Total Vertex Craniopagus With Crossed Venous Drainage: Case Report of Successful Surgical Separation

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Childs Nerv Syst (2004) 20:607–617

DOI 10.1007/s00381-004-1011-6 SPECIAL ANNUAL ISSUE

Dale M. Swift
Bradley Weprin
Total vertex craniopagus
Fred Sklar with crossed venous drainage:
David Sacco
Kenneth Salyer case report of successful surgical separation
David Genecov
Raul Barcello
Mario Ortega
Ken Shapiro

Received: 26 April 2004 Abstract Case report: Twin boys customized head holders and an op-
Published online: 29 July 2004 joined at the head in a total vertex erating table. Prior to separation a
 Springer-Verlag 2004 configuration were born in Egypt in series of preparatory operations were
June 2001. At 12 months, they were performed to expand the scalp, as
transported to Dallas for evaluation well as the fascia lata for dural
and eventual surgical separation. In grafting. At the age of 28 months, the
Dallas, a large multidisciplinary team twins were successfully separated
of health care providers from two during a 33-h operation. No attempt
pediatric hospitals was assembled to was made to reconstruct the dural
care for the boys. Extensive radio- venous sinuses. Scalp closure was
graphic evaluation revealed that the adequate, requiring a split-thickness
twins had essentially separate, well- skin graft on one boy. Outcome:
formed brains, each with regions of Postoperatively each child demon-
schizencephaly. Each child’s left ce- strated an incomplete right hemipar-
rebral hemisphere drained most of the esis. One twin required cerebral spi-
D. M. Swift · B. Weprin · F. Sklar · venous blood to the right jugular nal fluid shunting. Neither child had a
D. Sacco · K. Salyer · D. Genecov · system of the other. A detailed as- CSF leak or a CSF infection. At
R. Barcello · M. Ortega · K. Shapiro sessment of the foreseeable risks of 6 months follow-up, both boys are
Children’s Medical Center of Dallas,
North Texas Hospital for Children at surgical separation was then estimat- rapidly acquiring speech in both En-
Medical City Dallas, ed and presented to the parents, as glish and Arabic, motor function is
Dallas, TX, USA well as to the ethics committee of the improving, and both are progressing
two institutions. The decision was toward independent ambulation.
D. M. Swift ())
Neurosurgeons for Children,
then made to proceed with separation.
1935 Motor Street, Dallas, TX 75235, USA Surgical planning included the con- Keywords Craniopagus · Conjoined
e-mail: struction of multiple polymer models, twins · Polymer models
Tel.: +1-214-4566660 and the design and construction of

Introduction of the condition. In recent years, however, technological

advances have led to improved preoperative understand-
Twins conjoined at the head or craniopagus1 is a rare and ing of the involved anatomy and presumably better out-
dramatic condition [1]. Surgical separation is generally comes.
deemed desirable, but success in this undertaking is lim- The separation of total vertex-conjoined twins requires
ited. This is due to the rarity, variability, and complexity collaboration among three medical specialties: neurosur-
gery, craniofacial plastic surgery, and anesthesiology.
1 Although the neurosurgical portion of the operation
The word craniopagus is singular and refers to a set of twins
conjoined at the head. Since the term refers to both children as one constitutes the “separation,” a successful outcome re-
entity its use is limited in this article quires that each specialty has carefully considered its

