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f oJObst. t;,. Cyn. of lndra Vol. 51, No.

5: September/October 2001 Pg 146-149

Role of Sperm Function Tests in Unexplained Infertility

Suvarna S. Khadilkar, Parathe, S.M. Tayde

Oeparllnent of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Grant Medical College and Cam a & A/bless Hospital , Mumbai, Malwrnslztra , India.


Unexplained infertility is a challenging problem for treating doctor. The apparent normal semen analysis
does not rule out the functional abnormalities of sperms. The role of sperm function by H.O.S. test
[H ypoosmotic swelling test] in Lmexplained infertility has been studied and analyzed here. 35 patients of
unexplained infertility were screened for sperm function test by H.O.S. We observed that 20% of patients
had abrtormal H.O.S. test and the results correlated well with morphological abnormalities. Abnorma 1
HOS indicates poor membrane integrity. Thus it may adversely affect the results of various ARTS.

Introduction all practical purposes, detailed history , c lini ca l

examination and routine semen a nal ysis ts ~uffictcnl
Unexplained infertility is a challenging problem for most of the patients. But this spectrum of patients
for the treating doctor but is a frustrating experience for with unexplained infertility needs further evaluation 111
the infertile coup le. The couple goes from one hospital to the form of sperm function tests. H.O.S. or Hypoosmotic
another, changing protocols after protocols for months swelling test is one important sperm function test which
together, just to realize that nothing seems to be working is studied in this paper. The aims & objectives of this
inspite of every thing being apparently normal. Many paper were to assess sperm function by H.O.S. test &
things need to be looked at in such patients. Nidation perform detailed analysis of sperm morphology and
failure, luteinized unruptured follicles (L.U.F.) and LPD other routine parameters on patients with unexplained
or luteal phase deficiency are few of the factors being infertility. We studied whether any of the routine
studied all over the world. However "assessment of parameters of semen analysis correlated well with HOS
sperm functions in unexplained infertility" is an test results.
important factor that needs to be studied.
Materials and Methods
The role of sperm function by H.O.S. test
(hypoosmotic swelling testl in unexplained infertility 35 patients diagnosed to have unexplained
has been studied and analyzed here. The routine semen infertility, attending infertility clinic in Cama Hospital,
analysis repeatedly comes apparently normal, but one were selected for the study. All the patients had j'
does not know whether the longevity & fertilizing undergone all investigations, spectfic infertility
property of sperms is normal or not. There is definitely investigations like D & C, laparoscopy I HSC and
something beyond " normal routine semen analysis". For routine semen analysis. None of the inves tigation s

Unexplained infertilitlJ

showed any obvious abnormality. The c.::ouples had Technique: HOS solution was prepared in our lUI
regular coi tus for period of one year or more which did laboratory at Cama Hospital and was stored at 4°C temp .
not result in any concep tions.
Composition of H.O.S. Solution:
The semen sa mples of these patients were Fructose:- 1.351 gm
cma lyzed in different labs and had always shown normal Sodium Citrate:- 0.735gm
routine anc1lys1s as per W .H.O. recommendation for the Distilled Water:-100 ml.
same. (W. H.O. 1992) [Table I]. All the patients selected 1 ml of HOS solution was taken in a tube and warmed at
had counts above 20 millions/ml, with motility of more 37°C for 10 minutes. 0.1 ml of semen sample was then
than 50"'n with at least 25% R.L.Ps [rapid linear added to H.O.S. solution, mixed well and incubated at
progrc.:;sive]. This was not always specified in all the 37°C for 30 minutes. 10 ul (Micro litre ) of incubated
reports. All had more than 30% morphologically normal mixture was taken on a labeled clean glass s lide covered
sperms. All the patients were asked to collect semen with a cover slip & examin.ed under microscope at 400X
samp les by masturbation in wide-mouthed sterile glass magnification.
beakers after the period of 3-4 days of abstinence. After Percentage of sperms having coiled tails was calc ulated
liqu e fa ction of samples a drop was taken on a slide for in two fields and the mean was taken.
the initial examination which included initial coiling
and initial count. Thereafter the samples were processed Interpretation
in two parts. Routine analysis was done on the first part HOS Positive % = Total mean percentage post HOS
with grea t care and Sperm morphology was done on coiling- Initial coiling percentage.
stained smears under higher magnification [1000X] Normal H.O.S. = > 60% sperms with coiled tails. [HOS
applying 'st ricter criteria'. A separate count was kept of positive%]
head, mid piece and the tail abnormalities. Inference=Good prognosis. Longevity, Viability and
fertilization potential is good & normal.
Table I Abnormal HOS= < 60% sperms with coiled tails.
WHO Criteria for Normal Semen Analysis [1992] Inference= poor prognosis. Indica tes d egenerati Vl'
Seminal Parameter Normal values changes in sperm membrane secondary to either
Volume 2ML Infection or some inherited disorder.
Motility >50'Yo Forward progressive, H.O.S, test results and other seminal parameters were
>25% R.L.P.s [rapid linear compared and studied in details.
Morphology >30% normal Table II
Vitality > 75% alive Sperm Count and HOS Test.
W.B.C. Cone. <1 Mill / ml Count Normal Abnormal
Immw1obead <20% Adherent Range H.O.S.n=28 H.O.S.n=7
Mar Test <10% Adherent MilUm!.
=20 1 4
!\separate count was also kept of coiled tails at 21-40 5 1
the initial exa mination and was labeled as "initial 41-60 11 2
co ilin g" . After noting the "initial coiling" percentage, 61-80 10
the semen samples were subjected to the sperm function >80 1
test by H.O.S. method. [Jayendran et al in 1984].
Observations and Results
H.O.S. Test
All the patients (Males) belonged to the range of
Principle: Healthy Viable sperm having good fertilizing 25 to 40 years of age. Duration of infertility ranged
potential have the property of curling & coiling of tails between 3 to 15 years. Any relevant points in the General
when exposed to the stress of hypoosmotic pressure. The Medical, Surgical and Sexual History were noted. Out of
unh ea lthy poor quality sperms do not have curling 35 patients 28 showed normal HOS tes t wh e reas 7
property w1der the hypoosmotic pressure. The LU1healthy showed abnormal HOS test giving us an incidence of
poor quality sperms do not have curling property under 20%. When the results of HOS test were compared with
the hypoosmotic stress. So the test evaluates the various seminal parameters we observed that majority
physiologic integrity of plasma membrane of sperms. of the patients from normal H.O.S. group had counts
The curling is due to swelling of plasma membrane & above 40 million /mi. Whereas 4 out of 7 patients from
retraction of axoneme fibers in the tails. abnormal H .O.S. group had counts of on ly 20 million /

