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1. Which condition is the actual amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and water?

A Relative humidity.
B Dewpoint.
C Absolute humidity.

The actual amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and water is known as absolute humidity. Relative humidity
(answer A) is the ratio of the amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere to the amount that would be
present if the air were saturated. Dewpoint (answer B) is the temperature to which the air must be cooled to
become saturated.

2. Which will weigh the least?

A 98 parts of dry air and 2 parts of water vapor.

B 35 parts of dry air and 65 parts of water vapor.
C 50 parts of dry air and 50 parts of water vapor.

Humid air at a given temperature and pressure is lighter than dry air at the same temperature and pressure.
Therefore, the choice with the greatest proportion of water vapor (answer B) weighs the least.

3. Which is the ratio of the water vapor actually present in the atmosphere to the amount that would be present if
the air were saturated at the prevailing temperature and pressure?

A Absolute humidity.
B Relative humidity.
C Dewpoint.

Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor actually present in the atmosphere to the amount that
would be present if the air were saturated at the prevailing temperature and pressure. Absolute humidity
(answer A) is the actual amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and water, and dewpoint (answer C) is the
temperature to which the air must be cooled to become saturated.

4. Which atmospheric conditions will cause the true landing speed of an aircraft to be the greatest?

A Low temperature with low humidity.

B High temperature with low humidity.
C High temperature with high humidity.

True airspeed (TAS) represents the true speed of an airplane through the air. As air temperature and humidity
increase, the density of the air decreases. As air density decreases, true airspeed increases. Therefore, high
temperature with high humidity will cause an aircraft's landing speed to be greatest.

5. What is absolute humidity?

A The temperature to which humid air must be cooled at constant pressure to become saturated.
B The actual amount of the water vapor in a mixture of air and water.
C The ratio of the water vapor actually present in the atmosphere to the amount that would be present if the air
were saturated at the prevailing temperature and pressure.

Absolute humidity is the actual amount of water vapor present in a mixture of air and water. It is usually mea-
sured in grams per cubic meter or pounds per cubic foot. Dewpoint is the temperature to which humid air must
be cooled at a constant pressure to become saturated (answer A), whereas the ratio of the water vapor actually
present in the atmosphere to the amount that would be present if the air were saturated at the prevailing
temperature and pressure (answer C) is relative humidity.
6. The temperature to which humid air must be cooled at constant pressure to become saturated is called

A dewpoint.
B absolute humidity.
C relative humidity.

Dewpoint is the temperature to which humid air must be cooled at a constant pressure to become saturated.

7. If all, or a significant part of a stall strip is missing on an airplane wing, a likely result will be

A decreased lift in the area of installation at high angles of attack.

B asymmetrical lateral control at low angles of attack.
C asymmetrical lateral control at or near stall angles of attack.

A stall strip is a small wedge attached to a wing's leading edge that causes the inboard portion of the wing to
stall before the outboard portion. This allows the ailerons to maintain effectiveness up to the point of full stall. If
part of a stall strip is missing, asymmetrical aileron control will result at or near stall angles of attack.

8. An airplane wing is designed to produce lift resulting from relatively

A positive air pressure below and above the wing's surface.

B negative air pressure below the wing's surface and positive air pressure above the wing's surface.
C positive air pressure below the wing's surface and negative air pressure above the wing's surface.

As air flows over an airfoil it creates an area of high (positive) pressure below the wing and an area of low
(negative) pressure above the wing. This differential in pressure is responsible for the creation of lift.

9. The purpose of aircraft wing dihedral is to

A increase lateral stability.

B increase longitudinal stability.
C increase lift coefficient of the wing.

Lateral stability, or roll stability, is increased through the use of dihedral. In other words, the wings on either side
of the airplane join the fuselage to form a slight V called dihedral.

10. Aspect ratio of a wing is defined as the ratio of the

A wingspan to the wing root.

B square of the chord to the wingspan.
C wingspan to the mean chord.

