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Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30

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Two dimensional modeling of elastic wave propagation in solids

containing cracks with rough surfaces and friction – Part II: Numerical
Steven Delrue a,⇑, Vladislav Aleshin b, Kevin Truyaert a, Olivier Bou Matar b, Koen Van Den Abeele a
Wave Propagation and Signal Processing Research Group, KU Leuven Kulak, Kortrijk, Belgium
Joint International Laboratory LICS/LEMAC, Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, UMR CNRS 8520, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Our study aims at the creation of a numerical toolbox that describes wave propagation in samples con-
Received 26 April 2017 taining internal contacts (e.g. cracks, delaminations, debondings, imperfect intergranular joints) of
Received in revised form 9 June 2017 known geometry with postulated contact interaction laws including friction. The code consists of two
Accepted 3 July 2017
entities: the contact model and the solid mechanics module. Part I of the paper concerns an in-depth
Available online 13 July 2017
description of a constitutive model for realistic contacts or cracks that takes into account the roughness
of the contact faces and the associated effects of friction and hysteresis. In the crack model, three different
contact states can be recognized: contact loss, total sliding and partial slip. Normal (clapping) interactions
Nonlinear acoustics
Internal contacts
between the crack faces are implemented using a quadratic stress-displacement relation, whereas tan-
Friction gential (friction) interactions were introduced using the Coulomb friction law for the total sliding case,
COMSOL MultiphysicsÒ and the Method of Memory Diagrams (MMD) in case of partial slip. In the present part of the paper,
we integrate the developed crack model into finite element software in order to simulate elastic wave
propagation in a solid material containing internal contacts or cracks. We therefore implemented the
comprehensive crack model in MATLABÒ and introduced it in the Structural Mechanics Module of
COMSOL MultiphysicsÒ. The potential of the approach for ultrasound based inspection of solids with
cracks showing acoustic nonlinearity is demonstrated by means of an example of shear wave propagation
in an aluminum sample containing a single crack with rough surfaces and friction.
Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Finite-amplitude or nonlinear ultrasonic methods, on the other

hand, provide extreme sensitivity in detecting these defects, as
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of materials using ultrasonic they allow to -at least- temporarily create impedance mismatches
waves is an area of continuing growth. The need for developing (by opening and closing cracks) and friction effects (by rubbing
ultrasonic techniques that are capable of detecting incipient surfaces) [2–5]. In general, nonlinear ultrasonic techniques focus
damage has increased dramatically in various applications, such on the investigation of nonlinear features generated by the defects,
as product safety, in-line material characterization and defect such as the generation of harmonics [6–9], nonlinear frequency
diagnostics, quality control, structural health monitoring, etc. A mixing [3,8,10,11], and lack of scalability as evidenced by Pulse
major branch of ultrasonic NDT relies on the reflection, Inversion (PI) [12,13] or Scaling Subtraction Methods (SSM) [14–17].
transmission or scattering of ultrasonic waves at defects and Besides diagnosing contact-type defects by way of the nonlin-
inhomogeneities [1]. However, in case of contact-type defects, such earity they generate, the next step forward would be to fully char-
as closed cracks, disbonds, delaminations, etc., these techniques acterize the detected defects (e.g. by estimating their physical and
are often found not to be sensitive enough, especially when the geometric parameters), allowing to make a reasonable prediction
sound energy is not sufficiently high to activate the feature. about the lifetime or serviceability of the tested sample and/or
structure. This can for instance be done by comparing the experi-
⇑ Corresponding author. mentally obtained nonlinear indicators with the outcome calcu-
E-mail addresses: (S. Delrue), Vladislav.Aleshin@ lated by an appropriate and effective numerical model. (V. Aleshin), (K. Truyaert), olivier. Conversely, numerical models can also be exploited to further (O. Bou Matar), investigate the effect of microscale contacts on the presence of
(K. Van Den Abeele).
0041-624X/Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
20 S. Delrue et al. / Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30

