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Modern Mythological Creatures

(cc) 2010 – created at the Principia Discordia forums located at

Edited by Cramulus –

Contributors: Cramulus, Cuddlefist, The Good Rev. Roger, DiscoUkulele, Charlie

Brown, Dr. James Semaj, Vexati0n, Richter, Eater of Clowns, Rev. What's-His-Name?,
Vartox, Doktor Plague, Triple Zero, Rumckle, The Borderline Simpleton, Apikoros II,
Cainad, Netatungrot, BabylonHoruv.

This work is protected by a Creative Commons 3.0 License.

Modern Mythological Creatures

Annanavi eer lemental

When your GPS talks to you, you are A Beer Elemental appears as a
hearing an Annanavi. Typically, the seemingly normal glass of beer. If a
Annanavi is a helpful monster. But if Beer Elemental is consumed, it will
you shout at your GPS too much, or temporarily posses the drinker,
dont follow its instructions, the causing raucous behavior and black-
Annanavi gets annoyed. It will out-drunkenness. Any events
reprogram your GPS to lead you into experienced when possessed by a
places you don't want to go. Annanavi Beer Elemental will most likely be
are also curious creatures, interested forgotten the next day. If you have
in checking out places you otherwise experienced black-out-drunkenness on
might not ever visit. They think they are an evening when you've only had one
doing you a favor! or two beers, then, more likely than
not, a Beer Elemental is to blame. Beer
Elementals are normally passive
Akkolyte creatures, and only cause trouble
when consumed. Beer Elementals are
also often the cause of "Beer-Balls."
An elf-like creature that communicates Beer Elementals in their natural state
via an annoying and painful warble. can do very little on their own, so when
They are striped and shimmer and a particularly fidgety Beer Elemental
known for their perplexing behavioral wants to exert itself, "beer balls" is
patterns. Some say they are just plain usually the result.

The i−ycler
The child of prankster spirits and club
goers. It will appear at parties, bars, or
other events, and display a freely
swinging sexual orientation to get
attention. It pursues this like a sport.

Modern Mythological Creatures

ogard The umpers Tick

(also known as a Bonglin) Bogards are A tiny spider-like demon that can hide
small, wretched goblins who live inside dormant for ages in old buried threads.
of foul bong water. Their diet consists When such a thread is disturbed, it
of little weed scraplings. They will take wakes and attaches itself to a new
a little bit of yours every day until you host. If successful, it can infect them
get rid of them. Usually, cleaning up with Lame Disease.
and changing your water will do the
trick. Bogards are also drawn to poor
smoking etiquette. It is commonly believed that the
Bumper's Tick cannot successfully
detach itself from a "sticky" thread.
However, Legend has it, that long ago,
oogerrt during the Forum Dark Ages, before
the HIMEOBS Orbital Cleansing Event,
This wee beastie hides in your nose, an adventurous Mod tried to
mimicking a dry piece of mucus, but no exterminate a particularly stubborn
matter how much or how hard you infestation of Bumper's Tick by
blow, the tissue will remain clear. It is stickying all threads in the entire
known to react by withdrawing further Forum. But his plan backfired, as all
into the nasal cavity with the insertion the ticks spontaneously came out of
of any probing instrument, especially a their hiding places, infecting the entire
rolled up tissue or a pinky fingertip. Forum population with a particularly
Then, once the instrument is nasty strain of Lame.
withdrawn it comes back to haunt you
with it's ghostly tingle. It's relative is It is said that those who
the Desert BoogErt. survived this pandemic ultimately
became immune to the disease, but
whispered rumors say that it is only
oogrt (esert because they made a dark pact with
the Bumper's Ticks, explaining their
mysterious compulsion to bump the
This finicky little mischievous imp is haunted dusty threads of those terrible
always visible unlike his hidden cousin. Ages for ever and ever...
It likes to show itself on your tie, on
your shirt, or right under your nose
when you didn't even have any nasal
congestion at all. It feeds and always
grows larger on the energy emanations
given off by first dates, job interviews
and the in-laws.

