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Phone: ​803-470-5821
Office Hours: 8:00-4:00 Monday-Friday

PreCalculus CP and Honors Syllabus

Course Description:
Pre-Calculus weaves together previous study of algebra, geometry, and mathematical functions into a preparatory
course for calculus. The course focuses on mastery of critical skills and exposure to new skills necessary for success
in subsequent math courses. Throughout the course, Common Core standards are taught and reinforced as the
student learns how to apply the concepts in real life situations. Topics include fundamental concepts of Algebra,
functions and graphs, polynomials and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric
functions, analytic trigonometry, topics in trigonometry, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices and
determinants, conic sections and analytic geometry, sequences, induction, probability, and an introduction to
Calculus. Instruction will be delivered through Pearson, weekly LiveLessons, student collaborative assignments
and individual and group study/help sessions.

Advanced Mathematical Concepts: Precalculus with Applications, Student Edition (Advanced Math Concepts) 1st
ISBN-13: 978-0078682278
​ISBN-10: 0078682274

Graphing Calculator:
If you want to purchase a calculator for this course I recommend the TI-NSpire calculator. Some features are more
useful for students that the TI-83, 84, or 89 may not have. It is not mandatory you purchase a graphing calculator
for this course. You may use the online ​desmos graphing calculator​ for all calculation and graphing purposes in
this class.

Grading Procedures​:
Graded work will include, but is not limited to, Quick Checks, Sample Work, Quizzes, Tests, and Portfolios.

Grading Scale: A 100 – 90

B 89 – 80
C 79 – 70
D 69 – 60
F 59 and below

Each unit will consist of at least one quiz and test (with the exception of unit 1).

Unit Tests (45%):

● There are 6 unit tests plus a semester exam each semester.
● Tests have a combination of multiple-choice and WorkPad problems that are randomized for each test.
Once you open a unit test, you must complete and submit the assessment.​ If the test is closed and
reopened later, the test questions will be different.
○ Note: You may still print your assessment and complete with pencil/paper, but the assessment
must remain open while you complete it. You cannot open, print, close, and reopen an assessment
since the test questions will be different. You will be responsible for the questions on the
assessment that is actually submitted in Connexus.
● WorkPad Questions must be worked out step by step,​ showing all of your mathematical work. If
you do not want to use the WorkPad palette in Connexus, you may complete your work by hand and
upload a scan or clear photo and send it to me through webmail. Make sure your subject on your
webmail states the assessment the work belongs to.
○ WorkPad answers submitted with insufficient supporting work will be awarded “0” points
● Tests will not be reset under any circumstances ​and test grades will not be dropped. Students have
many opportunities to improve their test grades. ​Please see Grade Improvement Policy below.
● Exam exemption: ​ At the end of each semester you may exempt the semester exam if you meet the
minimum grade requirement and do not have an Honor Code violation.

Quizzes (10%):
● Quizzes are made up of multiple choice questions, free response, and workpad questions that are
randomized for each assessment.
● Quizzes will not be reset under any circumstances​ and no quiz grades will be dropped.
Corrections for quizzes are not accepted

Portfolios (15%):
● There are 3 portfolio assignments per semester that bring together several of the key concepts from the
unit in which they are assigned.
● It is recommended that you download the portfolio instructions at the beginning of the unit in which it
is assigned so you will know which key concepts are needed to complete the assessment. This will help
you stay on track with the portfolio assessments so you don’t get behind at the end of the unit.
● Portfolio assessments cannot be skipped, and must be submitted prior to taking the unit test for that
● You may correct and resubmit portfolio assessments as many times as you would like ​until you
receive a grade you are satisfied with and feel you have a sufficient understanding of the content. For
this reason, it is possible for every student to have a portfolio average of 100%.
● Corrected portfolios must be submitted by the following dates:
○ Friday, January 10th (Precalculus A)
○ Monday, June 1st (Precalculus B)

Quick Checks (5%):

● Every lesson that does not have a test, quiz, or portfolio due will have a Quick Check assessment at the
● Quick check assessments should only be taken after you have completed all of the lesson activities and
have mastered the key concepts of the lesson.
● Results for Quick Check assessments should be used to determine what concepts you should review
before moving to the next lesson.
● Quick checks will not be reset under any circumstances​ and no quick checks will be dropped.
● Corrections for Quick Check assessments are not accepted.

Participation (5%):
● Your participation grade is earned by signing and submitting the ​Precalculus Syllabus
Acknowledgement Form for Students and Learning Coaches​ by the 2nd week of the semester (or
within 2 weeks of the start date for late-enrolling students)
○ Precalculus A - ​Due by Friday, August 30th, or 2 weeks after start date
○ Precalculus B - ​Due by Friday, January 24th, or 2 weeks after start date
● Acknowledgement forms not received by the due date will be given a​ grade of zero.
Sample Work (10%):
● A Sample Work assessment is due at the end of each unit prior to submitting the unit test and are meant
to serve as an added review of the material to determine your readiness for the unit test.
● Sample Work assignments can be found on the message board under “Unit Resources.”
● Since sample work assessments are intended to help you prepare for your unit test, ​Sample Work
cannot be skipped and will not be accepted after you have submitted the unit test​ for that unit.
Any Sample Work assignment not submitted prior to the unit test will be given a ​grade of zero​.
● Sample Work must be submitted through the Drop Box link and will not be accepted via WebMail.
● Sample Work is graded with a combination of completion and structure points. You must show work
and/or a detailed thought process to earn the structure points.

