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General Awareness: Environment Day quiz

General Knowledge Quiz. Test your general knowledge and general

awareness with our questions and answers on Multiple
choice format with a difficulty level of medium.
JUN 5, 2012 12:14 IST
1. What is the most common type of debris that litters our oceans?

a) Bags
b) Plastic beverage bottles
c) Cigarettes
d) Food packaging

The correct answer is c) Cigerettes

2. Which sector is the single-largest consumer of fresh water in India?

a) Industry
b) Power
c) Domestic
d) Agriculture

The correct answer is d) Agriculture

3. The GAP (Ganga Action Plan) – a project to clean up the polluted waters of
the Ganga - plans to intercept and divert municipal sewage falling into the river
from 25 large urban conglomerates in thee states. Name them.

a) UP, Haryana and Punjab

b) UP, Bihar and West Bengal
c) Himachal Pradesh, UP, and Haryana
d) Orissa , Bihar and West Bengal

The correct answer is b) UP, Bihar and West Bengal

4. 70% of our atmospheric oxygen (nearly 3 out of 4 breathes you take anywhere on the planet) is due to:

a) Rainforests
b) Boreal forest
c) Photosynthesizing ocean organisms
d) None of these

The correct answer is c) Photosynthesizing ocean organisms

5. There are three kinds of deserts in India: sand desert, salt desert, and cold desert. One of the states has a cold desert. Name it.

a) Jammu and Kashmir

b) Himachal Pradesh
c) Rajasthan
d) Gujarat
The correct answer is a) Jammu and Kashmir

6. We all know that the Kaziranga sanctuary is a place where rhinos can live safely away from hunters. What is the term used for such careful use and protection of nature?

a) Biofriendly
b) Ecofriendly
c) Degradation
d) Conservation

The correct answer is d) Conservation

7. By 2100 AD, global temperature is expected to rise by about 2 °C and consequently, the sea level by about 50 cm from the present level. How is a rise in temperature expected to
increase the level of the sea?

a) By expanding ocean water

b) By melting mountain glaciers
c) By causing ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland to melt and slide into the oceans
d) All of the above

The correct answer is d) All of the above

8. Which is the most common non-commercial biological fuel in a large number of developing countries?

a) Animal dung
b) Crop residue
c) Coal
d) Fuel wood

The correct answer is d) Fuel wood

9. Garbage can be put under four categories: organic, toxic, soiled, and recyclable. Of the organic waste, this forms an important part.

a) Plastic bags
b) Vegetable peels
c) Glass
d) Metal

The correct answer is b) Vegetable peels

10. World Wildlife Fund was founded in :

a) 1961
b) 1965
c) 1969
d) 1992
The correct answer is a) 1961

Quiz on Large Mammals

1. In which of the four chambers of the stomach is a bovine's food digested?

The first The second The fourth.

2. Which of the following does an elephant NOT use his trunk for?.

drinking feeling fighting

3. The DNA similar to that of homo sapiens.

gibbons chimpanzees orangutans

4. Which mammal's eye-lenses have no power of accommodation so that it has to move its head to focus?

The Camel The Horse The Aardwolf

5. The largest primate is

gorilla orangutan chimpanzee

6. Which animal has greater endurance as a runner?

Cheetah Horse Mountain Goat

7. What is the pecularity of the Gangetic Dolphin?

It is mostly vegetarian It has no fins It is blind

8. Which is the largest of the tiger species?

The Javan tiger The Royal Bengal tiger The Siberian tiger
9. Among the following reasons which one is most responsible for decline in tiger populations

poaching scattered and small populations loss of prey

10. Rhino usually produces one calf after a gestation period of ……….months

9 months 4 months 18 months

Quiz on Asiatic Lions

1. Asiatic lions can be found today in

The Sukma Wit Forest of Thailand The Gir Forest of India Both the above
2. Till just 200 years ago, the Asiatic lion ranged from ………… to the plains of North West India.

S.Korea Syria Siberia

3. Gir National Park is sppread over an area of
1100 259 sq.
4. The major problem facing Gir National Park is,

Human animal conflict in breeding Drought conditions

5. The award winning documentary " Lions of the Gir " was made by ,

Mike H. Pandey Rajesh Bedi Nikhil and Niret Alva

6. In Gir Forest, the lions share their habitat with a pastoral population called

Maldharis Gujjars Todas

7. Radio telemetry studies show that the home range of a male Asiatic Lion is,

12 110 50

8. To spread out the highly vulnerable population of lions in Gir, the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun recommended tranlocation of some lions to,

Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, in NW of Madhya Pradesh Mithiyala in Areili District of Gujarat Nagarjuna Sagar Reserve, Andhra Pradesh
9. Current poulation estimates of lions in Gir are,

2000 1300 320

10. The name of the local ruler who banned lion hunting in 1910 is

Nawab of Jamnagar Nawab of Junagadh Nawab of Rajkot

Quiz on Black Buck

1. The black buck is a/an ………………………..

deer antelope cattle

2. Black bucks are native to

India Africa Mexico

3. The monthly newsletter of this Society is called “ Black buck”. Which is this Society?

Wildlife Conservation Society Madras Naturalists Society Bombay Natural History Society
4. The basic difference between a deer and antelope is the way it sheds and re-grows its .............

horns fur tail

5. This antelope found in India is related to the springbok and the gerenuk in Africa.

nilgai chowsinghe blackbuck

6. This community in Haryana, Rajasthan and Punjab fiercely protect the black buck.

Bishnois Rajputs Maldharis

7. The average life span of a black buck is……

12 years 22 years 6 years

8. This National Park is designated to protect the black buck
Desert National Park, Rajasthan Velavadar, Gujarat Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh
9. This antelope can outrun any animal over long distances

oryx black buck chiru

10. Black bucks are found in

North India South India both

Quiz on Deer and Antelopes

1. Chital stags shed their antlers

during winter after the rut season during summer

2. Though their name means "twelve tined" the stags of this species may develop upto 20 points or more. These mammals are called

chowsingha thamin barasingha

3. Swamp deer found in North India is a subspecies of .............

barasingha chital barking deer

4. This species do not shed their antlers every year.

barasingha chital sambar

5. The following mammal does not belong to the family cervidae( deer).

sambar Nilgai chital

6. Barasingha populations have been restored due to management intervention in

Corbett N.P Kanha N.P Nagarhole N.P

7. This antelope found in India is related to the springbok and the gerenuk in Africa.

nilgai sambar blackbuck

8. These deer are often seen in the company of langurs. .............

barking deer sambar chital

9. The most unusual feature of this deer is its alarm call. Which is this species?

hog deer barking deer chital

10. This animal is better known as the Indian gazelle. ....................

chinkara spotted deer hog deer

Quiz on Apes
1. Hoolock gibbons use their mark and establish territory.

Urine Scent Songs and whistles

2. The DNA similar to that of homo sapiens.
Gibbons Chimpanzees Orangutans
3. The only ape found in India is the

Hoolock gibbon Chimpanzee Bonobo

4. Tool use among chimps was first discovered in

1980s 1930s 1960s

5. Genetically ........................are closest to humans

Gorillas Orangutans Bonobos

6. Bonobos are found in the wild only in

Sumatra Nigeria Zaire

7. The largest primate is

Gorilla Orangutan Chimpanzee

8. In parts of Africa and Asia, effective protection for apes have been provided by

Tourist dollars Game laws State Governments

9. .......................opened a window on the social nature of gorillas, their complex range of emotions and behaviours.

John Mitane Jane Goodall Dian Fossey

10. Bonobos are different from chimpanzees because they are,

Smaller Female centric Walk upright often

Quiz on Bears
1. When less than a year old, bear cubs have ropes or chains forced through their noses and most o their teeth are removed

The `Madaris` of India do this to make them dance The Russians do this to train them for circus The Chinese do this to milk b
2. Which of the following animal is not a bear

sloth bear giant panda red panda

3. Genetically the polar bear is most closely related to

Asiatic brown bear Sun Bear Brown bear

4. Bears walk in a ‘plantigrade’ fashion- that means

they walk with very bowed legs they walk faster uphill than downhill they walk with their toes and heels touching the ground at the same time ( similar to human walk
5. To which animal is the bear closely related?

