Design Sheet STP

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Flow Diagram of Sewage Treatment Plant

Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment

Bar screen Equalization

Sewage Aeration Tank Settling Tank
Chamber Tank

Return Sludge

Excess Sludge


Extracted Water

Buffer Zone Tertiary Treatment

clarified water Activated carbon Treated Water Disinfection of

sand Filter Micro Filter
sump filter Tank treated Water

Water Softening


Water for reuse (Gardening and flushing)

RO (Protable
Ultra Fliter Filter Water)

ening and flushing)

Design of STP

Capacity of tank 200.0 KLD

Bar Screen chamber 0.1m x0.14m+ 0.3 Freeboard

Equalization Tank 3.3m x3.3m x4m+ 0.3 Freeboard

Raw sewage pump capacity 20.0 m3/hr

Aeration tank 12m x3.6m x4m+ 0.3 Freeboard

Air required for mixing, m3/hr 84.0 (Size of diffuser: 63mm dia x 1000 len

settling tank For square tank 6.32455532033676m x2.10818510677892m+ 0.3 Freeboard

Filter feed pump 16.7 m3/hr

Pressure sand filter 1 m dia x1.5m x0.6m+0.3 freeboard

Activated Carbon Filter 1 m dia x1.5m x0.6m+0.3 freeboard

Treated water tank 1.3m x1.3m+0.3 Freeboard

ffuser: 63mm dia x 1000 length)

2m+ 0.3 Freeboard

Design of STP For Extended Aeration Process Note:

Parameter Value Unit

1 Capacity of the Plant/Average daily Flow: 200.00 KLD
2 Quantity of Sewage generated 200000.00 LPD
3 Average hourly Flow 8.30 m3/Hr
0.0023 m3/sec
4 Peak Hourly Flow 24.90 m3/Hr

5 Design flow velocity 0.30 m/sec

Bar Screen Chamber
1 Cross sectional area of screen channel 0.008 m2

2 Adjust for the flow area blocked by the Bar 0.012 m2

0.1 m
3 Width of the chamber, W 0.1 m
4 Water depth, D 0.14 m

5 Required minimum Dimention: 0.1m x0.14m+ 0.3 Freeboard

Equalization Tank
1 Hydraulic retention time (HRT), in Hrs 5.00

2 Equalization tank volume 41.50 m3

3 Freeboard 0.50 m

4 water depth in tank 4.00 m

5 Tank Area 10.38 m2
6 length to width ratio 1.00
7 width of the tank 3.30 m
8 Length of the tank 3.30 m
9 Required minimum Dimention: 3.3m x3.3m x4m+ 0.3 Freeboard
Raw Sewage Lift Pump
1 STP Quantity 200.00 KLD
2 Number of working hour 10.00 hr

3 Pump Capacity 20.00 m3/hr

4 Flow per Pump 10.00 m3/hr

Aeration Tank
1 STP Quantity 200.00 KLD
2 BOD in Sewage 250.00 mg/l
0.00 kg/l
3 BOD load/hr 50.00 kg/day

4 F/M Ratio 0.12

5 M (Biomass) 300.00 kg

6 Design MLSS level 3500.00 mg/l

3.50 kg/m3
HRT in hrs 20.00

7 Aeration tank volume 166.67 m3

8 Average retention time 385.54 hrs.

9 Depth of Aeration tank 4.00 m

10 Area of aeration tank 42.00 m2
11 Width of aeration tank 3.60 m
12 Length of the aeration tank 12.00 m
13 Required minimum Dimention: 12m x3.6m x4m+ 0.3 Freeboard
14 BOD load/hr 2.27 kg/hr

15 Air requirement for BOD 136.00 m3/hr

16 Air requirement for mixing 149.60 m3/hr
17 Air requirement for Mixing 84.00 m3/hr
18 Air to be supplied 149.60 m3/hr
19 select size of diffusers 63mm Dia x 1000 length

