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Deception is Satan’s Art; He knows when to attack, where to attack and how to attack.


By c.pio


One of the most celebrated case uses by anti-catholic here in the Philippines especially the
IglesiaNiManalo INCorporated is the case of Dr. Jose Rizal. Being a beloved national hero of
this country, Filipino pride and identity; all his statement has weight in the heart of all

Reason for all Anti-Catholic group to be delighted to take a selected words and phrases (which
are commonly an “out-of-context” text) of him and posited that these were a representation
of Rizal as a whole. Classic tales that exploited in the public is the satirical person of Padre
Damaso, an immoral parish priest in Noli Me Tangere novel who is rude to Ibarra a man of
reason and protagonist in the same book. The portrayal of these two satirical characters is
unjustly used by those who know nothing but to maintain their bigotry.

They tend to show that according to Rizal, THE PADRE DAMASO is the Church (Catholic
Church) is the real enemy of reasons and real enemy of faith.

This idea is wrong; although we cannot deny that Rizal made harsh statements against the
abusive church clerics but these could not imply to the entire Catholic Church.

We know Rizal is a historical icon, so all his sacrifices, knowledge and ideas that he wants to
transpire to the generations to come must be treated fairly and squarely, but this will not
happen if someone puts-in their personal agenda, agenda that reduce the Rizal as a MAN OF
JUSTICE into a man who are moron and has only an anti-clerical and anti-church character.

That’s why we can notice that almost everything that is written and said (by anti-catholic)
about him; they never mentioned that this Rizal who created a Padre Damaso is the same
Rizal who gave to us a Padre Florentino in his El Felibusterismo novel. (If Padre Damaso
speaks as immoral priest, Padre Florentino is a contrast of him). Rizal is Rizal, not a half-Rizal
but whole Rizal. The method of “choosing and picking” to show Rizal to others according to
one’s own preference is a guile tactics of all bias persons. Bias in a sense that this is an act
of depriving Rizal who really he is and depriving Rizal’s real intention; thus, by doing so, they
deprive the young mind of a holistic Rizal characters that needed to imitate.

In the end, each victim will no longer have correct thinking. “Non Sequitur” or it does not
follow; Even if Rizal wrote and made a statement that against the abusive friars it does not
follow that all Catholic Friars/Priests are abusive.

So in the end whatever phrases they show, this will not work against
the TrueInfallible Church because Rizal is not an anti-Catholic Church.

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