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This research entitled, “Traffic Congestion: Its EffectsTo Senior High School

Students”, prepared and submitted by Mark Joshoa Cadoas, Jenna Leigh Estoesta, Keith

Adrianne Palpal-latoc, and Jonathan Montero in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Practical Research I, has been examined and is hereby recommended for acceptance and

approval for Oral Examination


Research Adviser


Approved by the Panel Examinees on Oral Examination with a grade of Passed.


Panel Member Panel Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject

Practical Research I.


Principal, Laboratory Schools

Date: ______________


For the successful completion of this work, the researcher wish to express their

deepest gratitude for the assistance extended by the people who were instrumental in sharing

their valuable time, constant motivation, and uplifting pieces of advice in the realization of

this study, particularly the following:

Dr. Gilbert R. Arce, the honorable President of the University of Northern

Philippines, who has the wisdom, courage, and the substance of a genius: he continually and

convincingly conveyed a spirit of adventure in regard to the university concerns, and an

excitement in regard to teaching;

Mrs. Aurelia T. Vitamog, Principal of the Laboratory Schools, Senior High School,

for her whole hearted support, encouragement, concern, and untiring effort in giving constant

reminders for the completion of this study, and but most importantly for her approval in the

handling of the study;

Mrs. Jenny Grace Almazan, Research Adviser, for her ever motherly concern,

efforts, full guidance, scholarly suggestions and all-out support from the conceptualization to

the finalization of the study;

Senior High School Students of the University of Northern Philippines, for

without their warm welcome and generous hearts to answer the research question this study

would not be completed; and

Above all, to the Almighty God, who deserves the honor and praise, for his countless

and bountiful blessings for through Him nothing is possible.



This research is dedicated to, first and foremost, God Almighty, the source of our

strength and knowledge, for giving us hope whenever we feel stressed, for showering us the

ability and skills in completing this research.

We also dedicate this to our family and friends. A special feeling of gratitude to our

friends and family, whose words of encouragement and support ring in our ears the main

reason we survived and still lived.

This study is also dedicated to our teachers and classmates from Grade 11- STEM A,

who have supported us throughout the process of completing this study.

Lastly we dedicate this work to ourselves, because without our sacrifices, teamwork,

hardships, determination, and will to finish this study, we would not be able to come up with

this paper.

- M.J.J.C

I dedicate this study to first and foremost God, Almighty, for giving us knowledge and


This study is dedicated to my teachers who always continue in guiding and helping

us, for giving us the chance to write this.

I dedicate this study to my parents, who always support and who is always there for


- J.L.F.E

This research is dedicated to, first and foremost, our Almighty Father, the source of

my strength and knowledge and giving me hope whenever I feel down, for showering me the

ability and skills in making and completing this research.

I also dedicate this to my family, my beloved mother and my siblings, for giving

endless love and care to me everyday. To my friends, who are always there to support me

when I need them the most.

This study is also dedicated to my teachers and classmates from Grade 11- STEM A,

who helped us throughout the process of completing this study.

Lastly, I dedicate this work to ourselves because without our sacrifices, teamwork,

hardships, determination, and our will to finish this study, we would not able to come up with

this paper.

- J. C. M.

I dedicate this research to God Almighty my creator, my strong pillar, my source of

inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He has been the source of my strength

throughout this research and on His wings only have I soared. I also dedicate this work to

my Family who has encouraged me all the way and whose encouragement has made sure

that I give it all it takes to finish this research.

- K.A.C.P



(2019) Traffic Congestion: Its Effects to Senior High School Students. Science,
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. University of Northern Philippines- Laboratory
Schools, Tamag, Vigan City.

Adviser: ALMAZAN, Jenny Grace I., MST-Chem.

Road traffic congestion has long been a complex issue for many drivers and
commuters, specially students and rampant not only in Metro Manila but also to our
province and city due to continuing growth of the transportation system in the region.

The study sought to answer what are the experiences of the students to traffic
congestion, its effects to their academic performance and activities, and their strategies to
avoid traffic.

The researchers conducted a direct interview, observation and analysis to 8 students

from Senior High School who have experiences on traffic.

The findings imply that the students should wake up early to avoid traffic congestion
and would able to come to school on time.

Keywords: traffic congestion, academic performance




Title Page ............................................................................................................................. i

Acknowledgment ................................................................................................................ ii

Dedication .......................................................................................................................... iii

Abstract ............................................................................................................................. vii

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. viii



Introduction .....................................................................................................................1

Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................3

Significance of the Study ................................................................................................3

Scope and Delimitation ...................................................................................................4

Theoretical Framework ...................................................................................................5

Operational Definition of Terms .....................................................................................8

Research Methodology ....................................................................................................8

Research Design.................................................................................................9

Sources of Data ..................................................................................................9


Data Gathering Instrument ................................................................................9

Data Gathering Procedure ..................................................................................9


On the Experiences of Students to Traffic Congestion.................. ..............................11

On Academic Performances of Students......................................... ...........................12

On Strategies of Students................................................................ .............................13


Summary ....................................................................................................................15


Conclusions ................................................................................................................17

Recommendations ......................................................................................................17

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................19

APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................22

CURRICULUM VITAE......................................................................................................47

Chapter I



Road traffic congestion has long been a complex issue and seems likely to continue to

be so. Traffic congestion is rampant not only in Metro Manila but also to our province and

city due to continuing growth of the transportation system in the region, and is a major issue

for many drivers and students. It results in journey delays, wasted time, and increased

pressure and can make people late or cause loss of business. Congestion reduces the quality

of life for many people and deserves to be tackled to improve transport for everyone. The

scenario which the amount of people who pass through or certain place or travel in a certain

way either commuting or uses their own car. The reason of all commuters stress and arriving

or departing to school, work, places where we use to go.