Monkey Dog Cat

6. Grizzly bears are actually the same as brown bears and both share the Greek name ursus arctos. They got the name grizzly from,

a series of grizzly murders involving these bears near Seattle in the 1950s the silvery appearance of their coat when they grow old the ancient weather beaten appearan
7. This species of bear is found in India, Nepal, Bhutan and SriLanka
Black bear Sloth bear Brown bear
8. The Polar bear’s scientific name isursus maritimas. What does that mean?

white bear ice bear sea bear

9. When do Giant pandas hibernate?

Summer Winter They do not hibernate

10. The spectacled bear lives only in

North America South America Australia

Quiz on Captive Elephants

1. The number of captive elephants in India is

600 3000 6000

2. Implantation of micro chips in the ear of captive elephants help the U.P Government ….

track the wherabouts of the elephant keep a tab on the health of the elephant help catch cheats who keep more than one elephant under a single ownership certificat
3. Elephants live more than 70 years in the wild. In captivity ( zoos) their life span is reduced to an average of …….

50 years 14 years 30 years

4. The London Zoo recently closed down its 170 year old elephant exhibit due to

recognition that elephants deserve more than chains the zookeeper being crushed to death both the above reas
5. Captive elephants in Assam have taken to begging on the streets due to ………

lack of timber transport work returning to wild not possible as these are bred in captivity both the
6. The largest number of captive elephants, 6800, are found in ………………

Thailand Myanmar SriLanka

7. Captivity in any form rob elephants of one of their most basic needs, namely……..

social companionship space natural food sources

8. In 1882 P.T. Barnum purchased `Jumbo` and made him a star of his circus. Jumbo was an elephant from ….

India Thailand Africa

9. Among the 600 captive elephants in Kerala ……………. % are with private individuals.

24% 77% 55%

10. To deal with 30 stressed and unhappy captive elephants in Delhi, ……

Anti depression drug `prozac` is being used the elephants are made to work harder so they stop wallowing in self pity An `elephant whisperer` from U.S has be

Quiz on Deer and Antelopes

1. The most unusual feature of this deer is its alarm call. Which is this species?
hog deer barking deer chital
2. These deer are often seen in the company of langurs. .............

barking deer sambar chital

3. Swamp deer found in North India is a subspecies of .............

barasingha chital barking deer

4. This antelope found in India is related to the springbok and the gerenuk in Africa.

nilgai sambar blackbuck

5. The following mammal does not belong to the family cervidae( deer).

sambar Nilgai chital

6. This animal is better known as the Indian gazelle. ....................

chinkara spotted deer hog deer

7. Chital stags shed their antlers

during winter after the rut season during summer

8. This species do not shed their antlers every year.

barasingha chital sambar

9. Barasingha populations have been restored due to management intervention in

Corbett N.P Kanha N.P Nagarhole N.P

10. Though their name means "twelve tined" the stags of this species may develop upto 20 points or more. These mammals are called

chowsingha thamin barasingha

Quiz on elephant poaching

1. The lustrous white dentin called ivory are actually--------------------- of elephants.

upper molars upper incisors horns

2. Poaching is a big problem in S. India which has more than 50% of India`s elephant population. The adult male to female ratio in a healthy populatin is 1:2. In S. India, the ratio is ……………….

1.15 1.05 1.10

3. The poaching of 6 elephants in Corbett National Park in 2001, was traced to ….

poachers` gun shots poisoning by Lisu tribe of Arunachal Pradesh poaching by electrocution
4. The town of ……. on the Kerala coast is perhaps the single most exit point for ivory from the South.

Kozhikode Quilon Cochin

5. Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, China & Vietnam have elephant poulations of less than

5000 500 1000

6. The price of ivory shot up to $ 285 per kg in 1996. The poachers however got …
$ 30 per kg 100 per kg $ 150 per kg
7. The Asian elephnt is today found only in……

6 countries 13 countries 23 countries

8. After Japan, the second largest destination for illegal ivory is

Hongkong Bangkok Mainland China

9. The word `elephant` is derived from the Greek word `elephas` which means …...

huge ivory trunk

10. Upto 80% of the ivory that reaches Japan is used for

re exporting making hankos ( signature seals) carving artifacts

1. The lustrous white dentin called ivory are actually--------------------- of elephants.

upper molars upper incisors horns

2. Asian elephants were widely tamed more than ---------------- ago.

1000 years 2000 years 4000 years

3. "If the tiger is the spirit of the jungle, the elephant is its body" Who wrote these words?

Katharine Payne Dereck Joubert Raman Sukumar

4. The species closest to elephants are,

rhinos dugongs hippos

5. Elephant families are--------------------------

patriarchal matriarchal neither of these.

6. To ensure long term survival of elephants, in addition to forests, forest--------------are to be protected.

paths fauna corridors

7. The forest department used the method of ----------------to catch wild elephants in India.

Kumki Khedda Khotal

8. The national animal of India is the ---------------------

elephant tiger lion

9. Elephant babies are carried by their mothers for---------------months.

9 months 5 months 22 months

10. Asian elephants have a life span of --------------- years.

30-40 years 60-70 years 80-90 years

Quiz on elephants-Part II
1. Who is the author of the book "Elephant Days and Nights"?
Katharine Payne George B. Schaller Raman Sukumar
2. The species closest to elephants are,

rhinos dugongs hippos

3. Elephants learn as many as ....commands in a year of training

30 10 100
4. Elephant babies are carried by their mothers for---------------months.

9 months 5 months 22 months

5. The tame elephants used to catch wild elephants in India is called ………

Kumki Khedda Khotal

6. When male elephants want to mate, they signal it by

oestrous fluid musth fluid trumpet calls

7. Asian elephants attain sexual maturity around the age of --------------- years

5-6 years 13-14 years 20-21 years

8. To ensure long term survival of elephants, in addition to forests, forest--------------are to be protected.

paths fauna corridors

9. Asian elephants were widely tamed more than ---------------- ago.

1000 years 2000 years 4000 years

10. The lustrous white dentin called ivory are actually--------------------- of elephants.

upper molars upper incisors horns

Quiz on elephants-Part III

1. How many 'lips' do African elephants have on the end of their trunks?

none one two

2. When an elephant is killed, others will do what?.

Place twigs on it and mourn Bury it where they are Eat

3. Elephant's heart beats ………………... times in a minute

60-90 90-120 25-30

4. How old can an average elephant live in the wild?

100 years 50 years 60 years

5. Which of the following does an elephant NOT use his trunk for?.

drinking feeling fighting

6. Which of the following threatens the Asian population of elephants most?
ivory hunters restriction of their habitat poaching
7. Elephants have a bad sense of what?

smell sight hearing

8. Why do elephants sway back and forth?

They sense danger Because they are bored Because of their weight
9. The African elephant is the largest f all land animals. What is the average weight for a male?

6 tons 3 tons 10 tons

10. The word 'elephant' is derived from the Greek word 'elephas' which means ……

huge ivory trunk

Quiz on elephants-Part IV
1. There are two types of African Elephants. One is the Forest elephant. What is the other one?

Savannah elephants Bush elephants Desert elephants

2. The weight of a baby elephant at birth is

50 kg 90 kg 40 kg
3. In what year did Hannibal ( of Carthage, invading Italy) use elephants when he crossed the Alps?

1100 A.D 218 A.D 218 B.C

4. How much water can an elephant drink in a day?

500-800 litres 300-500 litres 100-300 litres

5. When does an elephant reach maturity?

18 years 25 years 12 years

6. In 1882 P.T. Barnum purchased 'Jumbo' and made hima star of his circus. Jumbo was an elephant from ….

India Thailand Africa

7. How fast is an elephant's sprint?

15 mph 25 mph it can't sprint

8. What are the 'annulus'?.

rings on the trunk toenails hair on the tail

9. If an elephant dies of old age, how does it die?

its last set of teeth falls out & it starves its heart bursts in a fight with a younger member
10. Elephas maximus is the term used for….

Asian Elephants African elephants Asian & African elephants

Quiz on leopards
1. The reason for increased man-leopard conflicts in the Western Ghats is

Forests drowned by vast new dams Hunting of wild deer, boar and sheep Both the abov
2. Among the cat family, these are the best climbers; they can climb upside down and hang from branches with their hind feet.

Snow leopard Common leopard Clouded leopard

3. This leopard inhabits alpine and sub alpine regions and is usually found above the tree line over 3000 meters

snow leopard clouded leopard leopard cat

4. In the year -----------------Peter Pallas first described the snow leopard identifying it as a species separate from the common leopard

1891 1761 1779

5. During the 1960s and 1970s, -----------------------was a major threat to the leopards in many areas.

fur trade deforestation killing in retaliation of attacks on humans

6. During 1998-2000, -------------------------- people were attacked by leopards in Bori Budruk( Western Gahts)

22 62 42
7. Wildlife Protection Society of India ( WPSI) has for the first time in India used sub cutaneous microchips on lepards caught in

Guwahati Kerala Maharashtra

8. Forest Officers deal with the problem by

trapping & housing the lepards in nearby zoos trapping & releasing leopards shooting the maneaters
9. Adapted leopards find ideal habitat in

cane fields flower beds vegetable fields

10. The snow leopard prey mostly on ungulates like

chinkara & bison chital & sambhar bharal & ibex

Quiz on Mammals
1. What is the pecularity of the Gangetic Dolphin?

