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Thursday | August 22, 2019

No charges filed in police-involved fatal shooting

CPD Officer Jared Booth has been on administrative leave Columbus Police
Department ever
Prior to the investigation,
city officials had already said
since shooting man outside Premier Lounge in 2017 since.
Columbus Po-
publicly they believed Booth
had acted accordingly in the
lice Chief Fred shooting, which occurred in
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN sissippi Attorney General’s grand jury, which decided not
Shelton said he a parking lot across the street Office confirmed Officer Jared to indict Booth. from Premier Lounge. Multiple
has not official-
Booth has not been charged for Booth shot Davis dead out- ly been notified city officials said they viewed
A Columbus police officer the 2017 shooting death of Ray- side the Premier Lounge while a grand jury did Booth Booth’s body camera footage.
involved in a fatal shooting at a mond Davis, 24, of Columbus. responding to a call at the 22nd not indict Booth so he could not It was apparently the sec-
night club two years ago is not The results of a state investi- Street South night club at about give The Dispatch an estimate ond time that night police were
expected to face charges. gation into the shooting were 1 a.m. on Nov. 4. He has been of when the officer may return called to Premier Lounge, and
A spokesperson for the Mis- presented to a Lowndes County on administrative leave from to duty. See Booth, 6A

Six candidates
qualify for Benefit motorcycle ride planned
Ward 1 for Capt. Stacey Deans
Qualifying deadline CPD captain of
for candidates is Sept. 4 investigation recovering
ahead of schedule
from spinal injury
Six candidates
have qualified so far
for the Ward 1 city
council vacancy. When Capt. Stacey Deans was
Ward 1 residents hospitalized for severe spinal inju-
Trinity “Trent” Bush, ries back in May, doctors said it may
Patrick E. Holmes, be up to 18 months before he could
Tommy Jackson, Car- walk again.
olyn Green Sherrod, Bush Now, he said, he can get around
Ethel Taylor Stewart
with the aid of a walker.
and Liz Terry are vy-
“I’m just really excited about my
ing for the seat vacat-
recovery,” he said.
ed by the passing of
Deans, who is the head of the
Gene Taylor earlier
Criminal Investigation Division at
this month. A spe-
Columbus Police Department, has
cial election is set for
been away on medical leave since
Sept. 24.
Taylor’s term was Holmes early May when a severe spinal
set to expire June compression left him mostly para-
2021. lyzed on his left side. After surgery
Bush, 50, is a Co- on May 6, Deans was put in the in-
lumbus resident who tensive care unit for about a week,
currently serves in said his wife, Yolanda Deans. He
the Army National was only discharged on June 19 and
Guard. He is also is now going through inpatient occu-
currently employed pational therapy at a rehabilitation
clinic and nursing home in another ABOVE: Columbus Police Depart-
with Mississippi Uni- Jackson ment Capt. Stacey Deans, right,
versity for Women city.
poses with his wife Yolanda in a
as the supervisor for “It was definitely a long journey,
Tupelo hospital after undergoing
resources. He said he basically being taught how to utilize
spinal surgery in May. There will
decided to run to give my limbs again, being taught how be a motorcycle rally held Satur-
the council a new per- to walk again,” Stacey Deans said. day in downtown Columbus rais-
spective. “It was a journey. ... It actually came ing money for his medical bills.
“I’m not sure if I quicker than the doctors thought.” LEFT: The Columbus motorcycle
can do anything dif- And he hopes that recovery al- club Street Jumpers is participat-
ferent, but I think a Sherrod lows him to come back to Colum- ing in the rally and a 50-mile ride
new take on that ward bus, at least for a couple of hours, on which begins Saturday at 10:30
would really help,” Saturday for a bike rally being held a.m. at the Lowndes County Soc-
Bush said. See Deans benefit, 6A cer Complex. — Courtesy photos
If elected, Bush
said that he hopes
to beautify the city
and work toward re-
pairing “eyesores”
throughout the ward. Stewart
“There’s some lo-
cations that need to
Starkville under citywide boil water notice until Saturday
be elevated up. There
are eyesores,” Bush
Residents lose water pressure after
said. “I built a new
house right on Wash-
Crews work busted water pipe takes all night to repair
ington Avenue. I’ve on a bust- By Tess Vrbin water for much of Starkville
always been the type ed water south of Highway 12 while
of person to lead and Terry pipe on
the pipe repair was under-
show by example.” Locksley STARKVILLE — The en-
Way in way. It was originally esti-
Holmes, 23, is a lifelong resident tire city is under a boil water
of Ward 1. He is self-employed and Starkville. notice after a contractor for mated to take about an hour,
serves on various civic organizations The entire Atmos Energy Corporation but SUD employees “pulled
city is an all-nighter” to complete it,
such as the treasurer of the South under a split a 20-foot section of wa-
Side Benevolent Organization. He ter pipe Wednesday evening Mayor Lynn Spruill tweeted
boil water
decided to run in this election to add notice until on Locksley Way. this morning.
a fresh voice to the city council. Saturday. Starkville Utilities De- Low water pressure
See Ward 1, 6A Courtesy photo/Twitter partment temporarily cut off See Boil notice, 3A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 What western state led the U.S. in Friday meetings
births per capita, according to 2014 Today: Colum-
■ The Detectives: Take part in a “whodunnit” as
figures? bus City Council
2 Which 2000 film stars Juliette The Detectives Comedy Dinner Theatre presents
budget hearing, 4
Bincoche as a mysterious woman a mystery during Lion Hills Center’s three-course
dinner, Columbus. Cocktails 6 p.m.; show begins at p.m., City Hall Up-
who opens a confectionery shop in
France? 7 p.m. Tickets are $50 (BYOB with a $10 corking stairs Courtroom
Wyatt Fulcher 3 What carnival and county fair treat fee). Make reservations at or call Today: LCSD town
was originally called “fairy floss”? 601-291-7444. hall stakeholder
Pre-K, Annunciation
4 What world famous ballet dancer meeting on the

88 Low 72
defected to the West when touring
High with the Bolshoi Ballet? Saturday district’s superin-
tendent search, 6
Partly sunny and humid
5 What is the only rock that can float ■ Citywide Stacey Deans bike rally benefit:
in water? Registration for this medical benefit motorcycle rally
p.m., LCSD Central
Full forecast on Answers, 6B
and show for Columbus Police Department Criminal Office at 1053
page 2A.
Investigation Division head Stacey Deans begins at Highway 45 South
10 a.m. at the Lowndes County Soccer Complex; in Columbus
Inside kickstands up at 10:30 a.m. for a 50-mile ride, Alissia McCoy loves read- Aug. 26: Cale-
returning for lunch (11 a.m.-2 p.m.) and live music. ing, working, singing and donia Board of
Business 5B Dear Abby 4B
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 5A Fish fry and fixings, hot dog/hamburger plates, $10. dancing. Her favorite play Alderman, budget
Comics 4B Opinions 4A Bike show is 1-2 p.m. Register for a 5K at raceros- is “Romeo and Juliet” by hearing, 6 p.m.,
140th Year, No. 140 Crossword 5A Call 662-549-5909 for more information. Shakespeare. Town Hall


2A Thursday, August 22, 2019 The Dispatch •

Did you hear?

‘Stranger Things’ fans bring

cameras, wallets to Georgia
Georgia’s economy reaps $9.5 billion
annually from the film industry Trump flip-flops on tax cuts,
saying US has ‘strong economy’
By ANDREA SMITH in mid-July, he said.
The Associated Press “You can spot them in
the crowd when they come
PALMETTO, Ga. — in here,” Johnston said.
Soon after Netflix released “The girl the other day was Analysts have warned
that a slowdown, if not Report shows US deficit
“Stranger Things,” fans of dressed like Eleven, all the
all ages came into Brad- way to the blood running
ley’s Big Buy grocery
down her nose.”
full-blown recession,
to exceed $1 trillion next year
store in Palmetto, Georgia,
Eleven is a main char-
dressed like characters
acter of the series known
from the show, and wan-
dered toward the Eggo
for her mysterious mind could hit before next
powers and the subtle The Associated Press
waffles aisle, cameras in
nosebleed she gets after year’s election
activating those powers. WASHINGTON — The fed-
They sought out the ex-
act spot where “Stranger The nostalgic ‘80s sci-
and JONATHAN LEMIRE eral budget deficit is expected ‘Federal debt, which is
fi series broke Netflix re- to balloon to more than $1
Things” star Millie Bobby
cords with its third season.
The Associated Press
trillion in the next fiscal year already high by historical
Brown filmed a scene as
the character Eleven, and Within four days of release,
40.7 million accounts had
WASHINGTON — A day after
considering cutting taxes to pro-
under the first projections tak-
ing into account the big bud-
standards, is on an
they’re still coming three
years later, even after the started watching it and
18.2 million had already
mote economic growth, President
Donald Trump changed course
get deal that President Donald
Trump and Congress reached
unsustainable course.’
store changed its name Congressional Budget Office
and became part of the finished it entirely, Netflix and said he would abandon the idea this summer, the Congressio-
announced on Twitter. nal Budget Office reported. Director Phillip Swagel
Piggly Wiggly franchise. because the nation already had “a
Palmetto is a town of Creators Matt and Ross strong economy.” The return of $1 trillion annual deficits comes despite Trump’s vow
barely 5,000 people about Duffer set the series in Trump’s flip-flop on Wednesday when running for office that he would not just balance the budget but
25 miles southwest of At- fictional Hawkins, Indi- came after recent market volatili- pay down the entire national debt.
lanta where the grocery ana, but filmed in Georgia, ty and economic uncertainty, and “The nation’s fiscal outlook is challenging,” said Phillip Swagel, di-
store cashiers greet cus- which offers tax breaks amid a debate about whether the rector of the nonpartisan CBO. “Federal debt, which is already high by
tomers by name. But after and other incentives to United States was heading for a historical standards, is on an unsustainable course.”
“Stranger Things” pre- moviemakers and whose slowdown that would imperil his The office on Wednesday upped this year’s deficit projection by $63
miered in 2016, it became economy in return reaps reelection chances. Trump earlier billion and the cumulative deficit projection for the next decade by $809
routine for employees to $9.5 billion annually from this week acknowledged, for the billion. The higher deficit projections come even as the CBO reduced
also welcome fans from the film industry, accord- first time, that his China trade pol- its estimate for interest rates, which lowers borrowing costs, and as it
around the globe. Fans ing to a 2018 Georgia De- icies may mean economic pain for raised projections for economic growth in the near term.
have visited daily since partment of Economic De- Americans, though he insisted the The number crunchers at CBO projected that the deficit for the cur-
the store reappeared in velopment report. tariffs are needed for more import- rent fiscal year will come to $960 billion. In the next fiscal year, which
the third season on July 4, Johnston said he’s hap- ant long-term benefits. begins Oct. 1, it will exceed $1 trillion.
said Piggly Wiggly manag- py to give quick tours of But his consideration of cutting
er David Johnston. About Piggly Wiggly and explain payroll taxes appeared short-lived. formance and his handling of it. ident’s calls for rate cuts and his
50 fans showed up on one where fictional events took “I’m not looking at a tax cut He has often blamed the Federal discussion of indexing or a payroll
particularly busy Saturday place. now,” he told reporters at the White Reserve (and Chairman Jerome tax cut could spook, rather than re-
House. “We don’t need it. We have a Powell) and the global slowdown assure markets.
strong economy.” for creating dark clouds at home. Trump indicated he had no
CONTACTING THE DISPATCH Trump also knocked down the “Jay Powell and the Federal Re- choice but to impose the trade pen-
Office hours: Main line: idea of indexing to the capital gains serve have totally missed the call. I alties that have been a drag on U.S.
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 tax, which applies when investors was right and just about everybody manufacturers, financial markets
sell assets, to inflation. He said he admits that,” Trump said Wednes- and, by some measures, American
HOW DO I ... Email a letter to the editor? feared “it will be perceived, if I do day. “He raised interest rates too consumers.
n it, as somewhat elitist.” fast, too furious, and we have a nor- “Somebody had to do it. I am
Report a missing paper?
Report a sports score? Analysts have warned that a malized rate. And now we have to the chosen one,” Trump said on
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100
n 662-241-5000 slowdown, if not full-blown reces- go the other direction.” the White House lawn, looking sky-
n Toll-free 877-328-2430
sion, could hit before next year’s Some White House advisers fear ward. “Somebody had to do it. So,
n Operators are on duty until Submit a calendar item? election. Trump, however, has Trump has undercut Powell’s cred- I’m taking on China. I’m taking on
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. n Go to largely praised the economy’s per- ibility. They worry that the pres- China on trade.”
Buy an ad? community
n 662-328-2424 Submit a birth, wedding
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce-
n 662-328-2471 ment?
n n Download forms at www.
Trump signs student debt forgiveness for disabled veterans
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701
President: America owes its heroes debt and called on states
to waive their taxes on the
Only about half of the
roughly 50,000 disabled
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759
‘a supreme debt of gratitude’ loans, too.
America, he said, owes
veterans who qualify to
have their federal student
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE signed Wednesday. its heroes “a supreme loan debt forgiven have re-
The Associated Press Trump ordered the debt of gratitude.” ceived the benefit, and the
SUBSCRIPTIONS Education Department to Trump’s announce- administration blames a
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — “eliminate every penny of ment at the AMVETS na- “burdensome” application
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE Hundreds of millions of federal student loan debt” tional convention in Louis- process.
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 dollars in federal student owed by American veter- ville elicited a loud round The document directs
Online.......................................... loan debt owed by tens ans who are completely of applause from the the government to devel-
of thousands of disabled and permanently disabled. crowd of more than 2,500 op an expedited process
RATES military veterans will be Trump said they won’t veterans. He signed the so veterans can have the
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. erased under a directive have to pay federal in- directive after addressing debt discharged “with
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. President Donald Trump come tax on the forgiven the gathering. minimal burdens.”
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo.
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo.
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo.
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card. Jeffrey Epstein may have gamed the system from beyond the grave
By CURT ANDERSON two days before his jail- Estate lawyers and Epstein’s manipulation of
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) AP Legal Affairs Writer
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi. house suicide puts more other experts say prying the system, even in death,”
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS than $577 million in assets open the trust and divid- said attorney Jennifer
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: FORT LAUDERDALE, Freeman, who represents
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 into a trust fund that could ing up the financier’s rich-
Fla. — The will that Jef- child sex abuse victims.
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 frey Epstein signed just make it more difficult for es is not going to be easy
his dozens of accusers to and could take years. Epstein, 66, killed
collect damages. “This is the last act of himself Aug. 10 in New
York while awaiting trial
on federal sex trafficking
charges. The discovery of
the will with its newly cre-
ated 1953 Trust, named
after the year of his birth,
instantly raised suspicions
he did it to hide money
from the many wom-
en who say he sexually
abused them when they
were teenagers.
By putting his fortune
in a trust, he shrouded
from public view the iden-
tities of the beneficiaries,
whether they be individu-
als, organizations or other
entities. For the women
trying to collect from his
estate, the first order of
business will be persuad-
ing a judge to pierce that
veil and release the details.
From there, the wom-
en will have to follow the
course they would have
SOLUNAR TABLE had to pursue even if Ep-
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
stein had not created a
Thurs. Fri.
Major 6:01a 6:49a trust: convince the judge


that they are entitled to
Minor 1:20p 2:21p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
compensation as victims
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
of sex crimes.
Thursday, August 22, 2019 3A


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Mississippi Republican governor candidates spar in debate

Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves and retired Mississippi Bryant could not seek a third
term and has endorsed Reeves.
times at offices that issue driv-
er’s licenses, where hourslong
ing people are able put food on
the table,” Hood said. “What’s
Supreme Court Chief Justice Bill Waller Jr. The candidate eliminated from
the three-person Republican
lines are common. Both also
said Mississippi needs to in-
happened, since 2012, we have
given away so much of the state’s
will compete in Republican runoff Tuesday primary on Aug. 6, state Rep. crease pay for teachers. money. That’s why we don’t have
Robert Foster, has endorsed In an interview hours before money for roads and bridges, is
By EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS “We disagreed on a couple of Waller. the Republican debate, Hood all these tax giveaways, many
The Associated Press budget items here and there,” Reeves initially received 49 told The Associated Press that of them to out-of-state corpora-
Reeves said. percent of the vote and Waller he wants to cut the state’s 7 per- tions.”
JACKSON — Two Republi-
Retired Mississippi Supreme received 33 percent. They are cent grocery tax, reducing it at Hood said that, to keep cit-
cans running for Mississippi
Court Chief Justice Bill Waller competing in a runoff Tuesday, least by half and possibly elimi- ies from losing money with a
governor were asked during a
televised debate Wednesday Jr. offered a longer list, saying and the winner will advance to nating it altogether. grocery tax reduction, he wants
night to name one disagreement lines at driver’s license offices the Nov. 5 general election to Hood also appeared at a lo- to send revenue from an online
they’ve had with current Repub- have been too long and the state face Democrat Jim Hood, Con- cally owned grocery store in the sales tax to cities and counties.
lican Gov. Phil Bryant. crime lab has received too little stitution Party candidate Bob Delta town of Indianola to push That is about $134 million a year,
Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves said he money. Hickingbottom and independent his tax plan, saying the Repub- which Hood told AP was “mon-
and Bryant have been in step “Every sheriff I’ve talked to candidate David Singletary. lican-led Legislature has given ey that fell from the sky” when
up to 98 percent of the time on has waited a year and a half or In response to debate ques- millions in corporate tax breaks. he and other attorneys general
big issues, including restricting two years for an autopsy. That’s tions, Waller and Reeves both “We need to make sure that won a taxation case at the U.S.
abortion. unacceptable,” Waller said. pledged to shorten the waiting we cut the grocery tax so work- Supreme Court.

Sex offender compliance check leads Mississippi sheriff

to four arrests in Lowndes County who lost primary
resigns amid inquiry
sult of this
Investigators with check, four
Lowndes County Sheriff’s were arrest-
Office expect to arrest at
least six people following
ed, and one
subject is
Monroe County prosecutor has
its regular address com- still being not announced any charges
pliance check on regis- sought. An-
tered sex offenders living other sub-
Burkholder Hicks Simelton Watkins Smith
against Cecil Cantrell
in the county. ject is being 2008 for rape and carnal mentally defective, inca-
During the past two held in another county knowledge of a child un- pacitated or physically The Associated Press
weeks, the Lowndes on separate charges, but der 14 years old. Hicks is helpless person for lustful
County Sheriff’s Office will later be brought to currently at Mississippi purposes. He is currently ABERDEEN, — A northeast Mississippi sher-
Criminal Investigations Lowndes County to face Department of Correc- out on bond. iff who was unseated in a primary election earlier
Division, along with U.S. charges. Those arrested tions. Simelton, 35, was this month has resigned abruptly amid an inves-
A warrant is outstand- tigation, while the Democrat who defeated him is
marshals, conducted include Dallas Wyatt Bur- convicted in Washington
ing for Ormega Jackarlo running unopposed after a Republican dropped
an “address compliance kholder, Demasico Hicks, in 2006 for statutory rape
Smith, 40, of Columbus, out of the race.
check” of the 120 to 125 Vernon Simelton and Ran- and touching a child or a
registered sex offend- dy Scott Watkins. for failure to report as a Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell resigned
mentally defective, inca-
ers located in Lowndes Burkholder, 21, of pacitated or physically sex offender. Smith was Tuesday, giving up the last few months of his term.
County. Once the checks West Point was convict- helpless person for lustful convicted in 2002 in York, Cantrell lost the Aug. 6 Democratic primary to
were completed, anyone South Carolina for a sexu- Kevin Crook, who won a majority in a three-way
ed in 2015 for statutory purposes.
field. On Wednesday, Republican Andy Hood
found to not live where rape and is currently out Watkins, 29, of Phila- al or lewd act. LCSO also
dropped out, leaving Crook without opposition in
they were registered had on bond. Hicks, 31, of delphia, was convicted in has a warrant for Linious
the November general election.
a warrant issued for their Columbus, was convict- Lowndes County in 2009 Bell, 48, for failure to reg-
Local news outlets report a video surfaced be-
arrest. ed in Lowndes County in for touching a child or a ister as a sex offender.
fore the Democratic primary showing a county jail
inmate assembling a sign with Cantrell’s name on
it. Cantrell has denied wrongdoing.
Logan Reeves, a spokesman for state Auditor
Shad White, says investigators looked into several

Boil notice
allegations against Cantrell and sent an affidavit to
the Monroe County prosecutor summarizing find-
Continued from Page 1A
“Our understanding is the sheriff has resigned
quickly spread from south of Health requires cities school with their chil- 612 and Commodore as a result,” Reeves said.
Starkville to the rest of to issue a boil water no- dren. The district made Bob’s Yacht Club. Bin 612 County Prosecutor Candace Cooper has not an-
the city as the repair took tice when water pressure sure schools had bottled decided to boil water and nounced any charges against Cantrell.
longer than expected, so drops below 20 pounds water on hand, and many stay open until its usual Hood said he had no desire to run against Crook.
the boil water notice had per square inch, and the parents donated cases closing time at midnight. “He’s a fine Christian man who can put a new set
to extend to the entire city has to make sure the of bottles to schools, Bulldog Burger Com- of eyes on that department,” Hood said, describing
city, Spruill told The Dis- water is clear of harmful SOCSD Public Informa- pany and Harvey’s both Crook to the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal.
patch. bacteria before lifting tion Officer Nicole Thom- closed before dinnertime “I think he’s the best man for the job.”
The boil water notice the notice, SUD Assistant as said. and directed customers County supervisors say they plan to name an in-
does not apply to the Mis- General Manager Jacob “I saw several teach- to Sweet Peppers Deli and terim sheriff on Friday, to occupy the position until
sissippi State University Forrester said. ers buying water for the Central Station Grill, said Crook takes office in January. Chief Deputy Curtis
campus, according to the “We’re working dili- classrooms this morning Tennille Lofing, dining Knight is in charge until then.
emergency information gently around the clock before the coffee was
room supervisor manager
Twitter account MSU Ma- to make sure this is safe even ready,” school board
at the Grill.
roon Alert. as quickly as we possibly member Wes Gordon
“We were fine and it
Water service was re- can,” he told The Dis- tweeted about 6:30 a.m.
stored by 5 a.m. and wa- patch. School cafeterias al- wasn’t affecting us at all
ter pressure was “slowly Starkville-Oktibbeha ready sell bottled water the first part of the night,”
building,” Starkville Util- Consolidated School Dis- every day, and cafeteria Lofing said.
ities tweeted. trict contacted parents staff is aware that they The water pressure
The boil water notice through text messages need to boil water for went down around 9 p.m.
will run through at least and social media posts cooking and washing at the Grill, so the restau-
Saturday, enough time for this morning indicating dishes, Thomas said. rant closed more than two
the city to test water sam- schools are operating Restaurants that lost hours early. Employees
ples, according to the City on a regular schedule water pressure Wednes- stayed to wash dishes
of Starkville Facebook for Thursday and Friday day night included Bull- with water rerouted from
page. and encouraging parents dog Burger Company, Sweet Peppers Deli, Lof-
The state Department to send bottled water to Oby’s, The Veranda, Bin ing said.

