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Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale

Inspectoratul Scolar al Municipiului Bucureşti

OLIMPIADA DE LIMBA ENGLEZĂ - 2017-2018, clasa a VII-a, v1

Subject I (50 points):

A. (2px10=20 points) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Write your answers on the Answer

The Inuits, better known all over the world as the Eskimos, are the indigenous people inhabiting parts of the northern
circumpolar region ranging from Siberia to Canada. Still, nobody 1) ________ (know) how long the Eskimos 2) ________
(live) in northern Canada. Although their life 3) ________ (become) a bit easier since electricity and modern conveniences 4)
________ (arrive), it 5) ________ (still/be dominated) by the harsh climate and the need to hunt for food. I am going to tell
you an Eskimo story. One day, an old man 6) ________ (go) seal hunting, so he slowly headed for his usual hunting spot.
Just as he 7) ________ (raise) his harpoon, ready to strike, silence 8) ________ (break)! Some children had burst out
laughing and the seal got away unharmed. The man was so furious, that, as he 9) ________ (run) towards the children to
scold them, he slipped, 10) ________ (fall) through the ice and he would have drowned if the children hadn’t saved him!

B. (2px10=20 points) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate word A, B, C or D. Write your answer on
the Answer Sheet.
Bread is one of the oldest prepared foods, dating back to the earliest development of farming. Now we have a (1)________
choice of bread, all cut up and wrapped to take home from the supermarket, (2)________ bread has not always been so
cheap or easily (3)________.
Bread dating back 10,000 years was flat bread that (4)________ not use yeast to make it rise. (5)________ of flat bread still
eaten today are Indian chapattis and Mexican tortillas. It was in ancient Egypt, (6)________ the banks of the river Nile, that
the wheat used to make bread was grown in large (7)________. Egyptian bakers created raised bread and they also
invented closed ovens. Bread became (8)________ important and it was often used instead of money.
The Romans enjoyed eating bread and rich people (9)________ to have the more expensive white bread. White bread is still
to this (10)________ the most popular variety in Europe and North America.

1. A. high B. long C. huge D. strong

2. A. so B. but C. that D. while
3. A. ready B. allowed C. possible D. available
4. A. did B. can C. had D. must
5. A. Methods B. Examples C. Reasons D. Ways
6. A. within B. about C. inside D. along
7. A.lengths B. weights C. quantities D. sizes
8. A. very B. even C. much D. only
9. A. said B. demanded C. suggested D. told
10. A. time B. moment C. hour D. day

C. (1px10=10 points) Read the sentences below and use the words given in capitals at the end of the row to form
words that fit in the gaps. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
1) Minor __________ have a nasty habit of striking at the wrong time, don't they? ILL
2) Coffee is one of the world's ____________ drinks. FAVOUR
3) The army rejected Tom because of a physical __________ . ABLE
4) In ancient times, purple was a(n) __________ difficult colour to produce. EXCEPTION
5) The best _________ I ever made was to go to university. DECIDE
6) I'm not speaking to Sam at the moment because we had a __________ . AGREE
7) Wandering about Barcelona, you will see a city with a strong sense of ________ in its past. PROUD
8) Choosing a holiday can be a ________ experience. DELIGHT
9) The _______ of Saudi Arabia lies on the Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia. KING
10) Due to very low rainfall, the government invested ________ in seawater desalinisation technology. HEAVY

Subject II (5px5=25 points) Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to the questions. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet.
While no one is looking, Frenchman Alain Robert jumps up an office building and starts to climb the wall. He hangs from
balconies, crawls along ledges and grips the edges of the glass and concrete. There’s no rope and no safety net - he is using

Olimpiada de limba engleză 2017-2018, etapa pe şcoală,

Clasa a VII-a, v1
Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale
Inspectoratul Scolar al Municipiului Bucureşti
OLIMPIADA DE LIMBA ENGLEZĂ - 2017-2018, clasa a VII-a, v1

only his bare hands. By the time he is halfway up, a crowd has gathered on the pavement below. After an hour, he reaches
the top and the crowd sighs with relief.
Alain has climbed over 85 of the tallest structures in the world, including the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building and the
Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia. One of the first climbs was at the age of twelve. He didn’t have his flat keys and his
parents were out, but he was able to climb up the outside of the building - seven storeys high - and crawl through a window.
Nowadays he can manage eighty storeys but, amazingly, Alain suffers from vertigo - he feels dizzy when he is up high! He
has fallen seven times, suffering dozens of broken bones, which has left him partly disabled. But this doesn’t stop Alain. “I
only think about what I can do, not what I can’t do,” he says.
So, why does he do it? Apart from raising awareness about world issues such as climate change, Alain wants people to see
their environment differently. He says: “Maybe they think their building is ugly, this big tower with lots of glass - the opposite of
a natural landscape. But for me, it’s a kind of urban mountain. So I use the place where they work, and I make it the kind of
wonderland. Everywhere I climb, I see people who are happy.”
After a climb, Alain often leaves in handcuffs. What he does is sometimes illegal, but most of the time he just gets a fine. The
police say he can’t climb public buildings, but the only thing that stops this daredevil is rain. When it’s wet, Alain can’t grip the
slippery surfaces. In 2002, he got stuck on the 35 th floor of London’s Canary Wharf Tower, when it started to rain. Alain risks
his life every time he climbs a new building. His nickname may be Spider-Man, but he is no superhero. He’s just an ordinary
man living a very dangerous life.

1.When Alain climbs a structure, 4.Alain climbs skyscrapers because he wants to

A. many people watch him begin. A. shock people.
B. he rests on his way to the top. B. challenge himself.
C. he enjoys looking down at the crowd. C. make city life more exciting.
D. he doesn’t use any safety equipment. D. change people’s way of thinking.
2.When he was young, Alain climbed up to his flat 5.The purpose of the text is to
because A. criticize Alain Robert.
A. his parents lost their key. B. stop people from trying dangerous activities.
B. he wanted to see if he could do it. C. give information about Alain Robert.
C. it was the only way he could get in. D. encourage people to support Alain Robert.
D. his parents encouraged him to do it.
3.Alain has a problem with
A. heights.
B. confidence.
C. crowds.
D. doctors.

Subject III (25 points) Write a narrative essay beginning like this:

‘I was on a park bench, and it was spring. Suddenly, an elderly person stepped up and asked. “May I sit here?”
I said, “Of course,” and the person sat down to watch the passers-by. As I looked at the person out of the corner of my eye, I
realized the person’s eyes, mouth, chin, forehead, nose and the scar on his left hand were exactly like mine. A chill went
down my spine as I realized I was sitting next to myself, 50 years into the future.’

Write your story in 120 - 150 words (12-15 lines) and give it an appropriate title. Pay attention to the following:
 you don't need long descriptions;
 use dialogues only if they are relevant for your characters or events;
 you should use this plan:

1. Introduction (paragraph 1 - set the scene)

2. Main body (paragraph(s) 2/3 - develop the story)
3. Conclusion (paragraph 4 - end the story)

Don’t count the words given in the beginning.


Olimpiada de limba engleză 2017-2018, etapa pe şcoală,

Clasa a VII-a, v1

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