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Auradon P rep

“It’s time to give this

preppy school
At the invitation of Ben, the Villain Kid

leave the Isle of the Lost and travel by limo

a serious bad girl makeover.”
over to the mainland to attend Auradon - Mal
It’s a chance for them to prove they are
evil like their parents.

Auradon Prep is an elite school and

many of the students are descended from
fairytale royalty. The school is an impress
building surrounded by green lawns and
flower gardens, and the students wear
smart blue and gold uniforms and
sleep in dorm rooms.

Ben greets Mal, Evie, Jay and

Carlos warmly when they arrive,
but not all pupils are as welcoming....

Welcome to
Auradon P rep :
Goodness doesn’t get
any better .

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All about ... Mal Mal is the daughter of ev
il sorceress
Fun facts
le hair,
Maleficent. With her purp ther
tough-as-nails boots and wing her
s Likes: Borro
jacket with two dragon mum’s spell
, Mal has
emblazoned on the back
me lullabies
‘trouble’ written all over
her – Dislikes: La
just like her infamous mo
ther! and stupid fl
Fave colour:
Being bad is something
her mother has alwa
ys Fave hobby:
encouraged, but Mal
begins candy from b
to wonder if being go
od is Secret: She’s
a very
actually more fun.... t.
talented artis

“ Nasty.
I like it. ”
- Mal

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All about ... Evie Fun facts
Evie’s mother is the vain Evil Queen
who was jealous of beautiful Snow White.
s with big
Evie has a dazzling smile, dark wavy Likes: Prince
ts and lots
hair and hypnotizing eyes. She wears castles and lo
of mirrors.
blue from head to toe and always
nkles and
accessorizes with a sparkling Dislikes: Wri
red gem necklace. uni-brows.
Evie’s mum taught her Fave colour:
that looks are everything , Looking in
Fave hobby:
but she starts to realize
the mirror.
that people are impressed
by intelligence, too.... Secret: She’s
really clever.

ud g e d ? ”
m y m a s
- Evie

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All about ... Jay Fun facts
Jafar’s son Jay is a or
t of confidence! don’t
teenager who isn’t sh s that
Likes: Thing
bulging biceps .
With his long dark hair, belong to him
people say he’s
and cool leather clothes,
bone e Rule Book.
dirty-no-good-bad-to-the- Dislikes: Th
to whenever
– an image he plays up Gold.
ing a skilled Fave colour:
he can! But as well as be
he’s got Taking
thief, Jay later discovers Fave hobby:
y field, too.... on’t
talent out on the Tourne things that d
belong to him
Secret: He lo
a team.
being part of

“Let’s get this

- Jay

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All about ... Carlos Fun facts
Carlos is the son of Cruella De Vil and he shares his mother’s
love of black and white. Carlos is considered a callous t
low life by the villagers on the Isle ... and he loves them for it! Likes: Choco
Carlos has always been scared of dogs, because Cruella told butter cups.
him they eat boys who don’t behave. But when he meets gs.
Dislikes: Do
a mutt called Dude, Carlos realizes his mother might have
been wrong all along.... Fave colour:
And also wh
Fave hobby:
video games.
n run
Secret: He ca
really fast.

“Let’s just say,

we don’t get
a lot of
belly rubs.”
- Carlos

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All about ... Ben All about ... Jane
King Beast Jane is the shy, quiet daughter
of the Fairy Godmother.
Prince Benjamin, son of
and Belle, is soon to be crowned the
new king. He is fiercely handsome, She feels like a ‘plain Jane’ and
with golden eyes and killer hair! longs to be beautiful and have
He doesn’t want Auradon to be a boyfriend. Jane wants to convince
divided any longer, so he decides that her mother to transform her just
the children on the Isle of the Lost like she once transformed Cinderella.
should be given a chance – It turns out Mal’s not the only
starting with the children of one with a plan to steal the
Cruella De Vil, the Evil Queen, Magic Wand....
Jafar and Maleficent....

