is characterized by shared experiences and
 Community tax is the tax required to be paid annually by all adult citizens of mutual responsibilities.
the Philippines.
 General desposition to doubt since no facts can be definitely known is
 Constitution is the fundamental law of the Philippines. philosophical skepticism.

 Corregimientos are military provinces that were unpacified during the  Gesellchaft (society) features the exchange of goods, money, and services.
Spanish period, that was usually led by a Corregidor, helped by a lieutenant.
 Governor General Despujol was popular with natives but aroused the wrath
 Creoles (Mixed Hispanic Filipino blood) first used the name ‘Filipinos” of religious orders who are said to have paid 100,000 dollars for his dismissal.
considering that native Filipinos in the Philippines were simply called “indios”
 Governor General Narciso Claveria was responsible for the use of Spanish
 Crimea is a major land mass on the northern coast of the black Sea that is surname by Filipinos.
almost completely surrounded by water.
 Graciano Lopez-Jaena was the first editor of La Solidaridad and an orator of
 Culture refers to everything which is socially learned and shared by members the Reform Movemnent.
of the society.
 Gregoria de Jesus saw her husband Andres Bonifacio charge for treason by
 Culture shock is the term for the unpleasant sensation or frustration when a fellow Filipinos who have formed the Philippine Revolutionary force to fight
traditional-bound Filipino goes to the U.S. and observes the open display of Spain.
love and emotions.
 Hongkong is not an ASEAN country.
 Debt refers to any liability to pay money arising out of contract, express or
implied.  If you keep seeing your ways of doing things as the right way and everybody
else’s as the wrong way, you tend to have the attitude called ethnocentrism.
 Declaring an act of the Philippines unconstitutional is a check on the
executive department by the judiciary in the principle check and balance  In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and
among branches of the government. services in an economy over a period of time.

 Democracy refers to the involvement of all citizens in the control of the  In order to avoid unnecessary stress in the ARMM election, postponing the
government. On the other hand, oligarchy delegates control of government election to a later date were undertaken lately by the government.
to a selected few.
 In point of population, China is the largest state with a population placed at
 Democratic Republic is our present form of government and NOT a form of about 1.2 billion people.
government during the colonial period.
 In the Philippine government, the earliest and smallest service of governance
 Deposit is income saved but not used through investment. is the barangay.

 Deterioration of account position is the direct effect of slowing of import  Income tax is a tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals.
growth in an economy.
 Indirect or representative is our present form of government that
 Diego de los Rios was the last Spanish Governor-General of the Philippines. characterizes our Republic which elects national and local officials in
 Of the seven continents comprising continues land mass surrounded by big
 Industrialized countries’ toxic disposed to poorer countries demonstrates bodies of water, the biggest (30.1 percent of the earth) is Asia.
interconnectedness between social and environmental injustice.
 One instance of taking away the life of another person without due process is
 Inheritance tax is a kind of tax on the right of the deceased person to salvaging.
transmit his state to his lawful heirs of beneficiaries.
 One of the advantages of the presidential system of government is the
 Initiative is the power of the people to propose amendments to the principle of the separation of powers and checks and balances is observed.
 One of the pledges of the President of the Philippines is to defend its
 Jones Law enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1916 established a biacameral constitution.
legislature in the Philippines with the senator (upper house) and House of
Representatives (lower house) to be composed of elected Filipinos.  Originally written in Tagalog, the poem “Kundiman” is one of the only two
poems that Rizal wrote in his vernacular.
 Jose Basco was the Spanish governor-general who established the “tobacco
monopoly” in 1781.  Participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office,
is secured within the citizenry’s political rights.
 Jose Dela Cruz was the literary figure known as “Huseng Sisiw” while Jose
Corazon de Jesus is known as Huseng Batute.  Patents patriae is prerogative inherent in the state where it is called upon to
protect those with less than full capacity to take adequate care of their own
 Jose Rizal was born in Calamba, Laguna on June 19, 1861. interest.

 Just Compensation refers to the full and fair equivalent of the property take  Personal income tax should be paid and filed every year by employees and
from its owner by the expropriator, and the gauge for computation is not the corporation. However , retired government employees receiving only
taker’s gain but the owner’s loss. pensions are exempted from filing income tax returns.

 Kanya-kanya is divisive in interpersonal relationship in Philippine social  Philippine economy indices are closely related to the rise and fall of the US
culture. Dollars.

 Leaders are the product is of their times is the social scientist’s explanation  Philippine Independent Church is a religious institution serving as the only
of the relationship of a leader to history. living remnant of the Philippine Revolution of 1896 today

 Leadership by people of talent is the possible consequence of meritocracy  Political will is the determination of the government to relate to what is
on a social system. perceived as beneficial to public interests and acts to implement its decision
on such order to achieve better future for its citizens.
 Legislative department has the authority to make laws and alter or repeal
them.  Polo was the name of the forced labor Imposed during the Spanish regime.

 Liberalization of media was the mechanism the government from 1971-2003  Preamble of the Jones Law contained the concrete promise of the Americans
use through mass media to stay for a decade-and-a-half in political power. to Filipinos independence “as soon as stable government can be
 Lina adjusted the way she dresses upon advice by her mother exemplifies
that culture is transmitted orally.  Ramon Magsaysay was the Philippine President who was known as “the Man
of the Masses”.
 Literary ideology and phraseology be characterized as crude during the days
of our pre-Hispanic folks.  Reduccion is a Spanish policy which provided the resettlement of Filipino
communities to form town centers of cabeceras.
 Lucio San Pedro the famous composer from Angono who is also a national
artist.  Religious sector cannot participate under the party-list system of
 Macario Sakay was the revolutionary leader who refused to surrender to the
Americans even after General Malvar’s surrender, and declared himself  Republic Act 9994 is also known as the Expanded Senior Citizens’ act.
President and Commander-in-Chief of the Supreme Government of the
Tagalog Archipelago.  Right against double jeopardy means that when a person is charged with an
offense and the case is terminated either by acquittal or conviction or in any
 Marcelo H. del Pilar was the second editor of “La Solidaridad” with the other manner without the express consent of the accused, the latter cannot
penname Dolores Manapat. again be charged with the same identical offense.

 Mercantilism is an economic policy in 16th century in Europe that influenced  Rio Grande de Cagayan is the longest river in the country that originates
Spain’s expansionist policy to discover new lands. from the mountains of Quirino and Nueva Vizcaya and drains the whole
Cagayan Valley existing through the town of Aparri and Cagayan.
 Military, Civil, Commonwealth is the sequence of government that
happened during the American regime.  Rizal was eight years old when he wrote the poem Our Mother Tongue.

 Modern capitalism is the characteristic of entrepreneurship.  Rizal’s loneliness is profoundly expressed in the poem “They Ask Me for
 Monopoly is when one controls the supply/production of goods.
 San Francisco de Malabon Band played the Marcha Nacional Filipino of the
 National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) is an agency tasked to national antheme on June 12, 1898, during the declaration of Philippine
nurture Philippine Arts. Independence.

 Negritos were the aboriginal settlers in the islands, prior to succeeding  Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases involving graft
migrants who crossed the seas from the Southern Philippines. and corrupt practices and such offences committed by public officers and
employees in relation to their offices as may be determined by the law.
 Of the accepted aims in studying Political Science, to win elections and hold
public office is NOT regarded as immediately relevant.  Sigmund Freud is considered as the father of modern psychology.
 Since Philippine is a republic, democratic country, it elects president directly.  The earliest mode of economic life in human history according to Karl Marx is
Election Precint is the smallest electoral unit of the government. called primitive communism.

 Since the Philippine is a republic, democratic country, it elects president  The economic policy that good action is one that helps the greatest number
directly. Election Precint is the smallest electoral unit of the government. of people is called utilitarianism.

 Social Justice is a state of policy that provides for preferential attention to  The evidence of the success the cooperatives can eventually put up banks
the welfare of the less fortunate members of the Philippine society. on their own is that many banks in Metro Manila and Central Luzon started
out as cooperatives.
 Squatters return to the squatters’ area is the reason that the housing
program for all these years did not succeed.  The first American Civil Governor was William Howard Taft, who who served
as President Commission until he became civil governor in September 1901.
 St. Augustine’s philosophy gives prominence to faith in understanding the
existence of God.  The fulfillment of the collective needs to the human species, including global
society is to pursue public interests.
 St. Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy advocated the use of reason in
understanding the existence of God.  The function by which schools help children to participate effectively in
larger society is called socialization.
 Suffrage is the right and duty Filipino exercise when they participate in
ratifying a proposed constitution.  The fundamental right invoked by filing the “writ of amparo” is the right to
life, liberty and security.
 Sulu Sultanate was the first Sultanate in the Philippines which was founded
by Abu Bakar in 1450.  The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was a multilateral
agreement regulating international trade.
 Supreme Court is the only constitutional court in the Philippines.
 The government wants a piece of private land for a government project. The
 Taoism is another Chinese Philosophy about the same period as owners resisted the government’s demand. The government may own the
Confucianism, but more spiritual rather than ethical interest as it stressed land through right of eminent domain.
that nature contains a divine impulse that directs all life. Lao-Tzu is the
philosopher behind Taoism.  The highest mountain in the continent of Africa is Mt. Kilimanjaro.