contribution and that the individual specialists function transmitted to the shape of the brain. The brains appeared nearly
together as a coherent team. Inevitably each specialty will completely separate, with a small shelf of dura in limited locations.
At the apex of the parietal aspect of one left hemisphere, the margin
have to change its traditional approach to optimize the on MRI was indistinct. Indeed, at surgery this area was found to be
ultimate result. We report a case of successful separation adherent to the other twin’s left hemisphere.
of total vertex-conjoined twins operated on in Dallas at Conventional cerebral angiography demonstrated relatively
the age of 28 months. Close multidisciplinary coopera- normal arterial supply to the brains with distortion consistent with
the cerebral anatomy. The venous drainage, however, was markedly
tion, extensive preoperative planning, and innovative abnormal, demonstrating “crossed venous drainage.” The left ca-
equipment design are all thought to have contributed to rotid injection on each child filled the left hemisphere of the same
the successful outcome. child, but the majority of venous drainage proceeded though cor-
tical draining veins into a superficial dural venous sinus, which
became the right transverse sinus and ultimately the right jugular
vein of the other child (Fig. 3). Right hemispheric drainage stayed
Case report within the same child via the right jugular system. Thus, the left
jugular veins were rudimentary.
Twin boys joined at the head were born in Egypt in June 2001. The The anatomy of the brains and the dural venous sinuses was
twins were joined at the vertex of each in a pattern termed “total remarkably symmetric (Figs. 4, 7). Neither child demonstrated a
vertex craniopagus” (Fig. 1). The interaxis angle was nearly 180. more exuberant venous system than the other, and equal numbers of
Interaxis rotation was about 90 (i.e., their faces were oriented left-sided major cortical veins drained into the “shared” right jug-
about 90 from one another). At 12 months of age they were ular systems of each. Thus, the major dural venous sinus—analo-
transported to Dallas for evaluation. The twins were alert, active, gous to the sagittal sinus in its drainage distribution—did not,
and demonstrated no focal neurological deficits. Neither boy however, course between the two hemispheres of each twin. This
seemed significantly impaired in comparison to the other. General sinus system ran superficially along the junction of the two brains
pediatric assessment revealed no abnormalities of other organ and was continuous from the right jugular vein of one twin to the
systems. Developmental and cognitive assessment showed both right jugular vein of the other with a small diagonally oriented
boys to have mild to moderate developmental delays, even con- connection posteriorly. Blood flow in this anastomosis was pre-
sidering the physical constraints imposed by their attachment. sumed to be bidirectional. Although this pattern has been referred
Nonetheless, the twins appeared to be thriving and demonstrated to as a “shared sagittal” or “circumferential” sinus in other cranially
positive responses to physical and occupational therapies. conjoined twins, in this case the sinus was more aptly described as
“spiral”—implying a midpoint appropriate for division. This mid-
point was located just to the right of each child’s glabella. The dural
Cerebral anatomy sinus in this region was presumed to be bidirectional and extended
deep between the two brains as a highly vascular “shelf” of dura.
The cerebral anatomy was delineated by a series of neuroradio- The MRV revealed small veins running through the inter-
graphic studies including computerized tomography (CT), com- hemispheric fissure of each twin in the expected location of the
puterized tomographic angiography (CTA), magnetic resonance sagittal sinus (Fig. 5). Because of the apposition of the twins’
imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), magnetic brains, these vessels coursed deeply rather than superficially.
resonance venography (MRV), and cerebral angiography. The CT Defining flow through these vessels on the angiogram was not
and MRI data were reformatted to provide 3D representations. Each possible. These sagittal veins were the only obvious aspect of the
child demonstrated fully developed cerebral hemispheres, basal twins’ venous drainage that was not symmetric as it appeared as
ganglia, and cerebelli. Each child also had a limited area of schi- though both drained into twin M’s jugular system.
zencephaly in the medial occipito-parietal region extending to a
cystic dilatation of the third ventricle (Fig. 2). The left hemisphere
of each twin projected into the cranium of the other twin. There was Assessment of risk
marked positional flattening of the skull posteriorly, which was
Upon arrival in Dallas there had been no definitive decision made
as to whether or not to proceed with surgical separation. The twins
were in no apparent distress and grossly neurologically intact. A
reasonable assessment of risk had to be determined and then pre-
sented to the parents as well as the ethics committees of the two
institutions involved. This assessment was based upon the anatomy
demonstrated by CT, MRI, and cerebral angiography, as well as
consultation with other surgical teams who had experience in
similar cases.

