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Rutting Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixes by Varying

Aggregate Gradations Using Wheel Tracker Test

Muhammad Usama Shabbir BSCE-FA15-016
Wadood Amir BSCE-FA15-001
Hafiz Adeel Mumtaz BSCE-FA15-026
Tahir Aziz BSCE-FA15-022

Engineer Zaheer Ahmad

Department of Civil Engineering

The University of Faisalabad, Amin Campus

February 2019

Rutting Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixes by Varying
Aggregate Gradations Using Wheel Tracker Test

Muhammad Usama Shabbir BSCE-FA15-016
Wadood Amir BSCE-FA15-001
Hafiz Adeel Mumtaz BSCE-FA15-026
Tahir Aziz BSCE-FA15-022

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

B.Sc. Civil Engineering

Project Supervisor
Engineer Zaheer Ahmad

External Supervisor:
Project Supervisor:

Department of Civil Engineering

The University of Faisalabad, Amin Campus
February 2019

Permanent deformation in the form of Rutting has directly been affecting the
pavements service life, riding quality and their economic life cycles cost. True
prediction of asphaltic material behaviors and their precise selection on the basis
of performance can be one of the solutions towards this chaotic problem. At
higher temperatures i.e. 40°C and above, the rutting susceptibility of asphalt
mixes needs to be studied in the laboratory before it’s laying at site.

A comprehensive laboratory study was carried out using aggregate gradation

NHA-A, NHA-B, MS-2 and SP-A asphaltic wearing courses, which has
commonly been used in the field. The main objective of the research work was to
evaluate the effects of gradation and loading on the permanent deformation
behavior of mixes, designed with the same bitumen of ARL-60/70 and constant

temperature of 500 C which is highest observe temperature in most of the areas of

Pakistan. Wheel tracker test was chosen to measure the permanent deformation of
asphalt mixes. Two replicates of each gradation were prepared using steel roller
compactor. Analysis between replicates is done; comparison between gradations
is done. Mixes with coarser gradations gives minimum Rut depth. From
comparison it was concluded that NHA-A WC give minimum deformation or Rut
depth. On the basis of these results we recommend NHA-A gradation to be used
in wearing course in high temperature areas of Pakistan.

Key Words: Flexible pavements, Asphalt mix, Gradations (NHA-A, NHA-B, MS-
2. SP-A), Wheel tracker test, Rutting, Permanent Deformations

To Our Beloved Parents who sacrificed their today for our tomorrow.


We would like to thank those individuals who were instrumental in the

completion of this project. Specially, we would like to thank our supervisor,
Engineer Zaheer Ahmad, for willingly sharing his knowledge, guidance and
Our special thanks to Taxila Institute of Transportation Engineering staff for their
support and help in conducting this project and their patience and understanding.
We would like to express our appreciation to persons working in Transportation
Engineering Laboratory especially lab supervisor Mr. Mumtaz Ahmad.

Table of Contents

Abstract ...........................................................................................................................................iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................................v
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ viii
List of Tables ....................................................................................................................................x
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Introduction: .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Background: ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Problem Statement: .............................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Objectives: ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Thesis Overview: .................................................................................................................... 4
Literature Review ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Introduction: .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Rutting: .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2.1 Types of Rutting: ............................................................................................................. 6
2.2.2 Causes of Rutting: ........................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Permanent Deformation in Flexible Pavements: .................................................................. 7
2.4 Factors which affects the Rutting: ......................................................................................... 9
2.5 Effect of Temperature on Rutting: ........................................................................................ 9
2.6 Measurement of Rutting: .................................................................................................... 10
2.7 Wheel Tracker Small Device: ............................................................................................... 10
2.7.1 Test Standards: .............................................................................................................. 13
2.7.2 Specifications: ............................................................................................................... 13
Methodology and Experimental Works ........................................................................................ 15
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Flow chart of Experimental works ....................................................................................... 15
3.3 Selection of Materials: ......................................................................................................... 16
3.3.1 Aggregates for Asphalt Mixes: ...................................................................................... 16
3.3.2 Bitumen for Asphalt Mixes:........................................................................................... 16
3.4 Selection Of different Gradations: ...................................................................................... 17
3.5 Selection of Testing Conditions: .......................................................................................... 17
3.6 Specimen Preparations:....................................................................................................... 18
3.7 Wheel Tracking Test: ........................................................................................................... 20
Table 3.3(Test Matrix for Wheel Tracking Test) ........................................................................ 20
Results and Discussions ................................................................................................................ 23
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Analytical comparison between Replicates:........................................................................ 23
4.3 Comparison between Gradations:....................................................................................... 26
4.4 Slope and Intercept co-efficient of selected Gradations: ................................................... 27
4.4 Ranking of Mixes: ................................................................................................................ 30
4.4 Discussion of Results: .......................................................................................................... 30
Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................. 32
5.1 Conclusions: ......................................................................................................................... 32
5.2 Recommendations: .............................................................................................................. 32
References: ................................................................................................................................... 34
Annexure-A NHA-A WC Test Result of Wheel Tracking ............................................................ 37
Annexure-B NHA-B WC Test Result of Wheel Tracking ............................................................. 40
Annexure-C MS-2 WC Test Result of Wheel Tracking ............................................................... 43
Annexure-D SP-A WC Test Result of Wheel Tracking ................................................................ 46
Annexure-E Comparison of Different Gradations ..................................................................... 49

List of Figures
Fig. Page no.

1.1 Typical Asphalt Pavement Showing Stress and Strain 02

2.1 Mix Rutting 06

2.2 Mix Rutting 06

2.3 Typical Repeated Load Permanent Deformation 08

2.4 Rutting Caused by Shear Displacement 09

2.5 Wheel Tracker 11

2.6 Wheel Tracker Solid Rubber Tyre 12

2.7 Wheel Tracker Output Display 13

3.1 Flow Chart Diagram 15

3.2 Roller Compactor 18

3.3 Roller Compactor during Work 19

3.4 Running of Wheel Tracker 20

3.5 Development of Rutting in Specimen 21

3.6 Development of Rutting in Specimen 21

4.1 Comparison b/w replicates of NHA-A WC 23

4.2 Comparison b/w replicates of NHA-B WC 24

4.3 Comparison b/w replicates of MS-2 WC 24

4.4 Comparison b/w replicates of SP-A WC 25

4.5 Comparison between Gradations 26

4.6 Bar Chart showing Rut depth of different Gradations 26

4.7 Slope and Intercept co-efficient of NHA-A WC 27

4.8 Slope and Intercept co-efficient of NHA-B WC 27

4.9 Slope and Intercept co-efficient of MS-2 WC 28

4.10 Slope and Intercept co-efficient of SP-A 28

4.11Intercept co-efficient of selected Gradation 29

4.12Slope co-efficient of selected Gradations 29

List of Tables
Table Page no.
2.1 Severity levels of Rut Depths 10

2.2 Specifications of Wheel Tracker 13

3.1 Showing Materials, Gradations and Testing Conditions 17

3.2 Pressure and number of Passes 19

3.3 Test Matrix 20

4.1 Ranking of Mixes 30

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction:

