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ep Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 cD Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 ep Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 ABMKRLARM HST AV a Booking a Hotel 204 #12208 201041248 ‘An Overview of the Online Exchange Business 200 #17 158 Talking About Reflective Journal Assignment 2012 £10 A 278 WiNF4A2B Chimpanzee Behaviours 2014 #12 A208 iN FIAZE 2009 # 5 308 ee Enquiring About the Automobile Exhibition 2011 £6 A 23 8 An Introduction to the Medical Care Centre 2014477268 20119 A 248 Talking About a Lecture on the Influence of Light 2011 £8 A 13 6 The History of Football in the UK 20121 A128 20104 4A 108 oe Talking About Driving Lessons 21IS#1A298 20129 R15 8 ‘An Introduction to Mount Rushmore 2010 #8 A216 Discussion of Tourism Course 21S #6278 © 2011 F 10 22g section 4 GD Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 ep _ Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 ef Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Company Outsourcing 241A 228 20141 ASH 2NFIZALB es __ Job Enquiry 20109 A258 An Introduction to Homestays 2013 10128 2010454298 Talking About a Project on Australian Study 201310128 20104 11 A208 Graphical Symbol 2012 #1288 SSM ___ ‘A Complaint Regarding a Flight 20104 A158 An Introduction to the Car Rental Company 2010474178 Talking About the Major Problems of a Company 2012411 A9H 2010 12 18 B Relationship Between Climate and Architecture 2012 £ 10 A 20 8 House Rental Enquiry 2I3£8A24H 2WIF2AIZE An Introduction to an Australian Wild Zoo 2124 ABE Talking About the Summer Course 201249 A158 Roberts Company 201049 A 16 8 Test 1 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-4 Complete the notes below, Write Ne : ite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. See et 5 5. moyen NOTES ON ISLAND HOTEL Example Answer © Type of room required: double room Time © The length of stay; approx 2 weeks e — Starting date: 25" April Temperature © Daytime: up to 1 © Erratic weather Transport © Pick-up service is provided. e Normally transferring to the airport takes about 2 Facilities e en-suite facilities and a3 gym and spa facilities © a large outdoor swimming pool e three standard 4 Questions 5-10 Complete the table below, Write NO MORE THAN TWO WorDS for each answer. Day | ta niet activites ration Entertainment activities Transportation ae © leamingtomakes » aeetde * © having a6 |. concert i ae. © enjoying mountain view © i iese Wednesdai ees aimee Renn eet va shut © having a fancy dinner Erol pitarsdays © watching a spectacular display of 9, SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-14 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 12 13 14 Online Exchange Business The website is organised by A family members. B friends. C businessmen. How long has the website been operated? A about 3 weeks B about 3 months C about 6 months How many registered users are there in the website? A 1,000 B 1,500 C 2,000 Which country has the most users in the website? A Ireland B UK C Canada Questions 15 and 16 Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO things are most popular among users? ‘A. children’s books B_ textbooks C computer games D toys E_ tools Questions 17-20 Complete the sentences below, Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer 17 The website will sort out exchange | 18 Do not bother because everyone's 19 Users will give | Criteria | © the quality of the item ® the ease of communication | © the 20 _of delivering SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-26 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Reflective Journal Assignment 21 What should be firstly included in the reflective journal? A topics he is going to talk about B study aims for the module C suggestions from others 22 The woman has got A allot of friends to help her, B several books that may be useful. C sufficient resources showing that she is a good technology user. 23 What was the man’s biggest achievement in the past? A He worked as a waiter in a restaurant. B He got an offer to lead a team. C He became the chairman of the Student Union. 24 The man decides to A do it by himself. B find a tutor. C listen to others. 25 What is the man’s attitude after the discussion? A He thinks it is useless. B He is looking forward to it. C He feels uncertain about it. 26 What should be shown in the man’s reflective journal? A self-awareness B mistakes C achievements Questions 27-30 ‘What is the woman’s attitude toward each ofthe following activities of study? Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-E, next to questions 27-30. Attitude define a problem develop study skills gain confidence find it difficult 27 writing an essay _ | independent learning 28 taking exams 29 making class notes _ 30 taking presentation notes SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Questions 31-38 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. Ne te Neer — Chimpanzee Behaviours Species . ‘© We can find Pan or Pan Troglodytes in West and Central Africa. © The Bonobo or Pan Paniscus are found in Democratic Republic of Congo. Current research © rule out31_ @ learn through 32 _ and biological factors __ of other chimps’ behaviour Discoveries The book The Third Chimpanzee by James Diamond discusses some physical features of chimpanzees, © The discovery reported by Jane Goodall suggests that chimpanzees know how to use 33. Chimpanzees in Senegal © use spears sharpened with their teeth © can 34 __ the shell of a coconut .,, hammer to crash nuts .,, and understanding human language eusea3s ¢ are capable of learning 36 Sub-species © Bonobos live on the other side of 37 © Both of them are reducing alarmingly in population 38 nis Questions 39 and 40 Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO topics about chimpanzees will the students discuss next week? They are slower than human in different ways. They learn things by copying humans’ behaviour. They develop behaviours generation by generation. They have very strong ability of logical thinking. eee, ea They could be modified to adapt to the environment. Test 2 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Complete the notes below. wer. ‘hans iR for eat Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBE! fe Birmingham Exhibition Example Answer Purpose of calling: purchasing tickets © Open in: 1 © Length of exhibition: 2 ¢ A wide range of manufacturers will be showcased. © Some cars are available to observe and the others are for 3. eThed is prohibited to take into the museum. © Every ticket includes one free photo. © Price of ticket: 5£ ..(in advance) © Transfer to Mark6 (Box Office Manager) @Heldinthe7 Palace this year © Not far from 8 © Website: www. 9. com © Best way to contact: 10 ESOL IER TO SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-15 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. u 12 13 14 15 How many patients does the hospital consult every year? A 3,000 B 5,000 C 11,000 When can patients meet the female doctor? A on weekday mornings B three days a week C only on Mondays and Fridays Who is the expert on treating hearing loss? A Mr. Robert B Mr. Green C Mr. Edwards Where are patients recommended to buy their medicine? A the supermarket in the town B pharmacies nearby the city centre C the health care’s pharmacy ‘What will the patients be asked about whether they are willing to do? A Letting one student attend the consultation B Asking postgraduate students to do treatment C Meeting students in group discussion Questions 16-20 Label the map below Write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 16-20. Therapy Room 16 Reception 17 Mr. Green’s Room 18 Medical Records Office 19 Surgery Room 20 Manager’s Office Pini tencieceaeeibaiat asinine, SECTION3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-25 What is the main opinion of each of the following people? Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 21-25. Opinions lighting restrictions alternative lighting reduce the number of insects climate changes A B c D decline in the number of species ' E F impacts on the growth of animals G impacts on water quality 21 Ken Simpson _ 22 Dave Kepler 23 Sharon Grey 24 Maria Jackson 25 Barbara Swallow _ Questions 26 and 27 Choose the correct lette! a a1 and artificial light \turé cies in nal 26 What does Jim think about the difference among SP A. It makes no difference. B Species will die out in natural light. € Species will die out in artificial light. c «oe discussed in the lecture 27 One reason why Jim and Jane felt unsatisfied about the theories disc was that A governments didn’t increase any spending on them. B_ most theories had nothing to do with the exams. C many theories lacked solid proof in the field. I Questions 28-30 Choose THREE letters, A-G. Which THREE topics are they interested in studying in the future? quality of life of tourists wildlife park animals animals living in rural areas A B C migration birds D E animals living in tropical climate F the impacts of different environment on animals a pandas in the 200 SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Questions 31 and 32 Choose TWO letters, A-E, "» century focus on? the 19” ce! Which TWO aspects did the new rules at the end of cooperation competition moral values Player’s physical protection SO Tens business model Questions 33-40 Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. Football in the UK 33 from At present the main reason why UK schools push football education is the pressure | Prior to the 19* century, football players used different 35 People attempted to standardise the rules from the whole __ “Cambridge Rules’ in 1848. 36 Attendances were increasing due to the improvement of infrastructure and the |. system. 37 Football became popular and it is regarded as a 38 The football clubs were responsible for most of the .______.,., and development for the football association. 39 against other teams were also organised by the football clubs. 40 In 1910s, __ football players were approved of in the game. SECTION I Complete the notes below Questions 1-10 Test 3 yrine ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for cach answer DRIVING SCHOOL Example Looking for driving lessons given during the Address: Drive: Teacher's name: Popular type of car on roads: Had better: Safety driving depends on: Obtain: Final test fee: Duration of test: More advice: Answer weekends 1 Road the city center 2 above the city Allen 3 4 practice during the 5 good 6 a driving 7, approx9 minutes keep a driving 10 Se SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-15 Complete the sentences below, Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for cach answer, Mount Rushmore 11 The government finally paid $ Presidents .. 10 complete the heads of four United States 12 The purpose of the construction of the president’s heads is to develop 13. The carvings face. ..f0 experience maximum exposure to sunlight. 14 In 1885, the mountain was renamed after a 15 Ittook years to finish the project. Questions 16-20 Label the map below: ext to questions 16-20: Write the correct letter, A-E, ™ 16 information centre 17 refreshment centre 18 gift shop 19 workshop 20 visitor centre ik et i iam NOE. SECTION3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-25 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. au 22 23 24 25 Why does the student want to study Tourism? ‘A. good future B good pay C parents’ will What kind of skill will the student gain in the course? ‘A time-management B financial planning C note-taking The student has the ability of ‘A. independence. B communication. € coping well with statistics ‘The teacher believes that the industry of tourism is A shrinking. B seeing a bright future € growing popular. How does the student compare the university course with polytechnics? ‘A There are summer schools. B The course is structured in modules. The price is reasonable. Gr 22 Questions 26-30 What feature do the speakers identify for each of tl Choose FIVE answers from the Courses 26 Travel and Business 27 Japanese 28 Medical Care 29 Computer 30 Public Relations he following courses? box and write the correct letters, A-G, next to questions 26.39 Features limited value useful relevant to career flexible admission intensive improving leadership self-control and time management Test 3 SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Company Outsourcing Case study — TCP Technologi Manager: Manjeet Khanna Main target: to create a 31 environment Grading for staff: @ Every month grades are published on an 32 @ The cultural openness increased the quantity of incoming contracted opportunities. © The cultural openness improved the level of 33 _of the company. The increased rate of staff satisfaction has led to growth of 32% inthe 34 Recent interview: © A company is not one entity comprised of components, but a living organism composed of cells. © Manjeet’s motto is 35 Benefits of management style: © The rate of staff turnover has been reduced. © A36 __can be from any other company. © Grades are not used for 37. Features of managing style: Personally, the manager wrote emails to respond to the complaints. _has access to all employees online. food quality and © The complaint form known as a 38 The manager can receive any complaints concerning air conditioning, 39 entitlement. 2 A40 on the anonymous complaint was introduced in the new system. Test 4 SECTION1 Questions 1-10 Complete the notes below: Write [Example Position Available NO MORE THAN TWO Worbs fo JOB ENQUIRY ype of job required: r each answer Answer | \ Details Duty: to provide 2 service Working hours: 3. Requirement: receive 4 without pay Day off: one day a week (request in advance) Requirements: clean and valid license six-year experience Working hours:6 Duty: to take employers to and from work to collect the 7 to pick up the children Day off: 8 Cashier ina 9 Working hours: 17.30-22.30 Duty: to sell and dispense tickets to provide refreshments totake 10 Day off: Mondays f SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-14 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. i 12 13 14 The host families will A cam a big money, B receive no pay. C receive stable pay. Whaat is the guest expected to overcome when suffering from culture shock? A loneliness B difficulty to make friends € language barriers What can the guests do if they want to become familiar with host families? A talk about personal interests B clean their rooms C cook together What's likely to happen to the guests in the long run? A They will enhance cultural understanding. B They will gain overseas experience. C They will know more people from different countries. (3) Questions 15-20 Complete the flow- ‘MORE THAN TWO WORDS. Write NO chart below. ‘for each answer. HOW TO APPLY FOR A HOMESTAY Visit the website and contact the advisor eee SS eee Keep in touch with the 15 v Provide two photos, one for the host family, and the other for 16 v Send in some documents to confirm your 17 v __.Within 7 working days v Have a(n) 19. in London Receive 18 Pay the extra fee for a fast-track service Receive a written 20 SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-26 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 21 22 23 24 25 26 What kind of research method does the professor recommend? A interview B observation € questionnaire ‘What is the project based on? A a study they did before in Australia B a similar angle someone has done before C an Australian study What does the professor advise Douglas to do about the formation of the focus groups? A strengthen the group in size B reduce the number of children in each group C build more than 3 groups To do the project best, the professor suggests the students A interview various people or sectors. B not be too ambitious. © work hard enough. To gather data, the professor asks Jane A. to replace other people’s advice. B to simplify the textbook. C to practice using the date table. ‘The reason why Douglas hasn’t read enough reference books is that ‘A. he doesn’t have enough time. B he thinks there are too many books to read. C he hasn’t spent time in the library. c uestions 27-30 ; . ing parts of the Pro) i What do the students decide about the following cons 27-30. Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions A Jane will do B Douglas will do C They will do together 27 final report 28 sheet preparation 29 letter 30 transcript SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Questions 31-36 Complete the notes below Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer GRAPHICAL SYMBOL | ‘Graphical symbol” | @ includes the logographs in Egyptian hieroglyphic writing and ancient Chinese pictograms | e found in Africa, the Americas, and Oceania | ¢ still has something to do with 31 use today Ancient graphic writing systems @ Researchers obtain a wide range of 32 - Rosetta Stone was found in 1799 when members of Napoleon’s expedition got to Egypt - Frenchman Jean-Francois Champollion determined the phonetic values of the symbols in 1822. © In those symbols, 33 about past civilisations. are used to depict various meanings. Camera obscura | 034 helps people understand history better. e Some charities will 35... many endangered species. © A camera was tied to one 36 _, of bird. 29 30 Questions 37-40 Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. tography. ¢ of pho! : elopmen 37 More... , Will be included in the future with the dv 38 Companies would like to invest a lot to advertise in —ective branding: 39 Designing appealing is used as a way of effectiv ject of, 40 Graphic writing systems are of great importance in the su! Test 5 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-3 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. COMPLAINE £0 CHE RIRPORE TD Answer Name: Jack Dawson aes: _, Road, Exeter Postcode: Telephone: home: 798662 Questions 4-6 Choose the correct letter, A, B or €. 4 in about? What aspect of the flight does the man complain A punctuality B legroom temperature ved during the igh"? ‘What does the man think about the food s A It is not enough to eat. B Itis expensive. C Ithas a bad taste, What does the man think of the service of the staff? A satisfied B long wait C bad attitude Questions 7-10 Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer ‘The man felt satisfied with because it was quick. During the flight, «ce facilities helped him distract from other poor quality of the service. As a gift, a 20% discount on the 10 The flight company also offers the mana __. worth £20. SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-16 services? ‘What is customers’ attitude towards the following Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 11-16. ‘A Theyre very interested. B_ They might be less interes C They are not interested. sted. 11 a free gift 12 a driver for an extra fee 13 a package service 14 updated car models 15 adiscount 16 anew branch company Questions 17-29 Choose the correct letter, 4, B or C, 17 What is the problem of the A Traffic jams B Pedestrian safety C Low efficiency Public transport? 18 According to the Speaker, what is A Buses are easy to find, B Taxis are punctual, C Airplanes are unaffordable, true about the transportation? 19 According to the speaker, what is true about the bus? A’ Passengers occasionally spend more than half an hour waiting for it B Itis sometimes overcrowded. € Itis often dirty. 20 What is the existing situation about the Price of bus tickets? A Itis fluctuating severely. B Itis declining. C Itneeds to be increased. SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-25 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 21 22 23 24 25 ded? What was the most difficult problem when the company was foun A No clear objectives B No formal structures C No perfect premises What is the staff unsatisfied with? A The type of work B The work assignment C The feeling of appreciation What was the problem of the manager? A He had a lot of tasks to do. B He employed too many people and let them go then. C He always made decisions by himself. What does the staff think of the new manager of the company? A They are delighted to see that the meeting time is shorter. B They feel annoyed toward him. C They are amazed that he has done it well. What achievement has the organisation made already? A Children were involved in painting the entrance area. B There was no particular achievement. C It built a local primary school. a a ~ mn td Questions 26-30 Complete the summary below, Write NO MORE Major Problems 7 a of a Company Since the company Opened, there have been many problems with employment, but there .- He needs to find a venue for financial training. It is very hard to run an organisation and the 27 ... 18 Of great importance to staying organised. To enhance | 4 the organisation skills, there is a section on 28 a books can be found. In addition, collection of documentaries on pers SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. ie eee = CLIMATE AND ARCHITECTURE jucted in ducted in 31 as well as rural areas, © Cases and examples are from ppracbice cone UCrs CNS Seat. aa Acid rain @ The chemicals have devastating effects on 1e negative effects. n the architecture. ¢ The government try to reduce th @ Funds have been received from a 32... 