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Space Ship Storage

NASA is planning to make a new space craft that will have a rectangular cargo bay.
It is important for the bay to hold as much as possible, but it should be made with the
smallest amount of material possible to cut down on costs.

The designers are told that the rectangle should have a perimeter of 48 yards. How can
they make this rectangle so that it will contain as much area as possible?

Cut two pieces of pipe cleaner 24 cm long. Use the two pieces to represent your 48 yards
of perimeter. Experiment with various rectangles. What is the biggest area you can make?



Extension: Now NASA wants to make a rectangular holding area for specimens inside
the Space Shuttle Cargo Bay. One wall of the holding tank will be along the wall of the
shuttle. The other three walls will be made from a sheet of metal that is 32 feet long.
What dimensions will the holding bay have if you want the maximum area possible?

Holding Tank


Cargo Bay

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 1 Page 103


Kepler’s Laws
In the early 1600’s Johannes Kepler was busy studying the skies. He figured out some laws
that govern how the planets and other bodies such as comets travel. He first noticed that their
orbits were in the shape of an ellipse, and he also noticed something about their speed.

Planets sweep out equal areas in equal times.

Example: Imagine this is the orbit of a comet going around the sun. While the comet moves
from point A to B, we can imagine that it covers a wedge of the ellipse shaded below.


While it moves from C to D, a different wedge is covered. Kepler’s law says that when
the time traveled is equal, the area of the wedges has to be equal.

1. Which of the diagrams below could represent equal time periods in a comet’s path?



2. Does the planet move faster when it is close to the sun, or far away?

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Kepler’s Laws (cont.)

The diagram below shows one year in the path of a comet. Which other diagram would
also show about one year?

Path of one year

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 3 Page 105

Circumference Stumpers

Find the perimeter of each shaded figure below.

1. 100 meters

30 meters

The ends of this track are semicircles.

The top of this shape is a semicircle.

12 meters

50 meters 50 meters


24 meters

Page 106 Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 4

Eyes on Space
Some of the world’s biggest telescopes are listed below. In each case, the diameter is
given. Find the radius and circumference. Use the pi key on your calculator, and round
to the nearest tenth.
Telescope Diameter Radius Circumference

Radio Telescope 1000 feet ______ _________

Arecibo, PR

Very Large Array 82 feet ______ _________

Socorroo, NM ( has 27 units of 82 feet each)

Radio Telescope 100 meters ______ _________

Effelsburg, Germany

Hale Telescope 200 inch ______ _________

Mount Palomar, CA

Reflector scope 236 inches ______ _________

Zelenchukskaya, Russia

Yerk’s Refractor 40 inches ______ _________

William’s Bay, Wisconsin

Put the diameters above in order from smallest to largest.

Convert each diameter above to yards. (100 meters is about 330 feet.)

Diameter given above Equivalent diameter in yards

_______________ ____________

_______________ ____________

_______________ ____________

_______________ ____________

_______________ ____________

_______________ ____________

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 5 Page 107

Estimation Problem Discussion Cards

Problem 1 Problem 2
Airline engineers need to know the weight of An apple farmer is planning the budget for
a plane and its cargo in order to make his upcoming year. His income is based
decisions that will enable the plane to take solely on the amount of apples his trees
off. These decisions might involve the area of produce. In his newest orchard section, the
wings or size of fuel tanks. trees produce an average of 112 pounds of
apples per tree. But in some years and in
A certain plane can hold 200 passengers and some trees the production is as low as 80
it is estimated that they will weigh an average pounds per tree and at best the production is
of 150 pounds with weights ranging from 60 125 pounds per tree. He can sell his apples at
pounds to 300 pounds. 50 cents per pound.

What error can occur if they use the lightest What error can occur if they use the lightest
weight as an estimate? weight as an estimate?
What error can occur if they use the heaviest What error can occur if they use the heaviest
weight as an estimate? weight as an estimate?
What error can occur if they use the average What error can occur if they use the average
weight as an estimate? weight as an estimate?
Which is best? Is any estimate adequate? Which is best? Is any estimate adequate?

Problem 3 Problem 4

Susan and Jim are running a concession stand Your job is to make a car parking lot that will
for a baseball park. In planning how much hold 100 cars. You plan to arrange the lot
food to prepare, they use statistics from with 2 double rows of 25 and 3 traffic lanes,
previous sales. The park normally has 550 each 25 feet wide. Cars vary in length from
people attending. The lemonade sales per 12 to 18 feet. The average length is 13 feet.
customer varies from 3 oz. per customer to
16 oz. per customer with an average of 7 oz. What error can occur if you use the shortest
per customer. length as an estimate?
What error can occur if they use the smallest What error can occur if you use the longest
measure as an estimate? length as an estimate?
What error can occur if they use the largest What error can occur if you use the average
measure as an estimate? length as an estimate?
What error can occur if they use the average Which is best? Is any estimate adequate?
measure as an estimate?
Which is best? Is any estimate adequate?

