Registration Partner Huawei

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For Partner

Partner Registration Step by Step

1. Partner registers a Huawei ID at

2. Login with the new userid. Then click Register to proceed.

3. Input Company Name and Country to do a check. If it has not been registered, click
Register to proceed.

2017-05-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page1, Total3

For Partner

4. Tick Certify that I am an authorized signatory for my company, choose Channel Partner
and click Next.

5. Fill in all the information and click Next.

2017-05-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page2, Total3

For Partner

6. Fill in the info in Detail Info page and upload your company’s business license/Tax
certificate (without uploading the relevant documents would delay registration

7. Go through the agreements and check agree box[make sure you are Authorized Signatory
of your company to accept the agreement], click Next to proceed.

8. Review the registration details and submit application. [END]

2017-05-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page3, Total3

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