Flexible pavement structure flexes under traffic loading and is classically composed of numerous
layers of different material types and gradations. Each layer gets the load from the upper layer,
spreads it and transfers the same to the underneath layer. Top layers being subjected to greater
load intensity, must have a high bearing capacity as compared to the underlying layers. A typical
flexible pavement structure consists of the asphalt layer at the top with underlying unbound
granular layers as shown in Figure 1.1. Horizontal tensile strain is prominent at the bottom of
asphalt layers, whereas vertical compressive stress and strain is maximum at the top of the
subgrade. The Asphalt wearing course layer is directly exposed to the climatic variations i.e.
temperature, precipitation and various types of loading combinations and intensities. Being
stiffest and contributing the most to pavement strength and durability, wearing course is given
due consideration during design and construction.

Figure 1.1: Typical Asphalt Pavement Showing Stress and Strain

1.2 Background:
Premature rutting in the form of shear flow of asphalt concrete, being the consequences, has
directly been effecting the pavements service life, riding quality and their economic life cycles
cost. True prediction of asphaltic material behaviors and their precise selection on the basis of
performance can be one of the solutions towards this chaotic problem. At higher temperatures
i.e. 40oC and above, the rutting susceptibility of asphalt mixes needs to be studied in the
laboratory before its laying at site. Comprehensive laboratory investigation is required, to study
the influence of physical and mechanical properties of aggregates on rutting resistance or the
permanent deformation behavior of asphalt mixes.

1.3 Problem Statement:

Indiscriminate use of materials in the construction of flexible pavements, especially in asphalt-

concrete layers, has become one of the major causes of failures, in areas, having high
temperatures and vehicle-load profile. The accumulation of permanent deformation in the asphalt
surfacing layer appears to be the major cause of rutting. To minimize this, it is necessary to pay
extra attention to material selection, mixture design and rutting measurement techniques. The
questions of how to measure rutting resistance of asphalt mixtures, what parameters to use as a
measure of resistance, and how to model and predict the development of permanent deformation
need to be addressed. In particular, measurement of rutting with simple performance test has
become the focus of current research.

1.4 Objectives:

Following are the objectives of this project:

 To find the maximum Rut depth of Asphaltic mix having different gradations using
wheel tracker.
 To find the best gradation for the wearing course in high temperature areas of Pakistan.
 To evaluate the performance of asphalt mixes having different gradations under specific
testing conditions.

In particular, measurement of rutting with simple performance test has become the focus of
current research.

1.5 Thesis Overview:

The work carried out to achieve these objectives is described in the following chapters:
Chapter 2 provides a background and literature review on permanent deformation of asphalt
mixtures. This chapter included details about rutting, measurement of rutting, different methods
of measurement of rutting and especially about evaluation of rutting using wheel tracker test.
Chapter 3 includes methodology of experimental work, selection of materials and testing
conditions and specimen preparations.
Chapter 4 includes results of wheel tracking test, analysis of these results and comparison
between different gradations.
Chapter 5 includes conclusions and recommendations.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 Introduction:
Rutting or permanent deformation is considered one of the major distress mechanisms in flexible
pavements, which may occur in all layers of the pavement structure and results from lateral
distortion and densification. In this chapter, rutting specifically in asphalt layers of flexible
pavements, which is mainly due to Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA), are defined and its possible causes
and distress mechanisms in particular have been discussed. The consideration of permanent
deformation at mixes design and its measurement are also discussed.

2.2 Rutting:
Rutting, also called as permanent deformation or creep in asphalt (flexible) pavements, usually
consists of longitudinal depressions in the wheel paths, which are an accumulation of small
amounts of unrecoverable deformation caused by each load application.(Imran Hafeez, M.A
Kamal 2010)

2.2.1 Types of Rutting:

 Mix Rutting

 Sub grade/Structural Rutting

Figure 2.1 (Rutting due to Shear flow) Figure 2.2(Rutting due to Wheel Load)

2.2.2 Causes of Rutting:

Permanent deformation in any of a pavement’s layers or subgrade usually caused by

consolidation or lateral movement of the materials due to traffic loading. Specific causes of
rutting can be:
 Insufficient compaction of HMA layers during construction. If it is not compacted
enough initially, HMA pavement may continue to densify under traffic loads.
 Subgrade rutting (e.g., as a result of inadequate pavement structure)
 Improper mix design or manufacture (e.g., excessively high asphalt content, excessive
mineral filler, insufficient amount of angular aggregate particles)
Ruts caused by studded tire wear present the same problem as the ruts described here, but they
are actually a result of mechanical dislodging due to wear and not pavement deformation.

2.3 Permanent Deformation in Flexible Pavements:

Rutting has been a major concern for flexible asphalt pavement. It is also one of the most
common pavement permanent deformations due to repetitive traffic loads which accumulate
small deformations of pavement materials appearing as longitudinal depressions in the wheel
paths of the roadways. The primary problem of rutting arise from excessive traffic consolidation
in the upper layer of the pavement, plastic deformation due to insufficient mixture stability and
also instability caused by stripping of asphalt binder below the riding surface of the pavement.
Numerous test procedures have been conducted to evaluate and predict rutting in the laboratory.
The most common test is the use of wheel tracking test which simulates traffic loading on
pavements by tracking to and fro on a specimen. The test conditions are similar to pavement
conditions in service to obtain rut depth under a specified load cycle. (J.Ahmad M.Y. Abdul
Rahman 2009)

Rutting or permanent deformation of a pavement is caused by progressive movement of material

under repeated traffic load through consolidation or plastic flow. Contrary to the original idea
given by AASHO Road Test Report (1962) that rutting occurs primarily due to lateral movement
of the subgrade, studies carried out on rutted pavements by Huber and Heiman (1987), Anani et

al. (1990), Lee et al. (1989), Brown et al. (1990), Parker et al. (1992) have reported that although
rutting may occur as a result of weak underlying layers, the rutting observed in existing
pavements is almost entirely due to the permanent deformation in the HMA (Hot Mix Asphalt)
layers of the pavements. This incidence in rutting is due to increase in truck tire pressures, axle
loads, and traffic volumes as reported in joint research study performed by AASHTO and
FHWA (1987).

There are several wheel path rutting classifications, one of which was provided in 1979 by the
Federal Highway Administration, which classified rutting into three levels of severity:
1. Low, from 6 to 12.5 mm (0.25 to 0.5 inches),
2. Medium, from 12.5 to 25 mm (0.5 to 1.0 inches), and
3. High, over 25 mm (1 inch).
For normal cross slope values, a rut depth of 12.5 mm (0.5 inch) is typically accepted as the
maximum allowable rut depth (Huang, 1993 & Kennedy, et al, 1996).