Fig. 2a–e MRI obtained at 13 months of age. Axial T1 MRIs with

contrast. a Scan at the level of the lateral ventricles of twin M. Note
the cystic dilatation of the third ventricle and limited schizen-
cephaly. b Scan roughly at the junction of the twins. Three hemi-
spheres are visible, two from twin M and the left of twin A. c Scan
at level of the lateral ventricles of twin A. Note the rotation from a
and similar cystic dilatation of the third ventricle with limited
schizencephaly. d Sagittal image of twin M (bottom). e Coronal
image with twin M at the bottom. Note the indistinct margin be-
Fig. 1 The patients at 17 months of age. The interaxis angle is tween the two brains (circle). This region proved more difficult to
about 180, and the rotation about 90 dissect at surgery

Once sufficient details of the patients’ anatomy had been elu-

cidated, a diligent effort was made in order to identify similar
patients and discuss their management with their respective surgical
teams and care providers. The authors gratefully acknowledge and
are particularly indebted to the teams at UCLA and Singapore
General Hospital, both of whom previously separated total vertex-
conjoined twins. In addition, a number of other neurosurgeons with
similar experience graciously reviewed this case and rendered
valuable opinions.2
Upon review of the available information, a reasonable as-
sessment of risk seemed to predict that the twins had a good chance
of survival, but that the left cerebral hemispheres were at significant
risk of venous infarction. Numerous possible options for managing
the dural sinuses were proposed. The final surgical plan utilized the
exquisite symmetry apparent in the patients and disallowed any
“sacrifice” of one twin’s venous drainage system for the benefit of
the other. The surgical plan also emphasized numerous measures to
prevent CNS infection, which had proven disabling in other cases.
Review of the information by the two ethics committees resulted in
recommendations that separation surgery be offered to the parents,
who in turn accepted and gave informed consent.

Preoperative preparation

Multidisciplinary team

In Dallas, a multidisciplinary team was assembled with pediatric

neurosurgery, craniofacial plastic surgery, and pediatric anesthesia
at its core. Further support was provided by other pediatric sub-
specialists including neuroradiology, critical care, general surgery,
neurology, ENT, physical therapy, occupational therapy, social
work, chaplaincy, and others. None of the members of the team had
previous experience with separating cranially conjoined twins.
Some members of the neurosurgery team (K.S., F.S.) had separated
twins conjoined at the spine, and members of both the craniofacial
and neurosurgery teams (K.S., K.S.) had performed repair of cranial
defects resultant from separation of cranially conjoined twins. The
leader of the anesthesia team (M.O.) had previously directed the
anesthetic management of six sets of somatically conjoined twins.

Tissue expansion

Upon review of similar cases, it became clear that complete cov-

erage of the surgical defect with healthy autologous tissue and
without foreign materials would be crucial in the prevention of
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks and resultant CNS infection. In-
fections of these types are known to cause significant neurologic
damage and thought to be responsible for poor neurocognitive
outcome observed in some separated twins. Two separate flaps
were planned, scalp and pericranium (Fig. 5). The roughly trian-
gular scalp flaps were frontal and occipital in each twin. Frontal
flaps were based on supratroclear, supraorbital, and superficial
Fig. 3a, b Cerebral angiogram at 13 months of age. a Left internal temporal blood supply, whereas the occipital flaps were fed by the
carotid injection of twin A results in the majority of venous posterior auricular and occipital arteries. The pericranial flaps were
drainage to the right jugular vein of twin M. b Right internal carotid based temporally on the deep temporal arteries. Thus, a series of
injection of twin M similarly empties into twin A’s right jugular operations was performed to provide appropriate tissue expansion.
system Tissue expansion progressed over a period of nearly 6 months. A
total of six inflatable expanders with varying configurations and
volumes was placed. Aggregate volume was 2,150 cc. One ex-
pander was removed due to an infection, which had completely
In addition to the general risks of surgery of this magnitude, the
resolved by the time of separation.
patients’ individual anatomy presaged two major concerns. First,
the presence of crossed venous drainage appeared to carry a
significant risk of venous infarction. Second, the lack of tissue 2
The authors would like to acknowledge the generous expert ad-
available for closure of the anticipated calvarial defect carried vice provided by Drs’ Keith Goh, John Frazee, Jorge Lazareff,
significant risk of central nervous system (CNS) infection. Barbara Van de Wiele, Duke Samson, Marion Walker, Jonathan
Peter, Dachling Pang, Ken Winston, and others

Fig. 4a–d Diagram of the ve-

nous system. a, b Anterior and
posterior views depicting the
“spiral” sinus continuous from
one right jugular vein to the
other. Note the two potential
division points where blood
flow is presumed to be bidirec-
tional. c, d Broken lines indicate
points where the cortical veins
and dural sinuses were divided