 Taxation is the power of the state that enables it to impose charge of burden  The International Race Research Institute (IRRI) was conceptualized and
upon persons, property, or property of rights for the use and support of the implement during the term of President Ferdinand Marcos.
government in its discharge of appropriate functions.
 The Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two factions - the Magdiwang and
 Territory is that definite or portion of the earth’s surface which is the subject the Magdalo while the Magdiwang in Cavite was led by Mariano Alvarez,
of sovereignty rights and interests. Baldomero Aguinaldo led the the Magdalo faction.

 The statement both husband and wife are co-equal is guaranteed by the  The longest revolt in Philippine History is called Dagohoy Revolt, which
Civil Code of the Philippines. lasted for 85 years, from 1744-1829.

 The “La Liga Filipina” was a concrete evidence of Rizal’s desire to unite the  The MAJOR RIVERS IN CHINA are the Hwang-Ho and Yangtze.
entire archipelago and fight injustice in the country.
 The maxim “There is no such thing as free lunch” means every action and
 The 1987 Constitution was framed by Constitutional Commission. the decision has a price that we need to pay.

 The Act/Law that led to the granting of the ten-year transition period is The  The most devastating typhoon in 2009 with damage of 1.09 billion dollars
tydings-McDuffie act. and 747 fatalities was known as Ondoy.

 The ancient civilization of China existed in Yellow River.  The mountain that separates the continents of Asia and Europe is the Ural
Mountain range.
 The assumption “ceteris paribus” mean we assume a perfectly competitive
market.  The Nazi Holocaust or the extermination of the Jews during World War II is
an example of ethnocentrism.
 The author of “Flora de Filipinas” circa 1837, the botanical illustrations of
plant specimens that grew into the Philippines herbarium is Fr. Manuel  The only officials removable by impeachment are the President, Vice-
Blanco. president, members of the Supreme Court, members of the Constitutional
Commissions, and the Ombudsman.
 The change of venue or place of trial can be ordered to avoid a miscarriage
of justice.  The order of the Philippine Presidents: Aguinaldo-Quezon-Laurel-Osmeña-
Roxas-Quirino-Magsaysay-Garcia-Macapagal-Marcos-Cory Aquino-Ramos-
 The Commander of the American and Filipino forces in Bataan was General Estrada-Arroyo-Noynoy Aquino-Duterte.
Edward P. King.
 The ordering of human needs from highest to lowest is known as the
 The Commission on Appointment has 25 members composed of the Senate hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow.
President as ex officio Chairman, 12 Senators and 12 members of the House
of Representatives.  The party-list system shall constitute 20% of the total number of the House
 The Commonwealth was our government under the 1935 Constitution.
 The Philippine was ruled by Spain though the Viceroy of Mexico until 1814.
 The complex set of relationship within the agricultural sector and between
tenure structure, production structure, and the structure of supporting  The Philippines, which is made up of thousands of island is called
services is called agrarian structure. archipelago.

 The culture of the Ilocanos can easily be felt through their ant’s dance known  The policy of the estate to pursue a comprehensive agrarian Reform program
as Kinnotan. is clearly stated in its policy to establish owner-cultivatorship of economic
size farms.
 Voting is a privilege in a democratic country. Those who are deprived of their
 The president cannot validly declare martial law in the instance of eminent votes are normally disenfranchised.
 When one controls the supply/production of goods, this implies monopoly.
 The president famous for the Filipino First Policy and Austerity Program is
Carlos Garcia.  When parents decide to send their children to a private school and pay their
tuition fee instead of sending them to the public school, they don’t get their
 The principle of equity in taxation provides that taxpayers should be taxed chare in the benefit derived from the taxes they pay. This is a case of double
according to their professions and status in life. jeopardy.

 The process by which a person learns the requirements of the culture by  With the Batasang Pambansa performing legislative and executive powers in
which he or she is surrounded, and acquires values and behaviors that are the Marcos regime, the form of government implemented was
appropriate or necessary in that culture is called enculturation. parliamentary.

 The province in the Philippines which was called “Ma-i” by the Chinese in the  Written in 1895, “Hymn to Talisay” were used against Rizal during his trial in
14th century is Mindoro. December 1896.

 The provinces that were pacified and were already recognizing Spanish rule  Ningas cogon represents a detrimental aspect of Philippine culture and
were called Alcadias. society.

 The regular Election of the members of congress shall be held on the second  Every right has a built-in duty. I have the right to drive my car but I must see
Monday of May. to it that I obey traffic rules illustrates this correctly.

 The religious schism which occurred in our country during the 1896  Police Power is the power of the State to regulate individual’s rights and
Revolution resulted in the formation of a religious sect popularly known behavior for the general welfare.
today as Philippine Independent Church
 As per the agreement in the Pact of Biac-na-Bato, Emilio Aguinaldo and other
 The report from congress registered rejection on the proposed bill meaning leaders of the revolutionary government were to go into exile in Hongkong.
the majority failed to get the group support.
 Sergio Osmeña Sr. was the first elected Speaker of the House of the
 The Republic act that requires the compulsory teaching of Rizal course and Philippine Assembly.
the lives of other Filipino patriots is Republic Act 1425.

 The resettlement of the Filipino communities to town centers called GENERAL SCIENCE
cabeceras was provided by the Spanish policy called reduccion.  Science provides knowledge through disciplined observation. Hearsay is NOT
a characteristic of scientific assertion.
 The right invoked in the “writ of Habeas data” is the right to information
privacy.  The plant cell will shrink when placed in a hypertonic solution.

 The sense of dependency among citizens is a condition that contradicts the  Yeast is an organism that feeds on necrotic and decaying matter.
social justice mandate in the 1987 Constitution.
 Linnaeus father of modern taxonomy and responsible for coining the term
 The stage actress who brought the fame to her country through her Homo sapiens.
international awards for her stage performance was Lea Salonga.
 The hierarchy of biology taxonomy has 8 levels.
 The state of entire subjection of one person to the will of another is called
slavery.  Kingdom Plantae includes Magnolidae.

 The study of human behavior is psychology.  Organisms that decompose substances into products that can be useful are
called saprophytes.
 The yellow race is also known as Mongoloids who probably originated in
what is now the North of Tibet.  Grasshopper is a heterotrophy.

 Through the Galleon Trade (1565-1815), the Philippines had extended  Walrus would most likely be in acrtic environment.
contacts with Mexico.
 Predation is a relationship exemplifies by a hunter shooting a duck in the
 To assure healthy banking industry, the Bangko Central has encouraged bank forest and having it for dinner.
 A mango tree is planted beside a sampaguita plant in a garden. They
 Underwood-Simmons Act established a full free trade in the Philippines. demonstrate competition.

 Union Obrera Democratica was the first labor union in the country founded  The following are homologous organs except fish tail.
by Isabelo delos reyes on July 1901.
 Leeches is a segmented worm that can be used to facilitate anticoagulation.
 Ural Mountain range forms a rugged spine in wesy-centyral Russia and the
major part of the traditional physiographic boundary between Europe and  Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides are types of
asia. carbohydrates.

 Veto Power was the power to set aside certain by th Kingdom of Spain to the  If carbohydrates are hydrophilic-organic compounds, lipids are hydrophobic
Governor-General of the Philippines. organic compounds.

 Violation of human rights is a violation of the dignity of persons.  Photosynthesis produces oxygen as a waste product.

 Visayas is the location of the island known as the “Isla de Pintados” by the  Photosynthesis is the process used by plants to convert the energy from
Spaniards. sunlight into chemical energy.

 Plants convert the energy from sunlight into chemical energy.

 Carbon dioxide is produced by plants in the evening.  Sublimation occurs when dry ice, CO2 (s) is changed into CO2 (g).

 Cytokinins and auxins are the hormones responsible for plant growth,  The molecules that contain an organism’s genetic make-up is called nucleic
promoting auxiliary bud growth and apical dominance. acid.

 Ecological niche describe how species copes with everyday life.  Cilia are the small hair-like structures that serve a sensory function in
eukaryotic cells.
 Eutrophication which causes the depletion of dissolved oxygen in water
results into diminished sea harvest.  Microfilaments are the thin structure essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid
movement and changes in cell shape.
 A forest from wildfires and destroys the existing vegetation. However, the
soil remained viable. Five years later, trees and bushes are even flourishing in  A human arm, a bat’s wing and a seal’s flipper are examples of homologous
the forest once again. This phenomenon is called secondary ecological organisms.
 Probiotics such as Bifidobacterium is an example of a non-pathogenic
 Releasing of fluorocarbons from aerosol cans reduces the level of ozone in microorganism.
the atmosphere.
 Yeast is an example of a fungus.
 Because it will adversely affect the populations’ food supplies, the most
disadvantageous source of energy is plants.  Microsporidia organism is classified under Kingdom Fungi.