Figure 2.3 Typical Repeated Load Permanent Deformation Behaviors of Pavement

Materials (AASHTO Design Guide, 2002)

Figure 2.4 Rutting caused by Shear Displacement of Weak Asphalt Layer (After
Asphalt Institute 1996)

2.4 Factors which affects the Rutting:

 Tyre Inflation and Tyre Pavement Contact Pressure
 Consolidation and Field Compaction
 Aggregate
 Mineral filler
 Asphalt Type and Content
 Environmental factors

2.5 Effect of Temperature on Rutting:

The result of the studies shown that compaction temperature along with asphalt content, grade of
asphalt, and aggregate gradation has significant cause to tensile strength. Hadley (1970) has
conducted an extensive laboratory study to find the effect of seven factors on the tensile
properties of asphalt material. Review of the literature many reports indicate that effects of
increasing compaction effort at low temperature on tensile strength. Kennedy (1979) also
conducted test to determine the effects of increasing compaction effort at low temperature on
tensile strength and static modulus. The sample used for the study compacted at three different
temperatures, 60ºC (140˚F) for rutting test. Kennedy was using two different compaction method

that are methods used by Texas State Department of Highway and Public Transport (SDHPT)
using a gyratory cycles and modified procedure involving a constant number of gyratory
cycles.(Ahmad Kabbashi 2014)

2.6 Measurement of Rutting:

The major portion of the irreversible deformation is due to shear stresses in the compacted
material, which suggests that better compaction if the asphalt layer should significantly improve
rutting behavior. The rutting for any pavement will be determined by computing the mean rut
depth and there three types of levels of rutting with difference in depth of the rut according to
JKR as follows (AASHTO, 1986).

Table 2.1 Severity levels of rut depth

Severity Level Mean Rut Depth

Low 6-12 mm
Medium 12-25 mm
High More than 25 mm

Followings are different tests and devices which are used for the evaluation of rutting:
 Uniaxial Repeated Creep Test
 The Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device (HWTD)
 Cooper Wheel tracking devices to evaluate Rutting
We are using cooper “Wheel Tracker small device” available in TITE UET, Taxila.

2.7 Wheel Tracker Small Device:

Wheel Tracker is used for measuring the rut depth, formed by repeated passage of a wheel on
prismatic asphalt concrete samples. A typical Wheel Tracking Machine is shown in Fig 2.5. In this
machine a wheel tracks over a prismatic asphalt concrete sample on a moving table. During this
simple harmonic motion at a frequency of 26.5 cycles per minute, under specified conditions

of speed and temperature, the formation of rut is continuously monitored. The susceptibility of
an asphaltic material to deform is assessed by measuring the rut formed by repeated passes of a
loaded wheel at specified temperature. The rut resistance is quantified as the rate of rutting
during the test, with Linear Variable Displacement Transformers (LVDT) 25mm (min).
Similarly, the rut depth can be measured at the termination of the test. Specimens for research
work were prepared in the laboratory. A solid rubber tire with 200 mm outer diameter is wrapped
over the wheel. The wrapped tire has a rectangular section of 50 ± 1 mm wide and 10mm to 13
mm thick. The temperature within the wheel tracker chamber can be controlled up to a maximum
temperature of 60 ± 1°C. For testing purpose square slab specimens of 305mm x 305mm and
typical asphalt wearing course thickness of 50mm were prepared and clamped with wheel tracker
table. Specimens were tested under a loaded wheel (700 ± 20 N) tracking over the specimen in
simple harmonic motion through a distance of 305mm under specified conditions i.e. 26.5 cycles
per minute at temperatures, 40 and 60°C.

EN 12697-22
Small device
Figure 2.5 Wheel Trackers (After Cooper, 2006)

The susceptibility of an asphaltic material to deform is assessed by measuring the rut formed by
repeated passes of a loaded wheel at specified temperatures. The wheel tracking apparatus
consists of loaded wheel which bears on a sample held on a moving table as shown in Figure
2.6. The moving table reciprocates with simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 26.5 passes
per minutes (European Standard- PrEN 13108/12697-22, 2002).
Wheel Tracker operation can be controlled through software supported control and data
acquisition system (CDAS). Results were monitored through an on-screen display showing
continuously updated graph of time versus deformation. A snapshot of display is shown in
Figure 2.7. A text file was generated for storing the test data, which was further used for analysis
through a spreadsheet.

Figure 2.6 Wheel Tracker Solid Rubber Tyre (After Cooper, 2006)

Figure 2.7 Wheel Tracker output Display (After Cooper, 2006)

2.7.1 Test Standards:

 EN 12697-22 Small device
 BS 598-110:1998
Tests materials for roads with axle loads up to 13 tons.

2.7.2 Specifications:
Specifications are shown below in table 2.2.
Table 2.2 (Specifications of Wheel Tracker)

Wheel load 700/520N

Mold dimension 305 x 305 mm
Wheel speed 26.5 RPM
Slab Thickness 40 to 100 mm
Rut Depth Range 50 mm
Temperature Range up to 60°C

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Methodology and Experimental Works

3.1 Introduction

This chapter includes scope of experimental works, selection of materials and testing conditions,
specimen preparation, wheel tracking test is taken and rut development in mixes is also shown in
this chapter.

3.2 Flow chart of Experimental works

Figure 3.1 Flow Chart Diagram (Scope of Work)

3.3 Selection of Materials:
Hot Mix Asphalt generally consists of combination of different size of aggregates with mineral
fillers, uniformly mixed and coated with asphalt cement, each having its own particular
characteristics, which will be more suitable to specific design and construction purposes. Before
designing asphalt paving mixes, selection, proportioning and characterization of individual
material are imperative to obtain the desired quality and properties of finished mix. For the
current study both aggregates and bitumen selected are of high quality.

3.3.1 Aggregates for Asphalt Mixes:

Aggregates were obtained from the local source i.e., Margalla Crush Quarry. The largest portion
of the resistance to permanent deformation of the mixture is provided by the aggregate structure.
Aggregate is expected to provide a strong stone skeleton to resist repeated load applications.
Gradation, shape, and surface texture have a great influence on HMA properties. Angular, rough-
textured aggregates provide more shear strength than rounded, smooth-textured aggregates.
When a load is applied to the aggregate in an asphalt mixture, the angular, cubical, rough-
textured aggregate particles lock tightly together and function as a large, single elastic mass, thus
increasing the shear strength of the asphalt mixture.

