Human Resource Management: Recruitment

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Human Resource Management


6 Recruitment


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At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:

1. define recruitment;
2. explain the impact of effective recruitment;
3. recognize the importance of recruitment policy;
4. compare the benefits between attracting internal and external
5. determine the advantages and disadvantages of both internal and
external recruitment;
6. assess the stages of recruitment; and
7. develop a recruitment plan.

Learning Objectives Suggested Instructional Strategies

LO 1: define Call as many students from the class to give as
recruitment many answers as possible.

Article Search and Reporting

(Refer to Experiential Learning Activity #1)

Think Pair Share

Form pairs of students who will individually think
of answers, then ask them to merge the ideas,
which shall be presented to class.
LO 2: explain the
impact of effective Supplemental Discussion – Ask the students to
recruitment visit the following websites:

Advanced Reading Assignment – In
preparation for the discussion of the topic, ask
the students to visit the website
LO 3: recognize the
importance of Discuss the importance of recruitment policy.
recruitment policy
Writing Assignment – Reflection paper
regarding recruitment policy
(Refer to Experiential Learning Activity #4)

Advanced Reading Assignment – In

preparation for the discussion of the topic, ask
the students to visit the website
LO 4: compare the
benefits between
Conduct of Debate
attracting internal and
(Refer to Experiential Learning Activity #2)
external recruitment
Writing Assignment- Reflection paper regarding
external and internal recruitment
(Refer to Experiential Learning Activity #4)

Advanced Reading Assignment – In

preparation for the discussion of the topic, ask
the students to visit the website.

Notes on the Policy of Attracting Internal Versus

External Applicants:
LO 5: determine the
advantages and 
disadvantages of ap_Articles/appendix_secured/Appendi
both internal and x%205.pdf
external recruitment 
 http://kalyan-

Break-out Group
LO 6: assess the stages
(Refer to Experiential Learning Activity #3)
of recruitment
Writing Assignment – Reflection paper

regarding stages of recruitment
(Refer to Experiential Learning Activity #4)

Review the class on the process of developing

a recruitment plan.
LO 7: develop a
Development of Sample Recruitment Plan
recruitment plan
(Refer to Experiential Learning Activity #5)

Poster Making – Sample Job Advertisement

(Refer to Experiential Learning Activity #6)
*All links accessed last March 6, 2014.

Learning Slide
Objectives Presentation
LO 1 Definition of Terms Slide 2

LO 2, LO 3 Adopting a Requirement Policy Slide 3

Sample of a Recruitment Policy
LO 2, LO 3 Slide
Notes on the Policy of Attracting
LO 4 Slide 4
Internal Versus External Applicants
Advantages and Disadvantages of Slides 4 and
LO 4
Internal Recruitment 5
Advantages and Disadvantages of
LO 4 Slide 6
External Recruitment
LO 5 Stages of Recruitment Slides 7-18
Slides 19 and
LO 6 Using a Competency Framework

Ask you student to go to the following sites for related topics then ask
your students to do a reflection paper about the article in these websites

Definition of Terms

Adopting a Requirement Policy

Sample of a Recruitment Policy Statement

Notes on the Policy of Attracting Internal Versus External Applicants

Advantages of Internal Recruitment

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment
Advantages of External Recruitment
Disadvantages of External Recruitment
Stages of Recruitment
Determine Whether a Vacancy Exists
Prepare Job Description and Person Specification
Media Announcement
Managing the Response
Arrange Interviews
Reference/Background Checks
Offer to Hire


Using a Competency Framework

*All links accessed last March 6, 2014.

1. Article Search and Reporting

Require the students to look for an article from the newspapers,
journals, or websites that is related to the topic with corresponding

The students shall summarize the article by just getting “excerpts”

from the whole article. The article shall be shared in the class as to
how it will answer the problem or it can support the topic on hand.

2. Conduct of Debate
Form a group of 5-10 or divide the class into two, either from the left
side versus the right side; or all females versus all males.

Announce to the class the propositions related to the topic. Ask the
group representative to come forward to participate in the tossing of
the coin. The heads gets the chance to choose which side of the
argument they would like to prove.

Provide a maximum of ten minutes to discuss and summarize the

points they would like to use as support to their assigned claim.

During the debate, moderate the discussion so it will not take long
and to filter unnecessary discussion of irrelevant points.

3. Break-out Group
Divide the class into small groups composed of 3-4 members and ask
to prepare synthesis on the topic. Assign a group moderator, a
secretary, and a rapporteur who shall report to the class the output
of the group.

Option 1: Assign each group with different topics, if the coverage of
the subject matter is too long.
Option 2: All groups shall discuss and assess common questions or
expected outcomes.

4. Writing Assignment
Ask the students to write what they know about a topic before
conducting the lecture to help them subsequently connect new
ideas to what they already know.

Require the students to submit on the following meeting a summary

of the topic discussed by relating it to recent or similar real-life
situation. Limit the summary in not more than 100 words.

