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Introduction to Research

I. Definition of Research
• the systematic investigative process used to increase or revise current knowledge by
discovering new facts (
• A systemic investigation to find a solution to a problem. (C.R. Kothari, 2002)

Research is…

• SYSTEMATIC because there is a definite set of procedures and steps which you will
follow. There are certain things in the research process which are always done in order to
get the most accurate results.
Real-life example 1: Cooking, answering a math problem, doing a science experiment
(Have the students share their experience and ask them what could probably happen if they
will not follow the steps)
Real-life example 2: Opening a sari-sari store will require a number of suppliers of various
products, you, as the owner of the store, should have a system wherein you know when
you need to restore inventory or when products are needed to be pulled-out for the reason
that they’re not moving.
Real-life example 3: As an IT programmer, your school is planning to operate a program
wherein the status of students will be monitored from entrance exam testing until
registration and enrollment process if accepted. With this, the program should include
various steps which is will consume less time and less efforts for the person in charge.

• ORGANIZED in the sense that there is a structure or method in doing research. It is a

planned procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is focused and limited to a specific scope.
Real-life example 1: Opening a sari-sari store in your neighborhood will need planning
and determining location, merchandise, customers.
Real example 2: In the program example, the information gathered, let’s say the name of
the students should be alphabetized so that it’s easier to find.

• FINDING ANSWERS is the end of all research. Whether it is the answer to a hypothesis
or even a simple question; research is successful when we find answers. Sometimes the
answer is no, but it is still an answer.
Real-life example: In the sari-sari store example, after research work is completed, a
decision on whether to open a sari-sari store is made.
Real-life example 2: In the program example, after the research is conducted, the
management should agree whether or not the system should be pursued or just leave it

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• QUESTIONS are central to research. If there is no question, then the answer is no use.
Research is focused on relevant, useful, and important questions. Without a question,
research has no focus, drive, or purpose.
Real-life example: In the sari-sari store example, the question would be: “Should you or
should you not open a sari-sari store?”
Real-life example 2: In the program example, the question would be: “Should you or
should you not use the program developed?”

II. Importance of Research

• Research can lead to expansion of knowledge and new discoveries.
• It helps us find ways to allocate scarce resources accordingly.
• It may help in studying the effects of observed phenomena.
• It develops critical thinking and analysis.

Purpose of Research
• To review or synthesize existing knowledge
• To investigate existing situations or problems
• To provide solutions to problems
• To explore or analyze more general issues
• To construct or create new procedures or systems
• To serve as a basis for decision-making
• To be a tool for correction
• To prove or disprove a theory

(Or a combination of all of those above)

• To explain a new phenomenon
• To generate new knowledge

III. Approaches to Research

Quantitative Research is based on collecting and analyzing numerical data. It concentrates
on measuring the scale, range, and frequency of phenomena, among other factors.
Qualitative Research is more subjective in nature. It involves examining and reflecting on the
less tangible aspects of a research, such as values, attitudes, and perceptions.

University of Bradford. (2014). Retrieved on September 25, 2014 from
Research-Methods. (2016). Retrieved on September 25, 2014 from

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