3.3.2 Bitumen for Asphalt Mixes:

For engineering and construction purposes, three properties or characteristics of bitumen are
important i.e. consistency, purity and safety (Asphalt Institute MS-4, 2003). Bitumen is
thermoplastic material, since it gradually liquefies when heated. Bitumen is characterized by its
consistency or ability to flow at different temperatures. Consistency is the term used to describe
the viscosity or degree of fluidity of bitumen at any particular temperature. The consistency of
bitumen varies with temperature. Bitumen is graded based on ranges of consistency at a standard
temperature. Consistency of paving asphalt is commonly specified and measured by a viscosity
test or a penetration test (Asphalt Institute MS-4, 2003). Other tests i.e. ductility, softening point

provides additional information and confidence towards consistency. Bitumen selected for
current project is ARL-60/70.

3.4 Selection Of different Gradations:

Maximum size and aggregate grading are directly controlled by NHA aggregate grading “Class-
A” for wearing coarse (NHA General Specification, 1998). Maximum size of aggregate is related
with the typical lift thickness used on National Highways in Pakistan. NHA in its general
specifications has specified two aggregate gradations, namely class ‘A’ and ‘B’, the coarser and
finer respectively.

We have selected following gradations for current project which we commonly used in Pakistan:

 MS-2 WC
 SP-A WC

3.5 Selection of Testing Conditions:

Testing conditions are selected keeping in view the extreme loading and environmental
conditions in Pakistan. Temperature selected is of 50o C which is mean maximum temperature of
most of the areas of Pakistan. Wheel load selected is 700N simulating 13 tones load of field.
Table 3.1 (Materials and Testing Conditions)

Aggregates Bitumen Gradations Temperature Test conditions

Aggregates are Bitumen selected NHA-A 50°C 26.5 RPM

selected from isofgrade 700 N load is
lime stone quarry ARL-60/70 NHA-B 50 C applied as per
Margallah Hills EN 12697-22
MS-2 50°C

SP-A 50°C

3.6 Specimen Preparations:

Specimens of each type of asphalt concrete mix were prepared with the help of roller compacter.
Compaction of slab specimens at roller compactor was undertaken in four stages having different
pressures. Weight of each specimen was taken 11.50 kg (approximately). Mixing of aggregate
with binder was carried out at a working temperature of 1500 C with the variation of 50 C. Air
voids are 5 to 6%. Figure 3.2 shows typical roller compactor (EN 12697-33 Steel roller). Two
replicates of each gradation were prepared.

This process of compaction involved four stages. In the first stage, the specimen was compacted
under 2.5 bars pressure with 10 numbers of passes. In the second stage, the specimen was further
compacted under 4.5 bars of pressure with 10 numbers of passes. In stage 3, the specimen was
compacted under 5 bars of pressure with 10 numbers of passes and in final stage 4; the specimen
was compacted under 4 bars of pressure with 5 numbers of passes. Size of the specimen used
was 305mm X 305mm X 50mm.

EN 12697-33
Steel roller

Figure 3.2 ( European Standard Roller Compactor)

Roller Compactor compact the specimen uniformly with its specially designed press system to a
specified pressure as shown in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3 (Specimen Compaction using Steel roller Compactor)

Table 3.2(Compaction stages of Steel Roller Compactor)

Compaction stages

1 2 3 3

Pressure bar 2.5 4.5 5 4

No. of Passes 10 10 10 5

Roller compactor simulates the field compaction in the laboratory, after preparing specimen air
voids are checked by using bulk specific gravity and total specific gravity, air voids should be in
the range of 5 to 6%.

3.7 Wheel Tracking Test:
Table 3.3 shows the test matrix which is total number of passes, terminal rut depth
and frequency of wheel tracking.

Table 3.3(Test Matrix for Wheel Tracking Test)

No. of passes 10000

Terminal Rut depth 12.5mm
Frequency 26.5 rpm
Temperature 50°C
No. of Specimens 4
No. of Replicates 2

First of all specimens were conditioned at a specified temperature. After the placement of the
compacted specimen in the wheel tracking machine, the loaded wheel was brought in contact
with the specimen and the rut development was monitored with an automatic displacement
measuring device. Wheel Tracking Machine with specimen under load wheel is shown in figure

Figure 3.4(Wheel Running on Specimens)

Specified temperature of the specimen and the chamber were maintained at 50°C during the test.
The displacement measuring device automatically transferred the measured rut depth at
increments of 100 cycles to the attached computer. The tracking continued for 10,000 cycles at

standard conditions of applied load (700N), frequency (26.5rpm) on compacted confined slab or
for a period when the terminal rut depth was achieved. Final condition of the specimen at the end
of the test is shown in Figure3.5&3.6.

Figure 3.5(Finer Mixes) Figure 3.6(Coarser Mixes)

Rut development of mixes under wheel tracking test was analyzed. Average rut depth of two
replicates of each gradation is taken for the purpose of comparison between the gradations.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Results and Discussions

4.1 Introduction
Influence of load cycles on rut depth was measured and plotted using the data output file and
shown graphically. Results of WT show that permanent deformation is a function of number of
load repetitions. This chapter includes analysis between replicates of same gradation. In the end
comprehensive comparison between different gradations is carried out by taking average rut
depth of replicates of each gradation. From the comparison, best gradation from selected
gradations is selected on the basis of its performance under the given specific testing conditions
for using in Pakistan.

4.2 Analytical comparison between Replicates:

Comparison between replicates of each gradation is shown in fig 4.1 to fig 4.4


Rut Depth (mm)

Replicate 1
Replicate 2


0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
No. of Passes

Figure 4.1(Comparison between Replicates of NHA-A WC)


Rut Depth (mm)

Replicate 1
Replicate 2

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
No. of Passes

Figure 4.2(Comparison between Replicates of NHA-B WC)


Rut Depth (mm)


Replicate 1
1.5 Replicate 2


0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
No. of Passes

Figure 4.3(Comparison between Replicates of MS-2 WC)


Rut Depth (mm)

Replicate 1
Replicte 2

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
No. of Passes

Figure 4.4 (Comparison between Replicates of NHA-A WC)

Variation in the rut development may be due to specimen preparation, electricity failure during
specimen preparations and testing or due to poor calibration of machines.