Day by day, being stuck in road traffic might what each driver and commuter would

like to keep distance from specially for those students far away from school. The first thing

many people think of specially students when it comes to congested roadways is the delay. It

is hard for students to arrive to school punctually in the morning as adult people and

operators compete with them to board on public transportation. During the morning commute

there is additional stress because delays caused by traffic can make students late for school.

And at the end of the day, the afternoon rush hour is again a frustrating time because the

schoolday and workday is done and people want to get home to relax, and traffic is

preventing it. These delays are the effects most people feel because they are universal to

everyone who has to maneuver through congested roads.

According to Mike Benedict Alvarez (2017), transport problems such as traffic, for

students can stimulate bad behaviors including their relationship with adults due to long

distance a student travel to and from school. Because of the existing traffic, a student may

become not punctual and do not have good health to learn because they are rushing, thus

reduced traffic makes them more comfortable that motivates learning behavior and may lead

to better quality education. There are some unpleasant realities of being a commuter student

in which traffic may be affecting our mental health in ways that may not seem very apparent

until you actually begin to think about how you feel once you finally reach home according

to Iman Naieem and George Mason (2018), traffic can be stressful in which the Cable News

Network (CNN) reports that being stuck in “gridlocked traffic” can lead to higher stress

levels, which may in turn lead to serious, negative mental health issues. Wanting nothing but

to be at home after school and being stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic without being able to

do anything about it leads to more stress. Traffic can also be physically and mentally darining

and according to Optalert, driving and sitting through traffic can make you tired. Being

immobile makes your sleep deprivation more apparent and increases the release of melatonin

in your body. Other reasons for this decline in energy is our sudden rise of melatonin during

the afternoon include hunger, dehydration, pre-existing fatigue, limited interaction with

others and increased exertion of attention and alertness. Congestion is a real social problem

that needs to be resolved because of its serious effects. In a nutshell, it isolates people from

their various activities such as business, recreation, and family time.


This research aims to identify and discover the effects of traffic congestion to Senior

High School students of University of Northern Philippines and how it affects their academic

performances in or out of school. It is beneficial because it can help to lessen its impacts and

for the betterment of the students.

Statement of the problem:

Generally, this study aims to determine the effects of traffic congestion to the students of

UNP. Specially, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the students’ experiences on traffic congestion?

2. How does traffic congestion affects the academic performance and activities of

students in or out of school?

3. What are the students' strategies to avoid traffic congestion?

Significance of the study

The significance of this study is to give awareness to its readers pertaining on the

issue regarding the effects of road traffic to the students in the university. Everyone mostly

students, must be involved and informed regarding to this problem that occurs within our

society. The researchers also choose this topic accordance to finding solutions, for the

beneficial of the mass.

For the students. Students are victims of traffic congestion and it can affect their

attendance and performance in their classes. This study can give awareness and suggestions

to them so that they can find remedies for this problem.


For the authorities. This study can make the administration give more attention to

traffic congestion and would able to find a better solution to lessen it through implementing

different regulations of public and transportation services.

For the researcher, the research will help them to find hypotheses concerning the

cause and effect of road congestion to students in the university.

For the future researchers. This research will serve as a basis and a source of

perspective leading to their exploration for the improvements of this study. They can also

come up with questions that did not answered by the study, and that is their goal to solve the

arisen problem.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The scope of this research covers the effects of traffic congestion, and the selected

participants are the Senior High School students of University of Northern Philippines. This

study aims to discover the effects of traffic congestion to the students. The researchers are

conducting the research during the Second Semester of the School Year 2018-2019 and

inside the university.

The researchers are conducting the research because their purpose is mainly to

discover and understand the effects of traffic congestion and help other students of

University of Northern Philippines.


The researchers are gathering information and data through direct interview to the

selected participants to know their different point of views about traffic congestion, what it’s

effects and discover every participant's own strategies to the problem.

Theoretical Framework

Having to sit through traffic after a very long day of work is probably the worst thing

in the world. This is an extreme case of a first world problem, but it is definitely important

and affects almost all working individuals. The workday can seem never ending and is

generally very exhausting. Bumper to bumper traffic doesn’t make anything better, it makes

it 10 times worse according to Iman Naieem (2018). You may find yourself saying “Ugh,

what a long day” thinking this exhaustion is due to a stressful day of work, but a major part

of this feeling is due to the amount of energy that is drained throughout your commute home.

Traffic congestion can make students tardy in school, according to Gallenero, Mary

Darell and it’s colleagues (2017), one of the most common reasons in addressing this issue is

the traffic although some students are supposed to come early to school but because of the

presence of traffic it affects their arrival time to school. Another is the transportation not all

of the students have their own , they most probably ride on a transportation such as jeepney

and due to the distance of their home from the school they encounter difficulty in arriving at


As cited by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), “lateness” can be defined as the

“situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time. Breeze et al.

(2010) contributed by saying that, the term “class tardiness” has been defined as students not

attending lecture on time, missing out initial time from the first period and primarily not

being present in the time set. In most schools, a student is considered tardy when he/she is

not present when the school bell rings.

Sometimes, it is not solely the students’ fault why they keep on being late in coming

to class. The distance between the student’s home and school or solely the school’s location

is also considered by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) as a possible cause for tardiness. Not

just because it takes more time to get to school, but according to the authors, the student is

susceptible to more distractions and hindrances along the way like traffic congestion. This

type of problem may affect the student’s academic performance of the students that may lead

to low achievement, plus they might miss school works resulting to difficulty in catching up

with the topic in a certain subject. The effort on the remedy on lateness or tardiness does not

start and end with the school. It must begin with the parents of the students and the

government must take part as well. Transportation must be improved in order to avoid

students getting stuck in traffic or encountering other obstacles down the streets. According

to Scott (2016) that frequent tardiness is associated with lower grades and lower scores on


According to Marwan Zaid Bataineh (2014) lateness among students has negative

reflection due to affecting other students. However, late students coming to class distract the

rest students and disrupts the flow of the instuctor’s discussion. Definitely, understanding the

variety of causes that could contribute to disruptive behavior in the classroom can help

professors to select the most appropriate solution . Lateness among students is persistent

and important issue and it is one of the most challenging aspects as a professor to deal with

such behavior in the classroom. According to Simeon Maile and Mary Motolani Olowoyo

(2017) , it appears that lack of transportation and geographic distance is another reason that

made late coming to school seems like an issue that could not be solved. Most of the learners

lived far from school which posed a lot of difficulties for them. Learners need to know and

understand what is at stake, this will help them to take responsibility on their own education

by coming to school early.