233 experience lower levels of acid in damaging pollutants eo oe es on the buildings made of 34 Pollution @ One of the main sources of pollution is fro © 35 _is used to reduce pollution in Sky Tower. © Construction is affected by the increased 36... ____ buildings whose grain can be condensed by moisture ym the construction industry. in winter. ‘© Humidity affects the 37 |. from the air. Building & Technology © Ground conditions can be a problem when the density of the 38 of buildings. _... for the architects. wrong. ¢ Architects can now monitor the 39. |, @ The government should make 40 __ ~ is, re. SECTION 1 Test 6 Test 6 Questions 1-19 Complete the notes beloy, Write NO MORE vO We RE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer, HOUSE RENTAL Answer Ma Example © Name: © Facility available: © General layout: upstairs: living room bedrooms downstairs: 2 © Car park: availability of a large 3__ © Shopping: at the 4 © Place forchildren playing: = 5 : © Education resources: a6... inthe community @ Rent: $980 a month (including the maintenance fees ofthe 7a) Date of house available: e Viewing arrangement (time): meet at 9 Postcode: GASSER, © Address: SO ees SECTION 2 Questio! ns 11-20 Questions H-1S Choose the 14 e correct letter, A, Bor€, improvement about the Zoo this time? anew dog-walking area. ich of animals. What's the new ‘A. The zoo has built B The z00 has brought a new bat led its exhibition area. C The zoo has expand What is the change for the new regulation enacted in June? ‘A The 200 is not open during the weekdays. B Visitors are allowed to feed the animals at night. C Visitors are allowed to see the animals until the late night. While visiting the kangaroo, which behaviour is forbidden? A Photo-taking B Shouting C Feeding Why is the pye-dog zone temporarily closed? A Because the fence is broken. B Because the pye-dogs are in hibernation. C Because the pye-dog zone is under construction. Where can the visitors buy the discounted ticket? A Gift shop B Photo shop C Reception desk Questions 16-20 Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 16-20. 16 17 18 19 20 Bird hide Pye-dog zone Rest area Kangaroo visiting site Photo shop SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-24 Choose the correct teter, A. Bor C. 21 The course has improved the environment since ‘A it was regulated by law. B more students were involved. more species were brought from other places What isthe biggest reason why the organisation improved greatly? iy 2 'A It was funded by a private investor. B Itsold out its shares. € It got the governmental fund in the first year, What is suggested from the reports? ‘A. Resources still need management. B Teachers and the students have benefitted from the field trips 23 The environment has been terribly damaged. 24 Who did obtain the special experience from the field trip carried out by the organi: inisation? A students B teachers C researchers Questions 25 and 26 Choose TWO letters, A-E, What TWO problems does the report focus on? A. air pollution B soil erosion C overgrazing D forest exploitation E__ water pollution a a ee a ee ee eS Questions 27 and 28 Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO benefits of this activity to the students are mentioned by the professor? They become more punctual. They feel more confident. They get practical experience. They learn how to collect data. ES Cac! They know the importance of environment protection. Questions 29 and 30 Choose TWO letters, A-E. What TWO things will the woman do in the rest of the time when no activities are going on? A B c D E read more reference books study in library interview some teachers participate in one of fun hobbies join in some tutorials SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Complete the notes below: Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer ROBERTS COMPANY Founding The most important principal of the comp: camera technology. __,, development any is to improve the 31 Aim «e Itwas founded by Dwayne Roberts in 1957 and mainly explore 32... Potential applications © recording high-definition video © discovering 33, searching plants in the rainforest to experimer ¥ the road network to control 35, nt 34 ¢ distributing more acros: At present ee s6 es @ They are designed to look like 37. @ The company is working on a tiny 38... ___ate the bestsellers in the company. __,t0 change the way people see photography Other applications ¢ Surgeries could be faster and more 39 Internship opportunity fe To get it, the students can participate in the 40 organised by the compat} every year. Tapescripts SECTIO! Reception Mr. Schiffer: Reception: Mr. Schiffer: Reception: Mr. Schiffer: Reception: Mr. Schiffer: Reception: Mr. Schiffer: N1 Crete, how may I help you t Yes, hello there, ’m hopin, 18 to book a doubl é _ : ble room fe r and myself for about two weeks from the 25 April ae = of this year, whether it’s particularly hot during this ioday? Firstly, could you tell me time? am unable to say for certain, Okay, that sounds good, my wife doesn’t like going outside when is very hot! I haven't booked flights yet, but I must say that I'm unfamiliar with Crete and its transport system, Does the hotel provide an airport shuttle service? Yes Sir, we provide a complementary airport pick-up service for all our guests. It takes about 40 minutes to get here from the airport, but it’s at least 60 minutes at rush hours and you will be provided with a fully air-conditioned shuttle bus. Okay, excellent. In that case, do you have any rooms available for the dates I gave you? I shall have a look on the system now for you Sir, bear with me just a moment. [brief pause] Yes Sir, I can see now that we have several rooms available. Would you prefer a garden view or a sea view? Well, ideally I would like a sea-view room with a balcony, but of course that depends on the difference in price. Not to worry Sir, all of our standard double rooms have en-suite facilities and a balcony. If you would like one of our sea-view rooms, there is a premium of €60 per night. Okay, so could you tell me the total nightly rate for a standard Example or a2 93 a double room with a sea view? Reception: Yes, of course Sir, for the spring months, our rate is €216 per night. For 14 nights, altogether this will come to €3,024. Mr. Schiffer: Perfect. I also read on your website that the hotel has gym and spa facilities, Are there any other facilities on offer? Reception: Yes, we have a large outdoor infinity pool overlooking the ocean, with luxury sun beds and a poolside bar. We also have 3 full-sized fennis courts, where we run a popular doubles tournament, with the winner receiving 2 all-inclusive spa day vouchers. Mr. Schiffer: Goodness, Tshall have to brush up on my tennis skills! Mr. Schiffer: Are there any other activities organised by the hotel that we can partake in? It’s just that it’s our wedding anniversary on the 30" of June, and I would like to provide my wife with the perfect romantic getaway. Reception: I can assure you, Sir, that your wife won't be disappointed, Ours is a 5-star resort which is renowned for its luxury and beauty. In terms of activities, the hotel provides thrice weekly entertainment. On Tuesdays, guests will take a mini bus and partake in learning, to cook succulent fish dishes with our Michelin starred chef, Enrique. The class will take place in a beautiful valley deep in the Cretan hills, where guests will be treated to an intimate piano performance by our in-house concert pianist, Pedro. On Wednesdays, a select number of guests will be fortunate enough to explore the mountains by helicopter, before being transported to a tropical Cretan garden by shuttle bus. Finally, on Thursdays after a fancy dinner, we provide a spectacular fireworks display, which guests can view from the comfort of a cable car. Mr. Schiffer; Oh wow, that all sounds absolutely wonderful! I shall book the room now, and then I need to look at flights so as not to become extortionate. Would you like to take my details now or later? [fade out] 4 Q5 6 08 09 0 r SECTION 1 RAR | question’ 19 FARM - FETA daytime, se 35 MSRM : AMET “the ce eae BAB 19)”, BULAN 19 Question 2 40/forty minutes IFAT «KENTA transfering, impor HEM - TOUR “Hi takes shout do og pAaane (Bsr), time to dosh.” 29 “Bestarte se (ej pes fr - come irport...”, Sit takes (2b,) some Bias, 01 Question 3 balcony SYA AOlory minus, OFRIROM + ATTA en-suite facilities, ini » FEAMAA and, ANTES A e pia (383%), BSG): ABREU, Hees en-suite facilities and a bal zy balcony. alcony” Sh, BDO as Question 4 tennis courts OFAUFM : RENTIGA three standard, EOI S35), BSE - AMBMF HAY three standard GYR, Re | “ have 3 full-sized tennis cours...” i255 tennis cours, SSE flied. UBER “We als Question 5 fish dishes OFATFAM : ATA Tuesdays, HAMA Zia, ERA : HIST TIS Tuesday TH “On Tuesdays, guests will take a mini bus and partake in teaming to cook succulent fish dishes...”, 8--Ch6y make GEALPNE NEI cook, {USE HASMASH, SMILSRSLASEMM NS, AULA fish dishes, Question6 piano OFRITOM : EASA mini bus, LANTZ. DBM : SA mini bus H-HHARASAMBAVSM, ME PRN—-OVSYMD “... where guests will be treated to an intimate piano performance by our in-house concert pianist...” AR SMV, MARIA piano. Question 7 helicopter OFAUFRM ; ETI Wednesdays, J ANATIASIA. « 5 f guests will be fortunate enough to : 5 “On Wednesdays, a select number o : ae. #1) A) explore the mountains TE #3 34 MF EAT PAY explore the mountains by helicopter...” mountain view, GAGS helicopter. Question 8 (Cretan) garden OF ATF - HECTIAP shuttle bus, tropical, SAGARA : ICAI “...before being tans SSH (Cretan) garden. eADATeaIA- ported toa topical Cretan garden by shuttle bys re Question 9 fireworks OFATH - RELTIAZ spectacular display» JAN ASM : ETB “Finally, on ‘Thursdays after dfgplag, when pees can newton the colon Cones car? MECRUP May fireworks display i&°T —TPHGATES. BOG display BIEL, of BONIFDUEH display, a BIGGS fireworks, MASS. ‘a fancy dinner, we provide a spectacular firey, Question 10 cable car IFAT: EATIELE. Wee (RATA). meer WeARRB E-MEMIOHES. 28645 “which guests can view fig comfort ofa cable car”, GXlif, Transportation —EAITBUA cable car. SECTION 2 BarterOnlineUK is a young, up and coming website in the United Kingdom, where users can ‘buy’ new and used goods; however, instead of paying with money, registered users instead exchange their purchase for an item of similar value. This part is perhaps the most complicated, as the registered users themselves must mutually decide on an appropriate value, with value either being the recommended retail price (RRP), or simply how much they believe the item to be worth, The website has been founded by a group of four friends in QI the north of England. Originally they exchanged their belongings among family members. They frequently found themselves swapping their belongings when they no longer had any use for them. They live by the motto ‘one person’s trash is another person’s treasure’, and hate to throw things away. As more and more people caught wind of the idea and wanted to participate in the exchanges, the group decided that the idea had the potential to become a successful business venture, and so it did. _ BarterOnlineUK is a start, UP Online i Sand has now been runnin, hates 8 for short time ago, the website h, , Which took Stound half a year Despite a r 88 already pamereq about | 500, a huge achievement i United kin tonths to set up being founded a gp Tegistered users, O13 ders. Some of the “nada, with the majority registered member, users O14 their credit or debit card with 500 more than expected for the foun users are registered in the gdom and Cc: from the Republic of Irey, online exchanges, A multitude of items are sold on the website stich Nh tools, however books fo nd comput S textbooks, soft toys, children and coy fae SIREN « Se ildren and computer games are by The exchange process itself is not as o eae oe ebsite will automatically pair ; ‘esn't want to give anything away, but would simply like to buy something, BarterOnlineUK does support a secure online payment system where users can perform a normal monetary transaction, Despite this, the founding group strongly discourages the use of the online Payment system, clearly stating that this goes against the intended ethos of the company. Although bartering is an age-old process, many of the website’s users are unsure how to decide which of their own items to exchange. It often helps to order items by popularity using the “filter” button provided, this will tell the website to find out popular items for users’ convenience. To this, the QI7 founding members say just put everything you don’t want on there, efi people have different tastes, and you never know what they might be looking 78 for! In order to aid registered users in their exchanges, and to provide them with assurance, the founders recently added a new feature whereby on completion of an exchange, users will be encouraged to provide ene oa it with feedback. This feedback will include criteria such as the quality o i e item as compared with how it was edveniees the ae ei Se a With the seller, the speed at which the item was delivere baad oe friends believe that using this method, users will have a and trustworthy bartering experience. [fade out} @ SECTION 2 if ——— Question 11 B OFADFM - TIT website, organised, ABT . AMADA “The website has been founded by a group of four friends in the north , England”, Ui Be Question 12 C OFADFRM : EAT operated, SQGARMT - #B4E “BarterOnlineUK...has now been running for around half a year” {F&, Be running BA “BE”, LAF operated GNSS, HAC. Question 13 B OFAUPAM : AENTIA registered users, MSR : ISS ATIDCATD “...the website has already garnered about 1,500 registered user JXHA) gamered BA “HRS”. MISE 1500 SERAP. di B. Question 14 A OFATRLEM : EATIIA most users, SB BA : HATZ “Some of the users are registered in the United Kingdom and Canada, with thy majority from the Republic of Ireland”, majority ZERD-FCPEILESRAT the most, ASSEN A Questions 15-16 A & C (IN EITHER ORDER) OF ALOR : MEAT most popular. MSR : AMSAT “A multitude of items are sold on the website, such as textbooks soft toys, and tools, however books for children and computer games are by far selected most. (Sidi HEOMBMARS, UNH. EHR, LAS, SSARG) LSRMNSiBKRARS) BUR SYD books for children FJ computer games, ALVIN A 70 C. Question 17 popular OFA ; ELTA sort out, MAMTA RSIS. MSE : AMET sort out SAWH find out AVGLBR, FRA “...this will tell the webs! to find out popular items for users’ convenience”, &{H popular, 2) question 18 taste 2: EATIAA bec: rental - EOS Beets Hea, gow IE diferent people have sine ig ent tastes,» question 19 feedback SRL taste, spA9RRH + FEOTIBA completion of exchanges goer: ENT “...the founders Tecently ie ancy feature sss il be encourased 0 provide cach other wih ery ith feedback» n of an exchange, re 18> TPEIIVSI feedback prrgsae coe ing BNET sascpay Hema. "Wheteby on competi question 20 speed (pane « FELIEIA ease of communication s fon, Seah BER WR em commen, ete PRES, HSA speed, Speed at which the item de as delivered...” SECTION 3 Tae Professor Tomlinson, may Anni ie 'y Annie and I please quickly ask questions about the reflective journal assignment? It’s just that we're a bit confused as to what you want us t include and discuss. = Prof. Tomlinson: Yes of course, what are you having trouble with? ‘Annie: Well, everything really. To start with, what should be included first in the reflective journal? Perhaps suggestions from others? Prof. Tomlinson: No no, firstly you should include the study goals you set Q2/ yourself at the beginning of the module. This section should have been discussed in some detail towards the beginning of the course by Professor May. You should be able to find her suggestions on the slides she has provided the class online. Annie: Okay, thank you, Professor. Could I also trouble you to take a brief look at my bibliography and footnotes? I feel like they're missing something; most of our friends’ bibliographies are longer. ®) san see that you have used this Annie, L vhich shows that you have made n technology. As far as I can s to this, although you Prof. Tomlinson: Well, looking at ide range of reso nmun icatio any change that your referencing complies effective use of tell, you need not make might want to double chee with the Harvard Referencing ry surprised you've sai Style regulations. d that! Thank you, now [ Annie: Oh I'm vei rr Saar ep tind atcusemTon! your set YOU wanted to ask the se e i professor about the achievements section: Tom ‘Ah yes, Professor, in the assignment guidelines, we are asked rate on our biggest achievement in to introduce and elabor @ the past, saying which skills we learnt in the process, and how these skills can be transferred to various different future . The only problem is that I don’t know what my career: orked as a greatest achievement actually is. I've only ever wi waiter in a hotel restaurant during the summer holidays from university. If you worked as a waiter in a hotel restaurant, you're bound to have worked with other waiters as part of a team. Would you say that during your time as a waiter, you developed any Prof. Tomlinson: leadership skills? Tom: Yes, well I suppose I was asked to become the team leader 73 of the food and beverage department. But that’s hardly an achievement. Prof, Tomlinson: You might not think so, but if you write that you were offered the position of the team leader, it shows a lot more about your character, for example that you’re charismatic and work well in a high-pressure situation. Tom: Tnever would have thought to write that down, thank you! | Q24 guess J should start listening to others more often! Annie, do you have any more questions or are you ready to go back to the library? Annie: Yeah, I think I’ve got everything I need, Thank you very much, Professor Tomlinson! [Tom and Annie alone] Tom: ly 2 That was really helpful. I'm actually starting to look forward QS aie iki writing this now, and it should be a really useful exercise to Tom: Annie: 3 Tom: Annie: 4 5 it asks you, for example, whether ; Writing an essay develops your study skills or your independent lea ia ming and so on? Oh goodness, we really should have asked him that I've been having trouble with it too, It just seems like such a pointless task What do you reckon the answers are? Hmm... think writing an essay might be a way of identifying and resolving a problem, because you have to state the problem in the introduction and then solve it, I’m not so sure about taking exams...1 thought they were supposed to develop lots of different skill sets. If I really had to choose, I'd say that taking exams enables you to become more confident in yourself. you agree? Maybe, I really don’t know either. What do you think about the last two? Making class notes and presentation notes? Oh it’s so difficult! I think making class notes has to be a way of becoming a more independent learner because you yourself decide what the important information is and learn it. That reminds me, 1 find taking presentation notes is a disaster! The professors speak much too quickly, and I write much too slowly. [fade out] Question 21 B OFM - UTA firstly. 027 028 029 030 Re SECTIONS Bee Do tion Bly he module, Bem. 7 9 ati + AMET AIMONHRVIIIBII « A, ropes B. study aims C Pcs ord irstly you should include the study goals you set yourself at the bee! Tudy goals ZEXRINPAMY ANT study aims, SASH B- Question 22 c OFA FRAY. ODTADY gor, mame : ANRRLURTEI see that you have used a wide range of Fe jou have made effective use of communication technology. (AFH IINGEFES {IFES HORA TASHA)”. aL CE, sources, which Shows thy eine, TY, Question 23 B and beverage 91%) biagest achievement, in the past, eet #8 “Yes, well I suppose I was asked to become the team Jeader of the food Bani lepartment. ( 2M REA REIN BAYA)”. team Teader ENE RCP IAL EES! i team, AASEONE B, Question 24 OTAIRU : RET decides, RUEBEN. ANAND “| gues | should start listening o others more often! (SRABRALINN A {BARABR)”, BCS C. Question 25 B OFBDFAM ; Ua after the discussion, SHEP « ABIB “I'm actually starting to look forward to writing this now” GJSU man’s attitude A Da B. Question 26 A OFBIFAM : EATA shown, displaying some SEEM . KENT “Professor Tomlinson has shown me that I definitely need to start self-awareness!” 