macroscopic events. Over the past decades, several numerical wave propagation in solids containing cracks with rough surfaces
models have been proposed to describe nonlinear crack-wave and friction. A dedicated comparison with the already existing
interactions. These models either use Finite-Difference Time ‘simple’ models for unilateral contacts with friction, or recent
Domain (FDTD) or Finite Element Method (FEM) principles. Among experimental observations, falls beyond the scope of this paper,
others, we mention the work of Sarens et al. [18] who imple- yet is planned for future work.
mented a 3D finite-difference, staggered grid simulation to model The paper starts with a detailed description of the numerical
nonlinear acoustic wave-defect interaction, and demonstrated har- modeling of crack behavior (Section 2). Section 2 summarizes the
monic generation at the delamination interfaces of a circular theoretical background of the preferred model for cracks with
defect. Kimoto et al. [19] also used FDTD for the analysis of elasto- rough surfaces and discusses its implementation in the commer-
dynamic scattering by a crack with interacting faces. Similar to the cially available, finite element based software package COMSOL
work of Sarens et al., they used split computational nodes in order MultiphysicsÒ [32]. For a more in-depth description of the crack
to develop a 2D numerical technique for the analysis of contact model, we refer to Part I of this paper [31]. In Section 3, the final
nonlinearities. The most attractive feature of FDTD models is that model for elastic wave propagation in cracked samples will be
they are easy to implement, while their main drawback is that they illustrated by means of an example of a propagating shear wave
are restricted to handle rectangular shapes and simple alterations in a 2D aluminum sample with an inclined crack. We will show
thereof. To increase flexibility, crack-wave interactions are often the influence of the constitutive crack model on the relative dis-
modeled using FEM. In particular, Zak et al. [20] studied the clap- placements and contact stresses measured locally at the crack
ping behavior of a single, closing delamination, modeled using interface, and discuss how the newly developed crack model
three plate finite elements with additional boundary conditions engenders the overall nonlinear interaction of elastic waves with
at the delamination front. Contact forces in the damaged area were closed, rough surface cracks.
calculated using the penalty method. Müller [21] used FEM and
Newton’s impact law to simulate the same clapping behavior of a
2. Numerical implementation of wave-crack interactions
delamination as considered by Zak et al., and provided evidence
for the associated generation of harmonics. Harmonic generation
A successful model for elastic wave propagation in materials
was also studied by Kögl et al. [22] who simulated the formation
containing cracks requires two components: a crack model and a
of higher harmonics as a result of clapping in one or multiple
solid mechanics unit. The crack model should take into account
cracks in a sample. Delrue and Van Den Abeele [23] studied the
the microscopic normal and tangential contact behavior at the
nonlinear behavior of delaminations by introducing a clapping
crack interface, whereas the solid mechanics unit is essential for
model based on local spring and damper forces at both sides of
solving the elastic wave equations. In this study, the elasticity
the delamination interface in a 3D FEM model. A similar model
equations will be solved using the Structural Mechanics Module
was also proposed by Kumar Singh et al. [24]. Finally, however
[33] of the commercially available, finite element based, software
without being exclusive, Yuan et al. [25] considered both hard
package COMSOL MultiphysicsÒ. This specific module was espe-
and soft contact interfaces in order to measure the nonlinearity
cially developed for the analysis of mechanical structures that
parameter. Apart from nonlinearities generated by a clapping (nor-
are subject to static or dynamic loads and is therefore suitable
mal) interaction, the tangential behavior within cracks, such as
for the modeling of elastic wave propagation. Exploiting the dedi-
sticking and slipping of its interfaces, can also lead to nonlinearity.
cated physics interfaces and tools of the software package, COM-
This was quite recently illustrated by Meziane et al. [26] who con-
SOLÒ also allows one to incorporate external user-supplied crack
sidered two types of friction laws in a 2D FEM code. The same code
was also used to study the nonlinear interaction of an elastic wave
with a closed crack under oblique incidence [27], to illustrate the
non-collinear mixing method for detection of closed cracks [28], 2.1. Modeling approach
and to calculate the nonlinear far field of ultrasonic waves scat-
tered by closed cracks [29]. Another FEM model of frictional con- When using COMSOLÒ for the simulation of wave propagation
tacts was constructed by Yuan et al. [30] to describe the in samples containing contacts, with or without friction, several
interaction between a Rayleigh wave and a closed surface crack. approaches can be considered. However, until now, none of these
The crack was modeled using an interface of hard contact in com- approaches takes into account surface roughness at the crack’s
bination with Coulomb friction, which allowed to study the influ- interfaces. This is mainly due to the fact that accounting for rough-
ence of both clapping and slipping mechanisms. ness makes the theory more complex, as its presence engenders a
Most of the above mentioned models consider a crack as being a regime of partial slip which is absent for plane contact faces. Yet,
zero thickness cut with ideal smooth faces. In this paper, we pro- this regime can be successfully described using the Method of
pose a more realistic model of a crack that has rough surfaces. Memory Diagrams (MMD) [34] which automates and greatly sim-
The numerical code contains two components: the constitutive plifies the accounting of frictional contact systems, and provides an
crack model and the elastic wave propagation unit. The second unit analytical computer-assisted solution to the frictional contact
is responsible for solving the elasticity equations in a bulk volume problem. Moreover, the MMD procedure allows one to directly
with internal contact boundaries. The appropriate boundary condi- and explicitly calculate normal and tangential contact stresses (r
tions to be imposed at the internal boundary corresponding to the and s), for any combination of normal and tangential displace-
contact are provided by the crack model, which is discussed in ments (un and ut ). At the same time, COMSOLÒ accepts
detail in Part I of this paper [31], and allows to describe three dif- displacement-driven boundary conditions, not necessarily
ferent contact states: contact loss, total sliding, and partial slip. The expressed in closed form equations, but equally well as an external
latter case, in which both stick and slip areas are present in the algorithm written in MATLABÒ and connected to COMSOLÒ using
contact zone, is only possible in case of a nontrivial topography the LiveLinkTM for MATLABÒ [35]. This allows the more complex
of the internal contact/crack surfaces. Note that the focus of this MMD based algorithm to be directly incorporated in COMSOLÒ
paper is on the numerical implementation of the external crack and hence, ensures a simple and explicit procedure of data
model into available finite element software and the illustration exchange between the crack model and the solid mechanics unit
of the potential of the final model to simulate nonlinear elastic in COMSOLÒ, organized as follows:
S. Delrue et al. / Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30 21

(a) In the Structural Mechanics Module of COMSOLÒ, normal posed contact model, different forms of NðaÞ can also be easily
and tangential stresses (r and s), defined by appropriate introduced into the model.
internal and external boundary conditions, are used to calcu- Apart from its influence on the normal contact interaction, the
late normal and tangential displacements (un and ut ) defined introduction of roughness also complicates the tangential contact
at each contact surface at a particular time step t of the pro- behavior, as it allows two different friction regimes to appear: total
cedure. The relative normal and shear displacements Dun sliding, when slip occurs at each contact point on the crack inter-
and Dut calculated at the discretization points on the contact face, and partial slip, when both stick and slip areas are present
interface (called integration points or Gauss points) are in the contact zone. In the total sliding regime, the tangential stress
stored as outputs of the COMSOLÒ module and considered T is easily calculated according to Coulomb’s law of friction:
as an input for MATLABÒ. T ¼ lN. In the partial slip case, the hysteretic tangential reaction
(b) The calculated relative displacement values at all Gauss curve can be obtained using the Method of Memory Diagrams
points on the contact interface are used as an input in the (MMD) [34], which for a displacement-driven system is based on
displacement-driven crack model in MATLABÒ, in order to the following set of equations:
determine the corresponding stress values at these posi- Z a
tions, which in turn are transferred to COMSOLÒ to update b ¼ hl DðaÞda; ð2Þ
the boundary conditions at the contact interface. Z a