A wing's aspect ratio is the ratio of the wing span to the average, or mean, chord.

11. A wing with a very high aspect ratio (in comparison with a low aspect ratio wing) will have

A increased drag at high angles of attack.

B a low stall speed.
C poor control qualities at low airspeed.

A wing with a high aspect ratio has low wing loading and, therefore, stalls at a lower speed.
12. An increase in the speed at which an airfoil passes through the air increases lift because

A the increased speed of the airflow creates a greater pressure differential between the upper and lower
B the increased speed of the airflow creates a lesser pressure differential between the upper and lower
C the increased velocity of the relative wind increases the angle of attack.

The faster an airfoil moves through the air, the greater the pressure differential between the upper and lower
surfaces. The greater the pressure differential, the greater the lift.

13. The speed of sound in the atmosphere

A varies according to the frequency of the sound.

B changes with a change in temperature.
C changes with a change in pressure.

The speed of sound in the atmosphere varies with temperature. As the temperature decreases the speed of
sound also decreases, and as temperature increases the speed of sound increases.


14. Longitudinal (fore and aft) structural members of a semi-monocoque fuselage are called

A spars and ribs.

B longerons and stringers.
C spars and stringers.

Primary bending loads in the semimonocoque fuselage are taken up by longitudinal members called longerons.
These are supplemented by other longitudinal members called stringers.

15. Which statement is true regarding a cantilever wing?

A No external bracing is needed.

B It requires only one lift strut on each side.
C It has nonadjustable lift struts.

Wings of the cantilever design are built so that no external bracing is needed.

16. The monocoque fuselage relies largely on the strength of

A bulkheads and longerons.

B longerons and formers.
C skin or covering.

The monocoque fuselage relies largely on the strength of the skin or covering to carry the primary stresses.

17. Which part(s) of a semi monocoque fuselage prevent(s) tension and compression from bending the

A Bulkheads and skin.

B Longerons and stringers.
C The fuselage covering

Stringers and longerons prevent tension and compression from bending the fuselage.
18. The auxiliary (tail) rotor of a helicopter permits the pilot to compensate for and/or accomplish which of the

A Attitude and airspeed.

B Lateral and yaw position.
C Torque and directional control.

The tail rotor, controlled by pedals operated by the pilot, compensates for the torque of the main rotor and
provides directional control.

19. The vertical flight of a helicopter is controlled by

A collective pitch changes.

B cyclic pitch changes.
C increasing or decreasing the RPM of the main rotor.

The collective pitch control varies the lift of the main rotor by increasing or decreasing the pitch of all blades at
the same time. This changing of lift on the blades controls the vertical flight of the helicopter.

20. A decrease in pitch angle of the tail rotor blades on a helicopter

A causes the tail to pivot in the opposite direction of torque rotation around the main rotor axis.
B causes the tail to pivot in the direction of torque rotation around the main rotor axis.
C is required to counteract main rotor torque produced by takeoff RPM.

The tail rotor blades on a helicopter counteract the effect of the torque produced when the engine drives the
main rotor blades. If the pitch angle on the tail rotor blades is decreased, the helicopter's tail will spin in the
direction of torque.

21. In rotorcraft external-loading, the ideal location of the cargo release is where the line of action passes

A aft of the center of gravity at all times.

B forward of the center of gravity at all times.
C through the center of gravity at all times.

The FAR's specify the requirements for quick-release devices used in conjunction with helicopter external load
operations. The ideal location of the cargo release would allow the line of action to always pass through the heli-
copter's center-of-gravity.

22. The acute angle formed by the chord line of a wing and the relative wind is known as the

A angle of attack.
B angle of incidence.
C longitudinal dihedral angle.

Angle of attack is defined as the angle between the chord line of the wing and the direction of the relative wind.

23. A helicopter in forward flight, cruise configuration, changes direction by

A varying the pitch of the main rotor blades.

