English by The Nature Method

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The name of the boy is John. The name of the girl is Helen. The name of the father is Mr. Smith. The name of the mother is
Mis. Smith. What is the name of the girl? It is Helen. What is the name of the baby girl? It is Alice. What is the name of the boy?
It is John. What are the names of the parents? They are Mr. And Mrs. Smith. What is the name of the family? It is Smith. Mr.
Smith has a wife. Her name is Mrs. Smith. Mr. Smith has a daughter. Her name is Helen. Mr. Smith has a son. His name is John.

Has Mr. Smith a wife? Yes, he has a wife. What is the name of his wife? Her name is Mrs. Smith. Has Mr. Smith a son? Yes,
he has a son. What is the name of his son? His name is John. Mr. Smith has a son and two daughters. What are the names of the
three children? Their names are John, Helen, and Alice. John is twelve years old. How old is John? He is twelve years old. Helen is
ten years old. How old is Helen? She is ten years old. The baby is six months old. How old is the baby? She is six months old. John
is twelve years old, and Helen is ten years old. John is two years older than Helen. Is John fourteen years old? No, he is not
fourteen years old; he is only twelve years old. Is Helen thirteen years old? No, the is not thirteen years old; she is only ten years
old. Is Helen older than John? No, she is not older than John; John is two years older than she is. John is not fourteen, but only
twelve years old. Helen is not thirteen, but only ten years old. John is not a girl, but Helen is a girl. Helen is not a boy, but John is
a boy. The baby is not old; she is young. She is only six months old. Mr. Smith is a young man; he is thirty-six years old. Mrs.
Smith is a young woman; she is thirty-two years old. Mr. Smith has a father. The father of Mr. Smith is not young; he is old. He is
sixty-two years old. John, Helen, and the baby are young; they are children. Mr. And Mrs. Smith are also young, but they are
older than the children. The children are younger than their parents. Is John younger than Helen? No, he is not younger than
Helen; he is two years older than Helen. Is the baby younger than Helen? YTes, she is the youngest of the children. Which of the
persons in the family is the oldest? The father of Mr. Smith is the oldest. Wich of the three children is the youngest? The baby is
the youngest. Has John three sisters? No, he has only two sisters, not three. Have Mr. and Msr. Smith four children? No, they
have not four children, but only three. Have Mr. And Mrs. Smith two sons? No, they have only one son, but two daughters. What
is the name of the family? The name of the family is Smith. What is Helen? Helen is a girl. Which of the children is the boy? John
is the boy. What day is it? It is Sunday. What is the first day of the week? Sunday is the first day of the week. What is the name
of the first month? The name of the first month is January. Which of the months is the second? February is the second month.

Countries and Cities

Mr. And Mrs. Smith and their three children live in England. They live in a house. Has their house a window? Yes, their
house has many windows. How many windows has their house? It has eight windows. Has their house a door? Yes, it has two
doors. It has also a foor. The roof is the top of the house. What is the top of the house? The top of the house is the roof. The
house has four walls. Has the house a fifth wall? No, it has only four walls. The windows and the doors are in the walls.

Where is London? London is in England. Where is Paris? Paris is in France. Where is Stockholm? Stockholm is in Sweden.
Where is Berlin? Berlin is in Germany. Where is Copenhagen? Copenhagen is in Denmark. Where is Olso? Olso is in Norway.
Where is Moscow? Moscow is in Russia. Where is Helsinki (Helsingfors)? Helsink is in Finland. England is a country. Russia is a
country. England and Russia are two countries.

Mr. And Mrs. Smith and their children live in London. London is a city. Copenhagen is also a city. London and Copenhagen
are two cities. There are many houses in London. London is a big city. There are also many houses in Compenhagen.
Compenhagen is also a big city, but Copenhagen is not so big a city as London. Helen is a big girl, but she is not so big as John. Is
Baby as big as Helen? No, Baby is not so bog as Helen; she is only a small girl. Is John as big as his father? No, John is not so big as
his father. Is Helen as big as her mother? No, Helen is not so big as her mother. John is bigger than Helen, and Mrs. Smith is
bigger than John. Which is the biggest of the three children? John is the biggest. Which is the biggest of the cities in Europe?
London is the biggest city in Europe. England is a country in Europe. London is the biggest city in England. Sweden is a country in
Europe. Stockholm is the biggest city in Sweden.

Mr. Smith is English. He lives in England. Mrs. Smith is English. She lives in England. Their children are English. They live in
England. The English live in England. The Danes live in Denmark. The Finlanders live in Finland. The Russians live in Russia. The
Swedes live in Sweden. The Norwegians live in Norway. The Germans live in Germany. The French live in France.

England is bigger than Denmark, but it is not so big as France. Norway is bigger than Denmark, but it is not so big as Sweden.
The house of Mr. Ans Mrs. Smith is not a big house; it is a small house. Baby is not a big girl; she is only a small girl. Helen is
smaller than John, and John is smaller than his father. Helen is smaller than her mother. There are many houses in a big city.
There are many big cities in a big country. Denmark is not a big country; it is only a small country. There are not many big cities
in Denmark.

Mr. Smith is a man; his father is also a man. Mr. Smith and his father are two men. Mrs. Smith is a woman; her sister is also
a woman. Mrs. Smith and her sister are two women. Boys and girls are children. Men, women, and children are people (persons).
There are many people in England. How mane people are there in England? There are forty-five million people in England. How
many people are there in Finland? There are more than three milion people in Finland. There are more people in England than in
Denmark. There are not so many people in Denmark as in Sweden. There are six million people in Sweden. There are more
Swedes than Danes. What people live in England? The English live in England. What people live in France? The French live in
France; What people live in Russia? The Russians live in Russia.

Mr. And Mrs. Smith have a son. Have they more than one child? Yes, they have three children. They have two girls, but only
one boy. They have more girls than boys. Has John more than two sisters? No, he has only two sisters. Are there more than four
persons in the family? Yes, there are five persons in the family. What more persons are there in the family than the father and
the mother? There are the three children.

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