3X displaying —J)Z shown HE NBIR, GHAR A. Question 27 A OF AIIM + RENTIAA essay. SMEREAT : ENTE “I think writing an essay might be a way of identifying and resolving a problem, because you have to state the problem in the introduction and then solve it. (MUASIOSCE RMAC ARELMEPARAM, ZoeRDM.)”, Bl writing an essay X) APRABY—-WIA. MA. Question 28 D OF AUF : MENTIA exams. gar EMI “Id say that taking exams enable e confident HRUB gain confiden, ue ee, SYN tecome mer question 29 B pene: FEMTIDA class notes, gar ff: FE AZ 8 “1 think making lass notes has ha SS not y MS to be a w, Bilt makin, notes 3A B, 2 ocean ee = more independent fearnet” » question 30 E pant : EUTIAA presentation notes, ggQ62MT + RELL “I find taking presentation notes ge, SRZERE NGI, isa disaster!” HI Bs, SEW RRR SECTION 4 Welcome back to my series of short lec ‘ ve acme ey i ani known as chimps. es, otherwise The word quan is an umbrella term for two different species of apes in the gemus Pan, which are the Common Chimpanzee, or Pan Troglodyte, found in Wes and Central Africa, and the Bonobo, or Pan Paniscus, which are found in the forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Chimpanzees belong to the Hominidae family, together with gorillas, orangutans and indeed humans. Current research tells us that the chimps broke away from the human branch of the Hominidae family approximately six million years ago, and remain the closest living relative to humans to this day. More modern researches into chimpanzees have centred on their behavioural characteristics, once all biological and genetic factors have 031 been ruled out. In this way, scientists have unearthed an unfathomable amount of similarities between human and chimpanzee behaviour. Although much of this research has taken place through observation of captive chimps, the results are widely seen as an authoritative reflection of chimps living in the wild, Chimps live in lange so-called communities comprised of many male and female members, with the social hierarchy determined by an individual chimp’s position and influence. Through such research, scientists have found that chimps lear and adapt through : ale is often seen to alter yr oak in BOE the alpha male i Mt 04 ple he might puff himself up in hat ed to behave more intel observation of others’ behaviour, (0 retain pow’ lower-rankit Je grunting. Femal hands whi h high social standing, nherited by children. It is males within a community to unite and overthrow the m| for exa its body language 0 order t ng, chimps are nol onder to intimidate others, while cote le chimpanzees also oa submissively and holding out the rehy, wil have a distinct social hier not unheard of for dominant alpha male, backing another in his place ind Chimpanzee suggests that chimps Homo, instead Je common chimpanzees are on james Diamond, in his book The Th should now be reclassified in the genus in favour of this. Mal hing 70kg, with Bonobo is slightly shorter and of Pan, and there are many arguments still average 1.7 metres in height, wei! being somewhat smaller. By comparison, the their female counterparts lighter, but with longer arms and legs; however, both species walk on all fours, Z and climb trees with great ease. Jane Goodall made a groundbreaking discovery in 1960, when she observed the use of tools among chimpanzees, including 933 c digging for termites with large sticks. A recent study claimed to reveal that Q common chimpanzees in Senegal have been using spears sharpened with their : teeth to hunt; however these reports remain unsubstantiated. Researchers have witnessed such tools, namely rocks, being used by chimps to open coconut gig ! shells and indeed crushing nuts with stone hammers. As scientific technology 935 has developed, so too has our knowledge of the sheer extent of the chimp’s intelligence. Research has now shown that chimps have the capability to learn and use symbols, and understand aspects of the human language, including 936 syntax as well as numerical sequences. x As I mentioned earlier, the umbrella term ‘chimpanzee’ is comprised of the common chimpanzee and the bonobo. These two sub-species are divided along fe Congo River, with the common chimps living on one side, and the bonobos living on the opposite side of the river. Over the past few decades, both of these 037 sub-species have witnessed an alarming decrease in portation density, with O38 animal activists now working hard ler than ever to protes i : ct those: encourage procreation. a In additi pepe F addition, next week's episode will focus more closely on how chi i impanzees in ivi ‘ é leat eel. a f 939 ee Senaviour of hum ; o40 (ss) pank YOU ey much for attending this evening's lecture, 1 ae WE yeectallY stimulating, and 1 look forward to seeing 5a lope you found it 4 u again next wei ek, Goosniett! gsecTION CG eee question 31 genetic eee ee rapa ROTA Corentrscach, HAWURE aR i ENS C ch EY ager: ABE — research [5] #41874 modem researches, [X09 “M fears inv chimpanzees have centred on their behavioural characteristics, onee all _ ae , once all biological and ate factors have been ruled out.” (EVER sical BAGH, BUA genetic, HE, (SI cor HAN LEWEMT OS gen 718, bolo question 32 observation aml ETA lear through, HAMA. geet: ABRSA, PURVDSRABA—H, ETH “Through such research, scientists fave found that chimps learn and adapt through observation of others’ behaviour”, {UA{ observation Question 33 tools R@tHRN - FELIZ Jane Goodall, chimpanzees, OMS BERT : ENTE “Jane Goodall made a groundbreaking discovery in 1960, when she observed the tse of tools among chimpanzees... (1960-4, Jane Goodall #35 REBMEAVEEN, {MRIS SALE)”, WARIR tools. Question 34 open WALD . ELTA spears, teeth, #RTIIA can, WANATIAD IA. HARM: AMY MDA “Researchers have witnessed such tools, namely rocks, being used by chimps to open coconut shells and indeed crushing nuts with stone hammers.” RBBRGHIA open coconut shells (4]F&B72) + ABPTOVDIGA open. Question 35 stone WAIN : EUG hammer, HMIIA 2 MASS. Hey. AMSROGLM. BFP hammer ABZ, #246 “indeed c bammers” SF] stone, srushing nuts with stone Question 36 symbols GADD . EET are capable, LAMINA imps have the capability to leam andy yr that chi eepel are capable Of (rg has now shown # e sneResne”) mbols. geen: Sad “Research (HRRBREERAS esa, HeANaial sve symbols.. Tes) HTT Question 37 river ms IF AUHM : ETA Bonobos, smA® ennai ( : co ae MES: EB “These two sub-species are divided along the Cones es one side, and the bonobos living on peeeerenmaideoree et: 2) oxy, eeeeeuns BARRIZEINBIA river, with the comm, ho chimps living on RUUD. MEREEEEON-D. & Question 38 density OFAURAM) : ATLA reducing alarmingly, MSRM : HRI “...both of these sub-species density...” 5X&B alarming decrease reducing al 0 B&C(INEITHER ORDER) Heonmmesial. have witnessed rmingly SUNK BBSRA density. an alarming decrease in population Questions 39-4 IF ATRL : RENT topics, next week. PASAT : TEATS “ week’s episode will focus more closely on how chimpanzees in captivity are able rough imitating the behaviour of humans, as well as how chimpanzees’ behaviours have through imitating the behaviour of humans (3S. dover many generations (SRPHPAVTA—Htt to learn things thi developed over many generations.” SHA ; leam things UT AZSRED) « chimpanzees’ behaviours have develope RB), DHT BAC. Yr spCTION 1 vents Coordinator: Julie: Events Coordinator: Julie: Events Coordinator: Julie: Events Coordinator: Julie: Events Coordinator: Julie: Events Coordinator: Good mornin re 8; you're through to the events coordinator at the Birmingham City Council, how may I help you? Hello there, my husband and 1 are interested in pure : purchasing tickets to the automobile exhibition, but J couidn’t find many details about it on your website, and I was wondering whether you could provide me with some more information. Does it open in June? Yes, of course, Madam. The exhibition will take place during July, and will showcase the history of automobiles from the very first commercial car in the late 1800s all the way through to the present day. Is the exhibition open for the duration of July? No, Madam, the exhibition will last 3 days, from the 1* of July to the 3" of July, and then the cars will be taken to another exhibition. Okay. Does the exhibition focus on a certain manufacturer? No, it will showease a wide range of manufacturers. Wonderful! I’m ever so fed up of going to these shows and only seeing one manufacturer. Are there any opportunities to sit in or even drive the cars? There will be many opportunities for you to sit in the cars; however, some of the cars will only be available to observe. We are yet to be told whether any of the antique cars will be available to drive, however there will certainly be an opportunity to test driving some of the more modern cars on a purpose-built track. That sounds like great fun! I mustn’t forget to bring my camera, or my husband will never forgive me! I'm afraid to say that cameras are actually strictly not allowed to bring into the exhibition. There will however be a section where a professional photographer will be available period clothing. to take photos of you sitting ina car in Example Ql Q2 03 o4 6 4s tike it could be fun, but T assume the Jul Well, that soun julie’ sounds photos won't be free e contrary, one free ket, but each photo a photograph is included within Events Coordinator; On th ‘ter this will cost £5 every tic vz ange surprise, not many. things ae free anymore, asking around al definite answer. Is it correct that the Tha I've be haven’t yet had @ 00 whether you buy them now in advance the price is bout the ticket prices, but | kets are £10 or on arrival? tickets Events Coordinator: I'm afraid not. Ifyou buy the ticket i £110, but it’s £165 on the door. ‘Oh goodness! I suppose I'd best pay for them now then. Is it possible to buy tickets from you now Madam, I'll transfer you to the Box Office that’s E-D-G-E-W-O-R-T-H, Julie: over the phone? Events Coordinator: Yes, of course, Manager, Mark Edgeworth, and he will probably need to take your credit card details and some personal details. Yes, that’s fine. Before you transfer me, J just need to ask a few more questions. Will the exhibition be held in the Birmingham Exhibition Centre? I think that’s where I went Julie: last time. Events Coordinator; No, Madam, the Birmingham Exhibition Centre is currently undergoing some renovations, so this year all Julie: Summer Palace? I’m not entirely sure where that is. Events Coordinator: Well, it’s not too far from city centre. Once you’re in the centre, you should be able to find signs for the palace. If hot, most people in Birmingham will be able to direct you. Hmm...neither my husband nor | am particularly good with directions. Is there am i ywhere I can find this inf the Internet? eo Julie: Events Coordinator: Our website will gi give you an address. Perh: - ‘aps you could visit for more detailed informati ion, and they should be able to provide you with instructions, oo Julie: Okay and is this the best Way to contact you, by phone? 5 08 Q9 FA REAISMM *Temt 2 gvents Coordinator: I think the most convenient way t g r 4 © contact us is enguirin; Q enc g 10 es + Which is mu ich simpler fe than hi : different numbers to reach th faving to dial various Julie: No, that’s great! Thank you for your hel help, | Q@SECTION1 aR —— | question 1 July IFAT FELD Open, HET in, seam Ses GBMAT : 1RIB “The exhibition will take place during July” (E25, “tak oe avn 5 RE TABAT, GUANA July, Se ke acc eA rete Question 2 3/three days OFADRAM) : RENTIIA Length, shanna (5), GSPN : LUE *...the exhibition will last 3 days (RIRIGHIR=X)” + LERMEE 3/three days. Question 3 test driving IFAM : EMIIA cars, LAMA Zasta Sia. SIGAAT : $RIS *...We are yet to be told whether any of the antique cars will be available to drive, however there will certainly be an opportunity to test driving some of the more modern cars on a purpose-built track” /E2. antique cars (H¥#=) AALBESILT, GWA more modem cars, WM BMF REBLF REE observe, B—LLO|L test driving, Question 4 camera OFAN : ATA prohibited to take, WANTIAS IS. S884 ; HIB “I'm afraid to say that cameras are actually strictly not allowed to bring into the exibition. (RMERUBHUMERAS ABE)” not allowed to bring FILER prohibited to take, SA TARGETS. BULQME camera, Question 5 110 OFATFR : EADIEH Price, in advance, JANET. SEAT - LYBTED “Ifyou buy the ticket in advance the price is £110. BASRA £100, £165 HATHA. BUEBSHA 110, - Question 6 Edgeworth OFAN « ETI Mark, $2715) Box Office Manager, lt SMAABPAIREES. BERIT. LCRLESRENS, 48IE “Tl transfer you to the Box Office Manager, Mark Edgewon, (PS, RERSRTHSHIT, BEFSEAS. Question 7 Summer OFAN . ENT held, (OMIA. ° QUBRAT ; LTE “so this year all exhibitions will be held in the Summer Palace. EAP the Summe, Palace AF SASS, ERSFSASAAG, GUANA Summer, Question 8 city centre/center OFAUFOM) : TIA Not far, AMT. GRIT ABSA, SALMTEM, IRL “it’s not too far from city centre”, (RES ABN S2A city centre/center. Question 9 directions OFAN « AIA Website, MANIAMULSAN. BSS: AMGS, BETS “ could visit for more detailed SALA www. #0 .com chis|eve#i5| directions BIT}, information” , Question 10 (enquiring) online OFATFAM : ATA contact, HANIA SAIRSIMAS. SABRI : NT “1 think the most convenient way to contact us is enquiring online (FAA BER AH ALERBI)”. BULAMA (enquiring) online, SECTION 2 Hello, and welcome to the home page for the Healthy Hearing Medical Clinic and Surgery, where we'd like to share a little more information about the services we provide and more. Our hospital is one of the leading specialised hospitals in the United Kingdom, attracting the very best healthcare professionals from around the globe. Not only are we a leading medical practice, but we are also the only hospital in the United Kingdom dedicated entirely to the treatment of, and research into the curing of pearing 10ss. OUF FAciTities aNd sta hore ie" re are spousands of patients & Year, Our ¢ a year, however we the highest SS nee 8 the use of nts requiring overnight treatment q eo atic with en" re provided w S Well as a state. ik suite faci e th female doctors available betwe Sate ’ able between 8 am and 11 g = to see a feesioduatsine of these times, please Visit the ‘Oy = aes website for more information. Our doctors are all t eee rai high standard, and practice a vast array of specialti : ie qualified ear and throat specialist, Mr. Edwards is a pediatric heat ring specialist, while Mr. Green specialises in reversing hearing loss, For more details ay Z ails about our people, please visit the “Staff Members" page on our website ined to an exceptionally S: Mr. Robert is a fully During a consultation, doctors will sometimes decide medication is required j ied, for which patients should receive a prescription. There are several phatmaci es within the city; however we recommend that patients use the pharmacy housed within our health care facility. Our in-house pharmacy is well-stocked at all times, our products are competitively priced, and our pharmacists are on hand to help and advise from 8 am until 10 pm from Monday to Saturday, and from 9am until 12 pm on Sundays. If you require any help outside of these hours, please see our ‘Out of Hours” page on the website. Since the Healthy Hearing Medical Clinic and Surgery also functions as a teaching hospital, we aim to provide our students with every opportunity 0 medicine in practice. Therefore we would like to to expose themselves te fe their consent for a medical student to attend their encourage our patients to giv consultations. If our patients are at reception where patients will be able to opt out. not comfortable with this, there will be a form ol2 Ql4 gis Now, please look at the map I’ve given you of the Heal Clinic and Surgery. For those not familiar with our practi thy Hearing Medical ice, reception can be O16 ee found through the main booked with Mr, Green, you need to go through the mal by the nurses’ desk, and his office is at the end of the corridor on your left-hand Qi7 side, If you need to alter any of your personal details, please visit our secretary which you will find next to the therapy room. O14 reception, before taking §— O19 loot at the end of the corridor. If your consultation is in door and turn right at the Office for Medical Records first check in with r clinic. Finally, in the event that you If you're awaiting surgery, pl the first door on the right after you enter th s we have provided, or have any further which can be found near the fee! disappointed with any of the serv 020 questions, please locate our Manager's Offic Office for Medical Records and between two closets. If you have any more questions about the Healthy Hearing Medical Clinic and Surgery, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01256 111 111 (fade out} @ SECTION 2 if ——— Question 11 C OF BFA) : AENTIA patients, consult. $64 ; WRIEDA “Our consultations can number anything up to 11,000 patients a year, however we aim to treat around 5,000 patients a year so as to maintain and ensure the quality of our services” BTA, ARBWOVASIA 11,000 A, BBCAA RA 5.000, MEMORSFRERSS OAR, BUI C. Question 12 A OFATFAM + TELTIA female doctor. ASEM . SPW “Appointments with our healthcare professionals can be made at any time during the week, with female doctors available between 8 am and L1am.” FVM EAI A TESS LF 810, ERRBRLF 12 AAALEOY moming, BUCS A. Question13 B OF AIFAM : FEMTIAA hearing loss, DSM ; GZ “while Mr. Green specialises in reversing hearing loss (KRMSEEST INBHD MAA)”, MAB, Question 14 C OFAUFDM) ; FENZIA recommended, buy their medicine, (66) Qi Qig Qig 029 Wen i rat BMA : BEBO We socom, care facility. (BNF A EEN pRtaconiraenesp question 15 A SEG, ADA « TELTIBS pation, ae wing og BRM « BEUEII “Therion would fl for a medical student to attend their cong M8 The encour consult 1B Our patie pean _— Patients to give their conse 86)", BB omen BNET vitng, egg’ SOROR ABET o sor Question 16 F 4 OFALSOM : KENTA Reception, SAGEM + HRB “reception can be found thr rough HEsIERSAREBM SmRACe oor at the end of the corridor. CaNEN, Question 17 H OF BDF : KEANASA Mr. Green’s Room, BBR : HI “If your consultation is booked with Mr. Green, door and turn right by the nurses’ desk, and his office is at the end of the corridor on your left-hand i tr left-han side", ARBEP LS nurses’desk HYITBBIGUGIE, Mr Green’s Room SeATHBERCDAN You need to go through the main Question 18 A OF SUPA : EMTIIA Medical Records Office, GSB : AME, HARI “.. please visit our secretary at the Office for Medical Records, which you will find next to the therapy room” GJ], Medical Records Office (4328) 7E therapy room (OSS) BIS, TMHHECHAY A St B, FRIES Manager's Office ANSE “near the Office for Medical Records and between two closets”, @tWADNi A. Question 19 D OTAUFR : EAZIGA Surgery Room, MGB ; $I “If you're awaiting surgery, please first check in with reception, before taking the first door on the right after you enter the clinic” {MERA #16 @ taking the first door on the right, O70 Surgery Room XyfijiPIPay D. Question 20 C TFL : Manager's Office. ; dae eu, 2 + Manager's Office, which can be found near the Office for Mesa! PERAT - UE “please locate ow PISTAIGSIEDBO Manager's Office, {BR Ce Records and between two closets” CIADZEMT closets —_ —L Jim: Jane’ Jim: Jane: Jim: Jim: TIONS 1’ lecture? I don't know an sor More! hat did you think of POT to believe that light influences ee 1 incroaibly aie it ine on any journal art about you, but I find : a eels nivel wen E articles the environment as Mmuc sent I's stupi cifies his are ? websites oF anything that a great deal of research supporting his Oa the contrary, PvE 9000 8 BT itis. Have You looked at range off given to us at the he course outline argument from a wide in there, perhaps you've rextbook listed 0" v cot dt the recommended infomation i 12 of the semester? Al th beginniny places. just been looking in the wron any loose sheets of paper | so many loose 8 per OUrse outlines, T never look at the ¢ eeeeeinens aac foe anything Im given bY oem OF day. ; eee ane ma where can I get i ld probably go buy it Jhind in the course. and our Light on the Environment” pus, If nt, they'll order it within it from? I shot soon; I'm already be Yeah, you definitely should buy it year! It's called ‘The Influence of be able to find it in the bookshop on cam cow should read up on Ken Simpson’s work, ral habitats, governments should it. grades are more important this You should two weeks. In the meantime, he argues that in order to protect natul endeavor to turn off lights in cities at Well that’s controversial; | doubt any government do that any time soon. I imagine roads would become quite dangerous without street lighting. For this issue, Dave Kepler suggests they could just replace the existing lights with more environmentally friendly bulbs. They could even install solar-powered lights; that way, roads will be more eco-friendly while maintaining safety, Although I guess they wouldn’t be particularly effective in colder countries, especially during the winter. it would be willing to : That’s quite a good idea actually. The price of solar power is su d Ippose to be on par with electricity within the the news this morning. I’ve also heard oe — oo countries with more sunlight, insect-cating animals tend yon aes. in size, Since there ae fewer insects, andthe remaining ware smaller number of eggs. Yeah, { think I read somewhere that sunlight also fas the quality of water, but I'm not sure I believe ig th particularly developing countries ther is ot of, ng insects produced a A negative effect on hy hot countries, ter Pollution caused 2) 23 jun: Jane Ja te Sa act 024 ems to have been widely accepted anyway rrve never heard of that. Il have to look it up on G joogle. The onl only 2 study on it 1S the frog populati i complaining...I hate insects, especially spiders, Population. Not that I’m You have arachnophobia? I never would have prother have a pet black widow spider? Q25 guessed. Didn't your Yes, he did, and I hated it. It escaped from its cage once and found it. had nightmares for months, one mencyey : Okay, now I'm getting goose bumps, let’s change the subject. What’s your stance on natural and artificial light? im: Honestly, oe suns it makes much difference which one you use; 026 species will die out either way. I think the real argument we should consider is global warming and protection or replacement of finite fuels. Solar power provides us with an incredible opportunity to replace electricity, and governments should definitely increase spending on research in this field. The theories discussed in our lectures, like 997 Simpson’s and Grey’s, are so vague and lack proof, so I don’t understand why we even study them. . T see what you mean, I don’t like learning unsupported theories for exams, and I’d rather spend my time learning something else. For example, I’d be much more interested in studying the animals in safari Q28 parks than researching migratory birds, particularly the effect of tourists on the quality of life of animals. As we know, every year thousands of visitors will drive in their own vehicles or ride in yehicles provided by the facility to observe freely roaming animals. Yeah, that would be really interesting! Especially those animals living in Q29 tore tropical countries, like Borneo. Following on from that, Lwant to 930 study how bringing animals over from foreign countries to put in our 2008 affects their life expectancy. For example, do you remember when China sent pandas to Edinburgh Zoo? Apparently one of the pandas became @) ined why. TO me, obviously, YOu cant pk a cage on the other depressed, tut te was DE ex rena er erani | out of its natura J take an animal vewvork. fade out side of the world. It just doese 3 Bil ee em yeh isis. @ SECTION Question 21 A OF AUS : ELTA Ken Simpson. Maer - WADA “you should read up on Ken Simpson’s work, he argued that in order to protey natural habitats, governments should endeavor fo turn off lights in cities at night.” FEC endeavor tum off lights in cities at night (MER BeTUATEATA) + +82 governments, BULLS ay TM. Question 22 B OFAN - EAI Dave Kepler. PABA : TET “For this issue, more environmentally friendly bulbs.” Bi, MADEB. Question 23 F