Building permits
and install fencing; Weathers Heating & Cooling
City of Columbus Construction ■ DG Lucedale LLC/Picayne Lowndes County
Aug. 12-15, 2019 ■ Devert & Loranzo Wilkins; LLC; 1908 Hwy. 45 N., Ste. 1; Aug. 21, 2019
■ Haribhakt, Inc.; 2121 Hwy. 709 17th St. N.; Reroof; Excel- Mechanical permit; Triangle ■ Lee Franks; 106 pebble
45 N.; Signs; Design Team lent Roofing Air Creek Rd.; Remodel s/f resi-
Sign Co. ■ Haribhakt, Inc.; 2121 Hwy. ■ Oak Manor Apts.; 903 11th dence; Jack of All Trades
■ Scherrell Sturdivant; 1524 45 N.; Electrical permit; Ma- St. S., Apt. T2; Plumbing per- ■ Matthew Hollowell; 103
27th St. N.; Reroof; Same son Electric mit; Harold Pounders Hollowell Dr.; Set up mobile
■ SN Properties Funding IV; ■ Benton’s Properties; 106 ■ 13th Street Apts., LLC; 815 home; Owner
1404 Old Aberdeen Rd., Ste. Yorkville Rd. E.; Electrical 13th St. N., Apt. F2; Plumbing ■ Clint Hanson; 615 Wo-
1; Reroof; Star Construction permit; Malone Electric permit; Harold Pounders
odridge Place; Construct
■ Jeffrey Carter; 617 16th St. ■ Lee Lawrence; 221 & 223 ■ Baptist Memorial Hospi-
storage/shop; Owner
N.; Repairs; Same Tuscaloosa Rd.; Electrical tal; 525 Willowbrook Rd.;
■ Brandye Box; 646 Pick-
■ MTL Properties, LLC; 1304 permit; Paul Livingston Plumbing permit; Air Control
ensville Rd.; Addition to s/f
4th Ave. N.; Reroof; T Miller ■ DG Lucedale LLC/Picayne Engineering
residence; Owner
Roofing LLC; 1908 Hwy. 45 N., Ste. ■ Merchant & Hutchins,
■ SCGIV Windchase, LLC; 1; Electrical permit; Mason LLC; 1600 27th St. N., Apt. ■ Shari Wilson; 1243 Tay-
1725 Hwy. 445 N., Ste. 2; Electric 4; Plumbing permit; Harold lor-Thurston Rd.; Construct
Signs; Sign Design Plus ■ Dutch Medical Leasing, Pounders storm shelter; Owner
■ DG Lucedale LLC/Picayune LLC; 3600 Bluecutt Rd., Ste. ■ Freddie Jones; 818 13th St. ■ John Long; 56 Victor Rd.;
LLC; 1908 Hwy. 45 N., Ste. 1; 201; Mechanical permit; N.; Plumbing permit; Bowen Construct s/f residence;
Build out tenant space; Dar- Weathers Air Conditioning Backhoe & Construction Owner
win Holliman Construction ■ Maranatha Faith Center; ■ Virginia & Bill Branch; 324 ■ Spec (2); Old Wolfe Road;
■ JYD Partners, Ltd.; 939 Al- 716 Waterworks Rd.; Me- 9th St. N.; Plumbing permit; Construct s/f residence; Frye
abama St.; Renovate building chanical permit; Progressive Truesdale Plumbing Tile & Exterior
4A Thursday, August 22, 2019
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View

Reasonable review needed of professional license requirements

In a federal lawsuit filed by the Mis- eyebrow threading. Another solution ultimate goal of professional licenses is licensing requirements usually don’t
sissippi Justice Institute, former MUW would be for the board to establish a to ensure service providers have at least have a sunset clause so they continue in
student Dipa Bhattarai claims she had license for that service. a basic understanding of the operation- perpetuity unless the legislature acts or
to close her two eyebrow threading Instead, the matter is in federal court. al, legal, health and ethical implications a lawsuit against them is successful.
businesses in Columbus and Starkville There is a bigger issue in play here, of their business. They also require The state needs a mechanism to
because the state’s cosmetology board though, one that could potentially affect individuals to prove they have received provide periodic, objective, reasonable
required her to take 600 hours of classes all of us. an education on the service they wish to review of existing licensing require-
to obtain a license it required. If successful, the decision could be perform. ments.
Bhattarai’s position is reasonable: used as a wedge to drive public opinion Accountants, architects, pharmacists, State-based licensing boards should
The required training contains little against state licensing for a wide and real estate agents, tattoo arts are ex- absolutely maintain the vital role of
associated with the work she performs, diverse range of services provided the amples of the more than 40 professions ensuring service professionals have a
which is non-invasive and does not public. that require licensing in our state. The basic proficiency in their line of work.
require chemicals. The suit claims the Admittedly, not all licensing require- government should not only have the And while we find merit in Bhattarai’s
cosmetology board’s licensing require- ments are put into place in the interest right to implement reasonable licensing case, we hope any success in that law-
ments are unconstitutional and that they of consumers. Existing businesses requirements for these professions, it suit won’t lead to the wholesale decon-
infringe on her economic liberties. sometimes lobby under the guise of has an obligation to do so. struction of professional licensing.
That this had to come to a lawsuit is “looking out for the consumer” to make The requirements should be reason- To cast off all government oversight
unfortunate. A fair solution would have licensing in their industry more diffi- able though. is a dangerous business. Market forces
been for the cosmetology board to alter cult. Often, the actual goal is to build In 2017 the state established a licens- and competition are not enough to
the requirements for the service Bhatta- barriers to discourage competition or ing review board, but that board only ensure public safety. There must be
rai offered. to produce artificial scarcity to drive up provides oversight of new or changing accountability, and that accountability
The state issues seven different prices. regulations. It doesn’t review existing should emanate from our government
cosmetology licenses but not one for But that’s not always the case. The licensing requirements, and those institutions.

Letters to the editor

Voice of the people
A letter of appreciation
Let it be known, as a newcomer to the political
arena, I find it amazing that the editor of The Com-
mercial Dispatch publishes exactly what one says.
I want to honor The Dispatch for honesty, ear-
nesty and truth.
To God be the glory for such a media publica-
You raise awareness, inform us and keep us
abreast of what’s happening in our beautiful city of
Columbus and county of Lowndes.
God bless America, and God bless The Dis-
Pat Fisher Douglas

Questions for Lowndes school board

First of all, I have never been a politician nor
have I been involved in politics other than as a
voter. As a voter and resident of Lowndes County,
I have watched with interest and concern all of the
publicity surrounding the position of Superinten-
dent of Education.
It is my understanding that tonight at 6 p.m.,
there will be a stakeholders forum at Central Of-
fice. I plan on attending, as I have several questions
that I hope to be answered.
State of the world

When, if ever, can we lay this burden down?

Question 1: How does a school board choose not
to appoint a superintendent of a state ranked “A”
status district? It is evident the children and staff
are successful under the present leadership. There
has to be a legitimate reason behind this decision Friday, President since being overthrown Two thousand U.S. troops
to replace him. Donald Trump met in 2001. And time now remain in Syria. The northern unit
Question 2: In the midst of a budget shortfall, in New Jersey with seems to be on their is deployed between our Syrian
why spend the extra money to replace a successful his national security side. Kurd allies and the Turkish army.
superintendent when there is a shortage of teach- advisers and envoy Why have they per- In the south, they are positioned
ers? Zalmay Khalilzad, who severed, and prevailed to prevent Iran and Iranian-backed
Question 3: Has the current superintendent is negotiating with the in parts of the country? militias from creating a secure
embarrassed the district in any way to warrant this Taliban to bring about Motivated by a fanat- land bridge from Tehran to Bagh-
decision? peace, and a U.S. with- ic faith, tribalism and dad to Damascus to Beirut.
Question 5: Was any member of the board that drawal from America’s nationalism, they have In our confrontation with Iran,
voted not to appoint the current superintendent longest war. shown a willingness we have few allies.
influenced by someone outside of its current mem- U.S. troops have to die for a cause that The Brits released the Iranian
bers? been fighting in Patrick J. Buchanan seems more compelling tanker they seized at Gibraltar,
Question 6: Has the media misled the informa- Afghanistan since to them than what the which had been carrying oil to
tion of the school district to the public? 2001, in a war that has cost 2,400 U.S.-backed Afghan government Syria. But when the Americans
Question 7: Industries on airport property have American lives. has on offer. sought to prevent its departure, a
paid ad valorem taxes for years. The same year Following the meeting, Trump They also have the guerrillas’ Gibraltar court ruled against the
the superintendent was to be appointed, rather tweeted, “Many on the opposite advantage of being able to attack United States.
than voted on by the people, those industries sides of this 19 year war, and us, at times and places of their own Iran presents no clear or pres-
found a loop-hole after the budget was approved. Is are looking to make a deal — if choosing, without the govern- ent danger to U.S. vital interests,
this just a coincidence, or is it possible they were possible!” ment’s burden of having to defend but the Saudis and Israelis see
discreetly informed in order to create a budget Some, however, want no deal; towns and cities. Iran as a mortal enemy, and want
shortfall for the present superintendent? they are fighting for absolute Will these Taliban, who have the U.S. military rid them of the
Question 8: Can the superintendent spend any power. lost many battles but not the war, menace.
funds without board approval? Saturday, a wedding in Kabul retire from the field and abide by Hong Kong protesters wave
Question 9: The superintendent was accused with a thousand guests was hit by democratic elections once the American flags and seek U.S. sup-
of holding a position for himself. Did the super- a suicide bomber who, igniting Americans go home? Why should port of their demands for greater
intendent not propose to the board that he would his vest, massacred 63 people and they? autonomy and freedom in their
assume responsibility for both positions, without a wounded 200 in one of the greatest The probability: When the clash with their Beijing-backed
change in pay, yet was denied by the board? atrocities of the war. ISIS claimed Americans depart, the war breaks authorities. The Taiwanese want
Question 10: What educational qualifications or responsibility. out anew, and the Taliban ultimate- us to support them and sell them
experience do the board members have? Monday, 10 bombs exploded ly prevail. the weapons to maintain their
Question 11: It has been said the superinten- in restaurants and public squares And Afghanistan is but one of independence. The Philippines
dent has led the children and staff down the road in the eastern city of Jalalabad, the clashes and conflicts in which wants us to take their side in the
to success. What evidence does the board have to wounding 66. America is engaged. dispute with China over tiny islets
warrant him being replaced? Trump is pressing Khalilzad to Severe U.S. sanctions on Ven- in the South China Sea.
I hope these questions will be answered tonight. negotiate drawdowns of U.S. troop ezuela have failed to bring down We are still committed to go to
I have heard Nick Saban say, “Leadership is levels from the present 14,000, and the Nicholas Maduro regime in war to defend South Korea. And
defined by results, not popularity.” to bring about a near-term end Caracas but have contributed to the North has lately test-fired a
Fred B. Hall to U.S. involvement in a war that the immiseration of that people, series of ballistic missiles, none of
Elm Lake began after we overthrew the old 10% of whom have left the country. which could hit the USA, but all of
Taliban regime for giving sanctu- Trump now says he is considering which could hit South Korea.
A letter to the editor is an excellent way to partic- ary to Osama bin Laden. a quarantine or blockade to force Around the world, America is
ipate in your community. We request the tone of your Is it too soon to ask: What have Maduro out. involved in quarrels, clashes and
letters be constructive and respectful and the length we gained from our longest war? Eight years after we helped to confrontations with almost too
be limited to 450 words. We welcome all letters Was all the blood and treasure overthrow Col. Moammar Gad- many nations to count.
emailed to or mailed to The invested worth it? And what does hafi, Libya is still mired in civil In how many of these are U.S.
Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO Box 511, the future hold? war, with its capital, Tripoli, under vital interests imperiled? And in
Columbus, MS 39703-0511. If the Taliban could not be siege. how many are we facing potential
defeated by an Afghan army, built Yemen, among the world’s hu- wars on behalf of other nations,
up by the U.S. for a decade and manitarian disasters, has seen the while they hold our coat and egg
backed by 100,000 U.S. troops in UAE break with its Saudi inter- us on?
Our View: Local Editorials 2010-2011, then are the Taliban ventionist allies, and secessionists Patrick J. Buchanan, a nation-
Local editorials appearing in this space represent the
likely to give up the struggle when split off southern Yemen from the ally syndicated columnist, was a
opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board: Peter Imes,
editor and publisher; Zack Plair, managing editor; Slim the U.S. is drawing down the last Houthi-dominated north. Yet, still, senior advisor to presidents Richard
Smith and senior newsroom staff. To inquire about a 14,000 troops and heading home? Congress has been unable to force Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald
meeting with the board, please contact Peter Imes at The Taliban control more of the the Trump administration to end Reagan. His website is http://bu-
662-328-2424, or e-mail country than they have at any time all support of the Saudi war.
The Dispatch • Thursday, August 22, 2019 5A

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Brenda Summerville, In addition to his parents, she was pre-
OBITUARY POLICY Jeanie Summerville and father, he is survived by ceded in death by her
Obituaries with basic informa-
Claudia Summerville, his wife, Natasha Allen husband, Arfendly Bai-
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided Michael Summerville, of Vernon; son, Eli Allen ley; daughter, Juanita
free of charge. Extended Bernard Summerville, of Vernon; daughters, Bailey; and siblings, Joe
obituaries with a photograph, Dennis Summerville, Katelyn Williams of Robinson Harris, Larry
detailed biographical informa- Bobby Summerville, Hamilton and Macy Staples, Jessie Harris
tion and other details families Thomas Summerville Allen of Sulligent; and Alex Hawkins.
may wish to include, are avail- and Winston Summer- stepdaughters, Emerald She is survived by
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral
ville, all of Fort Wayne, Rhodes and Stormy her children, Alex Sta-
homes unless the deceased’s Indiana; and five grand- Miller, both of Vernon; ples of Columbus, Larry
body has been donated to children. brother, Richard Allen Staples of Lithonia,
science. If the deceased’s Pallbearers will be of Sulligent; sister, Georgia, and Lawrence
body was donated to science, John Smith, Authur Patricia Lytle of Vernon; Bailey of Rex, Georgia;
the family must provide official Hamilton, Reginald Cul- and two grandchildren. siblings, Victoria Clark,
proof of death. Please submit
len, Moshonny Colvin, Pallbearers are Ricky Bubba Staples, Augusta
all obituaries on the form
provided by The Commercial
Tommy Pattmon and McGee, Jason Ritter, Staples and Lorenzo
Michael Williams. Andy Robertson, Billy
Dispatch. Free notices must be
Miller, Jimmy O’Mary
Staples, all of Colum-
bus; 17 grandchildren; Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
submitted to the newspaper
no later than 3 p.m. the day Matthew Smith Jr. and Wayne O’Mary. and 15 great-grandchil- Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
7 1 4 3 2 9 8 5 6
prior for publication Tuesday dren. placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
WEST POINT — 9 8 2 6 5 7 4 1 3
a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon
through Friday; no later than 4
Jason Sullivan

