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Company View of CSR

Motivation Carrefour has for many years addressed social and environmental issues.
In 1992 Carrefour launched its "Quality Lines", food products which
integrate environmental and social criteria in their specifications. In 1996
Carrefour applied the precautionary principle when choosing to develop
own-brand products free of GMOs. In 1997 Carrefour launched its own-
brand organic range. In 2000 Carrefour developed its supplier social
charter in partnership with the International Federation of Human Rights
(FIDH). In 2001 Carrefour joined the UN Global Compact and also signed
an international protocol with the trade union body UNI Network
International. Following the merger with Promodes the Group created in
2001 a dedicated service at Group level to promote best practices across
the Group and to anticipate future issues.

Initiator of CSR Activities The creation at Group level of a dedicated service to address quality and
sustainability issues was driven by the need to better anticipate and
manage food safety issues (such as BSE) as well as other environmental
and social issues. It was also the opportunity to promote best practice
sharing across the new international group. Furthermore in France the
preparation of the New Economic Regulations law which would require
quoted companies to produce an annual report with environmental and
social information was also a driver.

Positive Effects of Responsible business practices and sustainable development policies

contribute to financial success, through better risk management, improved
customer and staff loyalty and the capitalisation of new associated

CSR Strategy: Focus, Implementation & Budget

CSR Focus  Product quality and safety of customers and employees
 Social and economic responsibility
 Environment protection

Focus Change Carrefour maintains constant intelligence on sustainability issues in order

to anticipate future topics of concern.

CSR Implementation  Sustainability action plan deployed in all countries through local
projects with annual reporting on key performance indicators
 An international Foundation as well as local foundations and other
solidarity initiatives.

CSR Integration CSR strategy varies regionally.

The Group has outlined the main issues concerning the company’s
activities. The business units deploy this strategy based on local needs.
Initiatives are integrated into the different Group activities (stores, logistics,
merchandise, HR, etc.).

CSR Priorities Prioritisation of sustainability initiatives is made locally by the business

units based on the context in the country.

Governance CSR projects are managed locally. CSR reporting is controlled by the
Group’s internal audit and also by external auditors.

CSR Representative The Management Board

Reporting to
CSR Budget The Group has a small sustainability department at group level, and
managers in each business unit. Day to day projects are managed by the
services concerned (stores, logistics, merchandise, HR, etc.).

CSR Measurement & Monitoring

Impact of CSR on Carrefour conducts regular stakeholder dialogue at all levels. Annually the
stakeholders measured Group holds a stakeholder meeting in the presence of the CEO. This is
by meeting treats all issues with a wide panel of stakeholders. Other
meetings are conducted throughout the year with stakeholders to address
specific issues. Business units also organise stakeholder dialogue with
local stakeholders.

Impact of CSR on Carrefour monitors its presence in Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
Carrefour as a company indexes and funds as well as its performance measured by rating
measured by agencies. The company conducts consumer and employee surveys,
monitors press coverage and maintains regular dialogue with

Selected CSR Projects at Carrefour

Everyday Carrefour employees actively pursue initiatives related to its stores, logistics and own-brand
products in order to reduce the Group’s impact on the environment. For example Carrefour actively
promotes sustainable forestry through its partnership with WWF and the sourcing of FSC certified
wood products. Carrefour has integrated environmental criteria into its paper purchasing and has
made a life cycle analysis of both its catalogues and its check-out bags. Carrefour has launched a line
of frozen fish products which guarantee the conservation of stocks and environmental protection, thus
promoting responsible fisheries. Every year Carrefour’s business units organise awareness raising
campaigns in partnership with local authorities and local NGOs for the UN World Environment Day.

The Group is also engaged in promoting good nutrition through product development and information

The company values: freedom, responsibility, sharing, respect, integrity, solidarity and progress are
shared throughout the group, along with a code of ethics and regular dialogue with worker
representatives. Carrefour applies a social charter to its suppliers and ensures the control through
regular social auditing.
Furthermore, Carrefour sponsors cultural programmes and supports educational, health and human
rights initiatives as well as programmes to fight exclusion. Through Carrefour Solidarité and the
Fondation Internationale Carrefour the company supports initiatives, projects and charitable
organisations providing financial and material support such as for example to the Red Cross, the Food
Bank or “les Restos du Coeur”. Furthermore, Carrefour offers emergency disaster relief and fights
against poverty and exclusion through education, reading and writing skills as well as access to
cultural events, assistance to medical and scientific research. Actions are carried out with the help of
local organisations and increased cooperation between staff and charitable organisations.

UN Civil Society Award

Carrefour received the “United Nations Civil Society Award” aimed at initiatives combating drugs. In
cooperation with the Colombian government the company has helped families to grow alternative
crops, such as coffee or fruit, instead of producing coca.

Carrefour ranked 5th

Carrefour was ranked 5th in by Accountability in the “Fortune Global 100 Accountability Rating 2005”
as well as by Innovest in its study on the Integration of Responsible Practices In Business Activity.

Future CSR Issues According to Carrefour

Research on future CSR activities: Carrefour conducts constant intelligence on sustainability related
topics. It also regular carries out studies to assist in policy making.

1. In anticipating future marine resource issues, Carrefour has developed sustainable sources
for its own-brand frozen fish products.
2. With the growing concern of obesity, Carrefour has launched a number of initiatives to help its
customers develop better nutrition.
3. Faced with growing regulation on climate change, the Group continues to develop initiatives
to optimise its logistical activities, thus limiting truck kilometres as well as working to reduce
store energy consumption.

Mission Statement / Statement of Values

Carrefour is totally focused on meeting the expectations of its customers. Our mission is to be the
benchmark in modern retailing in each of our markets. As a global retailer, Carrefour is committed to
enabling as many people as possible to purchase consumer goods, in accordance with the principles
of fair trade and sustainable development.

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