ORATAM : RETA Sharon Grey. @AESEAT ; HRISKEUISAEMT “'ve also heard that, according to Sharon Grey, in countries with me sunlight, insect-eating animals tend to be smaller in size.” Sharon Grey BW : FEIBHSANB? BRYAN DMNA RN), HAN DME aR EAI, Alia F. Dave Kepler suggests they could just replace the existing lights wit $2cb replace the existing lights 24) alternative lighting BB Question 24 G OF AUP : KENTA Maria Jackson, MSM: ABW “Nevertheless, Maria Jackson says that in direct sunlight, the surfac the water becomes more translucent, therefore it affects the amount of sunlight th ae absorbs (fils, Maria lackeout ZENE EIA hy ABAERELATI, ee ER WIAOURWL)”, HREM EOIN, SARE G a Sea: Question 25 D OF ANFDM : TENTIAA Barbara Swallow, SGAPAT . ETEIH Barbara Swallow G4)F “The only other theory I've studied is Ba H .g study on how declined insec alow’s UY lined insect population adversel sely affects the oPREXT ROE TEOINO (Bee) si i frog popu = sSnzey ulation.” Barbara question 26 A san (pene (EATIIA difference, een: E(TH “I'm not sure it makes much di Fe ich “die out” BA “RUB, ue pes ai ‘i = YOU use; spe You use; species will die out question 27 © em: GENT felt unsatisfied. : een we theories discussed in our lectures, like §} ean ack prof 801 don't understand why we even tidy th like Simpson's and Grey's, are so ”, “lacl By “Se” 1 a oes”. Jack proof” A) “RDB”, wAMR OM Rgiar eee 0 “eae, SPR STEM. questions 28-30 B & E & F (IN ANY ORDER) pals « E7197 interested in studying, in the future gamit: rus i “(7d be much more interested in studying the animals in safa gtr bids particularly the eect of tourists onthe quality of ie aoa = fs eae 8 im) PASVESER wildlife park, “much more interested in studying the cide a aes ‘eearcing migratory birds” 3% Pe vatacaminree teeta i aWIRC, SSB. [RMT “the effect of tourists on the quality of life of animals” antec A x 5 = “ aS I eareaen . EpaeneS FBifi. #245 “Especially those animals living in more tropical countries, like Borneo’ SUAVE LEI. SS “I want to study how bringing animals over fom foreign countries to put in our 200s affects their life expectancy”, $B F SECTION 4 the home of football, with talented players English Premier League ~ net, Today we are going Great Britain is often hailed as tryelling from far and wide to play for teams 1m the one of the most popular football leagues on the plat lotake a look back to the 19® century Great Britain i ‘volution of ‘the beautiful game’ as it is now known. in an attempt to trace the variety of local and regional Pir tothe 19" century, the game featured a wide de more uniform to create our *4apations, which were later smartened up and ma spy football, and Ireland’s Gaelic ye football, ™! - a ghrovetide football or ‘mob football’ mob football, there were no of associatio g.19® century: to the rules of ‘eas whatsoevet to obtain the ball, such he only exceptio ncestors of modern modern-day SPOrs football. Even uP 1° the vas sill widely praction ns 4 legally use aY a player coul , biting and gous! mi 14, According rules. ng, with t ns being murder ded as the a! aught. These # eter models oF football they Were by comparison : a Lae Towards the latter end of the 19" century and 0° century, however there appeared anew 03) Perhaps a more modem example England captain following chaotic and had few cooperation. moving into the early Part of the found emphasis on moral values in football. 7 jon a: this ean be seen in Jobn Terry § suspensi ae p football died away, s infidelity to his wife. Furthermore, aS mol for players’ health and general well-being, with 3? there grew a greater concer many clubs affording their 10} ayers access to frequent mee’ ical check-ups and treatment, Despite the presence te-funded National Health Service, football clubs are still se ies, with the top clubs even housing their own reports of hit of Great Britain’s unique stal en today providing team members with state-of-the-art healthcare faciliti specialist doctors and physicians. Today, football is a key feature of school children’s day-to-day education, particularly for boys. With the help of football associations, all schools in the UK are boasting their own football teams. This mainly comes as a result of sent a eae - the government by concerned parents, who felt that 3 ication taught their chi Be nortan ey of 00 s adays, many of the UK’s top footb: i i ili p football clubs provide training facilities and outreach i attempt to educate the nation’s aspiring youths. — As I previously mentioned, it was only during the 19* ig the 19" century that football in its uniform concept trul 7 ly began to emer ae : Tge, with footballers i i ding to their own versions of the rules. However, it wa: ier oe 4 S Not until the earl ly 20" century that di ifferent pl: Players actually began to play accordi ‘ing to these standardised rules. Prior to the 19" Engli i F century, fo ‘glish public schools including the likes of ot was played by all the major ton Coll et ea whom each b; ing were representatives rought a copy of the rule: S ed by their own individual school’s rules of football, ‘Th ee | } all. The result of the at is now known as the *C; | was What is f as the ‘Cambri nd we Rules’ F grom across the cout The ie rules from? ar ountry into one simple document, H os were not liked by « aa sage Rules Were not liked by all, and a new set of rules, “Th er, the i e book ‘The S est G: . Thring’s . inpounded in the book ‘The Simplest Game* became comr er z ommon place amon among + thereby uniting 935 gissenteS «the country, improvements in infrastructure z Ae e and public tran: transport had a pack on effect of dramatically increasing attendance to football games. Foothy 036 games. Football quickly fare: a uber spectators would meet friends, drink tea 37 and chat 3 youl g lays. As football became more and more popular, gs derided that more money shouldbe invested in msntiing the italy of pitches: amongst other things, and there was even talk of installing seating a spectators. However, the question of who was to foot the bill quickly became a divisive issue, with many believing that the government should fund football's development as @ national sport. But in the end, the onus fell upon Britain’s Jocal and regional football clubs for the funding and development of the football 038 swocition, They became responsible for the upkeep of football grounds, began topay their best players a small salary, and organised competitions against other 039 iocal and regional teams. And there began England’s Football Association, or the FA, as we know it in its current form, the governing body of football in England. As the FA continued to grow and accumulate greater wealth, it was able to attract more and more talented young men from across the country, tefore finally accepting professional talent in the early 20" century. Today, 040 futhall is played at a professional level all over the world. Millions of people regularly go to football stadiums to follow their favourite teams, while billions more watch the game on television or on the Internet. [fade out] rine Questions 31-32 C & D (IN EITHER ORDER) ARAM « RELA the end of the 19" century Sei . EA CAI- MITE “...there appeared @ Peo values 79 “ABI HONEA C ah and general well-being...” cP players’ health and general W ew found emphasis on moral values in football” s-there grew a greater concern For players’ elcbeing 29 player's physical 73 -— rents tm 52 98 Rid) pressures HAI as a result of pressure PUL On schools and the » as Verney egy rey FOBT IEEE °K py Nh Question 33 Pa! aon « EMIT UK schools, MER: RIB “This mainly comes concerned parents. (ERE NLIMPHPRS. Question 34 versions : " pei). AIHA): HEUTTIN Prior to the to century, Ab ; URAL). EKA ously playing according to their own version Ons of _ Wameye “...with footballers previ aa NR ERATHARE SCONE) = nt RLIBT different versions of rules Question 35 country OFAIFEM : HENTII standardise, 4emig Cambridge Rules, HAMAS. BSR: HMA “The result of the meeting wé thereby uniting the rules from across the country into On Q9/VAI®, “uniting the rules” Za “AN”, as what is now known as the ‘Cambridge p » a simple document.” EACH uniting stander 4 2. |, “Cambridge Rules” standardise the ny ig from the whole country. Question 36 transport OPATFAM : ATI Attendances, EMM. LTE “Across the country, improvements in infrastr knock on effect of dramatically increasing attendance to football games. (2HSi0, Bugis PENS SSSMERAMNAMTBISN)”. Gl improvements in infrastructure and pubis transport TONSA MSH, BIA improvement of infrastructure and the transport system, 32710 improvement, HAMUAZIS.. ucture and public transport hai Question 37 social OFAUFM) : HEAT became popular, #NIIA event, MIMUABS ARS. SSB : ABI “Football quickly became a social event...” CJAILLCAMAVIA social, Question 38 funding meee + FEALIDA responsible for, #275 football association, JLAMUAZIS Bes $f + 76 HB EL “But in the end, the onus fell upon Britain’s local and regional fooib clubs for the funding and development of the football association.” cb “onus” #09 “FEE” soar for PRONGR, RONBRA : ME, HEMMABRRIVUDARROAE RGA COERARBSL. ARMA funding, = Question 39 Competitions TATA : FEAT organised, ANIA against, AMUN 18 “Tr eonme pO HE of gay gowtt Cs salary, and organised competitions a rounds, began to pay their best te ea and renee en (ONG SFE £2 > cE 95 Aone, Dt a ne, FF gxentor EREFQBAS, ac 40. professional ATI 19108, $27 approved, TENE 5, mmm: 3B “As the FA continued to grow and accumulte reater wealth, it was able to attract geet: EA ited young men from across the Country, before finaly Accepting professional talent ai eae AB sceptng SFG proved RLV, inde at PRS bi er CBUCARRBIA professional, let SECTION 1 OLIVIA: ZACH OLIVIA: ZACH: OLIVIA: ZACH; OLIVIA: ZACH: OLIVIA: ZACH: OLIVIA: ZACH: OLIVIA: ZACH: (5) moe assed your driving tes week. It feels great to be heard you pi ! Congratulations! Hi Zach! 1 heard you pa Thanks Olivia! I passed just last i Point pendent and driving on my own dey , i ressons, but I haven’t been able to find [really want to take driving ele g the weekends so a driving schoo! that will give lessons during the weekends so that al {don’t have to miss any classes at college ‘The driving school that I used was brilliant and really flexible with their teaching hours. It’s really close to school. The address is 67 01 that’s 67-KING-apostrophe-S Road. King’s Road ; e the idea of driving around busy Oh that’s perfect! I don’t lik streets. Did your teacher make you drive in urban areas or did he ly teach you on roads in the countryside? mainl: oth in order to become a My teacher said that T had to learn on be ‘good and experienced driver, We would start in the city centre and then drive north above the city. He sounds like a good teacher. Would you mind giving me his contact details so I can ask him for lessons? Of course! My mother’s friend Daniel Smith referred me to him. His name is Allen Sutcliffe. Could you spell the surname please? $-U-T-C-L-I-double-F-E. Thanks for helping me out, I’ll give him a call tomorrow. I don’t know if I should learn in a manual or automatic car. How do I decide? I wasn’t sure which type of car to learn in either. In the end I chose to learn in a manual car because once you’ye learnt how to drive manually you can drive automatic as well. Most cars on the road are automatic nowadays. ee ao T'll learn with a manual car too then, Hopefully the teacher will be able to give me lessons in the evenings after school! It would be much better i a f ‘er if you take the lessons during the day. It will be far easier for you to learn whi i len there is enough daylight to 3 4 ouivis: al experienced driver to drive safely at night MI need 16 be arly see everything going on ) N around yc ou. But yor e an plow frustrating! I was hoping 1 wouldn't j thave + to ti during the weekends! You're right though, gafet ake lessons » Safety com es first! pact oLIviA: 7ACH: OLIVIA: 7ACH: OLIVIA: ZACH: OLIVIA: ZACH: OLIVIA: ZACH: speaking of safety, you should wait until sums mer to sti ies really difficult and dangerous to drive in the wind oy peers he wind jearner so you should definitely wait until the we and rain as a dry. weather is sunny OK, that’s perfect, actually! It will give me some tim some money to pay for the lessons. le to save up and Tell me about it! I had to work for months before I had enough money saved up! It was worth all the work when I finally got z driving license though! x The whole process is so expensive! How much did it cost you in the end? Well, each half hour lesson cost $30 and then the final test cost $50 In total it cost me about $300. E Gosh, it’s pretty expensive! How did you find the test? Was it really difficult? No, it wasn’t too bad, and the man was really calm and friendly. I knew that I would have to perform two parking manoeuvres during the test, so I practised them a Jot beforehand and that really helped! The test used to last 40 minutes, but it changed a bit. For the first 20 minutes of the test he gave me directions and I had to just drive around and then the last 10 minutes was for demonstrating the manoeuvres, so the test is 30 minutes in total. OK, great, I’ll remember that! Do you have any more advice? It’s really good to practise driving a lot outside of driving lessons as well, Whenever my parents were running errands on the weekends I would offer to drive them. My driving teaser al 10 write down everything that I’ve learnt in Iso told me to buy a notebook t it like a diary. Haha, that sounds boring, but | rough everything I found it really useful! Before my tes Jot of things that | Thad written down and it reminded ™ 06 08 oo lo 1 Irs really helpful for the theory test as well had forgotten abou : i to remember for it so much information Zach! Thanks for your help! because the OLIVIA That's gree ZACH: No problem, see you at school! OLIVIA; Bye! @ SECTION 1 Bi] ———_ Question 1 67 King’s OFAUHO) : CATIA Address, HANTIARFRIS. RGB : LLB “The address is 67 King’s Road “apostrophe” A) “HRS”, PAW 67 King’s. = that’s 67-KING-apostrophe-S Road.” icp Question 2 north OF AIAN : EULA the city centre, HANIA SIA. SAGARA - ENTE “We should start in the city centre and then drive north above the city.” S325 north, Question 3 Sutcliffe OFATFNM : ENT Teacher’s name, $271) Allen, IANIUIAREES. Geet FOS, REFOHSMI, TRENT! Question 4 automatic OFBUFAM ; TEATIIA Popular, PANTIE. GUERRA ; FEAT “Most cars on the road are automatic nowadays.” {cP Most £ Popular SVEN 25th, BOLCRVALTAVsE automatic, Question5 day OFAN : ENDIW practice, HANIA during, MANNIASIS). GSB . NTE “It would be much better if you take the lessons during the day BMA. SRA day. > PILAR Question 6 weather OFAIRN : HENTIAA Safety driving, OMVASia. ISSA . ZAR “It’s really difficult and dangerous to drive in the wind and rain as a learner $0 m8) auld definitely wait until the Weather is su AY and dey ee , ACES RTUMCAIUINE. eA ng” Uy ein 7 license bia ONES zim eo , EHTIA Obtain, IHCANITAN Sy 2 V7 “Tt was worth a % gant aay mn : ih all the work when 1g, eos got my driving license Og Sl 40% my driving question 8 50 ae though!” ssp fu) + ECTS Final test fee, teonmTin yee fe @ “Well, each ha 5 150 : ach half hour lesson cost $30 and the : Feu n the final test cost $59" oy wea POLLAN question 9 30 ‘eg < EATIA Duration, Heb RTIRRH port: ERHRTYUSIA “used to last 40 minutes” teste gave me...and then the last 10 minutes was for..s0 th +80 the gaHt629 30 minutes. question 10 diary FAI - ETI More advice, MURS. see : RUE “My driving teacher also told me to buy a notebook to write d thar T've learnt in it like a diary”, SSMESHBER, diay EERSEER jown everything driving diary (722392812) . BOER, AWK keep a FE(UE “For the first 20 minutes of the ‘est is 30 minutes in total.” BBL, ix, SECTION 2 Good morning, everybody and welcome to Mount Rushmore! To start your visit I'm just going to give you a brief account of the history of the memorial before letting you roam about on your own. I won't keep you long. OK? Mount Rushmore is South Dakota’s top tourist attraction and features the heads of four United States Presidents — George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. Each head is 18 metres tall, which is taller than the heights of eleven people combined! The scul but due to a Jack of fundin} to depict the presidents from head to waist, Iptor initially wanted 2 the vision could be real eads at Mount Rushmore. on construction had to stop before this government $1 million to sculpt the hy onstruction of the presidents’ heads, the mountain Was just bare «a few hikers a year. The new carving at Mount Rushmore has bi bol of presidential greatness and hi appeared in works of fiction and other popular works. The sculpture has also m, which was its intended purpose, Q12 Before the c ng onl rock and forest attr as come an iconic s a way to develop tou! worked perfectly and now attracts over two million people a year. al plan was to carve the Presidents’ faces into the granite pillars e rocks The o known as ‘The Needles’, however the sculptor soon realised that thes ure. Instead he Were too eroded and delicate to support such a large sculpt hose to locate the carving at Mount Rushmore due to its grand appearance and brightly lit rock faces that experience maximum exposure to sunlight throughout the day as a result of the south-east orientation. Upon seeing Mount Rushmore, O13 the sculptor declared ‘America will march along that skyline.” The name of Mount Rushmore also has an interesting history. The location was originally known as the Six Grandfathers, however during an expedition in 1885 the mountain was renamed after Charles E. Rushmore, a prominent New York lawyer who joked that his annual treks fo the mountain had earned him the right Q/4 to have it named after him. Forty years after the mountain was renamed, Charles E. Rushmore donated $5,000 towards the sculpting of the president’s heads — the largest single contribution. In 1927 the construction work started and seven QI5 years later was complete with no fatalities. So that’s the history for you. If you'd like any more information, please feel free to ask me questions, or you can soak up the information from our fantastic guide book. Now I’m going to give you a plan of the site and I'd just like to point out where everything is so that you can explore everything for yourself. We're currently standing at the entrance, which is marked with the arrow on the map. If you 16 follow the trail up to our left, you will find the information centre. There’s a great photo booth there where you can have your photograph taken with Mount (00) What a great so es A BAM fe FOIA, ‘einthe background for a fee of only $19 _ Test 3 fi pus s is thi venir! In Q17 T cl ted as it can get reall Panes ; tay hydrated as | g 'y hot up here! To Our righ 38 shop: Here We sell Copies of the guide book ang O18 a p some small souvenirs for yourself vo.e eu” the Perfect i ant Yourself, your family and f piace the trail behind the gi ind friends, Fy further up the ant Behind the gift shop is a big stone build ee o19 No this is where all of our souvenirs are made es rn ‘ 3 BO fi the gift shop like I said before. Some are even ca wi ee, in ae 4 from pieces 1 taken from Mount Rushmore itself! If you ¢ = afrock tl you cary on Walking up the tall. 929 ve workshop you'll find OUr state of the at Visitor conte whore oi Seen ero mcaN eS eee ne « ” i jogs of the walking tails here at Mount Rushmore. Now for the real teat! set you have walked past the visitor centre, you can follow the trail up to the eh ei wooden shelter. From here you will have the pest ViEW of Mount Rushmore that there is — an experience not be forgotten! ifanyone wants a guided tour then I'm starting at the information centre, Right, : dike to follow me, this way please. iryou QSECTION 2 Bit Question 11. 1 million (FAY . ATI government, paid, complete, ONT, SSM - ENTE “In total it cost the goverment $1 million to scullpt the heads at Mount Rushmore.” = “sculpt” 29 “AHZI", Mount Rushmore HSIN (FSOBAAON). SIVER 100 BET, HABDSHA | million. Question 12 tourism TRAY . FEATITH purpose of the construction, SHES BSF . EATS “The sculpture has also worked perfect SERRA T RIGAWER)”. BULALATIA tourism Question 13 southeast/south-east SFY . AH maximum exposure to sunlight, ie) Aaa. Iy as away to develop tourism... (BEREEE amit (Bi) Bi» EAU, BRITA * its grag 1m exposure to sunlight throughout jy, aap, SLA APB at experience maximu Hoe: SFRRB = MABSRA south-east &% southeast, appearance and brightly lit rock faces thi day as a result of the south-east orientation” Question 14 lawyer OFAIFAA) = NTI 1885, LeoDmAsiS. UGA ; ARIAS HUE A “however during an expedition in 1885 the mountain was renameq after Charles E, Rushmore, a prominent New York lawyer... (1885 #, FE RERD, WRB fag BARV)” » HALLE renamed after 1b Charles E. Rushmore SZHSB. Charles SLI lawyer, BULAN lawyer. Question 15 7/seven OFADUM ; EAT finish, HeMIG)A years, OMS. MEAT. EMT “In 1927 the construction work started and seven with no fatalities. (432 CHEM 1927 72788. 7 epeurt. MOARERC BA)” RD plete 2 finish EVER. BANTER, BMSHIA7 BY seven, years later was complete com Question 16 A OFAN) ; ELTA information centre. SUBSAT : HRI “If you follow the trail up to our left, you will find the information centre: GBINE AWE, SLAVS ACI)” TA) information centre FA MTHDERCHAY A. Question 17 C OFAUWUM : ELTA refreshment centre. SUERRAT « $248 “In front of us is the refreshment centre. MBSA C. Question 18 E DFAIFAM : EATIAA gift shop. OEM - ARIZ “To our right not far up the trail is the gift shop. (NSSMATANEALRE)”. git shop W/MMBEIPAY E. ” DJA refreshment centre (ARPIb) Question 19 D FAIR : ATTA workshop. QGE{AF «24S “Now further up the tral behind the gift shop is a big stone building with a workshop (SHAE, ZLRSVSHE-TOREAN LIES)”. workshop SAUHBHAY D. Question 20 B FADIA « AIBA visitor centre, (Bing RHI) )", gift rkshop- yf +1898 “TEYOU cay on Walking up the tai sbi aRLOTTE: DRTWAIN: CHARLOTTE: DRTWAIN: CHARLOTTE: DRTWAIN: ee ran diy SIA rons IT workshop ZIG visitor enue, geet? You'l fing " > ALAC Ur state of the Pay 8, ean, cTION 3 Excuse me, Dr Twain. May I speak with it Of course, please come in, You for a minute? ; I'm Charlotte York. I'm considering tak akin; Tourism. 