4.3 Comparison between Gradations:

4 WC
Rut Depth (mm)

3 Wc


1 SP-A
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
No. 0f Passes
Figure 4.5(Comparison between selected Gradations)



3.13 3.14


Figure 4.6(Bar Chart showing Rut depth of selected Gradations)

4.4 Slope and Intercept co-efficient of selected Gradations:
Slope and intercept co-efficient of different mixes are calculated for the purpose of ranking
of mixtures shown in fig 4.7 t0 fig 4.10:

y = 0.0003x + 0.6712
R² = 0.9562
Rut Depth (mm)




0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
No. of Passes

Figure 4.7 Slope and Intercept co-efficient of NHA-A WC

5 y = 0.0003x + 1.7714
R² = 0.9124
Rut Depth (mm)

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
No. of Passes

Figure 4.8 Slope and Intercept co-efficient of NHA-B WC


3.5 y = 0.0002x + 1.0132

R² = 0.9381
Rut Depth (mm)




0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
No. of Passes

Figure 4.9 Slope and Intercept co-efficient of MS-2 WC

y = 0.0004x + 1.5644

R² = 0.9418

Rut Depth (mm)

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
No. of Passes
Figure 4.10 Slope and Intercept co-efficient of SP-A WC

Bar charts in fig 4.11 and fig 4.12 show the values of slopes and intercept co-efficient of
each gradation:










Figure 4.11 Intercept co-efficient of selected Gradations











Figure 4.12 Slope co-efficient of selected Gradations

4.4 Ranking of Mixes:

Maximum slope is given by SP-A of 0.004, minimum slope is given by MS-2 0f 0.002, NHA-A
and NHA-B both mixes gives slope of 0.0003. Similarly maximum intercept co-efficient is given
by SP-A of 1.57 and minimum by NHA-A of 0.67. According to this ranking of mixes is as
Table 4.1 Ranking of Mixes

NHA-A 1st

MS-2 2nd

NHA-B 3rd

SP-A 4th

4.4 Discussion of Results:

After analyzing rut development of replicates of each gradation, comparison between different
gradations is done from which it is evident that SP-A gives more rut depth than any other
gradation, then NHA-B , then MS-2 and least rut depth was given by NHA-A. Above column
chart show that selected gradations and materials show good performance as no sample achieved
terminal rut depth after 10000 passes of wheel. NHA-A is the best of the selected gradations
giving minimum rut depth of 3.13mm. Moreover slope and intercept co-efficient of different
mixes are calculated and ranking of mixes is done using slope and intercept co-efficient. Ranking
of mixes is shown in table 4.1.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusions:

From the study and analysis of current project followings are the conclusions of this project:
 Results show that selected gradations and materials show good performance as no
sample is failed under given testing conditions.
 At high temperature mixes with coarser gradation offered more resistance to rutting
than mixes with finer gradations.
 From different gradations used, NHA-A performs better with giving minimum rut

5.2 Recommendations:

Followings are the recommendations on the basis of conclusions:

 NHA-A gradation should preferably be used in wearing course in high temperature

areas of Pakistan.

 Sound and tested material should be used in asphalt mixes to minimize Rutting.

 If available aggregates from Margallah Quarry should be used.

We recommend further research should be done on the properties of aggregates and Bitumen to
improve asphalt mix designs which will eventually help to minimize Rutting or permanent
deformation in flexible pavements.



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Annexure-A NHA-A WC Test Result of Wheel Tracking
No. of Passes Rut Depth of Rut Depth of Average Rut
Replicate 1 (mm) Replicate 2 (mm) Depth (mm)
0 -0.19 -0.19
100 0.178643 0.133139 0.155891
200 0.321887 0.255615 0.288751
300 0.430256 0.352124 0.39119
400 0.520791 0.434881 0.477836
500 0.600021 0.508715 0.554368
600 0.671269 0.576139 0.623704
700 0.736499 0.638659 0.687579
800 0.796983 0.697268 0.747126
900 0.853604 0.752658 0.803131
1000 0.906999 0.805338 0.856169
1100 0.957651 0.855693 0.906672
1200 1.005932 0.904025 0.954979
1300 1.052138 0.950573 1.001356
1400 1.096508 0.995535 1.046022
1500 1.139239 1.039072 1.089156
1600 1.180496 1.081319 1.130907
1700 1.220415 1.122394 1.171404
1800 1.259117 1.162393 1.210755
1900 1.296703 1.201403 1.249053
2000 1.333261 1.239499 1.28638
2100 1.368868 1.276746 1.322807
2200 1.403594 1.313203 1.358399
2300 1.437499 1.34892 1.39321
2400 1.470636 1.383945 1.42729
2500 1.503054 1.418318 1.460686
2600 1.534796 1.452077 1.493437
2700 1.565902 1.485256 1.525579
2800 1.596407 1.517887 1.557147
2900 1.626344 1.549996 1.58817
3000 1.655742 1.58161 1.618676
3100 1.684629 1.612754 1.648691

3200 1.713029 1.643447 1.678238
3300 1.740966 1.673712 1.707339
3400 1.768461 1.703567 1.736014
3500 1.795533 1.733028 1.76428
3600 1.822201 1.762113 1.792157
3700 1.848481 1.790836 1.819659
3800 1.874391 1.819212 1.846801
3900 1.899944 1.847253 1.873598
4000 1.925154 1.874972 1.900063
4100 1.950035 1.902381 1.926208
4200 1.974598 1.92949 1.952044
4300 1.998855 1.95631 1.977583
4400 2.022818 1.982851 2.002834
4500 2.046495 2.009121 2.027808
4600 2.069896 2.035129 2.052513
4700 2.093032 2.060885 2.076958
4800 2.11591 2.086394 2.101152
4900 2.138538 2.111665 2.125102
5000 2.160924 2.136705 2.148815
5100 2.183076 2.161521 2.172298
5200 2.205 2.186118 2.195559
5300 2.226704 2.210503 2.218604
5400 2.248193 2.234682 2.241437
5500 2.269474 2.25866 2.264067
5600 2.290552 2.282442 2.286497
5700 2.311432 2.306034 2.308733
5800 2.332121 2.32944 2.33078
5900 2.352623 2.352665 2.352644
6000 2.372942 2.375713 2.374328
6100 2.393085 2.398589 2.395837
6200 2.413054 2.421297 2.417175
6300 2.432854 2.44384 2.438347
6400 2.452489 2.466223 2.459356
6500 2.471964 2.488449 2.480206
6600 2.491282 2.510521 2.500901

6700 2.510446 2.532443 2.521444
6800 2.52946 2.554218 2.541839
6900 2.548327 2.57585 2.562089
7000 2.567051 2.597341 2.582196
7100 2.585635 2.618694 2.602164
7200 2.604082 2.639911 2.621997
7300 2.622394 2.660997 2.641695
7400 2.640574 2.681953 2.661264
7500 2.658626 2.702782 2.680704
7600 2.676551 2.723486 2.700019
7700 2.694353 2.744067 2.71921
7800 2.712033 2.764529 2.738281
7900 2.729595 2.784873 2.757234
8000 2.74704 2.805101 2.77607
8100 2.76437 2.825215 2.794793
8200 2.781588 2.845218 2.813403
8300 2.798696 2.865112 2.831904
8400 2.815696 2.884898 2.850297
8500 2.83259 2.904578 2.868584
8600 2.849379 2.924154 2.886766
8700 2.866066 2.943627 2.904847
8800 2.882652 2.963001 2.922826
8900 2.899139 2.982275 2.940707
9000 2.91553 3.001452 2.958491
9100 2.931824 3.020533 2.976179
9200 2.948024 3.03952 2.993772
9300 2.964133 3.058414 3.011273
9400 2.98015 3.077217 3.028683
9500 2.996077 3.09593 3.046004
9600 3.011917 3.114555 3.063236
9700 3.02767 3.133092 3.080381
9800 3.043338 3.151544 3.097441
9900 3.058922 3.169911 3.114416
10000 3.074423 3.188195 3.131309

