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Presented to the Marketing

De La Salle University - Manila

3rd Term, A.Y. 2018-2019

In partial fulfillment
of the course


Submitted by:
Caron, Karl Audrei Pauline D.
Cruz, Czarina Francesca Dominique C.
Moleta, Juan Alfonso O.

Submitted to:
Mr. Warren Go

August 15, 2019

I. Shadow Project
A. Vision Mission Statement
Vision Mission

Be the no. 1 ice cream company in the Share happiness by providing

Philippines. affordable and high quality products,
one scoop of ice cream at a time.

B. Channels Commented [1]: lagy niyo explanations/strategies

used under each pic
1. Convenience Store (7-Eleven)

The first strategy that we chose is the advertisement of Selecta on the

windows of 7 - Eleven. They are introducing a product which is the
Selecta Overload. This advertisement is eye catching for people passing
by the convenience store because of its size and color. It would make
people curious to try their new product with the help of Selecta’s
endorsers, Carmina Villaroel and her family.
The first channel is 7 - Eleven and the strategy of Selecta is to provide freezers
for the Selecta’s products. Based on our observation, Selecta products are
only sold in this certain 7 - Eleven. This might be an agreement between the
two parties, Selecta providing a freezer for free as long as 7 - Eleven only
carries Selecta products. From a consumer’s perspective, they would have no
other choice but to buy Selecta since its the only brand available.

2. Restaurants
a) Tapsi Ni Vivian
This is a restaurant located in Pasig, the only ice cream they sell is Selecta.
Customers can choose if they want the cornetto ice cream or if they would
rather buy per scoop. The brand and its products are highlighted because
there is a freezer sponsored by Selecta located near the cashier so that every
customer who will buy will see it. From the research, the group figured out that
the agreement with Selecta and the restaurant includes the freezer and
discounted price for the products.

b) Mang Inasal

Aside from their chicken, Mang Inasal is also known for their traditional Filipino
“pampalamig” which is the Halo-Halo, and one of its ingredients is ice cream.
As seen in their pub, the logo of Selecta is featured which indicates that the ice
cream that they use is from Selecta. Advertisements that include another brand
or company’s logo are paid which indicates that Selecta paid Mang Inasal.
Aside from this, there are a couple of Mang Inasal branches that has their
Selecta Freezer displayed near the kitchen, another example of brand

3. Sari-Sari Store

Sari-Sari Stores are a big hit in the country because it sells products per piece
and usually at a low price which the mass can afford. The weather in the country
is usually hot, which is a big advantage for this Sari-Sari Store and Selecta.
This Sari-Sari store only sells Selecta products and it has its Selecta Freezer
displayed in front of the store and although it is not seen in the picture, there is
also a poster of Selecta at the roof of the store. Selecta sponsored the freezer
and discounted products or sometimes free additional products in exchange for
these highlights/exposures.
C. Agreement Between Buyer and Seller Commented [2]: gawin ba natin tong paragraph form?

● Selecta products to be placed near the counter or in front of the

store given that they provide their own freezer and they pay a
certain fee
● 711 is entitled to a percentage in sales to cover the expenses
(marketing, storage, etc.)
● Selecta paid a premium for their logo to be included in the
advertisement of Mang Inasal’s Halo halo
● Selecta paid an advertisement fee for them to be able to put a big
sticker of their product in the window of 7-11
● Regular schedule of delivery
● Selecta provided a freezer for the sari-sari store given that it is
placed in front of the store. Favorable to both parties because:
Selecta gets the endorsement they want, sari-sari store owners be
able to place other products in the freezer. (a refrigerator full of
selecta logo visible to buyers and selecta logo in the sari sari store

D. KRA and KPI

Key Results Area Key Performance Indicators

Increase of brand awareness When people see or look at:

● Placement of products
● Advertisements

Increase of customer satisfaction People will return to the store to buy

Selecta products

Increase of market share (Selecta) Increase in sales of Selecta products

Have a good relationship with the Have the brand rent spaces in more
brand (channel) branches of the store/channel

For increase in brand awareness, the indicator for this is when

people see o or look at the placement of products such as the freezer as
well as the advertisements placed inside and outside the store. The second
one is the increase of customer satisfaction and the indicator for this is when
people return to the store to buy Selecta products. Selecta’s market share
will increase if the sale of their products increase as well. Lastly, the channel
has a good relationship with the brand when the brand decides to keep
distributing or distribute their products in more branches of the particular