 Grafting is an example of asexual reproduction.  They combined chitins and glucans in their cell wall is the unique feature of
 Budding is a type of asexual reproduction occurs when a new organism
develops from an outgrowth as exemplified by corals.  Cleaning up an oil spill by digesting hydrocarbons is an example of a useful
function for bacteria.
 The world’s largest ecosystem of deserts is Antarctica.
 Entamoeba histolytica is a protest that can cause dysentery.
 Turgor pressure is the pressure exerting on the plasma membrane against
the cell wall of bacteria, fungi, and plant cells.  Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted by an organism classified under
which phylum Arthropoda.
 Cellular respiration is the cellular metabolic process that transmits
biochemical energy into ATP.  Conversion of light energy to chemical energy involves chloroplast.

 Recessive genes will only have phenotypic expression if present as a  To decrease transpiration is the MOST likely reason for a desert plant to
homozygous genotype. have a few or no leaves.

 Mutation occurs when DNA is damaged, not repaired and replicated, the  Bats are able to navigate in the dark without bumping into anything because
result is genetic disorder. they emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect the presence
of objects:
 Insulin is secreted by the pancreas.
 The source of water pollution is when water from a river is mixed with the
 In vitro fertilization is the union of an ovum and a sperm inside the test tube. contents of a septic tank, is called hypertrophication.

 The nasal cavities are part of resonators.  Hibernation is the term for slowing-down response by the frog’s circulatory
system during the cold season.
 Calcium is an element that has Ca as its symbol.
 Frog’s powerful hind legs to jump away from predators is an example of
 After two pregnancies some of these mothers loose of teeth or so due to lack physiological adaptation that allows survival among plants or animals.
of iron and other minerals in diet during pregnancies.
 Air like food and water is an essential element in human existence. Carried
 Pascal is a measure of pressure, defined as one newton per square meter. by the wind, polluted air called acid rain falls to earth poisoning fish and
destroying vegetation.
 Perfumes contain organic compounds called esters.
 Food web demonstrates the feeding connections between all the life forms.
 Milk is classified as colloid.
 The Kyoto protocol, which requires countries to reduce greenhouse
 Light travels faster in air. emission, is a practice that advocates environmental protection.

 1/8 sheet of pad paper has the smallest mass when measured in an equal  Destruction of habitat is the most significant cost of dwindling biodiversity.
arm balance.
 Natural selection best explains the evolution of life forms or gradual
 Manganese (III) fluoride is the CORRECT name for the compound MnF3. transformation of species.

 Copper is the metal most widely used in electrical wiring because it is a  Exposure to radiation can lead to the formation of a new genetic trait.
better conductor that aluminum and cheaper than silver.
 Lungs is the main organ for respiration.
 When you carry a heavy load with one arm, you tend to hold your free hand
away from your body in order to change the center of gravity of your body  Niacin is a vitamin.
and load.
 Besides soilds, liquids and gas, plasma is the fourth from of matter.
 Work is done when blowing a balloon because it moves outward as the
blowing force is exerted on.  Compounds containing hydrocarbon characterizes organic compounds.

 Apparently, the loss of the weight of objects immersed in a fluid is due to  The general equation (AB + energy A + B) shows endothermic
buoyant force. decomposition.
 Tellurium has Te as its symbol.  A chemical change in matter usually happens when new substances are
formed from the original substance.
 The maximum number of electrons that can occupy a p orbital 6.
 Mass is a measurable quantity referring to the amount of matter a body
 A toothpick can sit on the surface of water due to surface tension. contains while weight is a measurable quantity dependent on one’s mass
and the gravity of the location.
 Energy is obtained by getting nucleus of the atoms to break up or split is
true of nuclear fission.  The correct sequence of the level of organization from lowest to highest for
living thing is Cells-tissues-organs-system.
 The sum of the forces acting upon it is zero is true about textbook laid on
the table.  Boiling point is the temperature at which a substance changes from the
liquid phase to the gaseous phase while melting point is the temperature at
 The tilting of the earth on its axis causes the seasons. which a substance changes from the solid phase to the liquid phase.

 Metalloids have the properties of both metals and non-metals.  A chemical change in matter usually happens when new substances are
formed from the original substance while physical change is a change in size,
 In a flame test, the presence of boron in a solution is evident by bright green shape or state yet the substance keeps its chemical identity.
 Electrons are the composition of an atom that surrounds the nucleus and has
 A metric carat is a unit of mass for measuring gemstones. It is equivalent to a negative charge. Protons are subatomic particles with positive charge while
200 mg. neutrons have a neutral charge

 When the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, it is summer and when the  Atomic number is equal to the number of protons or electrons. Atomic
sun shines all the time both day and night, this is called midnight sun. weight is equal to the number of protons and number of neutrons.

 Scientific method is a systematic way to solve problems with steps as  When large masses of rock in the Earth’s crust deform and break, the sudden
follows: 1. Identify the problem; 2. Formulate the hypothesis; 3. Test the movement creates vibrations that travel through the Earth and is felt as an
hypothesis; 4. Analyze/Verify the Results and 5. Formulate Conclusions and earthquake.
 Epicenter refers to the spot directly above the focus on the surface of the
 Motion generally refers to a change in the position which can be determined Earth while the focus is the place of origin of an earthquake.
by the distance traveled, the time interval to reach the distance, and the
speed.  In heat transfer, heat flows from an object with higher temperature to an
object with lower temperature.
 In humans, the correct sequence of embryological development is
gametes®fertilization®zygote®cleavage®embryo  Lenticles are the breathing organs of plants that are located in the stems and
 The history of the earth has been divided by scientist into eras. The
arrangement of these eras into the proper sequence from the oldest to the  The correct hierarchy of ecological organization is Ecosystem, Population,
most recent is Precambrian-Paleozoic-Mesozoic-Cenozoic. Community, Biosphhere.

 The main source of energy of our body is glucose, derived from  A severed portion of a starfish grows into a full starfish through asexual
carbohydrates like bread and rice. reproduction by the process called regeneration.

 The process by which the water molecules move from an area of higher  Mitochondria is the site of cellular respiration thus they are considered the
concentration to areas of lower concentration is diffusion, a type of passive “powerhouse” of eukaryotic cells.
 The feeding procedure wherein the mother bird partially digests the food
 The process where the molecules pass through a semi-permeable membrane and places an amount into the young’s beak is termed regurgitation.
is osmosis.
 The complete trip of the blood from the heart to all parts of the body and
 In a chemical reaction, a substance which speeds up or retards the reaction back to the heart is referred to as systemic circulation.
without itself undergoing the change is called catalyst or enzyme.
 The phenomenon which allows certain traits not useful to the organisms to
 The layers of the atmosphere are as follows: Troposphere-Stratosphere- remain in the population by chance is termed genetic drift.
Mesosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Exosphere with troposphere
closest to the earth’s surface.  The average blood in the circulatory system of an average person is 5 liters.

 The main difference between plant and animal cells is that plant cell has a  Studies show that there are parts of the body that have lost their usefulness
cell wall and animal cells do not. and which may later disappear. They are termed as vestigial organs.

 When walking, you push against the ground; the ground pushes back to you  General functions of cells include (a) the manufacture of proteins and other
is an application of the Law of Interaction. materials that build the cell; (b) the manufacture of food for energy and (c)
 The force that holds together molecules of the same kind is a cohesive force
while the force that holds together molecules of different kind is adhesive  Ecosystem is the formed by the interaction of a community or organisms
force. with their physical environment. Activities in the ecosystem includes nutrient
cycling and energy transfer
 Global warming is the increase in earth’s temperature due to a buildup of
certain gases in the atmosphere.  Food chain is the hierarchical series of organisms wherein each is dependent
on the next as a source of food. A system of interlocking and interdependent
 The correct sequence of the stages of mitosis is Prophase-Metaphase- food chains gives rise to food webs.
 A falling object has a constant acceleration of 9.8m/s2, whether it is heavy or
 Rickets, which is characterized by soft and fragile bones in the children, light meaning that the weight of the object has no effect on the falling rate,
results from a severe deficiency of Vitamin D. provided that there is no air resistance affecting the object.
 Food in a semi-liquid form, partially digested and mixed with hydrochloric
 When a pendulum is swinging, the total mechanical energy is conserved. acid is called chyme.

 The visible light fall, which is responsible for seeing an object, is located  Most reproductive species is NOT true among considerations that humans
between the infrared and ultraviolet radiation on the electromagnetic are the master of other living organisms as well as of the nonliving on earth.
 In the hierarchy of biology taxonomy, if the domain is at the top, species is at
 An object becomes positively charge when it loses electrons, meaning the the bottom.
number of protons is greater than the number of electrons.
 An example of a useful function for bacteria is they can clean up an oil spill
 The capsid is the protein shell that is usually a coiled structure composed of by digesting hydrocarbons in petroleum.
proteins that are enclose the nucleic acid of a virus.
 Plasmodium is the protest that causes malaria and carried by Anopheles
 Artificial insemination is a technology technique employed during breeding mosquitoes.
in captivity in order to restore the populations of endangered and
threatened species to safe levels.  Under the Five Kingdom System, recognized by most biologist today, true
bacteria, the bacteria-like organisms, and the blue-green algae belong to
 Salvaging is an instance of taking away the life of another person without Kingdom Monera.
due process.
 Energy first enters our living Planet Earth as radiant energy from the sun.
 The Philippines rise in the Ring of Fire, an area where many volcanoes are
active.  Protest, Fungi, Plants, and Animals are considered eukaryotic organisms
which possess a true nucleus in their cells.
 The energy source which is abundant in the Philippines but still not fully
developed is the gas.  Under the Six-Kingdom system, multicellular forms with specialized
eukaryotic cells e.g. mosses and ferns but no ability for locomotion are
 A species of fish lived in a lake. When a dam was constructed in the area a classified as plants.
group of fish was separated and populated a new pond. They then developed
differing characteristics and became a distinct species. Geographical  The process of photosynthesis occurs not only in plants but also in blue-
isolation explains this process of speciation. green algae or cyanobacteria.

