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15 July 2019

Day 22

Today, I released certification of employment as I usually do. I answer the call for employee
verification and arranged alphabetically the certification of employee and transfer it to Active Employee

16 July 2019

Day 23

Today, the first thing I did is validating performance appraisal form of employees regardless if
resigned or not. Second, was Ms. CJ let me entertain and instruct the employee of what she going to do
if we finished resetting her attendance checker. Third, we stamped the performance appraisal sheet
using receiving stamp pad. Fourth one was I answer the phone call for employee verification and I was
entitled to transfer the call to the local of my supervisor. Fifth, arranged the new arrival office supplies
brought by benefits personnel. Sixth, validate the list of employee that filed their dental form benefits
used by their dependents. And the seventh and the last one, I filed the job offer of two new hired

17 July 2019

Day 24

As soon as I arrived I did the routine here in Amkor of cleaning tables and cabinet using rags
given by the ISS personnel, after that I get another request log sheet of certification of employment to
write the day of release at the top of it as I usually do.

I released certification of employment for the employee that didn't follow the schedule and
remind them to follow the given schedule and file the dental form that I validate yesterday.

I answer the call of resigned employee that is requesting for the COE and wrote his name to the
request log sheet.

I gave the documents for delivery to messenger in able for him to send it on P1 and after he
received it I asked him to sign the receiving log book.

Arrange the COE and validate if all the name of employee who request in the list already have
printed COE to get ready before Ms. Aireen (Senior Director) sign it all.

Ms. Kii from P1 tour us to Plant 3 (P3) department of engineering, production control, testing,
etc. to give the regularization letter and asked to sign by each signatory.

I answer the call for employee verification.

18 June 2019

Day 25

I began with validating the list of Philhealth form of the active employees the afterwards I filed
such forms. I answer the call of applicant and transfer the call to recruitment.

We pull out all 201 files and check the educational background of employees either exempt or
non-exempt and I encoded their background on company laptop.

22 July 2019

Day 26

I pull out 201 again for background checking when I'm done with it I made 201 file folder of new
hired employee. I stamped using receiving stamp set the performance appraisal sheets given by
different department supervisor. I instruct employee her new employee password in attendance
checker after she reset it.

On the afternoon, I file the members data form (MDF) for PAG-ibig and answer the call for back
pay and transfer it to Employee Relation (ER).

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