According to Linda Wasmer Andrews (2015), traffic congestion is a frequent source

of stress, anger, and anxiety. In addition, poor transport may accelerate lowly student

attendance and truancy which are the first signs of deterioration of school and quality

education. Rina Faturohman (2013) also stated that some of the students are being late

because of traffic, and most of them got low grades. Because of traffic, inadequate traffic

enforcement, improper loading and unloading of passengers, jaywalking and etc., it results to

low academic performance of the students.

According to John Michael O. Paypa (2017), in the Philippines, the effects of

congestion on workers and employees are a sore issue. Congestion leads to workers and

students arriving late; commuting hassles for students and workers, frustration/stress, long

work commutes, long travel time, and loss of personal time.

Traffic jam is a serious problem because it can cause some harmful effects to

environment and human. Dealing with this problem, the government should make

amelioration about the public transportation system to solve the traffic jam problems as well

(Faturohman, 2013).

Operational Definition of Terms

Traffic Congestion - is a condition on road networks that occurs as use increases, and is

characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular crowding. The

department of Transport U.S. (2005), Defined traffic congestion as essentially a relative

phenomenon that is linked with the different road way system performance that road users

expect and how the system actually performs. This is a condition of traffic delays whereby

traffic flow is slowed below reasonable speeds because the number of vehicles to use exceeds

the design capacity of the traffic to handle it (Weisbrod et al, 2001).

Academic Performance- Factor that affect the Student’s grades, discipline and performance

at school. Erum Shahzadi and Zahoor Ahmad(2011) academic performance can be estimated

for any student by its home environment and learning skills and also by its academic

interaction, study habits, and home environment. Duane Sharrock states that academic

performance describes how well you perform in school courses like social studies, history,

english/ELA, sciences, and maths, but can also include the “specials” or elective courses in

the Arts, music, health, business, and others. Academics are courses that are graded and

retained for school records.

Research Methodology

The research is based on the methods of direct and in-depth interviewing to the senior

high school students of University of Northern Philippines. These are the Research Design,

Population, Data Gathering Instruments and Procedures:


Research Design

The researchers used phenomenological design of qualitative research in this study

because it aims to describe an experience as it actually lived by the students experiencing

traffic congestion. It is also used to collect qualitative data for this is the best way to know

the students' experiences on traffic congestion and how does it affects their academic

performance and studies.

Sources of Data

The participants of this research are the students of University of Northern

Philippines. The researchers may gather information from senior high school students who

are commuting or having their own transportation in going to school that are mainly

experiencing traffic congestion that affects their performance in school specially those

students whose community is far from the university.

Data Gathering Instruments

Direct and in-depth interview are used to gather significant information regarding the

effects of traffic congestion to senior high school students' academic performance.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers obtained permission to conduct this study inside the university

receiving an approval letter from the School Principal of the Laboratory Schools, adviser and

participants before starting to collect data. The approval letter will state that the researchers

employ interviewing, taking documentation and recording through smartphones, transcribing

and writing down information that is spoken by the participant and will analyze it.

The researchers will conduct oral questioning techniques which employs face to face

interaction. Unstructured questions were used to collect information, since they are flexible

for supplementary or omit certain questions. This allows the participants the opportunity to

express their ideas using their own words instead of having to fit their thoughts and

understanding into fixed sets driven by the researchers. The data collected was proved and

organized to ensure that the data was analyzed in a descriptive way in order to come up with

some useful conclusions and recommendations. Because this study was attempted to describe

and identify the effects of traffic congestion in students academic performance, descriptive

was utilized.

Ethical Consideration

In the gathering of data, the researchers treated the participants with respect. All

participants are provided with verbal consent to be interviewed and to participate in the

research. Permission to record the interview and photographs was also obtained from the

participants and none of the participants had difficulties with the recording of the interviews

and taking pictures.

It was further explained to the participants that their information would remain

confidential and that the specific content of individual interviews would only be discussed

with the supervisor. The supervisor and the participants were unknown to each other. The

participants were given consideration to protect their identity. In completing this study, the

researchers assured that the data gathered from the participants will be kept with utmost and

strict confidentiality.

Chapter II


This chapter presents and informs the discussion of the research questions along the

effects of traffic congestion to the Senior High School students in the Uiversity of Northern


1. What are the students’ experiences on traffic congestion?

The participants are experiencing traffic almost everyday in going to school, because

of that most of them are getting annoyed and irritated when they got stuck on traffic.

a.) Stress

According to Merriam-Webstern, the meaning of stress is a state of mental tension

and worry caused by problems in your life, work, environment, etc. Stress is something that

the students feel in school specially to their academics and in doing their projects or

requirements. Students not only feel stress because of their academics and requirements, the

students also feel stressed caused by their environment like being stuck on traffic.

Extract 1
“At that time mga 7:30(a.m.) onwards, uh... traffic na talaga. Kaya, yun everyday.
But, mas matindi pag may occasion or events sa isang place. Stress kase ejay
panpanunutek nga malate nak. Syempre sa first period, depende if there is an activity
or something performance and then I'll be late, I can please that ah... sometimes. But
if I know na talagang traffic, I will adjust myself na lang to.. wake up early.”
The participants often experience traffic when it is already 7:30 onwards, but it is

even worse when there is an event or an occassion in that location. This results to stress and

tardiness of students in attending their class. Especially during their first period, they can

miss their activity or performance.