Page 108 Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 6


Hubble Telescope

Use π = 3.14

1. The Hubble Telescope has a mirror which is 94 inches in

What is its radius?______
Circumference? ___________

2. The Hubble Telescope is about 43 feet long

and 14 feet wide. What is something on
Earth which is about this size?

3. The Hubble weighs 25,500 pounds. How many tons is this? _______
About how many cars would it take to equal the weight of the Hubble? ______
About how many grown men would it take to equal the weight of the Hubble? _____

4. The Hubble orbits Earth about 340 milesabove

abvet the surface of the Earth. ______
Find two cities in the US which are about that distance apart. _________

5. What is the advantage of having the Hubble telescope in space?

The Hubble has helped us see many space objects more clearly, and to discover many
that we had not seen before. It has helped scientists detect a galaxy which is
further away from us than any found before. It is estimated that this
the furthest
galaxy is 13,000,000,000 (13 billion) light years from us.

6. What number can you multiply 13 million by to get 13 billion?

13,000,000 x ______________ = 13,000,000,000

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II -7 Page 109


Make Your Own Graduated Cylinders

Materials: Various transparent cylinders with vertical sides such as olive jars, perfume sample vials
medicine bottles
graph paper with grids of various sizes
fine point marking pen that will write on glass or plastic
one standard measure that can measure a liter or other convenient amount
How to divide a length into ten equal parts
Use 11 parallel lines that divide a section of a page into ten equal spaces. These lines can be from
notebook paper or graph paper. The height from the top line to the bottom needs to be less than the
length of the object you want to divide.
Place the object that you want to divide
so that the top edge is on the top line and
the bottom edge is on the bottom line.

Suppose we want to divide

the part of this cylinder marked
by a heavy line into ten parts.

Tilt the cylinder, or a strip of paper cut to the

same size, so that the top of the heavy line is
on the top parallel line, and the bottom of the
scale line is on the bottom parallel line. The
parallel lines now show you positions to mark
for the ten division lines.

1. Mark one of your containers so that each division line represents a deciliter (0.1 liter).
2. Are the lines far enough apart so that you can divide each space into ten equal parts?
3. Now measure a deciliter and pour it into a smaller container that is nearly the same size.
Perhaps a large pill bottle would work. Divide this so that each mark represents a centiliter
(0.01 liter). Are the lines far enough apart so that you can divide the spaces into ten equal
parts again? If so these will be milliliters (0.001 liter).
4. Now measure a centiliter into a smaller container that is nearly the same size. (Some food
coloring comes in plastic vials that may be about the right size. To use those, cut off the
tops.) Divide this into milliliters.
5. Do you have a vial that you can divide into tenths of a milliliter? (A perfume sample vial
might work.)
6. Keep making measuring containers that are more and more precise. What is the most precise
container you can make? If you had smaller and smaller containers, what other factors might
limit your precision or cause error?

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Discuss each situation with your group. Other groups may have different ideas and answers.
Be prepared to explain why you chose the answer you did.

1. Dr. Morton’s lab has a ruler that can be used to measure to the nearest millimeter, a micrometer
that can be used to measure to the nearest millionth of a meter, and a measuring stick that can be
used to measure to the nearest centimeter. He also has a scale that can be used to measure
to the nearest ten grams, and a balance that can be used to measure to the nearest tenth of a
milligram. He has a dose spoon that can be used to measure to the nearest centiliter, a cup that
can be used to measure to the nearest deciliter, and a graduated cylinder that can be used to
measure to the nearest milliliter. Which tool should he use to measure each of the following?

a. Weight of a newborn baby. e. Height of an elderly patient.

b. Weight of a headache powder he is prescribing. f. Length of a antibiotic capsule.
c. The amount of water he wants to use in his tea pot.
d. The amount of liquid penicillin he needs to add in making an antibiotic capsule.

2. Dr. Morton’s three assistants are helping him make some anti-itch powder. Tom uses the
scale and weighs out 320 grams of cornstarch to use as the base for the powder. Sue uses the
balance and weighs out 50.2 milligrams of itch reliever for the powder. Ben uses the balance
and weighs out 1.3 milligrams of perfumed salts to use in the powder. They mix this together,
put it in a package, and label the package, “Anti-itch Powder – 320.0515 grams” Is there an
error here?