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Matthew James “Smit- Pallbearers will be
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
Larry Staples, Alex
9x9 grid with several
numbers. The object 3 6 5 1 4 8 7 9 2
edition; and no later than 7:30 ty” Smith Jr., 67, died COLUMBUS — Ja- given numbers.
is to place The object
the numbers
Aug. 17, 2019, at North son Sullivan, 38, died Staples, Maclawrence is
8 5 1 7 3 2 9 6 4
a.m. for the Monday edition. 1 to place
to 9 in thethe numbers
empty spaces
Incomplete notices must be re- Mississippi Medical Aug. 16, 2019, at Bap- Bailey, Robert Bush, 1sotothat
9 ineach
the empty spaces
row, each 4 3 6 5 9 1 2 7 8
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Center in West Point. tist Memorial Hospi- Treyon Staples, Codder- so that each
column row, each
and each 3x3 box 2 7 9 4 8 6 1 3 5
rick Davis, Cortuz Byrd column
containsand theeach
same3x3 box
for the Monday through Friday Services will be at tal-Golden Triangle. contains the same number
number 5 9 7 8 6 4 3 2 1
editions. Paid notices must be and Cantwain Byrd. only once. The difficulty
11 a.m. Saturday at Visitation will be only once. The difficulty 6 2 8 9 1 3 5 4 7
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion level increases from
the next day Monday through
First Baptist Cedar from 2-4 p.m. Saturday level increases from 1 4 3 2 7 5 6 8 9
Monday to Sunday.
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Bluff M.B. Church in at Lowndes Funeral Lynn Shelton Monday to Sunday. Difficulty Level 8/21

p.m. for Sunday and Monday Cedar Bluff, with the Home. Lowndes Funer- KENNEDY, Ala. —
publication. For more informa- Rev. Homer Cannon al Home of Columbus Lynn Shelton, 78, died
tion, call 662-328-2471. officiating. Burial will is in charge of arrange- Aug. 21, 2019, at his
follow at Young Ceme- ments. residence.
Calvin Holliness tery in Monroe County. Mr. Sullivan was Services are at
STEENS — Calvin Visitation will be from born Sept. 9, 1980, in 2 p.m. Thursday at
James Holliness, 62, 3-6 p.m. Friday at Car- Fort Hood, Texas, to Dowdle Funeral Home
died Aug. 14, 2019, at ter’s Mortuary Services Teresa Copeland Davis in Millport. Burial will
Baptist Memorial Hos- Chapel. Carter’s Mor- and the late Roger follow at Kennedy City
pital-Golden Triangle. tuary Services of West Sullivan. Cemetery. Visitation is
Services will be at 11 Point is in charge of In addition to his one hour prior to the
a.m. Friday at Friend- arrangements. mother, he is survived service at the funeral
ship M.B. Church, Mr. Smith was born by his stepfather, Danny home. Dowdle Funeral
with Stanley McCrary July 31, 1952, in West Davis of Columbus; sis- Home of Millport is
officiating. Burial will Point, to the late Mat- ters, Jerri Dawn Brock, in charge of arrange-
follow at Sandfield Cem- thew James Smith Sr. Kelli Davis-Farias, ments.
etery. Visitation is from and Lois Jean Smith. Kim Davis and Ashley Mr. Shelton was
noon-6 p.m. Thursday He is survived by Sullivan-Gentry; and born March 12, 1941, in
at Carter’s Funeral Ser- his brother, Thomas Na- brothers, Jeremy Daniel Pickens County, to the
vices. Carter’s Funeral than Smith; and sisters, Sullivan and Justin late Bloomer Shelton
Services of Columbus Connie Earl Smith, Sullivan. and Frances Lett.
is in charge of arrange- Lydia Forest, Rosalyn Memorials may be
ments. Holder and Sheri Jeffer- made to the Hunting-
Mr. Holliness was son. ton Disease Society of
born Sept. 24, 1956, in America, 505 8th Ave.,
Columbus, to the late James Allen Ste. 902, New York, NY
Winston Summerville VERNON, Ala. — 10018.
and Hattie Holliness. James “Robert” Allen,
He was formerly em- 48, died Aug. 19, 2019. Mamie Bailey
ployed as a certified Services are at 2 p.m. COLUMBUS — Ma-
electrician and was a today at Otts Funeral mie Staples Bailey, 69,
member of Friendship Home Chapel, with died Aug. 13, 2019, at
M.B. Church. Carlos Dean and James Baptist Memorial Hos-
In addition to his par- Godsey officiating. pital-Golden Triangle.
ents, he was preceded Burial will follow at Services will be at
in death by his brother, Friendship South Cem- noon Friday at Carter’s
Charlie Holliness. etery. Visitation was Funeral Services, with
He is survived by his from 6-8 p.m. Wednes- the Rev. David Johnson
children, Michelle An- day at the funeral home. officiating. Burial will
derson of Pearl, Crystal Otts Funeral Home of follow at Pepper Hill
Holliness of Southaven, Sulligent is in charge of Cemetery. Visitation
Calvin Holliness Jr. arrangements. is from noon-6 p.m.
and Antonio Holliness, Mr. Allen was today at the funeral
both of Indianola, and born Aug. 28, 1970, home. Carter’s Funeral
Felicia Beckford of in Vernon, to James Services of Columbus ACROSS
Germantown, Tennes- Howard Allen and the is in charge of arrange- 1 Karaoke need
see; siblings, Eddie late Gaybe June Vails. ments. 5 Select
Holliness, Henry Lee He was a 1988 graduate Mrs. Bailey was born 11 The Emerald Isle
Moore, Elizabeth Guy- of Lamar County High Oct. 8, 1949, in Colum- 12 Fix
ton and Denise Davis, School and was former- bus, to the late Lorenzo 13 Catching need
all of Columbus, Elaine ly employed as a truck Staples and Lizzie Lou 14 Tips off
Moody of Steens, driver with Joel Collier Johnson. 15 Female hormone
17 Evergreen shrub
Cherrie Summerville, Logging. In addition to her 18 Sherpa’s home
22 Pale
24 Curaçao’s
25 Frilly wrap
26 Parrot or puppy

Trump: Again backing tighter 27 Bent downward

30 Cobbler fruit
32 Low joint
gun background checks 33 Has permission
4 Main course
5 Outcropping
29 Said no to
30 French friend
34 Deserving 6 Western capital 31 Sentry duty
By JILL COLVIN Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, 38 Singer New-
and LAURIE KELLMAN leaving more than 30 peo- 7 Starting bid 35 Scots’ toppers
The Associated Press ton-John 8 Crew tool 36 Unspoiled spot
ple dead. In the days fol- 41 Traveled by
lowing the mass shootings 9 Remain unused 37 Auto ding
WASHINGTON — horse 10 Hosp. parts 38 Hosp. parts
early this month, Trump 42 Cash in
President Donald Trump said he was eager to im- 16 Possess 39 Rent out
43 Chef’s need 19 Crush, maybe 40 Lupino of films
on Wednesday once again plement “very meaningful 44 Fans’ place 20 Cain’s brother
backed tighter back- background checks” and 45 Spring period
ground checks for gun pur- 21 Past due
told reporters there was 22 “Fernando”
chases, but said he wants “tremendous support” DOWN
to be careful that closing group
for action. He dismissed 1 Viral phenomenon 23 Before long
what he calls “loopholes” that very same “slippery 2 Eye part 28 Late hour
doesn’t clear the way for slope” thinking, which 3 First flight site
more gun control. he attributed to the NRA,
Speaking to reporters saying, “I don’t agree with
as he departed the White that.”
House for Kentucky, the But he also has ac-
president said he consid- knowledged that his core
ers gun violence a public supporters support gun
health issue and is con- rights, highlighting the
sidering ways to make challenge of balancing
background checks more the politics of gun control
strict. But he also said, ahead of the 2020 elec-
“You’re on that slope and tions.
all of a sudden nobody has On Tuesday, Trump sig-
any legal protection,” add- naled he was backing away
ing, “Our Second Amend- from supporting changes
ment will remain strong.” to the system. Speaking
Told the “slippery to reporters, he noted that
slope” argument is a Na- “a lot of the people that put
tional Rifle Association me where I am are strong
talking point, Trump believers in the Second
said, “It’s a Trump talking Amendment,” and he sug-
point.” gested he worries about
The rhetorical whip- blurring the contrast be-
lash came after gunmen tween Republicans and WHATZIT ANSWER
opened fire in El Paso, Democrats on the issue. Log cabin
6A Thursday, August 22, 2019 The Dispatch •

Deans benefit
Continued from Page 1A
to raise money to help cov- we can to support any- to attend the rally.
er his continued medical one.” “We are utterly aston-
recovery. Columbus Police Chief ished at the outpouring of
The rally, which is or- Fred Shelton said it’s not love,” Yolanda said. “We
ganized by the Communi- the first time CPD and the are in amazement. We
ty Benefit Committee and benefit committee have think it’s a special thing
the Columbus motorcycle held fundraisers for offi- they’re doing. ... To have
club Street Jumpers, is cers in need. In the case of so many states coming —
being held downtown on Sanders Shelton Deans, he said, other CPD we’re just astonished. We
Saturday, said CPD Offi- are reaching out to help officers have donated part don’t have words.”
cer Rhonda Sanders, who him, and that’s the reason of their medical and vaca- Both she and Stacey
is the committee’s presi- we have so many states.” tion days to Deans so that said they credited their
dent. It starts with a 5K at Deans described the he can stay out of work faith in God for helping
7 a.m., and a 50-mile mo- bike rally as the brain- longer. them get through Deans’
torcycle ride is planned for child of Sanders and “We’re trying to show recovery.
10:30, when kickstands go Quincy Tate, a member that when there’s one of “Of course I’ve still got
up, she said. our own (in need), we some way to go, but I’m
of Street Jumpers and a
Following the ride, the band together ... and help making progress, con-
friend of Deans, though
committee will sell catfish them,” he said. stant progress,” Stacey
Tate said his son is the
plates and other food for Shelton added the rally said.
$10. There will be live mu- one who suggested he use is also a great way for the There is a $25 reg-
sic, a raffle and, of course, the club to benefit Deans. community and police to istration fee for the 5K
plenty of motorcycles, “Stacey’s just a good mingle in a “fun” atmo- online at
Sanders said. She added guy,” Tate said. “... Street sphere. and $30 registration day
there are civilians and law Jumpers is really support- “There’ll be a lot of of, said Sanders. She
enforcement agents from ive of anyone. We just try law enforcement there, added to register for the
six different states attend- to go out and help. We do so community and police motorcycle ride, which
ing the event. benefit rides for disabled coming together,” he said. begins at the Columbus
“What they want to do kids. We do one of those a Both Stacey and Yolan- Soccer Complex, there is
is give back to Stacey be- year. If anyone just comes da Deans said they are a $25 fee, and sign-up is
cause he’s given so much,” to the Street Jumpers for “overwhelmed” by the available at CPD on Main
she said. “... These people support, we try to do what support of those planning Street.

Ward 1
Continued from Page 1A
“I feel like I was called If elected, Jackson about what he wanted to watched Columbus and
to serve,” Holmes said. “I wants to prioritize pro- do,” Stewart said. “I just wants to tackle issues she
have a willingness to help grams for youth and se- want to continue his leg- finds troubling if elected.
this community. I want to nior citizens, making sure acy by working with the “I am concerned about
add mature, progressive, they have activities and citizens of Ward 1.” the crime,” Terry said. “I
young leadership and ensuring youth in partic- Her priorities include want to see projects for
hopefully bring in some ular have mentors. cleaning up Ward 1, both the youth. There are a
new ideas.” “No. 1 is definitely by beautifying the city number of things I’m con-
Primarily, Holmes the youth and senior cit- and hoping to create more cerned about: retail and
said he wanted to focus izens,” Jackson said. “Of projects and activities for businesses leaving the
on cleaning up the ward’s course, (I also want to the youth. city.”
struggles with infrastruc- tackle) roads, curbs, side- “(I will try) cleaning up For nearly a decade,
ture and beautification. walks, gutters and drain- the ward, making it safe Terry worked with the
He wants to start pro- age.” for children, improving Department of Rehabil-
grams geared toward the Sherrod, 55, is a prop- and increasing police at- itation Services as the
youth. erty manager for JBP tendance,” Stewart said. auditing technician. She
“I want to work on infra- investments and is a life- Stewart added, with said she hopes to use that
structure, like the curbs long Columbus resident. Ward 1’s distance and
and sidewalks,” Holmes She said she decided to background to help the
obstacles to the hospital, city’s finances. She added
said. “I want to look into run simply because of her including railroad tracks,
the drainage issues that passion for her ward and her priorities would also
she hopes to add a medi-
causes flooding through- those who live there. include increasing securi-
cal facility to help those in
out the ward. ... I would “It’s for the love of ty and decreasing crime.
case of an emergency.
also like to do something my ward,” Sherrod said. “I have a background
“I’ve seen ambulances
for the youth like starting “I want to see improve- in accounting,” Terry
stopped at the railroad
a mentor program.” ments. I want to listen and said. “I could work with
tracks sometimes for 15
Jackson, 55, has lived help my people.” minutes,” Stewart said. the council to see what
in Ward 1 for 28 years Sherrod said her prior- “My goal would be to get and if anything we can
works at Columbus Mu- ities, if elected, would in- some type of medical fa- do to improve our city’s
nicipal School District clude tackling the crime cility. If we had an outpa- finances. ... I want to work
as a cafeteria worker. He issues and helping youth. tient clinic, it would pro- to improve infrastruc-
said he has worked for the “I want to listen to my vide better health care for ture. If elected, I want to
school district, in main- people and bring people those in Ward 1.” hopefully get police pro-
tenance and food service together,” Sherrod said. “I Terry, 66, currently tection and patrolling.
positions, for about 18 want to cut down on crime serves as the vice chair ... Get some type of se-
years. and get things for people on the Columbus-Lown- curity measures where
He said he believes he to do, to have something des Convention and Vis- there’s higher volumes of
would be a good council- more positive for our kids itors Bureau. Since her crimes.”
man because he can work to do.” retirement from the De- The deadline for candi-
with the mayor and other Stewart, 70, is a retired partment of Rehabilita- dates to qualify is 5 p.m.
council members to ad- registered nurse who tion Services, she said Sept. 4 at the city regis-
dress crime and issues moved back to Columbus trar’s office.
she has tried to plug into
facing Columbus’ youth more than one year ago. News Editor Isabelle
the community and make
and senior citizens. He
added he won’t just think
Stewart said she threw
her hat in the race to con-
a difference. The past few Altman contributed to this
years, Terry said she has report.
about Ward 1. tinue her friend, former
“My concern is about councilman Taylor’s plan
the whole city also,” he for Ward 1.
said. “We would sit and talk

Continued from Page 1A
Booth was the first to ar- tal-Golden Triangle where
rive at the business. By he was pronounced dead
the time he arrived, a less than an hour after the
large crowd had gathered shooting.
outside the lounge.
Bystander Morkiter
Sources previously told
The Dispatch that Booth, Jones, who was in a near-
upon arriving at the by vehicle, was hit in the
scene, approached a secu- leg with a stray bullet, but
rity guard. However, when was not critically injured.
he heard two shots fired, She has filed a federal
he ran across the street lawsuit against Booth, the
where Davis was fighting City of Columbus and CPD
over a gun with two other
men. Booth told them to requesting a jury deter-
get down, the other two mine whether she should
men let go of the gun and receive damages, alleging
Davis turned with the gun excessive use of force,
pointed at Booth. multiple violations of her
Booth then fired more constitutional rights and
than once, though sourc- gross negligence, among
es weren’t clear how many
other charges. That case,
times he fired or whether
he was the only one who which was filed in Novem-
fired. ber 2018, is pending in
Davis was taken to Mississippi Northern Dis-
Baptist Memorial Hospi- trict court in Aberdeen.

Help us
help them.
The Humane


Offensive line rotations, running backs

galore, linebackers remain the same
BY BEN PORTNOY nine players deep in season after he got a chance to go sition suits Williams. its rotation. back and watch the film. “I think he kind of wanted to be
“It’s a tough And while the practices have in that role,” Johnson said. “Very
STARKVILLE — Offensive group,” he said. “It’s been promising, Johnson’s task of communicative, high football IQ,
line coach Marcus Johnson is ex- a physical group. sorting through an experienced, gets it and knows the game, knows
cited. They hold each oth- yet newly positioned group re- when to make adjustment call and
Entering his second season at er accountable.” mains difficult. he does a great job putting the five
Mississippi State following six Speaking with the After a standout career at guard, (lineman) on the right page.”
Johnson Senior left tackle Tyre Phillips
years on David Cutcliffe’s staff at media Wednesday, senior Darryl Williams has moved
Duke, Johnson is tasked with de- Johnson said Tues- even further inside to center. A is another of the veterans who’ve
veloping an offensive line he ex- day’s practice was among the best team captain this year, Johnson impressed in fall camp. Tasked
pects could go as many as eight or the offensive line has had this off- said the vocal component of the po- See NOTEBOOK, 2B


Starkville High set for season opener at Brandon

Game set to start Friday
night at 7 p.m.

STARKVILLE — For Starkville

High School, the road to a seventh state
championship begins in Brandon.
Just two years removed from an
appearance in the Mississippi High
School Activities Association 6A state
title game, the Yellow Jackets open the
2019 season 7 p.m. Friday night at Bran-
don High School.
“They’ve got a really good football
team,” Starkville coach Chris Jones
said. “They’re well coached. They’ve
got players on both sides of the ball we’ll
have to keep an eye on and contained.”
Anchored by junior quarterback
Luke Altmyer, the Starkville offense
looks to return to its prolific roots from
last season. Altmyer, a three-star recruit
who already boasts offers from LSU and
Mississippi State, finished last season
with 1,952 yards and 19 touchdowns to
just four interceptions.
Senior receiver Rufus Harvey should
aid Altmyer on the offensive side of the
ball Friday. The team’s leading receiver
a year ago, Harvey is among four senior
receivers returning that are set to begin
their final high school season this week-
Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff
Starkville High School quarterback Luke Altmyer tosses the ball to Brandon Edwards during practice on Aug. 7 in Starkville.


Columbus High ready to take on Provine in Jackson said. “Their record last year doesn’t say
Game kicks off Friday anything to me. If you want to compare
records, we only won three games last
By GARRICK HODGE year. Now, Provine is a football school
also. Friday night, two programs are go-
ing to be competing for where they want
A new era of Columbus High football
to be at in the big picture.”
kicks off Friday night.
Pulphus added while Provine hasn’t
Former West Point assistant coach
had much on-field success, it’s had a his-
Joshua Pulphus will make his long-an-
tory of producing high-caliber athletes
ticipated head coaching debut with the
that thrive at the next level.
Falcons when his team begins its season “(Provine is) a school that while their
against Provine in Jackson. record hasn’t been as good as they’d like,
A victory would ensure Columbus they’ve probably averaged a Division I
surpasses its win total from 2018 follow- kid once every two years,” Pulphus said.
ing a winless season (0-11). It would also “We’re not going to be monitoring one
be the first season-opening win for Co- kid. They’re tall at receiver and strong
lumbus since 2016. at running back. We’ll have our hands
“The mood around our team lately is full.”
pretty good,” Pulphus said. “Our kids One of those talents will be on display
know it’s a day-by-day process. We’ve Friday. When Provine’s on offense, all
Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff
had good practices this month, fine tun- eyes will be on four-star wide receiver
The Columbus High School football team practices on Aug. 6 in Columbus. The
ing different things and now we want to team will open its season with a game against Provine High School on Friday in Deion Smith, a Mississippi State com-
get it going before we go into district Jackson. mit. Smith, the No. 2 recruit in Missis-
play. That’s the purpose of these games sippi for the 2021 class according to
is to get you prepared for those.” 3-8 a year ago. The teams haven’t played the other’s previous record., caught nine touchdowns
On paper, the matchup seems fairly against each other in the last decade and “Columbus has a rich tradition of for Provine last season.
balanced considering Provine went just neither team is putting much stock in football,” Provine coach Tim Wilson See Columbus, 2B
2B THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B
with protecting either and freshman Lee With- see what our production
Tommy Stevens or Keyta- erspoon Wednesday. is. But right now I’m pret-
on Thompson’s blindside, Gibson, who enters ty pleased.”
the 6-foot-5, 345-pound his fifth year in the pro-
mauler is pegged for a
breakout season.
gram, offers a rugged Same group, different
running style that nice-
“I expect a big year out ly complements Hill’s
year at linebacker
Of all the
of Tyre,” Johnson said. speedy, change-of-direc-
talent MSU
“He’s a big athlete that tion-type play.
lost from
I think is going to hold “Nick is a dog,” Rich- last year’s
his own and I think a lot ardson said. “He’s a hit it top -ranked
of people are going to and get it guy and that’s ranked de-
recognize who he is this his game.” fense, the
year.” Witherspoon is the lineback-
While the unit remains main mystery of the ing corps Thompson
a bit of a work in progress bunch. Despite being is virtually
just a week away from just a freshman, players identical.
MSU’s Aug. 31 season have compared his abili- Junior second team
opener against Louisiana ty to that of former Geor- All-SEC performer Er-
in New Orleans, Johnson gia running back Nick roll Thompson is back
is ready to see his group Chubb — a 2018 second alongside classmate and
in action. round NFL draft pick Starkville native Willie
“You don’t know (what and former first team Gay Jr. Senior Leo Lewis
you have) until the spot- All-SEC performer. also returns after totaling
light comes on and once “Already, Nick 45 tackles, three tackles
that football is kicked off Chubb?” Richardson said for a loss and one pass de-
next week,” he said. through a laugh. “He’s fended in 2018.
a good kid. He’s a hard The lone major change
Three horse race at worker. He’s a tough kid. is the man in leading
running back He’s talented. Obviously the group — first year
Junior you don’t run for all those linebackers coach Chris
Kylin Hill is yards he ran for if you Marve. After five years
the unques- don’t have any talent.” on Derek Mason’s staff at
tioned start- While Hill remains Vanderbilt, Marve takes
er heading healthy and prepared over the veteran group
into the for a heavy workload, and has liked what he’s
2019 sea- injuries happen. With a seen thus far.
son, but stable of capable runners “They work extremely
don’t be Hill behind him, Richardson hard,” Marve said. “Very
surprised if is confident in MSU’s mature group, pretty
three running backs fac- backfield depth. good natural leadership
tor into the equation this “We’re doing what and so it’s been fun to be
year. we’re supposed to do,” around them and watch
MSU running backs he said. “We’re following them be really detailed
coach Terry Richardson the process. That’s really about what they do and
sang the praises of back- all I can say — once we how they go about their
ups senior Nick Gibson start playing games we’ll business. We’re excited.”