It is mostly vegetarian It is black all over and has no fins It is blind

2. What is a favourite food of the Indian Porcupine?

The seed of the Jamun fruit. The dropped horns of deer. Snail
3. How many known species of mammal are there?

4230 9800 7516

4. Can bears swim?

Yes No Some bears can

5. Which mammal has the longest hair of all?

The Musk Ox The Yak The Mountain Goat

6. In which of the four chambers of the stomach is a bovine`s food digested?

The first. The second. The fourth.

7. Which fruit is a special favourite of the jackal?

Jackfruit Ber Jamun

8. Which mammal`s eye-lenses have no power of accommodation so that it has to move its head to focus?

The Camel The Horse The Aardwolf

9. Which animal has greater endurance as a runner?

Cheetah Horse Mountain Goat

10. Which creature`s dung is charaterized by hard white balls composed chiefly of crushed bone?

Owl Hyena Mountain Goat

Quiz on Non human primates

1. Most primates have a diet of ……

small mammals insects and invertebrates plants and fruits

2. Which of the following types of primate are typically monogamous?

macaques squirrel monkeys gibbons

3. In general, primates are most active during the...

they are always active night day

4. Most primates sleep on/in a ………

ground covered area tree limb. rock outcrop

5. Primates generally have __________ offspring.

5 to 6 7 to 9 1 to 2
6. All of the following are in the primate family except

Sloth Chimpanzee Human

7. The largest of the primates is the

Ape Orangutan Gorilla

8. Which monkey is known as the only truly nocturnal monkey?

owl monkey squirrel monkey uakari

9. Claws of primates are replaced by:

fingers pads nails

10. The only animals to use the backs of their fingers as feet are

gorillas and chimpanzees gibbons and gorillas baboons and chimpanzees

Quiz on Rhinoceros
1. The rhino is a plant eating species. The Indian rhino weighs up to

5000 pounds 3000 pounds 1750 pounds

2. Slightly larger than the Sumatran rhino with the armored plate look of the Indian rhino, this species is now reduced to less than 60. Which is this species?

Javan rhino Black rhino White rhino

3. Rhinos have

sharp eyesight keen sense of taste excellent sense of smell

4. Rhinos can live to be....

30 years old 70 years old 50 years old

5. Poachers kill rhinos to sell which part of rhino’s body?

hide the horn hooves

6. After elephants, the largest creature found in the African savannah is the ...........

white rhino black rhino hippopotamus

7. Rhinos are native to the continents of Africa and Asia. Only ------------- species of rhinos are still alive.

Two Three Five

8. The only two horned species in Asia is ....

Sumatran rhinoceros Indian rhino Javan rhino

9. Rhinos have a gestation period of

360-470 days 250-360 days 420-570 days

10. The population of Indian rhinos have stabilsed at --------------------thanks to conservation efforts

1200 2520 5400

Quiz on Threatened fauna of India

1. "There is nothing in nature to prove that it cares for our human species than for daffodils. We may vanish as quickly and as radically as thousands of other breeds before us." Where are these words w

`Only the Paranoid Survive` by Andrew Grove `Heaven, earth and I ` by Vivek Menon `Vanishing Species` by Romain Grey
2. This animal, in the crtically endangered list, is important for its gene pool from which domesticated stocks have been derived.

Wild Yak Asian elephant Indian Wild Ass

3. A species is declared extinct if there are no records for …………….years when scientists have carried out repeated searches in all possible habitats.

25 years 50 years 100 years

4. Asiatic lions are confined to just one area, the Gir forest in Gujarat. A major disaster/disease within the park could wipe out the entire population at a stroke. Therefore an alternative home for the lion

Kanha National Park Kuno Palpo sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh Tadoba national Park in Maharashtra
5. Most threatened among Indian serpents, this one is considered `endangered`

Reticulated Python Saw scaled viper Russel`s viper

6. The pink headed duck …………..

has gone extinct lays perfectly spherical eggs Both the above statements are correct
7. This endangered tree dwelling animal is found in Central and Eastern Himalayas from Nepal to Arunachal Pradesh

Himalayan Brown Bear Lion tailed Macaque Red Panda

8. After cheetah, it is said to be the fastest animal which can reach to a speed of 100-104 km per hour.

Barasingha Black Buck Leopard

9. The main cause of extinction of this magnificent animal was destructionof habitat and use for sports.

Asiatic cheetah the pink headed duck swamp deer

10. In terms of the number of threatened mammals, India ranks……….

First Second Fourth

Quiz on Tiger Facts

1. Most of the world's tigers are today found in

San Diego Zoo Siberia Southern Asia

2. Where did tigers evolve millions of years ago

China India Tasmania

3. Tigers eat .

Fish & frogs Bears & boars All of the above

4. All white tigers across the world are the progeny of a white male tiger captured in 1951 from………..

Madhya Pradesh (India) W.Bengal (India) Siberia

5. Which is the largest of the tiger species?

The Javan tiger The Royal Bengal tiger The Siberian tiger
6. Which tiger subspecies is considered to have become extinct in the 1950s?

The Siberian tiger The Sumatran tiger The Caspian tiger

7. How fast can a tiger run, if only for a few seconds?

15 miles/hour 60 miles/hour 35 miles/hour

8. In addition to poaching, tigers are threatened by

global warming air pollution habitat loss

9. How much do male tigers measure from head to tail?

6-7 feet 4-5 feet 9-10 feet

10. Tigers are called 'umbrella' species because……

Their fur is waterproof and sheds water like an umbrella Their range is so vast that efforts to conserve tigers also protect other species. They are at the top of the food chain and hav

Quiz on tiger poaching

1. Trade in tiger and tiger products are banned under

WCPA ( World Commission on Protected Areas) ? IUCN ( The World Conservation Union) CITES ( Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Faun
2. The international wildlife trade has resulted in around ………….species being pushed towards extinction globally

344 622 1435

3. "Sailong" promoted by China as a substitute for tiger bone in oriental medicines is

a common type of moli rat bone a kind of rattel bone a dog bone
4. Throughout Dudhwa National Park( 680 sq. km) ……………Forestry Department men clear tracks and plant trees and also monitor for poaching.

150 250 1200

5. Which of the following is a tiger consumer country as per the tiger enforcement task force?

Canada S. Africa India

6. Globally wildlife trade is second only to

Narcotics Counterfeit currency Hawala dealings

7. Naxalite activity has resulted in a fear psychosis that prevents forest guards from freely patrolling the forest. This is true of

Kanha tiger reserve Srisailam-NagarjunaSagar Tiger Reserve Corbett tiger reserve

8. Unlike bone seizures, skin siezures have increased in India since

1991 1981 1971

9. A country with the best foreat and wildlife laws and the worst "on the ground" protection mechanisms is

India Africa USA

10. Despite hundreds of poaching cases caught in India the numbe of convictions are

less than ten less than five less than twenty

Quiz on tigers
1. . Recently, in Valmiki tiger resrve in Bihar, the forest staff staged a walk out and went on a fast unto death because,

a tiger had attacked one of them they had not received salaries for fourteen months authorities had suspended a staff worker
2. The official estimate of tiger population in India is,

3000-4000 9000-10,000 500-600

3. The Ranthambhore Foundation which aims to restore the relative harmony that once existed between the forests and those who lived around them, was founded by

Fatheh Singh Rathore Valmik Thapar Billy Arjan singh

4. Among the following reasons which one is most responsible for decline in tiger populations

poaching scattered and small populations loss of prey

5. "Project Tiger" was launched in India in the year,

1989 1950 1973

6. Out of the three prey animals mentioned below, the most preferred prey of the tiger is,

wild boar cheetal deer rhesus monkey

7. The last recorded white tiger in the wild was in 1951, in ,

Uttar Pradesh Bengal Madhya Pradesh

8. In India we have ---------number designated tiger reserves.

9 23 13
9. In Sunderbans man-eaters have been attacking forest permit holders. The maximum casualities during 75-85 were found to be

fishermen honey collectors wood cutters

10. The Javan and Bali tigers are now

extinct endangered threatened

Quiz on Birds
1. What is the name of the earliest known bird?