20 No. of diffusers 19.00 numbers

21 placement of diffusers 0.80 m

Settling tank Tank
1 Design throughput flow 200.00 KLD

2 Max. hourly throughput 10.00 m3/hr

3 Design overflow rate 15.00 m3/m2/day
0.63 m3/m2/hr
4 Cross- secinal area of tank 13.33 m2
5 Dimensions
i. For a rectangular tank length 6.32 m
Dimention of tank 6.32455532033676m x2.10818510677892m
ii For circular tank 4.10 m Dia
6 Depth of Tank 3.00 m
7 Solids load 35.00 kg/hr
8 solids loading rate 2.63 kg/m2/hr
9 Weir length in clarifier
i. For square tank 12.65 RM

ii. For cirular tank 10.00 RM

10 weir loadng rate

i. For square tank 15.81 m3/RM/day

ii. For cirular tank 20.00 m3/RM/day

HRT in hrs 3.00 hr
11 volume of tank 24.90 m3
Water depth in tank 3.00 m
Tank Area 8.30 m2
length to width ratio 1.00
Width of the tank 2.90 m
Length of the tank 2.90 m

12 Hydraulic detention time 2.99 hrs.

13 Required minimum Dimention: For square tank 6.32455532033676m x2.10818510677892m+ 0.3 F
For Circular tank 4.1 dia x 3 m + 0.3 Freeboard
Sludge holding sump
1 Design throughput flow 200.00 KLD

2 Maximum rate of sludge- recirculation 100.00 %

3 Sludge sump capacity 4.17 m3

Pressure Sand Filter
1 Design throughput flow 200.00 KLD
2 Design filteration hours 12.00 hrs(per day)
3 Filteration rate 16.67 m3/hr

4 Loading rate on filter 12.00 m3/m2/hr

5 Filter cross-sectional area required (min) 1.39 m2
6 Diameter of filter (min) 1.00 m
7 Height of filter 1.50 m
8 depth of sand layer 0.60 m
Required minimum Dimention: 1 m dia x1.5m x0.6m+0.3 freeboard
Activated Carbon Filter
1 Design throughput flow 200.00 m3/day
2 Design filteration hours 10.00 hrs(per day)
3 Filteration rate 20.00 m3/hr
4 Loading rate on filter 12.00 m3/m2/hr
5 Filter cross-sectional area required (min) 1.67 m2
6 Diameter of filter (min) 1.00 m
7 Height of filter 1.50 m
8 depth of sand layer 0.60 m
Required minimum Dimention: 1 m dia x1.5m x0.6m+0.3 freeboard
Sodium Hypo Dosing System
1 Design throughput flow 200.00 m3/day

2 Design Max.Chlorine dose 5.00 ppm

0.01 kg/m3
3 Chlorine dose per day 1.00 kg
4 strength of Hypo 12.00 % solution
5 Hypo dose per day 8.30 kg/day
6 Select hypo tank capacity 50.00 L
7 Select hypo tank capacity 100.00 L
8 Dose pumping rating 0-4 L/hr
Sludge Dewatering System
1 Design throughput flow 200.00 KLD
2 Design BOD removal 50.00 kg/day
3 Excess Sludge produced 12.50 kg/day

4 Slurry consistency 0.80 %

5 slurry volume 1560.00 L

6 Filter press operation 1.00 batch/day

7 Filter press feed pump 0.50 m3/hr

8 Delivery pressure 5.00 kg
9 Proportion of solid in cake 25.00 %
0.25 (as a fraction)
10 Sludge cake Volume 50.00 L

11 Cake-holding capacity of the filter press 30.00 L

12 Select filter press size 0.42 x 0.42 m

13 Cake thickness in chamber 0.02 m

14 volume of each chamber 3.50 L

15 Required no.of chamber 10.00 numbers

16 Required minimum Dimention: 0.42 x 0.42 m x 0.02 m and 10 numbers of chamber +0.3 freeboa
Treated water tank
1 Hydrualic Retention Time (HRT) in hrs 5.00 hr
2 Equalization tank volume 5.00 m3
3 Freeboard 0.30 m
4 Water depth in tank 3.00 m
5 Tank Area 1.67 m2
6 Length to Width ratio 1.00
7 Width of the tank 1.30 m
8 Length of the tank 1.30 m
Required minimum Dimension: 1.3m x1.3m+0.3 Freeboard
In yellow cells, provide suitable values (if needed),
Please Make Changes only in Yellow cell.