(c) Steps (a) and (b) are repeated for the next time step, until T¼l DðaÞ  da; ð3Þ
the desired calculation time is reached. 0 da a¼a
where DðaÞ is the memory diagram function, containing all memory
Using this approach, the final model thus contains two compo- information present in the system, and h is a material constant that
nents: the constitutive model for cracks with rough surfaces imple- depends on Poisson’s ratio m:
mented in MATLABÒ and the wave propagation model
implemented in the Structural Mechanics Module of COMSOLÒ. It 2m
h¼ : ð4Þ
is important to note that accounting for roughness does not mean 2ð1  mÞ
that internal roughness meshing is used. The roughness is only
For known displacements a and b, the memory diagram function
present on the microscopic level of the crack model, whereas at
can be easily determined by Eq. (2), before being introduced in
the mesoscopic level crack faces are considered and modeled as
Eq. (3) to determine the tangential stress T. For clarity, this two-
globally flat.
step procedure to determine the friction-induced hysteretic behav-
ior can be condensed in a more compact notation:
2.2. Theoretical background of the constitutive crack model T ¼ MMDðbÞ: ð5Þ

The constitutive crack model, described in detail in Part I of this The full model for cracks with rough surfaces thus allows the
paper [31], is based on the contact behavior of two rough surfaces description of three possible contact states: contact loss, total slid-
and is formulated by approximating the contact surface with a ing and partial slip, as shown in the scheme of the algorithm
number of small volume elements, called mesoscopic cells. At the depicted in Table 1. The conditions under which these cases occur
mesoscopic level, average stresses and displacements are linked by are fully determined by the displacement values a and b, taking
particular relations. In contact mechanics, it is common to denote into account that the total tangential displacement b should be
the normal and tangential stresses by respectively N and T, and the additionally split into two parts: one part, b0 , corresponding to
displacements by a and b, with the displacements defined as one- ~ corresponding to partial slip:
total sliding and another part, b,
half of the total displacements between the unperturbed parts of ~
the bodies. b ¼ b0 þ b: ð6Þ
The introduction of surface roughness considerably influences Contact loss appears when a becomes negative. In case of positive a,
the normal contact behavior, since the application of a normal a distinction between total sliding and partial slip is made by com-
compressive load (N > 0) in this case results in the appearance of ~ to hla : jbj
~ P hla means total sliding, while
paring the value of jbj
a positive a. This is not possible for flat surfaces, as positive a would ~ < hla means partial slip. These identification criteria actually
mean that both crack faces penetrate into each other. Using con-
correspond to Coulomb’s conditions for stick or slip regimes, now
ventional models of contact mechanics, it can be shown that for
written for displacements, instead of the more traditional condi-
fatigue cracks, a quadratic dependency between the normal stress
tions written for forces. Depending on the current contact state, val-
N and the normal displacement a can be assumed in case of contact
ues for the components b0 and b ~ are updated, and the memory
diagram function is calculated. This finally results in the determina-
ch0 Ek tion of the contact forces per unit area, N and T:
NðaÞ ¼ a2 ; ða P 0Þ: ð1Þ
4jð1  m2 Þ N ¼ NðaÞ; ð7Þ
T ¼ Tðb; aÞ; ð8Þ
Here c ¼ 1=2, if we assume that the deformed asperities are approx-
imately spherical and the deformation is elastic (Hertz result [36]), for any value of the normal and tangential displacements, a and b.
h0 is equal to the root mean square of the surface slope, j  2; k is
an intermediate inclination coefficient (0 < k < 1) of the tangent to 2.3. Numerical implementation of the constitutive crack model
the curve uðzÞ, which describes the distribution of surface distances
for a random gap between the surfaces, and E and m are respectively Internal cracks can be implemented in COMSOLÒ using a ‘‘thin
the Young’s modulus and the Poisson’s ratio of the body material. As elastic layer” boundary condition [33]. On interior boundaries,
mentioned in Part I of this paper, this quadratic normal reaction the thin elastic layer decouples the displacements between the
curve is not a general equation than can be used for any rough sur- two sides of the boundary. The two boundaries are then connected
face [31]. Nevertheless, in this study, we accept Eq. (1) as a model by forces per unit area (here denoted by F n for the normal compo-
equation for the normal reaction curve, even though for the pro- nent and F t for the tangential component) with equal size, but
22 S. Delrue et al. / Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30

Table 1
Three possible contact states in the model of cracks with rough surfaces. For each case, the following
information is supplied: conditions under which the case occurs, solutions for components b0 and b, ~
solutions for forces N and T, and memory diagrams.

opposite directions, and related to the relative normal and tangen- 3. Instructive example
tial displacements between the crack faces (here respectively
denoted by Dun and Dut ). The boundary forces need to be included In order to illustrate the potential of the proposed model, an
by the user and this feature can for instance be used to ensure neg- instructive example of a shear wave propagating in a 2D aluminum
ligible penetration between the surfaces in case of contact (normal sample with an inclined crack is studied. The study allows to estab-
forces), or to model stick or slip conditions (tangential forces). lish the influence of both the normal and tangential interaction of
The displacement variables Dun and Dut , defined in COMSOLÒ, the crack faces on their respective displacements, as well as to
are linked to the normal and tangential displacements, a and b, reveal the generation of nonlinear features due to these
used in the constitutive crack model, in the following way: interactions.