Calculations of the dural defects were 165 cm2 and 192 cm2. place were created and the flap design tested with latex “skin.” This
Typically, pericranium would be considered for such a closure, but step proved indispensable as the initial design of the flap had to be
in this case pericranium was an essential element of the scalp modified to adjust for the effects of growth and tissue expansion.
closure and another source of autologous membrane was sought. The simulated flaps identified areas where coverage would be in-
This amount of fascia was not present in an acceptable donor site complete. These areas were then repositioned over skull and peri-
elsewhere in the bodies so it was decided to expand the fascia lata. cranium, enabling the plastic surgeons to employ a vacuum-assisted
In both boys 280 cc tissue expanders were inserted under the fascia closure system (VAC; KCI, San Antonio, TX, USA) without fear of
lata of each thigh and gradually inflated to 150% of their intended injuring the brain.
The final operative date was determined by the adequacy of the
tissue expansion. Models of the head with the scalp expanders in

Fig. 5a–d Flap concept; ideal-

ized diagram demonstrating
two-layer scalp closure with
pericranium and full thickness
skin flaps. Note that the flap
bases are offset by 90. At sur-
gery modifications were neces-

Models Innovative surgical equipment

The use of physical models proved invaluable in this case (Fig. 6) Such a novel and complex case as this required innovation in the
[2]. Models (Medical Modeling, Golden, CO, USA) were created to design of equipment that is otherwise in routine use. Our team was
simulate multiple aspects of the patients’ anatomy. A full-scale fortunate to have the cooperation of imaginative engineers and
total body model of both twins measuring 6 feet (1.83 m) in length representatives from companies with expertise in surgical tables
and weighing 100 pounds (45.4 kg) was used to design and test the (KCI), operative head holders (Schaerer-Mayfield, Munsingen,
head holder and operating table, as well as during multiple “dress Switzerland), and frameless stereotaxy (Cbyon, Palo Alto, CA,
rehearsals.” Multiple separate models of the brains, intracranial USA). The willingness and efficiency with which these manufac-
vasculature, skulls, and scalp were studied and manipulated, re- turers responded was without precedent and greatly appreciated.
sulting in a more complete preoperative understanding of the
anatomy than could have been achieved by studying the radio- Surgical table. Intuitively separation of vertex-conjoined twins
graphic images alone. The model incorporating the venous struc- requires a 360 surgical field. Conventional operating tables do not
tures was particularly useful when correlated with blood flow provide this flexibility and dictate that multiple changes of position
demonstrated by cerebral angiography. Updated models were also will be required as the operation proceeds. Since each major change
created after tissue expansion and then used to test the scalp flap in positioning requires repeat prepping and draping of the surgical
design. A latex “skin” covering the model was created and then cut field, the likelihood of infection multiplies and an already lengthy
and rotated, revealing necessary modification to flap design. procedure becomes longer. In addition, operating tables that adjust

Fig. 6a–d Models. a, b The skull model has been cut, simulating the amount of cranial bone removed at surgery. c The brain models have
been placed in the skull models. d Venous model

