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As a student, we all know that school uniform is part of being a

student, part of our responsibility, and to bring the image of their school.
But we don’t know if wearing uniforms is necessary.

Wearing uniforms is not necessary, because uniforms cannot help us in

our academic performance. what is the use of uniform? To recognize the
school? To be a good student? no, because uniform is just an accessory and
expenses. Not all the students are rich and some of the parents can’t afford
uniforms because they have many bills or they don’t have enough money.
According to Will Galloway "Rather than promote an orderly and disciplined
student environment, mandatory uniforms would cause massive student
disobedience and take away valuable instruction time.” So, uniforms can be
time consuming to the school administrator because they need to check and
correct the student uniform, and they need to waste time just in a simple
problem that they have. Shirley Farrell stated that “Public school students
should not have to wear uniforms. It’s a burden to parents who cannot
afford two sets of clothes for each child.” And If a family cannot afford
uniforms, it should be the responsibility of the school department to provide
them. Uniforms do not improve academics, behavioral and social outcomes,
or reduce discrimination or crime, according to many educators and experts.
Studies do not report any improvements in these areas. In fact, uniforms
may even make rebellious students worse. They alter the uniforms by
tightening, widening, shortening, or lengthening them and some Students
always find ways to tease or bully others, regardless of what clothes are
worn. School uniforms make students very identifiable, creating divisions
between schools and making it very easy to be bullied or causing fights with
rival schools or institutions.

To sum it up, school uniform should no longer be required because

there are many problems that can affect not just the student, also the school
and the parents. Students can learn without wearing school uniform.

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