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U2000 Server in a SUSE Linux High

Availability System
 Shutting Down and Starting SUSE LINUX HA SERVER

1. Shutting Down the U2000 Server in a High Availability System (PC Linux) ............ 2

1.1 Stopping the U2000 Server Processes ........................................ 2

1.2 Shutting Down the Database ............................................... 3

1.3 Stopping the VCS Service .................................................. 4

1.4 Power Off the Server Safely ................................................ 5

2. Starting the U2000 Server in a SUSE Linux High Availability System ................. 6

2.1 Powering On the Server Safely .............................................. 6

2.2 Starting the Database ..................................................... 6

2.3 Starting the U2000 Server Processes ......................................... 8

1. Shutting Down the U2000 Server in a High
Availability System (PC Linux)
Four steps are required to shut down the U2000 server: stop the U2000 server processes, shut down
the database, stop the VCS service, and power off the server safely.
Stopping the U2000 Server Processes

Do not stop the U2000 server processes when the U2000 server is managing NEs. Stop the
U2000 server processes only for some special purposes, for example, changing the system
time of the computer where the server is installed or upgrading the version. This topic
describes how to stop the U2000 server processes on the HA system.
Shutting Down the Database

The U2000 can start properly only after the database is started. Before shutting down the
database, stop the U2000 server processes. This topic describes how to shut down the
database on the HA system.
Stopping the VCS Service

This topic describes how to stop the VCS service, including prerequites, context and
Power Off the Server Safely

Before shutting down the U2000 server, stop the U2000 server processes and the database.
This topic describes how to power off the U2000 HA System (SUSE Linux, PC Server).

1.1 Stopping the U2000 Server Processes

Do not stop the U2000 server processes when the U2000 server is managing NEs. Stop the U2000
server processes only for some special purposes, for example, changing the system time of the
computer where the server is installed or upgrading the version. This topic describes how to stop the
U2000 server processes on the HA system.


Exit all running U2000 clients.

1. Log in to the OS of the active site as the ossuser user. Run the following command to switch to
the root user.
2. $ su - root
Password: password for the root user

3. Run the following command to stop the U2000 server processes.

# hares -offline NMSServer -sys hostname

hostname specifies the server name. You can run the hostname command to view the server name.
4. Ensure that the U2000 is not running.

a. Log in to the OS of the active site as the ossuser user.

b. Run the following command to check the running status of the U2000 process:

$ daem_ps

Information similar to the following is displayed:

ossuser 27069 1 0 10:31:39 ? 1:39 imapmrb
ossuser 27079 1 0 10:31:39 ? 0:00 imapwatchdog -cmd start
ossuser 27075 1 0 10:31:39 ? 0:50 imapsysd -cmd start
ossuser 27086 1 0 10:31:39 ? 0:09 imapeventmgr
ossuser 23679 1 1 17:57:06 pts/8 0:02 imap_sysmonitor -cmd start
ossuser 27116 1 0 10:31:40 ? 0:52 ResourceMonitor -cmd start

c. Run the following commands to stop the U2000 processes:

$ su - root
Password: root user password
# hares -offline NMSServer -sys hostname
# exit

d. Run the following command to check the running status of the U2000 process:

$ daem_ps

 The process is stopped if the displayed information is empty.
 For the high availability system, you can still view information about the imapwatchdog and
ResourceMonitor processes after the U2000 is stopped. This is because the two processes are used to
monitor high availability system alarms and will be automatically enabled after the U2000 is stopped.

1.2 Shutting Down the Database

The U2000 can start properly only after the database is started. Before shutting down the database,
stop the U2000 server processes. This topic describes how to shut down the database on the HA


The U2000 server processes must have been stopped.

1. Perform the following operations to disable the Sybase database service at the primary site in
the HA system:

By default, the Sybase database service at the secondary site is not running.
a. Log in to the primary site as user ossuser through Putty. Run the following command to
switch to the root user.

b. $ su - root
Password: password for the root user

c. Run the following command to shut down the U2000:

# hares -offline NMSServer -sys hostname

d. Run the following command to disable the Sybase database service:

# hares -offline BackupServer -sys hostname

# hares -offline DatabaseServer -sys hostname

hostname specifies the server name. You can run the hostname command to view the server name.

e. Run the following command to check whether the Sybase database service is disabled:

# ps -ef | grep sybase

If the following message is displayed, the Sybase database service has been disabled:
root 9629 14603 0 07:46:52 pts/3 0:00 grep sybase

1.3 Stopping the VCS Service

This topic describes how to stop the VCS service, including prerequites, context and procedure.


The U2000 and database must have been shut down.


Before powering off the server safely, manually stop the VCS service; otherwise, the server may fail
to shut down properly.

1. Log in to the OS on the server as the ossuser user. Run the following command to switch to the
root user.
2. $ su - root
Password: password for the root user

3. Run the following command to stop the VCS service:

# hastop -all -force
1.4 Power Off the Server Safely
Before shutting down the U2000 server, stop the U2000 server processes and the database. This
topic describes how to power off the U2000 HA System (SUSE Linux, PC Server).


The VCS services must have been shut down.