Annexure-B NHA-B WC Test Result of Wheel Tracking
No. of Passes Rut Depth of Rut Depth of Average Rut
Replicate 1 (mm) Replicate 2 (mm) Depth (mm)
0 0.0826 0.1655 0.12405
100 0.872751 0.972679 0.922715
200 1.068081 1.235982 1.152031
300 1.20402 1.428203 1.316112
400 1.311698 1.585174 1.448436
500 1.402289 1.720249 1.561269
600 1.481243 1.840099 1.660671
700 1.551671 1.94861 1.75014
800 1.615538 2.048274 1.831906
900 1.674175 2.140798 1.907486
1000 1.728525 2.22741 1.977967
1100 1.779287 2.309027 2.044157
1200 1.826996 2.386355 2.106675
1300 1.872067 2.459951 2.166009
1400 1.914834 2.530263 2.222549
1500 1.955567 2.597657 2.276612
1600 1.99449 2.662438 2.328464
1700 2.031789 2.724861 2.378325
1800 2.067622 2.785143 2.426383
1900 2.102123 2.843472 2.472797
2000 2.135407 2.900008 2.517708
2100 2.167577 2.954892 2.561235
2200 2.198719 3.008249 2.603484
2300 2.228911 3.060186 2.644548
2400 2.258221 3.110801 2.684511
2500 2.286711 3.160182 2.723446
2600 2.314434 3.208405 2.761419
2700 2.341441 3.25554 2.79849
2800 2.367774 3.301652 2.834713
2900 2.393474 3.346798 2.870136
3000 2.418577 3.391031 2.904804
3100 2.443116 3.434398 2.938757

3200 2.467122 3.476943 2.972032
3300 2.490621 3.518707 3.004664
3400 2.513641 3.559728 3.036685
3500 2.536204 3.60004 3.068122
3600 2.558332 3.639675 3.099003
3700 2.580044 3.678663 3.129354
3800 2.601361 3.717031 3.159196
3900 2.622299 3.754805 3.188552
4000 2.642874 3.792009 3.217441
4100 2.663102 3.828666 3.245884
4200 2.682996 3.864796 3.273896
4300 2.70257 3.900421 3.301495
4400 2.721837 3.935558 3.328697
4500 2.740807 3.970224 3.355515
4600 2.759492 4.004437 3.381964
4700 2.777903 4.038212 3.408057
4800 2.796048 4.071563 3.433806
4900 2.813938 4.104505 3.459222
5000 2.831581 4.137051 3.484316
5100 2.848985 4.169214 3.509099
5200 2.866158 4.201005 3.533581
5300 2.883107 4.232435 3.557771
5400 2.89984 4.263516 3.581678
5500 2.916363 4.294258 3.605311
5600 2.932683 4.32467 3.628676
5700 2.948805 4.354762 3.651784
5800 2.964736 4.384543 3.674639
5900 2.980481 4.414021 3.697251
6000 2.996044 4.443204 3.719624
6100 3.011433 4.4721 3.741766
6200 3.02665 4.500717 3.763683
6300 3.041701 4.529062 3.785381
6400 3.05659 4.557141 3.806865
6500 3.071321 4.584961 3.828141
6600 3.085899 4.612529 3.849214

6700 3.100327 4.63985 3.870089
6800 3.114609 4.666931 3.89077
6900 3.128749 4.693776 3.911263
7000 3.14275 4.720392 3.931571
7100 3.156615 4.746784 3.9517
7200 3.170348 4.772956 3.971652
7300 3.183951 4.798914 3.991433
7400 3.197428 4.824662 4.011045
7500 3.210782 4.850204 4.030493
7600 3.224014 4.875545 4.04978
7700 3.237129 4.90069 4.068909
7800 3.250128 4.925641 4.087885
7900 3.263014 4.950404 4.106709
8000 3.27579 4.974981 4.125386
8100 3.288457 4.999378 4.143917
8200 3.301018 5.023596 4.162307
8300 3.313475 5.04764 4.180557
8400 3.32583 5.071513 4.198671
8500 3.338085 5.095217 4.216651
8600 3.350243 5.118758 4.2345
8700 3.362305 5.142136 4.25222
8800 3.374272 5.165356 4.269814
8900 3.386147 5.18842 4.287284
9000 3.397932 5.211331 4.304631
9100 3.409628 5.234091 4.321859
9200 3.421236 5.256704 4.33897
9300 3.432759 5.279171 4.355965
9400 3.444198 5.301496 4.372847
9500 3.455554 5.32368 4.389617
9600 3.466829 5.345727 4.406278
9700 3.478025 5.367637 4.422831
9800 3.489142 5.389415 4.439278
9900 3.500182 5.411061 4.455621
10000 3.511146 5.432577 4.471862

Annexure-C MS-2 WC Test Result of Wheel Tracking
No. of Passes Rut Depth of Rut Depth of Average Rut
Replicate 1 (mm) Replicate 2 (mm) Depth (mm)
0 0.08733 0.08733
100 0.616531 0.269801 0.443166
200 0.790813 0.392544 0.591679
300 0.918279 0.485011 0.701645
400 1.022491 0.562051 0.792271
500 1.112244 0.629336 0.87079
600 1.191936 0.689746 0.940841
700 1.264129 0.74498 1.004554
800 1.330469 0.796138 1.063303
900 1.392082 0.84398 1.118031
1000 1.44978 0.889057 1.169419
1100 1.504169 0.931785 1.217977
1200 1.555716 0.972483 1.264099
1300 1.604789 1.011406 1.308098
1400 1.651685 1.04876 1.350223
1500 1.696646 1.084714 1.39068
1600 1.739872 1.119408 1.42964
1700 1.781535 1.152963 1.467249
1800 1.821777 1.185478 1.503627
1900 1.860722 1.217041 1.538881
2000 1.898476 1.247729 1.573103
2100 1.935134 1.277608 1.606371
2200 1.970778 1.306735 1.638756
2300 2.005478 1.335163 1.670321
2400 2.039301 1.362939 1.70112
2500 2.072302 1.390102 1.731202
2600 2.104535 1.416691 1.760613
2700 2.136045 1.442739 1.789392
2800 2.166875 1.468277 1.817576
2900 2.197062 1.493331 1.845197
3000 2.226642 1.517928 1.872285
3100 2.255647 1.542091 1.898869