Dun ¼ 2a; ð9Þ 3.1. Model specifications

Dut ¼ 2b: ð10Þ
The model geometry consists of a rectangular aluminum
Note that in the theoretical model, the normal displacement a can domain of 50 mm width and 100 mm height, as illustrated in
be considered an overclosure distance, and contact thus occurs Fig. 1. The aluminum sample has a density q ¼ 2700 kg/m3,
when a is positive (see Table 1), whereas in the numerical model Young’s modulus E ¼ 70 GPa, and Poisson’s ratio m ¼ 0:33. A crack
the normal displacement Dun is considered a gap distance for which with a length of 20 mm is positioned in the center of the sample
contact occurs if it is negative. In addition, the numerical and theo- and is inclined over 20 degrees. On the top boundary of the sample,
retical displacements differ by a factor two, which is due to the fact a continuous shear wave excitation with a frequency f ¼ 100 kHz
that displacements in the theoretical model are defined as one-half is defined by specifying a tangential (i.e. in x-direction) displace-
of the total displacements between the unperturbed (bulk) parts of ment boundary condition of the form:
the bodies.
In a similar way, the forces per unit area, F n and F t , are linked to
the normal and tangential forces per unit area, N and T, used in the
theoretical model:

F n ¼ N; ð11Þ
F t ¼ T: ð12Þ

As was the case for the normal displacements, the normal forces
also have opposite signs. This is due to the fact that, in case of con-
tact, the normal force N can be considered as the load used to press
both faces against each other, whereas the normal force F n used in
the numerical model, is to be considered as the reaction force that
exists due to this pressure.
Taking into account the link between theoretical and numerical
displacement and force variables, the required force-displacement
relations can now be calculated using Eqs. (7) and (8), which
resulted from the algorithm in Table 1. Based on Eq. (1), the normal
reaction curve NðaÞ is considered to have a quadratic dependency:

NðaÞ ¼ C 2 a2 ; ða P 0Þ; ð13Þ

where C ¼ 6  1010 Pa1/2 m1, corresponding to the value obtained Fig. 1. Illustration of the geometry implemented in COMSOLÒ, together with the
by matching the experimental relation between the contact pres- generated mesh. The geometry consists of a rectangular aluminum domain with a
crack of finite extent positioned in the center of the aluminum domain and inclined
sure and the gap distance, as exemplified by Biwa et al. [37], and over 20 degrees. The geometry was meshed with triangular mesh elements. Smaller
used in the numerical study of contact between two solid blocks mesh elements were generated in the region of the crack, in order to obtain a stable
of aluminum by Yuan et al. [25]. solution.
S. Delrue et al. / Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30 23

ux ðx; tÞ ¼ AwðxÞ sinð2pftÞ; ð14Þ ing them to move freely. Note that this linear case is not a physical
one, since, by removing all contact interactions, overlap of the
with A the excitation amplitude, and wðxÞ a predefined rectangular crack surfaces may appear. The nonlinear models, on the other
window function in COMSOLÒ equal to one for x-values in the inter- hand, are more realistic. The first nonlinear model takes into
val ½20; 20 mm and zero for values outside the interval, taking account normal crack face interactions by introducing the normal
into account a 5 mm smooth transition zone (i.e. 2.5 mm at both force F n , whereas in the second nonlinear simulation the full crack
ends) to improve numerical stability. The other boundaries of the model is used, introducing both the normal force F n and tangential
aluminum sample are considered to be low reflecting boundaries. force F t . In each case, normal and tangential relative displace-
By default, the low-reflecting boundary condition in the finite- ments, Dun and Dut , and normal and tangential contact stresses,
element software uses material data from the neighboring domain r and s, are determined at an a priori fixed location on the crack
to develop a perfect impedance match for pressure and shear interface. The relative normal and tangential displacements Dun
waves. As a result, reflections at the surface boundaries are and Dut are defined as the difference between respectively normal
decreased, allowing to easily reduce the computational domain to displacements un and tangential displacements ut at the top and
a practical size, while ensuring accurate simulation results. At the bottom face of the crack, with the displacements un and ut defined
internal crack surfaces, a thin elastic layer boundary condition is as follows:
defined, according to the description from the previous section.
The friction coefficient l needed in the crack model is set equal ux
un ¼ ~
n; ð15Þ
to one. uy
As illustrated in Fig. 1, the full geometry is meshed using quad-  
ratic triangular elements. To reach convergence, COMSOLÒ ut ¼ ~
t: ð16Þ
requires approximately 6 second-order mesh elements per wave-
length, which for this particular model corresponds to a maximum Here, ux and uy are the displacement components in the ðx; yÞ refer-
element size of approximately 5.2 mm. Smaller mesh elements are
ence frame, and ~ n and ~
t are respectively the upward pointing and
generated in the region of the crack, since the MMD algorithm
rightward pointing vectors normal and tangential to the crack
requires a small spatial discretization size in order to obtain stable
(see Fig. 1). In a similar way, the normal and tangential contact
and accurate solutions. As discussed above, MMD approximates a
stresses r and s are defined as follows:
crack by a number of mesoscopic cells. When using finite element
modeling, the mesh elements on the crack interface can be consid- rx rxy
r¼ ~
n ~
n; ð17Þ
ered as representative volumes for these mesoscopic cells. On one rxy ry
hand, the mesh elements/mesoscopic cells should be small enough   
rx rxy
to assume macroscopic elastic fields to be uniform within each cell, s¼ n ~
~ t; ð18Þ
and, on the other hand, sufficiently large to contain a lot of micro- rxy ry
scopic geometric features (asperities). Doing so, convergence will
where rx ; ry and rxy are the components of the Cauchy stress ten-
be ensured. In this study, a fixed number of 150 mesh elements
sor in the ðx; yÞ reference frame. Introduction of the forces F n and F t
at the internal crack boundary is adopted, corresponding to an ele-
in the model should be directly visible in the calculated contact
ment size of approximately 0.13 mm.
stresses r and s, which are expected to obey the same behavior
The wave propagation problem is solved using the implicit gen-
as the implemented forces. On the other hand, the influence of
eralized alpha time-dependent solver, which is the preferred solver
the forces on the movement of the crack faces should be visible in
to be used for structural mechanics problems in COMSOLÒ. For
the measured displacements Dun and Dut .
time-dependent wave propagation problems, COMSOLÒ requires
Figs. 2–4 show the relative displacements and the contact stres-
to have at least 20 time steps per wave cycle. Again, in order to
ses calculated at the central point on the crack interface for the
get accurate solutions, the MMD algorithm requires a much smal-
ler time discretization size as it introduces local and fast changing
nonlinear behavior involving higher frequencies. Therefore, the Relative displacements
time step chosen for this particular simulation is Dt ¼ 50 ns, which
Displacement [nm]