Continued from Page 1B
“Offensively we want For Jones, the season and MSU commit Will
to take care of the foot- opener is a chance to lean Rogers finished 2018
ball,” Jones said. “We on the leadership of his with 3,009 yards and 23
can’t have a whole bunch senior class. Starkville’s touchdowns. Rogers also
of turnovers. They’re bench boss mentioned rushed for 85 yards and
not going to beat them- Ware and senior receiv- four touchdowns.
selves.” er Rufus Harvey as elder The Bulldogs do have
For Starkville, this statesman he expects to to replace incumbent
week also marks the first rely on heavily this year. starter Dallas Smith, who
look at a retooled defense. “We’ve got some kids ran for over 1,600 yards
Senior defensive lineman who have played a lot of last year. Juniors Zailon
Jaylan Ware will open his football other than those
Johnson and Josh Sulli-
campaign after totaling two but those two are
van are the team’s lead-
73 tackles, six sacks and the main veteran guys,”
two fumble recoveries in Jones said. “We’re going ing returning rushers —
2018. to lean on them a little bit though neither eclipsed
Sticking on defense, and help show our young 200 yards as sophomores.
senior Noxubee County guys the way.” “We’re going to have to
transfer Tyrese Hopkins Brandon enters the play some solid football,”
will don the yellow and contest after finishing Jones said. “They’re not
black for the first time Fri- last year 13-2 record a going to give it to us so
day. A three-star recruit, year ago, falling 21-10 in we’ve got to come out
Hopkins should bolster the 6A State Final against and play at a high level
the Starkville lineback- Oak Grove High School. and compete so we have a
ing corps this season. Senior quarterback chance to win.”

Continued from Page 1B
“He’s a special kid and back Marktavis Reed will players to make a state-
has a lot of talent,” Wilson shoulder a huge work- ment Week 1, and knows
said of the 6-foot-3 wide- load. Reed ran for 708 player development can
out. “But with that comes yards and three touch- take time.
the challenge of thinking downs while playing in a “Our mindset isn’t
of ways to be creative, be- two-running back system about the other team,”
cause people know him in 2018, but he’s expected Pulphus said. “If we can
and what he’s capable of.” to see an increased work- do little things right, such
If Smith lives up to his load this year, as blocking and execution
billing, Columbus defen- “From what we see, of plays, the chips will fall
sive backs Kam Jenkins Marktavis is a good, where they may. If we do
and Chris Johnson will strong, big power stocky that, whether we win,
have their hands full. back that can score,” Pul- lose, or draw, we’ll walk
“He’s a talented kid, phus said. off the field with our head
no question, but that Pulphus said there isn’t held high. We just have to
team is talented enough any added pressure on his do our part.”
where you can’t say, ‘I’m
just stopping one,’” Pul-
phus said. “You have to
trust our secondary to go
against those guys, to go
against some good ball
Wilson said Provine
may play two quarter-
backs throughout the
contest and could run
different formations. But
more than likely, running

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Baseball Little League

T_2:12. A_29,567 (41,168). Wilson 1 1 0 0 0 1 Reign FC 7 4 6 27 16 19

Lugo 2 1 0 0 0 0 Washington 6 7 4 22 20 18
Avilán W,4-0 1 1 1 1 0 2 Houston 6 7 4 22 17 26
American League Glance Baltimore 8, Kansas City 1 Umpires_Home, Lance Barrett; First, Chris Guc- Little League World Series Orlando 4 11 2 14 18 35
All Times EDT Kansas City Baltimore cione; Second, Ryan Blakney; Third, Mike Everitt. Sky Blue FC 3 11 4 13 13 24
East Division
W L Pct GB

ab r h bi
35 1 7 1 Totals
ab r h bi
32 8 12 8
T_3:22. A_28,349 (41,922). Glance
All Times EDT
NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.
Saturday’s Games
Merrifield 2b 4 1 1 1 A lberto 3b 4 1 1 3
Prep Soccer New York 83 45 .648 _
Soler dh 4 0 0 0 Mancini 1b 5 0 0 0 Atlanta 5, Miami 0
At South Williamsport, Pa.
Utah 2, Orlando 0
Portland 3, Washington 1
Tampa Bay 74 54 .578 9
Heritage Academy at Starkville Acade- Boston 67 61 .523 16 Dozier rf
Gordon lf
4 0 1 0 Santander lf 5 1 1 1
4 0 2 0 Núñez dh 2 2 1 1

ab r h bi ab r h bi
NEW ENGLAND: Barrington (R.I.); MID-ATLAN- Sunday’s Game
Toronto 52 77 .403 31½ TIC: Elizabeth (N.J.); SOUTHEAST: South Riding Reign FC 1, Sky Blue FC 1, tie
my, 5 p.m. Baltimore 41 86 .323 41½ Cuthbert 3b 4 0 0 0 Villar 2b 3 1 2 2 Totals 32 0 7 0 Totals 24 5 3 5 (Va.); GREAT LAKES: Bowling Green (Ky.); MID- Wednesday’s Games
Central Division O’Hearn 1b 4 0 0 0 Severino c 4 1 1 0 Berti ss 3 0 0 0 Acuña Jr. cf 3 1 1 2 WEST: Coon Rapids (Minn.); SOUTHWEST: River Utah 0, Washington 0, tie
Marshall Academy at Columbus Chris- W L Pct GB Viloria c 4 0 1 0 Stewart rf 3 1 1 0 Díaz 2b 3 0 0 0 A lbies 2b 4 0 0 0 Ridge (La.); NORTHWEST: Salem (Ore.); WEST: Orlando 2, Chicago 1
Minnesota 77 50 .606 _ Phillips cf 3 0 1 0 Wilkerson cf 4 0 3 1 Anderson rf 4 0 0 0 Freeman 1b 4 0 0 0 Wailuku (Hawaii). Saturday’s Games
tian Academy, 5 p.m. Cleveland 74 53 .583 3 Lopez ss 3 0 1 0 Martin ss 2 1 2 0 Walker 1b 3 0 1 0 Donaldson 3b 1 1 0 0 INTERNATIONAL Reign FC at North Carolina, 7 p.m.
Arteaga ph 1 0 0 0 Prado ph-1b 0 0 0 0 Duvall lf 3 0 0 0
Prep Softball Chicago
Kansas City
57 69 .452 19½
45 82 .354 32 Kansas City 001 000 000 — 1 Castro 3b 4 0 0 0 Culberson rf 3 0 0 0
ASIA/PACIFIC: South Chungcheong (South Ko-
rea); AUSTRALIA: Sydney; CANADA: Coquitlam
Orlando at Washington, 7:30 p.m.
Sky Blue FC at Houston, 8:30 p.m.
Baltimore 030 023 00x — 8
French Camp at Columbus, 5/6:30 p.m. Detroit 38 86 .306 37½
E_Stewart (1). DP_Kansas City 1, Baltimore 0.
Granderson lf 3 0 1 0 Flowers c 2 1 1 1
Alfaro c 4 0 1 0 Hechavarría ss 2 2 1 2
(British Columbia); CARIBBEAN: Willemstad
(Curacao); EUROPE/AFRICA: Bologna (Italy);
Sunday’s Game
Chicago at Portland, 3 p.m.
West Division
Starkville Academy at Heritage Acade- W L Pct GB LOB_Kansas City 8, Baltimore 7. 2B_Severino
(11), Wilkerson (15). HR_Merrifield (15), Villar (17),
Brinson cf 4 0 2 0 Teheran p 1 0 0 0 JAPAN: Chofu City; LATIN AMERICA: Maracaibo
Houston 81 47 .633 _ Smith p 2 0 2 0 Joyce ph 1 0 0 0 (Venezuela); MEXICO, Guadalupe
my, 6 p.m.
Caledonia at New Hope, 5/6:30 p.m.
73 53 .579 7
63 65 .492 18
Santander (12), Núñez (28), Alberto (9). S_Martin
Ramirez ph 1 0 0 0 Newcomb p 0 0 0 0
Brigham p 0 0 0 0 Tomlin p
Cooper ph 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Double Elimination
Thursday, Aug. 15
Willemstad (Curacao) 11, Sydney (Australia) 0, 4
Los Angeles 63 67 .485 19
Kansas City Miami 000 000 000 — 0 innings Auto Racing Glance
Prep Volleyball Seattle 54 74 .422 27
Tuesday’s Games Montgomery L,2-4 5 8 5 5 3 3 Atlanta 030 020 00x — 5 Friday, Aug. 16 All Times Eastern
Hill 1 2 3 3 1 0 E_Alfaro (8). DP_Miami 1, Atlanta 2. LOB_Miami South Riding (Va.) 3, Barrington (R.I.) 0 NASCAR CUP SERIES
Columbus at New Hope, 5:30 p.m. L.A. Angels 5, Texas 1, 1st game
Barlow 1 0 0 0 1 2 9, Atlanta 1. 2B_Smith 2 (2), Brinson (8). 3B_Flow- South Chungcheong (South Korea) 10, Maracaibo Last race: Denny Hamlin held off Matt DiBened-
Baltimore 4, Kansas City 1 etto in Bristol.
West Lowndes at Nanih Waiya, 6 p.m. N.Y. Mets 9, Cleveland 2 McCarthy 1 2 0 0 0 0 ers (3). HR_Hechavarría (1), Acuña Jr. (36). S_Te- (Venezuela) 3
Baltimore heran (3). Coon Rapids (Minn.) 2, Bowling Green (Ky.) 1 Next race: Bojangles’ Southern 500, Sept. 1, Dar-
Philadelphia 3, Boston 2 lington Raceway, Darlington, South Carolina.
Caledonia at Starkville, 6:30 p.m. Seattle 7, Tampa Bay 4 Brooks W,1-4 5 7 1 1 1 4
Fry 1 0 0 0 0 2
IP H R ER BB SO Chofu City (Japan) 20, Bologna (Italy) 0, 5 innings
Minnesota 14, Chicago White Sox 4 Miami Wailuku (Hawaii) 5, River Ridge (La.) 2
Heritage Academy at Grace Christian, Houston 6, Detroit 3 Armstrong 1 0 0 0 0 0 Smith L,8-7 6 3 5 5 4 7 Guadalupe (Mexico) 5, Coquitlam (British Co- NASCAR XFINITY SERIES
Texas 3, L.A. Angels 2, 11 innings, 2nd game Bleier 2 0 0 0 0 3 Brigham 2 0 0 0 1 3 lumbia) 0
5:30 p.m. Oakland 6, N.Y. Yankees 2 HBP_Montgomery (Martin). WP_McCarthy. Cooper 0 0 0 0 0 0 Elizabeth (N.J.), 6, Salem (Ore.) 2 Site: Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin.
Umpires_Home, Ramon De Jesus; First, Manny Atlanta Saturday, Aug. 17 Schedule: Friday, practice, 1:35 & 3:35 p.m.; Sat-
Women’s College Soccer L.A. Dodgers 16, Toronto 3
Wednesday’s Games Gonzalez; Second, Sam Holbrook; Third, Jim Teheran W,8-8 7 5 0 0 3 9 Maracaibo (Venezuela) 2, Sydney (Australia) 0, urday, qualifying, 11:40 a.m., race, 3 p.m., NBCSN.
Wolf. Track: Road America (circuit, 4.048 miles).
Alabama A&M at Mississippi State, 6 Tampa Bay 7, Seattle 6
T_2:52. A_9,872 (45,971).
1 0 0 0 1 1
1 2 0 0 0 0
Sydney eliminated
Barrington (R.I.) 6, Bowling Green (Ky.) 1, Bowling Race distance: 182.16 miles, 45 laps.
Chicago White Sox 4, Minnesota 0 Last year: Justin Allgaier won after starting 11th.
p.m. Baltimore 8, Kansas City 1 Umpires_Home, Mark Wegner; First, Sean Bar- Green eliminated
Coquitlam (British Columbia) 10, Bologna (Italy) 0, Last race: Tyler Reddick snapped Chevrolet’s five-
L.A. Dodgers 2, Toronto 1, 10 innings
Detroit 2, Houston 1
Chicago White Sox 4, ber; Second, Stu Scheuwater; Third, Alan Porter.
T_2:44. A_23,537 (41,149). 4 innings, Bologna eliminated race winless skid.
Fast facts: Reddick’s win at Bristol was his fourth
Prep Football
N.Y. Mets 4, Cleveland 3, 10 innings
Philadelphia 5, Boston 2
Minnesota 0 River Ridge (La.) 3, Salem (Ore.) 2, Salem elim-
inated of the season and the seventh of his career. He
Texas 8, L.A. Angels 7

ab r h bi ab r h bi
Washington 11, Pittsburgh 1 Sunday, Aug. 18 also has a series-leading 19 top-10s in 22 starts.
Columbus at Provine, 7 p.m. Oakland 6, N.Y. Yankees 4 Totals 37 4 10 3 Totals 30 0 3 0
Washington Pittsburgh South Chungcheong (South Korea) 4, Willemstad ...Christopher Bell and Cole Custer each have five
wins, and Custer leads the series with five poles.
Thursday’s Games ab r h bi ab r h bi (Curacao) 0
Lamar at Starkville Academy, 7 p.m. Kansas City (Sparkman 3-7) at Boston (Rodríguez
García rf 5 2 2 0 Kepler cf 4 0 0 0
Anderson ss 5 1 2 0 Polanco ss 4 0 1 0
Totals 40 11 12 11 Totals 31 1 5 1 South Riding (Va.) 11, Coon Rapids (Minn.) 0 ...The nine previous races at Road America pro-
Turner ss 6 1 2 1 Newman 2b 4 0 0 0 Chofu City (Japan) 5, Guadalupe (Mexico) 0 duced nine different winners.
Jackson Prep at Heritage Academy, 7 13-5), sus. Abreu dh 5 1 3 2 Cruz dh 4 0 1 0 Next race: Sport Clips Haircuts VFW 200, Aug. 31,
Tampa Bay (Yarbrough 11-3) at Baltimore (Wo- Eaton rf 5 1 2 1 Reynolds lf 4 1 2 0 Monday, Aug. 19
McCann c 5 0 0 0 Rosario lf 2 0 0 0 Bowling Green (Ky.) 4, Sydney (Australia) 1 Darlington Raceway.
Rendon 3b 4 1 2 2 Marte cf 3 0 0 0
p.m. jciechowski 2-6), 7:05 p.m.
Cleveland (Civale 1-2) at N.Y. Mets (Syndergaard
Skole 1b 4 0 1 1 Adrianza 1b 1 0 0 0
Rainey p 0 0 0 0 Bell 1b 3 0 1 1 Wailuku (Hawaii) 6, Elizabeth (N.J.) 0 Online:
Jiménez lf 3 0 1 0 Sanó 1b-3b 3 0 0 0 NASCAR TRUCK SERIES
Humphreys Academy at Columbus 8-6), 7:10 p.m. Goins 3b 4 0 0 0 Arraez 3b-lf 3 0 0 0 Soto lf 4 1 0 0 Osuna 3b-p 4 0 0 0
A.Cabrera 2b-3b 5 1 1 3 Reyes rf 4 0 0 0
Maracaibo (Venezuela) 8, Guadalupe (Mexico) 7,
Guadalupe eliminated CHEVROLET SILVERADO 250
Detroit (Zimmermann 1-8) at Houston (Cole 14-5), Sánchez 2b 4 0 1 0 Schoop 2b 3 0 1 0 Site: Bowmanville, Ontario.
Christian Academy, 7 p.m. 8:10 p.m. Engel cf 2 0 0 0 Castro c 3 0 0 0 Adams 1b 5 1 1 0 Stallings c 3 0 1 0 Willemstad (Curacao) 8, Coquitlam (British Co-
Schedule: Saturday, practice, 9:35 & 11:35 a.m.;
Texas (Jurado 6-9) at Chicago White Sox (TBD), Robles cf 3 2 0 0 Markel p 0 0 0 0 lumbia) 1, Coquitlam eliminated
Cave rf 3 0 0 0
Mantachie at Oak Hill Academy, 7 p.m. 8:10 p.m. Chicago 201 010 000 — 4 Gomes c 3 2 2 2 Liriano p 0 0 0 0 River Ridge (La.) 10, Coon Rapids (Minn.) 0, 4 Sunday, qualifying, 9:30 a.m. (FS2), race, 2:30
p.m., FS1.
N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka 9-6) at Oakland (Roark 7-8), Corbin p 4 1 1 1 Moran 3b 0 0 0 0 innings, Coon Rapids eliminated
Louisville at Noxubee County, 7 p.m. 9:37 p.m.
Minnesota 000 000 000 — 0
E_Polanco (17). DP_Chicago 0, Minnesota 1. Sanchez ph-2b 1 0 1 1 González ss 3 0 1 0 Tuesday, Aug. 20 Track: Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (road, 2.459
Musgrove p 1 0 0 0 Salem (Ore.) 4, Bologna (Italy) 3 miles).
West Point at Horn Lake, 7 p.m. Toronto (Thornton 4-8) at L.A. Dodgers (Maeda LOB_Chicago 9, Minnesota 3. 2B_Abreu (28), Race distance: 160 miles, 64 laps.
8-8), 10:10 p.m. M.Cabrera ph 1 0 0 0 Willemstad (Curacao) 9, Maracaibo (Venezuela) 2,
Sánchez (14), Schoop (21). Maraccaibo eliminated Last year: Justin Haley led the final two laps in
Marvell Academy at Hebron Christian, Friday’s Games IP H R ER BB SO Agrazal p 0 0 0 0
Díaz c 1 0 0 0 Elizabeth (N.J.) 2, Barrington (R.I.) 0, Barrington Canada.
Tampa Bay at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. Chicago Last race: Brett Moffitt won from the pole in Bristol.
7 p.m. Kansas City at Cleveland, 7:10 p.m. Giolito W,14-6 9 3 0 0 0 12 Washington
006 000 032 — 11
000 000 001 — 1
Wednesday, Aug. 21 Fast facts: Moffitt has now won nine races dating
Detroit at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. Minnesota back to the start of last season. ...Ross Chastain
Victory Christian at Unity Christian, 7 L.A. Angels at Houston, 8:10 p.m. Odorizzi L,13-6 5 8 4 3 1 6 E_Musgrove 2 (3). DP_Washington 1, Pittsburgh River Ridge (La.) 4, Elizabeth (N.J.) 1, Elizabeth
has won twice since his apparent victory in Iowa
Texas at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m. 0. LOB_Washington 9, Pittsburgh 5. 2B_Eaton eliminated
Harper 1 1 0 0 1 1
p.m. Boston at San Diego, 10:10 p.m. Dyson 1 0 0 0 0 1 (21), Gomes 2 (11), Adams (14), Corbin (1), Bell Chofu City (Japan) 7, South Chungcheong (South was overturned after his truck was disqualified.
He’s 16 points behind Moffitt for the series lead.
N.Y. Yankees at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. (37). HR_A.Cabrera (2). Korea) 2
Starkville at Brandon, 7 p.m. Toronto at Seattle, 10:10 p.m.
1 0 0 0 0 2
1 1 0 0 0 1 IP H R ER BB SO Game 24: Wailuku (Hawaii) 12, South Riding ...Grant Enfinger, the regular season champion,
Washington (Va.) 9 has yet to win a race in 2019. He’s in fourth place
West Lowndes at Ethel, 7 p.m. HBP_Odorizzi (Engel). WP_Odorizzi(2), Harper.
Corbin W,10-5 8 3 0 0 2 4 Thursday, Aug. 22 heading to Canada.
Caledonia at New Hope, 7 p.m. National League Glance Umpires_Home, Jansen Visconti; First, Ron Kul-
pa; Second, Gabe Morales; Third, Bill Welke. Rainey 1 2 1 1 0 0 Game 25: Willemstad (Curacao) vs. South Next race: World of Westgate 200, Sept. 13, Las
Vegas Motor Speedway.
All Times EDT Pittsburgh Chungcheong (South Korea), 3 p.m.
T_3:16. A_31,389 (38,649). Game 26: River Ridge (La.) vs. South Riding (Va.), Online:
East Division Osuna 1-3 1 0 0 0 0

on the air W L Pct GB Musgrove L,8-12 5 7 6 5 2 1 7 p.m. FORMULA ONE

76 52 .594 _
69 57 .548 6
Tampa Bay 7, Seattle 6 Agrazal 2 0 0 0 0 1 Saturday, Aug. 24
Game 27: Chofu City (Japan) vs. Game 25 winner
Last race: Lewis Hamilton won his eighth race of
the season in Hungary.
Seattle Tampa Bay Markel 2-3 3 3 3 3 0
New York 66 60 .524 9 Liriano 1 1 2 2 2 1 (International final), 12:30 p.m. Next race: Belgian Grand Prix, Sept. 1, Spa-Fran-
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Today Philadelphia
66 60 .524 9
45 80 .360 29½
Smith rf
35 6 8 6 Totals
5 0 1 2 Pham lf
32 7 11 6
3 1 0 0
Liriano pitched to 5 batters in the 9th.
Umpires_Home, Gary Cederstrom; First, Tom
Game 28: Wailuku (Hawaii) vs. Game 26 winner
(U.S. final), 3:30 p.m.
corchamps Circuit, Stavelot, Belgium.
Central Division Sunday, Aug. 25
Moore rf 0 0 0 0 Meadows dh 4 1 1 0
Crawford ss 5 1 3 0 d’Arnaud c-1b 3 1 3 1
Woodring; Second, Marvin Hudson; Third, Adrian
Game 29: Game 27 loser vs. Game 28 loser, 10 Site: Madison, Illinois.
6:10 p.m. — Basketball, ESPNU Chicago
St. Louis
68 58 .540 _
67 58 .536 ½
Nola 1b 4 0 0 0 Aguilar 1b 3 1 1 0 T_2:54. A_10,577 (38,362).
a.m. Schedule: Friday, practice, 2 p.m., qualifying, 6
Seager 3b 4 1 0 1 Zunino c 1 0 0 0 p.m. (NBCSN), practice, 9:15 p.m.; Saturday, race,
COLLEGE SOCCER (WOMEN’S) Milwaukee 65 62 .512 3½ Narváez c 4 1 1 0 Duffy 3b 2 0 0 0 Championship
Cincinnati 60 66 .476 8 Vogelbach dh 3 1 1 1 Sogard ph-2b 1 0 0 0 Colorado 7, Arizona 2 Game 30: Game 27 winner vs. Game 28 winner, 8:45 p.m., NBCSN
6 p.m. — NC State at South Carolina, Pittsburgh 52 74 .413 16 Lopes lf 3 0 1 2 Kiermaier cf 4 1 2 4 Colorado Arizona 3 p.m. Track: World Wide Technology Raceway at Gate-
way (oval, 1.25 miles).
West Division Broxton lf 0 0 0 0 Adames ss 4 1 1 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi
SEC W L Pct GB Fraley cf 3 1 0 0 Brosseau 2b-3b 4 0 1 Totals 35 7 13 7 Totals 31 2 4 2 Race distance: 310 miles, 248 laps.