Modern Mythological Creatures

The utty oolins

Formless entities that hide in social Coolins are small creatures with an
networking websites, often posing as extremely low body temperature. They
long-lost acquaintances or friends-of- live in your freezer and feed on
friends-of-friends. They'll ask to be your microwaveable and other frozen foods.
friend, and you may choose to leave They will often build nests at the
them wandering the abyss of center of a food item and feed on it
Facebook Purgatory for the rest of from the center out. Because of their
eternity. Unless you accept their extremely low body temperature, when
request. If you accept their request, the food that they inhabit is
they feel obligated to comment on microwaved or cooked, the center will
everything you do. Particularly nasty remain frozen, even if the surface is
Butties will bombard you with requests scalding hot. Often, Coolins are found
to help them work on their farms. living next to a deLuke, as the
deLuke's ability to steal temperature
provides the Coolins with a satisfactory
abinet ipsters cold environment.

These smurflike fae are too cool to live

in the forest. They like to throw parties
inside your cabinets and drawers. They
party all night, but by morning they are Chronaxes are mischievous imps who
usually too tuckered out to clean up enjoy playing around with clocks. Their
after it. They often leave spots of food favorite trick is to turn the clocks in
on silverware and dishes that you your house back ten minutes when you
swore you cleaned already. need to be somewhere, resulting in
you turning up late. They also play
around with alarms in the middle of
the night, turning them off or on, and
changing alarm time.

Modern Mythological Creatures

l hubbycabra ottit
A wandering spirit which seek out Tiny goblins with a natural chameleon-
areas bearing a couch, gaming system, like talent for blending in with ugly
and an Internet connection. Possesses carpets and wallpaper. They have an
the inhabitants or visitors of these innate hatred for bureaucracy and do
areas. The spirit will temporarily turn their best to harass bureaucrats by
them into sessile beings inhabiting the stealing forms and other acts of
couch who will game and surf the mischief. They are the reason HR and
Internet, typing or manipulating the DMV workers are so irritable.
controller with their unnaturally mobile, Unfortunately, they also steal other
yet fat orange stained claws. The people's forms, which forces them to
Chubbycabra will order out for delivery fill out the paperwork all over again.
of pizza or Chinese food and consume Can be placated by harassing
them at a rapid pace, leading to it's bureaucrats.
host growing rotund with prolonged
possession. Observers have
speculated that the Chubbycabra may The rama "lama
suck the food from the respective
delivery boxes, but this rumor is false.
They just eat fast. North America cousin of the noble
Peruvian Llama. The DL is a creature
so perfectly adapted to human
Exorcism may be performed via civilization and company, that it is
exercise or vigorous, hilarious, games rarely sighted (or often sighted but
(dropping 187 with a motherfucking rarely recognized). True to it's llama
NERF gun, for example). Less instincts, it prefers to feed off the
favorably, kicking the host's ass off the ground, and will spit in people's ears to
couch can work. annoy them into throwing drink,
dropping food, or tripping to provide for
itself and it's llamalings. It is
de"uke untrackable by hoof prints, since it
leaves dust everywhere as a defense
mechanism, and leaves no spoor since
An invisible elfin spirit who steals the it uses human toilets (as well as using
temperature from your drinks. If you've all the toilet paper and leaving the
ever taken a sip of coffee and been empty roll.)
disgusted by how cold its gotten, it's
likely that a deLuke got to it. deLukes
also warm up cold drinks and make
chinese food all gummy when you
reheat it.

