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Department ofElectronics and Communication

SEM: VII A,B,C Date:19-9-2018
SUB: DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Scheme and Solution Time: 2-3.30pm.
SUB CODE: 15EC72 Max Marks: 45

Q.No Solution Mark

1 a i) Gamma rays :Used in nuclear medicine and astronomical observation.
ii) X-ray: Used in Medical diagnostics, Industries and astronomy
iii) Ultraviolet rays: Used in Lithography, Microscopy, Lasers, biological
imaging, Astronomical observation. 1x5
iv) Visible and infrared rays:Used in Light microscopy, remote sensing , Industry
v) Microwave rays: Used in microwave band of Radar.
vi) Radio waves: Used in medical application and astronomy


Diagram + Labelling
2 a Digital image processing and its applications 1+2
• An image is defined as a two-dimensional function, f(x,y), where x and y are
spatial (plane) coordinates, and the amplitude of f at any pair of coordinates
(x,y) is called the intensity of the image at that point.
• The field of digital image processing refers to processing digital images by
using computers.
• Image Processing Applications:
• Medical imaging
• Remote Earth resource observations
• Astronomy
• High-energy plasmas and electron microscopy
Fundamental steps in digital image processing. Diagram+ 4+2
3 a

Image acquisition using linear sensor strip, and circular sensor strip with 4+5

4 a Shortest path between p and q :D4 = 9, D8 = 7 and Dm= 9 1+1

b i) Brightness adaptation: For any given set of conditions, the current Sensitivity 3+2
level of the visual system is called brightness adaptation
Fig.1: Brightness adaptation. Fig.2: Weber Ratio
Weber Ratio = ∆Ic/I
where ∆Ic = Increment of illumination.
Weber ratio is high: Poor brightness discrimination
Weber ratio is low: Good brightness discrimination

Q.No Questions Mark

5 a • The output of many sensors is continuous voltage. To get a digital image, we 2
need to convert this voltage into digital form. But this involves 2 processes,
namely sampling and quantization.An image is continuous with respect to x
and y coordinates and in amplitude.
• Digitizing the coordinates is called sampling.
• Digitizing the amplitude is called quantization.

Explanation + diagram
b Total amount of data including the start and
stop bit in an 8 bit, 1024x1024 image = 10242x(8+2) bits ……. 1
Baud rate = 56K (56000 bits per second)
Time taken to transmit the image = (10242x 10) / 56000 = 187.25sec. = 3.1mins. …… 2

6 a Image acquisition using a Single sensor


i)Photodiode is used as sensor. Diagram + Explanation ... 3 + 3

ii) Made up of silicon
iii) Output voltage waveform is proportional to light
iv) Filter in front of sensor is to increase selectivity
This mechanical digitizer is also called as Microdensitometer.
A film negative is mounted onto a drum whose mechanical rotation provides
displacement in one dimension. The single sensor is mounted on a lead screw that
provides motion in the perpendicular direction.

b • The Euclidean Distance between p and q is 1

De (p,q) = [(x – s)2 + (y - t)2]1/2 = 4.47
• The D4 distance (also called city-block distance) is 1
D4 (p,q) = | x – s | + | y – t | = 6
• The D8 distance (also called chessboard distance) between p and q is 1
D8 (p,q) = max(| x – s |,| y – t |) = 4
7 a i) Contrast Stretching — Expands the range of intensity levels in an image
ii) Bit-plane slicing : Pixels are digital numbers composed of bits. For example, the
intensity of each pixel in an 256-level gray-scale image is composed of 8 bits (i.e., one
iii) Intensity-level Slicing — Highlights a specific range of intensities in an image.


Fig.1: Contrast stretching Fig.2: Bit plane slicing.

b The histogram of an image is a plot of the number of occurrences of gray levels in the
image against the gray level values. h(rk )  nk 1
where rk is the kth gray level and nk is the number of pixels in the image having gray
level rk .
Four basic gray level characteristics of histogram. Histogram of dark image, light
image, low contrast image and high contrast image.

Fig. 7b: Histograms of dark image, light image, low contrast image and high contrast

8 a Any two point processing techniques 2+2

Gray level No. of k

k nj
(k) Pixels j sk  ( L  1)
(nj) j 0 j 0 n
j 0

0 1 1 1/16 0.4375 =0

1 7 8 8/16 3.5 = 4

2 4 12 12/16 5.25 = 5

3 2 14 14/16 6.125 = 6
4 1 15 15/16 6.563 = 7

5 1 16 16/16 7

6 0 16 16/16 7

7 0 16 16/16 7


2 2

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4+1

a) Before histogram equalization b) After histogram equalization

9 a Histogram equalization:
Consider a transformation which is of the form
s  T (r ) where 0  r  1
And we assume that the transformation function T(r) satisfies the following
(a) T(r) is single-valued and monotonically increasing in the interval 0 ≤ r ≤ 1; and
(b) 0 ≤ T(r) ≤ 1 for 0 ≤ r ≤ 1

Transformation function

Level s

sk=T(rk) T(r)

rk Level r
0 1


Fig.: Gray level transformation function.

Transformation function, Diagram, conditions and explanation.. 4

Analysis.. 5
10 a The method used to generate a processed image that has a specified histogram is
called histogram matching or histogram specification.
 In this notation, r and z denote the gray levels of the input and output
(processed) images, respectively.
 We can estimate pr(r) from the given image, pz(z) is the specified probability
density function.
Let s be a random variable with the property.

Analysis and Explanation 3

Procedure 2

b Power law Transformation:

Explanation includes
Power-law transformations have the basic form s  cr 
where c and  are positive constant. Explanation + Diagram 2 +2
Quiz Marks 1x10

1. The smallest discernible change in intensity level is called ____________

a) Intensity Resolution
2. Which of these is NOT in four neighbours of pixel (x, y)?
c) (x+1, y+1)
3. D4(p,q) distance (City block distance) is defined by
a) | x – s | + | y – t |
4. Sampling of an image is required for:
c) Digitization
5. Consider an image of size M X N with 64 gray levels. The total number of bytes required to store this
digitize image is
b) M X N X 6
6. Photopic is _brightness_ vision.
7. Small value of weber ratio means good_ brightness discrimination.
8. Visible range of Electromagnetic spectrum is from _400_nm to _700_nm
9. The histogram of a digital image with gray levels in the range [0, L-1] is a
discrete function h (rk) = __nk__
10. 8- connectivity: Two pixels p and q with values from V are 8-connected if q is in the set _N8(p)_

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