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Once upon a time in a village .there were three friends lived in that village .they all are completed
their schooling in the same school .After completing their schooling they all decided to join the same
college for their higher studies .Everything goes smoothly but one day the friends noticed the third
friend behavior his behavior was totally different and his activities are not good also

One day the second friend was very shocked to saw his third friend was smoking seceretly the second
friend told this matter to the first friend but he did not have a faith in his words .but shockingly one day
he saw that his friend was smoking seceretly .so the two friends decided to stop his bad habit .they
both speak with them but he was not ready to avoid his bad habit

So the two friends decided to took him to the doctor .and the doctor gave some mental treatments to
him for four months after four months he was completely stops his habit of smoking .



How are you ?, what about your family?, What about your studies?.
I am very happy to you about this birthday surprise event for shree pathi .coming next Monday our
friend shree pathi celebrating his 23rd birthday .so I decided to give him a surprise birthday party .so
please take a leave and join in this amazing event .because after this year we all are going to jobs after
this there is no more celebrations like this so please be a part in this surprise event

We all are eagerly looking for you my dearest friend shajee .badly missing those golden ever green
moments .we want that ever green memories again .so please be a part in this surprise event .we all are
waiting for you my friend .especially me I am very very….. eager to see you once again so please come
and join with us

Your friend


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