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Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology

Nagtahan Sampaloc, Manila

The Republic ACT No. 9163

Submitted by:

Jamaica Marie Delacruz

Submitted to:

August 18,2019

NSTP (Civil Welfare Training Service)

Research Question

What is the REPUBLIC ACT No. 9163?

Review of Literature

The National Service Training Program Act of 2001 or The Republic Act No.
9163 aims to defend and to protect the citizens in return, citizens or young adults is
required to train and to be prepared in when a need arises. NSTP or National Training
Program Act of 2001 promotes civic consciousness among the youth and shall develop
their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being.

According to Labuguen, Florida C. (2012). The Republic Act No. 9163 also
known as National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a civic education or defense
preparedness program to young adults or students. It is said that both male and female
college students of any baccalaureate degree or technical vocational course are obliged
to undergo National Service Training Program. The students are free to choose which
particular program component to take. The Civil Welfare Service (CWTS), Literacy
Training Service (LTS) and Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC).

Another idea by Peter Diraviyaraj (2017). This act established the compulsory
requirement of National Service Training Program (NSTP) in all Territory levels of
Education. Its purpose is prepare young adults to defend the security of the State
through personal, military or civil service to the country when a need arises.


In order to fulfill the aim of The Republic Act No. 9163, the public and private
school, institute and university is making NSTP as a requirement to both male and
female college students. In this factor, students may learn how to be prepared in terms
of calamity, young adults can help the adults and they can also protect the state. For
example, there are a worst climate change like flash floods and thunderstorm, the
government may not be easily help the citizens, young adults can help the other citizens
to evacuate, to lead, to protect, to help and to take first aid’s if something worst
happened. That is what the Republic Act No. 9163.


Labuguen, Florida C.; (2012). Understanding the National Service Training Program.
Retrieved from August 11, 2019, from

PAGASA. Republic Act No. 9163 Retrieved from August 11, 2019. From

Peter Diraviyaraj.; (2017). What is the Republic Act No. 9163 about?, Retrieved from
August 11, 2019, from
Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Nagtahan Sampaloc, Manila

The Republic ACT No. 9163

Submitted by:

Juevyllee Azshley Enrile

Submitted to:

August 18,2019

NSTP (Civil Welfare Training Service)

What is Republic Act 9163?

Republic Act 9163 is an act set upon the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for
third degree pupils. Its short rubric is “National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of
2001.” It was passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic
of the Philippines on December 19. 2001. It was later approved by Philippine President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo last January 23. 2002.

RA 9163 or the National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001 NSTP is “a plan
aimed at heightening civic consciousness and defense readiness in the young person
by developing the morals of service and nationalism while undergoing developing in any
of its three (3) plan constituents.” RA 9163 Section 2 Rule 1 of the Implementing Rules
and Regulations (IRR) of the NSTP Act states the function of the young person in
nation-building. It says:

(1) In acknowledgment of the critical function of the young person in nation-

building the State shall advance civic consciousness among them and shall develop
their physical, religious, rational and societal wellbeing. It shall instill the ideals of
nationalism, patriotism and progress their engagement in public and civic personal

(2) As the most valuable resource of the state they shall be motivated, trained,
organized and involved in military, literacy, civic public assistance plans and other
similar enterprises in the service of the state.

Since NSTP is training, civic consciousness can be enhanced by doing community

immersion which is an integral part of Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and
Literacy Training Service (LTS) while defense preparedness is enhance through the
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC).


This act established the compulsory requirement of National Service Training Program
(NSTP) in all Territory levels of Education. Its purpose is prepare young adults to defend
the security of the State through personal, military or civil service to the country when a
need arises.
It aims at imparting youth patriotism, nationalism, and at advancing their involvement in
public and civic affairs.

The law says that, “The youth, the most valuable resource of the nation, shall be
motivated, trained, organized and mobilized in military training, literacy, civic welfare
and other similar endeavors in the service of the nation!”


PAGASA. Republic Act No. 9163 Retrieved from August 11, 2019. From
Juevyllee Azshley Enrile Prof Richard K. Jomer


1. Differentiate art from science.

Science is a method for developing the best explanation for reality that we have
at any given moment. The purpose of science is to be as objective as possible, control
outside influences, form a testable hypothesis, and result in a theory supported by data.
The conclusions of science are always tentative and subjective to revision,
improvement, and replacement. Science continually expands what is known. The
byproducts of science is technology: generally useful devices, systems, and chemicals.
Science may produce understanding or practical objects.

Art is an activity engaged in to create ideas which traditionally take form as physical
objects, but this is not required. The purposes of art is to decorate, communicate,
persuade, or create. Art uses varying amounts of subjectivity. Art continually is in a state
of expansion and redefinition. The byproducts of art are often physical objects, but this
is not a requirement. Art may create controversy and debate, and sometimes practical

Scientists spend a great deal of time researching, experimenting, and recording the
results. Artists spend a great deal of time gathering influences which may include
research, they experiment with methods, materials, processes and styles. The finished
art is a record of their creative process.

2. Discuss the importance of art in humanity

It could be concluded that the importance of arts in our lives is quite recognize to
a greater level. Art is everywhere, influencing us on a daily basis, whether we realize it
or not. With the art that we are surrounded by, whether its painting, music or even
videos can have a huge impact on our mood and emotions. Our concentration towards
art is increasing day by day and people started appreciating art in a serious manner.
Everywhere you go art is evidence, research and statistics confirm that art helps resolve
a lot of problems and enhances critical thinking skills.

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