3200 2.284105 1.565841 1.924973
3300 2.312044 1.589198 1.950621
3400 2.339488 1.612179 1.975834
3500 2.366461 1.634802 2.000631
3600 2.392983 1.657082 2.025032
3700 2.419075 1.679034 2.049054
3800 2.444754 1.700671 2.072712
3900 2.470038 1.722006 2.096022
4000 2.494942 1.74305 2.118996
4100 2.519483 1.763816 2.141649
4200 2.543673 1.784312 2.163993
4300 2.567526 1.804549 2.186038
4400 2.591055 1.824537 2.207796
4500 2.61427 1.844283 2.229276
4600 2.637183 1.863796 2.25049
4700 2.659805 1.883084 2.271444
4800 2.682144 1.902153 2.292149
4900 2.704212 1.921012 2.312612
5000 2.726015 1.939666 2.33284
5100 2.747563 1.958121 2.352842
5200 2.768863 1.976385 2.372624
5300 2.789923 1.994461 2.392192
5400 2.81075 2.012357 2.411553
5500 2.831351 2.030076 2.430714
5600 2.851733 2.047624 2.449678
5700 2.871901 2.065005 2.468453
5800 2.891862 2.082224 2.487043
5900 2.911621 2.099285 2.505453
6000 2.931184 2.116192 2.523688
6100 2.950555 2.132949 2.541752
6200 2.96974 2.149561 2.55965
6300 2.988744 2.166029 2.577387
6400 3.007571 2.182359 2.594965
6500 3.026225 2.198553 2.612389
6600 3.044711 2.214614 2.629662

6700 3.063032 2.230546 2.646789
6800 3.081193 2.246351 2.663772
6900 3.099197 2.262032 2.680615
7000 3.117049 2.277593 2.697321
7100 3.13475 2.293035 2.713892
7200 3.152305 2.308361 2.730333
7300 3.169717 2.323574 2.746646
7400 3.18699 2.338676 2.762833
7500 3.204125 2.35367 2.778897
7600 3.221126 2.368557 2.794841
7700 3.237995 2.38334 2.810668
7800 3.254736 2.39802 2.826378
7900 3.271351 2.412601 2.841976
8000 3.287843 2.427083 2.857463
8100 3.304213 2.441468 2.872841
8200 3.320465 2.455759 2.888112
8300 3.336601 2.469957 2.903279
8400 3.352622 2.484065 2.918343
8500 3.368531 2.498082 2.933307
8600 3.384331 2.512012 2.948171
8700 3.400022 2.525856 2.962939
8800 3.415608 2.539614 2.977611
8900 3.431089 2.55329 2.99219
9000 3.446469 2.566884 3.006676
9100 3.461748 2.580397 3.021072
9200 3.476928 2.593831 3.035379
9300 3.492011 2.607187 3.049599
9400 3.507 2.620467 3.063733
9500 3.521894 2.633671 3.077783
9600 3.536696 2.646802 3.091749
9700 3.551408 2.659859 3.105634
9800 3.566031 2.672845 3.119438
9900 3.580566 2.68576 3.133163
10000 3.595015 2.698606 3.14681

Annexure-D SP-A WC Test Result of Wheel Tracking
No. of Passes Rut Depth of Rut Depth of Average Rut
Replicate 1 (mm) Replicate 2 (mm) Depth (mm)
0 0.07506 0.1528 0.11393
100 0.737494 0.687306 0.7124
200 0.978342 0.888851 0.933597
300 1.158005 1.040348 1.099177
400 1.306758 1.166393 1.236575
500 1.436071 1.276362 1.356217
600 1.551743 1.375014 1.463379
700 1.65718 1.465151 1.561165
800 1.754579 1.548586 1.651583
900 1.845457 1.626574 1.736015
1000 1.930908 1.700022 1.815465
1100 2.011756 1.769612 1.890684
1200 2.088637 1.835872 1.962254
1300 2.162052 1.899221 2.030636
1400 2.232408 1.959996 2.096202
1500 2.300038 2.018476 2.159257
1600 2.365219 2.074893 2.220056
1700 2.428187 2.129441 2.278814
1800 2.489138 2.182288 2.335713
1900 2.548246 2.233576 2.390911
2000 2.605659 2.28343 2.444544
2100 2.661506 2.33196 2.496733
2200 2.715902 2.37926 2.547581
2300 2.768948 2.425417 2.597182
2400 2.820734 2.470505 2.645619
2500 2.871341 2.514592 2.692967
2600 2.920841 2.55774 2.739291
2700 2.9693 2.600004 2.784652
2800 3.016777 2.641432 2.829105
2900 3.063326 2.682072 2.872699
3000 3.108997 2.721964 2.91548
3100 3.153833 2.761146 2.957489

3200 3.197877 2.799653 2.998765
3300 3.241167 2.837518 3.039342
3400 3.283738 2.87477 3.079254
3500 3.325622 2.911436 3.118529
3600 3.36685 2.947543 3.157197
3700 3.407451 2.983113 3.195282
3800 3.447449 3.01817 3.232809
3900 3.486869 3.052733 3.269801
4000 3.525735 3.086823 3.306279
4100 3.564068 3.120456 3.342262
4200 3.601887 3.153651 3.377769
4300 3.639212 3.186423 3.412818
4400 3.67606 3.218787 3.447424
4500 3.712449 3.250758 3.481603
4600 3.748393 3.282348 3.515371
4700 3.783908 3.313571 3.548739
4800 3.819008 3.344437 3.581723
4900 3.853706 3.37496 3.614333
5000 3.888015 3.405149 3.646582
5100 3.921946 3.435015 3.678481
5200 3.955512 3.464567 3.71004
5300 3.988723 3.493814 3.741269
5400 4.02159 3.522766 3.772178
5500 4.054122 3.551431 3.802777
5600 4.086329 3.579816 3.833073
5700 4.118219 3.60793 3.863075
5800 4.149802 3.63578 3.892791
5900 4.181085 3.663372 3.922229
6000 4.212077 3.690714 3.951395
6100 4.242785 3.717811 3.980298
6200 4.273215 3.74467 4.008943
6300 4.303376 3.771297 4.037336
6400 4.333273 3.797697 4.065485
6500 4.362913 3.823876 4.093395
6600 4.392302 3.849839 4.121071

