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Narrator: Anita’s mother is a single parent. Anita has 2 sisters, Anita is the youngest, Lolita is
the middle and the eldest. Anita asked her mother to knit her a shawl. But her mother could
hardly refuse.

Anita: Mother can you knit a shawl for me?

Mother: Yes of course my dear Anita

Anita: Thank you mother

(While Lolita is jealous and begin to hate Anita)

Narrator: Anita’s Mother is a nurture mother that always working just for the sake of her
children. She always cared for Anita because Anita is a sickly child. Lolita never wanted to her
mother lift a finger but knitting a shawl have been an agony for her mother.

Lolita: Mother are you tired?

(But mother did not showed any pain)

Mother: No Lolita…

Lolita: But Mother…

Mother: Lolita this is just small thing

(Lolita did not understand her mother)

Narrator: when Anita married she only showed up one day to visit their mother and Lolita
scolded anita for being so thoughtless

Lolita: Did you realize that you became so thoughtless?

(Anita touched Lolita’s arm and in gentle voice she said)

Anita: I did it for mother. That shawl is giving her reason to live she was wasting away, didn’t
you notice? She fell so useless because she had nothing to do, no matter how small. Mother is
one person who prefers to live her life working. If she stops working she will stop living.

Narrator: Lolita nodded her head and said

Lolita: Perhaps she was right, and now I understand my mother.

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