Based from the data gathered from participants the students experience stress,

boredom, anger, and anxiety when they are stuck on traffic. Stress is one of the main effect of

being stuck on traffic congestion that the students from the senior high school experienced

thar was from the information elicited from the participants. In addirion, bumper to bumper

traffic doesn’t make anything better, it makes it 10 times worse according to Iman Naieem

(2018). According to Linda Wasmer Andrews (2015), traffic congestion is a frequent source

of stress, anger, and anxiety.

b.) Tardiness

Tardiness or being late in going to school is also experienced by students. Based from

the interview, the one of the causes why students are getting late in going to school is due to

traffic congestion. As they woke up and prepared late going to school, they have the higher

possibility to experience traffic congestion, and become tardy in going to school. Being late

in coming to school is one of the problems of students because they wake up late and also

because they got stuck on traffic

Extract 2

“Wen. No dadduma malate nak syempre ejay met t kinanayon late agriing, tapos
traffic to palang.”
The participants are often late in coming to school because they wake up late causing

them to encounter and stuck in traffic in their way to school. This implies that waking up late

is not the only reason why they come to school late, thus because they experience traffic


In addition, poor transport may accelerate lowly student attendance and truancy in

which are the first signs of deterioration of school and quality education. As cited by

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), “lateness” can be defined as the “situation where an

individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time.

2. How does traffic congestion affects the academic performance and activities of

students in or out of school?

The effect of traffic congestion to the academic performace and activities of students

in senior high school were determined and identified. The participants provide their own

views and thoughts on what are the impacts of traffic to their academic performance and

activities of students in or out of school.

a.) Inability to Understand the Lesson Well

Most of the students can understand well the lesson if they are present during the

discussion of the subject, for they can visualize the concepts and topics clearly, recite as the

teacher asks questions, and interact with their classmates and would able to brainstorm ideas

to each other. But if the students often come to school late due to traffic congestion and

waking up and preparing late, they may be confused for they missed a lesson and they need

to rush in coping up with it.


Extract 3
“No adda namiss ko nga lesson nga nadiscuss ket haan kunto nga nasyaat nga
mawatanen, particularly jay first subject kasi dijay nak lang malelate.”
The participants miss their lesson and the class discussion when they are late in

coming to school specially their first period in the morning and they have some trouble

understanding and coping up in the class.

Based from the information elicited from the participants the effects of traffic

congestion to the students in senior high school are students always miss their lessons or

discussion in their first period in the morning, and they have trouble understanding their

lesson when they are late.

In general, the participants always miss their first class period. Furthermore, Lauby

(2009) puts it as a term used to describe “people not showing up on time” and Breeze et al.

(2010) contributed by saying that, the term “class tardiness” has been defined as students not

attending lecture on time, missing out initial time from the first period and primarily not

being present in the time set. In most schools, a student is considered tardy when he/she is

not present when the school bell rings. In addition, the all participant can still do their

requirements even there are experiencing traffic.

Based from the interview, the effects of traffic to their academic performance of the

participants are the same, generally have answered that they are getting late to attend their

class on time and have the similar consequences, getting miss out from the discussion. Rina

Faturohman (2013) also stated that some of the students are being late because of traffic, and

most of them got low grades. Because of traffic, inadequate traffic enforcement, improper

loading and unloading of passengers, jaywalking and etc., it results to low academic

performance of the students.

3. What are the students’ strategies to avoid traffic congestion?

The participants have provided their own strategies and recommendations in avoiding

traffic. Most of the students’ way to avoid traffic is to wake up early in the morning so that

they can also prepare to school and board to transport early.

a.) Wake Up Early

Most of the student’s one main problems in going to school is to wake up early.

Students have some trouble in waking up early even they have an alarm clock by their side

because the main reason is for they are lazy or they do not have the mood yet to get up and

because they slept late at night and do not have enough amount of rest, or it is just their habit

to wake up late everyday.

Extract 4
“Wake up early. Ajay talaga ti pinakaconvenient nga way.”
The participant mentioned that waking up early in the morning is the most convinient

and effective way to avoid traffic. You are very likely to get caught on traffic if you don’t get

up early in the morning or waking up at rush hour.

Mainly, the participants from the Senior High School were asked to answer about

their strategies in avoiding traffic. Furthermore, they all have the same strategies, waking up

early in the morning.


First, students commit tardy because they wake up late, this is due to the bunch of

requirements, they need more time to accomplish the tasks given to them and they spend

more hours at night to achieve the task. Traffic congestion can make students tardy in school,

accorrding to Gallenero, Mary Darell and it’s colleagues (2017), one of the most common

reasons in addressing this issue is the traffic although some students are supposed to come

early to school but because of the presence of traffic it affects their arrival time to school.

Chapter III


This portion of the research illustrates the summary of the findings, its drawn

conclusions accordingly to the process conducted during the research in order to attain

answers, and recommendations stated for the possible improvements of this research study.


This study entitled “Traffic Congestion: Its Effects to Senior High School

Students,”primarily aimed to determine the effects of traffic congestion to Senior High

School students of University of Northern Philippines and how it affects to their academic

performance in and out of school, and lessen the impacts of it to their studies.

The study looked to discover the experiences of Senior High School students on

traffic congestion, the researchers used direct interview that is observed, analyzed and

interpret. The study is phenomenological in nature because it aims to describe an experience

as it is actually lived by the participants that is going through traffic congestion.

The study concentrated on the effects of traffic congestion to the students, and how it

affects their time doing their requirements and activities in and out of school, their attendance

and academic performance inside the class.

One of the goals of the research is to discover what are the ways of students to avoid

traffic congestion. Theirs strategies may be their own daily routine on preparing to school,

time they wake up and board to transport and how they manage and budget their time. They

gave their tips and recommendations to students like them who are experiencing traffic

congestion, and most of them stated that they should wake up early in the morning.