6700 4.421446 3.875592 4.148519
6800 4.450351 3.901138 4.175744
6900 4.479022 3.926482 4.202752
7000 4.507464 3.95163 4.229547
7100 4.535682 3.976585 4.256134
7200 4.563682 4.001351 4.282517
7300 4.591467 4.025933 4.3087
7400 4.619043 4.050334 4.334689
7500 4.646414 4.074559 4.360486
7600 4.673584 4.09861 4.386097
7700 4.700557 4.122491 4.411524
7800 4.727337 4.146206 4.436772
7900 4.753928 4.169758 4.461843
8000 4.780334 4.19315 4.486742
8100 4.806558 4.216384 4.511471
8200 4.832603 4.239465 4.536034
8300 4.858474 4.262395 4.560435
8400 4.884173 4.285177 4.584675
8500 4.909704 4.307813 4.608758
8600 4.935069 4.330306 4.632687
8700 4.960271 4.352659 4.656465
8800 4.985314 4.374874 4.680094
8900 5.010201 4.396953 4.703577
9000 5.034933 4.418899 4.726916
9100 5.059514 4.440714 4.750114
9200 5.083946 4.462401 4.773173
9300 5.108231 4.483961 4.796096
9400 5.132373 4.505397 4.818885
9500 5.156373 4.52671 4.841542
9600 5.180235 4.547902 4.864069
9700 5.203959 4.568977 4.886468
9800 5.227548 4.589934 4.908741
9900 5.251005 4.610777 4.930891
10000 5.274331 4.631506 4.952919

Annexure-E Comparison of Different Gradations
No. of Passes Rut Depth of Rut Depth of Rut Depth of MS- Rut Depth of
NHA-A (mm) NHA-B (mm) 2 (mm) SP-A (mm)
0 -0.19 0.12405 0.08733 0.11393
100 0.155891 0.922715 0.443166 0.7124
200 0.288751 1.152031 0.591679 0.933597
300 0.39119 1.316112 0.701645 1.099177
400 0.477836 1.448436 0.792271 1.236575
500 0.554368 1.561269 0.87079 1.356217
600 0.623704 1.660671 0.940841 1.463379
700 0.687579 1.75014 1.004554 1.561165
800 0.747126 1.831906 1.063303 1.651583
900 0.803131 1.907486 1.118031 1.736015
1000 0.856169 1.977967 1.169419 1.815465
1100 0.906672 2.044157 1.217977 1.890684
1200 0.954979 2.106675 1.264099 1.962254
1300 1.001356 2.166009 1.308098 2.030636
1400 1.046022 2.222549 1.350223 2.096202
1500 1.089156 2.276612 1.39068 2.159257
1600 1.130907 2.328464 1.42964 2.220056
1700 1.171404 2.378325 1.467249 2.278814
1800 1.210755 2.426383 1.503627 2.335713
1900 1.249053 2.472797 1.538881 2.390911
2000 1.28638 2.517708 1.573103 2.444544
2100 1.322807 2.561235 1.606371 2.496733
2200 1.358399 2.603484 1.638756 2.547581
2300 1.39321 2.644548 1.670321 2.597182
2400 1.42729 2.684511 1.70112 2.645619
2500 1.460686 2.723446 1.731202 2.692967
2600 1.493437 2.761419 1.760613 2.739291
2700 1.525579 2.79849 1.789392 2.784652
2800 1.557147 2.834713 1.817576 2.829105
2900 1.58817 2.870136 1.845197 2.872699
3000 1.618676 2.904804 1.872285 2.91548
3100 1.648691 2.938757 1.898869 2.957489

3200 1.678238 2.972032 1.924973 2.998765
3300 1.707339 3.004664 1.950621 3.039342
3400 1.736014 3.036685 1.975834 3.079254
3500 1.76428 3.068122 2.000631 3.118529
3600 1.792157 3.099003 2.025032 3.157197
3700 1.819659 3.129354 2.049054 3.195282
3800 1.846801 3.159196 2.072712 3.232809
3900 1.873598 3.188552 2.096022 3.269801
4000 1.900063 3.217441 2.118996 3.306279
4100 1.926208 3.245884 2.141649 3.342262
4200 1.952044 3.273896 2.163993 3.377769
4300 1.977583 3.301495 2.186038 3.412818
4400 2.002834 3.328697 2.207796 3.447424
4500 2.027808 3.355515 2.229276 3.481603
4600 2.052513 3.381964 2.25049 3.515371
4700 2.076958 3.408057 2.271444 3.548739
4800 2.101152 3.433806 2.292149 3.581723
4900 2.125102 3.459222 2.312612 3.614333
5000 2.148815 3.484316 2.33284 3.646582
5100 2.172298 3.509099 2.352842 3.678481
5200 2.195559 3.533581 2.372624 3.71004
5300 2.218604 3.557771 2.392192 3.741269
5400 2.241437 3.581678 2.411553 3.772178
5500 2.264067 3.605311 2.430714 3.802777
5600 2.286497 3.628676 2.449678 3.833073
5700 2.308733 3.651784 2.468453 3.863075
5800 2.33078 3.674639 2.487043 3.892791
5900 2.352644 3.697251 2.505453 3.922229
6000 2.374328 3.719624 2.523688 3.951395
6100 2.395837 3.741766 2.541752 3.980298
6200 2.417175 3.763683 2.55965 4.008943
6300 2.438347 3.785381 2.577387 4.037336
6400 2.459356 3.806865 2.594965 4.065485
6500 2.480206 3.828141 2.612389 4.093395
6600 2.500901 3.849214 2.629662 4.121071

6700 2.521444 3.870089 2.646789 4.148519
6800 2.541839 3.89077 2.663772 4.175744
6900 2.562089 3.911263 2.680615 4.202752
7000 2.582196 3.931571 2.697321 4.229547
7100 2.602164 3.9517 2.713892 4.256134
7200 2.621997 3.971652 2.730333 4.282517
7300 2.641695 3.991433 2.746646 4.3087
7400 2.661264 4.011045 2.762833 4.334689
7500 2.680704 4.030493 2.778897 4.360486
7600 2.700019 4.04978 2.794841 4.386097
7700 2.71921 4.068909 2.810668 4.411524
7800 2.738281 4.087885 2.826378 4.436772
7900 2.757234 4.106709 2.841976 4.461843
8000 2.77607 4.125386 2.857463 4.486742
8100 2.794793 4.143917 2.872841 4.511471
8200 2.813403 4.162307 2.888112 4.536034
8300 2.831904 4.180557 2.903279 4.560435
8400 2.850297 4.198671 2.918343 4.584675
8500 2.868584 4.216651 2.933307 4.608758
8600 2.886766 4.2345 2.948171 4.632687
8700 2.904847 4.25222 2.962939 4.656465
8800 2.922826 4.269814 2.977611 4.680094
8900 2.940707 4.287284 2.99219 4.703577
9000 2.958491 4.304631 3.006676 4.726916
9100 2.976179 4.321859 3.021072 4.750114
9200 2.993772 4.33897 3.035379 4.773173
9300 3.011273 4.355965 3.049599 4.796096
9400 3.028683 4.372847 3.063733 4.818885
9500 3.046004 4.389617 3.077783 4.841542
9600 3.063236 4.406278 3.091749 4.864069
9700 3.080381 4.422831 3.105634 4.886468
9800 3.097441 4.439278 3.119438 4.908741
9900 3.114416 4.455621 3.133163 4.930891
10000 3.131309 4.471862 3.14681 4.952919


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