100 un
corresponds to 200 time steps per wave cycle.
3.2. Simulated normal and tangential reaction curves
Upon solving the model, the excited shear wave will first
straightforwardly propagate in the aluminum sample until it 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
reaches the crack and starts interacting with it. At that point, part Time [ms]
of the energy of the wave will be reflected, particularly at positions
where the crack is open, while at closed positions the wave will be 105 Contact stresses
transmitted through the defect. The occurrence of both dynamic 2
Stress [N/m2 ]

clapping (i.e. opening and closing) and dynamic friction at the

crack interface will result in nonlinear wave distortion. 0
Before studying the macroscopic nonlinear features generated
by the combined effects of clapping and friction, we first study -2
the influence of the internal boundary forces per unit area, F n
and F t , individually on the behavior of the crack. To do this, we 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
compare the simulated results obtained in case of three gradually Time [ms]
more complex models: a linear model and two nonlinear models.
Fig. 2. Calculated relative displacements Dun and Dut (top) and contact stresses r
The purely linear model, in which stress-free boundary conditions and s (bottom) at the central point on the crack interface in case of a shear wave
are imposed at the crack interface, is used as a reference, since in excitation at 100 kHz with amplitude A ¼ 100 nm. The crack was implemented by
this model both crack faces do not interact with each other, allow- means of a linear model where no forces are imposed on the crack faces.
24 S. Delrue et al. / Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30

Relative displacements fers from zero in case of contact (i.e. a P 0 or Dun 6 0).
Consequently, the normal contact stress r also differs from zero
Displacement [nm]

100 un
only in case of contact. This is clearly visible in Fig. 3, where neg-
ative normal stress values are observed at those periods in time
where the relative normal displacement Dun is also negative. In
agreement with the underlying physics, the negative stress values
indicate the fact that both crack faces are pushing against each
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 other and are therefore in a compressive state. The influence of
Time [ms] introducing the normal force F n in the model can furthermore be
seen in the relative displacements plot, where, obviously, the rela-
105 Contact stresses
tive normal displacement signal behavior has changed in compar-
2 ison with the results from the linear (stress-free) model (Fig. 2).
Stress [N/m2 ]

Because of the presence of compressive stress in case of contact,

0 the relative normal displacement amplitude becomes asymmetric
and distorted, while the relative tangential displacement of the
-2 crack faces is not affected. Finally, Fig. 4 shows the results obtained
when using the full crack model with both the normal and tangen-
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 tial forces (F n and F t ) included. In comparison with the results
Time [ms] shown in Fig. 3, the normal relative displacement and normal con-
tact stress did not change. The tangential behavior, on the other
Fig. 3. Calculated relative displacements Dun and Dut (top) and contact stresses r
and s (bottom) at the central point on the crack interface in case of a shear wave hand, is clearly altered due to the introduction of F t in the model.
excitation at 100 kHz with amplitude A ¼ 100 nm. The crack was implemented by Eq. (12) states that the normal force F t depends on both the normal
means of a nonlinear model where only the normal force F n is imposed on the crack and tangential displacements, with the relation being determined
faces. by the algorithm represented in Table 1. In case of an open crack
(i.e. a < 0 or Dun > 0), the tangential force F t , and therefore also
the tangential stress s, is equal to zero. In case of contact (i.e.
Relative displacements
a P 0 or Dun 6 0), the tangential force differs from zero, with the
Displacement [nm]

100 un value depending on the contact state: total sliding or partial slip.
ut In the case of partial slip, the tangential stress is determined by
0 the MMD algorithm, whereas the total sliding case states that
the size of the tangential stress can never exceed the size of the
-100 normal stress multiplied by the friction coefficient l. This behavior
is clearly visible in Fig. 4 where the tangential contact stress s
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 indeed only differs from zero in case of contact, with for all time
Time [ms] steps jsj 6 ljrj. As for F n , introduced in the first nonlinear model,
the influence of introducing the tangential force F t is again obvious
105 Contact stresses
in the relative displacements plot, where the relative tangential
2 displacement is visibly distorted when compared to the previous
Stress [N/m2 ]

nonlinear case (Fig. 3). The relative tangential displacement ampli-

| |
0 tude decreases in time-periods of contact and therefore becomes
asymmetric. This is due to the presence of the tangential contact
-2 stress, which is linked to friction effects that will reduce the rela-
tive distance over which the crack faces can move in tangential
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Time [ms]
Apart from studying the transient behavior of either relative
Fig. 4. Calculated relative displacements Dun and Dut (top) and contact stresses r displacements or contact stresses, we can also study the normal
and s (bottom) at the central point on the crack interface in case of a shear wave and tangential relations between contact stresses and displace-
excitation at 100 kHz with amplitude A ¼ 100 nm. The curve for jrj is included to ments in a parametric manner. Fig. 5 shows the normal and tan-
illustrate that the tangential stress s always lies in between þlr and lr, with in
gential reaction curves calculated at the central point on the
this study l ¼ 1. The crack was implemented by means of the full crack model with
both normal force F n and tangential force F t imposed on the crack faces. crack interface when using the full crack model. For clarity, the
normal reaction curve is only plotted for displacement values
Dun 6 5 nm, while the tangential reaction curve is only plotted
three different models, in case of a shear wave excitation with for displacement values Dut P 20 nm, since both reaction curves
amplitude A ¼ 100 nm. In Fig. 2, the results for the linear model are constantly equal to zero for other displacement values. The
are displayed. As mentioned before, in this case, no forces are normal reaction curve clearly shows a quadratic relation between
exerted on the crack faces so they can both move freely, without the normal contact stress and the relative normal displacement,
interacting with each other. This free motion is illustrated by the as expected according to Eq. (13). The tangential reaction curve,
fact that both contact stresses r and s are zero (i.e. stress-free sit- where switching between the three contact states (contact loss
uation), and both relative displacements Dun and Dut are symmet- (black solid line), total sliding (red dotted line) and partial slip
rically oscillating around the initial relative displacement (i.e. zero- (blue dashed line)) can be identified, clearly indicates hysteresis
displacement for an initially closed crack). In Fig. 3, relative dis- behavior with several hysteresis loops due to the presence of fric-
placements and contact stresses are displayed for the case in which tion occurring in the total sliding and partial slip regimes. It is easy
only the normal force F n is included in the model, i.e. l ¼ 0 is sup- to relate the switching between states during one hysteresis loop
posed so that no MMD calculation is necessary. Note that in the with the time signals of normal and tangential contact stress
opposite case (l  1) the computing can also be considerably sim- shown in Fig. 4. Each time the contact faces are getting in contact,
plified [38]. According to Eqs. (11) and (13), this normal force dif- the contact starts with a phase of total sliding (i.e. jsj ¼ ljrj),
S. Delrue et al. / Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30 25

