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New Headway Elementary – Unit 10

1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. One word can be used
more than once.

something anything nothing everything

She is very lazy. Look at her! She is not doing ………………… at all.
What are you having for dinner? ………………., I am on a serious diet.
Her husband is a very rich man. And he has just received his bonus salary. That’s
why she is buying ………………………. that she sees in the shop: dresses, shoes,
I don’t know what to do with his kid. He is a very fussy eater. There are some
days when he eats really ……………… at all.
Oh, dear! This party is huge, there are lots of people and I don’t know
………………………… .
A: Did you buy …………….. at the shops?
B: No, …………….
A: Why not?
A: ……………………….. was too expensive.

2. Present simple or continuous? Put the words in brackets into the right form
and fill in the gaps.
1) I ____________________ thirsty. (to be)
2) John often ____________________ sugar in his coffee. (to take)
3) Listen! They ____________________ home. (to come)
4) I usually ____________________ as a teacher in Germany, but this summer I
____________________ as a language assistant in Rome. (to work)
5) Anne ____________________ red hair. (to have)
6) The flowers ____________________ beautiful. (to smell)
7) The bus to New York ____________________ at 6.30). (to leave)
8) My history teacher ____________________ too much. (to talk)
9) Right now Christine ____________________ on the computer. (to work)
10) Hey! What ____________________ you ____________________ there? (to do)
3. Describing people

4. Use one of below words to fill in the gaps:

But, However, So, Because , And
1. He's going to work in Colombia, _____________________________ he's
learning Spanish.
2. I went into town. I bought some food _____________________________ I went
to the library.
3. I don't have a car, _____________________________ I have a motorcycle
4. She's working late next Friday, _____________________________ she can't
come to the party
5. We enjoyed the vacation. _____________________________, it rained a lot.
6. She went home _____________________________ she was tired
7. He worked hard, _____________________________ he passed all his exams.
8. She can speak French, _____________________________ she can't write it.

5. Write a short comparison (összehasonlítás) between 2 famous persons or 2

family members or 2 friends.
Who are they? How do they look like? What do they like to do?

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