“ I’ll never get a

“We get to - Jane
who we’re
going to be.”- Ben

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All aboAuurtora... Audrey
Audrey, daughter of
All about ... Lon nie . She thinks
Lonnie’s mother is Mulan
is Ben’s girlfriend. She
is a rather
the Villain Kids are ev il
but does her
spoilt princess and really doesn best to make them feel we
lcome at
ng to even showing
like the Villain Kids comi Auradon Prep anyway;
y when te-chip
Auradon Prep – especiall them how to bake chocola
cookies. Lonn ie loves Ja
th Mal.... ne’s new
Ben becomes friends wi
hairstyle, so asks Mal for
own makeover....

Just the
food group.”

- Lonnie

blood goes ba
hundreds of y ck
- Audrey

document1949638354028144597.indd 28-29 13/09/2016 14:55

How the whole
The news doesn’t go down we
ll on the other side of the water,
either! At first Mal, Evie, Jay
and Carlos – the Villain Kids

thing started....
refuse to leave the Isle, but Ma
leficent says they must go.
She has a special task for the
Magic Wand and bring it back to the Isle of the’s
m: find the Fairy Godmoth
Auradon, things are
In the magical realm of
and shocking turn!
about to take a strange The Wand has powers that
Maleficent and her evil friends

Ben, son of King Beast and need in order to escape from the “With that Wand
Queen Belle, is the future Isle of the Lost and take reve
nge and my Sceptre ...
king of Auradon. As his first on those who’ve wronged them. I will be able to
royal proclamation, he decides It’s all about world domination
! bend both good and
to invite the Villain Kids If Mal and her friends refuse
to help, evil to my will!”
from the Isle of the Lost to they’ll be grounded for eterni
attend Auradon Prep. - Maleficent

He chooses just four

Villain Kids to begin with –
the ones who most need help.
They are the children of
Cruella De Vil, the Evil Queen,
Jafar ... and the worst villain
in the land, Maleficent !

King Beast and Queen Belle

“ Don’t you thinhot
are horrified by the idea of

they deserve a se? ”

bringing the children of their
sworn enemies to live in Auradon.
But Ben believes the Villain Kids
shouldn’t be punished for their
parents’ mistakes.
at a normal lif
- Ben

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When they arrive at Auradon Prep, When Mal discovers she will have an opportunity to sn
the Villain Kids can’t believe how ‘nice’ the Wand from the Fairy atch
Godmother at Ben’s coro
decides to use a love sp
ell on him. But did she really need a
everything is. It’s SO gross! They are nation, she
determined to find the Wand and get back or had he already fallen spell,
for her?
home as soon as possible.

On the day of the corona
tion, will Mal be
steal the Wand,
As part of her plan to

ever after
able to go ahead with he
r evil plan? She is
Mal gives the Fairy Godmother’s daughter, torn between her mother and he
glamorous new hairstyle. to have a happy endin
r desire
g of her own....
Jane, a
Word spreads and soon lots of girls want
thing isn’t
Mal and Evie to give them makeovers,
Isle style, using their unique sewing, as lame
hair and make-up skills! as it sounds.”

“ Now do my nose!” - Mal

- Jane After

Jay and Carlos join the school’s

Tourney team, the Fighting Knights.
Even though they’ve never played before,
the boys eventually help the team to
victory in an important match
against their rivals, the Falcons!

Against all odds, unlikely friendships

are formed between the pupils of
Auradon Prep and the Villain Kids.

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Welcome to the USA

When King Beast married Belle

more than twenty years ago, he
united all the kingdoms and the
United States of Auradon
was formed.

The USA is a beautiful

land bordered by the blue
Sea of Ariel. It is formed of
many realms, from Faraway
in the north down to Auroria
in the south. There are also
several islands off the mainland,
including History Island,
Skull Island, Never Land and ...
the Isle of the Lost.

Try to be good ,
for goodness’ sake.
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The forbidden island
Th e Isl e of th e Lo st is a prison island, separated
m ag ica l
from the
barrier. The villains and
Long live

mainl an d by an inv isi ble
e island their home after
their side-kicks made th
ng Beast.
banished from Auradon by Ki
t on the ma rket streets,
The Villain Kids like to hang ou . Their favourite
ying graffiti
stealing things and spra ck and
and Chips, and Hook’s Clo
shops are Ursula’s Fish
Curiosity Shop.

document1949638354028144597.indd 14-15 13/09/2016 14:52

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