Modern Mythological Creatures

The #$% &art 'nockers

These creatures of chaos live within Fart Knockers, otherwise known as
computer games and determine things Gastro-Intestinal Imps, live inside your
like what items a monster is carrying, lower intestine. They are a loathsome
which block falls next in Tetris and so people who delight in sending their
on. They are perverse creatures which hosts running to bathroom for what
enjoy having people swear at them. If turns out to be no reason at all. They
sworn at properly they can cause are also responsible for the "phantom
players unexpected good fortune. poop" phenomenon - occasionally,
somebody will take a crap, and then
upon inspection, there is no fecal
xcess evil matter in the toilet. This surreal event
is usually just a fart knocker escaping
into the sewer system.
The Excess Devil is by no means a
natural creature. The first Excess Devil
was created by the secret order of
corporate wizards employed by a
certain tobacco company, using the
genetic code of deceased Gangly, hairy creatures that are often
Nikodemons, to induce chain smoking. sighted at social gatherings. They often
Excess devils are made to die. When shroud themselves in tacky clothing
one is consumed and killed, it releases raided from dumpsters and second-
pheromones that induce the consumer hand stores to hide their monstrous
into lighting up another cigarette, appearance. They lack low-light vision
which, in turn, contains another Excess but still need to conceal their eyes; as
Devil. The Tobacco type Excess Devil such, they are perhaps the only
paved the way for many other types of creatures with a practical use for
excess devils, such as the Fast Food shutter shades. Mostly benign, but
type Excess Devil, and the High they feed on enthusiasm, originality,
Fructose Corn Syrup type Excess Devil. and personality while excreting irony.
In fact, in the few short years since it's Many of late have settled down and
creation, the Excess Devil has been re- become comfortable with a semi-
engineered by most, if not all, nomadic urban lifestyle, leading to
corporations. An Excess Devil is excessive gorging.
particularly dangerous when in the
company of a Beer Elemental.

Modern Mythological Creatures

uzzer The 'eynog

The Huzzer is a tiny creature which A small goblin who lives inside your
looks like a hummingbird made of goo. keyboard. If you have a sticky key, it is
It crosses back and forth between the because a keynog has taken up
dream world and the waking world, residence beneath it.
stealing little things from the real world
to build its nest. It crosses from plane
to plane through your cell phone. That 'overgnaw
"phantom vibration" thing you
sometimes feel, when your cell phone
didn't go off but you reached for it The Kovergnaw is a quiet, nearly-
anyway, that's a Huzzer. After this harmless little creature that resembles
happens, check your pockets - there's a gecko with a comically large mouth.
a good chance a Huzzer has taken It lives in bookshelves and occasionally
some change, a paperclip, a crumpled in book bags and purses, and it feeds
up receipt, any little thing it can use to on book covers. Not the whole cover,
make its nest. If you're good at mind you, just the edges and corners.
navigating the Dream World, you They have a difficult time digesting
should be able to find the nest and hard covers and tend to avoid them,
stuff you're missing. but chances are your paperback books
have been ravaged by one of these
creatures. No matter how gentle and
'affenoid cautious you think you are with your
paperbacks, or even if you leave them
untouched on the shelf in pristine
Little sprites that like to cause condition, you'll pick them up one day
mischief and discomfort amongst the to find that the corners of the cover
human race. They frequently will strike are peeling apart, not damaging the
people who've given up their coffee- integrity of the binding (usually) but
drinking ritual. They transport utterly screwing up the aesthetics and
themselves into the brain where they your ability to claim "Good" condition
will dance, bounce, and perform other when you sell it used on
assorted gymnastics on the neurons in
the brain, causing sharp pains. They
are tenacious little creatures and will
only relent to those with a very strong
will and a boat-load of ibuprofen.