Based on the data gathered, tabulated and interpreted. The researcher arrived at the

following findings:

1. Experiences of Students on Traffic Congestion

The participants have differ and similarities on the experiences on traffic

congestion. This implies that the students experience stress and get bored when they

are stuck on traffic.

2. Effects of Traffic Congestion to the Academic Performance and Activities of

Students In or Out of School

Traffic congestion affects the academic performances of students. This means

that when students come to school late and miss their class discussion it will have a

big impact on their academic performances. But they are trying their best to cope up

with their studies.

3. The Students' Strategies to Avoid Traffic Congestion

The participants have the same strategies in avoiding traffic. It was found out

that the students; wake up early, make your requirements at night so you won’t have

to worry about it the next day and lastly they should know how to manage their time



Based from the findings of the study, the researchers therefore concluded that traffic

congestion is hard to lessen, but there is a way that students employ to their day by day

routine going to school to avoid it.

1.) The participants encounter traffic almost everyday and it is a source of stress, anger, and

anxiety when they got stucked because they would not able to come to school on time and

will be late on their classes.

2.) Most of the participants often miss they first class period and their lessons. They cope up

so that even they miss the discussion, they can understand the topic tackled. They do their

requirements as soon as possible or if they have the time to do it so that they can pass it on


3.) All of the pariticipants’ strategy to avoid traffic congestion is to wake uo early, for it is

the most convenient way. When they woke up early, they can prepare and got to school early,

attend their classes on time , and do their requirements and activities in and out of school and

have a high academic performance.


From the findings and conclusions the following recommendations were drawn and


1. The students should learn how to manage their time properly in order for them to

accomplish their tasks and responsibilities on time.


2. They should also make their requirements at night so that they won’t have to worry

about it the next day.

3. The students should also prepare their things they need in school before going to bed.

Students should also sleep early so that they will wake up early too.

4. The school must have and encouragement to their student.

5. The school should have an interesting doing or things that can attract the students and

they will go to school early.




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The Letter of Approval

Letter to the Participant

Letter to the Adviser of the Participant


Sample Letter for Validators


Interview Guide Questions

1. What is your daily routine before going to school?

a. -What time do you usually get up; prepare to school and board to transport?

2. What is your mode of transportation in going to school?

3. How often do you encounter traffic?

4. What do you feel when you are stuck on traffic?

a. -What do you usually do when you got stuck?

5. Do you often come to school late? Why?

a. -What happens to you when you arrive in school late?

6. What are the subjects do you miss when you come to school late?

a. -What do you do when you miss your lessons?

7. Can you still do your requirements in school on time even you are experiencing traffic

and come late?

8. How does traffic affects your academic performance and other activities in and out of


9. How do you manage your time doing your school requirements and in time of


10. Can you give some tips and recommendations to students like you who are experiencing

traffic congestion?

a. -What do you do to attend your class on time?

b. -What motivates you to go to school even you experienced traffic?




picture is when researcher Joshoa picture is when researcher Keith is
is interviewing the participant from interviewing the participant from

PARTICIPANT C: Bottom left PARTICIPANT D: Bottom right

picture is when researcher Jenna is picture is when researcher Keith is
interviewing the participant from interviewing the participant from


picture is when researcher Keith is picture is when researcher Keith is
interviewing the participant from interviewing the participant from

PARTICIPANT G: Bottom left PARTICIPANT H: Bottom right

picture is when researcher picture is when researcher Jenna is
Jonathan is interviewing the interviewing the participant from
participant from STEM-A. STEM-C.



1.) What are the students’ experiences on traffic congestion?

Participant Question 1 Answer Code Theme

A What is your daily I wake up, eat, take a bath, get Wake up, Hygiene,
routine before change then come to school. Prepare, Home
going to school? School
“No bumangon nak keh, mangan,
tapos agdigos, sukat, tapos, umay
to skwelan.”

B What is your daily Okay first is, I will wake up at 5:30 Wake Health,
routine before in the morning, eat breakfast, take a up,Time, Time
going to school? bath then at 6:30 I will take a bus. Bus

“Okay first, agriing nak ti 5:30 in

the morning then mangan nak to
breakfast, agdigos nakon then 6:30
agsakay nak bus’n.”

C What is your daily Take a bath, eat then prepare the Prepare School
routine before things I need in school. things,
going to school? Bath
“Agdigos, mangan kasjay, prepare
ajay usarek nga pan agbasa

D What is your daily I eat after waking up, then use my Breakfast, Food,
routine before cellphone to spend my time, then I Cellphone Entertain-
going to school? take a bath. ment

“Mangmangan nak agriing tas

mangan, nabayag nakto palang
nga ag-cellcellphone dijay tapos ag
digos ton.”

E What is your daily Of course, I'll take a bath, eat, Bath, Eat Health
routine before brush my teeth then go to school.
going to school?
“Siyempre agdigos, tas mangan,
brush, tas mapan school.”

F What is your daily Preparing my uniform, pack my Prepare, Pre-

routine before things, go to school immediately. Pack paration
going to school? things
“Preparing my uniform, pack my
things, then school agad.”

G What is your daily Of course I get up first,then eat my Food, Health

routine before breakfast, then I take a bath. But, it Bath,
going to school? takes time to me to prepare myself. Prepare
That's why.

“Siyempre babangon muna, tas

dun din ako kakain, tas maliligo.
Yun nga lang, natatagalan talaga
ako sa pag-aayos ng sarili ko.”

H What is your daily Wake up early then cook my Cook

routine before breakfast, and then take a bath.
going to school?
“Gumising ng maaga tas
magluluto tas maliligo.”

Participant Question 2 Answer Code Theme

A What is your mode I’m taking tricycle. Tricycle

of transportation in
going to school? “Agtritricycle nak.”

B What is your mode Bus Bus

of transportation in
going to school?

