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Subject Coordinators Certificate Course


ASSIGNMENT: Identify, Choose and Reflect on a Critical Incident
As a Teacher Coordinator, and Head of Department, English, I have to oversee and guide multiple teachers
with varied teaching experience and ability. As Head of Section, this also involves overseeing ad ho
situations where multiple factors make something go very wrong. The incident I have chosen to reflect on
involves a teacher’s interaction with me as his/her Head of Section.
Identifying an incident, and then determining whether it is a Critical Incident , initially, was quite
interesting. Trying to distinguish the actual behavior and actual actions was not altogether difficult, but I
found that analyzing the incident far too challenging as it involved ideas on a deep seated personal level.
The Event: The teacher had been asked to not go to a specific class, as it was not his assigned duty.
He went, or seemingly began entering the class , and due to a prior incident that created confusion
amongst students, I sternly told him not to enter the classroom, as it was not his duty, and due to his
causing said confusion.
Later, in a conference in my office, the said teacher raised his voice, shouted at me for a good 5 minutes,
and to an extent made me quite insecure with verbal threats and admoniton. There were witnesses.
Reflecting on this critically is proving to be quite a challenge. Where did I go wrong?
Did I overstep my boundaries by admonishing the teacher in the corridor, in public?
What was his reaction to my words and was it validated in any way?
What reflective stance should I now acquire and should I report it to the Principal?
All questions aside, I did find it quite unnerving that this incident did occur and require further reading and
research to see how Critical Incident Analysis and Appraisal might ensue.
To be honest, I feel I need more time to reflect and research on how this Critical Incident could be
I feel that by choosing this as my Critical Incident , noting the behavior and relating it to Head/Cooridnator
Reflective Practice is very necessary so I can grow as a manager of Teachers , so that I can make a
difference in all teachers’ lives.

William Henderson
(Coordinator, English- O Levels Middle Section)

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