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Social Science-deals with human society and societal group

Branch of social science
1.Anthropology-scientific study of man
2.economics-proper allocation of available resources
3.geography-Description and explanation of worlds landscapes
4.history-systematic inquiry of mans recorded past
5.linguistics-the scientific study of langguage
6.political science-study of state and governance
7.psychology-study of behavior and mental process
-comes from the word psyche-soul or mind
logos-to study
8.sociology-the study of human society
-from the word socio means companionship or friendship
ology means to study of
*Auguste comte-father of sociology law of 3 stages
9.demography-study of human populations
-study of describing people
population basic features

1.morphology-study of forms of things
2.syntax-arrangement of words
3.phonetics-study of classification of spech
4.phonology-the system of contractive relationship of speech and sound
5.semantic-study of meaning of words phrases and sentence

Physical Anthropology or Biological Anthropology

-study of mans biological foundations,race evolution,genetic
-it traces biology and culture
-tracea evolutionary dev.

1.Racial history-study of nature of races
2.Polentology-study of fossils evidence
3.human genetics-study of various ways and inheritance
4.primatology-Study of primates and homonids
5.Neuroanthroplogy-Study of evolution of human brain
6.human osteology-study of skeletal materials
7.forensic anthropology-analysis and identification of human remains
8.cultural anthropology-investigation of long term intensive field
-also called ethnologist
Ethnography-culture of people or ethnic group
ethnology-contrast of culture of people

1.Evolutionary-takes into account of the origin of language
2.historical-explore language change
3.socio-relation between linguistics variation and social structure
4.Psycho-imagination representation of meaning
5.Neuro-representation of the language in the brain
6.Anthropological-study of language and culture
7.Applied- study of language related issue
8.Bio-study of natural communication
9.clinical-Theory of the field of speech language pathology
10.linguistic typology-diverse unrelated language
11.stylistics-study of delves

2 ancient greek word
2.nomos(custom or law-rules impliment in the household)
field of Economics
1.microeconomics-small scale market
2.macroeconomics-national income
3.Mainstream economics-known as rational choice theory focused on
understanding the interconnected rationality individualism and
Rationality-is a quality or state of being rational
individualism-favoring freedom of action of individual
equilibrium-market supply and demand balance
4.Heterodox economics-interconnection of concept like institution
5.keynesian economics-theory of spending in economy
5.economic theory-umbrella ferm
6.applied economics-utelize economics
7.positive economics-descriptive form of economic
8.normative economics-welfare economics
The development of economics
1.Chanakya-published his treatice titled
arthashastra(or the science of wealth) Aquinas-italian theologian discussed hes concept just price
3.Victor de requite,marquis de mirabeau
-coined the term mercantilism-deals with heavy sell product
4.thomas Mun-english economist and was a supporter of mercantilist
his work;A discourse of trade from england unto the east indies
5.Adam Smith-The most influencial and popular scottish philosopers
father of modern economic
promoted free market
invisible hand
6.David recardo-english economis propuse his work political economy
and taxation
7.alfred marshal-british economist focuse too much on wealth
8.thomas malthus-increase of population also increased in production
9.john meynard keynes-british economist presented the consumptiom

Key concept in Economy market

1.Market-exchange between consumer and seller
-echange of goods
-theoretical arena and demand
Supply-refers to entirely available goods
demand-actual quantity of goods
3.specialization-process of producing goods
4.production-process of raw materials transferred
Research method in economics
1.behavioral economics-psychological framework
2.Classical economics-free from intervention
3.computational economics-involves mathematical method
4.econometrics-statistica method
5.evolutionary economics-darwinian concept
6.experimental economics-utelize laboratory
7.praxeology-study of action

-comes from the greek word geo-earth land and ground
-study of describing earth
The development of geography
1.The cueva de el castillo in spain and lascaux cave in france-night sky
Isamic scholars
2.abu ali marakishy

1.Zheng he-seven voyages in china utelize compass
2.Marco Polo-italian merchant explorer

Modern geography-made eztensive use of tech

Satellite imaging

Important personalities in Geography

1.Anaximander-pre socratic greek philosopher a cartographer that map
3 continents asia europe and libya
2.Strabo-coined the term geographia
3.Eratosthenes-First calculated accuratelt the circumference
4.Ptolemy-sunmarize geographike hyphogesis develope the latitude and
5.Edrisi-arap geographer and descendant of phropet
6.Carl Ritter-german geographer used method of understandin
Geographic determinism surface of earth
7.alexander von humboldt-prussian geographer(the greatest scientific
traveler who ever lived
8.Ibn battuta-moroccan explorer travelled farther than marco polo
9.William Moris Davis-american geographer father of american
10.Paul Vidal De la Blache-introduced the concept of possibilism
Possibilism-depend on how human live
Field og Geography
1.physical -studies the change of natural patern
2.Human-study the relationship of people
3.Integrated-studies how human activity impact
4.geomatics-management of geographic data
5.regional-Focus on particular region of earth

key concept in Geography

1.spatial pattern-arrangement of placement of earth surface
2.Spatial interaction-relationship between the movement of things
3.geographic process-series of interrelated events

Research Method in geography

1.cartography-study of representinf g earth surface study of drawing
2.geographic information system-deals with proper storage
3.remote sensing-utelize various instruments
4.Geographic Quantitative-analyze geographic info

Structural functionalism-theory that revolves around the nation a

system interconnected parts that have own function
-every person on the society has a role to work
Society-bunch of moving parts that move together as one
macrostracture-includes religion education etc
social structure-establish among individual
1.Manifest function-
herbert spensir-first sociological
global warming-slow and steady rice of earth surface temp
linguistics-recorded and unrecorded
plato-early scholar in western world

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