C What is your mode Tricycle. Tricycle

of transportation in
going to school?

D What is your mode Private vehicle. Service

of transportation in
going to school?

E What is your mode The past few days, I have a service Service,
of transportation in but sometimes I ride tricycle. Tricycle
going to school?
“Kadagitoy gamin ket adda
mangitultulod kanyak ngem no
dadduma met agtraytricycle nak”

F What is your mode Tricycle Tricycle

of transportation in
going to school?

G What is your mode Tricycle. Only choice. Tricycle

of transportation in
going to school?

H What is your mode Jeep or bus. Bus, Jeep

of transportation in
going to school?

Participant Question 3 Answer Code Theme

A How often do you When I’m late it is usually traffic Sometimes, Traffic,
encounter traffic? on the intersection. Intersection Late

“Dadduma no maladaw nak

makarubwat natraffic to dita

B How often do you Not all the time, but sometimes at Not all the Traffic
encounter traffic? 7:20 it’s a little bit traffic time

“Not all the time, ngem adda ji

time nga no 7:20 no kwa ditoy
vigan’n ket medyo traffic’n.”

C How often do you Everyday. Everyday

encounter traffic?

D How often do you Often times. Often times

encounter traffic?
“Dabduma laeng, awan unay.”

E How often do you Almost everyday when I'm late. Almost

encounter traffic? everyday
“Almost everyday no malate nak.”

F How often do you Not, not, not, much. Not much

encounter traffic?

G How often do you Around 7:30 a.m. onwards, it's Everyday, Traffic
encounter traffic? already traffic. That's why I Occasions
encounter traffic everyday. But, it
is worse if there are occasions or
events in a place.

“At that time mga 7:30(a.m.)

onwards, uh... traffic na talaga.
Kaya, yun everyday. But, mas
matindi pag may occasion or
events sa isang place.”

H How often do you Sometimes. Sometimes

encounter traffic?

Participant Question 4 Answer Code Theme


A What do you feel Of course I will get mad because Mad Emotional
when you are stuck it’s traffic.
on traffic?
“Syempre. Maruruod ta gamin ket
matraftraffic kan.”

B What do you feel Stress because I know that I’ll be Stressed, Psyco-
when you are stuck late going for school. Late logical
on traffic?
“Stress kase ejay panpanunutek
nga malate nak.”

C What do you feel Nothing just chilling. Nothing,

when you are stuck Chilling
on traffic? “Awan chill lang.”

D What do you feel I feel irritated yet getting bored. Irritated,

when you are stuck Bored
on traffic? “Ma-.maa- bwisbwisit

E What do you feel I feel a little bit annoyed. Annoyed

when you are stuck
on traffic? “Medyo mabadtrip nak met

F What do you feel I feel bored. Bored

when you are stuck
on traffic?

G What do you feel I'm annoyed, of course. Annoyed, Emotional

when you are stuck Sometimes, cursing. Cursing
on traffic?
“Naiinis, syempre. Minsan,

H What do you feel Nothing. Nothing Psyco-

when you are stuck logical
on traffic? “Wala.”

Participant Question 5 Answer Code Theme

A Do you often Sometimes if I am late it is because Sometimes

come to school I wake up late and unfortunately it is
late? Why? also traffic.

“Wen. No dadduma malate nak

syempre ejay met t kinanayon late
agriing, tapos traffic to palang.”

B Do you often No. I didn’t even experience being Once

come to school late in school, but there was one
late? Why? time that I came to school late
because of traffic.

“Haan. Jak pay naexperience ti

nalate, ngem naminsan nalate nak
ta traffic. So once palang.”

C Do you often Yes, because our house was far from Always,
come to school school that’s why I am always late, Far
late? Why? and I don’t have the guts to wake up
early and go to school early.
Because I’m lazy.

“Wen, kasi adayu ngamin jay balay

mi, nauneg ajay parte jay ayanmi
sunga kanayun nak malate, ken jak
maala jy riknak nga agriing nasapa
tapno sumrek nga nasapa. Sadot
nak gamin kasjay.”

D Do you often Always. I'm always late because I Always,

come to school wake up late and move slow. Move slow
late? Why?
“Always..malaladaw nak ngamin
agririing tas nabayag nakpay

E Do you often Yes. Because of traffic and I woke Often

come to school up late.

late? Why? “Yes. Traffic tas naladaw nak


F Do you often Sometimes, because I woke up late Sometimes

come to school and then it is even traffic here in
late? Why? Vigan.

“Wen no dadduma. Naladaw nak

ngamin agririing, tapos nagtraffic
to palang ditoy vigan no dadduma.”

G Do you often Yes, obviously. Because of long Often,

come to school time preparation of myself and in Long
late? Why? transportation. preparation

“Wen, obviously. Kasi.. yun nga

yung time ko sa pagprepare ng
sarili atsaka yung transportation.

H Do you often Yes, if I woke up late. Often

come to school
late? Why? “Yes.. pag late nagigising”

2.) How does traffic congestion affects the academic performance and activities of

students in or out of school?

Participant Question 6 Answer Code Theme

A What are the I’m only late for my first subject. Statistics
subjects do you
miss when you “First subject laeng, Stats.”
come to school due
to traffic?

B What are the On first sem was oral com but now its EAPP

subjects do you EAPP. Oral

miss when you Com.
come to school due “Jay first sem idi ket..Oral Com tapos
to traffic? tatta second sem ket EAPP.”

C What are the UCSP. UCSP

subjects do you
miss when you
come to school due
to traffic?

D What are the First period. UCSP UCSP

subjects do you
miss when you
come to school due
to traffic?

E What are the First subject. Basic Calculus. Basic

subjects do you Calculus
miss when you
come to school due
to traffic?

F What are the Statistics. 7:30. Statistics

subjects do you
miss when you
come to school due
to traffic?