independently may result in torque being applied to the brains and blood supply. Close cooperation with Shaerer-Mayfield allowed us
cerebral vasculature, once the rigid support of the skull is removed. to develop two customized head holders that allowed pin fixation to
These factors influence surgical planning and could easily lead to be applied at sites that did not interfere with the scalp flaps or
operative steps that would not be ideal. To obviate these restric- encroach upon the surgical field. The head holder consisted of a
tions, we worked with KCI to develop a table that allowed both customized ring that attached to traditional skull pins or threaded
children to be rotated 360 together initially and which would then pins and allowed a self-retaining retractor system to be incorpo-
ultimately separate into two operating tables. The table suspended rated. The deformity of each twin’s head dictated that each ring
each child in a “clamshell”-style body jacket so that the conjoined conform to each child’s head shape. A circular ring would end up
heads were in the center of rotation. A retractable, removable being too far from the head and interfere with surgical access.
bracket supported each head and provided stabilization during the However, an exact duplicate of each child’s head shape would have
application of the head holders. The table was constructed to allow narrowed portions of the arc necessary for mounting and sliding
the anesthesiologists to coordinate and control rotation from either fixation devices and retractor arms. The craniofacial surgeons
end of the table. Rotation of each end was yoked to the other side of provided transmalar pins so that the head holder would lie below
the table, preventing torque on the heads of the children. The table the equator of the skull. The ring of each child was linked to the
was tiltable to either side to assist in the distribution of blood other by a crossbar that provided further stabilization. The position
volume if necessary. Conversion to two separate tables was of this linkage could be changed as the operation progressed and
achieved by disconnecting a rod joining the two drive shafts, thus was ultimately removed when the separation was complete. The
enabling two teams to work simultaneously after separation. A wire need for access to the endotracheal tubes was answered by a re-
frame was constructed to provide support for surgical drapes and movable element of the ring.
allow the anesthesiologists access as needed. The beds rotated Close cooperation between KCI and Shaerer-Mayfield facili-
beneath the frame preventing the drapes from becoming entangled tated the design for mounting the two head holders to the table. The
with changes in position. Special care was taken in padding the models proved invaluable during the process of designing and
body jackets and lining them with materials that would prevent testing these devices. The customized design of the table and head
pressure sores. The prolonged duration of the procedure dictated holders for a single application meant that the implementation and
that special temperature control is used, as the body jackets would integration of the devices needed to be carefully rehearsed to ensure
limit temperature regulation. This factor was of great importance their usefulness during the actual operation. Each trial of the sys-
for the team of anesthesiologists. tems identified necessary modifications.

Head holders. Conventional skull pin fixation would not provide Frameless stereotaxy. At first we were unsure as to whether
the access necessary to perform the operation. Furthermore, the frameless stereotaxy would be feasible in an operation of this type
array of pins would have interfered with the scalp flaps and their due to multiple position changes. However, with the development