3. Dr. Morton has asked his assistants to measure a triangular region that showed up on an x-ray.
The region is a right triangle, and Tom measures one leg to be 11 cm long. Ben measure the
other leg and finds that it is 6 cm long. They both used the measuring stick. Sue uses the
Pythagorean Theorem and reports that the hypotenuse is 12.529964 cm long. Is there an error

4. Discuss the best tools and techniques to use in mixing three ingredients to make a dry
medicine that is combined by weight. The medicine is very strong and should be taken with
extreme caution.

5. Discuss the best tools and techniques to use in measuring and constructing two congruent
right triangles that will be used to hold up a shelf. The shelf is about the width of a notebook
and should be about table height.

6. Discuss the best tools and techniques to use in measuring three liquids that will be used in a
lotion to soothe aching muscles.

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II -9 Page 111


Slicing π

radius = 3 units

Cut the wedges from the diagram above and rearrange them into a shape as much like a
rectangle as you can make it. What is the width of your “rectangle?” What is the length?

If this were a rectangle, what would its area be?

unite, you use the variable r as the radius, what would the area be?
If instead of 3 units,s

Page 112 Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 10

Bean π

1) Fill the circle with a layer of beans.

2) Put aside the beans you used to fill the circle.
3) Now cut apart the four squares and arrange them into a line. Each square has area = r2.
4) Use your beans to fill in the line of squares. Start at the left and fill in as far as you can go.
How many squares were you able to fill in? What number do you think this is?

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 11 Page 113

Nearly π

1. As you can see, the area of the circle and the area of the octagon are very close. If the radius of
the circle is 1unit, what is its area?

2. If the radius of the circle is 1 unit, what is the side length of each small square?

3. What is the area of each square? Of each triangle?

4. What is the area of the entire octagon?

5. How does this compare with the value of π ?

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Shape Exploration

The pieces above include a 3 x 3 square, a 4 x 4 square, a 3 x 4 rectangle, and some triangles that
are formed by cutting the 3 x 4 rectangle along the diagonal. The figure above shows that the
hypotenuse of this triangle is 5.

1. Find the area and perimeter of each of the different shapes.

2. Make as many parallelograms as you can from two or more of the pieces above. Record your
results on grid paper.

3. Make as many trapezoids as you can. Record your results on grid paper.

4. Find the area and perimeter of each parallelogram and trapezoid that you drew. You will be
able to get the perimeters and areas by looking at the various pieces used in making the shape.

5. Can you determine a way to get the area of any parallelogram? any trapezoid?

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 13 Page 115

Grid Paper

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Pick-Up Area


1 2 2

1.5 3/
4 1/
1 2

2 16

2 2
1 1
1 1/
2 1/

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 15 Page 117


Pick-Up Area


2 2 4

9.2 3/
2 4
2 1

8 4

1 4
1 1
1 1

Page 118 Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 16

Pick-Up Area


2 3 16

3.2 3/
2 3
3 1

2 6

3/ 3
1 1
2 3/

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 17 Page 119

Pick-Up Area


1 2 6

3.1 5/
2 4
2 2

4 4

1 4
2 2
1 1

Page 120 Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 18

Pick-Up Area


3 3 4

7.2 5/
2 8
6 2

4 6

1 8
3 3
2 1

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 19 Page 121

Pick-Up Area


2 4 6

7.2 5/
2 8
6 2

2 8

2 8
2 2
2 2

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Pick-Up Area

12 Sorry! 12 Sorry!

8 1 8 1

6 2 6 2

4 3 4 3

12 Sorry! 12 Sorry!

8 1 8 1

6 2 6 2

4 3 4 3

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 21 Page 123

Finding Area

1. Find the area of the space station shown below. Note: All vertical and horizontal
segments meet at right angles.

20 m

20 m

2. What is the name of this shape?

3. Do all eight interior angles of the shape have the same measure? What is their
measure? Explain your answer.

4. Do all eight sides of this shape have the same measure? Explain your answer.

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Mini Review - Area
1. The area of the rectangle shown is 48 square cm. What is the area of the shaded triangle?

2. The area of the rectangle shown is 48 square cm. What is the area of the parallelogram shown?

Find the area of each figure shown. Measurements are in inches.

3. 4. 42
6 12

5 8

Find the shaded area. Measurements are in centimeters.

5. 6. Q

24 A B

AB = 18, PQ = 12

Classroom Strategies Blackline Master II - 23 Page 125

Mini Review – Area (cont.)

Fill in each blank below.

7. 1 square foot = ________ square inches 8. 1 square yard = ________ square feet

9. 1 square meter = _________ square cm 10. 1 square cm = ______ square mm

11. 36 square yards = ________ square feet 12. 3000 square cm = _______ square m

Find each shaded area below. Show your work. Measurements are in inches.
13. A 14.

6 18

B AB = 17

15. 16. 8 8
16 16

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