Modern Mythological Creatures
presence for too long - they can be
The 'owlma seen signing on, hanging out for a
second, and then signing off.
Small silhouettes living off excess
electricity just inside your monitor.
They appear as punctuation marks +isantrophee
that are present upon typing and
proofreading, but disappear as soon
as the work is printed or posted. This ghoulish scavenger is made up,
Occasionally a Kowlma will settle next as a jumbled mess of many ghostly
to an actual punctuation mark looking partial body parts, limbs, heads and
like a duplicate, when the duplicate is mouths speaking of good intentions,
erased, it assumes its role, proving to as well as a distinctively large
be missing on the regular document. collection of half asses. It feeds on lost
bits of faith in humanity, hunts unkept
promises and wild assumptions,
unclaimed responsibilities, missed
"iberchaun opportunities and discarded hope.
Because of the high moral fiber
A Liberchaun is a cousin of the content of its diet, it is generally quite
Leprechaun. Liberchauns are also happy and well-balanced. It builds its
diminutive Irish characters who guard nests on high stakes, from where it
fabulous prizes. But they don't live at uses its keen long-term vision to scan
the end of rainbows, they live at the for parts of the bigger picture losing
end of unread books. They prefer their grasp on reality.
books which are very boring, or which
have been purchased but never read. Its mating-call is
In order to find a Liberchaun's UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
treasure, you have to read the entire NG, which is used by the males to
book before it has a chance to move attract and deceive female
out. They also tend to like old Irish misantrophees into believing there is a
novels. The largest Liberchaun family tasty snack to be found. At this sound,
dwells specifically inside works by the female rushes into the situation
James Joyce. with a big leap of faith, and as her
belief becomes unfounded, it takes on
a life of its own and become a new
"irc baby misanthropee.

The Lirc lives in Internet chat rooms. It

never says anything. Yes, sometimes
when you see somebody lurking for
entire months at a time, there is no
computer or human being attached to
it. Young Lircs cannot maintain a
Modern Mythological Creatures

The +isplayced $ightwoofah

The Misplayced are a mischievous A parasite that attaches itself to what
gang of gnome-like creatures that revel we know as a modern day dog, this
in pulling pranks. Have you ever lost creature makes its nest in the brain
your keys/phone/sunglasses and look and vocal cords of its host. It lies
everywhere, only to find that they have dormant throughout daylight hours,
been in/on your hand/pocket/head but when the sun goes down it awakes
the whole time? That is the and begins forcing the dog-host to bark
Misplayeced stealing your stuff,and loudly and for no reason. It makes its
then returning it to you at the most host continue barking for as long as
inopportune time to make you look like possible, feeding off the sound waves
an idiot. it creates. Once they have found a
satisfactory host, Nightwoofah's have
been to known to inhabit the same dog
The $arcolepsy for weeks on end.

The Narcolepsy Fairy is the Sandman's
not so nice brother. Instead of The Nikodemon is usually inhaled via a
bestowing the weary with some much cigarette. In fact, Nikodemon's lay
needed sleep at night, the Narcolepsy dormant in cigarettes until the fire
Fairy will induce sleep in people at very awakens them. During the initial
inopportune times, such as during an period they are quiet and only make
important class lecture, during a movie their desires known if they go too long
that you really wanted to see, or while without being fed their nicotine dose at
driving. The Narcolepsy Fairy is also the expected time. The sweats given
responsible for oversleeping on an off while trying to quit smoking will
important day. When attempting to morph the Nikodemon into a Greater
make someone oversleep, the Nikodemon, much like what happens
Narcolepsy Fairy will often employ one when you get a Mogwai wet. Even
or more Chronaxe to disable alarms. It though the person may be 100%
is not sure why the Narcolepsy Fairy nicotine free, the Greater Nikodemon
does what he does, as, generally, he's constantly desires more nicotine
a pretty cool guy, but some people infecting their hosts with cigarette
believe that a falling out with his cravings, dreams involving smoking
brother, the Sandman, lead him to and the urge to return to the days
become overly competitive in the field when you could still smoke in bars. He
of sleep inducement. will often accept offerings of nicotine
gum but these individual sacrifices are
never quite enough to tame his
demands for more cigarettes. He lives
Modern Mythological Creatures
initially in the lungs and during his life phone reception, you can sometimes
slowly migrates to the brain. Once he hear them trying to whisper their
becomes affiliated with someone their message. They are also known for
is no way to ever fully get him out of calling people from an unlisted
the host number and then not saying anything.
They are also behind a lot of "heavy
breathing" phone calls.
Related to both the Nikodemon and
,hantom -tep
nMYOB. The Nikobutter always lives in
the Anus and causes extreme Phantom Steps live at the bottom of
reactions to any second hand smoke staircases. They are responsible for
experienced by their host. This will making you think that there is one
cause the host to excessively wave more step left until you reach the
their hands in the presence of second bottom of the stairs, resulting in a
hand smoke, raise their voices, hilarious misstep. A greater Phantom
unnoticed to the speaker, when Step can do so in areas familiar to you,
making comments about smoking, and like your own home.
cause the hosts face to maintain an
ugly rigor they will maintain while in
the smoke vicinity. It also increases
the hosts ability to pick up the scent of
any smoke, from hotel rooms to the
clothes worn to a Phish concert, even
if the smoking happened decades ago.