B changing rotor RPM.
C tilting the main rotor disk in the desired direction.

The rapidly rotating rotor blades create a disk area that can be tilted in any direction with respect to the
supporting rotor mast. Horizontal movement is controlled by changing the direction of tilt of the main rotor to
produce a force in the desired direction.
24. The purpose in checking main rotor blade tracking is to determine the

A extent of an out of balance condition during rotation.

B flight path of the blades during rotation.
C relative position of the blades during rotation.

Rotor blade tracking determines that each blade follows directly in the path of the blade in front of it.

25. In a hovering helicopter equipped with a tail rotor, directional control is maintained by

A tilting the main rotor disk in the desired direction.

B changing the tail rotor RPM.
C varying the pitch of the tail rotor blades.

In addition to being used to counteract the torque of the main rotor, the tail rotor also provides directional control
when the helicopter is in a hover.

26. If a single rotor helicopter is in forward horizontal flight, the angle of attack of the advancing blade is

A. equal to the retreating blade.

B. more than the retreating blade.
C. less than the retreating blade.

When a helicopter is moving forward, the blade on the right side of the helicopter is moving forward, against air-
flow, and the blade on the left side is moving aft, with the airflow. This causes the advancing blade to produce
more lift, and therefore rise. The retreating blade produces less lift and will drop. The dropping of the retreating
blade increases its angle of attack and helps solve the potential problem of dissymmetry of lift.

27. Main rotor blades that do not cone by the same amount during rotation are said to be out of

A balance.
B collective pitch.
C track.

When the main rotor blades do not "cone" by the same amount during rotation, it is referred to as "out of track".

28. Which statement is correct concerning torque effect on helicopters?

A As horsepower decreases, torque increases.

B Torque direction is the opposite of rotor blade rotation.
C Torque direction is the same as rotor blade rotation.

Newton's Third Law of Motion states, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." As the main
rotor of a helicopter turns in one direction, the fuselage tends to rotate in the opposite direction. This tendency
for the fuselage to rotate is called torque.

29. What is the purpose of the free wheeling unit in a helicopter drive system?

A It releases the rotor brake for starting.

B It relieves bending stress on the rotor blades during starting.
C It disconnects the rotor whenever the engine stops or slows below the equivalent of rotor RPM.

There must be some form of freewheeling device in a helicopter to release the engine from the rotor any time
the speed of the engine drops below that required to drive the rotor. In the case of an engine failure, it is
essential that the engine be disconnected immediately lest it slow the rotor and prevent the rotor being turned by
the auto-rotative forces.
30. Movement about the longitudinal axis (roll) in a helicopter is effected by movement of the

A cyclic pitch control.

B collective pitch control.
C tail rotor pitch control.

Movement about the longitudinal axis is called roll. This is affected by moving the cyclic pitch control to the right
or left.

31. Movement about the lateral axis (pitch) in a helicopter is effected by movement of the

A collective pitch control.

B cyclic pitch control.
C tail rotor pitch control.

Movement about the lateral axis produces a nose up or nose down attitude. This is effected by moving the cyclic
pitch control fore and aft.

32. Wing dihedral, a rigging consideration on most airplanes of conventional design, contributes most to stability
of the airplane about its

A longitudinal axis
B lateral axis
C vertical axis.

Lateral stability (stability about the longitudinal axis), or roll stability, is provided primarily by dihedral in the
wings. Dihedral is the positive acute angle between the wing and the lateral axis of the airplane.

33. Other than the manufacturer maintenance manual what other document could be used to determine the
primary flight control surface deflection for an imported aircraft that is reassembled after shipment?

A The certificate of airworthiness issued by the importing country.

B Import manual for the aircraft.
C Aircraft type certificate data sheet.

The position of the wing attachment fuselage fittings will determine the angle of incidence for the wing. These fit-
tings must be positioned exactly, according to specifications, or the aerodynamics of the aircraft will be altered.