 In the pacific area, a storm is called typhoon.  Sea star is capable of regeneration (regrowing of a body part) when cut into
 Polysaccharides, triglycerides, polypeptides and nucleic acids are classified as
macromolecular.  Among eukaryotes, the electron transport chain occurs in the mitochondria.

 Lignite is the lowest rank of coal and is otherwise called brown coal.  An organism has a natural environment where it lives and thrives is called
 Iron is a ferromagnetic material.
 Frogs do not need a hard shell to protect its fertilized eggs.
 An atom of silicon with a mass number of 28 and an atomic number of 14 has
14 protons and electrons.  Noble gases include neon and helium and classified as group 8 in the
periodic table.
 Element X with an electron configuration of 1S2 2S2 2p2 belongs to carbon
family.  Mitosis is the process in human sexual reproduction wherein the zygote
undergoes a series of cell division needed for the growth and maturation of
 A plant cell will swell in hypotonic solution and shrink in a hypertonic fetus.
 Fructose is an isomer of glucose.
 Serendipity is an accidental scientific discovery like the discovery of penicillin
by Sir Alexander Fleming.  Hydroxyl group is the functional group that differentiates chitin from
 The application of science knowledge to a practical problem is technology.
 The rise in the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere due to increased
 The earthworm squirms, when poked by a stick, displays irritability which is greenhouse gases is called global warming.
one characteristics of living things.
 Polar bear is an example of an animal under the order Carnivora.
 Studying the physical structure of the soil is NOT directly involved in the
study of biology.  In the case of babies through in vitro fertilization or IVF, IVF babies are
commonly referred to as test-tube babies.
 Homeostasis is term used to describe the ability to maintain a constant
internal environment.  Hydrogen is the simplest atom that is made up of one proton and one
 Shedding leaves during summer is an example of behavioral adaptation.
 Among the elements useful for the human body, calcium is the most
 The cell wall of the plant is made of cellulose while that of fungi is made of abundant mineral in the body that aids in the blood-clotting process.
 The flow of water in our planet, as it undergoes the processes of
 Petroleum is formed by the decay of microorganisms under heat and evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and substance
pressure. flow is called water cycle.

 Removal of collagen causes our bones to turn brittle and easily break.  Virus is an acellular infectious agent not capable of undergoing cell division
but instead requires a living cell in order to replicate.
 According to human structure, Iah who is 27 years old has 206 bones.
 A protein that decreases the amount of energy needed for a chemical
 Villi are finger-like folds on the inner linings of the small intestine. reaction to occur is true of enzymes.
 Exacerbation of lung disease such as COPD is most likely consequences of air MATHEMATICS
pollution.  (x + 5) (2x – 3) is the factor of 2x2 + 7x – 15.

 Monkey-eating eagle is the Philippine species known as Pithecophaga  0.09 is equivalent to 9%.
jefferyi that was listed as an endangered species by the 1975 Convention on
International Trade of Endangered Species.  0.0125 expressed as fraction in lowest term is 1/80.

 Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen are the four most abundant  1 gallon of 30% solution of hydrochloric acid should be added to 2 gallons
elements found in living matter. of 15% solution of the same acid to make a 20% solution.

 An abnormality of chromosomes inheritance in which there are 3 copies of  1/8 in percent is 12.5%.
chromosomes 21 is true of Trisomy 21 also known as Down syndrome.
 120 is the least common multiple of 12 and 60.
 Obligated to be taken in the diet because it cannot be produced by the
body is true of essential amino acids.  15 is 20% percent of 75.

 Chargaff’s rules state that in a given species, the amount of adenine is equal  2 is the value of x to make x:8=4:6 true.
to thymine, and the amount of guanine is equal to the amount of cytosine.
 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 are the prime factors of 120.
 Mule is produced by the mating or interbreeding of two closely related
species namely a female horse and a male donkey.  2 / 5 is the probability that both will be alive if the probability that a man will
be alive 25 years is 3/5 and that of his wife is 2/3.
 They need much caring and cultivating is NOT one of the reasons why
Mendel selected garden peas for his experiments.  2 square root of 5 is the distance between (3,2) and (-1,4).

 Muscles and bones are directly involved when a boy kicks, a frog leaps, or a  3 and 5 are the prime divisors of 60.
bird flies.
 120 is 4 / 5 of 150.
 Microevolution pertains to slight quantifiable evolutionary modifications
within a population from generation to generation.  36 is 4 / 7 of 63.

 The Philippines maybe considered as a tropical rainforest.  3 is the number that must be subtracted from both numerator and
denominator of the fraction 11/23 to give fraction whose value is 2/5.
 Bioremediation is the method which uses microorganism metabolism to  32400 is a multiple of 8 because a number is divisible by 8 if the number
clean up toxic wastes. formed by the last three digits is divisible by 8.

 A decrease in the availability of carbon dioxide will decrease the rate of  4ð units is the circumference of a circle with an area of 4ð square units.
 5:4=15:12 is a proportion.
 Scurvy as a disease caused by ascorbic acid vitamin deficiency.
 50 pieces of 7 ⅟2 in. wire can be cut from a 31 ⅟4 ft. roll of wire.
 Disruption of natural habitats is the consequence of increased urbanization.
 72 is 3/4 of number 96.
 Parthenogenesis is a modified form of sexual reproduction seen among bees
in which unfertilized eggs may develop into a complete individual.  10 is 25% of ⅟2 of 180.

 Ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with nonliving  8 cubic ft. is the volume of a cube of edge 2 ft.
things in an environment.
 A coefficient is a factor in a term.
 Deforestation is the removal of trees in order to provide areas where human
habitations are constructed.  A decimal is an implied fraction with a denominator of 10, 100, 1000 . . .

 Galileo Galilee was called by Albert Einstein as the “Father of Modern  A meter stick was cut into two pieces at the 64 cm mark. The ration of the
Science for his use of scientific method in such experiments as falling bodies, smaller piece to the largest piece is 9:16.
telescope that viewed the moons of Jupiter, and thermometer based on the
density of liquids.  A mixed number is defined as the sum of a whole number and a fraction.

 The segmented worm that can be used to facilitate anticoagulation is the  A negative number is one that is less than zero preceded by a minus sign (-).
 A number is divisible by 2 if it ends in 0,2,4,6, or 8.
 The Bruntland Commission aims for sustainable development in the present
without compromising the future needs.  A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 3.

 The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 requires industries to install anti-  A number is divisible by 4 if the number formed by the last 2 digits is divisible
pollution devices and bans the use of incinerators. by 4.

 A number is divisible by 5 if it ends in 0 or 5.

 A number is divisible by 8 if the number formed by the last 3 digits is divisible

by 8.

 A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 9.

 A pancake was cut into 8 pieces. Three brothers ate one piece each so 5/8
part of the cake is left.
 A photographer can arrange 6 people in a row to pose for a photograph in  If April 18, 2014 fell on Friday, Aril 18, 2016 will fall on Monday because 2016
720 ways. (6!) is a leap year.

 A polynomial is an algebraic expression consisting of one or more terms  If each of the five members in a basketball team shakes hands with every
that have real number coefficients. other member of the team before the game starts, there will be 10
handshakes in all.
 A positive number is that it is greater than zero preceded by a plus sign (+).
 If Kevin was 25 years of age in 1983, he could have been born in 1958.
 A proportion is an equation, both sides of which are fractions.  If Jeff buys 3 apples for Php50.00, she will pay Php400.00 for two dozens of
 A ratio is a certain relation between 2 numbers expressed in terms of a
quotient.  If Neil will cut 4 ⅟4 yds of plastic cover from a bolt containing 35 ⅟8 yd, 30 ⅞
yards will be left in the bolt.
 A receipt calls for 2 eggs for every cup of flour. If a head chef uses 28 cups of
flour, 56 eggs will be needed.  If September 25, 2014 fell on Thursday, September 25, 2016 will Fall on
Sunday because 2016 is a leap year.
 A rectangular block steel has dimensions of 5 meters x 10 meters x 15 meters
and weighs 1000N. The block should be placed on the 10 meters by 15  If the average of arithmetic mean of x and -5 is 10, then 25 must be the value
meters side surface to exert the least pressure on the surface. of x.

