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Republic of the Philippines


Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila


TOPIC : Organizational Development – ACTIVITY SHEET

NAME : Benson G. Primero
DATE : June 1, 2019
COURSE/PROGRAM : MAED- Administration and Supervision

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the activity, the students are expected to
 To understand the difference between the causes and the symptoms of
a problem :
 To identify the steps of a problem solving process using only one verbal
 To develop sensitivity in determining the real causes of a problem.

II. Introduction/Orientation

Problem-solving and decision-making. Ask anyone in the workplace if these activities are
part of their day and they answer 'Yes!' But how many of us have had training in problem-
solving? We know it's a critical element of our work, but do we know how to do it effectively?
People tend to do three things when faced with a problem: they get afraid or
uncomfortable and wish it would go away; they feel that they have to come up with an
answer and it has to be the right answer; and they look for someone to blame. Being faced
with a problem becomes a problem. And that's a problem because, in fact, there are always
going to be problems!
There are two reasons why we tend to see a problem as a problem: it has to be solved and
we're not sure how to find the best solution, and there will probably be conflicts about what
the best solution is. Most of us tend to be "conflict-averse". We don't feel comfortable dealing
with conflict and we tend to have the feeling that something bad is going to happen. The goal
of a good problem-solving process is to make us and our organization more "conflict-friendly"
and "conflict-competent".
There are two important things to remember about problems and conflicts: they happen
all the time and they are opportunities to improve the system and the relationships. They are
actually providing us with information that we can use to fix what needs fixing and do a
better job. Looked at in this way, we can almost begin to welcome problems! (Well, almost.)
Because people are born problem solvers, the biggest challenge is to overcome the
tendency to immediately come up with a solution. Let me say that again. The most common
mistake in problem solving is trying to find a solution right away. That's a mistake because it
tries to put the solution at the beginning of the process, when what we need is a solution at
the end of the process.

III. Instructions
1. Divide the participant into 2 group and allow then to name their group.
2. The first group will define the meaning of problem by means of giving
3. The second group will identify the steps in solving a problem by means of News
Casting or Broadcasting.
4. The facilitator will give 10 minutes to each group to prepare their presentation.
IV. Processing (Data Gathering)
After the presentation of each group, the facilitator will ask a questions to the
They are going the write their answer on their manila or strip of cartolina.


1. In doing or preparing the given activity, what is the common problem that you
encounter and how did you solve it? (Give 5)

V. Process Questions
The participants will answer the following process questions:
1. What are your reaction experience or activity?
2. Do you have any difficulty in doing the activity?
3. How did the group decide which data is relevant?
4. In your respective groups , did you reach total agreement on the definition of
the problem?
5. How did the use of only one verbal communication affects the difficulty of the

VI. Synthesis
The facilitator will discuss the steps in problem solving.

VII. Integration

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the relevance of the learning to your activities at home and at work?
2. How could this learning improve your problem – solving efforts?
3. How could you transfer this learning to real life situation?


Process Question Integration

Celia Cabacang

1. Reaction – response 1. It makes us to be more flexible and

2. Done dealing with the common 3 problem stronger person

3. Through consensus & cpmparative 2. By following the steps in solving a

4. Yes problem

5. It would be easier if many 3. We can help one student to solve

communication techniques are executed problem on their own

instead of just one.

Erica Mata

1. Im happy because although there is a 1. In facing the different problem ,

lack of instruction , we still present a we need to be a positive thinker.

good presentation 2. We need to think a positive side

2. Yes of the person

3. They think of different problems that 3. Always be positive and always

the Filipino have and we come up with do your best not only on the

the majority topic benefit of yourdelf but also with

the other person

Althea Sophia s. Palma

1. I find this activity really engaging 1. It made me realize that there are

and helps stimulate creativity in many ways of solving problems

the participants. 2. It helped me picture out the

2. Yes problem first then create the ample

3. Through a consensus decision steps on dealing with it

4. Yes 3. Before reacting to the problem , try

5. We ended up making use of labels to analyze first what you can and

to atleast help to identify what cannot and then focus on the thing

exactly we were exhibiting that you can do to change it.

Isagani Nguho

1. Were in a bit shy in doing such activity. 1. In relevance to home and work

2. Yes place , it reflects on how should i

3. Were decided to choose it because it avoid of doing to prevent worsing

could happen in the workplace. the problem

4. Yes 2. By simply watching the presented

5. It affects on deciding what act we going to acts .

choose that is relevant. 3. By assessing myself if i am doing

the right thing or the things that i

need to improve

Emicel C. Esponilla

1. Yes i do because when you act i feel


2. Yes

3. Because it is common to the workplace

Carlito C. Bernil

1. We experience a lot of barriers because of 1. The relevance of the activitie

2. No

3. We decided to get others opinion

4. We define solution , to solve the problem

by asking others opinion

5. Verbal communication during the activity

is important

1. My reaction is the activity 1. The relevance of the learning to to

2. No activity home is the financial

3. By consulting problem.

4. Yes

1. Challenging , because of the obstacle we


2. Somewhat

3. Because this is common in the workplace

4. Yes we did by deciding as onr

5. vivid

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