105 Normal reaction curve u n frequency spectrum

Normalized FFT Amplitude

1 1
0 Linear model
[N/m 2 ]

Crack model
-1 0.5

-3 0
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
u n [nm] Frequency [kHz]

Normalized FFT Amplitude

105 Tangential reaction curve u t frequency spectrum
Contact loss
Linear model
Total sliding
[N/m 2 ]

Crack model
Partial slip

-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
u t [nm]
Frequency [kHz]

Fig. 5. Calculated normal and tangential stress-displacement curves at the central Fig. 7. Fourier spectrum of the calculated relative normal and tangential displace-
point on the crack interface when using the full crack model in case of a shear wave ments (Dun and Dut ) obtained for both the linear model and the full crack model at
excitation at 100 kHz with amplitude A ¼ 100 nm. The top figure illustrates the the central point on the crack interface in case of a shear wave excitation at 100 kHz
quadratic normal behavior in case of contact (i.e. Dun 6 0), according to Eq. (13). with amplitude A ¼ 100 nm. When using the full crack model, harmonic frequen-
The bottom figure illustrates the tangential hysteresis behavior with several cies are generated.
hysteresis loops. The tangential reaction curve also clearly indicates the switching
between different contact states (contact loss (black solid line), total sliding (red
dotted line) and partial slip (blue dashed line)). For clarity, the reaction curves are
the crack. The area of the hysteresis loops is bigger for the point
only plotted for values Dun smaller than 5 nm in the normal case and values Dut
larger than 20 nm for the tangential case, since for other displacement values both on the left hand side of the crack when compared to the area of
reaction curves are constantly zero. (For interpretation of the references to colour in the loops for the point on the right hand side. This will result in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) a more pronounced nonlinear behavior on the left hand side. This
asymmetrical behavior will be further discussed later, when study-
ing the generated nonlinear features.
followed by a partial slip state (i.e. jsj 6 ljrj), and finally ending
with a state of total sliding just before the crack faces loose contact
again. 3.3. Clapping and friction induced nonlinear features
Fig. 6 shows similar tangential reaction curves for two points on
the crack interface respectively positioned 2 mm to the left and The above discussed results illustrate that the proposed crack
2 mm to the right of the crack center. Again, several hysteresis model is able to simulate the expected behavior of cracks with
loops can be observed, with a different behavior on both sides of rough surfaces and friction. This behavior is mainly determined
by the presence of normal and tangential stresses at those posi-
tions where the crack faces are in contact. Since these contact
105 Tangential reaction curve (point left) stresses are directly linked to the relative displacement of both
crack faces, the movement of both faces becomes asymmetric
Contact loss
within a single period of oscillation. As a result of the distortion,
Full sliding
[N/m2 ]

Partial slip nonlinear features are being generated at the crack interface,
which can be evidenced for instance by the appearance of
The nonlinear wave distortion can already be noticed in a time
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 domain study when comparing the relative displacement signals in
u t [nm] Figs. 2 and 4. In the linear model (Fig. 2) both displacement signals
are harmonically oscillating at a frequency of 100 kHz, in accor-
105 Tangential reaction curve (point right) dance with the excitation frequency. However, when normal and
tangential contact stresses are activated in the model (Fig. 4), the
Contact loss
Full sliding
relative displacement signals clearly deviate from this pure sinu-
[N/m2 ]

Partial slip soidal behavior, indicating the presence of harmonic frequencies.
Passing to the frequency domain (Fourier transform) in Fig. 7, the
spectrum derived from the linear model indeed only shows the
presence of the fundamental frequency f ¼ 100 kHz, whereas in
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 the full crack model harmonic frequencies are (slightly) present.
u t [nm] Apart from considering the frequency spectra for the crack cen-
ter, the spectra can also be calculated for other positions along the
Fig. 6. Calculated tangential stress-displacement curves at points on the crack crack interface in order to determine on which part of the crack
interface respectively 2 mm to the left and 2 mm to the right of the center. The nonlinearities are primarily generated. Fig. 8 shows color1 coded
curves were obtained using the full crack model in case of a shear wave excitation
at 100 kHz with amplitude A ¼ 100 nm. For clarity, the reaction curves are only
plotted for values Dut larger than 20 nm, since for other displacement values both 1
For interpretation of color in Figs. 8 and 10, the reader is referred to the web
reaction curves are constantly zero. version of this article.
26 S. Delrue et al. / Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30

u n SSM frequency spectrum

Normalized FFT Amplitude





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency [kHz]

u t SSM frequency spectrum

Normalized FFT Amplitude



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency [kHz]