of the customized head holder and operating table, frameless ste- indicating a physiologic as well as anatomic dividing point. The
reotaxy became a viable option. We employed the Cbyon system sinus was occluded with a combination of clips and then oversewn
and received close support from the company. A dynamic reference without incident.
frame (DRF) was developed that could be mounted on the rotating Separation of the left hemispheres of each twin from the sinus
operating table without intruding on the available surgical space. was then accomplished. Again, temporary occlusion was per-
The attachment to the table was rigid enough to prevent accidental formed, followed by coagulation and division. Using the rotation of
movement of the reference frame. Two DRFs were used, one on the table, veins were alternately divided in each patient to minimize
each half of the body jackets holding the children. This ensured that blood volume shift. Neither visible cerebral edema nor significant
the camera could “see” the patients’ heads throughout the 360 of blood volume shift occurred.
rotation planned during the operation. Separation of the brains then proceeded in a circumferential
fashion. This was relatively straightforward in the limited regions
where the brains were separated by dura. In other regions the pial
Operative technique and events layers were approximated and separation was more difficult. This
was especially problematic at the apex of the left hemisphere of
On the day prior to the separation, the twins were taken to the twin M, where it abutted the left hemisphere of twin A. The situ-
operating room where they were anesthetized and endotracheal ation was analogous to a difficult dissection of the interhemispheric
tubes wired in position. They then had venous, central venous, fissure and at times the plane was lost and dissection subpial.
arterial, and urinary catheters placed. An MRI with fiducial markers Frameless stereotaxy was particularly helpful during this portion of
was performed. Lumbar spinal drains were placed (unsuccessfully the operation.
in twin A), and malar pins were applied for cranial fixation. At this As the dissection proceeded centripetally, some previously un-
time final adjustments were made to the positioning plans and the recognized veins were divided without obvious cerebral or hemo-
patients were kept intubated in anticipation of the next day’s sur- dynamic consequence. The interhemispheric “sagittal” vein of twin
gery. The twins were 28 months of age and weighed 12 kg and A was divided, but that of twin M remained. When it appeared as
14 kg. though the separation was complete, the rigid “yoke” connecting
On the day of separation the patients were re-anesthetized and the head holders was carefully removed and the table disconnected
positioned on the customized operating table. Prior to placing the and slowly distracted. The exposed brains at this point required
anterior portion of the body jacket, the tissue expanders were re- continuous support to minimize gravitational distortion.
moved from the thighs of both boys bilaterally. The expanded
fascia latae were maintained as capsules around the expanders to Stage three. After complete separation was achieved, the operating
prevent contraction prior to use. The custom head holders were then table was converted to two separate tables. The heads of each table
applied using the malar pins anteriorly and occipital skull pin fix- were then turned 90 away from each other and two combined
ation posteriorly. Posterior pin placement was complicated by the teams of neurosurgeons and craniofacial surgeons worked simul-
presence of the scalp expanders, which had distorted and thinned taneously on the closures. The cranium was not reconstructed and
the regional skull. After final positioning and application of the the cranial bone was placed into the pocket created by the fascia
anterior body jacket, the scalp flaps were marked, fiducials regis- lata tissue expanders. With continuous manual support of the
tered, and the table rotated to the prone position. The operation was brains, the dura was closed with the fascia lata and the fibrous
then divided into three predefined stages. tissue capsules harvested from the tissue expanders. The amount of
this tissue proved insufficient and therefore free grafts of pericra-
Stage one. In the prone position, the posterior aspects of the scalp nium were utilized, maintaining the flap base. Scalp closure was
flaps were created. The tissue expanders were removed, retaining then accomplished using the pericranial and scalp flaps. Scalp
the outer capsule with the scalp. The inner capsule remained as the closure was complete in twin A, but twin M required skin grafting
pericranium. The layers of the two flaps were continually moist- over the temporal regions. On the left a 34-cm split-thickness skin
ened and kept on slight traction throughout the lengthy procedure. graft was used and on the right a 35-cm full thickness graft har-
Craniotomies exposing the posterior dural sinuses were then per- vested from the expanded skin of the thigh was used. Drains were
formed. The bone was markedly thinned in some areas beneath the placed at the base of the flaps in each child and a vacuum-assisted
tissue expanders. The dura was then opened, isolating the diago- closure system (VAC KCI) was used to bed down the skin grafts in
nally oriented, posterior anastomotic sinus, which was then divided twin M.
without incident (Fig. 4d). The dural openings then proceeded The procedure lasted approximately 33 h. Estimated blood loss
outward, but only on the side covering the left hemispheres of each was 2,800 ml in twin A and 3,200 ml in twin M. Anticipated
child. Cortical draining veins of the left hemispheres were tem- problems such as cerebral edema and blood volume shifts between
porarily occluded, then cauterized and divided. The arrangement of the twins did not occur to any significant degree. During stage two
the draining veins was relatively symmetric and an attempt was of the procedure the patients received loading doses of pentobar-
made to divide corresponding veins simultaneously to minimize the bital according to a predetermined plan. The patients exhibited
possibility of blood volume shift between the twins. Predivision stable vital signs and were transported to the ICU without incident.
temporary occlusion was performed in order to observe any pos-
sible effect upon the brain.
Postoperative course
Stage two. The entire operating table was then rotated 180 so that
the midpoint between each twin’s face was uppermost. To prevent Postoperatively the patients were maintained on pentobarbital in-
continued blood loss and maintain tension, the posterior scalp flaps fusions for 72 h in anticipation of potential cerebral edema. Since
were approximated prior to turning. This also served as a support the bony calvaria had not been reconstructed, this was undertaken
for the exposed brain while in a dependent position. The anterior more to protect the scalp closure and minimize the risk of CSF
incisions of the scalp flaps were now made and tissue expanders leakage. Twin A had a lumbar spinal drain placed on postoperative
removed. A craniotomy was then created over the midpoint ex- day (POD) 1. Both lumbar drains were drained at head level for
tending past each child’s anterior midline. The dura was opened on 5 days then removed on POD 7. The suture lines remained intact
both sides of the midposition sinus, which extended deep as a dural without CSF leakage. CTs of both boys obtained on POD 1 showed
“shelf” (Fig. 7). The exact vascularity of this sinus was not known no significant cerebral edema or hemorrhage.
preoperatively, but blood flow was presumed to be bidirectional,

Fig. 7a–d Magnetic resonance venography (MRV). a, b Sagittal and axial MRVs at 13 months. c, d Three-dimensional reconstruction of
MRI data. c Anterior view of brains and dural sinus. d MRV with ventricles