Test Correction Policy:

It is not beneficial to anyone, to take a test, get a grade, and move onto the next unit. This is a learning experience
and I would not expect anyone to do everything perfect the first time. Mastery takes practice. If you perform below
mastery on any test you have the option to earn the points back you missed on the test. To earn these points back
please follow the “Grade Improvement” directions on the message board. The deadline for these masteries is the
end of the semester deadline each semester at 11:59pm.

Extra Credit Policy:

There is ​no extra credit​ given in Precalculus. To improve your overall grade you may submit test corrections (See
the Test Correction Policy) and correct and resubmit portfolio assessments.

How to Be Successful:
Precalculus is a very difficult course at SCCA​ and the pacing is very fast. You should only take Precalculus if you are
planning to take Calculus in the future (either an AP course in high school or a college Calculus course – this will
depend on the school you attend and the area of study you plan to major in). If you do not plan to take Calculus in the

future, then you should probably take Statistics as your 4​thmath credit.​

If you’re struggling with the course content, ​here are a few suggestions & guidelines​ to follow. I can guarantee
that if you follow each of these, you will be successful in the course.

1.​ ​Understand and accept that learning math takes time and practice for 99.9% of the population.
It’s like learning an instrument or playing a sport. You can’t expect to play Led Zeppelin solos on a guitar
the first month you play or throw a 95 mph fastball the first time you pitch a baseball. Practice and get
2. If you haven’t already, go to Unit 1, Lesson 1, page 2 and watch the videos “Grow Your Brain” and
“Growth Mindset”.​ Attitude plays a big role in all learning
3. Consider completing your math lesson first, at the beginning of the day when your brain is fresh
and not too tired. ​Don’t procrastinate and leave it until last when you are tired.
4. Make sure you have a good graphing calculator and are familiar with its functions.
5. Keep a Precalculus notebook
6. Use Your Resources!

a. ​Watch the videos and recordings corresponding with each lesson. ​ These can be found on the
message board under “Unit Resources.”
b. Before beginning a lesson, read through the ​first page​ carefully. The problem that is posed at the
beginning of the lesson will give you an idea of where you’re headed with the lesson. By the end of the
lesson, this problem should make sense to you.
c. Record the lesson ​Objectives and any Key Words​. These are the things you are expected to
know/do/understand at the end of the lesson when you take the lesson assessment.
d. In the first lesson of every unit, you have a ​pretest​. Even though this grade doesn’t count, take the test
seriously as it will show you weaknesses that may cause you to struggle with the content in the unit.
You may need to look for some outside resources, such as ​Khan Academy​, to review these concepts
before you move forward.
e. ​Read each page of the lesson entirely​. In your notebook, define the key words as you see them (they
appear in bold type) and include examples if possible. RE-READ if needed. Sometimes it takes a couple
of read-throughs to completely understand.
f. Record the ​Key Concepts​ that appear in the lesson. These are the “big ideas” in the lesson that are
most important for you to know.
g. Play through all ​Teachlet​® tutorials, ​animation videos​, and ​Explore and Practice​ activities and
take notes in your notebook. Use the interactive tools in the Teachlet® tutorials and Explore and
Practice activities to get feedback and help you assess your learning.
h. Read through each ​example ​carefully, noting the comments for each one.
i. In your notebook, ​work through problems under “Now you try”​ as well as the assigned lesson
activities. Use the ​“Answers”​ link to check your work and your answers. If you get an answer wrong,
make sure you can identify where you made your error(s). You may need to go back through that
section and review.
j. Take the ​Online Practice​ assessment. This is how you can truly assess your understanding of the
topic. For every question on the practice assessment that you get wrong or do not fully understand,
copy it down in your notebook. Go back through the lesson and find where that topic is discussed.
Look through the examples to see if you can pinpoint your errors. If you cannot figure out your error
in thinking, this is what you need help with!


a. Bring your questions to the Precalculus LiveLesson sessions, ​10:30am Tuesday-Thursday. ​Schedule
varies, see newsletter for current schedule.
b. Send me a WebMail with your questions
c. Book an ​appointment ​with me to meet in my LiveLesson room. I love helping/tutoring students!
8.​ Once you are sure you understand the Objectives, Key Words, & Key Concepts, take the ​Quick Check

9. Prepare for a Quiz by reviewing the Online Practice assessments from the lessons the quiz
10. Prepare for a Test by taking the Online Practice assessment in your review lesson and
completing the Sample Work. Also, review all of the Lesson Objectives, Key Words & Key Concepts
from the unit.

Does this sound like a lot of work??​ IT IS! Does it sound like it will take a lot of time? IT WILL! It’s not easy – it
shouldn’t be easy. The biggest barrier to your success in Precalculus might just be an unrealistic expectation :)

I’m here to help!!!!!!

~Mrs. Cammisa

Precalculus Grading Policy Acknowledgement Form for

Students and Learning Coaches

I have read and acknowledge the Precalculus Syllabus including, but not limited to:
● Expectations for completing and submitting assessments once they are opened
● Requirements for WorkPad questions on unit tests
● Test Correction Policy
● Resetting assessments
● Portfolio corrections
● Location of Sample Work assignments
● Due dates for tests & portfolio corrections, discussion posts, and sample work
● Extra Credit

_____________________________________________ ___________________________________
Student Signature Date

_____________________________________________ ___________________________________
Learning Coach Signature Date

**This form must be signed and dated by BOTH student and learning coach and submitted by the
semester due date (See Grading Policies) in order to earn your semester participation grade**

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