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Roasting Coffee
Brewing Harmony!

Prepared by:
Dwight Alipio
Kathleen Miranda
Taste Blender

Business Plan for the Period

Starting May 2018

Business Overview

Business History

Taste blender is a new coffee shop, located in Bacnor East, Burgos, Isabela. We
provide you best coffee, tea, cappuccino and frozen cappuccino. Currently there is
no other coffee shop in this area. Our target audiences are students, friends, artists
and families of all ages.

Vision and Mission Statement

Taste blender is the first coffee shop in Bacnor East, Burgos, Isabela. Our mission
is to serve best product at very reasonable price with pleasant atmosphere, which
can be afforded by everyone easily.


Our primary objectives over the next year are:

• Introduce homemade cookies, brownies and cakes.

• Renovate our space in Bacnor East, Burgos, Isabela

• Offer free delivery service in schools, office, home.

• Create cozy and friendly environment.


Taste Blender is a general partnership between Dwight Alipio and Kathleen


Taste Blender is located in Bacnor East, Burgos, Isabela

Products and Services

Description of Products and Services

• Taste Blender will offer high quality coffee, tea, cappuccino and frozen
cappuccino at a very reasonable price. All drinks are made with high quality

• Our next plan is to introduce homemade cookies, brownies and cakes.

Industry Overview

Market Research

There is no other coffee shop in Bacnor East, Burgos, Isabela

Size of the Industry

Coffee shop industry is nationally very big, but in Bacnor East the nearest one is
more than 6 or 7 miles away.

Industry Outlook: We can say that, our coffee has uniqueness, which will lead
our business towards success and with the new innovations we will make changes
in our ingredients and introduce new recipes.

Marketing Strategy

Target Markets

Our target audiences are students, friends, artists and families of all ages, who want
to relax at nice, quiet and cozy place.

Description of Key Competitors

Our biggest competitor is “The perfect cup” with a “Tea room”.

Analysis of Competitive Position

Our friendly environment and low pricing strategy will be the key to our success.

Pricing Strategy:

• We will offer four sizes of drinks, small 20 pesos, medium 30 pesos and large 50

• Our cookies and brownies will sell for 10 pesos each.

Promotion Strategy

We intend to advertise on Internet, television and newspaper.

Management and Staffing

Management Team

Dwight and Kathleen will share their responsibilities equally.


We will hire about three or four waiters.

Labor Market Issues

We will hire high school students who are looking for part time or full time job. In
this area there are number of high school students looking for work.
Implementation Plan

Implementation Activities and Dates:

• Begin building renovation 05/10/18

• Complete renovation 06/01/18

• Begin preliminary advertising 07/15/18

• Purchase and setup equipment 07/25/18

• Open for business 08/010/18

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