34. If a pilot reports that an airplane flies left wing heavy, this condition may be corrected by

A increasing the dihedral angle of the left wing, or decreasing the dihedral angle of the right wing, or both.
B increasing the angle of incidence of the left wing, or decreasing the angle of incidence of the right wing, or
C adjusting the dihedral angle of the left wing so that differential pressure between the upper and lower wing
surfaces is increased.

Increasing the angle of incidence, that angle between the chord line of the wing and the longitudinal axis of the
airplane, is called "washing the wing in", and it increases the lift. If the left wing of an airplane is flying heavy,
washing it in will increase its lift and probably correct the problem.

35. If the vertical fin of a single engine, propeller driven airplane is rigged properly, it will generally be parallel to

A both the longitudinal and vertical axes.

B the vertical axis but not the longitudinal axis.
C the longitudinal axis but not the vertical axis

On most single engine, propeller driven airplanes, the leading edge of the vertical fin is offset to the longitudinal
center line to counteract engine torque.
36. An airplane which has good longitudinal stability should have a minimum tendency to

A pitch.
B. roll
C yaw

When an aircraft has a tendency to keep a constant angle of attack with reference to the relative wind; that is,
when it does not tend to put its nose down and dive, or lift its nose and stall ; it is said to have longitudinal
stability. Longitudinal stability refers to motion in pitch.

37. As the angle of attack of an airfoil increases, the center of pressure will

A move toward the leading edge.

B remain stationary because both lift and drag components increase proportionally to increased angle of
C move toward the trailing edge.

On an asymmetrical airfoil, center of pressure moves forward as the angle of attack increases. On a
symmetrical airfoil, center of pressure does not change with changes in angle of attack.

38. The angle of incidence is that acute angle formed by

A a line parallel to the wing from root to tip and a line parallel to the lateral axis of the aircraft.
B a line parallel to the wing chord and a line parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.
C the angular difference between the setting of the main airfoil and the auxiliary airfoil (horizontal stabilizer) in
reference to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.

The acute angle which the wing chord makes with the longitudinal axis of the aircraft is called the angle of inci-
dence, or the angle of wing setting.

39. An airplane's center of lift is usually located aft of its center of gravity

A to improve stability about the longitudinal axis.

B so that the airplane will have a tail heavy tendency.
C so that the airplane will have a nose heavy tendency.

The longitudinal, or pitch, stability of an airplane determines its ability to be flown hands-off at any airspeed. The
center of gravity is located ahead of the aerodynamic center of the wing, and in straight and level flight, the wing
produces a nose-down moment.

40. An airplane is controlled directionally about its vertical axis by the

A ailerons.
B elevator(s)
C rudder.

Turning the nose of the aircraft causes the aircraft to rotate about its vertical axis. Rotation of the aircraft about
the vertical axis is called yawing. This motion is controlled by using the rudder.

41. The elevators of a conventional airplane are used to provide rotation about the.

A vertical axis.
B longitudinal axis.
C lateral axis.

When the nose of an aircraft is raised or lowered, it is rotated about its lateral axis. Elevators are the movable
control surfaces that cause this rotation.
42. Washing in the left wing of a monoplane, for purposes of rigging corrections after flight test, will have what
effect on the lift and drag of that wing?

A Both drag and lift will decrease due to decreased angle of attack.
B Both drag and lift will increase due to increased angle of attack.
C The drag will decrease due to the effect of the lift increase.

Increasing the angle of incidence, that angle between the chord line of the wing and the longitudinal axis of the
airplane, is called "washing the wing in" and it increases the lift. An increase in lift also means an increase in
drag because of the increased angle of attack.

43. What type of flap system increases the wing area and changes the wing camber?

A Fowler flaps.
B Slotted flaps. . .
C Split flaps.

The use of flaps increases the camber of a wing, and therefore the lift of the "wing, making it possible for the
speed of the aircraft to be decreased without stalling.