II. Personal Reflections

A. Caron
Aside from the technical and academic things that Mr. Warren taught
us, what struck me the most and I will probably remember for the rest of my
working life are his stories about his life. I think these life lessons will be
very helpful for me because in the real world, anyone can learn the technical
stuff but not everyone can be a good person, a risk-taker, and most of all,
wise. I might not be the best nor as good in the written exams as my
classmates but I know that after this class, I have learned lessons that
conditioned me into becoming the best version of myself, and I am one step
closer to being successful in whatever work I will choose in the future. I have
reflected on myself and I am truly grateful.
With that being said, I learned that we must be polite and decent all the
time but also set limits most especially if the other party disrespects you.
Respect begets respect. Second, taking risks will get you far. There is
nothing wrong with failing. You only fail when you have learned nothing.
Like what Sir Warren said, when your plan fails, change your method or
plans, but do not change the goal. I know there will be a lot of times where
I will fail but I will always remember to strive harder and think outside the
box and I am not afraid to fail.

The guest speaker taught the importance of always putting the people
first. Because in the business industry, your company will not be successful
if you do not have a good relationship with your customers. It also made me
realize how important it is to look at a problem from all possible
perspectives. If you struggle at one thing and you can’t seem to think of a
strategy to get pass it, you should see it from another perspective because
sometimes the problem that you see is shallow compared to the real cause
of it. And when you think and plan of its solution, you should also think of
everything and everyone it’s going to affect. Not only does “people first”
apply to company-customer relationship, it also applies in life in general.
Having a good relationship with people will help you in so many ways, and
sometimes, you’lll be surprised what a good relationship can do for you and
will change your life.

B. Cruz
I think that the most important discussions were the ones where Mr.
Go would share his insights about his work/job since these are the things I
don’t necessarily get to learn in other subjects. The knowledge I value the
most are the ones I can apply in real life and I think it’s very useful to know
about what to expect after I graduate and start working.
As for the guest speaker, what I learned from his talk was that we
shouldn’t quickly make decisions. Based on the ballpen question (black,
red, and yellow), there are 3 types of people: one who quickly decides what
to do, one who analyzes, and one who is usually quiet but often has the
best ideas/suggestions. It is important to really analyze certain problems or
situations before formulating solutions for them because the first solution
we think of is not always the wisest. In addition to that, we must also listen
to other people and be mindful of their ideas (people first).

C. Gonzales
The course made me become more knowledgeable about different
kinds of insights to strategic planning and account management most
especially in the part where the class delved deeper into the subject of
strategic manual processes. It emphasizes that in a good strategic plan, it
operates at two levels; the team leaders and the higher ups. The team
leaders were the one who manages the man power in executing the plan
that the higher ups managed to plan. With these, I am able to apply it in my
daily routine as a student. As a student, my time management has improved
a lot. These improvements helped me to strategically plan or organize my
courses of action. I also absorbed all the specific key insights that are
required in order for a person to be called a ‘good’ leader’.

D. Moleta
The main thing I learned about this course is the negotiations
between buyer and seller. For me, this is the main lesson of the course
because this is where businesses are formed, this is how businesses move,
or earn. Through negotiations, buyers and sellers come to an agreement on
how they will do business together. Without negotiation, buyers and sellers
will not be able to work in harmony. Hence, both will not be able to provide
top quality service to their respective customers.
This course could help me in my future because by finishing the
subject, I now have the knowledge on how transactions between buyer and
seller work. I will be able to apply all my learning in this course to my future
work and hopefully I can perform and meet or even exceed the expectations
of my future bosses. I believe the challenging part of the course is reviewing
the case study. I find it hard because there are no right or wrong answers.
It is purely based on our understanding of the problem. There may be no
right or wrong answers, but there are the best possible answer to the
problem which makes it hard because we do not know if our answers
addresses the problem or not. But overall, I enjoyed the class and I believe
I have learned all the concepts that the course has to offer.
What I learned from the guest speaker is when he made us choose
what color of marker does each of us want. I got intrigued because I chose
yellow. When he defined what choosing yellow means, I was shocked
because it clearly reflects me. I am the type of person where I really do not
share my insights because I am scared that maybe my idea is wrong or is
not helpful when in fact, it is the best. I have encountered this experience
many times in class. I also learned about empathy because Sir (I can't
remember his name) emphasized to not forget about it because that word
will bring us far enough to achieve our dreams.

E. Sampang

What I learned from this course is how to decide on certain situations that
would benefit me and the people that are affected. It is very unethical for a
higher ranking official to earn money through illegal activities in the company
resulting to the employees suffering from his/her actions. This would be very
helpful for me in the future because my goal is to become a business owner,
and along the way there would be decisions that i would have to make in
order to achieve my goal. I can pick choices that would benefit the company,
me, and also the employees.

What I remembered from the talk is put people first. By putting people first,
your employees would work harder because of how you treat them and also
for incentives. Without the people working in the company, it would not
operate. As a future business owner, this would also help me in the future.

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