Fig. 9. Fourier spectrum of the relative normal and tangential displacements

Fig. 8. Fourier spectrum of the relative normal and tangential displacement signals signals (Dun and Dut ) at the central point on the crack interface in case of a shear
(Dun and Dut ) at 21 positions on the crack interface in case of a shear wave wave excitation at 100 kHz, after applying the Scaling Subtraction Method (SSM).
excitation at 100 kHz with amplitude A ¼ 100 nm. Harmonic frequencies in the The displacement signals were obtained by subtracting the displacements obtained
relative normal and tangential displacement signals, generated by clapping or at an amplitude Alow ¼ 10 nm from the signals obtained at amplitude
friction effects, are mainly occurring at the left side of the crack interface (i.e. A ¼ Ahigh ¼ 10Alow ¼ 100 nm. Harmonic frequencies are clearly generated.
negative positions).

the resulting SSM signals for both the relative normal and tangen-
plots of the frequency spectra of the relative displacement signals at tial displacements are now clearly visible. The harmonics present
a number of equidistant points along the crack interface (i.e. 21 posi- in the relative normal displacement signal are mainly caused by
tions in steps of 1 mm). Harmonics in both normal and tangential clapping effects (i.e. normal interaction between the crack faces),
relative displacement signals are (slightly) observed, mainly at the whereas the harmonic frequencies present in the relative tangen-
left side of the crack interface (corresponding to negative positions). tial displacement signal are predominantly generated by friction
This is due to the orientation of the crack and the way the ultrasonic effects (i.e. tangential interaction between the crack faces). Note
shear wave interacts with it. The wave first impinges on the right that due to the oblique incidence of the shear wave on the crack,
(top) corner of the crack and is then somehow guided downwards friction effects produce both even and odd harmonics (in contrast
along the crack boundary, where it constructively interferes with to the normal incidence case where only odd harmonics would be
the direct impinging part of the wave. This results in higher ampli- generated [26]). Similar results were also obtained in the numeri-
tude vibrations and hence, more efficient generation of nonlineari- cal study of crack-wave interactions by Blanloeuil et al. [27]. More-
ties. In the future, we plan to study wave-crack interactions for over, the amplitude of the clapping-induced harmonics is larger
different crack orientations and excitation parameters in order to than that of the friction-induced harmonics. This result is in excel-
determine the configurations for which clapping and/or friction lent qualitative agreement with some recently published experi-
induced effects are most efficiently generated. ments where in-plane and out-of-plane focusing of ultrasonic
In order to accentuate the nonlinear components, several tech- waves in the vicinity of a crack was used for defect characteriza-
niques can be used. One possibility is to subtract the calculated rel- tion. The experimental results showed that the nonlinearity
ative displacement signals obtained using the linear (reference) induced by the focusing in the direction normal to the crack line
model from those obtained using the crack model, in order to elim- is much stronger than the one induced by focusing along the crack
inate all linear components. However, in practice, this would line [39,40].
require to have two similar samples, one intact sample without a The above post-processing analysis using SSM can now again be
crack and a second (identical) sample containing a nonlinear crack. repeated for a number of positions along the crack interface, sim-
As this is hard to realize in real experiments, we prefer to use an ilar to the approach used in Fig. 8. Fig. 10 shows color coded plots
alternative method, the Scaling Subtraction Method (SSM) [14], of the frequency spectra of the SSM relative displacement signals at
which exploits the distorted scaling of the received signals with a number of equidistant points along the crack interface (i.e. 21
increasing excitation amplitude due to nonlinearity. For the SSM positions in steps of 1 mm). Similar results as before are obtained.
method all experiments can be conducted on a single sample in Harmonics in both normal and tangential relative displacements
which a nonlinear crack is present. This sample is then excited are observed. For the normal displacement signals, the harmonic
twice, once at a low excitation amplitude Alow , and once at a high frequencies mainly occur at the left side of the crack interface (cor-
excitation amplitude Ahigh ¼ nAlow , where n denotes the scaling fac- responding to negative positions). For the tangential displacement
tor. By subtracting the properly scaled relative displacement sig- signals, the harmonic frequencies occur slightly more centralized
nals obtained using the low excitation amplitude from the ones inside the crack, and cover a wider zone of the crack.
obtained using the high excitation amplitude, all linear contribu- Fig. 11 shows vibration amplitude patterns in the entire simula-
tions in the signals will be eliminated and the nonlinearities will tion domain after filtering the scale subtracted normal and tangen-
be enhanced. Fig. 9 shows the simulation results obtained when tial displacements, un and ut , around the second harmonic
using this approach, in case of Alow ¼ 10 nm and frequency (f ¼ 200 kHz). These vibration amplitude maps allow
Ahigh ¼ 10Alow ¼ 100 nm. The generated harmonic frequencies in to verify that nonlinear features are indeed generated at the crack
S. Delrue et al. / Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30 27