1g Your course in Right. Well, Charlotte, how can I help you I have been considering studying Tourism, fy such an important decision that I would like a ee advice about it first. Would you mind answerin renee questions? ac Absolutely, fire away! Well I have been discussing courses with my parents and th are concerned that I will not be able to get a well-paid job 4 a degree in Tourism. The reason that 1 want to study the course is that I have a great interest in the subject and I think I would )21 really enjoy it. I believe the only way that I will enjoy my life 9) money, don’t you think? ‘Absolutely. | would much rather be happy and poor rather than rich and miserable. Money cannot buy you happiness. I'm glad you agree. You needn't worry about money, Charlotte. A large part of 92 the Tourism course is dedicated 10 teaching studenis How manage finances, a skill that you can aj ly to your everyday life as well. I would also recommend that you take a sideline as this can be incredibly useful course in time management, in efficiently planning your workload. Efficiency is the key to success! I'll remember that. Now I have found that some students have natural talents that the course. Communication 10 succeed in peneficial. Do you have any really help them skills, for example, can be very ae H at school so I really CHARLOTTE: Maths was a enjoy solving mathematical problems, hi quite difficult. L have jays been very sufficient, Ihave a lot of confident in my ab take the initiative ourite subject is my fav' owever I find statistics capable and self 923 es and willl Situations without needing to depend on_ anyone else for th help DR TWAIN: That’s a really great quality to have and will be particularly useful if you choose to study Tourism, That’s great @ recommend that yo of people who are uneducated CHARLOTT! DR TWAIN: I woul: researching the course. A lot oon the subject claim that Tourism is @ shrinking industry and that it will become irrelevant in the future If you study the published research however, You will see that the truth is quite the opposite. The industry bas, in fact, grown significantly as O24 people have developed an ever-increasing interest in culture and travel. Have you compared the university course with a polytechnic? CHARLOTTE: Yes, I have. I was interested in studying the course in modules. the university doesn’t offer that option. Idon’thave 925 u spend some of your time However, enough funds to be able to attend an expensive - university, $0 I was relieved to see that the course is quite affordable. I also considered attending a summer school instead of university to save money and so that I could work during the rest of the year, but I really wanted the university experience. DRTWAIN: _ I think that university would suit you well. DRTWAIN: Now, what about the courses? Are you interested in any of the other subjects on offer? MELANIE: __ [have looked at a few. I was interested in Travel and Business as it sounds similar to Tourism. DRTWAIN: That is really worth learning, however, be aware that itis 926 difficult and will demand a lot of your time. a = OK, that’s good to know. wallace bia You might find that Japanese ig a, 7 teach you valuable skills in speq it’s not bad and could be of som OK, Japanese, got that... n interestin, king the ta E: 27 Ain: Well, if you have time, the course ee Care? oe Il teach curing diseases and illnesses, or dealing win, ou © 1! about although it’s not essential, B with injuties outside So, OK, if it’s useful, Pl take it : ou enjoy usi mn lt sing technology and are worrieg bo) ee the entry requirements, computing is very rela ne 029 retexed about the skills that applicants must possess Lotte: I'm terrible with computers so Pm Not sure. that course. How about Public Relations? oat WAIN: Yes, I would recommend that Course. It would be related to nae ae entering the Tourism industry as it will educate you on he oe approach clients and develop associations with them, that I would enjoy associations with them, CHARLOTTE: That’s great! Thank you so much for your help QSECTION 3 Wir Question 21 A (FARR: EQTIA study Tourism, SOIT : ISEAVWrA “I believe the only way that I will enjoy my life is if 1 enjoy my career. fappiness is far more important than money...” JA], FESPOCLRNSGRUESESS Sua, HARE A. Question 22 B TARY : ATI skill. BERT. SMB SURE RA BOGEN Tourism course is dedicated to teaching students how to manage finances, your everyday life as well”, @AMUE B. APA AORBIABY, (ROLY “A large part of the a skill that you can apply to Question 23. A TAN . ATA ability. OGRA ; IERIE “1 have always been very capable and self-sufficient. I have a toy. ‘confidence in my abilities and will take th initiative in situations without needing to depend on anyon, clse for their help. (SURAAED. t3#ARIT- RUG! IRERDABVFRED)”. WATDCIRIARDYE A. sit BNA DTHES. MAEM. 7m, Question 24 C OFAIFRM : KENZI the industry of tourism. grown significantly as people have developed an eve, SBM : ENT “The industry has, in fact, increasing interest in culture and travel. (fae ISTIC AOIERBED ABET TIE IRBWAR: 58)", GAREE Ce Question 25 C IFATHINO « HERHEL university course, polytechnics, snd an expensive university, so LS BtT . WTA “T don’t have enough funds to be able to atte was relieved to see that the course is quite affordable” , MPTDPENCAAR LORE. 7 polytechnics BURE(MAS OLB), BARE Co Question 26 E OFAIWY : HATA Travel and Business GBM « HET “however, be aware that itis difficult and will demand a lot of your time.” GBI} 2] Travel and Business HARE, PARSE. WDE E. Question 27 A OFAUFAM : EAT Japanese. GSA - IS/MEVMHA “Personally, it’s not bad and could be of some help, but not that much, (B 3B: BAA, CUA)”, WADA. Question 28 B OFADAAM : MEAT Medical Care, GSR . KF Medical Care MIC, MBFERSRGAMM “ifit’s useful”, HB. Question 29 D OF ADR : RELIG Computer. SABRAT : #BI “If you enjoy using technology and are worried about fulfilling the entry requirements computing is very relaxed about the skills that applicants must possess” 43%] Computer UAT IERRAE #4, Eich “fulfilling the entry requirements” %) “SABIATER” VER, HABED. Question 30 C OFBIFAM) : MEAT Public Relations, Wins ii {EKIE “M would be related to eny enterin, gpcTION 4 e Rs 2 Hs ae lecture in this series o B nducted by myself, Dr Toby Bi $ on Busine world 00% y Bennett, Tod, es in the M lodern sce of company outsoure ae ue pany outsourcing, using TCP Tech, ee Breen NOlogies as 5 8 a case 5 stud Practice, 1 will give a a wpetco™ wow, for those of you who are unfamiliar with th; goosive cesnicion: company outsourcing invo} as activities by one company to anothe r western company to a party base ves the cor tract, ws! 8 of vari This practice wil nt ill sometimes cur from a Je being to make signific 'd in a third world rationale ‘ant financial savings on | Country, the nm lower interr national Iabour rates and to potentially increase quality. sy, our case study for today is TCP Technologies — a pa ja receives outsourced tasks from western eee meee ae zechnologies is a man called Manjeet Khanna who has nN of TCP ces of aims and philosophies by which the company is oe as : He claims that the most important of these philosophies is to create a ee a = sere each individual member has the opportunity to contribute their en to the operations of the company. That is to say that he found it important to develop a democratic environment. ‘Asa means of ensuring quality from every individual at TCP Technologies, a arading system has been developed that encourages an ethos of hard work and recognises accomplishment, This grading of individuals is based upon a series of factors such as turnover, hours worked and efficiency. Every month Khanna publishes the grades on an internal website where staff can access not only their ‘0 others. A spirit of playful competitiveness own grades, but also compare it t tis developed through this method, which has resulted in increased efficiency and turnover across the company. gO clients and develop association 8 the Touts po ASEPIVER)", related ss a(S indy oe Felated 5 relevan 3p oT Ng Aa eng MO: Conergy meen bow ne + Bait ca 031 032 1 to develop @ culturally diverse group of faceted ima slobe. This cultural openness has from across the 8! opportunities by 7%, but as essential ating a multi- ¢ that would appeal to nna also saw it as a means: of pres al employe’ not only increased the quantity of has also benefitted the company © exists that had not before been apparent. troduced measures ent! Kh employe ‘a host of potenti tracted ineoming com A level of tt self significantly. According to ave significantly inereased the rate parency now 3 questionnaires carried out these newly in! n, which has subsea ly led to an increase of 32% in the recently, of staff satisfactio ‘company’s income. These figures are truly admirable and serve 8 testament to the measures that Khanna has introduced t0 the workplace a! published by the Economist, he declared, “The figures speak for themselves — my system works!” When asked if he had any advice for es on methods they could employ t© streamline “tt’s simple, really. A company mu cos components, but instead as 2 living organism tial to the functioning of the whole. I suggest t TCP Technologies. In a recent interview ‘companit workflow and increase turnover, he replied, st see itself not as one entity comprised of namel each one essen composed of cells, ich your management operate that the motto by whi will be ‘employee firs 4 from the aforementioned changes in Many benefits have been reape management style, such as a significant decrease In staff turnover. This improvement alone has solved many P growth of the company. A lot of these improvements came from the realisation that the solution does not have to be produced internally, but can come from any other company. The grading system also immeasurably enhanced the dynamics of the company. The fact that this me staff members and inaccessible by manag as a judging criterion for promotion. It has prover means of stimulating workflow. roblems that had before stunted the easuring system is solely produced for ment means that it cannot be used n itself a relaxed and informal When asked about specific features of his managing style, Khanna mentioned that it is important for him to respond personally to any complaints filed by staff Pe ine existing complaints process slow and ineffective, oe online system that created a direct line of communication anna and all employees of the company. The complaint form, () 3 034 035 036 Q Khanna as a ticket, eradicates the middleman, an interf whP™ joyees online and 1007 elated complaint, he say 50a be submitted directly to Khanna via this cal lit» " jacatio” P , i (0 2 eysing this system is that staff must inclu git o! face that can be in uch as those rel SM Conditioning and food Online syste system, Entitleme is also # popular issue discussed through aj, forum, os lement © main ide their - i Personal det vt pofore they are able to submit it. In the ails on : ket peti been att jeoewesyseom Past, anonymous complaints many Wasted work hours, so faint, fhe root of much confusion and caused has put a ban on this form of compl; raps up the lecture for today. Please remember that attendance is wi That “) aston (Fade O 6 SECTION 4 iif question 34 democratic ial ELDAM Main target, 227098 environment, ALTRI. ey 5 as to say that he found it important to develop a democratic GLYgIO)A “That is to say geen: Aa IHF democratic, eavironment” question 32 internal website zi). 38]38 grades are published, LAN: ; a a mie : me Khanna publishes the grades on an internal website”, A) BERIT : I ve {intemal website. Question 33 transparency FAIRY - {TIAA cultural openness ‘ HGRA . ARIE “A level of transparency now cx! EARS, GUANA transparency. $Q7RITA the level of, HMDRZI. " Oi e that had not before been apparent” Esl S . me Question 34 (company’s) inco! F satisfact : nee i ITER: GARY - ENTAA rate of staff station a 9 or sme sea Ewes : uf sures have significan pees Ast SONA (company’s) res B “these ate meé = ee Bee ' Which has subsequently led to an increase ® jany’s income» income, Question 35 employee first ene Saas nt operates will be ‘emp BRENT « HECTEE * I suet thatthe moto by whieh your manager ol frat’, (RROUERRRECECUG ACID ‘AAT SE')” att AA employee frst- Question 36 solution OFATRA , FEATIIY any other company. BEG REM . IB “A lot of these improvements came hve to be produced internally, but ean come from any other compen! TUM EEA ASRS. BLLCANA solution. HOMINIS. from the 1 ealiation that the sofution does y HRUMRDIEA IES RR Question 37 promotion AFAR : ELIA not used for, HomABarsia. SAGA, HEUTE * cannot be used as a judging criterion for promotion. (E7SBERHE ET is 4)", SAMBA promotion, Question 38 ticket OF ADAM ; MEL complaint form, HAMAS» GMAT « LEIA “The complaint form, dubbed by Khan is easily accessible to all employees online...” FAP “gubbed” “HE AK #2 complaint form (421%) DUFF ticket. na as a ticket, eradicates the middleman 4”, 3X2 Khanm Question 39 vacation OF AIM ; EGTA any complaints, HAMDAZIA Meet : TB air conditioning 40 food quality aFr-8,. (SPER RRIBONILAIRICIACPAVAT TSED)”. BLOX “Entitlement to vacation is also popular issue discussed through this forum. SANABIZIAA vacation. Question 40 ban OFRIFAM « FE(TIAA anonymous complaint, HOMBDABIA. SABMPT ; 124G “In the past, anonymous complaints had be caused many wasted work hours, 60 the new system has put @ ban on this form of complaint” OH: 3F anonymous complaints (Bi) PECRRNRA, MARR TTS LINE. a EAA P BURL S » BAKANUA ban, .en at the root of much confusion and lo Veg BUI ‘man, anna. , and ya, Lauren Manager: Lauren Manager: Lauren: Manager: Lauren: Manager: Hi there, welcome to the Job Centre, 1 $ ow can I help Good morning, I'm here to enquire as 1g vee 810 whe jobs available at the moment? ‘whether You have any ‘Yes, we have several available. Wi hat kind of Job is it th; looking for? at you're Well, um, I'll take any part-time jobs I can get. 1 for cash at the moment. - Tim really strapped Okay, bear with me while I have a browse on our Here we are. We have three vacancies at Pte te quite different roles, pall involving That sounds promising. What are they? The pst one is a a post as a receptionist. It says here that experience in reception or general administration speed, bt not essential, Have you worked on a reception desk previously? No, I haven't. I had a baby quite young, and so I have very little work experience. Could you tell me a few more details? Zz ‘Yes, of course. The job will be to mainly provide quality customer service both over the phone and in person. When customers are waiting you will be expected to provide them with refreshments and ensure they have a first-rate experience. I think I could manage that, and I’m a very friendly person! That's great. Do you have any information about the hours inv olved? It says here that you will be expected to work several early mornings, 4 days a week. Any other requirements? Yeah, you'll have to go through a couple Che training before qualifying for the post Hmm, [ don’t know if I would be able 1° fully cks of unpaid commit to that. Did you say it’s 4 days per week? gone Yeah, it says here 4 days a wees yother day when requested in advance. hat at Least one Example Qi Q2 Q3 ot TDASIIAMK Tene 4 Lauren: Lauren: Manager: Lauren: Manager: Lauren Manager: Lauren: Manager: Lauren: Manager: Lauren: Manager: Lauren: Manager: Lauren: Manager: of your working days must fall ont weekend. hat and talk to my babysitter. Pll have to think about t in the-day? fora driver Itsays you'llneeda 9, ith absolutely no exception, ‘Are there any other roles beginning later i Yes, there’s an advertisement here clean and valid UK driver’s license, Wi No problems there. I passed my test first tim received any points. italso explicitly states that you must be over twenty-five and have been driving for at least six years. uite exciting. Is there any m g hours are flexible, and the hin your personal schedule since e and have never That sounds q ore information? Yep, it says here that workin, employers are happy to work wit they employ multiple drivers. That's great ‘The employers ask for a commitment to either momings 5 days per week, evenings 5 days per week, or three full working days per week. T'm sure I can handle all that without a problem. ‘As well as driving the employers to and from work, they will ask you to perform various duties on their behalf, such as collecting the grocery shopping, and picking their children up from school o Do they need me to work a day on the weekend as well? No, it says here that they only require you to work on weekdays, not weekends. 08 That sounds interesting. Okay, there’s only one more left, another customer service-related post. It looks like it requires you to work short hours, quite late at night, so it might not be suitable for you. Do you want to hear about it anyway? Yeah, can’t do any harm. Okay, so it’s a post for a cashier in a cinema in the centre of town. 99 I’m sure you’ve been to the cinema a few times, so you can guess what kind of role it would be. They’re quite short and late shifts, between 17.30 and 22.30 most nights, with slightly longer shifts on Friday and Saturday nights. ni lai co oy es? 2 Yes, sure. It says that you'll be requited tickets, and provide refreshments, Also, they ° Sell ang dispense Ce es see Your alaomyeda ite, that you be quick, fake by phone, but you'll receive basic tri Do they need me to work weekdays as wel} Well, it says here that if you request sea wiley oSiten Mondays, but ney Heht in advance, Mmm. PI think it over and let you kno, ie a 00 a Weekend. help. + "hanks for all your So0ki ining for that, v8 °Ver the (x at least a forty @sECTION 1 Rin question 1 Receptionist ‘ae FECTIGA Postion, WEAMTIREIA CRED), Bet «BIB “The first one is for 5 Post as a receptionist” #52, “post” Zena coal g-TRULERR. GRIESE Receptionist, question 2 (quality) customer (FAM - EIA Duty, IAMS. eet +: EAZE “The job will be to mainly provide quality customer service both over the phone 5 a ” GAIALIRAE provide quality customer service, LUA (quality) customer, and in Question 3 early mornings : EATAN Working hours, =e nea “Tt says here that you will be expected to work several early mornings, four days a : aveck”, ALIAEOVADS early momings. Question 4 training cao : a. 7 series to go through a couple of weeks of unpaid training before BBM : UE “Yeah, you : am auaifying forthe post” @ADFREAEAT/ VAAN, CREAN Question 5 Driver WARM . NTA Day off. —ppstt (TRE. 921A) + “Are there any othe, Hg gai PROMS f vertisement here for a driver.” Bt, R Mem: AMR [BS : “Yes, there’s an a beginning later in the day?” % Driver. Question 6 flexible ORAM « ELT Working hours. Eee . Ugh ERIER Working hours, FRITH “Yep, it says here that working hours, flexible”, [NAL flexible. Question 7 grocery shopping OFA : MENT collect, ieohmeia. mee : (FA SMA L/RBA : ekeEL TH. Baw. REUSE, RELA “4, as driving the employers to and from work, they will ask you to perform various duties onthe, as collecting the grocery shopping, and picking their children up from school.” &f colle, well behalf, such 932 erocery shopping. Question 8 weekends OF AUF : EAT Day off, HMMS. QAEIBEMT - ABIEYRIC] “Do they need me to work a day on the weekend as well?” ADE “No, i says here that they only require you to work on weekdays, not weekends.” DARE AMA, il IANA weekends. Question 9 cinema IF AIFAM) . ETSY Cashier, MONTES. Seem : ABRs, BROT *’s a post for a cashier in a cinema...” Question 10 bookings ORANFAM : ATA provide refreshments, AMIRSIS.. ESAT MUA provide refreshments [S. #EFRAI—DA “Also, they ask that you be quick « = the computers since you'll also need to take bookings over the phone...” BIOMAaBaE, JEAN bookings, SECTION 2 ‘Thank you all for coming to my talk this evening. It’s nice to see so many people in the audience. For those of you who don’t know very much about b Matchi «with guests every single year, slic tens of thousa, cl rein 2 like 90 other. travellers to ‘s OMeStaYS are ideal for a IO gco¥ enabling inter-cultural exchanges ang both travellers e friendships, while providing travellers a the devel — . costs, and host families with a often discounted own tates Homestays all over 9 change students looking for a m Particularly popular with aon genni choice, and an unrivalled opportunity "me insight into their of to dev a oxien velop their langua oom 's truly unique and once-in-e-Hifetime, and one tikely remember for the rest of your li em poople will find it dick oe ge gen secen niet be lnown atch sheks Comssaseeenne fox eferng from coltare shock. is 10 §O Out and make as many finds os ui oo nner bow fut you ray Sad Friends ae sia fa ba were tnegrated 28 part of the local society ead show you rome gest pee teng ot At Son h might oven eatremaly cinlenging feegiiee Saar between yout and your best Ganity; however; you will fed ae eentrevernamme Sis end develop 0 very close and chenest foul Many of our travellers have suggested that they have found dining tie boboien and cies interests wth dew best females © te bet evercome harriers, since you are more than likely to find something utter in common. For example, you might find that you ar both pssionsie ‘get football, and end vp playing in the local field every week. One of our homestay in a reral arca of the UK told us that she and fetes now tke 2 Tai Chi clans together upon a hiltp ot wane ating Be ‘tedmmding of th people wound you anh oes sects SSE homes. The homestay experience is come from the comfort Q17 Qi2 on reine ‘abeokecly Drowtaaking'. Af te it fou wechs Zou SS ole Qs ches in Your vountry of choice, ONCE