44. If the right wing of a monoplane is improperly rigged to a greater angle of incidence than designated in the
manufacturer's specifications, it will cause the

A airplane to be off balance both laterally and directionally.

B airplane to pitch and roll about the lateral axis.
C right wing to have both an increased lift and a decreased drag.

When a wing is improperly rigged, so that it has a greater angle of incidence than the manufacturer calls for, the
wing will produce more lift than it should. An aircraft in this condition will not be laterally, or directionally, stable.

45. The chord of a wing is measured from

A. leading edge to trailing edge.

B. wingtip to wingtip.
C. wring root to the wingtip.

The chord of an airfoil or wing section is an imaginary straight line which passes through the section from the
leading edge to the trailing edge.

46. When the lift of an airfoil increases, the drag will

A increase while the lift is changing but will return to its original value.
B also increase.
C decrease.

The same factors that enter into the production of lift also produce drag. At low angles of attack, there is very
little drag, but as the angle of attack increases, so does the drag.
47. What physical factors are involved in the aspect ratio of airplane wings?

A Dihedral and angle of attack.

B Span and chord.
C Thickness and chord.

The larger the wingspan is, as compared to the chord, the greater the lift obtained from the wring. This
comparison of wingspan and chord is called the wing's aspect ratio.
48. Improper rigging of the elevator trim tab system will affect the balance of the airplane about its

A vertical axis.
B lateral axis.
C longitudinal axis.

By design, airplanes are nose heavy. The nose heavy tendency of airplanes is balanced out by a downward
force on the horizontal stabilizer and elevator. If an elevator trim tab is improperly rigged, the pilot will need to
hold pressure on the control column to keep the airplane flying straight and level.

49. An airplane that has a tendency to gradually increase a pitching moment that has been set into motion has

A poor lateral stability.

B poor longitudinal stability.
C good lateral stability.

When an aircraft has a tendency to keep a constant angle of attack with reference to the relative wind; that is,
when it does not tend to put its nose down and dive, or lift its nose and stall; it is said to have longitudinal
stability. When an aircraft has a tendency to increase its pitching movement once it has been set in motion, it
has very poor longitudinal stability.

50. The purpose of wing slats is to

A reduce stalling speed.

B decrease drag.
C increase speed on takeoff.

Many high performance airplanes have a portion of the wing leading edge mounted on tracks so it can extend
outward and create a duct to direct high energy air down over the surface and delay separation to a very high
angle of attack. These devices are known as slats, and they serve to reduce the stall speed of the airplane.

51. The angle of incidence of an airplane

A does not change in flight.

B affects the dihedral of the wings.
C is that angle between the relative wind and the chord of the wing.

The angle of incidence for an airplane's wing is the angle between the wing chord and the longitudinal axis of
the airplane. Setting up this angle is part of rigging the wing, and once it is set it does not change (for most

52. Buffeting is the intermittent application of forces to a part of an airplane. It is caused by

A incorrect rigging of flaps.

B an unsteady flow from turbulence.
C incorrect rigging of ailerons.

Turbulence, or erratic movement of air currents, can cause buffeting in an aircraft. If the aircraft has proper
stability, as turbulence ceases, the aircraft will return to its original flight condition.
53. Movement of an airplane along its lateral axis (roll) is also movement

A around or about the longitudinal axis controlled by the elevator.

B around or about the lateral axis controlled by the ailerons.
C around or about the longitudinal axis controlled by the ailerons.

When an aircraft is moving along its lateral axis, it means that it is moving in a rolling direction (one wing
dropping and the other one rising). Movement along the lateral axis is also movement about the longitudinal
axis, or the nose to tail axis, and this is controlled by the ailerons.

54. The primary purpose of stall strips is to

A provide added lift at high angles of attack.

B stall the inboard portion of the wings first.
C provide added lift at slow speeds.

Stall strips provide a progressive stall and help maintain control during a stall. Should they be removed for
maintenance, stall strips must be re-installed in the correct location.