Anapsida Archaeopteryx Sauropterygia

2. Which is the weakest sense of birds?

Taste Hearing Smell

3. Which is the tallest Indian bird?

The Sarus Crane The Adjutant Stork The Barheaded Goose

4. Which of these birds can travel the longest without flapping its wings?

Andean Condor The Black Vulture The Whisteling Hawk

5. Birds have no teeth. Where is their food broken up before being digested?

In the gizzard In the throat In the stomach

6. Which is the only bird that can move both the upper and lower parts of its beaks?

Parrot Vulture Falcon

7. The Flamingo has a very curiously inverted beak. What is it used for?

To peck the leg of intruders To scoop the mud bottom and strain the minute food particles through To act as a pouch for uneaten
8. Which of these birds has the largest wingspan?

Arctic Tern Lapwing Albatross

9. Which bird can rotate its head a 180 degrees on either side?

The Owl The Roller The Nightjar

10. The African Honeyguide bird loves honeywax but it cannot break the honeybee hive. What does it do?

It pushes the branches of the tree till the hive falls and breaks It leads honey badgers to the hive It pecks at the exterior, worrying the bees till they abondon th

Quiz on Cranes and Storks

1. This stork is quite common in S.India nesting on ficus trees, electric towers etc.

Blacknecked stork woolly necked stork Lesser Adjutant stork

2. The measured martial gait as it paces up and down gave it its name. This stork is seen in North & North.East India.

Adjutant stork Wooly necked stork Black necked stork

3. The periodic movements of locust swarms cannot be referred to as migration because….

locusts are not birds the movement does not involve return to the starting point. the movement involves food gathering
4. Of the following places, where are cranes not found at all?

Australia S.America Europe

5. Of the 15 species of cranes, ……….are vulnerable to extinction.

5 11 2
6. Sandhill and Whooping cranes call ………..…..their home

North America Japan North India

7. The male and female of this species looks alike. The juvenile storks can be mistaken for openbilled storks from a distance. These are, ……

Greater adjutant storks black necked storks Painted storks

8. The Bishnoi community in Rajasthan feed and protect the Krishnakraunch. The Sanskrit name “krishnakrauch” refers to

Demoiselle crane Siberian crane Sarus crane

9. Forty species of migratory birds feature in a film by Columbia Tristar released in March 2004 –The film is

Fly Away Home Follow the Leader Winged Migration

10. Siberian cranes once nested in W.Siberia and wintered in India. The last documented Siberian crane in India during winter was in the year……….

1996 1998 2002

Quiz on Gruiformes
1. This crane spends the whole year in one locality

Sandhill crane Siberian crane Sarus crane

2. Several of the world’s cranes are now endangered mainly due to

Drying up of rivers Global Warming Hunting and land drainage

3. These long legged birds of the open plains are powerful runners. These are

Sarus cranes Black necked cranes Bustards

4. `Gruiformes` are the diverse group of birds consisting of

Game Birds Cranes, Rails and Bustards Waders, Gulls and Auks
5. These members of ‘gruiformes’ are small, secretive birds with rounded wings and short tails and the rear toe on each foot missing. These are,

Partridges Spur fowls Button quails

6. The purple moorhen ( family :rail) is a common site at

Santragachi, Calcutta Okhla Barrage, Delhi Sewri Bay, Mumbai

7. To court a female he, 1)extends his neck and wings 2) Bows deeply 3) Then approaches the female. Who is he?

The Sarus crane The African dancing crane The Common crane
8. The smallest of the cranes is

Whooping crane Demoiselle crane Japanese crane

9. These rails get quarrelsome during breeding season. Rival males clash over territory. These are,

Coots Crakes Water cocks

10. The birds grouped together as ‘gruiformes’

Tend to look similar Are seen in a particular geographical area Share certain anatomical features

Quiz on Pheasants
1. These pheasants are observed close to human habitation.

white crested khaleej peafowl both the above

2. The following pheasants are in the endangered list

chir pheasant tragopan both the above

3. All pheasants of the world originated in the ……...

Himalayas China Alps

4. This pheasant is the state bird of Himachal Pradesh and the national bird of Nepal

tragopan koklas monal

5. Altogether five species of tragopans occur all over the world. Of these …….. are found in India

3 4 2
6. Conservation breeding of Western tragopan is being attempted at

Sarahan ( H.P) Nainital ( Uttaranchal) Chail ( H.P)

7. The Western tragopan`s habitat is destroyed due to

The Beas River project The Narmada River Project Parvati Hydel Project
8. Pheasants can…..

run very fast fly short distances Both the above

9. Pheasants are…………..

water birds tree dwelling birds ground dwelling birds

10. This pheasant is hunted by man for its crest

peacock tragopan monal

Quiz on Raptors
1. This owl can be spotted in Bharatpur and Sultanpur Bird sanctuaries.

Great horned owl Barn owl Collared scoops owl

2. This globally threatened eagle is a winter visitor in the wetlands of Haryana

Imperial eagle Greater spotted eagle Tawny eagle

3. A study by Bombay Natural History Society found that the population of two common species of these scavenging vultures have gone down by 90% over a decade.

Bearded vulture Asian white backed vulture Himalayan Griffon

4. Though uncommon in the Konkan and Malabar area, the Crested Serpent Eagle can be spotted on trees in the

Corbett National Park KedarNath Wildlife Sanctuary Kaziranga National Park

5. Out of the 482 species of raptors worldwide ------------------are nocturnal

178 304 58
6. A raptor is a . ………………………..

has a hooked beak meat eating bird both the above are correct
7. Distributed in India in the Malabar and Konkan region, this raptor eats, among other things, honey, wax and bee-larvae of the ferocious rock bees.

Western marsh harrier Oriental Honey-Buzzard White-eyed buzzard

8. This falcon breeds in he Himalayas and NE India and is a look alike of the shikra

Eurasian sparrowhawk Osprey Changeable hawk-eagle

9. Jatayu and Sampati, in the epic Ramayana, who helped rama when Sita was abducted by Ravana , were,

Vultures Eagles Hawks

10. A common hawk found in India, this raptor eats frogs, lizards, mice and squirrels. The male is ashy blue grey and female is brown. Its size is a little bigger than a blue rock pigeon.

Shikra Common hawk cuckoo Ferrunginous hawk

Quiz on animal(wild) rescue and breeding in India

1. Star tortoises seized by Malaysian CITES authorities have been brought back to India and rehabilitated in

Sri Venketeswara Z.P, Tirupati, Andhra Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore Anna Zoological Park, Chennai
2. Deer Park, Ooty, Tamil Nadu, is the participating zoo for breeding this endangered species

Chinkaara lion tailed macaque Nilgiri Tahr

3. Breeding program for the Asiatic wolf is on in

six zoos in India two zoos in India four zoos in India

4. Till date, the Central Zoo Authority of India has rehabilitated -------lions from various circuses in India

239 120 89
5. Van Vihar National Park Bhopal is the participating zoo for breeding

four horned antelope chinkaara swamp deer

6. ----------------------------have been imported from San Diego Zoo, USA for supplementing the existing captive population

13 red pandas 13 white tigers 13 lion tailed macaques

7. Attempts are going on to breed ----------different species of pheasants, which are endangered, in different zoos

Eleven Five Two

8. A program for releasing captive bred red panda has been initiated in

State Zoo, Nainital Assam State Zoo, Guwahati Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Z.P, Darjeeling
9. During the year 2003, 48 lions rescued from circuses were rehabilitated at

Rescue center in Vishakha pattanam rescue centers in Rajasthan, Bangalore and Chennai Rescue centre in New Del
10. Hollock Gibbon breeding program is overseen by

Chief Wildlife Warden, Nagaland Chief Wildlife Warden, West Bengal Chief Wildlife Warden, Assam

Quiz on are we poisoning our Home Planet?

1. Delhi belches out over ----------------tonnes of solid waste every day

1000 7000 500

2. Recycling all your home's waste newsprint, cardboard, glass and metal can reduce -------------emissions by 856 pounds a year.