 A secret word that must be entered into the computer before a person is  If the probability that it will rain today is ⅝, the probability that will NOT is
allowed to get or change information is called password. 3/8

 A small standard deviation means the scores are near the mean.  If we simplify: [(3x – 12) / (3x)] divided by (x – 4), the answer would be 1/x.

 A Social Networking Service available through the computer is facebook.  If we simplify: 6 – [3 – (-4) + 11 + 8], the answer would be -20.

 A Toyota car travelling at a rate of 70 km. per hor leaves the house 2 hours  If x is an odd integer and y is an even integer, x2+3y+1 is an even integer.
after a Kia car has left and overtakes it I 5 hours. Kia car was travelling at 50
kms/hour.  In an English test, eight students obtained the following scores: 10, 15, 12,
18, 16, 24, 12, 14. Therefore, 14.5 is the median score.
 Activities connected by a computer system are described as network.
 In multiplication of powers of the same base, add the exponents.
 All right angles are equal.
 In the example of 10 to the 5th power + 6x the exponent is 5.
 An algebraic expression is any collection of variables, constants, grouping
symbols and symbols of operation.  In writing a letter, word processing is the productivity tool used.

 An equilateral triangle is a triangle with all equal sides.  Information Technology is the process of storing, receiving and
disseminating recorded data through the computer.
 At 70 kph, Aren can reach his home within 50 minutes. He should drive his
car at a rate of 100 kph if he wants to reach home 15 minutes earlier.  It will take two days for A and B together, to finish a job which can be done
by A alone in 6 days and be alone in 3 days.
 Bar graph illustrates a particular data series through rectangles.
 It will take a typist 15 minutes to finish 10 pages if he can finish 4 pages in 6
 Crtrl + D is used to open the front command. minutes.

 Ctrl + O is the symbol used to open a document.  Joint probability is the probability of two events occurring simultaneously in
a single trial.
 Dave ha Php15,000 in the bank. If he expects it to earn Php750 a year, the
rate of interest is 5%.  Like the typewriter, the computer has a keyboard.

 Duplitas Company manufactures beds. In its catalog, a double bed is priced at  Mean is the measure of central tendency mostly affected by extreme scores
P5, 000.00 less a discount to the trade of 20%. Factor Department Store has or outliers.
to pay P4, 000.00 for the bed.
 The Median is the measure of central tendency is NOT influenced by outliers.
 Each page has its own unique web address. URL stands for Uniform Resource
Locator.  Messages are easily transported anywhere in the world through the E-mail.

 Fraction is defined as ratio or quotient of 2 numbers.  Mode is the measure of central tendency that can best describe the size of T-
shirts commonly worn by teenagers.
 Google is a search engine.
 Monitor is NOT an input device.
 If a letter is chosen at a random from the English alphabet, the probability
that the letter to be chosen will be after the letter G is 19/26.  Oblique triangle: Area = ?s (s-b)(s-c), where s = (a+b+c)/2.

 If a month has 30 days like September, April, June and November, add one  Of input devices of the computer, mouse is the device for pointing and
day to the first day of the month. selecting commands.

 If a month has 31 days like January, March, May, July, August, October and  One angle of parallelogram is 35. The measure of the three other angles are
December, add two days to the first day of the month. 145°, 35°, 145°.

 If a pair of dice is rolled, the probability that the sum of 8 will appear is 5/36.  Parallelogram: Area= base x altitude.

 If a student has an average of 76% on his first two tests and has an average  Parameter gives the numerical value of the population.
of 85% on the next four tests, 82.0% is his final average on all six tests.
 Pentagon is a type of regular polygon whose interior angle measures 108  The height of a flagpole which cast a shadow 45 ft. when the angle of
degrees. elevation of the sun was 45° is 45 ft.

 Percent is defined as an expression, which indicates so that it will earn  The information highway is called Internet.
Php80.00 in 8 months.
 The island of Luzon is estimated to be 100,000 square kilometers. In
 Php244.11 is the exact interest of Php15,000.00, invested at 5.5% simple exponential form, it can be expressed as 105.
interest rate for 108 days.
 The large prime number less than 110 is 107.
 Php60,875.00 is the final amount due in investing Php50,000.00 at a simple
interest rate of 14.5% for 18 months.  The least common Multiple (LCM) of 2, 3, and 4 is 12.

 There are 334L in 353 quarts.  The least common multiple of 18 and 24 is 72.

 The maximum number of books, each 1.4 cm thick that can be put vertically  The Least Common multiple of 2 numbers (a and b) is the smallest number
in a shelf which is 64 cm long is 45. that is divisible by a and divisible by b at the same time.

 The circular pizza with radius of 13 cm has the largest parameter.  The least common multiple of 5, 2, 7 is 70.

 Pie graph illustrates how a portion of the data relates with the whole.  The legs of one right triangle are 9 and 12, while those another right triangle
are 12 and 16. The perimeter of the larger triangle is 12 larger than the
 Pythagorean Theorem: (Hypotenuse)2=sum of the squares of the 2 legs perimeter of the smaller triangle.
 The measure of an angle is 25 more than its supplement. The measure of the
 Rectangle: Area = base x altitude. larger angle is 102.5 degrees.

 Right triangle: Area = ½ base x altitude.  The measure of the biggest angle is 90° if an 180° angle is divided into 3 with
the ratio 1:2:3.
 Simplifying 3(x – 4y) – (4y – 3x) – (2x + y) would lead to 4x-17y.
 The original price of a book is Php175.00 if it sells Php105.00 after a 40%
 Sin è /cos è is equal to tan è. discount.

 Six persons can form a committee of 3 in 20 ways. (6 C3=20).  The percentage decrease in the price of the TV set that originally cost
Php20,000 and now sold at Php18,000 is 10%.
 Square: Area = (edge)2.
 The perimeter of a rectangle with an area of 6x2 and with the length of 2x is
 Supplementary angles have a total sum of 180 degrees. 10x.

 Term is any constant, variable or indicated product, quotient or roots of  The price o9f gasoline has gone high suddenly. The gas station ordered
constants and variables. 120,000 liters before the price increase. However, only 1,500 liters were sold.
Therefore, 118,500 liters are now sold on the new price.
 The acronym HTML means Hyper Text Mark-up Language.
 The probability of the CEB basketball team winning all in series of 3 games
 The altitude of a triangle is 5 meters and the base is 20 meters. The area of assuming the teams are evenly matched is 1/8.
the triangle is 50 square meters.
 The probability that an event, E2 will occur that some event E1 has already
 The area of a circle with a diameter of 8 inches is 16ð occurred is called conditional probability.

 The average of ½, ¼, and ⅓ is 13/36.  The probability that the ball is NOT blue if you will draw a ball at random
from a box containing 3 red balls, 4 white ball, and 5 blue balls is 7/12.
 The degree of the term -4x2y is 3rd.
 The property of real numbers which describes (5+6)-3 = -3+(5+6) is
 The diagonal of a square with an area of 16 sq. units is 4 square root of 2. commutative.

 The difference between gross profit and cost of goods sold is known as net  The Pythagorean Theorem states that the square of the hypotenuse is equal
profit. to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

 The digit 7 will appear 20 times between 1 to 100.  The school cafeteria raised the price of a plate of rice from P8 to P10. If the
same rate of increase was applied to a regular order of viand which used to
 The edges of a cubical framer are made of plastic straws. The total length of cost P20, an order of viand would cost P25.00.
the plastic edges of a cube whose edge is 10 cm compared to a cube whose
edge is 8 cm is 24cm.  The smallest positive number that is a multiple of both 15 and 18 is 90.

 The first day of September is Wednesday. The last day of September would  The sum of the 20 first counting numbers is 155 greater than the sum of the
be Thursday. first 10 counting numbers.

 The formula for the volume of a right circular cylinder is V=ðr2h.  If a die is rolled, the probability of getting a number divisible by 2 is ½.

 The fraction halfway between 3/7 and 4/7 is ½.  The sum of the sides of a polygon is the perimeter.

 The greatest common divisor of 91, 39 and 78 is 13.  The sum of three consecutive integers: 40, 41, 42 is 123.

 The greatest common factor (CGF) of 22, 15 and 7 is 1.  The thousandths digit of the number 1,234.5678 is 7.

 The Greatest Common Factor/Divisor of two numbers (a and b) is the largest  The total amount after adding interest of 8% on P10,000 for 3 years is
factor or divisor common to both a and b. P12,400.00
 The total surface area of a box of dimensions 6 in. X 8 in. X 12 in. is 432 sq. in.
 Bombelli is often called the Inventor of Complex Numbers.
 The value in grams of 3.5 kilograms is 3500 grams.
 Albert Einstein is the father of Physics.
 The value of 36° in radians is ð/5.
 Aryabhata provided the definitions of trigonometric functions, complete and
 The value of 3a2-2b2 and b=3 is -6. accurate sine and versine tables, solutions to simultaneous quadratic
equations, accurate approximation for pi.
 The value of -5° is 1.
 The father of Statistics is Ronald Fisher.
 The value of k for which 7456k8 is divisible by 4 is 4 because the last digits 48
is divisible by 4.  Diophantus is the father of Algebra.
 The value of sec è / cos è – tan è / cot è is 1.
 The father of calculus is Gottfried Leibniz.
 The value of the car decreased by 5% if it had been depreciated by
Php20,000.00 and is now worth Php380,000.00.  Gottfried Leibniz developed a practical calculating machine using binary
 The volume of the rectangular solid with edges measuring 1.5 ft 0.5ft x 3in. is
324 cubic inches.  The Sumerians used the earliest documented counting and measuring
 The youth is considered 55% of the voting population. Marikina has 1,360
million voters, therefore 748,000 voters are the youth.  Gaspard Monge is the inventor of descriptive geometry.