repiatereg atches be end various documents, and will act as a can e you tos . ou and the Host family prior to final confirmation is st02 Connection will ask you to provide two | " 2 ie hs ply and ne ‘own records Pee 26 Oy 88 e ic of each photo: ‘Due to the nature of the service ei * ty is an absolute must, and they will ask you to ort, birth certificate. \d_a bank statement ‘of these documents, the official Gr} question 14 it will be debited for the initial deposit a etl ny acknowledgement confirming receipt 9 ger BB Same re r ai vihin seven, Working ABYSs please contact the : oud YOU a en office. As I mentioned rove, due rote narere of te organisation, pe Bore ‘Connection operates 2 meticulous screening process, and all applicants will gy question 45 undergo an interview 12.20" head office in London, with exceptions made in | seam: extreme circumstances: ‘After your interviews it may take us several weeks to ae ai: carry out the decision process: so please be patient wis us. If you would like | ace” RE: a fast-track service, please indicate this on your application and we will notify i, you of the additional charges. Finally, once we have come to a result about your question application, you will receive # decision in the post, If you do not receive an offer gn | reo = of placement, we will refund your deposit within 7 working days. | gem: \ SHANE reco | question \ ans Ea \ weet SECTION 2 (Bi | pins | rt Question 11. © passpo' OFAN : HENTIAA host families. Questir sere RBS VERDSIAM-ASR. TRON. BEBWA. qigesnadel RI ee w st families with a steady income from the comfort of their own home” aneexneee™ | 7 om Us TRGRRHWA, HAEC. vas (6) ee question 12 B i KNAKASALMM “Tent 4 (ret = UTI guess ren BAR : AMADA «¢, dimake a8 Many friends as nosy Advice § (PEORIA, Kies il 2 NO matter hy oe suffering from culture shock, is to go out BRI Meu you may find i.” McpEIRD, ARAB a s 90, “veo + DAE B. Onnection question 13 A (fAIFOU + EAT become famit soe: SRR, a) fund discussing her hobbies wg TBO E any barriers”, GARG A, ther interests with ea ae it host families is the best way to overcome question 14 A (FAAHR = ECT in the tong run, GERM : BOSRIW “Aner tne first few wes around you and coe culture deepens by teaps and ie You will ind your understanding of the people sAABSUCRR CBOE, Rime LOS MPD, BB), BABE Question 15 registration office (FHM - CTIA Keep intouch with, seommain i : 13 GERM : 1H “we would st - Strongly advise that you remain in close contact with the registration office” JAZ, FAP remain © keep GG LASIGA, GABA resistration office Question 16 records (FAIHOM = FENZIAA two photos, IEANTIRZIa.. HERAT : IE" provide two photos, one for the host family, and the other for our own records” SID JANE records. Question 17. identity FFAIRDW : FEATS documents, 42771579 confirm, HLAMTIAID. aaRiM : EONS SRS AIX — BE PAUSED MER IEEREH IROL “they will ask you to send and a bank statement as confirmation of your identity.” inphotocopies of your passport, birth certificate, bank statement “39RKEA”, CARLA identity. passport “}P9R” , birth certificate “CHEFS” Question 18 acknowledgement RELRDW . ENTIA Receive, HOMBASIA firming receipt ofthese documents S5ei . os “ vtreceived any acknowledgement CO! HE « BOZEE “If you haven act the man office. (&5 7-P TAPIA UIE from us withi tact was, es 7 NT AERP! acknowledgement 98 Question 19 interview OF ALFA + REATIDA in London, JEAMTAZID. Y SAB SB4T : #24 “all applicants will undergo an interview in our head office in London” ID, a | | {CMBBAM, NAL interview, Question 20 decision OF: FEUD written, MAMA Sio. t SEEM ; HIB “Finally, once we have come to a result about your application, you will receive, | decision in the post” OIA], BAIBIGVZ—1 decision, SECTION 3 Professor: Douglas: Professor: Jane: Professor: For next week, I'd like you to undertake a piece of research in preparation for writing your final essay. In order to gain top marks, you must include a range of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. Are there any questions? Yes, Professor, I have a question. We haven’t yet covered how to undertake this sort of research in much depth, and I’m a little unsure of what you want us to do. In telling us to include primary sources, do you mean you want us to design and distribute a questionnaire, analysing the results? You could design a questionnaire, but you'll soon find that distributing a questionnaire on such a large scale is somewhat troublesome. We couldn’t possibly expect you to do it effectively as an individual university student without the necessary resources. No, ideally I would like you to form one or two focus groups, and interview them. This will provide you with a more qualitative approach. If your strengths lie in mathematics, please by all means take a more quantitative approach, but this will be more strenuous and time consuming, and isn’t entirely necessary for the purpose of this study. Professor, you haven’t told us what our project is about. Do we get to choose our own topic based on the previous study? No, I’m afraid not. This will be a strictly Australian study; Q2l on alas nail Douglas: professor ne: Professor: Douglas: however, YOU can choose hier h ang le as itremains within the realm of any YOU'd Tike to Anthropo 50 lo any questions specifically about the fy 8Y: Does anyo Me Ray forma "nyone I've had several emails about this, ang 4 ete a My study is related to growing up iy nature Versus Murture, [Ve pathereg children who would be happy to py you think we'll need 10 include that mma, MANY pa group? Blimey, Douglas, well done for finding tha but you definitely don’t need that many go lin children, man going to undertake. I'd say you need ya oon th? SY You're d ; nO More than five children, groups, altogether. You definitely need to control it é generate a meaningful dialogue, OK, if it’s useful, P11 try and do it, per group, and no more than thre fifteen children € group size rderto — 923 [appreciate your enthusiasm for the project, but d of different ways to gather data, and I'm sure that if you hard enough, you'll find someone who has conducted aa exact same research in the past. My advice for you is don’t be i ambitious, and try to include as much information about various people or sectors. For those who haven’t ever collected original data before, what do there are plenty 124 you suggest we do? I would suggest that you read accounts from other people who have undertaken such research to see what advice they can give. I would also encourage you to read Chapter Eight in the course textbook, which should give you a good introduction to collecting data. Moreover, you should try to practice using the data table 25 provided in your course handbook. By now you should have read at least six or seven books giving quite detailed instruction on how to go about collecting data. Professor, I don’t know about everyone else, bu on trouble reading the books. [ had a reall big assignment for another at, Jane, have you course and I’ve been spending all my time on th tead all the books the professor mentioned? I’ve been to the Well, my trouble is getting hold of the books: '° I’m having ) i ee al times, but al the books are out. sevel tbr ce you should ave started borrowing DOOKS a bit egy . uns veral ones peor, SOU shave Tt L got several ones fFOM MY fiend a cau ; yes, 18 4 Jy them, and don’ vas ane: et skimmed throue! , and don’t reme, i of days ago: 130 ‘member g ow let's look at these things. We'll need to start think ng But 0 =r about which ones ‘we'll definitely want to do for the project Okay. The first on? here is the final report. Douglas y work together on the research and Jane: If you like, we cam Jane: ide of the project, and doing the final write-up? Cool. That sounds good. I'm not Skse how much I'd be able tp Douglas’ Z 2 contribute considering I haven't had a chance to read the course rnaterial, But I should be able t0 Prepile some sheets and a list of sestions that can be used during the focus group sessions, Jane: ‘That sounds appropriate. I think so too. Douglas: Do you think we'll need to write a letter to send to the participant, telling them the time and place for the interviews? ° practice using Jane: Positive. Lean take care of that. 4 nie Douglas: Well, that’s great. 09 ren) Jane: I should also include a document for them to sign saying that geet :' they're happy to be voice-recorded., been spendit Douglas: Oh yes, of course. I forgot about th i “II likely uglas: } yes of om forgot about the transcript. That'll likely bea g3p amin big jd, so let’s do half each, I'll do one of the groups and you can _ do the other. Okay? = 5 Jane: Sounds like a plan! eT side of the report BYE Questio ral a weet used durii Ques! i Hee Questi i] ' oa wa IRE CORRSTI ER in | BER AEE interview, [ASTE “ideally 1 would like you coe es alia TUR, imerview them.” GASH A, TAM T ISMN Tone 4 iis and "BND. sham c, ion 23 ues! qe formation of the focus groups cae Sit HD) % “You definitely need to contol the 8 Malo ” BORE control the group size, pablerpes es at Br0up size in order to ger eae generate a 5 B. a iB, eins do the project est. question orl: nes ee gent: aie ‘oo ambitious”, HHA B, question 25 Cc ail: EOLA eater aa gpa = gather data EIR PAN SiRF collect data, aie ae neing the data table”, BUAREEYE Co a aaa ek ae a question 26 A (pe: GEIR reference books, soem: ape SMB LBRE, O79 “Thad a really big assignment for another course and I've ses ending ll my time on that”, COSMOS, MILEA. question 27 © FAN: FETA final report. gama RIBTEECUIDY “Tf you like, we ca ing the final write-up?” SID. HAR — #2760 fil repo, wep wn work together on the research and data-colleetion sie of the project, and doi mon TINS, GAB C. Question 28 B EIRDW . BANE sheet preparation. {Bi . Douglas i, “But I should be able to prepare some sheets and a list of questions that can be ted during the focus group sessions”, aR B» Question 29 A. TPA. MENT letter. id ESBIF - Douglas [5] “Do you think we'll need 10 write reter to send tothe participants 8B “ican take care of that”, SLASRAE A> Das icra ak ”, Jane _—_—_ Question 30 fhe transcript etre ripts emAraam cs canst 8 “that'll likely be a big.job, so ler 2 . $0 let's do hate th, 95, x SECTION 4 ne! Today I’m going to talk about the graphical symbol ‘written symbol that is used to represent speech, such iphabet. The term ‘graphic symbol” encompasses n hieroglyphic writing, to ancient 4 morning every ol is @ the Greek al hs used in Eeyptia pased on pictographs and ideograms ic writing systems. These systems Goo ‘A graphic sym as those used in thing from the logoeta ms. Early symbols were Joped into logograp iterate cultures in Africa, the Americas, and any Chinese pictogt@l before they were deve til] in use 10 some non-! .d, elements of pictography are sti it is often an interesting exercise to trace the origins of some ain in common commercial use today as gi) are s Oceania. Indee il] found in modern Chinese characters, and Chinese characters. Pictographs rem: signs, instructions, OT statistical diagrams. Road signs and public toilet signs and even flat-pack assembly instructions utilising pictures are considered Dt Indeet compa pictographic. have f willin Ancient graphic writing systems provide researchers with a wealth of knowledge 03? By th about past civilisations. In 1799, one of the most important historical discoveries was ane by accident when members of Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt found busin _ a in Rosetta that exhibited three different scripts. The stone, now known muct eu oo. in significant depth by scholars, and was first bran canteen oe Champollion in 1822. He was able to ov ei faags ieee ae of the symbols, and later research has ina multitude of meanings, and ck ea a ceed 2 a Be vatecrsercheaaion of erphi eo understanding of these lines holds a phic writing systems. : Akkey moment in the history of 3 of communication was the invention of the camer F obscura, or camer ra. Althot igh the concept can be traced back to the fifth century (a) B.C. Chinese philosopher AM LAIMA Test 4 created in 1826 by jog > Th the fir Se} st phot i known, enables resear, a Nicéphore me 5 ee pay hers ton; pee. Photography, a y inte Todas, Photography fons S Photography, as it was later 034 iece together : T and better understa an understand history. ntain a vast 8 part of e if cont Tumber of photee en OF everVaAY life and most publications and is now becoming a w Eraphs. Photography is used in advert ea Wvertising, For example, animal wetp, © e"°88° awareness of existing world issues petean are ® chattcs are increasingly using photography to (ual a sometimes flown t0 farting ae Tisk of endangerment. Charity workers are 35 : locati is tphisk animals in an atone ions to document the suffering endured by to activities, and how they ig alse human awareness of their consumption Pact others. One recent high profile campaign 036 As photography continues to progress, with te wseOF drones now becoming somewhat commonplace, we should expect more and more objects to be 037 included in the future, expanding the horizon of photography ever further. Indeed, the downward pressure on traditional media prices means that media companies are being forced to get creative on how to make a profit. Many have found that the answer to this lies in advertising, and companies are now willing to devote a large portion of their budgets to advertising in newspapers. 038 By the same token, marketing has become an essential part of a company’s business model, often meaning the success or failure of a company. As a result, much time and money has been pumped into the development of effective branding, with attractive packaging playing a large role in this. However, many 039 : to be cracking down on marketing and packaging are now seen governments ar, tobacco in an attempt to protect co! companies are noW subject to ever inc! United Kingdom, legislation is soon to pass previ differentiation on cigarette packaeins in effors smoking. asumers from being misled. In particu easing regulation. For example, in the enting any form of branding or to curb the harmful effects of the fundamental role that graphic writing systems t the Finally, one must not forge and diagrams often form the 49 have had to play in mathematics. Graphs, icons, kno further very basis of these branches of academia. Indeed, one needs to lool than chemistry’s periodic table to see perfect example of graphic writing systems in use today. @ SECTION 4 (Biff ——— Question 31 commercial ORADHIM ; METI use today, HANMAATEEIS. SRERAT . ANBAR “Pictographs remain in common commercial use today as signs...” 1FS, Bq “Pictography” $09 “SHUXH”, ARINIA commercial. Question 32 knowledge TAU) ELTE2 past civilisations, LEANTTASIS. SHEN - MIRTLE “Ancient graphic writing systems provide rescache!® with a well of knowledge about past civilisations, (GRAUPSARAHRS IAT AT ONE §)”, MiTDOTRDILAME knowledge. Question 33 lines OFAIFAM) : EATIIA depict various meanings, JLOMUIASZIS. HERAT - depict various meanings ERLPAMLBSRA portray a multitude of meanings, ff #ANBDA lines, FRED “lines are used to portray a multitude of meanings” Question 34 Photography IFAD) ; ATA understand history better, peer . AGRE “Photography, as it was later known, better understand history” SJROMTA Photography. MASS). enables researchers to piece together ant Question 35 advertise OFADPM : LATA charities, AMATI EDS). @SBM : ABB “animal welfare charities are increasingly using photography are at high risk of endangerment” J, PRP RN NERDS ILRH OL MRS, HAMSHA advertise. to advertise animals tha tion 36 foot ‘ UII IIE Tene 4 +: FENIAA camera, thansytyown id: FE” 2 WAZ, f ih BELLIED “One recent high oy efor ofa bid”, ataching 79 ted BOR Vaaie ® , < camera achin, . question 37 objects PRES, ACR hen, val: JEATIDA be included, HANTS Beit : ELH “we should expect more an More objects yn objects. "0 be included in the future” eBoy BILD, question 38 newspapers ame: ELIA Companies, HONS SAR : RISE ATIILA *.. and companies are now wil pgs © advertising in newspapers (ASTER us ‘AEA newspapers, . ling to devote a large portion of their AMBRE Eis tess), aw Question 39 packaging AFA : ATI effective branding, weoNTTiRZIS, GEPH : AWWA “As a result, much time and ‘money has been pumped into the development sfeffetive branding, with attractive packaging playing a large role inthis. (29-7 SARI, AIBA JESOMINGR, ADMS AGRE TRAGER)”, IF attractive BE appealing AG GH, GARONA packaging, Question 40 mathematics/math/maths AAW : TIA great importance, HAMUIAZIS. SER ; AMBAFChgd creat importance ERMPHG LEB fundamental, AMIFH “one ast not forget the fundamental role that graphic writing systems have had to play in mathematics. (7% ECT RENSHSAAGRYP SRA S LIER)”, SRA mathematics/math/maths, SECTION 1 OPERATOR: Hello, you have reached the complaints department. How can I ou? z JACK: a re there, I am phoning to make a complaint regarding a flight that I took with you recently. F OPERATOR: OK. There are some details I will need to take from you first. May I have your name please? JACK: Jack Dawson. That’s D-A-W-S-O-N. OPERATOR: And your address? JACK: It’s 33 Hillcrest Road. That’s H-I-double-L-C-R-E-S-T. OPERATOR: 33 Hillcrest Road. Is that in Exeter? JACK: Yes. OPERATOR: And what is the postcode of the residence? JACK: It's AL698GQ. OPERATOR: Thank you. Do you have a telephone number? JACK: Yes. The number at my office is 754688. OPERATOR: That’s good, and may I just take a home phone number for you in case of emergencies? JACK: No problem. It’s 798662. OPERATOR: Are they both local numbers? JACK: Yes. OPERATOR: JACK: OPERATOR: OK great, thank you for your patience. Now what is the nature of your complaint? T'm phoning to complain about a flight 1 took recently. I always take certain measures to ensure that I will be comfortable. For example, I always pay the additional cost for extra legroom and I always arrive punctually for the flight to make sure that 1 am seated beneath an air conditioner. Unfortunately I was disappointed to find that the air conditioning on the plane was broken, so I spent the entire flight in discomfort as it was too hot and the air was stuffy. "see. I do apologise for this fault with the air conditioning. Now Exany ol 02 03 O4 opERATOR: 1ACK: OPERATOR: nck: OPERATOR: : OK, that’s great. Thank you very much fo while T have You on the phon one, short questionnaire regarding aoe einige sure, CEN Aight, —“*Wering g - OK, let's Bet Stared. What did yoy, served to you during the flighty think of 4, 8 foog [thought that it was inexpensivg gp fl th Las still very hungry afterwe nd quite do portion and more of a snack, p Toviding TY sm, reasonable. Ng & shack fp tide un isn - OK, I have noted that down, Whay ; NEBR Gecvics, ~ Nhat was yo quality of service that you received from gy ION ofthe : Our sta re The staff were very helpful, but each time | ot board? request service it took a long tim, found this frustrating as there just weren't enyagq ete the flight to be able to serve all of the ‘ough staff on-board Customers i answerin, questions. Are there any other parts of your travel 1g those that you would like to comment on? aera Yep. The process of moving throug! ity Was Very quick and helped to make my travel experience stress-free. ; Okay. Do you have any extra comments on the services you received during the flight? Yes, I thought that the seats were very uncomfortable and looked very old. They were also in need of repair as the reclined feature on my chair was broken so I could not go to sleep for the whole flight. Luckily the entertainment facilities were very good s0 1 was able to distract myself by watching movies. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all of my questions, we would like to coffer you some gifts as a goodwill gesture, with a 20% discount on the cost ‘of your hotel stay. We i can also appreciate that international calls to your home country fe are sure that you would like to Keep Your be expensive and ws pt a phone card, family updated on your travels, so please accel which has a credit of £20. Oh that’s really great. Thank you 8° oe ok forward to having sh for the gifts! ; you travel with us azsit No problem, we lo soon! Have a fantastic vacation. 26 o 08 Q Qi0 JACK: Thanks! Bye! en go" ———— sti @secTION 1 eit — = ot @ Question 1 33 Hillcrest fo aI - MTA Address, vesommeane (IRE) seen. ce maar AMOS, UTES prxepwT ans. i, Question 2 AL698GQ OF aIRRA : ELIA Postcode, Geet : ASSMSNS aN ramaess. 