Sulphur Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Carbon dioxide

3. Every ------------------------the US wastes nearly 90% of recyclable newspapers. This wastes about 500,000 trees.

day week Sunday

4. A family's weekly garbage production is ----------------kgs now as against 7 kgs in 1980 ( for Delhi)

40-50 kg 12-15 kg 20-30 kg

5. Recycling one ------------------can save enough energy to run a TV set for 3 hrs.

Styrofoam cup Glass bottle Aluminium can

6. How long will it take for cotton rags to biodegrade?

5 months 1 year 50 years

7. How long will it take for a tin can to biodegrade?

1-2 years 10 -20 years 50-100 years

8. How long will it take for plastic to biodegrade?

1 million years 100 years 1000 years

9. How long will it take for a styrofoam cup to biodegrade?

10 years 100 years Eternity

10. Of the 28 commonly used pesticides at least ----------------are carcinogenic

12 6 23

Quiz on Coastal Regulation Zone(CRZ) in India

1. Many mangroves in Coastal Zones have been removed to create ……….

River Otters shrimp farms tourist resorts

2. The inviolate zone of 500m from high tide line has been reduced and selected industries permitted on the coast since………

1997 2001 1991

3. The National Coastal Zone Management Authority constituted in 1998 did not have a representative from

Kerala Maharashtra Andaman Nicobar Islands

4. The coastal line of India stretches …………………

7000 km 5600km 2400km

5. The CRZ Act divided India’s coastal zones into --------zones

Four Six Three

6. Coastal Zones in India are the direct responsibility of………………..

Ministry of Environment and Forests National Coastal Zone Management Authority State Governments concerned.
7. The committee to review the CRZ notification of 1991 is headed by ……….

Valmik Thapar Prof.M.S Swaminathan Prodipto Ghosh

8. The sea wall stretching along 1000km of Tamil Nadu coast line is planned to be made of ..

mangroves concrete stones

9. Absorbing shock waves from the sea and absorbing carbon dioxide from the air are two protective services resulting from

shrimp farms coral reefs mangroves

10. A directive creating an inviolate zone of 500m from the high tide line was issued in India in the year

1981 1964 1947

Quiz on Extinction of life forms
1. There are several obscure species, which have let time and the changing world pass by with little change in their gross anatomy or their habitats. Such animals that have survived beyond their era are

living fossils exceptions to the extinction rule endangered

2. James Audubon, a famous illustrator, wrote about seeing a column of birds filling the sky so that the “light of the noonday sun was obscured as if by an eclipse”. In 1914, within 50 yea
---------------died in captivity in a zoo.

The Dodo The Passenger Pigeon The pink headed duck

3. The flightless great auk of the high northern altitudes, counterpart of the penguins of the Antartic, was slaughtered to extinction by

1944 1844 1744

4. In India we have a living fossil that has persisted over 300 million years. It is called the

The rhino The peripatus The horse shoe crab

5. The heath hen of North America became extinct by

1731 1931 1831

6. The pygmy hog, the lesser florican, the hangul and the swamp deer face extinction

As they share their grassland with domestic cattle As grass and swamp lands are converted into agricultural lands B
7. “You can fence out people but you cannot fence out their effects” Who said this?

Valmik Thapar Sunita Narain David Ehrenfield

8. The cheetah from India was last seen in the wild in--

1912 1849 1949

9. The pink headed duck from India was last seen in the wild in ……

1900 1835 1935

10. Man became a serious causative factor of extinction only during the last ---------------years of earth history.

500 1000 200

Quiz on Global Warming

1. The most prominent emission of green house gases are………

Carbon monoxide and Octane CFC and Sulphur Dioxide Carbon Dioxide and Methane
2. Where are some early signs of a global warming phenomenon being observed?

Indonesia The Arctic Equatorial Africa

3. Which of these species had a shift in its gene pool in response to global warming?

Great Land Crabs-they deepened their underground homes to reach a cooler Orcas-They changed their colouration to absorb less Red Squirrels- they moved their breeding time 18
temperature. sunshine last 10 years
4. According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the average global temperature has risen ……

2.5+ or - 0.2degree centigrade 1.6+ or - 0.2degree centigrade 0.6+ or - 0.2degree centigrade

5. Global warming describes an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s………….

atmosphere oceans Both these

6. Increasing temperatures are the result of………..

green house effect increased solar activity increase in desert regions

7. Of the following peoples, which are currently being affected the most by increasing temperatures?

Latin Americans Australian Aborigines The Eskimos

8. Places on earth where carbon dioxide is produced and removed are called ………

reservoirs and holes springs and drains sources and sinks

9. How many years does the great barrier reef have before it is destroyed, according to scientists?

100 years 50 years 30 years

10. The greenhouse gases in the atmosphere act like what part of the greenhouse?

the frame the door the glass

Quiz on rainforests
1. The most abundant of rain forest insects are,

termites beetles leeches

2. Nearly -----------% of the medicinal compounds we use everyday come from plants endemic to the tropical forest

30% 20% 50%

3. Which of the following does not contribute to rainforest loss worldwide

pharmaceutical research urbanization agricultural growth

4. A typical four-mile square mile patch of rainforest contains as a many as ------species of mammals

25 75 125
5. In the rainforest, most nutrients (over 75%) are contained in the

plants soil rocks

6. ------is an agile predator from the tropical forests of Asia, which normally hunts in the treetops

clouded leopard spider monkey jaguar

7. A typical four-mile square mile patch of rainforest contains as many as ------species of flowering plants.

1500 400 1000

8. A typical four-mile square mile patch of rainforest contains as a many as ------species of birds

200 400 300

9. In which country would you not find a region of tropical rainforest climate

Bangladesh Indonesia Pakistan

10. Circling the earth`s equator like a belt, the tropical rainforests maintain a constant temperature of 20 degree centigrade and receive anywhere from -------inches of rain per year

100-150 50-100 160-400

Quiz on wetlands
1. A larva called " cavaborus" abounds in this lake and eliminates bacteria in the water, thus contributing to exceptional purity of water. The larvae are found in this Ramsar site

Bhoj wetland in M.P Deepor Beel in Assam Sastamkotta lake in Kerala

2. One of the most important mangrove forests in the world which is both a Ramsar site and a World Heritage site is,

Sunderbans Keoladeo National Park Both the above

3. 57% of mangroves in India are found in the

East coast West coast Andaman & Nicobar Islands

4. Wetlands of international importance are called

International estuaries Heritage sites Ramsar sites

5. Agriculture and aqua culture have destroyed more than 80% of mangroves in

Orissa W.Bengal Maharashtra

6. The mangroves of Bhittarkanika are famous for

rare migratory water birds nesting sites for endangered Olive Ridley turtles prawn cultivation
7. The most important factor which will decide the fate of mangroves is,

Local enforcement protecting mangroves Prevention of clogging by crude oil & other pollutants Worldwide reduction in consumer demand for pond raised sh
8. Gulf of Mannar is a major habitat for the endangered

dolphin whale shark dugong

9. Useful functions performed by wetlands are,

Many wading birds and water fowl like ergets, herons and ibises They act as natural filters and help remove a whole range of pollutants from water such as viruses from sewage works or h
nest in wetlands. metals from industrial plants.
10. India has a total of----------------Ramsar sites

19 26 5

Quiz on Wildlife Films made in India

1. The undernoted Indian film maker has been nominated for "the film maker for conservation" award at wildscreen festival

Mike Pandey Rajesh Bedi Nikhil Alva

2. "Eden of Hope" a film on sustainable development of Mumbai was made by
WWF(India) Tata Instituteof Soial Sciences Bombay Natural
3. Narmada Diary-a documentary on the history of Narmada Bachao Andolan was produced by

Arundhati Roy Anand Patwardhan P. Baburaj

4. Nikhil Alva and Niret Alva won a "Panda" award for their film about

Lions of Gir Elephant Tusker Trade Environment

5. A film on dholes of India has been produced by

Alva Brothers Bedi Brothers Doordarshan

6. "The 18th Elephant" is a documentary on the

elephant corridors captive elephants elephant poachers

7. "The Ridley`s Last Stand" was produced by ,

Krishnendu Bose Shekar Dattatri Naresh Bedi

8. This is a film stressing the importance of mangroves in India- produced by a Chief Conservator of Forests

Miles to Go Mangroves of Sunderban The tidal life of Krishna

9. "Neemi-A tale of milking water" focuses on the efforts of Rajendra Singh in reviving ancient ways of water harvesting. The producers are

Vinay Rai & Meenakshi Rai Rajesh & Naresh Bedi S Barnela & V. Saberwal
10. "Shores of Silence" a film on whale sharks was made by

Mike Pandey Gautam Pandey Shekar Dattatri

Quiz on Wildlife poaching

1. Rare species of butterflies such as ‘purple emperor’ and ‘meadow wanderer’ reportedly fetch as much as

$ 150 apiece $ 10 a piece $ 275 a piece

2. The most heavily traded, wild harvested, Asian fresh water turtle is……………………

Leather back turtle Olive Ridley Turtle South –East Asian Soft shell turtle
3. ”Wildlife Law Enforcement Workshops” are conducted in various Indian Cities by ..