Suv ama 5. Klwriilkar eta/

ml. Th a t m ea ns a majority of patients had counts closer Table V shows sperm m orphology of n orma l &
to lower limit of normal. abnormal H.O.S. groups. It is quite striking tha t non e of
the normal H.O.S. group patie nts h a d abn o rm al
Sperm motility as assessed by us was > 50% in morphology of 70% wherea s 5 out 7 p a ti ents fr o m
all samples how ever careful examination revealed much abnormal H.O.S. group had abnormal m o rph ology of
lower pe rce ntage of R.L.P. s (Rapid Linear Progressive more than 70%. This was found to be hig hly signifi ca nt
Sperms) Ln 57.2°/c, of patients with abnormal H.O.S. [Table statistically.
III]. As p e r W.H .O. (1992) the RLPs should be at least
25 '}o. Other Param e te rs like vo lum e, v iscos it y,
agglutination etc. were found to be simi! a r in bo th th e
Table fll groups. We did IUI on 5 patients of each gro up . The re
Sperm Motility and HOS Test were no conceptions in abnorm al HOS g rou p w he rea-.
Rapid Normal Abnormal two conceptions in normal HOS group .
Linear H.O.S.n=28 H.O.S.n=7
Progressive Discussion
[RLPs%] Incidence of unexplained infertility in our clinic
was 16.7%. This was slightly high er com pa red to 10" .,
>25% 22 [78. 6% ] 3 [42.8%]
incidence reported by I.R.R. in a similar stud y conducted
<25°/,, 6 [21.4% ] 4 [57.2%]
in 1989. [ICMR bulletin 1996]. They h ave re po rted
abnormal H .O.S. test and hamster egg penetra tion essay
Tabl e IV show s the correlation of W.B.C.
result in unexplained infertility to be 9/ 29 o r 31% . But
concentration & HOS results . 19 out of 28 had W.B.C.
we have slightly lower incidence of 5 / 25 o r 20% of
conce ntrati on < 1 million / ml in normal H.O.S. group
abnormal H .O.S. It was found that samples having
indicatin g no significant infection. However in abnom1al
abnormal HOS had significantl y hig h (l mil l./ ml. )
HOS gro up non e of the patients had WBC concentration
particulate debris suggestive of infection which is know n
<1 m illi on / ml. All the patients had significant WBC
to affect sperm function & membran e integ rity. Hence
conce ntra tiOn. Sp e rm m o rphology was done in greater
long term antibiotic treatment is required. The tota l sperm
d e tai ls w ith s tri c t crite ria . Head , midpiece & tail
count was found to be lower in abnormal HOS g ro up -..
abn o rm a lities were n oted which included coiled tails
But Morphology when s tudied more stri ctly & ca refull y
a lso . H o w e v e r n o sp ec ific part showed higher
was found to be significantly abnorma l in abn o rma l
abno rmality. Overall abnormal morphological forms
H.O.S. group as compared with norma l H.O.S. group . So
perce nt age was calculated. If that was above 70%, then
careful morphology gives similar progn os tic va lue of
it was labeled as abnormal.
semen analysis, however should be supplem ented with
Table IV sperm function tests which are rele vant.
WBC Concentration and HOS Test
WBCConc Normal Abnormal HOS is a sperm function test which ha s a good
MilUm! H.O.S.n=28 H.O.S.n=7 prognostic value for results of ARTs. Va rio us sp erm
function tests are described . There is a n ee d fo r
0-1 19
upgrading and standardizing various lab oratories. So
>1 6 4
wiln the help of trained, skilled pathologists it is possible
>4 3 3
to do these tests before proceeding for vario us ART
procedures. However H .O.S. is a simpl e, ra pid, less
Table V
cumbersome test which requires only basic labora tory
Sperm Morphology and HOS Test
support and skill. Therefore e ven a clinician can d o thi s
Abnormal Normal Abnormal test on his own patient 's se m e n sampl es. Surface
Sperm H.O.S.n=28 H.O.S.n=7 membrane properties are very important in norma l
Morphology gamete fusion .
0-20 16 2 Brief Review of some other Sperm Functtion Tests:
21-40 7 1. Gelatin Slide test : A c r oso mal fun c ti on tes t
41-60 5 (Gopalkrishnan et al, 1995) .
61-70 This tests the ability of acr os oma l e n zym es to
>70 5 dissolve protein (eg. Gelatin coated on the s lid e) is
seen under microscope as 'haloes ' o f dissolved