55. Rigging and alignment checks should not be undertaken in the open; however, if this cannot be avoided, the
aircraft should be positioned

A facing any direction since it makes no difference if the wind is steady (not gusting).
B with the nose into the wind.
C obliquely into the wind.

Normally, rigging and alignment checks should not be done in the open. If this cannot be avoided, the aircraft
should be positioned with the nose into the wind. All measurements should be taken in a condition closest to
that of normal flight. Follow aircraft manufacturer's instructions for rigging conditions.

56. The correct dihedral angle can be determined by

A measuring the angular setting of each wing at the rear spar with a bubble protractor.
B placing a straightedge and bubble protractor across the spars while the airplane is in flying position.
C using a dihedral board and bubble level along the front spar of each wing.

After installing a wing, the wing is adjusted to get the proper dihedral. This is determined by using a dihedral
board that has a specific taper. It is held against the main spar on the bottom of the wing, at the location
specified by the manufacturer. It is essential that the airplane be level, both longitudinally and laterally, when this
check is made. A bubble level is used to check this.

57. The dihedral angle of a wing may be measured by placing a straightedge and level protractor on the

A wing chord.
B front spar.
C wing root.

After installing a wing, the wing is adjusted to get the proper dihedral. This is determined by using a dihedral
board that has a specific taper. It is held against the main spar on the bottom of the wing, at the location
specified by the manufacturer. It is essential that the airplane be level, both longitudinally and laterally, when this
check is made. A bubble level is used to check this.
58. Where would you find precise information to perform a symmetry alignment check for a particular aircraft?

A Aircraft Specification or Type Certificate Data Sheet.

B Manufacturer's service bulletins.
C Aircraft service or maintenance manual.

The precise figures, tolerances and checkpoints for a particular aircraft's symmetry check will be found in the
applicable service or maintenance manual.

59. Where is the buttock line or buttline of an aircraft?

A A height measurement left or right of, and perpendicular to, the horizontal centerline.
B A width measurement left of, and perpendicular to, the vertical centerline.
C A width measurement left or right of, and parallel to, the vertical centerline.

The buttock line, or butt line, is a width measurement left or right of, and parallel to, the vertical center line.

60. Where is fuselage station No. 137 located?

A Aft of the engine.

B 137 inches aft of the zero or fixed reference line.
C 137 centimeters aft of the nose or fixed reference line.

Fuselage stations are numbered in inches from a reference, or zero point, known as the reference datum. The
distance to a given point is measured in inches parallel to a center line, extending through the aircraft from the
nose through the center of the tail cone.

61. Proper wing twist in a sheet metal constructed wing can usually be checked by utilizing a

A plum bob, string, and straightedge.

B straightedge, tape measure, and carpenter's square.
C bubble level and special fixtures described by the manufacturer.

Incidence is usually checked on the surface of the wing at two specific locations to ensure that the wing is free
from twist. A variety of incidence boards are used, along with a bubble level, to check for the proper angle of

62. The vast majority of aircraft control cables are terminated with swaged terminals that must be

A corrosion treated to show compliance with the manufacturers requirements after the swaging operation.
B pull tested to show compliance with the manufactures requirements after the swaging operation.
C checked with a go-no-go gauge before and after, to show compliance with the manufacturers requirements
after the swaging operation.

After a control cable has been swaged, the junction of the swaged fitting and the cable is painted with red paint.
At all subsequent service inspections of the swaged fittings, the painted section is checked for any cable

63. What non destructive checking method is normally used to ensure that the correct amount of swaging has
taken place when installing swaged-type terminals on aircraft control cable?

A Check the surface of the swaged portion of the terminal for small cracks which indicate incomplete swaging.
B Measure the finished length of the terminal barrel and compare with the beginning length.
C Use a terminal gauge to check the diameter of the swaged portion of the terminal.