GOLF Los Angeles

84 44 .656 _
64 64 .500 20
Gordon 2b 4 1 1 0 Heredia rf 3 1 2 1
Tapia lf
Story ss
5 1 2 1 Dyson cf
4 2 1 0 Marte 2b
4 0 0 0
3 1 1 1 Tennis Last year: Will Power overcame Scott Dixon out-
side of St. Louis.
Last race: Power won his first race of 2019 at
4 a.m. — European Tour Golf: Scandi- San Francisco 63 64 .496 20½
San Diego 59 67 .468 24
Choi ph
0 0 0 0
000 300 003 — 6
Blackmon rf 5 0 2 2 Escobar 3b 4 0 1 0
McMahon 3b 4 0 0 1 Peralta lf 3 0 0 0
U.S. Open Results Pocono.
Wednesday Fast facts: Power has now won at least one race
navian Invitation, first round, Mölndal, Colorado 58 69 .457 25½
Tuesday’s Games
Tampa Bay 101 201 002 — 7 Alonso 1b 3 1 1 0 Lamb 1b
Hampson 2b 4 1 1 0 Rojas rf
4 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
At USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis in 13 consecutive seasons, and he’s taken Pocono
DP_Seattle 2, Tampa Bay 0. LOB_Seattle 6, Tam- Center three times in four starts. .. Santino Ferrucci fin-
Sweden, GOLF N.Y. Mets 9, Cleveland 2
Pittsburgh 4, Washington 1
pa Bay 5. 2B_Crawford (19), Aguilar (1), Meadows Daza cf 4 2 2 0 Ahmed ss 3 0 0 0 New York ished a career-high fourth last weekend. ...Josef
(20), Brosseau (7). 3B_Crawford (4), Smith (8). Nuñez c 3 0 2 1 Avila c 3 1 1 1 Purse: $57,238,700
8:30 a.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: CP Wom- Cincinnati 3, San Diego 2 HR_Vogelbach (28), Heredia (4), Kiermaier (13). Melville p 2 0 1 2 Leake p 1 0 0 0 Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
Newgarden increased his lead over Alexander
Rossi to 35 points after Rossi was collected in a
Atlanta 5, Miami 1 SB_Pham 2 (16), Kiermaier (19), Gordon (18). Tinoco p 0 0 0 0 Walker ph 1 0 0 0 Singles
en’s Open, first round, Aurora, Ontario, Philadelphia 3, Boston 2 SF_d’Arnaud (4). Estévez p 0 0 0 0 Payamps p 0 0 0 0 Second Round Qualifying
five-car wreck on the opening lap. ...Dixon is just
52 points off of Newgarden’s pace. He’s in fourth
Chicago Cubs 5, San Francisco 3 IP H R ER BB SO Murphy ph 1 0 1 0 Vargas ph 1 0 1 0
GOLF St. Louis 9, Milwaukee 4 Seattle Diaz p 0 0 0 0 Andriese p 0 0 0 0
Steven Diez, Canada, def. Yosuke Watanuki, Ja-
heading to Oregon.
Arizona 8, Colorado 7 Colorado 200 301 100 — 7 Next race: Grand Prix of Portland, Sept. 1, Port-
12 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Tour Champi- L.A. Dodgers 16, Toronto 3
1 0 1 1 1 2
4 1-3 7 4 4 0 2 Arizona 000 001 010 — 2
pan, 6-2, 5-7, 6-0. land International Raceway, Portland, Oregon.
Elliot Benchetrit, France, def. Ze Zhang, China, Online:
onship, first round, Atlanta, Ga., GOLF Wednesday’s Games McClain 1 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 DP_Colorado 0, Arizona 2. LOB_Colorado 5, 6-3, 6-2.
Cincinnati 4, San Diego 2 Arizona 5. 2B_Nuñez (1), Murphy (28), Escobar NHRA DRAG RACING
Guilbeau 1 1 0 0 0 1 Kimmer Coppejans, Belgium, def. Zdenek Kolar, Last event: Leah Pritchett won in Top Fuel in Min-
5 p.m. — Korn Ferry Tour Golf: Albert- Colorado 7, Arizona 2
Washington 11, Pittsburgh 1
Magill L,1-1 BS,2-3 0 3 2 2 1 0 (24). HR_Marte (27), Avila (9). SB_Story (18). Czech Republic, 7-5, 6-3. nesota.
Tampa Bay SF_Nuñez (1). S_Melville (1). Mikael Ymer (9), Sweden, def. Facundo Bagnis,
sons Boise Open, first round, Boise, Atlanta 5, Miami 0 IP H R ER BB SO Next event: Chevrolet Performance U.S. Nation-
Morton 5 4 3 3 2 3 Argentina, 7-5, 6-4. als, Aug. 28-Sept. 2, Lucas Oil Raceway, India-
L.A. Dodgers 2, Toronto 1, 10 innings Poche H,11 2 0 0 0 0 3 Colorado Gregoire Barrere (8), France, def. Nikola Milojevic,
Idaho, GOLF N.Y. Mets 4, Cleveland 3, 10 innings Anderson H,2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Melville W,1-0 7 2 1 1 2 4 Serbia, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4.
napolis, Indiana.
Milwaukee 5, St. Louis 3, 8 innings Pagán W,3-2 1 3 3 3 0 1 Tinoco 1-3 2 1 1 1 0
4 a.m. (Friday) — European Tour Golf: Philadelphia 5, Boston 2 Magill pitched to 5 batters in the 9th. Estévez 2-3 0 0 0 0 0
Daniel Elahi Galan, Colombia, def. Mikael Tor-
pegaard, Denmark, 6-7 (3), 6-3, 6-1.
Chicago Cubs 12, San Francisco 11 Diaz 1 0 0 0 0 2 WORLD OF OUTLAWS
Scandinavian Invitation, second round, HBP_Morton (Nola), Pagán (Fraley). WP_Magill, Hyeon Chung (29), South Korea, def. Stefano Na- Friday, Outlaw Showdown, Black Hills Speedway,
Thursday’s Games Morton. Arizona politano, Italy, 6-2, 6-3.
San Francisco (Samardzija 9-9) at Chicago Cubs Rapid City, South Dakota; Saturday, The Brawl at
Mölndal, Sweden, GOLF (Hendricks 8-9), 2:20 p.m.
Umpires_Home, John Libka; First, Fieldin Cu-
breth; Second, CB Bucknor; Third, D.J. Reyburn.
Leake L,0-2
5 8 5 5 0 1
3 4 2 2 1 3
Yasutaka Uchiyama, Japan, def. Blaz Kavcic, Slo- Big Sky Speedway, Shepherd, Montana.
venia, 6-1, 6-4. Online:
HORSE RACING Washington (Scherzer 9-5) at Pittsburgh (Brault
3-2), 7:05 p.m.
T_2:58. A_7,827 (25,025). Andriese 1 1 0 0 0 2 Mirza Basic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, def. Emilio
HBP_Leake (Alonso). Gomez, Ecuador, 7-6 (7), 6-2.
12 p.m. — Saratoga Live: Saratoga Cleveland (Civale 1-2) at N.Y. Mets (Syndergaard

Springs, N.Y., FS2

8-6), 7:10 p.m.
Miami (Alcantara 4-11) at Atlanta (Soroka 10-2),
Milwaukee 5, St. Louis 3
Milwaukee St. Louis
Umpires_Home, Chris Segal; First, Mark Carlson;
Second, Tripp Gibson; Third, Dan Bellino.
T_2:50. A_17,707 (48,519).
Jenson Brooksby, United States, def. Yuichi Sugita
(27), Japan, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (3).
Santiago Giraldo, Colombia, def. Mischa Zverev,
7:20 p.m.
Colorado (Márquez 12-5) at St. Louis (Mikolas

ab r h bi
32 5 8 5 Totals
ab r h bi
27 3 6 2
Germany, 7-5, 6-3. Wednesday’s Moves
2 p.m. — World Series: Willemstad 7-13), 7:45 p.m. Cain cf 4 1 1 0 Fowler rf 3 0 1 1 Cincinnati 4, San Diego 2 Dominik Koepfer (11), Germany, def. Nicolas Ma-
hut, France, 7-6 (3), 4-6, 6-3. American League
Toronto (Thornton 4-8) at L.A. Dodgers (Maeda Grandal c 4 1 1 0 Wong 2b 3 0 1 0 San Diego Cincinnati Pedro Martinez, Spain, def. Tommy Paul (10), Unit- CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Optioned OF Ryan Cor-
8-8), 10:10 p.m. Yelich rf 4 1 1 0 Goldschmidt 1b 4 0 0 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi
(Curacao) vs. South Chungcheong Friday’s Games Hiura 2b 4 1 2 2 Ozuna lf 3 1 1 0 Totals 31 2 6 2 Totals 34 4 10 4
ed States, 6-4, 6-4. dell to Charlotte (IL).
Soonwoo Kwon (3), South Korea, def. Oscar Otte,
(South Korea), International semifinal, Washington at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m.
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m.
Moustakas 3b 1 1 1 3 DeJong ss 3 0 1 0
Braun lf 4 0 1 0 Molina c 3 0 1 1
Garcia 2b 4 0 1 1 Senzel cf 5 1 0 0
Naylor lf 4 0 0 0 J.Iglesias ss 4 1 2 1
Germany, 6-2, 6-4. es Straw and RHP Cy Sneed from Round Rock
Lukas Lacko, Slovakia, def. Nicola Kuhn, Spain, (PCL). Placed RHP Aaron Sanchez and on the IL.
Williamsport, Pa., ESPN Atlanta at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m.
Philadelphia at Miami, 7:10 p.m.
Pomeranz p 0 0 0 0 Carpenter 3b 3 0 0 0 Hosmer 1b 4 0 1 0 Suárez 3b 4 1 2 1 6-4, 7-6 (0). Placed SS Carlos Correa on the IL, retroactive to
Guerra p 0 0 0 0 Bader cf 2 1 0 0 Renfroe rf 4 0 0 0 Aquino rf 3 1 1 0 Tobias Kamke, Germany, def. Filippo Baldi, Italy, Aug. 20.
6:10 p.m. — World Series: River Ridge Arizona at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m. Thames 1b 4 0 1 0 Wainwright p 1 0 0 0 Mejía c 4 1 1 1 Ervin lf 4 0 2 0 6-4, 7-6 (5). TEXAS RANGERS — Recalled LHP Locke St.
Colorado at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m. Arcia ss 3 0 0 0 Muñoz ph 1 1 1 0 Myers cf 3 0 1 0 Galvis 2b 3 0 2 1 Womens John from Nashville (PCL). Optioned INF-C Isiah
(La.) vs. South Riding (Va.), U.S. semifi- Boston at San Diego, 10:10 p.m. Houser p 3 0 0 0 Fernandez p 0 0 0 0 Stammen p 0 0 0 0 Barnhart c 4 0 0 0 Varvara Gracheva, Russia, def. Danka Kovinic, Kiner-Falefa to Frisco (TL). Sent LHP Yohander
N.Y. Yankees at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Claudio p 0 0 0 0 Thomas ph 1 0 0 0 France 3b 3 1 1 0 VanMeter 1b 3 0 1 1 Mendez to Nashville (PCL) on rehab assingment.
nal, Williamsport, Pa., ESPN Albers p 0 0 0 0 Webb p 0 0 0 0 Urías ss 3 0 1 0 Castillo p 2 0 0 0
Montenegro (12), 7-6 (3), 6-1.
Priscilla Hon (25), Australia, def. Katharina Hob- Assigned RHP David Carpenter outright to Nash-
Gamel ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Strahm p 0 0 0 0 O’Grady ph 1 0 0 0
MLB BASEBALL Oakland 6, N.Y. Yankees 4 Milwaukee 400 100 00 — 5 Yardley p 0 0 0 0 Sims p 0 0 0 0
garski, Germany, 5-7, 6-4, 6-2.
Elena-Gabriela Ruse, Romania, def. Jasmine
ville (PCL).
TORONTO BLUE JAYS — LHP Travis Bergen re-
New York Oakland
1 p.m. — San Francisco at Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi
St. Louis 000 021 0x — 3
E_Moustakas (9), Grandal (6), Fernandez (1).
Wingenter p 0 0 0 0 Lorenzen p 0 0 0 0
Perdomo p 1 0 0 0 Peraza ph 1 0 0 0
Paolini (14), Italy, 6-3, 6-1. turned from the San Francisco Giants. Optioned
Totals 36 4 11 4 Totals 30 6 6 6 Tereza Martincova (27), Czech Republic, def. Aya- LHP Travis Bergen and RHP Sean Reid-Foley
Cubs, MLB LeMahieu 1b 5 0 0 0 Semien ss 3 1 1 2
DP_Milwaukee 1, St. Louis 0. LOB_Milwaukee 10,
St. Louis 6. 2B_Braun (24), Thames (18), Hiura
Margot cf 1 0 0 0 R.Iglesias p 0 0 0 0 no Shimizu, Japan, 6-1, 6-4. to Buffalo (IL). Recalled RHP Jason Adam from
San Diego 001 000 100 — 2 Jaimee Fourlis, Australia, def. Liudmila Samsono- Buffalo (IL).
6:30 p.m.— Colorado at St. Louis OR Judge rf 5 0 0 0 M.Chapman 3b 4 0 0 0
Sánchez c 4 1 1 0 Olson 1b 4 0 0 0
(18), Molina (17). HR_Moustakas (31). Cincinnati 003 100 00x — 4 va (21), Russia, 7-6 (3), 7-6 (1). National League
IP H R ER BB SO E_Naylor (3), Myers (4). DP_San Diego 0, Cincin- Jana Cepelova, Slovakia, def. Irina-Camelia Begu ATLANTA BRAVES — Placed C Brian McCann
Miami at Atlanta (6 p.m.), MLB Urshela 3b 4 1 2 0 Canha cf 4 0 1 1 Milwaukee nati 1. LOB_San Diego 3, Cincinnati 10. 2B_Gar- (3), Romania, 6-3, 6-2. on the 10-day IL. Recalled C Alex Jackson from
Gregorius ss 4 1 2 1 Pinder lf-rf 4 0 0 0 Houser W,6-5 5 1-3 6 3 1 2 6 cia (12), Galvis (1). HR_Mejía (8), J.Iglesias (9). Magdalena Frech, Poland, def. Rebecca Sramko- Gwinnett (IL).
9:30 p.m. — Toronto at LA Dodgers Torres 2b 4 0 1 0 Piscotty rf 3 2 2 1 Claudio H,20 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 SB_Barnhart (1). S_Strahm (3), J.Iglesias (1). va, Slovakia, 6-2, 5-7, 6-4. COLORADO ROCKIES — Selected the contract
Tauchman cf 2 0 2 2 Grossman lf 1 0 0 0 Albers H,9 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 IP H R ER BB SO
OR NY Yankees at Oakland (10 p.m.) Maybin lf 4 0 0 0 Davis dh 3 1 1 2 Pomeranz H,4 2-3 0 0 0 1 1 San Diego
Elena Rybakina (1), Kazakhstan, def. Arina Rodi-
onova, Australia, 6-2, 6-1.
of RHP Tim Melville from Albuquerque (PCL).
Placed RHP Jon Gray on the 60-day IL.
Ford dh 4 1 3 1 Profar 2b 3 1 1 0 Guerra S,3-10 1-3 0 0 0 0 0
(games joined in progress), MLB Wade pr-dh 0 0 0 0 Phegley c 1 1 0 0 St. Louis
Yardley L,0-1
2 3 0 0 0 4
1-3 2 3 1 1 0
Paula Badosa (2), Spain, def. Quirine Lemoine, LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Recalled RHP
New York 010 001 200 — 4 Netherlands, 6-7 (6), 6-4, 6-2. Casey Sadler from Oklahoma City (PCL). Placed
NFL FOOTBALL Oakland 022 011 00x — 6
Wainwright L,9-9 5 8 5 5 4 2
Fernandez 2 0 0 0 2 2
Wingenter 2-3 0 0 0 2 2 Lizette Cabrera, Australia, def. Maddison Inglis, RHP Dylan Floro on the 10-day IL.
Perdomo 3 3 1 1 0 2 6-3, 6-0. PITTSBURGH PIRATES — Placed RHPs Chris
7 p.m. — Preseason: Jacksonville at E_Pinder (4). DP_New York 0, Oakland 1. LOB_
New York 10, Oakland 3. 2B_Gregorius 2 (10),
Webb 1 0 0 0 0 0 Stammen 2 2 0 0 0 1 Xinyu Wang, China, def. Olga Govortsova, Belar- Archer and Clay Holmes on the 10-day IL. Re-
HBP_Fernandez (Cain). Cincinnati us, 6-2, 6-2. called RHPs Dario Agrazal and Parker Markel
Miami, FOX Profar (18). HR_Ford (5), Davis (18), Semien (22), Umpires_Home, Lance Barksdale; First, John Ba- Castillo W,12-5 6 5 1 1 0 4 Taylor Townsend (13), United States, def. Veronica from Indianapolis (IL).
Piscotty (13). SF_Tauchman (1). con; Second, Ted Barrett; Third, John Tumpane. Sims H,3 1 1 1 1 0 1 Cepede Royg, Paraguay, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. SAN DIEGO PADRES — Selected the contract of
SOCCER (MEN’S) IP H R ER BB SO T_2:54. A_40,250 (45,538). Lorenzen H,16 1 0 0 0 0 2 Nina Stojanovic, Serbia, def. Ann Li, United RHP Eric Yardley from El Paso (PCL). Optioned
New York R.Iglesias S,26-29 1 0 0 0 0 2
8:30 p.m. — MLS: Minnesota United at Happ L,10-8 4 4 5 5 2 4 States, 6-4, 7-6 (5). OF Travis Jankowski to El Paso.

