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Training aims ................................................................................................................................. 2

Customer benefits ......................................................................................................................... 3

Potential applications for WinCC .................................................................................................. 4

Basic functions in the WinCC SCADA system ............................................................................. 5

Licenses ......................................................................................................................................... 6

Expandability with options ........................................................................................................... 7

Expandability with add-ons ........................................................................................................... 8

WinCC software protection ........................................................................................................... 9

System configurations Single-user system ................................................................................. 10

System configurations Multi-user system .................................................................................... 11

System configurations Multi-user system with redundant servers ............................................ 12

System configurations WinCC distributed system ..................................................................... 13

System configurations WebNavigator ......................................................................................... 14

The Architecture ............................................................................................................................ 15

The Openness ................................................................................................................................ 16

Communication with controllers ................................................................................................... 17

Communication with the SIMATIC S7 controller .......................................................................... 18

Which versions of Windows etc. can be used? ........................................................................... 19

The participant will:

 understand the customer benefits of using WinCC

 be able to assess the possible applications of WinCC for the task in
 be able to specify the possible system configurations
 learn how to use the key stick
 know about the available system software packages
 understand the core functions of the system software
 understand the architecture of the WinCC software
 learn about the structure of openness
 learn about the PLC drivers and Microsoft interfaces
 be able to classify the optional packages
 become familiar with the core blocks
WinCC because

 Standard operating systems of Microsoft can be used

 Use of Windows resources (printer, drivers, etc.)
 Data exchange with other Windows applications, for example using OLE
 ODBC, SQL, OLE-DB, ADO database interfaces
 API programming interface with development package ODK
 Integration of OCX and ActiveX controls, e.g. in graphic pictures
 Use of the OPC interface
 Use of the MS SQL Server database
 ANSI C, VBA, VBS programming interfaces in the Graphic Designer
 …
From building installation systems through to industrial plants

 Building installation systems, ventilation, air-conditioning

 Conveyor systems
 Mechanical engineering
 Water and waste management
 Steel industry
 Iron producing industry
 Foundries
 Cold rolling mills
 Steel-making industry
 Chemical industry
 Wood pulp, paper and cardboard production
 Breweries, malt houses, drinks manufacturing
 Food, beverage and tobacco industries
 Milk processing industry
 Sugar industry etc.
Basic functions This slide shows the functionality of modern process visualization with

- Fully graphic display

- Message display, archiving and logging.

- Measured value acquisition (archiving functions, data compression, minimum

and maximum values, etc.).

- Documentation of machine and process sequences with individual logging

- Process communication with different PLC systems

- Standard interfaces for database and data processing, e.g. in Microsoft


- Programming interfaces (API) exist for all WinCC application modules and
enable data and functions to be accessed.

Complex visualization tasks can be solved with the

ANSI-C programming language and/or with Visual Basic Script.

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

Basic software The system software "WinCC" (core blocks with the basic functions) is scaled
according to different licenses.
RT licenses RT licenses permit the operation of WinCC in Runtime mode for an unlimited
period of time. The editors may only be used in demo mode for a limited period of
RC licenses RC licenses permit the operation of WinCC in Runtime mode and in configuration
mode for an unlimited period of time.
Archive tags 512 archive tags are included in the basic system, more up to 120,000 are
available as an option.
Powerpack With the powerpacks the number of tags is upgraded. The price corresponds
exactly to the price difference between the relevant WinCC software packages
for configuration and runtime software. Powerpacks also allow the number of
archive tags to be expanded.
WinCC versions
The WinCC licenses are version-dependent, e.g. "WinCC V7.3 RC 512"
For this reason there is therefore the following upgrade package for version V7.3:
Upgrade RT Version, V6.2/V7.0 -> V7.3
Upgrade RT Version, V7.2 -> V7.3
Upgrade RC Version, V6.2/V7.0 -> V7.3
Upgrade RC Version, V7.2 -> V7.3
Options The basic software can be expanded with options.
The statements made in the slides apply to WinCC V7.2 (dated 03.02.14).

