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A. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate word from the text.

The biosphere is that part of the 1) ………………… (crust), the 2) ………………………(gases), and the
3)…………………………(water) that contains living things. Within the 4) ……………………, populations interact among
themselves and with the 5) ………………… (physical and chemical) environment.

The populations in the biotic community of an ecosystem are either 6)……………... or 7) ………………… The first ones
8) …………………organic nutrients and the second ones 9)…………………… organic nutrients.

Green plants and diatoms are 10) ………………………. Giraffes and caterpillars are 11) …………………………
An osprey and a praying mantis are 12) ………………. Most human beings are 13) ……………………. ………
Mushrooms and bacteria are 14) ……………………….

B. Match the words with their explanation.

1. ecosystem a) organic material derived from the breakdown of plant & animal material occurring into the surface
layers of the soil. It is black & colloidal in nature, coating the soil particles & improving the fertility of
2. tissue b) to float in liquid or air without moving
3. substratum c) physical substance that everything in the world consists of
4. weathering d) an opening that allows air, gas or liquid to pass out of or into a place
5. humus e) any group of cells of similar structure in animals or plants that performs a specific function (e.g.
6. matter f) when animals eat grass that is growing in a field
7. swamp g) a layer of something especially rock or soil, that is bellow another layer
8. suspend h) any animal that lives by preying on other animals from a lower trophic level
9. vent i) it includes all the organisms (the biotic component) and the non-living (or abiotic) component of
their environment within which they occur naturally
10. graze j) the remains of dead organisms
11. predator k) an area of ground that is very wet or covered with water in which plants are growing
12. detritus l) the natural processes by which the actions of atmospheric and other environmental agent result in
the physical disintegration and chemical decomposition of rock and earth materials

C. Search in the text and find which words could be replaced by the following ones:
1. breathing 4. variety 7. prevailing
2. provides 5. richness 8. acquire
3. protects 6. operate 9. released

D. Find the derivatives of the following words: Then create your own sentences with these.
Noun Verb Adjective

Source: English 2 – Dept. Biology, University of Crete, with modifications.


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