Sporting KC, ESPN

Green 3 2 1 1 0 2 Chicago Cubs 12, Umpires_Home, Nic Lentz; First, Will Little; Sec-
ond, Brian O’Nora; Third, Mike Estabrook.
Kristina Kucova, Slovakia, def. Bibiane Schoofs,
Netherlands, 6-7 (1), 6-2, 6-3.
National Football League
Ottavino 1 0 0 0 0 1
TENNIS Oakland San Francisco 11 T_2:52. A_13,397 (42,319). Richel Hogenkamp, Netherlands, def. Valeria Sav-
inykh, Russia, 6-4, 6-3.
NFL — Suspended New York Jets LB Brandon
Copeland for the first four games of the regular
Fiers W,12-3 5 1-3 6 2 2 3 4 San Francisco Chicago
Denisa Allertova, Czech Republic, def. Ankita season for violating the league’s policy on perfor-
10 a.m. — U.S. Open Qualifying: Sec- Diekman H,4
Petit H,24
1-3 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 2 2 0 2

ab r h bi
39 11 13 11 Totals
ab r h bi
37 12 14 12
Philadelphia 5, Boston 2 Raina, India, 6-7 (5), 6-4, 6-2. mance-enhancing substances.
Philadelphia Boston ARIZONA CARDINALS — Released WR Kevin
ond Round, Flushing, N.Y., ESPNEWS Treinen H,2 1-3 2 0 0 0 0 Yastrzemski rf 5 1 3 2 Heyward cf 4 2 1 0
Gennett 2b 5 1 0 0 Castellanos rf 5 2 4 3
ab r h bi ab r h bi White.
10 a.m. — WTA Tennis: The NYJTL
Puk H,1
Hendriks S,15-19 1
1-3 1 0 0 1 0
2-3 0 0 0 0 3
Happ pitched to 3 batters in the 5th, Petit pitched
Longoria 3b 4 2 2 2 Bryant 3b 5 2 2 2
Dickerson lf 5 2 2 0 Rizzo 1b 4 3 2 1
Totals 33 5 6 4 Totals
Hoskins 1b 3 2 1 0 Betts rf
Harper rf
33 2 8 2
5 1 1 0
4 1 1 2 Devers 3b 4 0 1 1
Soccer CINCINNATI BENGALS — Removed G Christian
Westerman from the exempt/left squad list.
Bronx Open, Quarterfinals, Bronx, N.Y., to 4 batters in the 7th. Vogt c
Pillar cf
5 1 2 3 Báez ss 4 0 1 1
5 1 1 1 Schwarber lf 5 1 1 3
Realmuto c 4 0 0 0 Bogaerts ss 4 0 0 0 MLS Glance CLEVELAND BROWNS — Signed WR Braxton
Miller. Waived TE Mik’Quan Deane. Claimed S
HBP_Happ (Phegley). Dickerson lf 5 0 2 2 Martinez dh 3 0 1 0 Eastern Conference
TENNIS Umpires_Home, Mike Muchlinski; First, Rob Belt 1b 3 1 0 1 Happ 2b 2 1 0 0 Segura ss 5 0 1 0 Benintendi lf 4 0 1 0 W L T Pts GF GA
Montrel Meander off waivers from the New York
Jets. Placed WR D.J. Montgomery on IR.
Drake; Second, Kerwin Danley; Third, Roberto Crawford ss 3 2 2 0 Cishek p 0 0 0 0 Atlanta 14 9 3 45 45 30
2 p.m. — ATP Tennis: The Winston-Sa- Ortiz. Rodríguez p 1 0 0 0 Kintzler p 0 0 0 0
Morrison dh 3 0 0 0 Travis 1b 4 0 1 0
S.Rdríguez ph-dh 0 0 0 0 Vázquez c 2 0 2 0 Philadelphia 13 8 6 45 48 40
T_3:02. A_22,017 (46,765). Solano ph 1 0 0 0 Kemp ph 1 0 1 0 Charles. Claimed OL Tyler Jones from the New
lem Open, Quarterfinals, Winston-Sa- Coonrod p 0 0 0 0 Kimbrel p 0 0 0 0 Kingery 3b 3 0 0 0 M.Hernández 2b 2 0 0 0 New York City FC 12 5 8 44 46 32
New York 12 10 5 41 46 40
York Jets and LB Dadi Nicolas from the Indianap-
Slater ph 1 0 1 2 Caratini c 3 1 1 1 C.Hernández 2b 3 1 1 0 Owings ph-2b 1 0 0 0 olis Colts off waivers. Waived LB Aaron Wallace.
lem, N.C., TENNIS Texas 8, L.A. Angels 7 Gott p 0 0 0 0 Darvish p 3 0 1 1 Haseley cf 3 1 0 0 Bradley Jr. cf 4 1 1 1 D.C. United 10 9 9 39 35 35 Placed TE Bug Howard and CB Horace Richard-
Philadelphia 000 030 101 — 5 New England 9 9 8 35 38 45 son on IR.
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
Watson p 0 0 0 0 Holland p 0 0 0 0
Avelino ph 1 0 0 0 Chatwood p 0 0 0 0 Boston 110 000 000 — 2 Montreal 10 13 4 34 39 50 MIAMI DOLPHINS — Signed WR Jakeem Grant
E_C.Hernández (8), Devers (19), Brasier (1). Orlando City 9 11 7 34 35 35
9:30 p.m. — Indiana at Los Angeles, Totals 40 7 12 6 Totals 38 8 14 8 Gustave p 0 0 0 0 Russell 2b 1 0 0 0
DP_Philadelphia 1, Boston 0. LOB_Philadelphia Toronto FC 9 10 7 34 41 43
to a four-year contract extension through the 2023
Fletcher 3b-ss 5 2 3 0 Choo rf 5 0 1 1 Moronta p 0 0 0 0 Chicago 8 11 9 33 42 40
CBSSN Trout dh 4 2 1 0 Santana 1b 5 0 0 0 San Francisco 200 025 200 — 11 9, Boston 9. 2B_Hoskins (25), C.Hernández (24), NEW ORLEANS SAINTS — Signed LB Will
Betts (36), Devers (47), Benintendi (38), Vázquez Columbus 7 15 6 27 29 42 Compton and OL Fisayo Awolaja. Waived LS Nick
Upton lf 3 0 0 1 Andrus ss 5 2 3 0 Chicago 222 013 02x — 12 Cincinnati 5 18 3 18 26 61
WORLD CUP BASKETBALL K.Calhoun rf 4 0 1 1 Pence dh 5 0 2 3 E_Darvish (1), Bryant (13). LOB_San Francisco 5, (21). 3B_Dickerson (2). HR_Harper (27), Bradley
Jr. (16). S_Vázquez (3). WESTERN CONFERENCE
Moore. Placed OT Chris Clark on IR.
Pujols 1b 5 1 2 2 W.Calhoun lf 4 2 2 1 Chicago 7. 2B_Dickerson (11), Crawford (21), Slat- SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS — Signed OL An-
4:30 a.m. — Exhibition: U.S. vs. Aus- IP H R ER BB SO W L T Pts GF GA drew Lauderdale, S Tyree Robinson and WR
Goodwin cf 4 1 2 1 Solak 2b 3 3 2 1 er (8), Yastrzemski (15), Rizzo (26). HR_Longoria Los Angeles FC 19 3 4 61 71 25
Rengifo 2b 5 0 1 0 Forsythe 3b 4 0 1 0 (16), Yastrzemski (17), Vogt (7), Pillar (19), Castel- Philadelphia Chris Thompson to one-year contracts. Waived
tralia, NBA Tovar ss 4 0 0 1 DeShields cf 4 0 2 2 lanos (8), Schwarber (29), Bryant (26). SB_Happ Smyly 3 2-3 5 2 2 3 4 Minnesota United 12 8 6 42 44 36
LA Galaxy 13 11 2 41 35 38
OL Christian DiLauro and RB Brandon Wilds.

Friday Ohtani ph 1 0 0 0 Mathis c

Bemboom c 0 0 0 0 Odor ph
2 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
(1), Caratini (1). SF_Belt (4).
Hughes W,1-1 1
Suárez H,3
Morin H,4
1-3 0 0 0 1 0
1-3 1 0 0 0 2
2-3 1 0 0 0 1
Real Salt Lake
12 10 4 40 38 34
11 8 7 40 40 39
Waived-injured WR Shawn Poindexter.
XFL — Announced the DC Defenders, Dallas
Stassi c 4 1 2 0 Trevino c 0 0 0 0 San Francisco
AUTO RACING Thaiss ph-3b 1 0 0 0 Rodríguez 4 6 6 6 3 2 Álvarez H,10 1 1 0 0 0 2 San Jose
11 10 5 38 42 42
11 10 4 37 41 38
Renegades, Houston Roughnecks, Los Angeles
Neris S,23-27 1 0 0 0 0 1 Wildcats, New York Guardians, St. Louis Battle-
5 p.m. — IndyCar Racing: qualifying, Los Angeles
000 223 000 — 7
020 200 211 — 8
Coonrod 1 1 1 1 1 0
Gott BS,1-2 1-3 4 3 3 0 1 Boston FC Dallas 10 10 7 37 39 36
Hawks, Seattle Dragons and Tampa Bay Vipers
Porcello L,11-10 5 3 3 3 4 3 Houston 9 13 4 31 37 43
will compete in the league in 2020.
Madison, Ill., NBCSN E_Mathis (5), Santana (12), Andrus (11). LOB_Los
Angeles 11, Texas 8. 2B_Pujols (16), Goodwin 2
Watson 2-3 0 0 0 0 1
Gustave H,1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Brasier 1 1 0 0 1 2 Sporting Kansas City 8 11 7 31 39 45
Colorado 7 13 6 27 43 52
BOXING (25), Fletcher (28), Solak 2 (2), DeShields (13), Moronta L,3-7 BS,0-5 1 3 2 2 1 0 Cashner
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 2 Vancouver 6 12 9 27 27 45 National Hockey League
MINNESOTA WILD — Named Bill Guerin general
Andrus (24). HR_W.Calhoun (13). SB_Mathis (1), Chicago NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.
9 p.m. — ShoBox: The New Generation, DeShields (20), Pence (6), Choo (11). SF_Upton Darvish 5 1-3 7 7 6 0 8 Workman 1 1 1 1 1 2
WP_Smyly, Porcello, Cashner. Wednesday, August 14 manager.
(5). Holland 2-3 3 2 2 1 1 Orlando City 1, Sporting Kansas City 0 NEW YORK RANGERS — Named Tanner Glass
Broken Arrow, Okla., SHO IP H R ER BB SO Chatwood BS,2-4 0 2 2 2 1 0 Umpires_Home, Hunter Wendelstedt; First, Jor-
Minnesota United 1, Colorado 0 and Tuomo Ruutu assistant directors of player
Los Angeles Cishek 1 0 0 0 1 0 dan Baker; Second, Vic Carapazza; Third, Dan development; Chris Morehouse director of North
CFL FOOTBALL Sandoval 3 1-3 8 4 4 0 3 Kintzler W,3-2 1 1 0 0 0 2 Iassogna. Real Salt Lake 3, Seattle 0
LA Galaxy 2, FC Dallas 0 American scouting; and Marshall Davidson and
Del Pozo 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Kimbrel S,11-13 1 0 0 0 0 2 T_3:39. A_37,077 (37,731). Derek Ginnell amateur scouts. Reassigned Steve
9 p.m. — Winnipeg at Edmonton, Ramirez 2 0 0 0 0 4 Chatwood pitched to 3 batters in the 7th.
Portland 3, Chicago 2
Saturday, August 17 Konowalchuk to the professional scouting staff.
Named David Cunniff assistant coach for Hart-
ESPN2 Cole H,4
Garcia H,5
2-3 1 2 2 1 1
2-3 2 1 1 1 1
HBP_Coonrod (Rizzo). WP_Moronta.
Umpires_Home, Carlos Torres; First, Paul Nauert; L.A. Dodgers 2, Toronto 1 New England 1, New York 1, tie
ford (AHL). Named Chris Hoeler video coach for
Toronto Los Angeles FC Dallas 3, Montreal 3, tie
GOLF Robles BS,18-21 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 Second, Angel Hernandez; Third, Ed Hickox.
ab r h bi ab r h bi New York City FC 4, Cincinnati 1 Hartford.
OTTAWA SENATORS — Signed F Colin White to
Cahill L,3-8 0 2 1 1 0 0 T_3:31. A_38,619 (41,649). Toronto FC 2, Columbus 2, tie
4 a.m. — European Tour Golf: Scan- Texas Totals
Bichette ss
36 1 6 1 Totals 31 2 6 2
5 0 1 0 Pederson rf 3 0 0 0 Chicago 2, Philadelphia 0 a six-year contract.
American Hockey League
Minor 5 2-3 10 7 6 2 7
dinavian Invitation, second round, St. John 1 1 0 0 0 0 N.Y. Mets 4, Cleveland 3 Biggio 2b
Giles p
4 0 1 0 e-K.Hernández ph 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Muncy 2b 3 1 1 1
Orlando City 1, Minnesota United 1, tie
Sporting Kansas City 2, San Jose 1 STOCKTON HEAT — Signed D Terrance Amoro-
Hernández W,1-0 2 1-3 1 0 0 2 1 Cleveland New York Colorado 2, Houston 2, tie sa and Zach Osburn, and Fs Matthew Gaudreau
Mölndal, Sweden, GOLF Cahill pitched to 2 batters in the 9th, St. John ab r h bi ab r h bi Adam p 0 0 0 0 Turner 3b 2 0 0 0
Los Angeles FC 2, Real Salt Lake 0 and Mitch Hults.
pitched to 3 batters in the 7th. Totals 37 3 9 3 Totals 37 4 9 4 Mayza p 0 0 0 0 Bellinger 1b 4 0 0 0 SOCCER
8:30 a.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: CP WP_Sandoval, Garcia, Cahill(2). Lindor ss 5 1 1 0 Rosario ss 5 1 1 0 Grichuk rf 4 0 1 0 Seager ss 4 0 2 0 Seattle 2, LA Galaxy 2, tie
Vancouver 1, D.C. United 0 Major League Soccer
Allen cf 5 0 1 0 Panik 2b 4 0 2 0 Tellez 1b 4 1 1 1 Smith c 4 1 1 1 ATLANTA UNITED — Signed M Luiz Fernando.
Women’s Open, second round, Aurora, Umpires_Home, Adam Hamari; First, Tom Hallion;
Second, Todd Tichenor; Third, Ben May. Santana 1b 4 2 2 1 A lonso 1b 4 0 0 0 Drury 3b-2b-3b 4 0 0 0 Taylor cf 4 0 2 0 Sunday, August 18
MONTREAL IMPACT — Fired coach Rémi Garde.
McKinney lf 4 0 2 0 Beaty lf 2 0 0 0 Atlanta 2, Portland 0
Ontario, GOLF T_3:46. A_19,565 (49,115). Puig rf 5 0 0 1 Conforto rf 4 1 0 1 Wednesday, August 21 Named Wilmer Cabrera coach.
Ramírez 3b 4 0 2 1 Ramos c 5 0 1 0 T.Hernández cf 4 0 0 0 Buehler p 2 0 0 0 NEW ENGLAND REVOLUTION — Re-signed G
New York City FC 1, Columbus 0
12 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Tour Cham- Detroit 2, Houston 1
Kipnis 2b 4 0 1 0 J.Davis lf 5 0 1 1
R.Pérez c 2 0 0 0 Frazier 3b 3 1 1 0
McGuire c
Font p
4 0 0 0 b -Pollock ph 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Kelly p 0 0 0 0 New York 2, D.C. United 1 Matt Turner to a multiyear contract.
Los Angeles FC 4, San Jose 0
pionship, second round, Atlanta, Ga., Detroit Houston Naquin lf 4 0 2 0 Lagares cf 3 1 2 1 a-Fisher ph
Boshers p
1 0 0 0 K .Jansen p 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 d-Gyorko ph 1 0 0 0 Thursday, August 22 president of business operations.
ab r h bi ab r h bi Plutko p 2 0 0 0 Stroman p 1 0 0 0 Minnesota United at Sporting Kansas City, 9:30 USL Championship
GOLF Totals 29 2 2 2 Totals 31 1 6 1 Reyes ph 1 0 0 0 Familia p 0 0 0 0 Godley p 1 0 0 0 Báez p 0 0 0 0
p.m. USLC — Suspended Pittsburgh’s Thomas Van-
Reyes lf 4 0 0 0 Springer rf 4 0 2 0 Goody p 0 0 0 0 Guillorme ph 1 0 1 1 c-Guerrero Jr. ph-3b 1 0 0 0 caeyezeele; Rio Grande Valley’s Alejandro Fuen-
5 p.m. — Korn Ferry Tour Golf: Albert- Demeritte rf 4 0 0 0 A ltuve 2b 3 0 0 0 O.Pérez p 0 0 0 0 Brach p 0 0 0 0 1-Ureña pr-2b 0 0 0 0 Friday, August 23
Atlanta at Orlando City, 8 p.m. mayor; El Paso’s Chiro N’Toko; Las Vegas’s Junior
Cabrera dh 3 0 0 0 Bregman 3b 3 0 0 0 Cimber p 0 0 0 0 Wilson p 0 0 0 0 Toronto 000 000 001 0 — 1 Sandoval and LA Galaxy’s Adam Saldana, one
sons Boise Open, second round, Boise, Castro cf 3 0 0 0 A lvarez dh 4 0 0 0 Mercado ph 1 0 0 0 R.Davis ph 1 0 0 0 Los Angeles 000 100 000 1 — 2 Seattle at Portland, 10 p.m.
Saturday, August 24 game apiece for receiving red cards in Aug. 17
Lugo 3b 3 0 0 0 Gurriel 1b 4 0 0 0 Wittgren p 0 0 0 0 Lugo p 0 0 0 0 DP_Toronto 2, Los Angeles 0. LOB_Toronto 6, Los matches. Suspended Birmingham assistant coach
Idaho, GOLF Rodríguez 1b 3 1 1 1 Chirinos c 4 1 4 1 Hand p 0 0 0 0 A ltherr ph 1 0 0 0 Angeles 8. 2B_Grichuk (21), McKinney (12), Sea-
New York at New York City FC, 7 p.m.
Dan Barlow one game following his dismissal from
Chicago at New England, 7:30 p.m.
HORSE RACING Mercer ss 3 0 0 0 Marisnick cf 3 0 0 0
Hicks c 3 1 1 1 Mayfield ss 3 0 0 0
Avilán p
0 0 0 0
001 001 000 1 — 3
ger (35). HR_Tellez (15), Smith (12), Muncy (33).
SB_Muncy (4).
D.C. United at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. the technical area during an Aug. 17 match. Sus-
pended ATL UTD 2’s George Campbell; Swope
Montreal at Toronto FC, 7:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. — Saratoga Live: Saratoga Beckham 2b 3 0 0 0 Straw lf 3 0 0 0 New York 000 020 000 2 — 4
IP H R ER BB SO Colorado at Real Salt Lake, 10 p.m. Park’s Camden Riley and Charleston’s O’Brian
Detroit 000 010 001 — 2 DP_Cleveland 0, New York 1. LOB_Cleveland 7, Vancouver at San Jose, 10 p.m. Woodbine, one game each for receiving their fifth
Springs, N.Y., FS2 Houston 000 000 100 — 1 New York 9. 2B_Santana (24), Lagares (9), Guil- Font 2 1 0 0 2 4 Sunday, August 25 yellow card of the season.
DP_Detroit 1, Houston 0. LOB_Detroit 0, Houston lorme (2), Rosario (26). 3B_Ramírez (3). HR_San- Boshers 1 1-3 0 0 0 1 2 Columbus at Cincinnati, 6 p.m. ORANGE COUNTY SC — Signed G Frederik Due.
MLB BASEBALL 5. 2B_Chirinos 2 (17). HR_Rodríguez (9), Hicks tana (30). S_R.Pérez (6), Panik (1). Godley 3 2-3 2 1 1 2 3 Houston at FC Dallas, 8 p.m. COLLEGE
(9), Chirinos (14). IP H R ER BB SO Giles 1 1 0 0 2 1 AUGUSTA — Named Celeste Stewart women’s
1 p.m. — Washington at Chicago Cubs, IP H R ER BB SO Cleveland Adam 1 1 0 0 0 0
LA Galaxy at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 p.m.
assistant basketball coach.
Detroit Plutko 6 4 2 2 1 5 Mayza, L, 1-3 1-3 1 1 1 0 0 HOFSTRA — Named Michael Gongas Jr. men’s
MLB Norris 3 2 0 0 0 2 Goody 1 0 0 0 2 1 Los Angeles National Women’s Soccer assistant lacrosse coach.
6 p.m. — Atlanta at NY Mets OR Phila- Alexander 4 3 1 1 1 3
Farmer W,5-4 1 0 0 0 1 0
2-3 1 0 0 0 2
1-3 0 0 0 0 0
Kelly, H, 6
7 5 0 0 0 8
1 0 0 0 0 1 League
NYU — Named Jack Kurtenbach men’s and
women’s assistant golf coach and men’s assistant
delphia at Miami, MLB Jiménez S,4-9 1 1 0 0 0 2 Wittgren 1 1 0 0 0 0 K.Jansen, BS, 26-32 1 1 1 1 0 1 All Times EDT soccer coach.
Houston Hand L,6-4 BS,29-34 2-3 3 2 2 1 0 Báez, W, 7-2 1 0 0 0 1 1 W L T Pts GF GA WEST VIRGINIA — Announced men’s basketball
9 p.m. — Boston at San Diego OR Verlander L,15-5 9 2 2 2 0 11 New York WP_Boshers. Portland 9 3 6 33 36 22 junior F Gabe Osabuohien has transferred from
Umpires_Home, Quinn Wolcott; First, Jeremie Stroman 4 5 1 1 1 1 Umpires_Home, Brian Knight; First, Pat Hoberg; Chicago 9 7 2 29 29 23 Arkansas.
Toronto at Seattle, MLB Rehak; Second, Alfonso Marquez; Third, Dave Familia 1 0 0 0 0 1 Second, Greg Gibson; Third, Gerry Davis. North Carolina 8 4 4 28 31 17 WILLIAM PENN — Named Steve Heaton shotgun
Rackley. Brach BS,0-1 1 1 1 1 1 2 T_3:10. A_44,106 (56,000). Utah 8 6 4 28 19 15 sports coach.
4b THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2019 The Dispatch •