Ironically, The Nikodemon and

Nikobutter have often been known to
inhabit the same host, which can lead
to all sorts of problems

This is a ghost who lives in cell phone
towers. If you die in a car accident
while texting or talking on the phone,
this may be your fate. Like many
ghosts, Numrons are bound to this
plane by their unfinished business. In
their case, it is a message that was
never delivered. When you get bad
Modern Mythological Creatures

,hawlsees ,ixyl
Phawlcees are tiny, microscopic Pixels don't die. They are stolen by
creatures that, if allowed in, live in your pixyls, who use each stolen pixel to
brain. They convince you to regard construct there own monitor piece by
other peoples opinions and ideas as piece. They can travel through
truth, even if they are not. Once a false electrical wires, phone or cable lines,
idea is accepted by the host, or even radio/microwaves.
Phawlcees push this idea to the
forefront of your brain and make you
militant about these ideas. If nothing is ,yrrot
done to stop this process, the false
idea becomes ingrained in your brain
so deeply, that you think that you, The Pyrrot (pronounced "pie rit") loves
yourself, thought it up. False ideas music, especially catchy pop anthems
implanted by Phawlcees in this and addictive commercial jingles.
manner are almost impossible to get When it hears a particularly catchy
rid of, even if you are aware that it was tune, it memorizes it. Later, it'll keep
an implanted idea. Phawlcees live off singing one part of that tune over and
of the negative energy that comes over again. Pyrrots live on your
from illogical and combative shoulder, probably because that's
arguments, so the ideas planted are where they hear the best music. They
often religious or secular in nature. have no respect for intellectual

,ill +imic
-ock -meagol
These shape shifters disguise
themselves as pharmaceutical drugs. Everyone has had run-ins with this
After you swallow them, they live inside thieving little demons who hide inside
your stomach, where they feed on dryers and steal socks and other
partially digested food. Once articles of clothing. But sometimes
immersed, pill mimics secrete a mucus they sneak out in the middle of the
which protects them from your night to play, swinging around on
stomach acid, but also has mild clothes hanging in closets, rearranging
psychogenic properties. This altered them, dragging random objects from
state is frequently mistaken for the around your house and putting them
intended effects of the pharmaceutical under sofa cushions and the like. One
for which the pill mimic was mistaken. of their favorite games is to wait until
there's only one pair of socks or boxers
left in your drawer, and then steal