G What are the First period. EAPP EAPP

subjects do you
miss when you
come to school due
to traffic?

H What are the Statistics Statistics

subjects do you
miss when you
come to school due
to traffic?

Participant Question 7 Answer Code Theme

A Can you still do your Yes.

requirements in
school on time even
you are experiencing
and come late

B Can you still do your It depends whether I’m lazy or not Often,
requirements in but I often make my assignments at Lazy
school on time even night.
you are experiencing
and come late? “Palpalpasek met gamin no kwa ti
rabiin, depende no masadotak no

C Can you still do your Yes.

requirements in
school on time even
you are experiencing
and come late?

D Can you still do your Sometimes. Some-

requirements in times
school on time even
you are experiencing
and come late?

E Can you still do your Yes.

requirements in
school on time even “Wen.”
you are experiencing
and come late?

F Can you still do your Sometimes, yes. Some-

requirements in times
school on time even “ Dadduma, amman met.”
you are experiencing
and come late?

G Can you still do your Most of the time, yes.

requirements in
school on time even
you are experiencing
and come late?

H Can you still do your Yes.

requirements in
school on time even
you are experiencing
and come late?

Participant Question 8 Answer Code Theme

A How does traffic It has a huge impact for missing out on Huge, School
affects your my other subjects, specially my first First
academic subject because of traffic. Subject
performance and
other activities “Dakkel ti epekto na ngamin ket agiti
in and out of dadduma nga subjects..mostly dagiti
school? first subjects ket mamiss’k ta ngamin
ket malate nak kinanayon gappo

B How does traffic It doesn’t affect my performance in None

affects your class.
performance and “Haan nak met jay naapektaran ngem
other activities kasla awan para kanyak.”
in and out of

C How does traffic There are announcements and lessons Miss out Cognitive
affects your that I miss and sometimes I don’t lessons,
academic understand what my teacher said. Under-
performance and standing
other activities “Adda agiti announcements ken
in and out of lessons nga mamimiss ko sunga jak
school? mawatan agijay inbaga ni maam.”

D How does traffic Even I come early, if traffic is worse, I Miss the School
affects your still miss my class. class,
academic Worse
performance and “No gamin oray no masapa ka nga
other activities umummay no traffic ket ma..kasla
in and out of ma.miss mo latta jay subject mo.”

E How does traffic If I missed a lesson that has been Miss the Cognitive
affects your discussed, I can't understand it well class,
academic particularly the first subject because Under-
performance and I'm late on it. stand
other activities
in and out of “No adda namiss ko nga lesson nga
school? nadiscuss ket haan kunto nga nasyaat
nga mawatanen, particularly jay first
subject kasi dijay nak lang malelate.”

F How does traffic If I'm late, it's either I'll be absent. My Absent, School
affects your everyday performance inside the Decrease
academic classroom might be decreased because
performance and my attendance might be poor.
other activities
in and out of “Di ba no late kan ket.. tawag dun-..
school? it's either maiabsent ka . Kasla
mabawasan ajay ah... everyday nga
performance mo jay classroom kasi
kurang ka ti attendance.”

G How does traffic Of course in first period, it depends if It School

affects your there is an activity or something Depends,
academic performance and then I'll be late, I can Adjust
performance and please that sometimes. But if I know

other activities that it's already traffic, I will just adjust

in and out of myself to wake up early.
“Syempre sa first period, depende if
there is an activity or something
performance and then I'll be late, I can
please that ah... sometimes. But if I
know na talagang traffic, I will adjust
myself na lang to.. wake up early”

H How does traffic You will be late in your studies. Late, School
affects your Studies
academic “Malalate sa mga studies”
performance and
other activities
in and out of

3.) What are the students' strategies to avoid traffic congestion?

Participant Question 9 Answer Code Theme

A What are your ways You need to wake up early. Wake

to avoid traffic? Up
“Isapsapam t agriing.” Early

B What are your ways Waking up early. Wake

to avoid traffic? Up
“Ejay, waking up early.” Early

C What are your ways Wake up early to avoid traffic. Wake

to avoid traffic? Up
“Agriing nasapa tapno makwa ajy Early
traffic haan nga maabotan.”

D What are your ways Wake up early. Wake

to avoid traffic? Up
“Agriing nasapa.” Early

E What are your ways Come to school early and of course, Wake
to avoid traffic? wake up early. Up
“Come to school early ken siyempre
agriing nasapa.”

F What are your ways The distance of school and our house Wake
to avoid traffic? are not that far. But still, I wake up Up
early to avoid traffic. Early,
“Haan met unay adayo ti distance na
ti school and house mi. But, agriing
ken agrubwat nak nga nasapa to
avoid traffic.”

G What are your ways Of course, wake up early. But, I don't Wake
to avoid traffic? usually do that. Up
“Syempre, wake up early. But, I don't
usually do that kasi kaya pinagtitiisan
ko na lang.”

H What are your ways Nothing. Nothing

to avoid traffic?

Participant Question 10 Answer Code Theme

A How do you I will finish all my requirements Finish

manage your time before I will go to school. requirements
doing your school
requirements and “Palpasek umuna dagiti
in time of requirements kon ta awan
transportation? panpanonoten no agbyahe kan.”

B How do you I often make my requirements at At Night

manage your time night so that there won’t be any
doing your school problems in the morning.
requirements and

in time of “Jay time ko nya, adda time ko.

transportation? Rabii nak no kwa gamin nga
agararamid ti requirements ko
so nga awan problema’k ti
bigaten ta problemaek to lang
jay pinaglugan ko ti bus’n.”

C How do you I do my works at home after After

manage your time school. School,
doing your school Home
requirements and “Ubraek ti ubrak jay balay ti
in time of malem.”