 There are 18 north maids and 12 south maids serving in a hotel. The ratio of  The Babylonians used clay tablets dealing with fractions, algebra and
the north to the entire group is 3:5. equations.

 There are 50 twenty thousands in one million.  Leonhard Euler is regarded as the “King of Mathematics”.

 Three boys and two girls can be seated in a row 120 ways. (5P5=5!=120).  Rene Descartes is the man behind the use of superscripts to express powers
in Algebra.
 Tiling means the graphics will be displayed more than once.
 Leonardo Fibonacci introduced the Arabic numbering system.
 To determine divisibility by 7, double the last digit and subtract it from the
rest of the numbers and if the result is divisible by 7, the number is divisible
 (Sina, Sila) Elmo at Elma ay pumunta sa Vigan.
 To multiply two polynomials, use distributive law and laws exponents.
 “Ang aking pag-ibig ay tanging sayo lamang” ay nasa di-karaniwang ayos ng
 Trapezoid: ½(a+b)h pangungusap.

 Thales is considered as the first true mathematician. His deductive reasoning  “Ang palasyo ay nag-anunsyo na walang pasok bukas” ay tayutay na
principles are applied in geometry that is a product of Thales’ Theorem. pagpapalit-tawag.

 The father of analytical geometry is Rene Descartes.  “Apat na mga mata ang tumititig sa kanya” ay tayutay na pagpapalit-saklaw.

 Euclid is considered as the father of geometry. One of the earliest known  “Hindi ko kaya ang mabuhay sa mundo kung mawawala ka” ay isang tayutay
math books it his Elements. na pagmamalabis

 Alan Turing is the father of computer science. Turing’s fame as a  “Kung anong bukambibig siyang laman ng dibdib” ay isang uri na salawikain.
mathematician can be attributed to his formulating of algorithms and
computations for a computer.  “Magandang gabi, bayan! (Noli de Castro)’ ay isang halimbawa ng idyolek.

 The Sieve of Eratosthenes has been used to find prime numbers.  “Nakulong si Brian” ay nasa karaniwang ayos ng pangungusap.

 Georg Cantor is the inventor of set theory. He also introduced the cardinal  Ang “Khapon, Ngayon at Bukas” ay akda ni Aurelio Tolentino na nagging
and ordinal numbers. sanhi ng kanyang pagkakakulong.

 Hipparchus is the father of Trigonometry.  Ang “Maupay na Aga” ng taga-Samar ay halimbawa ng lalawiganing antas ng
 Evariste Galois proved that there is no general algebraic method for solving
polynomial equations of degree greater than four.  Ang akdang “Fray Botod” ya isang akdang tumutuligsa sa kamangmangan at
pagmamalabis ng mga prayle na sinulat ni Graciano Lopea Jaena.
 Ada Lovelace is considered as the world’s first computer programmer.
 Ang akdang Isang Libo at Isang Gabe ay naglalarawan sa pamahalaan at
 Archimedes provided the exact numerical value of pi. lipunan ng Arabya at Persya.

 Thales of Mellitus is the founder of abstract geometry.  Ang akdang Uncle Tom’s Cabin ay nagbukas sa mga mata ng mga Amerikano
sa kaapihan ng mga lahing itim at naging simula ng paglaganap ng
 George Boole devised Boolean algebra which uses the operators AND, OR demokrasya sa buong daigdig.
and NOT.
 Ang Alibata ang pinakaunang sistema ng pagsulat ng mga katutubong
 Pythagoras once said “Number rules the universe”. Pilipino.

 The Chinese first used the decimal numeration system with place value  Ang Alibata ay hango sa alpabetong Arabo na “alif-ba-ta” na may 17 titik:
concept. 3patinig at 14 katinig.

 Apollonius Pergaeus is known as the “The Great Geometer”.  Ang Alim ay epiko ng mga Ifugao.
 Ang Alim ay isang epiko na tungkol sa mga bathalang Ifugao ni Punholdayan  Ang Kabanata I ay bahagi ng pananaliksik kung saan matatagpuan ang
at Makanungan. panimula, kaligiran ng pag-aaral at konseptuwal framework.

 Ang amoy-lupa ay nasa antas pampanitikan at isang idyoma na ang ibig  Ang kahulugan ng “Neneng is the apple of Daddy’s eye” ay mahal ni Daddy si
sabihin ay matanda na at malapit na mamatay. Neneng.

 Ang anekdota ay kwento na ang pangyayari ay hango sa tunay na karanasan,  Ang kahulugan ng: My bank account is in the red ay malapit na maubos.
nakawili at kapupulutan ng aral.  Ang karagatan ay isang tulang patnigan at hango sa isang alamat ng isang
dalagang naghulog ng singsing sa dagat at ang sinumang binatang
 Ang antala ay ang saglit na pagtigil sa pagsasalita. makakakita nito ay siyang pakakasalan ng dalaga.
 Ang balbal ang pinakamababang antas ng wika na kadalasang ginagamit sa  Ang karangalan ng pagka-Unang Tunay na makata para sa kanyang tulang
usapang kalye. pinalalagay na may katangian ng tunay na tula ay iginawad kay Jose Corazon
de Jesus.
 Ang balbal ay nagpapahayag ng lebel ng wika na impormal na nalikha at
nabuo sa pagsasama-sama ng mga salitang pinaikli o pinahaba.  Ang kaswal ay pagbasa ng pansamantala o di palagian. Ginagawa ito kung
nais magpalipas ng oras.
 Ang Banaag at Sikat ay ang pinakamahalagang nobelang Pilipino na
tumalakay sa masinsinan sa paksang puhunan laban sa paggawa at  Ang kaugnayan ng pagkakapatay kina Burgos, Gomez at Zamora sa panitikang
sosyalismo. Pilipino ay nakagising sa damdaming makabayan ng mga Pilipino.

 Ang Bi-ag ni Lam-ang ay isang akda ni Pedro Bukaneg at pinakasikat na epiko  Ang kauna-unahang pagsalin sa Tagalog ng Mi Ultimo Adios ni Jose Rizal ay si
ng mga Ilokano. Andres Bonifacio.

 Ang Bidasari ay epiko ng mga Muslim.  Ang kauna-unahang nobelang sinulat ng isang Pilipino gamit ang wikang
ingles, ay ang “A Child Of Sorrow” na isang akda ni Zoilo Galang.
 Ang Bodabil ay isang dula na sumikat nang humina ang zarzuela sa Pilipinas.
 Ang Kinting Kulirat ay HINDI nagging sagisag panulat ni Marcelo H. Del Pilar.
 Ang boses (nang, ng) kabataan ang siyang dapat manaig.
 Ang kolokyal ay isang halimbawa ng impormal na antas ng wika na kung saan
 Ang Cebuano, Ilokano at Hiligaynon ay halimbawa ng dayalekto. pinapaikli ang isang salita.

 Ang dayalekto ay isang barayti ng wika na tumutukoy sa isang wika na  Ang korido ay isang tulang maromansa na kung saan ang mga tauhan ay may
sinalita sa isang pook, rehiyon o lugar. kapangyarihang supernatural at kaya naman ito ay hindi kapani-paniwala.

 Ang di niya makalimutan ay isang pangako ng anak niya bago umalis pa  Ang Lagda ay isang epiko ng mga Bisaya na tungkol sa kalipunan ng mga
Amerika. kautusan ng pamahalaan gaya ng Kodigo ni Kalantiyaw ng tribu ng Aklan.

 Ang diona ay awiting bayan na ginamit para sa panliligaw.  Ang lathalain ay isang uri ng pamahayagan na nag-uulat ng mga tunay na
pangyayari batay sa pag-aaral, pananaliksik, o pakikipanayam at isinusulat sa
 Ang Doctrina Cristiana ang kauna-unahang aklat na nailimbang sa Pilipinas. paraang kawili-wili.

 Ang duplo ay isinasagawa sa pautang pagtatalo at higit na pinahahalagahan  Ang Mahabharata ang pinakamahabang epiko ng buong daigdig na
ang kahusayan sa paghabi ng mga taludtod. naglalarawan sa kasaysayan ng pananampalataya sa India.

 Ang epipora ay isang uri ng tayutay na kung saan inuulit ang huling bahangi  Ang mahalagang ambag ni Severino Reyes sa dulang tagalong na ang
ng isang taludtod o pahayag. hangarin ay reporma sosyal at patriotism ay ang Walang Sugat.