5. Development of Sample Recruitment Plan

Ask the students to choose a particular industry where company
considerations will be drawn. Use the format below in developing a
sample recruitment plan:

Recruitment Plan for: (Name of Company)

The company intends to recruit applicants/potential employees

using the following recruitment techniques:

For Managerial Positions

Recruitment Reasons/Justifications

For Non-Managerial Positions

Recruitment Reasons/Justifications

6. Poster Making – Sample Job Advertisement

Ask the students to look for a partner and prepare two (2) samples of
Job Ad—one for a managerial position and one for a non-
managerial position. The two positions should be in the same setting
or company premise.

The Job Ads should contain the following:
 Attention catching “spiel/s”;
 Positions needed;
 Job descriptions and Job specifications; and
 Application requirements, the company address, and contact
information to serve as guide for applicants on how to send
their application.

Each student must translate their assessment of the topic through

preparing and presenting poster. The student may use crayons,
watercolor, pencil, or use the aid of computer to make their posters.
The use of recyclable and re-usable materials should also be

I. True or False: Write T if the statement is true, otherwise, write F if the

statement is false.

____ 1. Placement is the actual hiring of applicants.

____ 2. Selection is the process of attracting applicant for the
____ 3. It is usually cheaper in terms of starting pay when recruiting
____ 4. Recruitment provides opportunity to present a desirable public
image or brand.
____ 5. Company must be able to sell itself to get the best applicant by
giving extravagant offers.
____ 6. External recruitment allows bigger opportunity to bring in new
experiences and ideas into the organization.
____ 7. Facebook is originally designed as a social networking platform,
hence, cannot be used on recruitment.
____ 8. An organization that fails to attract the best qualified people will
surely fail to meet its organizational objectives.
____ 9. Internal recruitment helps saving cost since recruits will need
shorter period of training and time for “fitting in”.
____ 10. Recruitment policy would require getting staff compatible with
the style of management and the culture of the company.

II. Sequencing: Arrange the Stages of Recruitment in proper order

using no. 1 as the first stage.

___ 1. Actual Interviews

___ 2. Appointment Action
___ 3. Checking References and Backgrounds
___ 4. Decision to Hire
___ 5. Determining Vacancy
___ 6. Job Offer
___ 7. Media Announcement
___ 8. Preparing Job Description and Job Specification
___ 9. Responding to announcements
___ 10. Scheduling an Interview
___ 11. Short-listing

I. True or False II. Sequencing

1. T 1. 7
2. F 2. 11
3. T 3. 8
4. T 4. 9
5. F 5. 1
6. T 6. 10
7. F 7. 3
8. T 8. 2
9. T 9. 4
10. T 10. 6
11. 5

1. Article Search and Reporting (Total of 15 points)

Rating Guide:
0-10 points - Accurateness of the article in relation to the topic
0-5 points – Presentation of thoughts about the article.
a. Content
b. Organization
c. Use of language (vocabulary/sentences)

2. Conduct of Debate
Rating Guide:
 Count every acceptable answer/thought of the group and mark
as 1 point.
 Winning group (with the higher score) wins and gets 100%.
 Losing group gets 80%.

3. Break-out Group
The instructor may use the following to assess the output of each
group (score may vary).

Excellent Very Satisfactory Fair (1)

(4) satisfactory (2)
Content The
The The
30% synthesis
synthesis synthesis The synthesis
did not
complied complied complied
with all with most with the main
with the
parts of parts of parts of the
main parts
the the assignment
of the
assignment assignment
Collaboratio of the
n group
Most Members of
15% worked Some
members the group
and members of
of the did not
contribute the group
group contribute
d contributed
contribute in any
consistentl positively to
d positively positive
y and the group
to the way to the
equally in work
group work group work
a positive
way to the
group work
Organizatio n is
n is Presentation Presentatio
n extremely
organized is somewhat n lacks
25% well
with organized; organizatio
organized ,
synthesis, ideas are not n; ideas are
detail and presented in limited and
detail, and
coherence sequence difficult to
are very follow
Presentation Presentatio
(30%) n is Presentatio
Presentatio is
engaging n is simple
n is clear straightforwar
and and little
and d and at
insightful; creativity is
thoughtful times clearly
with used


4. Writing Assignment
Assess the completeness, substance of inputs, and organization of
thoughts. Assume a perfect score of 100% and a deduction of 2 for
every incomplete content or irrelevant thought.

5. Development of Sample Recruitment Plan

Enumerate all the parts/contents required from a sample
Recruitment Plan. Check the technical correctness of all the outputs.

Rating Guide:
5 points – Technical requirements and correctness (pagination,
formats, etc.)
10 points – Correctness of contents based on expected outputs

6. Poster making (Total Points: 20)

Assess the poster according to various factors as follows:
5 points – Attractiveness of the poster
5 points – Clarity of message being conveyed
5 points – Completeness of the information needed
5 points – Over-all impression of the poster


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