D How do you After school, I need to do my After

manage your time works at home and do my School,
doing your school requirements. home
requirements and
in time of “No makasangpet jay balayen
transportation? ket ubraem aminen nga dapat
mo nga ubraen jay balay sakanto
agobra t requirements”

E How do you Of course. If there is a Immediately

manage your time requirement, I'll do it
doing your school immediately.
requirements and
in time of “Siyempre. No adda kuma
transportation? requirement ket insigida nga

F How do you I have time table beside my bed Time Psycho-

manage your time as a basis for my time Management logical
doing your school management.
requirements and
in time of “Ay adda time table na jay abay
transportation? kamak nga pagbasarak jay time
management ko.”

G How do you I estimate my time then I'll Adjust Psycho-

manage your time adjust it. For instance, if the logical
doing your school time, meeting time is 7:30 a.m.,

requirements and I'll be out for 6:45 a.m. I'll just

in time of balance and manage my time.
“Estimated time na tas inaadjust
ko na lang siya. Kunyare, pag ka
7:30 yung time, yung meeting
time ganon. I'll be out na for
6:45 kasjay. Hinihigpitan ko
nalang yung time management “

H How do you I’ll stop using my phone then Focus Psycho-

manage your time focus on my requirements and logical
doing your school time management.
requirements and
in time of “Itigil muna yung
transportation? pagcecellphone at magfocus sa
requirements ken jay time
management ko”

Participant Question 11 Answer Code Theme

A Can you give some I can only give you 2 tips, the Alert, Wake Psycho-
tips and first one is you need to sleep Up Early logical
recommendations to early at night so that you can
students like you wake up early in the morning.
who are The second one is you need to be
experiencing traffic alert so that you won’t encounter
congestion? traffic.

“Duwwa laeng bok. Umuna ket

dapat maturog nga nasapa ta
makariing met lang ti nasapa.
Tapos paspasan da ti aggaraw
ta haan nga matraffic.”

B Can you give some The only thing that I am saying Wake Up
tips and it to wake up early and finish all Early
recommendations to your requirements at night.
students like you
who are “Okay, ti makunak lang, agriing

experiencing traffic ka ti nasapa, palpasen yo amin

congestion? nga requirements yo ti rabiin.”

C Can you give some Tips and recommendations? Time

tips and Manage your time and wake up Management
recommendations to early.
students like you
who are “Tips and recommendations?
experiencing traffic Awan mapanunut ko ayang.
congestion? Manage your time ken agriing
nasapa kasjay.”

D Can you give some Wake up early so that you will Wake Up
tips and not encounter traffic. Early
recommendations to
students like you “Agriing nga nasapa tapno haan
who are nga mo ma-encounter jay
experiencing traffic traffic.”

E Can you give some Wake up early. That’s all Wake Up

tips and Early
recommendations to “Wake up early. Ajay lang.”
students like you
who are
experiencing traffic

F Can you give some Wake up early. That's the most Wake Up
tips and convenient way. Early
recommendations to
students like you “Wake up early. Ajay talaga ti
who are pinakaconvenient nga way.”
experiencing traffic

G Can you give some First of all, sleep early or on Adjust, Psycho-
tips and time, then arrange your things Sleep early logical
recommendations to before sleeping. Second is the
students like you transportation right. Specially, if
who are you are commuting, you need to

experiencing traffic adjust your time, sleeping time

congestion? to go to school on time.

“Una sa lahat, matulog nang

maaga, tsaka ayusin na ang
gamit bago pa ano... matulog.
Pangalawa din yung...
transportation di ba. Lalo na
pag magkocommute ka,
kailangan mong iadjust yung
time mo, sleeping time para
makapunta on time sa school.”

H Can you give some Wake up early so that you will Wake Up
tips and not get caught on traffic. Early
recommendations to
students like you “Gumising ng maaga para mas
who are hindi maano sa traffic.”
experiencing traffic

I. Personal Information

Full Name : Mark Joshoa J. Cadaoas

Nickname : Joshoa

Address: Don Dimas Querubin,

Caoayan, Ilocos Sur

Age : 17

Birthdate : February 10, 2002

Birthplace : Don Dimas Querubin,

Caoayan, Ilocos Sur

Civil status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religious Affiliation : Roman Catholic

Email Address :

Name of Father : Bonifacio Cadaoas

Name of Mother (maiden) : Juliet Julio

Motto : Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed,

for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. -Joshua



Elementary : Caoayan Central School


Junior high school : Laboratory Schools- University of Northern Philippines



Full Name : Jenna Leigh F. Estoesta

Nickname : Jenna

Address : Sabangan, San Juan,

Ilocos Sur

Age : 17

Birthdate : December 31, 2001

Birthplace : Pirah Hospital

Civil status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religious Affiliation : Roman Catholic

Email Address :

Name of Father : Anthony R. Estoesta

Name of Mother (maiden) : Jennifer R. Ferrer

Motto : Don’t show the world what you can do, show it.


Elementary : Sabangan Elementary School


Junior high school : St. William’s Institute



Full Name : Jonathan C. Montero

Nickname : Jong

Address : Puroc A Dackel,

Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Age : 17

Birthdate : March 20, 2002

Birthplace : Dasmariñas City, Cavite

Civil status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religious Affiliation : Roman Catholic

Email Address :

Name of Father : Antonio L. Montero

Name of Mother (maiden) : Rosela P. Castañeda

Motto : Nothing is given. Everything is earned. Strive harder for



Elementary : Rugsuanan-Puroc Elementary School


Junior high school : Vigan National High School East



Full Name : Keith Adrianne C. Palpal-latoc

Nickname : Kulot

Address: Nalasin Sto. Domingo, Ilocos


Age : 16

Birthdate : August 13, 2002

Birthplace : Gabriela Silang Hospital

Civil status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religious Affiliation : Roman Catholic

Email Address :

Name of Father : Pompeyo Palpal-latoc

Name of Mother (maiden) : Myrna Claveria

Motto : Have courage and be kind


Elementary : Sto. Domingo North Central School


Junior high school : Divine Word College of Vigan

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