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Lab 6:

Cross Section Construction

Cross Sections are Based on
Surface and Borehole Data
Sub-surface Interpretation (3-D)
Constructing a Cross Section

1. Choose a line of section (perpendicular to structures)

Cross Section Construction Cont…

2. Transfer topographic data (make a topographic profile)

Structural Data – (Apparent) Dips

3. add structural data to the topographic profile

Finally, Add the Geology!!

4. add geologic data (contacts) to the profile

Apparent Dip
True Dip & Apparent Dip

β α
Apparent to True Dip Trigonometry

tan α
tan δ =
sin β
β α α = apparent dip
δ β = angle between strike
and apparent dip
δ = true dip
Calculating Apparent Dip
from True Dip

(δ )

tan α = (tan δ )(sin β )

Apparent Dip Nomogram
True Dip to Apparent Dip –
the Easy Way!
Cross Section “Rules”
• must calculate apparent dips of beds that
are not perpendicular to your section line
• do not use vertical exaggeration
• don’t extrapolate structural data far from
your section line
• don’t hesitate to dash in eroded structures
• don’t extend dip data more than a few
hundreds meters in depth

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