User Manual

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 How to sign in or recover password?
To sign in to your account, simply type from your browser and log in with your
credentials. If you are using a mobile to log in, your browser will auto load our mobile friendly
user interface. To recover your password, simply call our hotlines at 01841212194,
01841212195, 01841212196, 01841212197, 01841212198, and 01841212199. We shall
be happy to help!

 How to change password?

To change your password, after logging in to, go to "Settings" and select your
vehicle from the left panel. You may now enter your current password and also your new
password. Click on the “Change” icon. Your password is changed! You are now more secured.

 How to change Driver Profile?
From Dashboard > Quick Link, click on ”Change Driver Profile”. A new window will open
where you will need to select your vehicle from the left panel. Please type in the required driver
details and click on “Change”.

 How to change Group Alert Option?

From Dashboard > Quick Link, click on ”Group Alert Option”. A new window will open where
you will need to select the checkbox against Email or SMS or both. Click on “Change”.

 What is the current Vehicle State?

From Dashboard > Quick Link, click on ”Vehicle State”. A new window will open where you
will be able to see the your vehicle number(s), engine status, last data transmission time, and
location. You may also download this as a report in excel or PDF format.
Engine Icon Color Code:
Red – Engine OFF; Blue – Engine IDLE; Green – Engine ON

 Downloading the User Manual
From Dashboard > Quick Link, click on ”Download Manual”. A new window will open and the
user manual will be automatically saved in the Downloads folder.

 How to track my vehicle?

Thank You for taking the time to read through the instructions. Let us help you track your vehicle.
After signing in, navigate to Track > Track Individual. Select your vehicle from the left panel.
The system will show you the exact location of your vehicle in the map. It will also show you the
engine status and current speed.

 How to view my vehicle’s travel route?

You can now know where or through which route your vehicle has travelled. After signing in,
navigate to Vehicle Route > Track Previous View. Select the required Time Period from the
dropdown list. Click on “Show History”.
You can see your vehicle’s movements within the selected time interval along with the engine
status. Arrow signs in the route will inform you the direction of travel. You may click on the icons
along the route and get more details on the exact status of the vehicle at that moment. This
module will also show you the total distance travelled during the selected time period.

 How do I create a Geo-Fence?
Click on the “Geo-Fence” module. An empty map will be displayed, and on this map you may
create your own geo-fence by clicking and inserting boundary points. You will be able to modify
these points to change the shape of your geo-fence. This basically means, if your vehicle moves
out of this virtual boundary, then you will receive a geo-fence alert, thus creating an additional
layer of security for your vehicle. You can then type an appropriate name for this geo-fence and
click on “Add Geofence” to complete the creation process.
Once the geofence is created, you will need to go to “Geo-fence Setting” and assign it. From
this module, you need to select your vehicle, geofence (name), duration of applicability (from &
to), and days of the week. Click on the “Active” checkbox and finally assign it by clicking
After clicking assign geo-fence, your geo-fence name will appear in the list. You can de-active the
geo-fence by clicking on the checkbox against its name. You may also delete the schedule if

 How do I keep track of my vehicle expenses?

Now you can utilize your VTS portal not only to track your vehicle, but also to record and keep
track of all your vehicle related expenses. Simply navigate to the “Expenses” menu, select your
vehicle number, your preferred date, the required expense head, and put your expense amount
with the appropriate descriptions. Click the “Submit” button.


 How do I change my VTS settings?

Click on “Settings” from the taskbar. From this module, you may change
 Password you use to login.
 Vehicle status: you may use this option to immobilize the vehicle by changing the setting
the “Disable”.
 Maximum speed: user will receive the over-speed alert as and when the vehicle travels
beyond this speed limit.
 Alert destination: you may change the email and/or mobile number where the alerts are
 How do I share feedback on the Robi Tracker service?
For any feedback, including any assistance that you may need or complaints you may want to
raise, please use the “Feedback” module. Select the type of issue that you want to share from
the dropdown list, enter the capcha, and click “Submit”.

 SMS Operations
 To locate your Vehicle, go to the SMS option in your mobile phone, and type:
 To disable your vehicle engine, go to the SMS option in your mobile phone, and type:
 To enable your vehicle engine, go to the SMS option in your mobile phone, and type:

and send the request to 212193

Robi Tracker Reports

Reports > General Reports > Trip Report

Select the required date range and click on “Generate”. The portal will display the
report, capturing Time, Location, Speed, and Engine Status. You may download this
report in PDF or Excel format.

Reports > General Reports > Speed Analysis Graph

Select the required date and click on “Generate”. The portal will display a graph
capturing variations in speed. The report will also show the vehicle number, maximum
speed reached, and average speed achieved during the selected date.

Reports > General Reports > Travelled Distance Graph

Select the required month and click on “Generate”. The portal will display the report,
showing the distance travelled on each day during the selected month. The report will
also capture the total distance travelled, maximum distance travelled in a day, and
average distance covered. You may download this report in PDF or Excel format.

Reports > General Reports > All Expenditure Graph

Select the required month and click on “Generate”. The portal will display the report,
showing the expenses entered on each day during the selected month. The report will
also display a pie-chart of all expenses booked under each head. You may download this
report in PDF or Excel format.

Reports > General Reports > Geofence Report

Select the required date range and click on “Generate”. The portal will display the
report showing a list of locations and times where the geo-fence was broken and alerts
were triggered. You may download this report in PDF or Excel format.

Reports > General Reports > Over Speeding Report

Select the required date range and click on “Generate”. The portal will display the
report showing a list of locations, times, and actual speeds that triggered the over
speeding alert. You may download this report in PDF or Excel format.
Reports > General Reports > Halt Report
Select the required date range and click on “Generate”. The portal will display the
report showing a list of locations and durations when the engine was turned off. The
report will also capture the total halt duration across the selected date range. You may
download this report in PDF or Excel format.


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