After the compression of the fitting is completed, it should be checked with a special gage. If the compressions
have been properly made, the fitting will exactly fit the gage.
64. When inspecting a control cable turnbuckle for proper installation, determine that

A the terminal end threads are visible through the safety hole in the barrel.
B the safety wire ends are wrapped a minimum of four turns around the terminal end shanks.
C no more than four threads are exposed on either side of the turnbuckle barrel.

In the single and double wrap methods of safetying turn-buckles, there is an option of straight or spiral wiring. In
either method, the wiring must be terminated with at least four wraps around the shank of the turnbuckle.

65. If all instructions issued by the swaging tool manufacturer are followed when swaging a cable terminal, the
resultant swaged terminal strength should be

A the full rated strength of the cable.

B 70 percent of the full rated strength of the cable.
C 80 percent of the full rated strength of the cable.

When swaging tools are used, it is important that all the manufacturer's instructions, including "go and no go"
dimensions, be followed in detail to avoid defective and inferior swaging. Observance of all instructions should
result in a terminal developing the full rated strength of the cable.

66. Which is an acceptable safety device for a castle nut when installed on secondary structures?

A Star washer.
B Cotter pin.
C Lockwasher

In normal practice, a cotter pin is the only safety device used on a castle nut and is the correct choice. In some
special installations safety wire will be used.

67. When used in close proximity to magnetic compasses, cotter pins are made of what material?
A Anodized aluminum alloy.
B Corrosion resisting steel.
C Cadmium plated low carbon steel.
The AN381 corrosion-resistant steel cotter pin is used in locations where nonmagnetic material is required, or
in locations where resistance to corrosion is desired.
68. When a fiber or nylon insert-type, self-locking nut can be threaded on a bolt or stud through the insert with
only the fingers, it should be
A reused only in a different location.
B rejected.
C re-torqued frequently.
When fiber-type self-locking nuts are reused, check the fiber carefully to make sure it has not lost its locking
friction, or become brittle. Do not reuse locknuts if they can be run up finger tight.

69. The purpose of the vertical fin is to provide

A lateral stability.
B directional stability.
C longitudinal stability.
Stability about the vertical axis is referred to as directional stability. The vertical stabilizer is the primary surface
which controls directional stability.
70. How are changes in direction of a control cable accomplished?
A Pulleys.
B Fairleads.
C Bell cranks.

Aircraft manufacturers generally route the control cables in the most direct manner possible. At points where a
change in direction is needed, a pulley is used. These pulleys must be carefully aligned so the cable rides
squarely in the center of the pulley's groove.

71. What is the smallest size cable that may be used in aircraft primary control systems?
A 1/8 inch.
B 1/4 inch.
C 5/16inch
Each cable, cable fitting, turnbuckle, splice, and pulley used in a small airplane must meet approved
specifications. In addition, no cable smaller than 1/8 diameter may be used in primary control systems.
72. After repairing or recovering a rudder, the surface should be rebalanced
A in its normal flight position.
B to its spanwise axis.
C to manufacturer's specifications.

Any time repairs on a control surface add weight fore or aft of the hinge center line, the control surface must be
rebalanced. Any control surface that is out of balance will be unstable and will not remain in a streamlined
position during normal flight.

73. With which system is differential control associated?

A Aileron.
B Trim.
C Elevator.

Differential aileron travel provides more aileron up travel than down travel for a given movement of the control
stick or wheel in the cockpit.

74. Aircraft flight control trim systems must be designed and installed so that the

A pilot can determine the relative position of the trim tab from the cockpit.
B operating control and the trim tab will always move in the same direction.
C trim system will disengage or become inoperative if the primary flight control system fails.

FAR 23.677 states that a pilot must be able to determine the current position of the trim tabs as well as the
neutral position of trim controls for lateral and directional trim.

75. Stability about the axis which runs parallel to the line of flight is referred to as

A longitudinal stability.
B lateral stability.
C directional stability.