Peak is assumed to be 3 times the average

Higher velocity will push debris through screen and lower will sediment on the
sreen floor so optimum velocity will be considered

Volume/hour= cross sectional area x flow velocity

Multiplication factor to compensate the obstruction caused due to bars of the

grills: (1+ widthof the bar(5mm)/space between two bars of the scren(10mm)

As this is a comfortable target, larger channels are easy to clean and can handle
larger peaks in the inflow.

Design of tank is to handle 6hr average flow. Ths volume repreent only usable
volume not freeboard
0.3-0.5m is choosen as per convention
2.0-2.5m is choosen as per the inlet sewage line which is already below this
pipe line so thisputs a constraint on the depth.
Area= volume/depth

length and width to choose suiting to the site conition

capacity calulated based on 20 hr/day working of STP, prvding sufficient margin
for harge over, maintenance, ret period etc 2.75

BOD for Indian Domestic sewage: 200-250mg/l

Design BOD is conidered as 250mg/l. this states that aeration tan has supplyed
30 kg of oxygen every day. (Food in F/M ratio)
0.12 (to ahieve over 95% BOD removal, Page:42, STP design process by Ananth
S Kodavasal

The sewage need min 250kg of bacterial flocs to digest but higher population
of biomas in the system is a desiable feature, (keeping 20% safety margin, the
biomass can be taken s 230kg).

The acceptable MLSS range is 3500-4500mg/l, lowest range gives us the most
conservative size for the aeration tankPage:42, STP design process by Ananth S

ATV= Biomass/MLSS, lower MLSS yields the highest possible size for the
aeration tank.this size will be able to handle higher volumes of MLSS

Average time taken by the present contents of the tank to exit the tank
3 m water depth is considered as a good practical water depth,this value may
change to 4.m in case of severely constrained area.
Area= volume/depth
This width is eal to accommodate set of 1m long diffusers
length= Area/width

(BOD load per day)/(noof aerationhours) Assuming 16 hrs of aeration.

60 m3/hr of ai per kg BOD is good, generos figure (which transfers kinatics

ofoxygen from gas phase to liquid phae, correcting the impurities present in
The requirement is @1.0-1.2 m3/m3 of tank volume
The requirement is @2 m3/hr/m2 of floor area
The highest quantity of the three iteraion above.
Select to suit the tankgeometry and to minimze diffusers number
(Air to be suppled)/ (minimum air flux rating) Desirable range o air flux rate of
Rows are distributed evenly along te length of the tank. For 12 diffusers (6

Assuming 20 hr of pumping in plants. In practical, pumping done for more than

20 hr so actual hourly throughput rate will be less.
aproven figure for Extended aeration bilogical processes.

(hourly throughput)/(horly loading rate)

2.5-3 m, can be slected by convection
Hourly throughput x MLSS, volume of bacteria that gets added to tank.
solids load x C/S area of tank, should be with in 3.0 kg/m2/hr

length of launder= 2x side, for a square tank with launder on two sides
length of launder= 3.14 x dia, for a circular tank with launder round the

sewage flow rate/ legth of weir, value should be with in 50 m3/RM/day

sewage flow rate/ legth of weir, value should be with in 50 m3/RM/day

volume= area x depth

HDT= (tank volume/ throughput rate) x 24 hr, ideal range-2.5-3 hr, but in small
plants it is not avoideable due to inimum depth requirement
33676m x2.10818510677892m+ 0.3 Freeboard
m + 0.3 Freeboard

Typically recirculation rate varies from 60-100% of troughput flow to maintain

deired MLSS levels.