WWF(India) Wildlife Trust of India Wildlife Protection Society of India

4. The main corridors for illegal trading of wildlife in Orissa are Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. The meat and scales of …………….. are sold here illegally

Gharials Pangolin Yellow throated martin

5. Wildlife, featured in Appendix 1 of “Convention International Trade on Endangered Species”( CITES), are

completely banned for international trade are allowed for non-commercial trade are banned for internal trade
6. Fishermen poach this endangered species for its oil, which is used for catching ‘Bakus’ and ‘Bacha’ fish. This specimen, now in Appendix I of CITES, is………….

River Otters Whale shark Gangetic Dolphin

7. Recently the carcass of a clouded leopard (female) was recovered from poachers in
Kedar Nath Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttaranchal Pench Tiger Resrve, Madhya Pradesh Buxa Tiger Reserve, West Bengal
8. The white”macaw”, a native of Australia and Singapore, sells for up to two lacs in India. Police recently caught up with poachers in

Jama Masjid , Delhi Crawford Market, Mumbai INA, Market Delhi

9. The crime branch of Delhi Police arrested two people in Shakkarpur, East Delhi in December 2004, who were trying to sell three birds belonging to this endangered species………………..

Great Himalayan Horned Owl Eastern Screech Owl Northern Hawk Owl
10. “ Vanrakshak Program” is conducted by ………… train forest staff to protect wildlife.

Wildlife Trust of India Wildlife Protection Society of India Bombay Natural History Society

Water facts
1. Saline and fresh water meet at a semi closed water body called

creek lake estuary

2. Who is the Indian honoured with the Magsasay award in 2001, for community leadership in water management?

Sunderlal Bahuguna Medha Patkar Rajendra Singh

3. Out of the following lakes in India, which is the odd one out(natural lake)

Ana Sagar Lake, Ajmer Kolleru Lake, Andhra Renuka Lake, Himachal
4. What is the total length of the world's coastline?

409, 000 km 504,000 km 365,000 km

5. One of the most dangerous forms of pollution affecting ocean water is

factory effluents discharge agriculture runoffs oil spills

6. Which Indian City releases the highest quantity of domestic sewage in the River Yamuna?

Agra Delhi Kanpur

7. Saline and fresh water meet at a semi closed water body called

creek lake estuary

8. Which is the deepest lake in the world?

Lake Michigan Tso Moriri Lake Baikal

9. 70% of earth's surface is covered with water. What is percentage of saline and fresh water?

97% saline 3% fresh water 98% saline 2% fresh water 96% saline 4% fresh water
10. Only ------------% of rural population in India have access to treated water

18% 25% 10%

11. What is the underground layer where fresh water is found, called?

aquifier aqua hold aqua tank

Wetland Quiz
1. Name the highest trans-himalayan wetland of J&K which is also a Ramsar site

Tsomoriri Chandratal Sat tal

2. Name India's largest inland salt lake

Sambar Salt Lake Chillika lake Point Calimere

3. Name the wetland in Maharashtra which is a notified Ramsar site

Bhigwan Sewri None so far

4. Name the longest continuous patch of mangrove ecosystem in India

Bhitarkanika Ratnagiri Sunderbans

5. Increase in nitrogen and phosphorous in wetlands results inabnormal algai growth and decay, eventually leading to the depletion of oxygen levelin the water. This phenomenon is called..

biomethanation anaerobic respiration entrophication

6. a water storage reservoir created in 1975 on the Beas River in the low foothills of the Himalaya

Pong dam lake Renuka lake Chandra Taal

7. Loktak lake, a freshwater wetland in Manipur protects the endangered

barasingha sangai deer black buck

8. Since 1900, more than ............% of the world's wetlands have disappeared

50% 55% 64%

9. India has a total of----------------Ramsar sites

19 26 5
10. Name the salt resistant plant communities that act as buffers between land and sea and are destroyed at a fast rate all over the world

Mangroves Cactii Blue-green algae

Quiz on Bird Sanctuaries of India

1. This sanctuary on the largest brackish water lagoon has the local villagers involved in checking poaching of birds

Kaundinya Kolleru Chilika

2. This bird sanctuary comprises of islands in the River Cauvery

Ranganthitto Kumarakom Manjira

3. Which of the following is not a Ramsar site?

Kaleodev Chilika Sultanpur

4. The first man made bird sanctuary is

Kaladeo Ghana Vedanthangal Ranganthitoo

5. Asian Water Bird Census done in 1992 showed 776 sites in India. Census in 1997 showed the number of sites to be ……..

125 567 34
6. In 1985, this bird sanctuary was accepted as a world heritage site

Kolleru, West Godavari Pulicat, Nellore Keoladeo Ghana, Bharatpur

7. Possibility of watching migratory birds at close quarters makes this Bird sanctuary a global favourite

Kolleru Thattekad Kalaeodev Ghana

8. “Flamingo colony” is reputed as the largest flamingo colony in the world. Where is this?

Khavda, Gujarat Okhla barrage, New Delhi Sewri mudflats, Mumbai

9. The largest in terms of area (673 sq km), this bird sanctuary is also a Ramsar site

Neelapattu Kolleru Rollapadu

10. This sanctuary is home to the last of the vanishing Great Indian Bustard

Chilika Kaleodev Ghana Rollapadu

Quiz on history of National Parks of India

1. In only two regions-Manas (India & Bhutan) and the Sunderbans ( India & Bangladesh) have more than ………… set aside for tiger reserves

500 1000

2. The idea that a country should preserve unspoilt and unexploited, its natural grandeur, gave the world its first national park in 1872- this was

Kanha National Park, India Serengetty National Park , Tanzania The Yellow Stone National Park, U.S.A
3. The Wildlife Act of 1912 specified

the closure and opening of the sanctuary be left to local government closure of the sanctuary during breeding time the grant of awards for slaughter of noxious anim
4. The destruction of priceless works of art such as old temples or magnificent buildings would not be tolerated by public opinion, but it is curious that in India of all the places, where animal life i
extraordinary degree, the extir

Col. A.I.R Glasfurd S.H.Prater Stanley Jepson

5. In its number of mammals threatened with extinction, India ranks

4th in the world 6th in the world 3rd in the world

6. The local secretary of the united Provinces Branch of the Preservation of the fauna of the Empire Society was

Capt. Lioonel Hearsey F.W Champion Major Jim Corbett

7. To the indiscriminate slaughter to which wild animals were subjected to prior to the 1920s, the idea of the …………………..was born.

game sanctuary national park forest reserve

8. India`s oldest national park is

Kaziranga Corbett Kanha

9. India has ------------number of tiger reserves
50 23 14
10. The Bombay Natural History Society was formed in ……….to promote the conservation of wildlife.

1885 1912 1920

Quiz on Little Known Wildlife Sanctuaries

1. Around 210 bird species have been identified in this bird sanctuary spread over 25.16 sq. km in Kerala. The name is………….

Thattekad Bird Sancuary Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary Agasthya Vanam Biological Park
2. Parappar dam, Idukky dam and Peechi dam in the state of --------------------- have given rise to small wildlife sanctuaries around the large lakes created from once flowing rivers.

Orissa Kerala Tamil Nadu

3. In this wildlife sanctuary in Uttaranchal, look for the rare Himalayan Monal and Musk Deer. The sanctuary is …………………

Valley of Flowers Chilla National Park Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary

4. Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh, Singhalila Wildlife Sanctuary in West Bengal and Suhelwa Sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh, have one thing in common. That is

All of them border Nepal All are at high altitude They are all tiger reserves
5. 65 km south east of Udaipur in Rajasthan, is this 423 sanctuary where the chousingha ( four-horned antelope can be seen. The name is…………

SitaMata Sanctuary Darra Sanctuary Bhensrod sanctuary

6. In this highest national park in West Bengal, look for sightings of the rare Blood Pheasant and the Red Panda. The Park is…………….

Neora Valley Dudhwa Singhalila

7. Tigers are believed to move between Royal Bardia National Park in Nepal and -------------------------

Corbett National Park in Uttar Pradesh Valmiki Tiger Reserve in Bihar Suhelwa Sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh
8. This 578 sanctuary is the only one in India where the Indian wolf is seen breeding successfully. The name is……………….