llllexplni11ed iHfertility

gelattn around sperm heads, when treated with A consideration of the hypoosmotic swelling
suitable reagents. test in combination with the sperm viability tn
2. N.C.D. test. uclcar Chromatin Decondensation hypoosmotic solution will enhance the detection ol
Test: [Copalkrishnan ct al-1991] differences in membrane properties on the sperm surface.
This tests the ability of the sperms to form male Sperm specimens failing both the VHOS and HOS tests
pronucleus by decondensation of nuclear chromatin. have been associated with poor fertilizing ability and
3. SMA! test: Sperm Mitochondrial Activity Index test poor in vitro fertilization outcome. The tests will help
[Gopalkrishnan et al-1990] identify the specimens requiring spcoal sperm
This tests the ability of spermatic mitochondrial processing. Percoll gradient method should be avoided
enzvmcs to bring about good motility of sperms. as it may further damage the wca k acrosoma I
4. f\.0. test: Acridine Orange staining of spermatozoa. membranes.
I Tejclda cl a!, 1984]
Thi-, test detects the ability of sperm nuclear Conclusion
chromatin to resist denaturation with the help of
fluorescent stain. Our study emphasizes that in the work up of
unexplained infertility, sperm function tests have a
All the above tests arc useful however need definite place. Even though the tests do not have much
special stains & reagents, they are more time consumirtg therapeutic value, they have a good prognostic value.
& should be done in proper laboratory set up. H.O.S. test 20% abnormal sperm function assessed by H.O.S. test in
gives overall membrane integrity, longevity, so gives a this study calls for doing this test and perhaps other
fair idea about the prognosis. relevant tests as a step before selecting the ART protocol
for the patients with unexplained infcrtility.ICSI may be
Osmolarity of semen in fertile men ranges better choice for patients with abnormal sperm function
between 360-380M osmol (velasquez et al, 1977). Normal tests.
Osmolarity of semen is an important factor for successful
fertilization. The osmolarity of the HOS solution is about Acknowledgements
150M osmols.
We would like to thank the Dean, Grant medical
Recently at Loma Linda University in college, Head of the department of obstetrics and
California, Chan et al, 1996 reported a new method gynaecology, Grant Medical College and the
combinmg the supravital stain [Eosine Y] test with the Superintendent Cama and Alblcss hospitals, Mun1bai
hypoosmotic sperm swelling test (VHOS) which reduced for allowing us to publish this data.
the number of false positive results from HOS tests. We
eliminated this possibility by doing the initial coiling References
and subtracting it from the post HOS coiling. 1. Chan PJ, Corselli L Patton W, Jacobson J: The sperm
viability in hypoosmotic solution test, Loma Linda
Univeristy, CAUSA, (1996). Chan PJ, Tredway DR,
Corselli L Pang SC, SUBC: Hum Rep rod; Sept 6(8):
1115, 1991.
2. Gopalkrishnan K, Hinduja IN, Anandkumar TC:
Mol. Androl; 3: 243, 1990.
3. Gopalkrishna K, Hinduja IN, and Anandkumar TC:
Arch Androl; 27: 43, 1991.
4. Gopalkrishna K: Current Science 68 (4): 353, 1995.
5. I.C.M.R. Bulletin; Vol. 26 No. 10:97. Octo. 1996.
6. Jeyendran, RS, Vander Ven HH, Perez Pelaez MM,
Carabo BG and Zaneveld LCD, J. Reprod Fertil 70:
219, 1984.
7. Tejada RI, MitchellJC, Norman A MarikJJ, Friedman
S: Fertil steril42: 87, 1984.
8. Velazquez A Fedrovi N; Delgado H. Rosado A;
Int. J. Fertil, 22-92,1977.
9. World Health Organization (1992) Laboratory
Manual for the examination of human semen &
sperm- cervical mucus interaction. In WHO special
programme for research development & Research
Fig 1: Microphotograph showing post HOS coiled tails training for Human Reproduction, y<~ edition,
Cambridge University press, Cambridge.


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