 Ang gawi ng pagsasalita ay direksyon sa pangugusap na “Ipinadala niya ang  Ang malaya ay uri ng salaysay na pangkaraniwan ang paksa, waring
mga aklat sa mga kaklase”. nakikipag-usap lamang.

 Ang Gintong Panahon ng Panitikan ng Pilipinas ay ang panahon ng Hapones.  Ang malayang morpema ay tumutulong sa mga salitang nakapag-iisa at may
kahulugan. Kilala rin itong salitang-ugat.
 Ang grap ay sistematikong paglalarawanng mga datos na estatistika.
 Ang malikhain ay uri ng pagsulat na ang pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng
 Ang haba ay makakapagpabago ng kahulugan ng salitang /kasa•ma/. manunulat upang pukawin ang damdamin.

 Ang hayun ay isang panghalip pamatlig gaya ng doon, diyan at dito.  Ang may akda ng “Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas” ay si Aurelio Tolentino.

 Ang heograpiya ay naasa kayariang KPPKKPKPKP.  Ang may akda sa tulang “Isang Dipang Langit” ay si Amado V. Hernandez, at
siya ang tinagurian na “Makata ng Manggagawa”.
 Ang Hinilawod ay isang epiko tungkol sa kasaysayan ng pag-iibigan ng mga
bathala mula sa Iloilo, Antique at Aklan.  Ang mga anak ni Mang Karyas ay (may, mayroon) kani-kanilang pamilya.

 Ang Ibalon at Aslon ay hulwaran ng mabubuting pamumuhay ng mga taga-  Ang mga bahagi ng pananalita tulad ng laban sa, para sa at tungkol sa ay mga
Bikol. halimbawa ng pang-ukol.

 Ang idyoma na hilong-talilong ay nangangahulugang litung-lito.  Ang mga nobela ni Lualhati Bautista ay Dekada ’70, Gapo at Bulaklak ng City
 Ang impresyonista ay dulog pampanitikan na nagbibigay ng diin ng sariling
panlasa ng bumabasa. Kilala rin ito bilang reader-response theory.  Ang mga pamilang na isahan, waluhan, animan ay pamilang na patakaran.

 Ang Indarapatra at Sulayman ay isang kwento tungol sa pagpapadala ng  Ang mga sagisag panulat ni dr. Jose Rizal ay Dimasalang, laong-laan, Agno at
prinsipe sa kanyang kapatid na lalaki upang patayin ang mga halimaw sa Calambeño.
kabilang bundok.
 Ang mga salitang tanaw, aliw, kamay, reyna ay mga halimbawa ng diptonggo.
 Ang ingay ay kalabang mortal ng pakikinig.
 Ang mga titik na HINIRAM NG ALPABETONG PILIPINO mula sa Alpabetong
Ingles ay mga titik c, f, j, q, v, x, at z.  Ang tinaguriang pinakasikat na epiko ng mga Ilokano, ay ang Biag ni Lam-ang.

 Ang moro-moro ay isang tulang padula na nagpapakita ng hidwaan ng mga  Ang titik na “ng” sa alpabetong Pilipino ay nagmula sa alpabetong Abakada.
Kristyano at ng mga di-Kristyano.
 Ang tinawag na madamdaming mananalaysay ni Carmen Guerrero Nakpil ay
 Ang morpolohiya ay ang pag-aaral ng makabuluhang tunog ng isang wika. si Teodoro A. Agoncillo.

 Ang nagging pangalan ng wikang pambansa noong 1959 ay Pilipino.  Ang triumvirate ng kilusang propaganda ay sina Graciano Lopez Jaena, Jose
Rizal at Marcelo H. Del Pilar.
 And oda, soneto, at elehiya ay hindi tulang maromansa at ito ay mga
TULANG LIRIKO.  Ang tulang patnigan ay uri ng akdang pampanitikan na patula ay tungkol sa
pangangatwiran at tagisan ng talino.
 Ang pabula ay tungkol sa kwento na ang nagsisiganap ay mga hayop.
 Ang Umbay ay isang awiting bayan na tungkol sa paglilibing.
 Ang pagbabagong morpoponemiko na matatagpuan sa salitang bakuran ay
pagpapalit ng ponema.  Ang Urbana at Feliza ay aklat na sinulat ni Padre Modesto de Catsro at ito ay
naglalaman ng pangaral tungkol sa kagandahang asal at wastong pag-uugali.
 Ang pagpapalitan ng mga ideya, opinion, salaysay sa pamamagitan ng mga
sagisag ay tinatawag na talastasan.  Ang uri ng pagsasaling-wika na tumutukoy sa mga akademiko, agham,
kalikasan at lipunan ay tinatawag na teknikal.
 Ang pagsasalita ay proseso ng paghahatid ng saloobin, opinion, karunungan
sa pamagitan ng makabuluhang tunog.  Ang wastong kahulugan ng: The present problem is only a storm in a teacup
ay bale-wala.
 Ang pagyayabang ay isa sa mga di-mahalagang salik sa pagtatalumpati.
 Ang wastong salin ng “You are the apple of my eye” ay “Ikaw ay mahalaga sa
 Ang pahayag na “Kapalaran, huwag ka sanang mailap” ay uri ng tayutay na akin”.
 Ang wikang Filipino, ang wikang pambansa, ay tinalaga noong 1987 ayon sa
 Ang pahayag na “Natutulog ba ang Diyos?” ay isang tanong retorikal. Saligang Batas.

 Ang pamukod ay uri ng pangatnig na ginagamit sa pagpili, pagbubukod at  Babala ang gawa ng pagsasalitang ito: Iwasan ang imburnal, may
pagtatangi. nagtatrabaho.

 Ang pandiwa sa pangungusap na “Kapapasok pa lang nya sa silid” ay nasa  Batay sa bilingual na edukasyon, mainam ang gamit ng Filipino sa araling
aspetong pangnagdaan. Panglipunan dahil walang pag-aalinlangan ang pagsagot ng mga mg-aaral sa
wikang Filipino.
 Ang parabula ay mula sa Biblia.
 Bukas ang isipan ay katangian ng mahusay na mananaliksik na marunong
 Ang pokus ng pandiwa sa pangungusap na “Ipinanghalo ko ang sandok” ay tumanggap ng kritisismo para sa ikagaganda ng pananaliksik.
instrumental o gamit.
 Di-kombensyunal ang uri ng pamamatnubay kung saan ang mga reporter ay
 Ang ponolohiya ay ang tawag sa pag-aaral ng mga ponema. lumilihis sa pamatnubay; lumilikha sila ng sariling paraan sa mga gawaing
 Ang retorika para kay Cicero ay isang pagpapahayag na dinisenyo upang
makapanghikayat.  Ellipsis ang tawag sa paraan ng pagkuha ng balangkas na ginagamitan ng
sunud-sunod na tatlong tuldok para ipakita na may mga bahaging hindi na
 Ang Romeo at Juliet ay hindi kabilang sa akdang pampanitikang nagdala ng sinipi sa talata.
malaking impluwensya sa buong daigdig.
 Ganapan o lokatib ang pokus ng pandiwa kapag ang paksa ng pangungusap
 Ang rutang dinaraanan ng mensahe ng tagapagsalita ay tinatawag na tsanel. ay ang lugar kung saan nangyari ang kilos na sinasaad ng pandiwa.

 Ang sarbey (survey) ay isang disenyo ng pananaliksik na nagsisiyasat sa  Ginagamit ang IKA na may gitling kung mismong bilang ang sunod na
pamamagitan ng palatanungan o pakikipanayam. isusulat.

 Ang sarswelang higit na kaugnay ang pangalang Severino Reyes ay Walang  Gitling ang bantas na ginagamit sa pagitan ng panlaping ika at tambilang.
 Huwag makisama kay Zoilo dahil buwaya siya. Ang salitang buwaya ay
 Ang Satanas sa Lupa ay akda ni Celso Al Carunungan. tumutukoy sa kahulugang konotasyon.

 Ang Senakulo ay isang dulang nagsasalaysay ng buhay at kamatayan n gating  Ipinagmamalaki mo siya, BAHAG naman pala ang kanyang BUNTOT. Ang ibig
mahal na Poong Hesukristo at masasabing parang pasyong itinatanghal sa sabihin ng may malaking titik ay duwag.
 Isa, dalawa, tatlo; ang tatay mong kalbo ay halimbawa ng panunudyo.
 Ang simbolong kumakatawan sa mga bagay at mga pangungusap nais
ipahayag ng tao sa kanayang kapwa ay wika.  Isang awitin bayan an tungkol sa pakikipagkaibigan ang salagintok.

 Ang sukat ay tumutukoy ito sa bilang ng pantig sa bawat taludtod ng tula.  Isang awiting bayan na ginamit sa pagpapatulog ng bata ay ang oyayi.

