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Course Outline

1. Course code and Title : ME3522: Introduction to Finite Element Methods

2. Course category : GCE (General Category Elective)
3. Course credit : 3-0-0-3 (L-T-P-C)
6. Learning Objectives: Finite element method is a numerical method to solve in general a partial
differential equation, which is a governing equation modeling a physical concept. This course
introduces two widely used techniques based on MPE (minimum potential energy) theorem and
weighted residual methods. Transformation of infinite DoF (degrees of freedom) of continuous
systems to finite DoF using discretization process is demonstrated through various examples.
Numerical techniques to solve system of linear equations resulting from formulation are
summarized. Various post-processing methods for commonly used parameters are presented.
MATLAB based coding is encouraged. Simulations using a commercial software
(preferably ANSYS) may be used for demonstration and some home works are based on these

7. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to

 Formulate a governing differential equation using different weighted residual techniques and
MPE theorem
 Discretize a physical domain into sub-domains and assembling individual equations into
global equation to set up the finite element model
 Identify elements for 1-D, 2-D and 3-D problems and understand their formulations for
various applications
 Analyse various errors involved in FEA

8. Course content:

 Introduction: How does FEM (Finite element method) work? Exact vs finite element
solutions, finite difference vs finite element methods, general procedure for FEA (finite
element analysis), brief history, examples of FEA.
 Stiffness matrices: Linear spring, elastic bar and link/truss/spar elements, flexure element;
Direct stiffness method and MPE theorem.
 Weighted residual methods: Use of single continuous trial function, point collocation
technique, Galerkin method, general weighted residual statement. Applications of Galerkin
method to structural elements of link and beam, 1-D heat conduction.
 Variational methods: MPE theorem, problems with multiple DOF, potential energy of an
elastic solid, Rayleigh-Ritz method, principle of virtual work.
 Element formulations: Compatibility and completeness, polynomial forms for 1-D elements
and geometric isotropy, triangular and rectangular (2-D) elements, tetrahedron and
hexahedron (3-D) elements, isoparametric formulation, axi-symmetric elements, numerical
integration, Gaussian quadrature.
 Applications in solid mechanics: Plane stress with constant strain triangles, plane strain with
rectangular elements, isoparametric formulation quadrilateral element, consistent nodal
forces corresponding to distributed load, axi-symmetric stress analysis, 3-D stress elements.
 Numerical errors and convergence: Error classification, ill-conditioning, condition number,
residuals, discretization error, element quality tests.
9. Text books:
i. David V. Hutton: Fundamentals of finite element analysis; 1st edition, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 2004, ISBN: 0-07-239536-2.
ii. Robert D. Cook, David S. Malkus, Michael E. Plesha and Robert J. Witt: Concepts and
applications of finite element analysis; 4th edition, Wiley, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-471-35605-9.
10. Reference books:
i. M. Asghar Bhatti: Fundamental finite element analysis and applications; Wiley, New Delhi,
2017, ISBN: 978-81-265-3934-5.
ii. Nitin S Gokhale, Sanjay S Deshpande, Sanjeev V Bedekar and Anand N Thite: Practical
finite element analysis; 1st edition, Finite to Infinite, Pune, 2008, ISBN: 978-81-906195-0-9.
iii. Klaus Jurgen Bathe: Finite element procedures; 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, Massachusetts,
ISBN: 978-0-9790049-5-7.

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