Modern Mythological Creatures
find beauty in adjoining two relatively
The -omelse ,rob unrelated items, and feel as if they are
making some form of social
These incorporeal creatures hang commentary by doing so (though, if
around the less fortunate. They feed you asked one to explain the meaning,
on compassion and when someone they will just tell you that you wouldn't
more fortunate is considering doing understand). They are responsible for
something compassionate they will that sock stuck to the back of your
leap into their brains and devour the shirt that you don't notice until you're
compassion, causing an averting of out at a social gathering. Particularly
eyes and the idea that someone else malicious, evil aligned Static Clingons
will take care of the less fortunate will attach women's underwear to any
individual in question. Somelse Probs one of your garments when you're on
have discovered ways to travel via your way to your girlfriends, parents or
television and often hitch a ride on grandparents house. Static Clingons
those commercials with the starving are closely related to Sock Smeagols.
African children in them, among
-tidnab Traf
-pliss These nebulous spirits live in deep
hydrothermal vents in the ocean
A tiny goblin that naturally lives feeding on methane. Sometimes these
dormant in corn fields, where it causes vents close off or just run out of food
no harm. Sometimes, however, after forcing the spirits to make a pilgrimage
corn has been processed and to the surface. When people use
consumed, the human digestive track natural gas to heat their homes,
activates the Spliss, where it runs Stidnab Traf are attracted who then
amok causing gas and other steal from your supply. Of course they
discomfort until it eventually dies, is don't stop there, and when hungry
passed along the track, and becomes enough they will also steal your
lodged at the very end of the excretory unfarted flatus.
system. This is why you sometimes
wake up for a morning piss and the
stream for no reason at all sprays off Toekin
in two different directions

A perverted gremlin that hides inside

your shoe. Is often mistaken for a
-tatic lingons pebble or coin. Toekin derive sexual
pleasure from being stepped on.
Static Clingons live in clothes dryers
and hampers, and consider
themselves to be modern artists. They
Modern Mythological Creatures

Trance Thief Thotchuwur

The Trance Thief is a fae trickster who A psychic shape shifting creature that
works for the unseelie court. You know is able to assume the exact
how your computer's spare CPU cycles appearance of the back side of
can be used to crowdsource larger someone you know. Draws energy
tasks, such as SETI@Home? The from awkward moments.
Trance Thief uses your brain's spare
processing power to solve unseelie
problems. When you're spaced out and T0/'1
staring at porn, farmville, or world of
warcraft, the Trance Thief can utilize
your brain power for evil. a NASTY LITTLE THING THAT LIVES IN
The upside down people are the ones
who walk down the bottom side of the
stair risers while you walk up on the
top side. They seem drawn to Holy
Men™ and Doktors, particularly those
experimenting with or religiously
chewing on cactus. At night, they suck
the goo out of your sink trap for their
sustenance. They are not to be trusted,
as they seem to be in league with the

T /- ,/,"
They are invisible and there are
unsubstantiated reports they try to
steal all of your ill earned assets. On
the rare occasions they are visible they
can be identified by their smudgy skin
color. Many natives are terrified of
them, but this is due to ignorance.

Modern Mythological Creatures

The .ni−porn 0raith loud

The Uni-porn has a one track mind, These gigantic creatures are the
and will make you have one too, if ghosts of clouds. They look exactly like
you're not careful. Like many types of regular clouds, but they are not. In
computer viruses, the Uni-porn lives in fact, they scare the shit out of normal
sex-sites on the internet looking for clouds.
people to brainwash. Unlike computer
viruses, The Uni-porn will not infect
your computer, it will actually hack into
your brain and begin reprogramming it.
An infected individual will suddenly
have no time for friends, family, their
spouse or partner. They will become
distant, sweaty, and develop HPS
(Hairy Palm Syndrome) and spend an
inhuman amount of time on the
computer, in the dark, behind closed
doors. If an infected subject is
approached, it will protect itself by
saying "I'm busy!" in an awkward
crackly voice. The Uni-porn gains
nothing from brainwashing people
other than the satisfaction of making
their already boring sex-life seem
doubly so.

0andering ock
A relative of the Lirc, these severed
phalli enjoy traveling through the
internet and popping up occasionally
just to say "Hello!". According to
folklore, these phalli were once
attached to men in the real world, but
got lonely and decided to leave.


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