987) BrzevosAseg. Question 3 754688 OFBIRAR : KENTA Telephone, HANIA S. mean sane. MERE. yeprieee— ie FANS. Question4 C SE IFAT - REATIA complain about. SAEARIT : #RIs0 I spent the entire flight in REWLIMGAAA, BlLAmE C. PR discomfort as it was too hot and the air was tuly"O Question5 A IRALFAM - FENTIIA food served, geet. AMIE, 8 and more of a snack” OVA, FAMAHOSMDBAD, BC A. “1 was still very hungry afterwards as it was a very small potas Question6 B OF AUF : TENTIDA service of the staff. GSR. ABUSES “The staff were very helpful, but eac! to request service it took a long time for a staff member to arrive to arrive.” FALCON, BEBAE SRKMNE staf FAK, AEB. Jn time [pressed the but Question7 security OFAN : ATA satisfied, HANTIAZIG. Beet : AMEE “The process of moving through security was very quick and helped © my travel experience stress-free”, A/G MMEUAIN Sia] security (FARMSE. mak 18 entertainment tio! ou 74 facilities, distract f 7 gh EO slistrat from, than ane RUE EHR) Uakily the canting eee, EE oyeltby watching movies”, (RESSRRL IE R cnain TY B90d so | ag able to sent ertainment, seston 9 hotel pay EULA gift, ISMATIASIa), | (fi ARB “we would like to offer you sox ‘ | a hotel stay” (80, eRGEELeR Ine tate om qustion 10 phone card wn as EIA £20, AMIR S IS, en S20ECDRIFECT, RTA so ples cepa hone cy an cs ae 188 a credit of £20", SECTION 2 rey JRESENTER: Good morning, listeners! And welcome back to Star Radio! A Today on the show we have a visitor from Yazoo Car Rental who is going to give us an insight into his company and into the public transport system! Welcome Jonathan! JONATHAN: Thank you for having me. Yes, I would like to start by introducing my company Yazoo Car Rental. We are the cheapest and most reliable rental company in the city and have won multiple awards for the quality of our services. This success did not come easily, however, and it proved important that we stay fresh and are always thinking of ways to attract new customers. a Our first attempt to do this was to offer a free gift with every a car rental, which we were confident the customers would be ach rental, — QI very interested in. The offer of a free hoover with ef juickl however, did not attract any new customers SO we quite stopped offering it. portion make to us and we In 2002, a new taxi company opened next door ~ ot of business £0 them, 30 we introduced an 4 might compete with their service, We here you could rent a car with a driver started losing that we hope anew package extra fee. By intro referred to drive th cessful racting more customers. offer offered oftere’ ducing this offer, we found that alt e cars themselves, so again tomers was unsuccessful in att Learning from these mistakes, we decided to offer a package customer no longer had to come to our offices service where the ¢ could drop off and pick up e rental car. Instead w' he city to make the customer's experience offer was very popular and increased to pick up th the car anywhere in tl a lot more stress free. This ‘our profits by 30%: et a younger demographic, we updated the In order to attra d for rental. We began offering models of cars that we offere dy cars such a8 minis and smart cars that we thought d we also purchased them attracted more tre! hit appeal to the younger crowd ani mig greens. This offer in more fun colours like reds and some new customers of a younger age roup, however not some new customers younge group, however not as_ many as We hoped. Next I decided to offer our services at a discounted price on our website where it could be seen by thousands of people I thought that this could be a great way to attract a number of new customers who would never have heard of us before and it worked fantastically well. Following the success of the discount offer, we had so many customers that it became necessary to open a new branch of the company in the centre of the city. The cost of renting offices in the city centre was very high, so we hoped that our profits would justify this expensive decision, We made enough profit to keep our city 9 O12 913 ols centre offices open, but we had hoped for a greater increase. in customer numbers. JONATHAN: IAN: Now for the second part of my talk, which is on the topic of ) TARR AA IM ari publi transport. There ACE many benefits to py e recet > Public tra for example, the recent introduction of bus lanee pn. ems PO%s nes hi has meant that now unaffected by traffic jams and and are buses are able to sta lay on us nowaday 017 the sery his reduction in passenge fe ineff may be due to the stories newspaper about the dangers posed to pedestrian safer, safety in the by the onsible the bus buses, however this is largely untrue as buses are re for far less pedestrian-related accidents than cars = service often, as car petrol is so expensive nowadays that th is fr more affordable, However, iam ina rush | prefer — a taxi as they tend to get you to your destination nia ee so you can remain punctual for your appointments, Pee much enjoy flying to my destinations, as the service is cca fast and the airports are always very easy to find, Personally, my favourite mode of transportation is the bus. Due to the lack of people using the service I have found that the buses are never overcrowded so there is always a seat available. They are also never dirty as they get cleaned regularly. However, [have found Q/9 that sometimes the bus can be over a half hour behind schedule which can be very frustrating. There has been a lot of fluctuation in the price of bus tickets in the last couple of years. In the past, £1,80 for a ticket was enough to sustain the bus companies, however, as the price of fuel increased so did the ticket prices. Now the ticket prices are declining as the bus companies try to 020 encourage more people to use their service again. Well, that’s all from me today. Thank you for listening eo Yestion 11. fe HEB free gift. SM; AMUBIE|% “The offer ofa free hoover wil sh each rental, however, did not atract any ‘ ed offering it (AATO + AER PNB A Dogg: eae sa BULTIC. RD, ers so we quite eons unr eon eT" ‘3 Question 12 © es efi fete geen: & troducing this offen, We Found that all of our customess prefered nding one BS : extra fee. By im ‘a driver for a small ext feo DASE, BLIND, = a themselves.” A ot question 13. A Hl): eta package services ae ah ae mek eaten offer a package service [ABR “This offer was very op gern: service ERD, MATT A. asd increased our profits By 3096" ‘GUA package Question 14 B pani « ODA updated car models a nee Sauer, AAT updated car models BUA “This offer atraced sp vrs of a youre: 262 TaN, HOWeVE! BO! many as we hoped.” B0RS|T—2e LAB. new custom SH RARPABAS, Question 15 A OFFATPA : ELTA discount. gaan. smua04 “| thought that this could be a great way to attract a number of ney customers who would never have heard of us before an worked fantastically well (SASR4ERSIS) » IAAI A. dit worked fantastically well.” 3%] Question 16 B OFAIAUM ; REATIAA new branch company» BRA : KF branch company, REDE ad hoped for a greater increase in customer numbers.” Ay “We made enough profit to keep our ily cats Mea, BARES offices open, but we hi RESON, BALSLARSSAMS, BL ADEIA B. Question 17 C OF AUF : MELA public transport, MSRM : KRABI, MILK “Unfortunately, as fewer and fewer p nowadays, the service has become quite inefficient.” §4Cp inefficient {@ Low eflic AEBE C. Question 18 B OFDM : TIA Buses, Taxis, Airplanes, @ eople are taking heb jency HONE i TT BL AI ie 4? > ROET PRAIA etre, ARM AM A Test 5 Sia nn ifam in nish I rer take a tax a hey ease Eee se onc remain punetual for your appointments, (gz oe va Ell. Witty oe eAUREOE RAAB, MinENaL)>, ae ay & B, A a tion 19 na oe "ena. Cars air “448 “Ihave found that sometimes the bus can be o sr" a ” y er a halt h eee BREAN RAERATS | tour behind schedule whi epteve” NES. I A copa = ich SEARS, 0% A. question 20 esol Fe bus tickets. fue AUMENLE “Now the ticket prices are declining as the bites epemecousenelr service agsin.” MOORE, Ere mpanies try to encourage * 4 } lar ang SECTION 3 MIEXANDRA: — Excuse me, Dr Thompson. May I speak to you for a minute? \RTHOMPSON: Of course. Please come in, ALEXANDRA: I’m Alexandra Jones. I’m studying Business here at the university and for my assignment I have to carry out a survey of people who own their own organisations. I heard that you are the founder of your own company, and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about it. MRTHOMPSON: Yes, of course, please fire away. ALEXANDRA: OK great, we’ll get started! Did you encounter any problems whilst you were starting your company? MRTHOMPSON: Actually it was not as hard as I anticipated. | started out sy exactly what I wanted with very clear objectives, so I kne i a difficult to find my corporate identity to be. It was very ae i ket in London emises as the property mar esupain fect site, The 92! ompetiti fi iti entually 1 found the per BOC itive, but ev com hardest part was structuring the business myself ce, Was it difficult dealing 8 With tocre! so Lhad 5 very impress!¥ template yes, that i EXANDRA\ & ae stall”? rossi? ky trying to satisfy a group of Spee SrOuP Of people e's always (tH er, | didn’t encounter ma any HOMPSON MRT it very important to make th Ne stafp pr feel appreciated, 60 1H vduce ourselves and get to KNOW each othe er as so able to talk to them about about the t ‘ype sted a staff day where we coy ld all intro individuals. 1 was a! «they would be doing and gave them ¢h re them the hme the issues they had with the a ee of work tha’ opportunity 10 sha allocation of OK. Did you bi yf the manager? ad enough tasks to take care of, | 02 ork. ‘a management team or did you take on ‘ALEXANDRA: the role of Oh no, I already bi MR THOMPSON: employed someone else to take on the role of the manager, however, he never coms ted me before making decisions sp was forced t0 let him go and hire someone else a And what did the other staff think of the new manager? ‘They had a great deal of respect for him. It definitely helped that I consulted with them before hiring him. T ey a were surprised that he has been so successful in his rte at 4 the company, despite the longer meeting hours. Since the company opened, has it had any great O23 ALEXANDRA: MR THOMPSON: ALEXANDRA achievements? MRTHOMSON: There are many aspects of the company that I am pleased with, however, there is one achievement of which I am particularly proud. [ wanted a mural painted to brighten so I decided it would be a great idea up our entrance area, to invite the local primary school to create one for us. The 025 youngsters had a great time and I know they were thrilled to be included. ALEXANDRA: — Oh, that’s lovely. ALEXANDR: Haye you encountered any major problems since you opened the company? ALEXANDRA MR THOMPS 022 023 024 925 ypianDRA \qTHOMPSON ystANDRA yxTHOMPSON: sXANDRA: \RTHOMPSON: ALEXANDRA: \RTHOMPSON: NSIFALOTS also recently Jeft to go on maternity leave, whi situation, however, we have manag ch Put us in a tricky ed to find a temporary Approaching the period ial training so 1 find a venue with enough space to hold everyone Na & Tt will be interesting trying to organise that event! Oh gosh, I can imagine. I find it hard enough to orga myself! a replacement for her. It’s also now when we must carry out our finanei Organisation is a difficult thing to master, but it is also essential for success! Whilst I was learning how to stay organised, I realised that the role of motivation is essential OK, that’s great! Lalso suggest that you visit the library, as there is a section on culture that will have some very valuable material on how to develop your organisation skills, OK, I'll head to the library when we're finished. I think you will find it very useful. They also have a collection of documentaries on the subject of personal organisation and I suggest that you look up the literature on management of change. I personally found these sources incredibly useful. Articles are also a valuable resource ‘and we have a whole collection of them in our university library. I advise that you look at Section 2 where you will find articles on the nature of volunteering, That’s great, thank you so much for your help. No problem. 026 027 028 029 030 N 3 30H } sECTIO ci tion 21 r oe 187 most difficult problem. ‘ B of HO “The hardest part Was siruturing the business, a8 had no forma ve va eae (paypal AP aesett part A)FE{ZIG) most difficult BUELe5 ip , Bice er " i Diy, pol question 22 B a, qpanm « tia unsatisfied. eet e geet: RUA *-Bave them the pment sl Be ith me the issues they had yi questi¢ allocation of the work.” Mpayew ACN) allocation of the work (T¥ES}@2) , ‘ay, we a a question 23 © a On aIFAM + (TIA problem, managere Fe geen: #7 employed someone else t0 take on a role of the manager, howeres es consulted me before making decisions © oi50 maneger HAMAR Ong ee ) iy . 7 ae Question 24 © 2 RATIO « FECTS new manager. poet ARAM OBER. (RSLRIEW “They were surprised that he has ter ‘uceesful in his role at the company, despite the longer meeting hours.” ‘ZSN C, 0 Question 25 A am Wele OFAUM : TENTS achievement. Hr RRHf « SeseAvLAGH— mural (SE) psd to biehen vp ou entrance a, Fa a 1 Se 4 * local primary school BIBHIRE, MG SBINSRE “The youngsters had a great time and hy air they were thrilled to be included.” ASD A. ‘ teh oft Question 26 solution this IFAM : CTIA employment, Hemi no, HOODIA. a SGA - HETEURTED “...we are always encountering issues with employment becaseitiey co hard to find people who are qualified for the roles that we were offering, but unfortunatly het it solution to this.” MCPCTRDRT employment DRAIVTA AAAI, CALL sluion. ‘i o Question 27 role of motivation of OFADRLW < ALTA staying organised, JLANTIAZIa. : P SUS - RIEL (LITE AES “Whilst 1 was leaming how to stay organised, | eld A role of motivation is essential.” ICD “essential” A “BKB”, Tenasetlet never 4 een so ; very is no tthe great TAPS AMA Tent 5 sn role of motivation, myn outure ‘si exe inthe library, LATA Zia), awl : fi eee “[ also suggest that you vist the libra ofa every valuable material on how to de HY, there i ef Wee PF LICNSE, TURE iS a section on culture clop your organisatio n skills. (ARENT LOS HMA RIaRR i 9 management of change {iB literature, HAMAS. yston fal: fel ee 72)". look up the literature on management oF change”, Bi @uiasge SE management fl él ou sain 30 nature of volunteering us eA articles, IMS. is) “mere YO will find articles on the nature of volunteering”, G270ULSN=RIK ’ 8 pacsouneetiis SECTION 4 ‘iecome class to your very first lecture in tl sg aysill, Dr Torben Dahl. Today we will be looking into the relationship ‘ave climate and architecture, where I will be giving you @ critical overview ‘fe main climate influences that shape the design of buildings. Throughout tis lecture series we will be looking at the latest research into climatic design caied out by experts in the field in addition to case studies and examples drawn Q31 fommodemist practice both in cities and rural areas. ‘his series on Architecture conducted st devastating effects Jon, avid rain is one of the climatic elements with the mo to peel, corrosion ‘tour architecture, The chemicals in acid rain can cause paint IGE sac as brides, and erosion of stone statues. Since te 1970s, ngoverment has been making great effort to reduce the release of these organisations have éenials into the atmosphere with positive results. Private ‘bo been raising awareness and funds and recently received a huge donation at the studies that have been carried out eres g to look ve bank. [tis interesting ¢ ' Seas a is of acid rain at varying altitudes. Research has shown that there 232 o the effects of acid 1 neh as how nto tl levels of acid in the damaging pollutants at higher altitudes, meaning are lower levels of eG ers are much less yulnerable to the negative effects as they are a a f damaging pollutants. exposed to acid rain with far lower levels o tl ¢ founded to carry out further research into Recently, ‘acid rain. This project is 4 old, traditional buildings of stone cons rain, Masonry is particularly vul 1 is imperative that we protect these the Alter Project wa: t rected towards studying the effects of acid rain on truction that are vulnerable to damage 934 Inerable as it is easily corroded used by acid ened by the acidic chemicals. | es of our history and culture. and weal buildings, as they are valuable exampl is one of the main sources of concern in the present day. The Pollution ably as a source of pollution in its truction industry contributes consider building materials such as conerete and glass, ‘methods are being developed to counter this. A cons day-to-day processes of creatin however, more new sustainable recent ease study for this is Sky Tower, whose windows have been made from recycled glass to prevent pollution from the glass-making process. ons Water is the most problematic element to be considered in construction. It is imperative that construction elements such as the insulation are fitted into the building in dry weather to prevent it from getting wet. This makes winter an undesirable season for construction as the heavy rainfall can have adverse effects 036 ‘on the building, Another climate type that has an enormous affect on buildings is humidity. Constructions made of steel and stone are largely unaffected by humidity, however, it can have a serious effect on wooden constructions if the 037 timber has not been correctly treated. Moisture from the air can condense in the grain of the wood, which then swells and shrinks in proportion to the magnitude of change in its moisture content. This variation in size can have disastrous consequences. In areas of the world that are prone to earthquakes, certain design and environmental conditions are preferable for protecting buildings in the event of a tremor. Engineers have come up with numerous building procedures to help minimise shaking in buildings. For example, tall buildings have height (ua) tio" and counterweights and multi-storey build; a ind conditions ings alls. Ground conditions are a cause for worry es have reinforced sts | js of the wrong densit in many ¢ | pate 8 density to protect the foundation" 035 y technology has now been developed that can help t sakes. Seismic sensors can give prior warning a minimise d; happen so that preparations can be made to protect oe : ca oth the peo ro ty € | ye : ake is it 10 ple and | seo from harm. The movement of building structures ca sp nasured and feat over time by architects. It has en can now also tteots within the design community that it would be oe heen by gal courses fOr designing buildings within earthquake zones, ee i given ected to be produced by the government in the near eae ive sox? tects @ universal checklist to follow. 039 040 That wraps UP the lecture for today. Please remember that attendance is undatory... (fade out] QSECTION 4 fii Question 31 cities AN : MII Cases and examples, BHM . HHI) “Throughout this lecture series we W! cinatic design carried out by experts in the field in addition to case studies and examples drawn from audenist practice both in cities and rural areas.” ch, “climatic design” #09 “SUBIR” =p ices and rural areas GNSRERCPERSAN, BULLEN cites. #27104 rural areas, AMATI. II be looking at the latest research into Question 32 bank te of been ener * sands and recently eee ® ge donain fom te *, Btea832 bank, Yestion 33, Skyscrapers wa FRAT lower levels of acid, mn ene BX “Research i hMeepoeg, Meee ee Js of acid in the damaging pollutants at higher altitug, les, there are lower level Mean in ‘8 thay rable to the negative effects as they are exposed t 0 acid rai N With fir ASHE, AMIE Shosenpen, BR, thay shown that skyserapers are much less vulne + levels of damaging pollutants.” lower xs. f Question 34 stone a AFANFRAY « OTA Alter Project, WeAMATIREIA en wt qf ezaf HEUTE IHD Alter Project UES). FRSC “This project is directed towards Studyin 1B the a] effects of acid rain on old, traditional buildings of stone construction...” , OAR " BRIE, ERLCICANE stone, ORG Question 35 Recycled glass IFAT - EWAN Sky Tower, HAMIASS. MOEA - HIB “A recent case study for this is Sky Tower, whose windows have b e from recycled glass to prevent pollution from the glass-making process.” KKHOJ3], sk i= 7 » Sky Tower by recycled glass DABGLLFERIREP ELDER, prevent [LLU T MEY reduce 35 IA Recycled glass, EBB—-THVSFSRAAS. ek Question 36 rainfall IFAD : EATS winter, MANTA. SIBARAT . SKOVSBAVBREL “This makes winter an undesirable season for construction as heavy rainfall can have adverse effects on the building”, GREG, rainfall APTAAS ‘a Question 37 wooden OFADFAY : EAT Humidity, HAMMUITZETS. MBS Humidity LE) VHRNOSEACAERH AW, EUTAAERARMREA [RICPFW A “Constructions made of steel and stone are largely unaffected by humidity, however, it can have a serious effect on wooden constructions if the timber has not been correctly treated.” Uti 1B wooden, Question 38 soil TFATAD : ETA density, LAMTIASIA. ao + 28 “Ground conditions are a cause for worry in many constructions as often the solisef e wrong density to protect he foundations” /ES, HRNWEEASION CHESS BURMA soil, Question 39 movement pli 2 FECDE monitor, LAME. ISREMT = FROGF “The movement of building structures can now also be measured an msi ; p aver time by architects. (30S, SBTANDAETE—FOASTEIPAY MAD Ha MIRRIRES MENA)”, CARIN movements question 40 guidelines - yfeT RR < ECS eovernment, WHAMTIR ENS. BRM : HUE “Guidelines are also expected to be produced by the government in the near future that will give architects a universal checklist to follow” DFARS BU BS — HEMI GHENT ge, wiULLAMA guidelines, ee SECTION 1 AGENT: — Hello, thank you for calling Iris Rentals. How can T help you? CLIENT: Yes, hello there, I'm ringing just to make enquiries about renting g new property and I came across a listing on your website that Pm, interested in. AGENT: Ohvyes. CLIENT: I'd like to find out a few more details, if I may AGENT: Yes, of course. Can I take your name? CLIENT: _ It’s Mary Collins. AGENT: Okay, Mary, I'm just searching our system for the property details, [s there any information in particular that you were wanting? CLIENT: Does the house have a gym? AGENT: No, the house doesn’t have a gym, however the house has a large swimming pool, which will be great for exercise and really refreshing during summer. CLIENT: Oh wow, that sounds lovely. What is the general layout of the house? AGENT: _ This house is rather unusual as the living room is located upstairs with the bedrooms, and downstairs at ground floor is the dining room, which has a lovely view out over the swimming pool. CLIENT: Does the house come with a car parking space on the street? AGENT Oh, there’s no need for that. The house comes with a big garage where you can park your cars and there’s also a lot of room for storage. It’s attached to the house through a door in the kitchen. CLIENT: Oh, that’s perfect, it'll make it far easier to carry my food shopping into the house. AGENT: Oh yes, absolutely. You actually don’t even need to take your car to do the shopping as the local supermarket is just down the street ‘You can walk the distance easily. CLIENT: Really? How convenient! Is there anywhere near to the house where I can take my children to play? AGENT: Unfortunately there aren’t any playgrounds nearby, but there is a park near the supermarket that would be great for taking your Example Ql Q2 3 4 5 CLIENT: AGENT CLIENT : AGENT : CLIENT AGENT CLIEN AGEN — children for a walk. It would also be » be a great place fo your neighbours. of you to meet Yes, that’s true, I love taking long walks in the park. I'm sure the sure will be a playground at the local schoo! anyway, watoat Yes, absolutely. The community has its own primary schook and y ary school ans there is a secondary school in the neighbouring communit ‘ommunity, so the are plenty of resources nearby for your children’s education CLIENT AGENT CLIENT: AGENT : CLIENT : AGENT: OK, great. What are the rental costs for the property? The monthly rent is $980, which is very reasonable considering the size of the house and the amenities that it has to offer. Does that figure include maintenance fees and bills? The bills are not included in that figure, but it does include any maintenance fees for the garden. ‘That sounds like a very reasonable price. We were hoping to move in on the 20" of April. Will the house be vacant for that date? The current tenants of the property are due to leave on the 20", but the cleaners will need a few days to make sure that the house is clean and tidy. This would make the house officially available on the 23" April. Well everything about the house sounds perfect...exactly what I'm looking for. What date would it be possible to view the property? I have arranged for the tenant to leave the property on Friday so | can show the house to prospective renters. Would you be able to make that day? Yes, I’m sure I could come on my lunch break. Would I o’clock be OK? 1’m afraid that I have a meeting at 12.30, so I won't be able to make that time. I have available appointments at 10.15 and 3 OK, in that case can we schedule the appointment for 10.15? No problem, Ill book it into my schedule. If you wouldn't mind arriving 5 minutes early that would be great, just so we can get started on time. Sure. What is the address? 