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Section A

Name: Age: Gender:

Hometown: Urban/ Rural Religion: H / M / C / Other


Section B:

1. Currently practicing Yoga: Yes / No, If yes, duration in months: __________

a) If yes how often: Daily / once a week / occasionally

b) Reason for starting: Weight loss / good health / illness / other________________

b. Duration of each session in minutes: ____________________

2. Practiced Yoga in the past: Yes / No, if yes, duration in months: __________

3. Reasons for stopping Yoga practice: _________________________

4. Do you want to practice Yoga? Yes / No / Not sure

5. Any family member practicing Yoga? Yes / No

6. Have you ever been taught any Yoga practice? Yes / No

7. Who did you learn Yoga from: Yoga teacher / Television / Internet / Books / Other________

8. Name one complete popular Asana in Yoga:___________________

9. Is there a particular time when Yoga should be practiced: Yes / No

a) If yes, ideal time for Yoga practice: Morning: From_______ To:____

b) Evening: From: __________ To: _______

10. Can you name 2 asanas in Yoga? 1.______________________ 2.__________________________

11. Name some diseases which can be cured by Yoga__________________________________

12. What prevents you from practicing Yoga: _________________________________________

Section C

S.No Question (Please tick in appropriate box) Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree disagree
1 A peaceful, noiseless, green and well ventilated environment
is necessary for practicing Yoga

2 Yoga practice will purify one’s thoughts

3 Yoga works on all body systems while physical exercise works

mostly on musculature

4 Yoga improves overall health while exercise builds muscles

and burns calories

5 Yoga improves daily bowel movements

6 Yoga improves immunity

7 Warm up exercise is necessary before Yoga

8 A satvik (no spices) diet is essential for Yoga practice

9 Adequate water intake is necessary when practicing Yoga

10 Yoga practice and religion go hand in hand

11 Yoga practice can improve memory and concentration on


12 Yoga is necessary for healthy life

13 Yoga practice must be done everyday

14 Yoga practice can cure diseases

15 Yoga mat is necessary for Yoga practice

16 A dress code is necessary for Yoga practice

17 Yoga should be made part of your course curriculum

18 Patients must be referred to Yoga practitioner as part of


19 Yoga is purely a weight loss programme

20 A vegetarian diet is essential for yoga practice

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