Movement of an aircraft about its longitudinal (fore and aft) axis is a lateral, or rolling, motion. The tendency to
return to the original attitude from such motion is called lateral stability.
76. The purpose of spring tabs or servo tabs is to

A contribute to the static balance of the control surface.

B make in flight trim adjustments possible.
C assist the pilot in moving the control surfaces.

Servo tabs aid in moving the control surface and holding it in position. Spring tabs are used to aid in moving a
primary control surface.

77. If the control stick of an aircraft with properly rigged flight controls is moved rearward and to the left, the right
aileron will move

A up and the elevator will move down.

B down and the elevator will move down.
C down and the elevator will move up.

Moving the control stick back and to the left is telling the airplane to climb and bank to the left. Climbing is
accomplished by moving the elevator up, creating a downward force on the tail to raise the nose. Banking to the
left is accomplished by moving the right wing aileron down to increase the lift on the right wing, and moving the
left wing aileron up, to decrease the lift on the left wing.

78. Movement of the cockpit control toward the nosedown position during a ground operational check of the
elevator trim tab system will cause the trailing edge of the trim tab to move in which direction?

A Downward regardless of elevator position.

B Upward regardless of elevator position.
C Downward if the elevator is in the UP position and upward if the elevator is in the DOWN position.

Moving the cockpit control for the elevator trim tabs toward the nose down position is telling the airplane that you
want the elevator to move down, because this will cause the nose of the airplane to come down. For a trim tab
to work, it needs to move in the opposite direction of the way you want the flight control to move.

79. If the control stick of an aircraft with properly rigged flight controls is moved forward and to the right, the left
aileron will move

A down and the elevator will move up.

B up and the elevator will move down.
C down and the elevator will move down.

Moving the control stick forward and to the right is telling the airplane to descend and to bank to the right. To
drop the nose of the airplane the elevator needs to move down to put an upward force on the tail. To bank the
airplane to the right, the aileron on the right wing needs to come up to decrease the lift on that wing, and the
aileron on the left wing needs to move down to increase the lift on that wing.

80. If the travel of an airplane's controls is correct but the cables are rigged exceptionally tight, what probable
effect will this have when flying the airplane?

A The pilot will be unable to fly the airplane hands off.

B The airplane will be heavy on the controls.
C The airplane will tend to fall off on one wing

When cables are rigged excessively tight, it creates a great deal of strain on the system. Not only does
premature wearing of the pulleys take place, but the flight controls will also feel very heavy and difficult to move
because of the strain. The manufacturer sets procedures for achieving the best balance between control
response and control looseness.
81. During inspection of the flight control system of an airplane equipped with differential-type aileron control,
side to side movement of the control stick will cause

A each aileron to have greater down travel (from the streamlined position) than up travel.
B the left aileron to move through a greater number of degrees (from full up to full down) than the right aileron.
C each aileron to have a greater up travel (from the streamlined position) than down travel.

Differential aileron control on an airplane provides more aileron up travel than down travel for a given movement
of the control column.

82. A universal propeller protractor used to measure the degrees of aileron travel should be zeroed

A with the aileron in the DOWN position.

B with the aileron in the NEUTRAL position.
C when the aircraft is in a level flight attitude.

When using the universal propeller protractor to measure control surface travel, the control surface must be
moved to neutral before the protractor is placed on the surface, and the ring adjuster turned to center the bubble
in the spirit level.

83. The universal propeller protractor can be used to measure

A propeller track.
B aspect ratio of a wing.
C degrees of flap travel.

The universal propeller protractor can be used to measure the travel of a control surface that has up and down
movement. The flaps have such a movement.

84. Differential control on an aileron system means that

A one aileron on one wing travels further up than the aileron on the opposite wing to adjust for wash in and
wash out.
B the up travel is more than the down travel.
C the down travel is more than the up travel.

Differential aileron travel provides more aileron up travel than down travel.

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