the sample (see later). In agreement with the result discussed in

Fig. 10, the more global view displayed in Fig. 11 confirms that
clapping induced nonlinearity is found to be mainly generated at
the left side of the crack, whereas friction induced nonlinearity also
occurs closer to the center of the crack. The ‘oscillatory’ behavior
observed above the crack in the tangential displacement plot
results from a (second harmonic) standing wave that is generated
in between the crack interface and the top boundary of the sample.
This is not observed in between the crack interface and the bottom
boundary as the latter was being modeled as a low reflecting
Finally, in order to illustrate the dynamics of the friction model
at the interface of the crack and the redistribution of the nonlinear
signatures over the entire sample, Fig. 12 provides an overview of
the time evolution of the nonlinear wave propagation. The top fig-
ures show the time evolution of the normal and tangential contact
stresses (r and s) at all positions along the crack interface in case
of a shear wave excitation at 100 kHz with amplitude A ¼ 100 nm.
The figures clearly demonstrate the dynamic switching that occurs
between the non-contact (when both r and s are equal to zero)
Fig. 10. Fourier spectrum of the relative normal and tangential displacement and contact states (when both r and s differ from zero), with dif-
signals (Dun and Dut ) at 21 positions on the crack interface in case of a shear wave ferent behavior for different positions on the crack. The set of fig-
excitation at 100 kHz, after applying the Scaling Subtraction Method (SSM). This ures in the second row show snapshots of the displacement
displacement signals were thus obtained by subtracting the displacements
component ux in the aluminum sample at four instances in time,
obtained at an amplitude Alow ¼ 10 nm from the signals obtained at amplitude
A ¼ Ahigh ¼ 10Alow ¼ 100 nm. Harmonic frequencies in the relative normal displace- illustrating the incident wave. The considered time instances are
ment signals, generated by clapping effects, are mainly occurring at the left side of also indicated by the vertical white lines in the top figures. The
the crack interface (i.e. negative positions), whereas harmonics in the relative third row and bottom set of figures show snapshots of respectively
tangential displacement signals, generated by friction effects, are also occurring the scale subtracted normal and tangential displacements, ut and
near the center of the crack interface.
un , at the same instances in time, illustrating the nonlinear contri-
butions in the full wave propagation. The color scale in each set of
snapshot figures runs from blue (most negative displacement value
u n at f=200 kHz u t at f=200 kHz over time) over green (zero displacement) to yellow (most positive
50 0.025 displacement value over time). At the first time instant (t ¼ 15 ls),
there is no sign of nonlinearities at all. This is due to the fact that it
0.02 takes the excited shear wave approximately 16 ls to travel from
0.06 the top boundary to the crack (shear wave velocity v S ¼ 3122 m/
s). Once the first part of the shear wave has reached the crack,
0.05 0.015
y [mm]

y [mm]

the dynamic wave-crack interaction starts, resulting in the gener-

0 0
0.04 ation of both clapping and friction induced nonlinearities at the
0.01 crack interface, as illustrated by the snapshots at t ¼ 18 ls, for un
and for ut respectively. The contact stress evolution (top figures)
shows that around t  20 ls, the entire crack is again in an open
0.01 state. In this case, the crack faces do not interact temporarily,
and there will be no activation of contact nonlinearities, which
-50 -50
-20 0 20 -20 0 20 can for instance be seen in the snapshots at time t ¼ 22:5 ls. The
x [mm] x [mm] negative value for ux in the incident wave field opens the crack,
and therefore no contact interaction is observed. Yet, at that partic-
Fig. 11. Vibration amplitude patterns of the scale subtracted normal (left figure) ular time, the previously generated nonlinear features have propa-
and tangential (right figure) displacement components, un and ut , in the entire
gated some distance in the sample, while generation of new
simulation domain after filtering around the generated second harmonic frequency
f ¼ 200 kHz. The figures clearly illustrate the generation of this second harmonic at nonlinear features is not detected. As the energy of a quasi point
the crack interface, with clapping induced nonlinearity mainly occurring at the left source is redistributed circularly for 2D cases, the amplitude
side of the crack (left figure) and friction induced nonlinearity both at the left side quickly diminishes. At t  25 ls, the crack faces restart to interact.
and near the center of the crack (right figure).
This again induces the generation of nonlinearities at the crack
faces, which is nicely illustrated by the snapshot at time
t ¼ 27 ls. Here, ux is positive, pressing both contact faces together
interface from where they propagate further in the sample. The left and initiating nonlinear contact behavior. Note once more that
figure shows the result for the scale subtracted normal displace- clapping induced nonlinearities are predominantly excited at the
ment signals un , where the normal displacements were calculated left side of the crack, while friction induced nonlinearities are
according to Eq. (15), while the right figure shows the result for the occurring closer to the center of the crack, as stated before.
scale subtracted tangential displacement signals ut , with the tan- This instructive example, and in particular the time evolution
gential displacements calculated according to Eq. (16). With refer- study of the nonlinear content in the wave propagation, thus con-
ence to the underlying physics, the left figure should be linked to firms that a crack starts to behave as a nonlinear source when trig-
clapping induced nonlinearity, while the right figure is linked to gered by a wave-crack interaction. The signals excited by this
friction induced nonlinearity. Both figures confirm that nonlinear- nonlinear source, and detected at the surface of the object, can in
ities (here second harmonic generation) are indeed being gener- turn be used for defect detection, localization and/or characteriza-
ated at the position of the crack, before being redistributed into tion, provided the recorded amplitudes are measurable.
28 S. Delrue et al. / Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30

Normal stress [N/m2 ] 105 Tangential stress [N/m2 ] 105

4 2

Position on crack [mm]

Position on crack [mm]

5 2 5 1

0 0 0 0

-2 -1
-5 -5

-4 -2
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Time [ms] Time [ms]

Fig. 12. TOP: Color coded plots illustrating the time evolution of the normal and tangential contact stresses (r and s) at the crack interface in case of a shear wave excitation at
100 kHz with amplitude A ¼ 100 nm. Contact occurs when both r and s are not constantly zero. SECOND ROW: Snapshots of the displacement component ux in the aluminum
sample at four different instances in time. THIRD ROW: Snapshots of the scale subtracted normal displacement un in the aluminum sample at four different instances in time.
BOTTOM: Snapshots of the scale subtracted tangential displacement ut in the aluminum sample at four different instances in time. The four time instances are indicated by the
white vertical lines in the top figures. The color scale in each set of snapshot figures runs from blue (most negative displacement value over time) over green (zero
displacement) to yellow (most positive displacement value over time). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

4. Conclusion Mechanics Module of the commercially available, finite element

based, software package COMSOL MultiphysicsÒ. The crack model
In this paper, a new 2D model for wave propagation in samples is implemented in MATLABÒ, and introduced in the wave propaga-
with cracks is presented. The full model contains two components: tion model by using the LiveLinkTM for MATLABÒ in COMSOLÒ.
an elastic wave propagation model and a constitutive crack model. The developed crack model takes into account the roughness of
The wave propagation model is implemented in the Structural the internal crack faces and friction between them, together with
S. Delrue et al. / Ultrasonics 82 (2018) 19–30 29

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