You will find the current statements at

optionen Add-ons The basic software can be expanded with add-ons.
Customer-specific or technological expansions based on the sector-neutral
WinCC, e.g. PM-MAINT maintenance program, PM-Aqua etc.
On the Internet or you will find the currently
available add-ons from the Competence Centers Erlangen, Mannheim,
Stuttgart and contacts.

Please check the releases for your WinCC version.

License and demo mode
The WinCC software is released by a supplied authorization
(Key disk). It is possible to configure in demo mode for one hour without a license
after which the WinCC Explorer and the editors will be closed. After restarting an
editor, the system will then request a valid license at intervals of 10 minutes.
WinCC also switches to demo mode when the maximum authorized number of
process tags or archive tags is exceeded in a project. When you install a license,
it is transferred from the storage medium to a local drive and is unregistered on
the storage medium so that WinCC can use this license. The cumulation of more
than one license per component subject to a license is possible only for archive
licenses. Other licenses cannot be cumulated.
Installation When the rights of use are transferred from the key stick to the PC, the installation
counter is decremented on the key stick.
After the licenses have been installed, DEFRAG must not be performed because
the licenses can be lost.

When the access rights are transferred back from the PC to the key stick or to any
other data carrier, it is possible to prepare for transfer to another PC.

Virus scan
Virus tests can only the performed during operation with tested virus programs.
See FAQ 241 220 09.
Note It is not allowed to run WinCC in process mode without valid licenses. Neither the
name nor the attributes of the "AX NF ZZ" directory may be changed because the
transferred license keys can be irrecoverably lost.
Configurations Single-user systems are used in less complex applications and can also be used
for operating and monitoring separate sections of plant.

Autonomous Autonomously operating single-user systems incorporate all the

equipment necessary for operation.
Multi-user system
This configuration allows up to 32 clients on one server (until WinCC V7.3). In
WinCC V7.4 the performance data was increased .

The configuration of the WinCC project which is always located on the server, can
also be performed on the client.

WinCC Server Tasks of the WinCC Server:

- Process communication
- Acquisition of the process data
- Archiving the messages and the process data
- Supplying the clients with process and archive data

Standard client The standard client is also known as the "client without its own project".

Number of clients for server with operator station: 4 Clients

Note for server without operator station: 32
Statements about the possible operating systems will be made later.
Multi-user system
This configuration allows up to 32 clients on one server or a redundant server

WinCC Server Tasks of the WinCC Server:

- Process communication
- Acquisition of the process data
- Archiving the messages and the process data
- Supplying the clients with process and archive data

Standard client The standard client is also known as the "client without its own project".
Redundant servers
When two WinCC stations are operating in parallel, the archives are compared
automatically during runtime or after a server fails.

The continuity of process control and operation is assured with automatic failover
of a client to the active server.
WinCC distributed system
Distributed system with multiple WinCC servers
Clients have access to up to 18 different servers or redundant server pairs.
With WinCC V7.0 only up to 12 different servers.
The required server information is imported
Individual configuration of each client (separate project)
Distribution of the tasks over several servers
Process and archive data is made available by the servers

Multi-client The multi-client is also known as a "client with its own project".
WebNavigator Option for SIMATIC WinCC for operator control and monitoring of plants via
the Internet, in-house intranet or LAN
Web server A Web server with the SIMATIC WinCC software. License is only stored
on the server. The simultaneous access of x WebClients is counted.

Web client that allows control and monitoring of a running WinCC
project via an Internet browser with ActiveX support.

The WinCC basic system does not need to exist on the client computer.