6 08 The postcode is GASBER and the house is number 8 on Spring — Q/0 Street, It’s the second right off of Bath Street. ll CLIENT: — OK, that’s great, AGENT: Do you have any more questions? CLIENT: — Nope...thank you for your help. AGENT: No problem, See you on Friday. Bye! @ SECTION 1 Bi $$ Question 1 swimming pool OFADAR : EAT Facility, MAMA SIA. 8 & & ti ; GA “No, the house doesn’t have a gym, however the house has a large swimming pool, which will be great for exercise and really refreshing during summer” JA], available Bi i% swimming pool, Question 2. dining room OFAIHON . SEALE bedrooms, downstairs, HIMMIASIS (SIE). DSR : AMSSITESRAMMAVWE, TE “This house is rather unusual as the living room is located upstairs with the bedrooms, and downstairs at ground floor is the dining room...” Ftp upstairs #0 downstairs 2—WRNLS (HE, HR), dining room (FRET, AMASS. Question 3 garage OAT « FENDA Car park, LEAMUIASI. BSE. MBIA, OLER “The house comes with a big garage where you can park ”, EBICCIFDIAMA garage, your cars... Question 4 local supermarket OFAIFAM - TATA Shopping, MAMAS. BSR : HANOMRTE. “You actually don’t even need to take your car to do the shopping 1s the local supermarket is just down the street.” AslZS#H253E% local supermarket, Question 5 park OFAN : FEAT Place for children playing, J ANWIAI6). ABM . AVE “Unfortunately there aren’t any playgrounds nearby, but there is a park near the supermarket that would be great for taking your children for a walk. (IRSMITOAIMS, 8 BHEB-TAM, BHAFHDHGAN)”, ICAI park, facilities that we were able to provide, and so we deci FAR IIL “Test question 6 primary school AB, Tome 6 a f2) : ELTA Education resources, $877°35)% in the commun ry. MEANT 2 annem F im " i. unity, LEONI, Of BHRYE “The community has its own primary school and there is ouring community” ‘ shenei! y” RD, UAOEOAVEIR primary school, school, question 7 garden ipa « ENTION maintenance fees, Beshqy - A MiASis. gem: SPiDHT bill 0 maintenance fees HAA, AROSE « at igure, butt does include any maintenance fes for the _ ee The bills are not included den.” ATDASADLAMA garden question 8 23(rd) April FAA - ESTA Date, avaiable, HOMRE HE GSR: REPU TAI. SPHVARL20” Ay é : ot 1A RESO Lace AISRBORMR, PUBS ANIER Se aememeee Question9 10.15 IFAUMM) « FEGTIIA Viewing arrangement, EAN BYI5) en : Es viewing arrangement, FRSCCPYLGVE “view the property”, ME-BAR, BH wi \@ “OK, in that case car shedul 79 : * in we schedule the appointment for 10.152” “No, problem...” UF Question 10 Spring Street DRAIN : ATAA Address, HOMIES. MERA : 1BIE “The postcode is GASSER and the house is number 8 on Spring Street” GQ, tb SAAB Spring Street. SECTION 2 e Australian Wild Zoo. 1 would like Good morning everybody and welcome to th es that we have added to our Zoo {0 start by introducing you to the new featu iit Fecent renovation, Being the only zoo in the area, we receiv thousands Of visitors a year. We found that this huge footfall was 100 demanding for the ded to expand ourselves ence. We initially nd exciting experi 0 should in order to give every visitor a brilliant a however we felt that the 20 intended to build a new dog-walking ate animals, During our previous renovation we expanded the ‘oo would ber at this time the 200 from yy can now see a whole range of cater only to exotic fit mos exhibition centre and so we felt tl als, so visitor lian Wild Zoo, including lions and bears. introducing a new bate! new additions at the Aust With this huge improvement to our facilities, we also found it necessary to change our regulations, which we put into action 1 access to the z00 during weekdays and, as some of our newly added animals are nocturnal, guests may also now visit the animals late at night Unfortunately 912 some visitors had started feeding the animals during these late night viewing d-as a result we had to ban food times, which disrupted their feeding pattern an June. We now allow visitors in the viewing areas. « to the 200 is our native kangaroo, who we One of our most exciting addition: have their photo taken with have named Frisbee. For a fee of just $5, visitors can him and have it printed onto a selection of items such as key rings and mugs, At first visitors were also allowed to feed Frisbee items that we provided, such uuests started feeding him hamburgers and Q13. as carrots and leaves, however some gt ships so we were forced to forbid visitors from feeding him. As kangaroos are ehipseolwe we such calm animals, Frisbee isn’t disturbed by the noises and shouting of visitors which has helped him to settle in at his new home very quickly. at the zoo, ‘The pye-dog zone has been permanently closed throughout the winter period to allow the dogs to hibernate as they would in their natural habitat. We were very excited to be reopening the zone, however unfortunately we have been foreed 14 to close it temporarily as the result of a broken, fence, which will take about one week to fix. We were intending to renovate the zone with the other constructions that we were undertaking, but unfortunately we did not have sufficient funds. We understand that this temporary closure may disappoint our visitors, and so we have decided to offer a discounted price on our tickets for the next week. If you ask at the reception desk, they will happily direct you to the photo shop —Q//5 where you can purchase the ticket. The ticket will also entitle you to a 10% discount off any item in our gift shop where we sell a range of items including postcards and fluffy toys. Now we’re currently standing at the gate, which is marked with the arrow (29 TAR Saag 1 nthe map. Now if any of You need to visit thet sEidingte to our left, Out lets before we get st Out | fet started, tyre ret Het pid hide where We have over one hundred on SSTOSS the grass, there is the 016 ye even ave an interactive zone where you ¢ sinters with our parrots! What a great souy, up the path to the north, if you lo O17 - inne. Ahough it s closed, if any of the dogs are playing out apleto see them through the fence. And then let's pass by i ee isa sheltered part for Brolga watchers who can se itto spy thee g anaes And fier that I suggest that you all visit the rest are for some cola nee snacks as it is very hot outside, Its just a the northwest comer of the oa tatyou could eut across the pat to the large rectangular hut where youre = able to see our new addition of fierce lions. The mother has just had cub s just had cubs, so it is really quite a rare thing to see! And around to the west, for th : = - pe t those of you who want to visit Frisbee, our native kangaroo, he is in the circular sie anne - - jus up the path to the left. Don’t forget to have your photo taken with him! Now. as Imentioned before, you can purchase your discounted tickets atthe photo shop and this is also where you will come to collect any photos you have had taken at the zoo during your visit. The photo shop is located at the southwest comer of 020 : the 200. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy your visit. | QSECTION 2 Ri Question 11 B OFFA : FEAT new improvement, BSE: PEWSI VEN. ABT HO, BRAM, CHATRAMN. WOFREAIM “so we felt that this time the zoo would benefit most from introducing a new batch of animals”, RAYE B. Question 12 C FEIN - TTI change for the new regulation, r GER . AMAT AHN enacted HARILPAANLEIEA put into action, BA “ER, SHB". BSF FAA WEE “We now allow visitors access to the 200 during weekdays and, as some of ‘Our newly added animals are nocturnal, guests may also now visit the animals late at night.” ich ys “noctumal” 29 “WTA”. BARMAT RTM, PILES EOL, aL c. a Question 13 C OF ATHY « ELIA kangaroo, : HER: AMSSNLSURBNAAI MITA, LPIER “however some guests started feeding him hamburgers and chips so we were forced to forbid visitors from feeding him” , a Question 14 A OFRDWOM « REATIIA pye-dog zone, SBMA « HF pye-dog zone (SIR) HK, ATFIULHT, MARMARA RA, RaRaR \S8YS<2G0ERESE “unfortunately we have been forced to close it temporarily as the result of a broken fence”, UM A. Question 15 B OFAIFAM : EATIAA discounted ticket. BIGBAT - ERDKRYE “...they will happily direct you to the photo shop where you can purchase the ticket...” GR], photo shop BATA IR, RAB. Question 16 G ORT « MIA Bird hide, SSSA . BIZ “Our to the east, just across the grass, there is the bird hide (BURE, Sey, ATMS)”, TA Bird hide WMAVAWAHHN G. Question17 B OFAUFAM) : TELIA Pye-dog zone. DEPT : $B “And up the path to the north, if you look in front of you now, there is the pye-dog zone (MEBVAC7S, BITIEWSIYVEBIIX)”, TH Pye-dog zone WHEE HN B. Question 18 A OFFA : EIA Rest area, BBB : MEENA “Itis just at the northwest comer of the zoo”, GH] Rest area WHA SWAP A. Question 19 F OFEDFUM : FEMTIIA Kangaroo visiting site, SSA « #4E “And around to the west, for those of you who want to visit Frisbee, our native Kangaroo, he isin the circular shaped hut just up the path to the left. (48S BUI ]ASLBVSE Frisbee #, WABUE, CHEAT) EB)”, TAQ Kangaroo Visiting site HMEVEHOBPH F question 20D oppor = SECTION 3 JONES: MR THOMPSON: JONES: MR THOMPSON: JONES: MR THOMPSON: a JONES: MR THOMPSON: TARA Rs mig 9) Photo shop, ener) IAD Photo shop SATAY sweRCH EN p t comer of the zoo, nese He ( foertins on ae? : in ee studying Sustainability here at ee about the summer course that re sis ie ee © questions about it, Yes, of course, please fire away. Has the course been effective in improving the environment? Yes, absolutely. We have seen great results. Last year we planted a small field of trees and we have been measuring their oxygen outputs to see the benefits that they have provided to the environment. Since we were regulated by law last month, we are now able to hugely enhance our efforts. Our current goal is to introduce a lot more tree species to the plot so that we can establish a complex habitat and compare the benefits of each species. In order to do this we need to get a lot more students involved in the project, so I am very pleased to hear about your interest. Well, the project sounds fascinating. I would definitely like to be involved. Absolutely. Over the years we have received funding from selling shares, but the biggest id improvement in our rese from a yo fun ly improved that we received in the first year. This has ee ince won prizes for our the organisation and we have st research. private investors and from arch came “Test 6 Osi 21 922 Gs) JONES: MR THOMPSON: JONES: MR THOMPSON: JONES: MR THOMPSON: JONES: MR THOMPSON: Wow, how impressive! Yes, it is of the utmost importance to our organisation that we find a way to repair the terrible damage that has been done to the environment by the human species. This is no small undertaking and our resources still need management, but from reports taken of our studies we have found that teachers and students have greatly benefitted from field. trips to the tree plantation. Yes, I visited the plantation myself on a field trip two years ago and I found myself greatly impressed by it. We have received a lot of feedback from visiting groups telling us how impressed teachers, researchers and students alike have been during their visits. Due to the educational facilities that we have carefully structured, I know that the visits are useful and engaging for students and that their experience is particularly special. So what is the particular focus of the organisation and the reports that it provides? Lam personally very interested in soil erosion, so 1 knew that | definitely wanted to focus some of the report on this area. Before I set up the organisation, I looked up information on what areas were currently being researched and I found that there were already studies into air pollution and water pollution. I obviously wanted to find a unique area to research and so these were no good. I was tempted to look into the background of overgrazing, but the impacts of forest exploitation are far more devastating and very little research has been carried out on this subject, so I decided that this should also form some focus for the report, Yes, that makes sense, What have you found to be the greatest benefits of the activities carried out by the organisation? Thave found that the greatest benefits are not the ones that anyone can learn from a book, like how to collect data, 024 025 026 Fe. ave periken Tented their confidence Uno iiceikanipReRe fetime. punctuality, as each day’ sure that they are not late fo ae heir practical experience they hi pearly ate Wake-up early to make 028 sessions. JONES: If I decide to attend the summer Course, what will I be E doing for the rest of the time when no activities are going E on? NR THOMPSON: Well, we unfortunately don't yet have a library onsite, so you would be unable to read reference books although you are obviously welcome to bring some books of your own with you. We offer a range of fun hobbies, such as games 1 and painting, for students to participate in outside of their | classes so you could participate in one of these activities. g79 We do not offer tutorials outside of the scheduled classes, however you are free to interview teachers and ask them 939) any questions you may have about the research. JONES: Well, the course sounds fantastic. I would definitely like to participate during the summer. Thank you so much for your help. MRTHOMPSON: No problem at all, here is a form with all of the details. 1 look forward to seeing you there. ae Question 21 A | regulated by law last month, we are now able to hugely ‘enhance our efforts.” SAREE A, Question 22 C OATH . HOTZ biagest reason, improved greatly. MEERA , RLLCSRIG EMT, 4298 “but the biggest improvement in Our research came from g government fund that we received in the first year” O70. WBC. Question 23 B OFADFAR) - KENTA reports. # Hee : AMLREA. BSSRLZSRA SD. FELT “but from reports taken of our 4 that teachers and students have greatly benefitted from field trips to the tree studies we have foun plantation.” PoE BwSS B. Question 24 A FST - FENTIAP obtain the special experience. SRM . ABLYZTV “Duc to the educational facilities that we have carefully structured, I know that the visits are usefal and engeging for students and that their experience is particularly special.” j, DOD, SPERMS, HABE A Questions 25-26 B&D (IN EITHER ORDER) ORADFAM : REATIA focus on. SM; XL PK “1am personally very interested in soil erosion, so T knew that I definitely wanted to focus some of the report on this area”, EULLHRESZHTABIA soil erosion, EB. TE 22—h “but the impacts of forest exploitation are far more devastating and very little research has been carried out on this subject, so I decided that this should also form some focus for the report”, ©] %] forest exploitation (AMAR) ADNAALERARSPN—TAEm, WED. Questions 27-28 A&B (IN EITHER ORDER) OF ADF : TEATIA benefits of this activity, SGA : ISR “Students who have partaken in the summer course have massively enhanced their confidence (ARAN FLESSUTHARAWRA)”, DURPHNSI2—2B 32618. 3% B. MGieiWitt “each day they have to wake up early to make sure that they are not late for their practical experience sessions (KH JSAAGAEARR, AVE LRRRARE!)”. aE WFEDABENT, Blt A. Questions 29-30 C & D (IN EITHER ORDER) OFADFAM : FATIIW the rest of time when no activities, SPH « WFACELHANA *... what will I be doing for the rest of the time when no activities are going on?” #4289} {E “Well, we unfortunately don’t yet have a library on site, so you would © j to be used on the roads. As i currently in operation, ead reference books... We offer a res Ter a range of fun hobbieg 0 YOU could participa AATOSIO. so-esen se ler you are free to tiv y ‘0 interview teachers, i AAD BAS» CLE MER mepeay sECTION 4 good morning. In the last few lectures I've been talkin - g about tl seinology in the moder world. But today 1 want to u ut the history of «ud, which is a company that develops complex scien : Fi en afindustries and disciplines. Since the camera was invented Entei hie changed and improved dramatically with cameras now in existence that 3 Pa onthe head of'a pin. The company has been founded on a series Bip . which the company operates in its day-to-day business, the most important a these being to enhance the present development of camera technology. Roberts has a philosophy pioneering and innovation, having been responsible {or the invention of numerous technologies since it was founded by Dwayne Roberts in 1957. It has achieved many of its aims over the years, but its principal and founding aim persists through time, which is to explore new facts and imagine the unimaginable. ‘The cameras produced by Roberts have a multitude of potential applications that are currently being explored. One of these is an anti-gravity camera that they aim to attach to a space satellite from where it will record live, high-definition video and provide fascinating new views of planet earth. It could also prove useful in exploring other planets by providing researchers with never before seen images of the universe. Roberts are also experimenting with attaching the cameras to small drones that will fly through the rainforest in search of plants that could be used to develop future medicine, The camera also has the potential 20% cheaper than the speed cameras that are this means that more of them could be ‘toad network where they can control traffic by m by the speed regulations. (fun hobbies), aie K TARSA AMM rome 031 032 Q33 034 distributed across waking sure that all cars 035 the cameras are presently eras are presently Despite this diverse range of potential applications, re domestic purposes. Roberts’ cam used for very different, mo .eir nannies to ensure that used as nanny-cams, which allow parents to wateh th ren that they have been employed they are responsibly attending to the chi to care for THREE parents peace of iN ana Reae aS occ their child’s welfare whilst they are at work or otherwise occupied. The highest sales of the company are in toys that have the cameras hidden within them. This means that the cameras are camouflaged fro clever idea out of place in the child’s nursery. The toys are also very robust, 80 children can play with them without damaging them in the process ‘The toys are designed to look like animals and come in a range of shapes, sizes and colours as well as smal epecies such as monkeys and bears. These toys are incredibly ight in any toy store for only $20. Always eager to be Roberts are now working on a product that contraption is a mini m view and do not look different animal spe popular and can be bou constantly improving their products, will change the way people see photography. This new camera that is built into eyewear such as glasses and sunglasses where it can capture the world as you see it. Holiday makers and tourists no longer have to carry a big, heavy camera around with them on thei travels! They ean instead purchase a set of eyewear with the built-in camera, which will capture the moment with a simple tap. Roberts are also developing a model of this tiny camera for use during medical procedures and operations. The camera will be used during non-invasive keyhole surgeries to enable the surgeon to see what they are doing inside the body without having to make a large incision. This innovative application for the camera could make surgeries a lot faster and the saved time and energy will ‘also make it far more efficient, As the patient will no longer have to undergo a large incision for their surgery, it also means that their recovery will be much faster with a greatly reduced chance of post-op infection. If any of you have an interest in working in this field of technological invention, Roberts is a very diverse and fast-growing company that would be a fantastic internship opportunity. Every year they organise a series of competitions where 40 entrants stand the chance of winning a place in their internship programme, so I would suggest that all of you enter. (39 TARA I IMI went @ sup the lecture for today. Please e 1 ral . Se I Q ; QSECTION 4 BAH : Se ie by question 31. present Ne 3M) : FEAT the most important pri eT ™ t Lad ae BA =e a emanct FI ce rein 2 -0-

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