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The documentary is all about the different bodily functions that is going on inside the
human body. From conception up to the time that we got old. This shows how amazing God
is. He created us that no one can explain but with the help of science and the technologies
nowadays we somehow have an idea how human beings are developed. I can’t imagine the
mother’s agony of carrying us for nine months, so many changes have happened to her be it
emotional or physical. The bond between a mother and her child starts from conception up
until her final breath. No one and I mean no one can replace a mother’s love. It is said that a
baby inside the womb has flat lungs meaning there’s no air inside it this is because he is
connected to his mother via the placenta, he also gets nutrients through this. That’s why it is
important for pregnant women to have good nutrition and should be living a healthy lifestyle.
The birth of a baby is the start of a new life. He is going to learn how to adapt to his
environment. He is no longer connected to his mother, upon birth the placenta is being cut
and the baby is now ready for a life of its own. During birth the baby can pass through the
cervix with slight difficulty, the cervix is flexible and baby’s head is still soft and the
fontanelles have not fused together. The mother needs to help the baby come out by bearing
down every contractions. When the baby finally comes out the first breath comes inside his
mouth because babies are mouth breather. It showed how the air goes inside the lungs for the
first time, it’s like a car that is being started for the first time, the first breath is the gas that
will start the life of a baby newly born. When the baby finally cries then everybody is
cheering, the baby is alive! Now that the baby is finally breathing on his own, the heart also is
doing its job. After the unoxygenated blood is expelled from the body the oxygenated blood
is now ready to go places ,it is the heart who is in charge of pumping the blood to the
different parts of the body.It is the signal for the other organs to function and must do it
correctly. The two holes in the heart should be close by this time, if not then an operation is
needed to close it if not complications will arise that will endanger the new born.We have
water in our body and the organ in charge of balancing it are the two kidneys, that’s why it’s
important for us to take care of our kidneys, because if we don’t then we end up undergoing
dialysis. During pregnancy, the baby is floating in amniotic fluid and because it is said that
babies have meconium in their stomach and it is going to be eliminated once the baby is
already being fed.
During infancy, rapid growth is happening. The baby is still adapting to life outside
world. It is said that the temperature inside the womb is about 38 degrees while the
temperature outside is about 18 degrees, that is the reason why babies gets cold easily, So
keeping the babies warm at all times is a must. It is also said that a certain fat called the
brown fats are inside the baby’s body to keep it warm but it dissolves eventually until the
hypothalamus matures. The brain has many parts one of which is the hypothalamus which is
in charge of temperature control. But because babies are only starting to live as an individual,
it is still immature and a lot of pressure happens that it can’t cope with keeping us warm so
hypothermia is possible. By instinct babies know how to get milk from their mothers.
Breastfeeding at this moment is important. With the immune system still undeveloped,
colostrum that is found in breastmilk are a must in order for the antibodies to form, this in a
way kill certain bacterias. Breastfeeding should be given up to 6-9 months.During infancy a
simple trip to the grocery is a sensory overload to babies. They are just starting to developed
their senses. Extreme noises and sounds may damage the eardrums. They are also sensitive to
smell the only thing they can easily distinguish is their mother’s scent. The eyes are the last to
developed they only see black and white, they have blurred vision. By 2 months, they can
distinguish colors, at 4 they can see facial facts by the time they are 8 months they have a
20/20 vision. At this time they are starting to explore and the sense of touch is predominant.
Baby milk teeth starts to erupt and solid foods are introduced. Digestion is very important so
that proper nutrients are being distributed throughout the body, we don’t want to be obese or
malnourished, do we? A well balanced diet should be practiced early in life. I believe that a
healthy body leads to a healthy mind. We can be productive if we are well nourished.
At 1 year old he starts to crawl, be independent, explore alone and the bones are
stronger now. By this time the ear which is the sense of balance is now developed and
walking is learned. By childhood, learning starts, the braincells are very good in remembering
things so it is the perfect time to learn, and learning is not only taught in school but also
through experiences. We sometimes get hurt but the wounds it created heals and no visible
scars can be seen. We interact with different kinds of people thus increasing are social skills.
And because of this, we are exposed to all kinds of bacteria, one of which is the chicken pox.
We all go through with this, it is vital in the development of our immune system.
Vaccinations are ideal also at this stage. Puberty starts at 11 years old or it can start anytime
depending on the individual’s diet and lifestyle. The hypothalamus release a certain kind of
enzyme called kisspeptin that stimulate sense organ to mature. Menstruation can happen at
this time thus reproduction is possible, so proper care and guidance is required for their
safety.Upon reaching the adolescence around 17 years old boys became men and girls turn
into women. Physical changes happen as well as emotional. It is also the time that they are
attracted to opposite sex. Early pregnancy and marriage sometimes happen at this stage.
Adulthood is the peak year for everyone. It is the time where we graduate from
college, start our own career and our own life because we’re already earning a living and can
decide on our own. Most of us get married and start a family of our own. Have kids and
dedicate our lives to them. But others chose to be single and focus on their career, no
responsibility to think about, enjoying their singlehood, they go to parties, smoke ,drink
alcoholic beverages and exposing to loud noises in different bars, not being aware that it has
bad effects in their body. These effects damages the different organs in our body without us
being aware of it. We should make choices that will be beneficial to us later in life. Engage in
sports to strengthen not only our muscles but our entire body. A good exercise is also good
for the body so no matter how busy we are we should always make time for it.When we reach
our 50’s, we will notice the wrinkles near our eyes even the skin in our arms begin to sag.
Exposure to UV rays without proper sunblock or protection affects our skin, it looses its
elasticity thus the sagging and wrinkling appears. Our metabolism starts to slow down that’s
why we have big belly, beer belly for the men. One of the factors that affects our body is
STRESS! It happens anytime at every stage of development but it is more prevalent to the
50’s and beyond, blood pressure starts to shoot up thus the maintenance is needed. Stress also
speed up the aging process. The more stressed you are the more that you look older than your
age. It’s true isn’t it. Even those in their mid 40’s experience it. Upon reaching your 70’s
looking at the mirror is like looking at a stranger. You are a totally different person when
you’re on that age. Think of it as a 30 year copy of your baby face it slowly running out of
ink. Should we be sad that we are now old or be happy because we are aging gracefully . It all
depends on how we have lived our lives.
Nothing in this world is permanent. Every story has an ending and every journey has
its destination. We better start planning our lives carefully and wisely. This video showed
how much work is done by our body everyday in our lives. How well organized it is and how
amazing God’s power is. This massive works done by our whole body, can be ended easily.
Just like how it is hard to give birth it’s that easy to take away ones life. The fact that this life
we are living is a gift from God, is already enough reason for us to take care of it. Upon
seeing the whole video, is another reason that makes our life meaningful. A lot of people,
specially teenagers commits suicide due to depression, which is very sad. For it could’ve
been prevented if we were more attentive to the people around us and not only to ourselves.
We are all human beings, we live in one planet and we came from one God, with the
additional help of this video and a massive help from the bible, we should give importance to
the gift of life. Everyday we wake up, we should be thankful for not everyone is able to open
their eyes once again after they sleep. To end this passage, I would like to leave a quoatation,
“A life well lived is a life worth living”.

Jessie Mari Q. Pineda


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