Minimum, the slumpshouldbe capable of buffering the return flow fr 30min

Allow 4 hours for rest, backwash, etc.

the filter must be able to handle the clarified water at this rate
Empirically taken optimum valuw to achieve filtration efficiency at minimum
size of filter
Filtration rate/ loading rate
Area of circle= π/4 x dia2
selected from 1.5-1.8 m by convention
selected from 0.6-0.75 m by convention

Allow 4 hours for rest, backwash, etc.

the filter must be able to handle the clarified water at this rate
Empirically taken optimum valuw to achieve filtration efficiency at minimum
size of filter
Filtration rate/ loading rate
Area of circle= π/4 x dia2
selected from 1.5-1.8 m by convention
selected from 0.6-0.75 m by convention

ppm=mg/l, 1 kg= 1000000 mg, 1m3= 1000L, Leaves 0.5-2 ppm residual

Hypo is available at 10-12% strength

Mix Hypo 8.3 kg in 41.7L of water, Approx, 50L .

Mix Hypo 8.3 kg in 91.7L of water, Approx, 100L .

This rate is adequate to dispense 50L of Hypo in 20 hrs

row: C35
Dry weight basis, 0.25 kg o excess sluge per kg of BOD
0.8-1.0% is considered, tpical thickening achieved in a clariier with 2.5- 3 water
Excess sludge produced in total volume of liquid mix,settles at the bottom of
the clarifier tank. (slude builds gradually over a24hr period.
Each batch takes 4hr, designers choice

Capable of delivering up to 2m3hr in 4 hr ofoperaion, which is adequate.

Sludge cake has 75% moisture

(Excess Sludge production)/(proportaton of solids)
Minimum required capacity is 30L,(always select a press with larger capacity,
can remove some plats if the quntity of sludge is less)
Standard plate size, easy to handle n small plants (420x 420)mm to (470 x 470)
The practically achievable cake thickness, after which the filter rate drops
dramatically is 20-25 mm.

To give total cake holding capacity of the filter press (always design for a little
above the minimum requirement.
0 numbers of chamber +0.3 freeboard
2hP 14 head 12
Calculated Design report
Parameter Value Unit
Capacity of the Plant/Average daily Flow: 200 KLD
Average hourly Flow 8.3 m3/Hr
Peak Hourly Flow 24.9 m3/Hr
Design flow velocity 0.3 m/sec

Bar Screen Chamber

Required minimum Dimention: 0.1m x0.14m+ 0.3 Freeboard

Equalization Tank
Equalization tank volume 41.5 m3
Required minimum Dimention: 3.3m x3.3m x4m+ 0.3 Freeboard
Raw Sewage Lift Pump
Number of working hour 10 hr
Pump Capacity 20 m3/hr
Flow per Pump 10 m3/hr
Aeration Tank
Aeration tank volume 166.6666666667 m3
Average retention time 385.5421686747 hrs.
Required minimum Dimention: 12m x3.6m x4m+ 0.3 Freeboard
select size of diffusers 63mm Dia x 1000 length

No. of diffusers 19 Numbers

placement of diffusers 0.8 m

Sodium Hypo Dosing System

Design Max.Chlorine dose 5 ppm
strength of Hypo 12 %
Hypo dose per day 8.3 kg/day
Select hypo tank capacity OR 50 L
Select hypo tank capacity 100 L
Parameter Value Unit
Clarifier Tank
Design overflow rate 15 m3/m2/day
volume of tank 24.9 m3
Hydraulic detention time 2.988 hrs.

For square tank 6.32455532033676m

Required minimum Dimention: x2.10818510677892m+ 0.3 Freeboard
For Circular tank 4.1 dia x 3 m + 0.3
Sludge holding sump
Sludge sump capacity 4.1666666667 m3
Pressure Sand Filter
Design filteration hours 12 hrs(per day)
Filteration rate 16.6666666667 m3/hr
Required minimum Dimention: 1 m dia x1.5m x0.6m+0.3 freeboard
Activated Carbon Filter
Required minimum Dimention: 1 m dia x1.5m x0.6m+0.3 freeboard
Sludge Dewatering System
Excess Sludge produced 12.5 kg/day
volume of each chamber 3.5 L
Required no.of chamber 10 Numbers
0.42 x 0.42 m x 0.02 m and 10 numbers of
Required minimum Dimention: chamber +0.3 freeboard

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