Upon awakening, both patients had brief focal seizures that Discussion
were easily controlled with phenobarbital. Twin A developed hy-
drocephalus and a lumbo-peritoneal (LP) shunt was placed to avoid
further scalp incisions. The shunt failed with a distal infection. Significant technological advances have been made since
Cultures of the CSF, however, remained sterile. The LP shunt was Winston’s comprehensive review of craniopagus in 1987
then removed and a new ventricular shunt placed without incident. [1, 3]. Advances in neuroimaging with improved preop-
Symptomatic subdural collections developed, requiring a subduro- erative delineation of anatomical details have been par-
peritoneal shunt about 10 weeks postoperatively.
At 6 months postoperatively both twins have required gastros-
ticularly crucial to surgical planning and presumably to
tomy tubes for persistent vomiting. Gastrointestinal evaluations recent successes. In our case, it is certainly true that ex-
have been unrevealing and the origin is presumed to be cerebral. tensive neuroradiologic evaluation with 3D reconstruc-
Twin M demonstrates an improving right hemiparesis and twin A tions and the creation of physical models helped the entire
an improving diparesis. Both children are alert, interactive, and are team understand the complex anatomic concerns.
gaining speech function. They are responding well to therapy and
independent ambulation is expected. The magnitude and complexity of these types of cases
commands cooperation among the major involved spe-
cialties: neurosurgery, craniofacial plastic surgery, and
anesthesiology. Although discussion of the anesthetic

management of this case is outside the scope of this re- appears that crossed venous drainage is frequently, if
port, a few items bear mention. Previous experience has not invariably, encountered. Angiography consistently
shown that conjoined twins display variable responses to reveals reciprocal drainage of one hemisphere of one twin
anesthesia. In addition, separation surgery has demon- into the other’s dural venous system. Frequently, the most
strated the potential for catastrophic blood loss as well as complicated aspect of surgical separation concerns this
blood volume shifts between conjoined twins. In our case, crossed venous drainage with tentative risks of venous
by the time of the separation surgery, the twins had been infarction. The twins described in this report demonstra-
anesthetized numerous times and their responses to an- ted significant crossed venous drainage. Each twin’s left
esthesia known. Although the estimated blood loss ap- cerebral hemisphere drained most of its angiographically
proximated three blood volumes there were no hemody- demonstrated venous blood into the other twin’s right-
namic complications. Without the support of an experi- sided jugular system.
enced and competent anesthesia team, assisted by well- Numerous approaches were considered to deal with
trained and rehearsed operating room personnel, the this problem. One of the most complex, but potentially
success of this undertaking would have been in jeopardy. most beneficial would be to completely reconstruct the
The decision to proceed with separation surgery was dural sinus, giving each twin a complete drainage system.
not inevitable. The twins were not experiencing any Given the complexity of such a procedure and the history
systemic or neurologic deterioration, as has been reported of failure of cerebral venous grafts, we rejected this op-
preceding some other separations [3, 4]. The fact that they tion. Failure in this setting might lead to venous infarction
were stable may support a decision not to operate, but of all hemispheres instead of just the two left ones. En-
patients who are deteriorating are more likely to be at dovascular balloon test occlusion (BTO) may predict the
higher surgical risk [3]. As with most surgery, an estimate need for revascularization. Unfortunately, in this case
of risk must be weighed against an estimate of potential there was no anatomic location suitable for BTO. Test
benefit. In this case both estimates, especially the latter, occlusion of a shared sinus would impair drainage of one
are difficult and inexact at best. There is no a priori reason right and one left hemisphere of different twins.
why conjoined twins must be separated, although some Another option for managing the venous drainage is
claim that cognitive decline is likely [3]. It is known that staged occlusion. Staged occlusion of the draining veins
there are examples of adult patients who decline separa- may in theory allow time for venous collaterals to de-
tion [5, 6]. It may be likely that as craniopagus patients velop. While this is an attractive idea, and widely advo-
grow older they would be less likely to choose separation, cated, there are a number of reasons why we chose not to
but the recent decision of two highly educated adult perform staged occlusion in this case. First of all, al-
women to undergo separation is enlightening [8]. though staged occlusion is thought to “redirect” venous
Our decision to proceed was based on the most likely blood to deep veins, there is no guarantee that blood flow
postsurgical outcome that could be anticipated. In this will not simply increase to the remaining cortical veins,
regard, we estimated a likely result of separation to be left which must ultimately be divided. Second, should cere-
hemispheric damage of an unknown severity in both pa- bral edema occur following an initial staged division, it
tients. The participation of the ethics committees was may be poorly tolerated in a craniopagus patient with a
valuable in this regard. In the end it was thought that, closed skull. While we were unsure whether or not ce-
even with the sequelae of dominant hemispheric damage, rebral edema would develop in our patients, the lack of
the boys could interact better in society if separated. We bony skull postoperatively might have mitigated the ef-
anticipated survival in both patients and were fortunate fects of raised intracranial pressure. An additional con-
not to be faced with a situation where sacrifice of one cern regarding staged craniotomies was only appreciated
would lead to better outcome for the other. after extracting the tissue expanders in our case. Inward
pressure against the skull exerted by the tissue expanders
resulted in significant deformity of the cranium. This ef-
Management of the cerebral venous system fect might be even more pronounced in younger children
and in patients with healing craniotomies.
The case presented in this article is best designated “total The most convincing reason to proceed in a single
vertex craniopagus.” Recent experience with this variant operation came from review of the most recent similar
has been without mortality in three occurrences (Dallas— experiences. We extensively reviewed the cases from
reported herein; Los Angeles—personal communication Singapore (2001) and Los Angeles (2002). Neither of
and lay press; Singapore—[7]). When classified by the these teams elected to perform staged occlusion and none
deepest shared structure, the present case is Type C, of the twins appeared to suffer significant venous in-
characterized by discrete brains, incomplete dural sepa- farction (personal communication, 7). In Dr Goh’s opin-
ration, and shared arachnoid [1]. This classification does ion the length of the surgery is sufficient time in which to
not take into account the important aspect of venous open venous collaterals. Indeed, little is known about the
drainage. In the setting of total vertex craniopagus, it development of cerebral venous collaterals and many