Tadoba Sanctuary Kumbalgarh Pench Tiger Reserve

9. Otters and fishing cats are found in the creeks of this sanctuary situated in Andhra Pradesh

Sobebarwa Sanctuary Eturnagaram Wildlife Sanctuary Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary

10. High up in the mountains of Western Ghat, this park was originally established to protect the Nilgiri Tahr.

Eravikulam National Park Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary

Quiz on Nature Spots of India

1. 70% of world's swamp or wild uffalo population is found in

Kaziranga Nagarhole Kanha

2. The Sainj, Tirthan and Jiwa valleys constitute the -------------National Park.

Great Himalayan Rajaji Manas

3. The only river in India where you can raft in the summer
Ganges Kauvery Zanskar
4. 'Gahirmatha' is a part of the -----------------Sanctuary.

Bhitarkanika Similipal Buxa

5. Ali Bagh and Ratnagiri are two picturesque areas one passes through while going in the train

Rajdhani Express Palace on wheels Konkan Express

6. The topographic isolation of this plateau has prevented human habitation. What is this forest called?

Kalatop-Khajjiar Karakoram Silent Valley

7. The lovely Markha Valley goes through------------------National Park

Dachigam Silent Valley Hemis

8. In this sanctuary the Maldharis ( cattle herders) and predators compete for space.

Gir Kolleru Binsar

9. The Nilgiri langur and the lion tailed macaque, both listed in IUCN's red list of threatened animals, are found here.

Kanha N.P Silent Valley N.P Corbett N.P

10. At least ----------of the 23 Project Tiger Reserves have special security forces for counter insurgency operations.

2 4

Quiz on Parks Sanctuaries of India

1. Bandhavgarh N.P is situated in

Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh

2. India`s oldest national park is

Kaziranga Corbett Kanha

3. India`s oldest zoo was established in the year

1920 1827 1859

4. The first marine national park is in

Gujarat Maharashtra Bengal

5. About 70% of the total raptor species found in the country are, harboured in

Nagarhole Dudhwa Corbett

6. The first man made bird sanctuary is

Kaladeo Ghana Vedanthangal Ranganthitoo

7. Official name of Borivli National Park is

Sanjay Gandhi N.P Indira Gandhi N.P Rajiv Gandhi N.P

8. India has ------------number of tiger reserves
23 14 50
9. In its number of mammals threatened with extinction India ranks

4th in the world 6th in the world 3rd in the world

10. The Indian Wildlife Protection act was promulgated in the year

1947 1972 1966

Quiz on Parks Sanctuaries of India

1. The first marine national park is in

Gujarat Maharashtra Bengal

2. Bandhavgarh N.P is situated in

Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh

3. The Indian Wildlife Protection act was promulgated in the year

1947 1972 1966

4. In its number of mammals threatened with extinction India ranks

4th in the world 6th in the world 3rd in the world

5. India`s oldest zoo was established in the year

1920 1827 1859

6. India has ------------number of tiger reserves

23 14 50
7. Official name of Borivli National Park is

Sanjay Gandhi N.P Indira Gandhi N.P Rajiv Gandhi N.P

8. The first man made bird sanctuary is

Kaladeo Ghana Vedanthangal Ranganthitoo

9. India`s oldest national park is

Kaziranga Corbett Kanha

10. About 70% of the total raptor species found in the country are, harboured in

Nagarhole Dudhwa Corbett

Quiz on rivers/lakes originating in national parks/sanctuaries

1. This is an important water body in Calcutta which is a unique mix of wetland and waterbody. The name is

Suraj Kund Vikram Jheel Damdama Lake

2. The Pench river whose catchment forests are part of the Pench tiger reserve is the main source of water supply to

Raipur city Nagpur city Bhopal

3. The total area of Sunderbans tiger reserve is 2585 of which covers water body

585 285 985

4. The town of Sawai Madhopur in Rajasthan gets its water through deep tube wells at the edge of the

Ranthambore tiger reserve Bharatpur sanctuary Sariska tiger reserve

5. The water bodies inside India’s forests have been assessed for the first time by

The State of Forests Report, 2003 The Centrally Empowered Committee of the Supreme court The Tiger Task F
6. The city of Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu gets its water from the dam in

Kalakad-Mundanthurai tiger reserve Bandipur Bhadra

7. --------------------Tiger Reserve feeds the Tapi River supplying 30% of the fresh water requirement of the Vidharba area in Maharashtra

Tadoba Melghat Satpura

8. Tulsi and Vihar lakes in the Sanjay Gandhi National Park and Tansa and Modak Sagar in Tansa wildlife sanctuary provide fresh water to the city of

Nagpur Ahmedabad Mumbai

9. An estimated of water bodies exist within the forested areas of the country.

5396 10, 396 17396

10. India’s first of the 16 water transfer link projects was signed by Madhya Pradesh and U.P on 25 Aug.2005. This 2000 crore project links the rivers……….

Parbati and KaliSindh Parbati and Chambal Ken and Betwa

Quiz on Butterfly
1. The Latin name of the order of Butterflies and Moths “Lepidoptera” means

Scaly Wings Four Wings Colorful Wings

2. Ants, one of the predators of butterfly caterpillars are known to protect some species of butterfly caterpillars.

True False I Do not Know

3. Which is the smallest butterfly in India?

Tiny Grass Blue Grass Jewel Pale Grass Blue

4. The yellow colored Brimstone butterflies, which look like butter flying through the air, (probably the reason these insects are called butterflies) are found commonly in which Indian region

Southern Western Ghats The Satpuras The Himalayan foothills

5. The Largest Butterfly in India is:

Blue Oak Leaf Butterfly Blue Mormon Southern Birdwing

6. Which is the largest Moth found in India?

Atlas Moth Bee Hawk Moth Tussar Silk Moth

7. Which of the following is a highly threatened butterfly.

White Dragontail Grass Jewel Great Orange tip

8. Unpalatable butterflies also mimic other unpalatable butterflies to escape from Predators

True False I Do not Know

9. The Butterfly caterpillars use which of the following technique to protect themselves from their predators:

Camouflage Chemical warfare Both

10. Palatable butterflies mimic the unpalatable butterflies to escape from Predators

True False I Do not Know

Quiz on Common Trees

1. The Government of India's Wildlife Conservation Program comprise just over ---------% of India's land surface.

2% 15 % 5%
2. Nature was left untouched by humans at various spots that dot India's countryside. These sites owe their existence to

Forest Laws NGOs working for tree conservation Sacred Groves

3. A tree brings down the temperature of a place by losing water through transpiration. The temperature loss is upto

2 Degree c 4 Degree c 10 Degree c

4. The bark of this tree is covered with sharp, conical prickles which disappear with increasing age. The fleshy petals of the flowers are eaten by birds & squirrels. The fruits ripen and open while still

Bhendi Tree Silk Cotton Tree Java Cassia

5. If one hectare of land is left without green cover, the amount of fertile top soil taken away by the wind and water every year is

5 kg 20 kg 24 kg
6. The flowers of this tree are streaming clusters of bright yellow blossoms which hang from its branches. What is this tree?

Queen of Flowers Jacaranda The Indian Laburnum

7. When in flower, this tree is either entirely leafless or left with some leaves on lower branches. A red coloured gum exudes from the tree which is largely used in medicine and in tanning & dyeing. Th
What is this tree?

Flame of the Forest Indian Coral Tree The Pagoda Tree

8. A tropical evergreen, related to mahogany. Has potential in the fields of pest management, environmental protection & medicine.

Neem Teak Peepul

9. Burning forests let off

CO 2 Methane CFC
10. The leaves of this tree resemble the imprint of a camel's foot; being joined together in the middle each leaf looks like one of Siamese twins. In fact the Latin name for the tree was given by tw
botanists who were identical twins. T

Semul Gulmohar Bauhinias

Quiz on Coral Reefs
1. Which of the following animals would you be likely to find in and near coral reefs?

sharks octopus both the above

2. Rani Jhansi Marine National Park is situated in

Wandoor Jamnagar Andamans & Nicobar Island

3. The main cause of coral reef bleaching is

fish eating the coral rapid changes in water temperature too many coral polyps
4. Why are coral reefs important to humans?

they provide food they may contain valuable medicines Both are correct
5. Which of the following are harmful to coral reefs?

oil spills from boats dynamite fishing both the above

6. Riverborne silt topped by flyash from thermal plant caused deteriration in the coral reefs of

Gulf of Mannar Hikkadaduwa and Bar Reef Inhaca Island Marine Reserve
7. What is a big threat to coral reefs?

global warming hurricanes Both are correct

8. What is a coral?

A rock An animal A plant

9. Coral reef mining is done for...

Fishing Road construction Protein preparation

10. Where is the largest coral reef in the world located?

Off the coast of Andamans Off the coast of Bali Off te coast of Australia

Quiz on Dolphins
1. What is the maximum amount of time a bottlenose dolphin can hold its breath?

