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Family, community, nation, commonwealth.

What are the opportunities

for shared, sustainable growth?

The Commonwealth was formed in 1931 by the Parliament of UK. It was formed post World War One
when Europe faced harsh conditions. The world at that time faced multiple problem. One such
problem that is still on the verge of being solved is sexism, people being judged for their actions
based on their gender. Women, prior to WW1, could not be offered jobs and if so they were paid a
fraction of their worth. On top of that, most of the high-ranking jobs were mostly given to men.

Other than that, the Commonwealth promotes equality regardless of race and caste. They unite the
people of the world under one platform, discuss their problems and come up with a solution perfect
for each race. Before the Commonwealth’s formation, the black race was wildly criticized and
subjected to social boycott. People who were born with darker skin tone were disrespected and
treated unjustly throughout history in every nation they made their way to. The Commonwealth
promotes human rights in countries where humans are not given their birth rights such as food,
clean water, education, safety and freedom of speech.

In Baluchistan, a province of Pakistan where girls go to school at the risk of losing their lives, a hero
emerged from Pakistan who too was a victim of this cruelty of being denied education. Her name is
Malala Yousufzai. She has become a symbol of hope and perseverance for every girl in the world.
Since then, the Commonwealth and other international associations have been doing their best to
eliminate the terrorism in the world and promote education so that no one in this world dies without
tasting the worthy fruit of education.

The Commonwealth promotes democracy in the world. Democracy is an important part of life as it
gives everyone the power to choose who runs the country for a better future. People throughout
history have fought for democracy. WW2 was practically based on the war of democracy as half the
people of the world wanted a communist form of government. The Commonwealth, along with
other international associations, fight for democracy and spread it to countries where it is denied.

Lastly, the Commonwealth provides an international dialogue for countries to present their problems
and where other countries send aid to that country, countries such as those in Africa such as
Cameroon and Botswana where they face terrorism, virulent diseases left untreated and water
shortages, thd Commonwealth countries end their aid to them in order to improve that country’s
lifestyle. Commonwealth is similar to the brotherhood system the Holy Prophet (SAW) set up in
Medina between the Ansars and Mujhereens. The main idea was to share resources between the
two parties so that they improve each other’s life and improve it both socially and economically. The
Prophet said,’ Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind.’ Some sadly fear
Islam due to Islamic stereotypes, but the Commonwealth countries which are Islamic prove
themselves to be good nations with good human beings. Commonwealth helps us being accepting of
the od as it makes us sit together, discuss problems, face them and try our best to solve them.

How does the Commonwealth help improve our lives for sustainable growth? The events they host
obviously! Commonwealth sports events which are held promote physical exercise and in countries
like and Pakistan help overcome female stereotypes where only men can indulge in physical sport
such as the story of Geeta Phogat and her sister which proves that every girl in every corner of the
village has the potential to do anything if given the chance. The Commonwealth with their
connections host community-building events like these to attract the youth as it is the coming
generation that is to run the world. Minds are polished by stories therefore in their youth summits
present and promote books to the youth in order to shape their minds in their image. Authors such
as Leo Tolstoy presented the idea that ‘where love is God is’ . This verse is the living breathing code
of every serious religious person which in turn makes us realize the value of love and another great
author Maupassant, with his amazing short stories, with a touch of dark humour, makes us realize
the irony of things. In short, stories help relating to life easier therefore the Commonwealth too
presents us stories of Malala Yousufzai and Geeta Phogat.

If we in short stop branding ourselves with names, caste, race and nation so that we can start
focusing on the fact we are humans, that could solve more than half of our problems today. If India
and Pakistan would stop fighting over past feuds they could overcome many disputes and become
the old Subcontinent, which the Europeans desired badly. Other than that, the Commonwealth as
mentioned, provides an international dialogue which, in the 21 st century, is a very powerful thing to
raise public opinion of not only a country but the world.

For this world to prosper in this twenty-first century and beyond, we all need to work together,
putting aside our differences. Many an opportunity arises, but if we are to live long and prosper, we
need to come together, and learn from each other’s cultures and communities. Shared objectives, be
they about the conservation of water, religious freedom, right to basic education are all so very
important, and, yes, the opportunities one can find to learn from each other are present, but we
must strive to work for a better tomorrow. If we do not, we are sure to destroy any future we can
bequeath to the next generation as they take up the Commonwealth mantle from us. For what is the
Commonwealth community, but one big family that needs to come together in this time of turmoil
and financial and political crises. We can but hope for a better tomorrow, but, truly, we must work for
it too.

988 Words

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