1. Log in to the OS as the ossuser user. Run the following command to switch to the root user.
2. $ su - root
Password: password for the root user

3. Run the following commands to shut down the OS.

4. # sync;sync;sync;sync
# shutdown -h now

If you do not want to power off the server, you can run the following commands to restart the OS:
# sync;sync;sync;sync
# shutdown -r now
2. Starting the U2000 Server in a SUSE Linux
High Availability System
The U2000 server can be started in three steps: power on the server safely, start the database, and
start the U2000 server processes.
Powering On the Server Safely
Starting the Database

This topic describes how to start the database in a high availability system. The U2000 can
start properly only after the database is started.
Starting the U2000 Server Processes

This topic describes how to start the U2000 server processes in a PC Linux high availability
system. You can log in to the U2000 to manage a network only after starting the U2000
server processes on the computer on which the U2000 is installed.

2.1 Powering On the Server Safely

 Server

1. Power on a server.
2. Press the power buttons on the peripherals and monitor connected to a server.
3. Wait 2 to 3 minutes. When the green indicator on the front panel of the server blinks every 1s,
press the power button on the shelf of the server.

2.2 Starting the Database

This topic describes how to start the database in a high availability system. The U2000 can start
properly only after the database is started.


 The OS has been started.

 The server is properly connected to the network.
 The VCS service must be properly started. The VCS service has started along with the OS and the
disk is functioning properly. For details about how to check the server disk status, see Checking
Server Disks in the U2000 Administrator Guide.

1. Perform the following operations to start the Sybase database:
a. Log in to the active site as the ossuser user. Run the following command to switch to the
root user.

b. $ su - root
Password: password for the root user

c. Run the following commands to query Veritas resource names:

d. # haconf -makerw
# hares -list

Information similar to the following is displayed:

APPBOND Primaster
BackupServer Primary
DatabaseServer Primary
NMSServer Primary
RVGPrimary Primary
datarvg Primary
mountRes Primary
wac Primary

e. Run the hagrp -autoenable AppService -sys hostname command to set the AppService
group to autoenable. Run the hares -modify resource name Enabled 1 command to change
the status of all Veritas resources to Enabled. Use the resource names displayed in the
previous command output as an example. Run the following commands to change the
status of all the Veritas resources to Enabled:

# hagrp -autoenable AppService -sys hostname

# hares -modify APPBOND Enabled 1
# hares -modify BackupServer Enabled 1
# hares -modify DatabaseServer Enabled 1
# hares -modify NMSServer Enabled 1
# hares -modify RVGPrimary Enabled 1
# hares -modify datarvg Enabled 1
# hares -modify mountRes Enabled 1
# hares -modify wac Enabled 1

hostname specifies the server name. You can run the hostname command to view the server name.

f. Run the following command to start the Sybase database service:

# hares -online BackupServer -sys hostname

hostname specifies the server name. You can run the hostname command to view the server name.


Run the following command to check whether the Sybase process is running:
$ ps -ef | grep sybase

Information similar to the following is displayed:

dbuser 4989 1 0 Sep20 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /opt/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/RUN_DBSVR
dbuser 5003 4989 0 Sep20 ? 00:00:14 /opt/sybase/ASE-15_0/bin/dataserver -sDBSVR -d/opt/sybase/data/lv_master
-e/opt/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/DBSVR.log -c/opt/sybase/ASE-15_0/DBSVR.cfg -M/opt/sybase/ASE-15_0
dbuser 5012 1 0 Sep20 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /opt/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/RUN_DBSVR_back
dbuser 5016 5012 0 Sep20 ? 00:00:00 /opt/sybase/ASE-15_0/bin/backupserver -SDBSVR_back -e/opt/sybase/ASE-
15_0/install/DBSVR_back.log -N25 -C20 -M/opt/sybase/ASE-15_0/bin/sybmultbuf

The database is running if the displayed information contains /opt/sybase/ASE-15_0/bin/dataserver -sDBSVR and
/opt/sybase/ASE-15_0/bin/backupserver -SDBSVR_back.

2.3 Starting the U2000 Server Processes

This topic describes how to start the U2000 server processes in a PC Linux high availability system.
You can log in to the U2000 to manage a network only after starting the U2000 server processes on
the computer on which the U2000 is installed.


The OS on the computer on which the U2000 server processes are installed is running properly, and
the database has been started.

1. Log in to the OS on the active site as the root user.
2. Run the following command to start the U2000 server processes.
# hagrp -online AppService -sys hostname

 hostname specifies the server name. You can run the hostname command to view the server name.
 If a fault has occurred during the start of the AppService process, run the # hagrp -clear AppService -sys
hostname command to rectify the fault. Then run the # hagrp -online AppService -sys hostname command to
start the AppService process.


1. Log in to the OS of the active site as the ossuser user.

2. Run the following command to check whether the U2000 is running:
$ daem_ps

Information similar to the following is displayed:

ossuser 27069 1 0 10:31:39 ? 1:39 imapmrb
ossuser 27079 1 0 10:31:39 ? 0:00 imapwatchdog -cmd start
ossuser 27075 1 0 10:31:39 ? 0:50 imapsysd -cmd start
ossuser 27086 1 0 10:31:39 ? 0:09 imapeventmgr
ossuser 23679 1 1 17:57:06 pts/8 0:02 imap_sysmonitor -cmd start
ossuser 27116 1 0 10:31:40 ? 0:52 ResourceMonitor -cmd start

The U2000 is running if the displayed information contains imapmrb, imapwatchdog -cmd start, imapsysd -cmd
start, imapeventmgr, imap_sysmonitor -cmd start, ResourceMonitor -cmd start, the U2000 processes have started.

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