Hechavarría, Acuña hit 2-run HRs as Braves blank Marlins his success against Miami. “As baseman Isan Díaz dropped the
‘I think the confidence is always there. As long as I’m feeling good long as I'm feeling good and con- relay throw from Anderson, rob-
and confident I can give my best effort. That’s all I try to focus on.’ fident I can give my best effort.
That's all I try to focus on.”
bing Miami of a possible play on
Flowers at third base.
Atlanta Braves’ Ronald Acuña Jr. said of his success against Miami
Acuña's team-leading 36th Hechavarría's homer into the
The Associated Press homer came one night after he left field seats was his sixth of the
21-year-old slugger, the Braves this game.” was hit by Elieser Hernandez's season and first since signing
ATLANTA — Julio Teheran are 14-4 against Miami this year Marlins manager Don Mat- first pitch, leading to the ejection with Atlanta on Friday following
and Ronald Acuña Jr. have flour- after winning the 2018 season tingly said Teheran “has kind of of Braves manager Brian Snit- his release from the Mets.
series between the NL East ri- shut us down all year.” ker. Smith permitted five runs on
ished against the Miami Marlins
vals 14-5. “We haven't had any luck with
this season. The first-place Braves, who only three hits and four walks
Teheran (8-8) combined with him,” Mattingly said. “A guy like
That success has led to con- had no singles or doubles, have in six innings. Two walks led to
Sean Newcomb and Josh Tom- that or a situation like that kind
tinued dominance for the Braves lin for a seven-hit shutout. The of ends up in your head.” won four straight. The last-place runs.
in the NL East rivalry. right-hander allowed five hits in Acuña's shot off Caleb Smith Marlins have dropped five in a “That basically sums it up
Acuña and Adeiny Hechavar- seven innings. He improved to (8-7) in the fifth cleared the cen- row. right there,” he said.
ría each hit a two-run homer, Te- 3-0 with a 0.28 ERA in five starts ter field wall. He has 16 homers Tyler Flowers and Hecha- Smith led off the third with
heran struck out a season-high against Miami this season. against Miami in his two-year varría provided power from the a double to left field for his first
nine and the Braves beat Miami “When you know that you're career, including nine this sea- bottom of the Atlanta lineup in career extra-base hit. He then
5-0 on Wednesday night despite pitching good against one team, son. the second. Flowers' triple over doubled down the right field line
being held to three hits. obviously that gives you more “I think the confidence is al- right fielder Brian Anderson with one out in the fifth. Teheran
Led by Teheran, the veteran confidence,” Teheran said. ways there,” Acuña said through drove in Josh Donaldson, who has allowed 12 hits to pitchers
right-hander, and Acuña, the “That's what I had coming into a translator when asked about walked. Marlins rookie second this season, most in the majors.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: raised this issue keep my job and help pay for
My wife a long time ago groceries or help with tuition.”
of 36 and included her For some reason, that
years has never when you were statement means nothing to
introduced me planning outings. my husband. He wants Wyatt
to a restaurant, Because the out of the house. Should I let
bought con- status quo is no my husband duke it out with
cert tickets or longer working our son because I have al-
planned a vaca- for you, you must ready stated my opinion more
tion. She seldom tell her exactly than once, or keep arguing
suggests movies what you have that Wyatt should pick the
she wants to see put in your letter. college? This whole thing is
ZITS or introduces me
to any form of
And while you
are at it, show
stressing our son out because
he wants to please his father,
music. She claps her HOW to do and I’m tired of my husband
her hands like a the research so coming down on me for how
little girl when I she can suggest I raised our son. — CHAL-
say we are going
Dear Abby things to do, LENGED IN NEW MEXICO
out for ice cream, and things may DEAR CHALLENGED: I have
a walk or to a festival. improve. But do not blame her to wonder if there is some
I have encouraged her entirely because some of it other issue going on between
repeatedly over the years to may rest with you. your husband and your son
be a more active participant DEAR ABBY: My husband that you didn’t mention.
in our relationship and to be and I are arguing about what Wyatt appears to be thinking
my partner. Nothing changes. college our son, “Wyatt,” logically. He’s working and has
If not for my encouragement, should go to next year. I think offered to contribute to the
she would have never gotten it should be our son’s decision household expenses. Many
GARFIELD her degree, gone to concerts
or on vacations or experienced
to choose the college with the
degree program he wants. My
parents would be thrilled their
son chose a school nearby.
life. I plan everything. To her husband disagrees. He wants That your husband would label
credit, she’s willing to go any- our son to leave the nest, your son a “mama’s boy” and
where and do almost anything, explore the world and become toss him out of the house is
but I’m increasingly resentful more independent. My hus- not helpful; it is hostile. Crit-
that my wife acts more like band says Wyatt is a “mama’s icizing you for the way Wyatt
a daughter than a partner. I boy” and too reliant on me. has been raised is a cheap
have been trying desperately Wyatt wants to go to our shot.
for years to accept this, but local university, which offers Before making up your
I’m sick of it. — TIRED OF IT the degree program he wants. mind, talk to Wyatt’s guidance
IN OHIO He said: “I can go to the local counselor at school. If the per-
DEAR TIRED: Your wife school. You and Dad won’t son knows your son, it could
appears to be a follower rather have to pay room and board or prove helpful to hear his or her
than a leader. You should have out-of-state tuition, and I can perspective.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. to start fresh, back away slowly. may be, it becomes an anchor
22). Though last year was TAURUS (April 20-May 20). for every move after. Remember
a year of many wins, there’s It’s easier to be disciplined in this before you give something
something you were unable front of other people. That’s a name, decide on a price or
to accomplish. You’ll keep at why going to the public gym will introduce yourself.
it with joy in your heart and a make you work harder than you LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
determined attitude. Constancy would in a home gym, and why You’ll work harder for something
is deserving of success, which the atmosphere of an office you believe in than you would for
will be all the sweeter for your brings out things that working a paycheck or a prize. To work
effort. You’ll trade up in Novem- from home couldn’t. for what you believe in is to
ber. Contracts and promises will GEMINI (May 21-June 21). make your version of the ideal
be exchanged in February. Libra There’s no need to self-scru- future more probable.
BABY BLUES and Sagittarius adore you. Your tinize every move you make VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
lucky numbers are: 4, 20, 3, 38 — maybe just the repeated You’re coming into some power.
and 5. ones. Repeated behaviors have It may start in the form of mon-
ARIES (March 21-April interesting stories to tell that ey, but of course, money isn’t
19). If you’re in the mood for a are deep enough for you to in- power, strictly speaking. How
challenge, run from an active terpret and reinterpret for years it’s used is what matters most.
fear. It will surely take chase. to come. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.
And if you’re not in the mood for CANCER (June 22-July 22). 23). Principles of marketing
a challenge and you simply want As arbitrary as the initial move don’t just work; they may be
necessary to the enjoyment of
an experience. People often
don’t know what they want until
they see someone else enjoying
it. Use this to your advantage
21). To remain firmly and faith-
fully on course requires more
than just the best navigation
system. It also requires a
system of checks and balances.
Adapt to the weather. Keep
checking your position. And
adjust accordingly.
21). With emotional flexibility
comes resilience. Resilience al-
lows you to not only do the hard
work of adapting to adverse
conditions but also do the much
MALLARD FILLMORE more difficult work of adapting
to conditions that are favorable.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Sometimes the things that
are subpar are not worth men-
tioning. Not everything needs
improvement at all times. You
can come up with better uses of
your energy.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You’re growing into a new
role, and you already embody
several aspects of it. You’re
starting to feel as though you
own a thing before you actually
FAMILY CIRCUS do. This will make the transition
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Many people don’t want to
learn. They want you to do it for
them. It’s fine if you’re getting
paid in some manner or form.
The best arrangements, and the
only ones that last, feature a
mutually beneficial exchange.

Don Quixote
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2019 5B

$248 million settlement reached
with Chinese drywall maker
Litigation arose from the use of defective drywall Attorneys have asked U.S. Dis-
trict Judge Eldon Fallon for pre-
in thousands of residences in Florida, Louisiana, liminary court approval of the set-
tlement, pending further reviews,
Alabama, Mississippi and Virginia public notice and a subsequent
“fairness hearing” expected later
By KEVIN McGILL builders, equipment suppliers and this year.
The Associated Press installers who used the material. “If the court approves it, thou-
All of the litigation arose from sands of homeowners affected by
NEW ORLEANS — A proposed Taishan drywall will finally get
the use of defective drywall in thou-
$248 million settlement has been much needed payments from Tais-
sands of homes between about 2005
filed in a decade-old federal court han,” Arnold Levin, lead counsel
case over defective Chinese dry- and 2008. The product was alleged
to have given off sulfur fumes that for a committee of the plaintiffs’ at-
wall blamed for damaging home torneys in the case, said in a news
appliances and sickening residents. corroded metal in appliances, air
The proposed settlement be- conditioning equipment, wiring
The settlement would end years
tween property owners and Tais- and plumbing fixtures. In some of litigation that at one point result-
han Gypsum Co. was filed in U.S. cases the fumes were blamed for ed in Taishan facing a contempt
District Court in New Orleans on illnesses. judgment from Fallon for failing to
Tuesday. It comes nearly eight A committee of attorneys for appear in court in 2014. Taishan re-
years after a major settlement in an- the property owners in the Taishan joined the case the following year
other case involving a different Chi- case said in a news release that most and the settlement includes agree-
nese company, Knauf Plasterboard of the residences involved were in ment that both sides will ask the
Tianjin Co., and in the wake of oth- Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Mis- judge to purge the contempt judg-
er settlements with various home- sissippi and Virginia. ment from the record.

Business briefs
Likes joins MSU’s taught at Western Ken- carriers and associations third year, they select
tucky University from and qualified based on its agencies for their study
Department of 1988-2008. operational excellence. groups using an exten-
Communication Of the more than sive ranking process that
Terrence D. “Terry” 20,000 independent agen- assesses 33 performance
Likes, an award-winning Galloway-Chandler- cies across the country, factors. Those chosen are
educator and journalist, McKinney Insurance only 267 qualified as a each honored as a Best
is the new head of Missis-
sippi State’s Department
named A Best Practices Best Practices agency.
The recognition comes
Practices agency.
of Communication. He Agency from the Independent dler-McKinney Insurance
began his new role at For the seventh Insurance Agents & Bro- has served residents in
MSU on Aug. 1. consecutive year, Gallo- kers of America (IIABA) north Mississippi and
Likes joins the land- way-Chandler-McKinney and Atlanta-based man- west Alabama for 28
grant university after Insurance has been agement consulting firm years. The agency writes
serving as department named a Best Practic- Reagan Consulting. commercial and personal
chair for eight years and es agency, identifying IIABA and Reagan insurance and has offices
tenured professor at the firm as a national Consulting began analyz- in Columbus, West Point,
Tennessee State Univer- industry leader. It was ing the country’s leading Starkville, Amory, Aber-
sity. Prior to TSU, Likes nominated by multiple agencies in 1993. Every deen and Macon.

Asian stocks mixed after Wall Street rebound

By JOE McDONALD muted following Wednes- might cut rates at its next speech and U.S.-China
AP Business Writer day’s release of notes from meeting in September. The trade talks in September,
the latest Fed meeting Fed cut its key policy rate said Stephen Innes of Oan-
BEIJING — Asian showing conflicting opin- on July 31 for the first time da in a report.
stock markets are mixed ions about rates. in more than a decade, Mixed views rates
Thursday following Wall Benchmarks in Shang- citing President Donald among Fed leaders are
Street’s rebound as in- hai and Hong Kong fell, Trump’s tariff battle with “well documented,” but
vestors looked ahead to a while Tokyo and Sydney Beijing and other possi- the notes are a “reminder
speech by the U.S. Federal climbed. ble threats to economic of how challenging it could
Reserve chairman for clues Investors are looking to growth. be for Chair Powell to meet
about possible interest rate Chairman Jerome Powell’s Markets have a “high the market’s exceedingly
cuts. speech Friday for guidance degree of policy uncer- dovish expectations,” said
Investor reaction was about whether the Fed tainty” ahead of Powell’s Innes.

Business around the state

New Mississippi boat says it's investing $1.6 maker NauticStar. erty tax breaks estimat-
million to make alumi- Mississippi Develop- ed at $400,000 over 10
maker invests $1.6M num bass boats and cen- ment Authority spokes- years.
and hires 75 ter console bay boats. woman Tammy Craft Avid will be eligible for
AMORY — A new Avid plans to make 750 says the state is giving a state worker income tax
company has begun mak- boats next year and 1,500 Avid $218,000 for build- rebate because average
ing boats in northeast annually by 2022. ing improvements and workers will earn more
Mississippi and hired 75 President Phillip $75,000 for worker train- than $43,300 a year. Avid
people. Faulkner previously ing. Amory and Monroe could collect $1.3 million
Avid Boats in Amory founded Amory boat County are giving prop- over 10 years.
6B Thursday, August 22, 2019 The Dispatch
2 •
able and must be pur-
chased through the
EACH website. Questions re-
garding website registra-
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2 0193. For questions re- Dispatch is seeking a UND puppies for sale. New Hope school dist.
Sealed bids will be re- THE STATE OF MISSIS- EACH lated to the contract mechanically-minded
documents contact Reds & creams. Ready $500/mo & $500 dep.
ceived in the office of SIPPI individual to work in its
the General Manager, LOWNDES COUNTY 9.25’ PRECAST CON- Pritchard Engineering at pressroom. Applicants to go! 205−596−3264. No pets, no drugs, no
City of Columbus, Mis- CRETE WING 662-324-2205. No par- must be comfortable partying. Call b/t 10a−
Easy online self-service for sissippi, Light and Wa-
ter Department until
Letters Testamentary
have been granted and
tial sets of drawings or
project manuals will be
working around heavy
machinery, adhering to
Apts For Rent: West 7050 7p. 662−386−4292.
your classified ads available
10:00 a.m. on August issued to the under- issued. tight deadlines and
30, 2019 for “Chemic- signed upon the estate LOOSE RIPRAP (SIZE must have an eye for
at or call als.” of WILLIE H. WEST de- 200 LB.) Proposal shall be sub- detail & quality. Flexible NICE 2BR/2BA M/H

ceased, by the Chan- 110.40 mitted on Bid Forms hours are a must. Must ON LG. PRIVATE LOT
662.328.2424 Specifications may be cery Court of Lowndes TON provided with the spe- pass drug test. Email on Ridge Rd. Newly
obtained by dialing County, Mississippi, on cifications. Bids may be resume to installed flooring.
(662) 328-7192 ext. the 1st day of August, GEOTEXTILE UNDER RI- submitted in person, or Caledonia School Dist.
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121. Any questions re- A.D., 2019. This is to PRAP (TYPE V) (AOS for those interested, or drop resumes off at Call 662−574−5425.
garding the bid may be give notice to all per- 0.21-0.43) bids can be electronic- 516 Main St,
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(Deadlines subject to change.) dale at (662) 251-
against said estate to
Probate and Register
SQ. YDS. www.pritchardengineer- under the
No phone calls please. 2 Bedroooms
For Placing/Canceling same with the Chan- SITE B project page. No oral,
Bids should be signed cery Clerk of Lowndes telegraphic, telephonic,
Classified Line Ads: by an authorized agent County, Mississippi, ITEM or e-mail proposals will REPAIR of Starkville is
Furnished &
LEASE. 1112 Main St.,
Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft.
looking for an Estimat-
Sunday .................. Thursday 3:00 p.m. of the company and de- within ninety (90) days QUANTITY be considered. For
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al Manager’s office, forever bar the same.
the bidder shall appear
on the outside of each
have good computer
skills. Collision repair Lease, Deposit Houses For Sale: Other 8500
P.O. Box 949, Colum-
Thursday ........ Wednesday 12:00 p.m. bus, MS 39703 and This the 2nd day of Au- LUMP SUM sealed envelope con- experience is a plus & Credit Check
but not a must. Apply in
should be clearly gust, 2019. LUMP SUM taining a proposal, said MORTGAGE/HOUSE
Friday .................. Thursday 12:00 p.m. person at 1025 HWY 12
marked on the outside envelope being plainly
West in Starkville. FOR SALE. 4BR/2BA.
LEGAL NOTICES must be of the envelope “Bid For /s/ Debra Edmondson CLEARING AND GRUB-
marked “ERBRF-53(03)
& 53(04)”. If submit- 2108 Paulette Rd.
submitted 3 business days prior to LUMP SUM ting electronically, JESSE & BEVERLY'S Macon, MS. $263,000.
first publication date Columbus Light & Wa- PUBLISH: 8/8, 8/15, & LUMP SUM please include this in- LAWN SERVICE. Apts For Rent: Other 7080 662−708−0071.
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non-refundable after the first insertion. a period of 30 days or 1
OFFICE OF STATE AID Call 662-356-6525.
• Please read your ad on the first day of until after the monthly UNIT Each Bid must be ac- 356.7 ACRES ON HWY.
publication. We accept responsibility only for Board of MISSISSIPPI DEPART- companied by a bid 69 S. 5 mi. from
the first incorrect insertion. Commissioner’s meet- MENT OF TRANSPORTA- BORROW EXCAVATION bond/security deposit MACHINE OPERATORS Columbus. 30−year old
• The Publisher assumes no financial ing before award or re- TION AND OKTIBBEHA (FME, CLASS 9) or certified check in an needed. Must be willing mature pines, green
jection. COUNTY BOARD OF SU- 1,132.40 amount equal to 5% of to abide by all safety fields, good hunting.
responsibility for errors nor for omission of CU. YDS. the bid, payable to Okt- regulations, submit to &
copy. Liability shall not exceed the cost of that PERVISORS $3000/ac. Bud Phillips,
No bidder may with- ibbeha County and the pass background check
portion of space occupied by such error. 662−549−2302.
draw a bid for a period SECTION 900 GRANULAR MATERIAL State of Mississippi as & drug screen, able to
• All questions regarding classified ads currently of thirty (30) days after (FM) (CLASS 3, GROUP bid security. In the lift heavy rolls of fabric
running should be directed to the Classified the date set for open- NOTICE TO CONTRACT- B) event that an electronic up to 75 lbs, work 2nd LOT/TRAILER FOR
ing of bids. ORS: 242.30 bid is submitted, a copy shift & possess good
Department. CU. YDS. of the bid bond must be
SALE Will sell together
reading & math compre- or separate. Close to
• All ads are subject to the approval of this City of Columbus, Mis- included with the sub- hension. AA/EOE. Call
Sealed or electronic CAFB. $24,000. Call
paper. The Commercial Dispatch reserves the sissippi bids will be received by MAINTENANCE OF mission. If submitting 662-328-5670 for appt.
right to reject, revise, classify or cancel any Light and Water Depart- TRAFFIC electronically, a hard 205−367−7167.
the Board of Super-
advertising at any time. ment visors of Oktibbeha LUMP SUM copy of all bid docu- Medical / Dental 3300
County, Mississippi at LUMP SUM ments must be provided SUMMER SPECIAL.
aUTO / PeTs
Todd Gale the Oktibbeha County within 3 business days
General Manager REFLECTORIZED if requested after the LOCAL COMPANY: 1.75 acre lots. Good/
Courthouse, Starkville, Full-time Surgical Tech bad credit. 10% down,
Mississippi, until 10:00 TRAFFIC OBJECT MARK- bid opening.
MeRcHaNdise Publish: ER position available. as low as $299/mo.
AM on the 19th day of Experience required.
August 15, 2019 September and shortly (ENCAPSULATED LENS) Bidders are herby noti- Eaton Land. 662−361−
Send resume to
Good: 6 Days.......................$12 August 22, 2019 thereafter publicly (TYPE 3)
fied that any proposal
accompanied by letters employmentoppgc
opened for the construc-
Better: 12 Days....................$18 tion of 0.186 miles of EA. qualifying in any man-
Autos For Sale 9150
NOTICE OF INTENT TO ner the condition under
Best: 30 Days.......................$30 CONSTRUCT DAM AND EMERGENCY RELIEF EROSION CONTROL which the proposal is HELP WANTED
This large 1 bedroom
6 lines of text; addtl. lines $1 each. TERS OF THE STATE OF PAIR on the SUN CREEK sidered an irregular bid ABERDEEN has
apartment has been ’01 SUZUKI GRAND
MISSISSIPPI FOR BENE- ROAD being known as AGRICULTURAL LIME- and such proposal will positions available for:
recently renovated. It VITARI LIMITED
FICIAL USE Project No. ERBRF- features great natural
STONE not be considered in SUV Great student
seRVices / fiNaNcial
53(03) and ERBRF LPN 3-11
0.740 making the award. $1000 Sign on Bonus light, hardwood floors, car/RV tow. Silver,
DAM APP NO. 53(04) in Oktibbeha tall ceilings and access
County, Mississippi. TON CNA’s Full Time & PRN V6 auto, 4wd, cold

