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Activity #1

Choose a personal situation that involves “self-affirmation.” Describe how.

Self-affirmation, in simplest terms, is defined as a process wherein an individual indulges the

positive aspects of their individuality in validation. This process intends to reach the goal of creating
one’s character and self-integrity. This is contrary to affirming in general, or in a logical perspective
because it excludes the negative aspect of affirming and rather investigates the positivity of being. Self-
affirmation then involves two levels, namely the cognitive level and the affective level. The cognitive
level entails the mind, revolving around recognizing that you have a self. On the other hand, the
affective level involves one’s will, where the desires come in.

A personal situation that would involve the process of self-affirmation would be when I, as a
student, would be receiving a bad grade on a test that I had studied for. The cognitive level then comes
in when I am going to process the situation and make my mind recognize that I made a mistake in the
approach in how I studied. This is the level of when recognition comes in towards what is real, and in the
said scenario, what was real was that I had a bad grade and recognizing such reality entails a successful
processing of the cognitive level. On the other hand, the affective level comes in when the individual’s
will revolves around acceptance, and in the case of having a bad grade, the affective level would turn
out accepting oneself for the mistake and failure of properly studying for the test. Moreover, when I
would view such experience as a normal human occurrence that would be necessary for growth and
maturation, specifically, in looking for a better approach in studying for the next tests.

Overall, self-affirmation is truly an important aspect in viewing our experiences and reflecting
towards the daily occurrences in life because it is where we are able to have a positive outlook on life. I
believe that it is through self-affirmation are we able to be less self-critical, anxious, or depressed,
making life more focused on the kind and compassionate acceptance of self as a human being with flaws
and limitations. No matter how heartbreaking or unfortunate a personal experience is, self-affirmation
can be one of the doors that would lead an individual to properly handle such situation and be less likely
to stray away from the negative responses in life.

Cognitive Level Affective Level

 recognize the reality of the situation  accepting oneself for the mistake and
 recognize that I made a mistake in the failure of properly studying for the test
approach in how I studied  view such experience as a normal human
occurrence that would be necessary for
growth and maturation
 this would lead to looking for a better
approach in studying for the next tests
Activity #2

Describe yourself as the “I” Describe yourself as the “me”

As an individual, the aspect pertaining to the “I” With the aspect of “me” as one that composes
is the self as a subject. This is the part of my my individuality, it pertains to the self as an
individuality which refers to the response to the object. I can describe this aspect as the one that
“me,” which is the social self, or how the society composes the social self, because it is the result,
sees us. When we describe the “I” as the learnings, and the wisdom that I have digested
response to the social self, it means that the “I” because of the countless social interactions that I
indulges in deep thought about what the have already accustomed myself into. The “me”
society’s perspective towards us mean, and what is how we believe the people in the society sees
would be my approach towards such perspective. us. If I were to describe myself as the “me,” I
Before describing myself as the “I,” I must would say that the “me” would be the smart and
describe myself as the “me” because the “I” is tall leader who puts his studies as one of his top
basically the response to the “me.” If I were to priority.
describe myself as the “me,” I would say that the
“me” would be the smart and tall leader who
puts his studies as one of his top priority. With
that, if I were to describe myself as the “I,” I tend
to become the person who responds to it in a
way that I am pressured to maintain such view
towards my individuality that in turn leads me to
do better in my studies and improve myself as a
Activity #3

Describe your identity

As an individual, I hold multiple identities, each having their own meaning and are also expected
of something by the different people in the society. These identities that I uphold are: being a son,
brother, friend, and a student. However, despite the very differentiation of the multiple roles that I have
which function in the social context, they achieve a sense of coherence as different identities. This
means that despite the different roles that I serve in the community, there is the value of consistency
and consonance in how I adhere and respond to those roles.

The main value that I show when it comes to pursuing the said roles is concern. I believe that for
every situation that I am immersed into, there is always this value of concern that I bring up, may it be
to myself, to other people, and to other possible subjects of concern. However, this isn’t just something
that remains as is. This concern affects the way how I think which gives way for considerations,
acceptance, and mercy even to the slightest gap which can be placed with such.

Looking into the aspect of accomplishing tasks such as making a gift for a friend, passing projects
that require creativity, and more, I guess that I am more dedicated when it comes to creative and artistic
standards because I am really interested in artistry. May it be asking for outputs that require artworks or
giving me the freedom to do whatever that I want to a particular project. However, when it comes to
restraints in time and resources, this dedication and interest becomes subjected to not being made with
full potential.

When it comes to socializing, I believe that I am more comfortable with conversing to people of
the opposite gender because as I have grown up, my mother and sister were the only people in my
household that I can interact with since my father would always be out of the picture due to him
working throughout the day, and only to come home to sleep during my childhood. However, despite
this, I am still thankful for him because my education, health, and the individuality that I have wouldn’t
be possible without his effort to work for us.

Overall, these things are the main characteristics that I see inside my individuality, which
constitutes my identity. I believe that it is through these, am I able to continue where I can bring up
progress towards growth and development because it is through understanding one’s internal piece, is
he able to self-actualize, and indulge in knowing himself better. Despite the different roles that I have in
the society, my identity will always have the sense of coherence, that makes my interactions,
conversations, and impact, those that come from who I am.

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