believe that existing veins may rapidly accommodate new essary for dural closure, in conjunction with judicious use
blood flow demands. Fortunately, in our case neither of pericranium the result was effective. Further efforts to
significant cerebral edema nor venous infarction ensued. prevent CSF leaks included lumbar spinal drains and
Observed neurologic injury could be directly related to postoperative barbiturates to minimize potential brain
dissection of the areas where the two brains were most swelling. These factors, plus the avoidance of foreign
adherent. materials and the careful placement of skin grafts all
contributed to the absence of any CSF infection.

Management of the calvarial defect

Innovative devices
One of the most difficult aspects of this case was the
design and execution of the tissue expansion required to This case provided the impetus for the development of a
cover the calvarial defects. These implants are prone to number of innovative devices and techniques. The con-
infection and require many months to accomplish their vertible table, with 360 rotation, coupled with the cus-
goals. Gradual expansion is preferable to rapid expansion, tomized head holder utilizing malar pins, provided supe-
which creates thinner skin at greater risk of breakdown. rior function and safety by maintaining the twins’ position
The flap design was continually reassessed as the twins relative to one another until separated and allowing
grew and the expanders were inflated. Indeed, the flaps complete access to all aspects of the operative field.
were redesigned immediately before surgery due to Similarly, the uses of physical models and frameless
unanticipated growth patterns. Detection of this change stereotaxy were extended beyond the usual indications.
was significantly aided by working with physical models.
Both the neurosurgical and plastic surgical teams Acknowledgments Although the success of this case is attributed
recognized the need for adequate dural and scalp cover- to the aforementioned concepts and techniques, in the end the un-
dertaking would have been impossible without the massive team
age without CSF leakage. This was thought to be crucial effort incorporating the combined resources of Dallas’ two pedi-
to the prevention of CNS infection, which could ulti- atric hospitals. The authors would like to acknowledge the support
mately limit cognitive outcome. To this end, the novel of the Children’s Medical Center of Dallas, and the North Texas
concept of fascia lata expansion was applied. Although Hospital for Children at Medical City Dallas in this endeavor.
this technique did not supply all of the membrane nec-

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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry

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