Real esTaTe / HealTH

19-007 Orlando Trainer, Presid- Experience Preferred. to a shared laundry air, all power opt. &
PRINCIPAL ITEMS OF COMMERCIAL FERTIL- ent Apply in person at room. $750 rent and sunroof. 150k mi
SW APP. NO. IZER (13-13-13) Oktibbeha County Board 505 Jackson St,
Good: 12 Days.....................$25 MS-SW-10511 WORK ARE APPROXIM-
0.370 of Supervisors Aberdeen. EOE
$750 deposit. Utilities w/ new engine
ATELY AS FOLLOWS: included. No pets installed. Great gas
Best: 24 Days.......................$40 STORAGE VOLUME
TON please. Call Peter, mileage. Good
SITE A PUBLISH: August 22th, 662−574−1561.
6 lines of text; addtl. lines $1 each. 176 ACRE-FEET SEEDING August 27th Burial Plots 4250 condition. $4000.
ITEM 0.370 662−327−2469.

gaRage sales
UNIT Memorial Gardens,
Notice is hereby given ALS FOR MULCH Columbus, MS. Both sqft $700/mo. W/D. 06 HYUNDAI ELANTRA,
Good: 1 Day.........................$10 that the Pennington 0.740 plots together & beside Deck on back. Avail Aug stick shift, gold, 4 door,
Homeowner's, LLC of 4 cyl, 60k miles, cold
Better: 3 Days......................$18 Columbus, MS, filed an MOBILIZATION TON the lake. $4,250 for
both. 662−549−5209.
1st. 662−327−2588.
AC. $2,500.
Best: 6 Days.........................$34 after-the-fact applica-
tion, pursuant to state FENCE (TYPE I OR II) Farm Equipment & Supplies
4 lines of text; addtl. lines $1 each. laws and regulations, to
CLEARING AND GRUB- (AOS 0.15-0.84) 4420
continue impounding 1,028.00 CH&A, 1 story, W/D, CREDIT UNION DEALS
Includes FREE Garage Sale signs. Rain Moore Creek, a tribu- BING historic district, 1 block
on the day of your sale? Call and we will tary of Tombigbee River TRACTORS: 2017 Case from downtown, $575/ VEHICLES
re-run your ad the next week FREE! in Lowndes County, Mis- BRIDGE ITEMS IH 75C Cab, H, A, mo. + $575 dep. NO FINANCING AVAILABLE
sissippi. The existing DAVID’S CARPET & PETS. 662−574−8789.
impoundment has a sur- REMOVAL OF BRIDGE loader, buddy seat, MAKE OFFER AT
eMPlOYMeNT & legals
AT STA 2+04 UPHOLSTERY 4WD, loaded, 76 hrs. Peaceful & Quiet area.
face area of 23.5 acres 38
at normal pool and is 1 CLEANING $44,500. 2017 JD 205−683−5663
UNIT EACH 1 Room − $40
used for recreation. 5075E, loaded, buddy
All employment and legal notices must be TEST PILE
2 Rooms − $70 seat, cab, H, A, radio, 2016 Toyota Camry
placed via email, phone or in-person. All The existing dam asso-
(FME, CLASS 9) 2 3+ Rooms − $30 EA 4WD, loader, 106 hrs. 2011 Hyundai Veracruz
other ads may be placed online.
ciated with the impound-
ment is classified as a 150.30
EACH Rugs−Must Be Seen
Car Upholstery
$43,900. 662−251−
4539 or 662−574− COLEMAN 2015 Honda Accord
2012 Toyota Camry

fRee BaRgaiN cOlUMN

High Hazard dam with a 12” STEEL PILING Cleaning Available 1887. RENTALS 2014 Nissan Versa
maximum height of 27 1,345.40 662−722−1758 TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
feet and is constructed GRANULAR MATERIAL 2011 Buick Regal
Bargain Column ads must be submitted in the NW 1/4 of the Furniture 4480 1 BEDROOM 2015 Kawasaki
NW 1/4 of Section 34, B) KL650−E
online at or in person. No Township 17, South, 199.10
2 BEDROOMS 2016 Chevy Colorado
phone calls or emails. Range, 18, West, 203.60 repair and stretch Lind Antique Bed, 2 End 3 BEDROOMS 2013 Ford Fusion
Lowndes County, Mis- CU. YDS. wrinkles out of carpet. I 2010 Toyota Tundra
sissippi. MAINTENANCE OF Tables, Couch 6 Months
0 Legals 4390 Computer Equipment TRAFFIC also repair ceramic tile. LEASE, 2013 Ford F−150
© The Dispatch

Old, Queen Bed Set, 6

4420 Farm Equipment & LUMP SUM REINFORCEMENT If you have a flooring 2008 Hummer H3
1000 Service Supplies
Anyone desiring to com-
LUMP SUM 32,857.00 problem, I can help! If
Dining Chairs, Recliner.
DEPOSIT 2005 Chrysler 300
1030 Air Conditioning & Heating ment on this project, to LBS. 662−361−9111.
1060 Appliance Repair
4450 Firewood object to the issuance
needed I am available AND 2014 Chrysler 300
4460 Flea Markets of this permit, or to re- for small flooring or tile 2008 Ford Mustang
1070 Asphalt & Paving 4480 Furniture quest a hearing on this TRAFFIC OBJECT MARK- 40’ PRESTRESSED
CONCRETE BEAMS, installation jobs. Call LLOYD FLANDERS CREDIT CHECK 2011 Mazda 6
1090 Automotive Services project before the Mis- ER (ENCAPSULATED Walt: (662)574−8134. WICKER loveseat, chair 2012 Chevy Traverse
4510 Garage Sales LENS) (TYPE 3) TYPE I+2
1120 Building & Remodeling
1150 Carpeting/Flooring
4540 General Merchandise
sissippi Environmental
Equality Permit Board 4.00 397.50
& glasstop table,
indoor/outdoor, never
662-329-2323 2012 Kawasaki
4570 Household Goods "Board" may do so by EA.
1180 Childcare been outside, perfect 2013 Dodge Charger
4630 Lawn & Garden providing written com- 80’ PRESTRESSED
1210 Chimney Cleaning 4660 Merchandise Rentals ments within ten (10) EROSION CONTROL
cond, $700. Round 2411 HWY 45 N 2005 Honda Odyssey
1240 Contractors ITEMS Excavating 1300 glasstop table w/ 4 2017 Chevy Impala
4690 Musical Instruments calendar days of the TYPE III leather rolling chairs, COLUMBUS, MS 2008 GMC Yukon
1250 Computer Services date of publication of 398.75
4700 Satellites this notice to: AGRICULTURAL LIME- $400. 662−328−1217 2008 Chevy HHR
1270 Electrical 4720 Sporting Goods STONE LIN. FT.
or 662−242−3387.
CLAY GRAVEL, fill Commercial Property For 2006 Dodge Ram 3500
1300 Excavating 4750 Stereos & TV’s William McKercher, P.E. 0.375 clay, & top soil for 2015 Jeep Wrangler
1320 Fitness Training TON CONCRETE BARRIER Rent 7100
4780 Wanted To Buy Chief, Dam Safety Divi- RAIL sale! Easy access 2010 Mercedes Benz
1330 Furniture Repair & sion 320.00 off 82 East. Can
5000 Pets & Livestock P.O. Box 2309 COMMERCIAL FERTIL- SET. New loveseat and
Refinishing IZER (13-13-13) LIN. FT. load & deliver. OFFICE FOR RENT OR 2013 Chevy Equinox
1360 General Services 5100 Free Pets Jackson, MS 39225- chaise for sale. Dark
2309 0.187 Stokes Excavation: STORAGE SPACE W/
1380 Housecleaning 5150 Pets TON LOOSE RIPRAP (SIZE 662−689−0089.
brown and aqua blue,
CLIMATE CONTROL. Campers & RVs 9300
1390 Insulation 5200 Horses/Cattle/Livestock 300 LB.) $385. 662−242−2884.
30x15. Separate air
If a hearing is sched- 261.70 Leave a message.
1400 Insurance 5250 Pet Boarding/Grooming uled before the Board, SEEDING conditioner & bathroom.
0.187 TON 2011 HEARTLAND
1410 Interior Decorators 5300 Supplies/Accessories parties responding to General Services 1360 $400/mo. Located in
5350 Veterinarians this notice will be AC. Estate Sales 4490 NORTH COUNTRY
1440 Jewelry/Watch Repair GEOTEXTILE UNDER RI- Caledonia. Call 662− LAKESIDE BUMPER
5400 Wanted To Buy provided advanced no- PRAP (TYPE V) (AOS 574−0082.
1470 Lawn Care/Landscaping tice of the date, time, VEGETATIVE MATERI- FREE TRAINING−JOB/ PULL TRAVEL TRAILER
1500 Locksmiths ALS FOR MULCH 0.21-0.43) LIFE SKILLS plus FANTASTIC ESTATE
6000 Financial and location of the hear-
0.375 352.00 computer training for SALE OF ATTORNEY &
1530 Machinery Repair 6050 Business Opportunity ing. SQ. YDS. MRS. HUNTER
Purchased new April
1560 Mobile Home Services TON women. H.S. diploma or FOR RENT LOCATED
2012, one owner, non−
6100 Business Opportunity PUBLISH: 8/22/19 equivalent. Tues. & GHOLSON & NEAR DOWNTOWN.
1590 Moving & Storage Wanted TEMPORARY SILT NOTICE TO CONTRACT- LIVING ESTATE SALE 3,000 sq. ft. truck
smoker. Large u−
ORS: Thurs. starting Sept. 3.
1620 Painting & Papering 6120 Check Cashing FENCE (TYPE I OR II) OF SUE BURKHALTER. terminal, 9,500 sq. ft.
shaped wrap around
Christian Women’s Job kitchen counter. Dining
1650 Pest Control IN THE CHANCERY (AOS 0.15-0.84)
6150 Insurance COURT OF LOWNDES CONTRACT TIME: 260 Corp. 662−722−3016. Fri & Sat: 9−4 & shop & 3,200 sq. ft.
1680 Plumbing 838.50 table with 4 chairs.
6200 Loans COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI LIN. FT. Working Days Sun: 1−4. Located at office/shop. Buildings
Couch been covered
1710 Printing 6250 Mortgages Columbus Marble Works can be rented together
WORK WANTED: since purchase, makes
1740 Roofing & Guttering 6300 Stocks & Bonds IN THE MATTER OF THE BRIDGE ITEMS BASIS OF AWARD on Hwy 45 N. Photos @ or separately. All w/
Licensed & Bonded− into full bed, air
1770 Saws & Lawn Mowers 6350 Business for Sale ESTATE OF WILLIAM E. excellent access & Hwy.
mattress and pump
1780 Sitting with Elderly/Sick PRATT, DECEASED PILE SHOES The award, if made, will carpentry, painting, & 82 visibility. 662−327−
be made to the lowest included. 2 euro−
1790 Stump Removal 7000 Rentals 18 demolition. Landscap− Garage Sales: North 4520 9559.
CAUSE NO. 2019-0111- EACH qualified bidder on the ing, gutters cleaned, recliners less than 3
1800 Swimming Pools 7050 Apartments basis of published years old. Walk thru
7100 Commercial Property DE bush hogging, clean−up
1830 Tax Service quantities. SUPER SALE! 503 15th Houses For Rent: Northside bath with neo−angle
TEST PILE work, pressure washing,
1860 Tree Service 7150 Houses NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2 moving help & furniture St. N. Childrens 7110 shower. Queen size bed
1890 Upholstery 7180 Hunting Land EACH The Board of Super- Jordan’s tennis shoes, in bedroom with a brand
7190 Land for Rent/Lease STATE OF MISSISSIPPI visors hereby notifies all repair. 662−242−3608.
1910 Welding bidders that it will af-
king sz mattress, TV, 3BR/1BA @ 1404 21st new mattress. To view
7200 Mobile Homes COUNTY OF LOWNDES 12” STEEL PILING clothes, h/h items.
2000 Announcements firmatively insure that in HILL’S PRESSURE St. N. $600/mo + $600 camper call or text 662
7250 Mobile Home Spaces 573.00 −364−2226. Additional
2050 Card of Thanks Letters of Administra- LIN. FT. any contract entered in- WASHING Commercial/ dep. 662−435−3681.
7300 Office Spaces tion have been granted to pursuant to this ad- Garage Sales: Other 4560 photos available at
2100 Fraternal & Lodge 7350 Resort Rentals vertisement, minority
Residential. House, request. $10,000
and issued to the under- BRIDGE CONCRETE,
2150 Good Things To Eat 7400 River Property signed upon the estate CLASS “B” business enterprise will concrete, sidewalks & 17 COBH LN. (ELM 3BR/2BA HOUSE FOR negotiable.
2200 In Memorial be afforded full oppor- mobile washing. Free
7450 Rooms of WILLIAM E. PRATT, 5.4 LAKE) Fri. 7a−2p & Sat. RENT. All brick, big
2250 Instruction & School Deceased, by the Chan- CU. YDS. tunity to submit bids in est. 662−386−8925. Motorcycles & ATVs 9400
7500 Storage & Garages response to this invita-
7a−10a. 662−251− yard, carport, W/D
2300 Lost & Found cery Court of LOWNDES
7520 Vacation Rentals County, Mississippi, on REINFORCEMENT tion and will not be dis- 2365. Comforters, hookup. Nice nei−
2350 Personals 7550 Wanted to Rent criminated against on WEEKEND WARRIORS. quilts, home access., ghborhood. $780/mo. 1993 KAWASAKI
the 1st day of August, 102.9
2400 Special Notices 7600 Waterfront Property 2019. This is to give no- LBS. the grounds of race, col- We work for local con− lots of jewelry, picture 155 W Thomas Dr. 3 VOYAGER XII Only
2600 Travel/Entertainment tice to all persons hav- or, or national origin in tractors & businesses. frames, clothes, misc. min from CAFB. 504− 25,500 miles. Runs
8000 Real Estate ing claims against said 31’ PRECAST CON- consideration for an Experienced in roofing, 813−1200. & looks good. No
3000 Employment 8050 Commercial Property estate to Probate and CRETE SLAB UNIT, 3.5’ award. framing, all phases of General Merchandise 4600 problems. $3500 OBO.
3050 Clerical & Office 8100 Farms & Timberland Register same with the INTERIOR construction. Refs avail. 501−545−7750.
3100 Data Processing/ Computer Chancery Clerk of 12 PLANS AND SPECIFICA- Cut out the middle man.
8150 Houses - Northside TIONS are on file in the 662−242−5099. TRAILER 5X8 WIRE 4BR/3.5BA. LIVING/
3150 Domestic Help LOWNDES County, Mis- EACH DINING ROOM. Kitchen
8200 Houses - East sissippi, within ninety Office of the Chancery MESS FLOOR. Rear 1999 ROADSTAR 1600
3170 Engineering 8250 Houses - New Hope Clerk of Oktibbeha Loading. $200 Cash. appliances furnished.
(90) days from the first 31’ PRECAST CON- Housekeeping 1380 Only 45k miles. Hard
3200 General Help Wanted 8300 Houses - South publication date of this CRETE SLAB UNIT, 3.5’ County, the County En- 662−328−6224. Very private lot. For
bags, rider & passenger
3250 Management Positions 8350 Houses - West Notice to Creditors. A EXTERIOR gineer’s office and the showing, call Swoope
Office of the State Aid back rests w/ luggage
3300 Medical/Dental 8450 Houses - Caledonia failure to so Probate 4 HUDSON CLEANING Sporting Goods 4720 Real Estate, Inc.
rack, has windshield.
3350 Opportunity Information and Register said claim EACH Engineer, 412 E. Woo- SERVICE 662−327−0123.
8500 Houses - Other will forever bar the drow Wilson Avenue, Ready to ride! $3500
3400 Part-Time 8520 Hunting Land Jackson, Mississippi.
Commercial & Resi−
3450 Positions Wanted same. 40’ PRECAST CON- dential. Free Quotes!
8550 Investment Property CRETE SLAB UNIT, 3.5’ This project shall be Sole Elliptical E35 in COLONIAL
3500 Professional 8600 Lots & Acreage This the13th day of Au- INTERIOR constructed in accord- Cleaning level options.
excellent condition. Nice TOWNHOUSES. 2 & 3
ance with the latest edi- Refs avail. 2005 HARLEY
3550 Restaurant/Hotel 8650 Mobile Homes gust, 2019. 6 quiet machine. $399 bedroom w/ 2−3 bath
tion of the Mississippi 662−251−0351. DAVIDSON Dyna Super
3600 Sales/Marketing 8700 Mobile Home Spaces EACH 662−574−1561 townhouses. $600 to
/s/ Billie Mason Pratt Standard Specifications Glide. Lots of extras.
3650Trades 8750 Resort Property for State Aid Road and Lawn Care / Landscaping $750. 662−549−9555. Call 662−871−5744.
8800 River Property Administratrix Bridge Construction. Wanted To Buy 4780 Ask for Glenn or text.
CRETE SLAB UNIT, 3.5’ 1470
4000 Merchandise 8850 Wanted to Buy
8900 Waterfront Property PUBLISH: 8/22, 8/29, 2
Five Questions:
4030 Air Conditioners ALS are being made
1 Utah
& 9/5/2019 EACH JESSE & BEVERLY’S 4BR/2BA. 2501 5TH
4060 Antiques Magazine of New
9000 Transportation available via paper or di- LAWN SERVICE.
Rhythms (1929) by AVE. N. in Propst Park.
4090 Appliances 9050 Auto Accessories/Parts PRECAST CONCRETE gital copy. Plan Holders Mowing, cleanup,
2 “Chocolat”
Charles Henri Ford. Call $650/mo. plus $650
4120 Auctions BARRIER RAIL are required to log-in or landscaping, sodding, &
9100 Auto Rentals & Leasing register for an account Ben C. Toledano, 662− dep. 662−574−0495.
4150 Baby Articles 204.00 tree cutting. 356−6525.
9150 Autos for Sale Let your
3 Cotton
LN. FT. to view or order bid doc- 798−0262.
4180 Bargain Column 9200 Aviation uments at Houses For Rent: West 7150
4210 Bicycles 9250 Boats & Marine
fingers do the www.pritchardengineer- Plumbing 1680 Pets 5150
4240 Building Materials 9300 Camper/R.V.’s walking. CAP, INTERMEDIATE Bid docu-
4250 Burial Plots UNIT, STEEL PILE, ments are non-refund-
9350 Golf Carts Find your able and must be pur-
4 Mikhail
4270 Business Furniture & 31.33’
9400 Motorcycles/ATVs dream job in 2 chased through the Stan McCown SHEPHERD PUPPIES. at 38 Humphrey Lane.
Equipment 9450 Trailers/Heavy Equipment website. Questions re-
EACH Exc. ped. Blk, blk/silv & Energy efficient garden
4300 Camera Equipment 9500 Trucks, Vans & Buses
the classifieds! garding website registra-
Licensed Plumber
"We fix leaks." blk/red. Vet checked, home. $700/mo. plus
4330 Clothing 9550 Wanted to Buy PRECAST CONCRETE tion and online orders w/s. Taking deposits. $700 dep. Call
5 Pumice
4360 Coins & Jewelry CAP, END UNIT, STEEL please contact Plan 662−213−4609. 662−549−4492.
PILE, 31’ House at 662-407-

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