It is also possible to use the Web client without the Microsoft Internet

A license is required for using the Web server
Licenses are available for access to the Web server by 1, 3, 10, 30, 100 clients,
since WinCC V7.4 these licenses are countable
For remote diagnostics via multiple distributed Web servers with guaranteed
access, low priced Web Navigator diagnostics licenses are available
Architecture This slide displays the relationships of the individual modules within the WinCC
WinCC Explorer The WinCC Explorer combines all the data necessary for operating a single-user
or multi-user system and ensures hierarchically-ordered storage.
System Controller The system controller takes care of system communication between the stations.
For multi-user systems, the system controller also provides the network-wide
project view, as well as communication between the client and server. The system
controller also handles coordination through the terminal bus.
Data Manager The data manager is the start-up location for processing central tasks in a WinCC
project. The data manager exists on every station and works closely together with
the system controller. The main task is handling tag management. The
communication channels are used to access process data.
Function modules - Graphics Designer (graphics system) Graphic display and process connection
- Global scripts (script editing)
Making the project dynamic to user-specific requirements
- Alarm logging (message system)
Displaying messages and acknowledgements
- Tag logging (measured value archiving, processing and trending)
Processing measured values and their long-term storage
Processing user-oriented data and their long-term storage
- Report designer (report system) Reporting system states

Note The WinCC Explorer allows you to navigate through the WinCC applications and
their data with few operations. From its appearance and operation, the WinCC
Explorer is similar to the Explorer in Windows.
MS SQL Server Database Management System from Microsoft suitable for industry
WinCC V7.3 uses MS SQL-Server 2008 R2.
Openness This slide illustrates all system modules with opened interfaces.
You can use your own programs with Windows applications, as well as data and
functions from WinCC here.
User programs can also be started from WinCC.
Applications that run under Windows, such as Excel, Word, or Access can be
combined freely with WinCC and individual user programs.
This also makes solutions to unusual management level tasks possible.

User Routines
User routines run interpretively in WinCC. This means that a compiler is not
necessary. If an application requires many extensive user routines with a high
processing capacity, standard tools (e.g. C++) can compile these routines, and
they can be attached to the WinCC sequence.

OPC (OLE for Process Control) integrated client/server communication interface.


WinCC supports
OPC Data Access 2.05a
OPC Data Access 3.00
OPC XML Data Access 1.00 (Connectivity Pack / Connectivity Station)

OPC HDA 1.20 (Connectivity Pack/Connectivity Station)

OPC A&E 1.10 (Connectivity Pack/Connectivity Station)

OPC UA Client Data Access

OPC UA Server Data Access, HDA (Connectivity Pack / Connectivity Station)
S7-1200/S7-1500 In WinCC V7.2 there are still the following restrictions:
- Only released for single user systems
- No correct sequence in reporting (program alarm) - No process controlled
measured value archiving

The following functions are implemented:

- Cyclic reading of tags
- Absolute addressing (no symbolic addressing)
- Use of the S7-1200/S7-1500 tags in WinCC in two steps
1. Export of the tags from the TIA Portal
2. Import into WinCC via the WinCC Configuration Studio
- Time synchronization

Improvements as of WinCC V7.3:

- Support of the symbolic address and CPU alarming in the communications
channel to the new CPU S7-1500
- The access to the symbolic addresses and CPU alarming only via the online
connection to the CPU
- The offline configuration can only be created for the absolute addresses

Improvements as of WinCC V7.4

- More connections: you can connect up to 127 S7-1500
SoftNet/HardNet In the case of SoftNet, communication runs on the PC processor. With
Ethernet, the integrated Ethernet interface of the PC is used. SoftNet requires a

In the case of HardNet, the communication card has its own microprocessor and
relieves the PC processor during communication. With Ethernet, a CP 1613 for
example is used. The driver (S7 1613) requires a license.

Only a SoftNet module may be operated in the PC for the process communication.
Combinations with HARDNET communication cards are possible. The driver
software for HARDNET communication cards ships on the supplied SIMATIC NET
Also uses, for example, the integrated Ethernet interface of the PC.
SOFTNET S7 Lean driver license is included in WinCC.
Max. 8 x S7 TCP/IP or Ind.Eth. or S5 TCP/IP
This makes 8 connections free of charge when using WinCC.

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