 Ang tangi (kung, kong) mithiin ay mapasaya ka.  Isang Cebuana na ipinalalagay na pinakapangunahing manunulat na babae sa
Ingles bago makadigma, ay si Estrella Alfon.
 Ang Teoryang pooh-pooh ay ang teorya ng wika na nagsasabing ang wika ay
nalikha bunga ng masidhing damdamin ng tayo gaya ng sakit, tuwa, sarap,  Isang kwento hinggil sa pinagmulan ng sasinukuban ay kalipunan ng iba’t
kalungkutan, takot, pagkabigla at iba pa. ibang paniniwala sa mga diyos at diyosa ay mitolohiya.

 Ang Tibag ay dulang padula tungkol sa paghahanap nina Reyna Elena at  Isang mababang tulang pasalaysay tungkol sa kabayanihan ng pangunahing
Constantino sa kruds na pinagpakuanni Hesus. tauhan na may pambihirang katangian ay ang epiko.
 Isang manunulat na may sagisag panulat na Dimas-ilaw ay si Emilio Jacinto.  Pagtukoy ang gawa ng pagsasalitang “Kami ang kabataang siyang magiging
pag-asa ng bayan”.
 Isang paraan upang maipakita ang pagkokontrast ng mga ponema ay ang
paggamit ng pares-minimal.  Pahalagahan ang pangaral nang hindi malihis ng landas.

 Isang satirikong bersyon ni Del Pilar sa akdang sinulat ni Padre Jose Rodriguez  Penomenal ang pangungusap na tumukoy sa pangyayaring pangkalikasan o
na may ganito ring pamagat ay ang Caiingat Cayo. pangkapaligiran.

 Laban ang salitang ugat ng PINAGLALABANAN.  Phenomenal ang uri ng pangungusap na UMAARAW NA.
 Isang tunay na manunulat na may sagisag-panulat na Agap-ito Bagumbayan  Sa (ika-8, ika-walo) ng gabi gaganapin ang pulong sa mga kawani.
si Andres Bonifacio.
 Sa pagsasanay tungkol sa pagkilala sa kasarian ng mga pangalang ipakikita,
 Isang tulang maromansa na kung saan nakaharap sa mga pakikipagsapalaran mabisang gamitin ang plaskard.
ang mga tauhan at hango sa tunay na buhay ay awit.
 Sa pamamagitan ng tulang Ala Juventud Filipino pinahalagahan ni Jose Rizal
 Kabaliwan at paglulustay ang inyong ginagawa taun-taon. Higit na marami ang mga kabataang Pilipino.
ang maralitang nangangailangan ng salapi at dunong. Ang nagsasalita ay
praktikal.  Sa pangungusap na “Malakas ang boses mo”, ang salitang malakas ay isang
 Kapag sinabing “Itaga mo sa bato ang aking pangako” siya ay nangangako ng
pagtupad sa pangako.  Sa pangungusap na “Kumain si Janus”, ang pokus ng pandiwa ay tagaganap o
 Kolokyal ang tawag sa antas ng wika ng ginagamit sa pang araw-araw na
pananalita.  Salitang-ugat ang pinakapayak na anyo ng salita na walang kahalong panlapi.

 Kung kilala ang Cebu sa kanyang Sinulog, kilala naman ang Kalibo sa kanyang  Si Alejandro Abadilla ang may-akda ng tulang “Ako ang daigdig”.
 Si Andres Bonifacio ang “Ama ng Demokrasyang Pilipino”
 Maingat ang angkop na pagpapakahulugan ng bilang at sukat kung
mangusap ang dalaga.  Si Deogracias Rosario ay ang Ama ng Maikling Kwento sa Pilipinas.

 Malay-Polenesyo ang angkang pinagmulan ng mga wika sa pilipinas.  Si Genoveva Matute ay ang may-akda ng “Kwento ni Mabuti”.

 Malungkot ANG MGA nagtapos na wala pang trabaho. Ang nasa malaking  Si Hermogenes Ilagan ang may-akda ng dulang ang “Dalagang Bukid” na
titik ay pananda. siyang nagging batayan ng awiting pan-zarzuela.

 Matapos alagaan at pakainin sa palad siya ay kinagat sa sariling kanang  Si Herninia dela Riva sa tunay na buhay ay si Amado Hernandez.
kamay. Ito ay may kahulugan na kawalang utang na loob.
 Si Idelfonso Santos ay isang manunulat sa panahon ng Amerikano na nagging
 Matatagpuan sa Kabanata II ng pananaliksik ang mga lugar at babasahing tanyag sa kanayang tulang “Ang Guryon”.
mapagkukunan ng mga literature at pag-aaral.
 Si Jesus Balmori ay isang manunulat sa wikang Kastila na may sagisag panulat
 May handa (raw, daw) tayo sa darating na Pasko. na Batikuling at nahirang na Makatang Laureado.

 May sagisag na panulat na Paralitiko at ang tinaguriang “Utak ng Himagsikan”  Si Jose Corazon de Jesus ay ang “Makata ng Pag-ibig” at “Hari ng Balagtasan”
ay si Apolinario Mabini. sa kanyang panahon.

 Metatesis ang uri ng pagbabagong morponemiko na gumagamit ng  Si Jose Garcia Villa ay isa sa pinakatanyag na Pilipinong manunulat sa Ingles
pagpapalit ng posisyon ng ponema sa salita. at kilala sa kanyang sagisag panulat na “Doveglion”.

 Minalas ang kahulugan ng idyomang ginamitsa pangungusap na “Marami sa  Si Jose Palma ang sumulat ng titik ng Lupang Hinirang at nilapatan ng musika
mga magsasaka ang INALATdahil sa patuloy na pagbuhos ng ulan”. ni Julian Felipe.

 Muling basa ang paraan ng pagbasa na ginagamit kung ang akda ay mahirap  Si Jose Rizal ang kilala bilang “dakilang manunulat” ng kilusang propaganda.
 Si Juan Abad ang sumulat ng dulang ang Tanikalang Ginto na kung saan
 Nagsimula ang pagkakaroon ng modernisasyon ng wikang pambansa noong inkyat ng mga alagad ng batas ang Batangas habang itinatanghal ang dulang
1987. ito at dinakip an gamy-akda.

 Nakikipag-away ka sa speaker ay pakikinig na kombatib.  Si Liwayway Arceo ang may-akda ng kwentong “Uhaw ang Tigang na Lupa”.

 Natalo siya upang muling manalo ay isang tayutay na pagsalungat o epigram.  Si Lope K. Santos ang nagbalangkas ng Abakada.

 Oo ate, (mag-aakyat, mag-akyat) na muna ako ng tubig.  Si Lope K. Santos ay isang tanyag na Pilipinong manunulat na may akda ng
Banaag at Sikat.
 Orihinal: mother cooked adobo for kuya Manuel. Salin: Si nanay ay nagluto
ng adobo para kay kuya Manuel. Ito ay pagsasaling literal.  Si Lualhati Bautista ay isang batikan at kilalang feministang manunulat na
kung saan ang kanyang akda ay nakapokus sa mga kababaihan.
 Pag-aalala ang angkop na damdaming napapaloob sa “Bakit gabi na’y di pa
siya dumarating?  Si Marcelo H.del Pilar ang may akda ng Dasalan at Tocsohan.

 Pagbabahagi ng damdamin ang gawi ng pagsasalita: Kasiyahan ko nang  Si Mariano Ponce ang tanyag na Pilipinong manunulat na may sagisag
makitang kayo’y nagmamahalan. panulat na “Kalipulako”.

 Pagtanggi ang gawi ng pagsasalita sa “Ayokong sumunod sa mga sinasabi  Si Pedro Paterno ay ang may-akda na Ninay na kauna-unahang nobelang
mo”. panlipunan sa wikang Katila na inulat ng isang Pilipino.
 Si Severino Reyes (Lola Basyang) ang tinaguriang Ama ng Zarzuelang Tagalog.

 Si William Shakespeare ang nagungusap sa quotation na “Ang pag-ibig aay

hindi pag-ibig kapag nagbabago kung nakakakita ng pagbabago”.

 Siya ay MAY KUTSARANG PILAK nang ipinanganak. Nagpapahayag ito na siya

ay mayaman.

 Sosyolek ang barayti ng wikang nabubuo ayon sa dimensyong sosyal dahil sa

ito ay nakabatay sa mga pangkat lipunan.

 Subjective Generalization ang tawag sa pahayag na pasaklaw na nabubuo sa

pamamagitan ng personal na panlasa o pagpili.

 Syntax ang tawag sa pg-aaral ng mga tuntunin kung paano inaayos ang mga
salita sa loob ng pangungusap.

 Tulog na ang mga bata (nang, ng) dumating ang kanilang ama.

 Tumatalakay ang akdang Ang Sampaguitang Walang Bango sa pagtataksil sa


 Tumutukoy ang diin sa taas-baba ng bigkas ng pantig ng isang salita upang

maging mabisa ang pakikipag-usap.

 Upang magkaroon ang diptonggo ang isang salita, hindi lang dapat
magkasunod ang isang pantig at ang malapantig na w o y, kung hindi, dapat
din na ang dalawa ay nasa iisang pantig.

 Upang magkaoon ng klaster ang isang salita, hindi lang dapat magkasunod
ang dalawa o higit pa na katinig, kung hindi, dapat din na nasa iisang pantig
ang nasabing magkasunod na katinig.

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