15 minutes 20 minutes 5 minutes

2. Dolphins communicate by

Dorsal fin movements Talking Whistling

3. Most dolphins navigate by

Sight Echolocation X-ray vision

4. The life span of a dolphin in the wild is

30 years 20 years 45 years

5. Dolphins are found in India …………......

from beaches near Kozhikode ( Kerala) While cruising near Goa at both the places
6. Dolphins sleep .............

Closing one eye at a time, allowing one side of the brain to rest while using the other to Nestled underneath a rocky overhang to protect themselves In groups. Half the pod sleeps whi
watch for predators. from predators watches for predators
7. The numbers of the Gangetic river dolphin have dwindled to approximately…………...

2-3,000 10-15,000 6-7,000

8. The Irravadi dolphin can survive in………….

salt water fresh water both are correct

9. The largest member of the dolphin family is

Narwhal Gangetic Dolphin Killer Whale

10. Dolphins are

fish mammals reptiles

Quiz on Frogs and Toads

1. Frogs are collected from the wild for .............

environmental indicators medical research both the above

2. Frog legs are a delicacy in many countries. From India the main species exported is

painted frog common tree frog bull frog

3. The tail of a tadpole

is reabsorbed into the body drops off when it begins to turn into a frog is eaten by other frogs as an important source of food
4. In this species of frogs, a fully formed froglet hatches out of the egg

bull frogs tree frogs black toads

5. A frog`s diet consists of…..

water absorbed through their skin algae and plant matter anything that moves and can fit into its mouth
6. Frogs are bio-indicators because…….

their eggs actually absorb water and any pollution it may contain their skin absorbs oxygen and water both
7. The noise a male frog makes is unique because ……….

the call helps to attract flying insects for food the call attracts females during the mating season the call indicates the onset of r
8. Difference between a frog and a toad is …..

frog is an amphibian while toad lives on land frog eggs are in a clump while toads eggs are in a chain frogs skin is moist and smooth and have non-webb
9. This species is seen only in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka .............
Malabar gliding frog Pretty bush frog both the above
10. This rare frog is reddish brown with black streak through the eyes. A black lumbar spot is the identifying feature

pretty bush frog fungoid frog spotted leaping frog

Quiz on Reptiles
1. Russels Viper, found in Asia and China ..............

has a hemotoxic venom is not venomous has a neurotoxic venom

2. The largest, most conspicuous lizards, of India is called

Gecko Water monitor Comodo Dragon

3. This species of crocodile feed exclusively on fish.

Muggers Gharial Salt Water crocodile

4. Which is the largest venomous snake in the world ?

Anaconda Rattlesnake King Cobra

5. Why is the term cold blooded not very appropriate for reptiles?

The metabolism of reptiles can generate internal heat for temperature Reptiles swallow large prey whole to provide enough food to generate Reptiles do regulate body temperature by
control body heat adaptations
6. "Ophiphagus"; ie, they eat only snakes is a term used for

King Cobra Python Boa costrictor

7. The only snake to make a nest to lay eggs is,

Rat snake Rattle snake King Cobra

8. This snake is found only in Asia. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin that causes respiratory failure.

Viper Krait Cobra

9. This snake is endangered and near threatened (IUCN)

Indian Python Krait Common Cobra

10. Name the snake that has vestigal hindlegs

Watersnake Mangrove snake Boa constrictor

Quiz on Reptiles
1. The largest, most conspicuous lizards, of India is called

Gecko Water monitor Comodo Dragon

2. This species of crocodile feed exclusively on fish.

Muggers Gharial Salt Water crocodile

3. Why is the term cold blooded not very appropriate for reptiles?

The metabolism of reptiles can generate internal heat for temperature Reptiles swallow large prey whole to provide enough food to generate Reptiles do regulate body temperature by
control body heat adaptations
4. This snake is found only in Asia. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin that causes respiratory failure.

Viper Krait Cobra

5. This snake is endangered and near threatened (IUCN)

Indian Python Krait Common Cobra

6. Name the snake that has vestigal hindlegs

Watersnake Mangrove snake Boa constrictor

7. Which is the largest venomous snake in the world ?

Anaconda Rattlesnake King Cobra

8. "Ophiphagus"; ie, they eat only snakes is a term used for

King Cobra Python Boa costrictor

9. Russels Viper, found in Asia and China ..............

has a hemotoxic venom is not venomous has a neurotoxic venom

10. The only snake to make a nest to lay eggs is,

Rat snake Rattle snake King Cobra

Quiz on Sea Turtles

1. This turtle feed almost exclusively on jellyfish and cannot distinguish between plastic bags and jelly fish

leatherback flatback Hawks bill

2. Which sea turtle species dives the deepest, travels the farthest and grows the largest?

loggerhead leatherback turtle green sea turtle

3. This turtle is primarily found in the open ocean as far north as Alaska. The only reptile known to remain active at temperatures below 40 degree F

hawks bill flatback leatherback

4. Which of the following is not a human caused threat to sea turtle survival?

coastal armoring beach front lighting ghost crab predation

5. Olive Ridley sea turtles eat………….

crabs & clams fish & squid all of the above

6. Almost all sea turtles are found in these regions of the world....

tropical & sub tropical waters temperate & arctic waters temperate & tropical waters.
7. Leatherbacks nest in …….
Western coast of mainland India Eastern coast of mainland India Srilanka & Andamans & Nicobar
8. While a female sea turtle is nesting, she appears to shed tears, but the turtle is really,……….

secreting extra salt from her body secreting sweat from her body secreting extra water from her body
9. The only sea turtle that is strictly herbivorous as an adult

Loggerhead Green sea turtle Kemp`s ridley

10. Olive Ridley turtles………..

nest two times each season eggs incubate in 55 days Both statements are true

Quiz on Snakes
1. The largest Indian snake is the

King Cobra Python Viper

2. Snakes have evolved from and are relatives of...........…

lizards eels earth worms

3. The only snake to make a nest to lay eggs is,

Rat snake Rattle snake King Cobra

4. Snakes have no visible ears; Can they hear airborne sounds?

No, Probably most snakes hear nothing. Partly, they can hear other snakes hissing
5. ................% of all snakes species are venemous

100% -all are more or less venemous 1% 30%

6. The latin name for King Cobra is ´ophiophagus hannah´ which means.............…

snake eater full of venom snake with a hood

7. Why does the cobra spread its hood ?

hypnotise the prey to impress the female to scare enemies

8. How many species of snakes are there( approx.)?

300 3000 30,000

9. Snakes use their move about.

spinal cord scales muscles

10. Snake venom is produced by modified ............................…

thyroid glands saliva glands pancreas

Quiz on Trees
1. The flowers of this tree are streaming clusters of bright yellow blossoms which hang from its branches. What is this tree?

Queen of Flowers Jacaranda The Indian Laburnum

2. A 100 foot tree can absorb approximately……………gallons of water through its roots in a single growing season

11000 1100 100

3. Trees help reduce the effects of global warming by………………...

drawing water from the soil. increasing oxygen concentration in the atmosphere. reducing Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.
4. The bark of this tree is covered with sharp, conical prickles which disappear with increasing age. The fleshy petals of the flowers are eaten by birds & squirrels. The fruits ripen and open while still

Bhendi Tree Silk Cotton Tree Java Cassia

5. If one hectare of land is left without green cover, the amount of fertile top soil taken away by the wind and water every year is

5 kg 20 kg 24 kg
6. A tree brings down the temperature of a place by losing water through transpiration. The temperature loss is upto

2° C 4° C 10 ° C
7. The leaves of this tree resemble the imprint of a camel`s foot; being joined together in the middle each leaf looks like one of Siamese twins. In fact the Latin name for the tree was given by tw
botanists who were identical twins. T

Semul Gulmohar Bauhinias

8. A tropical evergreen, related to mahogany. Has potential in the fields of pest management, environmental protection & medicine.

Neem Teak Peepul

9. Nature was left untouched by humans at various spots that dot India`s countryside. These sites owe their existence to

Forest Laws NGOs working for tree conservation Sacred Groves

10. When in flower, this tree is either entirely leafless or left with some leaves on lower branches. A red coloured gum exudes from the tree which is largely used in medicine and in tanning & dye
plates. What is this tree?

Flame of the Forest Indian Coral Tree The Pagoda Tree

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