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Semester Gasal Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Indonesia Nama :
Kelas/Semester : II/1 No. Absen :

I. Answer the questions below by giving cross (X) on the correct answer (a,
b, or c) on the answer sheet!
(Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan memberi tanda silang
(X) pada jawaban yang benar (a, b, atau c) pada lembar jawaban!
1. “Good afternoon” in Indonesia is ….
a. Hello b. Selamat siang c. Sampai jumpa
2. “Good evening” in Indonesia is ….
a. Selamat sore b. Apa kabar? c. Selamat pagi
3. We say ….. in the morning.
a. Good night b. Good morning c. Good evening
4. Nisa says ….. in the night.
a. Good night
b. Hello
c. Good afternoon

5. A : “How are you?”

B : “I …. fine.”
a. Good bye b. Am c. See you
6. “Good bye” in Indonesia is ….
a. Sampai jumpa b. Selamat tinggal c. Hello
7. “See you” in Indonesia is ….
a. Sampai jumpa b. Selamat tinggal c. Hi
8. What are they doing?

a. Make a circle
b. Stand in line
c. Raise their hand

9. G – M – N – O – I – R - N
The correct word is ….
a. Evening b. Morning c. Night
10. What are they doing?

a. Make a circle
b. Stand in line
c. Raise their hand

II. Draw a picture based on the words below!

(Gambarlah berdasarkan kata-kata di bawah ini!)

1. Square 2. Triangle

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